
Marital status in resume married. We make a resume. Is marital status important to an employer?

Often filling out a job seeker questionnaire, a potential employee has questions: how to enter data correctly. If information related to work, education, personal information is entered in labor, then the marital status in the questionnaire raises many questions. The first of them is the correct wording, since there are not always options. The second is why the employer needs this data at all, he is not going to marry the applicant.

Long gone are the days when an employee was selected based on a minimum set of data about him. Now the applicant's questionnaires are such that it seems as if you are taking an exam, and not filling out a standard form. Such meticulousness is quite justified, since training a new person is always an additional expense that no enterprise wants to bear. If at the first stage you do not “filter” the candidates, then there is a risk that after a couple of months, or even weeks, you will have to train a new person.

Marital status will tell a lot about something and, first of all, will help you understand how obligatory a person is. Of course, a guy or a girl without any obligations in the form of a spouse is more easy to quit than a person with a “trailer”, as family ones are often called. On the other hand, if a girl is married and there are no children in the family yet, then she will most likely be refused, since everyone understands that sooner or later she will become pregnant and go on maternity leave.

As for a young company that is going through the stage of formation, it is idle workers that are more profitable here. This is explained simply, because as long as there is no well-established system of work, overtime hours, business trips, etc. are possible. A single person, most likely, will devote more time to his career, which in this case is only beneficial for the employer.

What to indicate in the application form?

If the question is raised - marital status and there are no options, then for girls it is necessary to indicate: married or not married. For young people: single or married.

It happens that the questionnaire is more detailed and there are answer options:

  1. Married / Married
  2. Single, not married.
  3. Widower / widow.
  4. In a civil marriage.
  5. In a relationship.

Detailing your status in such detail or not is up to the applicant himself, since he has the right to indicate the information that he considers necessary. You can skip this question altogether and not answer, but since this field is the employer, among other things, judges the applicant.

Often there is a dilemma, what to write if the marriage is civil, but there are plans for marriage. Or single, but the work is serious and family ties are welcome. The main rule is to indicate the truth, or rather what is noted in the passport. If there is a stamp, then in a marital relationship, no, then no.


In fact, modern HR specialists pay a lot of attention not only to the qualifications and skills of a potential employee, but also to their social status, so this point should still be taken carefully. One or another marital status can be both positive and negative for a candidate. It's best to just provide the truthful information and not invent anything.

Applicants are confused about what to write in the marital status column if they are divorced or have children. I will answer these questions and tell you how to correctly write your status in the resume application form for employment, and not only.

Information about the family helps the employer to assess the seriousness of the candidate. Depending on the position, the presence or absence of a family - personnel officers can perceive such stereotypes:

  • Young applicants without commitment are negligent in their work.
  • The absence of a family among older people speaks of shyness and problems with communication.
  • Divorce is about bad character and unwillingness to take responsibility and solve problems.
  • For jobs with night shifts or business trips, employers prefer to hire people without a family.
  • A family man will often take a high position. According to statistics, they are interested in career growth in order to arrange family life.

Types of marital status

Legally, there are four options for indicating marital status:

  1. Unmarried, unmarried was not previously legally married.
  2. Married, Married: bound by marriage and the status is documented.
  3. divorced, divorced had a registered marriage, but officially terminated it and now there is no formalized relationship.
  4. Widow, widower was previously married, but the second half died.

How to write marital status

But the employer takes into account two varieties of marital status - this is marriage and the presence of children.

Marriage is divided into two categories, the questionnaire says:

  • Married, married.
  • Not married, not married (single).

The presence of children is similar, and they write like this:

  • Have children
  • No kids

Marital status for a man

The relationship is not formalized:

“Single” or “Unmarried” are synonymous words, you can write this way and that way. But if we separate the concepts, then young applicants under 30 years old more often indicate “single”. People over thirty - "single"

Not married / single

There is a marriage and a stamp in the passport:

The position “Married” implies questions about children from the employer, so you can immediately indicate their absence.

Married (no children)

Marital status for a girl

How is the word unmarried spelled together or separately?


Answer: the particle “not” in the word “not married” must be written separately.

Women write status just like men. But often the children stay with their mother, regardless of marriage - it is correct to indicate this right away.

Married / not married (no children)

There is no concept of a single girl, write only “Married” or “Unmarried”.

Do I need to include children on my resume?

Children are a big headache for the employer. These are sick leave, leaving “early from work”, matinees and parent meetings, it is more difficult to fire an employee, reduce wages or impose penalties. On the other hand, a person with children is a reliable worker who values ​​his position.

If you have a child, you need to let the employer know that you are a valuable workforce and children do not distract from work. You can specify it in the following ways:

  • There is a child, is on behalf of relatives.
  • There is an adult son.
  • There is an independent daughter.
  • I have children, my husband is raising me.

Write the graph if the vacancy involves business trips or a long absence from home. When the boss thinks that small children interfere with work, convince him of the opposite.

Children are useful for vacancies of educators, nannies and the like, where you have to work with them. In other cases, write briefly: “no children” or “have children”, it is better to draw attention to the experience or education column.

Marital status engaged, divorced, widow

Sometimes people say on their resumes that they are engaged, divorced, or widowed. The boss does not need to know whether the applicant is engaged, with whom he is in love, with whom he spends time and other details from the employee’s personal life!

Write only as indicated in the examples. If the boss wants to clarify the information, he will call and ask, or you can tell more about yourself at the interview.

How to indicate a civil marriage in a resume

Civil marriage - is not considered an official marriage and there is no need to talk about it.

For a personnel officer, a person who does not want to legally formalize a marriage is considered unreliable and unstable.

Do I need to include marital status on a resume?

This is a standard column in the resume form. In 90% of cases, you will have to fill it out, whether you like it or not. But when the recruiter is not interested in the candidate's marital status, then it is not required to indicate it.

It is more important for a boss to know whether a person will be able to complete the assigned tasks than to delve into his personal life. Therefore, describe in detail the experience, skills and in the resume.

Instead of a conclusion

Do not try to hide information about your status, everything secret will be revealed and you will have to choose what is more important, family or work.

  • When filling out a resume, girls should write: married / not married.
  • Young people indicate: married, single or single.

I hope I answered all questions related to marital status, if there are any ambiguities - ask in the comments. I advise you to take the time and get acquainted with the ones that you allow in your resume. I would be grateful if you share the article on social networks.

The family name will be put down in documents, it should be mentioned on the interview when applying for a job, when registering on rich sites, it is necessary to indicate this information. How much more can you say the word "zamіzhnya" about a woman?

How is the family camp?

Іsnuyut nastupa see the family become: unmarried, separated, zamіzhnya. The legal side of these terms is clear to everyone, but the axis of what means a family camp for a robot when applying for a job, great food.

What do you say family robots?

It would have been better if you had more power than anything to work in the column of the family station to write independently. Ale nі, the day of the motherland can be a plus for a person - it’s hard for a roboticist to prepare days and nights to spend on a robot. And from the appearance of a young, independent woman, the last lancelet is minted: part of the bachelorette - zamіzhzhya - decree. And if a woman is more than 35 years old and hasn’t been well-adjusted once, then it’s possible not to be worthy of a roboticist - the reason is in the nasty nature of a health care provider?

Foreign women without children do not go to a shorter camp - they check their daily allowance on maternity leave, and they don’t want to hire a woman with a small child to work, because they allow parts of the medicine through the illness of a child.

A woman, as if she were changing with a civilized girl, we don’t care for a piece of clothing for a robot giver - it’s not possible to legally draw up a letter, you can testify about instability and in a robot.

In such a rank, the ideal candidate separated a family woman from a grown-up child.

How to change family camp in documents?

Since we already knew that the legal execution of the information is important, then the warto remembers about the completion of all formalities. Only the presence of a certificate about a woman does not give you the full right to write a charming word “zamіzhnya” on a question about a family camp. Put the consumer's badge in your passport.

To change the family status at the passport, it will be necessary to return to the passport style for your place of residence. So don’t forget about those who have changed your nickname, then remember your passport.

Zamіzhzhya - not a family camp!

Ale, document documents, but we don’t live on paper. І shlyub - tse richer, lower ID in the passport. Chuli, singsongly, viraz: zamіzhzhya is not a family camp, but a medal “For masculinity”. It’s impossible not to wait, it’s important not to put a ring on your finger, but save yoga there for the rest of your life. As a woman, I need masculinity and strength, to inspire trust in my homeland and save love for my future fates. Ale, for good luck, lie not only on tenditny women’s shoulders, it’s also necessary to help the squad here.

Wanting to lay everything aside as a bet, for example, psychologists see a sprinkling of types of families.

  1. Evidently, they talked about yaks, if the love for the school is equally divided between friends, psychologists respect close ones to ideal ones. The Union of Comrades-in-arms is a long-standing one, because they need super girls not for self-assertion, but for the sake of victorious in a kind of collapse of the motherland far away. Such a lover has a strong kohanna, which does not require a complete ordering of a person.
  2. The second type of windfalls, which is often used, is a fallow slub - one of the best friends for a different kind and taking on all the problems. Do not always act as a guardian, a person, in the rest of the hour, the pani more and more often become such a stovpom "ї.
  3. Yes, this is how, in some friends, they try to save their independence. They can live well and allow themselves to be loved “on the side”.
  4. Not so seldom do the splits appear, in which they make friends constantly, who is the master in this. Welding on this soil is permanent. Such clubs are rarely long-term, often friends are separated in such a way that they do not understand who is guilty of taking the leading position.
  5. In the less cunning union, you can see the blue, in which you make friends, that you are guilty of lying alone alone, without losing your right to the power of life. Here, welding is not rare, only the drive for them is jealous.

Yak Bachimo, a short phrase about a family camp to talk about a right camp is not so rich. So it’s not a good idea to make all the zamіzhnіh wives happy and such that they were born, and the divorced women are not.

S hare Filed in: family & wedding


Dyagtereva Irina Stepanovna
Date of birth 09.11.1987 (22 years old)
Contact phone: 8950647…
Relationship status: Single
Target: position of secretary, administrator
2005 - 2010 St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations of Economics and Law
5th year student of the Faculty of Law

strong>Work experience:
05.2008-10.2009 "Major" showroom "Aurore Auto" Nissan .office manager

Main responsibilities:
- distribution of calls
- working with clients, compiling and maintaining relevant documentation
- work with personnel
- dealing with correspondence
- compilation of statistics, reports

Additional Information:
I am fluent in personal computer as a user
Knowledge of office software

Personal qualities
High efficiency
Presentable appearance

A comment: it is not clear what programs the candidate owns on the computer. Low quality photo. It is not clear what the work with the staff consisted of. The goal is not specified, the level of z.p.

Town: Saint Petersburg
Education: 2 higher
Date of Birth: December 5, 1974
Family status: Married, no children
Contact number: 8-926….
Email: [email protected] experience
Work period: November 2001 to February 2003
Position: Individual lending specialist

Job responsibilities:
— Advising clients - individuals on products in the field of lending (consumer, mortgage, overdraft), negotiating with clients on the subject of granting loans, coordinating lending schemes.

A comment: written anecdotally briefly, slovenly.

One feels arrogance, boorishness: 2 higher (which is not clear). Without photo

Ponamoreva Elizaveta Viktorovna
Educational institution: Economic University of Astrakhan
Expiration date: June 2001
Faculty: Institute for Theoretical Economics and International Economic Relations
Speciality: world economyCourses and trainings
Course name: Interpreter in the field of professional communication

Foreign languages ​​and computer skills
English: free
Computer skills: MS office, 1C

Additional Information
Additional information: sociable, responsible, organized, attentive, go in for sports, no bad habits

A comment: Obviously, a template was taken and filled in somehow. Such a person is not used to giving all the best, and it is noticeable!

How to write marital status in the questionnaire

Considering the family as an integral systemic entity in the process of social adaptation involves an analysis of a number of its structural and functional characteristics, as well as an analysis of the individual characteristics of family members. The social status of the family in the questionnaire what to write.

Do not write anything about marital status or children in the questionnaire. How to write marital status single or single? How to write citizenship of the Russian Federation in the questionnaire? We figured out how to choose the right photo for a dating site. If the employer is interested in you as an employee, your marital status is not that important. I fill out the application form for a Schengen visa on the website of the consulate of one of the EU countries

Now they do not indicate a widower, divorced. Because when, in early October, my common-law husband's dad died and I asked for my salary for September, he said that my husband is not my husband, and my father-in-law is not my father-in-law, and all this is not official! But if you look at it, the problem is not so much in marital status or age, but in character traits, in how a woman treats herself and her lifestyle. How to spell divorced or single in marital status? . For example, divorced men do not know what to write in the column Marital status single or single? Every working person needs to know how to properly compose an autobiography, and what information should be included in it. Or the Thinker 6 years ago Civil status, single single never married, divorced if he was married and divorced. Everyone knows that a good resume is an image made up of pieces of the best qualities and facts.

The application form for employment should provide the employer with the most complete information about the personality of the employee. When describing the financial situation in the questionnaire, it is best to indicate the real state of affairs. Please advise how it would be more correct to fill out the questionnaire. I am not married, I live in a civil marriage, I have a common child, everything is clear about this, but I was married 10 years ago in my youth, they fled quickly, there is not a certificate of Fr.

Tags: family, correctly, position, write, how, to the questionnaire

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No comments yet.

Yours will be first!

Single Owned by an unmarried man or woman; peculiar to them. My apartment, as you can see, is single, for one. Goncharov. Starts a word about the boredom of life. Pushkin.

IDLE,-th, -th; single, -a, -oh, single.
Unmarried, unmarried (of a man). X. man, guy.Over thirty already, but still single. //Shuttle.
Unmarried or divorced (usually about a woman). Introduce someone, I'm a single woman now!
2. only full.
Consisting of bachelors. X company.
3. only full.
Peculiar to an unmarried man or an unmarried woman. X position.X life.
4. Okhotn.
Solitary, not having a pair (male or female; about animals, birds). H. wolf.X duck.
5. only full.S.-x.
= Chilled. H. bull, horse. //
Not fertilized, without an embryo (about female animals). X mare, sow.
Fruitless (of plants). Rejection of idle plants.
7. only full.Tech.
Not producing useful work, acting without a workload. H. pulley, drum.Work at idle. //
Carried out by transport without cargo. X. run, run.
8. only full.
Not containing bullets, cores, etc.; non-combat (about cartridges, charges). X ammo.H. charge. m. (1 digit). Singles have their habits. Single, -s; pl. (8 digits). Shoot blank.

Aya, oh; single 1. Unmarried (about a woman - unmarried; simple.). H. male.

2. full f. Peculiar to a bachelor, bachelors. Cold life. Idle position. Bachelor company (bachelor company). 3. full f. About animals: not fertilized (spec.). Idle wombs.


idle, single, single, single, single


Idle, celibate, wifeless, familyless, unmarried, single, bean (female bobylka), bachelor; virgin. Single woman - unmarried, unmarried, maiden, virgin. The celibacy of the Catholic clergy is celibacy. single life; premarital life. "Enemies of Hymen". Prot. Married, Family.
see bean L firing blanks

Statuses in active search

If you are actively looking for a soulmate and want to find exactly your person as soon as possible, then it's time to choose the appropriate status for your page on social networks. Even if you have never written anything yourself and have not even tried to compose anything, we know how to find the most suitable status. Your attention is offered a lot of statuses that will brightly and colorfully help to tell about your searches, which means to make them more effective. Don't be afraid to write and talk about your search for love, because the more people who know, the more likely you are to get to know each other. Your guests (especially of the opposite sex) will see your status, take it as a green light to get to know each other, and who knows, maybe this is how you will find your destiny. Good luck with your search!

I am looking for a boy with blue eyes, black eyelashes, a beautiful body, a 3-storey house, with a bank account and no mother-in-law)))

On the page of my friend: “Marital status: everything is complicated with My Brains”

Marital status: actively getting rid of the old and unnecessary ...

Are you in active search again?))) finally find me, I'm tired of waiting)))

Her marital status is not married in her contact, and no one has yet seen her in an active search, but all because she just still loves him ...

Not married, but has a friend. And with him everything is difficult, so in active search!)))

Why is there no marital status in contact: “when drunk, I love everyone”?

In active search. What am I looking for? I'm actively looking for the next one. With a vanilla sugar look. Delicate caramel scent. Dazzling bright smile. And with a good heart that will love me. So stupid and weird...

What is it like to be "In active search"? Run down the street, pestering men, asking “well, fall in love with me, please!”

I just love autumn, children's orbits and I don't know how to be alone. I will definitely find the shoes of my dreams, the man of my life and myself ...

Now it's fashionable to do this painfully: During strong quarrels, remove the joint marital status in contact and put a very low phrase - in active search.

I just came up with it at my leisure .. the marital status is “engaged”, but “married”, and my wife has a boyfriend, so “everything is complicated”, but in general I am “actively searching” .. ahah .. life situation. my personal.

In an active search for a charming uncle doctor, well, or a nice nurse ... well, at worst, you can also have a nurse with a sense of humor.

I'm just sitting... I smoke badly.... I really don't want to drink... the mood is gone... And I almost forgot! Actively looking…

Man: *search engine, and find me a guy ... tall, handsome, kind, sweet, rich, generous ... * search engine: * can’t you find a lip-rolling machine?! *

And I'm not looking for my second half ... I was born whole!!!

I put “actively searching” to find my head ...

In an active search for happiness and love!!! 🙂))

I want to find true love ... Who will not say that everything is fine ... But just hug and say, even if everything is bad, I'm with you! Who, during a quarrel, will not say I'm sorry, it's my fault ... But he will silently come up and say: stupid, I love you!

Marital status: Actively searching. Oh god, he's actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

Stupid phrase "In active search" .. It's you running around the streets and shouting: "Where are you, my soul mate?"

“She has a marital status in contact, she is not married, and no one has yet seen her in active search, but all because she just still loves him ...” It was in order that no one knew about my love, I put the sp “in active search ... "

Beautiful girls are not in active search, we are only single

I want to fall in love .... looking for a victim ...

New acquaintances… easy flirting… crazy love — what else do you need?!))).

Girls, why every time we change marital status, we write: "I'm starting life over again!"

Why do some people not have a marital status? Yes, because Durov has not yet come up with the line I run for ... or I sleep with ...

What is love for us now? Marital status in contact, a bunch of photos in the album “me and my beloved”, a wall painted like “I love you”, comments from friends that you are a great couple, but what is really going on there really doesn’t matter to everyone ..

Marital status: in the active disposal of all unnecessary

Marital status: Actively searching. Ooty Lord, he is actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

I am looking for beautiful legs ... To pick up in good hands :-D

In search of new relationships, the old ones are already worn out to holes))

Maniakii! perverts!! I'm ready 😀

"In active search" for brains...

New photos from nightclubs, new girl friends, actively searching, with a daring status… mmm… who are you trying for?

today at the university I wrote an application for admission ... in the column of marital status I wrote “in active search” ... PPC is all contact ...

In active search, but there is a friend, everything is difficult with him, so I am not married ...

Today at the university I wrote an application for admission ... in the marital status column I wrote "in active search"

Why is there no status “in Inactive search” on Vkontakte, but only the status “in active search” ... You might think that I'm running through the streets and ACTIVELY LOOKING for a boyfriend ....

Sometimes a pair of warm hands, beloved eyes, tender lips are so lacking .. I so want someone to hug you, look affectionately into your eyes and gently whisper: "I love you."

Do you know who I need? The one who will not ask if you can kiss me, but simply take and kiss; the one who will not ask if it is possible to see me, but will say: “I am waiting. Come out!"

Yesterday I went to the doctor and heard from him a terrible diagnosis, from which people die ... Loneliness ... And the only cure for it is love ... I want to find my love ...

Vkontakte statuses. , was it really so difficult to make a status or?

In an active search ... happiness ..

Asked. Saw. Loved. You come in, and there is marital status, married and three children!)))

And why is there no status "in HYPERactive search"?

Back off! I am actively looking for a JOB

Many guys choose their other half on the principle of buying goods in a store: “Oh, beautiful packaging, I should try it!”. And then they are surprised by "indigestion."

So after all composition need to watch! Although the "date of manufacture" is also important!)

And I, by habit, click near the spa ... but nothing happens ... your article does not turn on ... but yes, I have an active search ..

If I am actively searching, then this does not mean that I am looking for a new relationship, maybe I am just looking for someone I have lost

Of course, you can change your marital status in contact, but you will never change it in your heart ...

If I'm actively looking, it doesn't mean that I'm looking for a new relationship, maybe I'm just looking for someone I've lost.

Actively searching what am I looking for? I am actively looking for a jerk with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart who will love me, so stupid and strange.

I'm just sitting...

I smoke badly.... I really don't want to drink... the mood is gone... And I almost forgot! Actively looking…

Actively searching… What am I looking for? Actively looking for a jerk with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart who will love me ... so stupid and strange ..

Set a positive status. Active search. Stretch a smile. Flutter in the street. Laugh in the face of your enemies. And dream... dream always... dreams can come true.

I will buy a green-eyed brunette no older than 88 years old with all the bells and whistles. Broken, painted and with a trailer do not offer!

Marital status: Actively searching. So what are you looking for so actively? here I am!

Beautiful girls are not in active search, we are only not married.

What is it like to be “In active search”? Run down the street, pestering men, asking “well, fall in love with me, please!”

A young man without bad habits is looking for a girl who will teach him these habits!!!

I'm looking for happiness, and Google will not help here ...

In active search is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone in a row.

Life used to be .. couples quarrel, quarrel, sort things out, and then disperse, but now it’s enough to change marital status to “actively searching” ..

Why is there no status in the "passive search" in the contact? I want to, but I'm too lazy to look 🙂

Everything is fine with me: I’m single, I don’t have a friend, everything is not difficult for me, I’m not actively searching ... I’m just like a cat that lives on its own

He has an active search .... and I continue to suffer and hope that he will return .... I probably love him very much.

In active search is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone in a row.

Marital status: Actively searching. Oh my God, he is actively searching. Good luck, dear, look, don't get lost.

When you get a job and in the questionnaire in the marital status column you write in an active search, then this is already a sign that you need to tie up with a contact.

Oh, not married?? Then I ... in active search!

marital status: standby)

What does a modern girl do after breaking up with a guy? She convulsively thinks about what status to write in contact, so that he would be offended.

Cool and beautiful statuses about love

Beautiful | Wise | For Contact | For Odnoklassniki | For ICQ | Actively looking| For birthday | For the night | In the morning | About love for a girl | About love for a guy | Sexy | Quotes | Sad | About separation | About sad love | Romantic | Cool | First love | New love | About falling in love | Virtual love | Declarations of love | Short | Wedding | I miss my boyfriend | I miss my girl | For an ex-boyfriend | For an ex girlfriend

1. Surname [Surname]. Here write the last name as in the passport.

2. Surname at birth [Surname at birth]. If you changed your last name, then write here the one that was before the change. If you changed several times, then write the last name at birth first, and list the rest of the former names in brackets.

3. First Name [Name]. Write the name as in the passport. At the same time, all other documents (tickets, reservations, extracts) can be done in a name that differs slightly from the spelling in the passport. For example, my passport says EVGENY, I always write EVGENIY everywhere - there have never been any questions.

4. Date of birth [Date of birth]. Here write exactly what is asked.

5. Place of birth [Place of birth]. Write the city of birth. The number of the hospital is not necessary;)

6. Country of birth Write the date of birth. In different forums, people argue what to write here USSR (USSR) or Russia (Russia). So, write Russia. If you were not born in the USSR or Russia, then simply write the country of birth.

7. Current nationality [Current citizenship]. Write Russia

8. Sex (Gender). Tick ​​the corresponding checkbox Male - male, Female - female

9. Martial staus [Marital status]. We also mark the appropriate checkbox. Single - not married / not married, Married - married / married, Separated - literally separated, what is not in the know. Divotced - divorced, Widow(er) - widow/widower. Other (please specify) - if suddenly none of the listed items is suitable, then write in your own words.

10. In the case of minors .... [In the event that the applicant is a child ...] Here write the last name, first name and address of residence (if different from the address of the child) of the official representative (or any of the parents or guardian) and his citizenship.
Addition: according to the latest information, the Finns require the address to be written without fail.

11. national identity number, where applicable. [Number of national document, if applicable]. For Russia, in principle, not applicable. But if you really want to, you can write the number of the national passport.

12. Type of travel document [The type of document you are traveling with]. Here you mark the item Ordinary passport

13. Number of travel document [Document number]. Write your passport number.

14. Date of issue [Date of issue]. Write the date of issue.

15. Valid until [Valid until]. Write the expiration date of your passport.

16. Issued by [Issued by]. Copy from the passport in Latin letters the FMS / UFMS number such and such, for example UFMS 12345.

17. Applicant's home address and e-mail [Applicant's home address and e-mail]. Write your residential address.

Telephone number(s) Write your mobile number.

18. Residence in a country other than .... [Residing in a country other than current citizenship]. If you are a Russian citizen living in Russia, then mark No. In other cases, mark Yes and write the document giving the right to stay, its number and until what time is valid.

19. Current occupation [Current position]. Write your current position. If not employed, write "Non employed". If retired, write "Retired"

20. Employer and employer "s adress .... [Employer, his address ...]. Write the name of the company where you work, legal address and telephone number of the personnel department. Students write the name of the university and the phone number of the dean's office. Retirees and unemployed do not write anything.

21. Main purpose(s) of the journey Mark Tourism if you are going to Europe or Transit if you are requesting a transit visa.

22. Member State(s) of destination. Write the country that is the main purpose of the trip. Or the country in which you will be most of the time. In any case, the name of the country in this paragraph must match the country to which you are applying for a visa (unless, of course, the visa is not a transit visa). If you are applying for a transit visa, then write where you are flying.

23. Member State of first entry. Write the country through the territory of which you are going to get into the Schengen zone. For example, if you are flying to France with a transfer in Germany, then write here - Germany. If you have a direct flight, then write the same as in the previous paragraph.

24. Number of entries requested. Check the box Multiply entries.

25. Duration of the intended stay or transit. Write the number of days of the trip. If you are applying for several trips (yes, you can - and there is a higher chance of getting a long visa), write here the duration of the first one.

26. Schengen visas issued during past three years If there are no visas, mark No, if there are, mark Yes and list the terms for which they are issued from (from) to (to)

27. Fingerprints collected previously... If earlier, when applying for a Schengen visa, you were fingerprinted, mark Yes and the date, if not, then mark No. This question applies exclusively to Schengen visas. UK, Australia and US do not count.

28. Entry permit got the final country of destination If you are not applying for a transit visa, then this item does not need to be completed. If for transit, then write here who issued you a visa (Issued by), from which (Valid from) and until what (until) date it is valid. If you do not need a visa for the country of destination, then do not write anything either.

29. Intended date of arrival in the Shengen area Write the date when you are going to cross the border of a Schengen state. That is, if your departure is at 11:00 on the first of January, and you arrive at 3:00 on the second, then write here on the second of January.

30. Intended date of departure from the Shengen area. Here write the date of the year you are going to leave Schengen.

31. Surname and first name of inviting person in Members State(s). If not applicable, name hotel(s)... [Last and first name of the inviting person in the Schengen area. If not applicable, the names of hotels or other temporary accommodation in Schengen]. If you are going to visit someone and you have an invitation from this person, then write here his first and last name. If you live in a hotel, then the name of the hotels. If renting an apartment, write "rented apartments". again, if you are applying for several trips, then you need to write only about the first of them.

Address and e-mail address of inviting person.. [Address and e-mail address of the inviting person or hotel or other temporary residence]. Here write the address where you will live and e-mail. If you do not know the e-mail or do not have it, then it is not necessary to write.

telephone and telefax. [Telephone and Fax]. Here write the phone and fax of the hotel or the inviting person. If you live in rented apartments, then write here the phone number of the owner of the apartment or the company that rented them. In general, any phone where they can confirm that yes, you will live there during such and such a period.

32. Name and address of inviting organization If you are eating at the invitation of a company (for example, on a business trip or for negotiations), then write the name and address of the company inviting you here. In the following paragraphs, write the phone number (Telephone) of the company and the name, address, phone number and e-mail (Surname, first name, address,....) of the contact person in the inviting company.

33. Cost of traveling and living during applicant's stay is covered. If you pay for everything yourself, then mark the option "by the applicant himself / herself", if someone will pay for you (or in the case of a child), mark the option "by sponsor ..." and below write the name and surname of the sponsor and mark paragraph "referred to in the field 31 or 32" if the sponsor is mentioned in paragraphs 31 or 32. Or write on the next line his (sponsor's) relationship to you (mother/father/son/daughter/friend/relative) and check the box next to "other (please specify)" item. In "Means of support" mark everything that fits. Cash - cash, Traveller's checks - traveler's checks, Credit card - credit card, Prepaid accomodation - prepaid housing, Prepaid transort - prepaid transport. In the case of a sponsor, there are more options. Accomodation provided - housing and All expenses covered during the stay (All expenses during the stay).
IMPORTANT! If you are filling out a questionnaire for a child, it is the item "All expenses covered during the stay" that needs to be checked.

If you have a relative, a citizen of the EU or Switzerland, and you are going to him, then paragraphs 31-33 do not need to be filled out. Instead, you need to fill out paragraphs 34 and 35.

34. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EAA or CH citizen. Here you fill in all the data of your relative of an EU citizen.

35. Family relationship... [Family relationship with an EU citizen]. Choose the appropriate point by whom you are related to your mentioned EU citizen.

36. Place and date. [Place and date]. Write the city and date of filling out the questionnaire.

37. Signature... [Signature]. You sign. One of the parents, the one mentioned in paragraph 10, signs for the child.

Then write in the next two lines.

And once again write the place and date and paint at the very end of the questionnaire.

Everything! Questionnaire completed.

  • Dictionary (printed, electronic).
  • Internet.

General requirements for the questionnaire

  • Download the application form or on italy-vms.ru. This is a site. Section - forms, type of questionnaire - C. Consider examples of filling out questionnaires on the Internet.
  • The questionnaire can be filled out:
  1. On the computer.
  2. Manually. You need a ballpoint pen with blue ink.
  • If, when filling out the questionnaire on a computer, it is not possible to tick the required boxes, then after printing, insert the checkmarks manually.

  • Write down the data in the questionnaire in large block letters.
  • Use English, Italian or transliteration (Russian words written in English letters).
  • Don't make corrections.

  • Each word must be written legibly. All forms are electronically read. If the writing is slurred, the application may not be processed, and you will be denied a national visa.
  • The questionnaire is composed of four sheets. It needs to be printed on a sheet format - A4. Definitely on both sides. The result will be 2 sheets.

  • Color photo pasted.
  • Items highlighted in red are mandatory.
  • All items are filled in the same way. If you translate data into English, then you need to translate all the items. If you use transliteration, then use Russian words written in English for data.
  • Names of firms, organizations, streets - do not translate!
  • All information provided must be true. The consulate scrupulously checks them, and if the information is false, it will not give permission to enter.

Step-by-step instruction

1 point. Enter the last name as in the passport:

2 point. If you have ever changed your last name (for example, due to marriage), then in the column write the one you had before the change:

3 point. Enter the name as in the foreign passport:

4 point. Enter date of birth:

  1. 11. 1980.

5 point. Enter your city of birth:

If the place of your birth at the time of birth had a different name from the current name, then indicate the exact option. It is on the birth certificate.

6 point. Write country of birth:

USSR (USSR) or RUSSIA (Russia).

7 point. In this field, you must specify RUSSIA. If there was or is another citizenship, we indicate it a little lower, in a special column.

8 point. Check the appropriate box: Maschile - male or Femminile - female.

9 point. Place a check mark next to the corresponding item. Or we indicate “Other” and write in our own words.

10 point. Count for minors. Indicate the surname, name, coordinates of the official representative (one of the parents) and his citizenship. For adults, this item is not filled out.

11 point. For Russia, you can not indicate (or indicate) the number of a civil passport.

12 point. Check the box next to "Regular Passport".

13 point. Write the number of the foreign passport:

14 point. Specify the date of issue of the foreign passport:

  1. 04.2017

15 point. Specify the validity period of the foreign passport:

  1. 04. 2022

16 point. Enter in Latin letters the number of the FMS / UFMS that issued the passport:

17 paragraph. Mark the address of residence and e-mail: SAMARA, AMINEVA STREET 4, . In the next column, enter the mobile phone number. It is advisable to specify the one that is always at hand:

18 paragraph. If you are a Russian citizen living in Russia, then check the box next to "No". Foreigners mark "Si" and enter the data of the document giving the right to reside.

19 paragraph. Indicate your current position (it is desirable to write exactly as indicated in the certificate of employment): MANAGER.

Non-employed indicate - "Non employed". Retired - "Retired".

20 point. Indicate the name of the company where you work, with information about the legal address and phone number of the personnel department. Students need to write the name of the university, indicate the phone number of the dean's office. Unemployed and pensioners leave the column empty. It is advisable to write information exactly the same as that contained in the certificate from work / school / university:

SCHOOL № 102, AMINEVA STREET 12, +7 927-012-79-10

21 points. Check the box next to "Turismo" if you are going on vacation, or "Transito" (for a transit visa).

22 paragraph. Write the country that is the main purpose of the trip:

23 paragraph. Write the state through whose territory (in our case Italy) you are going to get into the Schengen zone:

24 paragraph. Check the "Uno" box.

25 point. Specify the number of days of stay in Italy if you are applying for specific dates. If you are submitting documents to get an annual visa, then write 365 days.

26 paragraph. If there were no visas before, mark "No". If there were visas before, mark "Si", and then list the dates from which / until which they were issued. Dol (s), al (before).

"In offset" are permits issued in the previous 3 years. Earlier ones are not taken into account.

27 paragraph. If you have been fingerprinted before (this is rare), mark "Si" and the date. If not, mark "No".

28 paragraph. It is filled out only by persons applying for a transit visa. Indicate who issued your visa (Rilasciata da), from what date (valida dal) and until what date (al) it is valid. When traveling to a "visa-free" country, leave the field blank.

29 paragraph. Write the date of departure (if flying by plane), and not the date of crossing the border at the entrance. Autotourists enter the date of crossing the border.

30 point. Here indicate the date when you plan to leave the Schengen:

  1. 08. 2017

31 points. Enter the name and surname of the resident of Italy who invited you. If you have booked a hotel, please indicate its name. If you intend to rent an apartment, then write "rented apartments". If you send documents, counting on multiple trips, then only the first (nearest) one can be written in the questionnaire:

Domus Sessoriana

Write your residential address and email:

If you plan to stay in a rented apartment or apartments, then indicate the phone number of the person or company that rented the accommodation.

32 paragraph. It is intended for persons traveling on business trips or at the invitation of an Italian company (at conferences, business meetings, etc.), i.e. for a business visa. Consists of 3 sections:

  • The name of the inviting company.
  • Phone number of the inviting company.
  • Coordinates of the inviting company.

33 paragraph. Consists of 2 sections:

  1. It is filled by those who fully pay for their trip. Check the box next to "del richiedente" and then indicate how you intend to pay (cash, credit card, etc.).
  2. For minors and business travelers, as well as those for whom the trip is paid for by the inviting party. First check the box next to "del promotore" and then fill in the boxes as follows:
  • Minors - insert the details of the passport of the parents.
  • For businessmen, business travelers - indicate the name, coordinates of the sponsor. They must match the data entered in paragraphs 31 and 32.

34 paragraph. Enter information about a relative or family member who is a citizen of the Schengen area.

35 point. Continuation of item 34. Check the box next to the relation of the relative mentioned above.

36 paragraph. Indicate the city (in Latin) and the date (day / month / year) of filling out the questionnaire:

SAMARA, 25. 05. 2017

37 paragraph. Applicant's signature. The parent referred to in clause 10 shall sign for the minor.

A little lower, you need to put two signatures + city + date, agreeing that in case of refusal the visa fee is not refundable and that you are aware of the need for medical insurance.

Signature + SAMARA + 25. 05. 2017

This video shows the step-by-step process of filling out the questionnaire. The information printed in the article is presented in the video in a condensed form:

Sergey, Samara:

“Filled out a questionnaire with friends. They planned to go to Italy for a week. Therefore, they requested a single-entry visa (in paragraph 24 they ticked the box next to “uno”). I was also going to the beer festival in the fall. I have a positive visa history (I flew to Italy last summer), so I swung at multiple entry. In paragraph 25 he prescribed - 365 days. But I filled in points 29 and 30 according to the data of air tickets and hotel reservations.

“The photographer let me down - he photographed against the background of floral wallpaper. The photo must be on a white background only. The form was returned to me. I had to rewrite everything. Be careful!"

When the application form is completely filled out, a color photograph taken specifically for the visa must be pasted into it. We will tell you which one - everything is very simple, but you need to be extremely careful, contact only proven salons!

Well, just in case, complete.


Any doubts, questions? Or maybe your case is special? Then do not waste time and contact the professionals.

The questionnaire is also a prerequisite for obtaining a visa. Filling out an application for a Schengen visa must be in English, or in the language of the country whose embassy you plan to contact in order to obtain a Schengen visa. Therefore, the Schengen application requires a careful approach so that there is no refusal of a visa for the reason that filling out the application for a Schengen visa was done incorrectly.

How to fill out the Schengen application?

Filling out an application for a Schengen visa is quite difficult, besides, not everyone can be fluent in English, and, moreover, Polish or Estonian. Therefore, in order not to suffer with the question: how to fill in the schengen application form, it is better to turn to specialists. After all Schengen application form It also has a commentary that occupies several sheets in volume. This comment is a sample application form for schengen visa which allows you to understand how to fill out a particular item of the questionnaire. You can search on the Internet " schengen visa download” or do it on our website, but it’s better to contact specialists who will not only explain how the Schengen application form is filled out, but also do it for you.

Is there an example of filling out a Schengen visa application form?

You must understand that Schengen visa application form is a bureaucratic document, therefore, an ordinary citizen who does not deal with documents of this kind on a daily basis will not be able to fill it out quickly and correctly. 'Cause you can't take it here example of filling out a schengen visa application form and fill out your visa on it, because sample of filling out the Schengen application form this is just a sample written for those who understand what should be written and know the language. Therefore, if you must be filled download schengen visa application form it is of little use, it still needs to be filled in correctly.

Our assistance in filling out the application for a Schengen visa

To facilitate your work, we give you a questionnaire in which all items must be completed in Russian. Thus, we receive the necessary information and are already filling out the application form for a Schengen visa. Then your Schengen visa application form will be filled out correctly, in accordance with all requirements. In addition, we are well aware that in any consulate, the first thing to consider is schengen application, according to which consular workers, seeing the answers to key questions, immediately decide whether to give you a visa or not. A correctly completed Schengen application form is an important step towards obtaining a visa.

Why do you need to contact us to fill out a questionnaire in the Schengen countries?

The consular officer, having examined the questionnaire with a lightning glance and, having made a decision, looks through the rest of the documents. Using our help, you can be absolutely sure that the consular officer, having looked at the questionnaire, will make a positive decision. To do this, we will make every effort and smooth out all the roughness that may be so that your Schengen application form is flawless. It may seem to someone that the Schengen application form is quite banal and simple, so there is no point in asking for help. At the same time, many naively believe that it is enough to take a sample application form for a Schengen visa, as filling out an application form for a Schengen visa will no longer be difficult for him.
But, as practice shows, there are many points for which a person would never have received a visa if it were not for our help! Obtaining a visa to the Schengen zone, which has a highly developed bureaucracy, requires the help of specialists!
Do not take risks and do not rely only on a sample application form for a Schengen visa so that the Schengen application form is filled out correctly - contact the specialists!

We wish you success in obtaining a Schengen visa!

To visit the countries of the European Union, citizens of Russia should advance. This applies not only to adults, but also to children. To obtain a Schengen visa for a child, you must fill out an application form. It must be completed by one of the parents of the baby.

The Schengen visa application form can be completed in two ways:

  • In online mode. For the parents of the baby, you should go to the website of the embassy of the country where you plan to travel with the baby. The site provides electronic forms.

This method has several advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that when filling out on a computer, a person has the opportunity to correct the mistakes made. But the main disadvantage of this filling method is that a limited amount of time is allocated for filling out the electronic form. And if the person did not have time to enter all the data in the allotted time, the questionnaire is deleted.

After entering all the data, and sign (signed by the child or one of his parents). The child has the right to independently sign the document only if he is over 15 years old at the time of filling out the form. If the age of the baby is younger, then one of his parents signs on the form.

  • On paper. An application for a Schengen visa can be taken at the visa center or embassy where an entry permit is issued.

Sample Fill

Filling out the visa application form is easy. But people who are faced with this procedure for the first time experience some fear due to the fact that the form may be filled out incorrectly. An incorrectly completed application form may be the reason for refusal to accept papers for issuing an entry permit.

Therefore, before this procedure, you should first familiarize yourself with the sample. Samples can be seen at the general information boards at Visa Application Centers or Embassies. If the questionnaire is filled out online or downloaded from the embassy website, then a sample of filling out the questionnaire can be found directly on the same portal.

An example of filling out a form for obtaining a Schengen visa:

  • In paragraph 1, you should indicate the last name. The data should be carefully copied from the baby's passport. Information is entered in capital Latin letters. Example: IVANOV.
  • Column 2 is filled in only if the child has changed his surname. It is understood that if a person, for example, was born under the surname Serbiev, and due to some circumstances (adoption, change of surname due to deprivation of the father of parental rights, etc.) changed his surname to Ivanov, then he should indicate his surname in the questionnaire at birth. All data is also entered in Latin letters.
  • Line 3 contains the baby's name. The entered information must match the data from the passport.
  • Line 4 contains the date the child was born. All data are indicated in the following sequence: day, month, year. Between numbers, do not put other punctuation marks, except for periods. Example: 10/22/2005.

  • In line 5, you will need to indicate the place of birth of the crumbs. The place of birth is the city. The data is also entered in Latin letters. Do not confuse English with Latin letters. All data is entered without translation. Example: Rostov-na-donu.
  • Column 6 contains the country where the baby was born. But if the questionnaire is filled out for an adult, then it should be borne in mind that if the applicant was born in a country that was previously part of the USSR, then he should indicate not the country, but the USSR union.
  • Paragraph 7 indicates the citizenship of the baby at the time of filling out the form. If the child changed citizenship, then in this paragraph he must put a mark opposite the mark “Nationality at birth”.
  • Line 8 marks the gender of the baby. Information is indicated by putting a cross in the already prepared marks. On visa forms, the female gender is written as "Female" and the male gender is "Male".
  • Line 9 should indicate marital status. For children, the item "Single" is selected, which means "free".
  • Section 10 indicates the personal data of the crumbs' parents: initials, citizenship. If the address of registration or residence is different from the address of the crumbs, then it should also be indicated.
  • Line 11 indicates the TIN (if any). This column is not mandatory. It should be noted that TIN is not assigned on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you can put a dash in this field.

  • Section 12 indicates the type of travel document on which the baby will travel. For children, a mark is placed opposite "Other". You will also need to additionally enter such a phrase "Child's travel document" if the baby has his own passport. If the baby is included in the parents' travel document, then the following information is indicated: "Mother's\Father's passport".
  • Column 13 contains the data of the travel document: series and number.
  • In paragraph 14, it is worth writing down the date of issue of the travel document.
  • Column 15 indicates the expiration date of the travel document.
  • Paragraph 16 details information regarding the authority that issued the travel document.
  • The address is entered in column 17. It is worth remembering that the address also should not be translated into another language. The street is written in Latin letters. Example: LENINA 45, KV. 28.

And also in this line it is worth writing down the phone number and email address, if available.

  • In line 18, it is worth answering whether the child has dual citizenship with another country or not.
  • In column 19 of the questionnaire for the child, it is worth indicating “without a profession”. This line usually indicates the position in which the applicant works.
  • In line 20, you will need to indicate the address of the educational institution: university, school or preschool children's institution. If the child is already a student at the time of filling out the form, then he must additionally indicate the phone number of the educational institution.
  • In column 21, you should choose one of the items that highlight the purpose of the trip:
  • Business visit.
  • Visiting relatives.
  • Culture.
  • Sport.
  • Official visit.
  • Treatment.
  • Education.
  • Transit.
  • Transit through the airport.
  • Other. If this column is checked, it is worth describing in detail the purpose of the trip.

Often, when filling out this column of the questionnaire for a child, they choose tourism or visiting relatives.

  • Column 22 lists all EU countries where the baby plans to visit with his parents. It is worth indicating even the countries of transit.
  • Line 23 contains the state of entry into the Schengen area. It is understood that you need to enter exactly the state where the child with his parents will cross the borders of the Schengen zone for the first time.
  • Line 24 indicates the number of crossings of the Schengen borders. It also indicates the desired visa: single, multiple or double entry.
  • Column 25 indicates the exact number of days spent on the territory of the EU countries.
  • Line 26 should indicate all previously issued entry permits. Specify information about visas in the following order: Portugal, from 25-10-2007 to 25-01-2008. Spain, from 25-08-2009 to 15-11-2010. It is worth remembering that only visas issued for the last three years are indicated. If a person did not have open visas, then it is worth putting a mark "No".

  • In line 27, it is worth answering whether the child passed. Recall that from the age of 12 hand fingerprinting is mandatory. Younger children may only be fingerprinted with parental permission.
  • Column 28 is filled in if a transit visa is required.
  • Paragraph 29 indicates the planned date of entry into the Schengen area.
  • Column 30 indicates the planned date of departure.
  • In paragraph 31, it is worth indicating information about the invited person or the address of the hotel complex where the baby plans to stay for the duration of the trip with his parents.
  • Line 32 is blank. You need to put a dash in it.

  • In paragraph 33, they indicate at whose expense the expenses associated with the trip will be incurred. If the costs are borne by the host, then indicate “by a sponsor”, if all costs are covered independently, put the mark “by the applicant himself / herself”. If the costs are borne by the parents, then indicate “other, parents”.
  • In columns 34, 35, it is worth putting a mark “does not apply”.
  • Line 36 contains the city where the form was filled out. Example: Rostov-na-donu 10-07-2017.
  • In line 37, a painting is put.

An electronic questionnaire does not differ from a paper form. But in electronic form, some items are written differently, namely, in the 4th and 14th columns indicate the date in the format “year, month, day”.

The application form for a Schengen visa is filled out manually, on a computer or online on the embassy website. You can download the form on the official website of the representative office you will contact, or at the end of the article.

Consulates of some countries accept questionnaires filled out online on their website. These include Greece, Germany, Ireland, Poland and others.

Instructions for filling out the questionnaire

Now we will tell you in detail about filling out the application form for a Schengen visa.

    • Item 1-3: the surname, maiden and former surnames, as well as the first name and patronymic are indicated. Everything is filled in English letters, exactly the same as in the passport.
    • Item 4: Enter your date of birth in year-month-day format. For example: 1990-09-18.
    • Item 5: indicate the city or region of your birth according to the passport. The name is taken at the time of birth. For example, if you were born in a village near Moscow, indicate the Moscow region. If born in Leningrad, the city of Leningrad is indicated.
    • Item 6: country of birth. If you were born before 1991, indicate the USSR.
    • Item 7: List all your citizenships.
    • Item 8: Tick your gender.
    • Item 9: indicate the marital status according to the marks of the registry office. If the application for a Schengen visa is for a child, indicate "Single (not married)".
    • Item 10: to be completed only for minors. All persons who have parental or guardianship rights must be listed. Even if the parents are divorced, they still exercise their parental rights if there was no court decision. Adult citizens enter “does not apply” in this paragraph or leave it blank.
    • Item 11: here you need to indicate the national identification number. For Russian citizens, simply enter "no".
    • Item 12: Please indicate the category of your travel document. It can be a diplomatic, official or foreign passport and other types. If you have several of them, indicate exactly the one by which you plan to enter.
    • Points 13-16: fill in the travel document number, date of issue and validity period. Also indicate who issued the document.
    • Item 17: Write your home address according to your actual place of residence and email address. Depending on the specified address, it will depend on which consular district you belong to. In the next column, indicate the contact numbers by which you can be contacted.
    • Item 18: to be completed only by those persons who apply for a Schengen visa from outside the country according to citizenship. For example, if you are a citizen of Belarus and permanently reside on the territory of the Russian Federation, then check the box next to “Yes” and enter the number and validity of the document on the basis of which you are in the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation need to indicate "no".
    • Items 19-20: Please list your occupation and employer/school contacts.

The Schengen visa application has items marked with an asterisk. They are not required for relatives of EU, EEA or Swiss citizens. If you belong to this category of citizens, then you must indicate the data on this in paragraphs 34 and 35.

    • Item 21: Please tick your main purpose of travel. If you did not find a suitable option, enter it manually by ticking the appropriate box. For example, if you are getting a multiple-entry visa and you want to travel 3 times for business purposes and 1 time for tourism purposes, enter "Business".
    • Item 22: indicate the country of main residence.
    • Item 23: Enter the country of initial entry into the Schengen area or border crossing. For example: if you are flying to Greece, enter "Greece" in this box. If you are traveling by car or train, indicate the country whose border you will cross first.
    • Item 24: Select the desired number of trips: single, double or multiple entry visa.
    • Item 25: Planned duration of the trip. Do not forget that medical insurance, hotel reservation, invitation, power of attorney to leave for the child must cover the entire stay.

According to the rules of the Schengen area, foreign citizens can stay in its territory for no more than 90 days every six months. To find out exactly when you can visit the Schengen area, use the special online