
How many mornings turn off hot water. hot water shutdown schedule

According to this document, the supplier may suspend or restrict the provision of services after a preliminary notification has been sent to the debtor.

The consumer must be aware of the warning 30 days before the proposed sanctions.

The grounds for suspension of the service are:

  1. Non-payment within three months.
  2. Incomplete payment for the same period after notification from the supplier.
  3. Violation of the agreement concluded between the debtor and the supplier for the repayment of debts.

The same document states that, according to sanitary standards, it is forbidden to suspend the supply of:

Without them, the premises automatically become uninhabitable, therefore, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is violated. A direct ban on turning off cold water and heating is contained in paragraph 307 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Utilities have the right to turn off:

  • hot water;
  • electricity;
  • intercom;
  • gas for cooking.

The procedure for turning off water for non-payment

Restriction of the supply of water supply to the non-payer is carried out in the following order:

Warning about turning off water for non-payment, sample

How is it carried out?

Restriction or suspension of the supply of utility services is possible only if these actions do not cause inconvenience to other owners of the premises and do not create a threat of harm to the common property of the MKD.

Turning off hot water for non-payment in a separate apartment is carried out by blocking or welding pipes. Often, non-paying owners try to prevent public utilities by letting them into the apartment. But such a position can lead to additional expenses.

Non-payers can install a plug on the water supply pipe from the basement of the MKD using a special device. This manipulation is carried out for a certain cost, which managers also collect from the debtor.

As a result, the owner will have to pay the outstanding utility bills, a late payment penalty and the cost of installing and subsequently removing the plug from the pipe.

IMPORTANT. Non-payment within 3 months must be in full. If during the specified period the owner of the premises paid at least one ruble for water supply, disconnection for debts will be considered illegal.

Is it legal to turn off water for non-payment?

The implementation of turning off the water supply must fully comply with the rules established by law:

  1. The amount owed should not affect the shutdown. The only reason is the lack of payment within 3 months.
  2. If the debtor has not been properly notified of the shutdown 30 days in advance and an additional 3 days in advance, no action can be taken.

Actions of the debtor in case of illegal disconnection

If a citizen believes that the shutdown of water supply by suppliers was illegal, he must act as follows:

The owner of the premises may also file a claim with the court.

Photos and videos are attached to the claim, confirming the absence of public services in the apartment, and testimonies.

Effective evidence is an inspection report drawn up in the presence of two witnesses.

How to make a claim and a complaint?

There are no unified forms for drawing up claims and complaints, therefore they are drawn up according to the general rules for drawing up business papers:

Responsibility of the Criminal Code for illegal disconnection

The law provides for liability of suppliers for illegal shutdown of water:

If the disconnection is declared illegal due to lack of notification, the debtor receives a paper, and a 30-day period is set for him to pay off the debt. You will have to pay bills anyway.

Illegally disconnected water supply must be restored within three days, payments are recalculated.

Methods for filing a claim with the Criminal Code and response time

A claim to the management company for illegally turning off the water supply can be submitted to the responsible employee or sent to the organization by registered mail with notification. In case of personal filing, the claim is made in two copies.. The receiving officer must sign and date the copy remaining with the applicant.

A response from the Criminal Code must be received within 10 days from the date of receipt of the claim. A response to a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, the Housing Inspectorate or the prosecutor's office must follow within 30 days. If organizations violate the deadlines for taking action, the consumer should file a lawsuit in court.

The consumer is obliged to pay for the services provided to him in a timely manner and in the proper amount so that the management company does not have grounds for disabling them. If managers exceed their own powers and turn off the water illegally, it is worth calling them to account and restoring their own consumer rights.

When providing utility services with interruptions exceeding the established duration, the amount of payment for each utility service is also subject to a reduction in the amount of utility services not provided. The main regulatory document regulating relations between the subjects of the process of providing hot water supply is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” dated May 6, 2011 No. 354. According to this decree, namely, the application No. 1, a list of situations has been established when utilities can be turned off:

Permissible interruption of cold water supply: 8 hours (in total) within 1 month; 4 hours at a time, in case of an accident in centralized cold water supply networks in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SNiP 2.04.02-84).

Permissible duration of a break in the supply of hot water: 8 hours (in total) within 1 month; 4 hours at a time, and in the event of an accident on a dead end line - 24 hours, the duration of the interruption of hot water supply associated with repair and maintenance work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPin

Permissible duration of a water disposal break: 8 hours (in total) within 1 month; 4 hours at a time (including in case of an accident).

Permissible duration of interruption of gas supply: no more than 4 hours (in total) within one month.

Permissible duration of a heating break: no more than 24 hours (in total) within one month; no more than 16 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from 12 degrees C to the standard; no more than 8 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from 10 degrees C to 12 degrees C; no more than 4 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from 8 degrees C to 10 degrees C.

As a rule, all the dissatisfaction of the residents of comfortable apartments is caused by rather long periods of preventive maintenance. According to paragraph 10 of this Order:

When providing utility services, breaks for repair and maintenance work, as well as work to connect new consumers are allowed after prior notice (in writing) to the consumer in the manner prescribed by these Rules. The duration of these breaks is established in accordance with these Rules and other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Breaks due to natural disasters and emergencies are also allowed.

Other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation mean regulations that ensure sanitary and technical requirements (control over which is established in accordance with Articles 12, 13, 14 of the LC RF), namely:

1) Rules and norms for the operation of the housing stock, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia No. 170 of September 27, 2003: Repair of heat networks, heat points and heat consumption systems should be carried out simultaneously in the summer. The recommended repair period associated with the termination of hot water supply is 14 days. In each case, the duration of the repair is determined by the local authorities.

2) Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems, approved by the Decree of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation) No. 20 of 04/07/2009: must exceed 14 days. For the period of repair, facilities of increased epidemic significance (hospitals, boarding schools, schools and preschool institutions, etc.) are to be provided with hot water from their own reserve sources, which should be provided for at the design development stage.

At the same time, if in the first regulatory act it is allowed to exceed the period of preventive maintenance by more than 14 days, then in the second regulatory act this period is clearly established.

The planned shutdown of utilities, in accordance with clause 49 of the Procedure, must be accompanied by a notification to consumers no later than 10 working days before the start of the break.

The implementation of state control over the conformity of residential premises, the quality, volume and procedure for the provision of public services, regardless of the form of ownership, is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in accordance with Article 13, Article 20 of the LC RF). Control over compliance with the procedure for the provision of public services is carried out by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments within their competence (in accordance with clause 114 of the Procedure).

There are deadlines for liquidation of an emergency, established by GOST 51617-2000 (Document 14). It spells out the type of malfunction and the timing of its elimination in days. For example, if a thunderstorm damaged power lines, then such an accident should be eliminated immediately. In this case, the power supply cannot be turned off for a day or more. If there is no electricity for too long, write a requirement to the Criminal Code to immediately connect it, referring to this GOST, and immediately send a copy of the appeal to the housing inspectorate. It's useful to have a troubleshooting timeline in front of your eyes to understand how well the service provider is doing their job.

Document 15. Application for temperature measurements

Ref. No. ____

from "____" ________ 2015

Director ___________________________________________

(indicate management company)

from ____________________________________________

(indicate full name of the citizen)

residing at: ________________________

(indicate the postal address,

to which the response should be sent)


about taking temperature measurements

I, ______________________ (full name) am the owner of the apartment at the above address in a building managed by your organization.

In my apartment in the period from ______ to ________ cold batteries, and the temperature in the apartment is below the norm, established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN, paragraphs. 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 paragraphs. 49-n).

Based on the foregoing, I demand to measure the temperature in the apartment in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.

FULL NAME______________________

If you notice that the temperature in your apartment is 15-16 degrees, the cold is dog-like, then write a statement (Document 15). After that, representatives of the Criminal Code will have to come and check the temperature in the room. And draw up an appropriate document or act on temperature changes. If the temperature really does not meet the standards, then contact the prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the housing inspectorate with a request to recalculate payments. It's your money, and don't give it away just like that.

Document 16. Memo on what to do if the apartment has cold batteries

What to do if you have cold batteries in your apartment


You need to start with home service organizations. If this is a management company, then all claims should be addressed to it, if the HOA - go to the chairman. If the contracts are signed directly with service providers - water supply and energy supply organizations, then you will have to deal with them yourself.

First, carefully review your contract. It may contain some special procedure for filing a claim. For example, only by registered mail or only to the head office of the managing organization, etc. A written claim is submitted in two copies, one of which is handed to the contractor, and the other is marked with acceptance. Make sure that the name of the recipient is not just written on the mark, but the stamp of the organization, as well as the date and time of admission. If the claim is not accepted, then it must be sent by mail with a valuable letter with a notification and an attachment ops. If you are offered to file a complaint by phone, then you need to find out under what number in the register the appeal was registered, and who received the call, and then duplicate it by mail. Keep a record of the conversation - this will help prove the fact and time of contacting the public utilities.

The claim must indicate that the temperature in the apartment is below the standard, established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN, paragraphs. 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 paragraphs. 49-n), require temperature measurements in the apartment in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.

A representative of the management company should come to your apartment and draw up an act stating that utilities are not provided or are of poor quality. If there is a disagreement between you and the public utilities about the quality of services, then the check is repeated. A representative of the Housing Inspectorate is invited to it. In addition, you yourself can call an independent specialist. Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up, which is signed by you and representatives of the commission. The document can also be signed by all those present. The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with you, the other - with the public utilities. If it is known that the cause of the outages is an accident, no further verification is required.

If the management company does not respond to your letter, or responds with an unsubscribe, but does not take measures to eliminate your problem, CONTACT the following organizations in sequence (or better, several at once, of your choice):

1. To the State Housing Inspectorate of your area.

2. To the district office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

3. To the local body of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (Teploenergo, CHPP, Vodokanal and other suppliers are usually monopolists, and their actions are controlled by the Federal Antimonopoly Service).

4. To regional (regional) and municipal (city, district) authorities - to the governor, etc.

5. To the prosecutor's office.

6. To the court - and demand compensation for your losses. For example, in winter you used heaters and your electricity bill is much higher than usual. You can also claim compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

When is recalculation due?

The law establishes deadlines for interruptions in the provision of public services, after which the service organization is obliged to recalculate the fee for them.


In case of an emergency shutdown, heating must be restored no more than 16 hours in advance - if the air temperature in the apartments is not lower than twelve degrees. And in 4 hours, if the temperature dropped below 10 degrees. Exceeding the deadlines entails a reduction in the fee by 0.15% of the cost at the rate for each hour of excess. And by the same amount - for each degree of deviation from the temperature regime.


If there is no water for more than eight hours in total within one month, or for more than four hours at a time (and in case of an accident on the pipeline - within 24 hours), the amount of water payment is reduced by 0.15 percent of its cost for each hour of lack of water.


Its temperature should be at least 50, maximum 75 degrees. Deviations are allowed at night by no more than five degrees, during the day - no more than three degrees. For every three degrees of water deviation from the standard, the fee is reduced by 0.1% of the cost for each hour of deviation. If the water temperature is below forty degrees, then you can pay for hot water at the rates for cold water.


If it is not there, the fee is reduced by 0.15% of the cost according to the tariff for each hour of non-provision of the service.

In apartments, he can be absent for no more than four hours in total within one month. Its pressure must meet the requirements of federal standards. If there is no gas longer than this time, you can demand a reduction in the fee by 0.15% of the cost at the rate for each hour. The absence of normal pressure gives the right to exclude from payment the days during which substandard gas was supplied.

Be sure to write a request to the Criminal Code with the requirement to measure the temperature in the apartment.

Document 17. Example of calculation of payment for housing and communal services

Settlements for housing and communal services

ODPU- common house metering device (cold, hot water, electricity, heat)

ODN- common house needed

IPU- individual metering device

standard- consumption standard without individual metering device

Gcal- gigocalorie (unit of heat energy)

Area for calculating ODN- the area of ​​common areas (stairwells, spans between them, basements, the area under the canopies at the entrance to the entrance) in

ROM- intercom-locking device (intercom)

TA service- TV antenna.

Calculation on a conditional example

A family of 2 people lives in a 2-room apartment with a total area of ​​52.2 sq. m


Thermal energy - 1362.58 rubles / Gcal

Cold water - 23.6 rubles / cu. m

Water disposal (sewerage) - 17.19 rubles / cu. m

Gas - if there is a meter 4.13 rubles / cu. m, if there is no counter 6.16 rubles / cu. m

Electricity - 3.01 rubles / kW. h (consumption 213 kW)

Consumption standard HV - 5.41 cubic meters. m/month

52.2 sq. m × 13.56 = 707.83 rubles.

Cold water supply:

If they spent on the counter (for example, 4 cubic meters), then 4 × 23.6 rubles = 94.4 rubles

If there is no meter, then we multiply the tariff by the standard:

5.41 × 23.6 × 2 people = 255.35 rubles

Savings with a meter are obvious, the difference is 160.95 rubles.


4 × 17.19 rubles / cu. m = 68.76 rubles.

3 × 17.19 rubles / cu. m = 51.57 rubles.

Total: 68.76 + 51.57 = 120.33 rubles.


If according to the traditional tariff, then 213 × 3.01 = 641.13 rubles.

If on a meter with two tariffs - night (2.03) and day (3.51)

152 kW × 3.51 = 533.52 rubles (day)

61 kW × 2.03 = 123.83 rubles (night)

According to the traditional tariff - more profitable by 16.22 rubles.

ROM- its content cost 26.19 kopecks.

Television antenna (TA)- per month from 18 to 57 rubles.

Overhaul- talked a lot about him

in our example, this is 6.60 rubles per sq. m. m. of housing

6.60 × 52.2 = 344.52 rubles.

Pays according to the standard of 6.16 rubles / cubic meters. m, no counter

6.16 × 52.2 = 321.55 rubles

Hot water

The payment for hot water consists of two components: cold water and thermal electricity spent on heating it.

Spent 3 cu. m.

Tariff for cold water × 3 cu. m × thermal energy.

23.6 × 3 = 70.8 rubles (for water)

The exact figure can be found in the Criminal Code, it depends on the season.

We have a tariff of 0.0366 Gcal/cubic meters. m (norm for heating 1 cubic meter)

0.0366 × 1362.58 rubles / Gcal = 49.87 rubles (heating 1 cubic meter)

49.87 rubles × 3 cubes = 149.61 rubles. (for heating)

Total: 149.61 +70.8 = 220.41 rubles. - if there is a counter

If there is no meter, then we multiply the standard of consumption of cold water by the cost of heating:

49.87 × 5.41 × 2 people = 539.59 rubles.

Benefit with a counter - 319.18 rubles.


The heating standard is measured in (Gcal per 1 sq. M), depending on the number of storeys and the year of construction. The family lives in a 5-storey building built in 2000, standard 0.0157 Gcal/sq. m

0.0157 × 1362.58 = 21.39 rubles / sq. m.

For the whole apartment: 21.39 × 52.2 = 1,116.56 rubles

Document 17 is just an example calculation. Elementary mathematics, nothing complicated about it. It's just that not everyone is good at math. Plus, some abbreviations that you may encounter in your receipt are explained.

The most difficult moment in all this is hot water. The hot water charge consists of two components. Pay attention to this.

Document 18. What to do if you received an inspection from the managing organization

What to do if you received a check from the managing organization

You live in an apartment that is not equipped with a water meter

In January 2013, Decree No. 05-14-21/3 of the DZhKHiB of Moscow was adopted, which provides for an algorithm of actions for identifying by interested parties unregistered citizens living in residential premises not equipped with water meters.

In this guide, you will learn what new rules have been introduced to identify unregistered persons living in such residential premises. What can you do if the check has come, what responsibility threatens you, as a person who is not registered at the place of residence, or as the owner of this dwelling.

How does this happen?

If you do not have a water meter in the apartment, you, as a consumer, are obliged to submit an application to the managing organization in a simple written form to increase or decrease the number of citizens living (including temporarily) in the specified residential premises, no later than 5 working days from the date of the changes . Such a statement indicates the number of such citizens; their last name, first name, patronymic; period of residence.

However, another option is also possible. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted in accordance with the procedure established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, may oblige the owners to inform the managing organization about the increase in the number of citizens living in residential premises, and also empower the managing organization to organize checks of incoming information.

The managing organization is obliged to check the incoming information. The audit must be carried out as part of a commission, which includes representatives of the managing organization, the district police officer, and independent witnesses in the amount of at least two people.

As a result of such a check, an act is drawn up, which indicates the number of permanently residing unregistered citizens. If it is impossible to determine the period of residence, charges for utilities are made from the date of this act. You are required to familiarize yourself with this act against signature and issue a copy either immediately or by mail. Along the way, the district police officer draws up a protocol on an administrative offense on the basis of part 1 of article 23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Such inspections, according to the Order, must be carried out at least 2 times per calendar month.

It must also be said that if the managing organization itself does not conduct such checks, it can also be held administratively liable.

So, what to do if such a check comes to you?

You have the right not to open the door for them. Indeed, according to Article 25 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, housing is inviolable. No one has the right to enter a dwelling against the will of the persons living in it, except in cases established by federal law, or on the basis of a court decision.

Without the consent of citizens, a district police officer can enter, and then only if the person is suspected of committing a crime, or if there are sufficient grounds to believe that a crime has been committed or is being committed there, an accident has occurred, as well as to ensure the personal safety of citizens and public safety during natural disasters. disasters, catastrophes, accidents, epidemics, epizootics and riots.

You can report this to the commission through the door. Besides, no one can force you to admit that you live here. You can, for example, say that you have come to visit.

Note! If a water meter is installed in the apartment, it is illegal to conduct an inspection in relation to your apartment.

What happens if the check reveals that you live in an apartment without registering?

According to Art. 19.15 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, you face an administrative fine of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. And your non-registration threatens the owner of an apartment with a fine of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles under the same article.

In addition, if the owner of an apartment rents it out without paying tax, and such a crime is discovered for him for the first time, he will be obliged to pay tax, penalties and a fine (20% of the amount of unpaid tax), according to Art. 122.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.


Decree of the DZhKHiB of Moscow dated January 30, 2013 No. 05-14-21/3;

Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If you have unregistered tenants in your apartment, do not rush to let the representatives of the management company in. You have every right not to open the door for them at all. Our legislation dictates that a person must register at a new address within a few days. But there is no liability for violation of this regulation. Therefore, people very often continue to live without registration.

Svetlana Shevchenko, Alexander Belanovsky

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When hot water will be turned off and provided in 2018, Muscovites can find out the schedule for turning off hot water at their address online thanks to a special service.

This year, the schedule of summer maintenance work has been adjusted to take into account the matches of the World Cup in Moscow. MIPC has developed a special program for hydraulic testing and maintenance of equipment, taking into account the numerous areas where sports facilities, training bases and hotels are located.

This will provide an opportunity to ensure maximum comfort for residents, guests of the capital and participants in the competition, and at the same time carry out all the necessary work to prepare for the next heating season.

During hot water outages, the duration of which in Moscow does not exceed 10 days , preventive and overhaul repairs are carried out at district heating stations and central heating points, diagnostics of main and distribution networks with a total length of over 15 thousand km, and pipeline relocation using new technologies. The work will cover more than 70 thousand buildings, including about 33 thousand residential buildings.

Where to find out when hot water will be turned off and on at an address in Moscow

Hot water shutdowns start in the capital due to pipe prevention. The first residents will be left without a warm shower right after the holidays, from May 10th.

Water will be cut down for a period of 1 to 10 days, depending on the area. Residential buildings, as well as kindergartens, schools, hospitals, clinics, office buildings and other institutions will be without amenities.

This year, the schedule of summer maintenance work has been adjusted to take into account the matches of the World Cup in Moscow, the press service of the Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK) reported. - For this, a special program of hydraulic testing and maintenance of equipment has been developed, taking into account numerous sports facilities, training bases and hotels. This will ensure maximum comfort for residents, guests of the capital and participants in the competition. At the same time, specialists will carry out all the necessary repairs to prepare for the next heating season.

During shutdowns, preventive and overhaul repairs will be carried out at district heating stations and central heating points, diagnostics of main and distribution networks with a total length of more than 15,000 kilometers, and relocation of pipelines using new technologies. More than 70,000 buildings, including about 33,000 residential buildings, will be without water.


To find out when you will not have hot water, you need to use the online service on the MIPC website -. In a special form, it is enough to indicate the name of the desired street and house number. The system will give out on which days the water will disappear and reappear. There is also an innovation - now, along with the date, the start and end times of outages are also indicated. For example, from 0.00 on May 10 to 23.00 on May 19. All shutdowns must end by August 25th.


Save money with an apartment water meter

It seems that not everyone knows that you can save money on the “cut-off”. This applies to those who have a personal water meter. Despite the fact that there is no warm water, many residents out of habit continue to open the hot water tap. Usually cold water flows from this faucet. It is not cut off completely, but simply not heated due to the repair of heat exchange equipment in the networks.

At the same time, metering devices, both apartment and general house, "consider" such water as hot, - they explain in the Moscow Urban Complex. - Then, in the receipt for the rent, the accruals will also be indicated at the price for hot water.

Recall that now they charge 60 rubles 52 kopecks for a cubic meter of cold water in residential buildings of the capital, and 180 rubles 55 kopecks for a cubic meter of hot water. The difference is palpable! In order not to pay too much, it is better to shut off the hot water riser during preventive shutdowns. Otherwise, you will have to pay for cold water as for hot water.

The summer season in Russia is traditionally associated with the cessation of hot water supply for a period of one week to a couple of months. The exact duration of the preventive period varies by region and the characteristics of the residential building. Why turn off the hot water - such a question is asked by apartment owners who are forced to endure temporary inconvenience and carry water in basins. It turns out there are good reasons for that.

What is hot water supply (DHW)?

According to the provisions of the current legislation, hot water supply is the provision of apartment owners with hot water of the established quality, supplied through communications to the dwelling.

In new and "age" houses, hot water supply must comply with the rules approved by law. Today they are dictated by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation No. 354, adopted in 2011.

Water supply must meet the following criteria:

  • the water temperature can deviate from the norm at night by a maximum of five degrees, in the daytime - by three;
  • water enters the apartments uninterruptedly throughout the year;
  • it is 100% compliant with current sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • the pressure in the pipes does not exceed the set maximum.

The Decree specifies the reasons and maximum periods for turning off hot water. If a break in the hot water supply is associated with accidents and emergency circumstances, the duration of the break cannot exceed one day.

A special case is preventive work. Their duration is regulated by SanPiN The document states that if public utilities have turned off hot water, they must reapply it after 14 days. They have the right to turn it on earlier if possible, but cannot delay it for more than 2 weeks.

Preventive work and shutdown of water supply

Why is hot water turned off? During the summer, DHW is shut down for a set period to check for damage to pipes and heating mains. During the preventive period, liquid is supplied to them under high pressure - this is how losses are detected and scheduled repairs are carried out. This measure eliminates the possibility of major accidents during the heating season, when the maximum load falls on the infrastructure.

The authorities adhere to the following logic: it is better if the apartment owners suffer inconvenience for 1-2 weeks than in winter frosts they will be left without hot water and heat.

It is not customary to turn off cold water in Russian cities. It is not directly connected to the heating system, the load on the pipes is less than in the case of hot water supply. Interruptions with it are associated with major accidents, the elimination of which takes up to one day.

It's been 2 weeks and still no water?

Decree 354 states that residents of the building must be notified in advance of the upcoming break in the hot water supply. They are informed about this in writing at least 10 days before the “event”.

If the water is turned off for a period of more than two weeks, without explaining the reason,. Dissatisfied tenants can complain to:

  • local administration;
  • housing inspection;
  • district prosecutor's office.

It is necessary to submit a written application containing the full name of the compiler, his contact details, the address of the “problem” house, a statement of claims and specific requirements. Practice shows that collective complaints, drawn up by a group of tenants and containing the signatures of each of them, have the greatest effect.

Who will be held responsible for the violation? If the building is serviced by a management company, the hot water supply is organized by it. She is obliged to ensure the supply of services on time. If the Criminal Code refers to the fact that the shutdowns are due to non-paying tenants, you should not believe it. To take extreme measures to influence debtors, she must notify tenants in writing at least a month in advance. The amount of debt is stipulated by law, when it is permissible.

If the house is managed by the HOA, it is liable for debts as a single payer. However, the prevailing judicial practice demonstrates that it is unacceptable to stop the hot water supply for conscientious residents due to non-fulfillment of duties by their neighbors.