
Why do you need to go around seven churches. Sorokoust. How to properly put a candle in the temple

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Hello, I am interested in this question, my wife is very worried about the fact that after the wedding, when we arrived home, taking out the wedding candles from the package, they were broken, my wife was very upset, she is afraid of bad omens of what might happen if the candles are broken, moreover, we are in the church came with their candles, so they broke them in the confusion, then they bought new ones, and after the wedding they also broke, please tell me what this means, what to do? Thank you in advance !!! Thanks.


Because of this, do not worry, all this is insignificant, the main thing is not to "break" your warm relationship. And just put the wedding candles in the church by the icon for your health.

deacon Elijah Kokin

Good afternoon. Help me figure out how many candles it is customary to put in the temple. I have a great desire to help my relatives, among whom no one goes to church, there are also atheists. There are also the departed. There are many relatives, a big family. Advise how to do better. I understand that prayer is more important, and the candle is just a symbol. Whether to put a candle for each, then there are about 15 of them, isn't it forbidden to have so many? It is probably better to put it when there are no services, so that there is a place on the candlestick. Or is it better to bet one for the living and one for the dead, while paying both for 15? And somehow it doesn’t turn out nicely, maybe he came alone and made some candles. Thanks. May God bless you!


Dear Alexey, there is nothing terrible or inconvenient in the fact that you put more candles than others, no. Put candles for your loved ones according to your desire and capabilities. Better, please, take care of the sincerity and thoughtfulness of your prayers for them.

Priest Daniel Lugovoi

Good afternoon. I would like your help. In the last three years I have a lot of problems .. I feel broken .. I have such a state of mind ... that sometimes bad thoughts come to me whether it is worth living ... In addition to everything, I fell in love with a Muslim .. does a person have a destiny? is it possible to fight for a person? Or did God determine our fate in advance? If he is a Muslim, how can I pray for him? He is a very good person .. Can I put candles for his health in the Orthodox Church? What is the prayer to put everything in its place?


Dear Evgenia! A person determines his own destiny. Another thing is that one person determines his life with the help of God, trying to follow what is called the will of God or what God Himself has planned for man, wishing him salvation for eternal life. In this case, a person's earthly life can have direct and saving paths. On the other hand, if a person does not seek the will of God, does not listen to God, then he acts exclusively according to his own will, which in our country is afflicted with sin and passions. In this case, a person's earthly paths often turn out to be winding and confusing, filled with more sorrows and hardships. Of course, God tries to use such a canvas of man's earthly wanderings for our admonition and salvation, but it is much easier and more salutary to try to follow the Gospel commandments, to learn to live like a Christian, then there will be no need to think about destiny, this destiny will develop itself - so as God pleases. As for your story with a Muslim, I cannot recommend anything specific here: this is your life choice. Should I fight for this person? What does it mean to fight? - for marrying him? Or that he should come to Orthodoxy? For this, of course, it is not a sin to pray, but for a real conversion to Christ, more often than not, a person himself needs to want this and make serious efforts. And so, in general terms, from the point of view of Orthodoxy, actually a Christian marriage with a different faith is not encouraged, since in such unions it is impossible to achieve complete unity, for the simple reason that the faiths are different.

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov

Hello, I am interested in the following question: how to protect myself from people who go to church and light candles for the peace of living people. I will make a reservation right away that a person is a hereditary witch with a very strong energy. Only the mother's prayer helps. How can I avoid further influence if she has my photos? Thanks.


Dear Dimitri! The Holy Fathers of the Church, who have experienced experience that there is real life in Christ, say that one must fear, first of all, one's own sins and passions, and that it is unworthy of a Christian to be afraid of any external magical influences. And this is really so, because, according to the words of the holy fathers, the essence of the devil's action on a person is the essence of the action in a person of sinful passions. That is, the devil acts on us through our sins and passions - and the arithmetic here is very simple: the more we give room to sin, the more we give power over ourselves to the devil, while the more seriously we fight against sin, the less over us. the enemy of the human race has power. It is also worth noting that during the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism, the priest says to the baptized in relation to the devil (when renouncing him): "And duni and spit on him!" - that is, in fact, the Christian from God is given the power to spit on the devil and all his power. However, in order for this to really come true in our life, we must try to live like a Christian, seek God's help, including in the Sacraments of the Church - first of all, to fight our own sins, then no fears of external magical influences will haunt us.

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov

Why churches in Russia are gradually turning into retail stores, where prices for goods and services are growing, like in the market. But the church is not a market! Here everyone must pay a fee they can afford. Why did I have this question? Was in Greece. There, in the churches, you put any coin into a little slot and there are candles nearby - take as many as you need. This is how it should be! Why is it wrong with us?

Kostyukevich Elza Grigorievna

Dear Elsa Grigorievna! I think that Greece, like some other Western countries, is not an example in this case. Orthodoxy in Greece, in fact, is the state religion and has direct support from the state. Also, in many other European states there is a so-called church tax, with the help of which certain traditional confessions are financed. And the very traditional way of "financing" the Church or churches, since the Old Testament times, was the so-called "tithe", that is, donations by each member of the Church of a tenth of their income. True, in our time this is no longer relevant and the “method” of donations, alas, has transformed into the area of ​​more understandable to most relations of “purchase and sale”, which in general, as you have noticed, does not contribute to the external “image” of the Church. How to be here? In principle, in many churches these days, a fixed “fee” is no longer taken for the performance of services or commemorations, but it is suggested that donations be made at your discretion. As for candles, books and utensils, it is somewhat more complicated here, because funds for their production and acquisition have already been invested in these completely material objects, why and if they are also distributed in the form of collection of donations, and not a specific price-value of the same candle, or books, then this will require a restructuring of the entire temple bookkeeping as such, because behind the same candles or utensils is hidden specific financial statements and the responsibility of the corresponding church workers. On the whole, I am ready to agree with you in some way that it would be better to somehow diminish the element of external commercialization in our Church, but this is the task of all of us as Christians, and not only of the hierarchy alone.

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov

Hello, the relics of Saints Matrona and Panteleimon have recently been brought. My mother and I went with a request for health, my mother put two candles for me (I have a disability) and I asked for my mother's longevity (but she does not know this, she thinks that I asked for my health) lit a candle and put it in the sand and she fell and went out, I lit it and put it on. After a while I lit the second one and it went out in my hands. Please tell me does this mean anything?


Dear Andrey, don't worry. You should not see any mystical subtext in purely physical phenomena. There is absolutely no symbolic meaning for the candles falling and extinguishing.

Priest Daniel Lugovoi

Hello. I am 32 years old, I am not married. I was advised to go around 7 churches in one day and put candles in them with a prayer for marriage in order to arrange my personal life. Is this act a sin? If my thoughts and intentions at the same time are pure according to Christian laws, is this permitted or prohibited?


Dear Svetlana, even with the purity of your intentions and thoughts, this is the introduction of magical rites and superstitions into Christianity. If everything were so simple, then through simple actions everyone would get happiness and prosperity in the blink of an eye. The fulfillment of our prayers is the mystery of God, which is performed not when we please, but when it is useful for the salvation of our soul. Do not grieve about your life situation, pray sincerely to the Lord not seven times, but every day. Perhaps God gives you time for inner awareness, spiritual growth, preparing you for the most important meeting in your life.

Priest Daniel Lugovoi

Is it possible to commemorate the deceased in the church if he was not baptized and died suddenly? Is it possible to pray for the salvation of his soul and light candles for him?


Dear Vladimir, it is possible and necessary to pray for him, to light candles for the repose of his soul, but one should not submit his name for commemoration at the Divine Liturgy.

Father, bless. The servant of God Irina is writing to you. I have a question. I live in a Muslim country, Kazakhstan. Many girls wear hijabs here. This is where they will end up if they completely deny the Trinity and our Lord Christ. I understand that I myself need to be saved, and the Lord will ask me, but still. And how can I beg my sister? She drank during her lifetime. I light candles for her and pray and order memorial services and just for the repose often. I go to church 2 times a week, to services. And she still doesn't dream very well for me. She is baptized. I myself am a church person. Sorry for my vanity and pride.


Irina! You should not pay special attention to dreams, but you should try your best to live like a Christian, seeking God's help and the truth of the gospel. At the same time, praying for your deceased sister, like other loved ones, is a matter of Christian love, otherwise who will pray for her at all? And here the main thing is the quality of our Christian life, because the more seriously we try to live according to the Gospel, the more intelligible our prayer for our neighbors will be, even if they themselves were not vouchsafed to be Christians during their lifetime. As for those who surround you and who live according to the Muslim tradition, then they will have their own judgment of God, you can think, first of all, according to the moral tradition that they adhered to - and it is not for us to judge what the Lord has prepared for them, Who is not without mercy. It is much more important for us to remember that we, Christians, will be judged according to the Gospel, and, as it is said, “to whom much has been entrusted, of him they will require more” (Luke 12:48).

This summer, I had the good fortune to visit Jerusalem, to visit all the Holy Places. In the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, I gave notes about health and repose to the local priest, and the priest gave me candles and oil in a bottle. But since he did not speak Russian, I could not ask him about anything. Please tell me how you can use it. And yet, in the same place I bought the icon "The Savior Tree of Life". In what cases can you contact her? What requests does she help with? Thanks a lot. Rita. city ​​of Tuapse.

Rita Nikolaevna

Dear Rita! Candles can and should be lit by placing them on a candlestick during prayer. You can anoint yourself with oil in a cruciform manner - even if you suddenly get sick. As for the icon, any canonical (correct from the point of view of the norms of Orthodox icon painting) image serves our prayerful mental appeal and ascent to the Prototype, that is, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom we can and must constantly turn in all cases and needs. our lives, but especially - asking for deliverance from sin and salvation for eternal life.

Hello, father. I am a Muslim, but I go to church because I believe that no matter what faith you are, God is one for everyone. I can't go to church all the time, because my mother-in-law constantly monitors me. Can I buy icons of Nicholas the Pleasant and the Mother of God, church candles and pray to them at home? Thanks.


Dear Zulfiya, the differences between religions are much deeper than you think. First of all, you need to be honest: determine the aspirations of your soul and be already in the religion that you choose. The religious world is not a supermarket: in this corner we will take one, and in the other another, which we need right now. Of course, you can buy icons and candles, and you can also pray. We just need to understand that this is just a tiny part of what Orthodoxy can give - unity with God himself, which we can receive by partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Hello. I cannot give birth to a child. On the night of Easter, I had a dream that I was breastfeeding my son. And on the day of the Holy Trinity, when I lit a candle at home in front of the icons, a drawing in the form of a dove remained on the ceiling from the candle flame. There was nothing like this before. Do you think God heard me and these signs from God?


Dear Valentine, God sends his signs in an inconspicuous way, accessible for perception to people close to holiness. Due to our sinful weakness, we sometimes attach too much importance to external events, endowing them with the meaning of signs or revelations of God. Keep praying fervently for the birth of your baby. The Lord hears all our prayer and sighing, but fulfills what we ask when it will be beneficial for our soul.

I apologize for such a delicate question. I recently became interested in religion, I don’t know much, I don’t understand. So: 1) can you go to church during your period? Someone says you can, some you can’t. And if something extraordinary happened - someone died and you need to go to church for a funeral service ?! What about big holidays (Easter, Christmas), because they happen once a year. And sometimes it happens that these days fall on holidays from year to year. What about events such as a wedding, baptism, pilgrimage trip? It is difficult to plan them depending on critical days, especially if you are only invited (witness, godfather), and no matter how you plan, they can start unexpectedly and then you need to cancel everything ?! And sometimes, for health reasons, a woman's periods may not stop for a very, very long time. Therefore, I ask you to explain in more detail what is possible, what is not, and why. You can go to church these days, use holy oil, drink holy water, touch icons, prosphoras, light candles, an icon lamp (both in church and at home), read the Bible, the Gospel, a prayer book, you can generally just pray at home in front of the icons, you can participate in the Sacraments - communion, confession, etc. 2) And one more thing: when you just pray at home in front of the icons, do you need to cover your head? This is just a separate issue, regardless of critical days. 3) Can pregnant women go to church? Thank you in advance.


Regarding the first question, I refer you to a very detailed article, in which, using the example of ancient patristic texts and canons, it is shown that all the prohibitions associated with this problem arose in the Church quite late, and essentially have no serious reasons: http: // www. kiev-orthodox.org/site/churchlife/1319/ Still, you should take the blessing from the priest of your temple, because there is no consensus on this issue. For pregnant women, there is no reason to shy away from attending church - pregnancy is not a filth, but a blessing of God, so expectant mothers, on the contrary, should visit church more often and receive communion. As for the veil on the head during prayer, the words of the Apostle Paul, in which it is prescribed, refer only to married women: “A wife should have on her head [the sign of] authority [over] [her], for the Angels” (). Although, to be honest, the reasons why the apostle gives such a prescription lie outside the field of Christian teaching and go back to the Old Testament Talmudic traditions, but such is the centuries-old tradition.

Hello! I have such a question. I live very far from my native place, across the ocean, and the Orthodox Church is also very far from me, at least often I cannot go there. I have 2 illuminated icons that I brought from Ukraine. I have a question, is it possible to put candles for peace (health) at home, or should this be done only in the temple? If possible, what kind of candles are needed for this? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Konstantin


Yes, of course you can. It does not matter what kind of candles it is, it is only desirable that they be church candles, because this is our sacrifice for the temple, and candles bought in the supermarket, as you yourself might guess, will be a “sacrifice for the supermarket”. You can also burn incense yourself in front of these icons during prayer. But still, try to visit the church more often, because in your case it is also a connection with your native culture.

I was in the Holy Dormition Monastery in the city of Volodymyr Volynsky, and lit a candle for my mother for the repose and three candles for health, ten minutes later the candle for the repose was blown out by the children of the women who clean the church and threw it out, the women also put out the other candles and threw them into a box, saying that they would put them in the evening "get them out of the trash." Why it happens that it is impossible to light a candle during the day and such people work in the church, it is very painful to see this. Is there really no order even in the church, although the priest said that candles can be lit at any time, just after everything seen, emptiness in the soul. Why do such people work in the church and do they really have no government?


Dear Pavel! Alas, here we are faced with a certain paradox. Indeed, people often work at the church, as they say, poor and not always adequate. This happens, sometimes, because people who are healthier and stronger are employed in more prestigious and well-paid positions, while the Church accepts everyone - including those who have nowhere else to go. This is partly said in the Gospel parable of Christ Himself about the wedding feast: “Then he says to his servants: the wedding feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy; so go to the debauchery and invite everyone you find to the wedding feast. And those servants, going out into the highways, gathered together as many as they found, both evil and good; and the wedding feast was filled with those attending ”(Matthew 22: 8-10). That is, when the invited and worthy refuse to come to the royal feast (they are too busy with important earthly affairs), then “whoever is available” are gathered for the feast - both the evil and the good. Likewise, in the inner church life there are very different phenomena. All this, of course, cannot justify one or another disgrace, but we need to understand that the Church should be not only the old lady-candles, but we ourselves should be the Church, led by Christ the Savior. Ultimately, the problem is not in candles and candlesticks, but in the state of the soul of each of us in relation to God. And it is this (the quality of the inner life of each of us) that determines the general condition of the entire Church. And, by the way, it is not at all a fact that the box into which the candles are removed is really a trash one. In many temples, the same candles can be re-placed on the candlestick. God's help to you!

My son is a great sinner and a suicide, but at my mother's request, permission from the Diocese was received for his funeral, my son was buried in the Cathedral. How, when and how best can I now commemorate him in church? Can I put candles for his repose in church, submit memorial notes? Thank you for your answer.


Dear Elena, if permission for the funeral service has been obtained, then you can light candles and submit his name in notes.

Hello! I really want to start a serious relationship with a girl, but I have such a problem, I can't start dating anyone I like. Any girl I like, for whatever reason .... (that is, a guy, she doesn't like me, then she just doesn't even say why ...) refuses to reciprocate. I don't really know what to do, it seems to me that I have something like a curse. 2 years ago, he parted with a girl, at her request, but perhaps she did it (I had to sin and walk around 3-4 "grandmothers" everyone says that something like a celibacy wreath). I went to the monastery with this problem back in the summer of 2010, but still I am alone. I beg you, advise what to do, maybe there are some specials. prayers or icons to which you need to put candles?


Andrey! There is no "celibacy wreath". These are all inventions of occult witchcraft forces and teachings. And walking around grandmothers is a sin, in ancient times Christians were generally excommunicated for such tricks (for thereby turning to evil spirits). Therefore, you, at least, need to repent of this sin in confession. Moreover, you can notice that asking God for help in getting married, giving a godly bride, etc. - not a sin, but in order for such requests to be really convincing in the eyes of God, you yourself need to try to live like a Christian, because the Lord must see that He can entrust you with the life and soul of another person.

Good day to you! Our daughter was born on December 31, she has not yet been baptized. Out of my ignorance, I submitted a note about her health in the Temple, and, lighting candles, I also asked the Saints to protect her. Tell me, please, this question torments me very much now: can I really harm my child with this action? Thank you very much for the answer!


Of course not! Do you really think that God is such a formalist that he can let go of any problems because of such things? And in general, how can a mother's prayer for a child harm him?


Hello. I'm in a very difficult situation. After the birth of a child (in 2008), I realized all my sinfulness and all the horrors of my life. I confessed, received communion, prayed, repented, but my mental illness did not go away and postpartum stress was added (fears, phobias, constant thoughts of terrible). Then I began to turn to traditional healers. I asked the question three times about my daughter (how long will she live). I know how sinful it is. Moreover, once I asked a question to a folk healer and a sorcerer on my daughter's birthday. He reassured me, but he said a lot about my illness, damage, treatment, and in general I refused his treatment. The last time (third) I turned to a woman - a folk healer. She cured me (I went to her three times) ... she cures many people ... with prayers and with her own hands, she also removes spoilage ... I have another sin - I cannot quit smoking ... but now I feel that I will soon be able (she spoke three packs of cigarettes and said that I would not be able to smoke them) - yes, it turns out that way, but that is not the point. I do not understand how she did it with cigarettes - whether with prayers or some kind of conspiracy. I have a friend, a grandmother, her granddaughter (6 years old) suffers from cancer, doctors say that the chances are 50 to 50. I gave them an icon of the Tsaritsa, prayers, and advised them to pray and believe. And then I told the grandmother and mother of this girl about the healer, to whom I had to go a second time and I myself advised them to give her a photo ... I took this woman (healer) a photo of a sick girl. The folk healer (woman) said that she would try to help, but God's will is for everything. And yesterday I was in the church and asked about the Sacrament of Unction from my grandmother, who sells icons and candles in the church, and she got into a conversation with me and in the course of the conversation said ... in their childhood they turned to different healers, that the way to the bodies of people is open for the evil one ... I left the temple in shock. I don't know what to tell the parents of this ailing baby, what to do myself (I asked about my child too) and this terrible sin is on me ... what to do ?? I beg you, tell me. I repented and prayed ... what should I do? what should I do with my daughter (Jr. Elena)? how and what to tell the parents of a sick Jr. Xenia? Is it really true that I did the irreparable and did such harm to my own and someone else's child? I beg you, help me, answer my question. Thank you in advance.


Olga, there are no irreparable sins, only those in which a person does not repent. Indeed, the Church condemns the appeal to "healers", because these people are sorcerers and call for help from fallen spirits. But, I repeat once again, all this is fixable. I have a close friend who himself was fond of witchcraft in the past, and now he repented and became an exemplary Christian, so just tell your friends that they explained to you in the church that in no case should you turn to healers for help - life shows that short-term relief is followed by even more serious troubles. Confess, repent of what you have done and do not repeat this mistake again.


Today many people visit churches with the aim of being closer to God and taking the righteous path of correction. They memorize prayers, attend Sunday services, and perform many church rituals.

However, it is worth talking in more detail on the topic "Forty-mouth for health": what is the essence of the ritual, and what are the features of its implementation? Before delving deeper, it is important to clarify that the magpie is a prayer for the health of a specific person, which is read for forty days.

The need for such a service arises when someone in the family is very sick or has become a victim of misfortune. However, many believers order a magpie for their relatives and friends only to protect them from all troubles and hardships in the future. This is a kind of protection that provides not only physical health, but also moral satisfaction, harmony with oneself.

As a rule, if you order a magpie for health for a person, then the priest must, for forty days, voice the name of the servant of God in prayers. It is worth noting here that everyone can order such a service, but for this you just need to find free time and visit the church. The only rule that is important to remember: you cannot order such a prayer for yourself, it is best to ask your relatives and friends to do it. This will certainly be a reliable protection against all negativity and evil.

Is it possible to order a magpie about health in several churches at once? The Holy Scriptures indicate that three churches will help to enhance the effect of this ritual at once, that is, the reading of a prayer by three priests. As a rule, such "reinforced reinforcement" is needed only by those people who are in serious trouble. As they say, in stalemate situations, it is important to activate all forces, and the church only contributes to the acquisition of inner harmony and tranquility.

Today the question very often arises, is it not better to order a magpie for health in seven churches? According to knowledgeable people, this is not necessary at all, and such a ritual is considered absolutely useless. The fact is that the church doctrine and rules do not say anything about such a "procedure", and everything is in the hands of God. So it is not worthwhile to engage in nonsense, but it is quite enough to order this prayer in three churches - no more.

If someone does not know how to do this correctly, then you should not worry about this in vain - everything is extremely simple. It is necessary to come to any church, go to the church shop and order this ritual from local "workers". You can also go to the priest himself and ask him for a prayer. The most important thing is to say the name of the servant of God, who needs support and care. It should be remembered that such a service is paid, but all the money goes to the donation.

If a prayer is ordered, the magpie for health begins to be read on the same day and so on for 40 days. Many believers are convinced that during this period they feel incredible strength, energy that helps to fight all difficulties and obstacles on their way. Of course, there is no evidence of this state at all, and some skeptics simply refer to it as heightened emotionality and developed imagination. Someone insistently says that this is just self-hypnosis, but it is not in vain that this church ritual has been carried out for more than one century.

So now it is clear what a magpie for health is, and how to order it. However, it is also important to understand that there is a magpie for peace, so it is extremely important not to inadvertently confuse both of these rituals, otherwise you can bring even more trouble to the person. In any case, prayer is faith that helps to live and fight all the troubles of life. You can order it an unlimited number of times, and there will certainly be no harm from this. That is why it is recommended to go to church more often, believe in God and live a righteous life, observing all the commandments from the Bible.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that the magpie is a really powerful talisman that will protect against all anxieties, diseases, misfortunes and losses. So do not be superficial about this issue.

Every believer at least once in his life heard about the needs, as well as their purpose. One of the most important requirements is the Forty-Mouth, which is performed in the form of a daily prayer commemoration in the Orthodox Church.

It is worth noting that prayers for a person are read for forty days, which also has its own symbolism. Indeed, the number "forty" in itself in a historical context means a lot.

For example, in the scriptures you can find references to the fact that the Jewish people wandered through the endless desert for forty days, Jesus Christ also after His own Baptism was in the desert for 40 days. After the Resurrection, the Savior taught the Apostles many knowledge for forty days, and what is interesting - the prophet Moses decided to fast regularly for exactly 40 days.

There were many more wonderful moments and memories associated with this date - that is why it is so deeply rooted in the symbolism of the Christian religion, having passed a thorough test of time.

Forty-mouth for health in three churches

Based on the name, many people mistakenly believe that this requirement should be ordered only when you need to pray for your own physical health or for the absence of diseases in relatives and friends.

In fact, the great power of the magpie about health lies in the fact that its effect contributes to material well-being, peace of mind, various success at work, and so on.

It is noteworthy that every day, during this time, the clergy remove particles from the prosphora - this is a tribute to the foundations of the Christian religion, which help in prayers to the Lord God.

All believers need to know that the concept of "health" itself is:

Physical well-being, absence of various diseases;

Peace of mind, harmony with oneself;

Material well-being;

No depression or negative thoughts.

The magpie about health from damage is very effective, because by ordering it in three temples or seven monasteries at once, a believer has the opportunity to get rid of any evil forces, damage or the evil eye. Also, such prayers help to heal even the most serious illnesses, which often do not respond to conventional treatment. If you believe in your own strength and sincerely expect recovery, then forty-day prayers in three churches will only contribute to your cherished desire.

Forty-mouth about health in 7 churches

This rite is rightfully considered to be the most effective and powerful among other rituals in the Orthodox Church. Even if you ask a clergyman what is the power of this type of prayer, he will not be able to give an instant answer to this question. After reading prayers in seven monasteries at once, we receive invaluable support in material and spiritual terms, and the spectrum of the treba's action expands many times, affecting any aspect of our life.

It is worth noting the fact that it is preferable to resort to the order of 7 Sorokoust for health in those moments when a person needs the support and help of the Higher Forces in a special way. For example, mentioning the name of a sick person in seven temples can atone for the most severe sins or physical illnesses. Such prayers can get rid of blood or family curses that exhaust a person for a long time.

The main feature of this rite is the beginning of the reading of the Sorokoust on the same day, and for this it is advisable to visit all the monasteries at the same time.

The rite of 7 churches in one day is a special ritual that will relieve negative energy, troubles, and various ailments. To fulfill every part of the ancient rite, all the precepts must be followed.

The Orthodox religion condemns any kind of magic, it teaches believers to hope for the providence of God, solving problems with the help of prayers, attending services, and liturgy. There are special church rituals with which you can overcome dark forces, damage, evil eye, curse.

When trouble knocked on one house, strange objects were found on the threshold, needles, pins, earth, hair, shreds of wool, the first thing that comes to mind is bewilderment, a feeling of resentment and anger. Nobody knows for what God's punishment and sin befell.

The providence of God remains beyond the horizons of what is happening, the black will of gossips, envious people, business competitors, rivals interferes with the circumstances. More often than rivals for the right to possess the object of passion and desire.

Before going to church, most of the victims turn to magical rites by diagnosing the problem with a chicken egg, wax or candle. Then rush to the magicians and witches for help, paying for expensive services for working off the terrible negativity that will last for generations, depriving the whole family of life, beauty and love. Many succumb to psychological methods of influence, NLP techniques, tricks, tricks of charlatans.

The Orthodox ritual for removing the damage of 7 churches in one day is suitable for believers who consider it unacceptable to turn to magicians, sorcerers. They believe in God's help, the protection of higher powers. The bottom line is to visit seven temples from sunrise to sunset, when the service is going on, to buy three candles in each of them, order a magpie for health, leave alms for the temple or seven beggars.

What materials are needed

Before the ceremony, you must confess, take the sacrament, maintain a strict fast for three days. To pray earnestly to the Blessed Virgin, Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, extolling praises, petitions for help for a godly cause.

Walking around 7 churches in one day will take patience, time and desire, but the result of the ceremony is worth the effort.

When going on the road, you need to take a shower before sunrise, change your clothes, and put on a pectoral cross. Leaving the threshold of the house, make the sign of the cross three times.

Do not forget to prepare the texts of the prayers that you need to say in the church if you do not know by heart.

Seven Churches Technique for Removing Corruption

In the morning, approaching the gate of the temple, put on a scarf, cross yourself, ask for help from the Higher Forces for a godly cause. Purchase at least four candles in one day: one is lit in front of the image of Jesus Christ, and three are taken home to complete the action. In each of the 7 churches, it is necessary to submit a note, ordering a magpie for health, collect holy water, go out into the street to leave alms to seven beggars. Such an action is carried out in another temple, but a candle is put to another Saint, asking for help and patronage.

Arriving home after visiting the church, you need to wash, change clothes, drain the holy water into one container. One day, sprinkle all the corners of the house and proceed to the second part of the ceremony. Go to the room where the family icon is located, light the candles brought from the temples while they are burning, read in turn the prayers that were said earlier. The candles must burn out to the end, the cinders are thrown into the trash can.

The ceremony in the church should be carried out several times a year or when there are prerequisites. The heavenly Father will help to overcome troubles, illnesses, sorrows.

In the last temple visited out of seven, it is necessary to light a candle for your enemies, enemies, envious people, and sincerely wish happiness to those who wish evil.

Prayer texts for reading in the church

When conducting church rituals, three prayers must be read on one day. The first two are classic invariable prayers to the Higher Forces: the Honest Cross, Psalm 90, and the third depends on the type of negative (family, health, relationships, business, work, etc.). While performing the ritual, you need to memorize the texts. In order to completely immerse yourself in a meditative state, you can pray in your own words in church, the main thing is that they are spoken from a pure heart.

If you think that what is happening is a curse or damage to health, then they read a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. A prayer service in the church to Guriy Samon, Aviyu will help protect loved ones from negativity. The problem is in family life: a rival intervened, the husband left for another, stopped supporting the children, you need to turn to John the Theologian or St. Michael. With the evil eye and damage to loneliness, the Virgin Mary is worshiped.

If an evil will intervened in the family and a loved one began to abuse alcohol, then they turn to the holy martyr Boniface.

Orthodox believers honor every prayer in rituals, but the common one is our Father. It is read in church, at home, on the road, in case of illness, in health. Before childbirth, in gratitude to the Lord for a new life, but there are special prayers for reading:

  • Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • for different occasions;
  • in agony, sorrow and disease;
  • prayer word;
  • spiritual ailments;
  • prayer to travelers;
  • ritual from evil spirits;
  • Guardian Angels;
  • for the soldiers and the fatherland;
  • funeral;
  • co-religionists;
  • Divine Liturgy;
  • chants.

There are many options for prayers and praises, it is necessary to follow the rules for reading the holy words in each of the seven churches during the ceremony. Starting to pronounce on one day, you need to clear your thoughts, get rid of the fuss, come to terms with your fate. Then bow, overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross, slowly, pondering each word, pronounce the text from beginning to end, ending with the words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Orthodox religion, the church teaches humility, and prayer opens the soul of a person to God's grace and patron angels.

Other options for removing spoilage

From the point of view of the Orthodox religion and the church, the Holy Spirit, strong faith, strength, Holy prayer, worship of images and Holy relics can block the path of dark forces. People who believe in God can resort to the church method of removing negativity, otherwise the method does not work.

The action of holy water helps to get rid of evil influences from outside, enemies and well-wishers, its properties have been proven by scientists. For centuries, they have been helping to get rid of ailments, evil intentions, black deeds. Before carrying out a rite on holy water, one day you must confess in church and take communion, then take holy water and drink three sips on an empty stomach for a week.

After, it is necessary to praise the Lord and ask him to protect the person, his loved ones from enemies.

A ritual in a church in one day removes the black negativity, brings spiritual light, a special sign, goodness to life, but there are times when the ritual does not give a result. If the negative program is powerful, directed by a generic sorcerer, fueled by necrotic energy, cemetery magic. To get rid of damage, it is necessary to order a magpie at the same time in three or seven churches, with the support of close relatives. Efforts will not bring results if the priest or priest violates the sequence of reading the magpie.

When performing rituals in 7 churches, you need to carefully prepare, observe fasting, confess, take the sacrament, and clear your thoughts. Not to tell anyone about your intentions, to hold the action in the temple. Do not lend anything to anyone, especially after sunset. Often an unexpected friend who is involved in problems comes to the doorstep for salt, sugar and matches.

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Many of us go to the temple and light candles. We all do this, but do we know why this is? It was customary to put candles in front of the holy face in ancient times. It is believed that one of the first decrees of the Lord to Moses was the construction of a lamp with 7 lamps. After this, the services were held in this light. But the significance of this ritual goes far beyond the illumination of the duty station. Although during periods of persecution of Christianity, the light of candles helped to find the way for believers.

Why are candles lit in the church? The process of lighting a candle has deep connotations. The light from the flame commemorates the divine light that Jesus brought to our world. In turn, people who live in ignorance and sin are in darkness, which can disappear thanks to the Savior. So the light of a candle is considered salutary, because it can also dispel darkness. Pure candle wax is considered a symbol of a person's repentance before God and his readiness to obey the Lord.

Sincere faith is essential in order to place candles correctly. This process should not take place automatically, but with love in the heart and the awareness of who it is for. By buying it in the temple, you make an offering and symbolize your love and faith. The number of candles supplied does not mean that your requests will be heard and fulfilled faster. The main thing is your pure heart, with which you turn to the Lord.

The church candle is considered an obligatory attribute of worship. Setting fire to it is worth praying. These can be addresses in your own words, but from a pure heart. They must be turned to God and with sincere faith.

How to light candles in a church? Before the start of the service. If you are late for the service, then wait for it to end and then go to the candlestick. It is considered impolite to hand over candles or to promote candles during a service. By such actions you distract everyone from prayers and deanery.

How to put a candle in the temple correctly?

There are certain rules for setting candles in the temple:

  • Approaching the candlestick, you need to make 2 bows while applying a cross on yourself.
  • Then he crosses himself and put a candle.
  • Make another bow and sign of the cross.
  • Making obeisances and baptizing must be done slowly.
  • Candles must be lit from other burning candles.
  • You need to put it directly into the socket of the candlestick.
  • It is not recommended to use lighters and matches in the temple if candles are burning there.
  • There is no need to set it on fire from the lamp, because drops of wax can extinguish it.
  • If there are no empty cells in the candlestick, then just place the candle next to it.
  • Standing with a lit candle is not recommended.

Why are candles put in the church?

Often, candles are placed in temples for two reasons:

  1. For health. They put on various occasions. It can be a good purchase, gratitude for something, help in solving a case, and so on.
  2. For peace. These candles are placed on a special table - the eve, to honor the memory of the deceased.

Where to put candles in the church?

There are no rules regarding the number and obligatory place of setting candles. But many recommend first putting it to the central analogue or to the temple icon, then to the relics of the saint, and only after that to put it for health or repose.

The candle in the church went out - what does it mean

Many people listen to certain stories and rituals about how to light candles and what does that mean? They say that you only need to put a candle with your right hand. This moment can be attributed to superstition. As well as if a candle bursts into a church.

Many believe that they do not see good. But the clergy are accustomed to be more inclined to such a point of view as the wrong production technology or low-quality wax. In some temples, candles are melted down, which thereby produces candles to crackle while burning.

If the candle goes out in the church, then the all-knowing "grannies" will immediately begin to whisper about damage and a bad sign. The priests, in turn, say that whoever wants to look for mysticism - let him go to the grandmothers, and they can only say according to the laws of God. So their explanations are much simpler - it all depends on low-quality wax or production.

Candles in the church for health

Where in the church to put candles for health? Basically, in every temple, candles for health can be placed in any candlesticks in front of any images. But it also happens when there is no special table for candles for repose and then candles for health and repose are placed in any candlestick.

On this occasion, the clergy say that the main thing is not where to put the candle, but the main thing is prayer. It must be remembered that it will be right if you turn to your patron saint. There are many prayers for health.

For such appeals, you can buy the "Prayer Book". You just need to be very careful when purchasing church literature. It is advisable to do this in church shops, because clandestinely published literature can carry a large amount of distorted information. It happens that the whole part is missing in the prayers.

How to light candles for health in the church?

Basically, for health, candles are placed in front of the Savior, in front of the images of the Saints who heal ailments, the Mother of God, as well as before the saints who help in difficult life situations.

If a married couple cannot have children, then they can make a request and light a candle in front of the faces of Anna and Joachim. They are known for being the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos. And for those women who carry a child in themselves, you should put a candle in front of the image of the Mother of God. To heal ailments, it is worth turning to Matrona of Moscow and other saints.

Where in the church to put candles for the repose?

Most temples have especially revered shrines. It is in front of them that candlesticks are mainly installed. In many churches there are special tables for the commemoration of the dead - eves. They are mainly located on the left side of the temple. It will not be difficult to recognize him. It has a rectangular shape and a Crucifix is ​​installed on it.

But it also happens when there are no such tables. What to do and where, in this case, to put the candle? The priests advise to put it in any candlestick, because a candle is only our scanty offering to God, and the main thing in this matter is prayer. If you want to bring something, so that the ministers turn to the Lord with a prayer for your departed relatives, then put everything in the baskets that are next to the table. And after that, go back to the eve.

How to light candles for repose in the church?

In advance, you must decide on the number of candles. You can bet separately for each deceased or one for all.

  • After you come to the candlestick, cross yourself twice and bow.
  • Take your candle and light it from the burning candles. It is considered improper to use matches or lighters in the temple.
  • After the candle has lit, burn the bottom and place it in the socket.
  • The candle must stand up straight and not fall. If at first you did not succeed in doing this, then repeat again.
  • In order to get distracted from worldly problems, you need to watch the light for some time. This will help you to forget about worldly problems and calm down.
  • You can whisper or read it mentally. It doesn't matter if you don't remember it by heart. You can read it from a piece of paper.
  • After this ritual, stand a little next to those for whom you are praying. It will not be bad if you remember their voice, appearance. It happens that a lump comes up to the throat and tears begin to flow. Don't hold them back.
  • Then cross yourself and bow, and only then slowly step back.

Sometimes it happens that the ministers of the church can put out your candle. No need to be offended. Your prayer will be answered, and the sacrifice has already been made. Remember, the main thing is sincere prayer and memory of the departed.

Three candles in three churches

You can often hear this expression 3 candles in 3 churches . What does it mean? Many associate the number 3 with the Creator Lord. Basically, it is advised to put candles and order the Magpie in 3 churches to improve health, heal from serious ailments, with long-term illnesses or frequent energy attacks.

If any person makes you spite of intrigues or carries a negative, then you can also put candles in three churches and order the Sorokoust. They say that if such a ceremony is carried out, then the offenders will return doubly, or even tripled.

The same is said if you put 7 candles in 7 churches. They say that such a ritual carries even more energy power and will help to overcome even the most difficult situations. There is an opinion that if you put seven candles in the church in a day, it can help get rid of corruption.

There are all sorts of situations in life when we turn to the Lord. Many people think that the number of candles and churches does not matter. The main thing is our sincere prayer and faith. And to listen to various rituals or not is only your choice. But before committing any, it will not be superfluous to consult with the priest.

The Lord is always with you!