
4 pentacles 78 doors value

The card describes something built with difficulty, but also with a certain margin of safety. It can be anything - business, health, relationships, or a value system. This "something" looks reliable, but in fact lacks elasticity and adaptive capacity. It is a map of owning and preserving what belongs to us, satisfaction with the present situation and the desire to preserve it. The energy of the person to whom the Four of Pentacles fell is concentrated on this.

It symbolizes prudence and careful planning, a willingness to act in order to achieve the desired stability, or to maintain the existing order. It gives the feeling of the ground underfoot, but ... also the feeling that some factor threatens the current stability, so there is a need to protect their possession (akin to the Nine of Wands). Selfishness and greed, the desire to protect their values ​​(time, money, different opportunities), fear of loss, unwillingness to share. This is a kind of blockage and stagnation.

Sometimes there are such interpretations as the growth of income and influence, but the word “growth” in its space is still doubtful. The pathos of the Four of Pentacles is the fixation of what is and the provision of inviolability and security. Resting on protected laurels (quite decent ones), but it interferes with moving forward and preparing oneself for the future.

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes the end of the process, the beginning of which we saw in the sign of Ace, and the lifting point - in the Three of Pentacles. The four says that a person has achieved what he wants and no longer strives for new heights: already there is enough of what he has. There is no intention to make any efforts for the sake of gaining more. The old meaning is a person who achieves success, but not much. The card symbolizes a kind of "ecological niche" occupied by a person in society - he made his way somewhere, achieved something, tries to hold on. The success achieved here is natural and is the result of efforts.

The best thing that the energy of this card gives is stability and order, gaining some kind of control over what does not give rest. Crowley believed that it brings lasting stability and security, but the problem is that a person feels much more anxiety about her than security, and this anxiety just prompts him to take action to further self-defense. The energy of this card does not allow "any accidents", and there are so many of them in life!

Actually, in dangerous and confusing situations, the energy of the Four of Pentacles is good and somewhere even saving. It helps you not to go crazy, to keep boundaries, to hold your own, to protect yourself from external threats. At the same time, the meaning of the vicious circle and the game of "yes, but ..." is quite strong in it.

Sometimes the card foreshadows a clash with "law and order", interaction with some bureaucratic, administrative structures.

One of the traditional meanings is an expensive gift. In general, in ancient interpreters, exclusively positive values ​​are attributed to the map, especially from the point of view of people of that era - property, inheritance; reward, benefits, services, favors; also - the absence of anxiety, reliability and order in the house, a strong position. So you see a decent tradesman, maybe even in the nobility (the crown on the head of the character). It is difficult for a modern person to directly identify with this way himself, therefore, the appearance of this card in the layout is often perceived negatively - something like a collision with a miser who will refuse a loan.

The mystery of this card is a vicious circle, limited space.

Obsessive, wary and possessive - like the one we experience at the airport or train station, worrying about the safety of our luggage. This is a map of control and anxiety. If the Four of Pentacles falls, there is a fear for existence, a great hidden anxiety and an urgent need for protection. She expresses suspiciousness, stubbornness and a huge unwillingness to take any risks.

All energy is spent on maintaining the status quo (nothing leaves, although nothing can come). We walk in circles, clinging to the current situation from a desire for stability and security to almost an obsession.

The Man of the Four of Pentacles does not let go of his bags - and he will not leave a suitcase without a handle either. In this sense, it is like a fixed fortress. "First-rate curmudgeon", that's what I want to say. He is afraid of falling into poverty in his old age. He is afraid of losing anything (if there is also the Nine of Swords nearby, then he is just panicky).

He tends to shake for his money, if he is a businessman, for his loved ones, if he is the father of a family, for his place in the troupe, if he is an artist (and the status of a prime minister will only increase his fears) .... you can continue indefinitely. Perhaps, at the present time, the questioner is defending himself against some attacks on himself. According to it, it is common for a person to observe the utmost caution in everything, shaking for his good, as he understands it.

She describes selfishness, greed, narrow-mindedness, pettiness, and what they will concern - money, relationships, etc., this is another question. Fidelity to your habits, unwillingness to change anything is one of the main keys of this card. "A crusader of his principles", and even more precisely - a "tank" (the presence of a shell, narrow vision, tightness, while being obsessed with his "combat mission").

Power and an inflexible approach in the struggle for order, stability and structure in life. Maintaining these standards seems more important than being cheerful and human.
The Man of the Four of Pentacles definitely has a personality, albeit a rather unpleasant one, and he knows what he wants and what he does not want, sometimes even too well, and in the end it all comes down to serving his beloved.

The best that this card can give is practicality and organizational talent within narrow limits, the ability to rely only on oneself, the achievement of material security and the ability to cope with any difficult life situation while maintaining control. The worst is the squalor of greed, which is expressed in complete distrust of others, counting everything in money and readiness for any meanness for the sake of one's interests.

At the same time, a person is characterized by a lack of compassion and ignorance, explained by specious excuses ("I have a family and children," "I earned it with hard work and am not going to share with anyone," etc.) In the middle between these states there is increased caution, which can take on a variety of forms (“normal heroes always go around” with the Seven of Swords, “how scary to live” with the Moon, etc.) It characterizes a person who is firmly on his feet, but at the same time conservative to the point of shyness: he is afraid to take the slightest step aside, just not to bring something new into your life, which means something unfamiliar.

This card can "overtake" a creative person (by the way, one of its meanings is hereditary talent). In this case, she can talk about the fact that he clings to his laurels or to the usual manner of work, it is difficult for him to trust the flow and he blocks his own creativity within the well-worn rut. There may be an obsession with some fixed idea, not necessarily material. Although, in general, this card often describes that specific degradation of consciousness that overtakes a person, if he worries about money matters from morning till night (be it a "piece of bread" or deals with elite real estate) - interests are catastrophically narrowed, the psyche stops responding to non-material incentives, and disregard for everything except one's own interests, popularly known as selfishness, blooms in a double color. You cannot agree with the person of the Four of Pentacles to take a chance or drink champagne (you still have to pay for it!)

In the Four of Pentacles, in general, the hardness and reality of the elements of the Earth (pentacles) and the numerological stability and orderliness of the Four are in perfect agreement. It is a kind of compact system with its own boundaries and standards. The card depicts a king with a crown on his head, fencing off life with his Pentacles.

He cannot take a step (two pentacles lie under his feet), cannot think of anything else (the third pentacle "presses" on the crown) and is obsessed with the idea of ​​defending himself and protecting himself (the fourth pentacle closes the center of his body like a shield). At the same time, this image of the crowned person illustrates the fact that earthly power is often achieved through the concentration of resources, reverent attitude towards the conquered and a kind of greed.

The Arcana of the Tarot Thoth symbolically depicts the "divine city of Jerusalem" - the materialization of the presence of God on earth. This Arkan poses the question - what and why of the earthly is important for you? A holy place is never empty - where is your “holy place” and what is there? What gods or idols do you serve and worship? Is it not a golden calf (as an option)? As Bantzhaf and Akron write, the power of the Four is not in matter itself, but in how we make sense of it and place it in the spotlight. People love things, projecting a huge amount of their psychic energy on them in the form of attachment.

We are rarely truly attached to intangible objects (ideas and principles). To the material - all the time. The soul of another is much more interesting to us if there is a body in which it is found. We idealize the visible, that which can be touched. At the highest level, the "prosaic" Four of Pentacles truly poses "million questions" - what is the meaning of life? Why do we want to possess what we strive for and are terribly disappointed if possession is impossible? What is our mission?

The theme of the Four of Pentacles clearly sounds the theme of Cancer and the planets that are significant in this sign - Jupiter and the Moon. Gifts, patronage, social benefits, humanitarian aid can pass through Jupiter. The moon emphasizes the importance of home, nepotism, reliability. All together - attachment to material things. In a magical sense, it corresponds to material offerings, donations, gizmos intended for otherworldly residents (including food and drinks), as well as all situations when a person "pays off", pays for absolution in the literal sense (a striking historical example is the practice of indulgences) ...

It is believed that the card corresponds to the third decade of Capricorn and symbolizes the achievement of real material results, reliance on reliable foundations and a firm conviction in the correctness of your path. This decade is characterized by practicality, constructive use of opportunities and an objective understanding of their benefits. This decade is ruled by the Sun, and it poses the problem of how to manage the material abundance that life provides.

Understanding the power of material values ​​sometimes forces them to accumulate wealth in fear of poverty, sometimes to abandon its self-sufficient power for the sake of their freedom and to lose everything completely. Representatives of this decade are showing interest in the struggle for survival in extreme conditions, which makes it possible to reveal those potential possibilities of the individual, on the realization of which society imposes restrictions. People of this decade have a natural taste: imperfect does not satisfy them. This decade symbolizes the acquisition by a person of all material values ​​necessary for his life and future activities.

The opposite of this card is to some extent the Wheel of Fortune. It means precisely the dynamics of change, not retention, but irrepressibility, giving up control.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: a bird in the hands is definitely better than a crane in the clouds (although squeezing this tit to the point of strangling is still not worth it). The advice is to protect what has been achieved from external threats, to protect yourself and your property, to draw clear boundaries around the perimeter of your territory, hold on to your own, remain calm, avoid the slightest risk, and act with confidence in everything. Stick to your plans, not give up your position.

Warning: Don't buy more than you need to, don't treat people like things, and don't get stuck in your approach. Stubbornness, inertia and stagnation - that's what threatens the case. Do not rest on your laurels - this greatly interferes with preparing for the future. Many authors reasonably note that excessive concern for the future and fear of any changes are inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop a moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contrary to the natural course of things. Thus, the Four of Pentacles is a direct path to the Tower, which means the rupture of the hardened crust.

Through this card, there are concepts such as "my hut is on the edge", "my shirt is closer to the body." The Four of Pentacles is associated with the concept of a border and symbolizes a fence, fencing, any kind of delimitation of sites. This can apply to both land and work (everyone takes their share). The map quite accurately describes precisely the situations of delimitation, disintegration of groups, companies, the founding of their own company, the beginning, so to speak, of a "solo career" (sometimes it happens in the literal sense). Unwillingness to share your power. Unfriendly relationships in the team.

Narrow specialization, bureaucratic organizational culture with a tendency to stagnation. A labyrinth of rules, regulations and reinsurance, where an atmosphere of stinginess, pettiness, and sometimes corruption, venality reigns.

This map is not so much "resting on laurels" as convulsive clinging to these same laurels - as they say, feel the difference. In general, power and status are visible here (not for nothing the Waite character has a crown on his head), but rather at the level of a minor boss. The best that this card can give is the strengthening of the organization, the concentration of resources, putting things in order and consistent actions to protect their interests.

Traditionally - a card of merchants, shopkeepers and usurers. In the modern sense, insurance companies, financial analysts, professions related to banking and security structures are most closely related to it. Customs, inspection. Also - classes related to the accumulation and protection of collections, museums, galleries.

Traditionally - inheritance, strong property status. In general, this card contributes to the concentration of money and other material resources, but it also brings a clear feeling of their insufficiency. Income, but modest. It can be financial stability like a small but regular salary. Although the traditional meanings of this card in themselves are financial success, reliability, order, material stability.

At best, this card indicates the strengthening of positions, gradual accumulation, and the safety of investments. But it is difficult to feel this very security on it.

This card symbolizes a refuge, so it can be considered favorable for housing affairs - it may not be a "dream house", but the questioner will not be left without a roof over his head. One of the traditional meanings of the card is dwelling in the city.

Emphasis on the inviolability of property, property (robbing the owner of the Four of Pentacles is a difficult business - he will rip his own back with his hands). This card always says that the property belongs to a person by right.

This is a card of greed, and if the alignment is made for receiving financial assistance, then you can hardly count on a particularly good result, although something may be dropped (it is possible that at a predatory percentage).

The inverted krata is traditionally considered bad for money matters. Unforeseen expenses, financial instability. An unsuccessful business, a decrease in the previously accumulated capital, financial losses, with a very negative environment - up to ruin.

Sometimes on this card there is a "repair fear" that something good will happen, pettiness, dictatorial narrowness of the position. Unwillingness to sacrifice anything, to make the slightest compromise, blatant rigidity and inflexibility, strong-willed stupor. Map of selfishness, fear, control, self-defense, excessive caution. Striving for security, total reluctance to take risks, narrow-mindedness, establishment and protection of borders.

The Four of Pentacles have many different meanings in the area of ​​personal life, and almost all of them are quite negative.

First of all, this is a “non-hoochuh” card. This is exactly the case when a friend or girlfriend is in no hurry down the aisle and in every possible way defends himself from this perspective ("I feel good anyway"). Fidelity to your habits, unwillingness to budge, resistance to change - work here too. The Man of the Four of Pentacles believes in the correctness of the chosen path and there is nothing to "catch" here. Sarah Bartlett writes that the Four of Pentacles depicts the most important individualist in the tarot deck.

Secondly, it is a map of possessive feelings in relationships, the desire to keep "one's own", to protect one's living value (and property). "I will never give you to anyone." The desire to keep love under lock and key, not to give the partner freedom, not to allow even the slightest share of such a risk. Setting boundaries for the sake of safety, fear and desire for complete control over the situation (down to baseness), arising from the love of well-being as the person himself understands it, or more precisely, from emotional vulnerability and fear of the future. Jealousy (if Swords and the Devil are still nearby - Othello is ready).

According to the Four of Pentacles, a stifling atmosphere of suspiciousness is often created, where one must constantly give some guarantees to the other and prove his loyalty (read - belonging). This is where agreements and commitments become extremely important. As a kind of consequence, the avoidance of passion in relationships is quite clearly manifested, since passion is something that destroys boundaries and the usual order.

Sometimes this card indicates the purest union of calculation, where money plays the first and last role. In any case, freedom, inspiration, and so on in these relationships is forgotten very quickly. The atmosphere of boredom, greed and pettiness is not what decorates a life together. Perhaps the only plus of the Four of Pentacles is loyalty. Loving or not loving, this person is prone to devotion ("But I am given to another, and I will be faithful to him for a century"), and if this is a deal, he will honestly fulfill his obligations.

On this card, the thirst for firm ground is manifested, as well as a tendency to follow the rules. A person does not allow any uncertainty in matters of love, he does not intend to commit rash acts, in general, a sense of self-preservation replaces all the others for him. "Ground underfoot" and confidence in the future - these are his cult concepts. He is characterized by an unwillingness to show his feelings, generally to be guided by the movements of the soul.

Saving feelings may well lead to the fact that a person repeatedly tries to build relationships solely for calculation and / or remains lonely.

The keywords of the Four of Pentclays are to have, to have, to belong. She really does not like to "give" and to open up. As a rule, according to this card, there is no time for sex, it carries the aspect of rigidity and sensual indifference. In general, it should be noted that Fours (except for Wands) fall out when everything is bad in a relationship. Not the most popular, but interesting meaning of the Four of Pentacles is manifested in the fact that it is a card ... of intimate stinginess, “not-so-so”, refusal to a partner in daily sex for one reason or another.

But as a rule, these reasons lie somewhere in the field of control, anxiety, blockages and banal selfishness, finally. And then - then the head hurts, then the fast has begun, then hockey on TV. We are returning to where we started - this is a card of "non-hochuh" who do not want to share themselves with someone else.

If the card describes family life, then most likely it looks like stability and order, the price of which is loss of novelty, stagnation, lack of movement, fixation on material values ​​and worries, on possession and security. The house is characterized by a somewhat "plushkin" atmosphere, when it is very difficult to throw out even the most useless rubbish. This is the case when the relationship is strong - like a good prison.

They function, yes, but they absolutely do not have enough fresh air to truly develop and bloom. The Four of Pentacles often describes something that is firmly stuck and moving in a vicious circle. All sorts of "golden cages" (in this case, rather - gilded) and "sitting under lock and key" (but "like behind a stone wall") also pass along this map (and the temperature of this wall most likely corresponds to the material from which it is built).

The most traditional meaning is delays, delays, obstacles, restrictions, "imposed on all sides." The mechanism of action of this card is close to clogging, congestion, constipation, "traffic jam". This can be, for example, in full accordance with the suit, a failure in the system and sharp payments. Also, one of the meanings of the card is failure in exams (also, literally, "did not pass"). Again, it is unlikely that they will give a loan on this card.

At the same time, this card can also have a positive meaning from the point of view of psychology - a person learns to open up, share, step over the barriers of his own fears and defenses. The surrounding maps can tell you what will come of it and how the world will respond to trying to get out of the shell.

This can be an indication of a willingness to take risks, including in terms of gambling and speculation. With the appropriate surrounding cards, one can expect a more open expression of feelings, a rejection of total protection.

King Midas, who turned everything he touched into gold, not excluding close relatives.

A stunning phrase, in which a person managed to combine as many as two "four-pentacle" sayings: "The toad strangles to give Caesar what was Caesar's."

Four Denarii means an excessive concern for the future, manifested in greed, stinginess and a deep-rooted fear of any change. This "attitude" is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop the moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contrary to the natural course of things. Thus, this map usually indicates that we have one step left to stagnation (stagnation), and is often a harbinger of the Tower (16), which means the breaking of the hardened crust. If the Four of Denarii find themselves in a position that requires us to behave like this, then this means that at the moment we need to concentrate, limit ourselves in something, retreat - or, having got down to business, not letting go of it.


Here, this card shows that we cling to our position, or at least expect that it will guarantee us a stable income and well-being. This is an expression of an overly conservative attitude towards life that blocks our path to new, more favorable situations. Sometimes it means that we are just used to thinking and acting in a certain way, not wanting to either revise our positions or learn new things. We are desperately trying to squeeze something else out of the exhausted field, while new paths and opportunities have long awaited us; or we simply do not want to notice them, because we do not believe in their reliability, preferring to hold on to our wretched but familiar chair.


At the level of consciousness, the Four of Denarii means a certain fixed idea or an ingrained prejudice that prevents us from perceiving new opportunities and views. Here it plays the role of a warning: we are close to falling victim to our own stubbornness or our own limitations. This card should be taken as advice to abandon our previous ideas as soon as possible, to learn to perceive new views and ways of acting, because otherwise we will face a crisis that will ultimately force us to do this.

Personal relationships and love

A sad state. A person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with rituals and once and for all set patterns of behavior. A person "clings" to a partner, which speaks of his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. And, although these attempts are humanly understandable, they are at the same time stupid: where trust is replaced by constant concern (“what will happen tomorrow?”), And natural human relationships - by ritual, “contractual”, all love dies. Therefore, the Four of Denarii here serves as a warning: even if such concern is the result of the best intentions, it will still lead to a break.

Inner meaning

Tarot card four pentacles - a card of possession and preservation of what belongs to you. The property is yours by right, you have earned or inherited it. (Note that "inherited" assets include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or defend his property. Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it gets in the way of moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Combinations with other cards


Insane: spontaneity, impulsivity

Empress: open heart, extravagance

Wheel of Happiness: movement, rapid change

The Hanged Man: retiring, relinquishing control


Emperor: control, order

Chariot: control

2 of swords: stalemate

2 pentacles: satisfaction with the current situation, unwillingness to change

Sources of



Sun in Capricorn

20 ° -30 ° Capricorn

Original Title: Lord of Earthly Power The original composition in the Golden Dawn system: out of the clouds at the bottom of the card, an arm is extended holding a branch of a rose tree with a single fully opened white rose in the center. Four discs are located at the vertices of a square

Color of Chesed on the Princess's scale: deep azure, speckled with yellow
Sun colors on four scales: orange; golden yellow; juicy amber; amber streaked with red
Capricorn colors on four scales: indigo; black; bluish black; cold dark gray approaching black
Formula: Four (Chesed) + Disks (Asia) + Sun in Capricorn = POWER.

This map is aptly named. It corresponds to the Sun in Capricorn, and according to the ideas of the ancients, the Sun manifests the highest power annually upon entering the sign of Capricorn, where it conquers death and stops moving downward, southward, into darkness. In the Book of Thoth, Crowley points out that Chesed “symbolizes the affirmation of the Universe in three dimensions, that is, below the Abyss. " And in the ritual of Saturn from the "Eleusinian Rites" he calls this sephira "a fortress at the forefront of the Abyss." This is an excellent description of the Four of Disks.

To get a good look at this map, imagine we are floating in the air a few hundred feet above a square, fortified citadel surrounded by a wide moat. We are moving up from the bottom edge of the map, but have not yet reached the "dead center". From the four corners of the citadel, four watchtowers rise high above the fortress walls, the upper platforms of which are marked with symbols of the elements. The main gate of the fortress is at the bottom of the map; a fortified bridge is thrown across the moat. From this vantage point, we can only see one additional entrance to the fortress - a tiny opening in the opposite wall (not equipped with a bridge). Perhaps the same passages exist in the other two walls - on the right and on the left, but we cannot say for sure. However, the roads lead to the moat on all four sides, so our assumption may well turn out to be correct. But, one way or another, the imagery of this card does not reveal all its secrets.

A source

Lone Milo Dukett "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

This woman has surrounded herself with a fortress and clings to the possession of her imaginary treasures. In fact, she had accumulated so much junk trying to decorate herself - even feathers and furs - and with that effort disfigured herself.

Direct position

The meaning of the map

The moment you become stingy, you approach the main phenomenon of life - breadth, generosity. The moment you start to cling to something, you miss the goal. Since things are not a goal, you, your inner being, is a goal - not a beautiful house, but your beauty, not the amount of money, but your wealth, not the amount of things, but an open being available to a million things. (Osho)

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Probably this is Alice, who overestimated Rusty-Bulki!)))

Characteristic: the person has an attack of curiosity, but he has too little opportunities to satisfy him. The card plays out situations when a person urgently needs a large amount of information than he has in his hands, but he actually does not have access to it. A person thinks about how he can get this access.

In everyday life, it often acts out corny - the need for fresh gossip .. Little things that attract attention by the fact that something significant is possibly hidden behind them.

Business: desire to find out "how the competitors are doing"; employees who are dying of curiosity because of what is happening behind the closed doors of the office of their superiors, when there is a meeting or someone is called "on the carpet." It can show the interest of a businessman / competitor / employee in some information, access to which is currently closed or severely limited.

4 Pentacles, 6 Swords, 2 Wands acted out for the company’s system administrator to spy on employees and brute-force passwords to access other people's classified information.

Combination of Page of Cups, 4 Pentacles, 3 Wands, Justice won back the investigator? who found a lead to initiate a criminal case against the firm.

Relationship: one partner is interested in information about the second partner, but access to this information is too limited. The card can act out the appearance of something small and insignificant, arousing the intense curiosity of one of the partners, or the curiosity of someone from the environment to the couple. For example, where does the partner get the money for this purchase. Also, the card can play that a couple or one of the partners can give rise to gossip.

Advice: look for ways to obtain information - it may be important and necessary for you.

A warning: access to information is too limited, you do not yet have the opportunity to get it in its entirety; curiosity can be punishable, you can put yourself in danger or learn something unpleasant.

© Loki

Door- A situation of inconsistency between reality and potential.

Key- The need to search for another option., Or the achievement of the goal should be postponed.

Direct position. Premature attempts to take control of the situation. A practically hopeless situation, however, one should not despair, since all the same, there will not be enough physical strength, or capabilities, or fortitude to do anything. Confusion before events due to lack of understanding of what is happening. Everything will remain at the achieved level, since the four is a stable number, and the map shows a dead end. Territorial issues; questions concerning the boundaries of possessions. The card advises to think about the need for action in general, whether it is worth spending energy and money, maybe this is not necessary.

Inverted position. There is no sense in penetrating the situation. Restrictions taken on. Reluctance to share with others. Closure. Incorrect vision of the situation, which interferes with overcoming obstacles. Awkwardness; shame; the discomfort.

P. Makarov

Moral greedy. He is afraid or ashamed to show his feelings. Doubting whether it is necessary to show a loved one that he loves him. He is afraid to trust his heart in solving problems and uses cold calculation. If the senses are not used, they will permeate, and you will be left alone. Do not be shy about your feelings, not everything in the world is decided by calculation.

Fortune-telling: you will be denied a loan or credit. In an upright position, you can still try to convince a person or get help from other hands. In the opposite position - the case is practically hopeless (no loan will be given anywhere).

In financial matters

The four represents the strengthening of positions and the concentration of money and / or other resources.

This card indicates the gradual accumulation of wealth or strong financial support. In some cases, it can mean that your investment is safe. In addition, it can denote an excessive desire to accumulate money and values.

In matters of love

This card reflects a stable relationship characterized by devotion; however, it can also indicate an overly rationalized relationship lacking freedom and inspiration. In some cases, the four acts as a symbol of relationships, which are based only on money and the desire for their own safety.

In matters of work

The work situation is stable and far from financial turmoil. Your abilities are appreciated, which allows you to have a good income, but it is possible that, due to its stability, work no longer brings the former joy.

This card also symbolizes the power and status that comes with money.

Like a personal growth card

Use your own ideas and creativity to achieve stability. To do this, you may need to find balance and calmness within yourself. Meditate with this card to build self-esteem.

Four of Pentacles

  • Strength of Stability
  • Astrological meaning: Mercury in Cancer, houses II and IV.
  • Saturn in the II house as a symbol of concern for the future due to unfavorable circumstances.
  • The third decade of Capricorn from January 10 to 19.

The total value in the layout

  • The card describes something built with difficulty, but also with a certain margin of safety. It can be anything - business, health, relationships, or a value system. This "something" looks reliable, but in fact lacks elasticity and adaptive capacity. It is a map of owning and preserving what belongs to us, satisfaction with the present situation and the desire to preserve it. The energy of the person to whom the Four of Pentacles fell is concentrated on this.
  • It symbolizes prudence and careful planning, a willingness to act in order to achieve the desired stability, or to maintain the existing order. It gives the feeling of the ground underfoot, but ... also the feeling that some factor threatens the current stability, so that there is a need to protect their possession (akin to the Nine of Wands). Selfishness and greed, the desire to protect their values ​​(time, money, different opportunities), fear of loss, unwillingness to share. This is a kind of blockage and stagnation.
  • Sometimes there are such interpretations as the growth of income and influence, but the word “growth” in its space is still doubtful. The pathos of the Four of Pentacles is the fixation of what is and the provision of inviolability and security. Resting on protected laurels (quite decent ones), but it interferes with moving forward and preparing oneself for the future.
  • The Four of Pentacles symbolizes the end of the process, the beginning of which we saw in the sign of Ace, and the lifting point - in the Three of Pentacles. The four says that a person has achieved what he wants and no longer strives for new heights: already there is enough of what he has. There is no intention to make any efforts for the sake of gaining more. The old meaning is a person who achieves success, but not much. The card symbolizes a kind of "ecological niche" occupied by a person in society - he made his way somewhere, achieved something, tries to hold on. The success achieved here is natural and is the result of efforts.
  • The best thing that the energy of this card gives is stability and order, gaining some kind of control over what does not give rest. Crowley believed that it brings lasting stability and security, but the problem is that a person feels much more anxiety about her than security, and this anxiety just prompts him to take action to further self-defense. The energy of this card does not allow "any accidents", and there are so many of them in life!
  • Actually, in dangerous and confusing situations, the energy of the Four of Pentacles is good and somewhere even saving. It helps you not to go crazy, to keep boundaries, to hold your own, to protect yourself from external threats. At the same time, the meaning of the vicious circle and the game of "yes, but ..." is quite strong in it.
  • Sometimes the card foreshadows a clash with "law and order", interaction with some bureaucratic, administrative structures.
  • One of the traditional meanings is an expensive gift. In general, in ancient interpreters, exclusively positive values ​​are attributed to the map, especially from the point of view of people of that era - property, inheritance; reward, benefits, services, favors; also - the absence of anxiety, reliability and order in the house, a strong position. So you see a decent tradesman, maybe even in the nobility (the crown on the head of the character). It is difficult for a modern person to directly identify with this way himself, therefore, the appearance of this card in the layout is often perceived negatively - something like a collision with a miser who will refuse a loan.
  • The mystery of this card is a vicious circle, limited space.

Personal condition

  • Obsessive, wary and possessive - like the one we experience at the airport or train station, worrying about the safety of our luggage. This is a map of control and anxiety. If the Four of Pentacles falls, there is a fear for existence, a great hidden anxiety and an urgent need for protection. She expresses suspiciousness, stubbornness and a huge unwillingness to take any risks.
  • All energy is spent on maintaining the status quo (nothing leaves, although nothing can come). We walk in circles, clinging to the current situation from a desire for stability and security to almost an obsession.
  • The Man of the Four of Pentacles does not let go of his bags - and he will not leave a suitcase without a handle either. In this sense, it is like a fixed fortress. "First-rate curmudgeon", that's what I want to say. He is afraid of falling into poverty in his old age. He is afraid of losing anything (if there is also the Nine of Swords nearby, then he is just panicky).
  • He tends to shake for his money, if he is a businessman, for his loved ones, if he is the father of a family, for his place in the troupe, if he is an artist (and the status of a prime minister will only increase his fears) ... you can continue indefinitely. Perhaps, at the present time, the questioner is defending himself against some attacks on himself. According to it, it is common for a person to observe the utmost caution in everything, shaking for his good, as he understands it.
  • She describes selfishness, greed, narrow views, pettiness, and what they will concern - money, relationships, etc., that's another question. Fidelity to your habits, unwillingness to change anything is one of the main keys of this card. "A crusader of his principles", and even more precisely - a "tank" (the presence of a shell, narrow vision, tightness, while being obsessed with his "combat mission").
  • Power and an inflexible approach in the struggle for order, stability and structure in life. Maintaining these standards seems more important than being cheerful and human.

    The Man of the Four of Pentacles definitely has a personality, albeit a rather unpleasant one, and he knows what he wants and what he does not want, sometimes even too well, and in the end it all comes down to serving his beloved.

  • The best that this card can give is practicality and organizational talent within narrow limits, the ability to rely only on oneself, the achievement of material security and the ability to cope with any difficult life situation while maintaining control. The worst is the squalor of greed, which is expressed in complete distrust of others, counting everything in money and readiness for any meanness for the sake of one's interests.
  • At the same time, a person is characterized by a lack of compassion and ignorance, explained by specious excuses (“I have a family and children,” “I have earned it with hard work and am not going to share it with anyone,” etc.) In the middle between these states there is increased caution, which can take on a variety of forms ("normal heroes always go around" with the Seven of Swords, "how scary to live" with the moon, and so on). It characterizes a person who is firmly on his feet, but at the same time conservative to the point of shyness: he is afraid to take the slightest step aside, so as not to bring something new into his life, which means something unfamiliar.
  • This card can "overtake" a creative person (by the way, one of its meanings is hereditary talent). In this case, she can talk about the fact that he clings to his laurels or to the usual manner of work, it is difficult for him to trust the flow and he blocks his own creativity within the well-worn rut. There may be an obsession with some fixed idea, not necessarily material. Although, in general, this card often describes that specific degradation of consciousness that overtakes a person, if he worries about money matters from morning till night (be it a "piece of bread" or deals with elite real estate) - interests are catastrophically narrowed, the psyche stops responding to non-material incentives, and disregard for everything except one's own interests, popularly known as selfishness, blooms in a double color. You cannot agree with the person of the Four of Pentacles to take a chance or drink champagne (you still have to pay for it!)

The Four of Pentacles at a Deeper Level

  • In the Four of Pentacles, in general, the hardness and reality of the elements of the Earth (pentacles) and the numerological stability and orderliness of the Four are in perfect agreement. It is a kind of compact system with its own boundaries and standards. The card depicts a king with a crown on his head, fencing off life with his Pentacles.
  • He cannot take a step (two pentacles lie under his feet), cannot think of anything else (the third pentacle "presses" on the crown) and is obsessed with the idea of ​​defending himself and protecting himself (the fourth pentacle closes the center of his body like a shield). At the same time, this image of the crowned person illustrates the fact that earthly power is often achieved through the concentration of resources, reverent attitude towards the conquered and a kind of greed.
  • The Arcana of the Tarot Thoth symbolically depicts the "divine city of Jerusalem" - the materialization of the presence of God on earth. This Arkan poses the question - what and why of the earthly is important for you? A holy place is never empty - where is your “holy place” and what is there? What gods or idols do you serve and worship? Is it not a golden calf (as an option)? As Bantzhaf and Akron write, the power of the Four is not in matter itself, but in how we make sense of it and place it in the spotlight. People love things, projecting a huge amount of their psychic energy on them in the form of attachment.
  • We are rarely truly attached to intangible objects (ideas and principles). To the material - all the time. The soul of another is much more interesting to us if there is a body in which it is found. We idealize the visible, that which can be touched. At the highest level, the "prosaic" Four of Pentacles truly poses "million questions" - what is the meaning of life? Why do we want to possess what we strive for and are terribly disappointed if possession is impossible? What is our mission?
  • The theme of the Four of Pentacles clearly sounds the theme of Cancer and the planets that are significant in this sign - Jupiter and the Moon. Gifts, patronage, social benefits, humanitarian aid can pass through Jupiter. The moon emphasizes the importance of home, nepotism, reliability. All together - attachment to material things. In a magical sense, it corresponds to material offerings, donations, gizmos intended for otherworldly residents (including food and drinks), as well as all situations when a person "pays off", pays for absolution in the literal sense (a striking historical example is the practice of indulgences) ...
  • It is believed that the card corresponds to the third decade of Capricorn and symbolizes the achievement of real material results, reliance on reliable foundations and a firm conviction in the correctness of your path. This decade is characterized by practicality, constructive use of opportunities and an objective understanding of their benefits. This decade is ruled by the Sun, and it poses the problem of how to manage the material abundance that life provides.
  • Understanding the power of material values ​​sometimes forces them to accumulate wealth in fear of poverty, sometimes to abandon its self-sufficient power for the sake of their freedom and to lose everything completely. Representatives of this decade are showing interest in the struggle for survival in extreme conditions, which makes it possible to reveal those potential possibilities of the individual, on the realization of which society imposes restrictions. People of this decade have a natural taste: imperfect does not satisfy them. This decade symbolizes the acquisition by a person of all material values ​​necessary for his life and future activities.
  • The opposite of this card is to some extent the Wheel of Fortune. It means precisely the dynamics of change, not retention, but irrepressibility, giving up control.
  • Advice: definitely better in hand than a crane in the clouds (although squeezing this tit to the point of strangling is still not worth it). The advice is to protect what has been achieved from external threats, to protect yourself and your property, to draw clear boundaries around the perimeter of your territory, hold on to your own, remain calm, avoid the slightest risk, and act with confidence in everything. Stick to your plans, not give up your position.
  • A warning: do not acquire more than is necessary, do not treat people like things and do not get stuck in their approach to business. Stubbornness, inertia and stagnation - that's what threatens the case. Do not rest on your laurels - this greatly interferes with preparing for the future. Many authors reasonably note that excessive concern for the future and fear of any changes are inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop a moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contrary to the natural course of things. Thus, the Four of Pentacles is a direct path to the Tower, which means the rupture of the hardened crust.

Professional situation

  • Through this card there are concepts such as "my hut is on the edge", "my shirt is closer to the body." The Four of Pentacles is associated with the concept of a border and symbolizes a fence, fencing, any kind of delimitation of sites. This can apply to both land and work (everyone takes their share). The map quite accurately describes precisely the situations of delimitation, disintegration of groups, companies, the founding of their own company, the beginning, so to speak, of a "solo career" (sometimes it happens in the literal sense). Unwillingness to share your power. Unfriendly relationships in the team.
  • Narrow specialization, bureaucratic organizational culture with a tendency to stagnation. A labyrinth of rules, regulations and reinsurance, where an atmosphere of stinginess, pettiness, and sometimes corruption, venality reigns.
  • This map is not so much "resting on laurels" as convulsive clinging to these same laurels - as they say, feel the difference. In general, power and status are visible here (not for nothing the Waite character has a crown on his head), but rather at the level of a minor boss. The best that this card can give is the strengthening of the organization, the concentration of resources, putting things in order and consistent actions to protect their interests.
  • Traditionally - a card of merchants, shopkeepers and usurers. In the modern sense, insurance companies, financial analysts, professions related to banking and security structures are most closely related to it. Customs, inspection. Also - classes related to the accumulation and protection of collections, museums, galleries.

Financial and housing situation

  • Traditionally - inheritance, strong property status. In general, this card contributes to the concentration of money and other material resources, but it also brings a clear feeling of their insufficiency. Income, but modest. It can be financial stability like a small but regular salary. Although the traditional meanings of this card in themselves are financial success, reliability, order, material stability.
  • At best, this card indicates the strengthening of positions, gradual accumulation, and the safety of investments. But it is difficult to feel this very security on it.
  • This card symbolizes a refuge, so it can be considered favorable for housing affairs - it may not be a "dream house", but the questioner will not be left without a roof over his head. One of the traditional meanings of the card is dwelling in the city.

    Emphasis on the inviolability of property, property (robbing the owner of the Four of Pentacles is a difficult business - he will rip his own back with his hands). This card always says that the property belongs to a person by right.

  • This is a card of greed, and if the alignment is made for receiving financial assistance, then you can hardly count on a particularly good result, although something may be dropped (it is possible that at a predatory percentage).
  • The inverted krata is traditionally considered bad for money matters. Unforeseen expenses, financial instability. An unsuccessful business, a decrease in the previously accumulated capital, financial losses, with a very negative environment - up to ruin.
  • Sometimes on this card there is a "repair fear" that something good will happen, pettiness, dictatorial narrowness of the position. Unwillingness to sacrifice anything, to make the slightest compromise, blatant rigidity and inflexibility, strong-willed stupor. Map of selfishness, fear, control, self-defense, excessive caution. Striving for security, total reluctance to take risks, narrow-mindedness, establishment and protection of borders.

Personal relationships

  • The Four of Pentacles have many different meanings in the area of ​​personal life, and almost all of them are quite negative.

    First of all, this is a “non-hoochuh” card. This is exactly the case when a friend or girlfriend is in no hurry down the aisle and in every possible way defends himself from this perspective ("I feel good anyway"). Fidelity to your habits, unwillingness to budge, resistance to change - work here too. The Man of the Four of Pentacles believes in the correctness of the chosen path and there is nothing to "catch" here. Sarah Bartlett writes that the Four of Pentacles depicts the most important individualist in the tarot deck.

    • A situation when a person is fully functional, but is forced to take care of the remnants of health and handle him carefully. This may be the condition of a rather strong elderly person, or suffering from some kind of chronic (or even incurable) disease, with which, with the right behavior, you can live for a long time and with high quality. The typical meaning of this card is a norm on the verge of pathology.
    • In general - blockages of energy flows, all sorts of blockages, blockages, constipation. Slagging of the body, he has accumulated a lot of things and does not want to give (it can be excess weight, for example).

    Reversed Four of Pentacles Card

    • In an inverted position, the Four of Pentacles indicates negative manifestations associated with the sign of Cancer. These are both monetary losses and family discord. Quarrels over inheritance, property issues. Termination of permanent income. Waste money, useless acquisitions, wastefulness. Inability to build boundaries in a confrontation situation. Disorder in business, inability to gather, organize, laxity.
    • The most traditional meaning is delays, delays, obstacles, restrictions, "imposed on all sides." The mechanism of action of this card is close to clogging, congestion, constipation, "traffic jam". This can be, for example, in full accordance with the suit, a failure in the system and sharp payments. Also, one of the meanings of the card is failure in exams (also, literally, "did not pass"). Again, it is unlikely that they will give a loan on this card.
    • At the same time, this card can also have a positive meaning from the point of view of psychology - a person learns to open up, share, step over the barriers of his own fears and defenses. The surrounding maps can tell you what will come of it and how the world will respond to trying to get out of the shell.
    • This can be an indication of a willingness to take risks, including in terms of gambling and speculation. With the appropriate surrounding cards, one can expect a more open expression of feelings, a rejection of total protection.

    Manifestation in combinations

    • - payback for clinging and stagnation, unexpected loss of what he managed to achieve
    • - a cowardly life position
    • With the Seven or Nine of Wands - "not an ounce to the enemy!", The motive of protection and protection is enhanced
    • With Two of Swords - a gift from friends (from an old interpreter)
    • With the Four of Swords - advice to "lay low" and attract as little attention to yourself as possible
    • With the Knight of Pentacles - a useful gift
    • After the inverted King of Chalices - the need to bribe

    Archetypal matches

    • Daedalus, forefather of Greek sculpture and architecture, who built a labyrinth for King Minos.
    • King Midas, who turned everything he touched into gold, not excluding close relatives.

      A stunning phrase, in which a person managed to combine as many as two "four-pentacle" sayings: "The toad strangles to give Caesar what was Caesar's."