
Additional human chakras and their meaning. Human chakras and their meaning! Detailed description of the chakras. Technique for activating and harmonizing chakras using mandalas

Chakra (Skt. "Circle", "wheel", "disc", "mandala") in the spiritual practices of Hinduism are centers of power and consciousness located in the subtle (energetic) body of a person.

Most people know only seven chakras: the very first lower chakra is Muladhara, followed by Svadhisthana (Svadhisthana), Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara.

But this is a bit different - even in India, some schools indicate a larger number of chakras, and the first chakra that accepts the material energy of the Earth is not the mooladhara, but the pitri chakra, which is located between the feet - it is also called the LOWER SUPER CHAKRA.

Concepts that view humans as an energetic luminous being can be found in almost all ancient world traditions.

The very first information about the human energy system was obtained by Western people in the 18th century with the help of European travelers and explorers of the East and Asia. In India, Tibet, China, Vietnam, Laos, for many centuries, adherents of different schools and currents studied and described in detail the structure of human energy.

They applied all the knowledge gained in their practices, testing it on themselves, used it for military and medical purposes, as well as for spiritual development and demonstration of superpowers.

In order for you to gain versatile knowledge, I want to acquaint you with descriptions taken from several of the world's oldest traditions - Hindu, Shamanic and Old Slavic.

The placement, quantity and characteristics of all the main "components" in different traditions are sometimes identical, but in some ways, on the contrary, they differ significantly from each other, which leads to disagreements and disputes among their followers - "whose understanding of this issue is more correct."

But we will consider them not for memorizing in detail or involving you in this or that tradition, but only so that, despite some differences, we find common points in them.

After studying the second level of training in our course, you will be able to combine the disparate information into a single whole - take the best from each tradition and put together for yourself a general understanding of the principles and mechanisms - “how our chakra system works”.

Different traditions of the world indicate in their systems a different number of main chakras - their number varies from four to ten. There are also additional chakras - their number is measured in hundreds. Adherents of some traditions, in addition to the main chakras, pay great attention to additional ones, while in other traditions they are not even mentioned.

In traditional Indian yoga, the seven main chakras are most often considered, sometimes the eighth is added. And in the north of India, they operate with nine chakras, as in the Slavic tradition.

In the Tibetan tantric tradition, five chakras are studied, in the Slavic - nine, ten or twelve, in the shamanic - ten main energy centers.

And in Buddhist tantras, for example, only four main chakras are mentioned, located in the navel, heart, throat and head.

However, as for the number and location of chakras, in different ancient texts on this issue there is discrepancy and contradictions, which leads to confusion among all who study this issue.

But in the teachings of Mexican shamans, which is described in the books of Carlos Castaneda, chakras, in the sense presented in other traditions, are not mentioned at all. Here, the main focus is on manipulating the assemblage point, the location of which is a key moment in the perception and state of a person.

In the course of study, I present one of the most complete chakra schemes of a person, which I compiled in the process of many years of detailed study of several world traditions. This includes little-known chakras from closed schools in India, which do not fall into the classical sevenfold system, as well as the maximum number of known chakras from the point of view of shamanism and ancient Slavic tradition.

Detailed description of the 21st chakra (Hinduism, Shamanism and Slavic tradition):

Location; healthy chakra color and smell; bija mantra; with superiority;negative and positive character traits;endocrine glands, body organs and diseases; with methods of purification and development of chakras, energy channels and subtle bodiesread in the course "Why the gods don't hear us, or How to make our wishes come true 2.0".

Chakras can be called the stages through which our consciousness passes., the higher "I" or soul in the process of its evolution. The state of the chakras is a measure of our development at the moment - the development of intellectual, spiritual and energetic.

In a sense, they are responsible for all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of a person, forcing our assemblage point to move in a certain "pattern".

In the automatic mode, the chakras (as best they can) control the operational work of all subtle bodies, including the physical body. However, another statement will also be true - the displacement of the assemblage point will directly affect the work of the chakras, energy channels, as well as the state of the subtle bodies and the physical body.

In general, the main functions of the chakras are as follows:

1. Chakras are responsible for human interaction with the external environment in all spheres of life. They control all the psychological manifestations of a person in his environment in his daily activities.

2. Control the endocrine glands, and through them - the internal organs, systems and all physiological processes in the body.

3. Provide energy to subtle bodies and to some extent control them. Since the chakras, subtle bodies and the physical body are interdependent, the state of the subtle bodies and the physical body affects the work of the chakras, and vice versa - the state of the chakras affects the subtle bodies and the physical body.

4. Each chakra is connected not only with its subtle body, but also with its own plane of Being. Therefore, by shifting consciousness into one or another subtle body, we can move through the subtle worlds, as well as open access to the energies of these worlds for the needs of our energy body.

5. They control superpowers, therefore, developing the capabilities of the chakras and subtle bodies, we can receive siddhis.

6. With the help of the chakras, we perceive and evaluate all the energies of the external world.

7. With the help of the chakras, we form energy channels of communication with any living and nonliving objects in the present, past and future.

Chakras receive energy from Space, transform it into a type of energy suitable for them and provide subtle bodies with energy.

With the help of the chakras and the assemblage point, we attune and interact with all energies in the outer world. With the help of the chakras, we recognize both friendly and hostile vibrations that all organic and inorganic beings radiate.

With the help of the chakras, we feel and evaluate the energy of any objects, geopathogenic zones or places of Power.

But what they are able or not able to, and what the maximum level of energy is possible for them - the general level of development of the chakras, does not happen by chance and not in an arbitrary mode. We receive the initial and basic setting in the work of each chakra at birth.

With each new incarnation, our soul, along with the karmic body, carries with it the encoded "achievements" (both positive and negative) of our chakras during past incarnations.

And with each new incarnation we carry this "inheritance" behind us - it is not lost anywhere after each death - it is glued to us tightly.

It's like an endless relay race, in which our soul from incarnation to incarnation passes on to itself what it has accumulated over the past life. It is this "matrix" that forms the initial configuration of the chakras in our new energy body during the next incarnation.

Knowing about the energy matrix should be a tipping point.

Understanding this mechanism, we can say with full confidence that the level of intellectual, spiritual, energetic and physical development with which we will incarnate in the next life depends only on ourselves. And only we are responsible for this.

Realizing this, we no longer depend on the favor of the Creator, who supposedly decides what “bonuses” to give us and what “to offend” us in the next life - He has nothing to do with it.

In the same way, we are not dependent on our parents - they do not transmit to us, together with genes, the level of development of their own chakras, and this does not affect our chakras in any way.

But here, too, not everything is so simple.

This does not mean at all that our chakras at birth automatically begin to work to the maximum extent of their previous capabilities. According to seers, for most people on Earth, only 3 out of 7 (according to the classical system) chakras work more or less.

The ability to generate all types of energies, as well as the power limit that was possible in past incarnations, is preserved, but only as a potential opportunity.

For most of his life, a person is not aware of his real capabilities, and each of us has to "discover" ourselves anew.

It's like learning to walk again after a long illness. We have to learn how to manage the chakras for a long and painful time, and very often it takes a large part of our life. And if we do not study, then all the previous "achievements" as a result of this life are significantly lost.

But as you can imagine, whoever had sufficiently developed chakras in a past life, in this life they restore their previous level much easier and faster, if, of course, this is done purposefully.

But that's not all.

At the moment of conception, “edits” are added to our “matrix” in the form of generic programs - all the “problems” and “achievements” of the genus on the paternal and maternal side. The influence of the planets at the moment of conception and at the moment of birth is also added. And already their combination will affect what new programs we will form in the coming years.

And as a result - all this makes our chakras work in one mode or another.

What influence our character traits (they are also energy-information programs) from the point of view of energy:

The programs have shaped our current (healthy or diseased) chakra system configuration;

The programs "taught" our assemblage point to move according to a specific "pattern", not allowing it to shift to new, healthier and more prosperous positions, which means that they significantly cut our capabilities;

By controlling the work of the chakras, the programs have shaped our current way of life: a way of thinking and reacting to the outside world, mental and physical condition;

By controlling the work of the chakras, the programs build our "life scenario".

Here's a simple causal relationship:the original CAUSES attract quite predictable CONSEQUENCES. And if you don't work with them, they expand and give rise to new negative consequences.

How energy centers are formed

In any living being there is a Force or Center, which "knows how" to collect and hold the opposite energies of yin and yang around itself - the center that makes them continuously interact with each other.

It is called differently: soul, collective soul, totem, higher self. Through him, the Creator can control these energies and balance them, provided that the soul is at least to some extent manifested in this being, and is not in a state closed to consciousness, if we are talking about a person.

The female yin energy passes through the left channel, and the male yang energy passes through the right channel. The channels snake-like pass from one side of the body to the other and run vertically along the spine.

They originate in the region of the brain, approximately at the level of the pituitary gland and the pineal gland (pineal gland), where they connect to the central canal. When ida and pingala intersect with each other and the central channel, bi-directional energy vortices (granthi and chakras) are formed at the points of their intersection.

Such a "serpentine" intersection of ida and pingala is most often present in the sources of the eastern tradition, but there is also another point of view: the left and right channels do not run snake-like, but parallel to each other - on both sides of the central sushumna channel. And they come into contact with sushumna only in two chakras, and not in each, as in the first version of the description.

I can't say what exactly caused this difference, as well as in many other things related to the subtleties of the energy body.

Such a discrepancy is of no fundamental importance, because both descriptions have the main thing - an identical description and characteristics of the types of energies that "transports" each of the channels are preserved, their "cross" connection with the cerebral hemispheres is preserved, the influence of these energies on the mental, spiritual and the physical condition of a person.

For the convenience of working with them, I divide the chakras of the average Russian into 3 large groups.

The upper chakras are responsible for Spiritual development and connection with the Creator.

The middle chakras are responsible for spiritual development and various aspects of human activity through which a person can express himself.

The lower chakras are responsible for the physiology, physical development of a person and communication with relatives.

I distinguish 14 energy centers for practical work - the main 9 chakras and additional 5 energy centers.

Approximate layout of energy centers:

Main chakras:

1 chakra- the energy center of communication with the Universe. Located above the head. It works badly for people who forget that they are one with the World and are just a part of the whole.

2 chakra- the energy center of Faith - connection with the Creator. It is located in the region of the crown of the head - it is blocked for atheists, depriving them of Divine support and at the same time reducing the incoming flow of vital forces through other chakras.

A closed, very poorly or weakly working 2nd chakra is observed in case of headaches, migraines, epilepsy, zombies.

3 chakra- The third eye is at the level of the forehead. Energy center of intuition. Connection with the guardian angel.

In case of disturbances in the work of the third eye, in danger: the autonomic nervous system (it regulates the physiology - controls the activity of internal organs, glands, is responsible for the adaptation of the body to external situations), eyes, nose, spine, pituitary gland, pineal gland. A person with a closed 3rd chakra does not predict well the consequences of his actions or inaction.

4 chakra- Throat chakra. Center for creativity and the manifestation of public speaking skills.

If the chakras are not working properly, they are in danger: larynx, thyroid gland, vocal cords, upper part of the lungs. With the suppressed work of the 4th chakra, there is a strong unreasonable touchiness.

5 chakra- heart or love chakra. It is the direct duty of a person to love all the Creations of the Creator. Failure to do this often leads to an appointment with a cardiologist.

With poor work of the heart energy center in danger: heart, lungs, bronchi, circulatory system, thymus. The quality of personal life suffers.

6 chakra- a strong-willed energy center or the center of fate - the center of will and power. Works well for those who are happy with their destiny.

If the 6th chakra is not working properly, the upper part of the stomach is in danger. The 6th chakra is connected with the next chakra and affects the permeability of vital energy.

7 chakra- the chakra of wealth or, in a modern way, the money chakra. The most beloved chakra of women and entrepreneurs. The work of this chakra does not depend on the amount of money, but material wealth directly depends on the state of this energy center.

With poor performance of the money chakra, in danger: stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver. Also in danger: business, income, security, capital.

8 chakra- genital. Chakra of love for the opposite sex.

With poor performance of the sex chakra, the following are in danger: genitals, celiac plexus, appendix, sex glands. With a serious overlap of the 8th chakra, frigidity is observed in women, impotence in men. The richness and quantity of personal life suffers.

9 chakra- vital chakra. Center of life. Love and respect for life - as the basis of personal philosophy will allow you, the reader - to be strong, energetic and enduring.

In case of poor work, the chakras are in danger: the colon, bladder, prostate, uterus, prostate gland, kidneys, adrenal glands. In lethargic, apathetic people, in chronic patients, the vital chakra works poorly or almost inactive.

Excellent work of the 9th chakra has a positive effect on the quality, richness and duration of life.

Note to professionals:

Any disease or problem can be the result of the closure of several chakras at once.

When 4-8 energy centers are blocked from behind, intervertebral hernias and back pain in the projection of the chakras may occur.

Additional chakras- their examination and activation are very important in practice, especially in case of problems and diseases in the elderly:

10 chakra- Knee chakra.

If the knee chakra does not work properly, it is in danger: legs, knees, knee joints. With the 9th and 10th chakras blocked at the same time, patients have poor or no movement at all, even in the absence of other serious reasons.

11 chakra- the chakra of the Earth.

In case of poor work, chakras are in danger: feet, toes

12 chakra- Elbow. By the elbow chakra, I determine the state of the biofield on the right and left.

In case of poor work of the chakra, in danger: elbows and elbow joints, additional diagnostics of the biofield is required.

13 chakra- Palmar.

With poor performance, chakras are in danger: palms and fingers. For artisans and those who work a lot with their hands, a blocked palmar chakra causes damage to the material and the production of defective products.

14 chakra- Eyes. For purely practical purposes, I recommend working out the eyes and the third eye chakra separately.

With poor chakra performance, vision is impaired - on the right, left, or both eyes.

The eye chakra is impaired in all eye diseases, including inflammation, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Do you want to finally figure out what human chakras are and what their meaning is - to understand what the chakras are responsible for?
In this article we will try to give you a complete and detailed answer to this question.
Here you will find the most detailed description of the human chakras and their meanings. In simple and understandable language with pictures, photos and examples!

So let's go!

Rice. 1. Human chakras and their meaning. What the chakras are responsible for

What are chakras?
Why does a person need chakras?
Who even said that a person has chakras?
Well, an arm, a leg, a head, a silicone breast - all right. They are visible to the naked eye and, if desired, can always be measured with a caliper.
What to do with chakras?
Who saw them, who measured them?
Who felt them?
What device?
And how can these measurements be confirmed?
Who can give a detailed description of the chakras, reliably tell about the human chakras and their meaning, as well as about the peculiarities of the location of the chakras on the human body?
And most importantly: how to apply this information in practice?

What kind of animal is this so incomprehensible to science - chakras - and with what they are eaten?
Or maybe it's just a fiction of an inflamed imagination or some kind of heresy in general?
Chakra-chakras ... Are they real at all? They exist?
After all, the majority of people, hearing the word "chakras" begin to look at someone who had the imprudence to mention this word in their presence, with some kind of unkind and wary glance, twist at his temples and persistently wonder if he was in a sect?

Well, let's figure out what human chakras really are, and what they are responsible for!

Fig. 2. The most common reaction to the word "chakras"

What are human chakras. Myth or Reality?

Please take a break from reading this article for a few seconds.
Look around you!
Look very carefully!
What do you see?
Do you notice anything unusual around you?
Well, apart from the table, chairs, walls, ceiling ...?
No...? Can't you see anything? Can't you hear? Don't you feel anything special?

Meanwhile, right now, several tens or even hundreds of radio waves of various frequencies are passing through your body and brain from mobile antennas, wi-fi routers from neighboring apartments and offices, as well as waves of music and news FM radio stations.
But you can't see or hear them, right?
So maybe they are not there, maybe this is all fiction, heresy, fantasy ...?

Some hundred years ago it would have looked exactly like this.
But now you can easily open your laptop, connect without physical wires to the Internet via wi-fi, catch your favorite radio station in your radio and at the same time call your friend on her mobile phone to ask her if she believes in chakras and if she has them :-)

Rice. 3. Analogy between wi-fi connections and human chakras

So, as you can see, not everything that really exists in this world is in the visible spectrum of human perception. But because we do not see it, it does not become less real.

The same applies to the human chakras.
Simply, in order for them to become visible, real and tangible, they must be measured with special instruments.
Which ones? Read on ...

The meaning of the chakras. Where does a person get energy for their life? What are the chakras responsible for ?!

Chakras are special energy centers in the human energy structure, which are responsible for absorbing the spectra of energy and information necessary for the body from the surrounding space, as well as for the output (release) of energy and information from the human body.

That is, through the chakras of a person, an energy-informational two-way exchange with the environment takes place.

Chakras filter and supply to the body from the surrounding energetic chaos the necessary amounts of energy in their frequency spectra (each chakra works in its own frequency range and in its individual coding), and also remove excess, spent or information-coded energy from the human body (for communication with others ) energy.

Let's explain in a simpler "human" language.

Where does a person get energy for their existence ...?

Yes, that's right - partly from food!

But do you think this food eaten fully covers our energy needs?

How many people can eat per day?

Well 2-3 kg - no more. So it is known that the needs for the so-called chemical energy at the expense of food consumed by a person covers only 10-15, maximum 20%! From food, the body also receives the building blocks for the regeneration of all organs.

Where does the rest of the energy come from?

If all our energy came from food, we would have to eat up to 40 kg of food a day!
In fact, almost 80% of the energy comes to a person from outside, through the so-called energy centers - chakras. Without such an energy exchange with the environment, carried out through the chakras, a person would not be able to exist physically!

Fig. 4. Human chakras and their meaning: 20% of the energy for the work of organs and systems is extracted from the material world by chemical means: from the consumed food. Another part of the energy (80%) is supplied to the human body through the energy-informational route through the energy centers - the chakras.

Pareto Principle 20/80 remember?
Energy extraction from food and from human chakras obeys precisely this natural ratio: a person receives 20% of energy from food (chemically), 80% - through chakras (energy-informational route).
This explains the phenomenon of sun-eating: sun-eating people are able to exist for a long time without food due to a special energetic restructuring of their body at the chakra level and recharge from solar energy (although it should not be forgotten that the body receives not only chemical energy from food, but also building elements for the regeneration of all organs and systems of the physical body).
Raw food and vegetarianism - right here.

But about food - a separate conversation.
We are now about human chakras!
And, as you can see, their importance in the general system of human life cannot be underestimated.

Rice. 5. The value of the chakras in the general energy system of a person (chemical + energy-informational) in accordance with the Paretto principle

Chakras. Description of operating principles

So, understanding the issues of describing chakras and their significance for a person, we found out that chakras are energy centers that carry out energy-informational exchange of the body and energy systems of a person with the surrounding space.

Figuratively speaking, through the chakras, a person "eats" the energy necessary for the body, and also releases ("excretes") waste or unnecessary energy, which is then absorbed either by the plant or animal world, or by inanimate systems (systems with a low vitality / vitality coefficient: stones, minerals). The recipient of energy (and information) emanating from the chakras of one person can also be another person.

That is, detailing the description of the chakras, we can say that the chakra is a kind of local energy-informational gastrointestinal tract of the body.

There are 7 chakras in total. Each of them works in its own energy-informational spectrum of frequencies.

Rice. 6. Description of the chakras in accordance with the model of the energy-informational frequency spectrum

To make the description of the chakras more understandable, we can say that the human chakras receive and emit not only energy, but also information. That is why we are talking about energy-information exchange through the chakras.

Remember for a while a school or college course in physics, namely the section on electromagnetic fields and waves.

How is information transmitted? In coded form: an information component is superimposed on the carrier energy-wave using modulation. In the same way, there is a reception and transmission of information in the chakras of a person. That is, an energy wave can be modulated by an information wave.

Rice. 7. Chakras: a description of the principle of receiving and transmitting information (modulation)

The lower chakras of a person (1,2,3) are distinguished by the predominance of energy over information, the upper (6,7) - the predominance of information over energy. Middle chakras (4, 5) - adapt the energy and information of the lower group of chakras to the upper ones and vice versa.

Any human chakra can be in 2 states:

  • in the phase of absorption of energy and information from the surrounding space
  • in the phase of radiation (release, removal) of energy and information from the body.

These phases alternate.

Rice. 8. The location of the chakras on the human body

The location of the chakras on the human body

Human chakras are located in the following areas:

Structurally, each chakra is a rotating cone about 3-5 cm in diameter. These cones narrow as they enter the human body and then "connect" to the main energy column - the spine (system bus - in terms of computer analogies).

Rice. 9. Chakra cone

The chakras, in accordance with their location on the human body, supervise certain organs and systems, supplying energy (and information) to them from the outside and bringing out the waste energy (and information) of these organs.

As with breathing: inhale-exhale, oxygen - inward, carbon dioxide - outward. Thus, the energy balance (homeostasis) in the body is maintained.

Therefore, by the quality of the energy-mixture “exhaled” by the chakra and the frequency of “breathing” of each chakra of a person, one can judge the processes that occur in the organs and systems of the physical body.

Forced (or, conversely, slowed down) energy mode of operation of any human chakra - the energy center - speaks of the trouble of the internal organs associated with it.

Rice. 10. The location of the chakras on the "system highway". Connecting the energy inputs of the chakras to the main energy channel of a person - the spine. Analogy with connecting peripheral devices to the system bus in computer architecture

Rice. 11. Chakras: location on the body and correspondence to the "supervised" organs, connection with the endocrine and nervous systems of a person

Rice. 12. Correspondence of the location of the human chakras and the glands of the endocrine system. Thus, energy-informational influences on the chakras affect the somatics of the body through the endocrine glands.

Human chakras. The difference between the polarization of the chakras in men and women

Chakras differ in polarization depending on the sex of a person, which determines the different perception of the surrounding reality by men and women. More details about this - in this video: