
How to cleanse the chakras of negativity. How to clear the chakras with simple steps. Chakra Clearing Options

Chakras are an integral part of the spiritual component of people, developing the potential and condition of a person as a whole. They are a kind of centers in which energy is concentrated. Over time, these centers become clogged with "dirt", which consists of negative actions, lifestyle. Pollution of the chakras leads to a breakdown, the appearance of signs of chronic fatigue and poor health, as well as depression. It is for this reason that cleaning the chakras is a vital procedure for modern people - it has a beneficial effect on the body spiritually and physically, and contributes to the healing of the body.

In total, in the metaphysical part of the body there are 7 chakras located inside the body and running parallel to the spinal column. The word "chakra" literally translates as "wheel" and personifies the center with the forces concentrated in it, penetrating it in the form of vortices.

What is chakra cleansing and symptoms

Cleansing spells is the process of overcoming energy blocks with the help of willpower. In the process of purification, energy processes are stabilized, the connection between the spiritual side and the physical body, harmony and integrity are restored. There are certain signs and symptoms that are indicators that a chakra cleansing procedure is needed:

  • Disorder. The state of disorder occurs within the body, and the external signs of disorder are a direct clue and indication that something is wrong in the body. Many people mistakenly attribute the disorder to the events that are happening, and not to the fact that the root of the problem lies within themselves.
  • Working capacity. Human productivity also directly depends on the state of inner harmony. Decreased human performance refers to the signs of the need to clean the chakras.
  • General state. In general, a decline in strength and a deterioration in the state of health and mood indicate the presence of problems with the energy centers and the harmony of the body, a signal: "chakra cleansing is needed."

Each of the seven chakras is associated with a specific group of organs and diseases associated with them. It is worth noting that only global problems and areas are indicated, in fact, the list can be significantly expanded for a long time. So, chakras and related problems:

  • Muladhara. This chakra is located in the groin area and diseases of the legs and joints are associated with it. This center is also associated with birth problems. These include conflicts with close relatives on the paternal or maternal side. Bruises, injuries, greed and self-doubt are sure signs of a clogged chakra.
  • Swajistana is responsible for a number of breast diseases, mastopathy and male problems. The presence of energy debris in Muladhara and Swajistan leads to the above problems in combination - that is, the problems do not appear one by one, but one after another (successively or simultaneously).
  • Manipura is responsible for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, problems with work, finances, weakness.
  • Anahata is closely connected with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, since it is located in the chest area. In addition, immunity is associated with this chakra, so special attention should be paid to cleaning.
  • Vishuddha - diseases of the upper respiratory tract, problems with self-realization, expression of thoughts.
  • Ajna - mental disorders and fear in the initial stages (then it passes and blocks muladhara), complexes and shyness, sleep problems.
  • Sahasrara - the crown, in most cases does not require purification, since it is located in the highest position. Responsible mainly for thinking.

Chakra Clearing Options

The main ways to clear the chakras:

  • With the help of the element of water. Taking a bath or shower is a very effective way of clearing and influencing all the major chakras. At the same time, the bath must be taken with sea salt, since it tends to absorb negative energy into its structure and has a strong cleansing effect. Aura interacts with water, enhances energy, comes into a state of harmony and balance.
  • Purification through meditation. Meditation is an effective way to clear the chakras and get the desired result in a short time. When applying meditative techniques, you should not rush and try to clear all levels and chakras at the same time - you need to consistently act on certain areas in order to feel the power and unlimited possibilities of your own spirit.

  • Cleansing with mantras. Mantras are melodies that activate certain zones and levels of the chakras with the help of vibrations. The use of mantras implies the presence of an ear for music, since the effectiveness of cleaning depends on the correct chanting of mantras.
  • Cleansing the chakras with runes. The method is effective and does not require special or specific skills. The essence of the method lies in the image of the formula, which is programmed with a slander to clear negative energy blocks. It is worth dwelling on this method in more detail.

Cleansing chakras with runes

Rune cleansing is an effective and time-tested way to clear chakras by activating certain runes called staves. There are a large number of staves, each stave has certain functions, purpose and power. When cleaning the chakras with runes, a reservation is made indicating the chakra that is affected, and the result to be achieved is pronounced. Before using a rune stave, it is necessary to diagnose the feasibility of its use - sometimes the use of rune staves does not have a positive, but a negative effect.

The most popular and effective stavas are Mercy, Chakra Pillar, Lotus 1.

Symptoms of cleaning the chakras with runes before and after

Clearing the chakras from various blocks, negativity and energy debris takes a lot of energy, so various symptomatic signs may occur during the cleaning process. Before proceeding with the cleansing of the chakras, it is advisable to conduct a diagnosis. Immediately after the onset of the runes, feelings of weakness, drowsiness and deterioration in general, as well as symptoms of manifestations of various diseases, from colds to allergic reactions, are possible.

However, do not be afraid - such a reaction occurs only in the first day or two after setting, then the manifestation of these effects is on the wane. Moreover, the absence of such reactions is perceived as an unsuccessful purge, except in cases where there are minor disturbances in the work of the chakras (in such cases, the purge process proceeds almost asymptomatically). After the ritual, you need to make sure that the stav is working, its effectiveness, and carry out diagnostics.

Self cleaning chakras

For self-cleansing the chakras, you can use a complex exercise that is performed before bedtime. To do this, turn off the light in the room, stretch (without crossing) your legs and arms and close your eyes.

  • Mentally relax the body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, and imagine 7 rays passing through it (the color of the rays should match the color of the chakras).
  • Start with Muladhara, passing a beam of red color through it (from bottom to top).
  • Next, Swajistana - you need to draw an orange ray through it.
  • By analogy with the first two, it is necessary to do the same with the rest of the chakras.

After completing the work with the last chakra, you should feel a sense of comfort and harmony, being in a horizontal position with penetrating rays.

Next, you need to ask the Earth to cleanse you of the accumulated negativity and send piercing rays to the ground. There may be a feeling as if something resembling sand in an hourglass begins to pour through these rays, and after a while there will be a feeling of emptiness.

And again, you should turn to the Earth with a request: “Mother Earth, fill me with the power of the earth!”

Next, one should observe the filling of all seven rays with strength and energy, and then make an appeal to the Universe, asking it to fill it with energy. The energy of the cosmos has a blue color with silvery hues. Then you can smoothly mix the energy of the earth and space, feeling these forces in yourself. Most likely, by this time you will already fall asleep.

The next exercise is about how to cleanse the chakras with a candle on your own.

It will require a good quality wax candle, 15 minutes of time, knowledge of the location and colors of the chakras.

To perform the ritual, you should retire, then make a protective paper cap for the candle (so that the wax does not fall on the floor) and light it.

Cleansing must begin with the first chakra, focus on the flame of a candle and mentally concentrate on cleansing from the negative. If the candle begins to burn unevenly, crackle and dark formations appear on the wax, then you are on the right track - there are problems with the chakra, you are on the right track. Do the same with the rest of the chakras.

The term "chakra" can be found in various teachings and spiritual practices. This term hides the inner strength of a person, which is located in his subtle body. The chakra system itself includes several energy centers at once, located around the entire perimeter of the human body. Each of these centers has its own specific color and is responsible for a specific sphere of influence.

The aura of a person depends on the state of the chakras. All this is the potential of the internal system. But as soon as an energy failure occurs, a person begins to face numerous violations from the emotional and mental systems of the body. To prevent this, it is necessary to clean the chakras in a timely manner and eliminate all the negative accumulated inside.

Chakra cleansing

cleaningchakras is necessary in order to remove from a person not only negative, negative consciousness, but also to rid him of other destructive programs.

The chakras are active and closed. And if they are sleeping, the flow of internal energy begins to slow down and become difficult. And this leads to diseases of many organs, which are located in the area of ​​closed chakras, requiring an opening to occur.

In order for the internal resources of the body to be fully restored, you can independently try to evoke in yourself a feeling of boundless love for your body, thinking, and consciousness. In this case, meditation will help. You need to try to create a relaxing, completely calm atmosphere. It is necessary to switch off and get rid of all negative and bad thoughts. Slow music can help you relax, which will serve as a distraction and help clear your head from the thought flow.

The body at such a moment should take the most convenient, comfortable position. All vertebrae must be completely relaxed. The state should be such as if the body at some point ceases to exist physically and turns into only a light, weightless shell. If it is difficult to relax on your own and tune in a positive way so that all closed chakras can open, you can use online cleansing. In this case, a person will receive for free a detailed scheme of how to get rid of internal and muscle tightness, relieve tension and set himself up only for positive emotions.

The heart chakra is constantly exposed to harmful effects, as all the stressful situations experienced, life's disappointments and accumulated resentments weaken it. There is a kind of block, which is quite difficult to remove. A person, even once great and powerful, begins to be sluggish, apathetic, completely indifferent.

To cleanse the heart chakra and open the way for a positive energy flow, you need to light a candle, sit straight on a chair and try to relax. Then you need to slowly inhale and exhale. When breathing, hands should be placed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart.

Feeling the rhythm of this muscle, you need to fully concentrate on its beating. Then you need to close your eyes, listen to the heart rhythm and imagine it as energy. It is necessary to imagine this stream in emerald tones, which is radiated from the chest area in a wide beam. After that, the hands should be spread wide apart, visualizing that the green energy flow is directed to the middle of the palms, covers the entire body and returns inside again.

At the end of such actions, the eyes are opened, the candle is extinguished, words of gratitude are pronounced. If it is difficult to independently come up with a thank-you text directed to higher powers, then an audiobook that can be downloaded from the Internet will help. The main thing is that then for some time the person did not experience negative emotions. It is better not to listen or talk to those who are irritable, quick-tempered and extremely emotional. You need to try not to talk to anyone for a while.

Positive Visualization

To clear your chakras and thereby release the energy centers for the flow of internal forces, you can use the method of positive visualization. Such a program will allow you to achieve internal cleansing at home.

To obtain a more comfortable environment, a candle is lit, a comfortable posture is taken. Then you need to concentrate on your own emotions and feelings. You should try to carefully analyze your deepest fears and negative experiences. After that, you need to imagine any vessel into which all negative feelings and experienced situations are immersed, and then they are mentally released on a long voyage. This will eventually mean that the person has managed to part with his negative burden.

To completely cleanse the accumulated negativity, you can use the following technique:

  1. First you need to take a comfortable position. Close your eyes and imagine your upper chakra in the form of a vessel with a lid. An auxiliary element can be a slow, ritual song.
  2. After that, you need to imagine that the filled vessel begins to open and all negative emotions and fears come out of it in the form of impurities.
  3. At such a moment, pleasant warmth should spread over the body, and the physical shell itself becomes weightless. This indicates that the activation of energy has begun to occur.
  4. At the end, the empty vessel must be filled with light and inner grace to the very end. This is of great importance, since the final stage is considered the most important.

In this way, all seven chakras should be cleansed sequentially one after the other. Auxiliary methods such as color therapy, a special mantra, proper breathing, and some yoga asanas will help strengthen this practice. All this will help not only get rid of negative thoughts and emotions, but also fill the energy center with positive and preserve the strength of each chakra.

Some practitioners practice chakra cleansing using a church candle. In this case, the candle moves along the entire perimeter of the body, starting from the top of the head and ending the ritual with the area of ​​the feet. Additionally, a conspiracy or prayer is read, filling a person with bright and good thoughts.

To conduct a ritual that helps to cleanse the human biofield, a pendulum is used, which is prepared from natural elements, such as stones. At the moment of such purification, you can silently pronounce a spell that gets rid of the accumulated negative energy.

Minutes of meditation

Opening the inner chakras requires adherence to regular practices. Meditation should be done every time a person feels that he begins to feel apathy, lethargy, groundless irritability.

In moments of relaxation, in order to effectively activate your potential and energy, you should listen to pleasant music, take the most comfortable position of the body and disconnect from external irritating factors.

There is no need to mentally suppress the images that arise in such moments in the subconscious. Let thoughts run their own way. This will help to ensure that the negative energy itself will find a way out and leave the human body. To find peace, to discover important moments for yourself, to forget about anger - a special meaning must be given to meditation and cleansing of the chakras.

The term "chakra" (in Sanskrit it means "circle", "disk", "mandala") is quite common in the spiritual practices of Hinduism. Chakras are centers of power and consciousness located in the subtle (inner) body of a person. In Hinduism and Buddhism, where these concepts have long been used, it includes seven energy centers located in the human body. Each of them has its own color, sphere of influence, sound, element. Any of them includes mental structures (persuading a person, working with thoughts, ideas), memory, symbolism (each chakra has a personal, separate symbolism).

Human chakras: their meaning and purification

Human chakras are very powerful. If you work with them correctly, you can achieve amazing results in your own spiritual education.

It becomes clear that a person's chakras are his soul. It is in it that the entire human consciousness is located: qualities, beliefs, aspirations, talents, feelings, superpowers and emotions. And only with the help of targeted work can you quickly and efficiently open your inner potential. In addition, an experienced spiritual healer, seeing your inner light, can analyze the state of mind that you have.

The human chakras (their meaning and purification) have been the subject of study by many spiritual teachers for a long time. The realization that a person is a single system came into our lives from ancient Indian philosophy.

7 energy centers

The subtle human body has 7 main centers (chakras):

1. Muladhara - control of solid components in the body.

  1. The root zone is the genitals.
  2. Color - red.
  3. The mantra is "LAM".
  4. The element is earth.
  5. The smell is rose.

2. Svadhisthana - control of liquid components in the body.

  1. The root zone is the stomach.
  2. Orange color.
  3. The mantra is "VAM".
  4. The element is water.
  5. The smell is chamomile.

3. Manipura - impact on digestion.

  1. The root zone is the solar plexus.
  2. Yellow color.
  3. The mantra is "RAM".
  4. The element is fire.
  5. The smell is mint.

4. Anahata - control of gaseous substances, respiration and blood circulation.

  1. The root zone is the heart.
  2. Green color.
  3. The mantra is "YAM".
  4. The element is air.
  5. The smell is geranium.

5. Vishuddha - control of ether, speech.

  1. The root zone is the neck.
  2. Blue color.
  3. The mantra is "HAM".
  4. The element is ether.
  5. The smell is wormwood.

6. Ajna - mind control, third eye.

  1. The root zone is between the eyebrows, in the middle.
  2. Color - blue.
  3. The mantra is "VOM".
  4. The element is time.
  5. Without smell.

7. Sahasrara - pure consciousness.

  1. The root zone is in the middle of the forehead.
  2. Color - purple.
  3. The mantra is "OM".
  4. The element is spirit.
  5. Without smell.

The balance of all centers guarantees the balance of mental, physical and spiritual development. An ordinary person cannot see them, because clairvoyance is used for this. But even without seeing the chakras, you can work productively with them.

Techniques and ways to bring energy centers in order

Chakras can be adjusted through the following techniques:

  • Opening.
  • Purification.
  • Harmonization.
  • Recovery.
  • Activation.
  • Filling.

Chakra cleansing

Cleansing the spiritual vessel is designed to remove negative consciousness and other destructive programs from a person. A large number of psychics refer to the "contaminated" environment as ordinary spoilage. You can use the services of clairvoyants, but it is better to start to know your spiritual nature on your own. If you practice meditation, you should artificially induce a feeling of love for yourself (body, mind, thinking) in order to heal yourself from the inside.

Working with chakras

Chakras are better cleansed by the dynamic flow of grace that pours down on us from top to bottom. To do this, it is enough to visualize it. It is possible to cleanse with a tetrahedron. There is also an option to carry out a general cleaning with the help of a church candle. You can use the pendulum. It is desirable that it be made of natural stones.

Getting to know yourself

It is important to remember that a person's chakras and their opening is an important step towards self-awareness. The opening of each center is carried out in order to release energy into the center of the energy vortex. If one chakra is blocked, then the whole system cannot function properly. Violations in the work of the chakras are fraught. In addition to emotional and spiritual disorders, diseases of some organs are manifested. The chakras of a person and their opening play a crucial role in the spiritual growth of a person.

Energy centers can be opened with the help of concentration. You need to sit in the lotus position (you can just cross your legs), close your eyes and relax. Next, you need to sing the mantra "OM" 3 times. Keep your attention on each center, observe your visualization, then chant the mantra "OM" again and complete the process. After this session, feel peace and harmony in every cell of your body.

Imaging for Treatment

Restoration and cleansing of the chakras is necessary for every person. Weak or slightly damaged centers require careful treatment. A meditation practice that focuses specifically on these processes consists of the following steps:

  • Take a standing pose, turn your face to the east, completely relax and focus on breathing.
  • Imagine your body, which is surrounded by an energy cocoon, with holes at the top and bottom.
  • Imagine a beam of energy passing through all the cells of your body. You need to stop when you feel the pulsation and warmth in Muladhara.
  • Watch it go up the spine. Mentally activate each chakra.
  • If there are obstacles (barriers) in the way of the flow, imagine that the energy beam quickly burns them.
  • Imagine that the energy diverges throughout the body and fills every cell, organ, nerve with warmth.

The purpose of this meditation is to form a free movement of energy up to Sahasrara. Many people imagine what torments them. It is very important to do this in as much detail as possible in order to permanently get rid of the problem. At the end of your meditation, imagine that the energy beam is burning your problem.

mighty force

How to conduct a cleansing session with the help of Reiki energy?

  • First you need to start the process of forgiveness by repeating these words three times: "I forgive, I am forgiven."
  • Next, you need to say the words several times: "I remove all unsuitable energies from my fields. Low-frequency energies leave through the main center, and a cloud is created that protects me from negative influences";
  • We pronounce the final words: "I am healed, renewed to perfection, to the divine form."

Only after that you can start treatment with your palms.

Purification of the heart

Cleansing the heart chakra will not only improve your health, but also saturate your spiritual body. In our daily life, the main companions are stressful situations, resentment and disappointment. These factors spoil the clear work of the heart center, and we become indifferent and lethargic. To cleanse the heart center, you need to follow some tips:

  • Light a candle, sit on a pillow or chair, try to sit straight and not strain. Inhale and exhale several times.
  • Put one palm on top of the other, squeeze your thumbs together and place your hands on your chest. Try to feel the heartbeat with your thumbs and focus on it for 5 minutes.
  • Place your right hand on the center of your chest, close your eyes and feel the energy in your chest. Visualize it emerald green, visualize it radiating from the chest. Maintain this position for as long as you can.
  • Unclench your arms and spread apart. Imagine that your heart chakra opens in the palms of your hands. Imagine her light that brings love and compassion back into your soul.
  • Repeat the previous steps several times, then open your eyes and thank the higher powers. Extinguish the candle and end the meditation.

healing mantra

Indeed, there is a mantra for the purification of all chakras - "OM". Its effectiveness lies in the combination of sounds and vibrations that arise in the body when it is read. Some argue that the world is created from sound vibrations, some of which are tangible, and some are hidden inside. To feel them, you need to meditate regularly. The mantra "OM" has a sacred sound, which is very simple and common. It is believed that the history of the world began with this mantra.

  • Execution technique. Sit up straight in the lotus position. Relax your back, take a few deep calm breaths.
  • Time. It is better to practice in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Volume. It is necessary to pronounce the mantra “OM” at first quietly. Gradually increase the volume, feeling vibrations throughout the body.

It is important to remember that when meditating, the individual must be healthy and positive. If mantras provoke headaches, then it is better to stop meditation.

Magic minutes

Chakra cleansing music is an opportunity to enhance the effect of meditation. It has long been known that music can have a striking effect on the cells of a living organism. While doing this meditation, remember to relax completely. It is also important to sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. We must try to abstract ourselves from external stimuli, but we should not suppress the mental images that arise under the influence of music. Try not to isolate yourself from thoughts, but to be imbued with them. It is very important to maintain inner peace, despite possible irritation. One should not start the practice in a bad mood. For beginners, 10 minutes of practice will be enough.

When the music is over, enjoy some more silence. It has a life that we rarely see. Imagine that this silence penetrates your body and then fills the entire space.


We already know what chakras are with its help - this is a real opportunity to heal your soul. How exactly to conduct meditation aimed at cleansing the energy centers? Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. Imagine that a white beam passes through the crown of the head, feel that it spreads over the body. Let it pass in your imagination through all the chakras, lingering on each of them.

In this way you will be able to purify your centers yourself. At the end of the meditation, imagine that the beam is leaving the body through the head. Do not immediately grab onto the solution of pressing problems - enjoy the inner light, awareness and purity of your spirit.

The power of the voice

A lot can change the mantras of purification and activation of the chakras. By singing this process can be greatly enhanced. There are combinations of sounds, the singing of which contributes to the activation and purification of internal accumulations, consisting of insults and one's own negativity. You need to sing long, at high sound frequencies. It is better to do this quietly, regularly stopping at certain points. It is advisable to chant the mantras out loud, but for this you need to remember their sequence. Concentrate on your energy centers while chanting the mantra.

In order to increase the activation, after chanting the mantras, visualize your consciousness in a certain part of the body. Imagine that the head has plunged into another world, feel the nose, forehead, lips. Move your lips, bat your eyelashes. Do not practice this for too long: a few seconds will suffice. Don't end your meditation here - allow yourself to rest before plunging back into the world of rush and stress.

The opening, activation and purification of your centers will lead to their development, recovery in the physical, moral and spiritual terms. Energy centers in the human body perform a very important, predetermining function aimed at improving and cleansing the general condition of a person. But even these centers can weaken and close. Barriers may arise in them, provoked by difficult life circumstances. To heal the chakras, there are many ways, the task of which is to fill with energy, strengthen and restore. A healthy energy center is a guarantee of physical, moral health, the preservation of good spirits and the psychological background of a person. Listen to your heart!

How to clear your chakras yourself? Most Effective Methods

There are many different methods for cleaning their chakras, but in reality, people themselves do not know exactly how they work, whether they clean chakras or simply pump them with some kind of energy.

When you clean your chakras, you need to learn to clearly distinguish what is happening!

I offer you the proven and most powerful chakra clearing methods!

A question asked by one of our readers Natalia. That's right, opening the chakras and clearing the chakras are not the same thing! Moreover, chakras can also be cleansed in different ways. There are two options here: 1. Clear purely energetically and some, most often not for a long time, the chakras will be more or less clean 2. To purify them spiritually, in fact, this means that they do not contain negative information, that is, a person has achieved purity and perfection.

Option 1, energy cleansing of the chakras- This procedure usually takes from 10 to 30 minutes. But, as soon as a person allows some kind of negativity in his inner world: irritation, resentment, anxiety, fear, despondency, etc., you can sit down and start cleaning from the beginning. Because, with negative emotions, the chakras and consciousness are almost instantly filled with the corresponding negative energy.

Option 2, complete spiritual cleansing of all chakras- this is not a one-time procedure, but a path of development, and often one life will not be enough to purify oneself spiritually. In fact, this is to clear your Karma!

We will consider option 1 - energy cleansing of the chakras.

How do you clear your chakras yourself?

1. Meditation and Autosuggestion! I prefer this method and use it every day. Self-suggestion chakra cleansing is the fastest and deepest chakra cleansing method. But for this you need to master at least the initial energy management techniques.

Step 1. Training. Fill yourself, your whole body with a stream of white Light from above. Turn on your Ajna chakra - a fireball in the forehead and a growing pressure in the forehead.

Step 2 Fill (pump) with Light-Fire- head (all four chakras), spinal column (fiery rod), chest chakras: Atman - the front of the chest, the Essence chakra and the 13th world. Each chakra should be imagined as a fireball with a diameter of 5-7 cm, woven from dense white-golden fire.

Imagine all the chakras as shining and interconnected with light fireballs, while from above you are constantly filled with white-gold light - a stream with a diameter of 10 cm constantly enters through the crown.

Step 3. Self-hypnosis. When self-hypnosis, it is very important to maintain concentration and the growing energy pressure. Pressure in the forehead - should grow, in the head and around it - fire and dense energy should be felt, along the spine - fire should be felt, in the center of the chest (Atman) - there should be warmth, light, joy, fire.

Algorithm. In turn, starting from the chakras of the head (from Ajna), you, as if mentally, take each chakra with your attention (imagining it as a fireball) and pronounce to yourself (out loud) the appropriate commands:

  • I cleanse (name of the chakra) - half a minute.
  • I am pumping (name of the chakra) - half a minute.
  • I kindle (name of the chakra) - half a minute.

For example: I kindle Ajna, I clear Ajna, I pump Ajna, I kindle Ajna - only 2 minutes per 1 chakra.

As you work with the chakras, you will feel how your energy state grows, there will be more fire in the body, the body will gradually begin to dissolve in light, joy in the heart will grow, a feeling of purity will appear in the soul and in the body.

All this will work fine if a person’s chakras are more or less trained, and if all energy flows are clogged, the chakras are closed, and the person has never actually turned to his chakras, then it will be very difficult to kindle and clear them on your own. It is best to start with a mentor or a healer.

2. Cleansing the chakras with hand flows! This is also a good method, but less effective than the first one. But in order to apply this method, it is necessary that the streams of the hands be opened, then the palm is brought to the chakra and the chakra is cleared by the flow of the hand. But doing it yourself is not convenient. This method is better applicable to others, as some healers work.

3. Chakra cleansing with mantras- through singing certain sounds that create the necessary vibrations corresponding to the chakras. But this method also does not completely cleanse the chakras energetically. There will be a separate article about mantras.

4. There are other methods, such as special yoga asanas., but such methods give an indirect effect and do not completely cleanse the chakras, although they activate their energy.

I have given you only the initial techniques for working with chakras, which are given for beginners in the Acad. Mianie M.Yu. (in the corresponding classes in esotericism).

The human body draws energy from almost everywhere: from everyday life, work, communication with friends, from music, books, etc. All this energy is stored in the body of the individual, distributed over its main energy zones - chakras.

In total, there are about a hundred chakras in the human body, which absorb various energies and vibrations. However, among them, he identifies seven main centers associated with being at certain levels: mental, spiritual and physical.

Each system (nervous, respiratory, cardiac, reproductive, etc.), each organ and gland is "connected" to a specific chakra, which is located along the spinal column. Diseases, ailments of one or another organ or organ system indicate that the chakra that controls their work is either not healthy or weak and closed.

There are many techniques and methods aimed at bringing human energy centers in order.

Among the main ones:

- opening chakras;

- chakra cleansing;

- chakra harmonization;

- chakra restoration;

- activation of the chakras;

- filling the chakras and etc.

Opening the chakras

The opening of each chakra must be carried out in order to admit energy to the center of the energy vortex. If the chakra is closed, the energy center does not function. The consequences depend on which chakra is blocked:

blocked Muladhara is the cause of sexual disorders, the emergence of anger and aggression, oppression of the instinct of self-preservation, etc.;

If closed Swadhisthana, then a depressed state manifests itself, a person becomes unemotional, passive, sexual desire disappears, etc .;

When closed Manipur there is uncertainty, lack of desire and strength for career growth;

If not open Anahata, a person has a depressed state, a feeling of loneliness, unrequited love or an inability to accept love, etc .;

If the fifth chakra is blocked Vishuddha, a person cannot openly and freely convey his thoughts and feelings in words, communication problems are expressed, stuttering is possible;

blocked Ajna reduces intuitive abilities, mental activity is inhibited, a person becomes confused, forgetful, uncollected, obsessed with something.

In addition to emotional and spiritual disorders, diseases of organs or organ systems controlled by a particular chakra are manifested. Therefore, the timely opening of the energy center in order to cleanse and restore it is a very important task.

Chakra cleansing

Cleansing of the chakras is carried out in order to remove negative, destructive and destructive programs from the human consciousness. Many psychics (and those who consider themselves to be among them) call the "clogged" chakra damage. In fact, a person independently sets blocks on his energy centers, painfully reacting to certain life circumstances.

The most common are men who occupy high positions and have problems with potency or diseases of the respiratory tract or heart. All this is interconnected. Competitors (both men and women) can inflict a "strike in the stomach" or a blow "on a sick man." It would seem, but where does the chakras? The fact is that the negative vibration and energy that comes from unkind motives and affects one or another chakra. And she, in turn, affects the organ controlled by her.

You can clear the energy centers using the services of a specialist (hypnotist, psychic) ​​or on your own, using meditative practices.

During independent meditation, one should artificially induce a state of love for oneself (for one's body, consciousness) and exclude possible holes and holes in the energy centers. The person himself will feel how it is better for him to do this, see the problems and understand which centers it is worth directing the beam of energy.

Chakra Harmonization

All energy centers are located along the human spinal column. Kundalini (energy) rises from Muladhara and blossoms like a lotus in Sahasrara. However, if any of the chakras has blocks, then the energy cannot move freely along the spine. Cannot feed chakra above the blocked one. As a result, disharmony or imbalance of energy is observed.

You can harmonize the chakras yourself. To do this, in the process of meditation, you need to put your hands on each of the energy centers in sequence. You can simultaneously put your right hand in the area of ​​Muladhara, the left - on Ajna. Sahasrara does not need to be harmonized, since it is itself a generalizing chakra and opens only under the condition of strong six chakras.

In this position, one should remain until the meditator feels the same energy in both hands. Feelings of tingling, sensations of warmth, pulsations, etc. both in the left and in the right hand should be identical.

The optimal period for the harmonization of energy centers is a month. During this time, such meditation practices need to be performed regularly. The meditator chooses the frequency for himself.

Chakra restoration

Damaged or weak chakras need to be repaired and healed. Meditation practice aimed at recovery consists of the following steps:

Take a standing pose, turn your face to the east, relax, concentrate on breathing;

Visualize your body surrounded by an energy cocoon, which has two holes at the top and bottom;

Imagine a beam of energy that enters the lower opening of the cocoon, penetrates the feet, reaches the first chakra. Stop at the feeling of warmth and pulsation in the Muladhara;

Track how the energy flow rises up the spine, stopping attention on each chakra and mentally activating it;

If there are obstacles (blocks, barriers) on the way of the flow, it is necessary to imagine how the energy beam easily burns them, destroys them;

Stop your attention on the sensations, imagine how the energy disperses throughout the body and fills every cell, organ, nerve with warmth;

The purpose of meditation is to achieve the free movement of energy to Sahasrara. Many visually visualize objects that interfere, perceiving them as a problem (failure or difficulty). All these items must destroy the energy beam.

Meditation to restore the chakras can be carried out along with the harmonization of energy centers. This will further enhance its effect.

Chakra activation

Not only daily meditation and chanting of mantras activates the chakras. Energy centers daily absorb energy from everything that a person sees, hears, feels. It should be noted that everyone is able to influence their chakras and activate them independently. Among the most simple and common methods should be noted:

Impact on your thoughts. Much has been said about the fact that thoughts are material, that everyone is capable of mentally attracting to himself whatever he wants, and so on. You can believe in it, you can doubt it, however, negative thoughts suppress the energy of a person, positive ones, on the contrary, charge and inspire enthusiasm;

Sunlight. It is he who is the most powerful and important source of energy. If a person is deprived of the sun, his energy is very weak, the chakras are depressed, and health and mental problems arise. To activate the chakras, you should take sunbathing for at least an hour a day (at least in the summer);

Food. Of course, food is the main source of energy for the human body, but food also contributes to the accumulation of energy in the chakras. To do this, it is necessary to give preference to bright foods (fruits, berries, vegetables), avoid fried foods, fatty foods;

Visualization is always used in meditation, it can help to concentrate on the location of the chakra, tune in to the desired vibration, imagining a wave of colored energy, etc.

Minerals and stones, which also contain energy, certain vibrations. Each stone has a vibration similar to the energy of a particular chakra, therefore, using a suitable mineral during meditation or simply wearing it in the form of a precious jewelry, it is possible to awaken and activate the energy center;

Aromatherapy, based on the transfer of smell from a living flower, plant, also transfers its vibrations to a person. It remains only to choose a similar energy;

Singing is one of the tools of meditation - mantras, the chanting of which creates vibration, activating one or another chakra.

There are still a lot of ways to charge the chakras, including dancing, music, color baths, decorating your home, choosing clothes, etc. Each person chooses what suits him best.

Filling the chakras

Filling the chakras is necessary in order to fill them with energy and strengthen them. Usually, energy chakras are filled with the appropriate color, which, having a certain vibration, activates the chakra.

Energy Muladhara has a red color and its shades;

- Swadhishthans- Orange;

- Manipuri- yellow;

- Anahata- green;

- Vishuddhi– blue;

- Ajnas- dark blue;

- Sahasrara- respectively purple.

In other words, the color of the rainbow is selected according to the number of the chakra.

During a meditative practice aimed at filling the chakras with color, it is necessary to concentrate on the desired energy center and send a colored beam of energy to it. Visualize how the vortex expands, its color becomes more saturated. Try to evoke a feeling of joy, lightness, love.

The filling of the centers makes the chakras the strongest and most resistant to external manifestations.

Chakra breathing

Chakra breathing is one of the active meditative practices aimed at opening and activating all the chakras. It is better to use a musical recording with calm music, and preferably with mantras. Every 6-7 minutes a signal should sound (usually a bell sound is used). With each next signal, attention should switch to the next chakra.

The duration of the meditation is just over an hour and consists of two stages:

Stand up, turn your face to the east, close your eyes. While listening to music, start breathing deeply through your mouth. Concentrate on the first chakra, and listen to your feelings until the next sound signal. Then move on to the next center.

Consolidation phase, the duration of which should be at least 15 minutes. You should take a comfortable position (it is allowed to sit in a chair or lie on the floor) and listen to the sensations of your body and mind. To be in complete silence, without focusing on thoughts.

For convenience, you can blindfold your eyes with a dark cloth.


Performing an important role in the human body, energy centers can be weak, closed from time to time, barriers may arise in them due to life circumstances.

There are many ways to heal the chakras, make them stronger, fill them with energy, strengthen them. A healthy energy center is not only a guarantee of physical health, but also preserves good spirits and psychological background.