
You can connect the cylinder to the heating boiler at home. The subtleties of organizing home heating with gas cylinders: fuel storage rules, boiler selection and owner reviews. What you need to know before starting the installation of a gas cylinder in the country

Perhaps every summer resident used gas from a cylinder. Or at least heard about it. Opinions about him vary. Those who do not have a main gas pipeline or there are interruptions with, consider bottled gas a real salvation: you can cook food and warm up the house.

Others see nothing but danger in it. Who is right? This is a moot point. Like any device, it has its pros and cons. And also their own - very strict - rules of operation. Let's try to figure them out.

What is a gas cylinder

A gas cylinder is a high-pressure vessel in which gas is placed in a compressed or liquefied state. Compressed does not depend on pressure and remains in a gaseous state. What can not be said about liquefied. It turns into a liquid when the pressure is increased.

A gas cylinder is a high-pressure vessel that contains gas

Familiar to many from chemistry lessons, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, fluorine are vivid examples of compressed gases. Chlorine, ammonia, carbon dioxide belong to the group of liquefied.

What are gas cylinders

All gas tanks vary in color, shape, material and capacity.

by color

Since there are a great many gases that can be pumped into a cylinder, and everyone has a different purpose, the tanks need to be somehow distinguished. To do this, they came up with painting them in different colors depending on the content:

  • oxygen - in blue color,
  • acetylene - in white,
  • for pure argon - in gray with a green stripe,
  • hydrogen - in dark green,
  • for other combustible gases - in red.
It is the red cylinders for "other combustible gases" that are of interest to the summer resident. They are refueled propane-butane.

By shape

"Country" cylinders clearly stand out from all the others. It is difficult to confuse them with others:

Unlike other cylindrical tanks, these tanks are barrel-shaped with small handles.

By material

The materials from which gas containers are made are also different. Today, 3 types are especially popular:

It all started with them. They were widely used in Soviet times. Steel is known to be a very durable material. Therefore, it was he who began to be used for the production of cylinders. They can even be found on submarines and other strategic objects.

Our market will help you choose a metal cylinder that is suitable in terms of volume, where you can compare products from different online stores. .

Cylinder propane polymer-composite explosion-proof lpg 33.5 l hexagon ragasco 33100137 7 299 RUB
All tools are new

Cylinder propane polymer-composite explosion-proof lpg 18.2 l hexagon ragasco 100259 6 239 RUB
All tools are new

Explosion-proof polymer-composite propane cylinder lpg 24.5 l hexagon ragasco 24100054 6 319 rubles
All tools are new

Cylinder propane polymer-composite explosion-proof lpg 12.5 l hexagon ragasco 12100057 5 949 rubles
All tools are new

Two more pluses in the "piggy bank" of composite cylinders - transparency and no corrosion. A cylinder that has served for several years will not become cloudy and will not rust from the inside, visibility will remain the same. You can easily determine if it is full or empty.

Provides additional security bypass valve. It is designed according to the latest technologies: an overpressure check valve and a fusible link. When the temperature rises, the valve evenly releases excess gas, which expands from heating. And the fusible insert is destroyed under the influence of very high temperatures, again, releasing gas. It turns out in all respects just a fantastic product: both light and safe - beauty!

Should it have flaws? Yes. As practice shows, main disadvantage is the price. The smallest polymer-composite cylinder costs 5400-5700 rubles, and the upper price bar fluctuates around 10,000 rubles.

3. Metal-composite cylinders
This type of gas cylinders is a cross between the first two.

Metal-composite cylinders. Photo from gorspravka09.ru

The weight of a metal-composite cylinder is average, the degree of safety and impact resistance is also. It is subject to internal corrosion, as a metal liner is inserted inside. Therefore, the balloon is opaque. Valves are used in different types.

By volume

Different gas cylinders may have different volumes. The choice depends on how much gas you need. The capacity of propane-butane cylinders for domestic use is 5 l, 12 l, 27 l and 50 l (the largest).

Balloons of various sizes. Photo from retdoz.ru

The volume of the most demanded household Passion composite cylinders is 14.7 liters, 20.6 liters or 24.7 liters. The volume of Ragasco composite cylinders is 33.5 liters (set "To the dacha"), 18.2 liters (set "To the dacha Lite"), 12.5 liters and 24.5 liters.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas cylinders

An autonomous gas cylinder is a useful thing both for permanent operation and “for every fireman”. Let's see what its pros and cons are.


Among the main advantages of using bottled gas, users distinguish:
  • Mobility, that is, the tank can be rearranged, transported, etc. without problems.
  • If the cylinder is filled, then until the moment of operation it can be stored for as long as. What can not be said, for example, about the electric drive.
  • Wide choose and the ability to easily purchase a cylinder of any size, purpose and material


Now a few words about the most common disadvantages and risks that users rightly pay attention to:
  • Explosion and fire hazard. If a metal gas cylinder gets into the area of ​​a fire or a sharp jump in temperature, it threatens the life and health of the owner, and can also severely damage the house.

If a metal gas cylinder gets into a fire zone or a sharp jump in temperature, it threatens the life and health of the owner
  • In old cylinders that have been used for a long time, at the bottom a precipitate forms. Such a cylinder must be cleaned before further work.
  • Old cylinders may release gas. To avoid this, you need to change the jet from time to time.
  • Balloon dangerous in case of sudden turning. In this case, a large pressure surge and a sharp ejection of the flame are possible (if the cylinder is with a burner). It is not always possible to extinguish this flame on your own.
  • There is risk of gassing. The cylinder passes gas, but no one knows about it. For example, if a faulty cylinder is located in a room where people sleep (or next to it), and works constantly (say, for a heating boiler), the likelihood of getting burned is high.

Equipment for country gas system

If you decide that you will use a gas cylinder in the country, you need to keep in mind that it is not enough to purchase the cylinder itself and what you will attach it to. Autonomous gasification is a whole system with its own equipment, which is indispensable:

  • gas hose (its diameter can be 6 mm or 9 mm),
  • hose clamps,
  • reducer RDSG 1-1.2 for a cylinder with a valve or reducer RDSG 2-1.2 for a valve cylinder (popularly called such a reducer "frog"),
  • a device that will “feed” on gas (grill, stove, boiler, etc.).

Using a gas cylinder in the country

For cooking food

First of all, the gas cylinder can be "adapted" for cooking on the stove in the house or on. Hardware stores sell a huge number of both small tiles and full-fledged tiles.

Gas stove easy to use and practical. Any power outage is fraught for the owner of the electric stove: he will either be left without dinner, or he will hastily kindle a wood-burning stove (if any) in order to make at least tea.

A desktop gas stove will save you from such "gifts". You can always choose a suitable size and design option. There are tiles with one burner, there are with two, three and four.

But the greatest love of summer residents is used by stoves with two burners. They are optimal in size, easy to transport and install, without taking up much space. Two burners are enough to prepare a full lunch and dinner.

The amount of gas consumed does not depend on the number of burners, but on how intensively you cook.

portable tiles will be of interest to those who want to have the option "in reserve" in the country. Suddenly the light will be turned off or there will be interruptions in the main gas pipeline. Such a tile is even more compact than a desktop one. It can be called a "portable device" that is waiting in the closet.

Portable tiles are made from high-quality steel, which is coated with an impact-resistant and refractory compound. They can be used in the country, and on a hike, and on the road.

Still gas is a great fuel for gas grills, barbecues and smokehouses. You can often find them in the countryside too. The principle of their work is absolutely the same as that of a gas stove. Therefore, they are no more dangerous.

Gas grills and barbecues are more durable than charcoal ones, and cooking on them is not as difficult as it seems. The only thing that will confuse many gourmets is the lack of a “smoke” smell in the finished product. Although many models are equipped with a special box in which the selected wood chips are placed and placed inside the grill. And here it is - the desired flavor.

Of course, if you come to a country house occasionally, then light a fire and fry juicy meat only for pleasure. And if there are many guests and they come often, the situation changes. Then the gas grill will come to the rescue. Whatever you say, it saves time and effort.

gas smokehouse- very handy portable option. You can take it to a picnic and put it in the yard.

This unit allows you to cook food using the hot and cold method. Takes up little space, easy to transport, as the kit includes a special bag. It costs around 15,000 rubles.

Expensive (from 24,000 rubles) improved models are made of more durable materials, they have an attractive design, and there are also various useful indicators to monitor the temperature of the smokehouse and the degree of readiness of the product.

For power supply and heating

A gas cylinder is also suitable for food. The thing is very useful for a country house. It differs from gas
  • economy,
  • lack of noise
  • exhaust purity (since the gas burns completely).

Important: It is necessary to install a gas generator in a heated room. It works only at positive temperature.

Our illustrated catalog of goods from various online stores will also help you.

Gas generator Huter DY4000LG 37 426 rubles

Gas generator Champion LPG6500E 42 990 rubles
Buy for Dacha

Gas heating. Photo from fhcdnarticles-a.akamaihd.net

The advantages of this type of heating:

  • The gas is environmentally friendly.
  • The pressure in the pipes is kept at a stable level.
  • The gas gives off a lot of heat when burned.
  • The system is easy to operate.
  • A bottle for her is easy to get.
  • The equipment is durable.
But there are also disadvantages:
  • explosion hazard in case of improper storage and operation,
  • the risk of problems with the operation of the system when buying gas from unscrupulous suppliers.

What to do if the gas runs out

Even in the largest cylinder, gas will run out sooner or later. It can happen at the most inopportune moment.

How to be? There is 3 ways to solve the problem:

  1. Replace empty cylinder to a new, full one. This can be done immediately, at one moment, if you have taken care of buying a new cylinder in advance, and it is waiting in the wings.
  2. Refuel empty balloon. Best of all - in a special company, verified and having all the necessary permissions for this. Gas stations are not the best option for filling a household tank, as you will be offered technical gas.
  3. exchange empty bottle to full. All the same special companies are engaged in this. You bring an empty bottle, they give you a filled one. It is important that the gas inside is domestic, not technical.

Where to store gas cylinders in the country

It is endless to say that a gas cylinder is a "time bomb". It must be handled strictly according to safety regulations. And she starts from storage

Rules for the safe operation of a gas cylinder

Any responsible person who cares about their own safety and the safety of others must know the rules for operating bottled gas. I repeat that in the country they must be observed even more carefully.

Any responsible person should know the rules for the operation of bottled gas

1. All gas related equipment must be in good working order.
This is not discussed, as personal safety is at stake. Excuses "well, it's new" or "works fine" are not accepted.

Every 5 years, liquefied gas cylinders must undergo a technical examination - not just for the sake of a passport, but for your own peace of mind. It is better to entrust the verification to professionals. Although in some cases you can check if there is a leak yourself: you won’t call the “gas master” every time.

As a rule, this is done when connecting the cylinder. To check, you will need a brush and soapy water.

  1. The solution is applied with a brush to the joints.
  2. Open the valve on the cylinder and look. If foam has gone, it means that it is “etching” somewhere. If there is no foam, then the connection is tight. For the accuracy of the result, do not be too lazy to apply the solution twice or even more.
Important: In no case should you check the reliability of the connection with matches or a lighter! The slightest gas leak - and there will be an explosion and fire.

The health of the equipment includes ban on the operation of a deformed gas cylinder, including a rusted one, or a cylinder with a defective valve. Do not risk and do not connect the cylinders if they are not marked or the paint has worn off, which says what kind of gas is inside. Having several cylinders with different gas, with readable inscriptions (at least 70%), they cannot be confused. And if the paint is worn off, you can easily connect a completely different one instead of the desired gas.

2. When storing the cylinder outdoors, protect it from precipitation, sunlight and temperature changes: place it in a special cabinet. The cabinet should ideally be at least 1 meter away from windows and doors and have good ventilation.

3. If the gas cylinder is in the room, then he must stand at a distance at least 1 meter from a heating radiator, stove, etc. and at least 5 meters from an open flame.

4. Do not bury the cylinders or put them in the basement.

(not in oblique and not inverted).

6. Before replacing one cylinder with another, make sure that there is no fire nearby, sparks, coals and other sources of danger.

Subject to seemingly simple, but such necessary security measures, a gas cylinder in the country will not become a burden, but a useful thing in the household. But if you do not know how or are not sure that you can properly build a gas cylinder system, then you should not try. It is better to entrust this to knowledgeable people or study the issue in more detail. And then you can proudly paraphrase S.V. Mikhalkov and say: “And we have gas at the dacha! And you?".

If it is impossible to connect to the main gas pipeline, heating units operating on liquefied gas are one of the options for efficient space heating. The use of a liquefied fuel mixture for heating buildings is similar to heating with mains gas, but requires constant cash costs for the purchase of fuel.

Design features of heat generators operating on liquefied gas

The difference between the design of a liquefied gas boiler and a conventional gas apparatus operating from a main gas pipeline is the use of a nozzle designed for a higher fuel pressure.

Some brands of boilers are initially designed for the possibility of switching to liquefied fuel by replacing the standard nozzle with a device of a smaller diameter. To carry out this event, you will need special nozzles and additional structural elements for the boiler. Sometimes they come with the unit, sometimes you have to purchase them yourself. The cost of replacing the nozzle with the purchase of the required parts will be approximately 2-3 thousand rubles. It should be noted that such reconfiguration of the boiler must be carried out by specially trained personnel.

Types and characteristics of liquefied gas

Until recently, the main fuel for LPG boilers was liquefied natural gas. But its storage and use required significant costs, which were justified only when heating entire residential complexes. Gradually, a more economical gas mixture of hydrocarbons began to be used to organize autonomous heating of individual housing. Its main components: isobutane, butylene, isobutylene, N-butane, propylene.

A slight increase in the pressure of the propane-butane mixture causes its transition to a liquid state, which makes it possible to easily transport and store. When the pressure is reduced and the temperature is increased, the mixture becomes gaseous.

Advantages of using propane-butane liquefied gas for heating or other needs of the population:

  • The production and processing of this gas mixture is not associated with high costs or technical difficulties.
  • Propane-butane gas is characterized by a small amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Difficulties arising from the use of liquefied gas for heating:

  • When filling cylinders at a gas station, there is a possibility of purchasing a low-quality, diluted product, which will lead to unstable and inefficient operation of the unit.
  • The replacement of the cylinder is carried out manually, this event requires the application of physical strength, so it can not be performed by everyone.
  • Liquefied gas is an explosive product that must be handled with care.
  • To ensure complete combustion of the propane-butane mixture, it is necessary to organize an effective ventilation system in the boiler room.

Features of the organization of autonomous heating using liquefied gas

When choosing a unit designed to operate on liquefied gas, it is necessary to pay attention to its ability to operate at low pressure. This will completely use up the gas pumped into the cylinder.

The high efficiency of the unit also plays a big role when choosing a conventional gas boiler, but for an apparatus operating on a liquefied gas mixture, this indicator is especially important. Installing a unit with low efficiency will make it economically inexpedient to use bottled gas.

Based on the results of calculations and analysis of practice, it can be concluded that for heating and supplying hot water to a housing construction area of ​​​​about 100 m 2, an average of two cylinders per week is required. That is, approximately 8-9 cylinders of gas are consumed per month of the heating period. With the cost of refueling a cylinder of about 500 rubles, heating costs per month will be approximately 4.0-4.5 thousand rubles. If you need to hire a transport to deliver fuel, the costs will be even higher.

The liquefied gas heating system has both advantages and disadvantages. But if there is a prospect of supplying main gas, the use of bottled liquefied fuel is the most rational solution. Replacing bottled gas with main gas will be a simple, inexpensive and quick event.

The autonomous heating system is both an opportunity to save money and the ability to independently set the temperature in the room at any time of the year. But situations when frosts can strike even in mid-May (and the central heating is turned off already in April) are not uncommon for us lately.

It is at such and such moments that you realize: autonomous heating is a necessity. The only question is: what type of boiler to choose? The answer suggests itself - gas. It is no secret that this resource is the cheapest and most cost-effective, in comparison with others. But what to do when your house cannot be connected to the gas main. There is a way out - you can use bottled gas boilers. We will talk about them further.

Advantages and disadvantages of bottled gas boilers

Among the main advantages of gas boilers are the following:

  • low cost of the gas itself;
  • high efficiency (due to the low content of sulfur compounds in the gas);
  • simple operation;
  • a wide range of boilers of different models and manufacturers.

In addition, gas during combustion emits very few harmful substances that can harm human health. Such boilers work properly much longer, due to the fact that they are less susceptible to corrosion than other types.

Among the shortcomings, they note the need to build a chimney through which combustion products will be removed. Also, for installation in an apartment building, you will need to obtain permission. Although electric boilers in most cases are not allowed to be installed in such houses at all, since the electrical network may simply not withstand such a load.

When should bottled gas boilers be used?

Another disadvantage of gas boilers is the mandatory presence of a main gas network. But as we mentioned above, this problem is solvable - you can use gas cylinders. At the same time, you will not have to install additional spare parts: gas boilers are usually designed for both main and bottled gas supply. Unfortunately, bottled gas boilers cannot be used for permanent space heating. This is rather a temporary solution until the gas pipeline is laid. Let's see why.

In order to heat a room of one hundred square meters, it will be necessary to use about two cylinders of gas per week. Simple calculations will show that up to 9 cylinders will be needed to heat such a house per month. And the total cost of their refueling will exceed the cost of main gas, if only because of the cost of transportation. However, the use of even bottled gas will be cheaper than the operation of an electric boiler.

The inconvenience lies in the need to constantly replace the cylinders. Of course, many of these boilers provide for the use of a group at once (up to four cylinders), but even they will have to be changed over time and sent to a gas station.

The use of bottled gas boilers can be a good solution for a permanent source of heating, except for a country house, which you rarely visit in winter. If there is no gas main in that area and the house will be heated for only a few weeks in winter, then you don’t even have to think about it - put a boiler with cylinders.

Features of connection and selection of bottled gas boilers.

Considering that a bottled gas boiler and a main gas boiler are the same type of boilers, the installation and selection rules for this heating element on different gas sources are the same.

Boiler selection

When buying a gas boiler, consider the following parameters:

  • number of circuits: there are single-circuit boilers designed exclusively for heating, and double-circuit boilers that can also heat water;
  • installation type: floor or wall;
  • combustion chamber type: open or closed;
  • boiler power.

It is worth considering that when choosing a boiler, which, even if it will work on bottled gas for a short time, it is necessary to pay attention to the operating pressure. You will need a boiler that can perform its functions even at low pressure (3-4 mbar). It is taken into account, especially in the case of using cylinders, and the efficiency indicator. It is best to choose boilers with high efficiency - about 90-95%.

Features of installing gas boilers

The installation of the boiler must be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • the boiler is installed in a room with a ceiling height of at least 2.3 meters;
  • the boiler must be placed from the wall at a distance of 50 centimeters;
  • the boiler can be installed in rooms larger than 8 sq.m.;
  • in the room where the boiler will be installed, there must be a window for ventilation, and a door, access to which is always free.

With the right choice, proper installation and careful operation of a bottled or main gas boiler, you will receive an economically viable and non-toxic source of heating. And, therefore, in your house it will always be cozy and comfortable, regardless of the weather outside the window.

Liquefied bottled gas, which is propane-butane mixture, is one of the most profitable ways of heating private houses, garages and apartments in the price / quality category.

Features of heating from gas cylinders

Used as a heat source butane or propane. After the gas is liquefied, it is distilled into cylinders. Then they are connected to the heating system through reducer- Pressure reducing device.

In the process of passing through it, the gas again assumes its natural state. Then it is burned in a boiler, giving off a large amount of heat.

Reasons for choosing

  • Low cost;
  • low fuel consumption gives a large amount of heat;
  • connection of such a heating system is permissible at any time and after operation of other types of boilers;
  • the use of this type of fuel acceptable in any terrain and building.

gas or electricity

This question is faced by all who consider various analogues heating sources. To make a decision, it is important to compare them according to the main indicators.


By cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than electricity. The financial side of the issue will be especially noticeable if the building is of a large area.

Autonomous heating works by means of gas tank located underground. It can hold thousands of liters of gas. The gas tank is refueled by specialists Twice a year.

An underground reservoir does not interfere with the full use of the territory and does not emit an odor that attracts attention.


The costs are high, as this energy source is considered one of the most expensive.

Sometimes the power consumed by the heating system is too high for a suburban electrical network, there is not enough energy to heat the whole house.

In bad weather often happen power surges that leads to a failure in the heating system.

From this it follows that liquefied gas is a more profitable, economical and reliable option.

LPG storage

The gas is contained in gas holders or special containers with spherical or cylindrical shape ground or underground type of installation.

Such tanks must be welded.

Cylinders for storage of liquefied gas are produced sheet steel. They consist of a neck, two bottoms, a shut-off valve, a plug, a cap, a shoe, a shell.

Photo 1. Gas cylinder for storing liquefied fuel with a neck, shut-off valve, plug.

Each cylinder is marked with its type, weight and capacity, allowable pressure, brand of the quality control department of the company and Gosgortekhnadzor, test pressure obtained during the hydraulic test, the date of the completed and subsequent surveys, the name of the manufacturer.

The balloon has red paint and white signature"propane - butane".

Reference! Before shipment, cylinders are stored in specialized single storey warehouses in the form of premises or open areas under a canopy.

Advantages and disadvantages of balloon heating

  • freezing of condensate at low temperatures;
  • placement of cylinders is strictly provided in ventilated areas;
  • in the event of a leak, the gas descends into the basement or subfloor leading to serious consequences.

You will also be interested in:

Fuel consumption: how long does it last?

For heating a building with a total area 100 sq. m. per week required on average 2-3 bottles, each with capacity 50 l. Based on these calculations, it is possible to determine the required number of gas tanks for a house of any quadrature and how much it lasts.

Do-it-yourself device with a boiler for heating

To form a do-it-yourself heating system of this type, you will need:

  • Gas boiler with a burner for liquefied gas. Models with low pressure and with the highest efficiency are suitable.
  • Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 l.
  • Locking fittings.
  • Reducers.
  • Ramp(used to connect several containers).
  • gas pipeline, formed from hoses and pipes and designed to connect elements to the heating system.

Boilers are floor and wall, one- and two-circuit. The latter allow not only to increase the temperature in the room, but also to heat the water.

Cylinders are connected to the system using a reducer with a throughput 2 cu. m/hour. The reducer can be one or separate for each tank.

Connecting several cylinders to a gas boiler increases the period of their required refueling. This connection uses ramp - a device that separates the tanks into main and reserve. First, gas is taken from the first group, and as it ends, from the second. The moment of transition is sounded by a signal.

For fixing a gas boiler with a gas pipeline, it is used flexible eyeliner, and for the gearbox - a durite hose. The wall thickness of the metal gas pipe is not less than 0.2 cm. In the wall, such pipes are brought into a case and foamed.

The fuel consumption of the boiler is about 9 kg of gas per day. A large amount of the resource will be spent at the very beginning to heat up the heating system, and later - will decrease by 4 times.

Photo 2. Red gas bottle and flexible hose that is used to connect to the boiler.

Refueling cylinders produced weekly specialists. Before this process, condensate is removed from the tanks. You can independently bring the tanks to the open space, ground and remove the gearbox. 2 hours later when the remnants of the gas have disappeared, and the water has glassed into the ground, the cylinders can be taken to the gas station.

Important! Not allowed for simultaneous refueling more than three bottles.

Features of use

In different rooms there are own rules operation of gas cylinders.

In the apartment

The installation of a gas boiler is only permitted under the following conditions:

  • obtaining a number of approvals for this process from specialized services;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • apartment preparation;
  • heating system change- its disconnection from centralized communications;
  • installation of a chimney and ventilation.

In this case, the room itself must meet the requirements:

  • an area of ​​at least 4 sq. m;
  • the presence of good natural light, window vents;
  • ceiling height not less than 2.5 m;
  • entrance door with a width of at least 0.8 m;
  • pipeline with cold water;
  • flat walls.

Gas cylinders are allowed to be placed in the apartment, but no more than one. The building itself must not exceed 2 floors. Such containers are fixed 50 cm from the gas stove and 100 cm from heating appliances. The maximum temperature of the room in which the installation process is carried out - not higher than 45 °C.

Attention! Independently carry out the process of installing a gas heating system Absolutely forbidden, This is done by the special services.

If it is not possible to connect to the central gas pipeline, then some owners of private houses decide to equip autonomous gasification. The heart of such a system is a gas liquefied gas boiler - the unit is connected to a gas tank or propane cylinders.

The boiler plant is able to heat a room of any size. In order for the boiler to provide the residents with the proper level of comfort, it is necessary to carefully consider the issue of its choice.

We will tell you how the gas unit works, what types of boilers are on the market, what are the features of their installation and operation. So that you can decide on a purchase, we have listed the main selection criteria and prepared an overview of popular manufacturers of heating equipment.

Liquefied gas is a natural resource artificially cooled down to -160 °C for ease of storage and transportation.

A boiler using this type of fuel, in appearance, design and type, is a traditional heat generator. It burns gaseous fuel, and the resulting heat is directed to heat the heat exchanger.

Boilers operating on liquefied gas can be converted to traditional main gas in the future if such communications appear near the living quarters. To do this, you will need to replace several work items and reconnect the equipment to a centralized gas system

From there, the useful resource "takes" the coolant and transfers it along the contour communications, in this way heating houses and heating domestic water, if this is provided for by the design of the equipment.

Specific features of functioning

The first main difference between the unit and analogues operating on traditional main gas is the ability to function efficiently even with reduced fuel pressure. The second is a special nozzle in which the jet holes have a reduced diameter, suitable specifically for a propane-butane mixture.

In order for the boiler to cope with heating a residential building and heating water for plumbing and domestic needs, it will need to be provided with the necessary amount of fuel. To do this, you will have to build a gas tank on the site (a reservoir located underground) or connect equipment to propane cylinders

The connection of the supply communications to the boiler is carried out by means of. It controls the supply of fuel and ensures its reasonable consumption - within 1.8-2.0 m 3 / h.

In order to quickly and not very costly equip a fuel tank, you can purchase a mobile gas tank. It will instantly solve the problem with the storage of the resource and will allow you to supply heating to the cottage or not too large country house

The main functionality also includes a safety unit, consisting of safety valves, a temperature controller,. A system equipped with these elements is easy to operate and does not create any problems for the owners during use.

Types of propane boilers

There are three types of units on the home appliance market. These are single-circuit, double-circuit and condensing boilers. They perform similar tasks, but differ in the principle of device and functionality.

Features of single-circuit devices

A boiler with one circuit is intended only for space heating and is usually placed where water heating is solved in some alternative way.

The cost of single-circuit boilers is slightly lower than that of similar devices with two circuits. This is due to the fact that the equipment performs only a narrowly focused function - heating the home.

The module is supplied with a closed combustion chamber, and in the process of operation, the boiler flame is enriched with oxygen coming from the room where the equipment is located. The materials spent during the combustion process are discharged to the street through a vertical chimney specially equipped for this purpose.

Nuances of double-circuit products

Devices equipped with two circuits effectively heat living quarters of any size and provide households with hot water. The coolant is heated by two burners, ignited with an igniter equipped with a built-in system of piezoelectric elements.

When the flame ignites, the temperature sensor is activated. Upon reaching certain indicators, it gives a signal to automation, and access to the combustion chamber is covered.

If the unit has a closed combustion chamber, for correct operation and timely removal of combustion products, it is necessary to equip a coaxial chimney with forced draft. This design will ensure a uniform flow of oxygen to the wick and ensure stable combustion.

Waste materials and acid impurities leave the room through a chimney or through a ventilation outlet.

How condensing units work

A condensing-type boiler supplies both heating and hot water for domestic purposes to the living room, but it does this in a slightly different way than a double-circuit one. In the condensing device, cold water, once in the heat exchanger, is heated by the burner and hot air.

The condensing boiler belongs to high-tech types of equipment and consumes fuel very economically. The flue gas temperature at the burner is 40°C and the efficiency level reaches 97%. At the same time, heat losses do not exceed 0.5%

Then half of the liquid goes into the communications of the heating system, and the second half enters the taps for washing, washing and other household needs. After going through a full cycle, the water from the radiator returns to the heat exchanger and the whole procedure is repeated again.

Types of products by location

Equipment operating on liquefied fuel is floor-mounted and mounted. Each option has specific characteristics that make it attractive and practical under certain conditions.

With this information in hand, the owners can independently determine which device is most suitable for them, and then purchase it in a specialized store.

Option #1: floor equipment

Floor-standing devices are the most widely used. These are high-power units capable of providing comfortable heat and hot water not only to standard residential buildings, but also to large country cottages.

The main operating element of the devices is a pressurized gas burner. It has a good degree of efficiency and is characterized by high heat dissipation.

Floor-standing devices show stability in operation even with a strong drop in gas pressure in the system and reliably serve in intensive operation from 15 to 25 years, depending on the manufacturer

The boilers are equipped with a cast iron or steel heat exchanger. The cast iron element is heavy and has a long service life. A steel object is much lighter, but exhibits brittleness, sensitivity to mechanical damage and shock, and lasts for a shorter period of time.

In addition to the basic elements, progressive modules have all kinds of auxiliary equipment that increases operational safety. These are sensors for controlling the level of thrust, the volume of the coolant and the presence of a flame, as well as thermostats that block operation at an emergency high level of heating of the working fluid

The device, depending on the manufacturer, is equipped with a piezo or electronic ignition system. In the first variant, the device is started manually by pressing a button.

In the second case, activation occurs automatically, and the boiler does not consume excess fuel during operation, since there is no igniter in the system with a flame burning in a constant mode.

Detailed information on the selection and installation of floor gas boilers is presented in the articles:

Option #2: Wall Mounted Devices

Boilers designed for wall mounting are distinguished by their compact size and modern appearance. They occupy a minimum amount of space and are suitable for placement in small-sized rooms with a complex layout.

The installation of a mounted boiler is always carried out by a master with experience in such a plan. The equipment must be installed in accordance with the safety requirements for domestic gas systems.

Functionally, they are no different from the floor ones, however, they have a slightly lower power and are not very suitable for use in large, spacious houses. But they economically consume a fuel resource, while providing a high level of comfort in a residential area.

Advantages and disadvantages of units

Boilers running on liquefied gas are cheaper than appliances using other types of resources.

Among the advantages of the equipment are parameters such as:

  1. Complete independence from centralized fuel supplies and regular price hikes for utility services. The autonomy of the system ensures the absence of emergencies.
  2. High level of efficiency- an average of 92-95% and up to 97% for individual models.
  3. Silent burner- for comparison, the burner device of a diesel boiler produces a noise effect of 60-75 dB.
  4. Ease of maintenance. The equipment does not require time-consuming and expensive maintenance, replacement of the fuel filter and nozzle, reconfiguration of the burner and cleaning of the heat exchanger.
  5. Ability to work through the main gas- in the future, you can not buy a new boiler, but transfer the existing one to a centralized supply of blue fuel.
  6. Duration of operation- the service life of outdoor - up to 25 years, wall - 15-20 years, subject to qualified installation, compliance with operating rules and timely service.
  7. LPG Safety- the fuel does not ignite even when the container in which it is contained is heated. Combustion occurs only at the moment of mixing the substance and oxygen, and this happens directly in the burner and only in it.

On sale there are completely non-volatile products that allow you to organize a full-fledged heating system in hard-to-reach conditions, for example, in remote forest areas or high in the mountains.

Of the minuses of the devices, the following positions are most significant:

  • the need for constant high-quality work to connect the boiler to 3-4 propane cylinders by means of a reducer and a ramp;
  • it is undesirable to place containers with liquefied gas near the boiler - it is better to place them in rooms in the neighborhood, equipped with a good ventilation system, or take them outside and mount them in a special box;
  • care and caution required when connecting the cylinder, since all operations are performed manually and require the use of physical force;
  • subsequent conversion of some models of boilers to conventional gas is expensive (burner replacement costs 30-40% of the total price of the boiler);
  • installation of the unit and connection to gas supply communications must be done by a licensed specialist with experience.

The ratio of pluses and minuses must be considered in each individual case and, based on the conclusions drawn, a decision should be made regarding the appropriateness of purchasing one or another type of equipment.

Important selection criteria

When planning the purchase of a device, you need to take into account such a parameter as base power. This indicator is measured in kW and indicated in the documentation attached to the boiler. The heated area is usually 9-10 times higher than this value. For example, by purchasing a unit with a capacity of 10.5-11.3 kW, it will be possible to fully heat a house with a size of about 100 sq.m.

Experts recommend, when calculating the ratio of power / area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, to make allowances for possible severe frosts in the winter season and purchase a boiler with some margin (about 15-20%). Otherwise, during the period of intense cold, the system will not physically be able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

The efficiency of the unit is also very important. The higher this indicator, the more economically the boiler consumes the fuel resource, while ensuring the most efficient return. In models of the budget line, the coefficient usually ranges from 90-94%.

For more progressive premium products, it reaches 96-97%, but the cost of such units is an order of magnitude higher than the average price.

Another key position that cannot be ignored is fuel consumption. The data indicated in the accompanying documents by the manufacturer are considered conditional.

How much gas is actually consumed by propane gas boilers depends on the efficiency and power of the units, the set temperature in the living room, the actual heat loss of the building and other factors.

More accurate figures can only be determined by specialized specialists, but even their information will have an error of 10-15%.

Liquefied fuel equipment must operate at a low pressure level in the system (no more than 3-5 mbar). Only such values ​​​​allow you to effectively produce gas from cylinders in full and without residue.

If the plans include organizing only a heating system, a single-circuit boiler is suitable for purchase. When you also need to provide hot water, you will have to purchase a condensing one or with an open or closed combustion chamber.

For a large residential cottage, it is better to choose a floor unit. It has more power and can provide the room with useful heat and the right amount of hot water.

For a medium or small house, or an apartment on the ground, a compact attachment will suffice. When placed, it will not take up much space and will harmoniously fit into any type of interior solution.

Rating of popular models and manufacturers

Boiler Siberia, manufactured at the domestic enterprise Rostovgazoapparat JSC, is the best-selling module among all those presented today on the gas equipment market.

It is a non-volatile unit with a highly reliable Eurosit automation system, made in Italy and fully adapted to domestic operating conditions.

The Siberia appliance is made of durable high quality materials. A layer of thermal insulation, available on all models, makes operation safe and protects the user from burns and other potential injuries.

The heat exchange tank is boiled in automatic mode and due to this it has increased strength. Double-circuit boilers are equipped with a flowing copper circuit for efficient heating and subsequent supply of hot water to the system.

The control of the module is carried out at an intuitive level and does not create difficulties even for those users who are “not friends” with technology.

Models are presented in the widest range and various dimensions, safe and silent. The high quality of the products is confirmed by standard certification certificates, and the reasonable cost of the devices makes them doubly attractive in the eyes of customers.

High-quality and competitive in all respects equipment is supplied to the Russian market by an Italian company Ferroli. The products of this company are distinguished by a stylish, modern design and a convenient control panel that provides a display of the general operating mode of the equipment and temperature indicators.

The Ferroli boiler is equipped with a progressive and convenient system that protects the equipment from freezing. The design provides the ability to connect a room thermostat and a remote control function at the request of the user

Among the main features of the equipment is a compact copper heat exchanger, created using a technology patented by the company. It consists of 3 communication tubes connected in series into a single complex.

Serpentine hot water elements are located inside them, and the outer part has an anti-corrosion coating made on the basis of an aluminum alloy. The boiler is the smallest and lightest unit on the market.

german corporation Bosch offers convection turbocharged boilers designed for wall placement. They work correctly at low gas pressure in the system and provide the room with full heat in the required volume.

The control unit of the unit contains a temperature limiter that prevents overheating of the heat exchanger and a pressure sensor that protects the equipment from operation in the absence of a coolant in the system

No less high-quality and practical boilers for operation on liquefied gas are supplied by the industrial group Viessmann(Germany). The product range includes both high-power floor modules and mounted compact units for small spaces.

Devices of the German manufacturer Viessmann operate silently, demonstrate a high level of efficiency and reliably serve for many years.

All processes are fully automated, and in some premium models it is possible to connect an SMS alert or open access to control via the Internet.

In addition to the classic ones, the company also produces condensation products. They consume fuel with extreme efficiency and provide heat transfer in the amount of 97%. The heat exchange device in them is made of steel, and the presence of a controller allows the user to install an additional thermostat.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to properly organize the gasification of a dwelling using gas cylinders. Connection of boilers, features of increasing the capacity of the system in case of an increase in the energy demand of customers:

Features of the floor heating boiler operating on liquefied fuel:

Modern installation. a boiler operating on liquefied bottled gas is the best way to equip a heating system in a house located far from centralized communication networks. The equipment is practical, durable, reliable and perfectly copes with the tasks.

If in the future there is a need to switch to the use of the main gas resource, it will not be necessary to completely dismantle the unit.

It is enough just to call a specialist, pay for the replacement of the burner, make some changes to the electronic control unit, reconfigure the valve, and the equipment will begin to fully function in the new mode, without causing any problems or inconvenience to the owners.

Are you looking for an efficient and reliable gas boiler for your home? Or do you have experience with these settings? Please leave comments on the article and share your impressions about the use of gas equipment. The contact form is located in the lower block.