
Torsion twist. Transion - reviews about the procedure. How to enhance the effect of facial myolifting

The main purpose of the Transion procedure is to solve the problem of excess body weight in anyone. Its effect is comparable to surgery or many hours of training in a fitness center. The only difference is that neither one nor the other happens, but the result is still there.
The technique used in the manipulation is called torsion twisting of muscles.

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Technology Description

The key word here is twisting. Muscles and tissues seem to be squeezed out, getting rid of excesses in the lipid layer, as well as excess water, and hence edema. Muscle tone is restored I, flabbiness disappears.

It should be noted that the Transion procedure fights not only superficial fat accumulations, but also those that are formed in the muscles as a result of irregular physical activity. In order to somehow eliminate excess weight, many decide to visit gyms or do exercises on their own, but this happens very impulsively, without any system.

Such one-time "feats" as a result only harm, provoking the appearance of fat cells directly in muscle tissues. It is difficult to get rid of such a bonus, but if you use Transition, in which the muscles contract non-linearly, then the desired result will not be long in coming.

Procedure lasting only five minutes can replace 40 minutes of full-fledged active training with a trainer. And at the same time, its use will not have a negative impact on the state of the spinal column or the heart muscle. A pleasant moment is the fact that with the help of Transion it is possible to influence those muscles that are not involved in any way in conventional exercises during fitness.

As a result of the impact observed:

  • Reduction of volumes in the affected area;
  • Overcoming postpartum deformities;
  • Reduction of the rehabilitation period after injury or paralysis;
  • Formation of a relief muscular body;
  • Acquisition of ideal proportions;
  • Getting rid of the so-called "second chin";
  • Activation of metabolic processes.

The application of the Transion procedure is actually an effective method for those who want to achieve the goal not through painful many hours of training, but in relaxed and comfortable mode.

Method features

One Transition session lasts fifteen minutes to half an hour. At first, some soreness is possible, but after a while this sensation disappears. Muscles at this time are subjected to the action of gradually increasing tension. In total, it is possible to carry out from ten to twenty-five times with an interval of 1-2 days.

Initial improvements are noticeable after the first session. But this is the result of getting rid of excess fluids and in subsequent sessions you should not expect such a sharp decrease in volumes.

On the day of the procedure, meals should be taken no later than two hours before it. For some groups of people who want the technique, unfortunately, contraindicated. This includes pregnant women, applicants with inflammatory processes of a different nature and those suffering from diseases of the reproductive system. In addition, the technology is not intended for people with phobias associated with exposure to electricity.

Reviews about the procedure

Alexandra Anatolievna

Transion requires complex combination with accompanying manipulations. In any case, the effect was observed for me, although not the first time in fact. The first time I didn't see any difference. But when the course ended… I was impressed. But to say that the result was visible after each session, alas, I can not.

Ksenia Sergeevna:

Girls! I have had experience with Transion. The reviews are the most positive! After the birth of my son (this is my second child), I “went through” almost a dozen kilograms. For about a week and a half, I tried to combine Transion with other sessions, that is, one day -, the other - what I imagine for myself. During this time, a kilogram and a penny left. But then, of course, she got lazy. Left only this. On the 11th time, I realized that the wardrobe would have to be updated. After the last 16th procedure, it turned out that 7 kg was blown away by the wind. This is a little less than I dreamed of, but I already managed to feel the lightness. In addition, I don’t know if this is related to Transion, but two weeks after the course was stopped, another 1.5 kilos were gone. In general, I'm satisfied.

Ekaterina Vladimirovna:

Did not impress. Directly from the word "absolutely". The course was purchased at a discount, there was some kind of promotion, apparently. But my form hasn't changed at all. A little tautness appeared, but the excess did not go anywhere. Yes, and the sensations were so-so, I don’t know, maybe someone likes this, but I’d rather put myself in order somehow differently.

Alina Sergeevna:

Someone like it, but my problem turned out to be in the seemingly real nonsense. The fact is that I thought that the rules regarding food (not to eat two hours before and after) do not apply to me, of course. When, after the fifth session, no changes were found, I finally had something skipped a beat on this score. In general, I just felt sorry for the money that was paid for the procedure. After all, they will simply fly away into the pipe and all because of my inability to endure a little. In general, as soon as I pulled myself together, the result immediately appeared. True, now, apparently, we will have to somehow get together and sign up for a second cycle in order to catch up with the lost time.

In our studio of a beautiful body Slim bar, the VIP Line cosmetology device is actively used. It offers 5 functions with attachments to solve various aesthetic problems associated with loss of muscle tone, sagging skin and extra kilos. Myostimulation is one of the methods used in this device. It can be carried out using the Transion and Izoja nozzles. How do they differ and what are the features of the first?

The technique is often called "fitness for the lazy" because it gives results similar to those in the gym. It provides torsion twisting of the muscles of the body with the help of small electrical impulses generated by the nozzle.

Another technique works on the principle of isometric muscle contraction: their tension occurs without stretching. Muscles are strengthened, become more prominent, skin tone increases.

What are the advantages of torsion twisting of Transion muscles?

  • The nozzle is able to influence any, even the deepest muscles, which can be difficult to work out in the gym.
  • You get a more noticeable result, as the muscles are twisted, and not compressed and relaxed.
  • The twisting effect also allows the body to get rid of excess interstitial fluid, which reduces swelling, removes waste and toxins from the body, and solves problems associated with excess fluid in the body.
  • "Working" muscles require energy, that is, you lose extra calories and reduce the subcutaneous fat layer. The body and skin are tightened after it.
  • 25 minutes of the device is equivalent to 1.5 hours of training in the gym. You save time and effort.

In what cases can the Transion technique be used?

  • "Flabby", "blurry" body contours, weakened muscles
  • Local fat deposits
  • Cellulite phenomena
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Excess weight

An average session lasts about 25 minutes. At first, you may feel a tingling sensation from electrical impulses, but they are tolerated quite comfortably by our clients. The course consists of 6-10 sessions with an interval of 2 days.

For maximum efficiency from the session, it is recommended to follow some rules: two hours before and after the procedure, it is recommended to refuse food. During the entire course of procedures, it is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of pure water without gas per day, exclude carbonated and sweet drinks, include fresh vegetables and fruits, natural juices in the diet, and, if possible, adhere to protein nutrition (fish, poultry, cottage cheese and dairy products) for muscle growth and strengthening. In no case is it recommended to start a "hungry diet".

Equipment and cosmetics


The VIP Lipo Line Duo device is your best ally in the fight for a beautiful body. With its help, you can prevent and cure cellulite, reduce weight, reduce body fat, correct the figure, increase the tone of tissues and muscles; perform massage mini-lifting, lymphatic and venous drainage, anti-aging care, eliminate wrinkles. The device incorporates the best developments of the famous Italian company VIP Italia S.r.l., which has been supplying cosmetology equipment for beauty salons to the world market (to America, Asia, Europe) for more than 35 years. Vip Lipo Line Duo multifunctional modular electromyostimulation system combines three important functions necessary to create a beautiful silhouette and a relief body.

  1. Lipoline - program of impact on subcutaneous fat and cellulite using ultrasound. Creating the effect of cavitation, ultrasonic waves cause the natural destruction of fat and cellulite cells, followed by the removal of decay products through the human lymphatic system.
  2. Transion - a program for influencing the muscles of the body through electrical impulses. Myostimulation causes the muscles not only to contract, but also causes their torsion twisting, providing a quick tightening, restoring the necessary tone to them and getting rid of fat deposits.
  3. Isojey - a program that allows you to deeply work out each muscle bundle of the body. By acting on the muscles of the body with a weak electrical impulse, myostimulation causes their isometric contraction, creating the effect of a quick lifting and at the same time improving the overall trophism of the skin.

Our Brands

VIP Italia (Italy)

For more than 40 years, the VIP Italia brand has symbolized prestigious and innovative Italian technologies for body enhancement and correction.

VIP Italia manufactures equipment for aesthetic medicine and opens beauty salons around the world that use its technologies and methods to solve the most common aesthetic problems. The work of the equipment is supported by the action of cosmetic products that allow you to get the best result.

Cellulite, overweight, ptosis, skin laxity, aging processes, unwanted hair - these are the main problems that are in the focus of attention of VIP Italia specialists.

Services provided

Electromyostimulation Transion

Transition is a modern procedure in which a person's muscles are affected by weak electrical impulses, which causes them to torsion twist and contract.

The impact is carried out using the Vip Lipo Line Duo apparatus, which is equipped with the TRANSION function, from where the name of the procedure actually comes from - Transion.

Amazing results can be achieved in just 25 minutes.

Like any person, I want to have a beautiful figure without doing anything. But, unfortunately, so far I have not succeeded. Or rather, it was not 100% successful. In service with women there are some "secret techniques" that help make our body more attractive without spending a lot of time and effort. For example, my friend for a beautiful ass thanks exercises "for the lazy." This is when you sit in front of the TV or behind the wheel, and alternately strain your buttocks. True, this must be done constantly and at least 100 repetitions at a time.

Well, since we live in the age of the buzzword NANO, the cosmetic world has NANOned exercises for the lazy and created an apparatus for muscle contraction. Rather, back in the 80s, an apparatus was created that, by twisting muscles, made us slimmer by “squeezing out” excess fat and water. This seemed not enough, and years later this miracle machine was “taught” to improve lymph flow and remove traces of decay from the body after myostimulation procedures. And, using an isometric effect, form a silhouette, create a beautiful oval of the face ... or an elastic ass. Today it is one of the few devices that solves several problems of aesthetic medicine at once and is the only one of its kind that corrects the silhouette due to the formation of muscles.

My whole tale is about the now very popular Vip line device.

Despite its popularity, many people do not know how it works and what is its advantage over more modern beauty machines. I once took a course of procedures on the Vip line, the emotions remained, but I can’t clearly state the principle of the procedure. For reconnaissance, we went to one of the Riga salons to a specialist in body contour modeling Natalya Gavkalyuk.

- Natalia, tell us in order about the capabilities of the Vip line device.

N.G. - Transion.

The main function is considered to be a linear contraction of the muscles and their torsion twisting. This is a kind of fitness for the lazy, and when you both lose weight and tone your muscles. But, unlike diets or going to the gym, the device corrects the figure in the right areas, because the chest is the first to lose weight during the diet, and not the hips or legs. And the Vip line device controls this process.


The second function of the apparatus is the acceleration of lymphatic circulation. With torsion twisting, the apparatus, as it were, squeezes out excess fat and water from the muscles, and the body can not always cope with the removal of decay products. And the Limfogei procedure helps to stabilize the work of the lymphatic drainage with the help of a pulse sensor in accordance with the heart rhythm. Please note that any weight loss or cellulite treatment program includes lymphatic drainage massage. And the Vip line device offers such a procedure as part of its program.


The third advantage of Vip line is the formation of individual parts of the body due to the static load on a single muscle bundle. Thus, you can create a Brazilian butt or correct the oval of the face.

There is also a VIP line Millennium device on the market, which is supplemented with the Microgei function. This is a procedure that uses low frequency, low intensity pulses. As a result, blood circulation improves, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, cells become more active.

- That is, each program is aimed at certain problems?

Transion helps:

tighten and strengthen the muscles of the face and body;

improve skin elasticity and firmness;

reduce weight and volume.


speed up metabolism;

lymphatic drainage, venous drainage will help in the prevention of cellulite;

and again promotes weight loss.


raise muscle tone;

models the contour of the body and the oval of the face;

tightens the neck and décolleté area;

will create the so-called "Brazilian butt";

tightens the inner area of ​​the arms and thighs;

will raise the chest.

In a word, the Vip line apparatus models the figure and makes the body more elastic.

- To be honest, it's hard to believe that after completing the course, I will have a Brazilian ass. It seems to me that with such asses they are either born or trained hard for years.

N.G. - Quite right. It's just that the Vip line device replaces physical exercises with procedures in the salon. And you will have to work, not sweating in the gym, but lying on the couch. But at the same time, your muscles will work no less.

Yes, to get a beautiful and elastic ass, you will have to go through more than 5-10 sessions. But 1 session replaces a 2-hour workout. Count yourself.

- Almost convinced. Since the device is multifunctional, tell us more about the course of each procedure separately.

N.G. - Let's start with Transion.

According to a certain scheme, we place wet electrodes. Directly the charge of electricity is directed to the apparatus, and only impulses go from the apparatus to the body. Some are afraid that they will be electrocuted, but this is a completely safe and painless procedure. The procedure is accompanied by a slight tingling and alternating tension of the muscles on which the electrodes are installed. At the time when the patient feels tension (lasts about 6 seconds), in addition to linear contractions of the muscles, their torsion twisting is carried out. To make it clearer, this twisting is often compared to twisting - spinning clothes. Transion stimulates and accelerates the process of metabolism in the muscle space. As a result, fat deposits are broken down and excreted from the body.

The procedure lasts about 25 minutes. The specialist selects an individual program. The first procedure, as a rule, takes place under close supervision and is relatively mild.

- Is the result visible after the first time?

N.G. - Yes, after the first procedure, the patient decreases in volume by a couple of centimeters. But we must understand that Transion is a kind of physical education for muscles. Therefore, it requires a whole course of 10 procedures or more. The effect lasts up to six months. As a prophylaxis with a sedentary lifestyle, one procedure should be carried out every 10-14 days.

- That is, this apparatus "binds" to regular visits and financial waste?

N.G. - Procedures can be used as an express method before an important event or beach season. But if you look deeper, the device was created as a substitute for physical activity. 1 treatment = 2 hours in the gym. And if you want to have an elastic body, with a beautiful relief, you will either have to visit the gym regularly, or replace it with Transion procedures.

- And this does not harm, because constantly “connecting” yourself to the device is somewhat doubtful?

N.G. - It is doubtful to kill your health in gyms. Few people know how to properly distribute the load and even fewer people exercise under the supervision of a coach.

And during the procedure, an individual approach to you. True, it is important that people turn to specialists, and not amateurs, who can afford to purchase an expensive device and perform procedures that harm patients due to lack of qualifications and knowledge.

- How often should the Vip line procedure be carried out?

- Is it possible to go to the gym at the same time?

N.G. - The Transion procedure is a complete workout. I recommend making a schedule of classes, alternating with procedures. Focus on stretching and swimming. Swimming and water activities, in my opinion, will be the best help - because water perfectly tones the skin.

- Okay, now let's move on to Isojay.

N.G. – Isogei is an isometric gymnastics of the muscles of the face and body. By choosing a certain area, for example, the buttocks, with the help of the device, in 6 seconds of active stimulation (this is how long one contraction lasts), we produce an effective tension of the bundle of muscle fibers. As a result of muscle stimulation, blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells improves. This procedure perfectly copes with the problems of sagging skin and tightening of the muscles of both the body and the face. For example, with a large weight loss, the skin suffers greatly and looks like a deflated balloon. So, Izodzhey is an extremely effective tool for dealing with such problems.

It is this local procedure that helps to shape the roundness and elasticity of the buttocks, tighten the chest, correct the sagging face oval and get rid of the second chin. Moreover, today the second chin is a problem not only for obese people. Many who work at a computer and keep their heads down for most of the day “suffer” from a second chin. I would generally say that Izodzhey is more recommended for those who have lost weight. A full person first needs to remove excess weight (with the help of transion and lymphojay) and only then give the muscles elasticity, and the body relief.

There are many athletes among my patients. With a regular load, they are not up to classes in the gym. And you need to work certain muscles. So, on Isogee without effort, we are engaged in the formation of these same muscles.

- That is, I can safely count on the press with cubes?

N.G. - Fat deposits from the abdomen are the most difficult to remove. For example, men with a so-called beer belly become frequent customers. Of course, in 10 procedures we will not remove it. In addition, people who are prone to deposition of fat in the waist area, by definition, without a special diet and exercise, it is difficult to remove the stomach. And it is hardly worth expecting a relief press here. But the fact that on the Vip line device we remove excess and significantly reduce the volume is true.

I want to note again: not a single procedure will help to make the body toned and slim without an integrated approach. It is one thing when excess volume and weight appeared after childbirth or in a short time. It is easier to deal with such problems, because the body is used to being in good shape. But when it comes to fat that has accumulated over the years, then diets, physical education, hardware procedures, and even body wraps and lymphatic drainage procedures are needed. After all, even after liposuction, having removed the excess in one fell swoop, without a special postoperative regimen, subsequent diets and correction, former kilograms return to people. Remember: all methods of losing weight, getting rid of excess fat, toning are a start to start a new life, and not a one-time procedure that preserves the effect for a lifetime.

- Let's move on to Limfogei. Lymphatic drainage procedures are indispensable for weight correction, in the fight against cellulite and to maintain muscle tone. Tell us why this is so important, and how Vip line solves this issue?

N.G. - All lymphatic drainage procedures contribute to weight loss, the breakdown of fats, and the prevention of fluid accumulation in the body. Lymphatic drainage will increase skin elasticity and is a good prevention of aging and cell dehydration.

Cellulite, excess weight, puffiness, acne on the face and premature aging of the skin - this is all a violation of the circulation in the lymphatic system and the retention of excess fluid.

On the Vip line device, impulses are transmitted to nerve endings, which, in turn, stimulate muscle fibers.

Muscle fibers respond to impulses with weak contractions, producing pressure along the lymphatic vessels, thereby enhancing drainage and body cleansing processes.

- Natalia, how is the program selected?

N.G. - The first is consultation. On it, the specialist will determine your problems, learn about the general state of health and select the right program. Sometimes people come and say: "... my girlfriend did SUCH procedure - do the same for me ...". Only a non-professional will do the same. We are all very different, each has its own characteristics and problems. For example, for slender people, but with a weak muscle base, I will prescribe lymphojay and isojoy procedures. But if you have excess body fat and puffiness, then you need to start with lymphatic drainage, then transion, and only after that - a course of isoj.

The device itself also has many programs. And the course chosen by the specialist will also be corrected on the device. The impact can be stronger - weaker, longer - shorter. In principle, after 2-3 procedures it becomes clear: how the body is ready to get rid of excess and how many procedures will be needed to solve the whole problem as a whole.

- Since the course is long, it means that it is also expensive?

N.G. - Only at first glance. It is important to take into account the capabilities of the apparatus on which the procedures are performed. Vip line is just the device that combines all three procedures. Therefore, it is much easier: to go to one center, to one specialist, use one device and purchase a subscription.

- Natalya, you said that there are a number of people who, let's say, are subject to the experience of friends and insist on procedures that do not suit them at all. Are you going on about? And is the course of treatment determined by the size of the wallet?

N.G. - There are people with a limited budget, there are very wealthy. Of course, our procedures, by definition, cannot cost 3 kopecks. In good centers they work on expensive modern devices. The procedure is carried out by qualified specialists: doctors, cosmetologists. Of course, if the client's budget allows, then he can take more courses, try more procedures. But all this should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, and shown to each individually. The size of the wallet will not open all doors. If you abuse and drive your body with procedures, then in the end you can get not only the opposite effect, but also a mountain of diseases.

- Well, what are the disadvantages or disadvantages of the Vip Line procedure?

N.G - One minus is locality. There are a number of devices on which you can work with the whole body. Vip line allows you to work in certain areas. But, in my opinion, there is an advantage to this. After all, we do not just want to lose weight. We want to work out problem areas, but this is still a local approach. In addition, by connecting Transion or Lymphodgey - there are so many electrodes that we can work out several groups - for example, legs, hips outside and inside, sides of the stomach and even arms. True, according to the protocol, the electrodes must be placed on the free muscle. That is, if we are working on the back of the body, then electrodes are not applied to the abdomen. But we often meet the needs of patients, and if there are no contraindications, then we also connect the stomach.

- And what are the contraindications, I suppose that there are many of them?

N.G. - Of course, there are contraindications.

Electrodes must not be used:

to places where there are metal orthopedic structures;

in the presence of pacemakers;

with oncology;

with thrombophlebitis;

with skin diseases;

during diabetes;

with problems with the thyroid gland;

with gynecological inflammation, uterine myoma and endometriosis;

in the presence of hernias;

during pregnancy and lactation (facial procedures are allowed);

on the first day of the menstrual cycle;

when taking strong hormonal drugs;

with oncology of the mammary glands and mastopathy.

In a word, one must be practically a healthy person.

- Well, if not everything is in order with health, but you want to be beautiful?

N.G. - Then the specialist will recommend more gentle procedures: the same body wraps, manual massages or LPG massage. Today, cosmetology is so developed that we can offer each patient our own, unique and suitable course for him.


Still, Vip line is one of those devices that have been used for several decades. I have the right to believe that during this period it would already be possible to identify all the shortcomings or, worse, the harm from the procedures. So feel free to go and try. Personally, I would not replace physical education, swimming, skiing and other useful and enjoyable sports with apparatus physical education. But to combine - yes. Many of my friends simply do not have the opportunity to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Namely, so many classes are necessary to maintain oneself in good shape. For this case, when training is rare, and the muscles require relief, the Vip line is perfect.

Well, a note to me: before a beach holiday or an important event, run to Lymphodzhey and Izodzhey.

The shooting took place in the cosmetology center Vip Style.

Electrolipolysis is a method of destruction of cellulite adipose tissue under the influence of electric current pulses conducted through the skin using cutaneous electrodes.

Electrolipolysis is one of the most effective procedures in the treatment of cellulite, body shaping, weight loss and as a supportive procedure after plastic surgery on the body.


- Quick fight against excess volume, localized in specific areas - modeling of the face and figure;

Elimination of "aprons" and "riding breeches" - reduction of excess fat deposits, cellulite;

Restoration of the shape and relief of muscles (lifting of overstretched abdominal muscles);

Lifting the oval of the face and correction of the "second chin";

Removal of circles under the eyes, swelling on the face and limbs;

Correction of "beer" and "postpartum" bellies (most effective);

Rapid recovery of lost motor functions after a stroke, paralysis, trauma.

The operation of the device is based on electrical muscle stimulation.

The procedure has several unique advantages:

1. There is an effective cutaneous electrolipolysis (fat breakdown). The splitting of fat occurs in the projection of the application of electrodes, but manifests itself on days 3-7, since the “drying” of fat cells and the removal of emulsified fat from them in the tissue occurs gradually.

2. Allows you to simulate, in addition to linear muscle contractions ... their torsion twisting (an effect similar to twisting washed laundry), i.e. during contractions, the muscles do not just contract, but twist !!! Torsion twisting additionally involves even all those fibers that are never included in the work, not only during normal work, but also in training. The result is a 5-fold increase in the rate of their metabolism and the consumption of glucose by the muscles from nearby "fat depots", which is confirmed by studies on the thermal imager. Removal of puffiness of problem areas also increases lymph flow and the rate of metabolism of the pancreas. The loss of extra centimeters of the waist is guaranteed in 15-20 minutes - after the 1st procedure, but the recommended time is still 40 minutes. The result after a course of 8-12 procedures with such a procedure time will be much better.

3. Most effective in areas where all other methods are powerless - the area of ​​the lower abdomen. There are practically no exercises, simulators or devices that can give only this muscle group an isolated target load of ... 15 tons per procedure! Of course, these are not always comfortable, but quite tolerable sensations, but who told you that effective technologies in cosmetology can be pleasant? Speaking of comfort...

4. Any simulator or apparatus, even with a training load of 1 ton, will remind you of itself with pain in the muscles tomorrow. Any ..., except for the procedure carried out with us. A special automatic contraction mode, simulated on a computer, gradually, alternating with precisely calculated pauses, increases the force of contraction and allows you to reach the peak of contraction power not immediately, but gradually (without spasming the fibers) and thus simulates conditions that do not allow lactic acid to accumulate at maximum loads.

5. The device, using a specially designed complex electrode, simulates a special program of additional cross and diagonal reinforced muscle contractions. This innovative contraction profile, developed by Japanese engineers, combined with torsion twisting, allows you to achieve even more impressive results.

6. The strength of the contraction, modeled during the procedure at the Peak of Power, is 3 times higher than one's own human capabilities, and this extraordinary indicator also determines the effectiveness of the results. It is this factor that provides a quick restoration of the shape and tightening of the overstretched muscles of the "postpartum" and "beer" bellies.

Torsion twisting of muscles, or as this procedure is called in another way, electrolipolysis, acupuncture or osmolysis is used mainly in hardware medicine for rapid weight loss and body shaping. What is this miracle method? With torsion twisting of the muscles, it is as if the muscles are twisted, fluid is squeezed out of the muscles, and thus, the adipose tissue is "squeezed" out of the patient's body along with all decay products and toxins. The effect of the procedure is visible immediately after the first procedure and has an increasing effect after the next (three to four) procedures. The figure becomes more toned and beautiful.

Torsion twisting of muscles (electrolipolysis) makes even those muscle groups work that cannot be worked out well during physical training. Also, during this procedure, blood flow increases and the lymphatic drainage effect improves - the removal of toxins from the patient's body.

Hard-to-reach places on the patient's body, such as the lower abdomen, are easily worked out using torsion twisting. If you perform a similar load in the gym, then after training for several days we experience aching and pulling pains in the muscles. With torsion twisting, no pain effects occur during and after the procedure, because lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles. In other words, the method of torsion twisting of muscles is similar to physical exertion, which exceeds the potential of a person three times without pain, with the shortest period of time.

Indications for torsion muscle twisting procedures:

Fighting excess weight, body shaping and facial modeling, fighting cellulite and eliminating unwanted effects such as breeches and aprons, eliminating the effect of a double chin, eliminating swelling and dark circles under the eyes, eliminating swelling in the arms, legs and body , rehabilitation and rehabilitation procedures after strokes, paralysis, restoration of lost motor reflexes after injuries, elimination of the “beer bellies” effect in men.

In terms of effectiveness, the procedure of torsion twisting of muscles is as effective as surgical methods for correcting the figure and face. The only plus is that neither anesthesia nor painkillers are needed. The procedure is completely painless.