
Five of Pentacles tarot meaning. Minor Arcana Tarot Five of Pentacles: meaning and combination with other cards. Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Knowing the cards in the Tarot deck allows you to correctly read the alignment obtained in fortune-telling and combine various combinations of cards into one holistic picture.

One of the important cards in the deck is the 5 of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of which stands for material difficulties. But depending on the cards nearby, divination can also warn of other things.

Image description

Before analyzing in detail the meaning of the tarot card five of pentacles (5 coins), you need to carefully consider the image. The centerpiece of the map is a large stained-glass window, under which a couple of beggars slowly wander.

The window is quite brightly lit, and 5 golden denarii are inscribed in the stained-glass window. And although the stained glass window on the map is invariably associated with the temple, no one denies that it could be the window of an ordinary house. Indeed, in England in former times such windows were not uncommon.

A significant detail on the map is the bell attached to the crutches of a young man, which may indicate the presence of leprosy. A few bandages on the leg also speak of this.

The second beggar on the map is strenuously wrapping himself in a cape, trying to protect himself from the falling snow. And it is not clear whether these tired people will find shelter behind a bright and beautiful window, or they will simply have to continue to slowly plod along under the thick snow.

Usually the five of pentacles on the card is a symbol of crisis, anxiety and life's deprivation. Coins on the map indicate failure and a certain decline in business, when a person constantly feels miserable, useless and abandoned.

And often found in incredibly cramped circumstances. But quite rarely, the Five of Pentacles indicates insoluble problems and serious sorrows.

Usually, the symbol of the card is a feeling of uncertainty in the future, because the beggars depicted in the picture are not sure whether they will let them warm up or have to trudge further in such bad weather.

And therefore, five denarii on the map often symbolizes uncertainty about the future and the inner suffering of a person who does not know how to move on in life.

But at the same time, they often advise not to become discouraged, but to learn from their own mistakes and look for a way out of a difficult situation.

Basic designation

In the traditional sense, the card of five pentacles is called the "Lord of material troubles" and indicates the need to reconsider one's own life. And determine for yourself the main goals in life and ways to achieve them.

Directly, the five of pentacles on the card indicate anxiety and often relate to serious losses, fear and restrictions of a forced nature.

And often this lasso tells about the severity of the obligations taken, even if there are no visible reasons for concern. Interest in life just disappears, and depression gradually rolls over.

Thanks to all of the above, you can think about the negative meaning that carries the five of pentacles. But in the true sense, this card has a deeper and more important meaning.

Problems await only those people who:

  • accustomed to live momentary desires and emotions;
  • never try to plan their own life;
  • prefer to make quick, rash decisions rather than planning;
  • they do not see a clear picture in front of them and do not know how to reason sensibly.

As a result, the end result of all of the above is often a constant feeling of disorientation, night terrors and disturbing anxiety. But over time, mental anguish brings a desired purification to a person.

And therefore, the five coins on the map call for patience, the rejection of excessive ambitions and material claims. When combined with the Strength card, the main value is reduced to a positive result.

Another name for the card is Five Coins or Five Denarius.

Key meanings of the Five of Pentacles in the upright position:

  • isolation, loneliness, alienation;
  • financial, material losses, poverty;
  • negative change in circumstances;
  • financial burden;
  • hunger, lack, unemployment;
  • anxiety;
  • charity.

Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:

  • hard times pass;
  • positive changes are coming slowly but surely;
  • the financial situation is improving;
  • payment of debts;
  • complete collapse;
  • big losses.

The Five of Pentacles, like the fives of other suits (, 5 of Wands) in the Tarot deck, reflects a situation of adversity and misfortune. The man depicted on the map is lame and has to use crutches. A barefoot woman tries to wrap herself in a worn shawl.

These two people are probably homeless, living in poverty and suffering deprivation. They wander the streets at night. Tired, hungry, sick and freezing, they may not survive the night if they don't find help soon.

The couple trudge through the snow past the stained glass of a brightly lit church window. The church symbolizes the provision of spiritual comfort and tranquility, helping those who cannot help themselves.

The Five of Pentacles depicted in the stained glass look like a strong healthy tree. They symbolize that inside there is plenty of food, warmth, care, financial stability. A man and a woman could find shelter there and feel welcome. However, they don't seem to notice her at all.

The church and the stained glass window indicate that there is a spiritual component to the current situation that should be paid attention to. But all the experiences and attention of a person are concentrated in the material world, on material losses.

The people we see on this tarot card are in need on a spiritual level. If carefully analyzed, this is the basis of their material poverty.

In addition to money, Pentacles mean the physical body. Therefore, a figure on crutches can speak of poor health or illness. Not being able to stand on your own two feet anymore, which financially could mean bankruptcy. A load of debts, obligations that you have to pull on yourself and which delay the figure walking in front.

Five of Pentacles - meaning and interpretation in the upright position

The 5 of Pentacles usually means a period of poverty and adversity. It indicates that you have suffered significant financial losses or setbacks. You are going through hard times and feel insecure. Circumstances have changed for the worse.

However, everyone has their own ideas about poverty and need. Therefore, the scene depicted on this card can reflect both real hardships and the need to just tighten the belt a little.

This card can show various aspects of material unhappiness and lack of wealth, including loss of funds, poverty, illness, unemployment, and loneliness. The card does not always speak specifically of financial loss, but since this is a card of Pentacles, it is likely that money issues are of deep concern, regardless of other problems.

If you find yourself in this situation, know that there are people around you who are ready to help. There is always a solution and a way out of the situation. But for this you need to take the first step and talk about your predicament. Don't be ashamed or too proud to ask for help.

If you refuse help from family or friends, then the appearance of the Five of Pentacles in the layout says that it's time to accept it. After all, you know that you would do the same for them in such a situation. This is what family and friends are for. They are with you in good times and bad.

This interpretation works both ways. Therefore, if one of your friends or relatives is in a similar situation, you can help him.

Often what caused financial problems depends on our own emotions and actions. Greed leads to loss, worry leads to error, possessiveness leads to loneliness. By focusing on the material, we lose sight of our spiritual development.

The Five of Pentacles in divination may indicate the need for spiritual change and the understanding that money is not everything and certainly not a guarantee of happiness. Hunger may not be physical, but emotional or spiritual. You may have to look around to understand what real poverty is. You will lose something material, but you will gain spiritual, life experience, learn a lesson from what happened.

One of the interpretations is the fears and anxieties associated with money and wealth. Fear of losing ground under your feet. Feeling of instability. Anxiety. Lack of self-esteem.

In a world where success and happiness are measured by material wealth, loss or financial problems depicted on the Five of Pentacles can be a humiliating blow to self-esteem and self-esteem.

A person is accustomed to a certain comfortable lifestyle. The need to save causes emotional and psychological problems, as it is difficult for him to adapt to a new situation. Life gets tough as you shrink and cut back on your expenses.

In the layout of the situation, the card can literally be lost - the questioner has to walk past the shops, cafes, clubs that he previously visited, because he no longer has the opportunity to buy what they offer.

It can also symbolize the time of loneliness. This may apply to both social life, professional activities, and relationships. The feeling that you are abandoned, ignored, you are unnecessary or superfluous. A person is expelled from society or excluded from participation in collective activities.

The crippled figure with crutches depicted on the card has many meanings. It can symbolize the failure that haunts the questioner. Old debt, commitment, mistakes made in the past are chasing after you and do not allow you to move forward, achieve what you want and get success.

A parent who brings up a child alone and pulls on himself all the worries associated with the upbringing and maintenance of the child. Patient care. Health problems.

Withdrawal from the material world in favor of a simpler and more moderate way of life.

If a question is asked about the possibility of obtaining a loan or a loan, the answer will be negative. The organization you contacted is not sure of your ability to pay. Not getting the income you expected.

Five of Pentacles - Meaning and Interpretation Reversed

The reversed Five of Pentacles Tarot has both positive and negative meanings. The surrounding cards will prompt the direction of interpretation.

Arkan means the end of difficult times, changes for the better. This is an opportunity to find new sources of income, a new job or get someone's help. You begin to feel the taste of life again and restore self-confidence. Finally, a way out of financial difficulties is already visible.

The financial or material situation begins to improve, but this will not happen instantly. It will take time to find balance again and gain strength. This slow but steady consolidation can be related not only to finances or property, but also to business, health or relationships.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can see the world through different eyes. This period of deprivation or struggle will bring spiritual development and awareness. You may feel more compassionate and understanding of others in need.

Detachment, isolation from the team ends.

Slow recovery from chronic illness. However, depending on the surrounding cards, it may indicate a deterioration in the condition.

In a negative aspect, the 5 of Pentacles portends a worsening situation of poverty and want.

Five of Pentacles - relationships and love

5 of Pentacles suggests such as separation, separation or loneliness in a relationship, lack of attention. The person feels unloved and unappreciated by his partner. If the questioner is lonely, Five of Pentacles can mean that he feels unattractive and worthless.

Poverty is emotional, spiritual or material, negatively affecting relationships. A couple can have everything that is needed materially, such as money, property, valuables, but there is no emotional and spiritual connection.

In divination by feelings, it can indicate that financial problems are causing problems in relationships. If your relationship is strong and built on feelings, then you will go through this difficult period and it will only strengthen the bond between you. If not, then a break may follow. In this case, the pertinent question is what keeps you together? Maybe it's money or status that motivates you to be together, not love.

Parting, after which one of the partners is left with a feeling of uselessness, dislike, awareness of indifference to him.

Partners are together from hopelessness. The couple is in a long marriage, there is a strong bond between them, although maybe without any special feelings. People got used to their position.

Spending, inability to plan expenses, budget, save. As a result, there is a lack of money, there is no property, savings, the well-being of the family is reduced.

Sick relationships that bring suffering. In this case, one partner suffers more than the other.

Surrounded by positive cards - the partner is ready to be there for both joy and sorrow.

The reversed Five of Pentacles may suggest a slow but steady improvement after a period of strife and disharmony.

It can also represent release from a person or situation that has been painful or destructive.

Work and career

In a professional reading, the Five of Pentacles suggests job loss or bankruptcy. Live on unemployment benefits. However, it may just be the fear of being fired. Fear of being left without a livelihood. A person earns less than he could. Ideas and plans have no development.

Job searches are unsuccessful. Loneliness, isolation and despair. You should not expect admission to an educational institution, getting the desired job or promotion now.

For a business, there is a high probability that the business will fail, leaving only debt. Spend more than receive. If the surrounding cards are favorable, it can be interpreted as a difficult start, but the business has good prospects.

Reversed - Returning to work after a long period of unemployment. Surrounded by negative cards - an increase in the negative situation, losses in business.

The Five of Pentacles depicts two beggars walking through a blizzard past bright windows shaped like five denarii. In the Aquarius deck, a young man is drawn on the card chasing a ghost. The symbolism of this card lies in the fact that people, having got used to their position, do not even try to improve it. Their perception of the world is so narrow that, even passing by the temple, they do not understand that food, shelter and a kind word could be found there. Instead, they wander, staring at the ground, trying to make out a gold coin dropped by someone. The release of this card is a kind of call to discard the familiar, to look into the distance, maybe something new, bright will be revealed to a person there.

If a person does not stop acting like the two beggars in the picture, he may miss his own happiness.

If the card came out upside down, the stars show you that you missed your opportunity.

Description by Sarah Barlet's Method

The Five of Pentacles always predicts some kind of loss. This may be monetary loss, but it is quite possible that you will find yourself in need or feeling a loss of spiritual connection or the meaning of life.

This card often appears when we are deprived of warmth or become a victim in a relationship with someone. In some cases, a dependent and needy person gets more rights in relationships, so he makes his life easier. The Five of Pentacles means that you are lonely and in need of love, or you do not care about meeting your physical or spiritual needs.

The positive side of this card encourages you to figure out if your loss is really important or not. Perhaps you need spiritual support, love, material independence, or more self-confidence. The Five of Pentacles represents the mindset of the one who says the glass is half empty rather than half full, the pessimist rejected and abandoned by everyone. The coldness of loneliness means that it's time to find warmth, but only you can make such a decision.

Why are you afraid to call for help? Are you too proud or cowardly to expose your flaws? Or do you deny your feelings for material gain?

In the Obstruction position, the Five of Pentacles means that you are so consumed with your loss that you don't know how to move on with your life.

If you want to remain a victim, those around you will try to save you for various purposes. But what kind of salvation do you want? Wouldn't it be better to save yourself? This card also indicates your fear of rejection (justified or not), which you may receive from a potential employer or lover.

Alternative description

The Five of Pentacles depicts a window, most likely a church, decorated with stained glass. On the stained glass window we see five sparkling pentacles surrounded by bright fruits and flowers, symbols of the Earth, the element of the suit. It is clearly seen that outside the walls of the building the weather is cold and usually fertile soil, giving people a bountiful harvest, covered with a layer of dense snow. Two miserable beggars dressed in rags, one of whom leans on crude crutches, have taken refuge at a beautiful window, but they do not look at the window itself, behind which reigns warmth and comfort. They are immersed in thoughts of their misfortunes and sufferings and do not seem to notice that help is at arm's length. The general meaning of the Five of Pentacles is the loss of material well-being, but not earthly generosity. The mouse in the lower right corner of the card symbolizes the Earth, the element of the suit.

Meaning in divination

In all four suits of the Tarot, Five usually predicts anxiety and tension, and in the "mundane" suit of Pentacles, it can only mean one thing - financial difficulties. We often evaluate ourselves by the level of well-being, therefore, with a decrease in it, our self-esteem also falls. Notice that the beggars don't even look up at the light-filled window. This circumstance indicates that, in addition to material wealth, an indicator that is much more significant for self-esteem may be a lack of faith.

The general meaning of the drawing of the Five of Pentacles tells us that, in addition to difficulties of a financial nature, there are also others, much more dangerous - this is the loss of faith in goodness, faith in the significance of life. In the layout, the Five of Pentacles means the advice to pay equal attention to both the material and the spiritual side of life.

The Five of Pentacles has traditionally been considered a good card for love and a bad card for money. She foreshadowed young men and girls marriage for love, at the behest of the heart, but contrary to all materialistic considerations (and, accordingly, paradise in a hut without inheritances and dowries, in disfavor with relatives). Probably, there were those who rejoiced at such a prediction, and there were those whom it pretty much frightened.

The Five of Pentacles loves those who live by the heart. It supports the spiritual principle, sometimes destroying the material (so the disease of the body often guides the spirit on the true path). It usually means the loss of something material and the acquisition of worldly experience in return, learning a lesson. All Fives symbolize the beginning of the transformation that should fundamentally change our lives, and this does not go without pain.

The secret of the Five of Pentacles is that the most important thing on this card is the Temple. Spiritual strength helps to overcome life's miscalculations and becomes a natural inner support of a person in material activity, and a true feeling has great power and gives a person the opportunity to rise above circumstances. The traditional meaning is material hardships, but also the opportunity to receive the spiritual instead of the material.

The Five of Pentacles is a card of hard times, crisis, hardships, worries, losses. She speaks of the loss or lack of something necessary. At the same time, the card rarely serves as a harbinger of truly serious losses, sorrows or ruin (although in general for material issues this is a serious warning of danger), but mainly indicates the uncertainty of the situation and experienced fear of losing the ground under their feet. It must be remembered that in life, as in any other journey, anxiety is a bad conductor. Such periods of decline are characteristic of any crisis of growth, when a person leaves a certain sphere that has become familiar, stable, and moves into a new, still unfamiliar, and possibly dangerous.

In any case, she speaks of a waste of some resources and energies that has exceeded the limits and of a collision with the consequences. You can also be impoverished by a good life. The creation of reverse welfare requires consistent actions (“a penny saves a ruble”). One of the old interpretations is a waste of time and effort.

The universal meaning of the card is unachieved goals, failed enterprises, mistakes and failures, business disasters, material losses, even poverty. The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation where money is tight, and the income he was counting on is passing by. Sometimes it is the result of circumstances beyond their control, sometimes it is the result of their own actions, extravagance and imprudence.

This is a collision with unpleasant life realities that break the illusion of perfection. The card predicts loss and a depressed state of mind, and this is not necessarily about material problems - just that a difficult period lies ahead and you will have to tighten your belt to overcome it. This is a time of fatigue and exhaustion (lack of physical strength, loss of vitality and joy), or poverty, a beggarly existence (lack of money, inability to improve financial situation), or desperate loneliness (lack of love, coldness, rejection, cut off from loved ones), or uncertainty in yourself (loss of faith in yourself, in your abilities and skills).

The card says that for some (perhaps quite a long) time it is necessary to postpone expectations and hopes, be careful and save the rest. Life will be full of daily worries, worries and problems, difficulties and restrictions, perhaps failures, attempts to somehow make ends meet. She can carry an unstable position and self-doubt both with regards to work and relationships.

The traditional interpretation “everything will be resolved after five weeks” is often confirmed in practice. You need to know not to lose your head. It will take some time to suffer, but this time will end, even if now difficult circumstances are catching up with despondency, and strength is running out.

On this map, there are shocks caused by the beginning of some kind of transformation in life. As you know, in such cases it often becomes bad earlier than good - this is something like the state of a person who finally decided to take care of himself and went to the gym. The next day, even those muscles, the existence of which he did not suspect, will be excruciatingly sore - that is, according to sensations, it has become worse than it was. The Five of Pentacles often describes such a "disastrous" initial stage and says - be patient for five weeks.

Devastated and depressed, anxious and unhappy. According to the Five of Pentacles, a person sometimes stays in a kind of half-asleep and half-depression, when nothing attracts and there are no convincing reasons to either live or die. In the best case - "blessed are the poor in spirit." This is a decline, an unhappy streak (lasting five weeks, according to ancient beliefs, and often it really works), when we feel miserable, abandoned, and sometimes actually in cramped circumstances.

Gloomy reflections, fears for one's position, pessimism, when it seems that everything around is just falling apart. The Five of Pentacles describes a difficult internal state, when thoughts go in circles, a black hole of hopelessness forms in the depths of the soul, and creative energy is blocked and it is impossible to do something sensible, to make any changes. This experience is always deeply touching. It cannot be pushed out so easily.

This card, following the Nine of Swords, often emphasizes anxiety, agonizing anxiety. Often this is literally the fear of poverty, the fear of difficulties and failure. Heavy thoughts about your loneliness, uselessness, abandonment, lack of love are possible. As Banzhaf and Akron write, "Anxiety and emptiness as a result of the summation of negative influences in the wrong direction."

A map of debtors, the poor, the unemployed, outcasts, people who are extremely insecure or aware of some of their defects, limitations, inferiority. An inferiority complex is also the Five of Pentacles. This card indicates that at the moment a person is missing something very much - money, love, food, warmth ... he is lonely and does not take care of himself. According to the Five of Pentacles, a person may be in cramped circumstances, in a serious crisis, or be deeply offended. The ground leaves from under the feet and only a feeling of wretchedness and impotence remains.

The card describes one of life's toughest challenges - being a spiritual and creative person when there's nothing to eat. Stay strong and whole while sick or disabled. Do not lose inner beauty by contemplating physical defects in the mirror.

Stay true to your principles when it threatens with loss and suffering. This is the opposition of external and internal, physical and mental, material and spiritual, worldly and heavenly, and the question is - what will you have enough for? Is it really not bread alone? Are the poor in spirit truly blessed? Fives are connected with the mystery of the Fifth Arcana. This card reflects the simplicity and incomprehensibility of the Sermon on the Mount. In the historical sense, this Arcanum corresponds to all kinds of pauperurum commolitonum - monastic formations with an emphasis on poverty, non-possession and elevation of the spirit through the humility of the soul.

One of the interesting meanings of the card is that it often really indicates closeness to the church and its ideals. The hermit and ascetic life, which purifies the soul with hardships, humility and patience cease to be a metaphor here, and the old observation comes to mind that deeply religious people endure life's hardships and stresses in a completely different way. The light emanating from the teachings of the church warms and supports in the midst of truly difficult times quite realistically. The Five of Pentacles can speak of the need to maintain a humble and highly spiritual position under any circumstances and remind us that such trials and sufferings are transient (Job's mystery).

Snow on the map is a sign of the presence of water, the possibility of future purification. Crowley and Philadoro have an interesting observation that the key word of the Five of Pentacles is the anxiety that a person feels due to the loss of an imaginary security that until yesterday determined his thinking (itself being a great illusion). And the root of this anxiety is a lack of faith. We are losing her.

After all, in ordinary life we ​​all “walk over the hitch”, all our well-being and life itself can end hour by hour, but the belief that this will not happen, that everything will be fine, allows us to feel completely carefree on a perch above the abyss, comfortable and confident. At the moment when the Five of Pentacles falls out to us, this faith disappears somewhere and we feel terribly vulnerable, defenseless and “above the abyss” - the soil on which we so firmly and thoughtlessly leaned suddenly leaves from under our feet.

There is an opinion that the Five of Pentacles acts on a sleepy soul in the midst of everyday life like a stone thrown into a swamp. No other card so accurately reflects the state of the hero, crazy from the benign state of the Four of Pentacles, like the Five of Pentacles. From an astrological point of view, the theme of this card is Uranus, exiled in Leo. Where Aquarius is "absorbed" by a new idea, Leo will get himself a mistress, so the Five of Pentacles often means erotic adventures, passion, flirting, love games (and inverted - disharmony in love, fear, waste of energy).

The situation of a rake, revelers often walks along the Five of Pentacles. The explosion of the calm atmosphere of the Four, of course, is not given just like that. It is often accompanied by monetary losses, breakdowns, failures, disappointments, ambiguous situations. Sometimes the disruption of the Four turns out to be erroneous, and the person only thinks about how he could return back (the demon beguiled). At the same time, it should be noted that the Five of Pentacles symbolizes karmic situations, that is, those that were originally set. Payment of karmic debts, the theme of the return of the prodigal son.

In general, if the Fours are confidence and order in life, then the Fives are an external influence that breaks the illusion of perfection and plunges into a depressed state of mind.

The Five of Pentacles means difficulties, difficulties leading to success and affirmation at a new level (according to the Six of Pentacles, this is at least good luck in getting help), or returning back to the level of the Four. One way or another, the memory of the lived experience remains, regardless of whether it was positive or negative.

The sign of Taurus symbolizes the ability to creative work. But true creation is a harmonious combination of the material and the spiritual into a single whole. If the actions of Capricorn are based on their own inner core and their "I" is able to lead him to the goal because it turns out to be more significant for this sign than everything else, then for Taurus his "I" dissolves in feeling and desire.

If the "I" of a person is satisfied and nothing else forces him to act, then in order to get down to business, there should be a desire to do "something" for which the world around you will be grateful. Therefore, the main task of the first decade of Taurus is to realize your feelings, understand the desires that have crept into the soul and respond to them. This decade is characterized by enterprise in everything that concerns the sensual sphere - and therefore it is distinguished by successful functioning and administrative activity in the field of art.

She also has an emotional receptivity, which endows her with a tendency to search for Mercury, her ruler, although Taurus is characterized by slowness of perception. Feeling assimilates information not at the same speed as the mind, but firmly: comprehending, it lays the foundation for the building of the future. Sensory experience becomes the basis of life wisdom. And wisdom traditionally speaks of the frailty of everything perishable.

The map shows beggars under the windows of the temple. The pitiful figures of two cripples show how much a person has no power over the earthly. Free will often only cripples a person: he is often unable to follow his life path without mistakes (and as a result feels uneasy due to waste and violations). This card shows the space that a person creates himself, but often it turns out to be far from perfect due to his excessive ambitions and unfulfilled desires.

It is believed that two beggars wandering into the snow reflect the general condition of all mankind. The light in the stained glass window symbolizes esoteric wisdom, the comprehension of which gives liberation from worldly adversity. Alas, the poor fellows wander past, not realizing that deliverance is near, although a bell hangs on the cripple's chest, symbolizing the voice of intuition.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

The advice is to save money and not get into any risky ventures. Now is not the time to test yourself. Simplify your lifestyle by reducing needs to what is necessary. Prefer solitude over maintaining a dark bond. Any material donations now help spiritual growth. Difficulties rally together with truly close ones. Sometimes the card advises you to seek help in a difficult situation - the world is not without good people.

The trap is to ossify in habitual and eternal dissatisfaction (including with oneself), to show shame, toil with a feeling of inferiority, to be terrified of rejection. Get stuck in a hopeless situation. This card is often a warning, an indication of the need to pay due attention to things, follow every step, demonstrate commitment to work, do your duty and stop extravagance. Often this is a hint of cards that we spend the money we have on anything, just do not invest it in our own stability, security and development. The card can also indicate that unjustified pride prevents you from accepting the already offered and much needed help more than once.

"Wow, how everything is running."

Catastrophic business failures.

Enterprise bankruptcy. Unpromising projects. Crisis, helplessness, despondency, hopeless affairs, hopeless plans, hostility and bullying. “This is a poor thing” - it either literally lacks financial injections, or it is generally devoid of any solid foundations. This can be expressed, for example, as a lack of demand.

At the same time, surrounded by favorable cards, the Five of Pentacles can indicate a very promising business that has to be “started in a barn”, like the founder of Micfosoft. At first, it will be difficult, some may not understand the intentions and even condemn them, you will have to defend yourself and your convictions, working in a difficult environment.

As a symbol of the collapse of the balanced scheme of the Four, it can manifest itself in the form of anarchy, confusion and vacillation, a clash of group interests.

Ziegler's ingenious words about the Five of Pentacles - "this is a black hole that affects the very depths of the subconscious, the wandering of thoughts in a circle in a fruitless internal dialogue despite the fact that the energy is blocked" - you can only really feel when you are in such a situation. Difficulties, bullying, expulsion from the group. Problematic communication, its disgusting residual negativity, a sense of loss like "I'm bad - you're bad", which brings loss of vitality and joy.

The Five of Pentacles can describe both being overwhelmed with work with clearly insufficient remuneration, and dismissal, job loss, unemployment.

It is curious that in modern tarology it is believed that this is a card of sponsors, patrons, the purpose of money for the development of art (again, in the sense of sacrificing the material and gaining the spiritual).

As a symbol of professional affiliation, it can be related to working with a hospital, a nursing home, a hospice, a social center, less often in churches or in organizations that provide assistance to refugees and victims of mass disasters.

Money loss. material difficulties. Ruin, poverty. Loss of roof over head. This is a map of poverty, hard times, need, loss, lack of material resources, impoverishment, lack of prosperity. Unemployment, living on welfare or a small pension. The need to save every ounce of resources (any, not necessarily money), dependence on others, the compulsion to beg (one way or another), the need for charitable assistance.

Tight with money - through their own fault or due to circumstances. Loss of advantages and advantageous position. The income for which the calculation was made will pass by, the invested funds will not be returned. This may be a situation where a person spends more than he earns. "So interesting, it's creepy." Burdened with excessive financial obligations, the need for immediate repayment of debts, a fine.

The best that a card can give is freedom from the obligations associated with money and property, but few people have such a level of philosophical perception of reality as to appreciate this freedom as something especially positive.

An inverted Five of Pentacles can mean unexpected gains.

Often this card is assigned the meaning of attachment to a lover or mistress, but this is rather the meaning of a strong, inseparable connection between two people who suffer together, unrecognized by society, but will never part, no matter how hard their connection implies.

This card symbolizes people (or a person) who have gotten used to their position and do not even think that it can be changed. The basis of their relationship is the joint struggle against the cruel world (therefore, inverted, this card, promising a general improvement in life, puts such relationships at risk). Sometimes a person goes through it through moral torment to a literally hard-won decision.

In some interpretations, she speaks of the legitimization of relations (sometimes it is an indicator of the court, legal instances), of obligation, decency, bonds and connections, of decency (and only in an inverted form speaks of discord, damage, chaos, disorder, discord and ruin).

Sometimes this card still means precisely deprivation, deprivation of love, loss. Sometimes the card says that the two are tired of each other and there is nothing much to look forward to now. Sometimes it is expressed both in separation from a partner, and in loneliness, and in a sudden break in relations (the departure of one, the abandonment of another, the departing may feel abandoned, etc.). Other cards of the layout can give a hint.

This may be a period in a relationship when at least one of the partners is crying into the pillow from a feeling of defenselessness and self-doubt, he is hurt and scared and he is tormented by the feeling that he has nothing to do next to the other, he is unloved and unnecessary. Inferiority complex and the mindset of the victim. Feeling of loneliness, uselessness, abandonment, rejection, mental wounding.

Another meaning is an exhausting relationship in which the partner clearly abuses the resources of the questioner - money, emotions, sexual energy ... no matter what the matter is, there is vampirism without a glimpse of mercy. The result is a loss of vitality and joy. Perhaps the lack of money interferes with love. Another meaning is erotic adventures leading to losses in business.

Sometimes - the separation of people, problematic communication in relationships, they are under threat and everything seems completely hopeless and impossible.

However, the Five of Pentacles is not so simple, and it was not for nothing that in ancient times it was considered to be directly related to the theme of love. She can describe a passionately loving and deeply suffering partner who "stands at the door and knocks" (and sometimes literally ready to live under the door in the stairwell) as long as he is much richer in heart than the rejecter. He stands at the locked doors of another cruel heart like a beggar, repeating "have pity!" And in fact, he asks NOT FOR HIMSELF. He stands for another as a beggar, so that something in his heart changes, so that his hand gives him what he asks, so that he learns this for himself.

In an inverted position, the Five of Pentacles means overexpenditure of energy, waste of reserves, extravagance, vulnerability, fear. It can symbolize disharmony in love relationships. Here the struck sign of Leo or the Fifth House is played out. Traditionally - "shameful love", "dissolute way of life".

The card can also indicate stagnation in business, worldly worries, discontent. It may happen that the questioner sees great opportunities for himself, but they are not yet fully within reach.

At best, the card may indicate that the losses are not as great as one might fear. Getting a job (at least temporarily) after being unemployed, improving (at least temporarily) health after illness, restoring prosperity after bankruptcy, amnesty. The prospect of spiritual rebirth, the end of an unfavorable streak. Mary Greer writes that when turned upside down, the window on the map becomes a door leading to a peaceful haven. Humility, patience, calmness are attributed to this card.

Job's suffering

"Seven Skinny Years"

"Be those who have as those who have not."

A deck of Tarot cards is a universal collection of magical symbols that allows you to create accurate predictions of the future. The interpretation of ancient signs is a particularly delicate process, which lends itself only to the elite. What is the true power of the Tarot deck?

Thanks to simple images, a combination of various symbols, special layouts, an experienced magician interprets the significant events of the future. Understand the intricacies of events, get an invaluable hint, find out dangerous twists of fate - the acquired knowledge is like a real weapon against adversity.

The Five of Pentacles (the card in the middle) represents the loss of the exclusively material component of life.

The Five of Pentacles of the Tarot represents the loss of the exclusively material component of life. An unfavorable symbol should not upset the one who turned to the magical attribute of divination for help. What help does the map, a representative of the earth element, provide?

The main meanings of the Five Coins (Pentacles) card in the Tarot

Ancient symbols in the layout of the past, present or future, allow you to see the whole picture of the future, not only probable facts, but also feelings, prerequisites, emotional background of participants in future events.

Common meanings of the Five of Pentacles Tarot card, thanks to which it will be possible to read the forecast:

  • messenger of crises;
  • unrest in the future, strong feelings;
  • monetary losses;
  • problems in professional life or business;
  • probable threat of bankruptcy of a personal enterprise;
  • unstable income, unreliable sources of profit;
  • job change.

A predominantly unfavorable card, according to the traditional interpretation of the Tarot deck, portends protracted crises in the work area. New undertakings will not bring the desired results, and a series of troubles will completely absorb a person. Often, the 5 of Pentacles can indicate less danger than fear of losing control.

The Five of Pentacles is a sign that it will become difficult enough in working life.

A person who is used to managing his own life is most afraid of losing his leadership. The questioner, who has drawn the fifth card of the suit of Pentacles in the layout, must prepare for the difficult phase of working life, for defense and struggle. The black streak will not last forever if you follow the advice of the Five, and diligent work and patience will bear fruit. It remains to wait quite a bit.

Direct position of the Five of Pentacles in the layout

5 Pentacles tarot meaning, which is interpreted based on the position of the symbol in the layout, and predicts imminent difficulties. A difficult period, which will require endurance and the ability to adapt to the situation, will bring monetary losses.

In the layout, the Five is directly dependent on neighboring cards, especially the major arcana.

Negative symbols cloud the entire forecast, and indicate serious problems not only in work, but also in housing issues.

job loss

The Five of Pentacles card promises a deterioration in working relationships. Investments will be unsuccessful, and the loss of money will recoup on the family budget. Debt will become a burden, and loans will become bondage. The time has come for the accumulation of goods, because the questioner is in for a protracted crisis.

Deterioration of health

The herald of a serious illness that will manifest itself only in the later stages. The general breakdown and apathy predicted by the Five will not go away on its own. Health problems require urgent action.


Five of Pentacles in the alignment of the alliance - soon you will have an ally who will lend a helping hand

In the life of a person who called for the help of a magic deck, a kindred soul will appear, able to understand all the hardships that have arisen without further ado. The strange nature of the union will frighten others, but it is precisely such relationships that will help to survive the crisis. A comrade-in-arms will give a helping hand at the most opportune moment.

waste of energy

Any relationship requires the expenditure of vital energy. The fifth card of coins portends a useless waste of energy on a person overwhelmed with doubts and anxieties. What is the difference between support and mindless altruism?

The Five card indicates significant moments in the future, in which new meetings will not always be beneficial. The questioner should learn an important life lesson - interpersonal relationships are based only on reciprocity, on the return of warmth and love from both sides.

The fifth card of coins serves as a guide in simple divination for a quick answer. The loss of money predicted by the ancient symbol will bring chaos to the life of the questioner.

Forewarned is forearmed, advises the Five of Pentacles.

A person who controls his own life accepts any problems with a fighting spirit.

Reversed Five of Pentacles

An inverted Five card indicates future expenditures of energy. The daily routine takes away the strength that may be needed for more important things. Emotional emptiness, detachment from society, emotional burnout are the dangers that await the questioner.

In the near future, sudden difficulties will arise on the path of a strong-willed person. Disappointment in professional life, despair and prolonged depression will be fully accepted by a person. The Tarot Five does not recommend getting carried away with a negative mood.

The warning card appears quite often in the layout. The messenger of strength gained through hardship is not bound to grieve the questioner. Five of the suit of Pentacles predicts crises that are destined to end favorably, but only on condition that a person makes every effort to resolve the difficulties that have arisen. Five recommends stocking up on strength and optimism, because only on the mood of a person depends on his future fate.

The fifth symbol of coins predicts dangers that can be prevented in advance. A person asking for advice from a magical Tarot deck needs help and support. Increased caution, diligent work and a sensitive attitude towards others will allow you to build a reliable foundation and then, no problems can destroy the person who has drawn the Five card in the layout.

Tarot spread for the future of relationships

The fifth symbol of coins in the layout for the near future speaks of the questioner's feeling of vulnerability. A person who turns to a magical attribute suffers from loneliness. He feels abandoned, unnecessary to anyone. Internal attitudes interfere with building full-fledged relationships and finding peace of mind. Man is his own enemy and friend. Obstacles to a happy life are created in his head, in his thoughts and feelings.

Five predicts turning points in personal life. Only a thorough cleaning of thoughts, getting rid of obsessions and prejudices will be the first step towards freedom. The feeling of hopelessness will leave the questioner as soon as he realizes the inner strength. The fifth symbol of coins predicts a desperate struggle for happiness, which in no case should be avoided. Looking fears in the eye, a person realizes their worthlessness and inaction.

Five of Pentacles in a relationship scenario - you and your partner are likely to undergo a crisis

In the existing relationship, a crisis is likely, which will either lead to a break in the love affair, or to strengthen the partnership in the couple. Without difficulties, progress is impossible. After long turmoil, the former harmony will return to the relationship of the couple. Do not give up ahead of time and leave important relationships to chance. You have to fight for your own happiness.

Tarot spread for work

A card indicating the need for an objective view of current events. Difficulties that have arisen may be the result of mistakes in the past. An ancient symbol appeals to the logical thinking of the questioner, is it not time to take responsibility for all areas of your own life? This applies to both good moments and bad ones. Constant accusations against other people, life, circumstances only exacerbate the suggested trauma. Open dialogue with yourself will only benefit.

In the layout for work, the Five of Pentacles carries a purely negative message. Serious problems may soon arise at work, it is possible that the questioner will be suddenly fired. Forced changes are fraught with waste and a deterioration in overall well-being. Positive symbols that decorate the layout for work can soften the forecast of the Five.

5 Coins combined with Tarot deck cards

The combination of two or more cards that make up the layout opens up a more complete picture of the events that are about to happen. Interpreting individual characters is a waste of time. Five of the suit of Pentacles is necessarily considered as an accompanying sign in the Tarot deck. Alliances of strong cards:

Jester and Five

The tandem, promising poverty and bankruptcy, overshadows the whole alignment. Money loss is inevitable, instead of resisting fate, the questioner needs to learn how to handle it.

The High Priestess and the Fifth Coin Card

The loss of signs and skills, predicted by a strong union of magical cards, appears in the layout only in extreme cases. The Tarot deck warns of neglecting personal growth.

Lovers and Five

The combination of cards indicates the missing support and help. How many worries have you taken on your own shoulders?

A deck of Tarot cards is a tool with which the secrets of the universe are revealed to the common man. Listen to them or not, the decision always remains with the one who questions the magic deck. Five of the suit of Pentacles predicts certain changes in a person's life that will not bring much joy, but will allow you to accumulate life wisdom.

Unconditional faith in the forecast should not run counter to the personal beliefs of the questioner, because the Tarot does not force anyone to obey the predicted events.