
Be a puppeteer. Basic Puppeteer Techniques

How do you get what you want? We all want something: money, sex, recognition, pleasure, to be reckoned with. And you can only get it from other people.

That is why people communicate - they all need something from each other. There are, however, philanthropists who consider the highest goal of their lives to serve others, help them disinterestedly and engage in other charity. But there are few of them. And you, I hope, are not one of them.

You, like any normal person, want to communicate with maximum efficiency, that is, to get what you want. Moreover, as quickly as possible and with the least expenditure of effort, money and other resources. So, in order to communicate successfully and effectively, you need to have four abilities.

First, give. Communication is almost always based on the principle of exchange: you - to me, I - to you. Therefore, you need to have something that can be offered in the interpersonal market. And there is a lot to offer. In terms of pleasure: it can be easy and pleasant to communicate with you, you know how to be the soul of the company, you are charming, beautiful, sexy, you know interesting clubs and restaurants. In terms of business: you are professional, organized, reliable, punctual. These are all examples. If you have something that people are interested in, you can give it to them. And get what you need in return.

You may have two problems: either you don’t have anything of value, or you don’t know how to give. If you don't have it, get it by any means. Learn, get an education, buy, borrow, in the end. Although it often happens that a person has something to offer others, he just does not see it, does not believe in himself. If you find it difficult to give, then you may be greedy. Then learn to give.

Second, take. After all, if you give something, then more often than not - for a reason. You are human, which means you have needs and you want a lot. And you can get what you want from other people.

Thirdly, you need to be able to manipulate. That is, play on emotions, intrigue, seduce. Cheat and deceive. Asking so that you cannot be denied. Many people think that this is all bad. They think that people should be honest and sincere with everyone at all times. But in fact, it turns out that nothing holds on to such people. They throw out the slightest irritation and discontent on those around them, who tend to stay away from them. And when it is necessary to defend their rights, they are shy and cannot do it.

Fourth, in order to successfully communicate on an external level, you must follow the standard and know the rituals of the people with whom you communicate. If you are carried away by a hippie party, then it is better if you have long hair and ragged clothes. If you are applying for a job, then come in a suit and refrain from slang words. It is corny, but many people meet the wrong standards and perform the wrong rituals. And after that they are surprised that they were not hired, that they have few acquaintances and there is no one to borrow money from.

To achieve your goals and get what you want, it is helpful to develop and learn to use several behavioral skills at ease.

1. Understand other people's desires, aspirations and needs. Do not expect that the person will tell everything himself, but recognize them by observing the interlocutor, his behavior, gestures, facial expressions, intonation. It is good if you discover in a person such desires that he does not admit to himself. Knowing the desires and aspirations of a person, you can use him for your own purposes. Or just help fulfill them. He will definitely thank you for this.

2. Show the interlocutor his importance, that you respect him, admire him. Sincerely. For example, make a graceful compliment. You need to learn how to say appropriate compliments, support and encourage anyone: a man and a woman, a close friend and just an acquaintance, a boss and a subordinate.

3. Ask. Without this, you won't get anything at all. People simply won't have a reason to give you what you want. Moreover, you need to ask in such a way that it would be difficult for you to refuse.

4. Be persistent. Do not despair and retreat if, in response to the first request, you hear “no”. And after the second and third requests, do not back down. Build your resistance to rejection.

5. Have a grip. Sometimes you need not to ask, not to seek, and not to wait at all for consent and permission, but simply take what you want. This is not easy for someone who is afraid to seem bad to himself: to cause inconvenience to another, to act contrary to his conscience.

6. Demonstrate confidence. This is very important, because people always and everywhere prefer to deal with a confident person, and not with a whiner, a bummer or a victim.

7. Motivate and persuade. To get your way, you must force those on whom it depends to behave the way you want. Motivating a person means helping him want to behave in a way that suits you. This is done by HR managers and schemers. Persuasion is one way to motivate, but not the only one. It is much more effective to know and use other people's desires. If the person is confident that they are acting in their own interests, they will do whatever you want.

8. Pretend play. People are greeted by their clothes, judged by their first impression. They most often do not care about your experiences. Often your feelings only get in the way if they don't meet the expectations of those around you. And you yourself do not always want them to become known. Therefore, it is very useful to be able to adapt to the expectations of others: to do and say exactly what they want to see and hear.

9. Be flexible. If you don't succeed, find another way to do it, instead of stupidly repeating failed attempts. This will help you get there faster. It's good if for every case, for every life task that you face, you know not one solution, but five or ten.

10. Be moderately indifferent. People around you have views. They want to force you to behave the way they need to, to manage your time, your money, to solve their problems, most often minor ones, with your help. If you respond to all requests and help everyone, you will not have enough strength, time, or life. If you feel guilty about denying others their requests, you will wear down and exhaust yourself. Therefore, learn to say "no" and not pay attention to other people's requests when you don't feel like it.

Getting to know System Vector Psychology is fun at first. It's funny to hear the conversations of anal sexes who live for their family. Or skinners who are driven by ambition, the desire to be the first. Spectators declare to everyone that beauty will save the world. Sound specialists are looking for meaning in everything. Meaning of life. And the more they search, the more they don't find. And besides them, no one needs the meaning, it is enough to have a roof over your head and food in front of your nose. Nothing worries them anymore.

All this ringing cacophony creates an eightfold whole, quarreling among themselves, forming connections, complexes, life scenarios. You can even laugh at the anal neighbor who spends all his free time under the car while the skinny wife cheats on him under his nose with the seller from the market. And the neighbor does not see anything, because the wife is a saint. You can laugh at yourself - here I tried to save money, but lost, so you need it! You need to get rid of your archetypal things, think in small ways, which means you never make big money!

And then, like a bolt from the blue, the thought arises in my head that our vectors live as a neighbor-anal, and his wife, and myself. Vector desires make us move forward, is everything programmed and we are just mindless puppets in the hands of the puppeteer? The puppeteer is our unconscious, and the doll is us: me, you, and everything around. No matter what we want to do, no matter how we act - all our desires come from the unconscious, it is they that lead us through life. Our desires live on us. They are hidden from us, veiled by excuses and rationalizations. And, really, it's not so easy to know what you want ...

Unaware of our vectors, we live by trial and error, blindly moving along the dark corridor of our lives. One has only to slightly open this veil, to understand one's desires, how the hidden begins to be realized. We take control of our lives. Oddly enough, the first step towards this is the understanding that we live. This understanding gives us the opportunity to change our life scenario.

Everything seems to fall into place. Unnecessary husk falls off, revealing true needs, as well as revealing a genuine, irreplaceable place for every person. There are no useless people, no better or worse. Incomparable pleasure can be obtained by playing your specific role, and not the one imposed by society, teachers, parents, acquaintances. It's nice to see how anal men calm down, ceasing to envy the skin, constantly bragging about their sexual victories. The anal person understands to himself that the real man is just him, and attempts to translate the anal quality into skin quantity disappear by themselves.

No matter how hard the anal man tries to be the leader of the company, he will not be able to be a successful leader. And even if such a person became a leader, he is very uncomfortable and unhappy in this place. Because this is not his desire, but an imposed one. And the dermal person as a society would not be inspired by the value of marriage, he will not fully share these values.

When we get acquainted with our subconscious desires, the veil falls from our eyes. There is an understanding that we are being lived, and with this we have a choice for the first time. The choice of the only true scenario in our life. A positive scenario that brings us maximum enjoyment from life. And before that, our vectors live by us.

How does this happen? I begin to see my vectors, my desires, and for the achievement of which I have the necessary properties. I understand my uniqueness, I know what desires will bring me joy and pleasure, specifically to me. Society imposes on us a lot of not our desires, strangers, which will not bring us pleasure, but only make us suffer. The course on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan gives a clear vision of your desires, and the desires of other people. I live my life and enjoy myself, I understand how not to cripple others, judging "through myself."

Now I know what desires are my desires, what I want from life myself. And I begin to create my own positive life scenario myself. Now I am not a doll in the hands of the puppeteer, now I am the master of my life. I became aware of myself and I live my life. And before that, truly - they live with us!

Based on the materials of trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan http://www.yburlan.ruAuthors: Marcel Lattifulin, Evgeniya Alekseeva

All girls (okay, not all, this is also a gender stereotype) love to play with dolls. Well, we, LADY, definitely love. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that we have our own mascot - a girl who is similar to us and to our readers.

Just like us girls, she will start losing weight tomorrow. But today - favorite carrot cake!

... She doesn't know how to survive until the vacation and why she needs it all.

Understands that an urgent need to change the image. Yes, exactly - to become a brunette and get a perm. Tomorrow!

I was about to clean the kitchen floors, but I accidentally downloaded Sex and the City ...

She worries when she feels that she is just treated like a pretty doll ...

She breathed soul into our doll master puppeteer Yulia Kuzmitskaya, participant of the Panna Doll'ya, Mlyn and Fashion Market exhibitions.

She laughs, they say, they often ask: “Where do you buy faces for dolls? And the dresses? "

In fact, the doll starts with a clean face. Everything that we see is done by the hands of the master: from sculptural work to sculpt the face to sewing shoes! And it is even more important to make the doll have character!

Now Julia divides her dolls into three categories: Belarusian ladies, brooding Jane Eyre and princess with character (ours is just that!).

Is it necessary to graduate from special courses in order to create such girls, is the master himself afraid of his creations and is it possible to live in Belarus, dealing only with author's dolls - in our conversation.

- Julia, was your work somehow connected with creativity? Where does this hobby come from?

- Not at all! But I have always respected handicrafts and loved interesting author's items, exhibitions of masters. At one of them - "Mlyn" - she paid special attention to dolls. I bought one for myself. Then the second, third ... ( smiles)

Considering them, I became interested in how they are made. I googled, looked at dolls in different styles and fell in love with the work of the master Irina Khochina - they can be seen in her blog "Ponaroshku". Her dolls are very lively, they have good energy, and they look like children. Perhaps her example inspired me especially. I thought: I love to draw, sew, I know how to knit - it's worth a try. And I began to learn how to create dolls myself ...

- And when you were little, did you like dolls?

- Yes, this is a favorite toy since childhood. Perhaps that is why I am focused on them: many craftsmen also make soft toys, but I am only interested in dolls, their faces - I always remember them.

I remember the face of my first doll too, of course! It was a large German doll with dark brown hair and brown eyes, her name was Kira. She made such a strong impression on me! I remember the dolls that came after her ... But she is the most!

- And the first doll, made with your own hands, what did you get?

- She was a redhead and quite a pretty girl. When a flash mob “My first doll and a doll that I can make today” was held among the puppeteers on the Web, I found pictures of her. And I was not ashamed of what happened. True, her face was then flat, drawn.

And I quickly switched to sculptural textiles - when the face is made by hand, the nose, the lips - everything is voluminous, real, alive.

I'm also serious about the outfit. After all, it's like with a woman: you can dress her in chintz, or you can dress her in hand-painted silk. After all, the impression will be different! For my dolls, I choose Italian lace, hand-painted cambric, natural silk ... All this, of course, is purchased for my own money. Not cheap, but worth it!

And what is the most difficult thing in the work of a master puppeteer?

- Honestly, to make a doll to order. Some masters refuse this, because in any case, you have to adapt to someone else's taste and limit yourself to certain limits. Yes, and you are nervous: even if the person liked it, it turned out the way he wants ...

- Can you defend your point of view?

- It is not necessary, because people who are close to my vision often turn to me. I accept “applications” for hair and eye color, but the rest is in my hands.

- Is there something about working with dolls that you don't like?

- Well… ( Thinking.) Probably, working with hair is still not the most pleasant part of the process. Hardly many people know about this: the hair of dolls, which looks like real ones, is made of goat hair. They come to me in runes by mail from Russia. And they smell like ... a goat. As in the village. My dog, smelling this smell, immediately defiantly leaves - she really does not like this smell.

Well, I don't really like washing these curls, combing and dyeing. By the way, it is difficult to guess with a shade: you buy a beautiful "brown mother-of-pearl", and you get a girl with purple hair. ( He laughs.)

Therefore, hairdressing procedures can take more than one day ... But experimentation is an important part of development in your favorite business.

- And drawing? Do you need to complete some courses to draw a beautiful face for a doll?

- I did not take courses, but I loved to draw since childhood. I remember how I used to paint on wallpaper. I was scolded, of course, then I hid under the bed - and painted there. ( He laughs.)

And this craving for drawing did not go away over the next years. I just did not find it fully realized until I took up dolls.

Of course, it didn't work out right away - I read a lot and tried it in practice. And the most difficult thing in this: it is impossible to understand halfway through whether the face has turned out or not. The picture is added only when the last stroke has been drawn.

If it doesn't work out, start over ... I have a whole bag of failed doll heads on my balcony. Yes, it sounds creepy ... ( He laughs.)

The son says: "Mom, what a horror movie: no matter what kind of shuflyad you open - there is a head!". Well, I can't throw it away - that's it. This is a reminder of how I learned what I can do today. And then ... They seem to be alive, animated. I can't even throw away the withered flowers with a light heart. As if I used it while they are beautiful, and then go to the trash heap - there is something wrong with that.

- Do you immediately know what the future doll will be like?

- No - and the image, and the character, and the name - everything appears in the process. The idea transforms at every stage of doll creation, and it is much more interesting than coming up with everything in advance. Therefore, I sew several dresses at once in advance and select hair of different colors to suit the personality of the doll that will be born.

- It seemed to me, or are they all sadly surprised?

- I am often told that they are sad. And I answer: "No, just smart!"

Although, maybe so. They say that dolls always look like the master who created them.

I am also quite serious, thoughtful - that's why girls-smiles don't work out for me.

- Are "positive girls" more in demand, as in real life?

- As in real life: each type has its own connoisseur. ( Smiles.)

- Is it difficult to part with dolls in which you have invested part of yourself?

- Of course! Sometimes I don't even post photos with them on the Web for a longer time, I think: “Let him stay with me, please me”. Ivanka took the last favorite doll with her everywhere and even carried it from room to room. ( Smiles.)

But on the other hand, I make dolls for people who treat them the same way I do. So the new owner of Ivanka writes: “Julia, I carry her with me all the time! Sometimes I even talk to her. " I smile because I know this state ...

- Many people have a phobia of dolls ... Have you encountered such?

- Yes, sometimes you can hear: "A very beautiful doll, but when I imagine that I wake up at night, and she looks at me, it gives me goosebumps." It's the opposite for me: I take all the dolls off the shelf, when I'm getting ready for the exhibition, I turn around - and so it becomes empty. Not even myself ... And one of the customers - a woman from the Far East, takes already the third doll - says: "I so like to look into their eyes - they are like living!". It all depends on the perception ...

- I noticed that you are making dolls with a national flavor ... Do you have a request?

- There was a good order for a doll with a national flavor - they wanted to give it to an official who came to Belarus on an official visit from Moscow. At that time, I didn't have anything like that, but I thought that this is a really good gift. For a long time I resisted this "color" internally, because the first association is a red-green flag. It is unlikely that this combination can organically fit into the image of my dolls. ( Smiles.)

I do not like this, I like delicate and complex shades. But, it seems, they managed to come up with a more subtle approach - due to the details, ornaments - and the dolls are obtained with the same national flavor, but at the same time - pretty panenochki.

- How long does it take to create such a doll?

- At least ten days ... Perhaps, if it were not for the main job, it would have been faster.

- And if there was an opportunity to deal only with dolls - would you agree?

- Yes, of course ... I know many masters - but they are not from Belarus - who live only with dolls. And these are happy people.

But I can't afford it yet. Earnings from dolls are irregular and unpredictable - there are not so many connoisseurs of designer dolls in our country. And so far I am responsible, including financial, for my son.

But I have a dream that someday I will be able to do only what I really love, and many women will like my dolls and make them happier!

The creation and use of a voodoo doll is the darkest and most mysterious ritual of black magic. With the help of such a doll, you can influence a person in various fields. Holding a properly made voodoo doll in your hands, you have tremendous power over the person on whom the doll was created.

With the help of a voodoo doll, you can both bewitch and heal a person, and harm him, up to death. This is a huge responsibility and mistakes in the manufacturing process or ritual can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Be careful and extremely attentive. This article provides instructions on how to make a voodoo doll, as well as some of the rituals associated with it. If performed inaccurately, black magic can cause irreparable harm not only to your ward, but also to yourself.

What it is?

Classic doll

One of the essential elements of every ritual is a voodoo doll. This is a small schematic model of a person serving as a vessel for a "guest" (a messenger from other dimensions or, in other words, "loa").

  • Loa was called to solve any problems and questions... It was believed that these spirits, who became prisoners of the doll, for some time find themselves in slavery by the priest and are forced to carry out his orders.

If the loa does not want to obey, its physical embodiment can be punished with pain (piercing the doll with needles).

  • After the death of the priest, his subordinate spirit, along with the doll, is transferred to other hands.... In order for the loa to become obedient to the new owner, a special ritual must be performed.

Modern voodoo dolls

When creating a voodoo doll, a person can pursue several goals. The most common of these is causing harm to a specific person. The impact on the doll is the projection of the impact on the person.

Thus, rituals performed on a small copy can undermine the health or even lead to the death of the prototype. Dolls created with the aim of revenge also interact with spirits (not to be confused with Volts, which work at the aura level).

Their connection with the victim is due to the presence of personal belongings of the prototype person in the doll's body.

Dolls can also serve as a talisman that attracts money, luck or love. In this case, the owner's personal belongings are sewn into the body of the Voodoo manipulator, and the amulet itself is hidden from prying eyes.

Preparation for creation and behavior in the process

How to make a Voodoo doll for a person?

First of all, a cruciform base for the doll is created (from twigs or sticks). Tie the junction with a coarse thread. The twigs from which the base is assembled must be half alive (not fresh, but not dry either).

The doll's body is "layered" on the base. It can be modeled with scraps of fabric or flexible straw. It is very good if you know where the birthmarks or moles are located in the prototype person. They can be labeled as beads or beans.

On the body of the doll, you should not denote the distinctive features of a person acquired in the process of life, such as tattoos and body modifications.

In order to bind the Voodoo doll and the victim with the strongest bonds, you need to get biological material: hair, nails, blood of a person who serves as the prototype of the doll.

In some cases, photographs and personal belongings of the victim are used, which are attached to the Voodoo miniature. However, blood is considered the surest and most effective way.

All the time, while you are making a doll, mentally associate it with the image of the victim.

To death

In order to make a Voodoo doll that will bring death to a person, you will need two elements:

  • Blood.
  • Photo of the victim.

The blood must be sewn into the body of the puppet, and the photo must be cut out and attached to the head, or tied with a mourning ribbon to attach it to the body of the doll.

After the auras of the voodoo doll and the human are connected, you will have to bury the puppet. This will act as a curse (the doll will pull the person after it into the grave).

For love

In order to make a love spell on the doll, sew a red heart on the left side of the puppet's chest. Next, light two black candles, placing them on either side of the table on which the ceremony is performed.

Leave your loved one asleep and mentally associate his image with the image of the doll. After the mental connection is established, make a puncture on the thumb of the right hand with a needle.

When a drop of blood comes out, press your finger against the Voodoo puppet's heart. Your blood should be completely absorbed.

How to destroy it?

When you have completed the ritual and achieved your goals, do not rush to throw the doll away. It is especially dangerous to bury, burn, disassemble the body of a Voodoo puppet. The spirits you summon can harm the prototype person in the same way that you got rid of the doll.

If you want to break the Voodoo connection between the puppet and the person with whom it is associated, you need to sprinkle the doll with spring water, then clearly say three times: “I cleanse the doll with water, I deprive it of this name. She no longer has power over (name)! "

After the rupture of auras, the magic item must be buried or burnt.

We recommend watching the video - "How to make a Voodoo doll at home?":


Making a ritual doll

Dolls can be made at home from various materials: wooden, rag, woolen, wax. But all varieties of Voodoo dolls have something in common, they all must be made using particles of the person with whom the doll is identified. These are nails, hair, secretions (saliva, blood, semen), as well as particles from clothing that the object of identification has worn for a long time. Very often, in addition to a Voodoo doll, a photo of a person is attached to the face of a ritual lyalka.

Since there is no fundamental difference in action depending on the type of doll, the easiest way is to make a doll from wax, as an option, from plasticine, but unfortunately there is no reliable information about how it will work, and since plasticine is not a natural material , it is better to use wax.


To make a Voodoo doll from melted wax, you need to mold a semblance of a human figure so that you can clearly distinguish the head, arms, legs and body. Nails, blood and secretions are added to the wax, depending on what you managed to get. The hair is implanted into the head of the doll, thus creating a semblance of hair. After the figure is molded, you can still drag it with dust from the shoes of your object of witchcraft and wrap it in a piece of cloth from his clothes.

But the most important thing in making a real Voodoo doll is to give it a name. Or, to put it another way - baptize. During the making itself, you need not just sculpt the doll, you need to remember that you are making the likeness of a certain person and put all your efforts into this process to saturate the doll with the necessary energy.

Then give her a name, saying:

"From now on, your name (the name of the person), with this doll you are one,
As with the doll, so with you. May it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago! "

Do not forget that the doll is a strong energy channel connecting you with the object of witchcraft, so you need to take care of it and not trust anyone, only you must perform rituals over it, those that you need, for good or evil! Otherwise, the consequences can be tragic, up to the death of a person.

If you have any questions on the topic how to make a voodoo doll, leave comments and we will answer you!


Due to the fact that a lot of repetitive questions are asked in the comments, and there is no time or desire to answer them a hundred times, we have collected the most necessary, important and popular questions and formed an FAQ on them! Duplicate questions in the comments, or simply stupid questions that will not benefit any of the users, by the administration will be ignored! Read to your health !!!


  1. Is it possible with the help of a Voodoo doll to harm on purpose, or kill a person?
    It is possible, in order to kill you are unlikely to have enough energy, but you can do harm, but just look how you don't have to repent for what you have done later! Voodoo magic for destroying a person is very dangerous, and we do not give techniques on how to harm anyone and we do not advise you to do this!
  2. I am a Christian, is it a sin to practice magic and make a Voodoo doll in particular?
    Yes, it is sinful, Christianity does not recognize magic! Pray and God will help you, but forget about magic!
  3. I am a Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, etc., can this somehow affect the success of the ritual?
    No way! Religion has nothing to do with it!
  4. Can I make a doll by myself? And then what to do with it?
    You can make a doll in your likeness! Pay attention to the conspiracy in the ritual, it says: "What is with the doll, so is with you" - therefore, if you simulate certain circumstances for the doll, then they will be attracted to you!

Here is an example from the comments of one user of what to do with your doll (you can do the same with dolls on people you wish well):

I knitted a doll, about 15 cm, the doll personifies me, spat a little, added a little hair, put it in a box, covered the box with not real money, made it myself. She put on a crown on her head, put on her jewelry that she once wore, and what do you think? Now I have my own business, not long ago I bought a brand new Lacetti, but before that I was unemployed, could not find a normal job, I was interrupted from penny to penny. So people make dolls for the good, let them help you in life.

How to get rid of a Voodoo doll?

To destroy a Voodoo doll, it is enough to sprinkle it with holy water, saying:

“I clean the doll with holy water,
I release you (name),
there is no more her power over you,
and your name is not given to her now. Amen".

The conspiracy is repeated three times, after which you can do anything with the doll without causing any harm to the person.

When will the rituals that I do with the Voodoo doll work and will they work at all?

The time and strength of any magical ritual depends primarily on the person who performed it! Or rather, from his energy and ability to magic! Therefore, to answer the question: when exactly will the ritual begin to operate, where was the Voodoo doll used? - No one can! If there are no results within a month, then everything was wasted, the ritual did not work.


Why create voodoo dolls?

As a rule, a person who decides to create such a doll has a firm intention to physically and psychologically influence another person. The doll can be created from any materials, but at the same time it will be the prototype of the real person whom it symbolizes.

Only a professional should be engaged in the creation of a doll, because in the hands of an amateur, such a "toy" can do a lot of trouble. In order for a doll to be effective and effective, in the process of its creation it is necessary to use a part of the biological material of the person on whom it is planned to be influenced. Most often, a lock of hair or nails are used.

Facial features

In addition, by drawing the facial features of the chosen person to the doll, the magician gains almost unlimited power over the object. In order to firmly connect the created figure with the prototype of a real person, the sorcerer additionally recites the necessary spells.

  • After the performed ritual, the magician has unlimited power over the person, who is identified by the "toy".
  • Followers of such magical teachings believe that if a voodoo doll is pierced with needles, then the victim will feel a strong stabbing pain in the same places.
  • Sometimes a doll is burned in a fire, and then a person can simply burn out from the temperature in a couple of days.
  • Clutching the doll's head in his hand, the magician provokes severe headaches in the victim.

You can often hear voodoo magic referred to as idolatrous. This is easy to explain. In many films and books, voodoo followers are portrayed in a negative light. In reality, not all Wuddists choose to serve the dark side. Although it is difficult to argue with the fact that most of them serve the forces of evil.

History of voodoo magic

Girl in voodoo costume Many will be surprised, but true voodoo magic has never been dark... This is a relatively young religion that originated about 1000 years ago on the territory of the African continent. The locals practiced their magic safely until the time of the colonial wars. For some time, the French dominated their continent, who forbade the Wuddists to practice magic.

Black slaves were forced to obey the invaders, but the secret magical knowledge never disappeared. Magic ceremonies and rituals were carried out in secret from the colonialists. But the long-term stay of the Europeans among the African tribes could not but leave their mark.

  • Over time, voodoo magic mixed with European traditions, forming a new religious trend.
  • Among the followers of this trend, views on magical postulates were already distorted.
  • Another, more popular branch of voodoo beliefs, spread from Latin America.
  • This religious movement became famous there after the colonialists began to populate their possessions with black slaves.
  • It is noteworthy that the very first version of the voodoo religion had nothing to do with black magic and was practiced exclusively as white witchcraft for healing and attracting wealth.
  • Voodoo magic also took over some features from Catholicism.
  • The final touches in the transformation of this magical direction were made by the tabloids and cinematography.

Voodoo doll creation ritual

A person who decides to create such a doll needs to know some of the features of such a procedure. The product can only be crafted from energetically pure items. That is, all the threads, fabrics, paints and buttons first need to be cleaned and the remnants of someone else's energy removed from them. During the production process, all textiles and plastics go through a huge number of hands. You can clean items with incense, earth, salt, or sandalwood oil.

  • If you decide to use a voodoo doll, then it is better to make it by hand, rather than buy it in the store.
  • The store product does not have the necessary strength and energy.
  • When creating a doll, it is important to put all your emotions into the product and focus on a specific person.
  • Put all your intentions and emotional experiences into the doll.
  • Thus, the material from which the "toy" is made will absorb the necessary energy.

After the doll is ready, you need to paint with paints the facial features of the intended person. If you are making a doll for yourself, in order to attract luck and financial well-being, then during the process you need to concentrate all your thoughts on money and financial success.

Think that soon you will pay off your debts, get a sudden salary increase, find a large amount of money.

The last step in creating a voodoo doll is its consecration.

This is a difficult ritual that must be taken seriously. It is important that no one is with you during the ritual. Someone else's energy can interrupt yours and prevent you from committing an intentional one. To consecrate a doll, you need to light a candle brought from the church. It is desirable that the candle is white. While it is burning, lift the doll high above the fire, so that smoke comes on it. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the spell:

“I consecrate you for a long service, for doing a share, for obedience to my master (say your name). I conjure you to serve me as faithfully as the four elements serve the world. In the name of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, I command you to obey and help me. "

The spell must be pronounced exactly seven times

After that, you should smoke the doll with pine needles or incense. Be sure to come up with a name for the doll. If you do it for yourself, then call it your name.

Having its own name, the doll will acquire a soul and become "alive". Talk to her and be careful. It is important that no one except you sees your product. You can only communicate with a voodoo doll completely alone.... Hide it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes.

How to make a voodoo doll

Voodoo doll with pins. A variety of materials are used to create dolls. If there is a need to make a doll urgently, then you can use any materials at hand.

  • The main thing is to follow the procedure correctly.
  • But in the classic version of creating a voodoo doll, you will need a piece of cloth, a piece of rope or thread, buttons or beads, glue, scissors, two carved wooden sticks and moss.
  • The most important part of a voodoo doll is a person's biological material - hair, nails, skin, saliva, blood.
  • Voodoo craftsmen create dolls using moss; in our latitudes, moss is easily replaced with cotton wool.

Before proceeding directly to creating a doll, think about your state of mind. It is very important that you do not feel hate and aggression.

You can start the ritual only if you are sure that you are able to control your thoughts and emotions.

In no case should you curse someone at this moment or wish evil. It is also important to cleanse materials not only on the energetic, but also on the physical level, that is, to remove all dirt from them and the smallest foreign objects.

Robust construction

  1. To create a doll, you need to fasten two wooden sticks with a rope.
  2. To make the structure strong, the rope must be fixed with hot wax.
  3. After that, you need to take moss (or cotton wool) and wrap the rope from the middle to the intended head.
  4. Then - from the middle to the legs.
  5. So you get a wooden cross, vertically wrapped with cotton wool.
  6. After that, it is necessary to wrap cotton wool with scraps of cloth, smeared with glue.
  7. Next, draw facial features on the "head", embroider with threads or draw a mouth.

The eyes can be buttons, beads or buttons. When the product is ready, it is necessary to "infuse" the soul into it. To do this, you need to do the rituals of consecration. After that, you can be sure that you own a real voodoo doll.

Another important feature is that if you are making a doll in order to attract good luck, wealth and health, then it is better to make it during the waxing moon. If you want to get rid of problems, then you need to make a voodoo doll for the waning moon.


How it works?

The action of a voodoo doll is based on establishing a strong energy connection with a specific person. In European countries in the Middle Ages, this effect was called rapport. That is, by performing certain actions during its manufacture, the effect of an “energy double” is achieved, and any action is projected onto the person who is going to be influenced.

Manufacturing methods

There are several ways in which a voodoo doll is made at home. Depending on the availability of materials, the doll can be made from fabric, wood, paper, clay, wax or plasticine. Traditionally, in the Caribbean, where voodoo magic is especially widespread, they are made from fabric and straw. All kinds of amulets and toys have long been made using this technology in our country. When making a voodoo doll with your own hands, you should complete the basic
requirements to achieve a positive effect.

  • During manufacture, it is necessary to add pieces of nails or hair of the person to be affected to the material.
  • This will allow the necessary energy connection to be established.
  • In addition, it is highly recommended that you sew the clothes for the voodoo doll from pieces of that person's old worn clothes.

Why worn? Because in this case, the clothes are saturated with the energy of a person and remain for some time connected with him by thin energy threads.

Plasticine (clay, wax)

This is the most popular way to make a doll, given the prevalence and availability of materials. The doll must be dazzled, having achieved some resemblance to the right person. Please note that similarities should be given not only in physique and figure, but also in facial features.

From paper

A paper doll is made only in the absence of other possible materials. This is the simplest method, but also with the lowest efficiency. As a rule, when making from paper it is very difficult to give a resemblance to a person, you have to draw. This gives the doll a kind of toy and affects the strength of the influence.

Sewing rules

Studying how to make a Voodoo doll correctly, it is worth referring to the thousand-year experience of pagan magicians.

  1. Traditionally, a doll made of cloth filled with straw and grass is considered the most effective.
  2. You can make a face using wax, or simply by painting it with natural paints to achieve portrait likeness.
  3. Try to give her the obvious features of a woman or a man, depending on who you are going to influence.
  4. Here, of course, you can do it without frills.
  5. It is enough to make a figurine with wide shoulders or wide hips to indicate belonging to a male or female gender.

Voodoo doll ritual

Despite the fact that it is said about the use of this magic in the films, it is worth considering that the most powerful energy is involved in carrying out these actions. Such forces are not always able to control even experienced magicians.

We advise using a Voodoo doll for love rituals or healing. Never try to harm another person with it. The consequences of using negative influences are simply frightening. When trying to harm another person, you are very likely to

expose yourself and those dear to you to a reverse energy impact of colossal force, far exceeding the one that you initiated. This is how magic works. In addition, no matter what religion you belong to, you should not smudge karma with bad deeds and take sin on your soul.

Whatever a person does, we have no right to take on the functions of divine justice and try to change the course of events. Believe in the best, and evil will certainly be punished without your participation.


Preparation for manufacturing

Americans call the voodoo doll - Voodoo Poppet, which is consonant with the translation "baby", "baby". Taking the ancient African religion as a basis, imparting magical properties to masks, dolls and other objects, Hollywood through cinema presented us with a certain combined product, contact with which must necessarily end in tears for a person. And although a voodoo doll is not considered a toy, knowledgeable people use it for rituals associated with human energies).

If you want to have your doll with powerful energy, you need, firstly, to carefully prepare yourself from a psychological point of view, and secondly, to learn in detail how to make a voodoo doll. It is known that a raw chicken egg takes negative energy, so before you start making a toy, you need to break the egg into water and put a glass near your head overnight so that all negative emotions and negativity are taken by water with a raw egg.

The contents of the glass must be sent to the toilet in the morning; you cannot leave the glass on the table, give it to animals or pour it on the ground. After the "energetic cleansing" procedure, you can start making the doll directly.

First step

To fully merge with the ancient voodoo culture, you need to light scented candles near the table and turn on the drum sound to maximize the perception. In order for Loa (patron saint of voodoo) to be supportive of you, you need to put sweets on the table, which after midnight are destroyed at the intersection.

  • Focus on the goal: to protect yourself, to bewitch a loved one, to gain trust and affection, love, etc.
  • Then come up with words that you will constantly say while making a toy: may there be love, may we be together - you and me, may Loa protect me from evil spirits, may I and him (name) from this day have mutual sympathy ...
  • Next, you need to put all the components on the table: two medium-sized sticks, a piece of fabric, rope, beads or buttons, threads, needles, glue and any filler (moss, cut pieces of fabric, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer).
  • If you want to bewitch someone, then you will need to sew up the hair, nails or any small object that is very dear to this person.

It is better if no one bothers you while sewing, and your thoughts are occupied only with what you are trying with all your might to carry out. Voodoo production loves a waning moon, if you need to turn someone away from you, and a growing one, if you want to attract a person or a situation.

Detailed instructions for manufacturing

Classic voodoo doll

The classic voodoo doll is not sewn, the fabric is wound on a cross, which is tied with a rope before starting the ritual itself. On the one hand, the fabric should be soft, the other, on the contrary, rough and smooth.

First, the cross is wrapped in padding, which is usually Spanish moss, which, according to ancient legend, absorbs energy better than other living things. They start from the head and end in the middle, in the region of the heart, then knitting threads, thin pieces of fabric tied together, ropes are wound up.

The crown of the head is a small ball of thread that is put on top of the made cross, it can be decorated at your discretion. In the classical sense, the doll should resemble the subject of your "care": if a person has bald patches, the doll should also have them, bulging eyes - mark this with large buttons, glue a piece of hair of your chosen one to the doll's head.

Terms of use

No matter how you relate to the ancient beliefs, your thoughts, even if they are evil, insidious and aimed at destroying another, will help you to realize your plan.

Remember: in our world, the boomerang rule applies - evil thrown at someone will definitely return to you, so things like voodoo dolls can only be used for peaceful purposes and for the good of good. The energy invested in what you have done with your own hands, and even with the involvement of an ancient ritual, becomes several times more powerful.



Here is a case when you can safely use ancient magic. Ignore the stories and opinions that exist in society thanks to Hollywood films.

In fact, in voodoo magic, things like "annihilation" or "enslavement" of a person are not often used.

  • Of course, this is the case, but it all depends on the goal and the spirits involved.
  • After all, you don't have to name those who live on the "dark side."
  • In any case, love magic is based on lighter and purer forces.
  • To attract the desired person to yourself, you need to make and correctly speak a voodoo doll.
  • There are certain rules that must be followed.
  • That is, not just the composition of the material, but also the name of the Spirit that will help you.
  • How to make a voodoo doll for a person for a love spell should be carefully read before the action itself.

It is unacceptable to change the composition of the ingredients, violate the technology. The fact is that the Voodoo Spirits that are invoked have a slightly different, “not our” nature. Do not try to embrace them with logic. It is better to act according to what is written, then the result will be as intended.


A voodoo doll is a double of a bewitched person. She has a complete direct connection with him, which arises at the time of the ritual. It must be remembered that everything that happens to the doll will definitely be reflected in the object of the love spell. Not necessarily as directly as they show in the movies, but still, energy will flow into the field. Therefore, a voodoo doll must be handled with care, not subjected to unnecessary shaking or other actions that can cause aggressive consequences.

To make a voodoo doll, you need to have parts of the human body. Nails, hair, blood, and so on are commonly used. If it is not possible to get it all, then you need to collect dust on the road along which he passed, maybe - the remains of coffee from his cup (saliva is contained there), clothes, or other objects with which the person came into contact. Without these attributes, the doll will be practically dead. Unfortunately, these are the rules.

The main material for making a doll is usually wax. For love spells, it is recommended to add pollen of flowers, honey to it. It is advisable to take a walk in nature and independently collect pollen or nectar from fresh flowers. Just don't use the ones that are already cut. This is dead material, he cannot help you. It will only interfere with the creation of an energy channel.


Studying how to make a voodoo doll for a love spell, it is worth understanding that this is not for everyone. There is such a thing as personal strength. So, you should have it in stock. Otherwise, you will not be able to do the most important thing - to link the made doll with the object of the love spell. How to determine the presence of such a possibility. There are some simple tests used in voodoo schools.

  1. For example, if you remember for sure that you had a prophetic dream at least once in your life, then there is no problem, you can practice voodoo magic.
  2. If in doubt, try to "disperse" the clouds.
  3. You just need to go out under the open sky on a cloudy day.
  4. Try to focus on moving any (specific) cloud.
  5. There is no need to strain too much. Just imagine that it melts or floats off the horizon.
  6. Fifteen minutes later, look at the result.

Happened? Then you can start making a voodoo doll.


If you remember how to sculpt from plasticine, then the process itself to make a doll should not cause any difficulties for you. The doll is made in the form of a man with clearly expressed features. That is, you need to sculpt the head and body, arms and legs. Magical elements are added to the wax in the same order as in a living organism. Namely, nails should be in the hands, hair on the head, blood in the body, and so on.

When a small likeness of a victim is ready, it can be sprinkled with the material that was collected from under the victim's feet (dust, sand, and so on). If you have elements of saliva (for example, coffee), then add it to the slice from which you will make the head. It is necessary to sculpt the face so that it is clear how to handle the doll. The genitals are also an important point. It is in these parts of the doll that honey or pollen is added.

Personal thing

The voodoo doll should be wrapped in prepared pieces of clothing or other things that the victim has touched (in a pinch, a napkin will do).

  • Further, it is advisable to put your "creativity" in a special box.
  • Do not be lazy to line it with a piece of beautiful fabric, lace and the like.
  • The atmosphere of external beauty will only spur magical powers.
  • After manufacturing, you need to create a communication channel.
  • To do this, even in the process of work, you need to try to represent the object, associate details with real parts of the body.

When you take care of your face, head, hair, imagine what is going on in his thoughts. Imagine in detail how he (or she) will "burn" with love for you.

Now you need to cast a spell:

“I name you (victim's name). From now on, you are one with him (with her)! I call on the Spirit of Oshun for help! Connect (name) with a doll! Breathe life into it! "

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Tyazhinsky Center for Continuing Education"

Young puppeteer school

Collection of practical materials for training sessions

for an additional general educational general developmental program

"Dolls around us"

Semyonova Natalya Anatolyevna,

additional teacher




Explanatory note 4

How to Become a Real Puppeteer 6

Tips for a beginner puppeteer 9

Puppetry on the screen 10

Literature 20

Explanatory note

Managing a doll is the alphabet of an actor-puppeteer, without studying it, it is difficult to work on staging performances, fairy tales, miniatures. Reviving a doll is the sacrament that gives birth to a real doll. In order to revive it, you must learn to own it. The simplest gestures and movements of the doll have a lot of meaning and significance, contribute to the upbringing of both a number of skills related to the doll and personal acting abilities - creativity, rhythm, dexterity, the ability to coordinate their own thoughts and movements, endurance, freedom of public action. The creation of the doll's appearance, its movement, as well as further play with it require the development of observation and imagination. Thus, work in the field of doll management is of great importance in the upbringing and development of a child.

In accordance with this, the goal of this work is: the formation of practical skills of puppetry.

In the course of its achievement, the following tasks are solved:

    Introduce pupils to the rules and skills of puppetry

    Develop and improve the skills and abilities of puppetry on the screen, through the use of special exercises

    Create conditions for the development of students' creative abilities

In the structure of the collection of practical materials, the following main sections are distinguished:

    How to become a real puppeteer (this section includes general rules and first puppeteering skills)

    Tips for a beginner puppeteer (the section provides tips on working with a doll, screen, decorations)

    Puppetry on the screen (games and exercises for working on the expressiveness of the doll on the screen, developing the creative abilities of the actor - puppeteer).

The process of embodying a doll goes through a number of stages: it begins with the creation of a doll - the character of the play, and ends with the performer's game with her. It is necessary to work with children to master the doll consistently: the requirement, amendments should increase gradually and eventually reach perfection. Increasing the level of puppet mastery allows pupils to achieve certain success in theatrical activities: the Harlequin puppet theater, winners of regional and regional competitions, theater stage, exhibitions of arts and crafts in the Theatrical Puppet nomination.

How to become a real puppeteer

Before playing a role in the play, the actor must master the technique of controlling the doll and learn how to perform simple everyday skills through the doll.

The doll must learn:

    Stand, walk, jump, run, climb, step over, jump, bounce, sit down, get up, lie down, squat, get on both knees, on one knee and get up from your knees

    Look and see, listen and hear, peep, peep, examine, examine, peer into the distance, glance over, order to move away and come up with a glance, look around

    Lift, carry and move things of varying weight

    Shake off, straighten, smooth, catch, brush off and swing, take and transfer

    Fight, strike and take blows

    Say hello, say goodbye, move in manners and styles of different times

    To dance dances of different peoples and times, based on their plastic capabilities.

General rules for puppetry

    The doll, placed close to the edge of the screen, should rise no more than 3/4 of its height

    The level of the doll on the screen must be constant.

    The puppeteer stands behind the screen so that he cannot be seen

    The hand that the doll is wearing must be soft.

    The basis of a doll's life is physical action

    The doll should be led closer to the front edge of the screen.

    Do not drive the doll sideways or back

    Working behind the screen is noiseless.

    When speaking for a doll, do not speak in a fake, unnatural voice

    Speech should be clear, loud, unhurried and understandable to the viewer

    The doll must be held vertically

    The puppeteer must be in front of the doll to see it

    You can not drive the doll on an outstretched arm

    The doll is parallel to the head

    Before the performance, you need to check the readiness of your


    The doll looks with its "nose", leaning forward a little (down)

    The doll's mouth opens to the shock word

    When talking, the doll looks at the one with whom it is talking

    The dolls' conversation is accompanied by movement:

    talking doll - makes gestures with his hand or reinforces his words with a nod of his head;

    the listening doll is motionless.

    If the doll takes an object or bows, then you need to bend your hand at the wrist. The flexion of the wrist matches the flexion of the doll's waist

    The doll is crying - her head is tilted forward, and with her hands she rubs her eyes

22. When the doll performs movements, her arms should be pressed to the body.

23. To put the doll, you first need to tilt it, bending your hand at the wrist, and then rest your wrist on the place where the doll is seated

24. To stand up, the doll must first bend forward, and then straighten up and at the same time rise

25. The character of the actor is conveyed by the doll

26. The same actor should speak for the doll and drive it

27. The movements of the doll and words should be directed to a specific object of attention

28. Moving away from the front "bed", the hand with the doll should be raised a little higher. The height of the doll can be controlled by the decoration.

First puppet skills

The first lessons are conducted without a doll. Using his hand as an example, the teacher shows how the fingers of the hand work when a doll is wearing it. How to do bends, turns, jumping, running, walking, hiding and falling, looking out and working with an object correctly. For such a display, instead of a screen, you can use the back of a chair. Without a doll, the child's hand is easy to check and correct mistakes immediately. Then the doll's head is put on the puppeteer's finger. For the head, you can take a tennis ball, an egg case from a kinder surprise. You can use different shapes, not just round ones. Small boxes, cubes, plastic lids and boxes from bottles will go into business. Draw the eyes, nose. Mouth, add some details and you have a working doll. Make a hole for your finger. With the same dolls, you can do exercises on the screen, at the table. You can invite children to come up with and show new exercises, exercises, fairy tales and dialogues of two characters when they meet, funny stories and transformations, small scenes.

In the first lessons of puppetry, you should master and work out exercises for the education of "springiness" in the hands. Exercises are performed while sitting, standing, or moving in a circle.

    "Spring" - the left arm is bent at the elbow. Imagine that the elbow rests on a very soft spring, which, with the slightest movement of the elbow, throws the arm up. On "and" - raise your hand up, on "one" - lower it down. Do the exercise with each hand, with two hands at once:

    changing the height and speed of swing;

    with simultaneous flexion of the wrist: left - right, forward - backward.

    "Trampoline" - Start by swinging doll feet on imaginary toes; then small jumps, gradually increasing the height of the jumps

3. Walking the doll in a circle:

    with a twist of the brush to the left, to the right;

    limping now on the left, now on the right leg;

    stepping over an obstacle.

    The doll's gait is obtained when the puppeteer raises and lowers the arm bent at the elbow - makes a "spring" and at the same time slightly turns the hand

5. If you do not turn the brush, but make the "spring" sharper, you get

jumping dolls. If you move faster, you get running.

Tips for a beginner puppeteer

    Before you start staging a performance, determine what kind of puppets will participate in it.

    Take the doll gently while holding the doll's head

    The play involves the same type of dolls

    Before the performance, the dolls are stored on hangers, and during the performance, always place them in the same place convenient for you.

    Be sure to check your doll before performing. Is everything all right with her. You still have time to fix something with her

    Always speak for your doll yourself. The character of the character is better conveyed by the one who controls it

    If you cannot reach the screen or decoration, use stands

    Never throw dolls anywhere or at all.

Puppetry on the screen

The next stage is work on the screen. Exercises are carried out both in front of the front "bed" and in a circle. This allows you to work out the height of the doll, since during the passage of the circle, the puppeteer with the doll works both in the foreground and in the background. When passing this distance, the level of the doll is adjusted.

For practicing the actions of the doll, a mirror can be a good helper. It is necessary to control the correctness of actions. The exercises can be done in micro groups. Each of these groups shows their skills in working with a doll. And the rest are watching together with the teacher. Then the error analysis is carried out.

Exercises for training a doll's gait

Follow the uniform rotation of the brush to the left and right. If there is more turn to either side, the doll begins to limp. Monitor the level of the doll, do not allow too much "springs", otherwise the doll will "dive".

    Walk in place, carefully controlling the movement of the hand and the level of the doll

    Do the same by walking along the "bed"

    "Walked - forgot - returned." The doll was moving forward, in the middle of the "bed" she remembered that she had forgotten something, she would have to turn around and go back. In such exercises, it is compulsory to come up with circumstances by the student himself. He may, and sometimes should not, talk about them during the show, but at the end you need to ask him about it.

    "Walked - forgot - made a decision." An exercise like the previous one leaves more freedom for the student. The decision made must be justified.

    "Walked - looked back at the sound - made a decision." The sound is given by one of the students. It is unexpected, the more interesting the reaction of the main performer.

    "Walked - stumbled." Beat the situation

    "The cipher". The student is asked a question or he comes up with the place where he goes. On the way, he must, without naming the place itself, let the audience understand the purpose of his trip. For example, the word "stadium" is conceived. A student can pass with the following words: "Eh, will they really lose today?"

    "Step in foot on the parade ground." March in pairs or in a group, clearly maintaining the rhythm set by the teacher or one of the students

    Limp alternately on different legs

    Emotional gait. Justify why I'm going this way. Pass lazily, joyfully, hastily, sadly, with apprehension

    Complete skins: fox, hare, bear, dog, mouse, soldier, robot, old man, thief, fat man, lady, child, fashion model.

Exercises to practice doll speaking skills

    Make sure that the doll's gaze is accurately directed to the person to whom the speech is addressed. Avoid unnecessary movements of the head, so that they do not turn into "dangling" by the doll

    Learn a poem given at home

    A conversation with a friend whom I have not seen since last summer, with a classmate, with my mother, with a stranger on the street

    An impromptu answer to a question from a teacher or other pupil. Questions can be on the control topic or from the category of "stupid", developing acting courage, such as "Why did you eat my cutlet?" You can unite everyone by the same circumstances. For example, the teacher is a general, and the students are soldiers, and all questions are on a military topic. Or a teacher is a mother, and pupils are children

    All kinds of situations in pairs. Tell your partner the news, he gives her a brief assessment. Complain to a partner, get his support. The main thing is improvisation.

Exercises for practicing running and jumping with a doll

    To monitor the clarity of hand movements so that there is no "swinging" when jumping, "flickering" when running

    Run on the screen 100 meters

    Run away from danger

    Run catching someone

    Jump on two legs, on one, at break

    Jump in different ways to the rhythm of a song, humming it out loud

    Jump over bumps, pre-choosing a drier

    Jump like a child, like an old man, like a beast

    Jump on a trampoline. The jump is divided into two parts. First, jump on the trampoline with a short jump, and then he will throw you up and land behind him with a long jump. The option when the athlete does not succeed, and the coach demonstrates to him how to jump

    Jump to the middle of the screen at one pace, stop and continue moving at a different pace or in a different way. Justify why it happened

    Jump over an obstacle, such as a puddle.

Exercises for other ways of movement

Follow the correct execution of the previous movements, because they are the basis of the rest. Children should improvise, come up with justified and expressive poses and movements themselves.

    Lie on the screen and lie down dreamily, sadly, carefree, waiting, with insomnia, freezing, being sick

    Sneak on the screen, take something, examine it, put it in its place and leave. What was it?

    Coming back late, take a walk, trying not to wake anyone up

    Sneak as a joke to play with a friend

    I sneak because I don't want to be seen

    Crawl on bellies on exercises

    Crawl into enemy territory under barbed wire

    I crawl under the bed for a toy or on ice to help a friend

    Sit on the screen. Turn to the partner's hail: with joy, reluctance, surprise, indifference, with longing, with a "strange" reaction

    Sit on the screen to rest

    Sit on the screen, imagining that this is a bench in the yard, a place in the auditorium, a chair in front of the dentist's office

    Paired with. One sit with his back to the other. The partner must sneak up and scare the seated person, as a result of which he will jump up and run away. It is not necessary to frighten with a "wild cry", especially since it turns out to be unconvincing

Working with the subject

It is easier for glove dolls than for puppets to hold an object in their hands, and although it looks rather awkward, children understand that one doll passes a basket to another, that the doll puts its hand in its pocket, that it can take off its hat. The transfer of objects to each other is an important part of the glove puppet theater. Exercises using various objects in the classroom will help to accurately work out the scheme of their transfer and make the action more expressive.

Exercises with imaginary objects

These exercises educate attention, imagination, faith in the proposed circumstances, the ability to use the space of the stage. The skill of composing single etudes is being trained.

    Collect a bundle of firewood and take it with you

    To make a snowman

    Dragging a heavy bag

    Push a big chest in front of you

    Sneak up and catch a mouse

    Build a house from cubes

    Sort potatoes

    Sweep up, clean up the trash

    Wipe off the dust

    Dig a hole and plant a tree

    Bury the treasure, mark the place

    Cut down a tree, knock it down, chop off branches, carry it away

    Two dolls are sawing a log with a two-handed saw, the third chops wood, the fourth puts them in a woodpile

    "Blacksmiths". One with a large hammer, the other with a small hammer. Put on a strip of metal and work to the rhythm: Knock! Knock-Knock! The assistants sound the blows. Achieve complete synchronicity

    Pass a basket of apples or other items from hand to hand

    Pick up an apple from the ground and give it to a friend, dig a hole, pick vegetables ...

    Lift a heavy bag and carry it, help carry a heavy object to each other

    Play ball

    Push a heavy stone in front of you, move furniture

    Wash clothes

    Collect mushrooms, berries, flowers.

The glove doll holds the object with both hands and can handle it with confidence. To take it, she needs to bend at the waist so that the palms of her hands can take it well and comfortably. If the glove doll must take an object with one hand, then hooks are made from wire to the object on the side or bottom, buttons or Velcro are sewn on.

"Charging" the doll

These exercises are similar to human exercises: bends, turns of the head and trunk, squats. The doll is facing the audience, arms are slightly apart. At the expense of "one", the doll makes a movement. On - "two, three, four" it is delayed in this position and again on "one" - it returns to the main position.

    Head tilts

    nod - slightly bend the index finger forward and immediately return it to its previous position;

    head tilt - bend the index finger, on which the doll's head is worn, so that she sees “her legs”.


    on the count of "one" connect the thumb and middle fingers, on "two, three, four" hold the doll in this position. Then on "one" - to return her hands to their original position;

    do this exercise with a turn to the sides.

    Torso turns

    turns. Bend the doll's arms and lightly press them against the doll's body. Turn the wrist to the left and then to the right. The first movement begins with the head, shoulders, body;

    turns with your hands. The doll's hands are pressed to her body. When turning the doll's body to the left, straighten her left arm. Returning to the starting position, the arms, bending, lean against the body. Do the same exercise in the other direction.

    Torso bends

    bend the wrist forward, backward;

    bend the wrist to the right, to the left.


Take the wrist back, hold the hand in this position for three counts, then return it to its original position.

    The doll jumps up on the left and right legs alternately

On "and" toss the doll up; on "one" - bending the wrist to the left, lower the doll down, as if landing on the left leg. On "and" - pushing off, lift the doll up, straightening the wrist. On "two" - bending the wrist to the right.

The teacher shows the exact movements of charging, the children copy him. As they acquire skills, each of the guys shows his exercise, the rest repeat after him. It is convenient to charge while sitting on a chair with its back facing you. It is used as a screen and allows you to see the guys' mistakes. Diversify the work and promotes closer communication between the teacher and the children.

Practicing the look of the doll

The main sign of the doll's communication is the look. Without changing the position of the head, a person can shift his gaze from one detail of the object to another. And all this is due to the mobility of the eyeball. The doll's eyes are motionless, and it cannot change the direction of gaze without changing the position of the head. Therefore, its direction depends on the position of the doll's body and head. The ability, it is true, to direct the doll's gaze to the object is achieved in the process of exercises.


The doll follows the swinging swing. At first they do not swing much, but then they get stronger and higher. The movement of the doll's head is continuous. Swaying gradually decreases and the swing stops.


The doll follows the ball flying over the site. You can simulate the flight of the ball with a balloon tied to a stick.


Imagine butterflies flying around the dolls. All of them are considered, but not caught. Follow the flight by turning your head. For the exercise, you can use a really visible butterfly.

Follow the direction of the gaze, remembering that the doll is looking with its “nose”. Don't stick your head up at the ceiling.

Exercises for practicing gaze

    Introduce yourself as a TV announcer, announce the next program. Do it on behalf of a man and a woman. The same, but you are the host of the concert

    Consider something in the distance, in the palm of your hand, in the sky

    Wait while looking for someone or something, such as a friend or a bus.

    Find the right door in the imaginary corridor of the clinic by reading the signs

    View paintings in a museum, naming and evaluating them

    Watch out for bird, beetle, butterfly, swing, volleyball, trampoline jumping, ferris wheel

    Travel an imaginary road, following the cars

    On the parade ground. Follow the general's gaze along the line of soldiers

    Paired with. The dolls look at each other from head to toe. Turn away and tell what your partner's doll looks like

    Evaluate the "imagining" that walked past you with the appropriate gait

    Look for keys, mushrooms, money, treasure on the screen

    Look under your feet with horror, disgust, with interest, your own version.

Exercises for consolidation

"Instant reaction"

The doll walks along the screen, in the middle it receives an unexpected task from the teacher. You need to beat him instantly.

    A bee is flying, an airplane ...

    Stepped on something soft, slippery, wet ...

    I saw in front of a friend, an enemy, a bear, an alien ...

    Pricked my leg

    I remembered something pleasant, terrible ...


Drive away a fly that interferes with sleep.


Say hello to your partner in Russian custom, like Asians. Say hello to the person you are afraid of, to your foe, to a grumpy grandmother, in Japanese, like metalheads.

"At the ball"

You are ladies and gentlemen at the ball of the 18th century. Bow to the owner or mistress, say, depending on this, male or female complement.

"Bring in the atmosphere"

Appear on the screen after what you just saw: with fright, with a sigh of relief, call for help.


To catch the mood of the partner with whom he went out and sat down. Exit in the same mood.


The first doll walks, and the second "spies" on her. As soon as the first turns around, the second should freeze in a pose that means something. For example, a janitor bent over for a piece of paper, or a garden sculpture.


    Bachurina, V. ABC of development [Text]: teaching aid / V. Bachurina. - M .: Vlados, 2007 .-- 173p.

    Gref, A.E. Puppet Theater [Text]: a practical guide / A.E. Gref. - M .: Lada, 2003 .-- 269s.

    Davidovski, M. Funny dolls [Text]: a practical guide / M. Davidovski. - M .: HouseXXIcentury, 2003 .-- 62p.

    Kolcheev, Yu. A. Theatrical games [Text]: recommendations for the leaders of theater groups / Yu. A. Kolcheev. - M .: Education, 2000 .-- 145s.

    Workshop of feelings [Text]: methodological guide / - M .: Academy of Development, 2006. - P.50.

    Neuschutz, K. Animate the doll [Text]: a practical guide / K. Neuschutz. - M .:EVIDENTIS, 2002 .-- 208s.

    Education and development[Text]: a practical guide / - M .: Preschool child, 2003.- 34s.

School of the young puppeteer [Text]: collection of practical materials/ N. A. Semenova ... - Tyazhinsky: municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Center for additional education of children", 2014.- 21 p.

Technical editorI. G. Rogovtsova, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Continuing Education for Children "Center for Continuing Education of Children"

Original - the layout was prepared on the computer complex of the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Center for additional education of children"

Printed in the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Center for additional education of children"

Address: 652240, Russia, Kemerovo region, village Tyazhinsky, municipal educational institution of additional education for children "Center for additional education for children of the Tyazhinsky district of the Kemerovo region", st. Lenin, 11, tel (8-384-49) 21-077