
What is the use of the Kuznetsov applicator. Multi-needle device for reflexology or Kuznetsov's applicator: benefits and harms, features of use as part of complex therapy for pathologies of the back and spine. Where do you sell Kuznetsov's applicator

Indian and Chinese cultures have used therapeutic acupressure for over 5,000 years. This technique is still in demand in China. In India, yogis used (and still use) a bed of nails for better meditation and healing. In the West, these practices are becoming popular as alternative therapies to support health.

Not every person has the opportunity to visit a massage therapist, especially when it comes to acupuncture. As a result, home appliances are in high demand. The most famous of them is the Kuznetsov applicator.

Applicator Kuznetsov does not belong to evidence-based treatment methods, but due to its relative safety it can be used as an addition to the main treatment for diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous system.

What is the Kuznetsov applicator

This acupressure device is amazing in its simplicity and effectiveness. The applicator is a mat with small needle plates. It is designed to affect the biologically active points of the human body. It can be said that it is a kind of lazy massage. All you need to do is lie down on a mat or apply it to a sore spot. That's why he became so popular.

Currently, Kuznetsov's applicator can be found in almost every home. It is affordable, especially for the simplest modifications. That's why they buy it just in case. However, those who know the benefits of needle massage often use the applicator to relieve muscle and joint pain, improve immunity and mood.

Types of applicators

The applicator was developed in the 80s of the XX century by Russian scientist Ivan Kuznetsov. The first copy was released in 1998. Then it was a small plastic plate with spikes sewn to a piece of cloth. Now it is produced in various modifications and price categories.

Today, the classic Kuznetsov applicator is affordable - the simplest one can be bought for 100 rubles. However, the price depends on the base size, shape and material. The applicator can be made in the form of a large pad, belt, insole. Sometimes the plates can be purchased separately, and then attached to the base yourself.

The device can be made in the form of a roller for the neck, muscle massage, for feet, joints, for the lower back. It can be rolled with the foot on the floor or on the body. You can put the roller under your neck and lie on it. It helps a lot with cervical osteochondrosis.

Recently, the applicator has become even more effective with the help of magnets located on each plate. Such models are more expensive - they cost about 1000 rubles, but they also have a greater effect due to magnets.

Indications for use

When analyzing the research results, the experts came to the conclusion that the applicator should be used for the treatment of spinal hernia, all types of arthritis, neurosis, sciatica, paralysis, chronic fatigue, depression and insomnia, migraines, panic attacks, obesity, asthma and sinusitis.

Kuznetsov's applicator for lumbar osteochondrosis

Basically, the device is used for pain in the lower back. Even doctors prescribe it as an auxiliary treatment for osteochondrosis. For the procedure, you will need a special bedding, pillow or belt.

You need to lie with your back on the applicator, acting on it with the weight of your whole body. How long to lie on the Kuznetsov applicator? If you do not experience discomfort, the exposure should last at least 1.5 hours.

The roller for the neck with a hernia of the cervical region and osteochondrosis should be used less. The course of treatment should last 2 weeks. You can repeat after a break.

When the Kuznetsov applicator can cause harm

The use of a massager also has contraindications:

  • papillomas;
  • warts;
  • hemophilia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • birthmarks.

Contraindications are dermatitis and skin lesions, a tendency to bleeding. It is not recommended to carry out therapy immediately after a meal.

When using this massage, there are no side effects. For people with a low pain threshold, massagers with less sharp needles have been developed. In this regard, most patients safely tolerate the treatment with the applicator.

Massage can be harmful only if the device is used incorrectly. Therefore, it is important to know how to lie on it. Some have a high fever, palpitations, blood pressure may rise, ringing in the ears may appear. In this case, the procedure is terminated.

A normal reaction is a feeling of warmth, mild pain, sudden sweating, and slight dizziness. This indicates that the applicator intensively affects the nervous system. People with hypersensitive skin may experience intense redness when massaged. In this case, you should change the applicator to another model with a smaller distance between the needles.

Instructions for use

It is very important to know how to use the applicator correctly in order for this treatment method to be beneficial. It can be applied in many ways. The easiest of them is to lie on the floor with your whole body, changing the position of the body from time to time. In some cases, it is attached to the body with special belts. Sometimes it is needed for a specific part of the body, for example, the knee. In this case, it is recommended to attach the applicator to the sore spot and slowly, gently pressing, massage. At the beginning, the duration of the session should last 10 minutes and increase to 30 minutes.

How to apply the massager depends on which part of the body requires treatment. For pain in the neck, it can be used for the back of the neck and collar area. The applicator should be pressed down with your hands for 40-60 seconds until pain occurs. The standard time for the procedure is 5-6 minutes. If necessary, this massage can be repeated several times a day. A roller is best for neck massage.

For intervertebral hernia and pain in the upper spine, a massage bed is used. Lay it on a soft, flat surface and slowly lie down on your back. Lie like this for at least 10 minutes. To increase the therapeutic effect, you can move your arms and legs from side to side.

With a hernia of the lumbar spine and pain, it is necessary to hold the massager firmly on the sore spot for about 40-60 minutes. Don't worry if it doesn't have special straps. You can secure it with an elastic band.

The massage pad can be used for sciatica and even on the face. The main thing is to be careful. Place the applicator on a flat, soft surface and lie face down on it. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, however, you should not experience any discomfort or acute pain.

Acupressure helps with heel spurs and leg health. From swelling of the legs, it is best to use the applicator plates. Lay them on the floor and put your feet on them. Start from a sitting position, and then gradually move to a standing position. Raise your legs from time to time - this way you will change the weight load. The standard time for the procedure is from 5 to 20 minutes.

The fact that massage is good for health has been known since antiquity. And now more and more people prefer such methods, since drug therapy often does more harm than good. In terms of its effect on a person's well-being, massage is one of the most effective methods. Especially useful is its ancient variety - acupuncture. This method came from the East and has a positive effect on health. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit a massage therapist, especially an acupuncture room. Therefore, devices for home use are becoming increasingly popular. The most famous of them is the harm and benefits of it have been studied in detail by doctors, and it has been proven that its correct use is effective in many diseases.

What is the Kuznetsov applicator

This device is amazing in its simplicity and efficiency. It is a rug with small plates with spikes sewn on it. It was created in the 80s of the 20th century by the Russian scientist I. I. Kuznetsov.

This device has many modifications, and its purpose was to act on biologically active points on its own. We can say that this is a massager for the lazy, because all you need is to lie on the mat or press it against the sore spot. Therefore, the Kuznetsov applicator has become so popular. The harm and benefits of it were investigated immediately, and the instructions were attached to it when it was sold. The fame of such a simple and effective device for massage spread quickly. And now in almost every house you can find some Kuznetsov applicator. Its price, especially for the simplest modifications, is so low that many even bought it just like that, just in case. But those who know the benefits of such needle massage often use the applicator, relieving pain in muscles and joints, increasing efficiency and mood, and improving immunity.

Types of applicators

The first such rug was released in 1988. Kuznetsov's needle applicator was a small plastic plate with spikes sewn onto a piece of fabric. Now the industry produces many modifications that differ in the size of the spikes and their distance from each other, the size and shape of the base.

1. Kuznetsov's classic applicator. Its price is quite low - the simplest one can be bought for 100 rubles. But the cost depends on the size of the base, its shape and material. These can be large rugs, massagers in the form of a belt or insoles for the feet. Sometimes the plates can be bought separately, then you will have to mount them on the base yourself.

2. Kuznetsov's roller applicator is designed to massage muscles, feet and joints. It can be rolled on the body or feet on the floor. You can also put a roller under your neck and lie on it. It is so easy to relieve pain in cervical osteochondrosis.

3. Recently, the effectiveness of the massager has been increased with the help of magnets that are on each plate. Such applicators are more expensive - about a thousand rubles, but due to the magnetic field, its effect is stronger.

What effect does it have on the body

During the procedure, the applicator needles are pressed into the body, affecting small vessels. Blood circulation is accelerated, due to which the metabolism increases, plaques from the vessels and various toxins are washed out. Recent studies have shown that the applicator also presses on the acupuncture points. And it has long been known that such an effect has a positive effect on all organs, relieving pain and improving their functioning.

When pressed, blood circulation accelerates, muscles relax and sleep improves. Kuznetsov's applicator is especially effective for pain in the back and joints. The harm and benefits of its effects on the musculoskeletal system are well studied. Such procedures are widely used to restore cartilage tissue, improve blood circulation and relieve pain after injuries.

Use of the applicator

This device has the following effect:

Soothes, relaxes muscles;

Increases efficiency;

Relieves pain;

Improves blood circulation;

Increases immunity;

Accelerates the process of cell regeneration;

Stimulates metabolism;

Improves skin tone and improves skin elasticity.

When is the Kuznetsov applicator used?

1. Most often, such an effect is used for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

With sciatica;



Pain in the muscles;

2. But not only such problems are treated by Kuznetsov's applicator. Its use is indicated for:




Obesity and cellulite.

3. With this massager, you can successfully treat diseases of the digestive tract, genitourinary system and respiratory organs.

Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis

Most cases of using such a massager are associated with back pain. Even doctors prescribe such procedures as an auxiliary treatment for osteochondrosis. To do this, you can use special rugs, rollers or belts.

Most often, with osteochondrosis, the Kuznetsov needle applicator is placed along the spine and lies down, pressing it with the weight of your body. If no discomfort is felt, the effect must be maintained for at least half an hour. For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, special rollers are used, placed under the neck. In this case, the exposure time should be less. After a two-week course of procedures, you need to take a break, then they can be repeated. But usually the effectiveness of treatment is so high that the pain disappears for a long time.

Can everyone use it?

As with any massage, there are contraindications for using the Kuznetsov applicator:

Moles, papillomas or warts in the place where the massager is applied;

Dermatitis and skin lesions at the site of exposure;


Various tumors;


tendency to bleed;



What harm can the applicator bring

Basically, when using such a massage, side effects are not observed. For people who have reduced sensitivity, there are special varieties with more blunt spikes. Therefore, most patients tolerate Kuznetsov's applicator well. The harm and benefit from it are incomparable. After all, negative effects can only be with improper use of the massager. Some people feel intense heat, a rapid heartbeat, blood pressure may rise, or tinnitus may appear. In this case, the procedure must be stopped. There is also an opinion that the impact on biologically active points with the help of an applicator is harmful. Indeed, with acupressure, the specialist must definitely choose the place and force of pressure. And when using a needle rug, this cannot be done.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator

Depending on the type of massager chosen, it can be applied, bandaged or pressed to a sore spot. High efficiency is observed if Kuzetsov's needle applicator is placed on the floor and lies on it. This procedure can be performed from half an hour to an hour.

And on the feet, temples, neck and back of the head, the effect should be dosed: you need to press the applicator for a few minutes, then take a break. You can repeat this effect until the pain disappears. The course of treatment should be no more than two weeks. After a break, you can use Kuznetsov's applicator again. Its use has almost no contraindications and is effective for improving performance. Many people buy this massager. But before starting treatment, you need to learn how to use the Kuznetsov applicator correctly:

Before use, consult a doctor;

The procedure should be carried out no earlier than one and a half hours after eating;

You should carefully study the instructions and follow their recommendations.

Now, trust in folk medicines and recipes, which have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness, has begun to grow, because classical medicine offers more and more medicines that not only cannot cope with emerging problems and diseases, but often create an additional threat to our life and health. And the qualifications and competence of some doctors and does raise doubts.

Increasingly, we turn to treatment, the effectiveness of which was felt by our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. One of these therapeutic and health-improving methods is massage, the benefits of which can hardly be overestimated.

There are a lot of varieties of massage, but a special place among them is occupied by one of its oldest techniques - acupuncture, which began to emerge in the East, from where it later came to our region. Acupuncture is based on the impact on certain points, located in a special way on the human body.

It is good if it is possible to attend sessions of such a massage in a professional office. But what to do in her absence? It was for this that the Kuznetsov applicator was created, or, as it is correctly called, the applicator. In general terms, this is a special massage mat, on the surface of which there are many plastic needles.

Of course, Kuznetsov's applicator cannot simultaneously act on all the necessary points, inferior in this procedure to professional acupuncture, but still it is an excellent alternative and saves people suffering from back pain. Many experts have devoted their work to the study of this device, proving its usefulness in many diseases, however, without excluding possible harm if the Kuznetsov applicator is used incorrectly.

Outwardly, this is a rather primitive device, which, however, differs in high
efficiency at low cost. It was created by Kuznetsov in the 80s of the last century. Kuznetsov's applicator looks like a small mat for massage made of dense fabric, on the entire surface of which plastic plates with spikes are sewn. More modern is its variety, completely made of plastic segments with needles, fastened together like a puzzle. You can disassemble and assemble such an applicator to the size you need, getting a massager for the entire back or just for the feet.

There are many modifications of Kuznetsov's applicators, but they all have one purpose - the impact on the corresponding points on the body. This massager for the lazy is incredibly easy to use - unfold the mat (or assemble / disassemble it to the required size), put it on a flat surface and lie down on top of it with a place that bothers you. In the instructions attached to it, its purpose and contraindications were immediately described, which is why the massager has become so popular. Almost every family has one or another modification of this miracle applicator.

After trying Kuznetsov's applicator in practice for some time, many noticed a decrease in joint and muscle pain, an increase in working capacity and an improvement in mood.

And the low price only stimulated the purchase of this unit, even in the absence of health complaints, but just like that, in reserve.

Kuznetsov's first applicator saw the world in 1988. This version of him has become a classic.
and was a set of small plastic plates with needles, which were sewn onto a dense fabric. They walked on it with their feet, put it under their backs or wrapped it around a sore spot, fixing it with bandages. The classic applicator was especially effective for radiculitis and osteochondrosis, initial scoliosis, flat feet and even heel spurs.

When creating this applicator, scientists did not have knowledge of the ancient Chinese theory of acupuncture, which provides for the relationship of certain points on the body with specific diseases. According to this theory, stimulating each such point helps to get rid of a number of diseases and problems. A few years after the release of Kuznetsov's first applicator, a connection was established between its mechanism of action and the Chinese theory of acupuncture. This became an incentive to expand the range and improve applicators.

At the moment, there are such types of applicators:

  1. Classical. The most simple and inexpensive model, differs in the quality of the base material, its size and shape. The simulators differ in the distance between the needles. It can be 5 mm (the so-called soft applicator) or 7.6 mm (hard, with harder needles). Kuznetsov's classic applicator is recommended by doctors who recognize the relationship between traditional medicine and Eastern medicine for the treatment of autonomic dysfunction, accompanied by pressure drops, headaches and dizziness, and fatigue. Positive results have also been achieved to increase efficiency, improve sleep and sexual activity, in the fight against cellulite.
  2. Roller applicator. Outwardly, it is a roller massager with or without a handle. The size of the roller and the length of the needles can also differ, so you can easily choose a massager to relieve pain in the back, feet, joint and muscle pain, to break the salts accumulated in the joints. It is especially good to roll it on the floor with your feet, because it is on the feet that most of the most active points are located. It is convenient to put the roller under the neck - this will help get rid of cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. applicator belt. It looks like a very wide belt inside which there are several rows of studded plates.
  4. Insole applicators designed for kneading the feet.
  5. Disc applicator. It can be easily fixed on the hand with a strap to conveniently massage yourself or another person with plastic spikes.
  6. magnetic applicators. Modern technologies offer an improved version of the Kuznetsov applicator, the efficiency of which is higher due to the magnets located inside each plate. Its effectiveness is growing, and with it the price is growing - the cost of magnetic applicators starts from 1000 rubles. and higher.

By analogy with Kuznetsov's massage applicators, silicone discs were created to combat cellulite, but they are much softer than the sharp needles on the applicator. Another type of Kuznetsov's applicator is wood massagers with wooden spikes.

Kuznetsov's applicators depending on the color:

  • blue - for people who have a normal pain threshold;
  • green - for people who are very sensitive to pain;
  • yellow - designed for people with a high pain threshold;
  • orange - specialized applicators that yogis use to prepare for the transition to boards with honeycomb nails.

The mechanism of action of the Kuznetsov applicator on the body

Its principle of action is based on knowledge from the field of acupuncture - a science that studies active points located throughout our body. At the same time, stimulation of each of these points individually or several points at the same time has a healing effect on the organs, thereby helping to get rid of various diseases.

The instructions for each type of applicator indicate the place to which the massager must be applied to achieve the best results - back, feet, neck, head, arms.

The Kuznetsov applicator works like this: when applied to the body, the needles begin to be pressed into it, falling on the vessels and capillaries.

This stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to all organs and systems. And at the same time, the process of washing out accumulated fats, plaques formed on the walls of blood vessels, toxic substances, salts and other accumulated "garbage" is accelerated. This starts the processes of active renewal, restoration and regeneration.

But the applicator affects not only the vessels. It also acts on certain acupuncture points, as a result of which muscle relaxation occurs, pain, irritation and fatigue disappear, sleep normalizes, the body is filled with warmth and gets the rest it needs. After such a session, working capacity increases and brain activity improves.

How useful is the Kuznetsov applicator and when can it cause harm?

The device is far from perfect - it does not have all the required capabilities in order to heal from any ailments. But the list of diseases that can be cured with the Kuznetsov applicator is quite impressive. This massager helps to get rid of:

  • sciatica
  • muscle stiffness
  • arthritis
  • pinched nerves
  • osteochondrosis
  • lower back pain
  • leg numbness, tingling and twitching sensations
  • cellulite
  • overweight
  • sciatica
  • respiratory system diseases
  • spasms
  • fatigue and insomnia
  • pain in muscles and joints
  • diseases of the urinary system
  • headaches
  • digestive problems
  • endocrine diseases
  • diseases of the male and female reproductive system

Using the Kuznetsov applicator, you can achieve muscle relaxation, relieve pain, calm the nerves, speed up blood flow, metabolism and cell renewal, strengthen the immune system and body tone, make the skin more elastic, increase efficiency.

But not every type of massage is absolutely safe. The Kuznetsov applicator also has a number of limitations, in the presence of which it is undesirable to use it in order to avoid harm to the body. It is forbidden to use the applicator in the presence of:

  • papillomas, warts, tumors, moles in places where you need to apply a massager;
  • skin wounds, dermatitis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • during pregnancy.

Kuznetsov's applicator has no pronounced side effects. If you have a low pain threshold, then at first you can use a modification of the applicator with blunt spikes - this way you can get used to and learn how to relax your muscles correctly, because all possible harm often comes from improper use of this device.

If during the procedure you feel heat, pressure surge, acceleration of the heart rate, tinnitus, "hammers" in the temples - take a break or reduce the duration of the session. With daily use, these side effects will go away over time.

The harm from using a needle pad is often associated with the fact that when acupuncture is performed by a specialist, the effectiveness of the procedure is much higher, because a trained master knows exactly which points need to be acted upon, with what force and for how long. Using the applicator at home, we do not have sufficient knowledge about the ancient technique of acupuncture, so we can unknowingly harm ourselves.

Proper use of the Kuznetsov applicator

The first thing to do is to connect the applicator modules to give it the right size, depending on the place you plan to work on.

After that, you can act according to the situation: press the applicator to the body and fix it with an elastic bandage; put on the floor and lie on top; just press on the affected area.

Of course, it will be most effective to lie on top of the massager and “wiggle” a little on it, roll from side to side, and perform the stand on the shoulder blades exercise. Some even managed to pump the press on it.

It will take about 10 minutes to relax all the muscles.

If your goal is to tone the body, then the duration of the procedure should not be delayed for more than 3-4 minutes.

If you plan to direct its action on the areas of the feet, temples, neck, back of the head, palms, then you must follow the sequence: 1 minute of pressure - a break for several minutes. Repeat until the pain disappears. The duration of treatment is up to two weeks.

In other cases, the procedure can last from half an hour to an hour daily. But you need to do everything wisely, which is confirmed by this video:

At the end of the session, you can take a warm or contrast shower.

Remember to follow these tips before buying a Kuznetsov applicator and its practical application:

  1. Mandatory consultation with a doctor.
  2. Carefully read the instructions and follow the rules set out in it.
  3. It is allowed to use the massager after at least 1.5 hours after eating.

Bardukova Elena Anatolievna
neurologist, homeopath, work experience 23 years
✔ Article checked by a doctor

Famous Japanese rheumatologist:“THIS IS AMAZING! Russian methods of treatment of joints and spine cause only bewilderment. See how doctors offer to treat back and joints in Russia: Voltaren, Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Milgamma, Dexalgin and other similar drugs. However, these drugs DO NOT TREAT THE JOINTS and BACK, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease - pain, inflammation, swelling. Now imagine that…” Read full interview »

The article contains complete information about the Kuznetsov applicator for osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis affects about 90% of the total population of the planet aged 35 years and older. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, excess weight and other negative effects on the spine directly affect the development of the disease.

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis are severe pain in the cervical region, muscle spasms, poor blood circulation. Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis is one of the effective methods of treatment at home.

To get rid of the symptoms and eliminate the disease, various methods of treatment are used - physiotherapy procedures, medications, massage, manual therapy and a free affordable method - therapeutic exercises. Alternative medicine methods are also popular in our country, although they have been little studied.

The applicator also treats respiratory diseases, improves the nervous system, activates the body's defenses and recovery processes. The massager has become very popular among the general population due to its ease of use, affordable price and excellent performance.

What is the Kuznetsov applicator?

INCREDIBLE STORY THAT SHOCKS MANY:“My name is Olga, I am 38 years old. There was a lot of back pain in the lower back. I came to the hospital - they did an MRI, they said: “You have hernia and osteochondrosis 4 degrees. Get ready for operations". I nearly fainted there! Horrible! What operation, I'm only 38? It turns out that even at this age you can earn osteochondrosis of the 4th degree. But it all started with a simple lower back pain., which then became chronic, aching, then a hernia of the lumbar spine formed! She interfered with sleep and walking. I refused the operation because I was afraid of anesthesia: suddenly I would fall asleep and not wake up again. I also have heart problems. As a result, they prescribed me a bunch of useless medicines, and when I returned, the doctors just shrugged, they say, what do you want, you need to do the operation ... A couple of months ago, on the Internet, I came across an article that literally saved me. I regained my health and the pain was gone! I am so grateful to fate, the chance that led me to this article! Finally my spine is healthy, and it's all thanks to this article! Anyone who has PAIN IN THE BACK AND JOINTS - read NECESSARILY ! Now there is NO PAIN, I sleep normally, I walk and work in the country. ” Read more»

Ivan Kuznetsov was a fan of Chinese medicine. Once he got lung burns from a powder for baiting cockroaches and decided to try to cure himself. Kuznetsov took an ordinary rubber yoga mat and attached small pins to it. The self-made device showed good results, and after that Ivan began to treat ordinary people.

Ivan Kuznetsov - the creator of the applicator

Gradually, the benefits of this product spread not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Almost every Soviet family had such an applicator. The popularity of the product has now declined, but it is just as commonly used as other alternative treatments.

The applicator consists of two parts: spikes and the base on which they are attached. The thorns look like a plum blossom in shape - forked blunt thorns. This form does not damage the skin and has a more gentle effect compared to other massagers. The applicator spikes consist mainly of medical plastics and very rarely of metal alloys. The spikes are on round or square plates. The number of spikes, their length and the distance between them may vary.

The base for the spikes is a fabric or oilcloth mat, which is convenient to apply to the skin.

There are a large number of forms of applicators:

Softer impact have iplicators with small spikes that are close to each other.

Indications for use

Site Reader Stories:“My name is Ekaterina, I am 42 years old. A few years ago I had a severe flu, after which I ended up in the hospital with complications. One of the complications was an inflammatory process in the lower back and joints. X-ray showed initial signs of lumbar osteochondrosis and hernia. And I was 39 at the time. When walking while climbing stairs, there was aching pain in the lower back and leg. I tried a lot: Voltaren, Milgamma, Meloxicam... Something helped more, something less. But only this new remedy removed the terrible pain. The last x-ray showed nothing. I just want to wave this picture in front of the doctors, who said that it could get worse, but it won’t get better. I keep it on hand and recommend it to everyone. It saved me, that's for sure." Read more»

Kuznetsov's applicator is used for the following diseases:

  1. diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, stroke, etc.;
  2. diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, scoliosis, spinal injuries, recovery period after illness, flat feet and others;
  3. diseases of the nervous system: neuralgia, insomnia, vegetovascular dystonia, etc.;
  4. diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, flatulence, etc.;
  5. diseases of the respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, runny nose, pneumonia, etc.;
  6. diseases of the urinary system: urolithiasis, cystitis, etc.;
  7. endocrine system disorders: obesity, thyroid problems, diabetes mellitus, etc.;
  8. diseases of the reproductive system: prostate adenoma, prostatitis;
  9. gynecological diseases: infertility, inflammation in the uterus, menstrual cycle disorders, lactation problems and others.

The principle of action on the body

JAPANESE RHEUMATOLOGIST : “Surprisingly, most people are ready to take any drugs for osteochondrosis, arthrosis or arthritis, and without even thinking about side effects. Most of these drugs (Movalis, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen and others) have many side effects such as stomach ulcers, migraines, anemia, asthma, rashes, soft tissue necrosis from constant injections and much more. In Japan, these drugs were treated 10 years ago, now our most effective remedy is ... " Read more»

The general principle of the Kuznetsov applicator is very simple. Blunt needles gently affect the human skin. And on it there are biologically active points that affect the entire human body. The iplicator adjusts the work of the body by normalizing the functioning of the internal organs of a person.


This is one of the varieties of the Tibetan applicator, only larger - for the entire back. It is also called the Nirvana rug. The product has a positive effect on the entire body, relieves muscle and nervous tension.

Interesting! There are also insoles with spikes for treating the feet by influencing the reflexogenic zones.

Also, products vary in size and length of the spikes. This is due to the sensitivity of the patient's skin.

Remember that only an experienced specialist can select the appropriate type of applicator. Most people respond positively to the purchase of the product. The applicator effectively eliminates the pain syndrome, restores the mobility of the spine, excellently fights the symptoms of osteochondrosis. The main thing in treatment is to apply it correctly. If you do not follow the instructions for use and the doctor's recommendations, this can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

by color

According to the features, the applicators are painted in different colors.

  1. Blue. Has sharper needles. It is recommended for people with a normal level of sensitivity.
  2. Yellow. Along with the spikes there are special magnets. The maximum effect of treatment with a magnetic field and acupressure.
  3. Green. Designed for people with sensitive skin because it has less sharp spikes than the traditional one.
  4. Red. It is designed for yoga people. It has long special spikes.

Kuznetsov applicator types by color

Applicator sizes

There are the following sizes of the Kuznetsov applicator:

  1. Small size 3 × 8 cm. It is used in critical conditions - heart attacks, muscle spasms, and if worn for a long time, it can eliminate chronic pain.
  2. The average size is 5 × 18 or 6 × 18 cm. Often it is used to treat the respiratory system, it is used on the chest area instead of mustard plasters.
  3. Iplicators in the form of insoles on the legs. Their main task is to influence biologically active points on the feet.
  4. A common universal size is 12×47 cm. Since the area of ​​the product is large and the spikes are far apart, this gives an excellent therapeutic effect.
  5. Single applicator 10.5×23 cm. It is applied to different parts of the human body in turn. Its medicinal properties are the same as those of the above applications.
  6. Carpet Nirvana. This is a large yoga mat with spikes. A person puts pressure on him with his whole body and many active points on the whole body are stimulated, which gives the maximum therapeutic effect.

Video: Tibetan applicator. Massage Mat. Applicator Kuznetsov

Safety regulations

Site Reader Stories: How I helped my mom heal her joints. My mother is 79, she has worked as a teacher of literature all her life. When she began to have the first problems with her back and joints, she simply hid them from me so that I would not spend money on medicines. Mom tried to be treated only with decoctions from the root of the sunflower, which, of course, did not help. And when the pain became unbearable, she borrowed from a neighbor and bought painkillers at the pharmacy. When a neighbor told me about this, at first I got a little angry with my mother - I took time off from work and immediately came to her by taxi. The next day, I made an appointment with my mother for a rheumatologist at a paid clinic, despite her requests not to spend money. The doctor diagnosed - arthritis and osteochondrosis. He prescribed treatment, but my mother immediately protested that it was too expensive. Then the doctor stepped into the position and offered an alternative option - home exercise and a plant-based drug. It came out cheaper than injections with chondroprotectors and did not even cause possible side effects. She began to use the drug and engage in physical therapy. When I stopped by her a couple of days later, I found her in the garden. She was tying up the tomatoes, and, apparently, she had already managed to do a lot. She greeted me with a smile. I understood: the drug and physical education helped, the pain and swelling went away. ” Read more»

Before using the Kuznetsov applicator, you need to know what can and cannot be done.

  1. It is not recommended to apply the mat more than it should be according to the instructions.
  2. Sleeping all night on the applicator is strictly prohibited.
  3. It is strongly recommended to use other types of treatment along with the iplicator, including exercise therapy, proper nutrition, massage.
  4. The applicator should be on a soft surface, the thickness of which should not exceed 3 cm.
  5. During the procedure, you need to slightly change your position every half a minute.
  6. If there is severe pain when pressing on the applicator with your own body, then it must be pressed with your hands.

Which is better: Lyapko's or Kuznetsov's applicator?

Site Reader Stories:“I love working at my favorite dacha. Sometimes you work out so much that it is impossible to straighten your back and pain appears in the lower back - even cry. I do not drink painkillers - a sick stomach. A familiar doctor advised me to pay attention to the latest product, which is specially produced only for the domestic foreign market. I ordered and applied it before bed. I felt a slight burning sensation, but then warmth spread throughout my lower back. 2 days after using the wild back pain almost disappeared, and after another 2 weeks I forgot the feeling that your back hurt wildly. 4 (!) Months have passed, and the result is holding up - it means that the remedy really works. ” Read article»

An analogue of the Kuznetsov applicator is the Lyapko applicator, which has a similar effect and has the same contraindications. This is an improved version of the Kuznetsov applicator. It consists of a special rubber base and metal spikes located on it. The needles are cast from brass or iron, and are covered with copper, gold, silver, zinc, and nickel on top.

There is a Lyapko applicator with galvanic current, which eliminates inflammation and swelling well. For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, an applicator in the form of a roller with a handle is used. They need to press on the painful area themselves or ask someone else.

Benefit and harm

There are many reviews regarding the applicator, and most of them confirm the therapeutic effect in osteochondrosis.

Advantages over other treatments:

  1. ease of use;
  2. proven therapeutic effect;
  3. compact size of the product;
  4. low cost;
  5. can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention;
  6. treats not only osteochondrosis, but also many other diseases;
  7. there is no risk of blood poisoning, as needles do not damage the skin.

Despite the frightening needles, the mat does not harm the skin

With regular use of the applicator, the following positive results are achieved:

  • restoring normal sleep;
  • muscle tension decreases;
  • improves the state of the nervous system;
  • the pain syndrome gradually decreases, up to its complete elimination;
  • rapid recovery of the body after exercise;
  • improves blood circulation, which will reduce numbness in the limbs;
  • fights pinched nerves.

Cons of the app:

  1. the likelihood of pain;
  2. it is forbidden to use on injured skin;
  3. if used incorrectly, it can aggravate the disease.

On the Tibetan rug you can not lie with injuries on your back

Do not abuse Kuznetsov's applicator! For positive results, you need to use the product for half an hour a day for two weeks, then take a week break.

Before buying an applicator, be sure to consult a specialist or a competent pharmacist.


Prices for the Kuznetsov applicator vary depending on the size and type of impact. Products can be bought both in a regular pharmacy and in online stores, where prices are 10-15% cheaper.
Check out the offers from Yandex Market.

  • Rugs - from 150 rubles.
  • Roller - from 400 r.
  • Magnetic - from 200 rubles.
  • Large roller with a handle - from 1100 rubles.
  • Insoles - from 1700 rubles.
  • Belt - from 270 rubles.
  • Tibetan - from 250 rubles.

The cost of the most expensive Tibetan rugs varies from 2000 to 5000 rubles.

The healing effect of the applicator is the same or even better than expensive treatments such as acupuncture or acupressure.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How much time is needed for the procedure?

The amount of time depends both individually and depending on what type of osteochondrosis the patient has. It is necessary to agree on the type of applicator and the duration of treatment with your doctor. The standard procedure averages 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is 14 days, with a break of 1-4 weeks.

Depending on the location of osteochondrosis:

  • cervical osteochondrosis - apply the applicator to the neck for a maximum of 5-7 minutes, slightly changing its position every 30 seconds;
  • thoracic osteochondrosis - for 30 minutes;
  • lumbar osteochondrosis - session time 15-30 minutes.

Can Kuznetsov's applicator be used during pregnancy?

It is allowed to use the applicator only in the early stages of pregnancy in order to improve blood circulation in the uterus and normalize the development of the child. You can use the product for lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis to reduce pain.

It is recommended to use the Kuznetsov applicator during pregnancy only in the early stages

It is necessary to consult a gynecologist before using the product, because this causes a higher tone of the uterus, which often leads to miscarriages.

What does the applicator feel like?

During the first minutes of using the iplicator, a slight pain may appear, which after a while will change to a feeling of warmth in this place.

If a pleasant sensation of warmth does not appear, then it must be artificially induced with the help of muscle movements. There may also be a feeling that the skin is stretched, but this will pass very quickly on its own.

If discomfort, increased heart rate, dizziness, increased pressure and sweating occur, the duration of the procedure should be reduced and increased over time.

For sensitive skin, replace the applicator with a less painful one (green).

Is it possible to use the device for the treatment of children?

The applicator can be used by children over 12 months old. The needles should be blunt, the distance between them is 3-6 mm. Use of products on children is only with the approval of a doctor.

What diseases can the applicator cope with?

Kuznetsov's applicator can be used for various diseases, ranging from prostatitis to cellulite. But, despite all this, the maximum therapeutic effect is expressed in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

Is it allowed to use a medical mat for preventive purposes?

If a person does not have any signs of illness, then the use of a medical mat will help remove stress and nervous tension, reduce fatigue in the body, normalize sleep, and increase immunity. There is an improvement in the functioning of internal organs.

Can the same applicator be used by different people?

With timely treatment with alcohol or soapy water, several people are allowed to use the applicator.

How not to fall for a fake applicator Kuznetsov?

Fakes differ from the original in that the spikes have poor fastening and can completely come off. The base should be odorless, and the packaging should contain detailed instructions and a warranty card with the manufacturer's address.

Real reviews about Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis

Basically, people's reviews are only positive - many managed to significantly improve their health, get rid of the symptoms of a particular disease.

Maria, 45 years old

I have known about this healing rug since childhood - my mother used it to cure her cervical osteochondrosis. At the same time, her headache and painful symptoms in the neck completely disappeared. When I grew up, I forgot about it. She became pregnant and began to suffer from back pain. I remembered this wonderful remedy and began to apply the applicator to the lumbar region. The pain went well.

Vladimir, 36 years old

My diagnosis is osteochondrosis, and there are often exacerbations. Kuznetsov's applicator is a reliable and proven way to get rid of painful symptoms. How long to lie on the applicator? I lie on the applicator 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening for 20 minutes for 10 days. The pain is removed very effectively. Highly recommend, especially the price is just ridiculous.

Elena, 51 years old

The applicator helped me a lot in my time with intercostal neuralgia. Since ointments and hormones are contraindicated for me, I began to look for ways to treat at home and came across this healing rug. I lay on top of him and pressed my hand against his ribs. A day later, I could already move (those who are familiar with intercostal neuralgia will understand this).

Maxim, 59 years old

On TV, I saw how the author of the applicator himself, Ivan Kuznetsov, showed how to use his invention correctly. You just need to press hard on the problem area with this rug for literally half a minute. Do at least 5 repetitions. Personally, I tried to do this - it really helps. My mom treats spurs on her feet with it. To do this, she stands on him with all her weight, which is actually very painful. It is not for nothing that such practices are carried out by yogis - it is very useful and effective!

Maria, 38 years old

I have been suffering from cervical osteochondrosis since my school days. Medicines and massages only temporarily relieve the symptoms of the disease. Since I do not have time to run around hospitals and the pain is very strong, I started looking for an effective remedy.

The choice fell on Kuznetsov's applicator. I ran to the pharmacy and bought a small applicator for 100 rubles. I lay down on my stomach and pressed the skin on one side of my neck. Feeling like after a massage, it was nice. Only this remedy was saved during acute periods of illness. I also used it on my feet - just stood on it. The skin after that becomes softer and it is felt how active points are stimulated. I did not find any disadvantages, but the advantages - very quickly eliminates pain and fatigue in the cervical and lumbar region, blood circulation increases.

Kuznetsov's applicator for headaches

Alexander, 35 years old

I have been involved in active sports for more than a decade and already at the age of 35 I have a lot of various back-related diseases: intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis in the joints. Salvation was found in Kuznetsov's iplicator. I have 3 of them, which I apply to different painful places.

Needle pad quickly relieves my pain in the spine, and it is inexpensive. By the way, I recently had injections, and I had a bump that I could not get rid of for several weeks. Neither ointments nor compresses helped. I decided to try to attach an iplicator - and you won't believe it, the bump began to dissolve!

Angelina, 45 years old

I acquired this wonderful remedy after the appearance of osteochondrosis. It appeared after constant sedentary work. I also did various useful exercises for the back, which were in the instructions from the applicator Kuznetsov.

It is better to buy a large mat right away, it is very convenient to use it. I just lay down on the applicator for a few minutes. I have a lot of these healing rugs: one for the feet, lies in the bathroom, the other is yellow, there are sharper spikes, which I put on the neck. There are also 4 green ones, I spread them on the floor and do therapeutic exercises. And my relatives, he helps with the appearance of cramps in the legs.

Maria, 53 years old

We purchased this medicinal product many years ago. The first copy was cheap - and the quality was appropriate. I had to attach spikes to the rag base myself, which all the time fell off after each session.

We bought a more expensive applicator, which has a much higher quality. The main thing after each procedure is to wash it well. At first, I lay down on him with my naked body, it was very painful. Therefore, at first I did the procedure with a thin T-shirt.

Over time, the body gets used to it, and I could already lie on the mat with my naked body. When you just lie down on this wonderful rug, it becomes a little painful, but then comes warmth, relaxation and great pleasure. All my muscles that are stiff and tight while working at the computer are greatly relieved. To massage them on the neck, it is better to buy a special roller.

My mother treats her sore lower back with an applicator, sometimes she even falls asleep on it. And in the morning she feels just wonderful! I also do foot massage from time to time. Getting up to my full height is of course very painful, so I stomp on the mat while sitting on the bed. The downside is that pimples appear, but this is probably due to my problem skin. In general, after the applicator you feel like a newborn!

Violetta, 37 years old

I remember we had this applicator as a kid, but I wasn't really interested in what it was for. And when I grew up, I remembered him when I had serious problems with my back. I have scoliosis and thoracic osteochondrosis. Symptoms are severe: migraines, nervousness, dependence on the weather and others.

To strengthen my back, I went to the pool, did therapeutic exercises, acupressure, and healthy eating. But this is not enough for a short time, exacerbations still appear very often. I am constantly looking for new ways to treat the spine. Kuznetsov's applicator was no exception.

I hesitated for a very long time before buying, I read a lot of reviews to understand the general idea of ​​​​the applicator. Since the reviews were mostly positive, I decided to purchase this treatment mat. The pharmacy suggested that they come in different types. I decided to take the red one with magnets - there are blunter spikes. I didn’t notice the magnetic effect, but the needles worked with a bang!

The main thing is that the first few lessons must be endured. On the third procedure, you should like it. In the human brain, the center of pain and pleasure are close by, and you can experience this fact for yourself. But if you continue to have unbearable pain, then reduce the session time or find a mat with a milder effect. Kuznetsov's applicator helps a lot with insomnia. If you don’t feel like sleeping, then after 5 minutes of lying on the applicator, you will already begin to feel sleepy. The product is worth the money, I think you will like it!

Kuznetsov applicator - application examples

To surely cope with osteochondrosis, one Kuznetsov applicator will not be enough. Use all available methods of treatment: exercise therapy, swimming pool, drug treatment, massage.

The applicator will help enhance the effect of ointments and gels, as well as eliminate the symptoms of osteochondrosis. Use it only after consulting your healthcare provider due to possible side effects.

In general, the effect of this therapeutic rug is confirmed by official medicine, so you can safely purchase this affordable remedy, which is sold in any pharmacy.

Findings and Conclusions

What are our Russian doctors silent about? Why in 90% of cases, drug treatment gives only a temporary effect?

Unfortunately, most of the products that "treat" diseases of the back and joints, which are advertised on TV and sold in pharmacies, are a complete divorce.

At first it may seem that creams and ointments help, BUT in fact they only TEMPORARILY relieve the symptoms of the disease.

In simple words, you buy a regular painkiller, and the disease continues to develop, turning into more severe stage. Ordinary pain can be a symptom of more serious diseases:

  • dystrophy of muscle tissue in the buttocks, thighs and lower legs;
  • pinching of the sciatic nerve;
  • the development of arthritis, arthrosis and related diseases;
  • acute and sharp pain - backache that leads to chronic sciatica;
  • cauda equina syndrome, which leads to paralysis of the legs;
  • impotence and infertility.

How to be?- you ask. We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested in practice most of the remedies for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. So, it turned out that the only new tool which does not remove the symptoms, but really heals - this is a medicine that is not sold in pharmacies and is not advertised on TV! So that you do not think that you are being sucked in another "miracle remedy", we will not tell you what an effective drug it is. If you are interested, you can read all the information about it yourself. Here is the link" .

List of used literature

  1. Evgeny Cherepanov "School "Healthy Spine", 2012;
  2. Alexey Ivanchev "Spine. Secrets of health", 2014;
  3. Victoria Karpukhina "Health of the spine. Popov, Bubnovsky systems and other methods of treatment", 2014;
  4. Yuri Glavchev "The spine is a provocateur of all diseases", 2014;
  5. Stephen Ripple "Life without back pain. How to heal the spine and improve overall well-being", 2013;
  6. Galli R.L., Speight D.W., Simon R.R. "Emergency Orthopedics. Spine.", 1995

Today in the world there is an incredible number of various therapeutic practices and tools for their implementation. In most cases, these remedies have nothing to do with classical treatment approaches, without bringing any real effect. However, there are more effective alternative methods of treatment, such as the well-known Kuznetsov applicator. This miraculous tool was at home in almost every Soviet person. To date, the applicator is less popular, but it is still used as part of therapeutic measures.

Kuznetsov applicator for the back - what is it?

Kuznetsov's applicator is a special therapeutic tool that works on the principle of implementing acupuncture effects. It was developed by the Russian healer Kuznetsov, after which analogues of the invention of various forms and types began to appear around the world. The device itself resembles a fabric mat, on which there are plates with metal or more often plastic needles. This fabric-needle invention is placed under the back, which allows for a highly effective massage with acupressure. Despite all the positive aspects of the miraculous tool, studies have not confirmed the validity of the described remedy in European countries.

How does a massage mat work on the body

The specificity of the action of the described tool lies in its device. The whole secret of the local treatment of back pain, as well as immunological diseases, is that the teeth act on the necessary bioactive points, as a result of which the biological processes in the body begin to proceed adequately. The uniqueness of the described product also lies in its complex action.

Kuznetsov's needles at the same time they act as a stimulator or catalyst for internal processes, but at the same time they relax and relieve spasm of muscles and blood vessels. Under the influence of the applicator, the body relaxes, inflammation subsides, the severity of the pain syndrome decreases, and the barrier properties of the immune system are strengthened.

What does the applicator treat: indications for use

The main task of the described tool is the fight against, as for the rest, this is a “side benefit”. Painful sensations can occur as a result of diseases such as osteochondrosis, hernia, varicose veins, and so on. The applicator also helps with less complex diseases, for example, with prolonged stress, the nutrition of a certain muscle group is disrupted, which leads to inflammation, pain and other unpleasant symptoms. If you apply the described device in this case, then the tension from the muscle goes away, and it relaxes, giving instant relief.

At the same time, a specific therapeutic and prophylactic agent can be used for therapeutic purposes in case of pinching of the sciatic nerve, with a heel spur, or with a hernia, both of the lumbar and thoracic regions. Despite the high effectiveness of therapeutic indicators, before using the applicator systematically, you need to consult a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

According to the description of the developer of this miracle remedy, it can be used to fight a number of pathological processes and diseases. As part of this, it is necessary to highlight the main areas of influence of the needle device:

  • diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system;
  • pathological changes in the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary complex, as well as ailments that contribute to disruption of the digestive system, etc.

Benefits of using the needle applicator

It should be noted that Kuznetsov's applicator has both local and complex effects on the body, actively influencing the work of almost all human systems and organs. Describing what the tool is useful for, it is necessary to raise the question of the mechanisms of its action. Here we are talking about bioactive points that are on the surface of the skin and interface with all body systems. As a result of the application of the described apparatus, it is possible to significantly increase the level of human health and its energy potential.

This tool improves blood circulation, tissue nutrition, activates the immune system, the secretion of all glands in the body, normalizes hormonal levels, etc. energizes but also relaxes.

What types are

To date, there are several variations of applicators, which have a different shape and mechanism of action. Each of the types of devices has a therapeutic effect on different departments and organs in the body, so you can choose exactly the tool that will be most relevant for a particular situation. Before choosing any option, it is necessary to study in detail the specifics of the impact of the tool on the body. It is for this reason that below are detailed descriptions of each of the types of applicators that can be purchased at every pharmacy today.

Classic in the form of a rug, belt and insoles

In the classic and most common form, the Kuznetsov applicator has the form of a rug, on which plates with plastic teeth are arranged in a special order. This instrument of therapeutic influence can be presented not only in the form of a rug, there are other models. As often as a large rug, there are scalloped pillows that are very convenient to use for the treatment of joints and back.

In order not to limit yourself to a static posture in which you have to spend a long time, applicators in the form of insoles and belts have been developed. They have the same effect on the body as their counterparts, but they can be applied to diseased areas of the body, while fixing with some effort. In most cases, the classic version of the device is used to treat pain in the muscles, spine and joints.

Massage roller for joints, neck and feet

This type of applicator is arranged according to the same principle as the classical version, however, the model under consideration differs from the usual type of means in form, respectively, and in the realized goals. The roller itself is made of a dense material that does not lose its shape and looks like a cylinder divided in half along the length. On its surface there are also many studded plates, which carry out a therapeutic effect.

It is most convenient to use this particular type of applicator to combat diseases of the soft tissues and joints of the neck, lower back, popliteal spaces and feet. Since the device has a convenient and anatomically correct shape, it can be used to treat pain in the region of the sacrum and cervical region. At the same time, with its help it is very convenient to work out the feet, massaging the arches.


This is an improved type of remedy, since it performs two types of effects at once. First of all, these are point manipulations, which are realized thanks to needle plates. The second active element is the magnet, which acts as a tool for stimulating and catalyzing intracellular processes. This version of the applicator is universal and can be used for all types of therapeutic measures, realizing effective therapy.

Reflex zones and instructions for use

As you know, there are a large number of various bioactive points on the human body, thanks to the stimulation of which it is possible to effectively treat most of the existing diseases. For this reason, it is necessary to clearly understand which points should be worked out in order to cope with the existing problem. Since the Kuznetsov applicator works exactly according to this principle, you need to figure out how much you can lie on the applicator, as well as where and how to apply it. All these questions can be answered clearly by reading a number of the points below.

How to use with osteochondrosis, sciatica and hernia

With such problems, it is required to clearly identify the affected area, whether it be the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. For the treatment of each of the departments, different types of applicators may be required, for example, to work out the neck, you need to use a roller, on which you need to lie down for 5-6 minutes. It should be noted that the process must be implemented several times during the day, from one to two weeks.

When identifying problems with the thoracic region, you need to use a rug with spikes, which is located so that the sore spot is in the center. You need to lie in this position for about half an hour, after which you need to do one or two approaches for two weeks. In case of problems with the lower back, it is better to use a belt, since in this case the treatment will be as productive as possible only when the body is not in a static position. With a belt (or a rug fixed on your back), you need to walk about one hour a day.

How to use for headache relief

When pain occurs in the occipital, temporal or frontal lobe of the head, it is required to place the roller in the region of the upper vertebra and lower it onto the spikes. In this position, you need to lie for no more than one minute, then move the tool slightly down and to the side. Such minute manipulations should be carried out from five to six, as a result of which the headache disappears and intracranial pressure normalizes.

Acupuncture massager for back pain

To implement a general acupressure of the back, with the appearance of pain of a different nature, you need to use a special Kuznetsov rug. In size in length, it should be equal to the distance from the upper vertebra to the beginning of the buttocks. The width of this applicator should be proportional to the distance between the shoulder blades. On this miracle rug, you need to spend at least half an hour every day until the pain subsides.

Application for prostatitis

In order to get rid of chronic prostatitis, a cycle of manipulations was developed using two types of applicator. The technique is highly effective, while the treatment is completely drug-free and lasts up to three weeks. So, let's look at 4 main positions:

  • lying on the back, a roller under the lower back - the exposure time is 7 minutes;
  • lying on the stomach, a needle roller in the thigh area - no more than five minutes;
  • you need to lie on your back, put a roller under your lower back and lift your legs up, spreading them and bending at the knees. In this position, you need to lie as long as possible;
  • you need to spread a rug on the floor and stand on it with bare feet - the exposure time is 7-10 minutes.

With arthrosis

With arthrosis, you can use an applicator of any kind. For treatment, it is necessary to fix the instrument in a static position, so that it is under the inflamed joint. The time of exposure to the diseased area should last for 45 minutes, after which you need to remove the devices and take a break of 10 hours. Use the product twice a day for two to three weeks.

Tibetan applicator Kuznetsov for weight loss

The Tibetan version of the Kuznetsov rug is a classic medical device that looks like a soft rug on which spikes of various sizes and sharpness are sewn. If desired, you can individually select the intensity of needle massage, which is especially important for such a process as the fight against cellulite.

In this case, the mat is simply applied to the area in need of correction for half an hour. There are options for anti-cellulite pads, which look like elastic bandages of various sizes with spikes that can be easily fixed in the thighs and abdomen, which allows you to get rid of cellulite as quickly as possible.

Video about anti-cellulite pads on the legs and stomach

As part of the video offered for viewing, a presentation of applicators of all types is shown, including modern anti-cellulite overlays for legs and stomach. The author gives all the necessary information regarding the use and purchase of this medical equipment for the home.

Harm and contraindications to treatment with an applicator

A specific medical instrument is not capable of causing obvious harm, however, there are some contraindications in which in no case should one resort to therapy with an applicator:

  • the formation of any types of tumors;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • moles or warts in the area of ​​​​use of the device;
  • increased body temperature;
  • with blockage of blood vessels, impaired blood clotting and blood clots.

Can pregnant women lie on the Kuznetsov applicator?

According to some experts, it is forbidden to use the Kuznetsov applicator during pregnancy, but there are other views on this issue. Therefore, if the doctor considers that in a particular situation this measure is appropriate, then there are no obstacles to the use of the described product.