
What happens if you lose your soul. Is it possible to first sell the soul to the devil, and then beg God for the opportunity to return it back? How to return a lost soul

No one will give up their soul voluntarily, even a madman, - it has been verified. The most severe schizophrenics, whose eyes roll under their foreheads from pills, fight to the last for self-respect, for their inner self. Only the one who has undergone a lobotomy no longer fights for anything, as always, in all cases of destroyed, severed psychic ties. In such situations, the body continues to exist on its own, like a wound mechanism with a spring, and the soul continues on its own, and no one is able to take it away.
To take a soul, it is necessary that it be given voluntarily, and no one will give it voluntarily - which means that it is necessary to deceive a person. The scheme of deception is simple - they offer to choose the lesser of evils. For example, in Auschwitz, a woman with two children - a boy and a girl - is asked to decide which of the children to burn and which to leave alive. If a woman, in response, does not cling to the throat of an SS man and does not die, if in the confusion of feelings she presses only one child to herself, and the second is torn from her hands, her soul will be torn out. She herself will give it away because of self-hatred, because of a lack of understanding that there was no choice, she was simply deceived - they made her believe that she somehow participated, was an accomplice in the murder of her own child.
It may be objected to me that the described case is extraordinary, exceptional. What happens in ordinary, familiar to us life?
In ordinary life, the choice of the lesser of evils is preserved, it just has a softer, inconspicuous character. For example, in any job you have to choose: whether to be yourself with the threat of losing your position, or to please the boss. This kind of choice haunts us throughout our lives, forcing us to give up a part of ourselves, from something alive inside, to stop being ourselves. A person lives someone else's life, professes someone else's principles, thinks with someone else's head, trembles from imposed fears.
In fact, by rejecting the pseudo-choice of the lesser evil, remaining oneself, one can live the happiest of lives, regardless of the type of activity and with minimal household amenities.
The choice of the lesser evil is always the choice of evil, and we must remember this. By choosing evil and all its consequences, you cut off your own soul. The soul cannot exist in an evil environment. But evil does not need a soul. He needs the energy released in the process of killing and torment. Social structures draw a person into anti-human relationships that are alien to him. Under the threat of not getting a prestigious specialty, a prestigious job, of losing wealth, people turn into cogs - dowels of social structures, turn into machines.
We see around absolutely soulless people, cardboard little men, guided exclusively by social programs. And only a few individuals manage to somehow preserve the lively sparkle of the eyes, to preserve the soul. How do they do it? Even after being deceived a thousand times, thrown a thousand times in the mud, in resin and feathers, and, as if succumbing to social pressure, they get up and dust themselves off, continue to fight. They cannot do otherwise.
What's the matter? Is there a difference between souls? Or maybe some people have souls, while others do not. How to explain that some people remain people from birth to death, while others turn into cardboard boxes under the same social pressure.
Buddhism explains the difference of souls by the difference in their evolutions. One person is already on the threshold of attaining Nirvana*, while another needs a million more rebirths. Their bodies are in the same place, they breathe the same air at the same time, but the chronology of their souls is radically different.
I wonder if it is possible to speed up the process of soul development? Or at least a stake on a person’s head...
It is historically clear that Moses, Christ, Buddha revived cardboard men, blowing the spirit of life into their nostrils. This happened not because the soul of the cardboard men awakened, no, the soul was given to the cardboard men.
They may object to me: “But what about the children? After all, all children have a soul. Then she goes somewhere." The soul is the principle of choosing actions and directions around which the personality is formed. The individual has awareness. With awareness comes choice. With the choice appears something of its own, its own, inherent in the individual.
Sometimes a sunny child, radiant with kindness and sincerity, turns into a cloudy humanoid stereotyped creature. This is explained by the fact that the child, due to the unconsciousness of thinking, has the opportunity to be a direct part of the world soul, to have a connection with it. Growing up, it is necessary to nurture and develop the soul in oneself. And no one can do this job for you. If the child was a part of the World Soul, then the adult must become the World Soul. This is fully possible only in Nirvana, but in the intermediate stages principles are formed around which the personality is formed. Thus the part gradually becomes the whole. If the “part” at the birth of a child is initially weak and unstable for evolutionary reasons, it can quickly evaporate and dissolve in the world soul. And the child turns into a cardboard man, in which you can see only slight solar vibrations.
Only another Sun can inflate these vibrations in the Sun. Sun of love and compassion. Sun of Moses, Christ, Buddha.
Where are they? How can one perform a miracle without them? We are all of them to one degree or another. And we do not know the limit of our strength. The smartest thing is to just work, just love and not give anything of your own, nothing alive into dead hands.

* Nirvana - a state of deep peace and complete inner harmony, detachment from the outside world from life's worries

Energy recovery technology. It is safe, working, and simply amazing in its performance. The result was amazing. During this life and not only this one, a person loses himself piece by piece.

He leaves parts of his soul that become attached to people, places, situations. When we lose parts of ourselves, we lose our personal power. And so, by a certain age, we find ourselves so bitten and de-energized that it’s a pity to look, this spectacle resembles an apple core.

What is soul loss? Soul loss is when part of this life force, part of our essence, a free soul leaves our body, depriving us of a large part of our strength and energy. Soul loss can be seen as a natural defense mechanism for survival.

It is known that many wild animals, such as foxes and wolves, are able to bite off their paws in order to get out of a trap. The human psyche does the same. If life is too hard, then the part of the soul that is most affected in this situation leaves us. The main part of the organism survives, while the lost part of the soul flies farther and farther away. If we're lucky, she'll be back soon, if not, we may never meet again. This is the loss of the soul.

How does soul loss happen?

As a rule, this happens as a result of some kind of traumatic experience or in difficult, unresolvable situations. Unfortunately, traumatic and unsolvable situations arise in our social life all the time. We periodically encounter them in childhood, sometimes even before we are born. We are all well aware of examples of regular beatings, even of very young children. Situations of violence or intense pressure at school or at work can also lead to soul loss. There are many other reasons, and the language has even formed common phrases describing these situations.

For example, when a loved one dies: “When my husband died, I felt that a part of me left with him.”

In an accident situation: "I was scared to death."
In case of physical or psychological abuse: "My spirit was broken."
In the event of a divorce or the end of a meaningful relationship: "She stole my soul." In a state of extreme sadness: "I just wanted to die." Even scandals can lead to loss of soul: "I just lost my temper with anger." These are just some of the paths that can lead to soul loss.

Here are the main signs of soul loss:

♦ You cannot remember certain periods of your life
♦ You have periods of severe depression
♦ You feel like parts of your being are lost or broken
♦ Your senses are dulled
♦ You are constantly haunted by a feeling of fear and anxiety
♦ You often experience insomnia
♦ You feel lost or incomplete
♦ You feel like a “different person” after a physically or psychologically traumatic event
♦ You feel stuck and unable to deal with certain problems in your life
♦ You feel disappointed in life
♦ You feel like you have multiple entities living in you
♦ You try to "break out" by resorting to alcohol, drugs, sex, TV, or immersing yourself in work
♦ You feel like you're not worth loving
♦ You are experiencing a dark night of the soul
♦ You want to find purpose and meaning in life
♦ You feel like your everyday life is meaningless and focused on doing unnecessary tasks
♦ You don't want to appear vulnerable and distance yourself from people
♦ You want to be whole and share something of value
♦ You often feel out of control
♦ You are constantly mentally and physically tired without medical reasons
♦ You crave actualization of your possibilities and full acceptance of yourself

When we experience “soul loss,” a part of our soul—or essence—is “hidden” or “closed.” Our real potential is blocked, we experience a loss of integrity.

It happens that whole aspects of our personality are blocked. In addition to the feeling of incompleteness that we experience during “soul loss,” we also experience feelings of weakness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and emptiness.

"Soul Loss" keeps us from living healthy, fulfilling, and creative lives. This condition can last a lifetime. But no matter how ominous the "loss of the soul" looks, there is always a chance to restore the lost elements.


To do this, you need to say the call three times. All soul fragments are in the universe and are waiting in the wings to return home.

The first voice of the soul summons the particles of your soul, and they begin to gather home.
The second voice of the soul hurries them.
The third voice of the soul opens the passage for return and attracts.

You should sit in a comfortable position, take a deep breath and say the call:

“I (name and surname) proclaim to the whole Universe and call on all parts of my soul, scattered somewhere, to return to the bosom of my soul and reunite.
I proclaim this call to the whole universe, I send it to all its nooks and crannies. Let my call be heard by all!”

Take a deep breath and say the second call:

“I (name and surname) declare on the cosmic bulletin board to all the particles of my soul, lost in the Universe, stolen by someone or donated to someone, to return to me and reunite into one single Soul of mine.
It is only MY soul, and only I have the right to own it, since it is me, and I am it.

You can see an interesting sight, how small sparks in the form of tiny stars come together, line up in groups and line up in a 45% arc in front of you. There are those who come alone, there are couples, groups. It depends on how strong the blow was.

Sometimes you can see that the particles are somehow damaged, this hints that they had to go through bullying and violence. You can talk to them and ask what led to such deformation. (Sometimes whole planes come back - doppelgangers.)

Deep breath and third voice:

“I (name and surname), I appeal to all the particles of my Soul that have returned, to reunite into one single Soul of mine. I need you and want you."

This third call is to confirm your readiness to become healthy and happy, you are responsible for your actions.

When the third call is made, the sparks begin to move towards you. They detach from the arc one by one in order from right to left, and enter through the solar plexus into you. The faster the speed, the softer the particle entry. Wait until all the sparks enter you, connect with yourself. In the near future there will be a connection of your soul and healing that has no equal. Various feelings will overwhelm you: inner joy and peace, a feeling of returning home.

At first, you may feel an overflow of energy and movement of energy, as if the whole body of light has been renewed, each particle has found its place. Then you will feel waves of heat spreading throughout your body. Then you need to conduct a ritual of forgiveness and reunion with the Soul. This is important, since you yourself created a situation where the particles could get lost, perhaps due to an internal conflict. It's important to understand this!

In the subconscious, you will know that your soul has decided to incarnate in the body, it decides when life will begin, who the parents will be, how the person will look.

If you are not satisfied with your appearance, then you are angry at the soul, which leads to alienation. It weakens and breaks the soul.

1. Embrace yourself with both hands, this is closing the circle, accepting yourself. This is an exhilarating ritual in which many may cry.

2. And now perform the ceremony of blessing YOURSELF!


“I (first name last name) appeal to all parts of my soul that have returned and bless you with your return.
I appeal to my Soul and ask to be reunited with me. I don't want to confront you, I want to accept you.
I apologize to you ..., I apologize to you ... (twice) that created the prerequisites for a split - I did not realize ...
I ask you, my soul, fill me with your strength, fill me with your love..”

Within 2 minutes you are filled with the energy of self-love, spreading throughout the body. You become WHOLE!

The reunion is over.

What to expect from such healing?

The state of mind is balanced, you are happy, you are united, you are strong. Every day you are stronger and your physical body is healing, there is no more loss of energy. The integrity of the soul gives integrity to everything else, you are more resilient, you can easily overcome difficulties. The immune system is strengthened, you can easily cope with bouts of rage. This is the way to flourish. “Nechama is a group of High Angels who are involved in the return of soul fragments and can be contacted before starting the ritual.

I did a ritual, referring to the light forces of the universe.

When I returned the particles of the soul to me and reunited, it was uncomfortable, I would even say that it hurt. Don't be scared. It is the parts of your soul that are coming home.

Here is another powerful practice for assembling aspects of the soul from different people with whom the strongest emotions were associated. Maybe someone will come in handy or give some thought.

I did a ritual, referring to the light forces of the universe. When I returned the particles of the soul to me and reunited, it was uncomfortable, I would even say that it hurt. Don't be scared. It is the parts of your soul that are coming home.

Here is another powerful practice for assembling aspects of the soul from different people with whom the strongest emotions were associated. Maybe someone will come in handy or give some thought. It can be performed both while diving and while awake.

1. It is necessary to imagine another person in front of you (I see him as a shadow, but there are a lot of options)) Ask the Higher Self to manifest the elements of your soul in his bodies. Including, the most effective would be to ask to show exactly those elements that were associated with certain feelings (fear, resentment, delight, anger, etc., it all depends on the request). So, in my practice, these elements appear as clots of light in the middle of the shadow. It is also necessary to ask the Higher Self to manifest the elements of the soul of this person in your bodies as well.

2. Next, you should ask for forgiveness from another, from yourself, and forgive yourself. With these words, his body will decondense and release aspects of your soul from themselves, and vice versa. Having healed these aspects with rays, you need to collect them and return them to yourself, not forgetting also to release the aspects of the soul of another from your bodies and collect them.
Say the words.

Anatoly asks
Answered by Alexandra Lantz, 03/08/2011

Question: "Is it possible to sell the soul to the devil and enjoy all the gifts bought for it. And then beg for it or close this issue with charity."
Good day to you, Anatoly!

Actually, your question betrays a person who is not yet trying to follow the logic. See. Sell ​​your soul to the devil, and then beg for it ... beg from whom? At the devil? So he never gives up. God? So after all, the soul was sold to the devil. Where is God here?

So I took a chance and slightly changed the direction of your question, depending on how I understood it. And the answer was...

No, that's impossible... for one reason only. You yourself, in principle, cannot sell your soul to the devil. Your soul (your breath, your ability to live, think, act) belongs to God (), who gave it all to you so only He can give it to the devil or keep it for Himself. Notice, however, that He will not sell it. He simply will not force your will. If you want to be with the devil, be; if you want to be with God, be. And you will be rewarded accordingly. If you are with the devil, you will receive the reward meant for the devil; if you are with God, you will get the reward meant for God's children.

"But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory, and all nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate one from the other, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will set the sheep on His right hand , and goats - on the left.

Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit The kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

Then he will also say to those on the left side, Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels...."

Can you see the essence of both rewards?

God - God's (his children),
devil - devilish (his children).

Everything is honest. If you choose to be a child of God, then you receive what was prepared for all the children of God from the creation of the world. If you choose to be a child of the devil, then you get what was originally prepared for the devil himself (for evil). Are you walking with God? So you'll come to Eternal Life. Walk with the devil? So, you will come to eternal death. It's just your choice - with whom to go, but no more than that.

The worst thing is that so many people who call themselves Christians continue to walk with the devil and, as you say, they try to close this issue with charity: money for the construction of the temple, money or a charity fund for poor children, intensified evangelism, free hymns to the glory of the Lord , again, some more money for some charity project, etc. And then they go home, raise their voice or raise their hand to the weak of their home, climb porn sites, hate neighbors, stare stupidly at the TV, learn to kill using computer screens, envy, gossip, feud, bicker () and love-love-love their own a stone heart, unable to sympathize with anyone. In other words, they think to buy a ticket to Paradise at the expense of the "good" that they do outside, not wanting to understand that it is possible to enter Paradise only if you have a new, pure heart, so devoted to goodness, love, justice (), that even death will not shake this devotion.

So don't worry about selling your soul to the devil and then reselling and re-trading, you don't own that opportunity. All you can do is decide with whom to be, whom to serve: good or evil. And then enjoy either the gifts of Good or the "gifts" of evil.


Read more on the topic "Salvation":

- Tell us about yourself. How did you come to shamanism?

I had a difficult period in my life. I became seriously ill. In general, in the vast majority of cases, people begin to seriously think about spiritual life only after going through severe trials, hardships and misfortunes. Prior to this, a person does not particularly think that he himself is responsible for his own destiny. Patients rely on doctors. But a person must take care of his own spirit.

- When you fell ill, did you turn to shamans?

No, when I got sick, first of all, I started doing yoga gymnastics. I came across a book in English "Treatment with the help of yoga". I started translating it into Estonian. For myself, to work on it myself. Then it turned out that this was almost the first book on yoga translated into Estonian. All this happened in deep Soviet times. With the help of yoga, I quickly improved my health. A little later, it became possible to publish such books. I thought that if this book helped me, then it can help others. And so it happened.

- And what, in your opinion, is the advantage of yoga over traditional treatment?

- What is the difference between a psychic and a shaman?

The shaman uses ancient folk lore and related rituals. The psychic adds to this knowledge and rituals the achievements of modern medicine. That's the whole difference. The methods of work of a shaman and a psychic in most cases are essentially the same. I strengthened this conviction even more when I began to systematically translate books on shamanism from Russian and English into Estonian.

- Can you briefly define shamanism?

This is such a wide field of activity that each shaman develops his own method. Each shaman does something in his own way. Each shaman is individual and unique. It is impossible to take someone's method and start using it mechanically. Nothing will work. We need to develop our own method. Therefore, it is impossible to give any general definition of shamanism for all. Shamans have no organization. And the shamans themselves do not communicate very much with each other. Everyone does what is given to him, what is peculiar to him.

- What is the essence of the work of a shaman?

In the return of the soul back.

- Not understood.

When the soul completely leaves a person, he dies. Shamans suggest that a piece of his soul can also leave a person. Like a butterfly flies away from a flower when a boot steps on it. Difficult moments in our lives can be compared with this very boot. Car accidents, illnesses, especially those related to anesthesia. In addition, the loss of love, the collapse of the family ... All these are events after which a person usually says that he can never be the same as before. A person weakens, difficult events and experiences take away part of his vitality. In this situation, he can get sick. Shamans believe that the physical body of a person is filled with his soul. If a part of the soul leaves, then a part of his physical body is occupied by a disease, which, according to the ideas of shamans, is also a living being. It settles in an empty part of the human body, and the person becomes ill. Modern medicine treats diseases, but does not deal with the human soul. This is done by all kinds of religious organizations.

- Why do we need shamans then?

For example, Muslims offer help to a person, but only if he becomes a Muslim. Christians operate in the same way. They take your soul to help you. You must become a member of a large organization. They need a large community over which to dominate. And only the weak can be dominated. To subjugate someone, you need to take his soul. This is very well suited, for example, the fear of God. Therefore, it is impossible to return a piece of the soul to sincerely believing people, because their souls are with others, and they receive help for this. And shamans do not need other people's souls. They have no organization and do not need a community over which they would seek to dominate. They seek to return the souls of those who have lost them to people.

- How?

The shaman can see a wandering piece of the soul. He can go after her and convince her to go back to being human. Talk to her, tell her how bad it is for a person without her, that he is sick and cannot cope with life. Quite often, the soul agrees to return back, because it feels bad without a person, it is also unhappy, because it left the person not from a good life.

- Your words should be understood in such a way that the soul does not always agree to return back to the person?

The soul agrees to return only if the person himself wants to change and, therefore, change something in his life. The soul will never return to a person who does not want to change, does not want to eliminate the reasons why the soul left him.

- What happens to a person after the return of a particle of the soul?

He recovers and, at least, will not get the same disease again. A doctor heals a person, and a shaman helps him become healthy. But only if he wants it. A shaman helps a person, works together with him, but the decision is made by the person himself.

- Can a piece of the soul itself return without the help of a shaman?

Maybe, but again, only if the person changes. The shaman does not impose his help on anyone. The right to choose should always remain with the person.

SOUL and ITS FRAGMENTS in the 3rd Dimension: Sal Rachel

Continue to quote: Sal Rachel "Earth Change and 2012 (book 2)
Messages from the Founders.

Techniques to return your energy, which was dissipated in the past.


Unconscious Fragmentation in Earth Life

In life in 3rd density (we will use 3rd density as an example, although all of the above is true for 4th density) souls can become even more fragmented. This is another kind of fragmentation that does not create sovereign beings. You've heard the expression, "You left a piece of yourself to everyone you loved," and it's true in every sense of the word. People have a song called "I left my heart in San Francisco". We think that the author of this song did not even realize how right he was. When you visit a beautiful place and become attached to it, energetically you leave a piece of yourself there. If you could photograph (Kirlian) the aura of the entity through which we speak when she gets up from her chair, you would see that some of her energy is still sitting on the chair.

After some time, the energy dissipates and returns to the soul, but in some cases, especially when there is an emotional attachment, this is not always the case. If you, as a human being, become emotionally attached to another human being, you implant a part of yourself into their aura. Essentially, you are tearing a piece of yourself away from the original 3rd density fragment.

So it is quite possible that if you have lived a particularly full and traumatic earth life, then at the end of your earth life you will leave a few fragments of yourself attached to the bodies of other people or to other places that you visited in this life. And each such fragment will often not know what to do, will be confused, and will search in vain for other pieces of itself or its parent piece.

When another soul seeks possession and dominance, it takes pieces of your soul and will never willingly give them back. That's why you have what are called "energy robbers" or "energy vampires". These are souls that take energy from other souls and store it in themselves, hoping that somehow it will give them more energy and more power. Although in reality they extract fragments of other souls and place them in the aura of their own body. Such souls literally steal parts of another soul's energy and keep them separate from that soul.

Soul Fragments come in various sub-planes of existence, including the low, mid and high astral realms, and to some extent the low and mid etheric realms. These are the areas in which you will find disembodied soul fragments, although there are many other options that we will not consider now.

Why are souls forcibly fragmented into non-sovereign pieces? The soul is an energy unit. It contains threads, fibers, needles, strands, cords, choose what you want to call them. The threads stretch from the center of the essence of the soul - the part of the soul that is directly connected with God. The energy of God (spirit) is distributed along the threads, just as the life force of a tree can be traced in the branches and go into the leaves as an integral part of the body.

And just as the small branches and leaves of a tree can break off during a storm, the outer soul threads can become very fragile and weak compared to the inner pieces of the soul. And when souls go to explore the outer regions of the universe, such pieces can break off and be captured by the aura (energy field) of other souls. Then these pieces no longer have a direct connection with the parental soul, except for energetic closeness. Therefore, it is often very difficult for them to reunite with the parental soul. They may wander in the ethereal or astral realms until they find and join another soul.

If the soul that the fragment is attached to is not the owner of that piece, this will manifest as what you call entity attachment or possession. If the connection is weak and unstable, this is a partial settlement. If it is a very small fragment, it will only be seen as a small speck in the aura of the adopted parental soul. In other words, the little fragment has a part of the consciousness of the primary soul from which it has broken away or torn off; and part of this consciousness will be introduced into the consciousness of the adoptive parental soul that has accepted it. The new parent soul can act as a sponge or a magnet for other soul fragments, depending on the psychology and general state of mind of the new parent.

In simple terms, as a sovereign soul, you are now acting as a surrogate parent to a piece of another soul. The other soul's energy will infiltrate your auric field, and the other soul's consciousness will mix with your soul's consciousness to some extent.

When a large number of fragments of other souls accumulate in the aura of the adopted parent soul, many problems arise. This and many other channels involved in healing work often see the energies of many other souls in a particular human soul that has come for healing. It becomes very difficult for the human soul to understand and realize its true essence. The outer layers of a soul's aura can contain many fragments of other souls. Sometimes there are a lot of them. If the adoptive parent soul becomes too crowded with pieces of other souls, this can lead to serious mental problems in the adoptive parent soul.

Many of you have known at least one human being who seems to have carried the energies of many other souls to the point where he or she has a hard time knowing who he or she is. Fragments are populated for the purpose of attempting to merge with primary or parent parts. But because they are just fragments, they do not have the level of intelligence to always recognize when they have connected with their true selves. Therefore, they will try to connect with any soul they can find in the realm or region in which they roam. They usually go where there is some kind of attraction. Problems similar to the emotional problems of the primary parental soul can act as an attraction.

This book deals primarily with Earth changes and shifts taking place on the planet, so we are not going to go into further details of the different manifestations of soul fragments. We only note that ghosts, poltergeists, ghosts, balls and some other manifestations - this is how clairvoyant fragments of the soul usually perceive.

Please understand that all images, ghosts and orbs are actually fragments of the soul. Some are thought forms. Thought forms are energy packets emitted by souls. When a thought is projected with great intensity, it radiates out as a geometric pattern, a thought pattern. Such thought patterns can resemble and be mistaken for pieces of the soul. They will be attracted to souls with similar thought patterns. This is part of the law of attraction.

If there is someone very close to you in your life or whom you constantly think about, it is very likely that some of your thought forms have entered the aura of this person. However, for a real piece of your soul to live in another soul, it usually takes more than just thinking about the other soul. The most common way for pieces of your soul to find shelter in another soul is either sexual contact, or birth, or a very, very close family relationship.

We cover a topic that is very complex and difficult for an ordinary person to comprehend. However, we feel it is important to lay the foundation for material on ascension and earth changes. Dear Creators, you will see that the study of the fragmentation of the soul will lead to an understanding of the integration of the soul. Soul integration is vital if you are planning to move into ascension.

Soul integration

The energy of the soul is never destroyed, but the soul can be fragmented many, many times. It can turn into millions of pieces, like broken glass. Sometimes it is very difficult for souls to collect all their pieces into a single whole. This is why many souls, especially on a planet like Earth, seem to be devoid of energy, have little control over their lives, and are incapable of creating whatever they want in life other than creating at the most rudimentary level.

Soul integration is the process of picking up pieces of the soul and bringing them together in a way that promotes the growth of the soul and accelerates development into higher realms. Many healing and meditation techniques are designed specifically to remove other soul fragments from your auric field and return them to their true owners, as well as to remove your fragments from other soul auras and return them to your being.

How do you know if your fragments are in other souls or in other places? Usually, if your pieces are in another soul, you will think about it a lot or continuously identify with it. If your pieces are in other places, you will often dream about them or think about them continuously in your waking state.

How to return the pieces of yourself scattered throughout the universe? This is one of the purposes of many of the meditations and healing techniques offered in your world today - how to extract soul fragments. The process offered by the channel involves communicating with your selves in past lives. It aims to help in the return of pieces of the soul. In this particular example, you are forgiving your past life selves and releasing them into the light. The “timeline healing” channel technique is an example of a technique for bringing back and integrating soul fragments.

Releasing lost soul fragments into the light may seem like a contradiction, but it is not. By releasing them into the light, you are actually releasing them from the realms they are stuck in. You take them from the aura of other people, and when they have risen into the light, they can easily be claimed by the parental soul.

Now that we have described a number of aspects of soul evolution, you might be wondering how the theme of integration and fragmentation relates to life on Earth today and in the future. How can you use this information to improve your lives and prepare for the shifts ahead?

Have you ever heard the expression: “He or she is absent-minded today”? Literally, this expression means that the soul has pieces scattered throughout Creation. These are energetic sensations that you can feel in physical form. If you are scattered, if pieces of you are scattered all over the place, you will feel empty and lack the energy to create whatever you want to create.
Understand: In order for your world to become a powerful, creative being, the wholeness of the soul is necessary. In order to create like we, as co-Creators with God, it is necessary to collect all your fragments and pieces into a single whole. If you don't, you will be like a car with all cylinders out of action.

In order to change your timelines enough to create the changes you want to see in your world, you need to be internally whole and complete. If all the pieces of the soul were brought together and integrated, if you fully integrated yourself as an individual soul, even a small group of such souls would be enough to reach a critical mass to heal the entire planet.