
How to make up eyes for a photo shoot. Makeup for a photo shoot: important tips. Makeup for a photo shoot in nature

Of course, it would be nice to take a professional makeup artist for both winter and summer photo shoots. But, with certain skills in applying decorative cosmetics, you can make a beautiful, bright and creative make-up and stylish hairstyle with your own hands.

The most important thing is to try to work out such makeup at least twice before shooting in the studio in order to improve and bring it to the ideal, achieving the highest quality result.

Also, you should use exactly the cosmetics that have already been tried and tested to be 100% sure that it will last the time necessary to create a creative photo.

Particular attention should be paid to the application of foundation and correctors. If they are not applied with high quality, and the contour of the corrector and blush is not clear, even the most creative, beautiful and bright make-up will be stained in the photo and the photographer will have to additionally redo them in Photoshop.

In order for it not to turn out that without makeup the appearance of the face is much better than with it, you need to carefully look at yourself in the mirror and correct the flaws or shortcomings.

But, if there is confidence that the photographer after shooting in the studio will refine minor flaws in Photoshop, you can not impose a large amount of tonal foundation and correctors on your face.

The most important thing in makeup for both winter and summer photo shoots is bright eyes. This is the most difficult area of ​​the face that needs to be worked out clearly and extremely carefully, choosing options that are suitable for a particular cut and type of eyes.

If they are drawn correctly, the general background of the face in the photo will look nice and clear.

How to make a beautiful face correction with your own hands, giving it the right tone?

The secret to applying foundation to freshen up the look of your complexion is to mix the darkest and lightest shades of your skin to achieve the most pleasing natural color.

It is best when mixed to create a shade one tone darker than the natural color of the skin, this gives it freshness. And the central part of the face needs to be worked out with a shade a tone lighter.

Crow's feet correctors are also better to take in the same way to achieve the effect of transforming from a sleepy panda into a blooming orchid.

Tip: “You can set a beautiful tone with a corrector by walking it in the inner corners of the eyes and lips, since during a photo shoot they fall into the shadows and the photo looks sluggish and tired.”

The tone must be applied in a minimum amount with a sponge with point movements. So the tone is distributed evenly over the skin, filling hard-to-reach areas without any problems.

Applying it with your fingers leaves stains visible to the naked eye, turning beautiful makeup into ugly makeup.

Tip: “A corrector for even out color under the eyes should be taken with a denser texture than the one used in everyday life. This is very important, because the makeup looks a little different in the photo.

It is better to choose any colorless powder with a matting effect to fix the tone, since we absolutely do not need excessive highlights.

Correct eyebrow correction with your own hands is the secret to the success of any girl

To begin with, we go over the eyebrows with a brush, combing the hairs in an upward direction, and then along their growth line. Thus, they fit perfectly and do not get out of the general line.

The tone of the pencil is taken to match or a tone darker than the natural color of the eyebrows. The first contour is drawn up to the middle of the eyebrow, and then it is displayed in a small corner beyond the natural line.

Further, the entire color of the eyebrows and above the eyebrow is shaded with a pencil along the outlined contour. After the tip of the eyebrow is slightly extended with a thin line. With the help of an eyelash brush, the eyebrows are shaded until a uniform and shade is achieved.

The main secret of such manipulation is a clean brush. If there are any impurities on it, it will smear the color on the face instead of evening out the tone and correcting the errors.

With a fixing eyebrow gel, first comb the eyebrows up, and then along the hairline. Now the eyebrows look beautiful and natural.

How to make a face correction and apply blush?

This will require two brushes. The first will be a little flat and sloping, the second will be large and round with soft villi. Marking the line for applying the cheekbone corrector is very simple.

It is necessary to make the expression of the lips “fish”, stretching the lips forward and apply the corrector to the formed depressions. After it is stewed with a brush, to the effect of a slight blur.

You can not be afraid of the colors of the corrector and apply it extremely thickly, since the photo in the studio eats up most of the color, creating a faded effect.

You should also apply a corrector on the ears so that they do not stand out white against the background of the hairstyle and dark correction. And the neck, applying tone around the edges, leaving the central part light, this will lengthen the neck and make it more elegant.

On top of the correction on the cheekbones, apply a little blush to lighten the corrector a little, softening the formidable look.

Professional models, unlike ordinary mortals, are well aware of the preparations that need to be made before a photo shoot in order to appear in front of the lens in all its beauty and splendor.

And we suggest reading this article for girls who are taking their first steps in the modeling business, or just lovers of beautiful photos. You will learn how to do the right makeup for a photo shoot, how to prepare for such an important event, how to behave in front of the camera and much more useful information.

About food and water

Three days before the photo session, completely refuse products that can cause swelling of the face and add oily sheen to your skin:

  • red meat;
  • caffeine;
  • alcohol;
  • any spicy food.

On the last day before the photo shoot, drink less water and try to get a good night's sleep.

On the last day before the photo shoot, drink less water and try to get a good night's sleep.

A few rules for preparing for a photo shoot

It is necessary to take care of your eyebrows in advance (at least a week in advance). It is best to do a professional plucking in the salon, and then take care of them, lubricating with any natural oil. Plucking your eyebrows before a photo session is strongly discouraged.

If you have sloppy regrown hair roots after dyeing, you should be aware that in the pictures they will look even worse than in real life. Update the color a couple of days before the photo shoot. Owners of natural hair color can be advised to use a toner to give hair shine and a healthy look.

Don't forget your nails! Even if they are not visible in the photo.

For those who are going to pose in the nude style: swimsuit stripes are not in trend right now. Before the photo session, visit the solarium several times, and this problem will be solved.

In advance, you need to take care of the lips - in a real fashion model, they cannot be chapped and dry. The night before the event, apply some kind of lip balm that will soften, give your lips softness, elasticity and remove all your cracks.

Let's not forget about the skin

Go through cosmetic procedures in the salon in advance so that the traces of a merciless battle for beauty on your face have time to heal.

You should not use creams containing retin-A and alpha hydroxides - they contribute to skin exfoliation and this cannot be hidden in photographs.

Makeup for a photo shoot by a professional makeup artist

You should come to him with a clean, virgin face - not an ounce of cosmetics. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is better to take a pill first, because someone else's cosmetics can give you a number of surprises. But don't worry - a true professional shouldn't let that happen.

Just in case, still grab your cosmetic bag and be sure to take skin care products: creams, tonics and makeup remover lotions. Do not forget mascara - it is from it that you can most often catch an infection.

Personal experience

Makeup on your own

Take a mirror as close as possible, because with the current level of photographic equipment, all the smallest flaws in your skin will be visible at a glance. And do not be afraid to act like a real artist - to put paint in neat and large strokes. Makeup for a photo shoot, unlike everyday, becomes more saturated and bright, since part of this magnificence will be leveled by the eye of the camera.

The decisive moment - applying makeup

Remember a few simple rules for applying makeup that will help you feel more confident and look flawless in your photos.

  • upper eyelashes should be made up thicker;
  • you need to be careful with the lower ones, otherwise you may get the effect of black circles under the eyes;
  • shade eyeliner and eye shadow very carefully - in the photo such makeup imperfections can turn into outright vulgarity;
  • mother-of-pearl shadows look advantageous only when the photographer sets the light in a special way and chooses the right angle, and this is possible only in a professional studio;
  • the foundation is chosen exactly to match the skin tone - this is the law;
  • during the shooting, do not part with the powder box - even a hint of oily sheen cannot be allowed;
  • use light matte lipstick with gloss on the middle of the lower lip - this is the most winning lip makeup that the camera loves very much;
  • keep your chin up while taking the picture, otherwise your nose may look long.

And most importantly - be natural in front of the camera lens. Smile sincerely, do not take unnatural poses, and everything will work out for you!

Hello everyone! Sometimes we have events that involve necessarily shooting a video or a camera. It can be a planned photo session or just a festive event.

Any person wants to remember the significant events of his life, respectively, and wants to look beautiful in the photo so that it is pleasant to look at them. Moreover, women should look perfect.

If you are planning a photo session, you need to seriously prepare for it, as any little thing will be important. Choose a theme in advance, and your image, get the right clothes, accessories, hairstyle, and most importantly make-up.

You need to think about it a few weeks before the shooting, therefore, today we will talk about exactly how to do makeup for a photo shoot so that it is of high quality and correct.

The best option would of course be to visit a professional makeup artist who knows his stuff. It happens that there is no way to turn to him, and you can only rely on yourself and your skills.

So, if you still decide to prepare without the help of makeup artists, you must be prepared for this difficult task. After all, you will have to mask various skin flaws yourself and transform your appearance.

Makeup may also depend on the location of the photo shoot, in the studio or in nature, but there are some rules that will work for any option.

Even skin tone is the foundation of a good photo.

The most important thing in makeup is always the skin and its condition. Of course, we all try every day to improve its appearance, but here we have to try harder. After all, modern cameras take pictures in very good quality, as a result, all the shortcomings can still become visible in the photo.

So, let's start in order with the skin. Its original state should be as ideal as possible. I can advise you to go to a beautician for skin cleansing procedures, or use cleansing scrubs, masks, moisturizers at home.

Preferably some time before the shoot. It is necessary, irregularities and other flaws, so that the cosmetics easily lay down.

A light tan will always look beautiful in the photo, for this, a couple of days before shooting, you can use a solarium or self-tanning. In order to, the day before the photo shoot, make lotions, and you will not have any bags under your eyes.

When the day of shooting has already arrived, wipe the skin with a tonic and apply a simple moisturizer or makeup base. If you still have any noticeable flaws, cover them with a corrector or a dense foundation.

Choose a cream a little darker than your natural tone, due to camera flashes, the skin will look paler. The base should be thick, it is applied to the face, neck, hands and décolleté, if it is open.

So that the face does not seem even, three base colors are used for volume. We take the first one a little darker than your skin, we apply it all over the face. The second should be a little lighter. We will apply it on the nose, forehead, earlobes and chin.

So the face will glow beautifully in the photo. And in a dark tone we will create contours, for this we impose it on the cheekbones, along the hairline, corners on the lower jaw and temples.

In general, only matte shades of cosmetics are suitable for preparing for a photo shoot. Borders should be smooth and feathered. At the end of the tone alignment, you need a large brush to apply a small layer of powder to the entire face.

charming eyes

Looking at any photo, you immediately notice the eyes, they will show the inner world of a person. No wonder they say: the eyes are the mirror of the soul! And our goal will be to make them as expressive as possible. To convey all the beauty and sensuality of the look, it is important to make them up correctly.

In our case, you need to emphasize the eyes, but you don’t need to do this with the help of bright sparkles and rhinestones, mother-of-pearl shadows, and so on. Otherwise, all this in the photo will look like spots.

Use also only matte suitable colors, but not red and very light shades. Better natural colors, golden beige or chocolate.

Everyone has their own special facial features, so makeup for each girl will be individual. Usually the goal of makeup is to make the eyes look big and almond shaped.

If you are using several shadow colors, then you need to blend the borders and make the transitions invisible. To make the eyes clear, just emphasize the lower eyelid with dark shadows.

A good mascara will come in handy, with a lengthening effect. Paint your eyelashes a couple of times with black mascara. Well, or you can use false eyelashes. They will also look beautiful, especially in a portrait photo.

It will not be superfluous and or, do not be afraid to draw a small arrow on the upper eyelid. This will make your overall look great!

Eyebrows also need to pay attention. They will help emphasize the look. Plucking them should be five to seven days before the photo shoot. To create their clear shape, there are brushes and pencils. Oddly enough, eyebrows should look very natural and not flashy.


Before you make up your lips with lipstick, cover them with a balm or hygienic lipstick, this will moisturize the oh, and the lipstick will lie down easily. Be sure to need a pencil, it also helps to apply lipstick as evenly as possible.

If you are used to usually painting your lips only with gloss or lipstick, then in our case this option will not work. So they can turn out blurry and not have a clear shape in the photo.

Depending on your age, skin tone and overall look. For dark-skinned girls, light lipstick is suitable, and for blondes or just fair-haired girls, it is better to choose a tone a little darker than usual.

Just do not use purple colors, otherwise the face will look unhealthy, and the teeth will visually turn yellow.

Do not use very bright lipstick, it will visually age you and emphasize the circles under the eyes. Gentle tones will be more appropriate, but a little brighter than you usually use.

So that the face does not look pale and flat, we will use blush. The shade depends on the theme of the photo shoot. If your look is mainly in cool colors, blush pink shades will be appropriate here. And for warm, naturally peach, beige or coral colors are suitable.

Photo session in nature

So, we have analyzed the basic rules of make-up for a photo shoot. Now a few recommendations for shooting in nature.

When preparing to shoot outdoors, choose a location in advance. Based on this, prepare and think over your image. Most often, such photos are bright and unusual.

If you want to take a photo in a field of flowers, make-up shades should match the shades of the surrounding nature. For example, a background for a photo is a field with poppies, in which case scarlet lipstick, and green and red clothes are perfect. Against the backdrop of an autumn landscape, an outfit is the color of fallen leaves.

If you want to take photos outdoors, do not try to stand out too much with makeup, it is better to make it everyday.

A light dress or other stylish clothes will emphasize the beauty. You can take not a bright photo, but for example black and white, it will be very successful with correctly applied makeup.

Consider all the little things when creating your image, follow all the rules, and you will get great photos! Happy photo session! Put your fingers up! Till! Till!

Recently, professional photo shoots in specially equipped studios have become especially popular. In such a process, every detail is important: from the design of the studio to the image of the models. Particular attention should be paid to makeup, since the face is the main element of the photos. It is important that the make-up is ideally suited for a holistic image, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the flaws.

Shooting in the studio

Makeup for a photo shoot in the studio should be significantly different from everyday make-up. The reason is that the bright drowns out the saturated colors of the face, and with various variations of light, all skin imperfections will be clearly visible.

In order for the face in the photo to look “alive” and the cosmetics to fit perfectly on the skin, it is worth starting preparations for shooting the day before they start. To do this, you need to make a moisturizing face mask, only one that does not contain allergenic components, so as not to provoke the appearance of inflammation.

You should also avoid:

  • Cosmetic cleansing, face peeling. These treatments will cause skin redness or irritation.
  • Use of self-tanner.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids to prevent swelling of the face.

In order not to resort to the use of Photoshop later, you can initially use the services of a professional makeup artist. They have a lot of professional cosmetics in their arsenal, with which you can create the perfect makeup for a photo shoot in the studio. With artificial lighting, the face will look perfect.

Makeup creation

In order to achieve the perfect image, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm for makeup. So, how to create makeup for a photo shoot step by step:

1) The skin of the face must be clean. After preliminary cleansing, a colorless primer is applied to the face.

2) Then, using a flat brush, foundation cream with a dense and matte texture is applied to the entire face.

3) Makeup for a photo shoot in the studio should make the face as natural as possible, so it is worth considering that professional tonal products only smooth the surface of the skin, but do not give naturalness, making it flat. To prevent such imperfections, you should use a professional sculpting technique. It involves applying highlighter to areas that should be more convex: nose, cheekbones, chin. Moreover, the highlighter should be lighter than the tonal base. Sculpting also includes the process of darkening some areas: under the cheekbones, the sides of the nose, the hairline (assuming a high and wide forehead), the face on the sides.

4) Next, you need to apply additional corrective means. They will help hide imperfections that foundation cannot cope with. To do this, it is better to use a concealer with a yellow undertone, which perfectly masks dark circles in the eye area.

5) For shooting in the studio, in order to avoid glare of the face in bright light, it is better to use matte powder.

Creating an expressive look

Eye makeup for a photo shoot should be quite expressive. Even if a saturated color lipstick is involved, there should also be an emphasis on the eyes. Although in everyday makeup, preference is given to one thing: either the eyes or the lips stand out.

Makeup artists adhere to a number of rules when applying makeup on the eyes:

  1. In order for the shadows to lie more evenly and longer, a special base is used - a primer for the eyelids.
  2. Shadows, eyeliner, eyeliner should be shaded. This will make the look less heavy.
  3. It is better to use shadows with a matte texture. And mother-of-pearl should be used only in the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes.
  4. For the expressiveness of the look, it is worth giving preference to false eyelashes.

Lipstick vs Glitter

In fact, it is worth using these tools in tandem. But this also has its own rules:

How to do your own makeup for a photo shoot

If there is no desire or funds to use the services of a professional makeup artist, you can do the makeup yourself. You just need to know a few makeup secrets.

  • Even before applying foundation, you should first make up your eyes. This will help to easily remove crumbled powder from the face. Eye makeup should be done gradually, stroke by stroke, so as not to overdo it and add age to yourself (this will be clearly visible in the photo).
  • To give expressiveness to the look, it is necessary to designate the lash line: draw a line with an eyeliner along the contour of the lashes from the inside of the upper eyelid.
  • Don't feel sorry for the ink. The more layers are applied to the eyelashes, the fuller and more voluminous they become.
  • With the help of blush, you can emphasize the cheekbones and make the face more expressive.
  • As you know, eyebrows “make” the face. Therefore, they should not be neglected. With the help of an eyebrow pencil, you need to correct a more correct shape and add color.
  • For the best effect in the photo, you need to moisturize your lips. Glitter, balm or lipstick - everything will work.

There is nothing difficult in doing makeup for a photo shoot in the studio with your own hands. The main thing is to use high-quality cosmetics so that it does not fail at a crucial moment. But to create any complex image, it is better to resort to the help of a professional make-up artist or makeup artist.

Preparing for a New Year's photo session

There are many ideas and themes that can be recreated in a studio setting. One of the most popular is the New Year's photo session in the studio.

A special atmosphere, festive decoration, New Year's image - the combination of these conditions makes the pictures truly fabulous. Make-up should also be special and in harmony with the holistic image.

You need to approach the choice of a New Year's image responsibly, because the quality of the received photos will depend on the preparation. A New Year's photo shoot in the studio can be performed in a fabulous, magical version, or it can be a regular shoot in a decorated room. If the second option is chosen, then the choice of outfit and appropriate makeup must be approached wisely.

A photo session in the style of the New Year provides for several shooting options using various exposures: near the fireplace, near a decorated Christmas tree, sitting on a carpet surrounded by gifts, etc. Of course, the lighting in each photo production will be different. Therefore, in order to look equally good in all photographs, you need to pick up several outfits.

It would be useful to take several pairs of different shoes: stilettos for a photo in the style of a New Year's party, uggs are perfect for shooting a "street" exposure - near the Christmas tree, house slippers or ballet flats can be used to recreate a home environment.

As for makeup, special attention should be paid to the skin and eyes. In order not to shine like a Christmas tree, you should use only matting products for facial skin.

Eye makeup for a photo shoot in the New Year's style can be different. As a rule, in this case, a “winter” make-up is used: a pencil, shades of deep colors (all shades of blue or dark colors) are used for make-up of the eyes. The eyes should "draw attention to themselves."

The main thing is a smile

The most important thing you need to take with you for a photo shoot is a good mood. Before shooting, you should rest in order to look cheerful in the morning and not to hide circles under the eyes and pale face behind tons of cosmetics. Makeup for a photo shoot in the studio requires preliminary preparation, so rest is necessary.

And do not forget to smile, because, as you know, a smile is the best decoration.

Studio lighting tends to reduce the brightness of makeup. If you put on make-up before shooting in the same way as you usually go out, then it will look dull and inexpressive in the picture. To get a good photo, you need to paint more brightly and saturated than in everyday life.

Carefully work out the skin tone. If there are bruises, pimples or veins appear, then all this must be hidden in all possible ways. Exposed areas of the skin in the neckline and on the shoulders should also be made up. The light and the camera will show all the flaws if they are poorly hidden and the pictures are not of the highest quality.

Due to the light, the face of the model acquires additional shine. This does not look the best, so you need to generously apply the powder to all areas of the body where glitter can appear.

In a portrait, the eyes are the most important element. It is on them that the focus is directed, they are in the center of attention. The eyes should be as expressive as possible. Makeup artists and make-up artists know that the darkest color should be applied to the outer part of the eye in order to visually enlarge the eye and hide the crease. Lighter tones are applied under the eyebrows and closer to the bridge of the nose. This makes the look more clear and open, and also visually pulls the eyes out of the shadows. The best expressiveness can be achieved using three colors. Eyelashes are painted with mascara. It is also important not to forget about eyeliner arrows. If the look is tired and haggard, then the green color should not be used. You need to paint more brightly than in everyday life. Eyebrows bring the color as close as possible to the shade of the hair.

Lips are easier to work with than eyes, but if you make a mistake here, then the whole makeup will look bad. Lipstick should not be too bright. Do not get carried away with glitter. The lips should not be brighter than the eyes. For fair skin, lipstick is usually used slightly lighter than the natural color of the lips. In photography, lipstick colors that are not natural for a person look not the best: pink, blue, green ...

Cheekbones are most often decorated with blush in a color close to the shade of the lips.

In addition to makeup during shooting, to get a high-quality result, you need to remember some other rules:

  1. During shooting, you need to keep an even posture and not twist the body into unnatural poses.
  2. Find the most successful angles for yourself and remember them.
  3. Be friendly and smile. Treat the shooting process with ease and ease. This will make your facial expression more joyful and bright. Pictures are much nicer.