
Juvenile kyphosis is easier to prevent than to treat. Kyphosis (stoop). Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, degree of curvature of the spine Juvenile kyphosis

  • long-term preservation of the wrong posture (for example, when sitting at a desk);
  • reduced body weight (a weak muscular frame cannot hold a deforming spinal column).

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Symptoms and course of the disease

Pathology manifests itself in the form of a round, stooped back, which parents often notice in a child too late, when the most favorable moments for correction are missed. However, there is always a chance for a cure. If the pathology is left without therapy, then kyphosis progresses rapidly.

Over time, stoop can increase more and more, supplemented by scoliosis. A pronounced defect of the spine is formed in the form of hunchback, which has not only the character of an aesthetic defect. Patients lag behind in growth and development from their peers, not only the back, but also the limbs are deformed.

The narrowing of the chest and the drooping of the shoulders leads to the occurrence of pulmonary heart failure due to a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs and mediastinal volume. Almost all internal organs are exposed to abnormal displacement, including the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

The patient begins already at a young age to experience back pain during static loads. He quickly gets tired even with slight physical exertion. Over time, kyphosis provokes the occurrence of degenerative changes in the spine with the formation of osteochondrosis and its consequences - protrusion, herniated disc, etc.

Depending on the presence of various symptoms, the following stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • latent or orthopedic (8-14 years from the onset of the first symptoms) - signs of spinal curvature predominate, pain is rarely disturbed;
  • early (15-20 years) - there are complaints associated with periodic or constant pain in the thoracic and lumbar spine;
  • late (more than 20 years) - the consequences of a deep dystrophic lesion of the spine, there are complaints associated with compression of the nerve roots and the development of intervertebral hernias (impaired sensitivity, movements in the limbs).

Radiologically, two forms of the disease can be distinguished, associated with damage to various parts of the spine:

  • chest form - the middle and lower thoracic vertebrae are affected;
  • lumbar-thoracic form - the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae are affected.

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Treatment of the disease

Orthopedists treat Scheuermann-Mau disease.

Conservative treatment

The therapy is long, complex, includes exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy. At the same time, special therapeutic exercises are of decisive importance in restoring normal posture. During the first 2-3 months, exercises should be done daily, then every other day. Completion of a set of exercises takes from 40 minutes. up to 1.5 hours. It must be remembered that with irregular classes, the therapeutic effect is sharply reduced.

Exercise therapy to eliminate kyphosis and restore posture includes 5 blocks: strengthening the muscles of the thoracic spine, strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, relaxing the muscles of the lower back and neck (with kyphosis, these muscles are constantly in a state of increased tone), stretching the pectoral muscles, breathing exercises. Regular physical education is also useful, but physical activity should be purposeful, thoughtful, taking into account contraindications and possible consequences.

So, with Scheuermann-Mau disease, classes with weights of more than 3 kg for women and more than 5 kg for men are contraindicated. It is not recommended to pump up the pectoral muscles, as they begin to "pull" the shoulders forward. You can not engage in "hopping" sports (basketball, volleyball, long jump, etc.), since an intense simultaneous load on the spine can provoke the formation of Schmorl's hernias. Swimming is useful with the right technique (when not only the muscles of the chest are involved, but also the back), so it's better to take a few lessons from the instructor.

A good result provides a professional massage. It improves blood circulation in the back muscles, activates the metabolism in the muscle tissue and makes the muscles more flexible. Patients with kyphosis are recommended to undergo at least 2 massage courses each year, lasting 8-10 sessions. A similar therapeutic effect is observed in therapeutic mud. Mud treatment courses are also carried out 2 times a year, one course consists of 15-20 procedures.

Manual therapy methods have a good effect on the spine and surrounding tissues (muscles, ligaments) using pressure, rubbing, etc. The method also allows you to normalize the tone of the back muscles, positively affects the blood supply to the paravertebral tissues.

In addition, patients with Scheuermann-Mau disease are advised to choose the right furniture for work, sleep and rest. Sometimes it is necessary to wear a corset. Medical treatment is usually not required. Taking drugs to strengthen the skeleton (alostin, myacalcic) is indicated in extreme cases - with severe deformation of the vertebrae and large Schmorl hernias. It should be borne in mind that such drugs have a fairly large list of contraindications (including by age), can provoke calcification of the ligaments and the formation of kidney stones, so they should be taken only as directed by a doctor.


Indications for surgical interventions in Scheuermann-Mau disease are:

  • the angle of kyphosis is more than 75 degrees;
  • persistent pain;
  • disruption of the respiratory and circulatory system.

During the operation, metal structures (screws, hooks) are implanted into the vertebrae, which allow aligning and strengthening the spine with the help of special rods. Form loading..." data-toggle="modal" data-form-id="42" data-slogan-idbgd="7308" data-slogan-id-popup="10614" data-slogan-on-click= "Calculate treatment cost AB_Slogan2 ID_GDB_7308 http://prntscr.com/merhh7" class="center-block btn btn-lg btn-primary gf-button-form" id="gf_button_get_form_42696">Calculate treatment cost

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of Scheuermann-Mau disease begins with an external examination of the patient and anamnesis (lifestyle, whether close relatives have such a disease, back injuries, etc.).

In all cases, a patient with kyphosis is assigned a spinal x-ray to measure the angle of deformity. In some cases, x-rays can be taken in special positions of the patient (standing, lying down, and even while stretching the spine). To clarify the diagnosis, such research methods as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography can also be prescribed. MRI is by far the most informative method for diagnosing soft tissue pathology (discs, muscles, spinal cord, nerves, etc.) and is prescribed in the presence of more pronounced neurological symptoms. CT is indicated to clarify pathological changes in bone structures. Electromyography may also be ordered. Intervertebral hernia is an indication for a consultation with a neurosurgeon. If there is a suspicion of dysfunction of the chest organs, a consultation with a pulmonologist and a cardiologist is necessary.

To identify neurological disorders, a consultation with a neurologist is prescribed. Neurological examination:

  • detection of the presence of curvature of the spine;
  • identification of pain on palpation of the back in the area of ​​curvature;
  • detection of the presence of local tension of the muscles of the back.

Juvenile kyphosis sometimes has to be differentiated from epiphyseal dysplasia, varieties of spinal lesions of dysontogenetic origin (with juvenile Günz kyphosis, primary juvenile osteochondrosis, Gindemann's round fixed back), etc.


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Scheuermann-Mau disease - an increase in the angle in boys and girls, caused by increased body growth and wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebrae. Debuts in adolescence, at the age of 10-16 years. As a result, a hump is formed at the site of a natural bend. The result of the pathology is a violation of the depreciation function of the axial skeleton, deterioration of blood circulation, damage to the spinal cord, and the occurrence of hernias.

Causes of Scheuermann-Mau disease

Juvenile kyphosis of the thoracic spine is a disease whose exact causes have not been established at the moment. There are only hypotheses that explain the occurrence of this pathology of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. vertebrae - rarefaction of bone tissue due to metabolic disorders, changes in hormonal levels during puberty (in adolescence).
  2. Aseptic necrosis of the endplates. Bone tissue consists of cells and intercellular substance, which can become dead and deformed.
  3. genetic predisposition.
  4. Microtrauma in the growth zones of the vertebrae.
  5. Uneven growth of bone tissue mainly due to the back parts of the vertebrae.
  6. Problems with the muscles surrounding the spinal column.

These causes can lead to spinal deformity, its curvature, reduced ability to depreciate when walking, and physical exertion.

Puberty is a time of intense growth, a hormonal surge. The occurrence of osteoporosis can be triggered by a deterioration in calcium metabolism, a violation of its absorption in the intestine, and resorption in the renal tubules. Calcium metabolism is regulated by the hormones of the thyroid (calcitonin) and parathyroid (parathyroid hormone) glands. With their dysfunctions, problems arise with bone tissue, especially during intensive growth.

An excess of parathyroid hormone and a lack of calcitonin leads to leaching of minerals from the bone, ossification and thickening of tissues, calcification of internal organs and ligaments, blood vessels (early atherosclerosis). Parathyroid hormone increases with calcium deficiency in the diet, the presence of diseases of the digestive system, lack of vitamin D. Uneven growth may be associated with poor blood supply.


A hump or stoop is the first sign that catches the eye. In addition to deformation, the following symptoms are noted:

  1. Rapid fatigue after physical exertion, back pain.
  2. Inability to stay in a sitting position for a long time.
  3. Decreased flexibility, rigidity. The patient leans forward with difficulty, bends back.
  4. Severe pain even at rest, sometimes at night does not allow you to fall asleep.
  5. Violation of breathing, cardiac activity due to pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves, deformation of the chest.
  6. Compression of the intervertebral discs leads to Schmorl's hernias. The ligamentous apparatus of the spine loses its elasticity.
  7. Compression of the roots of the spinal nerves leads to a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs, dysfunction of internal organs: the gallbladder, stomach, intestines.

The ligamentous apparatus loses elasticity, the longitudinal ligament undergoes calcification, i.e., the accumulation of calcium salts in it. The blood supply of the spine suffers due to compression of the arteries by hernias. Aseptic necrosis of the vertebrae progresses, aggravated due to the cessation of nutrient intake.

There are several stages of the disease:

  1. Latent (orthopedic) youthful hump - occurs without significant clinical symptoms, usually at the age of 8-14 years. The child may feel pain during physical exertion, long sitting.
  2. The stage of neurological manifestations of juvenile kyphosis is typical for people 15–20 years old. It is caused by pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves by hernias, which causes tension in the abdominal muscles, dysfunction of the internal organs due to a disorder of innervation.
  3. Stage of late neurological complications (after 20 years) - ossification of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine, compensatory hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. Scheuermann-Mau disease in adults is progressive. In old age, myelopathy is aggravated, i.e., pathology due to compression of the spinal cord. This provokes an atherosclerotic process in the thoracic aorta.

This pathology of the musculoskeletal system does not go away with age, but only worsens. In older people, the tendency to osteoporosis increases, the activity of parathyroid hormone increases. Thus, problems with mineral metabolism are increasing. The atherosclerotic process is promoted by calcification of vessels: aorta and vertebrates.

With menopause, the level of sex hormones decreases, which exacerbates osteoporosis, the leaching of minerals from the bone. Cervical or cervical myelopathy, as a result of Scheuermann-Mau disease, leads to vascular disorders of the brain.

Diagnosis of Scheuermann-Mau disease

If a hump appears in a child, fatigue after physical activity or without it, it is necessary to contact an orthopedic surgeon. On examination, a deviation (45–75 degrees) from the norm of the angle of natural thoracic kyphosis (20–40 degrees) is revealed.

You should undergo instrumental examinations for the diagnosis of juvenile kyphosis:

  1. Thoracic X-ray.
  2. MRI or computed tomography for Scheuermann-Mau disease can detect Schmorl's hernia.
  3. Determination of the level of calcitonin, parathyroid hormone.


How to treat Scheuermann-Mau disease? There are conservative methods and surgical. Surgery is resorted to when traditional methods are ineffective. Treatment of Scheuermann-Mau disease includes the following measures:

  1. Exercises - aimed at strengthening the skeleton of the muscles surrounding the axial skeleton.
  2. Refusal to lift weights over 5 kg, strong dynamic loads (running).
  3. Physiotherapy to reduce pain, improve tissue trophism.
  4. Drug therapy aimed at normalizing the metabolism of bone, cartilage discs.
  5. Elimination of pain syndrome with the help of analgesics.

Exercises for Scheuermann-Mau's disease include twisting, rotation, moderate bending, bending. It is better to replace running loads with swimming, which does not overload the intervertebral discs, but perfectly trains the back muscles. Physiotherapy exercises prevent ossification of the ligamentous apparatus, improve blood circulation, and slow down the progression of juvenile kyphosis.

To relieve pain in juvenile kyphosis, non-narcotic analgesics are used as prescribed by a doctor; in severe cases, opiates (Tramadol) are indicated. Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, relieve symptoms of juvenile Scheuermann-Mau disease.

Improving the metabolism of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs is facilitated by preparations based on chondroitin and glucosamine in the form of solutions for intramuscular injection: Don, Elbon, Mukosat, Chondrolon.

Pain in juvenile kyphosis is exacerbated by muscle spasm around the spinal column. To remove it, muscle relaxants are used: Sirdalud, Mydocalm. Mineral complexes containing magnesium, potassium (Asparkam, Panangin) also help.


The outcome of Scheuermann-Mau disease, juvenile kyphosis can be mitigated if therapy is started in the latent stage and is regular. Massage, exercise, physiotherapy slow down the progression of pathology. Drug therapy eliminates the pain syndrome.

A pathological condition with dystrophy and degeneration of the spine, which is curved, is Scheuermann-Mau disease. Juvenile begins in puberty, the pathology is equally diagnosed in adolescents of both sexes. Scheuermann's disease does not manifest itself at the initial stage; with the progress of the pathology, the patient will become stooped, a hump may appear.

Scheuermann's disease in 35% of episodes is formed due to scoliotic disease, in which kyphosis of the thoracic vertebrae always exists. The initial stages of the disease appear even in a teenager, when he is growing rapidly. Scheuermann's disease is widespread, 1% of juvenile kyphosis is diagnosed in eight-, twelve-year-old children. If Scheuermann's disease is not treated, then not only a strong external deformation will form, dysfunctions of the internal organs and body systems will occur.


Scheuermann-Mau spine disease is characterized by symptoms:

  • Juvenile kyphosis manifests itself during puberty, symptoms are not observed at this time.
  • Pathology is detected randomly, mom and dad notice that the child does not follow the posture, often in a stooped position.
  • With the progress of this disease, back pain develops, it often worries when the child has been sitting at the table for a long time.
  • Pain can take over the entire back or occur between the shoulder blades.
  • The spinal column loses its flexibility, deforms, such changes become more noticeable.
  • The teenager will constantly stoop, with a burdened clinic, he will become hunchbacked.
  • There is a constant increase in pain, fatigue of the back quickly sets in, even if the load was insignificant. The pain syndrome will be even stronger after physical work, when lifting heavy objects, in the evening.
  • If the deformation of the spinal column is significant, then the heart with lungs and other organs are affected.
  • The spinal cord can be compressed, the patient feels paresthesia, the limbs become less mobile, their sensitivity is worsened.

How is the structure of the spine disturbed?

With this pathology, the patient will look different. In a normal state, in the spinal column there are 2 bends of the neck and lower back of the front side, bends of the thoracic and sacral segment of the back side. Such a device of the spine allows you to be in a vertical position, a person is able to carry heavy objects due to the depreciation of the spinal column.

Each angle of physiological curvature is 20-40º. The vertebral body will take the maximum load, thanks to the arch, the spinal canal is formed, the processes of the vertebrae are connected. Between each vertebra is a cartilaginous disc. With this pathology, the anterior vertebral segment has a lower height, the angle of the vertebral bend of the thoracic segment will increase to 46–75º. The load is distributed unevenly, the back becomes round.

With this disease, the vertebrae are wedge-shaped.

The endplate is compressed, the disc between the vertebrae protrudes into the vertebra, and Schmorl's hernias are formed. The thickened ligaments that fix the vertebrae create an additional barrier to the physiological growth of each vertebra. The more serious the deformation, the more significantly the functions of the internal organs will be disrupted.


The exact root causes of the formation of this pathology have not been established. It is believed that heredity to vertebrogenic diseases affects its development. Often this pathological condition occurs due to:

  • spinal injury during puberty;
  • accelerated growth of bone tissues of the spine;
  • osteoporotic changes;
  • hormonal failure;
  • necrotic changes in the vertebral plates;
  • disturbed metabolism.


The latent form is formed in a child of 8–14 years. Symptoms do not appear. If pain occurs, then it does not bother much, the patient ignores it. Discomfort happens after the patient works physically. But deformation occurs at this stage every day. If a person is carefully examined, then pathological changes will be revealed. Suspicion is caused by a very even back with increased lumbar lordosis, and kyphosis of the thoracic spinal segment may also increase.

The patient will not be able to reach the feet with the help of the hands. An increased angle of the thoracic vertebral region is also present when you want to straighten up. If a young man turns 15–20 years old, then the following form of pathology will appear.

Pain syndrome of the lower back, lower thoracic vertebral area is often disturbing. Hernias are formed between the vertebrae. The severe course is exacerbated by spinal compression. In the late form of the disease, osteochondrosis with hernias has already been formed, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis changes with ossifying ligamentosis appear.

This condition is seen in adults. The processes of dystrophy and degeneration lead to compression of the nerve roots. The mobility of the limbs will decrease, they will become less sensitive. The vertebral segments of the thoracic and lumbar regions can often be affected.


First, the doctor interrogates and examines the patient, finds out how burdened heredity is. Perform x-ray examination. To maximize the complement of the pathology picture, computed and magnetic resonance imaging are used. An electromyographic study is also used. The patient will be treated by specialists in orthopedics, neurosurgery (for hernias), pulmonology (if the chest is deformed and the functioning of the lungs is impaired), cardiology (for problems with the heart and blood vessels).

The x-ray will show kyphosis of the thoracic spinal segment with a deviated angle greater than 45º, the vertebrae are wedge-shaped, Schmorl's hernias may be observed


Treatment of Scheuermann-Mau disease takes a long time. The therapy is complex, they are treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, exercises are shown. Therapeutic gymnastics will correct the posture, restore the vertebral curves. Exercises are performed for 3 months daily. Then they are performed in a day. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 42 minutes. Sometimes this period is increased to 92 minutes. If classes are performed irregularly, then the effect of training will not be achieved.

A woman with such a pathology is prohibited from lifting heavy objects whose weight exceeds 3 kg, a man cannot lift more than 5 kg. The pectoral muscles are not pumped, as they will pull the shoulder girdle forward, and this will aggravate the pathology. Volleyball, basketball, long jump, pole jump and other sports are prohibited. Otherwise, hernias between the vertebrae will begin to form.

Swimming will be beneficial, it should not overstrain the muscles of the chest, but it is necessary that the spinal muscles participate. Thanks to the massage, the blood flow to the myofibers will increase, the trophism of the muscles will improve, they will gain plasticity. 2 massage courses of 10 procedures are prescribed annually. A similar result is achieved in the treatment of special mud. For a year, 2 courses of 15 procedures are enough.

You need to sleep on an orthopedic mattress, sometimes an orthopedic corset is used.

No drug therapy is required. It is allowed to use Miacalcic with Alostin, which will strengthen bone structures. They are used when the spinal column is severely deformed, there are large Schmorl hernias. Before using drugs, the doctor takes into account contraindications, since these drugs can cause calcification of the ligaments, urolithiasis. The operation is indicated for kyphosis greater than 75º, severe pain syndrome, which is not eliminated by conservative therapy, dysfunction of the respiratory system, heart. Metal implantation is used, which will align the spinal column.


LFK aims to:

  • strengthen the spinal muscles;
  • strengthen the muscles of the buttocks;
  • stretch the pectoral muscles;
  • relax the lumbar, cervical muscles;
  • increase the volume of lung tissue, expand the chest.

Exercise therapy is performed on a special rug with a heavy metal stick, in light clothing

They stand up straight, spread their legs along the width of the shoulder girdle. The stick is taken by hand, it is not released, it must be brought behind the back. Lightly press with a stick on the scapular area, an attempt is made to align the back. After exhaling, you need to sit down, while inhaling, take the starting position. On inhalation: hands, holding a stick, wind up behind the back area, press on the scapular area and you need to rise on your toes, at the same time your hands are raised up. During exhalation, take the starting position.

It is necessary to stand straight, legs are placed along the width of the shoulder girdle, hands hold a stick, wound backwards. Inhale and tilt the head back. During exhalation, return to the starting position. It is required to get on all fours, bend the chest forward, the head rises. In this position, take 45-52 steps. It is necessary to lie on your back, arms bent at the elbow joints. During inhalation, the back bends, emphasis is placed on the elbow joints and the occipital zone. On exhalation, take the starting position.

They lie on their back, their arms are positioned longitudinally of the body, the muscles should be relaxed, the arms are wound behind the head, stretched and returned to their original position. You need to lie on your stomach, bring your palms to your shoulders and tilt your head back. The emphasis is on the forearm, inhale, raise the chest higher. During exhalation, return to the starting position. They lie on the stomach, the stick is grabbed by the hands, held on the scapular area. The head leans back, the spinal column bends backwards. Return to starting position.

Gymnastics is best done under the supervision of a specialist.


It is recommended not to overload the spinal column, not to lift heavy objects. Nutrition should be balanced, sleep on an orthopedic mattress. It is necessary to control the posture, the strengthening of the abdominal muscles is shown, they perform physical education, which will strengthen the spinal muscles.

It is important to know that with this illness, a young man is exempted from military service, but this is decided by a special commission.

Disability for this disease is not assigned. But if there are serious pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system, severe pain does not go away, then this is the reason for assigning a disability to the patient. This issue is decided by a special commission. To prevent the progression of this pathology, it is necessary to strengthen the spinal muscles, a regular exercise therapy complex is shown, and the doctor's instructions are followed. If treatment measures are started in a timely manner, then there is a chance of recovery.

Among the problems of the spine, there are a number of diseases that begin to develop only in childhood and adolescence.

Of course, this does not mean that they pass with age, but they receive their beginning and development exclusively in children and adolescents, so parents should pay increased attention to the posture of children.

Such diseases include Scheuermann-Mau disease (kyphosis), which begins to manifest itself at school age.

Scheuermann-Mau back disease - what is it?

Scheuermann-Mau disease, this is the name received progressive kyphosis of the spine, which begins in adolescence and is expressed in its partial deformation.

It can equally often be diagnosed in girls and boys, whose body begins to grow rapidly, and due to some features, the spine cannot cope with the increasing load and begins to deform in a specific way.

According to statistics, the disease occurs in 13% of children.

Kyphosis may be pathological or physiological and develops in the upper spine, with deformity of the discs and locking plates. It was first described by Dr. Scheierman in 1921.

Symptoms and signs

Signs and symptoms of the disease appear between the ages of 10 and 16, during the active phase of spinal growth.

Diagnosing the disease in the early stages is quite difficult, because the curvature is not immediately noticeable and does not cause a pronounced pain symptom.

The disease is detected when there is already significant protrusion of the chest and the patient feels sharp pains in the region of the shoulder blades.

Often, kyphosis is combined with, but the deformation of the nerve endings does not begin, and the entire load is transferred to the chest, as a result of which breathing and heart function are difficult.

The apex of the bend of kyphosis is most often localized in 7-9 thoracic vertebrae or 10th thoracic and 1st lumbar. The angle of curvature can reach a maximum of 75 degrees, at a rate of up to 30 degrees.

Under the influence of an increased load, an overstrain of the muscles and ligaments occurs, the lumbar lordosis thickens, thus, the back becomes visually flat, and the chest is excessively protruding.

Read about the symptoms and causes of lordosis, as well as its treatment and prevention, on our website.

The symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • change in posture;
  • consequences of injuries (bruises and fractures);
  • muscle paralysis;
  • difficulty breathing.

If you notice visual changes or the child complains of back pain, then this is an occasion to urgently contact a surgeon and a neurologist.

Causes of curvature of the back in adolescence

Researchers of the disease name several reasons for the development of kyphosis in adolescents and young men:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • excessive growth of spinal tissues;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • metabolic disease.

Due to circulatory disorders, necrosis of the end plates of the vertebrae occurs and their growth is disturbed, as a result of which the vertebra takes the form of a wedge. If, for some reason, an abnormal overgrowth of parts of the spine begins, then in order to redistribute the load, the structure of healthy vertebrae is disturbed.

If calcium metabolism in the body is disturbed, deformation of the vertebrae and tissues next to it also occurs. Parents who were diagnosed with the syndrome at a young age almost always children suffer from the same disease.

It should be noted that the disease does not begin because of any one reason, but because of the combination of several problems in the child's body. Not the last role is played by excessive stress on the back in adolescence.


The disease has a fairly slow course and goes through 3 main stages:

  • latent;
  • early;
  • late.

Each of these stages has a number of characteristics and clinical manifestations.


It manifests itself at the age of 8 to 15 years, while the child practically does not complain about the presence of pain, except for the time after physical exertion, and most often these pains are more like severe fatigue than a pain syndrome.

It is difficult to identify this stage of the disease., for this, a series of mobility tests is carried out, then when leaning forward, the child cannot reach the floor, due to the protrusion of the chest.


At the age of 15 to 20, neurological problems begin to fade, namely the spinal compression syndrome, while there are constant aching pains in the upper back, between the shoulder blades and in the lower back.


It begins to develop in young people over 25 years old, when dystrophic changes in the spine begin to actively form, which lead to quite serious diseases.

Possible consequences and prognosis for the patient

If the identified disease is not treated and let everything take its course, then the angle of curvature of the spine begins to increase and the roots of the nerve endings will be infringed, compression will be applied to the spine, which will lead to the appearance.

Among the comorbidities are: hyperlordosis, ligamentosis, a disease in which calcium begins to be deposited in the cartilaginous tissue and ligaments, joint mobility and a change in the number of spinal bends will also be disturbed.

In the place of deformation of the spine will be formed.

Due to the deformation of the chest, the lungs and heart will be damaged, and the gastrointestinal tract often suffers. Also, if the nerve endings are infringed, paralysis of the limbs may develop or their sensitivity and blood circulation may be disturbed.

Diagnostic methods

When visiting a doctor, the following diagnostic methods can be carried out:

Patient examination

Necessary to obtain a complete picture of the anamnesis. During it, a series of tests are carried out - exercises that show the degree of mobility of the spine.

It is necessary in order to assess the number and degree of changes in the vertebrae and growth zones.


Diagnostics is prescribed to clarify the condition of the spine, the presence of hernias and damage to the vertebral body.

At the first stage of the disease, it is almost impossible to diagnose Scheuermann-Mau disease, it is often confused with other diseases of the spine.

At the 2nd and 3rd stages, deformities are clearly visible on X-ray images, and at the 3rd stage, MRI will show the development of concomitant diseases and the condition of the nerve roots.


used to treat a disease or conservative treatment, or operational.

Only a qualified doctor can make a decision, who, first of all, will take care of the health of the child and his future ability to work.

Conservative treatments include:

  • physical procedures;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;

Often as part of conservative treatment order to wear a corset which helps maintain correct posture.

At an early stage, it helps to stop destructive changes by strengthening muscles.

In the subsequent stages, the approach to treatment should be a set of measures in which traction, medications that relieve pain and inflammation can be used.

It is a necessary and common thing for both adults and children.

It is thanks to corsets that many health problems are solved very quickly.

Correct posture is a guarantee of health and prevention of many back diseases.

To improve the condition of the bone tissue is prescribed calcium and vitamin D, for the restoration and nutrition of cartilage tissue, drugs are prescribed - chondoprotectors. All drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.

In the process of treatment, the patient is released from physical education classes, he can be engaged, or ride a bicycle. At home, you need to perform exercises to strengthen the abdominal press.

Surgery is scheduled only in severe cases when conservative methods do not work, and pain and deformity increase. If the angle of curvature reaches 50 degrees, then surgical interventions cannot be dispensed with, while a “bridge” system is installed, which straightens the damaged spine.

If the child's deformity grows to a maximum curvature of 75 degrees, then assign 2 consecutive operations during which deformed vertebrae are removed and a structure is installed to support the spine.

During surgery, there is always a high risk of nerve damage and disability.

A set of exercises

It is impossible to treat this disease at home; to perform exercise therapy exercises, you need to be in a medical institution to control the condition.

Exercises are performed in between wearing a medical corset.

Exercises selected by the doctor - orthopedist based on the patient's health status and degree of curvature.

The set of exercises includes:

  1. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We straighten, turn our shoulders and pull our head up. In the process, the head should be smoothly turned to the sides, and the spine should be kept straight. We perform a turn on the inhale, on the exhale we return to the starting position up to 5 times;
  2. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and the back is straight. Gradually, while inhaling, we throw our head back, while exhaling we return to the starting position. Then, while inhaling, we throw our head forward, while exhaling we smoothly return, in each direction we throw our head back up to 5 times;
  3. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and the back is straight. On inspiration, we smoothly turn our head from the beginning to the right, on exhalation we return to the starting position, inhale - turn to the left, exhale - the starting position, such repetitions in each direction up to 5 times, the amplitude of rotation can be slightly increased.
  4. Lying on the floor, we clasp our knees with our hands and perform smooth swings on our backs back and forth, up to 20 times;
  5. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We perform smooth movements with the pelvis, first to the right, and then to the left. With each turn you need to try and make a deep slope.

If you perform these exercises regularly, for several months and years, the disease will stop its development. Exercise is considered optimal. 3 times a week for at least 40 minutes.

The doctor can somewhat expand this list of exercises, add exercises to them on special simulators. It is important not to forget about breathing exercises and strengthening the whole body.

To prevent the onset of the disease, it is important to perform a regular gymnast, which will strengthen the abdominals, back muscles, and keep the spine in excellent condition.

Do not forget to strengthen the shoulder girdle and avoid excessive physical activity.

To kid it is important to wear a satchel, even if he does not have back problems, it is also necessary that the bed be prematurely hard without dents and dips.

It is important to control the weight of the child and prevent its excess; for nutrition, it is important to choose high-quality plant, meat and dairy foods, and avoid harmful food additives. It is very important that the child's diet contains sufficient amounts of calcium and protein.

Swimming, cycling and walking are also great for prevention.

If the disease has been identified, then throughout adolescence, you need to be registered with the dispensary and undergo regular examinations, even if there are no pains and visual defects.

Frequently asked Questions

Parents and children often have questions about whether it is possible to completely defeat the disease and how will it behave in the future? Even if the disease was detected at the 1st stage at the age of 8-10 years and the treatment gave a positive trend, it is important not to stop preventive measures throughout life in order not to develop other diseases of the spine.

Do they join the army?

If the disease was detected and professionally treated on time, the pathological processes stopped, and the disease does not develop for several years, then the young person may qualify to military service, for this, an X-ray image is prescribed to clarify the condition of the spine.

If de disease was detected after 16 years of age or treatment was ineffective, then most often a young person declared unfit for military service. They do this so that, due to physical exertion, the disease does not begin to progress and does not increase the amount of pain. To clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray and an MRI are prescribed.

Can the disease appear in adults?

In adults, the 3rd stage of the disease manifests itself, which can progress for several decades, until its pronounced severity. Primary kyphosis in people over 25 years of age has a different name and has some other causes and symptoms.

Do they give disability?

This disease is not considered by doctors as a contraindication for work and, in itself cannot be grounds for disability. The basis for obtaining a disability group may be the presence of concomitant diseases that limit mobility, severe pain, disorders in bone tissue, which also affect a person's mobility. The decision to refer to a medical commission for disability is made by the attending physician, who must describe in detail the symptoms and well-being of the patient.

This insidious disease can develop for years and not make itself felt, especially if the child is inactive and overweight, so it is very important to control the child’s posture and well-being, and if there is the slightest suspicion, start immediate treatment that will help stop destructive changes in the condition of the child’s spine or teenager.

Modern gadgets, computers and the Internet give birth to a generation of young men and women with spinal diseases. Adolescents spend a long time at the computer, sit in the wrong position, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and this is how they earn diseases such as scoliosis and kyphosis. If you do not treat diseases of the spine on time, they can cause the most serious pathologies in the body.

Kyphosis is called one of the forms of curvature of the spine, when it acquires a bulge back. From Latin, the name of the disease is translated as "bent", "hump".

Visually, kyphosis is determined by the back in the form of an arc when the shoulders are tilted forward. The person stoops, but the stomach seems to stick out forward.

The disease has many forms. He can be congenital, develop as a result of injury, or become a consequence of an illness, may be thoracic, lumbar or sacral, and in form curved, angled(in the form of a hump).

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In adolescence, thoracic kyphosis associated with stoop is more often observed. Let's list Top 5 causes of kyphosis in teenagers:

  1. Wrong posture.
  2. Little movement during the day.
  3. Consequence of diseases (for example, rickets, tuberculosis, lordosis and many others).
  4. Sequelae of trauma or surgery.
  5. Incorrect development of the vertebral section, heredity.
  • We stand straight, legs align shoulder width apart. Behind the back is a gymnastic stick. Slightly press it to the back to maintain posture. We do sit-ups. When squatting - exhale, get up - inhale. Repeat 10 times.
  • Torso forward at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. We try to keep the pelvis motionless, and the body parallel to the floor. Repeat 20-30 times with moderate breathing.
  • Tilts to the side. The body is straight. Smoothly and without jerks. Repeat 20-30 times in each direction.
  • Lie on your back, do not strain. Put your hands behind your head, stretch up, lifting the body. And again to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  • Hanging on the horizontal bar. On one arm, without swaying and without jerking, until a slight pain appears. Repeat several times.

Important! A set of exercises should be selected by the attending physician based on the exact diagnosis and degree of the disease.


Prevention tips are simple:

  • monitor the posture of your child and his lifestyle, more outdoor sports, movements during the day;
  • provide the right surface for sleeping;
  • choose the right furniture for the growth of a teenager;
  • proper nutrition, rich in trace elements and vitamins;
  • periodically examine the spine;
  • avoid injuries or treat them in a timely manner.

It's easier to prevent than to treat. This commandment applies to any disease. Kyphosis has many faces and is easier to identify as early as possible.

In addition to physiological factors, it is necessary to take into account psychological factor. Often in adolescence, adolescents are shy of growth, experience self-doubt, and begin to hunch over. Maintaining confidence, understanding and talking with your child is also a kind of “keep your back straight” prevention.

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