
How to extinguish a candle. Is it possible to blow out church candles. comments on “Candle is a symbol of prayer”

Number of entries: 87

Tell me, please, what prayers to read with frequent illnesses and how to use holy water, and is it possible to light church candles at home? The fact is that I often get sick, it hurts in one place, then it goes away, it starts to hurt in another, and so it’s a vicious circle. A friend suggested that I go to my grandmother, but I know that this is a sin and I don’t want to turn to them for help. Please advise what I can do myself. Thanks!


Hello Love! Sickness, if endured without a murmur, leads us to salvation - this is a visitation of God. But we still need to pray for healing. You really can't go to the "grandmothers". We need to resort more often to our Mother Church and her saving Sacraments: confession, communion, unction. You can order prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon "Healer" and to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, at home you can read an akathist to them. During home prayer, you can light church candles, a candle is a symbol of prayer. Holy water is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach with prayer. And, of course, the help of doctors should not be neglected.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. Tell me, please, what to do if you put a candle for health where they put it for the rest? I really blame myself for such an oversight, just Lord! She put about the health of herself, her relatives and friends, in her thoughts she wished everyone good health and asked God to protect us. Now I don't know what to do. Help me please. Thank you.


Elena, there is no need to worry so much: with God everyone is alive! And besides, the Lord is not some kind of machine, do you really think that if you put a candle in the wrong place, then some gears will start in this machine, which will lead to bad consequences. What do you! God is a Person, a Loving Father. That says it all!

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. This is the second time in a row that a candle has fallen in my church. Does this mean something, or am I just thinking too much? Thank you.


Hello, Elena! Does not mean anything. And to attach importance to this is to fall into superstition.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello father! Our relatives brought Holy water, oil, and candles from Israel. In such a box, similar to a souvenir, it is clear that they are sold to all tourists. What to do with it? Is it possible to use?


Of course, Oleg, you can and should use it as consecrated: you can drink or sprinkle water with it, anoint yourself with oil, and pray with candles.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Tell me, is it possible for a woman during her period to touch church candles and ask for blessings from the priest?


Hello Sofia! In impurity, you can not touch the shrines, participate in the Sacraments. It is not forbidden to take a blessing and put candles. A candle is a symbol of your prayer, and you can always pray.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Fathers, God save you, thank you all for your answers! Please answer my question why they say that candles cannot be blown out, they must be extinguished with your hands, and they give an example that they do not blow out in the church, but cover them with special iron caps. And I thought, it’s just that there are a lot of candles in the church and it’s somehow inconvenient to blow on each, it’s easier to extinguish with your hands. Is it superstition? Thanks to.

Hello Natalia! Candles can be blown out. All this is superstition and "grandmother's theology."

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello dear fathers! I have the following questions: 1) Every time the priest asks if I repent of sins, although I say that I repent and have a firm intention not to repeat them, I do not feel much sorrow in my soul that I have sinned, such sins as irritability , swear words, self-esteem did not become truly hated to me. So is it possible to say in confession that I repent? 2) At Easter in the Temple, it seemed to me and my mother that the flame of the candles was not the same as always, but white and brighter. Usually the flame of candles is yellow. Did it seem so to us, or is it really that even candles burn differently on such a Holiday? Thank you in advance for your attention.

Candle magic involves the use of new, previously unused candles. Candles that are half burnt or only slightly burnt are not suitable for rituals. Not suitable for magic and candles that serve to decorate your home for a long time (even if they have not been used before). Such candles have already absorbed the energy of the events that took place around, and cannot be considered clean. Always use candles purchased or specially made for magical rituals for magic.
Candles used for magic can be very different in shape, size, color and material from which they are made. When choosing candles in the store, trust your intuition.
Great importance in magic is attached to the choice of the color of the candle. One of the necessary conditions here is also considered that such a candle must be completely painted over, and not just doused with paint on the outside.
In magic, candles of two or three colors are sometimes used. For example, a black and white candle can be chosen to perform a ritual, the main purpose of which is the victory of good forces over evil ones. Green - white - red must be lit if you want to receive a blessing or achieve success in business.
The choice of a candle depends on what goal you set for yourself when performing a magical rite.
Candles dressed in a glass case are well suited for rituals. They produce less soot and are safer.
Traditional straight candles, paraffin or wax, are probably the best for magic. They can burn for several hours and come in a variety of colors.
Before carrying out the ritual, it will not be superfluous to additionally consecrate the candle. Immerse the candle in pure mineral or distilled water and then run it through the smoke from the incense.

The energy of a burning candle, together with your focus on what is happening and the concentration of thoughts, will help to carry out a magical action. Under the influence of your thoughts, energy begins to move, as a result of which you get the opportunity to influence the elements of the world around you. However, if you just cast spells by the light of a burning candle, a miracle will not happen. It is very important that these actions are combined with a powerful energy that comes from the tension and concentration of your thoughts.

Never extinguish candles, let them burn out completely, unless breaks in burning are a necessary condition for a particular ritual. A candle extinguished before the deadline means a rejection of the plan, and your intention will never come true! Altar and some additional candles in the rite (for example, "Power of Magic", aromatic - if used) can be extinguished with your hands or with a special cap for extinguishing candles and reused.

Candles are lit on the growing moon for rituals aimed at creation, growth (money, strength, energy ...), attracting good luck, for finding work, for improving health, love rituals (love spells and similar actions).
Candles are lit on the waning moon for rituals aimed at destruction, getting rid of something or someone unnecessary, magical rites to expel misfortunes, relieve pain and overcome obstacles to achieve success and happiness, to weaken the effect of other spells, reduce weight, and also causing various troubles.
On full moon days, candles are lit for a very wide range of spells. A very strong day, and it is best to work directly on this day (or night). It is believed that the same effect can be worked three days before and three days after the full moon, that is, a period of seven days.
On the days of the new moon, certain types of candles are lit, especially on the days before the new moon for rites of exorcism, lapels, and similar activities.

For each ritual in candle magic, only new candles must be used. Candles that have already been tried for serious work are not suitable.


1. Reuse candles.
2. Extinguish the candle after the ceremony. The candle itself should burn out or go out by accident (for example, in a draft).
3. Transfer a candle made to order for you to another person.
4. Use the candle as an interior decoration.
5. Tell about the performed ritual with candles to another person.
6. Store the remains of the candle in the apartment.
7. If the rite is interrupted, then a new candle must be used.
8. Harvest candles for future use.
9. Blow on a candle or set it on purpose so that it goes out on its own
10. Use a candle designed for one ritual in another ritual.
11. Use lighter candles to ignite. Light only with matches.
Each candle has its own character. Some candles are very easy to fulfill their plans, and some are very "stubborn". In such a situation, nothing can be done to help, just use another candle. But this happens very rarely, usually a candle and fire fulfill the desires of their client.
It is very easy to check the readiness of the candle to work with you. If the candle is lit the first time, then everything should go well. If the candle is lit from 3-4 times, then she does not want to work on this issue. If it doesn’t light up at all, then there will be absolutely no work.

The nature of the candle

1. If the flame is even and confident, then everything will be fine.
2. If the flame is constantly twitching, then decreasing, then increasing - the candle is cunning, and can deceive you.
3. If the flame is strongly inclined to one of the sides - the candle believes that you should not do this.
4. If the candle suddenly flashed strongly, the execution is close.
5. If the flame of the candle fades evenly - the desire is accepted, but the result is not soon.

Diagnosis with candles

Diagnosis of diseases and purification of the biofield with the help of a candle is a method that is quite common among psychics and magicians. With the help of a candle, you can conduct a primary, rough diagnosis of the state of physical and mental health of any person. The candle will help determine whether there are serious problems or not, and you can continue to live in peace, forgetting about the doctors.

The general rule for diagnosing a candle: if everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle burns with an even, high flame, without forming sagging. So, everything is fine with health, and with the psyche, and with the soul.

As soon as some mental problems arise, the candle begins to “cry”: influxes run along it. And this is the most common picture.

If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of the human body, starting from the head, and it starts to smoke black smoke in some place, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and they must be treated until (with a second diagnosis) the candle stops smoke.

You can put a stearin candle near your feet, heating its lower end and sticking it to a large dish. If, having started to “cry”, the candle forms at its base uniformly around the circumference of cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm adjacent to it, this is a serious indication of possible oncological diseases.

If the candle goes out, the matter smells like death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

If a line of influx runs through a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on a person. If two lines - two curses. Most are almost never found.

If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, this means that a person is threatened with death from a serious illness, and he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate may be to blame.

Keep in mind that the candle should always be held with one side towards the patient. If influxes are formed from his side, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease “made” him.

If a “tear” rolls down the candle on the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energy struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, then the person is in a state of negative energy. If the “tears” on the candle are the same color as itself, then the end of the flow is close.

When candles are placed in the church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. This means that the person is possessed by an evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who sent the curse.

Physical strength, health, energy. It is used in rituals aimed at sexual attraction and passion, love and marriage. Promotes fertility, courage, willpower, increase in magnetism. Faith, vitality, fellowship, protection.

Adaptation, energy, enthusiasm, authority, power, luck, adaptability, attractiveness, weight loss. Justice, court cases, trade, property transactions. Calm.

Honor, glory, honor, respect, morality, romantic love, friendship, femininity, attractiveness. Understanding, purity, prophecy, education, fidelity, reconciliation.

Removal of spells, divination, prediction. Ambition, business development, power, domination, submission, success. Wisdom, hidden knowledge, third eye, meditation, treatment of serious illnesses.
Strengthening your own magical abilities.

Attracts victory, strength, masculinity, happiness, cosmic energy.

Gives confidence in spells, gives strength to the concentration of will and imagination in rituals. Used in divination and divination. Energy, creativity, attractiveness, intelligence, memory improvement, learning acceleration. Breaks mental blocks. Removal of obstacles and all that brings misfortune.

Balances the connection with nature and the outside world. Used to attract money and overcome the financial crisis.
Home magic, healing, animal magic. Love and affection of animals, treatment of animals. Earth connections, persistence, learning, telepathy, finding things that have been lost. The success of a common cause, professional goals.

Wisdom, harmony, inner light, tranquility, truth, luck, protection. Spiritual inspiration. Prophetic dreams.

Calmness, harmony, patience, health. Spiritual color, helps in piety or meditation, brings peace and tranquility. Spiritual and psychic requests.

Navy blue
Depression, impulsivity, volatility.

The color of inertia, stops situations or people, induces deep meditation.

Promotes wealth, fertility and success. Finance, luck, monetary success, career, achievement of personal goals, employment. Decisiveness, will. Youth, beauty. The magic of trees and plants.

emerald green
Captivating love, social pleasures, fertility.

greenish yellow
Illness, cowardice, cowardice, anger, envy, jealousy, disagreements.

dark green
The color of ambition, greed, envy. Counteracts this in rituals.

Promotes the removal of negativity, maintains stability, helps develop physical abilities. Astral energy, telepathy, intuition and dreams, receptivity and self-healing, clairvoyance.

Charm, charm. Neutralizing, color canceling. Useful for reflection and meditation.

Exorcism of spirits, treatment of serious illnesses, absorption and destruction of negativity, removal of obstacles. Used to induce deep meditative states, opens the deep levels of the unconscious. destructive magic.

Symbolizes purity, truth, sincerity, wisdom. Promotes spiritual enlightenment, purification. Clairvoyance, healing, peace, purity, divinity, protection. Balances all other colors, if necessary, can replace any other color.

Once upon a time candles in churches were used to illuminate the premises at night, and lamps were used for religious ceremonies. But over time, candles have become a full-fledged religious attribute. After all, both of them give light, which is a symbol of faith. We put candles for health and repose, we light them on major holidays and have been using them in prayer for many centuries.


But many Orthodox people have a question about how to properly extinguish an unburned candle and whether it can be done at all. There are many opinions, and especially superstitions regarding church candles. Therefore, the editorial "So simple!" I decided to ask the clergy how to do the right thing.

church candle

Many people are sure that in no case should you blow out church candles - they should be extinguished with fingertips or covered with a special cap. After all, in their opinion, by blowing out a candle, we destroy the divine light. Some doubting parishioners generally prefer not to extinguish the candle and wait until it burns out naturally.


But the clergy themselves assure that all of the above is nothing more than superstition. Priest Vladimir Shlykov believes that candles can be blown out, and everything else is already an invention of grandmothers. In addition, many parishioners probably noticed more than once that the ministers of the church themselves extinguish the candles before they have time to melt. This is done so that they can be taken out of the cell.


Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers this question in the affirmative. He says that after the prayer, the candle can really be blown out, and the next time it can be lit again. Priest Anatoly Bobrovsky in one of the TV programs also confirmed that it is possible to blow out a candle, he himself does this throughout his life.


“Of course, it is easier to extinguish a candle with your fingers and from this feel like a real Orthodox. And nothing is said about candles in the Gospel, however, just as it is not said there about how exactly it is necessary to extinguish them, ”says the priest.


Therefore, you can safely extinguish church candles in any way convenient for you. The main thing is to keep faith within yourself and wish only good for your neighbors. And all outward manifestations of piety do not matter if your thoughts are dirty.

We also previously talked about whether to hang small icons in the car.

Tell us in the comments what questions and doubts you have about behavior in church or handling religious attributes, and we will try to answer them in the following publications. And also share this useful article with your friends on social networks!

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You will need

  • - a cap for extinguishing candles;
  • - metal thimble;
  • - souvenir metal bell;
  • - a piece of copper wire;
  • - soldering iron.


Most often, candles are blown out. But this common method is not always safe. If you use it, blow moderately strongly and in the right direction. Otherwise, you might get in trouble. You can also extinguish the candle on the edge of the candlestick. This is a common method, but it is not always convenient. It does not always make sense and the opportunity to remove the candle. It happens that the candles are very swollen and getting them out of the candelabra becomes quite a dangerous business.

Some candles with fingers. The method is elegant, but risky and can be painful. If you want to learn it, lick your fingertips for the first time and hold the wick firmly with them. This is usually easy for those who play stringed instruments and extinguish the candle with their left hand.

All of these methods are applicable only in cases where the candle is close enough. But in the old days, candles were placed in high candelabra, or even inserted into chandeliers, which are not so easy to reach. To extinguish such candles, special devices are needed. Make them yourself.

Take the metal thimble. Copper is better, but any other metal thimble can also be used. You need to make a handle for it so that it reaches a far-off candle. Cut a piece of wire to the appropriate length. The wire should be thick enough to hold its shape well. Solder the end of the wire to any point on the thimble. You have a cap for extinguishing candles. There is no danger of melting the solder in this case, since the cap practically does not heat up.

A more elegant cap can be made from a souvenir metal bell. You can take the one used by the fishermen. Pull out the tongue. Solder the wire to the ear. It is very useful to provide the entire structure with a wooden handle. Suitable, for example, a rope handle. If you are going to extinguish candles in candelabra, bend the wire so that it is convenient for you to do this.

Useful advice

You can also use special tongs for extinguishing candles. In the old days, they were sold in special sets along with candles for removing carbon deposits. But they are not very convenient to use, especially if the candle is heavily melted around the edges.

There is a way to extinguish candles by immersing a burning wick in melted wax or paraffin. Just press the wick with some suitable object. Usually it is a spoon. The paraffin does not ignite. The spoon then needs to be cleared of paraffin.

Why did the Australian National Board of Health make such a strange proposal? It turns out that doctors are sure that with this method of celebration, viruses and bacteria are transmitted between children. The parents came up with an alternative option, they will serve the birthday man a special cupcake with candles.

I must say that Australians with children met the fanaticism of doctors rather skeptically. However, there is one "but". Candles on a cake can't really be blown out. True, this has nothing to do with viruses and bacteria, it is connected with the element of fire, which is considered to be alive, and the demigod of fire - Agni, who is considered one of the highest intelligent living beings.

When a man blows on fire, it does not matter whether he blows out a match, a candle or something else, with his breath he inflicts an insult on a creature that is superior in development to him. And since fire is associated with vision, then as a punishment for such an insult, a person in the future gets vision problems. Unfortunately, now people do not know the subtle laws of being, and at every step these laws are violated, and then they themselves suffer from it.

It is necessary to cut off the access of oxygen to the fire - for example, cover a candle with some kind of cap, and a burning match can be extinguished with a wave of the hand.