
Fast water heating. Heating water with a solar collector. Solar collectors for economical hot water heating

Hot water supply has become commonplace in the homes of urban residents. However, its shutdown - emergency or for the purpose of preventive maintenance - can seriously disrupt the usual life. The question of buying a water heater becomes especially acute in families with small children and elderly family members. For the first, bathing “from the ladle” can threaten with colds, and for the second it is difficult to carry buckets of water from the stove to the bathroom.

Types of water heaters

Those who are not used to dealing with water heaters have concerns:

  • if the heaters are gas, will there be a situation that when the pressure of hot water drops, the burner will go out, and the gas supply will continue? Or another option: when the pressure drops, the intensity of the burner will remain at the same level and the column will “boil”;
  • and electric water heaters scare the final electricity bill? Is there any protection to save the family budget;

All these fears have long since lost their basis. Now electric or gas type water heaters are equipped with automated control systems in case of a sharp drop in water supply pressure, as well as thermostats that, regardless of the supply volume, will maintain the set temperature.

Consider the difference between storage and instantaneous water heaters, and which type should be preferred. Is it better to have a constant flow of hot water in the tap, or a limited one? Someone will say "wrap both" and purchase a combined type of water heater. How will they differ:

  • flow-type or direct-flow units - they heat the moving fluid and are mounted directly into the water supply system;
  • storage water heaters first provide the necessary supply of water, after which heating occurs;
  • flow-accumulative type units are a combined option that allows, if necessary, to use a more convenient method, depending on the need.

A good electric or gas water heater can be based on both storage and flow type water heating. In the first case, the required volume enters the boiler and heats up after a while. If it is a flowing water heater, then the water flow is passed through the heating element. Among the electric ones, the so-called induction water heaters are distinguished, which have an exclusively flow-through mechanism for heating water.


The same type of water heater can be called "straight-through". A gas unit is economically more profitable in terms of the cost of using an energy carrier than an electric one. However, it can only be installed in houses with gasification. What if there is no gas or electricity? In this case, the "balloon" option remains. It is the gas cylinder that becomes the only source of hot water in the dachas. There are a number of conditions here:

  • your geyser must be adapted to connect to the cylinder and the gas that it uses. Otherwise, it is necessary to readjust the unit, replace the manifold nozzles;
  • after re-equipment, the apparatus is checked for tightness;
  • the date of the changeover is marked on the column, indicating the type of gas that is acceptable for use.

Installation of a geyser is carried out after a tee or manifold, through which hot water is distributed. For comparison: a direct-flow version of an electric water heater is installed under the tap, thereby reducing heat loss during the transportation of liquid to the place of consumption.

The electric direct-flow water heater does not have a storage tank and has a large capacity. Electricity consumption can reach 30 kW. This is a compact unit that allows you to install directly under the washbasin. The use of such a heater is possible only in houses whose wiring is designed for electric stoves. Before installation it is necessary to consult with an electrician without fail.

Another type of electric direct-flow water heater is called the so-called induction columns. Unlike units with heating elements, this type boasts the highest efficiency - up to 98 percent. Saving electricity with such a heater can be up to 30-50 percent. Simple construction. The heating element does not come into contact with water, except for the inner wall of the pipe through which the supply is carried out. An alternating type magnetic field does not allow deposits to form and heats up the entire volume of liquid at once, which saves time. The water heats up very quickly. Long service life - up to 30 years. The only drawback of this miracle unit is the high cost.


A gas-heated boiler is installed only if it is not possible to connect a higher power unit. This is a large and at the same time an expensive option. The power of the device directly determines its performance.

An electric storage water heater is an easy way to solve your hot water problem. Electricity is available almost everywhere. And unlike gas equipment, it does not require any approvals or permits.

Unlike direct-flow, the storage water heater has a special tank equipped with heating elements and thermal insulation. Water from the pipeline enters the tank, and then through the drain fitting it enters the consumer. This can happen both under the influence of pressure and by gravity. A special thermometer is installed on the front of such a unit, which allows you to determine the temperature of the water in the tank.

Depending on the manufacturer, an electric boiler can be equipped with sensors:

  • dry run - prevent heating of the heating element if there is no water in the tank;
  • pressure control systems - turns off power consumption when the liquid overheats;
  • combined approach to security. The mechanical valve is complemented by electronic sensors on the body or fitting.

In addition, there must be a power unit designed for a voltage of 180-240V, and not just the standard 220V.

The boiler is mounted on a pipeline with cold water supply and is supplemented at the outlet with a collector for hot water pipes to the points of consumption. The main requirement for the body of the water heater is compactness and sufficient thermal insulation. The most effective from this point of view is polyurethane foam. High-quality thermal insulation is the key to efficient operation of the boiler without unnecessary costs for heat loss.

Scheme of storage water heater


The combined flow-accumulative type of heaters can operate both on electricity and on a gas pipeline. Moreover, it is this type of speakers that can be connected to various alternative energy sources - for example, solar panels, heat pumps.

The circuit of such a unit includes both a flow-through and a storage type of heater. It is possible to accumulate a supply of hot water for small needs and provide continuous heating for a bath or shower. Moreover, during installation, it is possible to immediately distribute the water disposal in accordance with the required volume at the points of consumption.

Installation is carried out on a pipeline with cold water with further drainage through the collector.

Source of power Type of heater Advantages Flaws Notes
Gas flowing Suitable for low hot water consumption. It can only be installed in houses with gasification.

Installing behind the collector increases heat loss during the time the water reaches the point of consumption.

Economical in view of the cost of energy.

Requires sufficient water pressure to operate.

Installation of a gas water heater requires coordination with regulatory authorities.

Cumulative It will be more preferable and economical at high water consumption. Justifies the installation only in the absence of the possibility of connecting a more efficient unit.
Flow-accumulative Allows you to effectively breed points of consumption according to the method of water heating.
Electric flowing Heat losses during the delivery of hot water to the point of consumption are minimal due to installation directly behind the tap. Compact. Large power consumption. The wiring must match the voltage, in a house where there are no electric stoves, it will not withstand the voltage. Electrical consultation required prior to installation.

No installation permission required. Fireproof, does not need ventilation.

Cumulative Compact. It has sensors for monitoring pressure and heating heating elements. With insufficient thermal insulation, energy consumption will increase.
Flow-accumulative Allows you to save money by dividing points of consumption according to the method of water heating. Allows the use of alternative energy sources. Requires installation of two heating systems.
Electric induction flowing Heats up water quickly. Energy savings up to 50 cents. Efficiency - up to 98 percent. Long service life. Simple construction. High price. It is possible to assemble by yourself.

Gas flow


Accumulative gas

Electric storage

Electric flow

Principle of operation

The flow heater has a simple operation scheme. Water is supplied through a copper pipe. The tube itself in the form of a spiral wraps around an energy source - a gas burner or a heating element (in other words, a tubular electric heater). An induction water heater uses the power of an alternating magnetic field, which, acting on a material with high resistance, causes it to heat up due to the excitation of an electric current. The current from the mains is converted into high-frequency current by means of an inverter and transferred to a coil that generates an alternating magnetic field. The liquid pipe plays the role of the core. The electric current excited in it under the action of a magnetic field causes it to heat up and increase the temperature of the water.

Principle of operation

In a storage heater, water first enters the tank, where it is gradually heated to the desired temperature. Moreover, according to physical laws, the warmer layers gradually move to the upper part of the tank, and the cold ones sink down.

Gas water heaters have open and closed combustion chambers for the output of waste energy products. A chimney or coaxial metal sleeve can be used.

Electric columns can differ in the type of heating elements: tubular or dry. The most common tubular This is a metal tube, inside which is placed a conductor with high electrical resistance. The tube is heated by the conductor and gives off heat to the water. The dielectric in this case is sand, which fills the space between the conductor and the walls of the tube.

Heating elements contribute to the formation of scale, which reduces the efficiency of the heater.

The so-called dry heating element is not a tube, but a special flask, inside which is special oil or quartz sand. It is also called ceramic. Much less scale forms on the walls of the flask and this option is recognized as more electrically safe.

Wiring diagram

Selection rules

When deciding which water heater is better for flow or storage, decide on your expectations.

What specific functions will be assigned to hot water equipment:

  • you have hot water supply, but you want to have an additional source of hot water for maintenance periods;
  • you are interested in water heaters to simply boil water for small needs;
  • or there is no hot water system and you need an electric or gas heater in the bathroom as the main water heating system.

Having decided on the specific purpose of the purchase, proceed to the next step. Calculate the estimated daily water consumption. You can rely on the following values ​​in calculations:

  • shower visit - 20 liters per person;
  • the cost of cooking, washing dishes and other household needs - 12 liters.

The average Russian family consists of four people. Based on this, we calculate the daily need for hot water: 4 (number of family members) * 20 (hot water costs when visiting a shower for 1 person) + 12 (daily consumption for household needs) \u003d 92 liters.

In our example, water heaters with a tank of 100 liters will be the best choice. It is not recommended to take a smaller volume, since there will always be a risk that someone will not have enough water and there will be a need to reheat. If you plan to use a water heater for a large house or non-domestic use, be sure to get expert advice.

In addition to the price, you need to objectively evaluate the connectivity water heater to the required source energy supply. Checked: the larger the tank volume water heater, the more operational term . Choose a model based on its technical requirements for installation and operation. When buying, the reputation of the manufacturer is important and duration guarantees .

When choosing a water heater, you can not unreasonably save. A poor-quality or inappropriate model will cause many problems in the future, reacting to pressure drops in the pipeline or overloading the power grid. An instantaneous water heater is good in a home with a large flow of water, but trying to save money using a gas storage type is not the best idea. This is going to be a great water pressure dependent unit that should only be chosen if there are no other alternatives. Flow induction heaters are considered the most efficient, but their purchase can be considered a large-scale investment in future energy savings on hot water.


Most aquarium fish are tropical inhabitants. Room temperature water is not suitable for them. The aquarium needs to be heated. This can be done in several ways.

Question “opened a pet store. Business is not running. What to do? » - 2 answers

You will need

  • - aquarium;
  • - water thermometer;
  • - thermostat;
  • - incandescent lamps;
  • - reflector;
  • - aquarium heater.


1. The oldest means of heating water is a reflector. It can be made by yourself in the form of a tin half-cylinder. At the end, fix the cartridge with an electric incandescent lamp. The lamp must be inside the reflector. Hang the device from the end of the aquarium so that the upper edge of the reflector is below the water level. This is necessary so that the glass heats up evenly and does not burst. This method is suitable for both heating and lighting small rectangular aquariums with a capacity of no more than 30 l.

2. Immerse the incandescent lamp directly into water aquarium. At the same time, fix the cartridge on the lid in a special hole so that only the cylinder is in the water. The water must not touch the cartridge. The efficiency of such a system is much higher than that of a reflector. The power of this heating device is equal to the power of the lamp. But with this method, the flask is overgrown with algae.

3. The most perfect method is heating with a special heater. You can buy it at the pet store. This heater is a long tube in which an electric coil is placed. The test tube is covered with fine dry quartz sand. Hermetically sealed spiral leads are located in its upper part. Such a heater is connected to the network using a cord.

4. Heaters can be different in height and power. Choose one so that when immersed in the aquarium, the upper part with wire leads is at least 2 cm above the water level. In this case, the lower end should not rest against the bottom. To maintain the required temperature, you can adhere to the ratio of 10 l - 10 watts.

5. Fix the heater in aquarium with rubber suction cups and plastic rings. If you can’t find them, you can use metal wire as a fastener. Such a mount must be above the water level.

6. Use the thermostat at the same time as the heater. They are also sold in pet stores. Monitor the temperature of the water in the aquarium with a thermometer immersed in it.

7. For uniform heating of the aquarium, circulate water - install a filter. You can arrange aeration with a compressor.


The main disadvantage of heating with a reflector is that the device has to be turned off at night, and the water temperature drops to room temperature. The second disadvantage can be considered an increased overgrowth of lower algae on the glass located on the side of the reflector. In addition, this device has a rather low efficiency.
There are salt heaters. As a rule, they are self-made. It's not worth using them. The ingress of salt into the water for some fish and plants can be fatal.

Tell me, we urgently need to heat the water in the aquarium, is it possible to heat it on the stove in a saucepan and pour it into the aquarium?


If you heat strictly to the desired temperature - please. But put the fish even in a jar - they will have a thermal shock from a sharp change in water temperature.

Pour in from the side, little by little, gradually mixing from the bottom up.

Natalya A.

You can heat up to 70 g and cool to the desired pour, only from such procedures the fish risks getting a temperature shock, is it necessary ?. And then the water temperature will then drop, if the room is cool, will you continue to torment the fish with temperature fluctuations? Buy a heating pad with a thermostat at any pet store and don't reinvent the wheel.

Does the water heater for the aquarium need to be completely submerged in water or is it necessary that the top sticks out above the water?


Everything is fine. So it works. The light comes on when it's hot and goes out when it's hot. Install next to the slop so that the heated water circulates in the aquarium. Immerse completely, so that the adjusting knob sticks out of the water, if it has one.
It is better to have a thermometer in addition - it generally determines the need for heating water and the required temperature for your pets.
When cleaning. Disconnect from the network
let cool in the aquarium.
Wash gently with warm water and a soft sponge.
From personal experience, do not put it on the washbasin (you will break it). Better on the rug. Good luck girl. ! and so as not to write twice I inform the following
apple charlotte recipe - beat 4 eggs with a mixer + add a glass of sugar (200g) + beat + a glass of flour (200g) + beat. we get something similar to sour cream, cut the apples into pieces from 2 to 4, depending on the size,
pour the first entry into the mold - put the apples - fill with the rest. Bake at temp. 200 deg. 30-40 min.

everything is fine! as a rule, such devices are equipped with internal thermometers and a temperature regulator (a knob with numbers on top of the device). As for the degree of loading into the water, there is a line below which the water level should not fall, but more is possible, so feel free to let it into the water entirely

Summer, summer cottage, swimming pool - the dream of city dwellers. And many, seeking to realize it, get out in the hot season closer to nature. But here's the problem: the main equipment was bought from the street version, and the heating device is not included in its kit. Therefore, we will consider in more detail the methods of how to heat water in the pool. And first, let's look at what design options for swimming exist.

Types of pools

For summer cottages and suburban housing, seasonal models of street performance are very popular:

  • Inflatable. Such designs gained their fame due to the low price, ease of installation / dismantling, mobility. Most often they are purchased for children. Small volumes, low boards provide safety for kids.
  • Frame. Types and volumes of such models are numerous. They are affordable, easy to install and portable. Bought for a family vacation.
  • bowls. This option applies to stationary. Shape and size can vary. Buy for the whole family. Installation is simple, the price is quite high compared to previous options. Requires a supply of communications.
  • Concrete. The most expensive of the above and technologically complex option. But the design, volume, dimensions are made for any request. When arranging such structures, a heating system is thought out even at the project stage.

As you can see, the modern market offers a wide range of models.

You can purchase a budget option or start a major construction of a street covered structure.

Temperature standards

There are a number of indicators of a comfortable stay in the pool. One of them is the optimal temperature regime. For an adult, it should be within 24-28 ° C, for a child - 29-32 ° C. Such temperatures are provided for active water recreation without harm to health. Therefore, how to warm up and keep warm in the pool is one of the hot topics of the summer.

Heat saving elements

Before considering the question of how to heat the water in the pool, you should familiarize yourself with the methods of heat saving. There are several options:

  • Covering material. As a rule, the structure is covered overnight to prevent strong cooling. The same material will help to warm the water a few degrees if the pool is left covered during the day. Bubble wrap is considered the most effective option.
  • Sometimes a pavilion is made over the pool. Some craftsmen use old greenhouses. This option amazingly retains heat at night and allows you to heat water during the day.
  • Choose or equip swimming structures with bottom colors that will absorb heat. This will significantly speed up the process of natural heating of water from sunlight.

The considered measures can be applied in a complex way, they will significantly reduce the cost of heating the liquid with the help of electricity.

How to quickly heat water in an inflatable pool

Such structures have a small volume, so one of the popular ways to increase the temperature is to heat water in containers on a separate heat source (gas, electric stove, electric kettle, fire, bath).

After that, it is carried and poured into the pool, achieving the desired temperature. The method is one of the simplest and safest. But it is suitable for small volumes, for example, children's structures.

Some try to heat the water in the pool with a boiler. Yes, it can be done. But do not forget about safety. If this method is used in a place where there are children, then they should not be left unattended even for a second. The consequences can be very sad, given the childish spontaneity and curiosity. Therefore, think several times about the safety of this method before using it.

We have considered two options for how to heat water in an inflatable pool, now we will get acquainted with other, more powerful equipment for such purposes.

Flow heater

It is used for structures no more than 35 cubic meters. m. The principle of operation is based on the circulation of water through a container with a built-in heating element. The recommended temperature of the inlet fluid should be at least 18 °C. The cost of such equipment is low, but there are significant costs for electricity. The power consumption of the units is from 3.5 to 18 kW. Using a covering material, you can partially reduce these costs.

heat exchanger

"How to heat water in a swimming pool without electricity?" is one of the popular questions. Heat exchangers are just such devices operating from the heating system. They are presented in which there is a coil. This equipment also includes a circulation pump, thermostat, valve. The liquid from the heating system is supplied to the coil, and the water for heating is supplied to the cylinder itself. Having reached the desired temperature, it enters the pool. The operating parameters are set using a thermostat. The power of such installations reaches 200 kW, which is suitable for heating a large volume of water.

The minus of the heat exchanger is depending on the heating of the house. In the summer, it is usually irrelevant. Therefore, a separate working circuit will be required to heat the pool. And this will entail a reworking of the gas heating project and extra financial costs.

Solar collectors

How to heat water in the pool in the country, using natural resources? This issue is especially relevant in areas where there is no connection to gas, and the supply of electricity is unstable. Solar collectors in such cases become an ideal solution to the problem.

Nowadays, such equipment is purchased in stores selling pools. The installations are quite compact, and they can be located near the structure for swimming. When heated, the collectors transfer thermal energy to the water in the storage tank, after which it enters the pool. This method will allow you to quickly reach the desired temperature in sunny weather, but this will not work in cloudy weather. One collector module can heat up to 30 cubic meters of water, respectively, their number is selected according to the required volume.

Such equipment should not be purchased in regions where cloudy weather prevails. It will not be economically justified, because you will have to use additional devices for heating.

solar mats

This kind of solar collector is presented in the form of two cuts of a black film, soldered in such a way that channels for water circulation are formed in the internal space. Such a system is connected to a conventional pump, which is included in the set of basic equipment. How to heat the water in the pool with such a device? Quite simply: it is launched to the surface of the water, and the pump is placed on the bottom, from where it will supply liquid for heating.

This design works from a conventional network. Minus - designed for small volumes and depends on sunny weather.

Heat pumps

This is a fairly new, and therefore an expensive way to heat water in the pool. This equipment is interesting in that it can be used in two directions at the same time: as an air conditioner for the home and a water heater.

The principle of operation is based on the technology of conventional air conditioners, only in the opposite direction. Swimming water is heated in the condensate system, and the refrigerant cools down due to this. The heat itself is taken from the surrounding air.

The power consumption of such a device is three times lower than that of an instantaneous water heater. Therefore, the high purchase price will justify lower energy costs. This equipment is also notable for the fact that it can work effectively at an ambient temperature of +5 °C. Having dealt with factory devices, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what folk craft offers in this area.

Rubber manifold

For this type of water heater, they take an ordinary watering hose, preferably black, and lay it in a plane in the form of a snail. One end is attached with clamps to the hole in the pool, the other - to the pump filter. Circulating through the formed system, the water is heated. This method is good for sunny days. This is one of the ways to quickly heat the water in the pool.

wood heating

A coil is taken, the performance depends on the size of its spiral. It is better to prefer stainless steel. One end is connected to the hole in the pool, the other - to the pump. The coil itself should be mounted in a container in which firewood will be burned. This is a fairly effective option for how to heat water in a frame pool.

For greater effect, you can make a coil - a container for burning. That is, firewood will burn in the inner space formed by the tubes. This is an even more efficient device for heating water.

This method is distinguished by low price, independence from energy carriers, high speed, independence from weather conditions. The disadvantages include the need to control heating. Overheating can cause the pool to warp.

A few important points

Since it is quite a costly task to heat water in a pool using electricity and heating, the field for craftsmen to work is quite wide. An interesting direction is the use of natural resources such as wind and sun. By "taming" them, you can get a free and high-quality source of energy, which is suitable not only for but also for other needs.

Be careful with homemade electric heaters. It is necessary to observe all safety measures during their creation and operation, do not disregard this process and keep children away from it.

If we consider factory products for heating, then the choice depends primarily on the financial component. You should pay attention not only to the initial price of the equipment, but also to the costs that will be required during its connection and operation.

Swimming in pools is one of the most popular types of recreation for Russians. Therefore, the topic of water heating is always relevant. Which choice will be made depends on the weather conditions of the region, the parameters of the pool, financial possibilities. The main thing is to observe the installation technology and safety measures during operation.


If you need some boiling water, use an ordinary electric kettle. After about 1.5-4 minutes you will have about 2 liters of hot water. But if you need a lot of boiling water, then using this method is impractical. This option is suitable if you need hot water to wash or dilute a bowl of cold water.

Buy a boiler, it costs but warms water in minutes. The boiler can heat enough water, but remember that it absorbs a lot. This option is simply indispensable for residents of apartments when hot water is turned off for an indefinite period.

If you do not have a stove, but a gas stove, then heat water on her. Due to the strong heat of the gas, the water will heat up very quickly. This method can be called economical, because the cost of gas is kept at an acceptable level.

Can be heated water and in the bath, if, of course, you have one. A lot of water enters the bath barrel, so this heating option is best suited if you need boiling water for things in large quantities. Heat the bath with firewood, use birch wood, it is from them that the water boils quickly, but try not to overheat the stove.

Heat up in winter water on the stove in an enameled bucket. So you not only get boiling water, but also do not incur material costs for electricity. But so warm water you can if you have stove heating.

Buy an instantaneous water heater. With it, you will get boiling water almost instantly. Instructions for installing the device are attached to the kit. You can also use a storage water heater, but there is one minus - to heat water, it takes from 15 minutes to several hours, so you will not get boiling water instantly.


Be careful with hot water, make sure there are no small children nearby. Do not use old electrical appliances for heating water, they can short out and give you an electric shock.

Summer time is a great time to lose weight, support the body tired during the winter with vitamins and herbs, as well as a great opportunity to quietly get a bronze tan. There is only one “but”, such benefits of civilization as a hot shower and even ordinary plumbing are far from being found on everyone. If you, too, have a need to sprinkle your tired body with a light jet of hot water, know that this can be done very simply.

You will need

  • - storage tank;
  • - heater;
  • - water;
  • - automatic water heater.


Buy a metal or plastic tank and paint it black. Such a color will attract the sun's rays, and the water in the tank will warm up and intensely. To heat water in the summer, it is very good to use a conventional storage tank. Attach the hose inside the tank to the float so that its tip is on the surface of the water. As a rule, the water on top is warmer. You can take a shower without any heating, and the water will not be warm, but even very hot.

For those who do not like to rely on sunlight and other forces, but are used to relying solely on themselves in everything, another option will do. Today, the so-called “shower-toptun” is very popular in summer cottages. The device is a mechanism for pumping water from any container by means of an effort that it makes by alternately stepping on a special mat with its feet. water heat with an ordinary boiler and dilute to the required temperature. And then everything is very simple: immerse the hose in a bucket, make a few movements with your feet, and after a few seconds you will have a pressure of warm water.

If all the tricks you take in trying to wash yourself in the country do not satisfy your needs, install a water heater. The only negative of this device is that the water must flow into it very clean, without impurities. Therefore, it is not enough just to connect it to a water supply or a water column. All the same, you will have to arrange a kind of storage tank in which hard country water will settle and be cleaned of other heavy particles. At worst, install a water filter with the heater. But not always the equipment of your summer cottage with a warm one is really worth such costs.

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The design of a country shower is usually rather flimsy and ephemeral. Before installing a large water tank on a thin wall, carefully consider whether it can withstand such a load.

Useful advice

If using a storage tank, be sure to check the temperature of the water in the tank before using it. In hot weather, it can heat up so much that instead of pleasant warmth, you risk getting burned.

In baths located in the private sector or in summer cottages, metal or brick stoves are usually used to heat water. Such stoves are usually heated with wood and operate periodically, heated by flue gases passing through them. The main disadvantage of such stoves is that you have to wait until the fuel burns out completely so that carbon monoxide does not get into the bath. When the stove stops heating, the soaring time is also limited, as the water and air in the steam room begin to cool.


To avoid this, install a continuous oven made of steel sheets in the bath. Such a stove has a lot of advantages: small dimensions, fuel efficiency, quick heating of a large volume of water and space in the bath, the ability to regulate the temperature of water and air in the bath, complete protection of smoke and combustion channels, which prevents carbon monoxide from entering inside and allows you to heat the stove during bath time.

Make a hot water tank from a stainless steel sheet 2 mm thick and is fixed on the wall, and it is connected to the stove communication with two pipes to the pot using shackles and nuts. Close the top of the tank with a lid with a hole, through which you can draw water from a hose or fill it with a bucket. Install a drain valve at the bottom of the tank.

Before igniting the stove, fill the tank with water to whatever level is required. Thus, in the process of heating the furnace, the water in the kettle is heated and circulated in the system.

Install such an oven in a bath with a large area with a separate steam room. In this case, it can be located in the steam room, and its front wall will be in the washing department. Fasten the hot water tank to the wall in the washing room, which provides additional heating. The wall between the steam room and the sink around the stove is made of brick. At any time of the year, the heating of the air in the steam room reaches + 100 ° C for an hour, and about 100 liters of water is heated to boiling water. The ratio of air temperature in the sink and steam room is 1:2. Adjust the heating of water and air by changing the draft in the furnace or the water level in the tank. This can be done by changing the location of the firewood in the firebox: if the firewood is placed closer to the door, the water will heat up faster, and if it is closer to the back wall, the air in the steam room will warm up faster.

The most ideal option would be to make the entire structure of stainless steel. The disadvantage of such a furnace is the low heat capacity, which is compensated by the ability to heat the furnace as much as necessary.

Washing dishes can hardly be a great pleasure, but in the absence of a dishwasher, this work is simply inevitable. To cope with the task as quickly as possible, it is necessary to use modern detergents and properly organize your work.

You will need

  • - sponge for washing dishes;
  • - detergent for dishes;
  • - cleaning gel or powder;
  • - vinegar;
  • - lemon acid;
  • - brush.


You can quickly wash it if it is immediately after eating. Fresh stains that have not had time to dry move away from the dishes and it takes much less time to wash. Put all the dishes in the sink, pour water over it, put a few drops of dish detergent on the sponge. This method helps to quickly remove fat. If the dishes can be used, apply a few drops of cleaning gel or powder to the sponge and add 2-3 drops of liquid detergent.

If you've had dinner and don't have time to wash the dishes, put everything in the sink and fill it with water. As soon as you have free time, you will effortlessly cope with dirt and quickly wash all the dishes, as they will not dry out and there will be no need to scrape stuck food with an iron brush.

Metal ones help remove dirt if something burns or gets sooty. But if you do not plan to stand near the sink for a long time and clean with iron brushes, immediately after cooking, put a few drops of cleaning gel into the pot or pan, pour hot water, leave for 2-3 hours, after which you can clean everything enough quickly without much effort.

Wash dishes from eggs, dough, milk, kefir with cold water, and then use hot water. This will help to quickly deal with pollution.

Pour water into narrow-mouthed dishes immediately after use, then wash with a brush and detergent.

How and why, according to what laws the process of heating water under the conditions of gravity is explained in physics textbooks. But after the first space flights, many are interested in the question of the behavior of this fluid in weightlessness. Can it be heated? It turns out that it is possible, but in a completely different way, not like on Earth.


In conditions weightlessness for any liquid, including water, only surface tension forces act, which means that if it is left to itself, i.e. will be removed from the vessel in which it is stored, it will certainly take on a spherical shape. By the way, in a space where there is no gravity, water will not flow. You must shake it out of the container, like some kind of thick syrup.

The resulting ball or several of these, freely floating in the air, are not so easy to place in a saucepan or for heating. They will be distributed over the surface of the vessel and will flow from its inner walls to the outer ones, enveloping the entire vessel with a water layer. What to do? Remember that water does not wet those bodies that have a layer of fat. Therefore, to keep it in your container, you need to grease the edges inside and out with a thin layer of fat.

The next is the use of a heating device. If you use not electricity, but gas, you will see that soon after the fire the gas burner will die out. It's easy to explain. During combustion, non-combustible gases are formed, including carbon dioxide. When there is gravity, the products of combustion, warm and more, are displaced by the influx of fresh air. But under conditions weightlessness this is not the case, and carbon dioxide with water vapor surrounds the flame, blocking access to fresh air. To solve this problem, you should be sure to blow the place of combustion to create a movement of gases.

Water will also heat up under these conditions unusually. On Earth it exists like convection. When heated, the density of water decreases, and its heated lower layer, and its place is occupied by a less heated mass of water. Such a constant circulation of warm and cold leads to the fact that the temperature of the water in the vessel gradually rises. But under conditions weightlessness there is no convection. Heating the water causes the vapor bubbles to increase in size, and they combine into one vapor bubble at the bottom, quickly pushing out the cold water from the upper layers of the vessel. Therefore, if you provide water in weightlessness heat up without your intervention, then it, turning into a foamy mass, will simply crawl out of the saucepan. But if heating up water stir constantly and quickly, then it will still be possible to heat it more or less evenly. But she cannot boil, because. steam will have time to displace all water out of the vessel before it boils all over.

If you purchased a pool for your summer cottage, you may notice that the water in it warms up rather slowly. If you do not know how the pool is stronger than the sun, you should take note of the following tips.


There are special tools that allow you to heat the water in the pool on the street. One of them is a tankless water heater. The undoubted advantages of its use are safety and efficiency, since it is designed specifically for this purpose. In warm weather, in a pool of about 10 cubic meters, a standard Intex outdoor frame and inflatable pool heater raises the water temperature by about a degree per hour. It is installed between the pool and the filter pump or instead of it. The disadvantage of this device is the high power consumption (about 3kWt per hour). In addition, if the pool is large, then it will take a long time to heat the water in it.

A fairly effective means of heating water in the pool is a special heating blanket designed for outdoor tanks. If you cover the pool with it in sunny weather, then the water temperature by noon will be 3-4 degrees higher than without it. The advantage of this heating method is its economy. The cover will also protect the pool from flying insects and falling leaves. The disadvantage of this method is that the upper layer of water warms up to a significant temperature, while the lower layers remain cold. When using a heated swimming pool cover, the filter pump must be turned on to mix the water.

Some craftsmen heat the water in the outdoor pool with a powerful boiler. However, the cost of electricity with this method is much higher than when using a special heater. In addition, the use of open heaters in swimming pools is unsafe due to the danger of electric shocks and damage to the rubber tank. If you still decide to boil water in this way, do not forget that the heating element should not come into contact with the walls of the pool, you can lower the boiler into the water only when it is turned off, you cannot put your hands into the water while the device is operating.

There is another "grandmother's" method that allows you to heat the water in the pool in sunny weather much faster. It is based on the fact that as the surface of the water increases, it warms up faster. To build the desired design, you need a long flexible hose or PVC pipe. It must be connected to the hole in the pool on one side and to the filter pump on the other, secured with clamps so that there is no leakage. The hose itself should be laid in circles in the form of a snail in an open sunny place. If you can pick up a dark-colored pipe, then the heating process will be even faster.

Now you know how to heat the water in the pool at your dacha using various methods. You can combine them to raise the temperature faster. The main thing is not to forget about your safety and not to use heating agents without observing the conditions for their operation.

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With the advent of autumn, the apartment is filled with dampness and cold, and heating is still a long time to wait. And, as you know, the normal and comfortable state of a person in most cases depends on the air temperature in the room in which he stays. So in what ways can you heat a room so that you don’t have to freeze?


With the advent of cold weather, it is necessary to insulate windows and doors, especially if they have gaps. Of course, the ideal option would be to change doors and windows, but this method is not suitable for everyone, since you will have to pay a large amount. You can use paper, foam or self-adhesive insulation. With large gaps between the frame and glass, the seal will let air through. In this case, you can use a special putty-seal. And to seal large gaps, prepare a gruel of chalk paste (1 part water, 2 parts chalk and 1 part flour glue). Insulate the doors with a polymeric hollow cord, it must be glued from the inside around the entire perimeter of the door.

Often the central is not able to maintain the desired and optimal temperature. Therefore, you need to purchase an additional source of heat in advance - a heater. When choosing it, consider the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room. The greater the power of the heater, the, accordingly, it will have more heat transfer.

You can purchase a fan heater, it consists of a heating element and a fan, which distributes heat throughout. The case of this device is mostly plastic, but models have also appeared on sale. The fan heater is compact and lightweight, it quickly heats the air in the room. Its main disadvantage is the noise during operation and the fact that it drives dust around the room. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such a device in a room, especially if the baby has an allergy.

If you live in a house, then a fireplace would be ideal. It will not only create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, but also decorate the house. However, such a hearth is able to heat only one, and not the whole room, as one would like. It can be the real one, which must be heated with firewood. And you can buy a decorative one - electric, it also radiates heat and creates the effect of a real fire, besides, you will not have problems installing it.

10 ways to shower without hot water

Summer in Russia is not summer without planned shutdowns of hot water. The housing department says that it is simply necessary to wash with cold water three weeks a year. You itch, and at this time they carry out prophylaxis in the boiler room.

And here you don’t have to itch - Pics will tell you ten ways to live this time without conflicts with hygiene.

The most obvious way

The easiest and most obvious way to wash your body in the absence of hot water is to heat it in a large pot or bucket. There seems to be nothing to explain here. You heat the water harder, and then dilute it in another container to get more. You sit in the bathroom and carefully water yourself with a large mug or ladle. Lathered, washed off. Lathered, washed off. The method is quite effective, but for some reason it evokes terrible melancholy and decay.

Technical progress

Until your electricity is also turned off, you can heat water with an electric kettle. This is much faster than waiting for a large pot to boil on the stove. Of course, one teapot is not enough. You have to set it up a few times. While you wash your head with one portion, the second one is ready for the body. If you don’t have a Bruce Willis haircut, then the same amount of water, or even more, will go on your head than on the rest of your body.

For the desperate

Do you remember what a boiler is? Yes, this is the thing that sometimes shocks. But, if it is serviceable, then there is no danger, of course. The key is to triple check. There are large, powerful boilers that our ancestors used to boil water in buckets. You lower such a device into a filled bath and wait until the water is heated to the desired temperature. After that, you climb into it and rinse. We recommend pouring rinse water into a saucepan or bucket in advance. Otherwise, there will be no great sense from such washing.

Life hack for those with long hair To save water when washing long hair, wash the hair at the roots and, in fact, the head itself with warm water, and wash the rest of the length of the hair under the tap. Hair does not care about the cold, it's only the skull freezes.

Like an astronaut

Have you ever wondered how astronauts wash in orbit? The answer is simple, they are not washable. They just haven't figured out how to do it in zero gravity yet. They are wiped with special wet wipes. In one pack - for soaping, in the second - for wiping. You can also do the same. A pack of wet wipes is enough for the whole body. Or wet a towel with warm water (you can take it in a kettle) and wipe yourself as much as you like.

Like an athlete

Have you been to a fitness club or pool for a long time? Summer is the perfect time to get in shape. Moreover, in such establishments there is always a shower. Hooray! You can put yourself in order in every sense of the word. Continuing the logical series, you can go to visit your parents or friends. Don't forget to casually check with them about hot water at the tap. If people are good, they will not refuse to wash.

emergency rescue

Turned off the water as always unexpectedly. So, it's time to take emergency action. Go to the hardware store and buy a flow heater. This is such a thing that is put on a crane and connected to the network. You turn on the water, then the heater and enjoy a thin stream of warm water. It will not work to wash with pleasure under such a jet, but, nevertheless, on lack of fish and cancer is a fish. If you know that turning off the water cannot be avoided in the summer, then install a large flow heater in advance. This is such a tank for 40-80 liters. It is usually hung in the bathroom or carefully embedded in the shaft with pipes in the toilet. Excellent thing! With it, you can safely wash in the normal mode, without looking at the time and without fear that you will have to rinse under cold water.

For the desperate

There is something called dry shampoo. It is a spray to be sprayed on dirty hair. Then you massage your head and smear it all through your hair. Then carefully comb your hair with a fine comb. In theory, now they should look better. "Dry shampoo" exfoliates fat from the hair, and loose scales from the scalp. In fact, the cleaner the head is before starting the “wash”, the better the result will be, because this remedy works so-so.

For inventive

Do you have a washing machine at home? So, with its help you can not only wash clothes, but also successfully heat water. You choose the fastest mode with boiling, but do not throw laundry and powder. You direct the drain into a pre-plugged bath. The machine draws water, heats it up, simulates washing and pours it into the bath. That's what it means, people's ingenuity. What to do with water in the bath, we have already said. And don't worry about its quality. It will be as clean as a faucet.

The escape

If all these schemes for getting hot water in your apartment disgust you, then you can just go on vacation for the duration of the shutdown. Find out at the housing office in advance when they are planning Operation Dirty Harry and get yourself tickets for this time. Go to the place where all the amenities and rest from the daily hustle and bustle will be waiting for you. Relax and wash at the same time.

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