
Where to make a cache. Tricky ideas for organizing caches that will help you securely hide everything you need (17 photos). Good hiding places

Everyone sometimes needs a hiding place for the most valuable and expensive things in the house. Someone hides money under mattresses or spare keys under rugs at the front door, someone invents more difficult hiding places. If you ever need to hide something, here are 12 of the most secret places where it would never occur to anyone to look for anything ... not even yourself!

1. Vacuum cleaner

Sometimes the best way to hide something is to leave it in plain sight. Even the most cunning thieves will not suspect that you are keeping valuables inside a huge old vacuum cleaner!

2. Food packaging

Let's say you're hiding a piece of jewelry; put it in a small bag or container and then bury that small container in popcorn kernels! It would hardly occur to anyone that a full can of popcorn contains anything other than the popcorn itself.

3. Old record collection

If you have an old record collection, why not turn it into a great stash? Buy some old or damaged records that you can use for storage.

4. Old video cassette

Everyone in the house has a shelf with old cassettes! Take the tape out of the unused cassette, put the things you really need inside, put the tape back - and put it on the shelf. Ideally!

5. Old paint can

Give the old paint can a good cleaning before making a hiding place out of it! Keep the jar in the garage or basement with other jars. Want to confuse robbers? Throw some unpleasant surprise for them in another empty jar and put it in a common pile.

6. Greasy can of mayonnaise

Don't worry, it's not real mayonnaise, it's just paint to imitate it. Works great - no one wants to open a mayonnaise jar.

7. Cabinets under the sink

Cut a hole under the cabinet under the kitchen sink to equip the trickiest hiding place. Make sure your valuables are well protected from moisture before putting them in there!

8. Painting

Hanging a picture is a great option when you need to hide something and at the same time make your home more inviting. You can hide the keys behind the picture just like that - or put a built-in safe for valuables behind it.

9. Fake tiles

To make a fake tile, remove one tile from the bathroom wall and then cut a hole in the wall behind it. Attach a small box to the tile and place it back on the wall. Just don't forget which tile your treasures are stored behind!

10. Keyboard

This fully functioning keyboard is a great hiding place and is sold in stores. In addition, it is slightly thicker than usual. You can hide valuables in most common keyboards!

The need to hide valuable items from strangers in a cleverly equipped place has more than one millennium. In the world of technological progress, the ingenuity of the owners has decreased to a minimum and is now reduced to only competition in the thickness of safes and the strength of the locks for them, leaving the production of hiding places the field of study of younger schoolchildren. But do not forget that a good cache is not good for how deep, hard and far it is hidden, but for how cleverly it is invented. In this article, FURFUR has chosen a few simple caches and briefly talked about each.

Cache in a plastic bottle

To make a cache, you will need two empty plastic bottles with labels, two pieces of foam to fit the size of the bottle section, and glue.

The first thing to do is to cut the first bottle in the middle, take its lower part, remove the label and make a small cut along the upper edge, then pour water into the bottle so that a few centimeters remain to the edge of the cut. Then smear the edges of the inner surface with glue and carefully place a piece of foam there.

The next step is to take the second bottle and cut it exactly along the bottom edge of the label. Take the upper part and fasten the second piece of foam on it in the same way so that it is not visible behind the label. Next, just below the foam, fix two rubber gaskets that will hold your bottle together. Then pour into water and close the lid. Connect the resulting upper part to the lower one so that the cut and the gasket match, and turn it. Thus, between the two pieces of foam, you have a space in which you can place the necessary items.

Cache in socket

For this hiding place, you will not need the entire socket, but only its front side, as well as locksmith tools and a few Velcro. The first step is to separate the front plate of the socket from the rest of the box, then cut off the screw heads and glue them with superglue. So that the screws do not stand out too much and it does not occur to someone to unscrew them, they should be painted over with paint. Next, using tools, cut a hole in the wall a little smaller than the plate, and then attach Velcro near the edge of the hole. Attach similar Velcro to the front plate. The cache is ready.


You will need a tin can, a glass jar smaller than the first in size, glue, and also a plaster mixture. The first step is to cut the lid of the can very evenly and carefully along the very edge, for which you can use a blade instead of an opener and pour out the contents. Next, take a glass jar, smear its lid with glue and fasten the lid of the tin can with the lid of the glass jar. Put one jar in another and fill the contents with a plaster mixture. Then close the lid. When the mixture hardens, another can will be neatly placed inside the tin in which to store something.


First of all, these are all hollow tubes, such as metal curtain rods, bathroom curtain rods, working parts of tools, drawing markers. If the house has high ceilings, then the cache will easily fit in the cap of the chandelier. Lightweight objects can be easily placed in the duct, for this you should tie the necessary things to the lid with a rope, and attach its other end to the duct cover, sprinkled with plaster to mask it. At the moment of need, you just need to pull the string and get the cache.

A nine-volt battery is ideal as a battery cache. To start it is necessary to bend the edges of the battery, and then pull out the contents from it. W Then cut off a small piece of adhesive tape along the width of the battery cover, glue one part to the cover, and glue the second to the inner wall of the battery so that the cover can open and close. Now small items can easily be placed in the battery.

1. We all know that the main properties and advantages of any cache are its originality and secrecy. It is important that only you and your family or a trusted person know about this cache. You should learn a little rule: you can store only a small part of all your valuables and savings in the house. Otherwise, there is a reliable bank where you can store not only money, but also jewelry, and robbers will definitely not go there. The risk is too great.

2. First, let's look at the places where you should not hide money and jewelry.
a.) Under the mattress. Ask why? The answer is simple, robbers and thieves look there first of all;
b.) On the shelves of cabinets, as well as under bedding;
c.) In ordinary desk drawers, thieves are not so stupid;
d.) In toilet bowls;
e) In refrigerators, freezers;
e.) In cereal cans, etc.
g.) In video devices, as well as in disks and a computer;
h.) Behind a rug, mirror or wallpaper.
Remember, in these places, intruders look for jewelry first thing.

3. For a cache, you should usually use the most banal and ordinary items. For example, here you can include flower pots. Many store artificial flowers in a flower pot that look exactly like real ones. Raising a similar flower, you can find money there. But not every burglar has the brains to solve such a puzzle, especially since their time in your house is limited.

4. If you want to “seal” or preserve your savings and jewelry in a tin can, then take care of the accuracy of the information. For example, in the picture you can see a can of Pedigree dog food. Banks with such labels were in the last century, and now they are releasing a new series. This means that your bank must be from the new collection. It is better if the intended bank will stand along with the rest on the same shelf, so as not to attract the attention of thieves.

5. As we said, the closet is a bad place to create a hiding place. However, in some cases, he saves. Some of my wonderful friends, thanks to this method, were able to save all the property in the house. They did this: they took an ordinary black dress and sewed money into it. Yes, yes, from the wrong side. The thieves, apparently, were too lazy to turn all the clothes inside out and so left without salty slurping. However, this is a double-edged sword. They might have found a hiding place. In this case, rule number 1 should work. Never hide all your valuables and money in one place.

6. Want to hide money and precious things? So put them in front of everyone! In front of you is a stack of papers in the form of an impromptu cache. And between the pages are money and credit cards. So think now, either you are so smart, or the thieves have gone too stupid. The main thing is that when cleaning you remember that your jewelry is hidden there. And then throw everything away with the garbage, that will be a gift from the garbage man.

7. If you are an electrician, or you have a noble power engineer in your family, then you can do the following thing. We take the same sockets in the house and install them. It is important that all outlets are the same. We fasten all the sockets as usual, and we make one for the hiding place. To do this, we drill a hole with a drill and put our personal savings there. The same can be easily done with the vents. Believe me, thieves will definitely not want to climb into the socket with their fingers, risking their own health in order to find something.

8. It is known that robbers very often take away small household appliances with them, but when it comes to a washing machine, it is so easy and no noise to take it away. Therefore, what should be done? We take the back panel of the washing machine and refrigerator and put valuables there. See what can be placed in one such wall. Just in case, make a few such caches. All thieves will definitely not be able to find.

9. It is worth noting that a hiding place can be equipped even at the top of the door. Many even manage to find an alternative to the hiding place on the handle. The fact that you managed to hide all your valuables in such a place cannot even occur to intruders. They won't cut the door, will they? Then you can make a noise and attract the attention of all the neighbors. No, they definitely won't risk it.

No matter how many valuables - money, jewelry, securities and documents - you have at home, you don’t want to lose them. And since the invasion of thieves is not uncommon today, you need to take care of their safety. Of course, you can hope that no trouble will happen to you, but still it will not be superfluous to play it safe and hide the most valuable things in a secret vault.

Where to hide money

Often, thieves already know all the "cunning" places where the owners usually hide their treasures, so you should think a hundred times whether your hiding place will not be the place where the scammer will go first.

Do not hide valuables in vases and flower pots.

In no case should you hide money and valuables in kitchen drawers and cabinets, in the refrigerator, in the oven and tray, in the microwave, as well as in the underground of kitchen furniture. Thieves will certainly look for money behind wall clocks, carpets and paintings, behind mirrors, under carpets and rugs, in bedside tables and chests of drawers. As a rule, all cabinets and their contents are carefully inspected: boxes for shoes, household appliances and CDs, caskets and drawers, bags, suitcases and even sets. The pockets of hanging clothes are carefully checked, and linen from the shelves falls out onto the floor and is shaken up.

Burglars never ignore sofas, inspect pillows, pallet contents and bedding, and rip open upholstery. Usually they also thoroughly inspect bookcases, especially those where there is no dust on the books. No matter how big the library may seem, a thief can review it in a few minutes. Do not hide valuables in vases and flower pots. In the bathroom, burglars must check the drain barrel, the place under the bathtub and sink, various cabinets, as well as ventilation passages.

Where to store money?

How, then, to hide your hard-earned money, if all the secluded places are already known to intruders? The answer is simple: come up with new, original and non-obvious ones, mask them as best as possible and make access to them as difficult as possible.

The most important precaution is not to store all the savings in one place, but to divide them into three or four stash and hide them in different places in the apartment. It is best to pick up banknotes of different denominations and currencies in each of them, so that a thief, having found one of the caches, might think that these are all available savings. For the same purpose, you can leave a small bundle of money in a more accessible place so that the criminal is satisfied with it and stops looking further.

The most important precaution is not to store all the savings in one place, but to divide them into three or four stash and hide them in different places in the apartment.

Try to store your valuables in places that require time and special tools to access. Housekeepers, as a rule, do not have a lot of time and do everything in a hurry. But be prepared for the fact that you will need some effort and additional preparation to create a reliable cache. The degree of complexity of the cache depends on its purpose: for money intended for daily expenses, you need to choose a design that can be easily opened every day, and for valuables "for a rainy day" you should find a more inaccessible place.

Whatever type of cache you choose for your valuables, try to make it as unusual as possible and at the same time look natural and not arouse suspicion.

Quick Access Caches

A simple and inconspicuous cache can be made in jars of cucumbers or jam. To do this, take a large bolt, wrap banknotes with it, wrap it in several plastic bags, secure with tape and lower it into a jar. Similar storage can be done in a plastic bottle or tin can.

bottle safe

Caches can be built into walls and furniture. For example, arrange a fake electrical outlet in which your valuables will lie instead of wires, or in the bathroom, fixing one of the tiles to magnets.

The hiding place can be equipped in fake plastic heating pipes, in a door leaf, in a drawer with a double bottom, in the legs of a wooden table, in the pipes of a curtain rod, in a thick candle. The video shows other ways to arrange a hiding place in the house.

If you have to store your valuables for several years, then you can take care of more hard-to-reach places. The most optimal place will be where it is impossible to reach without a tool.

The most optimal place will be where it is impossible to reach without a tool.

Hide your valuables inside household appliances by unscrewing the lid and screwing it back on: the thief will not have so much time and patience to methodically open all the appliances. But do not use small and expensive equipment for this, which can be carried away along with the contents.

A more difficult option is to arrange storage under the parquet. To do this, you need to remove several boards, make a recess in the floor with a chisel with a hammer or a puncher, put your valuables packed in polyethylene into it, fill the remaining space with shavings or sand so that it is not detected when tapped, and put the removed boards back on the glue. A similar hiding place can also be arranged under the last board of the laminate, which is protected from opening by a plinth screwed to the wall. Such storage will be almost impossible to detect if medium-sized furniture stands in its place.

It is in the power of each person to protect their home and property from thieves as much as possible. For this, there is no need to go and buy the most expensive safe. Reliable hiding places, the presence of which is not so easy to guess, can be made independently.

Some hiding places are useful not only to protect things from thieves - many of them can store bills, documents or New Year's gifts for children. Most cache-making tools are easy to find at your average hardware store.

A cache for money can be created right in an ordinary interior door. It is also convenient to store jewelry or flash drives with important documents. To do this, you just need to drill a hole in the upper part and place a metal or plastic tube with a screw cap there.

Behind large paintings or posters are often hidden caches of valuables. Therefore, it is better to choose a less trivial place for a safe, and place a niche for cables and behind a work of art.

But for storing jewelry, a large picture is perfect. One has only to place behind her a vertical hanger for beads, chains and earrings.

An ordinary wall shelf can be equipped with a hinged lid, under which you can store anything you want.

The mirror can be equipped with sliding shelves on the sides, the existence of which is not easy to guess.

Many have seen in the movies how people create hiding places in old books by simply carving a niche in the pages. Everyone is able to repeat this, with the help of an ordinary mock-up knife or scalpel.

On sale there are hollow computer keyboards that allow you to store small items inside. Of course, this will not save you from losing if a burglar decides to steal a computer, but it will help keep your desktop in order and hide some things from children.

Imitation sockets are now popular - small safes that are installed in the wall and opened with a key. It is very convenient to store money and jewelry in them.