
Guess what was what will be than the heart. Ancient fortune-telling on the cards: “What happened? What is? What will happen? Fortune telling for the near future on playing cards

This is a very interesting guess.
For him, you need a regular deck of 36 cards. We choose a card of a fortuneteller (blank). If they are guessing for a woman, then it will be Lady Bubi, if for a man, then King Bubi.

We shuffle the deck. We lay out the cards in triples face down and look at which two cards the form fell out with. This is of great importance for all subsequent divination.

We put the form in the center of the table, shuffle the deck, then put 1 card under the form (Under the heart), put 1 card on the form (On the heart), lay out 3 cards above the form (In the head), lay out 3 cards below the jar (In the legs ), 2 cards - in the upper left corner (Past), 3 cards - to the left of the form (Past), 2 cards - in the lower left corner (Distant past). Next, we put 2 cards in the upper right corner (Future), 3 cards - to the right of the form (Future), 2 cards - in the lower right corner (Future).

Next, we proceed as follows. We count 3 cards from the remaining deck, and put the fourth “on the heart” (on the fortuneteller’s card), then again count 3 cards, and put the fourth “on the heart”. We do this until 1 card remains in the hands, we also put it "on the heart". As a result, "on the heart" you should have 5 cards.

And now the decryption:

On the heart - What worries a person most of all now.
Under the heart - Recently experienced, but not yet forgotten.
In the head - What a person has in his head, in his thoughts, what he thinks about, reflects.
In the legs - What is still there, but will soon leave his life.

During the laying out of cards, you should immediately notice which particular figure from each suit (King or Queen) fell out first. If, for example, you lay out cards, and the King of Spades falls out first of all, then this means that he will be a fortune-telling character. And the Queen of Spades, which fell out later, will no longer mean a woman, but only the desire of the King of Spades.
Also, let's say the Queen fell out of the suit of worms in front of you. Therefore, she means a woman in divination, and the King of Hearts who fell later on her is no longer a man, but the desire of the Lady of Hearts. Do the same with the suit of the Cross. The same is with the Bubi suit: if, for example, the blank is the Lady, then the King Bubi card will mean the desire of the woman who is being guessed.

We study the cards in the resulting layout, taking into account which group they are in (on the heart, in the past, in the legs, etc.).

Card meanings:

Ace Bubi- own house (the house of the person to whom they are guessing).
Ace of Hearts- news, letter, message.
Ace of Clubs- government House.
Ace of Spades- point up: a blow, something very bad; point down: booze.

King Bubi- a man who is being guessed; or the desire of Lady Bubi.
King of Hearts- young man; or the wish of the Lady of Hearts
King of the Cross- a respectable person, maybe a father; or the desire of the Lady of the Cross
King of Spades- an angry or old person (or maybe both); or the wish of the Lady of Spades

Lady Bubi- a woman who is guessing; or King Bubi's wish
Lady of Hearts- young woman; or the wish of the King of Hearts
Lady of the Cross- a respectable woman, maybe a mother; or the wish of the King of the Cross
Queen of Spades- a villain or an old woman (or maybe all together); or the wish of the King of Spades

Jack of Bubi- the troubles of a person who is being guessed
Jack of Hearts- the troubles of the King or Queen of Hearts (depending on who fell out first in the layout)
Jack of the Cross- the efforts of the King or the Lady of the Cross (depending on the first to fall out in the scenario)
Jack of Spades- empty chores

Ten Bubi- the interest of the person who is guessing
Ten Worms- interest of the King or Queen of Hearts (depending on who fell out first in the layout)
Ten Crosses- the interest of the King or the Lady of the Baptism
Ten Spades- bed interest

Nine Bubi- cordiality (feelings) of a person who is guessed
Nine Worms- the heartiness of the King or Queen of Hearts (depending on who fell out first in the layout)
Nine Crosses- the cordiality of the King or the Lady of the Baptism
Nine Spades- sick bed

Eight Bubi- meeting, date of a person who is being guessed
Eight Worms- meeting, meeting of the King or Queen of Hearts (depending on who fell out first in the layout)
Eight Crosses- meeting, meeting of the King or Lady of the Cross
Eight Spades- late meeting, late date

Seven Bubi- conversation of a person who is being guessed
Seven Worms- conversation of the King or Queen of Hearts (depending on who fell out first in the layout)
Seven Crosses- the conversation of the King or the Lady of the Cross
Seven Spades- late talk

Six Bubi- the road of a person who is being divined
Six Worms- the road of the King or Queen of Hearts (depending on who fell out first in the layout)
Six Crosses- road of the King or Lady of the Cross
Six Spades- late road

Next, we collect all the cards that participated in the layout (we don’t touch the rest yet), shuffle and lay them out in a row, removing pairs of the same value. That is, let's say, we lay out in a row: Seven Spades, Six Spades, Queen of the Cross, Seven Hearts ... - Two sevens (we remove Spades and Hearts). And in the same way we lay out the row further. Only here the form cannot be removed from the row.

So, you have a small row of cards. We shift the form so that it lies first in this row.
Be sure to pay attention to how many cards turned out in a row.
1 card (only the card of the fortuneteller remained in the row) - loneliness
3 cards - something bad, a bad sign
5 cards - obstacle
7 cards - something good, a good sign
9 cards - a miracle!

Next, we mix the discarded cards with those cards that were set aside at the beginning (which did not participate in the layout at all), shuffle well and draw one card at random from this pile for each card of the row and put them one at a time below each card of the row. Thus, you should get 2 rows of the same number of cards.

We begin to interpret the resulting alignment.
The cards of the top row mean the main thing, and the cards of the bottom row are, as it were, an addition to what is said.
In the top row you have 3 cards: Queen Bubi (Blanca), Jack of Spades (Empty Trouble), Seven of Hearts (King of Hearts Conversation)
In the bottom row you have 3 cards: Ace of Clubs (Treasury House), Seven Diamonds (Dame Bubi Conversation), Six Spades (Late Road)
You explain to the person to whom you are guessing this alignment like this: "You are at a state-owned house. Empty chores during your conversation. The conversation of some young man on a late road." That is, for a bunch of cards of the upper and lower rows, the preposition "at" is always added.

Now we collect cards that PARTICIPATED ONLY IN THIS LAYOUT (cards of two rows). From the rest of the cards, as many cards are randomly added to them as there are not enough cards so that the total number of cards becomes 19. That is, if you had 2 rows of three cards each (6 cards in total), then we draw 13 more cards from the remaining cards.

These 19 cards are well shuffled. Then we proceed as follows: we lay out 7 cards face down in a row, then on the first 6 cards (we don’t touch the seventh) we lay out the remaining 12 cards in random order, so that there are evenly in each pile (3 cards each), and in the seventh (last) and only one card remained.

Now we open each pile one by one and arrange them from top to bottom in fans.
1st stack (1st fan) - For me (For a person who is being told)
2nd - For home
3rd - For the heart
4th - What happened
5th - What will happen
6th - How it ends
7th (where there is only one card) - Than the heart will calm down.

Hits the door.
Will enter the door.
In one hour.
By evening.
For the whole night.

You need to lay them out one by one, from top to bottom.
That is, you need to draw 8 cards in total.

Probably, at first glance, this fortune-telling will seem complicated and incomprehensible to you. But after trying to tell fortunes in this way several times, you will remember and master it very quickly. And believe me, you will like it, as it really gives the fortuneteller a very large amount of interesting information.

The layout of “What was, what will be” is as old as the world itself. As soon as cards appeared in the world, or maybe not even cards, but some other tool through which people tried to look into the future, this alignment appeared at that very moment, as a logical continuation and a logical answer to questions that always tormented people:

  1. - What happened?
  2. - What will happen?

In fairness, it should be noted that sometimes another question "burst" into this alignment: - "What is (now)"?

Laying out the cards (we will talk specifically about this magical instrument), the fortuneteller independently decided how many questions (two or three) she wanted to get an answer to, moreover, she herself decided how many cards these answers would be received. Simply put, sometimes a fortune teller, in search of answers, was enough to pull out only one card in each of the Aspects: “Past”, “Present”, “Future”.

Sometimes, if the necessary answer was not received, the fortuneteller could pull out an additional card in each of the Aspects. Or she pulled out two cards at once in each of the above Aspects. Here, as they say, there were no rules. Rules and canons were established much later. Moreover, they were installed by people who were more confident in themselves, and those who were less confident in themselves followed other people's instructions.

In one of our publications, we already wrote about freestyle fortune telling, and so, the “What was - what will be” layout is a typical example of where you can give free rein to yourself, give free rein to your own feelings and intuition, pulling out, for example, in each from Aspects, three cards (or five cards), or generally a different number of cards. It all depends on the jackdaw itself, on her imagination and inner permission.

We, following a tradition established by someone, decided that our layout would consist of six cards, three in each of the two Aspects. This layout is really very simple and clear. They can be used quite often.

Moreover, if you have a deck of Tarot cards in your hands, you can perform such layouts on your own, guided by the above information, and you can always find the meanings of Tarot cards in our catalog by clicking on

They originate in ancient Russia. Initially, they had a pagan basis, then they switched to Christian divinatory rites. During the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich (XVI century), the first playing cards appeared, the use of which was prohibited with severe penalties.

However, under Tsar Peter, the attitude towards them improves, and the first Russian card divination appears, with their help, many tried to look into the future, hidden behind a dark veil. There are a large number of layouts, while the classic way of spreading cards is considered based on key questions - “What happened? What is? What will happen?".

A little about divination techniques

The layout requires a simplified deck of 36 cards, the youngest is six. For use in divination, you cannot take cards that have been played, otherwise they will “play” with you during work and will not give the correct answer. Either only the purchased deck is needed, or the one that was originally guessed.

It is best if there is a familiar practitioner, since the correct interpretation requires experience and some intuition. But it will be easy for beginners to figure it out, just use a good interpreter and add a little imagination. Over time, disparate drawings and meanings will begin to take shape themselves into a logical picture.

The “What happened? What will happen? What will calm the heart?

The first step in the fortune-telling process is necessarily the determination of the card of the questioner:

  • For free youth - The Lady and the King of Diamonds
  • For people in marriage - the Queen and the King of Hearts
  • For the elderly - Queen and King of Clubs

The deck is shuffled several times. The standard number of shuffles in divination is 3 or 5. Three cards are laid out until the card of the one who falls out. The presence of cards next to her, similar in position and interpretation, is a good sign showing the correctness of fortune-telling. The card symbolizing the questioner is put aside.

The shuffling is repeated. The fortuneteller needs to “remove” the deck away from himself with the little finger of his left hand, that is, move a certain number of cards, regardless of whether someone else or the questioner himself makes the layout.

It is a mistake to "remove" the deck on yourself, since what is hidden in the shifted cards can go to the questioner. It would be preferable to protect yourself from possible negative impact by closing the influence of cards among the deck.

What do heaps mean?

  • The first - to yourself (for the one to whom the alignment is carried out)
  • The second is for the heart.
  • Third - at home
  • Fourth - the past
  • Fifth is the future

That single card that we put aside will answer the key question “How will the heart calm down?”

Card interpretation


Ace- an event that takes place in the fall or in the evening, evil rumors, a government house, the house of an influential person or a respected family.

King military, close friend The absence of a card in the layout portends failure to the fortuneteller.

Lady- a friend, an influential woman, sometimes an illegitimate child.

Jack- intercessor, friend, or military of the lower ranks. Falling out first among the jacks, indicates the correctness of fortune telling.

Ten– Dangerous situations, possibly fire.

Nine- receiving an inheritance, doubts, sometimes a pleasant conversation.

Eight- grief, death of a relative, friend, influential house.

Seven- a short road, success in your endeavors, possibly receiving an inheritance. In a straight position - tears.

Six- a journey by sea, a useless road, a path to a government place.


Ace- morning, spring, the house of a married couple, a gift, a joyful letter.

King- with a queen of hearts, it shows a brown-haired man or a married person, an unexpected meeting, good news.

Lady- a married woman.

Jack- uninvited, unwanted guest, commoner. Perhaps a blond man. It can mean good news, a pleasant company, what the king of hearts thinks about, if he is in the layout.

Ten- marriage or platonic love, a happy and joyful time. May represent a city.

Nine- receiving a love message or the appearance of something unexpected, pleasant or not very. Depends on nearby cards. In general, it portends love.

Eight- pleasure, easy casual conversation. A long road or the house of a hearty person.

Seven- changes in life, fun pastime, perhaps what the lady of worms is thinking about.

Six- the way of the king or the lady, the promenade. Interference in business.

When all the red cards appear in the layout, the fortuneteller will be surrounded by endless love.


Ace- indicates the daytime and the summer season, promises a message, news.

King- a young man, unmarried in the absence of a lady of the suit nearby. It can also promise a date, making new acquaintances, in particular, with someone or someone who will become a life partner.

Lady- a young girl, a cheating woman.

Jack- brings good news, often indicates a boy, a messenger or a confidant.

Ten- The arrival of money, a gift or a love meeting is possible.

Nine- finances, coupled with the king or lady of diamonds, means their sympathy for the fortuneteller.

Eight- good dreams, dreams, news about money.

Seven- a precious gift, a successful or failed transaction, joyful chores, deeds.

Six- a very happy card, positively affects everything, even the most negative cards, indicating wishes come true and a fast good road.


Ace- night hours, the winter season of the year, bitter losses, mournful news. The positive side is an ardent passion in the neighborhood of the king and the inverted position of the ace.

King- a bad evil person, ill-wisher, rival.

Lady- contention, quarrel, gossip and rumors. Often means an angry old woman.

Jack- a nasty or dark-haired young man, a commoner. Perhaps a quarrel, bad news, fights. What is the King of Spades thinking about?

Ten- malaise, ghostly hopes that are not destined to come true, failures.

Nine- scandals and disputes with a friend, his loss, tolls.

Eight- ailment, room, failure. The apartment of an influential person.

Seven- lie, surprise.

Six- the loss of the king of spades or the queen of spades, a long journey, a late journey.

If seven cards of spades suit fell out in the layout, it is better to cancel fortune-telling on this day.

Combinations found in the scenario:

  • Completely collected aces will fulfill the wishes of the fortuneteller, and together with all the dozens, they mean triumph
  • The four kings will bring success to the questioner, and to an outsider a successful position
  • A complete set of ladies show a man that he is a favorite in a sorority, for a woman - networks of intrigue, possible gossip and failure
  • Four jacks show a low position in society for the one who is dealt with. A lot of trouble
  • All tens mean a good state of affairs, wishes come true
  • Four nines indicate stress
  • Four sixes speak of the fulfillment of desires

Very often, in order to understand the affairs of amorous, it is necessary to resort to higher powers and tell fortunes. The most accessible and common methods for solving incomprehensible situations include card fortune telling. Thanks to the combinations of the cards that have fallen out, you can not only determine what is in a person’s heart, but also predict his future life and future changes.

Ordinary playing cards will help determine what is in the present and what will happen in the future.

Fortune-telling: what was, what will be, how the heart will calm down - fortune-telling, which helps to determine what changes in personal life and relationships await the questioning person, as well as what he has at this stage of time.

Divination rules

The layout is performed using a deck of 36 cards, where there will be no cards in value from two to five.

In order for the fortune-telling to be accurate, the fortuneteller must select the card he needs in advance. If an unmarried or unmarried man asks, they choose a queen of diamonds or a king, but if a married or married man - worms. Elderly people also need separate cards - in their case, these are the queen of clubs and the king.

Fortune telling on the cards "What was, what will be" has another distinctive feature. The alignment is made in such a way that each suit is assigned an element.

  1. Fire will be symbolized by clubs, and are represented by Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  2. Diamonds are represented by Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and are earthly (material cards).
  3. Worms symbolize love and air. Represented by Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  4. Spades cards are responsible for misfortune and the water element. Cancers, Scorpios, Pisces are their representatives.

Each suit of the deck represents a certain element.

About how to guess and what rules to follow, the article will tell further.

Let's start guessing

Cards are shuffled with special care, as at the beginning of any divination. It is necessary to make a layout of three pieces until you meet your card. The accompanying cards indicate the predicted probability of subsequent information. If the cards match the mood, the probability is as high as possible.

Now we shuffle the deck, putting the selected one in the center. Take out any suit at random, putting the reverse side up. Start laying out stacks of two cards: you need to put the questioner at the top and bottom, as well as on all sides between pairs - you should get 16 cards.

The deck that remains should be dispersed. First, discard 3 cards, placing one of them on the corresponding card of the questioner, do this four times, waiting for the moment when 5 pieces do not appear “on the heart”. After that, you need to lay out all the cards that lie around the questioner. As soon as the calculation is over, you need to start interpreting and decoding the received message. Pay attention to those cards that lie near the center, especially at the top and side. Those below are neutral and often have no meaning.

Those who are “at heart” are responsible for the near future. For example, if you have a large number of spades, you should expect strong feelings and some difficulties, and the figures themselves can indicate traitors and enemies. When bad cards are behind a piece, get ready for bad news, face it - bad news awaits the piece. And with an abundance of red suits, get ready to receive benefits in large quantities.

Those cards that are on top and lie on the left speak of your near future, and those lying under your feet speak of the current present, things happening at the moment, troubles and troubles of the present. If any of the figures constantly appears at the feet, then your task should be to eliminate it from life. The help of the cards in this case is to tell you how this can be done in the best and safest way.

The cards behind your back talk about the past, the right ones and those located higher - about what will happen not to you, but regarding you. The meaning of the two lower ones on the right is distant, the future is shown only in details and general points, without specifics and dry facts. Do not delve into such meanings by focusing on the playing cards described earlier.

The final stage of this cycle is the assembly and shuffling of all cards, after which they again need to be decomposed into three columns:

  • own column;
  • home column;
  • family column.

It is this stage that is responsible for answering pressing questions and deciding what peace is for the heart. The layout must be cleared of the same pairs of different colors (be it black and red sixes, fours). What is left "with you" indicates what cannot be avoided and what should be guarded against. Only how you interpret and decipher what you see will affect your future life. Even if fortune-telling is carried out on playing cards, this does not deprive it of its seriousness.

About the interpretation of cards

Divination cards differ in certain meanings. Consider the most common and accepted interpretations, selected 36 cards.

Ace of clubs suit predicts quick profit

nature, travel. Nine - inheritance, the presence of successful transactions. Eight - something solid and successful is approaching, a love letter. Seven - you will win, invent something or go on a little trip. Six - short-term success is possible, reconsider your hopes for the future.

  • Diamonds. Ace - wait for the cash flow. The king is the groom or the fortuneteller's card. Lady - the bride or the card of the questioner. Jack - be careful with couriers, you can meet with a thief. Ten - the receipt of expensive gifts. Nine - unexpected receipt of money. Eight - a long fun is approaching, gatherings with friends. Seven - a business meeting will be successful. Six - you have to go somewhere in the morning.
  • Peaks. Ace - get ready for a blow, bad news from home. The king is the presence of a respectable person. Lady - symbolizes an intriguer. Jack - one of the acquaintances gossips behind his back. Ten - beware of infection, you can get seriously ill. Nine - you will be at a dead end, there will be many quarrels and tears. Eight - expect bad news. Seven - you can become a victim of a major deception or robbery. Six - go on a long journey all alone.
  • Worms. Ace - good in the family hearth. King - the presence of a married man, a lover. Lady - the presence of a married woman. Jack - wait for communication with an unpleasant guest. Ten - love will be successful. Nine is a new stage in an old love relationship. Eight - you have to worry about the object of love. Seven - major life changes are approaching. Six - the approach of a long road or obstacles on the path of life.
  • Fortune-telling "What was, what will be" refers to complex fortune-telling and needs a lot of time and dedication. The two stages included in the alignment require detailed consideration and study.

    In order to correctly interpret the information received, you must take into account not only individual interpretations, but also be able to combine several meanings to create an integral image. The alignment on playing cards, despite the fact that Tarot is not used, helps to deal with one's past, future and present.

    Card fortune-telling "What happened? What will happen? How will the heart calm down?"

    Before starting fortune-telling, you should choose your card: unmarried and unmarried - the king and queen of the tambourine; married and married - the king and queen of hearts; older people - king and queen of clubs.

    Please keep in mind that each suit symbolizes a certain element:

    clubs- fire (power). Her signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;

    diamonds- land (material wealth). Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;

    worms- air (love). Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;

    peaks- water (misfortune). Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

    For fortune-telling what is in the heart, a deck of 36 cards is used (without twos, threes, fours and fives).

    The cards are shuffled, removed and begin to be laid out in threes openly until the fortuneteller's card is met. Studying the first three cards, you understand what a person came with at the time of divination, answer the questions: what surrounds him at this time, what forces, what people, what events. All this is indicated by two cards that surround the card that identifies the fortuneteller. The meaning of the studied cards you will find later in the text.

    After completing the study and obtaining information, put the card identifying the person on the table, and shuffle all the other cards again and mentally ask questions that interest the person who is being guessed. The fortune teller takes out one card at random and puts it, without opening it, face down under the card already lying on the table.

    This is a very important card, giving you an idea of ​​​​what most concerns the heart of the person who is being divined. Moreover, all the figures indicate the faces of people who think about the person they are guessing:

    Jacks - worries and troubles; the lady of spades on the heart denotes boredom and longing; ten and eight peak - a disease; seven of spades - trouble; six of spades - loss or loss.

    Especially unpleasant are clubs and spades, which have one point in the middle: sevens, nines and aces. If they lie with their points up, sevens and nines are tears, the ace of clubs is failure in business, and the ace of spades is generally trouble. If the same cards lie point down, these are usually minor troubles, insults, insults, fear, bruises. An ace of tambourines on the heart is always a letter. Ace of hearts - news. Nine or ten tambourines - receiving money, profit.

    Nine or ten of hearts - joy. But this can be known from the ceremony only when the time comes to open this card, and this time will come in the very last turn.

    After that, without shuffling the deck, the fortuneteller puts the deck over the head of the identification card with his right hand and leaves about a quarter of the deck there, then with his right hand puts the deck at the feet of the identification card, leaving the second quarter of the deck there, then with his right hand puts the third quarter to the left of the identification card and leaves the third quarter of the deck there, and then puts the last quarter of the deck to the right of it.

    Then the fortuneteller takes a pack of cards above his head and puts the top two cards open above the head of the identification card, then takes the pack of cards at the legs of the identification card and puts it on the remaining cards of the first pack on his left hand, then again removes the top two cards with his right hand and puts them open at the foot of the ID card. After that, the fortuneteller takes a pack of cards to the left of the identification card with his right hand and puts them on his left hand, removes the top two cards with his right hand and puts them open to the left of the identification card, then takes a pack of cards to the right of the identification card with his right hand, puts them on his left hand and removes the top two cards with his right hand, which he places open to the right of the identification card.

    Further, the fortuneteller, without shuffling the decks, takes two cards in a row from the deck on his left hand and puts them open in the upper right corner with his right hand, then takes the next two cards with his right hand and puts them open in the lower right corner.

    After that, the fortuneteller, without shuffling the decks, takes the next two cards with his right hand and puts them open in the upper left corner, then takes two more cards in a row with his right hand and puts them open in the lower left corner. As a result, there are sixteen open cards around the identification card.

    Then the fortuneteller shuffles the remaining cards, after which, discarding the top three cards each time, with his right hand he puts every fourth closed on the heart over the identification card until he sorts through the entire deck, as a result of which four cards appear on the heart above the identification card.


    As a result of the layout of the cards, answers appeared to questions that interest the person who is guessing, but these answers are encrypted by the order and arrangement of the cards, the meaning of the cards and their combinations.

    It is necessary to remember well: only after the end of the layout ceremony, you can open the cards lying on the heart, or more precisely, it will be said - on (1) and under the identification card (2): they contain the near future of the person who is guessing.

    The predominance of the peak in them indicates future troubles, and the figures at the same time indicate where they can come from. The predominance of worms promises joy and happiness.

    A pair of cards above the head (3), as well as three pairs of cards to the left of the identification card (9, 6, 10), indicate the very near future.

    A pair of cards under your feet (4) denotes what is passing, what is or will be, but will leave.

    If at the feet of the identification card there is some figure in which a specific person is guessed, this means that this person will soon disappear from the life of the person who is being guessed.

    The two cards to the right of the identification card (5) represent the past.

    The two cards in the upper right corner from the identification card (7) are what is happening at the moment away from the person being divined.

    The two cards in the lower right corner of the identification card (8) represent the farthest future.

    Particular importance is attached to the cards closest to the center and, first of all, the top ones, then the side ones. The bottom cards have less futurological value.

    After this cycle, collect all the cards, shuffle and lay out three at a time: for yourself, for the home, for the family, then to answer the questions: what was, what will be, how will the heart calm down?

    From this layout, you can eliminate identical pairs of different colors (for example, black and red sevens, eights, etc.). The remaining cards will indicate what inevitably awaits you and what you yourself could only guess. Now it remains only to wait.


    Aces- in the scenario, time is almost always indicated: if the ace stands in the place denoting the near future, then it denotes the time of day, if it stands in the lower right corner, where the distant future is located, then it denotes the time of year.

    four aces, dropped out at the same time, denote the fulfillment of desires.

    If during the fortune-telling ceremony both four aces and four tens fell out at the same time, then in the very near future the person who is being divined will have great joy and good luck.

    Sometimes four aces can also mean an unpleasant surprise. The ace sometimes signifies the house of the corresponding king.

    kings- if four kings fall out, this is success, a high position in society.

    ladies- four ladies for women are gossip; if at the same time one of the four ladies is with a card of a woman who is being guessed, this means that a woman close to her is gossiping about her. For men, four ladies rolled at the same time indicate that the man who is being divined loves ladies' society and is surrounded by ladies.

    Jacks- means trouble, especially if four jacks fall out at once; if one of them is on the heart, these are worries, the degree and severity of which depend on which cards, dark or light, prevail on the left side of the layout.

    With a king of the same suit, lying not even next to the jack, the jack means the thoughts and intentions of the king, and with a nine or ten of hearts, the king and jack of the same suit mean the passionate desire of this king to see the lady they are guessing.

    Dozens These are business cards. Four tens is the fulfillment of a desire, but not a heartfelt one. The more dozens in the layout, the more good the deeds and undertakings of the person who is being guessed.

    Nines- especially four nines - means surprise, pleasant or not - depends on the nine lying closest to the card of the person who is guessing, or looking at the cards to the left of the ceremony.

    Eights - have practically no special significance. Sometimes four eights mean a blow or a house, the corresponding lady.

    Sevens- also have practically no special meaning. Four sevens sometimes mean intrigue.

    Sixes- means the way.

    Sixes on the left from the performer, above the head and under the feet of the identification card signifies the way for the person who is being divined.

    Sixes of the corresponding suit the figures located here - the path of these faces to the person who is being divined.

    Six not matching suit, but located next to any figure, means - what kind of road lies ahead for this person:

    six hearts- stroll;

    six crosses- evening;

    six tambourine- small close way;

    six spades- dark, night.

    four sixes means the fulfillment of desires.

    The predominance of small cards in the layout means a bleak time, lack of money, gray days, especially if small cards are concentrated to the left of the ceremony, in the near future.



    Ace of hearts- means a gift, a package, morning time, spring time of the year, the house of married people:

    with ace of diamonds- joyful letter;

    with a ten of spades- sad letter;

    with jack of hearts- good news;

    with six cross- date and conversation on the street in the evening;

    with nine of spades- revelry, pleasure, date and location of a friend.

    King of Hearts- a married person, if there is a queen of hearts in the layout, or a brown-haired woman; also means an unexpected meeting, good news and arrival:

    ♦ with a pike- trouble;

    with a tambourine- receiving the money;

    with crosses- chores;

    with a worm- success.

    Queen of Hearts is a married woman

    with six and ten of hearts- tears for a person who is being divined;

    if a jack of clubs is added to this combination- unexpected joy;

    with a worm- success in love for a man;

    with other suits- success in the uncertain future;

    with ten hearts- friend.

    Jack of hearts- this is a fair-haired person, a commoner, an unpleasant guest, good news, a cheerful company, the thoughts of the king of hearts if he is in the layout:

    with a worm- success;

    with ace of hearts- good news, declaration of love;

    with nine crosses- journey;

    with nine tambourine

    with eight of hearts- cordial conversation;

    with eight tambourine- talking about money;

    with eight cross- unpleasant conversation;

    eight of spades- the news of the illness and death of a loved one;

    with a lady or a king- a guest;

    with a seven cross with four queens or sevens- the birth of a son; if four aces are added to them, this indicates that the son will be smart and rich.

    Ten of Hearts- denotes the city, happiness; in the heart - joy; in the minds of a card of a person who is being divined - a wedding or platonic love:

    with a lady- love and fidelity of the beloved woman;

    with the king- love and fidelity of a beloved man;

    with ten tambourines- a large monetary interest in the near future;

    with the seven crosses, if there are three remaining sevens in the layout or if there are four queens or jacks in the layout- the proximity of pregnancy, if a woman is guessing;

    with eight of hearts- a solitary date with a beloved woman;

    with seven of hearts- consolation in grief or a solitary date;

    with six tambourines- fun at a party;

    with nine of hearts- a change in the apartment, and in the presence of a lady and a king of any suit - a wedding;

    with six of hearts- joyful date;

    with nine crosses- means that a beloved person will give her heart to a person who is being divined, as well as a message or a thing from a beloved person;

    with a ten cross- success in love;

    with ace of diamonds- a love or joyful message.

    Nine of hearts- means a love letter or surprise: pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the nearest cards, love in general:

    under any king or lady- the love of this king or lady for the person who is being divined;

    with seven or eight of hearts- a date with a loved one;

    with nine crosses- means receiving news or things from a loved one, as well as her mutual love;

    with any six- unexpected meeting;

    with the lady of spades- happiness.

    Eight of Hearts- means a cheerful conversation, a long journey, pleasure, the house of a hearty person:

    with jack of hearts- cordial conversation;

    with seven crosses- unexpected happiness;

    with ten hearts- solitary date;

    with nine of hearts- just a date;

    with ten tambourines near the identification card- receiving money or a large inheritance.

    Seven of Hearts- means fun, thoughts of the lady of hearts or a change of life:

    with a ten of spades- unexpected offer;

    with ten hearts- a pleasant or solitary date;

    with nine black wei - just a date;

    with four kings- funny conversation.

    Six of Hearts- a walk, a delay or an obstacle in matters of an unloving nature, the road of a king of hearts or a lady:

    with a worm- the path to the desired person;

    with ten hearts- road and cordial meeting.

    If there are all the cards of the heart suit in the layout, the person who is being guessed will enjoy complete enjoyment of love.


    Ace of the crosses- determines the time of the event that should occur in the evening or autumn, also indicates a false rumor started by an ill-wisher; state house, house of a respectable or middle-aged person, house of a respectable family, success, point up - failure, with a figure - a gift from a person identified with this figure, without a figure - a gift from a stranger:

    with the six- indicates the railway;

    under the king- immodest love, courtship, if a woman is guessing;

    with seven crosses- winning the case, victory;

    with nine of hearts- tender love;

    with six cross- a date and conversation on the street, on the road or in the evening, with added peaks - death;

    with nine of spades- early news of the benefits, and if the nine peak point up - about the harm;

    with the king of the cross- a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, the speedy fulfillment of desires.

    King of the Cross- this is a military man, a faithful or hurrying friend:

    with crosses- the king portends happiness, and also this is a close person, friend, husband, groom, lover;

    with nine cross point down- an influential person, a supportive person; point up - trouble with this person;

    with eight cross- rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of the ship;

    with ace of crosses- a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, the fulfillment of desire;

    with jack of the cross- if a person who is not guessing a club suit, great grief;

    with one of the sixes for any jack- the road to gain interest;

    if the king of the cross does not fall into fortune telling- it means failure.

    Lady of the Cross is a respectable lady, friend, or illegitimate child:

    with the lady of spades- with an identification card - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage;

    with eight cross- this is the help of a relative or close woman.

    Cross jack- denotes a military man below the officer rank, a friend, intercessor or friend; without an ace or a king - a lot of trouble; on the heart - government chores or thoughts of the king of clubs:

    with seven of spades- misfortune due to the machinations of enemies;

    between two ladies- a cheating wife;

    between two jacks- troubled future;

    with ace of diamonds- help in trouble;

    with ten tambourines- success in money matters;

    with eight cross- an unexpected turn of happiness.

    If the jack of clubs during fortune-telling falls out first of the other jacks, this is a clear sign of correct fortune-telling.

    Ten cross- this is a change, great dangers, fires:

    at peaks- poverty, deception of hope, work;

    with figures- business person;

    with worms- find, luck in the lottery;

    with a king of hearts or a queen- manifestation of interest of these persons;

    with seven crosses- joy and news of deeds;

    with six crosses- unexpected offer of departure;

    ♦ with ten tambourines- indispensable receipt of money;

    with ten hearts- success in love;

    with a ten of spades- recovery from diseases;

    with nine crosses- fun with loved ones;

    with eight crosses- quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness;

    with seven, eight or nine of clubs- ten clubs gives one of the happiest combinations;

    with ace of crosses- always a change for the better;

    with seven of spades- deceit and tears;

    with six or seven of clubs- big society.

    Nine cross- denotes inheritance, pleasant conversation, doubts, lack of something:

    with a figure- indicates that she will disappear from the life of a person who is being guessed;

    with a tambourine- denotes the correct receipt of money and their useless spending on pleasure;

    point up- denotes gossip, annoyance, tears;

    with a club king or queen- the love of the figures for the person they are guessing;

    with a nine or ten of hearts- success in love;

    with a worm- mutual love;

    with a ten of spades- Trouble in terms of money;

    with jack of hearts- journey;

    with the king of the cross- denotes an influential person, a supportive person;

    with a ten cross- fun with close, dear people, surprise;

    connection of nine clubs with seven, eight or ten crosses- one of the happiest combinations.

    Eight cross- these are tears, annoyance, the death of a loved one, the house of respectable people:

    with the ace of the cross- success, and with an ace with a cross point up - failure;

    ♦ King of the Crosses- rumors about the sea or the death of the ship;

    with the lady of the cross- help of a relative or close women;

    with jack of the cross- an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the person to whom they are guessing;

    with ten crosses- quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness;

    with jack of hearts- talking about losses;

    with seven crosses- in front of the card of a person who is being guessed, unexpected happiness;

    with the seven of clubs and the ace of hearts- happy marriage or inheritance.

    Seven of Crosses- means a close road, news of success, inheritance:

    point up- tears;

    with a lady- thoughts of a club lady;

    with the ace of the cross- winning the case, victory;

    with ten, nine or eight of clubs- wealth and happiness;

    eight of spades- if a man is guessing, he warns that his beloved is cheating on him;

    with jack of hearts with four queens and sevens- denotes the near birth of a son;

    with a ten of hearts in the presence of the remaining three sevens with four queens or jacks- denotes the proximity of pregnancy.

    Six cross- this is a sea road, a useless road, a date on the street or in a garden, a path to a government place, a road of a club person:

    between figures- big festivities;

    with ace of hearts in figure- appointment in the morning;

    with ace of diamonds- a date in the afternoon;

    with the ace of the cross- a date in the evening;

    ♦ with ace of spades- date night.

    If during fortune-telling nine crosses fell out, this means misfortune.


    Ace of diamonds- shows the time of day - in the afternoon and the season - in the summer, means a letter, a message:

    with a figure- will show the person sending the message;

    with a tambourine- means quick receipt of money;

    with a seven, nine or ten of hearts- a joyful or love letter;

    with crosses or spades- the distance of the desired minute and trouble;

    with six crosses- date and conversation on the street at dusk;

    with nine pi to - cunning and deception of loved ones;

    with nine of hearts- love letter;

    with a ten of spades- mourning or sad letter;

    with ten tambourines- money letter.

    king of tambourine- means a young man, a love date, an acquaintance with a future beloved or beloved, and also in the absence of a lady of a tambourine - a single person:

    with ten tambourines at any jack- means support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom;

    with six tambourines- indispensable fulfillment of desire;

    with a worm - fun, change of life and oblivion of the past.

    lady tambourine- points to a young girl or an unfaithful woman:

    with jack of tambourine and ten of spades- means an unpleasant guest;

    with nine of hearts- promises women good, and warns men about possible theft.

    Jack of tambourine- means a boy, a messenger, a trusted person, good news; if there is a king of diamonds in the layout - the thoughts of the king of diamonds:

    with seven of spades- means a rich person;

    with any king- prudent or false person;

    with a seven or nine tambourine- means a hostile person and warns of an imminent betrayal;

    with the lady of the cross- means trouble;

    with six crosses- an unexpected and quick trip in the company of a man;

    with the king, queen and with any card of the suit of the person who is being divined- Indispensable success in money matters.

    Ten of tambourines- means money, a gift, a date, a village, in the heads of an identification card - receiving money:

    with a king of diamonds and a lady- indicates the interest of these persons in the person to whom they are guessing;

    with the ace of spades- means a close quarrel over money;

    with nine tambourine- inevitable and quick receipt of money;

    with eight tambourine- remote and slow receipt of money;

    with seven tambourine- successful chores about money;

    with six tambourines- money and the absolute fulfillment of a wish;

    eight of spades- the road for money;

    with jack of the cross- success in money matters;

    with ten crosses- obligatory receipt of money;

    with seven of hearts- inheritance;

    with nine of hearts- profitable work.

    Nine tambourine- means money, in the presence of a diamond king or lady, indicates the love of these persons for the person they are guessing:

    with six of spades- troubles, failure on the road for money;

    with jack of hearts- avoiding an unpleasant journey;

    with ten tambourines- obligatory and fast receipt of money;

    with four kings- funny conversation.

    Eight tambourine- pleasant dreams, daydreams, talk about money or hatred:

    with eight crosses and six of hearts- news of a fire;

    with king or queen of spades on the sides of the identification card- harm from the enemy;

    with jack of hearts- talking about money;

    with ten tambourines- prospects for receiving money;

    with a seven tambourine near any figure- inconstancy and infidelity of this figure.

    Seven tambourine- means joy, deeds, troubles, infidelity, a business date, a purchase or sale, a commercial transaction: successful or unsuccessful - depending on the nearest cards; an ambulance, a small golden gift, a gift made of silver or any other metal, if there is a tambourine in the layout of the lady - her thoughts:

    with figure- means a happy accident;

    with a ten of spades- unexpected offer;

    with ten tambourines- successful chores about money.

    Six tambourine- the happiest card in the deck, it softens even the most harmful and difficult influences of other cards, it means a quick fun road, fulfillment of desires; in the presence of a tambourine king or lady - means their path:

    with a nine or ten of spades- illness and even death;

    with ten tambourines- complete fulfillment of desires in receiving money;

    with seven tambourine- troubles in the house.


    Ace of Spades- means night time, winter time, loss, blow, sad letter or news, fear, trouble, repentance, someone else's house, the house of rich respectable people:

    if the king is near, and the ace is pointed up - this is passionate love;

    with a ten of spades

    with ten tambourines on the sides of the card of the person they are guessing - a quarrel over money;

    with any six- Trip;

    if there is an ace of the cross and both aces nearby located with the tip up - this means fear.

    king of spades- means a bad person, enemy, rival, respectable person:

    with queen and jack of spades promises the help of a respectable person or a respectable family;

    with queen and jack of the cross means hatred of the king of spades;

    with queen and jack of tambourine signifies the location of the king of spades;

    with queen and jack of hearts also signifies the location of the king of spades;

    with peaks promises good;

    with crosses- opposition and villainy;

    with an eight of spades on the sides of the card of the person who is being divined- portends prolonged trouble and grief; if the king of the tambourine is immediately located, then this means, with all the troubles and grief, the help of a noble person.

    Queen of Spades- boredom, gossip, interference, quarrel, bad woman, old woman:

    between two figures- a quarrel between them;

    with a seven cross or nine spades near the card of the person who is being guessed- grief, trouble;

    with peaks- kind old lady;

    with crosses- villainess;

    with tambourines- a greedy and envious woman, obstructing in business and love;

    with hearts- patroness in love and assistant in business;

    with nine of hearts- happiness.

    Jack of Spades- means a bad or black-haired person, a commoner, a protracted quarrel or fight, bad news or thoughts of the king of spades:

    with a pike- a good and faithful ally;

    with crosses- a liar, an envious person, a gossip;

    with a tambourine- an accomplice, a messenger, a drunk person;

    with a worm- a friend;

    with the lady of spades- big quarrel, fight;

    eight of spades- big trouble between lovers.

    Ten of Spades - means illness, unfulfilled desires, failures:

    with a king or a lady- marriage bed;

    under the same king, when they tell fortunes to a woman- are interested in her;

    with the ace of spades- unexpected receipt of money;

    with nine of spades- misfortune;

    with nine crosses- troubles in money matters;

    with ace of diamonds- mournful, sad news;

    with any other ace- false news;

    eight of spades- disease;

    with any other eight- bad news;

    with seven of spades

    with seven tambourine- unexpected offer;

    with seven of hearts- also an unexpected offer;

    with ten crosses- recovery;

    with ten hearts- a large monetary interest in the future.

    Nine of Spades- means the loss of a friend, fees on the road:

    with king or queen of spades- love;

    under any other king means immodest desire in relation to the lady;

    with a ten spade pointing up- quarrel, tears;

    with the ace of spades- disease;

    with the ace of the cross- benefit or harm depending on the nearest card;

    with ace of hearts- intimacy, joyful stay with a friend;

    with ace of diamonds- cunning and deception of relatives;

    with a ten of spades- unexpected receipt of money.

    eight of spades- means failure, sadness, illness, conversation, room, apartment of a respectable person:

    with jack of hearts- news of the illness or death of loved ones and acquaintances;

    with seven crosses- betrayal of the beloved;

    with a ten of spades- disease;

    under four kings- revelry, drunkenness.

    Seven of Spades- this is a surprise, a deception:

    point up- tears, quarrel, loss of a friend, the house where you live;

    with a lady means a woman in an interesting position;

    with jack of tambourine means a rich person;

    with a jack cross portends misfortune from enemies;

    with a ten of spades- unexpected news of a change in circumstances;

    with one of the eights- refreshments;

    with a figure- trouble;

    with figure and nine of spades- grief in the family;

    with six tambourines- trouble in the house.

    Six of Spades It's a long way, a late road. With an identification card - loss of a king or queen of spades:

    with a pike- fun road;

    with crosses- bad road

    with a nine or ten tambourine- the road for money;

    with a seven or eight tambourine- anxiety and worries about money;

    with a worm- the road and a date with dear people;

    with crosses over their heads- a successful outcome of the bad intentions of a person who is being divined.

    With seven peaks, one should not guess on this day.

    In addition to individual cards, in combination with others, there are also such combinations:

    four aces- fulfillment of desires, and together with four tens (a very rare combination) - a triumph;

    four kings- for a fortune-teller, for an outsider - a good position in society;

    four ladies- when fortune-telling for a woman - trouble, gossip, intrigue; for a man - success with ladies;

    four jacks- chores; the predominance of jacks means not a very high social position of the person you are guessing;

    four tens- fulfillment of desire; the more tens, the better things are;

    four nines- surprise, maybe stress;

    four eights or sevens- modest existence;

    four sixes- fulfillment of desire.

    In general, sixes mean the road:

    peak- dark, night;

    clubs- evening;

    red- walk;

    tambourine- close road.