
How to get rid of egregor. God, religions and egregors. Freedom from destructive egregores

Every practicing magician needs knowledge about what an egregore is and how to work with it. Connecting to such energy structures can open up great opportunities. But you should be careful - the first thing you need to know is how to disconnect from egregor.

In the article:

Egregors - how to work with them

The ability to directly manipulate the energy and capabilities of egregors is only the responsibility of the most powerful magicians. These are people who have passed the rite of passage and have sufficient knowledge of ritual and practical magic. All verbal formulas, supposedly intended to be connected to egregores, are only grains of the necessary knowledge, without which it is dangerous to use such spells. With proper experience, a person can really use the power and capabilities of almost any egregore, but this requires years of practice and sufficient experience.

Nevertheless, really everyone can work with egregors in some way. After all, an egregor is nothing more than an energy structure embodied precisely from the thoughts and actions of people.. More details are described in a separate article on our website. Here we will provide you with effective and safe methods of using these entities for your own purposes. Almost everyone can use them. But in any case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, because the power of some of these collective energy entities is much higher than the ability of any person.

In a sense, working with certain such entities is included in the daily activities of every person and without any practice. For example, an egregor of a particular families remembers established traditions and habits, but bringing something new into it is the work with such an essence. However, if you consciously manage the development of such an energy structure, understanding the principles of its operation, then you can achieve much better results, getting rid of any negative and getting only positive results.

How to create an egregore and why is it needed

Football fans are the basis of a powerful egregor that feeds on their emotions

It will be useful for many magicians to learn how to create an egregor. After all, having in your hands a powerful energy structure, fueled by several people, you can achieve a lot. Especially if you know all the features of this entity and its essence. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to be exposed to the negative factors of egregore and to minimize any risks associated with working with this structure.

However, it should be remembered that it will be impossible to create an egregor alone. Otherwise, the resulting energy structure will simply be an unnecessary waste of the magician's strength. Therefore, egregors are usually created by groups of people - the conscious creation of such an energy entity makes it much more manageable and controlled. This is useful, because a group of people in any case will create a similar energy structure - and it is better to do this with an accurate understanding of their actions and goals.

Ritual magic is best for creating egregores. Solemn ceremonies and collective rituals in this case make it possible to really effectively direct the power of magicians to obtain the desired result. During the rituals, in one way or another, goals are set for the energy structure and the principles of its work are laid down. Subsequently, those who did not take part in the ritual can also connect to the egregore created in this way, if it was provided for by the magicians who created it.

Such rituals do not have any special features - they can refer to any magical tradition. The main thing is the purposefulness of the participants and the presence of common goals. But you can create egregors not only with good intentions - many societies, by creating their own energy construct, lure followers to themselves, from which energy and, in many cases, money are pumped out. This is how many destructive sects work.

Connecting to egregor - how to do it

For people who strive to achieve any goal, connecting to an egregore can be a good help. Due to the fact that many such collective entities feed their supporters and stimulate the occurrence of certain events, this helps to achieve results in both the spiritual and material world. So, connecting to will surely attract additional money to you. And by connecting to certain religious collective structures, you can get knowledge and support from above.

Images of managing people by egregor

The easiest way that is used to connect to an egregor is to replenish the ranks of its members. The division of common interests, algorithms of behavior and principles of life invariably connects a person to any particular energy entity. However, in this case, the energy exchange is not always equal. In addition, many energy structures are opposite in meaning and do not allow simultaneous connection to others. For example, one cannot simultaneously use the power of both the egregor of drug addiction and the collective energy structure of a healthy lifestyle. Especially zealously protect their followers from strangers.

At the same time, an experienced magician can avoid any negative consequences of connecting to an egregore and only use their power to achieve their own goals, even when they do not fully comply with the principles of this energy structure. Thus, there are two main ways to connect to egregorial entities, and based on this, there are two principles for working with these energy structures.

In the first case, to connect to an egregor, it is enough to meet its requirements. This may be the passage of the rite of initiation in the community - for example, conversion in Judaism or baptism in Christianity. Or maybe just communication with other people connected to the energy structure, as is the case with much softer egregors of various hobbies and hobbies, such as the collective essence of fishing or surfing.

As mentioned above, the impact of collective energy systems can not be positive in every case. Especially when you consider that many existing egregors conduct an unequal energy exchange and literally feed on naive people who have fallen into their networks, without giving anything in return. And in this case, you need to know how to disconnect from egregor in order to improve your life, and not turn into an obedient slave for other people's desires and ideas or into a simple source of energy.

And the puppeteer can be someone's puppet.

It is worth noting that getting rid of egregor is much more difficult than becoming part of it. Almost without exception, these energy structures cling tightly to people who feed them with their thoughts and actions. Any attempts to get rid of the power of the egregorial energy structure will cause an aggressive reaction from both the egregor himself and his followers.

But nothing is impossible. When getting rid of the influence of egregor, it is necessary to combine both magical methods and direct limitation of the influence of such a structure on consciousness. No rituals, spells or rituals will help if a person himself constantly communicates with representatives of egregor or, out of habit, performs the actions necessary for this energy structure. In the same way, even if a person is isolated from the visible impact of the energy field, it will affect him subconsciously and mentally - not on the physical, but on the spiritual plane. Therefore, deliverance must be comprehensive.

There is one old Slavic rite that can be used specifically to destroy the connection with the egregore. It is held exclusively at night on the new moon. For him, you need to take a red thread, scissors, a candle and a boiled egg. The egg must be wrapped with thread and put on the table. Candle - light. Further, rolling the egg with one hand on the table, and with the other hand holding the other end of the thread, you should read the plot three times:

How can this egg not come to life
Don't be a chicken and a chicken
So no one knows the power over me

After that, you need to cut the thread with scissors with the words:

I cut someone else's yoke,
I free myself

Then - burn the thread to the ground in the flame of a candle, slandering it:

The king-fire collar burns
And blows in the wind
Key, lock, tongue

Egregor is an energy-informational structure that unites and synchronizes the actions of people to achieve a specific goal. For example, there is an egregor of paired relationships, a work team, a company, a country. Knowing how to communicate with an egregor, you can get his protection and help. It is the support of egregorial structures that explains the phenomenal luck and incredible charisma of some people.

Rules for working with egregors

Sometimes you look - a pleasant, educated guy, by the age of less than forty he managed to build a good business, earns good money, but relations with girls do not add up, or, conversely, a person has a wonderful friendly family, but material well-being, despite all efforts, cannot be achieved. It turns out that a person easily connects to some egregors, while with others the connection is broken for one reason or another. Why is this happening?

Some egregors lead a person from birth - this is a consequence of his close cooperation with these energy structures in past lives. Such a connection is easy to determine: the child has inclinations and pronounced abilities for certain activities even in early childhood. Others have only to earn the support of egregorial structures.

As a rule, a person unconsciously learns the skills of connecting to various egregors in childhood and adolescence, observing the behavior of older family members and their immediate environment. For example, if a guy had a good example of a successful business while growing up, then he adopts the way of thinking, the values ​​of an “honest and prosperous businessman”. Over time, an intuitive understanding arises of what unspoken rules you need to follow in order to achieve success in the material sphere. If there was no positive role model, then difficulties arise in building a stable connection with the egregor. For example, the business of a novice entrepreneur constantly burns out, or it’s impossible to build long-term relationships with the opposite sex. You have to learn from your own experience how to work with egregors.

Successful work with egregors is impossible without understanding the basic principles of interaction with the subtle world.

  1. If you want to achieve the fulfillment of some desire, you need to fall into the sphere of interests of that egregor who is able to ensure the achievement of your goal. It is possible to arouse interest in the power system by being the owner of the talents and resources it needs. In this situation, the egregor himself will try to establish contact with you. In other cases, you have to go to his service - this may be a short-term provision of some kind of service or many years of work with an egregor.

    The author again treats egregors as a kind of higher authority, proceeds from the position of a subordinate. Who is higher in level - a person or an egregor - is determined by the internal frequency. It’s good to just negotiate with an egregor, to conclude a contract. Semargl.

  2. Opportunities, abilities and protection are given to a person not just like that, but to achieve specific goals. If the received energy is not used for its intended purpose, then the egregor eventually blocks the energy-information channel, depriving its protege of its former support.
    Semargl: it is better not to mess with destructive egregors, as well as growth-blocking religious egregors. But if the egregor only sucks, without giving anything in return, you should agree with him. And agree consciously, without uncontrolled ritual and mystical processes.
  3. Complete disconnection of the intruder from the energy structure does not occur immediately. At first, after committing acts that violate the ethics of egregor, a person receives a warning in the form of some kind of emotional dissatisfaction and single hits in disharmonious situations. Having received a warning, a person must pause, analyze his behavior and adjust further actions according to the requirements of the egregore.
  4. What is allowed to the ward of one energy structure can be strictly prohibited to members of another. The principles of some egregores are so incompatible in nature that it is necessary to prioritize and choose which structures will have to give up the protection in order to get the support of others.


It should be understood that if you regularly violate the ethics of the egregore leading you, then you can not only lose his support, but also receive severe punishment. Especially if the system itself is quite rigid and authoritarian, blocking choice and free thinking (for example, the army or the Christian church).

Before connecting to any energy structure, find out its original purpose of existence, and how its ethics coincide with yours. Often destructive egregors hide behind the brightest slogans. If you do not understand the true nature of the energy system and turn to it for help, you risk losing your freedom, getting into service on unfavorable terms for you.

Semargl: A clear sign of a destructive egregor is the blocking of the exit. You can get in, you can't get out. He was baptized - and immediately became guilty of sins until the end of his life, and he must constantly atone for them, servant of God, for it is impossible to get out!

Destructive energy systems are trying in every possible way to seize the energy of a person, playing on his lower instincts and fears. For example, the egregor of gambling lures with the prospect of getting rich quick, religion lures with a sense of being chosen and the opportunity to remove responsibility for one's actions. Be honest with yourself in understanding the motives that drive you when communicating with a certain energy entity.

If a certain egregor leads you most of the time, be careful to seek help from other energy structures based on antagonistic thought forms. For example, if you do not work closely with the egregor of Slavic paganism, then turning to the Christian, who once pressed the pagan, promises trouble.

Communication with egregore

A person receives an impulse to act one way or another in certain situations from the egregore leading him. In everyday life, egregorial influence gently, imperceptibly corrects the thoughts and reactions of his ward - so that it seems that these are his own beliefs and feelings.

What you need to know when communicating with an egregor?
Each egregor produces an energy-information exchange only at its own frequencies. At low frequency levels are standard defeatist thoughts and negative emotions. The “lighter” the energy system, the higher vibrations (love, gratitude, optimism) a person must develop in himself in order to perceive her instructions and help.

Doubts, haste, impatience and impure urges prevent connection to high-frequency information flows or lead to their distortion. Always express a clear intention to get advice on a matter of interest to you and pay attention to the signs: “random” meetings, conversations, dreams, your own feelings.

The pangs of conscience are a signal that the principles and ethics of a particular energy structure in which a person is a member have been violated. It is necessary to distinguish between criticism from which egregore at a certain moment sounds in a person as the voice of conscience. For example, a man may feel guilty when his wife complains that he does not spend enough time with his family. In this situation, the signal can come from both the family egregor and the personal selfish egregor of the wife. Depending on the source, the correct behavior of a man in this situation will differ.

How to contact egregore

Turning to an egregor for help is somewhat reminiscent of a prayer. Give the process time. For some, following special rituals helps to better tune in to the right wave. With the help of external paraphernalia - icons, uniforms, room decoration, music, spells, shouting out the company's motto - there is a disconnection from some energy structures and connection to others, the emotional background and attitude change. A person may have his own, personally invented symbols, for example: an autograph of a favorite writer, a family photo, a diploma, medals.

In Orlin's course, a warning follows as a red thread: work with egregors should be carried out only consciously. Automatic, unconscious connection that occurs when using rituals, paraphernalia, spells and other mystical superstitions - such a connection always turns out to be extremely unfavorable for the connected conditions of the contract with the egregor. The adept gives the most, receives the least, or nothing at all. Semargl.

State the problem and the final desired result. The answer may come almost immediately in the form of an intuition about how best to proceed, or information (conversation, news, books) that will attract your attention in the near future. One of the effective ways to get answers from egregor is various fortune-telling systems (tarot, runes).

Communication must take place in a respectful manner. Egregor will not satisfy any of your selfish requests. A person who has established a connection with the subtle world intuitively feels which issues he should solve on his own energy, and which he can entrust to the egregor leading him. At the same time, do not underestimate your own value. If you are doing some important work for the egregor, he will support you in any way you need - he will solve everyday and material problems, and bring you together with the right people. Even "get" you tickets to a concert of your favorite band, if that's what you need to cheer you up.

Remember that strong and high-frequency egregors have millions of subordinates and numerous connections with other energy structures. If you feel that you do not have time to do some work on time, just forward it to the egregor. Soon you will be pleased to see how the issues that previously tormented you are resolved in the most harmonious way without your direct participation.

Issues can be resolved, but it should be remembered that there is always a fee, or to be more precise, an advance payment. Payment to egregor with energy, attention, emotions, time. At the highest stakes, 1 to 10 or more. Semargl.

energy exchange

Often people underestimate the role of energy exchange. The subtle world in relation to the expenditure of energy is extremely rational. Regardless of the vibrational level of the energy system, the outflow of energy from a person into it is much more powerful than the return infusion. This is necessary so that the egregor can continue to exist. Never cheat on your part of the contract. On the contrary, always try to give more. You can only get something in advance if you are in good standing, so it's better to pay up front.

Egregor accepts as a gift only a certain type of energy he needs. Do not try to replace the offering he needs with an equivalent that is convenient for you. Egregor may not accept it and still collect the debt, taking away the energy that is due to him under the guise of time, money, and even health.

How, for example, to produce a harmonious energy exchange with the egregor of work? Let's say you dream of a promotion. What to do? Think in advance about what you will bring useful to the egregore of the company when you achieve more power. Will your new position be beneficial not only to you, but also to the company? Are you ready to take on more responsibility? Did you work with full dedication in your old position? Were they attentive to subordinates? Perhaps you need further education? Express your intention to develop in a direction that is beneficial for the egregore and be sure to keep your promise.

Everyone should benefit from the fulfillment of your desire. Do not play dishonest competitive games. Contact the egregore with a request to transfer another candidate to the desired position to a more profitable place of work so that he, too, is satisfied with the current situation.


Connection to egregors usually occurs automatically, because any egregor is set to grow and increase the number of adherents.
But it’s just not possible to disconnect from many egregors.

Mystical and superstitious ways to connect to egregors always connect you to the default enslaving conditions of egregors. Therefore, we draw attention to the exceptional importance of conscious connection, similar to drawing up a contract.

Collaboration with constructive energy systems can bring many benefits. A well-built interaction strategy will make you more effective in all areas of life. The final decision to establish and terminate contact is always with those who have higher vibrations - be it an egregore or a person.

When I first entered the path of magic, I was very independent, called myself a gray magician and, to be honest, leaned more towards darkness. It seemed to me that independence is a blessing, it is freedom, there is no need to serve anyone. So I existed, probably for a couple of years, until after a series of events I came to the conclusion that there was not even a smell of coolness here. And on third-party sources of energy such as replenishment from trees and the elements, without being initiated into them, you won’t fight much. I began to figure out what egregore is and which one I should choose, because there are a great many of them.

One of the most effective methods of fulfilling desires is, of course, an agreement with the Devil to sell the soul in exchange for the fulfillment of desires. Professional demonologists will advise you on the deal, give real recommendations, help you conduct a ritual and fulfill your desires. You can get advice by email: [email protected]

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The difference between black and white magic lies in the fact that with the help of the Devil and the Dark Forces, all a person's dreams can be fulfilled. White magicians are not capable of this.

Between light and darkness

egregore is a thin-planned energy-information system, but first of all it is an idea. Roughly speaking, any small group united by some interests is an egregore. The simplest example is the egregor of the family. People united by blood ties, and also, possibly, by love, think about each other, worry, as a result of which their common energy and emotions turn into an egregore, however, very small. But it is not in vain that the saying “houses and walls help” appeared. In the family, people are fueled by energy, but not like vampires, but like members of an egregore. However, this cannot be called a magical egregor; you cannot squeeze out much energy from there.

Egregors in the modern world

There are also corporate egregors. I think you noticed that any more or less decent company tries to create a unique style, choose a corporate color, develop a label and come up with a motto. Marketers, of course, explain this by the desire of the company to stand out from the background of other organizations and be better remembered by customers, but in fact, people tend to root their egregor. Of course, in most cases this desire is on a subconscious level.
If we consider these signs, then you can observe this phenomenon, starting from a household appliance store and ending with the state with its flag, coat of arms and anthem. Have you ever stood in a room where patriots sing the anthem of their country? Everything is filled with energy. This is the egregor of the country. But these are not magical egregors either. I'll finally get to them.

Types of egregors

Which egregor to choose a magician. You will be able to decide with what forces - Dark or Light to work.

For a magician, three egregores are most important. First, the egregor of magic itself. Without it, you are not a magician. There are no special requirements here, only to develop, undergo initiations and follow simple rules. And now the most interesting: there are egregors of light and darkness. Many do not consider themselves to be either light or dark magicians, believing that they are in the middle. Just like I used to. But if you don’t change your mind in time, then you can get well on the neck from both light and darkness. For man cannot live in the middle. He needs to interact with only one of these egregors.
For example, by applying damage or making a love spell, the gray magician takes energy from the egregor of darkness, for which he receives punishment from the light. And when he prays in the temple, he takes energy from the light, for which he receives a scolding from the darkness.
So, you have to choose what is closer to you. I am a light magician, so I immediately apologize if unintentional agitation slips through my words. But you must choose for yourself what is closer to you: darkness or light. This is not a dress choice when a girl likes white more, but black makes her slimmer. Here we are talking about the fundamental choice of the soul.

Dark Forces in magic

If you are eager to work with destructive energies, communicate with demons, the souls of the dead and, pardon the vernacular, take revenge on your neighbor, welcome to the world of darkness. It is easier to be dark, although, of course, the consequences are more serious. And if you, realizing all your shortcomings, strive to protect the orphans and the poor, help people, make this world a better place, then you need to go into the light.
I must say right away that it is more difficult to be bright, because you have to correspond to this high status all the time. Light is very demanding. Darkness seizes everyone in a row, its motives are simpler and clearer: power, money, fame, in short, all simple and understandable human joys. Light is less clear. I myself once thought the principle absurd: help people, and you will be happy. What do I care about people! However, as it turned out, there is a case. In the modern world, it is not difficult for a person to make a deal with Satan and get the same wealth, power and fame.

So I repeat: it must be the choice of the soul. You must think very well, weigh the pros and cons, turn inward and find out what is closer to you. And when you are ready to make your choice, you can join egregor. On the Internet there are descriptions of various rituals. But when I joined the egregore, I simply turned to the light from the bottom of my heart and took an oath of allegiance to it, in which I listed who I was ready to be, what I was ready to do, what I wanted in return.

An indispensable assistant

So, what does egregore give you? First, energy. This is the main resource for the magician, without which he is nothing. Secondly, protection. Egregor, to the best of his ability, protects you from dangers. This manifests itself, for example, in an unconscious desire to bypass the dark courtyard, making a detour. By the way, the magician is strongly advised to listen to his intuition.

Thirdly, egregor can fulfill some desires. This, of course, is not a genie, but the higher you are in egregore, the more you believe in it, the more energy you give, the more you get. Moreover, we are talking about things not only of a spiritual nature. By the way, the closer your desires are to the desires of the egregor himself, the faster and more fully you will get it. For example, all my life I have one main desire - more power. And I successfully receive it with each new initiation. In addition to these two egregors, there are many side "mental condensates" - sub-egregors. When you enter into light or darkness, you practically have no relation to that light and that darkness that the Creator separated. At low levels, you are in human egregors, that is, they are created by people - their thoughts and emotions. True, they are part of the egregores of light and darkness, but they are very small and limited by their laws, often more stringent.
For example, the Christian egregor is part of the egregor of light. Orthodox and Catholic egregores are parts of the Christian egregore. Therefore, if you are baptized, then you are already in the egregor of light. Although, most likely, you were recorded there without your desire. To be honest, I am against such rituals, a person should enter into egregor consciously, and not in the first days of life.
Why? The fact is that there is such an unpleasant feature that can be called as "input - ruble, exit - one hundred." When you enter the egregor, you receive energy, a permanent channel in the crown chakra. All your energy and your body begin to work with the energy of egregor. You are constantly giving and receiving. Roughly speaking, become part of the system and use little personal energy, since the energy received is hundreds of times greater.

Exit from egregor. Effects

If for some reason you leave the egregor, then a collapse occurs. No one spoils you, no one touches you, but leaving an egregore is the same as leaving a wife, to whom all your property is recorded. You will be left with a bare butt. They will simply remove the once installed channel from you and stop exchanging energy with you.
It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, you can live without an energy channel. But the fact is that your body is already accustomed to large amounts of energy. And the one that remains is not even enough to maintain a normal life. Often the biofield simply disappears.
And there are several options for the development of events. First: you die. Second: if you have a strong and generous friend, or rather a teacher, you can live on his personal energy for several months. Third: you move to a higher level egregor. I got out of egregor and I know what I'm talking about. Fortunately, the teacher saved me and helped me move to the next level.

You also need to know that along with darkness and light, there are many magical egregors in which you can additionally be a member. For example, egregors of elements that can use both darkness and light, egregors of ancient pagan gods, who were mostly dual, as well as egregors of various religions.

Egregor protection or protection of egregors. What is it all about? Professional egregors are information fields that were created with the creation of some professions. Those. people engaged in the same profession mentally created certain egregors, shoemakers created the egregor of shoemakers, doctors - the egregor of doctors, musicians - the egregor of musicians, sculptors - the egregor of sculptors. Bricklayers - egregor of bricklayers. Do you remember Masons? They created a powerful egregor that is still working.

By the way, in recent centuries and up to the present time, one of the most profitable businesses is construction. He was, is and probably always will be. Egregor is very strong. There are, of course, political egregors, state egregors.

And if we want to succeed in politics and business in Russia, then we must turn to the Russian egregore. If we need communication and contacts with any country, say with Germany, we must turn to the German egregor. If with France, then to the French egregors. If, for example, we want to have good money today, then turn to a Jewish egregore. Today he actually has the maximum amount of money. In second place is the Armenian egregor. Contact them. If you have some incarnation roots, you can basically succeed.

Now the question of protection. How will this egregor protect you. Naturally, it makes sense to turn to your professional egregore for protection, this is first of all. Those. a professional egregor, if you succeed and if you work hard, he is obliged to protect you. Especially when there is a request.

There is such a law "if you were asked, and you can do it - you can not refuse." This law says that if a request has come to you and you can do it, then you have no right to refuse, you are obliged to do it. The only question is how much you can do it.

The same applies to egregores. Those. if you turn to an egregor, and an egregor can do it, he simply must do it. An egregor cannot disobey the laws at all, because there, in the subtle worlds, disobedience to the law is punished very severely, up to the destruction of an egregor. Egregor does not need this, he, of course, will try his best to comply with the law and help you.

Naturally, professional egregors come first, and we ask them for protection. And in second place - national egregors and state, i.e. the state in which we live.

And you and I are looking for protection from a professional egregore, a political one, an egregore of the country in which we live. Next - at the national egregore, and see how it all works.

What does "seeking protection" mean? This means that we can mentally or aloud turn to one or another egregor and ask for what we want. This may concern not only protection, it may also concern some requests when we want to receive something, hear an answer or produce something, work, contact someone. Any time is chosen, it is possible in the evening, it is possible in the morning.

In the morning, when you get up or do yoga, or at breakfast or before breakfast, there is a minute, and you can quickly figure out what you have to do today for the day and raise some question about your protection, about your business, about your relationships. And you can quickly ask for protection or help in the morning.

Big things, designed for years or months, are best spoken on specific days.

You yourself understand that it is quite difficult to break through to a professional egregor right away.

And today one of the most powerful defenses is egregor defense. The second strongest is when we become absolutely transparent, when we remove fear and become absolutely transparent.

It is clear that the request to the egregore should be made in a fairly respectful manner, not like you and I communicate with our brownie, “Well, stop making noise, if you don’t stop, I’ll throw you out.” This is how we can address our brownie. But by no means to egregor. He won't understand us.

We always turn to a professional egregor, because this is our profession for the coming weeks, months, years. And we are obliged to establish contact with a professional egregore. Establishing contacts comes through our request. The more often we apply, the stronger the ties, the better the answer and help.

You can turn to generic egregores, this is a very interesting thing. The information comes easily, and the help is very good and strong. And it doesn't matter who your ancestors were, peasants, collective farmers, workers or petty bourgeois, or someone else. It is important that you still had some ancestors. And you just need to dig around, see what they were doing, and try to revive energy from there for today.

A person can radiate a feeling (larva), an idea (astrandeus), an indefinite part of the biofield (astroid), an information structure (thought form), a clot of energy (plasmoid), radiate a field cast of a part of himself (astral cliché) or all of himself (astral matrix).

But all these radiations can interact with each other, uniting or repelling. When these same-type astral or mental entities resonate, unite and merge, they form collective biofields or egregors.

Egregors are much stronger than a person and play a huge role in people's lives. We all enter into many egregors, their life, development, birth or disappearance, radically affect our life, defining it, severely limiting our freedom.
Biofields of egregors of a higher order than the fields of one person. There are many types of egregors: weak and strong, useful and harmful, they interact with each other, forming groups of egregors (that is, new, more complex egregors). For example, your family forms a family egregor, it is included in the egregor of all your relatives, they, in turn, are in the national egregor, which is included in the racial, the last one is in the egregor of humanity and, finally, the entire biosphere.

There are egregores of doctors, military men, lawyers, politicians, and so on, which determine the actions of these people (although it seems to them that they act freely, in accordance with their ideas). Very strong egregors caused and determined by feelings: love, evil, materialism, envy, pain, drug addiction, etc. The strongest egregor is the egregor of magic, bioenergetics, extrasensory perception. Egregores of science, medicine, materialistic ideology interact with him unfriendly. It is not easy to get out of an egregore, it does not let a person out: if you leave the party, leave the country, change your worldview, then this process is extremely painful. Egregor can give a lot of strength. For example, many healers connect to the egregores of the largest and most ancient world religions, and they give them the strength to heal.

If you decide to interact with a certain egregore,
you need to know some rules of relationship with him. First: any egregor easily lets you in, but it is very difficult to get out of it: it is alive, it feeds on your biofield and, of course, cannot lose your nourishment.

Conclusion: carefully resonate with new egregors for you.
Second: never find yourself at the junction of two opposing egregors, otherwise you will, as it were, find yourself in the middle of the barricade when they shoot at you from both sides.
The third rule: enlist the support of the strongest egregor possible, stable and calm (even better - majestic), which is necessary for your well-being.

And the last thing: the weakest egregor is always stronger than the most energetically developed person (as a structure of a higher order), so never fight with any egregors - you can lose all your strength.