
Korean medical beds. Massage bed nougat best - when and to whom is it shown? Dry traction of the spine

Massage beds made in Korea are presented to society as an effective treatment for back diseases. These devices are very easy to use: plug into the socket and "healed". Believing the advertisements, people crowd in queues near the Seragem and Nuga Best centers, and pensioners collect their last pennies to buy this Korean miracle for their home.

The whole problem lies in the fact that any device must be registered, have a description of the technical parameters, and the conclusion of competent medical specialists. Getting acquainted with this or that medical device, one cannot rely on the fabulous advertising instructions of the manufacturer, who, of course, will only praise his product.

In advertising booklets, the beds "Nuga best" are referred to only as a "breakthrough in medicine" and "revolutionary innovation." And one enumeration of the methods by which treatment is carried out leads to a real thrill: reflexotherapy, manual therapy, infrared radiation, low-frequency myostimulation. Plus, the annotation states that the bed is made using natural materials - jade and tourmanium. All these characteristics leave no doubt that this is purely medical equipment requiring the presence of a professional doctor at the session. Doctors believe that the machine cannot determine the state of the muscles and makes a massage, regardless of the pain syndrome.

Unlike a massage therapist, who evaluates all complaints and instant reactions of the patient and sees the state of the muscles, tension, relaxation, and, accordingly, applies various massage elements. By the way, even a regular massage is not useful for all diseases of the spine, and infrared radiation, moreover, has a number of contraindications. Each of us wants to believe in a miracle, and even more so if our loved ones fall ill, we are ready to believe in the operation of any apparatus, just to feel better.

But if healers and psychics can cause us a share of skepticism, then the device was made at the factory, metal-plastic was used, and what came off the assembly line is, in the opinion of many, the brainchild of science. For greater credibility, the device is accompanied by a list of medals and diplomas, which he allegedly was awarded at prestigious international exhibitions, for example, the medal of the UN interplanetary space equipment exhibition (by the way, such an exhibition has never been held anywhere).

Various massagers have more psychotherapeutic than therapeutic effect. At first, thanks to self-hypnosis and the effect on superficial muscles, it seems that it really helps, like any massage. But only until our skin receptors get used to this effect.

Do not expect a miracle to happen without gymnastics and other efforts. When a visitor of free treatment sessions on a massage bed finally has the opportunity to purchase this bed, the joy does not last long, because the goal is achieved and you can relax, or, on the contrary, you need to harness and work out, returning the money invested or repaying the loan. When one of the elderly family members dies, the children are knocked down to sell an expensive bed.

It is important to remember that classical or therapeutic massage has not only indications, but also a time frame: if we massage for more than ten to fifteen days, the body gets used to it and soon, without mechanical massage, we will naturally feel worse: it’s not for nothing that people walk in showrooms for years.

Sergey Gavryuk

29937 60

From long work at the computer, weight lifting, various injuries, diseases of the spine arise.

If therapy is not started in time, they can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Therapeutic The Nuga Best bed was created specifically for the therapeutic elimination of back problems..

Now even many doctors advise going to this stimulant, but there are also conservatives in the field of medicine who do not believe in the healing properties of the massage bed.

Components of the treatment bed Nuga Best

The Nuga Best stimulator is a massage bed. Ergonomic design and small size allow you to place it even in the room.

There are beds in two colors - light green and purple. Functionally they are the same.

All the useful properties of the bed are contained in the tourmanium carriage.

It is she who moves along the spine and is made of tourmaline. Thanks to heating the projector from 30 to 70 degrees the muscles of the paravertebral column warm up.

Tourmanium ceramics, from which the carriage is made, is an alloy based on germanium and tourmaline. This natural mineral has its own magnetic field, and also emits negatively charged ions, which contribute to the rapid regeneration of body cells, normalize blood pressure and improve immunity in general.

The treatment bed can operate in two modes: classic sports mode and spot cauterization.
The first mode involves rolling the carriage along the entire spine, warming up the muscles.

It is used during the first massage sessions so that the muscles of the paravertebral column warm up and become more elastic. During the movement of the projector, it is felt how all the vertebrae are stretched. There may be some discomfort during the first sessions.

Spot cauterization is an effect on biologically active points that allows you to treat not only the spine, but the entire body as a whole.

Indications for use

This bed can and should be used by people suffering from the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • protrusions;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • pinched nerve;
  • pressure violation. Hypertension and hypotension;
  • rehabilitation after injuries and operations;
  • excess weight;
  • headache;
  • diabetes;
  • stress, insomnia;
  • curvature of the spine (scoliosis);
  • weakened immunity.

As can be seen from the list presented, the bed has an effect on the entire body.

This is explained by the fact that nerve endings from all organs and life support systems of a person are connected to the spine. The spine and nervous system are closely related. This suggests that the treatment of back problems will help cure the entire body.

Nuga Best bed: contraindications for use

Exists two types of contraindications, knowledge of which is necessary. One category allows the use of massage, but with restrictions, while the other completely prohibits the use of the device.

  1. High fever and acute inflammation. You should stop the procedure until the condition returns to normal;
  2. Bleeding, tendency to them. Period of menstruation in women. Termination of procedures. This also includes diseases of the organs, during which bleeding may occur;
  3. Vascular diseases, vascular inflammation, thrombophlebitis. Procedures are prohibited;
  4. Osteoporosis in the last stage. Procedures are prohibited;
  5. Purulent processes, as well as dermatological rashes on the massaged area of ​​​​the back. The use of the massager can be started only after recovery;
  6. Acute venereal diseases. First of all, the use of a massage bed is prohibited for people suffering from stage I and II syphilis;
  7. During acute angina attacks the use of a stimulant is prohibited;
  8. Directly after hypertensive crisis the use of the Nuga Best treatment bed is prohibited;
  9. During pregnancy. The use of a treatment bed is officially prohibited from the 20th week of pregnancy. But doctors still advise to refrain from sessions for the entire period of pregnancy.

With myoma, as well as a cyst, the following conditions must be observed during the sessions: the heating of the tourmanium projector should not exceed 40 degrees, it is advisable to do only the upper rolling of the spine.

Spot cauterization mode is prohibited. Those who simply have limitations in using the massager should be constantly monitored by specialists so as not to get complications.

A wonderful option is to sleep on a bed where the position of the body is as correct and comfortable as possible, and also get an excellent, practically professional massage here. And this is not fiction, it is a fairly accessible and even necessary reality. It is intended not only for the prevention of certain back problems, but is also part of the therapeutic complex in the treatment of existing diseases of the spine.

The South Korean company Nuga Medical specializes in the production of excellent medical equipment. However, one of the lines is dedicated to restorative medicine. And the most popular product in it is the nougat best massage bed, the average price of which in Russia is about 90,000 rubles.

It has been proven that such a nougat best massager helps when there is a need:
  1. To correct posture in adolescents.
  2. Treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Carry out rehabilitation measures for peripheral diseases of the nervous system, including radiculitis.
  4. Fight stress.
  5. Get rid of chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, constant overwork or insomnia.
  6. Conduct relaxation activities.

Everyday rest on the nougat best massager gives amazingly excellent results and can significantly improve the course of treatment of various diseases. However, the use of this equipment should be only after a medical examination and, of course, in the presence of a specialist.

Features of the massage bed

The main task, which by the way is always achieved, is the removal of neuromuscular tension.

A massage session, when it is carried out by the device, combines at least three procedures at the same time:

  • soft, but complete warming up of the human body;
  • gentle acupressure;
  • complete reflexology.

A thermo-therapeutic massager, capable of stimulating and toning muscles, should gradually lead to the harmonious functioning of the whole organism. And this, in turn, can cause the action of self-healing and regulation of all its systems.

Thus, the purpose of using the nougat best bed, according to doctors, may be the normalization of the muscle corset. The bed copes with this task perfectly, but in more serious cases, experts prescribe a professional manual massage.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movement in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky to cure joints ... Read more»

Indication for use

Nougat best is more suitable for prevention than for treatment.

Its uncontrolled use is not dangerous only when a person:

  1. does not have heart disease;
  2. is not a carrier of excess weight;
  3. not sick with hypertension;
The list is far from complete. That is why people who have at least one chronic disease should not abuse the capabilities of the massager.


Nougat best has quite significant contraindications.

In addition to chronic diseases, high blood pressure and more weight, the following can be distinguished:
  1. Intervertebral hernias.
  2. Vessels close to the surface of the skin.
  3. Skin diseases.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, and, apparently, none of the above helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working remedy, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more»

The same contraindications apply to manual massage. It also cannot be carried out by everyone who has unstable heart function and weak blood vessels, as well as those who have acute sciatica and hernias.

That is why it is worth knowing that, according to doctors, the nougat best bed is not a means of treatment, but it can act as therapeutic equipment.

What is the bed made of?

Only the original products of the South Korean company Nuga Medical can have a therapeutic or prophylactic effect. And all this thanks to the uniqueness of the assembly.

So, the massager should consist of:

The angle of the bed can be adjusted both by the person who lies on the bed and by those who set the mode of its operation. It is worth noting that for different areas of the body, you can set a separate mode.

Thus, an excellent, simple and affordable means for prevention and relaxation is the original nougat best bed. However, you should not use it without medical diagnosis and it is best that such a bed is in a massage room (salon). And here its use could alternate with high-quality manual massage.

For healthy and sound sleep, every person needs the right, and most importantly, comfortable bed. Sleep is an integral part of any person, because it is in a dream that we spend almost half of our lives.

The quality of sleep will depend on several factors:

  • How comfortable is your bed.
  • How firm is your mattress and how firm should it be.
  • What pillow do you sleep on. They also have several degrees of hardness.
  • What blanket do you have? Some people like to sleep under a thin blanket, while others like a thick one.

These reasons and many more will affect how well you sleep, and therefore how your day goes. A sleepy person will have time to do much more important things for him in a day than a sleepy, irritable person.

For a person with a bad back, a properly selected bed and mattress for her will play a significant role in his treatment and rehabilitation. For patients with various diseases of the spinal column (hernia of the spine, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis), it is recommended to use orthopedic mattresses.

A bed with an orthopedic mattress allows you to keep a person's spine in a straight state when he sleeps. Its content smoothly adjusts to the anatomical features of a person, thereby allowing to reduce the load on the vertebrae and evenly distribute it throughout the body.

For example, an orthopedic mattress with a hernia of the spine significantly reduces pain in the morning, and in the evening it is easier for the patient to fall asleep, since he is not looking for a painless position.

Choice of hardness

When choosing an orthopedic mattress, you should consider how hard it will be. They are:

  1. Soft. They combine the greatest number of orthopedic properties. This is ensured by various fillers. They are recommended for patients with serious diseases of the spine (which require treatment), joints, cardiovascular system and for those who like to sleep on their side.
  2. Medium hardness. A bed with such a mattress is recommended for those who often sleep on their backs, have injuries or diseases of the spine. The mattress consists of several layers of filler, which regulate its rigidity.
  3. Rigid. Most often they are recommended to small children and toddlers. It will allow the spine to form properly, relieve pain for people with a herniated disc and is recommended for those who sleep on their stomachs more often.
  4. with different hardness. Its peculiarity is that one side has a hard filler, and the other is filled with soft latex.

Base selection

The stiffness parameter is determined not only by the type of filler, but also by the basis of the mattress. Fundamentals can be divided into the following classes:

  • Mattresses without springs. As the name suggests, it does not have a base, but is completely filled with a material that provides its supportive properties.
  • With springs (dependent or active springs). The most common and familiar mattress, it is the better, the more springs it has.
  • With springs (independent). The best version of the base, which allows you to evenly distribute the weight and reduce the load on the spinal column.

An important role in choosing a mattress is played by your weight and height. The greater the weight and height, the more rigid you should choose. In addition, one should not forget about the individual reactions of the body to various materials (allergic reactions).


Thanks to modern technologies, we have a wide selection of fillers. By groups they are divided into:

  1. Mattresses filled with budget materials - foam rubber or polyurethane foam. They are the most short-lived and of poor quality.
  2. More durable are those filled with rubber. Their service life can exceed more than 20 years.
  3. Those containing coconut coir are the most resistant to wear and provide the greatest rigidity.
  4. The most expensive contain wool, algae, horsehair and other expensive fillers.

massage beds

The Korean massage bed is becoming popular on the market. Such a bed is able to independently carry out a procedure that will briefly relieve pain and stiffness of the spine. Massage is carried out thanks to the action of specially located rollers and rollers. They, rotating at different speeds, knead muscles and muscle groups, but they do not take into account the anatomical features of a person, therefore, it is not shown to everyone. In addition to mechanical impact, the rollers can heat up, improving microcirculation and warming up the muscles. A temporary positive effect is due to the primary effect of the rollers on the skin and muscles, with the constant use of such a bed, the effect will disappear, as the body will simply get used to it.

There are a number of contraindications for using such a bed. It cannot be used if:

  • You have a fever or signs of inflammation.
  • Bleeding, including menstruation.
  • Acute vascular diseases.
  • advanced osteoporosis.
  • Postponed attacks of angina pectoris.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Purulent foci, rashes, crusts or ulcers on the massaged area.

It is important to know that only a specialist in this field can conduct a high-quality and useful massage. Thanks to the correct and complex massage, it is possible to significantly alleviate the patient's condition by improving blood circulation in the problem area, warming up the muscles that are stiff from the load.

The South Korean company Seragem ("Seragem") is known all over the world. It produces exclusive health products created on the basis of the knowledge of ancient healers, but made using modern technologies. Its range of products includes massagers with and without heating, anatomical pillows, mats, rugs, underwear with silver ions. One of the latest know-how of the Seragem developers is a bed. Reviews of doctors and patients about this device, which supposedly eliminates all diseases, are very cautious. In fact, positive reviews, where the Seragem bed helped, and negative reviews, where it did not help, are approximately equal. What's the matter here? In a talentedly delivered, but sellers, in the intrigues of competitors or in the features of the product? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do you need a spinal massage?

Some believe that diseases of the spine are kyphosis, scoliosis and back pain. If there is none of this, then there is no need to do a massage. In fact, the spine is connected through the spinal cord to every organ in our body. It often happens that for years people have been treating their stomach, heart, lungs, kidneys to no avail, taking pills for headaches and insomnia, struggling with constipation, not suspecting that they need to take care of the spine. His condition affects immunity, vitality, metabolism, vision, hearing and much more. In order to improve the condition of all body systems by acting on the spine, they designed the "Seragem" (bed). Reviews of doctors who consider it useful note multiple cases of positive dynamics in patients after sessions on it. This medical equipment has already been installed in the physiotherapy departments of some hospitals and sanatoriums, in private clinics. In addition, in large cities there are "Seragem" centers, where it is allowed to use a massage bed for free for a long time, until complete recovery.

External characteristics

On sale you can find medical beds with a variety of designs - from massive structures that are impressive with a variety of devices and sensors to those that look like an ordinary couch. The designs of medical beds are also very different, depending on the purpose of their use. It was on the functionality and usefulness of their new development that Seragem made the main emphasis. The bed, reviews of doctors and customers about which are so different, outwardly resembles an ordinary hospital couch, the main equipment is inside. There are two models on sale: CGM-M3500 and more modern Master V3. Its width - 70 cm, height - 45 cm, length - 2.02 m (in working order). To make the bed fit better into the interior of even a small room, this model has the ability to fold when not in use. Then its length becomes only 1.25 m. At the same time, the weight of the bed is just over 50 kg. There are also models equipped with musical accompaniment that sounds during the procedure and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Design features

The name of the latest know-how of the Seragem developers is a massage bed, that is, the main function of the product is to massage the back and spine. For this purpose, the design has special jade rollers moving along the canvas on which the patient lies. The massage is programmed in 6 intensity levels. Patients themselves can choose the most suitable for themselves. The level changes depending on the position of the carriage (higher-lower), which is regulated by a special button on the remote control. The higher the carriage, the more the rollers act on the patient's back.

But the developers of "Seragem" supplied their brainchild not only with a carriage with rollers. in question is equipped with heating devices, the so-called infrared spotlights (mobile, can freely change position) and carbon panels (stationary, located under the sheet on which the patient lies). The heating temperature can also be adjusted. In problematic points of the spine, a "smart" mechanism performs cauterization. Here, in principle, are all the healing functions of the Seragem bed.


People differ from each other not only in height, but also in the condition of the spine. The developers of "Seragem" always take into account the peculiarities of the human body, it is not for nothing that their health products are so popular. In the case of the bed, they tried to make it suitable for everyone, even children. The main thing is that the patient's height is at least 1.2 meters. How can the same bed suit different people? A special automatic scanner embedded in the design is responsible for this. Before starting medical procedures, he scans the spine, determining its length, natural curves, and deformations. Based on these data, the equipment is adjusted to a specific client. At least that's what it says in the instructions. Hand scan printouts are not issued to patients.

The process of the device

In addition to several levels of massage intensity and warm-up temperature, the Seragem bed has 12 different modes to be used. Each of them provides for the treatment of certain organs and diseases. The modes are as follows:

"Seragem" (bed): contraindications

Like any remedy, this product is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of diseases in which heating or mechanical action is unacceptable. Before using this bed, and even more so buying it, it is advisable to undergo a full examination by specialists (not only by a therapist). Then there will be no various kinds of problems and exacerbations after the procedures. What are the "Seragem" (bed) contraindications? The main ones that categorically prohibit the use of such methods of treatment include:

A patient after a discectomy (hernia was removed along with a vertebra);

Any violation of the integrity of the spine;

Metal structures on the spine;

Feverish state;

Use of a pacemaker;



The state of alcoholic intoxication;


Fresh operations in the field of the apparatus’ impact;

Severe pain when lying down.

Operating conditions

All centers of the company work according to the same principle: first, clients are offered a free massage course, and only after that, if they want to have a device at home, buy a "Seragem" (bed). Instructions on how to use it are necessarily attached to the product, but people, as a rule, get acquainted with the principles of the device in detail at free treatment sessions. The massage procedure takes no more than 40 minutes and can be carried out in the supine position, lying on the stomach, plus in the sitting position, patients can receive additional warming.

Using the remote control, the desired mode, intensity, temperature are set. If necessary, two people can use the bed at the same time: one - to receive massage and heating with thermal panels, the other - heating with mobile spotlights.

When purchasing a product in the "Seragem" center, the relevant documents must be drawn up and the date of purchase is affixed. The warranty period, during which the repair of the Seragem bed is free, is 2 years. In some centers, you can buy a used bed, which must also be provided with documents with a stamp of the date of the transaction. The warranty period for a used product is 1 year.

"Seragem" (bed): reviews of doctors and patients are positive

The main advantage of the product is a noticeable therapeutic effect after massage sessions. People write that, thanks to the Seragem bed, their back, neck, and muscle pains have disappeared, their general condition has improved, ease of walking has appeared, problems with the stomach and intestines have disappeared, and pressure has returned to normal. Positive feedback on the effectiveness of this device was signed by Yu. A. Rudin, head of the physiotherapy department of the Central Military Hospital. Semashko, A. A. Ushakov, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, V. M. Klyuzhev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, S. P. Svistunov, Head of the Central Military Hospital No. 5, V. S. Marshenin, Head of Neurology at the same hospital, and other doctors with extensive work experience.