
How to make a split on dough dolls. Magic dough. Fulfillment of desires You will not be together

In this article, we will talk about how the lapel manifests itself, and what a working quarrel for lovers or marriage partners is. The task of witchcraft is to get the desired result. There are many ways to achieve the desired effect. The method of work is chosen by the magician, after analyzing the initial situation, as well as the possibilities and ways to achieve the desired result.

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The ceremony of sorting out dough dolls is technically simple, and can be recommended for independent use. How effective it will be in your case is up to you. I can say one thing for sure - this is a working quarrel for relationships, used to break up a family, to separate lovers, to negatively correct relations between spouses. The induced lapel begins to act immediately, gradually gaining strength. You will know about the results after some time.
This split on dough dolls has different reviews, which you can read on magical resources. From unsalted dough, make 2 figures - male and female with pronounced sexual characteristics. Name each figure with the names of a man and a woman and seat them in different corners of the room. The rite of passage for relationships should begin on the waning moon. Every day for 40 days - in the morning and in the evening, approach each doll in turn and whisper a conspiracy: “(Name), together with (Name) you can’t live, don’t be, don’t eat bread together, don’t pump children together. Amen". This rassorka on the dough can be done in combination with other rites of love magic, as a reinforcing factor.
There is another option for squabbling on dough dolls. It is done as follows: 2 figures are molded from unleavened dough, named, planted in different corners of the room. The plot for each of them is read for 9 days. Then the male figurine should be crushed and poured into the guy's food. A female figurine is buried at a crossroads as part of a ransom. This variant of a strong working quarrel is done through demons, therefore, at the end of the rite, a payoff to the devils is obligatory.

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Some sorceresses make adjustments to the work, do it in a way that is more convenient, or, as intuition suggests. So, for a squabble on dolls, it is not necessary to make volts from dough. For some it works better with sewn volts, for others the result is better when exposed to straw dolls or grass twists. You can make figurines out of wax, clay, breadcrumbs - whatever you like, the task of witchcraft is the result, and different paths lead to it.
In general, it is not correct to ask the question which volt is stronger - wax or rag. Volt cannot be strong or weak - it's all about the number of bindings, the effort made, the visualization, the intention and the personal power of the magician, which puts all these elements into action.
Rassorka is one of the options for the lapel of a man from a woman. The lapel itself is a special magical rite, strong, carrying a serious destructive program and having a lasting effect on the object. The lapel can be performed as an independent impact, but, as a rule, magicians use it in combination with other rituals that enhance and consolidate the result, or strike at other aspects of life, which also works to consolidate the desired result.
Magicians identify several striking symptoms, which differ depending on the type of ritual performed. Often the symptoms of a man's lapel from his mistress are similar to signs of damage - poor health, auditory and visual mirages, alcohol, sudden mood swings, a clear desire to quarrel, a noticeable change in the behavior of a person who has become the object of witchcraft. You need to pay attention to these signs of a lapel on a beloved man. I recommend enlisting the help of a practicing magician. Ask him to diagnose the situation that has developed in your couple, and get advice on how to get rid of the negativity.

Magic dough. Fulfillment of desires.

magic dough

We are accustomed to the fact that some unusual talismans, precious stones, crystal balls, rare plants are used in magical rituals, which are collected once a year in hidden places ...

Meanwhile, our ancestors believed that magic is poured into everything that surrounds a person, and used the most ordinary objects that a person had to deal with every day for conspiracies and rituals. For example, dough.

How does a good housewife bake pies? She treats the dough with reverence, fussing over it, saying something ... She may not even particularly follow the recipe, she puts flour, milk and yeast "by eye", and the baking turns out - you will lick your fingers. If you are not endowed with culinary talents, you can resort to magic for such a thing, as, say, they do in Siberia. In order for the dough to fit well, they read a conspiracy there (this must be done so that no one hears:

Create, O Lord, heaven and earth and the whole universe: water, and land, and mountains, and wilderness, and grain, and bread. Lord, let me create, feed people. So that they eat and drink and glorify the Lord. Grant, Lord, that I may be glorified by my work. Amen, Amen, Amen.

The dough has been used for divination since ancient times. On the fortieth day after Easter, on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, special oblong pies were baked. Everyone who wanted to tell fortunes had to lay out seven cross bars of dough on his own pie. It turned out something like a ladder, and these pies were called like that - ladders, ladders. It was believed that they could climb into the sky. On Ascension Day, they went out into the field and threw ladders up so that flax and rye would grow better. And they guessed at them like this: they climbed onto the bell tower and threw ladders from there to the ground. If the crossbars remain intact, it means that a person will go to heaven after death. The more crossbars broke, the more sins a person has, and the more difficult it will be for him to ascend to heaven. And whose ladder is completely broken, then his path to the Kingdom of God will be closed ...

If you have a cherished desire and want to know if it will come true or not, you can do this. Blind a boat with a round wide bottom and high edges from the steep dough. While you are sculpting, read the prayer "Our Father" three times, and then say:

Lord, all your will. May my wish come true.

Put a small lit candle (preferably a church one) in the boat and let it into the river. If the light does not go out before the boat is out of sight, thenwhat you have in mind will definitely come true.

The dough can also have a healing effect.It is used, for example, in the case when you need to relieve pain. To do this, a not very thick cake is rolled out of warm yeast dough and placed on a sore spot. They hold it for 5-10 minutes, then wrap it like a roll, and roll it between the palms, saying:

I wrap the dough, I speak a sore spot.

It turns out a stick of dough, which you will take to the forest and wrap a ring around an aspen branch closer to the trunk - it is believed that the aspen will take over all the disease.

In love magic, ordinary yeast dough has long been used to bewitch a loved one. They did it like this: they put a dough, and when the dough came up, they began to knead it, reading an ancient conspiracy:

Anna Mana goal Plashelkow newcomer. I will pray and bow to King Osinil. Reduce and humble him, the boyar and peasant and monastic male, black and white, mottled and yellow, that he was born blind from birth and would become stupid, like a wet calf, mortifying wet calves, mole wet yellow. How tightly and how cruelly the stalk of spruce in the cheese, stuck in the ground and tied with spruce with spruce, tighter and even harder in it, frisky legs would bind to legs, hands to hands, jaws to jaws, belly to belly. Language is my key.

You need to read the plot seven times, while kneading the dough with such force that "then your hands ached." After the dough fits, you bake a pie out of it and treat it ... every girl or woman herself will figure out who.

From the dough, you can make a ladder or a bridge and leave them next to your bed for the night so that HE will come. In doing so, you must say:

Betrothed, mummers, come, I'll feed you a pie.

Will definitely come!

If it seems to you that your loved one is not completely faithful to you, you can use the following divination method. Place yeast dough. When it starts to come up, be careful not to spill it over the edges of the bowl. If you didn’t watch, and the dough ran away, it means that this time you shouldn’t tell fortunes, and it doesn’t hurt to think at all: maybe HE is not the person with whom you are destined to be together). While the dough is coming up, you need to read the plot seven times (they say at the same time on the dough and on the golden ring taken from the hand, you can engagement).

And I, a slave (name), slander a slave (name), so that his arms and legs wilt, and a white body, a prodigal vein is sluggish, he would not want for a fornication, for women and young young women and red maidens . And I'm talking about the ring. And he (name) in which pores will step and step over, on the same pores the body fell here. Wise words - the key and the lock. And he put the body into the body, and his body, the servant of God (name), will be stronger and harder than any red-hot iron, simple, and copper, and silver, and any stone of the sea, and earthly, and underground, and my word will be sharper than a sword and saber , and damask needles. Language is my key.

When you sculpt a cake, you need to put a ring taken from your finger inside. When the cake is ready, you will cut it into pieces, take out the ring and put it back on your finger. Treat your loved one more often with such pies - and then he will not look at anyone but you.

If the husband has a mistress, then the dough can help here too. Two dolls are molded from it, they are given the names of their husband and rival, and then they are seated in different corners of the room. Within 40 days, in the morning and in the evening, they approach each doll in turn (without missing a single time) with the words:

You can't be and live together, don't eat bread together, don't raise children. Amen.

The dough can also help when you need to detain a person so that he does not leave. It is necessary to knead the dough very cool, take the rolling pin with the thumb and ring fingers of the right hand and press the dough with force, saying:

I'll get in the way on the threshold, I'll get in the way on the road, I'll get in the way.

Then both the dough and the rolling pin must be removed for 9 days. However, it is not recommended to detain a person for more than a month: you will start to feel bad.

There is another way of divination for dough, it is used in the Urals. A magnet is placed in the dough (it is in itself a powerful means of love magic), and the following words are said on the yeast before putting it into the dough:

I will get up (name) without blessing and go without crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the courtyard to the gate, to the east, to the east side, to the holy sea-Okiyan. On the edge of the holy sea-Okiyan stands the holy goldsmith-creator, forges and forges steel with a way to a way with iron. I (name) will come up, bow, pray: how do you forge and forge steel with a way and a way with iron, and so nail and weld it (name) to me (name). His eyes to my eyes, his eyebrows to my eyebrows, his lips to my lips, his heart to my heart, blood to blood, life to life, fury to fury, flesh to flesh and the same love bone. So that (name) could not rejoice and have fun without me (name) at the day, at the red sun, at the dark night, at the bright moon. Be my word sharp, sharper than a sharp knife, light, lighter than air. Nobody can overcome my word either by air or by spirit.

Don't forget to remove the magnet from the cake before you offer it to your loved one.

With the help of a magnet taken out of the cake, you can check the fidelity of the spouse: they put him under the pillow, the unfaithful husband or wife screams at night, and the faithful sleep peacefully.

Living together is a responsible step. I want to take everything into account and think over. To make this important process as painless as possible, we have prepared a helpful list.

You have been tormented by this question for a long time: “Wouldn’t it be time for us to live together?” Does your partner think the same? You want to take the next step, but it is too significant and responsible. No, it's not about marriage. We are talking about how to develop further together. No more carrying your toothbrush from one place to another. No more waking up an hour early to run home and get ready for work. Living together makes sense and seems like a logical step, but what if you're in too much of a hurry? Let's discuss five signs that you're really ready for the kind of commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly.

1. His weird habits don't surprise you.

He likes to cut his nails in front of the TV. She locks herself in the bathroom and cleans herself up for several hours. In his closet is a children's collection of shells from elementary school. You have seen all this, and it does not surprise or repel you. If, on the contrary, you think that he or she still has secrets that you don't know about, or that you haven't spent enough time together to see all these oddities, you may not be ready to take such a step. Make sure you understand how your partner lives and how they spend their free time at home before agreeing to move. If not, even the smallest irritating factors can very quickly turn into large cracks.

2. You have already had conversations about finances.

Let's say your partner rents or pays off a mortgage. Have you already discussed how you will split the bills? If you eat food from the refrigerator, use utilities and watch cable TV, you must also pay your share. Are you afraid to touch on the topic of money, avoid it with all your might and just hope that everything will somehow work itself out? This strategy can work when you're trying to decide where to go for dinner, but on a global scale, this is an important aspect that needs to be discussed. If you can't talk openly and honestly about finances, then it's too early for you to move in.

3. You realize that living together under the same roof doesn't mean having more fun together.

Of course, the joint can be incredibly fun and interesting from time to time, but you should not look at it exclusively through rose-colored glasses. Moving to a partner can also be a very difficult and stressful step. Suddenly you no longer live alone and don't go anywhere you want. Difficulties can arise when you just want to be in peace and quiet, but there is no nook in your house to hide. This is especially difficult when you put your independence above all else. Remember to have realistic expectations for possible living together!

4. You are comfortable with each other

Your coexistence and sharing of a common space does not bring you discomfort. But if you still feel the need for your privacy, you may not be ready to share it with someone else just yet. Try to learn more about your partner's preferences and personal habits so you can get a clearer idea of ​​what to expect. Does he prefer to shave in the evenings? Does it take up the entire bed, pushing you to the edge? Your personal space will noticeably decrease after you start living together. If you are uncomfortable with this, then postpone this event for now.

5. You are independent, but highly value the time spent together.

Are you moving in with your partner because you are so dependent on him that you can't imagine life without him around? Do you just want to be together forever? On the other hand, if you value your independence, and you have your own rich and fulfilling life, then this aspect should be taken into account. It is important to save your hobbies and interests so that at the end of the day when you are together under the same roof, you can enjoy these moments with each other.

Ultimately, the decision to live together should be a bilateral agreement. If one of the parties is trying to move forward, while the other is still confused and hesitant, then you should wait with such a step. Rather, it should be a serious decision that both of you will come to after discussion, analysis and reflection. If you can answer “yes” to all of these five points, then you are ready to live together.