
How best to clean your house and yard. Salt: cleaning with salt, magic, spells, conspiracies. Salt cleansing: reviews of the salt cleansing method

To date, a lot of types of negative impacts are known, but the most popular is the one that is directed at a dwelling, that is, a private dwelling. Today we will learn how to understand that evil has been brought to the apartment, how to clean the house from damage on our own, what is needed for this and how to quickly wait for the result. Why is it easiest to damage a dwelling, and not a person? The fact is that a person has a certain aura, which is not so easy to break even with the help of magic. But an apartment or a house is protected extremely rarely; it can have energy holes and pores that are not protected, so it becomes easy prey.

How to understand that damage has been brought to the house

To make sure that damage has been brought to the apartment, you will need an ordinary church candle. How to clean a house with a candle? With the help of church utensils, you can definitely find out whether damage is the cause of problems in the house and family. You need to take a lit candle and go around every corner of your house, without looking up, looking at the flame:

  • If the fire is directed upwards, does not lean to the left or right, burns brightly and evenly, like a dot, then this indicates that there is positive energy in the room, that is, there is no evil eye and damage
  • If the flame of a church candle barely burns, the fire is weak and practically goes out, this may indicate that there are certain energy holes in the house through which you can subsequently get damage or an evil eye on the house. These holes should be patched up immediately to prevent negativity.
  • If the flame of a candle burns strongly, a black burn appears, the wax melts and flows over the fingers, this indicates that a negative has been brought to the living area and urgent measures must be taken to remove it. After all, delay can cost the program to take root even deeper, it will be too difficult to get rid of it.

We remove damage from the front door

Most often, damage is done precisely on the front door, because absolutely everyone has access to its opposite side. How to clean the house from damage and the evil eye? Magicians recommend cleaning it even as a preventive measure in order to increase energy protection. Start on the inside side, then move to the outside to clean everything thoroughly.

For the ritual of purification, you need to choose the right time, namely the dawn after the full moon. To begin with, wash the door, use only natural cloth for washing, it absorbs negative energy better. After the cleaning is finished, the rag must be put in a hole near a large tree. It is important to choose a place for the pit where there are not a lot of people, that is, away from residential buildings. The water that was used during cleaning must also be poured into the same place. After the rag is thrown away and the water is poured out, you need to say the following words three times: “I sweep, I clean, I kill evil spirits in the house, leave, don’t come.”

Return home, read the words of the prayer "Our Father", cross yourself and throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. At this time, you need to say the following words:

“I sow salt in the air, I sow, I wash off evil and grief, I’m not afraid to look in the face, you will burn for a century in hell.”

The final step will be the following - take a clove of dried garlic and put it inside the door frame. If this is not possible, you need to rub the door with fresh garlic or onions, saying these words:

“When you leave, leave, take all the bad things with you, let all the bad things stay with you, don’t turn your face to me, dissolve in the air.”

We remove damage from the house with a candle

How to cleanse the house with a consecrated candle? With the help of a candle, you can not only determine if there is damage on the house, but also cleanse it yourself at home by invoking the spirits of your home. In order to clean the room you will need 4 candles bought in the church. You need to determine the four corners of your house - north, south, west and east. The ritual of cleaning begins from the eastern corner of the dwelling, for this, light a candle and head to the right place. Holding the candle in your right hand, draw an imaginary cross with the flame, saying these words:

"Go away evil, go away trouble, I put a cross of silver on you, I spit in your face."

After that, place a candle in that corner. The same manipulations must be done with the remaining three corners, also leaving burning candles standing. Thus, you should have 4 candles in different corners. After everything is done, you need to return to the very first candle and move it to the south side. As you walk, say the words that were previously written. Then follow to the north, having already taken two candles, and then go to the west, thus, it is there, in the end, that all the lit magic candles will end up, so the first cycle of the ritual ends and the purification takes place.

The second part is that you need to put out all the candles, while saying the words of a conspiracy from corruption:

“Get out everything that you wished, leave me forever, all the evil and dregs that you sent, I will burn and throw into the fire.”

Then, when the cleansing ritual is over, you need to bury the candles in the ground and trample on the hole three times, and so we learned how to clean the house with a consecrated candle.

Rite of purification from corruption with the help of candles and holy water

How to clean your home with candles and water? In order to remove damage with a candle and holy water, you will need the help of a loved one, preferably the one who lives with you in this apartment. It is important to turn off phones, TV, so that there are no distracting sounds. The first person must hold holy water in their hands, the second a candle purchased in the church.

Start cleaning from the front door. The one who has a candle in his hand should go first, then the second person, while splashing holy water on the sides. Both people participating in the ritual must be baptized and read the prayer "Our Father" during the ceremony. Your task is to go around the entire apartment or house without missing a single section, ending the round near the front door.

Particular attention should be paid to dark places where sunlight does not reach, as well as corners and places under the bed and other upholstered furniture. Do not miss windows, curtains, carpets and mirrors, they often accumulate negative energy, including the evil eye. Try to be there longer, it may be worth reading the prayer several times in a row, so you will be sure that there will be no damage.

Cleansing should end where it began, that is, at the front door. At the end, you need to leave some holy water to extinguish the flame of the candle, this will end the ritual of purification. In the near future you will feel that the situation in the house is changing for the better, there are fewer quarrels, comfort and harmony will appear.

5 ways to protect salt from spoilage, evil eye and evil.

A strong dua from the evil eye, envy, witchcraft, illness, damage, genies

How to get rid of the evil eye, witchcraft and damage?

We clean the house from damage with the help of incense

Church incense is often used in the rite of cleansing from corruption. To carry out the ritual, the incense is set on fire and they pass with smoky incense through all the rooms of the house. As in the case of holy water, you need to carefully process the most hidden places, since the accumulation of negative black energy in them is maximum. If the house has an attic or basement, you need to spend more time there, since negative energy can live there for years, growing stronger every year and influencing a person, causing problems and troubles.

After the cleaning begins, as the whole room is stoned, you need to spread the herbs throughout the apartment. This will require a herbal collection of celandine, wormwood, juniper, bay leaf, mint, thistle and burdock. Such bags of herbs need to be spread out throughout the apartment, be sure to put one near the sleeping place, for example, under a pillow made of feather or down, so that it protects sleep when a person is most weakened and exposed to the evil eye and damage. You can wear bags as decoration, then they will serve as a means of individual protection.

Prayer during cleaning cleanses from damage

A prayer that is read to oneself during cleaning can help in getting rid of damage. It is important to clean periodically, preventing debris and dirt from collecting, and such a thing as a lining is often found. Once a month, it is worth carrying out a general cleaning, during which absolutely everything is washed, including windows, bathroom furniture, and kitchen utensils. Try to get rid of everything unnecessary, do not accumulate junk, this will contribute to the fact that it will not be easy and not easy to damage your home.

What to get rid of first:

  • Old clothes and shoes
  • Broken crockery, chipped crockery
  • broken things
  • Old newspapers and magazines

It is worth saying that an old broken thing or object may turn out to be a lining, on which damage was made. Therefore, it is important to prevent such a mess in the house and keep it clean in time.

Nature helps fight the evil eye

To remove extraneous energy from your home and, for example, get rid of acne, you can use the power of nature. An excellent folk remedy is an aspen broom with which you can clean your home. In order for it to take effect, you need to hang a broom over the front door, this will serve as a barrier to the penetration of enemy energy, which is the basis of damage to the house. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is fresh herbs or dried branches.

This is one of the best options for preventing damage to a house or apartment. In addition, you can weave a wreath of aspen branches, it will be not only useful, but also beautiful. This is one of the answers to the question of how to clean the air in the house of negativity, and the tone also has a pleasant smell.

Not only aspen branches can protect your home and air from damage and everything bad that has been collected for a long time, other herbs can come to the rescue, for example, dill, oak leaves, sage, calendula, tansy and so on. Usually, small linen bags are sewn, which are filled with a herbal mixture. However, it is important to periodically change the filling, because the herbs do not last so long. It is worth saying that you need to throw away the already used collection of herbs only into the water, but not into the toilet. It is desirable that it be a river with a current.

Needles from spoilage and evil eye

Needles can remove any damage from the house. To do this, buy 7 needles of different lengths and read the following prayer over them:

“The sharp needle will become my protection. The enemy will come, prick my leg, will not come to me again, will be filled with blood.

To prevent damage from entering your home, you need to place the needles under the front door, putting it under the rug or under the floor covering. You need to put them crosswise, this will serve as an excellent protection against bad energy and evil tongues.

Protect windows from damage

It also happens that a person passing by your windows can damage your home, the reason for everything, most often, is ordinary envy. To prevent such a situation, you need to be able to properly install protection on windows, this is especially true for those people who live on low floors or in private houses. This remedy is suitable both for prevention and for combating damage that is already in the house.

Firstly, window panes must be clean, it is believed that dirty windows absorb negativity from the outside faster, wash them by adding vinegar to the water. You can also decorate the window frame with some drawings to make it clear that only positive energy reigns in this house.

It is important to put protection on the windows even after any other cleaning option has been carried out. Often you can see carefully laid out stones, amulets or figured glass on the windowsill. All this is done in order to protect oneself from the evil eye and damage, as well as to remove the already existing curse, this is an ancient Slavic way of protection.

After the ritual of cleaning the house and home air from damage and extraneous essence has been carried out, it is important to prevent a repeated energy attack. Now you know which methods are the most popular and effective, how you can do them yourself at home in order to maintain the perfect home aura.

Daily contact with household items and the walls of his home, a person initiates a continuous exchange between transforming (living) and accumulating (non-living) energies. Unlike a living organism, which is capable of converting cosmic energy into many others, inanimate objects simply accumulate all the subtle matter available to them, forming a complex energy substratum.

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Houses with a stagnant, heavy biofield can negatively affect the mood and actions of a person. The ritual of cleaning the space and the further maintenance of home energy in a circulating state can change the life of the family living in it for the better.

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    How do you know if your home needs cleaning?

    It is also possible to spoil the spatial energy of the house on purpose, by making a lining for damage or by tying primitive dark entities to the dwelling. Such a provocation is very quickly revealed in the general deterioration in the well-being of family members, the development of inexplicable fears in children, the presence of extraneous sounds and smells in the house. The most striking sign of home damage is the feeling of a close “look in the back”, which all the residents of the room complain about.

    The symptoms of energy stagnation are more vague:

    • quarrels break out "out of the blue";
    • children get sick more often;
    • family members begin to feel depressed when they enter the house from the street;
    • worsening financial situation;
    • even after cleaning the apartment looks sloppy;
    • home plants die;
    • household appliances, pieces of furniture break, dishes often break.

    Believers note that in places with poor energy, the faces of the saints on the icons darken and become difficult to distinguish, and the lamps quickly become greasy and blacken from soot.

    Removing your own negativity

    It is impossible to start cleansing rituals surrounded by a dark, negative aura. Before all sacred actions - diagnosis and removal of damage, ritual cleaning or protective rites - one should wash the body with warm water and rub with coarse table salt, which removes negative energy well.

    You can turn bathing into a cleansing ritual. To do this, you first need to rub the wet body with salt in a circular motion, from the heels to the edge of the hair growth on the head, and then, standing under the shower jets and stroking yourself on the shoulders and chest, utter a short conspiracy:

    House cleaning methods

    It is necessary to free the dwelling from the accumulated negativity in combination with procedures aimed at energy cleansing of all adult family members. This must be done in several stages - at the physical and mental level. It is useful for baptized people to turn to Divine protection - to invite the priest home and periodically go to the temple to confess and receive communion.

    No one, except for the people living in this territory, should know about taking measures to clean up the home space, because it is possible that the person who made the damage will repeat his actions again and all efforts will be in vain. There is no need to panic and try to reproduce all the rituals below - just apply 1-2 effective methods.


    No ritual actions for cleaning the housing will take effect if the information field of the premises is not previously unloaded from sources emitting negative waves. Hopelessly broken things, no matter how expensive they are, should be disposed of. The charge of negative energy is carried by:

    • broken and glued dishes (figurines);
    • cracked chandelier shades;
    • "bald" carpets;
    • non-functioning equipment;
    • old clothes that no one wears, patched curtains or tablecloths that are "sorry to throw away."

    If items can be repaired without losing their appearance and functionality, this should be done quickly or get rid of the item forever. Carpets, as well as massive curtains, are dry-cleaned, extra shoes, out-of-season clothing are put into boxes.

    In the room, every corner is washed, all old spots are cleaned off the floors and walls, the furniture is polished to a shine. The window, even if it is cold outside, is kept open during cleaning. Without prolonged ventilation, bad energy, finding no way out, will continue to circulate indoors.

    "Energy Vampires"

    In every house there are potentially dangerous items that have become so firmly merged into the biofield of housing that they seem to be an integral part of it. These can be old things bought "from hand" or inherited, photographs of deceased relatives, mirrors or art objects:

    1. 1. Photos of dead people. If they are on display in the house for all to see, then this is a very powerful energy funnel that absorbs any energy converted from biomass (live). Of particular danger are portrait photographs of ancestors, where the eyes of a person are clearly visible. If the cards are of family value, they must be placed in a separate album, where there are no photos of living family members. Old photographs and negatives with strangers should be thrown away.
    2. 2. Paintings or objects depicting human deformity or demonicentities. They are highly undesirable in a residential area. Stuffed animals, parts of the skeleton (skull, etc.), reptiles in alcohol have the same bad energy.
    3. 3. Mirrors. These are strong mental accumulators with long-term memory, capable of storing information up to several hundred years. Their energy is manageable, but only if the mirrors are bought and used within the history of one family and one generation.

    Three or four times a year, the space of the house needs to be refreshed, forcing energy whirlwinds to move in a new direction and wash the previously closed corners of the rooms. This is facilitated by the rearrangement of furniture and a change in the color scheme of the design of the room.

    Salt treatments

    After the house is cleaned of visible dirt, a superficial mental cleaning with salt should be carried out. It will not work to remove the damage or collect all the negative energy in this way, but freeing up space from coarse matters and increasing the effectiveness of further procedures is completely. First, dry salt is used - it is scattered over glass vodka glasses and placed in all corners of the house, even in the bathroom and hallway. The "accumulators of evil" must stand for at least a month, and the salt is changed in containers every 7 days.

    The next morning after a general cleaning, you need to wash the floors with a charmed solution with salt, which is prepared the day before. Tap water is not suitable for this purpose - you should stock up on rain, melt snow or go to the river. In the evening, standing in the yard or on the balcony, you need to take a handful of salt from a new pack and read the words of the prayer over it:

    "God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and thus made healthy harmful water through salt! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God and we send glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit "Now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen."

    The charmed salt is thrown into the water and the solution is stirred by hand. The bucket is left overnight under the moonlight, and at dawn they begin the final part of the cleaning. If the floors are very dirty, then they use salt and vinegar - they introduce one and the other component into a bucket of several tablespoons. The floors are washed, moving from the far room towards the front door.

    Sprinkling with holy water

    To perform this powerful rite, you need to cut branches of thistles or heather panicles in the field in the morning of the same day. Toward evening, holy water is poured into a deep plate, taken in the left hand, and plant branches in the right, and they begin to make a detour through all the rooms of the house, moving clockwise. With special care they sprinkle floors and walls in the corners, windows, interior and entrance doors, and at the same time read a prayer:

    “Lord, deliver me and my house from the evil deeds of strangers and godly deceit, and hide me and my family from these nets in the wilderness of Your innermost salvation. Lord, give me courage and strength, the strength to resist bad intentions and evil. May I not renounce You, our Redeemer and Savior, from your holy church. But give me, Lord Jesus, night and day tears and weeping for my sins, and spare us at the hour of Your Terrible Judgment. Amen".

    At the end of the ceremony, they wash their hands and face with the remaining water, but do not wipe them, but let them dry.

    Burning with a church candle

    In the church, you need to buy at least three yellow wax candles and take more holy water. With the onset of evening, the owner of the house curtains all the windows, stands in the middle of the farthest room in the house and lights one church candle, reading "Our Father". The candle should be held in an outstretched hand in front of you.

    The bypass of the room starts from the left corner clockwise - the candle slowly and zigzag (up and down) moves along each wall, and the corners are "burned" from the baseboards and as far as the hand reaches at the top. During the bypass, a plot is read:

    "Dark power, evil power, leave in a good way. I'm not afraid of you, I'll walk around the corners with a candle, I'll drive you out, with sacred fire to ashes. and picks you up, he misses you."

    Cleaning with a candle also serves as an accurate diagnosis of the degree of "disease" at home. The fire of a candle in a “polluted” apartment will behave strangely, and where it starts to dance or go out, smoke or crackle, you should stop and repeat the words of the prayer over and over again until the flame calms down. When one candle burns out, they immediately light another and continue bypassing.

    Cinders left after the ceremony are wrapped in paper and taken to a forest or grove, where they are buried under the oldest tree that can be found.

    Muslim way to clean your home with a candle

    Muslims believe that damage to the living quarters itself is a rare phenomenon. Negative energy enters the room with the cursed person and remains in the walls even after the patient is cured. You can clean the house from such damage with the help of candles and water charged by the healer.

    Candles are taken four times more than living rooms in the house, plus one more candle for each non-residential or office space. From early morning until two or three in the afternoon, a general cleaning is carried out in the house with the participation of all family members, but closer to the appointed time, everyone leaves the house, except for the one who will conduct the ceremony. Even pets are taken away.

    The reader opens all the windows and begins the ritual:

    • he pours healing water into a bowl, takes it in his left hand, and in his right - a brush;
    • starting from the far room and moving towards the entrance, the reader crosswise irrigates each corner with water from a brush;
    • in all corners of the treated room, on a silver platter, placed on an unlit candle;
    • in non-residential rooms, a candle is placed in the middle of the room;
    • after all the rooms have been bypassed and illuminated with water, the person returns to the original room and, starting from there, lights all the candles placed around the house.

    Prayers for cleaning the house should be read in such a complex - first, once “Arrahimani-rrahim”, then ten times in a row “La ilagia illa-(A) llagyu vahidagu”. The first time the complex is read when all the candles are just lit, the second time - when they are half melted, and the third time - when the last candle goes out.

    Cinders should be carefully collected and burned on an open fire, and the saucers should be beaten and buried away from home.

    Runic symbols

    Runic cleaning acts on the strength of the one who decided to use the ancient symbols, so it is not recommended to use it often, when removing damage or the evil eye on your own. The sacred formula is applied once and in such a way that it can be easily “closed” after the rune has worked itself out. It is best to use visualization and symbolic application - that is, “draw” the runes in the air with a smoldering aroma stick or a church candle, while imagining how the secret signs tremble and gradually dissolve in the aura of the room.

    When drawing symbols, you should say aloud, in a firm voice, the result that is expected from the action of the rune. It should sound in an uncompromising form, with the obligatory indication of the validity period of the formula, after which it will become inactive. Traditionally, three or nine days are indicated.

    The Quort symbol, which requires drawing on the four cardinal points:

    Nautiz-Soulu-Nautiz symbol:

    If a person is away from a house in need of cleaning, he can draw the chosen formula on a photograph of the building, and speak out loud or write his intention on the back of the picture.

    Sand cleaning

    The ritual is performed in late spring or summer, when natural sand near open waters is gaining plenty of sunlight and heat. Early in the morning you need to go to the beach and take 5 handfuls of dry sand without pebbles and shells. They recruit it from a secluded corner where people and animals do not go.

    At home, sand should be sifted into a linen bag and put in the middle of the room, where the negative is most felt. Three days later, the bag, without touching its contents, is tied up and taken to a dirt pedestrian crossing away from home. Sand must be scattered so that its particles lie on all sides of the world, on all four paths of the intersection. The bag is buried right there, at the curb.

    rain cleansing

    To attract good luck and clean the house from the remnants of negative matters that may linger in the room after serious procedures, a visualization method called “Rain” is connected. To do this, you first need to practice, repeatedly reproducing in your memory the once seen summer "mushroom" rain - warm and plentiful, boiling with bubbles in puddles and causing pleasant bright thoughts.

    When the picture begins to pop up in the mind at the first desire, you should go through all the rooms of the house in turn and in each clearly imagine how a strong downpour pierced by the sun began right in the room, washing away everything dark that is in the air. After the rain, you need to “turn on” the sun and let it illuminate all the washed corners of the room.

    This method of cleaning is used as often as possible, even every day.

    Cleansing your energy before entering

    A person needs to accustom himself to regularly cleaning his own biofield from the emotional and energetic dirt that penetrates into it daily. This also requires visualization.

    Approaching the front door from the outside, one must imagine that a shower structure is attached above the door, as in a country house. He stood on the rug on the threshold, took hold of the door handle - and immediately a stream of warm, pleasant water falls from above, carrying away the extra load in the form of daily sorrows, failures, negative thoughts.

    Conducting visualization every day, accompanying it with all parishes from the street, you can learn to do it automatically.

    Treatment of home energy with sound

    Any sounds make the energy fields vibrate - the low-frequency range raises the lowest and heaviest waves in the biofield of space, and the high-frequency range, saturated with short harmonics, awakens cosmic waves and initiates renewal.

    The dark energy present in the house produces ultra-low frequency waves that are inaudible to the ear, negatively affecting the mental state of the residents. By opposing these vibrations with others that have healing properties, one can nullify the frequency of heavy vibrations.

    You can do this in several ways:

    1. 1. Claps. You need to walk along each wall of the apartment, clapping your hands as loudly as possible and carefully “slapping” all the corners until they start to echo.
    2. 2. Bell. A bell from a module, which is usually hung over the front door in stores, will do. Continuously ringing them, they pass through all the rooms, looking even into closets and other closed spaces.
    3. 3. Audio recordings. It is necessary to try so that classical music or special recordings with bells and sounds of nature often sound quietly in the house.

    Adherents of spiritual practices regularly clean their living space with a Tibetan bowl. This singing instrument is played in several ways: by “rubbing the rim” (driving the stick along the outer edge of the bowl) and by short blows on the side of the vessel. You should first study the technology of working with a ritual object, and then, sitting in the middle of the main room in the house, perform a 20-minute sound ritual according to the chosen method.

    Hand cleansing

    After the manipulations carried out at home to clean the housing from the negative, it is necessary to remove the remnants of dark matter from the hands, otherwise you can become seriously ill. To do this, pour salt in a saucer in advance, and then wash your hands twice under the tap - first with soap and then with salt.

    After the procedure, the hands are shaken and a 3-5-minute finger massage is performed so that the skin warms up well. The final moment is to shake your hands, as if shaking off adhering sand from them. After this action, a person can be sure that the energy of damage or the evil eye has left his personal biofield.

    To protect the premises, it is best to use the natural forces of stones and plants, especially since they serve as good diagnosticians and will immediately indicate the contamination of the space in case of repeated “infection”.

    Plants for protection

    The main function of home flowers is to stimulate the energy flows of the house, to prevent the formation of stagnation and "dead" areas of the field. Best of all, cacti, ficuses and roses cope with the role of natural filters.

    The abundance of geranium bushes on the windowsills ensures that the energy of a person who has come with bad intentions will not linger in the apartment. A lemon or tangerine tree, standing in the corner of the main room, will have a calming effect on everyone, and it will be difficult for an ill-wisher to send damage to a dwelling in which several bushes of tree-like aloe grow.

    The natural properties of wild plants can also benefit the home, but stocks will have to be replenished regularly:

    • rowan twigs with berries are tied with a red thread in two pieces and, as a protection from the evil eye, are hung from the lintel of the front door;
    • fresh wormwood is laid out under the carpeting in the living room and under the rug at the front door;
    • sprigs of thistle, standing in a vase in the hallway, will help silence evil tongues in the house;
    • mint stalks are fixed on the frame of all the mirrors in the house, and especially on the mirror in the hallway, where strangers look.

    You should not keep cut decorative flowers in the house or specially grow plants that are not intended for apartment conditions - all this gives rise to the formation of sedentary or closed energy channels.

    Stones and crystals

    You can clean the house, which is periodically “littered” with outbursts of bad energies, with the help of stones and crystals. Among the stones, black tourmaline is considered the most powerful absorber of heavy matter, which copes well with the task in a space that often receives other people's energies - in the hallway and guest room.

    Other stones used to balance different frequency vibrations:

    • amethyst;
    • eye of the Tiger;
    • nephritis;
    • onyx;
    • obsidian;
    • turquoise.

    In the corners of the house where sunlight does not penetrate and in rooms without windows, you need to put protection - hang rock crystals on strings - they perfectly accumulate harmful energies. When the vitality of a crystal runs out, it loses its transparency and begins to crumble. In this case, the mineral is wrapped in paper and "buried" in the ground or in a river.


    Essential oils affect a person by regulating his emotions and harmonizing them to a state of peace and inner balance. Aromas affect the aura of the premises, brightening it and unloading it from heavy negative suspensions:

    • eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, orange help restore the circulation of energy flows after cleaning the space from damage;
    • incense, thyme, bergamot brighten the aura and increase its intensity, attract good luck to the house;
    • pine, fir help to cope with the dead energy hanging in the room after the death of a person;
    • cinnamon, sandalwood, clove, mint strengthen the weak biofield of new housing;
    • tea tree, oregano, sage, lavender restore the protective functions of the aura after energy strikes (strong scandals, murder, damage);
    • ylang-ylang, rose, geranium distribute energy without allowing it to stagnate.

    In a house where the faint aroma of cypress oil is stable, damage will not take root, and it will be impossible to jinx such housing.

    Cleaning the house of negativity should be done four times a year and always on Clean Thursday on the eve of Easter and before the New Year. On the days of general cleaning, it is better not to be lazy and reconsider the need for every thing in the house. If any item of clothing or household has not been used for more than a year, then you can safely get rid of it.

    To maintain a healthy energy at home, it is important to exclude factors that attract dark matter. Vivid examples of these are unwashed dishes left in the sink until morning, or unwashed clothes piled up in large piles. The purity and integrity of dishes in the ancient Indian Vedas were given such great importance that in a house where these conditions were not observed, it was even forbidden to stay overnight.

    A home chapel has amazing power - a place where there are nominal icons of all family members, church candles and incense. Over time, a corner where household members can have conversations with God will become a place of power at home, and the healthy energy circulating from it will not allow any evil to penetrate into the aura of the home.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

Full description: "how to clean the yard from damage and the evil eye?".

Troubles and misfortunes always appear in life unexpectedly.

At first, a person tries to fight or endure. But sooner or later he has the idea (or someone suggests) that he has become a victim of black magic.

Then a very obvious question arises, how to clean the house from damage and the evil eye.

It should be noted that there are many recipes in various sources. Almost all of them are effective. And that's why.

Damage or the evil eye only scares inexperienced people. Those who have encountered such influences are convinced in their own skin that there is nothing insurmountable in them.

It all depends on thoughts and character.

We need to get together and give battle to the "aggressor". Believe me, he is a coward. Although it will become cunning and dodge, like people.

Energy, in general, reflects the essence of what we encounter in everyday life. You do not give up, realizing that you have become a victim of a vile intriguer? Approximately the same thing you need to think about when looking for a recipe for how to clean the house from damage and the evil eye.

Again, fear of the unknown.

And when you figure it out, you realize the danger, you look the "enemy" in the black eyes, then everything looks much more trivial.

And there is one more moment at which many "break". One should act against black magic boldly, courageously, but carefully and, if possible, secretly.

It was brought into the house by someone who does not burn with love for you. It is advisable not to let this person know that you have seen through his game. Otherwise, he will launch another attack. Do you need this? Apparently not.

Until you figure out who caused the damage, be silent. And, as you investigate everything (it's not difficult), then stop communicating with this reptile.

As practice shows, people who have made an alliance with the dark forces are never corrected. You should stay away from them!

What are the methods

Let's look at a few methods.

If you are serious about learning how to cleanse your house of damage and the evil eye, then you should read more information on this issue.

We will go from simple to complex. Although, let's say right away that the effectiveness of rituals does not depend on the degree of cheating.

Rather, it is necessary to take into account some of the subtleties of one's own perception, as well as ways to induce damage.

If you just have an evil eye, then you should not worry too much. It is necessary to carry out a general cleaning, and then sprinkle the premises with holy water.

In addition, be sure to light candles in the rooms during the week. Don't forget the bathroom and toilet. The devil loves dark corners.

This will be enough to drive out the madness that spoils your life.

While the candles are burning, read the prayers. Better for the whole family.

Bell ringing helps to strengthen the effect many times. Fortunately, on the net you can find records of both monastery bells and those that ring on Great holidays from Holy places.

Turn on these magnificent sounds, they themselves remove the evil eye. Yes, and with a simple damage will cope.

How to clean the house from damage and the evil eye yourself

If the described method did not help much, then buy the Trinity Icon in the Temple.

The following method is advised not by magicians, but by monks. So, believers should not shun him or criticize him.

You will also need church candles. From one to ten pieces, depending on the degree of damage. It is recommended to start with three. Nothing bad will happen from this. The ceremony is held on Thursdays before sunset.

  1. Stand at the entrance to the house.
  2. Read the Trinity prayer. It is long and complex. But you have to try.
  3. Hold the Icon and lighted candles in front of you in your hands. We agreed that we would start with three.
  4. Go around the house, constantly reading "Our Father".
  5. Be sure to illuminate the "dusty corners". Not a single centimeter of the walls should be left without your attention.
  6. As you return to the front door, repeat the Trinity prayer.

You will have candle stubs in your hands. Examine them carefully.

Black smudges show the degree of contamination of the space.

This wax should be softened in the hands and rubbed between the door jamb and the wall.

Insert carefully into the slot. If you have a perfect repair, then pick it up with a knife.

Ritual at home

This method is similar to the previous one. Only use an egg and a broom in it. The tool must be new and the eggs fresh.

Also on Thursday, but after sunset, sweep the rooms with a broom. Then kneel down and run the egg over the floors, reading a prayer.

You can turn on the ringing of the bell too. Then carry the magical attributes to the crossroads and drop them there. Do not leave them at home for a single minute.

Cleaning the house with a candle

This method is based not on religious egregore, but on the action of fire.

Buy wax candles. In total, thirteen pieces are required. Light out after midnight on a waning moon.

  1. Arrange the candles in a circle, and put a mirror in the center so that it reflects the ceiling.
  2. Read the plot thirteen times, and then wait until all the candles burn out.
  3. Hang a mirror in front of the front door.

Conspiracy words:

“There is a pillar with fire in the holy lake. The devil is dancing in it, writhing, coming back from my house. I will not let the devil into the house, it will become good in it. I surround the house with fire, I burn the devil in fire. With you, damn it, take envy and malice, fetters of the sorcerer, dashing speeches, bad looks, ailments and troubles. No, hell, in my house of your victory! Amen!"

Cleansing with salt in a pan

  1. Place a cast iron skillet over low heat.
  2. Pour a handful of salt into it. Stir it around and list your troubles out loud.
  3. As the salt begins to crackle, go around all the rooms with the pan and put it on the fire again.
  4. Reheat and pour into water. In doing so, say:
"Let him return to whoever wishes!"

This ceremony is good because it can be performed at any time. It is not tied to lunar or other cycles.

When you feel that something is going badly, do not be lazy, clean it up. And the one who wished you harm will definitely appear after that.

Not many people know, but this enemy, feeling that you are freed from his influence, will definitely come to you. He will ask for something. Do not give any! Otherwise, negative energy will return.

Corruption is the echoes of the revenge of the one who holds evil on you, envies, wishes you all the bad. It is possible that they want to completely bring you out of the world and turn to strong magicians in order to properly cause damage. It is more difficult to remove such damage than to direct. However, for people with a clear conscience and a good soul, damage at a party does not linger for a long time. Corruption can be compared to a tattoo or brand that either grows and bakes into the blood over time or is erased without a trace in a matter of minutes.

If a person does not fall for the tricks of damage, then soon it disappears. The tricks of damage include the goal of breaking everything that is dear to the person on whom, in fact, the damage was brought on. There comes a period of lack of money, illness and drama. I want to hate the whole world and contrary to good benevolent thoughts, the voice begins to sound hostile, and jokes turn into pressure on a sore spot. If a person with whom you have always had a good relationship suddenly changed towards everyone, began to be hostile. Clear traces of fatigue appeared under his eyes and indifference in his eyes, then he was probably under a conspiracy of corruption.

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Who is causing damage?

Spoilers are unfortunate people who are desperate in their hope of living a happy life. Such people believe that you or someone else owe them everything. Deprived of the attention of the husbands of the wife, who always suspect them of treason. Girls offended by the lucky fate of the once best friend. Rivals in business, former and future wives, grandmothers - neighbors and many other specimens of the planet Earth, who definitely repent that damage is not an attack, but protection from all enemies that they have invented (or maybe not). If you are the one who took her husband away from the family (even if he left long ago about you and not to you), if you are a successful businessman who recently won a case by right, if you are a single mother who won an apartment in the lottery, etc. .d - get ready, in our time with such luck it is simply necessary to wait for damage.

People especially liked to send damage not to the person himself, but to bring it into the house, putting a “pig” in the secluded corners of an apartment or house. Bringing trouble with it.

How can you damage a house?

To spoil family life, charmed thin needles are stuck into curtains and curtains. To worsen the general condition, they put black chicken feathers in linen, pillowcases, sheets, or simply hide the feathers between sofa cushions. The atmosphere in the house instantly deteriorates and the residents themselves cannot remember how the scandals began, but it will certainly come to a divorce and to a common illness.

They spit on the waning moon with the right plot and a candle, looking at the windows of the house on 4 sides. This promises both discord in the family and a disregard for relatives.

If an unpleasant smell began to hover in your house after the departure or departure of the guests and you cannot understand where it comes from and why it intensifies, do not rush to waste energy on cleaning the floors. Check all panels, curtains, the most secluded corners of furniture. Perhaps a "kind relative" threw you a small fish head for "fun", to damage your health. The head begins to rot, exuding a disgusting odor. It doesn't really matter what size it is. It can even be half of an anchovy. After a stinking object is found, be sure to report back with candles throughout the apartment and ask the brownie to help expel the phantom of an evil spirit. Put delicious bread or gingerbread and milk in a warm place to appease the spirit of the family hearth. In the morning it will be possible to clean up the treats, because the brownie eats not food, but smells.

With brownies it is absolutely necessary to establish contact and make friends

The first signs that damage is in the house

If there is damage in your house, then you will feel it by the following signs:

  • You feel less and less like being at home;
  • Insomnia torments;
  • There is a constant mess in the house, there is no more strength and desire to clean up;
  • Even if you just washed the floor, after a few minutes it becomes sticky and dirty again;
  • The house has a heavy atmosphere, not a pleasant smell;
  • It seems to you that someone is looking at you at night and from this you are constantly annoyed;
  • Outside the house, you don’t even have a motive to quarrel, but as soon as you step over the threshold, scandals begin with your loved ones;
  • In your house, food quickly deteriorates, tasteless water, flowers wither, nasty insects appear;
  • It's stuffy in your house, even if it's cold outside.

How to save the house from damage?

As already mentioned above, Brownie helps to get rid of damage to the house. Amulets dedicated to the brownie and Slavic amulets with their own hands can absorb negative energy. A number of images that can be hung in the hallway reflect evil thoughts in their appearance, and the one who comes to you with damage, without knowing it, carries his "gift" back to his house. These images include:

  • fish waterfalls,
  • butterflies, broom,
  • mermaid,
  • plate of apples,
  • Birch,
  • Golden Dragon,
  • peacock,
  • rooster,
  • dog.
Annealing negativity with candle fire is one of the most common cleaning methods.

To get rid of spoilage, after general cleaning, wipe all surfaces in the house with ice water. You can add mint or grapefruit flavor to it. Light a light or red candle and, turning off the electricity, walk around the house with it in your hands. Outline every corner and especially windows. In those places where the flame crackles and smokes, there is negative energy. Falling into the flame of a candle, it disappears with a bang. Thus, performing the ceremony once a week, you will protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

When cooking, you can say the following words:

“My brew, my roast is for light people, for nice people, for bright people. Delicious and salty, soft and satisfying. But for black people, for evil people - unkind, not my brew, not my water, not my hands will feed them.

The person who came to spoil will choke at your table. He will be uncomfortable with you, he will want to leave as soon as possible, but the damage will cool in place and will not affect your walls.

Another way to rid the house of damage is to take an ordinary whisk and sweep even a clean floor. It doesn't matter what type of flooring you have on your floor. The broom is a symbol of the hearth and it is her that the dark forces are most afraid of.

“Sweep - sweep the panicle, fly over the threshold and into distant lands, fly a black feather, do not return. Go away trouble, away from the gate, there is no way for you here, I and my family live here. Happy, loved, cared for.”

Treat people who want to corrupt with condescension and sympathy. God punishes them at his own discretion, and none of the people can judge the same people created in a single image. Do not stoop to their black thoughts and enjoy what you have, trying to give joy and happiness to your friends. Then damage will not be able to penetrate your bright hearts and warm homes.

There are a lot of ways to bring damage to the house. For example, it is possible at the threshold, leaving, to spill a trifle or empty seeds. You can also throw such garbage into the apartment's mailbox. This will certainly lead to a sharp bankruptcy and exhaustion. The action will continue even after the hostess cleans up after the "spoiling" everything without a trace. Bad energy is washed off with cold water and burned with a candle (circle a lit candle three times clockwise, preferably the whole dwelling, each room). Without this ritual, damage will not go away.

Signs of damage to the house

How to find damage in the house, and what are its signs?

Signs of damage to the house are manifested in different ways. Probably, it would not be superfluous to find out who, in the first place, can damage the house. It is unlikely that damage will be caused by a person who has never been in your house.

Such damage can be caused by himself or ordered by a magician, witch, sorcerer only by the person who knows your house well and knows what feelings he experiences while in it. It is best if you do not let into your home those people whom you do not trust.

If the person who wishes you harm has never been in your house, the only possible action on his part may be to damage the front door or threshold. In this case, damage does not apply to the entire house or apartment.

It is quite natural that a person who has stepped over a damaged threshold or opened a damaged door will receive a charge of negative energy, but this will be a much lesser evil than if the entire house were damaged.

To find damage in the house, you can use consecrated salt. To do this, pour such salt into a heated frying pan and keep it on low heat for about 20 minutes. If the house is clean, the salt will take on a yellowish color, if there are signs of spoilage, the salt in the pan will crackle and turn black or dark brown.

There are other ways to find damage in the house. This can be done with a candle, a pendulum, a frame, or a person with clairvoyance. Or rely on your own feelings.

The most effective way to diagnose a house or apartment for damage is a candle. It can accurately show in which room the negative program is located and the energy is disturbed due to external interference. Parapsychologists recommend diagnosing a house with a candle to detect damage to the house as follows - light a candle and go around all the rooms of your home one by one:

  • If the candle flame in the room burns calmly and evenly or brightly with small sparks, this indicates that the room is saturated with light positive energy. Such energy protects your home, you and your family from various hardships and troubles.
  • When the candle burns dimly and weakly, this means that the main protection of the house is not broken, but there is an energy hole. The reason may be a slight damage to the threshold or door. Such a gap must be removed as quickly as possible, before the gap becomes even larger.
  • If there is a strong spoilage in the room that has already begun to act, the candle burns with a smoky flame and wax flows abundantly. This means that the malicious program was directed purposefully and consciously.

It is necessary to take action as soon as possible and get rid of such negativity. It should be remembered that the longer the negative program works, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the damage that has been brought to your house or apartment.

  • There are cases when damage has already been induced, but did not particularly manifest itself. Then the candle will burn very brightly and sway slightly, as if warning of possible negative consequences.

The flame of a burning candle is not the only thing to pay attention to during the diagnosis of housing. One of the signs of damage at home is its color. If the candle burns with a red flame, you must immediately clean the house from damage. If the candle burns with a yellow flame, then the protection of the house is still working.

If you suspect that a negative program has been introduced into your house or apartment, and are wondering “how to find damage in the house”, listen to your feelings, analyze the situation, note what is wrong and from what moment it started. For example, you have insomnia, you are visited by nightmares, family discord and other negative phenomena have begun. Remember when it started, who visited your house at that time, what kind of relationship you have with this person. You may be able to restore the time of inflicting damage and install the ill-wisher who caused damage to your home. All this will help you get rid of the negative program introduced into your home faster and with less consequences.

To find damage in the house, you can seek help from a specialist parapsychologist who can diagnose your home and if it detects an implemented program, it will eliminate it qualitatively and with minimal consequences for you.

Damage to the apartment, how to find out

The fact that the house is unclean can be recognized by some signs.

  • A person feels bad in his own house: there is a feeling of fear, anxiety, a feeling that someone is watching him. Quarrels occur regularly in the family, without any reason.
  • In a house that has been damaged, it is impossible to relax or gain strength for a new working day.
  • All things are constantly broken or lost, equipment fails, problems with plumbing or sewerage begin. There is no order in such a house. When it is needed, it is impossible to find this or that thing.
  • Guests or relatives do not like to come to the “black house”, and the owners themselves would prefer to leave somewhere.
  • In such a house, milk sours very quickly, hot food immediately cools down, if salt is thrown into water, it immediately dissolves.
  • Animals in the house behave unusually: they are worried, try to hide in a corner, or run to the front door to jump out into the street.
  • If the house is not good, then all the plants in it die and dry out, even if they were well cared for. An important detail is that in such a house all plants die, and not one or two.
  • Cockroaches, rats, mice, etc. constantly start up.
  • There is not enough money in the house all the time, poverty and destitution reign.

Diagnosis with salt

To find out if the apartment needs cleaning, you can use ordinary salt. It is best to take consecrated salt. It is necessary to heat the pan and put a little salt on it, keep it for about 20 minutes, over moderate heat. If there is no negative, then the salt will be light, a yellowish tint will appear. If corruption or the evil eye is present, it will turn either dark brown or black.

Diagnosis with a candle

The presence of negativity can show an ordinary candle. You need to light it and go around all the rooms. If the flame is even and calm, everything is fine, there is no evil eye or damage. If the fire is dim, then something is wrong. This may be the effect of the evil eye or light damage. If she smokes all the time, wax flows strongly from her, severe damage has been brought to your apartment.

Bring damage to the apartment

Bringing damage to the house is not so difficult. Most often this is done using a conventional lining.

Corruption with feathers and grass

It is necessary to take a bunch of any dry weed and a few bird feathers. All this goodness must be tied up with a red thread and thrown into the enemy’s house, saying the words of the conspiracy:

"Who will live in this house,
He will toil
Who will live in this house
He will grieve
Who will live in this house
He will toil
Word, deed, red thread.
Like I said (la).
So be it.
May it be so".

Corruption with a cemetery candle

To cause damage, you need to go to the cemetery church to get the thinnest wax candle there. You need to find the grave of a person who was recently buried, and, holding a candle in your left hand, repeat the spell 10 times:

“Mogilus itaha oery verda skalita tsabi reektu nyabido sehti egipe vachilo ronoto yahe vikolo sabine retino varko acho chalite chatiha hehoha vaagi dorda negda gedes eba hav farti chta.”

Then you should breathe on the cut and extinguish it. It will come in handy to spoil the dwelling of the enemy. After midnight, you need to go to his apartment and draw an equilateral cross with a candle on the threshold and doors, repeating:

"Shatna Shten Shakrada".

In the morning, take this candle to the grave and let it burn out there to the end. Leaving the cemetery, you can not look back, but on the way to talk to someone.

How to clean an apartment from damage and the evil eye

If your home is suffering from negativity, you should definitely clean it. You can not complicate your life, but seek help from a priest. But if you decide to clean the apartment yourself, it is not so difficult to do it.

Before the ceremony, it is advisable to do a general cleaning. Ordinary and energy dirt are interconnected, so you need to put things in order. One cleaning is not enough, it is desirable to restore order regularly. Holy water can be added to the water during cleaning.

Cleaning the house with prayers

You need to take a candle and go around all the rooms, moving clockwise, with prayers: “Our Father”, “Life-giving Cross”, “Song of the Most Holy Theotokos”, etc. Approaching windows, doors, corners, beds, sofas, you need to baptize them with a candle three times. Then it is necessary to prepare incense and fumigate the premises with it, consecrating the apartment with smoking incense.

After that, you need to take holy water and sprinkle the whole house. Also, holy water is sprinkled three times in special places (see above), with the words:

“In the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Onion cleaning

To cleanse the house of negativity, you can perform this ceremony. He will save not only from damage and the evil eye, but also various evil spirits, evil spirits. For the ritual, you will need 7 bulbs or more if the apartment has several rooms. They need to be cut across, in half, so that the rings are visible. Above each onion you need to read a plot:

"Bring me out, let them go away, run away,
And whoever wants to stay will be washed away by tears in the sea. Amen".

Then lay out these halves of the onion on the windowsills and corners of the house with the words:

"To the unclean, cursed filth bearing
Get tangled in these rings
Walking, the path to (name of the owner of the premises) cannot be found.
No one will be left, everything will go to the bow. Amen".

In the morning you need to collect all the onions. But you can't touch it with your hands. It is better to take a bag and a wooden stick and put the halves of the onion into it, saying:

"Walked, fornicated evil, cursed filth, violent word
Everything is removed with a bow, everything is taken into a bow
So it was commanded by the grandfathers. Amen.

Then this bow must be brought to the crossroads and left there, uttering the words of the conspiracy. Leave the intersection without looking back.

“The onion torch took everything around, removed everything
Whoever entered the torch, he (the name of the owner of the premises) of the hut, and from now on he (the name of the owner of the premises) has not found him. Amen.

Salt spoilage removal

Salt can be used not only to diagnose negativity, but also to remove damage and the evil eye. The rite with salt is quite simple and does not require special preparation. To carry it out, you will need a glass of salt and needles or pins (according to the number of residents), as well as a frying pan with a handle. Salt and needles need to be thrown into the pan and all this is heated over low heat.

While the salt is heating, it must be stirred clockwise. At the same time, you should say what exactly worries you, what discomfort you experience in the apartment.

As soon as the salt darkens and crackles, you need to take a frying pan and turn your back to the stove. Together with the pan, you need to go around the whole house clockwise, carrying it near the walls. All doors in the rooms must be opened.

When you have gone around all the rooms, not forgetting to pay special attention to those places where the family spends all the time (sofa, computer chair, table, bed, etc.), you need to return to the kitchen and heat the salt again. You need to interfere with it, making cruciform movements, and repeat:

“Where it came from, it went there. Everything that they wished us bad, they took everything back.”

Then the salt with needles must be thrown into the toilet. And wash the pan thoroughly, sparing no time and effort.

How to protect an apartment from damage and the evil eye

As soon as you were able to clean the apartment from damage and the evil eye, it must be protected from negativity. You don't want to experience its effects again.

Grass and tree branches are the best protection

To protect your apartment from negativity, you can not perform any complex rituals, but use effective amulets.

  • Herbal bag. Sew a small bag out of fabric and put different herbs in it: tansy + sage + dill (seeds or grass) + oak bark + juniper flowers + lily flowers + calendula flowers. It must be hung on the right side of the door, from above. From time to time, these herbs need to be burned and new ones put in. The bad energy will go along with them. If you find it difficult to get these herbs, then you can pour pumpkin seeds or garlic instead. They need to be changed once a month.
  • Rowan branches. Take two small branches of rowan and a red thread, tie them with a cross. This amulet will help from the evil eye.
  • Sagebrush. This grass must be hidden under the rug, which usually lies at the doorstep.
  • Thistle. His sprig will help save the house from the evil eye.
  • St. John's wort and mint. These herbs should be hung near the mirror if you have one in the hallway.

Ritual to protect the house

This ceremony is carried out only after cleaning the house. To protect housing from negativity, you need to sprinkle the threshold with salt (on both sides) and say:

“Solushka, save the house from goryushka, be a threshold for the house, and a talisman for the family.”

How to clean the apartment from damage and the evil eye?

In order to get rid of the negative impact on your home, you need to conduct a rite of purification from negativity. Before conducting the ceremony, check yourself for the presence of the evil eye or damage, if necessary, remove the negative program from yourself. After that, you can start cleaning your home.

Do a general cleaning. During the cleaning process, remove from the room everything that is related to death or witchcraft:

  • cards;
  • clothes of the dead;
  • broken mirrors (if there are any);
  • black headscarves (the kind worn at funerals).

These things after cleansing can be returned to their places. However, remember that some of them do not belong in the house. For example, broken mirrors are sources of negative energy. Maybe in the process of cleaning you will find strange things - pads. It can be:

  • bones;
  • threads;
  • hair;
  • buttons;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • needles (carefully check door jambs for their presence);
  • wax figurines woven from sticks, etc.

If you found one of these things, this is not a reason to sound the alarm. A lining can be considered what lies in an unusual place. For example, needles in door jambs, or buttons in chandelier shades. If you find a lining, immediately take a black dense matter. Wrap the lining in it, take it outside and burn it to the ground. Sort out the pillows just as carefully. Often, when damaged, objects of unknown origin appear in them.

If recently there was a dead person in the house, then all his things must be burned. It is desirable to eliminate even the pillow, bed linen and mattress of this person. It is best to remove all mirrors from living rooms for the period of cleansing.

After the work done, in order to remove damage from the apartment, you need to go to the temple and consecrate 2 bags there - one with salt, the second with poppy seeds. Mix both ingredients and pour the mixture into each of the corners in your apartment.

This must be done so that the final corner is looking east. Many believe that this is the gate to Paradise, so they should be open for you. While you are showering the house with poppy seeds and salt, say:

I scatter poppy and salt, I return joy to the house. Let sickness and misfortune, evil and evil spirits go away, let grace and love return to my house. May comfort and joy return, and grief and troubles go away. Amen.

Even the corners on the balcony and veranda need to be sprinkled with poppy seeds. Exceptions cannot be made. When the ceremony is completed, wait 3 days. Now it will be possible to gently sweep the used ingredients into a bag and shake it out on a wasteland. Upon your return, at home, put some consecrated poppy seeds (without salt) into small bags and arrange them in different rooms.

How to get rid of the evil eye at home with simple and effective methods?

There are many ways to get rid of the negative impact on the house or apartment. First of all, clean your front door (in general, it is advisable to do this every year). She is most often subjected to magical attacks. First, the ceremony is held indoors, and only then - outside. On the 15-16 lunar day in the morning before sunrise, thoroughly wash the door, saying:

Vodichka-vodichka, wash away all sorrows, all troubles and all dirty tricks.

Where there is water, there is trouble.

Return to the apartment, collect a whole bucket of cool water. Read over it "Our Father" and throw some salt into it (it is advisable to consecrate it in advance). This action is accompanied by the words:

Protect salt from sorcerers and witches, from evil intent and unkind slander.

After the charmed water, the front door is again washed both from the inside and from the outside. This time the rag is not thrown away, but the water is poured under the tree. Next, take a large clove of garlic and rub it all over the door rim. This action is accompanied by the words:

Away, away, everything impure and slanderous.

When you finish the ceremony, cross yourself and say:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Frankincense and wormwood to get rid of negative programs

You can clean the house from damage and the evil eye using incense and wormwood. It is important that these ingredients are not brought by someone else, but brought into the house by the hostess herself. Count how many corners you have in your house and make the same number of small bags of coarse fabric.

Then separate the herbs and add a little to each bag. It is desirable that everything be equal. As you do this, whisper:

She collected wormwood, looked for incense, cleansed the house, protected it. Return peace to my house, return harmony, joy and understanding. Drive away spirits and demons. Drive them away and let them set foot more on the threshold of my house. Amen.

Spread the prepared bags in all corners. Now, for three days in a row, set fire to pieces of incense in the house and fumigate the entire room with it. It is advisable to read the prayer “Our Father” every morning for all these three days before breakfast.

How to remove damage from the house with an apple?

The apple is often used in various rituals. Most often, these are love spells for an apple, but this attribute is also used to protect the house. You will need a large red apple and a candle to conduct the ritual. The larger your living space, the larger the candle you need to choose.

Cut out all the seeds from the fruit, you should get a well all over the apple. Insert a candle into it and leave for an hour in one room. Tell:

Apple, apple, take all the anger, all the unclean things, all the damned and all the slander.

When the indicated time has passed, move the candle to another room. Repeat the spell again. A candle with an apple should be in every room, as well as in the corridor and on the balcony. Repeat the words every time you enter a new room. After the ceremony, leave the apple and the candle in the wasteland.

Damage to the house - signs of witchcraft influence

If the sorcerer cannot get close to you, then most likely he will damage your home. Therefore, it is important not only to protect yourself, but also to protect the house from the evil eye and damage. If the protection was not set, and the witchcraft effect was provided, then it will quickly manifest itself. Signs of damage to the house are usually the following:

  • It is impossible to have a single animal in the house. Cats and dogs do not even want to enter the threshold;
  • Do you often feel like there is someone else at home besides you?
  • sometimes extraneous rustles, creaks, distant steps are heard;
  • it is not possible to sell real estate, even if you offer ideal terms of the transaction;
  • friends began to come to you less often, it seems to everyone that you have someone at home;
  • with very strong damage, the house can take victims for itself - as a result, people die one after another (they always have something in common);
  • if witchcraft has affected the area around the building, then nothing grows on the ground;
  • the owners of the dwelling are constantly pursued by failures;
  • cracks can form on walls and ceilings, and often they form a characteristic pattern (pentacles, silhouettes, faces, etc.).

But even if you began to notice strange things happening in your house, this does not mean that magic is to blame. Perhaps this room simply does not suit you, the place is associated with negative memories, etc. Therefore, before you start cleaning your home, verify the authenticity of your guesses.

How to determine damage in the house yourself?

Before proceeding with the rituals of removing corruption and the evil eye, perform one of these two rituals that will help determine whether your home has really been infested or not.

To start, you can take some salt, put it in a pan and put it on medium heat. It is not necessary to heat the salt, the product is strongly heated only during rituals to remove spoilage.

In this case, the ingredient just needs to be warmed up a little. After half an hour, look at the color of the salt.

  • If it turns yellow or becomes light brown, then you can be calm, there is no negative impact on your home.
  • If it has become dark brown or black, then you should immediately start cleaning the room.

It is very easy to determine the witchcraft effect with a candle. To do this, you do not need to read special conspiracies. Just go to the temple in the morning and buy the most ordinary wax candle there. Come home with it and put it on the table. Let the attribute flare up a little, then appreciate the flame.

  • If it is calm and bright, then your house has strong protection and nothing threatens you yet.
  • If the flame is very small and bright, this means that magical attacks are regularly made that violate the integrity of the energy barrier of the house.
  • If the candle crackles, smokes and smokes, this indicates that severe damage has been imposed on the house.

If you have determined that there is an evil eye or damage on the premises, then take another candle and this time walk around the rooms with it, reading “Our Father”. Pay attention to which corner of which room the candle will begin to behave most actively. It is in this place that you can find the lining. Or there is an energy hole in the protective barrier of the house.

It is believed that all kinds of troubles and misfortunes that fall on the family depend on the decisions, behavior, thoughts of its members. Like, people did not think about all the circumstances, they could not calculate the consequences, they succumbed to emotions. This is true, but not quite. The reason for this behavior is often negative, induced from the outside. It is customary to call it spoilage. The negative may be in the field of one of the family members, then he behaves abnormally, and everyone suffers. And it happens otherwise. Someone will bring a motanka into the house, and thereby opens its doors for trouble.

We will figure out how to clean the house from damage. The matter is not as complicated as it may seem to an uninitiated person. Stories that some "witches" go around cities and villages and deliberately cause trouble - for fantastic literature. In life, things are more ordinary and more unpleasant. A neighbor comes in, for example, and the black demon in her soul tosses and turns at the sight of smiles on the faces of the family. She herself could not keep her husband, she drove her away with her fierce anger, and now she is harassed, looking at someone else's well-being. And they, the poor fellows, do not suspect anything, they open the doors in front of her, they try to warm the unlucky souls with warmth. Time passes, fierce anger creeps into their cozy nest and begins to destroy it, like mold on the walls of ancient castles.

There are a lot of such cases in the county. At work, someone is angry at success or a good character, but secretly wants to “take away” this happiness for himself. And in the world of energy, such thoughts cannot be localized only in the field of an envious person. We are constantly interacting, which means that this mental dirt flows and an unsuspecting person carries it home. Therefore, everyone needs to understand how to cleanse the house of the evil eye - from the negativity that they brought unknowingly to their nest, but settled there by chance. Although the person himself must choose, it is impossible to force the rules of magic to be learned.

How to recognize trouble

First, let's briefly analyze the signs of damage to the family and home. However, you should trust yourself. A person feels something is wrong with his gut, all sorts of thoughts come to his head about the unnaturalness of what is happening. And the universe is still giving signs:

  • stumble upon a film about witches;
  • to an extraneous conversation about how damage to the house works (accidentally hear a piece);
  • on the Internet will throw information;
  • and a lot of things happen by chance - you need to watch and listen.

There is a curse in the house for sure if:

  • strange phenomena occur for no apparent reason:
    • light bulbs burn out;
    • devices break down;
    • the dishes break (sometimes by themselves);
    • flood neighbors;
  • money disappears, in the sense of:
    • they are stolen;
    • spent on empty
    • the level of income decreases;
  • family members begin to get sick, often most at once, but with different ailments;
  • relatives get into accidents and accidents;
  • tension is felt in the house, former calmness and complacency have sunk into oblivion.

Another sign of damage to the home and family can be attributed to the destruction of the beauty and harmony of relationships: the husband no longer considers his wife attractive, and the children only annoy with their own:

  • questions;
  • whims;
  • desires.

Attention: the above should be taken as signs of a negative program if it has a clearly defined starting point (it was good, but three months ago on Monday, as a black lump rolled on the family).

Ladies and gentlemen should understand that if they chose a vampire or an unworthy partner with whom they did not experience a single moment of happiness, then we are talking about a curse, which is worse than stupidity. You cannot get rid of it by the methods described below.

A simple but effective ritual

There is a purge as ancient as the world. It would be good to apply it immediately, as soon as the first clouds above the horizon have gathered (and it can also be used for prevention). Protecting the house from damage and the evil eye is built on people's faith in the Lord. And it helps even hardened atheists. It is necessary to have in the house:

  • Icon of the Holy Trinity;
  • candles from the temple;
  • the text of the corresponding prayer (it is usually printed on the back of the icon).

On any Thursday before sunset, you should do this:

  • the house should be clean and ventilated (you can clean up in advance);
  • light candles according to the number of family members and take them in one hand;
  • in the second - the Icon facing away from you;
  • go around each room clockwise, reading "Our Father" continuously;
  • baptize each opening with candles, and make sure that they do not go out;
  • returning to the front door, read the Trinity prayer three times.

Protecting the house from negativity comes down to the fact that candles “collect” black energy into themselves. If there is one, then they:

  • flow in dark smudges;
  • go out constantly (do not worry and set fire again);
  • they smoke mercilessly;
  • they even stink.

Important: the circle must be closed. That is, start from the front door and return to it. Cross the threshold with burning candles and do not bring them into the house anymore.

What to do with cinders

Do this with candles:

  1. They wait until they burn themselves to the droplet. They take her away from home.
  2. Or they extinguish it and carry it to the churchyard. They should be buried in an old grave, and leave a mention (you can do this the next day by hiding the cinders outside the threshold).

Rite from the old curse

There are very serious limitations that are not always disclosed. When a person tries to figure out how to clean an apartment, he rarely understands the "sorts" of this trouble. And they are very different. They differ not only in "theme":

  • on the death of the owners;
  • to poverty;
  • on quarrels and scandals and more.

In principle, there is no need to figure out what kind of trouble they sent with the help of bad thoughts. Everything needs to be hard-wired or burned. In ancient times, it was believed that a strong, hard-to-destroy rite was made by fire or blood.

For example, there is a ritual with salt. It works great with negative energy, helps to get rid of black entities and demons (poltergeist). You need to do it like this:

  1. Buy on Friday before noon a pack of salt without change:
    • or leave money to the seller;
    • or pick up to give exactly as much as the cost of the goods.
  2. On any day on a waning moon, heat a cast-iron pan over a fire and throw a handful of salt from a pack into it.
  3. Stir the crystals while reciting Psalm 90. It is long, you can turn on the recording from the Internet, but be sure not just to listen, but to pronounce the words.
  4. The psalm should be read 13 times (it will take at least half an hour).
  5. The salt must be washed off with water. If you don’t carry it outside, and start destroying houses, then don’t turn off the tap for 10-15 minutes. The salt should go through all the pipes and flow away with the water away from the volume. It carries black, destructive energy.

Cleansing the house from damage and the evil eye should be carried out at least three times by this method. With a strong impact, you have to act daily, while the moon is waning. And then repeat again when the satellite returns to this phase. That is, the work is long and depends on the power of evil.

Determine the depth of the lesion by salt

Often describing how to clean an apartment, experts do not decipher the results of the rituals. And in this case it is extremely important. A person practicing cleansing on his own must understand:

  • what is happening at the moment;
  • how much work remains to be done.

Look closely at the state of the salt in the pan:

  • spoilage is still there if the white powder:
    • smokes;
    • smokes;
    • turns black;
    • emits an unpleasant odor (stinks);
    • shoots (be careful);
  • negativity leaves the house if:
    • the level of the above symptoms decreases;
    • the contents of the pan are whiter each time;
  • if after half an hour the crystals do not change, then the cleaning is complete.

Important: if the salt turns black and smokes, then you should not wash it off at home. Collect in a paper bag and throw into the flowing natural water:

  • a river or large stream;
  • ditch;
  • some plum.

How to clean the house from damage and the evil eye with an egg

The following rite works on the energy of life itself. Nature has created an ideal tool for collecting black energy - a chicken egg. It is only necessary to take a fresh product that has not known the refrigerator. Remember that low temperatures kill a living cell, it loses its field and stops working.

The following is to be done:

  1. Buy a dozen eggs in the market from the manufacturer (grandmother).
  2. Also buy a new broom made of natural material (new ones made of plastic will not work).
  3. On any day, open the windows, tidy up the apartment, put all things in their places.
  4. With a new broom, sweep floors, camps, corners and so on.
  5. Then take an egg and roll it on the floor, saying these words:

“What the witch brought, I collect in an egg: black evil, misfortune induced, curses and evil eyes, sorceress-infections!”.

  1. One or two eggs should be used for each room.
  2. You yourself will feel when it should be postponed and take a new one:
    • the egg will become heavier in your hand.
  3. You need to run in all the space so that every centimeter of the floor touches the surface of the egg. If the negative is strong, then the walls run in.
  4. Put the eggs in a separate bag.
  5. At the end of the ritual, they must be taken to the churchyard or buried deep in the ground (do not throw it in the trash, otherwise damage can pass to an innocent person, and this is a sin).
  6. On the same day, before dawn, you need to throw a broom at the crossroads. But first, break off three branches and tie with a red ribbon. Put them on a closet or somewhere else. The bundle will protect from all sorts of troubles.

Rite of Blood

A slightly different approach to how to clean the house from negativity and damage in eastern countries. They prefer to work with blood. In order to return the negative to the witch, a sacrifice is required. And they use domestic animals for it. For the ceremony, prepare:

  1. Live red rooster.
  2. Package.
  3. New knife with black handle.
  4. A small bowl for blood.

The ritual itself is carried out as follows:

  1. On Thursday at dawn, cut the bird's throat and drain some of the blood from the bowl.
  2. You need to work carefully so that not a drop falls on the floor. As a rule, the victim is cut in the bathroom so that the blood can be washed off with water if it splashes a little on the sides.
  3. Put the carcass of the rooster in the bag along with the knife.
  4. Go around the house with the bowl and put small crosses with blood around the windows and doors.
  5. Say these words:

“Where it came from, return to that. Into blood, into pain, into water, into fire! I close the house, I protect it from troubles. I turn away my fierce eye, unfold the witch's libel.

Where to put the carcass of a rooster

As soon as they went around the house, you need to collect in a package:

  • carcass;
  • bowl.

Not a minute immediately, take it and carry it to the large flowing water - to the river. Stand with your back to the stream and throw the untied bag into the water. Tell:

"Where it came from, there it will return."

Apartment protection method

To remove black energy is a matter of business. It is also necessary to understand how to protect the house from damage. For this, amulets were made from ancient times. Icons, for example, are kept in the house by believers and lamps are lit. This tradition was born from ancient rites from black witchcraft. The face of the saint is a heavenly patron, and the fire burns out everything superficial, unnecessary to the household.

It is recommended to purchase any amulet or make it yourself. For example, many people nail a horseshoe to the door. This helps to turn away the damage, not to let it into the house. The Icon of the Trinity also works. It should be hung above the front door. The icon will not let the one who carries evil energy into the room.

For protection, it would be good to light candles in the house more often. Lights work to maintain harmony in the space of the family. You can buy a red thread for example. The amulet protects not only feelings, but the space of the family.

You know, there are a lot of people around who do not know how to cleanse the house of the evil eye or curse. They suffer, although they are able to help themselves. Share information with them (social media icons below). Kindness increases the magical power of a person. And write what worked and what didn't in the comments. Together we will analyze every subtlety.

Among the huge number of different types of damage, one of the most common is damage to the house. In this article, you will learn how to remove damage from the house and much more regarding this type of damage.

When damage is brought to your house or apartment, you will intuitively feel it. There will be a feeling of oppression, heaviness, discomfort, the desire to return home will disappear. These sensations will pass if you remove the damage from the house. After that, you will feel the change yourself. When the damage brought to the house is removed, the home will regain its lost comfort, you will again have a feeling of comfort, and the concept of “my house, my fortress” will again acquire its former meaning.

Damage to the house is induced much more often than to a specific person. The thing is that it is not so easy for evil and envious people, for many reasons, to harm a certain person. And the simplest solution to harm him is to damage the house.

People may not even be aware of the presence of damage for a long time, but when, until recently, frequent quarrels and discord begin in a strong and friendly family, and cockroaches and rodents suddenly appear in the house, these are direct signs of damage to the house.

People begin to look for the cause, and when it is established, the question arises, how to remove damage from the house?

There are two options for how to remove damage from the house - deal with this problem on your own, or contact a specialist to solve such problems.

Signs of damage to the house

How to find damage in the house, and what are its signs?

Signs of damage to the house are manifested in different ways. Probably, it would not be superfluous to find out who, in the first place, can damage the house. It is unlikely that damage will be caused by a person who has never been in your house.

Such damage can be caused by himself or ordered by a magician, witch, sorcerer only by the person who knows your house well and knows what feelings he experiences while in it. It is best if you do not let into your home those people whom you do not trust.

If the person who wishes you harm has never been in your house, the only possible action on his part may be to damage the front door or threshold. In this case, damage does not apply to the entire house or apartment.

It is quite natural that a person who has stepped over a damaged threshold or opened a damaged door will receive a charge of negative energy, but this will be a much lesser evil than if the entire house were damaged.

To find damage in the house, you can use consecrated salt. To do this, pour such salt into a heated frying pan and keep it on low heat for about 20 minutes. If the house is clean, the salt will take on a yellowish color, if there are signs of spoilage, the salt in the pan will crackle and turn black or dark brown.

There are other ways to find damage in the house. This can be done with a candle, a pendulum, a frame, or a person with clairvoyance. Or rely on your own feelings.

The most effective way to diagnose a house or apartment for damage is a candle. It can accurately show in which room the negative program is located and the energy is disturbed due to external interference. Parapsychologists recommend diagnosing a house with a candle to detect damage to the house as follows - light a candle and go around all the rooms of your home in turn:

  • If the candle flame in the room burns calmly and evenly or brightly with small sparks, this indicates that the room is saturated with light positive energy. Such energy protects your home, you and your family from various hardships and troubles.
  • When the candle burns dimly and weakly, this means that the main protection of the house is not broken, but there is an energy hole. The reason may be a slight damage to the threshold or door. Such a gap must be removed as quickly as possible, before the gap becomes even larger.
  • If there is a strong spoilage in the room that has already begun to act, the candle burns with a smoky flame and wax flows abundantly. This means that the malicious program was directed purposefully and consciously.

It is necessary to take action as soon as possible and get rid of such negativity. It should be remembered that the longer the negative program works, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the damage that has been brought to your house or apartment.

  • There are cases when damage has already been induced, but did not particularly manifest itself. Then the candle will burn very brightly and sway slightly, as if warning of possible negative consequences.

The flame of a burning candle is not the only thing to pay attention to during the diagnosis of housing. One of the signs of damage at home is its color. If the candle burns with a red flame, you must immediately clean the house from damage. If the candle burns with a yellow flame, then the protection of the house is still working.

If you suspect that a negative program has been introduced into your house or apartment, and are wondering “how to find damage in the house”, listen to your feelings, analyze the situation, note what is wrong and from what moment it started. For example, you have insomnia, you are visited by nightmares, family discord and other negative phenomena have begun. Remember when it started, who visited your house at that time, what kind of relationship you have with this person. You may be able to restore the time of inflicting damage and install the ill-wisher who caused damage to your home. All this will help you get rid of the negative program introduced into your home faster and with less consequences.

To find damage in the house, you can seek help from a specialist parapsychologist who can diagnose your home and if it detects an implemented program, it will eliminate it qualitatively and with minimal consequences for you.

How to clean the house from damage

Cleansing a house from damage is a rite that exists among many peoples. Even in ancient times, people cleansed their homes of negative energy, thus protecting their hearth and family well-being from dark forces. How to clean the house from damage - probably, a lot of people have thought and are thinking about this when faced with this negative phenomenon. Fairly believing that many of their problems and troubles arise due to damaged housing. In order to get rid of such problems, it is simply necessary to cleanse the house of damage.

After reading this section, you can learn how to clean the house from damage and put this knowledge into practice. A simple damage to the door or threshold of the house can be removed independently. More complex damage to the entire dwelling is best entrusted to a professional parapsychologist or magician. Why not take risks and clean the house from damage in such cases on your own? The fact is that the implemented program for damaging the door or threshold of the house, as a rule, is quite simple and can be easily removed even in the absence of experience, special and magical knowledge. At the same time, cleaning the entire house or apartment from damage is a rather complicated matter, requiring professional skills, otherwise everything can be ruined and bring unpredictable consequences to your home.

The fact is that a negative program introduced into your house from the outside, as a rule, is directed by a professional, a magician, a sorcerer, etc. There is a high probability that a negative program has a complex multi-level implementation mechanism. And if, in your opinion, you remove negative energy in the house on your own, this does not mean that you have completely cleaned the house of damage. In a complex program, the insertion mechanism launches the next level that you don't even know about, thus saving damage to your home.

Advice on how to remove simple damage from the door of your house:

1. The front door should be energetically cleansed at least two or three times a year. Energy cleansing is first carried out on the inside of the door and only then on the outside. At dawn on the day of the full moon, it is required to wash the front door thoroughly. Then the rag that was used to wash the door should be taken out into the yard and put in a hole dug the day before, 25-30 cm deep and covered with earth. It should be located in a place where strangers walk a little. The water used to clean the door should also be poured into the place where the rag was buried. Then say such a phrase - "Where water flows, trouble runs there." And then three times overshadow this place with the sign of the cross.

2. After returning to the house, you need to collect a bucket of clean water and read “Our Father” over it 9 times. Then throw three pinches of consecrated salt into a bucket of water and say out loud: "Protect the salt from sorcerers and witches, from malicious intent and unkind slander."

3. Then, with this charmed water, wash the front door again, in the same sequence as for the first time, first from the inside, then from the outside. Then you need to go out into the yard and pour water from a bucket on a dry bush or tree, maybe some boulder.

4. After all the previous actions, before sunset, on the same day, take a clove of garlic and rub the door frame with it, while saying: “Away, away, everything unclean and slanderous.” The removal of door damage should be completed with a triple sign of the cross and say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to clean the house from damage if the diagnostics showed that the damage has been imposed on the entire house, and it is all saturated with negative energy? In this case, you should not take risks and try to remove the damage on your own, it is better to turn to the help of a magician or a parapsychologist to competently carry out the ritual of cleansing the house from damage.

One of the examples of how a magician performs a rite of cleansing a house from corruption:

1. For this action, he needs four candles. At the beginning of the ceremony inside the house, he takes one candle, goes to the eastern corner of the house, lights the candle and utters a magic spell. Then he sets up a candle in that corner and heads to the west corner. Lights a second candle and utters the next magic spell. Then he leaves the candle in the western corner, moves on to the next and repeats the same action until the candles are installed in all four corners.

2. When all four candles are placed in the corners, the magician comes to the first candle, installed in the eastern side of the house, takes it in his hand and transfers it to the candle, installed in the southern corner. While the magician moves from one corner to another, he casts a spell as he goes. Then, setting candles nearby, completes the spell. Again he takes the candle and goes with it to the western corner, repeating all the previous steps, until he goes around the whole circle, completing the entire cycle in the eastern corner.

3. The new cycle begins already from the southern corner of the house, from where the candle is transferred to the western corner and the process is repeated completely, as in the first cycle. The last cycle starts from the northern part of the house.

4. All candles, having made a full circle around the house, are again installed in their original places, and the magician leaves them there until the cleansing candles burn out completely. All the time while the candles are burning, he is in the center of the room where they are installed. When the last candle goes out, the purification ritual is completed. The magician collects the remains of candles and melted wax, and then buries these remains in a deserted place.

However, if you are still determined to conduct the purification ceremony on your own, then one of the most effective and powerful methods of cleaning the house from damage with the help of holy water and a candle:

1. Such cleaning should be carried out by two people, after making sure that there are no other people in the house, so that you are not disturbed by sudden visits or phone calls. One person should have holy water, and the other should have a lit candle consecrated in the temple.

2. Cleaning of premises should be started from the entrance doors. The burning candle must be taken in the right hand, then stand with your back to the front door and, looking at the flame, read the “Our Father”, either silently or aloud.

3. After reading the prayer, start moving along the walls strictly counterclockwise. Read a prayer and baptize the walls with a burning candle in your hands. Particularly focus your attention on the corners of the rooms and on the corners formed by the furniture. The corners should be crossed three times with a candle flame. The same must be done with all windows, mirrors and sleeping places.

4. The person carrying holy water behind you should cross-sprinkle the walls and all those places that you have christened with a candle flame with this water. In those places where the candle goes out or begins to smoke heavily, there is a large accumulation of negative energy. It is necessary to stand there longer and baptize this place more intensively and sprinkle it with consecrated water. You don’t need to go into the toilet, bathroom and pantry, you just need to open the doors and cross the room with a candle.

5. After going around the whole house, stop again at the front door facing it, cross the door three times with a candle flame and sprinkle it with holy water, then open the front door and splash a handful of holy water on the threshold. Then close the front door and read the “Our Father” again, while looking at the flame of the candle, and then blow it out. The ritual of cleansing the house from damage is over.

In the event that a dying or seriously ill person stayed in the dwelling for a long time, or someone died in this room, then an additional ceremony must be performed in it. Due to the fact that a strong energy gap is formed in the room, into which flows of negative energy constantly penetrate.

In the center of the room, you should put a burning candle and do not extinguish it until it itself burns out to the end. Then light another candle and make circular movements with the candle, as if burning out the remnants of negative energy. Candle movements must be done counterclockwise. Light the next candle and, peering into its flame, mentally imagine the golden radiance that rises from the flame of the candle and completely fills the space in the room. Such a ritual closes the energy hole, and negative energy will no longer fall here.

After the ceremony of cleansing the house from damage, you will soon feel how everything around you has changed for the better. The house became more comfortable and brighter, nervousness and irritability disappeared, and love and harmony returned to the family.

How to protect your home from damage

After cleaning the house from damage, the main task will be how to protect the house from damage. There are a great many ways to do this. Let's consider a few of them:

  • Our ancestors knew very well how to protect the house from damage. Usually they used amulets. With smoking incense, they passed in turn through all the rooms, smoking them with incense. Particular attention was paid to corners, various lockers and chests, that is, to those places where a cluster of different things could be located. To protect the house from damage, in some cases they threw crushed dry leaves of thistle and celandine, as well as pieces of chaga, into a burning stove or into a frying pan. Smoke spread throughout the house and drove out all evil spirits from stagnant corners.
  • To protect the house from damage, it is recommended to constantly restore order and cleanliness in the house. It is necessary to remove all the dirt from everywhere, wash and wipe dry mirrors and windows, all sinks and plumbing, radiators. All this should be washed to a shine, since all of the listed things can be sources that pollute the energy of your home. Old newspapers and magazines, as well as unnecessary clothes, should be thrown away without regret (negative energy always accumulates in worn and old clothes). If you don’t use something or rarely use it, but you know that it may be needed at any time, then such things must be carefully folded into a bedside table or closet.
  • Also, do not forget to bring perfect cleanliness in the toilet and shower room, and be sure to keep all dirty linen only in closed cabinet drawers or boxes.
  • When washing mirrors and windows for better protection, add some holy water, and wipe the walls with a rag soaked in holy water. If you move to a new house, never leave uncollected garbage in the old one, it is very easy to damage it. It is also not recommended to throw away garbage after sunset. Popular belief says that they can rob.
  • The aspen branch perfectly protects the house from damage. Such a branch, suspended above the front door, will become a very difficult obstacle for energy vampires. An aspen branch, no matter whether it is fresh or dry, located in the bedroom is an effective remedy for nightmares.
  • In addition to the aspen branch, a mixture of herbs is often used to protect the doors and threshold of the house from damage, which includes juniper, dill seeds and leaves, marigold and lily flowers, as well as tansy, sage and oak bark. The bag of herbal mixture should be hung on the door frame above the door on the right side. The mixture in the bag must be changed periodically. The old mixture removed from the bag is recommended to be thrown away along the river.
  • You can also save your house from damage with the help of needles. To do this, under the door mat, located at the front door from the side of the street, you should put a pair of large needles, located with their ears to the door and laid crosswise.
  • Just like thresholds and doors, windows have magical properties, and in ancient times windows were called “eyes of the wind”. Because of this, the cleanliness of windows in the well-being of the home plays a huge role. When you wash the windows of your house, you wash away all the dark, negative energy, and clean windows attract bright positive energy, on which well-being in the house depends. Stained glass windows are endowed with magical power to drive away all evil spirits. They acquire such properties thanks to intricate stained-glass windows and multi-colored glasses, which cause cleansing vibrations. White curtains hung on the windows of the house can protect not only from sunlight, but also from negative energy. Pieces of multi-colored glass, sea pebbles and shells serve as an excellent amulet for windows. All this should be placed in a beautiful transparent vase and placed near the window. Such a charm will protect your windows and house from damage.
  • It is believed that the custom of setting up a Christmas tree for the New Year and Christmas, and then decorating it, arose during the reign of Peter I with the light hand of the tsar. But this is far from true. In the pre-Christian period, the ancient Slavs believed that a pine or Christmas tree installed in the house protects the home and family from evil spirits and damage. This was mainly done in the winter, as it was believed that in winter the dark forces are activated and cause much more harm to people than in warm weather. In the Middle Ages, the Christmas tree began to be decorated with various New Year's toys. The most common Christmas decorations were balls painted with silver paint, which were called "witch balls" due to the fact that their purpose was to scare away witches, sorcerers and various evil spirits.

If you decide to protect your house from damage with the help of this amulet, it is better to purchase an ordinary New Year's toy in the form of a ball, without drawings. It must be placed between window panes so that it can be clearly seen from the street, or hung above the front door.

To give such an amulet even more magical power, its inner cavity should be slightly filled with dill seeds or pieces of multi-colored threads. The ball must be kept clean so that the mirror surface reflects the dark energy directed at the house. You should know that a dirty, dull ball will lose all positive magic and even be able to start spreading negative energy.

  • Ordinary salt can perfectly protect the house from damage. Salt consecrated in the church should be sprinkled around the entire house. You need to start pouring salt from the front door. Although in our country accidentally spilled salt is considered a bad omen, in this case such a sign does not work here, salt is scattered purposefully and consciously to protect the home. Salt has the magical property of absorbing all negative energy. Therefore, once a month, the old salt must be swept away with a broom, and poured into a cloth bag or plastic bag. And sprinkle the house again with fresh consecrated salt. After sunset, old salt must be taken out to a wasteland or other sparsely populated place and buried in the ground.

With us you can get qualified advice, undergo diagnostics, get protection from damage and remove damage, including with the help of magic keys.

With hope and faith in the best,
Your Elena Svetlaya