
To subjugate someone's will is necessary. Removal of a love spell with submission: features and consequences. Full moon photography conspiracy

Rituals and conspiracies to influence the personality

1. Get the hair of a person whose support you want to enlist or whom you want to see among your allies and companions. Place this hair in the bottom of a small cup or saucer. Place your own hair in the same cup. Light a candle and tilt it over the cup of hair so that drops of melted wax fall into it. Burn the whole candle in this way and keep the cup filled with wax in a secret place as a talisman for the success of your plans.

2. To make your business with your companion especially profitable, treat him to tea, and after he leaves your house or office, mix tea leaves from his and your cups, dry this mixture properly and pour it into a matchbox. When you meet again with the person you need, keep this box next to you. Such witchcraft will help you make a good deal, get a loan, or change your partner's mind in your favor.

A conspiracy from enemies so that everything is your way

During the period of the growing moon, in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Kazan", light 5 church candles and, placing them on the table in the shape of a circle, read the plot:

The King of Heaven, the archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim and all heavenly powers, He is worshiped by the prophets and disciples, so the boyars and boyars, clerks and clerks, and motley authorities, and all orderly judges, my adversaries (names of people to whom you intend to contact with any matter) to me, the servant (e) of God (her) (your name). how the dark night will rejoice in the young bright Moon, and how the white light will rejoice in the Erasnoy Sun. so would rejoice at me, the servant (e) of God (her) (name), my parish kings and queens, princes and princesses, boyars and boyars, clerks and clerks, and motley authorities, all clerks, judges and all ranks people, my adversaries, and would look at me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), as at the Red Sun, and could not see enough of the soul, and body, and zealous heart, clear eyes, thought and thought. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. All kings and queens, princes and princesses, boyars and boyars, and all people in command, and my adversaries - (names) - all my sheep; I, the servant (a) of God (s), - the wolf; I will look with my clear eye and catch it, and I will take it in my hands, and I will throw it on the tooth, and I will bite it. All my words, be blessed, strong and strong, stronger and tougher than iron, and damask steel, and an oriental knife, and eagle's claws. The Kazan Mother of God sealed her seal with her golden ring. Always, now and forever. The castle is a stone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the candles burn out and go out, collect the rest of the wax, roll it into a ball and hide it.
When you go on business, put the ball in your pocket.

Rituals and conspiracies to influence the personality

1) In order for a person to change his mind and act in a way that is beneficial to you, hold his photographic card between your palms and walk around with it in a circle back to front, repeating these words:

Back to front, all the way around
you walk, you think
you will do everything in my favor,
everything as I say.

If you do not have a photographic card of the person you need, use a piece of paper on which write his name, patronymic and surname.

2) If you want to somehow influence a person, then prepare a witch's potion, wash their hands, and then touch with your hands (say hello to the hand, pat on the shoulder, etc.) of the one you need to influence. The potion is prepared as follows: throw into boiling water five pinches of dried and powdered stinging nettle leaves, three pinches of earth taken from a crossroads on foot, one black feather, a tuft of ginger cat hair, three pinches of black pepper, a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of honey . When the water has cooled, strain the infusion.

3) If your fate depends on the decisions made by any person, for example, your boss or official, write his name on a piece of paper nine times. Do this nine days in a row, using the same sheet, so that eventually eighty-one words are written on the paper. Roll the sheet with the inscriptions into a tube and put it in a bottle, which you fill to the top with sugar. Cork the bottle and keep it in your home.

4) Write on a piece of paper the name, patronymic and surname of the person whose decisions your fate depends on. Above these inscriptions write your full name and surname. Wrap this piece of paper around a long nail and tie them with red string to keep the paper from unfolding. Go to a deserted place and drive the "enchanted" nail into the ground there. Returning home after this, do not greet or talk to anyone.

5) To influence someone, write his name several times on a square piece of paper. It is necessary to write in a circle so that the beginning of the first word is connected to the end of the last. Take this paper in your hands, look at the center of the circle and imagine the face of the person you need, as well as your desire, which he must fulfill. Then, without looking away from the center of the circle, pierce it with a sewing needle: so that the needle enters the paper exactly halfway. Hide this talisman in a secluded place and keep it until your wish is fulfilled. After that, remove the needle from the paper, and tear the paper itself.

6) Take a sheet of paper and describe your aspirations and desires on it. Then burn this paper, collect all the ashes left after that, and add a small part of it to the drink or food of the one who decides your fate. If you are unable to do so, pour some of the resulting ash into his left shoe. If this is not possible, then pour out all the ashes where your benefactor usually spends time.

7) To have power over someone, you need to write the name of the person you are interested in on paper, burn it and rub the soles of your shoes with the resulting ashes. Instead of name paper, you can use a photographic card.

8) To influence a specific person, find a small flat stone and think that this is the same person. Write his name on the stone with waterproof ink or paint. Carry this stone with you and from time to time squeeze it in your left fist, imagining what your desires this person should fulfill. Be sure to do this immediately before meeting with the person you need.

9) Find a small flat stone and mentally imagine that this is the person on which your fate and your future somehow depend. Returning home and stepping over the threshold, throw a stone on the floor. Hitting it lightly with your left foot, roll it into the western corner of your house. Let the stone stay there until all your wishes are fulfilled.

10) In order to have power over someone, you need to write the name of the person you are interested in on a piece of paper, fold this paper three times and wear it under the insole of your left shoe. If you have a photographic card of this person, it is better to use it instead of a note.

11) If you need to appear before the eyes of the authorities, who are dissatisfied with something, or you want to submit some kind of petition and at the same time you have to communicate with an unfriendly person, on whose decision a lot can depend, you need to read the plot, while winding it on the left little finger red thread:

On all four sides I will bow,
with a conspiracy word from an important gentleman ... (first name, patronymic, if you know) I’ll start talking.
And how you lay ... (name) with your mother in the womb
and then you had no thoughts on me, no words, no speeches,
so now I am going to you, so that you have no thought, no words, no speeches against me.
You have a fierce fire in front of me, and I have strong water in front of you,
when your fierce heart is on fire, then I will fill your fierce heart with my strong water.
My words cannot be outwitted, my deeds cannot be redrawn, where I sat, sit there, determine all the needs.

After that, the thread from the finger must be removed and torn. Now you can safely go about your business.

12) If you have to communicate with high authorities, go to court for an answer, or just talk with an unfriendly person, on whose decision your fate may depend, say secret words on the tightly clenched fist of your left hand, so that your breath is felt with your fingers. The words should be:

The power of my words, the power of my deeds,
accumulate between my fingers,
cling one to one, multiply a hundredfold,
so that once at a time, once at a time, proceed to ... (name of the boss or judge),
so that he does not dare to think of me with his mind,
to say an evil word, to harm a black deed,
but he did everything from my deeds, spoke from my words, thought from my thoughts.

After finishing the plot, open your fist. Now, when you communicate with the person you need, clench your fist three times with force, as if stretching your hand. Try at this moment to feel the power of your conspiracy and feel confident and able to solve any problem.

13) To get the location of the person you need and enlist his support, as well as to persuade someone to your opinion or just have power over someone, draw a cross on your right hand with charcoal and say the secret words: “Terra, Mata, Ha” . Then wash off the image of the cross from the palm of your hand with cold water, but not from your memory and imagination. Feel the presence of this sign in the palm of your hand when you shake hands with the person you need or with all those over whom you want to have an advantage. At the moment of contact of hands, mentally repeat the words you already know. At the same time, you must mentally imagine and feel that your mark has passed from your palm to the palm of your “victim” and is imprinted there forever.

14) Write a spell on a piece of paper: "NOIN SAAT LEJOT FAT". Burn this paper, collect all the ash left after it and pour it into the ink. Also add a pinch of iron filings and a pinch of verbena to this ink. Now, if you write a petition addressed to this person with this ink, he will certainly fulfill it.

15) If you need some person, on whom the fulfillment of your requests or desires depends, to take your side, write a message addressed to him, in which you describe the essence of your needs or problems. Fold this letter in thirds and put a dried sprig of vervain or wormwood inside the paper. Light a candle and set fire to your letter from it. At the moment of burning the paper, imagine the face of the person to whom you wrote, and the occurrence of the event described in your letter. Burn the whole letter without a trace, collect all the ashes left after it and scatter it in the wind.

16) Before writing a love letter, lightly rub the paper with dry lavender herb. In order for the words you write to reach the heart of your chosen one, add a few drops of your blood to the ink. If you need to write a business message, then first rub the paper with dry thistle grass or juniper leaves. To make the words you write have greater power over the reader, add a few drops of dove's blood to the ink. And if what you wrote is somehow related to money, then add magnetic filings to the ink to make them more attractive.

Who among us does not dream of subordinating, dominating, and in such a way that people would obey unquestioningly, do what we want. With the help of magical rites, you can manipulate people, depriving them of their will, making them slaves. However... Such actions are unlikely to be useful for the one they are being carried out on, and on the one being carried out, all these manipulations can return like a fourfold boomerang. Therefore, before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic and are based on interference in the energy field of another person without his consent, because of which this person can get sick if he is energetically weakened. Yes, the effectiveness of such manipulations depends on the aura of the one who is being plotted against. If a person is energetically holistic, self-confident, then his aura is absolutely healthy, has no damage through which you can inflict magical blows, and your actions will not be able to reach him, and will not cause such a person any harm, but you can “backfire”.

We all want to be loved, however, the feeling is, unfortunately, very often not reciprocated. And if there is no reciprocity, then is it worth continuing such a relationship, even with the help of magic? Forcing yourself to love by force, resorting to magical rites, is a violation of the personality, so think carefully - do you really need this person? Would you like to commit yourself to him for life, or is it just a momentary whim? If a person treats you coldly, then no magic will help. No, after the ritual he will be with you, but his attitude towards you will not change, and both of you will suffer. If you nevertheless decide to resort to magical actions, then at least do them on a person who does not treat you with open hostility, otherwise, further life with him will turn out to be complete hell for you. And one more thing - it is necessary to carry out such rituals based on the purity of one's soul and thoughts. If some selfish goal such as revenge is being pursued, then, you yourself understand, you can not expect good from what you have done.

Below are conspiracies in order to subdue a man (woman), husband (wife), boyfriend (girl), or arouse interest in you men who are more or less harmless and, if performed correctly, will help you achieve the desired result with the least losses.

Rituals for the submission of a husband

How to subdue your loved one

  • so that the guy you like is only yours, you can make such a love binding. To do this, take a rope and wrap it around your waist. You will need a piece of this length for the ceremony. On this rope, you will need to tie 12 knots, repeating the words of the conspiracy to obey: “My beloved will leave me when my hands untie these knots. May it be so!" The rope must be taken to the forest and put in any hollow. After that, the magic will begin to work. This ritual is good because it can be performed on a person who is far from you;
  • in order to fall in love with a guy, they perform such a ceremony - they take a thing that they give to their beloved after the ceremony, and slander such words on it: “As birds fly boldly in the sky, so we (names) would always do well in love. As the sun always illuminates the earth, so would my beloved love me alone. As a new day comes, and people are illuminated with light, so would our (names) griefs be rare, and happiness is apt. As water flows endlessly in a river, so our life in happiness (names) would be endless. May it be so!" After the thing is in the hands of your boyfriend, the conspiracy will begin to act.

Rites of submission of a man for blood

Rituals performed on blood are considered one of the most powerful and effective in black magic. They act for sure, therefore, in order to carry out such manipulations, please think carefully again - there will be no turning back. And the consequences will inevitably overtake you.

Rites with the participation of blood are usually held at night on the growing moon. Blood taken from a finger is mixed into alcohol - red wine.

It is necessary to pierce the ring finger with a treated needle and drip an odd number of drops into a glass of red wine, saying the spell: “As you drink this wine to your heart’s content, your passion for me will wake up. All your thoughts about me will be - both at night and during the day. Amen!" After your loved one takes a sip of this wine, the love spell will begin to act.

The next plot is done on sugar. You need to light a red candle, take a piece of refined sugar and drop a drop of blood on it, saying: “How this drop is dear to me, let me be so dear to you (name)! Amen!"

On the increasing moon, such a rite is performed. Three drops of their blood are dripped into red wine, reciting the spell: “(Name) drink to the bottom, drink up! Take my blood into you. My blood is strong, but your will is weak. (Name), you are my slave now, I am your mistress. Your life is for me, you have no strength. You have no others, now you are mine - forever. Amen!"

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance. To do this, you will need a photo of your loved one, where he is in full growth, and an indoor flower that has been constantly growing in your house for a long time. Before the full moon, a few days before, light a red candle, tear off a branch or leaf from a flower, burn it on a candle flame, saying a spell: “I give you as a sacrifice, for a slaughter, for this love spell retribution. May it be so!" Put the ashes from the plant in a bowl. It is believed that this flower will take on all the consequences of a love spell. Then, they take a photo of a loved one, concentrate completely on it, thinking about their love, prick a finger, draw a blood line along the photo from bottom to top, which extends from the genitals to the head, then repeat the words of the conspiracy again and burn the photo. The remains of the photo are also placed in a bowl with ashes from the flower. The ashes are mixed, half is buried in a pot with a flower, and the second half should be sprinkled on the threshold of the bewitched.

Conspiracy to subjugate the will of a man

Every girl dreams of being desired by men. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, they read the following spell: “As everyone is waiting for spring, they are waiting for the red smile in the sun, so guys and men would be happy for me. They would have watched, admired, for me, beautiful, they would have hung around - both mature men, and young, and very young. They would respect me with honor, they would accept me with honor, they would kneel in my presence, they would climb to have mercy on me, and dream of kissing me. Words are keys, deeds are locks. Amen!" This is a simple conspiracy that attracts the attention of men to their person, very effective, however, its effect is very short-lived, therefore, in order to be constantly in the attention of men and guys, you need to repeat it more often.

Now let's talk about a more powerful ritual. To complete it, you will need:

  • nominal icon of the bewitched;
  • nominal icon of the bewitcher;
  • two black candles;
  • cross from the church;
  • one ripe apple.

Manipulations are carried out at night, by the light of lit candles, between which icons are placed, on the left - female, on the right - male. A cross is placed between the icons. An apple is placed in the center of the cross. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “This is not a sacrament of the church, this is a petition at night. Now I don’t sentence with a prayer, but with a black bird, and a love spell, and a black night. Everything is coordinated, but everything is done, but through the cross, fate (name) is attached to fate (name). They are loved by an apple, and paved with bodily delight, even the Evil One himself measured himself through an apple, and a man became sinful, so through an apple, yes it is laid crosswise, two destinies are intertwined, and two hearts are made by love as one. If they are tempted, yes, they are called Adam and Eve, now they are loved, but they are made by one fate, then (name) and (name) are named, but they live one life, and they walk one way. Amen!"

In the morning, the apple is buried in the churchyard. They leave the yard - without turning around, without talking to anyone at random meetings until the house. The result is awaited in complete calmness, without taking any other magical actions that can slow down the action of this ritual. You also do not need to respond to every phone call and door knock, which can also only do harm.

Good luck in love!

Experienced sorcerers and magicians recommend performing magical deeds not once, but two or three. Ideally, in order to achieve the maximum effect from a particular magical ritual, you should repeat it exactly 7 times. So, conspiracies and rituals will be effective if they are done with an interval of 3, 9, 12, 33, 40 and 90 days.

coercion with runes, for example this: Nautiz-Mannaz-Yera. State what you want and what you force.

When a person falls asleep or while he is sleeping, if possible, go to the head of the bed, if not, look at the photograph, look at the bridge of your nose with your back to the east and say: "Arram! Agul! Ishard! In the name of the demon of the black well! I conjure! Go the spirit of kikimora swamp to the slave (name) in the head, go into the brain, upset the order, but don’t let sleep in this house anymore, and when you fall asleep, torture him and torment him! Nimma Namman! sleeping.

The banishing cross can be forced to leave.

If you want to force someone to do something according to your will

I was in the field, I saw the grass. Wherever the wind bends the grass, there its leaf looks.
So would you, servant of God (name), do what I need. According to my words, according to my speeches.
My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Fix, O God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever.
Amen. Read every day in the evening three times per candle, before reading, clearly formulate a desire, for example: forget about us completely. Conspiracy is universal. For normal work - clearly and briefly formulate your desire and repeat it without changing. Read every evening on a candle 3 times, until you get the result.

do like this:
write what you want the person to do on a piece of paper. fold the paper and hold it in your hands while you read the plot three times.

First write, then read the plot.
In the text of the conspiracy, after the words "did what I needed," you can also insert your clearly formulated requirement.

The plot is read into the water. To do this, you need to pour a glass of running water, and, imperceptibly for that person whose presence is undesirable, read the following words over it: will go home." After that, you need to approach the person and, as if by accident, knock over a glass of water on the floor next to him.

If water cannot be spilled on the floor, for example, a carpet is laid, then another conspiracy can help to drive a person out of the house. The plot must be read on a pinch of salt, which then must be quietly thrown at the feet of the person who must leave. The conspiracy sounds like this: "As salt flies under your feet, so you will run away from my house." Immediately after the unpleasant visitor has left, you need to carefully clean the house and wash the floors.

And to prevent such situations in the future, so that you don’t have to read the conspiracy so that the person leaves, you need to protect your home. To do this, you need to take a sharp nail or a safety pin, stick it into the door jamb, where the intersection of the horizontal and vertical parts of the jamb is formed, with the tip down. At the same time, saying the following words: “I plant a pin in the door, I protect the house from enemies. Let her be sharp, let only kindness into the house.

However, the conspiracy will not work against the person who lives in this house. This is due to the fact that these conspiracies are designed to protect the house as a whole and to protect the people living in it.

he sleeps, and it will be easier for you to concentrate. Subordination rites are done on the growing moon.

Ukrainian Omorochka

Strong frostbite. For convenience, it is given in transcription from Ukrainian with preservation of pronunciation, capital letters are stressed. Read 9 times, preferably in the photo with the window open or being in the same room with the object.

Original text:

I'm not going, I'm going to witches, I'm filthy,
And before you (name), I’m saying shit rich:
(state the essence of the wish - what a person should do according to your plan)
I'm going across the sea, I'll throw a poppy at the sea,
What am I going to say - so that everything was like that,
I'm up to you with a blue pointer,
And before me, be a good caress.


And before tebe (name) I’m sorry to say

I'm up to you from a bisovoy pointer,

Or in a softer way:

I'm not going, I'm going to vedmedytsi Yidu, I'm shitting like hell,
And before tebe (name) I beg you to be kind
(state the essence of the desire - what a person should do according to your plan)
I'm going to cherez more, I'll put a poppy at the sea,
What am I going to say - schob bulo everything is so,
I'm up to you from holy paska,
And you, before mene, be a kind caress.

Redemption at the crossroads - 3 equivalent coins with the right hand over the left shoulder, say "Paid" and leave without looking back.

for good luck so that it comes together (on the icon of all saints)

Read when things have stalled or started not going the way you would like.
put one candle to the icon of all saints in the church and say:
Forty holy forty crosses were carried, all those praying were welcomed, their prayers were answered: goodness and good luck, joy and health, and fulfillment of petitions. And they welcomed me, they answered my petition, they helped me, the servant of God (name), touched with a cross, blessed with a finger: to open paths, for happiness, for good luck, and for wealth in addition. To be according to the word of the saints, according to the command of the Lord, according to my prayer! Amen.

In the absence of the "Forty Martyrs of Sebaste" icon, you can do it on the "All Saints" icon, because All the saints and forty martyrs are present at it. If you have both icons, do it on the "Forty Martyrs of Sebaste".
make forty signs of the cross with bows. Go home silently until you cross the threshold of the door without talking to anyone.

From the return

They put a mirror in a basin of water and, washing themselves, say:


how do i clean the mirror?
Under running water from the tap, you can, 15 minutes will be enough.

"I turn your gaze from heaven to earth,
I turn your mind from light to darkness
I turn your body from peace to pain
I turn your soul from heaven to hell
I turn your will into nothing.
I am God and you obey me.
Whatever I order, let it be done!"

On the subordinates of a person:

May it be so!"

For obedience:

1. Light 3 candles. Look at them and read:

The sun has spoken.
Everyone will talk to each other
And all my words will be confirmed
Fulfilled and fixed.
All my decrees
Be for (name) orders.
Obedient child, I am obedient to the Gods,
Be obedient to me my slave (Name).
In the name of Mars, in the name of my Will! May it be so!
2. They cut off the chicken's head and read the plot. Until the chicken calms down, you can’t let go of the hands.

How this chicken is weak-willed and submissive in my hand,
So do I, (name),
Bow down, bow down, slave (a) (name).
In the name of the higher gods, in the name of Fire, Air, Earth and Water! May it be so!.

Managing someone else's sleep.

This magical action is built on visualization, there are no spells here, only your strength and desire. It is suitable for people who are experienced in witchcraft, have a developed imagination, are trained in visualization and are confident in their power.

Light the candles, let no one bother you. Focus on the right person (you can use his photo). Imagine a cloud around it; pass through it, and in this way you enter into the dream of man. After that, you can give any picture, sound or image, and the person will have the dream you need. The fact that a dream is a dream is very likely, however, in order for the dream to be remembered, enough effort must be made. The more effort you put in, the more guarantees that a person will see the dream you ordered. All activities take place after midnight.

To the obedience of the non-Christ



There is a very simple but effective method:
if you know that your will is stronger than the will of the subordinate, you can simply send your will to this person. To do this, you need a clean, quiet, dark place. Imagine a void, you in this void and a subordinate, then you must feel your strong and terrible will and direct it into your hands, concentrate, and then make something like an arrow and launch it into a person.
According to Madame Blavatsky (her teachings I have always adhered to), this method was used in the Catholic Church to attract people to her, there were even special ceremonial rooms for this purpose.





To have power over someone, you need to write the name of interest -
the person who wears you on paper, burn it and rub it with the resulting ashes
the soles of your shoes. Instead of paper with a name, you can use
call a photographic card.

In order to have power over someone, you need to write the name of the interest
the person who puts you on a piece of paper, fold this paper three times and
wear it under the insole of the left boot. If you have photographic
this person's card, it is better to use instead of a note

Light 3 candles. Watch them and read:
The moon conspired, the star conspired,
The sun has spoken.
Everyone will talk to each other
And all my words will be confirmed
Fulfilled and fixed.
All my decrees
Be for the servant of God (name) orders.
Obedient child, obedient to God I
Be obedient to me, the servant of God (Name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Three aspen torches are lit. Looking at them inseparably, they say the words:
The moon conspired, the star conspired,
The sun conspired; All will conspire among themselves,
And all my words will be confirmed
Fulfilled and fixed!
All my decrees - Be for (name) orders!
How obedient the child is to the parents,
So be obedient (name) for me!
I lock it in the name of Koshchnoy!
Let it be according to my word!

All rites for submission and weakening of the will are done on the waning phase of the moon. I would hold the splinters in my hand, it would be more convenient for me emotionally and energetically. Well, the ashes - to the wind with a mental message


Buy a new silver ring.
A thread is threaded through it, tied in a knot, so that the ring dangles calmly on the thread.
The thread begins to be threaded through the ring, the thread is wound around the ring. The thread must be wound 33 times, each time the thread passes through the ring, it must be said.

Like a thread is submissive, like a ring is submissive, what I want is what I do, so you (name) submit to my will, thirty-three passages, not a single departure, so you don’t leave. With this ring I destroy your will, I turn you into a slave with this thread .Amen,

Then they take a photo of the enemy, put this ring on it, in the photo a needle is stuck through the ring, into the eye of which a free one was threaded, leaving the end of the thread.
And the spell is cast.

I defile with black blasphemy, your soul (name) in service to myself, the earthly years that are counted, your body is turned into a slave, your spirit is turned, if you show arrogance, then with a needle of evil in your heart, as people pray on their knees, so you are on your knees in front of me If you want to leave, you will lose your way, as the thread left. Yes, you only walked in a ring, so you will become a slave, you will walk through the ring of slavery. Amen,

Read it 9 times. Leave the photo and everything else until the next day.
Then take the needle and stick it into any tree, and throw the thread where the victim is or leave it at the crossroads.
Hide the ring.
This is done when the moon is waning any day.






Nauzy. Formation of a successful outcome of the situation with the help of nodular magic

If you need to solve a problem, the successful outcome of which depends not only on you, but also on someone else.

Tie a knot in the middle of the thread (any natural red color, silk, cotton, wool will do) and say it three times with these words:

“As I tied this knot, so I, the servant of God (state your name), the case (describe the problem or task) came together well and quickly.”

Put the thread on the threshold and step over it, then put it in your pocket.

It will be all plain sailing!

Yera + Hagalaz + Naud + Raido + Evaz + Ansuz + Mannaz + Eyvaz + Naud + lane Teyvaz + Laguz + Yera - destruction of the will of the object and control of all spheres - thoughts, feelings, actions, can be used to fulfill your will for a long period time, tough enough.
Having become it is necessary to draw on the photo, on the face or on the forehead of the experimental person. Both statutes "Slavery" are created according to formulas for hard coercion

Slave Seal Curse.

In advance, on the eve of the ceremony, you need to collect dead water, standing water from the cemetery or water from washing the grave cross will do. You will also need a photograph or personal belongings of the victim, four red or black candles, 12 thin church candles, two pieces of black cloth, a crow's feather. Three days before the start of the ceremony, you need to serve in three churches for health and repose, and you need to buy twelve candles in them (four candles in each).
During the preparatory time, a kind of altar is being prepared at home (the first piece of black fabric, a church candlestick, photo). The seal of Chernobog is drawn on the fabric of the altar
On the places of the crosses, a red or black candle is placed, a photo is placed in the center. When everything is prepared, black candles are lit at twelve o'clock at night, a jar of dead water is placed in front of you, a lit church candle is taken in your right hand. Further, while reading the spell, we sprinkle with a cross-shaped movement so that from each time the drops fall on the photo. When spraying, you need to make sure that the water does not drain. Take water not with your hand, but with a crow's feather.

"Under the Black Moon, over dead water, in a rotten swamp, a dead maiden sits. Washed with tears, oh, you are a dead maiden Erinea, come to me (name) to help me tame the eternal soul of the damned (name) into slavery, let him dry, lament, mother forgets his father , one knows me. From the world I close you, (name) I wash you with dead water, I sing your will, I sing, I sing (in these words - cross the water with your left hand from left to right and bow). All my words, all decrees - be for (name) orders. I'm dead (name), I close it from people, I take it into slavery, I take away your will. And if you resist, a stake in your throat, a knife in your heart, a needle in your liver. In the name of Leviathan, Asmodeus and Satan I put a slave seal on (the name of the enslaved) let the slave (name) dry for me. Nima, Nima, Nima "

The text is read three times, after which the church candle is placed on the photo. When it burns out, the melted wax is thrown into a jar of dead water. Black candles are extinguished, the altar is closed with a second piece of black cloth until the next day.

This is done for twelve days, on the thirteenth day the spell is read on the water itself, after which it is poured under the door of the victim or in a place where it often passes. The photo, wrapped in the fabric of the altar, is buried on the grave with the name of the victim, after which the grave is walked counterclockwise with the words: “(the name of the dead man) is dead, your body lies in the ground, your soul belongs to God, I leave you the thing (name) of the living, I take into slavery to myself, I subordinate to my will. If you don’t get up and pray, then (name) will obey me from this hour. May it be so!"
Leave without looking back.

Slave noose spell.

On the eve of the ceremony, you need to find a thin dog leash (you can chain) on which the dog was led. You also need to buy two skeins of thick rope.
Starting from Monday, you need to twist them into one bundle, reciting the plot, adding the words of the day of the week to it:
1) On Monday I close you, (name),
2) On Tuesday I take away your strength,
3) On Wednesday I subordinate myself,
4) On Thursday I nail to the hem,
5) On Friday I close my eyes to others,
6) On Saturday I take away from God,
7) On Sunday I put on a noose, I take it from the whole world.
On each subsequent day, all the previous ones are read, plus the words of today are added.

“I weave three ropes, I subordinate (name) to myself, I impose its seal on the whole week. On Monday, I close you (name), (hereinafter the words by day of the week). I tie your knot for every day, I tie your will, I bind you to myself. Not for a day, not for two, but for eternity, obey me, kneel down before me. May it be so!"

The plot is read three times, after which a knot is tied on the woven section with the words: “From now on, you, the servant of God (name), are not the gods, but my slave. For every (all previous days from the beginning of the rite plus the current one) of your life, so be it!

When the gossip tourniquet is found, the dead dog must be found and a noose tied around its neck. When tying a knot, read:
“I collect three ropes into one, (name) weave - I braid, I take away my will, I take it into my slaves. Amen. As they kept this dog / bitch on the bridle, how they didn’t let him leave, so (name) would obey me, kneel down in front of me. On Monday I close you, (name), on Tuesday I take away your strength, on Wednesday I subordinate myself, on Thursday I nail to the hem, on Friday I close my eyes to others, on Saturday I take away from God, on Sunday I put on a noose, I take it from the whole world. Dress in a noose, obey me, just as a dead dog cannot escape from a noose, so (name) slavery cannot be avoided, bend, twist, obey me. May it be so".
The dog is left where it was.
Leave without looking back.

Eyvaz + Naud + Yera + Raido + Mannaz + lane Teyvaz + Evaz + Perth + Eyvaz + Naud + Vunyo + lane Uruz + Raido + Yera + Eyvaz + Naud - to control the actions, feelings and desires of the object for a long period of time.
This position can be used both for one person and for a group. Draw for a group in the middle of the photo, so that everyone lays down, or on top of the photo, specifying each person on it

The third stav option: "Zombie"
If you change some runes in the stav, you can make not an enchanting stav, but simply becoming a zombie.

They carry these stakes with them to negotiations, discos, anywhere, if you need to bewitch everyone around you - such as weapons of mass destruction. When you go to talk about money with a debtor or boss to pay your salary, or just talk about getting a loan, etc. You can take both "Charm, haze, zombie" and "For the man on the silver mountain" with you for negotiations, put it on the table, or pretend that you are rummaging through a bag or papers, put it on the table so that the victim can see the staves, then immediately remove

Can be applied to her by becoming "Lowered schmuck"

"Lost schmuck". Author Anwar

This formula was created based on the Banshee formula - MMO. An attempt to modify the formula a bit to fit your needs led to the creation of a new formula.

This formula is called "Omitted schmuck". On complex objects that have either protection or a strong will and on which the MMO simply did not work. Another name for the formula "Hell's Pitchfork" - in general, we crush a person, we trample him.

The formula consists of:
Mannaz - drop object
Hagalaz with a snowflake - we destroy the object, everything, will, strength, anything
3 Teyvaz pp - lower, break
3 Nautiz - very forced

Second plan:
3 Ansuz pp - causes distrust in all people, disgust and unwillingness to communicate.

Test results: it was tested on an object - a woman, MMO somehow didn’t get through. The object has no special protection, but has a strong defense of its own, a strong will. A man works in a bank with clients. Always behaves very arrogantly and boorishly with people. After about 2 weeks of the formula, all people began to really lower it. They told her that she was stupid, uneducated, rude to her, snapped, even those who had previously fawned over her. And, as a side effect, it was often in front of my eyes. She felt like a really lowered schmuck, in response to insults she can’t even answer, she stutters, mutters something to herself, stares at the floor and it’s clear that she is very ashamed and embarrassed for herself.

A simple conspiracy for a person

Take a photo of the person you are making a wish on, write his name and surname on the back, hold it between your palms, walk in a circle with your back forward and say: As I am backwards, so it is the other way around with you. You will walk, you will think, you will do everything as I tell you, everything is in my favor. You have to walk counterclockwise.

Gypsy conspiracy

You need to speak it in the Roman language, when it is necessary for someone to make the decision you need on that day. You will need a photograph, and if you don’t have one, draw a figure, but call the name of that person. Put that drawing on the bare ground under direct sunlight. Bend over the sheet of topics, but remember what you need from a person. And then, in a quiet voice, say the same words (learn by heart!): Akno, then-divus, koliko! Mi shukarengro av, A drom mendi jal, A drom mendi jal! In translation, this means: Now, today, tomorrow! My slow come, We are going along the road, We are going along the road! Now spit on the drawing or photograph, and with your right hand, rub the saliva clockwise with your thumb, turn the photo face down, cover it with earth, and stomp it with your foot from above. What you need will be taken on the same day.

Getting rid of unwanted neighbors

If you want the neighbors to move out, then white magic will help to survive a malicious neighbor or neighbor out of the house, and to be more precise, strong magical conspiracies, with which to get rid of evil thoughts from housemates, will be as easy as shelling pears.

With the help of this conspiracy, you can both calm down a violent neighbor behind the wall of your home, and force lazy and annoying tenants to move out of your apartment, who now and then spoil the life of you and your neighbors. In any case, this conspiracy will provide you with complete peace in the house.

To activate this ritual, you need to take:

  • salt - five small pinches;
  • used pre-washed glass bottle;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • 18-20 medium garlic cloves;
  • dill seeds - 3 things;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pieces.

After collecting the components and waiting for the sun to set below the horizon, we throw them all into the bottle in the order in which they are listed. During the time when all the components of the conspiracy will fall into the bottle, you need to pronounce the following words once:

“Come together as one to protect me, the servant of God (your name), protect my house and my relatives from an annoying, boring and noisy neighbor. As you want, so it will come true.

As soon as all the ingredients of the conspiracy are in the bottle, you need to shake it three times and say the following phrase: “In the name of all protective forces, help calm the noisy and cunning neighbors so that they do not harm, do not wish bad things to me and close people living with me. Protect from the envious thought of those who think badly of me. Pacify the hatred, envy and malice of the one who dares to think so of me. Help me find peace and quiet in my house. My words are strong as a stone block, do not break them and do not destroy. Amen".

After the conspiracy from the evil neighbors is uttered, the vessel should be hidden in a place where no one can find it.

Conspiracies of a similar plan are held at sunset. Sorcerers and magicians recommend reading this conspiracy for the new moon, since during this time period magical rites have the greatest power.

To activate this ritual, you must take:

  • table salt - one teaspoon;
  • a candle, if possible yellow, purchased in the church;
  • one feather from a chicken;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • tablespoon clean.

As a venue for this ritual, it is better to choose where no one will bother you. It can be a suburban area, or a secluded place in a park, square or behind the house.

And doing this ceremony is simple: we put a candle in the ground and set it on fire, pour salt into a container and add olive oil there and put the bowl near the candle. Now we take a chicken feather in our hands and pronounce such a conspiracy:

“Help me, Lord, protect me from hatred. I ask for protective forces, calm down the neighbors. Help me put an end to the evil deeds of the neighbors, from which everyone is tired, so that they fall behind, do not go here anymore, so that they do not bother people to live normally. Help drive them away from our home, punish them fairly, let them feel uncomfortable here. Let life here be harmful for them and everything will be against them living here. I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen".

As soon as the ritual is completed, you should lower the feather into the oil-salt solution and delimit with a line your apartment and the apartment where the neighbor lives or the neighbor you want to get rid of.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To you, Lord, I turn. Help me, God, in my time of need. Protect me from all adversity. Help the Lord and you, Saints Paul and Peter, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and other archangels of God. Come all to me. Take by the hands of those people whom I avoid, with whom I do not want to live next to, and take them away from me. To the smell of them was not here. Jesus Christ himself guards my dwelling, protecting me from theft by the unclean. So that the mouths of the evildoers are closed, so that they respect me and have conversations with me without pretensions. So that their hands would no longer rise to others. When my enemies do not open their mouths against me, let them not puff out their cheeks in anger. I change my destiny for the better. Let it be the way I want! My words are strong as a stone block, do not break them and do not destroy. Amen".

iron strength rite to get rid of bastards:
You take a piece of paper, write on it the name of the reptile, preferably the full name. You surround this name counterclockwise with chopsticks, pronouncing Iss, Iss. Get a sort of fence. It can be drawn in several rows.
Then fold the paper twice. You put it in a plastic bag. You put the bag in a regular freezer and, closing the door, say: "Ice giant Ymir! Frost giants from the kingdom of Nifflheim! Please sit on (name) so that he (a) will never bother (a) me again! So be it! " And you slam the door.

If you defrost the refrigerator, you start talking all over again.

Who among us does not dream of subordinating, dominating, and in such a way that people would obey unquestioningly, do what we want. With the help of magical rites, you can manipulate people, depriving them of their will, making them slaves. However... Such actions are unlikely to be useful for the one they are being carried out on, and on the one being carried out, all these manipulations can return like a fourfold boomerang. Therefore, before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

Before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

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The magic of submission

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic and are based on interference in the energy field of another person without his consent, because of which this person can get sick if he is energetically weakened. Yes, the effectiveness of such manipulations depends on the aura of the one who is being plotted against. If a person is energetically holistic, self-confident, then his aura is absolutely healthy, has no damage through which you can inflict magical blows, and your actions will not be able to reach him, and will not cause such a person any harm, but you can “backfire”.

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic

We all want to be loved, however, the feeling is, unfortunately, very often not reciprocated. And if there is no reciprocity, then is it worth continuing such a relationship, even with the help of magic? Forcing yourself to love by force, resorting to magical rites, is a violation of the personality, so think carefully - do you really need this person? Would you like to commit yourself to him for life, or is it just a momentary whim? If a person treats you coldly, then no magic will help. No, after the ritual he will be with you, but his attitude towards you will not change, and both of you will suffer. If you nevertheless decide to resort to magical actions, then at least do them on a person who does not treat you with open hostility, otherwise, further life with him will turn out to be complete hell for you. And one more thing - it is necessary to carry out such rituals based on the purity of one's soul and thoughts. If some selfish goal such as revenge is being pursued, then, you yourself understand, you can not expect good from what you have done.

Below are conspiracies in order to subdue a man (woman), husband (wife), boyfriend (girl), or arouse interest in you men who are more or less harmless and, if performed correctly, will help you achieve the desired result with the least losses.

Rituals for the submission of a husband

How to subdue your loved one

To make the guy only yours, you can make a love binding

  • so that the guy you like is only yours, you can make such a love binding. To do this, take a rope and wrap it around your waist. You will need a piece of this length for the ceremony. On this rope, you will need to tie 12 knots, repeating the words of the conspiracy to obey: “My beloved will leave me when my hands untie these knots. May it be so!" The rope must be taken to the forest and put in any hollow. After that, the magic will begin to work. This ritual is good because it can be performed on a person who is far from you;
  • in order to fall in love with a guy, they perform such a ceremony - they take a thing that they give to their beloved after the ceremony, and slander such words on it: “As birds fly boldly in the sky, so we (names) would always do well in love. As the sun always illuminates the earth, so would my beloved love me alone. As a new day comes, and people are illuminated with light, so would our (names) griefs be rare, and happiness is apt. As water flows endlessly in a river, so our life in happiness (names) would be endless. May it be so!" After the thing is in the hands of your boyfriend, the conspiracy will begin to act.

Rites of submission of a man for blood

Rituals performed on blood are considered one of the most powerful and effective in black magic. They act for sure, therefore, in order to carry out such manipulations, please think carefully again - there will be no turning back. And the consequences will inevitably overtake you.

Rites with the participation of blood are usually held at night on the growing moon. Blood taken from a finger is mixed into alcohol - red wine.

It is necessary to pierce the ring finger with a treated needle and drip an odd number of drops into a glass of red wine, saying the spell: “As you drink this wine to your heart’s content, your passion for me will wake up. All your thoughts about me will be - both at night and during the day. Amen!" After your loved one takes a sip of this wine, the love spell will begin to act.

The next plot is done on sugar. You need to light a red candle, take a piece of refined sugar and drop a drop of blood on it, saying: “How this drop is dear to me, let me be so dear to you (name)! Amen!"

On the increasing moon, such a rite is performed. Three drops of their blood are dripped into red wine, reciting the spell: “(Name) drink to the bottom, drink up! Take my blood into you. My blood is strong, but your will is weak. (Name), you are my slave now, I am your mistress. Your life is for me, you have no strength. You have no others, now you are mine - forever. Amen!"

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance. To do this, you will need a photo of your loved one, where he is in full growth, and an indoor flower that has been constantly growing in your house for a long time. Before the full moon, a few days before, light a red candle, tear off a branch or leaf from a flower, burn it on a candle flame, saying a spell: “I give you as a sacrifice, for a slaughter, for this love spell retribution. May it be so!" Put the ashes from the plant in a bowl. It is believed that this flower will take on all the consequences of a love spell. Then, they take a photo of a loved one, concentrate completely on it, thinking about their love, prick a finger, draw a blood line along the photo from bottom to top, which extends from the genitals to the head, then repeat the words of the conspiracy again and burn the photo. The remains of the photo are also placed in a bowl with ashes from the flower. The ashes are mixed, half is buried in a pot with a flower, and the second half should be sprinkled on the threshold of the bewitched.

Conspiracy to subjugate the will of a man

Every girl dreams of being desired by men. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, they read the following spell: “As everyone is waiting for spring, they are waiting for the red smile in the sun, so guys and men would be happy for me. They would have watched, admired, for me, beautiful, they would have hung around - both mature men, and young, and very young. They would respect me with honor, they would accept me with honor, they would kneel in my presence, they would climb to have mercy on me, and dream of kissing me. Words are keys, deeds are locks. Amen!" This is a simple conspiracy that attracts the attention of men to their person, very effective, however, its effect is very short-lived, therefore, in order to be constantly in the attention of men and guys, you need to repeat it more often.

Now let's talk about a more powerful ritual. To complete it, you will need:

  • nominal icon of the bewitched;
  • nominal icon of the bewitcher;
  • two black candles;
  • cross from the church;
  • one ripe apple.

Every girl dreams of being desired by men.

Manipulations are carried out at night, by the light of lit candles, between which icons are placed, on the left - female, on the right - male. A cross is placed between the icons. An apple is placed in the center of the cross. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “This is not a sacrament of the church, this is a petition at night. Now I don’t sentence with a prayer, but with a black bird, and a love spell, and a black night. Everything is coordinated, but everything is done, but through the cross, fate (name) is attached to fate (name). They are loved by an apple, and paved with bodily delight, even the Evil One himself measured himself through an apple, and a man became sinful, so through an apple, yes it is laid crosswise, two destinies are intertwined, and two hearts are made by love as one. If they are tempted, yes, they are called Adam and Eve, now they are loved, but they are made by one fate, then (name) and (name) are named, but they live one life, and they walk one way. Amen!"

In the morning, the apple is buried in the churchyard. They leave the yard - without turning around, without talking to anyone at random meetings until the house. The result is awaited in complete calmness, without taking any other magical actions that can slow down the action of this ritual. You also do not need to respond to every phone call and door knock, which can also only do harm.

Good luck in love!

Black magic opens up a considerable number of possibilities for a person. Not everyone likes and even more so is able to perform rituals of such power. A strong character is the main condition for the correct magical influence for one who boldly performs the rites. To subordinate the will of another person to oneself is an incredible power over someone else's life, requiring a certain price. When making a binding, you yourself must have strong energy and be a real leader, otherwise the conspiracy will turn against you.

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To subjugate the will of another person to yourself is an incredible power over someone else's life

Black Magic will give power over a person

How to subjugate a person for a long time and without consequences? To begin with, it is worth deciding for what purpose you are using such strong magic and what results will really suit you. Women often have to subdue their beloved man, especially if family life does not work out, and constant quarrels take everyone out of balance. But, other reasons related to career and work push a person to perform a powerful magical ritual. Whatever the initial goal of different people, make sure that all the nuances of the future ritual are observed, and your own energy is reliably protected from undesirable consequences. Changes in the program of a person, especially a loved one, require careful preparation and diligence in the implementation of all recommendations.

The essence of the rite of submission to the will

If you are determined to subjugate a man firmly and for a long time, to deprive him of his will, then you should clarify what the nature of such a rite is and how exactly it will affect the charmed living object. During the ritual, you will receive power not only over the will of a man or woman, but you will also be able to direct them, solve important issues for them. Unlike a love spell, such magic is all-encompassing. A bewitched man experiences a strong anguish, but a person who is in your subordination voluntarily succumbs to you, your choice and whims. Rites of submission rarely take place in one stage, to strengthen the effect, additional rites are needed to strengthen the bindings. Thus, an integrated approach to the implementation of the task will give a stable, long-term result. The decision you have to make has two sides, like any coin or multifaceted phenomenon in nature. Managing a person as if he is a puppet will not work. Alive, having needs and emotions, the object of submission will resist magical influence. You need to be prepared for such an outcome in advance. Take care to protect and feed the main plot.

If you are wondering how to subdue a man on your own, then the experience of traditional healers and healers will come to your aid. Choose the most suitable ritual for you and carefully prepare for it. Take your time, be patient and remember that a strong desire will contribute to all bold undertakings. By becoming a strong spirit, you will accomplish the truly unrealistic.

Ritual of powerful submission "black rooster"

To perform a strong ritual, it is important to guess with the time of year and the position of the heavenly bodies. The phases of the moon play an important role for all sorts of magical influences. The growing month gives strength for new beginnings, while the full moon helps to destroy other people's damage and strong evil eye. For a ceremony in which a rooster is used, special conditions will be required. On the street where the main action of the plot will take place, white, recently fallen snow must lie.

The phases of the moon play an important role for all sorts of magical influences.

The main protagonist for rituals designed to create a powerful binding is an animal, most often a chicken or a rooster. For a strong impact, you will need:

  • healthy animal;
  • axe;
  • Holy water;
  • paper.

How to conduct a ritual

For a black conspiracy, a dark-colored rooster, young and absolutely healthy, is suitable. When you muster up the courage, you should:

  1. Kill an animal at the intersection of two trails or roads.
  2. With hot, flowing blood on white snow, write the name of the one you wish to subdue.
  3. Speak the words of the conspiracy to yourself:

    “The devil took you, took your strength through your blood. You have no share, except for bondage. Be under me dumb firebrand! As a demon drinks blood, so it will exhaust you with longing for love. You will crow like a rooster, but in my presence you will be silent with a firebrand. You have no word, contrary to my slander. I draw blood. And to me - your subordinates, yes love! Drop by drop will spill, the slave (Name), becoming my soul and body, will turn. Be you. (Name), a slave, under my heel.

  4. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper, put them under the dead carcass, quickly leave the intersection, no matter what, without looking back.
  5. In the morning, read "Our Father" and calmly wait for the response of the subordinate person.

Choose a day when the perfect ritual will not be noticed. Neither strangers, nor your loved ones, otherwise the conspiracy will not be of the right kind. If there is a desire to subjugate magic, then there is no better method than a rite with a black rooster.

Powerful runic compulsion

A sequential ritual that requires several repetitions works unconditionally. You will be surprised how much a person can depend on your desires and momentary whims. Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, and power to their owner. The power hidden in pagan symbolism is not subject to everyone. Only the chosen ones are able to perform a powerful runic ritual and get real, clear benefits from it.

What is needed for the ritual

Experienced magicians have repeatedly faced the difficult, but doable task of binding one person to another, depriving one of them of a strong will and the right to choose (freedom of action). For a ritual with which you quickly, and most importantly for a long time, subjugate a man or partner, you must:

  • Cup;
  • clean, melt water;
  • paper;
  • matches.

Runes, no matter how powerful they are, are applied to simple materials with waterproof paints or a marker. The factor due to which the ritual will work is the correct application of symbols on paper.

How to conduct a ritual

For the runic rite, the simplest “ingredients” that lie idle in your kitchen are used. After the preparatory activities are over, gather your courage and do the following:

  1. Write down the plot on a piece of paper, draw a rune of submission on the back.
  2. Spell Words:

    “I was in the field, I saw grass. Wherever the wind bends the grass, there its leaf looks. So would you, servant of God (name), do what I need, becoming what I want. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Fix, O God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever."

  3. Loudly read the written conspiracies over a glass of water.
  4. Burn the leaf, thereby activating the rune.
  5. Allegedly, accidentally spill the enchanted water on the victim of the ritual to obtain all-consuming submission.

Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, power to their owner.

You can repeat your unique rite several times, but you should not abuse the magic of runes. Magical powers need respect, and therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, do not anger the ancient magic.

Complex submission

Most rituals work at half strength or produce no noticeable change at all. There are many reasons for failure - non-compliance with prescriptions and recommendations, weak energy: yours or the man you want to subdue. Often, rituals that do not suit you according to the state of your soul or body give undesirable results. That is, you decided to take desperate measures in your mind, but your soul resists. Another nuance, which should not be forgotten, is the sequence of joint rites. Before a strong impact, energy cleaning is always performed. Consolidation of the result will also save you from many future troubles. If you are in the mood for serious submission, then perform several complex rituals at once.

What is needed for the ritual

A complex ritual includes a gradual weakening of the will of a person, his subsequent submission and fixing the result. For all stages, prepare the attributes in advance, so you will need:

  • photo of the object of future submission;
  • tea dish;
  • candles from the temple;
  • matches;
  • a piece of natural fabric;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • needles;
  • Holy water.

The whole complex will take several days, but the rituals going one after another guarantee not just a binding or a love spell, but a long, unquestioning submission.

How to conduct a ritual

To perform the ceremony, choose the day when the full moon appears in the sky. Next, follow the clear instructions:

  1. Proceed to the first step of binding. To do this, take a photo of the object for submission, put a saucer on top, and set lit church candles around.
  2. Take care in advance about small but important nuances - write down on wax the date of birth of the person you are performing the ceremony on.
  3. Speak the first plot over each candle:

    "I light the sacred, but not for a holy cause."

  4. Another spell is cast over the photograph to weaken his will:

    “I will light three candles, I will take power and choice from (Name). The first candle will burn out - the will (name) will melt, the power (name) will lose. The second candle will burn out - joy (name) will lose from longing (name) dies. The third candle will burn out - life (name) will melt, strength (name) will lose. The candles burned out, the body (name) was eaten with pain, it will melt with wax by will. May it be so".

  5. Wrap the saucer with the picture in a piece of thick cloth.
  6. Go to the cemetery with a bundle, on the way do not talk to anyone and do not look at anyone.
  7. At the fence of the graves, dig a small hole, put a saucer wrapped in cloth in it.
  8. Say the following:

    “Like a dead person in a grave lies weak-willed, so you (name) must be weak-willed. As the dead in the grave is silent limply, so you (name) limply remain silent. May it be so".

  9. Leave a present in the form of sweets on the nearest grave (thank you for your help).

Begin the second stage - the submission of the entire will of man:

  1. Burn a few church candles, take out soft wax and make a human figure out of it.
  2. Draw a circle on a piece of dark fabric with chalk. Arrange the remaining candles around. Light them. With a needle, pierce the figurine in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and repeat in a whisper:
  3. “In my hand is not a sharp needle, but my steel will. Red-hot with bright fire, in the head (name) for my work. Hellfire, demonic sword - by my will into your body and mind (name). Having become a dark force that rules destinies, given power that allows you to rule destinies, with a powerful word that commands destinies, I say: from now on and forever, my will is your will (name). My word is your word (name), my business is your business (name). Obey my word, obey my deed, obey my will.”

  4. Bury the figurine under a flowering, lush tree.

After completing this set of rituals, add those that you like best. Strengthen your connection. It would be useful to make a love spell if we are talking about a beloved man.

A complex photo ritual includes a gradual weakening of a person’s will

Powerful submission through dreaming

Simple witchcraft attracts not only the soul, but also the mind of the one you wish to subdue. Magical rituals through dreams are effective, but only if all instructions are followed. While the body is dozing, all the hidden forces of a person are activated. You can use them, get everything you want from life. The method based on the power of sleep is used by both experienced magicians and amateurs.

What is needed for the ritual

You can start performing the ritual as soon as the necessary attributes are ready. Stock up on the following items:

  • holy water;
  • church candles;
  • a snapshot of an object for subjugation of the will;
  • relaxing music;
  • incense.

There is nothing complicated in the ritual of binding a person through dreams, it is enough to go to the temple, confess, buy candles and water (to relieve the soul and recharge with calmness).

How to conduct a ritual

In order for the magical rite of submission to work with the result you need, carry out periodic cleanings of the home and your own thoughts. An effective ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Light candles, turn on some soothing music, and think of something pleasant.
  2. Wash your face with holy water, saying:

    “Cleansing the body, I cleanse the soul.”

  3. Look at the photo of the person you need, mentally draw a picture in your head that clouds surround him.
  4. Hold the desired image with your eyes until you fall asleep.
  5. Remember everything that you dreamed about.
  6. The next morning, becoming full of strength, read the "Our Father" three times.

Soon, the person you secretly think about will begin to feel a strong attachment to you and your will. Although the ritual of submission to dreams is not the most radical of the existing ones, it is proven and persistent. To subdue a person to your will without unnecessary obstacles is the main thing to know the unique magical techniques.

In today's world, a person who does not know what he wants is the most dangerous person. There is nothing shameful or forbidden in the desire to prevail, win, rule. Do you want power, subjugation of a man or servants? So do everything to achieve the goal and learn to subdue a person not by force but by magic. With the help of magic, people will begin to obey unconditionally. Rites, rituals, conspiracies to suppress the will will require a lot of effort, time and energy, but by deciding on them, you will be able to achieve more, find peace of mind and ensure life at your own discretion. The only thing you need to know about the magic of submission is that she will ask for the appropriate price, be prepared to pay it. Do not stop there, strive for new heights, and with the help of simple magical manipulations, you will certainly succeed.

Subduing magic is not a task for the weak. To solve it, you will need not only strength, faith, hope for success, but also incredible scrupulousness and attention to detail. You have not only to make an effort on yourself, but also to get in touch with black magic. Remember that spells to subjugate a person are the most powerful and terrible rites. They will require from you an unbending will, a strong character and an inexorable desire.

The most important thing before starting interaction with the Higher Forces is to answer the question: “Can I manage to manage two lives at once?”. If yes, read the article below. Now everything is only in your hands - becoming a sorceress, you will no longer be able to turn off this path.

Subduing magic is not a task for the weak

We perform a ceremony

How to subdue a person is a question that sooner or later every second person asks. The subordination of a person or a group of people is a complex procedure. It is not recommended to be used on people close to your heart. Sometimes you may notice how in one day the person you love turns into a completely different person with a different character and behavior.

The one you want to subdue is instantly capable of becoming an alcoholic or insane. Such side effects are rare, but they do happen, so before starting the rites, think about the price given by the Higher Forces of power.

You can subjugate a person with the help of magic and our beloved pets. So, the following utensil will help you with this.

  • Rite with a black rooster. In order for witchcraft to pass according to all the rules, it is recommended to perform the ceremony during winter, when there is snow on the ground. In addition to snow, you will need the main character - a live black cockerel. It must be sacrificed by coming to the crossroads at midnight. For the sacrifice, you must cut the bird's throat and write the name of the chosen person in his blood. At the same time, say the words:

    “Let the demon take you and carry your will through the blood of a rooster into the forest. Now your share is bondage. You will be a mute firebrand under me! Let lovesickness torment me, let my affection be needed. Although scream like a cockerel, but with (name) be silent. You have no words against me. Dark power - your blood, and my beloved - love. To be you (person's name) a slave, under my steel heel.

  • The plot of the white chicken. An ordinary resident of private homes will help you subdue a man - a white chicken without an extra color. You should put it in a bag and go to the dense forest. Build a fire there, wait for the flame to ignite and start reading the words:

    “Burn for you, the meat soul of the human, by name (name), if I cut you with a knife, by the word you submit to my word, lay down under me and dream today in a dream.”

    After the conspiracy, tie the living creature and pierce it with a sharp dagger or knife, saying:

    “I lure you with a chicken, I fog my pain with her, let your life be put under mine, your heart will never get rid of”

    When the chicken will endure the last torment, then cut off its head with a cry:

    “Chicken with a knife, yes (name), you be my slave!”.

    Put the bird in the fire, wait for it to burn out completely, put the knife on fire and leave without looking back. The whiter the chicken, and the more sincere and emotional your statements, the more effective will be the submission of a person to his will. Having become the mistress of the chosen one, periodically return to this ritual to maintain your status.

An ordinary resident of private homes will help you subdue a man - a white chicken without extra color

Man as a slave

How to subjugate a man with the help of improvised means? Do not know how to make your beloved man follow all your instructions? Follow the tips below and you'll be fine.

Not everyone is able to dare to sacrifice. But, becoming a sorceress, you must be prepared for anything. For those who are just starting their journey, it is proposed to perform a ceremony, thanks to which any inaccessible man will begin to obey your desire. The ritual is called a ring-ring.

  1. In order to subdue another person to your will, it is enough to go to the store and purchase a silver ring, a sharp needle, a thread.
  2. A mandatory component is a photograph of the chosen one.
  3. The ceremony is performed when the moon descends.
  4. All you need to do is to thread the ring through the ring, tying a knot - the free ends of the thread are threaded through the jewelry and wound around it.
  5. You should get 33 loops on the silver.
  6. Each skein through the ring comes with the words:

    “The thread is humble, the ring is humble, I do what I want, so you must submit to my will. There are thirty-three passages and there should not be one of your departures! This ring destroys your will, crushes your heart, transforms it into a slave. Amen".

  7. A ring with knots is placed on the photo, a needle enters the ring, piercing the card through.
  8. Accompany the ritual with the words:

    “I defile your soul and body, and mind, and heart for myself dear. If you do not obey my will, then the needle will be in your heart, so do not be shy. You won’t be able to leave me, you will love until the end of time. And suddenly you want to leave, so you will lose everything, and you will become a slave for a century.”

Repeat the spell 9 times, then leave the photo in a dark place until the next morning. Waking up, stick the needle into the tree closest to you, throw away the thread in the place where you first met your chosen one, and hide the ring in a hiding place.

With the help of an ordinary ring, you can conquer any dear heart, and vice versa - your enemy.

Herbal rite as an opportunity for submission

Having become a woman who owns magic, you should not be afraid of the trials that you should go through to achieve your goal. So, you definitely won't be afraid to pick up a small bag of grass near your loved one's house. This must be done at midnight.

Having cut the vegetation, bring it home, put the magic number 7 near the photo of your loved one and say the following words seven times:

“I love you more, but I want to fix it, I will tame you with my will. Like 7 wonders of the world and 7 days a week, so you are my lucky number. Let all your hours be empty without me, and your heart does not want to see you single. My will is now your second self, you (name) are my fate. Amen!"

After the end of the ritual, throw the grass out the window and fall asleep with the image of your loved one in your head.

"Sleep" ritual

When the magical method nevertheless attracted the chosen one to your house, it's time to think about the spells spoken in his presence. So, you should wait until your loved one falls asleep, go to the bed or his photograph, stand with your back to the east and whisper:

“Heavenly powers, black well! I call! Thanks to! I respect! I ask the kikimora swamp to the slave (name) to settle in the head, to tinker in the brain, put things in order and lead to the right thought. Let only my name continue to excite him, and in a dream he only thinks about our good.

Sleep management is not an easy task

Say the spell 3 times, kiss the sleeper on the forehead and hide the photo under the bed. In the morning, the photograph should be taken out and hidden in a secluded place.

Sleep management is not an easy task. We all know that dreams have a huge impact on a person. Sometimes, having seen someone in a dream, we remember this until the end of our days. Would you like to "get" into the dream of a subordinate? For this you will need:

  • developed imagination;
  • the ability to visualize;
  • witchcraft skills.

To start the ritual, light candles, turn off your phones and isolate yourself from the outside world. The clock should be past midnight. Focus on the image of the desired person, imagine fog around him (you can try to create smoke for the effect). In the subconscious mind, go through the mist and enter into his dream. Once in a dream, you will see emptiness, add there those images that you wish.

Say the following words while visualizing:

“I fall into a dream to you, I tame you with my charms. If you want to see me, feel free to visit me.

The procedure can be carried out for any time until you feel tired, which will indicate the completion of the ceremony.

Universal Conspiracy

There is a certain combination of words that only experienced witches can use. By becoming one of them, you will understand the advantage of these words over others. They are used by women who have gone through dozens of rituals to get new sensations, experience, pleasure.

Remember, or rather write down the following sentence:

“I wandered through the fields recently, I saw grass there. The wind bends the grass, its leaf looks in the direction of the wind. So you, the slave (name), will look in my direction, doing what I want (name). My words, my speeches are something that you cannot impose a veche on.”

Read the words at the crossroads at midnight, holding a candle in your hands. The image of the chosen one should be clearly drawn in the head. For greater efficiency, read the plot before going to bed 3 times, looking at the candle.

The listed rituals and conspiracies are far from all those used by true witches. By becoming a professional in this matter, you will be able to come up with effective sentences on your own - this will help your heart. But novice magicians should be prepared for failure and wish for success. Taming a person requires you to have a steel character, which you will acquire through a lot of new attempts.

As is commonly believed, a person is a holistic person who has his own views on life, aspirations and desires. Unless, of course, we do not take into account henpecked husbands who live by the aspirations and wishes of their soul mates.

However, as it turned out, the will can be taken away not only from such a spineless spouse, but also from a completely adequate person. To do this, there are several effective methods that have shown a 100% result for more than a year.

Before telling about them, it is worthwhile to figure out why such a forced suppression of the personality is necessary? There can be many motives, but the most common among them are self-interest, love, rivalry and own tyranny. In the latter case, a person wants to be admired, dependent on him, worshiped, and so he does his dirty deeds.

Method one. Hypnosis suppresses the personality, that is, a person must simply be hypnotized, giving him a certain setting on a subconscious level. It can be any wish with selfish motives, which will be imprinted in the mind for a long time or forever, but in real life it will arise at an arbitrary level.

However, in order to use this method of personality suppression, one must himself possess a colossal skill in hypnosis, since a qualified specialist in this field is unlikely to agree to such insidious tricks.

Method two. There is simply a way to subdue the will of a person, but this requires taking advantage of his weaknesses. But how? As you know, a person perceives the world around him by means of his sense of smell, touch, hearing, taste and vision. This knowledge is worth using, because it speaks eloquently about all human weaknesses.

For example, perfumes with pheromones can turn your head and subdue someone else's will, beautiful words and flattering compliments can cause addiction, and gestures and facial expressions can make you fall in love for the rest of your life. As a rule, such tricks are used by scammers and gypsies, which, in principle, are one and the same. They affect all centers of perception and imperceptibly make premeditated adventures.

Method three. There is a special conspiracy to subjugate the will of another person. Before performing such a mystical rite, it is important to understand the seriousness and responsibility of your act, since such actions are a great sin. The consequences of the conspiracy are the most irreversible, and can negatively affect both the sorcerer and his unaware victim.

If, nevertheless, a final decision has been made, and the question of how to subdue a person is still relevant, then the ritual described below must be performed early in the morning at dawn all alone. It is necessary to light three wax candles at the same time, and then read the following words of the conspiracy: “The star conspired, the moon conspired, the sun conspired.

All the words I have uttered will be affirmed, consolidated, and yet they will be fulfilled. All my orders for the servant of God (name) are exact orders. Obedient child, I am obedient to God, and the servant of God (Name) will always be obedient for me. Thrice Amen." Such a mystical ritual works almost instantly, and the bewitched person will not even feel cardinal changes in his self-consciousness. But all the people around him can feel something wrong.

In any case, before subordinating the will of a person to yourself, it is important to be aware of all your actions, and also to understand what the consequences may be.

So there are plenty of ways to subjugate someone else's will, but perhaps the strongest of them is sincere love. as you know, you can follow your loved one, without looking back, even to the ends of the world.

Who among us does not dream of subordinating, dominating, and in such a way that people would obey unquestioningly, do what we want. With the help of magical rites, you can manipulate people, depriving them of their will, making them slaves. However... Such actions are unlikely to be useful for the one they are being carried out on, and on the one being carried out, all these manipulations can return like a fourfold boomerang. Therefore, before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

Before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

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The magic of submission

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic and are based on interference in the energy field of another person without his consent, because of which this person can get sick if he is energetically weakened. Yes, the effectiveness of such manipulations depends on the aura of the one who is being plotted against. If a person is energetically holistic, self-confident, then his aura is absolutely healthy, has no damage through which you can inflict magical blows, and your actions will not be able to reach him, and will not cause such a person any harm, but you can “backfire”.

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic

We all want to be loved, however, the feeling is, unfortunately, very often not reciprocated. And if there is no reciprocity, then is it worth continuing such a relationship, even with the help of magic? Forcing yourself to love by force, resorting to magical rites, is a violation of the personality, so think carefully - do you really need this person? Would you like to commit yourself to him for life, or is it just a momentary whim? If a person treats you coldly, then no magic will help. No, after the ritual he will be with you, but his attitude towards you will not change, and both of you will suffer. If you nevertheless decide to resort to magical actions, then at least do them on a person who does not treat you with open hostility, otherwise, further life with him will turn out to be complete hell for you. And one more thing - it is necessary to carry out such rituals based on the purity of one's soul and thoughts. If some selfish goal such as revenge is being pursued, then, you yourself understand, you can not expect good from what you have done.

Below are conspiracies in order to subdue a man (woman), husband (wife), boyfriend (girl), or arouse interest in you men who are more or less harmless and, if performed correctly, will help you achieve the desired result with the least losses.

If there are frequent scandals in the family, a ceremony with a spouse's shirt will help

How to subdue your loved one

To make the guy only yours, you can make a love binding

  • so that the guy you like is only yours, you can make such a love binding. To do this, take a rope and wrap it around your waist. You will need a piece of this length for the ceremony. On this rope, you will need to tie 12 knots, repeating the words of the conspiracy to obey: “My beloved will leave me when my hands untie these knots. May it be so!" The rope must be taken to the forest and put in any hollow. After that, the magic will begin to work. This ritual is good because it can be performed on a person who is far from you;
  • in order to fall in love with a guy, they perform such a ceremony - they take a thing that they give to their beloved after the ceremony, and slander such words on it: “As birds fly boldly in the sky, so we (names) would always do well in love. As the sun always illuminates the earth, so would my beloved love me alone. As a new day comes, and people are illuminated with light, so would our (names) griefs be rare, and happiness is apt. As water flows endlessly in a river, so our life in happiness (names) would be endless. May it be so!" After the thing is in the hands of your boyfriend, the conspiracy will begin to act.

Rites of submission of a man for blood

Rituals performed on blood are considered one of the most powerful and effective in black magic. They act for sure, therefore, in order to carry out such manipulations, please think carefully again - there will be no turning back. And the consequences will inevitably overtake you.

Rites with the participation of blood are usually held at night on the growing moon. Blood taken from a finger is mixed into alcohol - red wine.

It is necessary to pierce the ring finger with a treated needle and drip an odd number of drops into a glass of red wine, saying the spell: “As you drink this wine to your heart’s content, your passion for me will wake up. All your thoughts about me will be - both at night and during the day. Amen!" After your loved one takes a sip of this wine, the love spell will begin to act.

The next plot is done on sugar. You need to light a red candle, take a piece of refined sugar and drop a drop of blood on it, saying: “How this drop is dear to me, let me be so dear to you (name)! Amen!"

On the increasing moon, such a rite is performed. Three drops of their blood are dripped into red wine, reciting the spell: “(Name) drink to the bottom, drink up! Take my blood into you. My blood is strong, but your will is weak. (Name), you are my slave now, I am your mistress. Your life is for me, you have no strength. You have no others, now you are mine - forever. Amen!"

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance. To do this, you will need a photo of your loved one, where he is in full growth, and an indoor flower that has been constantly growing in your house for a long time. Before the full moon, a few days before, light a red candle, tear off a branch or leaf from a flower, burn it on a candle flame, saying a spell: “I give you as a sacrifice, for a slaughter, for this love spell retribution. May it be so!" Put the ashes from the plant in a bowl. It is believed that this flower will take on all the consequences of a love spell. Then, they take a photo of a loved one, concentrate completely on it, thinking about their love, prick a finger, draw a blood line along the photo from bottom to top, which extends from the genitals to the head, then repeat the words of the conspiracy again and burn the photo. The remains of the photo are also placed in a bowl with ashes from the flower. The ashes are mixed, half is buried in a pot with a flower, and the second half should be sprinkled on the threshold of the bewitched.

Every girl dreams of being desired by men. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, they read the following spell: “As everyone is waiting for spring, they are waiting for the red smile in the sun, so guys and men would be happy for me. They would have watched, admired, for me, beautiful, they would have hung around - both mature men, and young, and very young. They would respect me with honor, they would accept me with honor, they would kneel in my presence, they would climb to have mercy on me, and dream of kissing me. Words are keys, deeds are locks. Amen!" This is a simple conspiracy that attracts the attention of men to their person, very effective, however, its effect is very short-lived, therefore, in order to be constantly in the attention of men and guys, you need to repeat it more often.

Now let's talk about a more powerful ritual. To complete it, you will need:

  • nominal icon of the bewitched;
  • nominal icon of the bewitcher;
  • two black candles;
  • cross from the church;
  • one ripe apple.

Every girl dreams of being desired by men.

Manipulations are carried out at night, by the light of lit candles, between which icons are placed, on the left - female, on the right - male. A cross is placed between the icons. An apple is placed in the center of the cross. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “This is not a sacrament of the church, this is a petition at night. Now I don’t sentence with a prayer, but with a black bird, and a love spell, and a black night. Everything is coordinated, but everything is done, but through the cross, fate (name) is attached to fate (name). They are loved by an apple, and paved with bodily delight, even the Evil One himself measured himself through an apple, and a man became sinful, so through an apple, yes it is laid crosswise, two destinies are intertwined, and two hearts are made by love as one. If they are tempted, yes, they are called Adam and Eve, now they are loved, but they are made by one fate, then (name) and (name) are named, but they live one life, and they walk one way. Amen!"

In the morning, the apple is buried in the churchyard. They leave the yard - without turning around, without talking to anyone at random meetings until the house. The result is awaited in complete calmness, without taking any other magical actions that can slow down the action of this ritual. You also do not need to respond to every phone call and door knock, which can also only do harm.

Good luck in love!

How I got rid of herpes with lipstick

Hello to all! Previously, for 6 years I suffered from herpes. Rashes were every month. Based on my experience with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs help well at first, and then the effect of the treatment disappears. She was observed in a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment was ineffective. A lot of money spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick from herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now not a hint of herpes!

Managing people has always provided a huge number of opportunities. That is why subjugating a person is a goal for many.

There can be a lot of reasons for such a desire: love, envy, revenge, wealth, rivalry, and much more.

The main rule when manipulating other people is to be stronger than them. Someone's will can only be subdued by a stronger character. The Middle Ages, where far from humane methods were sometimes used to subdue a person, are long gone, in the modern 21st century there are more merciful methods.

It's easiest to start practicing on people who are noticeably weaker than you. For example, a colleague is squeezed in your presence, tries to catch your eye as little as possible, and often loses the thread of the conversation in a conversation. Such an instance is ideal for training manipulation skills and a person will appear next to you who will always support your side.

It is very beneficial to have such people at work, so you will not only be aware of all the things that are happening behind your back, but also, on occasion, put in a word for yourself through other lips.

Based on the psychology of thinking, let's see how to subjugate the will of another person so that he himself does not realize it.

Having chosen a suitable candidate, carry out a series of actions that will not only arrange a person for you, but also allow you to control him later.

  1. Pretend to treat him like an old buddy. For example, tell him about your cherished dream. Let him think that you completely trust him. This will create an uneasy friendly atmosphere, but will evoke a reciprocal feeling of complete security. Why strain when you are relaxed?
  2. Be a little mysterious. Do not start the conversation first, but if you are approached, try to develop the topic in the way your opponent wants it. Let them think that you are a friend with whom you can talk on any topic.
  3. Study people's habits, pay attention to the smallest details. For example, pay attention to what drink your colleague prefers to drink at lunchtime? Can I find out what hobbies your boss has, maybe he likes dogs or skiing? All this can play into your hands in due time.
  4. In a one-on-one conversation, tell the interlocutor what he wants to hear, preferably using his own words. Gradually, it will be possible to inspire him that the idea you expressed is actually his own.

In addition to psychological methods, you can effectively use the technique of influencing the three senses:

  • sense of smell can affect brain function. You can find out what smells a person likes and smell that way when you meet. A win-win option is the use of aphrodisiacs, for example, perfumes with pheromones;
  • vision also plays an important role. Try to avoid colors in clothes that a person does not like. During the conversation, use skillful gestures, play with color;
  • effect on taste buds can cause feelings of euphoria. Find out what your opponent likes;
  • influence on people through touch quite realistic. During the conversation, as if by chance, touch him, but it should be a short moment. This will give additional confidence in the sincerity of your attitude and friendly attitude.

This is nothing more than subjugation of the will of a person at a magical level. There are several types that, if desired, can be used in practice.

Omorochka is the magic of gypsies. Pay attention to how masterfully they master the ways of distorting the perception of reality so that a person voluntarily fulfills all their requirements. The impact itself is a special conspiracy, when a person performs the actions that the sorcerer imposed on him, very often money is used for this. Of course, the gypsy level is not available to many, because all the subtleties are kept secret and passed down from generation to generation, the roots of which are lost in the distant past. But there are a number of rituals that can be performed at home.

With this method, you can influence your enemies, which could not be dealt with in other ways.

Buy some black berries of any color and cook jelly out of them at exactly 12 days. As soon as it starts to boil, say the following words:

“I will order a feast of jelly for your business,

Courageously, swiftly and graspingly,

like wars run to battle,

So I will crush my enemy (name),

I won't let you finish the job.

Kissel, kissel, don't be cold all day,

Boil with a magnificent hat, fix my business.

My cause is right

The Lord is on my side.

Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!"

When the jelly is cooked, divide it into three approximately equal parts. Drink one immediately, the second when the sun starts to set, and the third at 3 am.

The rite must be repeated on the 9th and 40th day.

The rite, which is indicated in an old magic book, suggests that this method can give completely different results. Perhaps it depends on what kind of emotional background and energy to give the spell. Either passion will turn out, as when exposed to black magic, or only warm feelings.

So that your loved one listens to your words and does not plague the house with scandals, you can perform the following ceremony:

Braid the braid and do not unravel it for three days. On the fourth day, let your hair down at three in the morning with the words:

“There is hair on the head, a tight braid in the hand,

My braid is not only beauty,

My spit is my mind for you.

So that I don't say

in everything, as if she was repeating your will.

How people listen to the priest in the church,

So let my whole age my words for my husband be like a law.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

It is considered a good omen if, after the ritual, the spouse unexpectedly calls and takes an interest in your affairs.

If you need to make a person completely obey you, you can use a very powerful ritual using runes. The runes themselves should already get used to you, know your energy. There is a superstition that there can be a rollback from such a ritual, just like when a curse is applied. In fact, this is only possible if too insidious goals are pursued that can deprive a person not only of his will, but also of life.

You will need:

  • transparent glass;
  • spring or melt water;
  • white sheet of paper;
  • matches.

Read the words above the glass of water:

“Like grass grows in a field, the wind bends it where it wants. So would you, servant of God (name), do only what I need. Let it be as I say. My word is under lock and key, the key to the seven seas. May God hear my words. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen".

They read over a glass of water and burn the leaf holding it over the runes. Drop the water in the glass casually on the one who must obey.

If a person knows what he wants, he can achieve a lot. The methods of submission are only the main assistants in achieving the desired goal.

Attention, only TODAY!

Black Magic will give power over a person

What is needed for the ritual

  • healthy animal;
  • axe;
  • Holy water;
  • paper.

  1. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper, put them under the dead carcass, quickly leave the intersection, no matter what, without looking back.
  2. In the morning, read "Our Father" and calmly wait for the response of the subordinate person.
  • Cup;
  • clean, melt water;
  • paper;
  • matches.
  1. Spell Words:

    “I was in the field, I saw grass. Wherever the wind bends the grass, there its leaf looks. So would you, servant of God (name), do what I need, becoming what I want. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Fix, O God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever."

  2. Loudly read the written conspiracies over a glass of water.
  3. Burn the leaf, thereby activating the rune.
  4. Allegedly, accidentally spill the enchanted water on the victim of the ritual to obtain all-consuming submission.
  • tea dish;
  • candles from the temple;
  • matches;
  • a piece of natural fabric;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • needles;
  • Holy water.

  1. “I will light three candles, I will take power and choice from (Name). The first candle will burn out - the will (name) will melt, the power (name) will lose. The second candle will burn out - joy (name) will lose from longing (name) dies. The third candle will burn out - life (name) will melt, strength (name) will lose. The candles burned out, the body (name) was eaten with pain, it will melt with wax by will. May it be so".

  2. Wrap the saucer with the picture in a piece of thick cloth.
  3. Go to the cemetery with a bundle, on the way do not talk to anyone and do not look at anyone.
  4. At the fence of the graves, dig a small hole, put a saucer wrapped in cloth in it.
  5. Say the following:

    “Like a dead person in a grave lies weak-willed, so you (name) must be weak-willed. As the dead in the grave is silent limply, so you (name) limply remain silent. May it be so".

Powerful submission through dreaming

  • holy water;
  • church candles;
  • relaxing music;
  • incense.

  1. “Cleansing the body, I cleanse the soul.”

  2. Look at the photo of the person you need, mentally draw a picture in your head that clouds surround him.
  3. Hold the desired image with your eyes until you fall asleep.
  4. Remember everything that you dreamed about.
  5. The next morning, becoming full of strength, read the "Our Father" three times.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell for complete submission with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

How to find your destiny? Marilyn Kerro said: on the full moon you need to put on yourself ...

Black magic opens up a considerable number of possibilities for a person. Not everyone likes and even more so is able to perform rituals of such power. A strong character is the main condition for the correct magical influence for one who boldly performs the rites. To subordinate the will of another person to oneself is an incredible power over someone else's life, requiring a certain price. When making a binding, you yourself must have strong energy and be a real leader, otherwise the conspiracy will turn against you.

To subjugate the will of another person to yourself is an incredible power over someone else's life

How to subjugate a person for a long time and without consequences? To begin with, it is worth deciding for what purpose you are using such strong magic and what results will really suit you. Women often have to subdue their beloved man, especially if family life does not work out, and constant quarrels take everyone out of balance. But, other reasons related to career and work push a person to perform a powerful magical ritual. Whatever the initial goal of different people, make sure that all the nuances of the future ritual are observed, and your own energy is reliably protected from undesirable consequences. Changes in the program of a person, especially a loved one, require careful preparation and diligence in the implementation of all recommendations.

If you are determined to subjugate a man firmly and for a long time, to deprive him of his will, then you should clarify what the nature of such a rite is and how exactly it will affect the charmed living object. During the ritual, you will receive power not only over the will of a man or woman, but you will also be able to direct them, solve important issues for them. Unlike a love spell, such magic is all-encompassing. A bewitched man experiences a strong anguish, but a person who is in your subordination voluntarily succumbs to you, your choice and whims. Rites of submission rarely take place in one stage, to strengthen the effect, additional rites are needed to strengthen the bindings. Thus, an integrated approach to the implementation of the task will give a stable, long-term result. The decision you have to make has two sides, like any coin or multifaceted phenomenon in nature. Managing a person as if he is a puppet will not work. Alive, having needs and emotions, the object of submission will resist magical influence. You need to be prepared for such an outcome in advance. Take care to protect and feed the main plot.

If you are wondering how to subdue a man on your own, then the experience of traditional healers and healers will come to your aid. Choose the most suitable ritual for you and carefully prepare for it. Take your time, be patient and remember that a strong desire will contribute to all bold undertakings. By becoming a strong spirit, you will accomplish the truly unrealistic.

To perform a strong ritual, it is important to guess with the time of year and the position of the heavenly bodies. The phases of the moon play an important role for all sorts of magical influences. The growing month gives strength for new beginnings, while the full moon helps to destroy other people's damage and strong evil eye. For a ceremony in which a rooster is used, special conditions will be required. On the street where the main action of the plot will take place, white, recently fallen snow must lie.

The phases of the moon play an important role for all sorts of magical influences.

The main protagonist for rituals designed to create a powerful binding is an animal, most often a chicken or a rooster. For a strong impact, you will need:

For a black conspiracy, a dark-colored rooster, young and absolutely healthy, is suitable. When you muster up the courage, you should:

  1. Kill an animal at the intersection of two trails or roads.
  2. With hot, flowing blood on white snow, write the name of the one you wish to subdue.
  3. Speak the words of the conspiracy to yourself:

“The devil took you, took your strength through your blood. You have no share, except for bondage. Be under me dumb firebrand! As a demon drinks blood, so it will exhaust you with longing for love. You will crow like a rooster, but in my presence you will be silent with a firebrand. You have no word, contrary to my slander. I draw blood. And to me - your subordinates, yes love! Drop by drop will spill, the slave (Name), becoming my soul and body, will turn. Be you. (Name), a slave, under my heel.

Write down your wishes on a piece of paper, put them under the dead carcass, quickly leave the intersection, no matter what, without looking back. In the morning, read "Our Father" and calmly wait for the response of the subordinate person.

Choose a day when the perfect ritual will not be noticed. Neither strangers, nor your loved ones, otherwise the conspiracy will not be of the right kind. If there is a desire to subjugate magic, then there is no better method than a rite with a black rooster.

A sequential ritual that requires several repetitions works unconditionally. You will be surprised how much a person can depend on your desires and momentary whims. Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, and power to their owner. The power hidden in pagan symbolism is not subject to everyone. Only the chosen ones are able to perform a powerful runic ritual and get real, clear benefits from it.

Experienced magicians have repeatedly faced the difficult, but doable task of binding one person to another, depriving one of them of a strong will and the right to choose (freedom of action). For a ritual with which you quickly, and most importantly for a long time, subjugate a man or partner, you must:

Runes, no matter how powerful they are, are applied to simple materials with waterproof paints or a marker. The factor due to which the ritual will work is the correct application of symbols on paper.

For the runic rite, the simplest “ingredients” that lie idle in your kitchen are used. After the preparatory activities are over, gather your courage and do the following:

  1. Write down the plot on a piece of paper, draw a rune of submission on the back.
  2. Spell Words:

“I was in the field, I saw grass. Wherever the wind bends the grass, there its leaf looks. So would you, servant of God (name), do what I need, becoming what I want. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Fix, O God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever."

Loudly read the written conspiracies over a glass of water. Burn the leaf, thereby activating the rune. Allegedly, accidentally spill the enchanted water on the victim of the ritual to obtain all-consuming submission.

Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, power to their owner.

You can repeat your unique rite several times, but you should not abuse the magic of runes. Magical powers need respect, and therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, do not anger the ancient magic.

Most rituals work at half strength or produce no noticeable change at all. There are many reasons for failure - non-compliance with prescriptions and recommendations, weak energy: yours or the man you want to subdue. Often, rituals that do not suit you according to the state of your soul or body give undesirable results. That is, you decided to take desperate measures in your mind, but your soul resists. Another nuance, which should not be forgotten, is the sequence of joint rites. Before a strong impact, energy cleaning is always performed. Consolidation of the result will also save you from many future troubles. If you are in the mood for serious submission, then perform several complex rituals at once.

A complex ritual includes a gradual weakening of the will of a person, his subsequent submission and fixing the result. For all stages, prepare the attributes in advance, so you will need:

  • photo of the object of future submission;
  • tea dish;
  • candles from the temple;
  • matches;
  • a piece of natural fabric;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • needles;
  • Holy water.

The whole complex will take several days, but the rituals going one after another guarantee not just a binding or a love spell, but a long, unquestioning submission.

To perform the ceremony, choose the day when the full moon appears in the sky. Next, follow the clear instructions:

  1. Proceed to the first step of binding. To do this, take a photo of the object for submission, put a saucer on top, and set lit church candles around.
  2. Take care in advance about small but important nuances - write down on wax the date of birth of the person you are performing the ceremony on.
  3. Speak the first plot over each candle:

"I light the sacred, but not for a holy cause."

Another spell is cast over the photograph to weaken his will:

“I will light three candles, I will take power and choice from (Name). The first candle will burn out - the will (name) will melt, the power (name) will lose. The second candle will burn out - joy (name) will lose from longing (name) dies. The third candle will burn out - life (name) will melt, strength (name) will lose. The candles burned out, the body (name) was eaten with pain, it will melt with wax by will. May it be so".

Wrap the saucer with the picture in a piece of thick cloth. Go to the cemetery with a bundle, on the way do not talk to anyone and do not look at anyone. At the fence of the graves, dig a small hole, put a saucer wrapped in cloth in it. Say the following:

“Like a dead man in a grave lies weak-willed, so you (name) must be weak-willed. As the dead in the grave is silent limply, so you (name) limply remain silent. May it be so".

Leave a present in the form of sweets on the nearest grave (thank you for your help).

Begin the second stage - the submission of the entire will of man:

  1. Burn a few church candles, take out soft wax and make a human figure out of it.
  2. Draw a circle on a piece of dark fabric with chalk. Arrange the remaining candles around. Light them. With a needle, pierce the figurine in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and repeat in a whisper:

“In my hand is not a sharp needle, but my steel will. Red-hot with bright fire, in the head (name) for my work. Hellfire, demonic sword - by my will into your body and mind (name). Having become a dark force that rules destinies, given power that allows you to rule destinies, with a powerful word that commands destinies, I say: from now on and forever, my will is your will (name). My word is your word (name), my business is your business (name). Obey my word, obey my deed, obey my will.”

Bury the figurine under a flowering, lush tree.

After completing this set of rituals, add those that you like best. Strengthen your connection. It would be useful to make a love spell if we are talking about a beloved man.

A complex photo ritual includes a gradual weakening of a person’s will

Simple witchcraft attracts not only the soul, but also the mind of the one you wish to subdue. Magical rituals through dreams are effective, but only if all instructions are followed. While the body is dozing, all the hidden forces of a person are activated. You can use them, get everything you want from life. The method based on the power of sleep is used by both experienced magicians and amateurs.

You can start performing the ritual as soon as the necessary attributes are ready. Stock up on the following items:

  • holy water;
  • church candles;
  • a snapshot of an object for subjugation of the will;
  • relaxing music;
  • incense.

There is nothing complicated in the ritual of binding a person through dreams, it is enough to go to the temple, confess, buy candles and water (to relieve the soul and recharge with calmness).

In order for the magical rite of submission to work with the result you need, carry out periodic cleanings of the home and your own thoughts. An effective ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Light candles, turn on some soothing music, and think of something pleasant.
  2. Wash your face with holy water, saying:

“Cleansing the body, I cleanse the soul.”

Look at the photo of the person you need, mentally draw a picture in your head that clouds surround him. Hold the desired image with your eyes until you fall asleep. Remember everything that you dreamed about. The next morning, becoming full of strength, read the "Our Father" three times.

Soon, the person you secretly think about will begin to feel a strong attachment to you and your will. Although the ritual of submission to dreams is not the most radical of the existing ones, it is proven and persistent. To subdue a person to your will without unnecessary obstacles is the main thing to know the unique magical techniques.

In today's world, a person who does not know what he wants is the most dangerous person. There is nothing shameful or forbidden in the desire to prevail, win, rule. Do you want power, subjugation of a man or servants? So do everything to achieve the goal and learn to subdue a person not by force but by magic. With the help of magic, people will begin to obey unconditionally. Rites, rituals, conspiracies to suppress the will will require a lot of effort, time and energy, but by deciding on them, you will be able to achieve more, find peace of mind and ensure life at your own discretion. The only thing you need to know about the magic of submission is that she will ask for the appropriate price, be prepared to pay it. Do not stop there, strive for new heights, and with the help of simple magical manipulations, you will certainly succeed.


The most powerful love spell for a lover involves working with black magic, where many methods are based on the intervention of demonic energies. To carry out such work, one must have a degree of initiation. By acquiring knowledge in the course of training, you acquire the right to dangerous work with spirits. A strong love spell for a man's love can be performed by a master who has the authority to command the summoned demons. Do not look for the most powerful love spell online on the Internet, because whoever searches will find it, and this can be a fatal event for you. Step into the abyss. If you come across a description, don't be tempted by seeming simplicity. Know that it is impossible to conduct such a rite correctly without knowledge.

The object of the most powerful love spell on a beloved man falls into complete submission and order to the customer of the love spell. The victim feels a constant painful, irresistible, heavy craving for the customer of the love spell, thinks only about him. Such an abnormally unhealthy, unnatural addiction negatively affects the health of the victim, and the quality of life in general. The same can be said about the customer of such an impact.

Manifestations of a strong love spell on a man periodically provoke outbursts of uncontrollable rage, aggression in the victim, both to the customer of the love spell to enslave the guy, and to others, as well as alcohol or drug addiction.

The strongest love spell of a guy distorts the energy field of the victim, whose energy is directed to the customer. The victim of a strong black love spell is simply not able to do any business, which gradually leads to a complete collapse of his career and social life.

Usually a very strong love spell on a man's love manifests itself after seven or ten days, the timing depends on how strong the energy of the object is. If the will to resist is great, then it can manifest itself even after a month. There is such a way to bewitch a married guy for a long time. As long as the infernal essence, called from non-existence by the magician, will be on the victim of a hard love spell to subdue a man, the effect of the ritual and your power will be unshakable. This demon over time causes outbursts of uncontrollable rage and even insanity in the victim, as he needs more and more energy, which he takes from the victim. In some cases, the magician gives energy to the customer at the mercy of the demon, then the customer has health and mental problems.

Therefore, I will give the following advice: if a black love spell on a man’s love at a distance from the photo worked properly, and your lover is at your disposal, then after a while remove him from your beloved and try to maintain relationships in more natural ways. It is more convenient to remove it for the magician who imposed it, since it will be easier for him to cope with this demon.

You already know the consequences of a strong love spell on a loved one, so you must understand what kind of person you have to live with. If you are firmly confident in your decision, and strive to bewitch your beloved man, do not do it yourself, find a professional magician who will perform such a dangerous ceremony with minimal risk. Never try to lead it yourself in the cemetery, it is forbidden.

Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and suggesting the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subordinate a person to your will, be it an enemy, lover or superiors.

What is darkness? This is a distortion of perception, respectively, a troublemaker is a magical way of distorting a person's perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at making a person against his will do something important to you, or refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

In addition, the trouble can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous for you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening at his will, but in fact she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the rite.

Sending the right goals and thoughts to the victim can happen in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals involve only weakening the will of a person. This means that you personally have to negotiate with him, but it will be easy to get him to take the desired action.

In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing the will of a person and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult, in order for the business to succeed, you need extreme concentration and serious magical preparation, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

It is believed that before conducting such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, relax in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But far from always there is such an opportunity, there are often situations when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to the study of the occult sciences, but remember that retribution can be as serious as your goal.

The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Usually these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the effect on the victim to nothing. If you need a long-term effect, you will have to repeat them very often. Far from always the stereotype of nightmarish troubles takes place, parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect the child from bad company.

In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ceremony with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

Back to front, everything is the opposite, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

You can bring such a mess on the enemy to achieve reconciliation or make him make the wrong decision, on the boss who treats you unfairly in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you need without much effort.

If you do not have a photograph of the object, the next option can be read while being in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

I'm not going, I'm going to the vedmedytsi, I'm filthy,

And before tebe (name), I’ll tell the filthy rich

(state the essence of the desire - what a person should do according to your plan)

I'm going to cherez more, I'll throw a poppy at the more,

What am I going to say - shob bulo everything is so,

I'm up to you from a bisovoy pointer,

And you, before mene, be a kind caress.

It is possible to use a mischief not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following rite, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also ways, and indeed affect any aspect of a person’s life. In order to confuse thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road, does not come to any place - it is advisable to take a lace from his shoes. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown tape, you can take a new shoelace.

The length of the lace is approximately the size of a person's foot, the threads for messing up thoughts and the head are approximately the same as the girth of the head. You cannot measure such threads and ribbons on yourself, you will have to do it “by eye”. Well, if there is hair of the victim - so witchcraft will work better. If you manage to get a person's hair, they need to be woven into knots.

Simultaneously with any suitable conspiracy of confusion or another that is excellent in meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or lace. Knots should be confusing, their whole construction should look complex. But at the same time, in order to remove witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to bypass you. Popular wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It is worth learning in advance a few of these words that are spoken in a whisper or to oneself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

Salt toby and water, smoking a slip,

toad on the shoulders, schob about me ne mala ty rechi.

Such words will always save you from the wrath of the boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

I sit on a bastard, I drive a bastard.

I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

There are troubles for all occasions, including rituals that can be directed at ill-wishers. If you can't deal with the enemy without witchcraft, try to take away his mind so that he cannot compete with you.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly out of them. When it boils, say jelly:

I will remember your business with jelly,

Bold, bold and bold.

How Yegory fought, won,

So I will crush the enemy, the slave (name),

I will destroy his case.

Cook all day.

Fix my case.

I'm first, the enemy is behind me.

My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.

Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!

When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third must be drunk at sunset, and what remains - at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days, and repeat the ceremony. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. The days are counted down at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

You can bring confusion to the enemy in order to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, however, no attributes are needed to read it:

Find, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, look away 33 times. Morbid leprosy, eat purity of thoughts, give a swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

There are special troubles that take away the strength of the enemy instantly. No need to be scared, this is not about a negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy applies only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

You need to read nine times, on the photo of the enemy or with the visualization of his image. A candle should burn in the room, preferably black. But if there is no such candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and the time of day:

Twisted, grabbed, suffered

Through windbreaks, gullies,

With a roar, a whistle,

Leshy laughter, eagle scream.

Heavy moans, screams.

It hit the ribs, foamed in the heart,

Roar in the throat, in the chest with claws,

It swirled, splashed a yellow-muddy wave into the eyes

Yellow around, dark around

Fog around, burning around,

It's light all around, no zgi around ...

Saliva burns drunker than wine,

It burns and chokes, it silences thoughts.

Moan and cry - do not hide your tears.

Laughter grin - a yellow snake,

Curls in rings, ripples in the eyes,

He pulled his forehead with a tight tourniquet,

Heart sucks, soul gnaws,

His back is cold, his ears are buzzing.

Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

This fool takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if you are so disliked that they are ready to spend for the sake of revenge.

Love trouble for a man or a woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that it evokes feelings, like a white love spell, or passion, like a black one. Submission to one's will cannot cause any love feelings. But it’s quite possible to persuade people to give gifts or make them close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To remedy this situation, braid the braid and do not unravel it for three days. The rite, unfortunately, is only suitable for owners of long hair that can really be braided. On the fourth day, you need to wake up at three in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with these words:

hair on the head,

in my hand I have my scythe, in my teeth I have my mind.

Whatever I say

thus showing her intelligence.

How people listen to church bells

so let my husband listen to my words all the time.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. And even if you carry complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

As mentioned above, a hassle is a change in people's perception in their favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than it actually is. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

They have bad manners

On all the dresses are curly,

I entered, peacock,

Gathered all the men.

Wherever I go, they follow me.

If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

And my favorite (name) is the best!

Such conspiracies work great on holidays and corporate parties, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

It is quite possible to force the victim to do something with the help of a goof. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen once again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not so.

Attack you with sleep and darkness,

not one by one, but all 40!

I turn your eyes away

I confuse your consciousness

I wrap myself in a black web!

Like flies and mosquitoes to the web

so my words-deeds-views

your will is being sedated!

Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.

How the earth absorbs water

so do my will!

The darkness fell on you

on each side and from any side!

Get lost, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!

I confuse, I twist, I twist,

do what I want!

In your eyes - blindness,

on your arms and legs - numbness,

to your will - my any command!

How I blow on your face,

so I'll break you right off!

Devil brothers, throw my fetters on (name), throw on, put on,

subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!

The question of how to remove the mischief is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of her husband to a rival. Before you start removing the trouble, make sure that it is in it. In addition to quite material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the following method removes all the spell cast by the rival on her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. It is necessary to serve food and set the table, even if it is modest. For food before the arrival of the spouse, you need to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only servant of God (name) legal wife. Let our quarrels be forgotten, let the slanders of others evaporate, and my husband's eyes be opened. We live together, and the lover of witchcraft does not work. Amen.

If you are wondering how to remove the trouble from the head, that is, one that is aimed at suggesting other people's thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a rite. Do it only on the waning moon. Well, if you manage to guess so that at this time there is a church holiday - the Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but a large one. For the ritual, you only need fish, absolutely any. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

God help me! Heavenly Father, help me!

How does this fish fly around the scales,

So the mess with the servant of God (name) flies.

As it is impossible to make the mother earth to anyone,

No one can fool her,

So would the servant of God (name)

Don't ruin anyone

Not deed, not a word to cloud.

No one would dress him up in a mess,

The heart and mind will not cloud.

And who wants to spoil it,

Deed, word to cloud,

That my word will find

Peace and happiness will take him away.

For now, for eternity, for eternity.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After cleaning, the fish can be cooked and eaten. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times, strong troubles are not removed from one time. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The rite also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

In general, a frostbite can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for obeying one's will and even protection from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should know how to remove such slander.