
Cooler cleaning. Sanitization of water coolers, cleaning, disinfection, washing. Cooler Sanitization Recommendations

Ecolife Group cleans and sanitizes water coolers in accordance with SanPiN requirements.

Rospotrebnadzor experts warn: if a cooler or a mechanical water pump is not properly cared for, instead of being useful, they can be harmful. Cases are described when mucus, mold, bacterial colonies and inorganic impurities were found in water storage tanks. And then the use of water from the cooler can cause intestinal infections. Examples - poisoning and acute intestinal infection of 26 children in the Orlyonok camp in the Chelyabinsk region, mass poisoning of students in the education center No. 1452 in Moscow.

We conclude contracts for full maintenance (quarterly, annual, unlimited) of drinking water supply devices on the most favorable terms for the Customer. Based on the results of the service, a work performance certificate is issued.

Our services:
1. Sanitization of water coolers (from 10 pcs), including:
- Cleaning
- Disinfection, ozonation
- Flushing
2. Cleaning the internal tanks of the cooler with descaling
3. Prevention, repair of coolers
4. Installation of flow coolers (purifiers)
5. Service maintenance of purifiers, replacement of filters
6. Installation of drinking fountains


Shoe and
in coolers
Installation and

The cost of sanitizing and cleaning coolers

Services list Price
Cleaning 10 coolers 1000 rubles for one cooler
Cleaning from 11 to 20 coolers 800 rubles for one cooler
Cleaning over 21 coolers 700 rubles for one cooler
For educational state institutions from 10 coolers 500 rubles for one cooler
Cleaning on the day of the order or on weekends (Sat, Sun) 2000 rub for one cooler
Optional: cooler ozonation together with sanitation +500 rub for one cooler
Optional: ultraviolet treatment in conjunction with sanitation +500 rub for one cooler
Installation of a purifier or drinking fountain (with consumables) from 2300 rubles for one dispenser
1700 rub for one dispenser
Service maintenance of a purifier or drinking fountain (sanitation and cleaning) 2300 rub for one dispenser
For educational state institutions from 5 devices 1200 rub for one dispenser
Replacing the filters of a purifier or drinking fountain (4 stages, with UF or RO membrane, UV lamp, etc.), including a visit by a specialist from 3900 rubles for one dispenser
For educational state institutions from 5 devices 1200 rub for one dispenser

The cost of installing a purifier or fountain depends on the installation conditions, which are evaluated by our specialist upon departure, directly at the place indicated by the Customer.

SanPiN requirements for the drinking regime in schools

Drinking regimen in schools is regulated by norms SanPiN with changes for 2016 for schools.

According to p.1.3-1.4. Sanitary rules apply to all educational organizations and are binding on all citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to ... the education and training of students.
According to p.8.3-8.6 General education organizations provide water that meets the hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of drinking water. ...the drinking regimen of students is organized in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.
According to 13.1 The head of the educational organization is responsible for the organization and completeness of the implementation of these sanitary rules.

In some cases, there may be liability Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Production, storage, transportation or sale of goods and products, performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements.

Therefore, using a cooler for drinking water supply, you must follow recommendations of the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) and instructions from cooler manufacturers, including:

Regularly sanitize coolers in specialized service centers. Sanitization of the cooler is recommended at least once every 6 months.
- In rooms with an increased risk factor (hospitals, schools, children's institutions), sanitation is recommended.
- In industrial premises (workshops, factory floors, warehouses), sanitation is recommended to be carried out at least once every 3 months.
- Sanitizing the cooler means disinfecting the cooler from microbes, cleaning the cooler from scale and washing the cooler.
- Cooler prevention should be carried out strictly by specialists
- For disinfection, it is necessary to choose only certified disinfectants approved for use in the food industry, officially registered in the Russian Federation and having instructions for use.

The specialists of our company have the necessary qualifications, experience and certificates to perform all the necessary work on the installation, cleaning and maintenance of coolers and other drinking water supply devices.

Drinking water options

Cooler at school - maintenance, cleaning, disinfection of the cooler

Purifier (flow cooler) at school - maintenance and repair

Drinking fountain at school - installation, maintenance, replacement of filters

Regular cleaning of the cooler without water is a set of preventive maintenance for cleaning and disinfection of the structure, including its internal and external parts.

Such work should be carried out regularly, removing not only scale, but also performing a complete cleaning of the internal surface of the device using special disinfectant compounds.

Why do you need to clean the cooler?

Cleaning water coolers in Moscow is a service that allows you to maintain equipment in working condition and ensure the cleanliness and safety of drinking water.

Maintenance must be carried out regularly, as bacteria constantly enter the tank through the water inlet of the device, creating colonies of pathogens. All this causes the water to deteriorate, its taste becomes unpleasant, and a smell appears.

In addition, if the office does not clean the device or the water bottle receptacle, debris can get inside, and this leads to blockages in the valve and tubes, and overheating of the cooler. The result is a costly and time-consuming repair.

To avoid such troubles, you can order cooler cleaning, which includes complete descaling, sanitation, and ozonation.

Maintenance must be carried out regularly, even for the office of a small company where the cooler is used infrequently, sanitization is carried out at least 2-4 times a year. If the equipment is used daily by 20 people or more, then the cooler is cleaned and disinfected once every three months or every six months.

When using the device in domestic conditions, cleaning can be carried out less often, once every couple of years is enough to maintain the normal operation of the equipment and the purity of the water.

The sequence of work when cleaning the cooler

The price of sanitizing coolers in Moscow depends on the amount of work, the type of device and the frequency of maintenance.

The standard service includes the following steps:

  • flushing of all internal elements;
  • flushing the outer parts of the body, special attention is paid to the water inlet;
  • cleaning taps supplying water;
  • neck flushing;
  • sanitization with special antibacterial agents that are completely safe and do not affect the taste, quality of drinking water.

Before starting maintenance, it is necessary to disconnect the equipment from the mains, drain the remaining water and remove the bottle. Further, work is carried out to clean all taps, the chamber into which water enters from the tank, the heating element. In the work, special concentrated products are used, which are diluted in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer of the composition. You can additionally use a citric acid solution to clean the opening of the bottle receptacle.

Our company offers the most favorable cost of cooler cleaning services in Moscow. Only specialized tools and equipment are used in the work, all stages of disinfection are carried out by qualified employees.

Prices for cleaning the cooler without water

Order cleaning from our company

Cleaning and disinfection must be carried out in accordance with all the rules and accepted sanitary standards, only in this case the device will work smoothly and will supply clean water. You can order one-time or regular cleaning using professional methods from us, the prices for servicing coolers are among the most favorable.

The specialists of our company operate according to strictly established rules:

  • the room where the work will be done must be clean;
  • during disinfection, only pre-disinfected instruments and antibacterial solutions intended for working with coolers are used (they are delivered by the company);
  • all workers carrying out the cleaning process are dressed in sterile uniforms.

The exact scheme for each specific case depends on the type of equipment, volume and other parameters. Each case is individual, requiring careful and careful attention to the solution of the issue, the calculation of the cost will depend entirely on the working conditions. You can order the service by the indicated phones, discussing with the company's managers all the nuances of the process.

In offices, apartments and houses, a cooler is often used to pour, heat and carbonate drinking water. The safety and efficiency of this device depends not only on the water poured into it, but also on the cleanliness of the cooler itself. The main source of infection is the users themselves and the people responsible for refueling the device. However, even with proper operation, disinfection of coolers is necessary from time to time.

Cleaning and disinfection of the cooler's internal tanks

If the quality of the water in the cooler has deteriorated, this is probably the result of the action of microorganisms that have settled in the tank. Bacteria most often enter the water during bottle changes. It is enough to perform this procedure at least once with dirty hands, as invisible microbes immediately get inside. In the cooler, good conditions for reproduction are created for them, which they actively use.

Far from always, people serving the cooler with due diligence treat the stopper of a replaceable bottle. It must be decontaminated before installing the container. This point is sometimes overlooked. If the bottle stopper is covered with a sticker or shrink cap, these accessories must be removed. Otherwise, paint or other substances will get water, and then into the human body.

During the operation of the device, mucus may form at the bottom of the container. The presence of bacteria in the cooler is also indicated by a thin film on rubber and rubber gaskets. At the same time, the taste and smell of water becomes unpleasant. High-quality disinfection of the water cooler will help get rid of this dangerous situation in many respects.

Ways to disinfect coolers

Sanitization of coolers can be carried out both by the users themselves and by invited specialists. Mandatory measures for cleaning and sanitizing the device consist of several stages:

  • disinfection from microbes (includes washing the body and removable parts);
  • descaling heating elements and other parts;
  • flushing the cooler using several cycles.

For disinfection, substances such as chlorine, iodine, ammonia and acetic acid are used. There are special disinfectants that act more efficiently and quickly. To be processed:

  • storage tank;
  • streams at the bottom of the reservoir;
  • separator;
  • water intake;
  • hidden cavities of the cooler;

Professional cooler disinfection

The most profitable way to obtain high quality drinking water and ensure the durability of the device is the timely disinfection of coolers. Moscow offers several options for this service. Good results are obtained by processing in specially equipped rooms. After all, sterile conditions are necessary for high-quality disinfection.

Our employees have extensive experience in the field of disinfection. They compare favorably with others in that:

  • know how to choose the right disinfectants,
  • know what concentration of active substances is necessary in each individual case;
  • use certified drugs and the latest equipment;
  • undergo medical examinations in a timely manner;
  • have medical records.

We provide a range of services for businesses and individuals. This includes professional disinfection of the water cooler. Our service price is affordable. Call us and we will help you quickly and efficiently solve the problem with the maintenance of coolers.

Installing water coolers has become popular not only in offices and hospitals. More and more families are installing coolers in their homes. And if companies and other institutions turn to specialists, then at home you can clean the cooler with your own hands. Let's go through this process step by step with you.

The first steps of cleaning the cooler

At the first stage of self-cleaning, it is necessary to drain all the water present in the cooler. To do this, turn it off from the outlet and drain the water from the taps with indicators of hot and cold water.

You can let the water cool beforehand for a more comfortable drain. When the water has stopped flowing, make small inclinations of the cooler to the right and left to completely drain the water from the faucet system.

Next, unfold it and unscrew an additional drain valve on the rear panel to completely remove residual water from the system. The cooler can also be tilted slightly in different directions. We have completed the first stage of cleaning the water cooler at home.

Water cooler manufacturers and system repairers recommend cleaning at least once a month.

External cleaning of the water cooler

At this stage of cleaning the water cooler, we need to process all the external parts of the cooler. This includes faucets for hot and cold water, a receiver for the remaining liquid flowing down and a cooler housing. To do this, unscrew and rinse the faucets from the inside. I would like to note that this process must be completed, since microbes also accumulate on the inside of the faucets and their periodic sanitization is necessary.

We work with a mini brush, using a soapy solution. After the end of the faucet, we return to its original place and proceed to washing the drip tray. Washing the body, as well as the drip tray, must be carried out regularly. This procedure is carried out much more often than a major cleaning of the cooler.

Since we are doing everything in sequence, we will further dismantle the area where the water bottle is placed. Unscrew the bottle receiver by turning it counterclockwise. Naturally, we also treat it with soapy water.

After removing the bottle receiver, a common container unfolds in front of us - a receiving tank, where the water coming from the bottle is placed. It is necessary to remove the divider from the tank, which is located at the bottom of the tank. The divider should also be washed with soapy water and rinsed well with running water.

Means for internal cleaning

You can buy such a professional remedy from a company, but its recipe is so simple that it makes sense to make it yourself: 20 grams of citric acid is added to each liter of water.

For a one-time cleaning of a water cooler at home, an average of 3-5 liters of water is needed. The rest of the calculation can be done independently. Citric acid is stirred very carefully in water at room temperature. We will take a solution made from the maximum amount of water: 5 liters with 100 grams of citric acid.

The main stage of cleaning with a special tool

The main stage of cleaning has come, which is carried out according to the following instructions:
  1. Pour the finished product at room temperature in small portions into a container. We recommend opening the hot and cold water taps to completely fill the system. There should be enough water in the tank so that water comes out of the faucets themselves with great pressure. After the faucet, close and connect the plug to the network. On the rear panel of the water cooler, turn on the heating toggle switch. Leave the cooling toggle switch off.
  2. After the water in the tank is completely heated, the boiling indicator will go out, and your task is to turn off the toggle switch and remove the plug from the outlet. Within 5-6 hours, the solution, cooling down inside the entire system, will do its job. And you have free time that you can use to your advantage.
  3. When these hours have passed, cleaning the water cooler must be completed. We'll need a brush. Try not to use washcloths and sponges with abrasive coatings. Without them, everything will be perfectly washed off. Using a brush, carefully rub the walls of the container, not forgetting the internal grooves and holes. In addition to the brush, it is necessary to additionally wash the walls of the receiving container with your hands to fully control the absence of mucus on the surface of the walls.
  4. We drain the water with the solution from the faucets with cold and hot water until the liquid disappears completely. Just like at the beginning, we slightly tilt the water cooler in different directions to empty the system. After control, we drain the water from the tap located on the rear panel of the cooler.
  5. The next step is rinsing. That is, we get rid of the remaining dirt on the walls and in all grooves, as well as from the solution with citric acid. To do this, pour ordinary running water in the amount of 4-5 liters into the receiving tank, while not forgetting to return the divider for cold and hot water, which was taken out in advance.

It is important to note that when water is poured into the receiving tank, it must be poured in small portions for complete distribution throughout the system, and the remaining water or cleaning agent can be poured from a larger container.

After filling the entire system, the water can be drained in the same way as we drained it at the initial stage or after cleaning with a water cooler cleaner. You can check if the system is flushed well by tasting the water as it finally drains from the faucet on the back of the water cooler. If you do not feel a sour taste in the water, the container is perfectly washed.

Final cleaning step

You and I cleaned the water cooler ourselves. Now we have to assemble the cooler. We clean the body and all external parts with soapy water. At the same time, we do not forget about the back panel, on which not only fatty deposits often accumulate, but also cobwebs along with various midges and insects.

We then remove all dirt from the surfaces with a clean, damp soft cloth. Then we rub the water cooler dry with a dry cloth until the stains disappear completely. We install the bottle and plug the system into an outlet. Don't forget to also turn on the cooling and water heating toggle switches on the back of the cooler - this is an often repeated mistake by many users.

I would like to note that if, due to various circumstances, the outer surface of the water cooler is heavily contaminated with fatty deposits, do not use abrasive substances. Do not wash surfaces with steam or water pressure. By doing this, you can damage the enamel on the surface of the cooler.

If ordinary dish soap solutions do not help, purchase an all-purpose cleaning solution for heavily greased surfaces.

You can consider the following tips and nuances when cleaning the cooler:
  • The system drain valve is not always on the back panel, sometimes it is located on the front panel, at the bottom of the water cooler.
  • Do not use abrasive products, as well as gasoline, acetone, kerosene to clean the cooler.
  • When installing the bottle, remove the disposable cellophane in which the delivery service brought purified water.
  • When replacing bottles, always carefully treat the contact areas between the bottle and the bottle receiver with antibacterial agents.

Remember that a timely cleaned water cooler is the key to a long and trouble-free operation of the entire system.

Both naturally and by heating, water causes a certain deposit on the walls of the receiving tank and other parts of the overall internal system. In addition to the general plaque, bacteria begin to develop. For bacteria, dirt is a natural habitat. Therefore, hygienic cleaning of the water cooler with your own hands is a very important and necessary procedure.

Video: How to rinse a water cooler with your own hands?

The video shows in great detail how to clean the water cooler at home on your own. Follow the instructions and you will be fine:

Cleaning a water cooler at home is not only possible, but necessary. This procedure must be carried out at least once a month. Use a DIY water cooler cleaner. In case of failures in the operation of the cooler, contact the master who will find and eliminate the causes of the breakdown of the water cooler.

A water cooler is a necessary thing not only for office, but also for residential premises. Today, more and more people prefer to purchase a cooler to drink fresh water from trusted suppliers than to spoil their health by drinking tap water of unknown quality and composition.

Therefore, the presence of a water cooler at home will not surprise anyone, as this is a real necessity. We have to use it quite often, because during the day we drink clean water many times, make tea or coffee for ourselves. Of course, over time, the cooler is exposed to pollution, which must be disposed of in a timely manner.

After all, the quality of the water you drink depends on the state in which the cooler is located. To keep the water clean and fresh, you need to regularly clean the cooler, and not wait until mold or green plaque forms on its walls.

Experts recommend cleaning the cooler at least once a month, despite the fact that the instructions indicate a different period - once every six months. But agree that you wash the dishes every time after eating, wash mugs after water or tea. Why neglect this in the case of the cooler?

Despite the crystal clear water in the bottle, bacteria, however, can penetrate everywhere. Regular cleaning of the cooler will not only improve water quality, but also extend the life of the equipment.

Before you start cleaning, you need to find out what are the subtleties and some kind of contraindications in this matter. If you decide to wash the water cooler at home with your own hands, then immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcleaning this equipment under the tap.

The dishwasher and steam cleaner are also not suitable for this purpose.

Do not use acetone, kerosene, gasoline, abrasives, or powders for cleaning.

How to clean a water cooler?

This equipment should be cleaned at the time you change your water bottle. This is the easiest and fastest option. Before cleaning, you will need to unplug the cooler from the outlet and wait until the water in the bottle has cooled down.

To wash equipment at home, you will need to prepare a special solution consisting of 5 liters of water and 100 g of citric acid. What's next?

Where to start cleaning the cooler? The first step is to clean the dirty faucets. To do this, you need to unscrew them, and then start cleaning, armed with a brush and cleaning agent.

It is necessary to qualitatively process all the recesses in order to rid them of harmful bacteria. Be sure to rinse the faucets thoroughly, wipe them dry and screw them back into place.

The next step is to remove the drip trays, disassemble the tray and also wash thoroughly in soapy water. To remove the bottle receiver, you will need to unscrew the device. Citric acid diluted with water is poured into the hole.

In order for this solution to fill the cooler capacity completely, you will need to open all the taps. In the event that the liquid flows too thin, you will need to use a little more cleaning agent.

Next, you need to turn on the cooler and heat the water. You need to wait until the indicator on the equipment goes out, and then turn it off. For about 6 hours, do not touch the cooler, let it be completely disinfected.

Do not forget about the bottle receiver, because it concentrates the largest amount of dirt and bacteria. After the time allotted for disinfection, you need to open the taps and valves (they can be additionally cleaned with a brush).

Pour 5 liters of water into the washed cooler and then drain. This way you will get rid of the remnants of the solution. It is important to check after you have installed the bottle collector that the drain valve is closed.

Do not forget to wipe the body of the device with a damp cloth or cloth with soapy water. In addition, it will not be superfluous to clean the back wall of the device from dirt, dust and accumulated cobwebs.

After installing the bottle receiver, check that you have closed the drain valve!

If the cooler is very dirty and has not been cleaned at home for a long time, then you will need to resort to the most radical methods. In these cases, special cleaning products are used, which can be purchased at any household chemical store. Act strictly according to the instructions.

Dilute the required amount of the product in water.

Before cleaning, do not heat the cooler in any case, as this may damage the reservoir, as well as the heating element.

When changing the bottle in the cooler after removing the protective film, it is recommended to clean the neck with a clean, damp cloth, and it is better to use alcohol wipes. The fact is that during delivery, water bottles are not in the most sterile conditions, so you should take care of hygiene.

In addition, you should flush the bottle collector with the needle every time you change the bottle. When the cooler comes into contact with the environment, bacteria multiply. It is unlikely that you dream of catching any infectious disease.

After cleaning the cooler and installing a new bottle, drain a glass of water from each faucet to protect yourself from getting.

And finally...

In fact, cleaning the water cooler is a fairly simple procedure that does not take much time, effort and money. Therefore, it can be carried out at home on your own, without calling specialists for this. Now you know how to clean the cooler with your own hands. You can start right now.