
Tarot cards designate a page of swords. Variants of the meaning of the page of swords in the tarot. What kind of man is page swords

Initiative. Vigilance. Savvy. Insight. Sharp mind. Listening skills. Intriguing news, learned secretly. Secret Service. Investigation, search. Information from the Internet. Spy. An inquisitive, energetic child or young man. Student. Analyst.
Accept criticism and learn from it.

“Don't spit against the wind”: when criticizing others, be prepared to listen to a lot of unpleasant things yourself.

Card of the day
The wind is blowing against you today. You will be criticized, your proposals may be rejected. Be prepared for this and do not try to immediately launch a counterattack. Perhaps the criticism that you will have to listen to does contain a lot of value. Listen to her, and then, perhaps, a lot will become clear to you.

Inverted card
Mercenary. Inexperienced young man. Eternal student. The person is insincere, vindictive, cunning, talkative, quick-tempered, conflicted. Hidden enemy. Deception. Difficulties. Bad news. Disclosure of secrets. Be betrayed or betray someone.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for beginners".

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The page walks quickly, carrying a naked sword in his hand - a symbol of clarity and sharpness of mind.
He learns how to choose the best from the possible, is ready to take responsibility for any result and extract information from what comes out.

You notice that the Page has raised his sword - the blade is pointing up.
Sometimes you need to be detached and dispassionate, to rise above problems in order to see a long-term perspective.
In other cases, detachment is not so good: if the tasks that need to be worked out are not solved, then detachment means indecision.

Remember that Pages, like other cards of the Court, symbolize real living people with whom you can meet, or your emotional states.
This card represents a resourceful, intelligent person with independent thinking.

He is passionate about knowledge and knows how to benefit from any situation.
It is you?
Or someone you know?

Questions to ask yourself while drawing out the Page of Swords
  • Are you learning from your mistakes or getting stuck in them?
  • Who or what are you moving away from?
  • Are you excluding yourself from life?
  • Under what conditions could you be more decisive?
Key ideas
If you want to accomplish something, set a goal for yourself and, striving for it, do the best you can.

If it turned out your way, great.
If the result is different from what you want, realize that events are not developing according to your plan, and then detach from the situation.
We are all wrong.
Examine the error, draw conclusions and move on.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Joshua is already fed up with parental arguments.
At first he tried to find some meaning in them, but then he learned to distance himself from the situation.
This card told him that he made the right decision regarding his parents, but detachment is not the approach that should be followed at all times and in everything.

There will come times in his life when manifestations of feelings and personal participation in what is happening will be needed.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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The Page's youth suggests that he is capable of acting impulsively.
The Page's vigilance, on occasion, can be replaced by recklessness.
Mind. Wit.
The Page of Swords (or Princess in Tarot Tota) is the messenger of the air element.

He is a master of words and symbolizes the birth of new ideas and means of expression.
Like all Pages, his ability to think in new ways is still in its infancy.
In the Marseilles Tarot, the Page of Swords is depicted standing on guard, a stunning sword and vigilantly watching a possible enemy attack.

Since he is still very young, perhaps he has not yet learned how to properly handle the sword, thereby warning us against inept actions in this situation.

If the Page of Swords portends the appearance of a young man in your life, then most likely he will be lively, quick-witted, windy and stubborn.

His ability to quickly adapt to circumstances means that he is aware of a variety of possibilities and has many different interests.
At best, it can be a sane, knowledgeable and just young man, able to get to the bottom of the truth; he is decisive, and his sharp mind allows him to make quick decisions.

This makes it indispensable in situations where a dispute needs to be resolved.
At worst, he can be a gossip and a liar; he can also be cold, cruel and indifferent.
Sometimes this card warns us against making hasty and rash decisions - we should refrain from impulsive and reckless actions.

This card indicates that you have to make decisions that require clarity of mind and self-control.
At the same time, it is important to maintain an adequate perception of the situation.
Someone spreads dirty rumors about you, and this can complicate your situation, so you need to find out who you can trust and who you can not.

Perhaps you will meet a person who will inform you about everything so that you can have the correct idea of ​​what is happening.
The Page of Swords often means that you have a restless mind and are striving to acquire a new and more open outlook on life.

In this case, you may meet a person who will serve as a catalyst for this process.
If you have to sign any document or contract, carefully check each letter in it.

Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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The agile Page of Swords, in a fancy hat and gorgeous suit, stands firmly on the ground with a sword in his left hand.
His right hand rests on a staff to deceive.
Divination value
This card means a person who knows how to perceive, unravel and reveal the unknown or that which is least obvious.

Cautious person.
Active young man.
A flexible personality capable of being alert and aware of an unknown danger.

Inverted value
An exposed impostor.

The unexpected.
Disease is also possible.
Helplessness in the face of powerful forces.
Lack of preparation.

P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Page of Swords personifies a person playing friendship, and also predicts bad news.

In most decks, the card depicts a young man confidently holding a raised sword in his right hand.

Sometimes he holds the sword by the hilt with both hands.
He is usually not wearing armor, but he is well dressed.
The clothing is often the color of the Knight's clothing.
In many decks, the figure is filled with a sense of self-worth.

The page also has a certain femininity.
Sometimes it seems that he is looking for an enemy for himself or expects his appearance at any moment.

Inner meaning
A very young man or woman who has not yet reached maturity, but otherwise has all the qualities of curly cards.

The page does not have the power and authority of other figure cards, but can be just as unpleasant: he has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malevolent personality.
As his symbolic parents and as a Knight, the Page can be attractive in its own way to a lively, confident, active.

But this young man is a master of innuendo, behind-the-scenes intrigue and stinging remarks.
The page "stuck"; a person who has joined power in the hope of merging with it or pretending to be associated with it.
He (or she) can feign friendship as long as it is in his or her interests.

As a partner in any enterprise, he will let the Questioner down, either on purpose or out of carelessness and laziness.
If the card does not represent a person, then be prepared for bad news, evil gossip, betrayal and treachery.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: a malevolent, treacherous young man or woman.
A person who will harm (or try to harm) the Questioner out of envy or anger.

If you are not an enemy to Page, he will be able to make you an enemy, whether you know about it or not (or will do something that guarantees enmity).
If this card does not represent a certain person, then beware of envious eyes, evil gossip, bad news, future or already received.

An indication of the disease is also possible.
Inverted, or negative: the same bad intentions, bad news, but to a greater extent.
All this can arise at the most unexpected moment and from the most unexpected place.

Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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The Page of Swords looks like a baseball batter: his gaze is focused on the ball, and his posture indicates concentration and readiness for action.
You, or someone you know, are now looking into the future with curiosity - what will happen next?

Or, if confrontation in one form or another is expected, ready to defend and repel an attack.
Perhaps you are brave and daring.
In interpersonal communication, you are collected, flexible and quickly orientated, but if you are threatened, you can become sarcastic and vicious.

You are probably trying new ideas and technologies that require quick adaptation, or playing games that require both physical stamina and quick wits, cunning, agility and good reflexes.

You may be involved in troubleshooting, conflict resolution or crisis management, or gathering facts and information before starting a new project.
You learn and use logical thinking, knowledge of foreign languages, speaking and writing skills, researching a particular issue, conducting scientific research, doing design or computer technology.

Or perhaps you are currently spying or spying on someone.
You can improvise on the fly, you are witty and judicious.
Using your analytical skills, you strike accurately at the most appropriate moment.

Perhaps the card in the most literal sense of the word is associated with the use of a knife, sword, as well as other stabbing or cutting weapons or tools.
You need to remain vigilant and observant.

If the card denotes a child, then he will be suspicious and cautious - possibly due to early injury or betrayal.
Also, the Page of Swords can indicate the early development of the child and his inquisitive mind or the immature reactions of the air signs of the zodiac (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).

Probably news of difficulties or problems, about negotiations, contracts, legal proceedings, as well as news that includes any gossip or untrustworthy stories.
In general, the card is characterized by closeness or, conversely, openness and thirst for new things.

Traditional meanings: espionage, secrets, curiosity.
Observer, researcher, guard.
Treasurer, manager, clerk, steward.
Exams, records.
Calculations, calculations, reflections, deliberation.

Student, scientist, actor.

Inverted Page (Princess) of Swords
The Inverted Page of Swords can be very caustic, caustic and cruel, or, conversely, vulnerable and unable to defend their position in an argument, in disputes.

You can remove the protection or bury the ax of war in the ground.
You may find it difficult to speak publicly and express your opinion.
You can delay the resolution of the issue in order to have time to think it over carefully.
The page on the Waite-Smith deck is in a defense position.

This may indicate childhood trauma and an inability to cope with its consequences in the present.
You or someone else may suddenly kick up or try to assert yourself by hurting and humiliating others.

Stories and gossip can be malicious and libelous.
You like to argue just for the love of art and pin up your interlocutors.
On the other hand, you may be sincerely unaware of the effect your words and actions have on them.

You may avoid social events and even simple communication, you may be reluctant to talk to large groups of people or share your ideas, and on occasion become speechless.
You do not like to talk about yourself and prefer to keep the details of your personal life private.

Another manifestation of this card is incoherent and illogical speech and idle chatter.
Your bravado may be just a pose.
Probably misunderstanding of spoken words and written texts.
You may have to bend the rules at work.

You lack confidence in your own ideas.
When projecting this card onto other people, they will seem cunning, cruel, deceitful, or capable of betrayal to you.
You can see conspiracies at every turn.

You may consider yourself unprepared, devoid of any important mental qualities or technical skills, and therefore be overly cautious.
This card can mean a young man who is in trouble with the law, or a child who suffers from divorce and parental alienation.

He can be humiliated, ridiculed, shamed, boycotted.
And perhaps he is just overcoming the consequences of such an attitude towards himself.
In terms of health, these are difficulties with speech, autism, stuttering, and psychological or physical abuse.

In addition, the card can mean a weakened immune system.
If other cards confirm this, suicidal tendencies are possible.
News can be sudden and unexpected - it literally falls on your head, causing one frustration.

A project or process cannot get off the ground in any way due to lack of logic and planning, or due to disagreements.
From a shamanic and magical point of view, the inverted Page of Swords denotes age-related initiation trials like the search for visions or the sword in stone, which only the true king of England can draw.

It is also the ability to think in imaginary categories.
Traditional inverted meanings: weak, insignificant person.
Lack of protection.
Conspiracy, attack.
Sudden, suddenness.

Unexpected, unconscious.
Amazing, extraordinary.
Speak and act without preparation, improvise.

Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
From the very beginning, this man awakened unpleasant feelings in me.
Description of the card and its inner meaning
In most decks, the Page of Swords card depicts a young man holding a sword in his raised hand.

One gets the impression that the Page is playing with a weapon and does not understand what danger a weapon can pose both to him and to those around him.
In fact, the Page is still a child, a beloved and spoiled child of his parents, so he is not dressed in armor, but well dressed.

In many decks, the Page figure is filled with a sense of his own significance and ambition, it seems that this person is looking for his enemy or awaiting his appearance.
The Page does not have the strength and authority of other curly cards in the suit of Swords, but he can be just as unpleasant - he has all the makings of an overly curious and malevolent personality.

The page is a master of intrigue, a man striving with all his might to join power.
For this, he is ready for anything: he can become charming enough to gain supporters, he can even pretend friendship if it is in his interests.

Nevertheless, he was and remains an intriguer, traitor and gossip.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - L, number - 11, Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 10 hexagram ("Offensive").
The value of the card
Direct position
In this case, the Page of Swords card will tell you about a young man who cares about everything.
He has so much vitality and energy that he, without hesitation, spends it left and right, often rendering people "disservice".

The Page has an incredible ability to obfuscate whatever he takes on.
In addition, this person is incredibly chatty, so the Questioner needs to think carefully before making contact with him.
This card has another meaning as well.

She describes a treacherous young lady who will harm (or try to do) harm to the Questioner out of envy or anger, and sometimes just in search of thrills.
If the card does not represent a person, but a situation, then the Questioner should prepare for bad news, gossip, illness, betrayal and treachery.

Inverted position
In this case, you can apply the interpretation of the card that related to its direct position, with the only difference: all predicted events and meetings with unpleasant people can appear in the life of the Questioner at the most unexpected moment and from the most unexpected side.

Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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Page of Swords - diplomatic ability, mental acuity, vigorous activity, love of trials.
Such a person is in an eternal search for something interesting, he quickly gets bored with everything and cares about everything.

And also the ability of the Page of Swords - to confuse any business with which fate confronted him.
The card stands for surveillance and espionage in the broadest sense.
There may be bad news.
Inverted - an overly sharp mind and as a result - a manifestation of cruelty and intolerance towards others, this is a cynic.

Astrological meaning Mars in 3rd house or tense aspect with Mercury: seeds of discord, conflict.
JACK OF SWORDS The Jack of Swords, like other jacks, personifies a certain chance or opportunity that opens up to us, an external driving impulse.

The jack of the suit of Swords, thus, often means clarification, clarification of the situation, a kind of fresh stream, thanks to which the true meaning of what is happening suddenly opens up to us, and even the most confusing matter becomes simple and understandable.

More often than not, this happens through conflict, scandal, or sharp conversation, which the Knave of Swords may indicate.
Therefore, it should be taken as a warning, prepare for the inevitable fight or not delay it, so that the conflict will finally serve to clarify the essence of the matter.

Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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This person is faced with noble aspirations and desires to have a clear view.
But at the same time, it would be a mistake to expect great achievements from him now.
He strives for perfection, but has not yet achieved it.

This is the ideal friend, always ready to help.
Someone you patronize or someone who patronizes you.
The person with whom you willingly exchange thoughts.
Great assistant who wants to learn something.

Direct position: Astrological equivalents: Aries.
This is the discoverer.
Usually the Page of Swords represents a young man (regardless of gender) who discovers the world around him and tries to understand the laws by which he lives.

The Page of Swords is naive, inexperienced; he often studies somewhere.
Most likely, he is in a dependent position.
Sometimes it's just an infantile person.
Usually arouses in others the maternal or paternal instinct, and many people willingly patronize him.

Inverted position: Astrological equivalents: Mars in water signs.
The Inverted Page of Swords indicates a quitter, a person without a purpose in life, an "eternal student", a person who has not yet taken place, but who still has time to change his mind.

Sometimes the Page of Swords is a character whose dependence on someone is a heavy burden on the owner.
The card can also mean an ordinary parasite or a person who psychologically exhausts the one who was lucky enough to somehow "do good" to such a Page of Swords.

If the card means an action.
A. In a direct position, Karta says that at the moment there is every reason to judge the work done or the accomplished action, or the completed process, which is indicated by the subsequent cards.

The results have already appeared, be able to see them.
B. inverted card Says that in relation to the event indicated by subsequent cards, it is appropriate to ask the question: did it actually take place?

Or did we just really want, were waiting for this event?

Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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Messenger, he is the Page or Slave of Swords.
A young man with a sword in his hand stands in indecision; he holds his sword like a toy.
Clouds pile up in the sky, birds rush.
This is a boy, still completely carefree, not knowing how many problems life is fraught with.

But he already guesses about this, and he is frightened by the need to make decisions himself.
However, it will pass; it is only important that he does not stay in this position forever, getting used to shifting responsibility onto others.

When fortune-telling in a direct position, it can mean an explanation, a showdown through negotiations, a soft, "peaceful" solution to the problem.
Inverted: Clinging to trifles, quarrels, heated debates and mutual insults, up to the end of the relationship.

Page of Swords - Lesser Arcanum

From the perspective of astrology, the Page of Swords corresponds to Mercury in Gemini, which is expressed in wit, cunning, dexterity and resourcefulness.

Other names for the Page of Swords : Page of Sabers, Page of Daggers, Page of Blades, Herald of Swords, Knave of Swords, Knave of Sabels, Knave of Daggers, Knave of Blades.

Brief description of the Arcana : Empty chores, Deceiver, False friend, Thief, Invalid information, Dodger, Traitor.

Description of the Page of Swords

The classic image shows us a young man dressed in expensive clothes. He stands in a theatrical pose with a sword in his hands raised up. The landscape is hilly terrain, devoid of vegetation, and the sky is threatened by thunderclouds.

On the Arkan tarot of the Age of Aquarius, the young man did not militantly raise his sword, but holds it with the blade down. His gaze is alert and focused. He analyzes the situation, although he clearly overestimates - he says nothing about the threat. But the young man has his own reality.

The sacred meaning of the Page of Swords

On the Arcana, in a classic performance, a charming slender young man is depicted, standing in a decisive pose with a sword raised in his hand. He is not calm, because clouds have thickened around him - external circumstances force him to be wary of everything. But something is wrong with this belligerent youth! Isn't it his pose, which looks more like some kind of feigned ballet?

It is she! And this pose reveals to us the sacred meaning of Arkan - the young man is cunning: he is not as strong and courageous as he tries to portray himself. He's just a liar. If something happened, he would go on the run, leaving his comrades-in-arms on the battlefield, for he is more concerned with how he looks than who he is. But the young man is still young, so he still has to go through the lessons of courage.

But what makes this impudent young man so bravely stand alone in the middle of the field, and even in such formidable weather? Inner strength and potential! They have yet to develop, but the beginnings are already there, and they are torn out. Soon this young man will become a Knight and gain serious strength.

Mythological Correspondence of the Page of Swords

In mythological terms, Arcanum best reveals the stories of the warlike Amazons, sulfides, and Valkyries.

The meaning of the direct Page of Swords in the layout

The appearance of the Page of Swords in the layout should be alarming. This suggests that there is a very suspicious person near the person who may well influence events, and not in the best way. This person is dishonest in his actions, he can easily betray, distort information, which will lead to certain difficulties.

The card indicates that hostility is in the air, which can lead to the outbreak of conflict. In part, the reason may lie not only in the hostile attitude of a person, but also in the abundance of inaccurate or negative information that affects the understanding of what is happening.

In the scenario, Arkan may indicate the receipt of some unexpected news, but it will carry an element of deceit, so it can only be used with caution. This news is best taken as information for thought. If negative cards fall out in the environment of the Page, then it should be understood that the news will be far from pleasant. It is not necessary to immediately treat this clipped, since such news can carry negativism only in psychological terms. For example, someone's lie will be revealed. The prevailing suit can tell the direction of the news.

The Page of Swords also warns that at the moment you will have to actively think in order to do the right actions. Sometimes you need to resort to a non-standard, and not very honest solution in order to achieve the desired result. It should be remembered that this is still Page - the Arcanum of opening opportunities and chances. Therefore, the motto of the Page of Swords may well become: "All means are good to achieve goals."

The meaning of the inverted Page of Swords in the layout

The Inverted Page of Swords warns of obstacles arising as a result of someone's intrigues and cunning. You need to be very careful, because the situation is aggravated by the loss of vigilance and excessive credulity of the information received. Another negative point is the lack of protection, and with such a map you should always expect an attack from around the corner.

This card requires a wary attitude towards his environment, since there is a person in it who can write a slander that destroys life, slander, dissolve implausible rumors that destroy a reputation. This person can act in violation of the law and morality.

Also, the inverted Page of Swords warns of possible offenses, problems with regulatory authorities, and the law.

Along this map, as well as in a straight line, there are empty chores, but in this case they will be accompanied by a serious psychological breakdown: so much effort has been expended, but the result has not been obtained. Because of this, attempts to blame others are possible, causing conflicts, rude behavior, sharp quarrels.


In terms of professional activity, the Page of Swords shows that you will have to act with very slippery methods in order to achieve some results. With such a map, there is always a chance of achieving good successes, but so far we are talking only about the chances, and not about the success itself. It is very important here to be attentive to the information received, to work with your head, to look for non-trivial solutions.

As for the team, the situation in it will be quite tense: criticism, hostility, prejudice between employees, and anger prevail. Sometimes provocations can arise, leading to serious conflicts. Very often the Page of Swords reports on the presence of a struggle for position, which is accompanied by a stormy showdown, cunning manipulations, and behind-the-scenes intrigues.

In terms of working moments during the Page of Swords, one should talk about a nervous situation, the need to carefully weigh the information received, and analyze in detail. You need to understand that it's time to optimize your workflow, learn how to manage routine situations, and modernize your work using the latest technologies. Without this, it will simply be impossible to achieve success, and all the hassle of work will be empty.

The Page of Swords is an ideal card for people who work with information and use foreign languages ​​in their activities. She well describes assistants, brokers, investigators and detectives, diagnostic doctors, auditors, intelligence officers - professions associated with the collection and analysis of information. Also, this map opens up good prospects for the military.

Inverted Arkan says that a person in his professional activity resorts to too dirty methods: he can achieve goals by deception, slander, eavesdropping, using information that does not belong to him. As a rule, such a person promises a lot, but does nothing. He is a windbag, and vicious and irreconcilable with others.

The card warns that there may be problems due to some documents. With such a card, it is very important to carefully read what is being personally signed. It is easy to become a victim of a scam, which will be very difficult to prove.

In business, problems may arise with law enforcement and regulatory authorities, and problems of a very serious nature. Arkan also points to complex relationships with business partners, scandals, a sharp showdown, sudden conflicts.

Self-development direction

In the direction of self-development, the Page of Swords shows that you need to learn to be patient with others, and not only friends, but also enemies. If you neglect this, then in the end you will have to go to incorrect methods and find a lot of opponents and ill-wishers. Arkan also shows that it is very important to keep your head cool. The brain must work at full strength.

Inverted Arcanum can hardly be called self-development. Here we are only talking about focusing on one's own “I”, deifying it. This state of affairs is destructive, it can lead to complete collapse and degradation. You need to soften your negativism - this will allow you to turn the Arkan to its normal position, and then take its lessons.

Personal relationships

Swords in relationships are always a struggle with difficulties, and the Page is no exception in this sense. He says that a complex conflict atmosphere reigns in the union, which sometimes explodes with quarrels, mutual reproaches, endless rude verbal attacks. Partners in this alliance are selfish, irritable, unyielding and harsh.

If the Page of Swords falls on one of the partners, then it should be understood that his attitude towards the union is immature. He is angry, irritating and prone to hysteria, sometimes with the use of blackmail in the form of suicidal attempts. It is clear that he values ​​his life, but blackmail is one of his favorite methods, so he will not refuse it. In a relationship, such a partner behaves like a capricious child: acts recklessly, uses stupid methods to achieve goals, is jealous. With jealousy - it's generally tough! He can track down, arrange provocations, look into personal information - read mail and even go to hack a mailbox, SMS, eavesdrop on telephone conversations.

The Page of Swords can marvelously spoil any relationship. Despite the fact that he has a sharp mind and a very active, active character, he uses not entirely clever methods. In love, he considers himself unhappy, but most often this is due to the fact that he himself subjects his own ego to suffering. The most amazing thing is that if the Page of Swords feels the threat of losing a relationship, then he will carefully calculate his every step, check the risks and prepare himself a way to retreat, as a rule, this is based on cunning.

The appearance of the Page of Swords next to the Lady may indicate a young, ardent, but not very experienced lover.

Inverted Arcanum suggests that relationships in a union are built on mutual misunderstanding, deceit, sarcasm. The card speaks of a more complex and intricate relationship than described by the direct Arcanum. For example, if the union is on the verge of divorce, then it will take place with the sides pouring out extreme negativity on each other. The quarrel will surely end with mutual insults.

In fact, an inverted Page of Swords in a relationship is the same as a straight one, only in a greatly aggravated form.

Personality characteristic

The Page of Swords describes a person with a sharp mind, self-confidence, sometimes even bordering on overconfidence. He is quite selfish and cold in relations with others, harsh in his statements and actions, too straightforward, does not tolerate sentimentality.

The Page of Swords is cunning and daring, especially when he needs action in situations of personal interest. He absorbs any information: sometimes those around him see this trait as excessive curiosity. He is quite capable of acting with treacherous methods, not stopping if he realizes that he is hurting someone. He is prone to schadenfreude, intrigue, inflating conflicts, if he feels that his interest is being violated or the ego is being infringed.

Curiosity makes the Page of Swords a person who pokes his nose into any question, while he knows how to listen carefully, quickly analyze information and use it for his own good. Sometimes, however, this person looks naive, childish and unsophisticated. Yet behind this lies slyness, a quick analytical mind and dexterity.

With his appearance, such a person inspires confidence, for he has a natural charm. This trust and external awareness makes people open their souls to him. He, of course, after listening, will give practical advice, however, not always the questioner will want to use it - too harsh methods of resolving issues will be offered. But the Page of Swords will definitely remember the information received and will not fail to use it on occasion. In this regard, you need to be extremely careful with him and think about what you can be frank about and what you should not.

The Page of Swords is a person who is ready for anything for the sake of his interests. He will sneak if his purpose requires it. He can fail at any time if he thinks that he no longer needs a person. He is extremely unreliable, in no case can you rely on him. He can easily slander and dissolve gossip, and he perfectly chooses the time and place for this. Definitely, such a person should not be underestimated - his own dear.

By the way, such people make wonderful diplomats!

If the direct Page of Swords is a complex person, but can be creative and positive, then the inverted one is exaggerated negative qualities, sometimes brought to the state of predominant. At any age, he will carry maximalism, and he will show it quite aggressively. He is ruthless to others, unable to love anyone but himself. Deprived of all the patience and the diplomacy that the direct Arkan possesses.

An inverted Page of Swords can be said to take pleasure in hurting someone. He does not leave such things without comment and will not miss the opportunity to gloat. He lives on gossip and intrigue, is able to write anonymous denunciations. Lying, often deliberately distorts information or exaggerates in order to denigrate someone.

He is impudent, always striving for trouble, does not yield to anyone. At any moment, unseemly actions can be expected from him. He is a terrible quitter, but he is active and active in entertainment.

Alignment for the situation

In situational layouts, the Page of Swords means that in order to resolve the current situation, you will have to collect more information. However, here you need to be careful in accepting it, since there is a high probability of its unreliability and distortion, which can affect the outcome of the case. In principle, the Page of Swords shows good chances, but you need to turn on the brain, analyze and act.

The methods of resolving the situation with such a map may not be entirely fair. It may be necessary to break the law somewhere. The main thing is not to overdo it.

It is important to be attentive to your environment: there is some person who can influence the situation in a certain way, and this person acts with very ugly methods: slander, intrigue, hiding the truth or outright lies.

The card also indicates that the person will soon receive some kind of news that is relevant to this situation. The nature of the news can be suggested by the neighboring Arcana.

The appearance of an inverted Page of Swords in the layout indicates that there is some kind of theft in the situation. This is not necessarily the loss of a thing, it can be the theft of information in order to use it against and hinder the development of the situation. In addition, conflicts that are associated with misunderstanding, lack of complete information or anger of one of the participants can aggravate the situation.

Also, such a card speaks of receiving unpleasant news that can affect the situation.


The Page of Swords indicates possible health problems associated with nervousness, such as headaches or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Also, with such a map, you can talk about the danger of various injuries and cuts.

In an inverted form, Arkan can show a general painful condition, loss of memory as a result of some kind of trauma, temporary clouding of the mind. Sometimes such a card accompanies suicidal attempts and psychological withdrawal.

Card of the day

You need to be careful about dealing with people. On this day, a theft, a scandal, a sharp showdown may occur. Also, some information may come in that can affect events in life. It should be treated with caution, since it can carry a distorted meaning.

Inverted Arcanum promises communication with a very unpleasant person prone to gossip and intrigue. If this happens in a work collective, then it is better to stay away from it so as not to ruin your career.

Map of the Year

Throughout the year, fate will provide various opportunities, but you will have to act quickly and deliberately, choosing the right methods. Do not be afraid if you have to resolve issues not entirely honestly: the winners are not judged.

An inverted card speaks of thoughtlessness in actions that will lead to serious conflicts. There is a danger of quarreling with loved ones or "flying out" from work due to a tense situation in relations with employees.

Arcana Council

The Page of Swords recommends increasing your own safety and being vigilant. You must always think with your head before you act, be able to get out of any situations, then success will be ensured. It is also worth protecting yourself from information leakage or theft.

Tarot is a great system of predictions, the meaning of the cards provides answers to important questions for those who like to know the future. In this review, we will examine the interpretation of the page of swords in the main areas of life.


The Page of Swords shows a young man standing in a deserted place, holding a sword with both hands. The sky is covered with clouds, the wind sways the trees and ruffles the young man's hair. He stands proudly over a rocky abyss expressing determination and defiance. The whole feeling of the card is violent energy.

The total value of the card in a straight position


  • energy, enthusiasm;
  • sociability and eloquence;
  • exchange of ideas and projects;
  • choice;
  • plans for the future;
  • intellectual discoveries.

All new projects, ventures and travels you start with a tremendous amount of energy and excitement. However, the problem is, can you maintain a fighting spirit? The beginning always looks promising, but something else is needed to keep up the pace.

There are always problems in life with the choices you make, and not everyone will be happy with that choice, but when it comes down to it, you need to watch your passions and go where your real energy lies. The card encourages you to move forward despite any problems or setbacks that could potentially get in the way.

This card shows you as a modern and idealistic person with many plans and ideas for the future. You are a bright and attentive person. Extremely curious, always asking a lot of questions, gifted with sharp tongue and ingenuity, which makes you an incredible communicator. An almost nervous energy lives in you, which is associated with various news, gossip, intrigue, life events, passionate debates, legal issues and agreements.

The card emphasizes that once you start taking the first steps towards any goal you set, it is important to have an agreement with others who will not overwhelm you and your ideas. Try to reach rapport with people who will help you develop your ideas and projects.

The Page of Swords card is about communication skills, information and intentions that you should share with others. You always have something new and fresh. You have eloquence, delivered voice and diction. Your ability to inspire through words makes you an excellent speaker or presenter. However, be careful, use your speaking talents and thirst to be "in the know" for others, and not to create negativity in the form of gossip and intrigue. You tend to share personal information about yourself, so think before you speak so that you don't regret what you said later.

The downside of the card is the tempestuous nature of intellectual discovery and inspiration, uncontrolled by experience or wisdom. But Arkan at the same time indicates protection from the outside and your own vigilance. Your truthfulness and straightforwardness, combined with sociability and eloquence, allow you to speak out on serious issues and fight injustice. The card often characterizes people of air signs: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.

Inverted position


  • lack of inspiration;
  • gossip;
  • rush;
  • conflict situations;
  • stress, frustration.

In a general context, the Page of Swords represents bad or disappointing news and a lack of ideas, inspiration, and a sense of trouble rising on the horizon. When turned upside down, the card is now the initiator of problems, conflict situations, stress and anxiety. The card can describe a person suspicious, stupid, leading a secluded life, or vice versa, educated and conscious, but due to the lack of experience and life wisdom, stuffing himself with bumps.

The card foreshadows news that can cause shock or panic. Here it is possible to talk about litigation not in your favor. Fines, taxes, loan refusal. The card also informs about business contracts that should not be entered into, because one small detail in the contract, overlooked, will turn the deal at a loss. Arkan predicts poor results from blood tests, scans and surgery outcomes that can cause profound frustration. The Page of Swords brings scandalous news of crime, illegal behavior, violence and aggression, arrests and court decisions.

The inverted card warns you against any rush. You are energized to move forward, but the way you do it will not bring the desired results. Do not fuss, do not take on everything at the same time, solve problems as they come. Take a rational approach, patience and detailed analysis for each project. Be prepared for defeat, because there are no victories without them. Learn to find and correct mistakes. Act carefully in everything and thinking about each step, this will lead to more meaningful results.

Inverted Arcanum - empty talk, promises, and no action. Before making specific commitments or promises, make sure you can deliver and maintain your integrity and reputation.

An inverted card suggests a fear of public speaking. You are worried that you do not have enough experience or knowledge to cover a certain topic, or you are afraid to be in the spotlight. Know that people just want to hear your point of view, even if it is different from others.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

This Arkan in the context of love represents such a model of relationship, which over time, if not caught up in time, will turn into an exhausting and difficult relationship. There is often immaturity and impermanence between partners. In a relationship, a desire is already laid down from the beginning to hurt, to mock, reproach, inflict an offense. There is constant dissatisfaction with each other, unwillingness to understand, listen, help, reassure, express support with advice or an affectionate word. All actions and words are aimed at destruction and indifference. But, the most surprising and sad thing is that such a relationship lasts a long time, the partners do not even think to disperse, as if they are enjoying such a painful relationship.

The Page of Swords suggests a rival, intrigue, jealousy, gossip, suspicion of treason.

You should decide and decide for yourself whether you want to end the relationship that has outlived itself or if you still risk finding out everything, finding a compromise and continuing to coexist. But keep in mind that this stage in your life is a great time for a completely different relationship from scratch, either with a new person or a former acquaintance.

The card warns of the brewing of a strong quarrel, the initiator of which will be your partner. The reason may be everyday life, routine, jealousy, accumulated unresolved problems, irritation. There is a danger of breaking off relations. A quarrel can become both the final stage of a relationship, and it can also be beneficial, become a kind of cleansing conflict, after which the relationship will only improve. Betrayal and infidelity are also allowed.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, relationships are based on gossip, intrigue, criticism, lies and flattery. There is no mutual understanding between partners. At the event level, unpleasant situations may arise, aggravated by something more aggressive. If this is a divorce, then necessarily with litigation. If the conflict, then with reproaches, obscene words and even assault. Perhaps your partner is playing mind games, he is sometimes cold with you and careless in communication, then he lets emotional baggage from previous relationships into your relationship, or, conversely, is unusually affectionate and helpful. Such "temperature changes" have a negative effect on causing a series of conflicts, making the relationship paranoid.

If you are waiting for news or a favorable development of relations, the card predicts your disappointment. If you are single, the Page of Swords in reverse order suggests that you may be interested in someone who is a player in life, and will constantly compete with him. Like any player, he will have an analytical mind and fighting spirit, his energy will be directed towards destruction, since creation is not in his style. Think, do you need such a relationship?

Career value

Direct position

In the context of a career, the card indicates that you are highly intelligent, ambitious, and full of innovative, bright ideas. But in order to achieve success, it is not enough just to dream and carry grandiose plans in your head, you need to act. Arkan does not rule out that you may need further education in order to reach the heights that you envisioned for yourself. If you are waiting for the results of your interview, most likely the answer will be yes, but you will have to wait - the Page of Swords does not like to rush.

In the professional field, you often need to soberly analyze the situation and facts, and make not the most pleasant decisions. The Page of Swords warns of a tense atmosphere in the workplace, where anxiety, fuss, gossip and intrigue are possible. You will have to fight for a "place under the sky", which will cause a showdown, negativity and envy on the part of employees. But your eloquence, analytical and flexible mind will help you get a well-deserved position and become a first-class specialist, besides, new methods of work and the introduction of various information innovations are your trump card.

Inverted position

An inverted card indicates dishonest working practices, financial fraud, non-fulfillment of work obligations, and the accumulation of unresolved issues. Perhaps you have ill-wishers who want to set you up, be careful when working with the documentation, study each point in detail before you sign. You should not impose new ideas or projects, this can cause aggression from colleagues and bosses, you will be suspected of "taking the business into your hands." Take your time, let people themselves come to you for help and advice, which will once again emphasize your professionalism.

The card allows for a lack of understanding with business partners, they can be repelled by your resourcefulness and flexible mind. How so? - you ask. So the problem is in you, it means that you ask too many questions, behave incorrectly and tactlessly, use personal information unnecessarily, play dishonestly, or have caught a star fever and do not notice anything except yourself. Go down to earth, there are no irreplaceable people: there is always the smartest for the smart one.


Direct position

The card usually describes young people who have minor health problems. The Page of Swords warns of problems with the legs and ankles, poor blood circulation, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Yes, in general, nothing terrible, but pleasant too little. The map also indicates minor injuries, bruises and cuts, as there is a tendency to accidents. You should constantly conduct various medical tests and analyzes, and even better, be monitored by one specialist. After all, if nothing hurts and does not bother, it does not mean that everything is fine.

Inverted position

In this form, the card speaks of mental problems, depression and chronic anxiety. Since a person who is suspicious, closed and does not trust anyone fits the description of the card, schizophrenia or multiple personality disorders are possible here.

In an inverted form, the card speaks of a disease associated with the dark side of consciousness: mental clouding, amnesia, paranoia, delirium, bouts of unreasonable fear, persecution mania. These conditions can be accompanied by a sudden influx of hallucinations and aggressive actions. The person becomes socially dangerous. The card also indicates speech problems. There is a pathological secrecy and isolation, leading to schizoid psychopathy (visions, voices). Suicidal tendencies are allowed.

You are an extraordinary person, and it is very difficult to deal with you. But you should pay tribute: you perfectly perform peacekeeping functions, although at the same time you yourself are the initiator of many conflict situations and troubles. If you do not like something and causes resentment, do not keep the dissatisfaction in yourself, sort out the situations to the end. Well, if some question or problem is not worth a damn and has nothing to do with you, do not waste your strength and energy.

The card advises to always be on the alert and not to lose vigilance, but if necessary, be prepared for blows. If you have new and interesting ideas, take action, do not sit idly by, share your ideas with others and do not refuse help in their implementation.

If you face difficulties, do not be afraid to take a step back, or seek a different point of view. Do not be shy about your own curiosity, ask questions, collect facts, be interested, but do it tactfully. Your knowledge and ability to apply them will help you to succeed in many areas.

Strong combinations

Creative expression in any activity, from costume design to photography. The results are expected to be amazing.

Resisting the urge to talk to someone.

  • With 5 pentacles:

Children's battle

  • With the King of Wands:

Organization of plans and actions in accordance with them.

Hard work.

  • With the Queen of Pentacles:

May indicate online dating.

The main meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot is quarrels, conflicts and disagreements. However, it can have many aspects depending on the combination of Tarot cards with each other, the type of layout and the position of the card in it.

In the article:

Tarot meaning - Page of Swords in layouts

In an upright position the meaning in the Tarot of the Page of Swords may lie in clarifying the relationship or the essence of the problem, regarding peace negotiations, as a result of which the cause of the conflict will be brought to the surface.

The threat of conflict does not mean that plans will have to be abandoned. All conflicts end sooner or later, and despite the fact that the path will be difficult, the ending is worth it. The fortuneteller must show determination. You should not avoid the conflict, in its process a question that has been of interest to you will be solved for a long time. This quarrel is necessary, and in the end it will not bring anything bad. Pages often mean getting information, and in this case it will be revealed during a conflict.

A period is coming, favorable in order to get rid of everything superfluous - illusions, unfulfilled expectations, unnecessary connections. This is the time to leave all unnecessary behind and start from scratch.

Inverted The Page of Swords of the Tarot speaks of a violent scandal or quarrel. In the process of finding out the reason for a certain situation or solving a problem, there will be clinging to trifles, nit-picking, and a transition to personalities. A dirty scandal can cause a break in relations or an end to cooperation. Moreover, he talks about troubles or bad news that will suddenly fall on the fortuneteller and put an end to his plans for the future. In addition, it means a loss of vigilance to the fortuneteller, which his enemies can take advantage of.

Inverted card can also mean gossip that a certain person from his entourage spreads about a fortuneteller. Perhaps they are discussing you behind your back, and not in a positive way. Rough insults to the fortuneteller are likely. There is a high probability of observing a fortuneteller in order to collect information. These can be ill-wishers whose purpose is to collect compromising evidence.

Page of Swords Tarot in the layouts for work and business

The main meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot card, if it falls in the alignment with business, work and career, is a tense situation in the team. You will have to participate in some kind of conflict, to understand the relationships of colleagues or the problems of the team. There is also a possibility of sharp controversy about some aspect of the work process. Disagreements with business partners are also possible. If you are going to sign a contract, you should weigh all the pros and cons.

The Page of Swords of Tarot can warn of a reprimand from a boss received unfairly, the beginning of rivalry between colleagues or fierce competition. Sometimes this card warns of the dangers of participating in a risky assignment. Perhaps the guidance of the fortuneteller will set him a goal that is contrary to the law or requires serious risks. For the creative profession, this card warns of harsh criticism.

There is no need to be afraid of the conflict or disagreement that portends the meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot card. This is always a necessary fresh stream, a dispute in which one can find the truth. In other words, a conflict that was really necessary for all its participants. An understanding of what was previously hidden from the fortuneteller will be obtained. Sometimes this card speaks of the completion of the current activity, which is not always successful.

Page of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The value in relations of the Page of Swords Tarot card speaks of an unstable, full of troubles period in personal life. Quarrels and other troubles are possible. The fortuneteller must show determination and either end his obsolete relationship, or find out everything and continue to live on under one roof, having achieved a compromise. Now is a good time to start from scratch with an already familiar or new person.

This card promises that the fortuneteller's partner will start the quarrel. Its reason may lie in the exacerbation of some long-standing controversial situation or the accumulation of many reasons for the conflict - coldness, irritation, daily routine, old grievances. A large number of previously unresolved problems threaten to fall on the spouses.

The quarrel threatens the future of the couple and can cause a breakup if the spouses are unwilling to compromise and try to maintain the relationship. It can become a so-called cleansing conflict that will change attitudes for the better, or it can be the last time this couple spent together. It is also possible betrayal of one of the partners, and even in this case there are two variants of events - the final rupture or the solution of all problems in relations between partners.

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Swords in divination by personality

In an upright position The Page of Swords suggests that the one you are guessing at has espionage inclinations. He is curious and smart, knows how to quickly make decisions and analyze the situation. Such people are rational and dispassionate. They are distinguished by their energy and ability to negotiate. Such individuals prefer the work of a mediator, consultant, scientist. They only notice personal gain and do not pay attention to ways that will help achieve it, they are inclined to travel and cannot sit still.

In addition, the Page of Swords can mean a person who had to grow up early. This card often appears in layouts for children and means it is quick-witted and a high level of intelligence in a child, as well as his sociability and originality.

In an inverted position the card means that in front of you is a tongue-tied and not too smart person. He is used to bowing to authority, but when he believes that a person occupying a less advantageous position is in front of him, he ceases to observe tact and restrain emotions - this is how he compensates for his inferiority. Such people rarely achieve great success in life. They love to take revenge and collect enemies. Sometimes this card indicates the ill-wisher of the fortuneteller.

This ill-wisher does not have special opportunities and power. However, with all his might, this person is trying to pretend that he is associated with great powers. Such people always try to exaggerate their importance in the eyes of others. Despite this, do not lose vigilance, because in order to compensate for their complexes, the inverted Page of Swords will go to great lengths.

Princess of Swords in Tarot Tota

The Princess of Swords Tarot is a card that replaces the Page of the suit of Swords in the Tota Tarot. Its main meaning is the destruction of everything that interferes with further development, fetters the fortuneteller's freedom and does not allow him to move towards the goal. Princess of Swords from Tarot Thoth does not accept any restrictions and seeks to destroy the framework into which she is being driven.

This card represents a rebellious nature that has no fear of society seeking to make someone else out of her. Such people avoid what suppresses their true self, which makes them stand out from the crowd.

The Princess of Swords can also rebel with the help of creativity. This card often points to scandalous writers, artists, musicians, whose behavior shocks the vast majority of people. However, this does not mean that they are behaving badly. We are talking about people who try to express their emotions and feelings, not paying attention to other people's opinions.

However, the meaning of the card remains the same. It consists in conflict with those who are trying to suppress the fortuneteller. It can be a possessive spouse, strict parents, a boss prone to tyranny, a friend who considers her opinion to be the ultimate truth. The fortuneteller endured the suppression for too long, and it was time to part with the framework.

Page of Swords and Combinations in Tarot

Combinations of cards with each other can clarify the layout. Combinations in the Tarot of the Page of Swords with other cards can both change the value of the layout as a whole, and add accuracy to it. So, together with lasso the Hierophant this card means the denial of dogmas and the struggle with generally accepted truths. However, the result is unknown, but with the Sun card, the Page of the suit of Swords means a bold idea that will receive recognition, perhaps not immediately. A similar meaning would be when combining the Page of Tarot Swords with the World - bringing to life a controversial idea that would be of great benefit.

In Tarot, all Pages indicate the emergence of good prospects, but they can scare you with a possible ending: often difficulties arise in the execution of plans. This card promises trials and helps to gain experience, not always positive. The Page of Swords of the Tarot in combination with other cards changes a negative value to a positive one.

Description of the card

The picture shows a guy with a sword in his hands. It is not located on a hill of uneven shape. There are clouds around him, and above his head is a flock of birds that symbolize the flow of thoughts in his head. The sword is heavy, and the Page can only hold it in two hands. His stance shows his readiness for battle, he has been moving towards the goal for a long time, and it is time to prove himself, to achieve his plan.

All pages with the image of Pages symbolize news that will be received in the near future. They are not serious, but they give some ground for thought.

The Page of Swords is a signal to be careful with the environment: there is a person nearby who is ready to betray or deceive at any moment.

Positive features

The Page of Swords is a person quickly rubbing into trust, encouraging the manifestation of a mother's sense of protection and care for her child. He instantly expresses thoughts without thinking for a long time. He is graceful, witty and resourceful.

His talent for listening brings him closer to the Page of Cups. Each person in the environment will easily entrust him with all the secrets. He is perfectly familiar with all spheres of life, he will easily advise on what to do. The Page of Swords will look at the state of affairs from the outside and help.

When communicating with a person of this type, one should be prepared that all said information will be used against the person who confides in him. The Page of Swords keeps all the information from each person who has shared the secret.

In this he differs from the Page of Pentacles, who looks at reality without embellishment. The Map of Pentacles does not embellish reality with fictional events. The Page of Swords connects it together like a mosaic, making it the way people want it.

Negative traits

The Page of Swords is a flatterer. He plays the role of a good friend in order to achieve a position in society, to obtain the desired power. He does not deserve trust: he will gossip behind his back.

Often, many write it off early because of age or position in society, not suspecting how this information will be returned to them later. He is a lover of everything to explore and experiment. Having done the job, he chooses a point to observe and looks at what effect it will produce. Not knowing the outcome, he falls into despair. Solving issues of a more serious nature is scary for him.

Value combined

Considering each card in combination with the other, you can get a completely different prediction. The final value at the moment ceases to be negative:

  • The combination with the lasso Jester symbolizes the feeling of a child inside, a completely frustrated person who has not yet been formed for adult life and serious decisions.
  • The combination of the Page of Swords with the Mage means that it is better to look at the situation from the other side and find a more non-standard way out.
  • The High Priestess, combined with the Page of Swords, claims that a person is inattentive to details and succumbs to emotions.
  • The Empress, in combination with the Page of Swords, symbolizes a person's complete disagreement with the result of his work.
  • With the Emperor, the card means disrespect for elders (family members, leadership).
  • With the Hierophant - atheism, disbelief in beliefs.
  • Together with the Lovers - a quarrel with the second half.
  • Next to the Chariot is the achievement of the set goals at any cost, even through conflicts and problems.
  • In combination with the Force, it indicates a negative person.
  • Paired with the Hermit - a quarrel, the result of which will be loneliness.
  • The Wheel of Fortune, combined with the minor suit, shows that there is a chance to win, the main thing is not to miss the opportunity and take a step towards your dream.
  • With the lasso, Justice is a warning to be careful and not break the rules.
  • Paired with the Hanged Man, it symbolizes the implementation of actions with aggression that will not bring results.
  • Moderation in combination with the Page of Swords will help you get out of a quarrel without difficulty.
  • Paired with the Devil - he will warn about the enemy in the rear, you need to take a good look at the environment.
  • With the Eight of Pentacles - a surprise or an unexpected gift awaits a person.
  • In combination with the Tower, it is a mental illness that affects a person or someone close to him.
  • The star promises prosperity, and the Moon requires you to take a closer look at your health. The sun will bring success.

Combining Page of Swords with Cups:

  • Ace of Cups - illusory problems, invented fears;
  • The King of Cups is harmony in everything;
  • Queen of Cups - women's complexes;
  • Knight of Cups - lack of understanding in human relationships;
  • Page of Cups - maintaining a passive position;
  • Ten Cups - an idle feast;
  • Nine of Cups - a young lover;
  • Eight of Cups is a variable state of mind;
  • Seven of Cups - a departure from reality;
  • Six of Cups is a wrong decision;
  • Five of Cups - unrequited feelings;
  • Four of Cups - diseases of the nervous system;
  • Three of Cups is a fateful decision in life;
  • Two of Cups - need for advice;

Combining the Page of Swords with Wands:

  • Ace of Wands - stirring up a scandal;
  • King of Wands - disputes with a youth;
  • Queen of Wands - disputes with a girl;
  • Knight of Wands - leaving home;
  • Page of Wands - fight, fair opponent;
  • Ten of Wands - disclosure of deception;
  • Nine of Wands - suspicion, uncertainty;
  • Eight of Wands - a teasing person;
  • Seven of Wands - impudence, boorish attitude;
  • Six of Wands - bad news;
  • Five of Wands - a provocateur;
  • Four of Wands - quarrels in the house;
  • Three of Wands - conflicts with partners;
  • Two of Wands - a new vision.

Combining the Page of Swords with Pentacles:

  • Ace of Pentacles - project implementation;
  • King of Pentacles - deception of a legal entity, dishonest judge;
  • Queen of Pentacles - feminine attention;
  • Knight of Pentacles - irrevocable debt;
  • Page of Pentacles - conflicts in the service sector;
  • Ten of Pentacles - an unsuccessful purchase;
  • Nine of Pentacles - wise advice;
  • Eight of Pentacles - extra spending;
  • Seven of Pentacles - shyness, inability to maintain a conversation;
  • Six of Pentacles - high chance of getting an award;
  • Five of Pentacles - career growth;
  • Four of Pentacles - reprimands from the leader;
  • Three of Pentacles - slander;
  • Two of Pentacles - slugging.

Combining the Page of Swords with cards of your suit:

The meaning of MA NINE OF WANDS in combination with the rest of the tarot arcana

An important period has come. Control over all areas in life will provide peace of mind, otherwise, there is a risk of losing important things or money. There is a risk of being attacked by robbers, hacked phone or mail.

Being engaged in mental development, a person will attract new ideas that are implemented and will bring moral and material satisfaction.


The Page of Swords card in combination with other Tarot cards has various interpretations. Before drawing conclusions on one card, they look at the whole alignment.