
Natalia Ruzhanskaya - spread your wings. Natalya Ruzhanskaya - spread your wings See what "Spread your wings" is in other dictionaries

Spread your wings

Spread your wings (foreign language) recover (a hint of birds spreading their wings, intending to fly).

Wed Keep such a young man locked up! Give him free rein spread your wings, yes, what miracles it will do ...

Grigorovich. Ordinary history. eleven.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "Spread your wings" is in other dictionaries:

    Spread your wings

    - (inosk.) recover (allusion to birds spreading their wings, intending to fly) Cf. Keep this young man locked up! Give him free rein, he will spread his wings, but here are some miracles he will do ... Grigorovich. Ordinary story. 1, 1. See the wings ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

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    Nesov. transition 1. Make smooth, smoothing. 2. Straighten, straining the muscles (parts of the body). 3. trans. Pull, open (hands, wings, etc.). Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    straighten- races / rules / I / t (wings) ... Morphemic spelling dictionary

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Evening. Rain. Grayness around. In narrow streets, in people, in nature. It seems as if there were no other flowers... Not even now. I am not afraid of this colorlessness, I take it for granted. In life, everything goes awry and fully corresponds to this damn dullness and despondency. This day, too, did not set from early in the morning. A quarrel with his wife, after which she left for her mother-in-law, taking her daughter with her. It is unlikely that we will reconcile, most likely they will file for divorce. And today is my birthday ... It's strange, because I don't feel the atmosphere of the holiday at all. She's spoiled. These problems, these gray everyday life, this pouring rain. I also got it at work. However, the boss is usually not in a good mood on this day. Always out of sorts. I'm used to. I looked indifferently at this dullness, clutching an umbrella in my hand and twisting my lips in a grin contemptuous of all life and with some general hatred kicking the stones that came under my feet, when suddenly I saw something white among this palette of gray shades. I rubbed my eyes, thinking that I just imagined it from endless lack of sleep. No, I'm definitely going crazy. There was a small white spot walking along the road, which turned out to be an angel. It didn’t even move, but clumsily minced, endlessly tangled in the dirty floors of its once snow-white cassock and dragging wet wings behind it. He was barefoot and shivered from the cold wind blowing in his face and pulling his golden hair out of a neat spikelet. Her little hands were clenched until her knuckles turned white, her misty white eyes looked up at the dirty gray overcast sky, and her plump, whitened lips moved soundlessly. Here's a stupid... Does he really think that prayer will save you from the cold? However, it is definitely not for me, a hereditary atheist, to judge him. Although, after this, you are unlikely to regularly consider that there is no Paradise, God, the devil and angels. One of the above is exactly what I see. Wait, why can't others see it? People indifferently scurry back and forth, passing by the heavenly guest. And as soon as I wanted to blame everything on mind games, a kitten popped up from somewhere. As white and wet as the one to whom he emerged to meet. Hell yes! Now I'm sure it's not a glitch. This kitten lives in the basement of the next entrance. He is afraid of everyone, runs away from everyone. However, the food from the salad box regularly disappears every morning. The angel stopped and squatted down. The kitten plopped down on the ass opposite, apparently, he did not think he was afraid of this creature. - Hi... Are you alone too? Hungry? Frozen? - the angel whispered hoarsely and extended his hand to the kitten to stroke. The latter did not even flinch, on the contrary, purred and clung to the cold, but gentle hand. - Sorry, I have nothing to satisfy your hunger ... I did not know that I would meet you ... - he lowered his white eyes and sighed sadly. - But I can keep you company and warm, okay? - It seemed to me that the kitten nodded and meowed softly. The angel smiled and carefully took him in his hands, immediately hugging him and cowering, covering the kitten from rain and wind. At the same time, his wings trembled, and he himself continued to stand, although he was already soaked to the skin. Seemed like more? Water flowed down the wings, but at least squeeze out the cassock. I sighed and went up to the angel and tucked him under my umbrella. He immediately raised his head and looked at me in surprise, then looked down again. - S...thank you, but...why? I could do without it, but you are probably in a hurry to go home to your family, and I ... - Let's go, - I interrupted him and extended my hand in a black glove to him. - Where to? - the angel again stared at me in surprise, flapping his long eyelashes. - To my house. There you can dry off, keep warm and eat if you want. - N...no... I don't need food, but he does... Can I take him with me? Cloudy eyes filled with hope. - Yes, of course, take it ... I have something for him too. The angel immediately jumped up, stretching his pale lips into a happy smile. Yes, he just shines with happiness and never ceases to amaze me. One, wet, frozen, perhaps accidentally turned up, not knowing where, but still manages to feel sorry for someone and smile! I wonder what else he can surprise me with? I grinned and walked forward, the angel trotting a little behind, constantly stumbling, trying to keep up with me and sometimes stammering something like: "Wait, please!". All the way he asked me with interest about various things, and I lazily answered, but more and more often brushed it off after I realized that after such a ritual the angel awkwardly falls silent for about five minutes and stops endless questions about everything and nothing. Suddenly the wind blew. Everything would be fine, but only much stronger than the nasty thing that bothered me just five minutes ago. I turned anxiously to the angel, hoping it hadn't been blown away. I opened my eyes wide, amazed at what I saw. Instead of covering himself with his wings, he spread them out. The wind picked it up and the angel rose above the ground, flapping its wings and simultaneously shaking off the water from them. The storm subsided as suddenly as it began. The angel landed smoothly and smiled as if nothing had happened. - Let's go further? I hesitated, but came to my senses and nodded dazedly, resuming my step. And plunged into thought. Why? What for? For what purpose? I asked myself questions, looking at the smiling angel. And I was just about to ask them aloud when I found that we were there. I opened the door and let the guest inside. He looked around with interest and lowered the kitten to the floor. He dusted himself off and stumbled under the battery to lick himself. The angel took a couple of steps and approached the calendar on the wall. He looked at him for another minute with an empty look and suddenly pointed his finger right at the current date circled in a red circle - my birthday. "Happy birthday," he said unexpectedly, smiling at me. I would say again that he never ceases to amaze, but my eyes were riveted to the wet cassock. - With them. I'll wash it and throw it in the dryer. And I'll bring you some of my daughter's things. The angel did not refuse and silently nodded, starting to pull off the wet robe that had stuck to his body. I handed him a blanket, retired to my room, and rummaged through a small pink cabinet with stickers of pink stars, rainbows, and unicorns. Nothing was found there. Shouldn't you give him a dress? I had to look for my old shirt and cut holes in it in place of the shoulder blades. Made a mess while looking for scissors. Okay, I'll take it off later. The guest was sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, and suddenly sneezed. Do angels get colds? I asked, handing him the shirt. - A? N-no... I'm just allergic. On the dust, - he shrugged, putting on his shirt. How wonderful they are, these angels. They do not get colds, but they can be allergic. This caused a laugh. - M? What's so funny? he asked innocently and sneezed again. I laughed. - Let's go to the kitchen. There is no dust, but there is tea. - Tea? What is tea? - asked the angel, but still jumped off the sofa, walking behind me. - It's such a hot drink. It's like hot water, only with the taste of herbs, berries or fruits. It's tasty. You'll like it. - I explained, meanwhile putting the kettle on. While he was simmering, he felt around for a chair and sat down on it. - Are you blind? I asked, completely bewildered. I find in it more and more strange and incomprehensible to me. How did he look at the calendar and accurately point his finger at the right date? But his answer is clear. Partly. All angels are blind. We see with the heart. This does not require sight, because the heart sees much clearer, deeper and farther than the eyes. It can look straight into the soul, read it. Compared to such possibilities, the value of seeing objects is very small. I got even more confused and put the mug in front of the guest, after adding a spoonful of sugar to it. And I really wanted to warn that she was hot, as an angel grabbed her with both hands, but did not even burn himself, but escaped from his lips: "Warm ...". No, I'm definitely going crazy with him. - Wait, how did you see the marked date on the calendar? I asked, sitting opposite the angel. - I didn’t see it, but I just wanted to surprise and please, because I realized that it’s your birthday even when you covered me from the rain with your umbrella. You were sad and withdrawn, and I wanted to somehow cheer you up. - the angel looked down into the mug, dangling his leg under the table. I smiled. He really managed to cheer me up. - Would you like something? I asked after a moment of awkward silence. - There are cookies, cake and sweets. - What is it? - I heard a quite expected question. - In Paradise we eat only fruits... - It's also delicious. Of course, cookies and sweets are sweeter than fruits, you may not like it ... But my wife baked an apple pie, even a little sour. - I explained and, taking the cake out of the refrigerator, I cut off a small piece from it. The angel brought it to his mouth and carefully bit it, chewed it, and swallowed it. - It really is delicious ... It's a pity that we don't have such a thing ... - he sighed and bit off another piece. - If you want, you can sometimes fly to visit, just warn if you can. And we'll bake another pie. Maybe not even with an apple, but with currants or strawberries. - Truth?! - the guest was delighted. His reaction made me smile. We continued a casual conversation and could talk right up to the very morning, but then there was a knock on our window. I turned around. Behind the glass, two more angels looked at us anxiously, but joyfully. I smiled for the umpteenth time that evening. - Looks like it's for you. I said, pointing to the window. My friend smiled and waved to his sisters. I went to the window and let them in. - Hey, would you like some tea and cake? my first guest asked with a smile. The girls became interested, but shook their bright heads with regret. - Sorry, no time, your father is looking for you, worried. We flew home. My friend sighed, but began to get ready. The girls saw the kitten and ran to him, intending to caress him, and I handed his guest his clothes. But he did not look at me, but looked with pity at the little kitten. - Take care of him, please? I will definitely find him a home, but not... - Don't worry, he will live with me. We will love and protect him. And you and your friends will be able to visit him. At the same time, you will drink tea with a pie. My friend smiled and looked at me. The sisters called to him and he was about to say goodbye, but I stopped him at the very window. I have one question left. - Wait... I wanted to ask... Why, when the wind blew, did you spread your wings? The angel smiled. - How could I fly? Let it be unpleasant, cold, burns the skin, but it helps to soar high in the sky. You see, sometimes you should not run away from problems and hide from them, you need to go towards them. After all, it happens that they help to take off, to find something important, something that is a million times better than them, to find happiness. After you do this once, others will no longer seem so scary and insurmountable, lightning flashed brightly in the sky. - Oh, sorry, father swears, we have to fly - all three jumped out the window and soared up. - Goodbye-I-I-I! We will arrive tomorrow-ah-ah! Good luck to you and happiness-I-I! shouted the receding white spots in the already blue sky. I was surprised and leaned out the window. It is indeed blue. And the trees are green... And...and... the flowers are full of bright colors. There is no trace of the former greyness. I broke into a smile. It seems my new friend was right. Finally, I will find happiness. Five years have passed. Immediately after my guest then left, I called my wife and boss. Now we are happy, we live in perfect harmony, we are raising a second child, a son. And I quit my job, where I was morally dying, and now I work where I wanted to work for most of my conscious life. At the spaceport, where I often visit with my daughter. She is already finishing school and is going to enter the space institute to work with us. That little kitten grew up and became a large and beautiful white cat, no longer afraid of people and happily fawning over guests. And our little friends continue to visit us. There are more of them. So, most often my family and I cook pies. Lots of pies.

Ruzhanskaya Natalia

Spread your wings

Games with fate are ridiculous and empty -

We are burning bridges behind us.

And always at all times

Only love should rule the world.

(musical "Romeo and Juliet")

Sitting at ease in a wide wicker chair and throwing his legs in tight trousers and high boots on the polished table, a young man was half-sitting. In one hand, shaking a narrow glass of red, almost black with saturation wine, with his free hand he traced green black symbols in the air. Only he understands the intricate pattern.

The terrace, where the man was located, acted as a peak over a falling waterfall, and seemed to be floating in a milky blue fog, shattered by a billion small rainbows. The roar of water falling from a height of five hundred meters did not reach here - a soundproof spell framed the canopy with a dome, preventing noise from penetrating into the holy of holies.

The canopy is a cunning construction of metal rods, supports and cornices, covered with glass, pieces of granite and canvas. The floor of transparent rock crystal impressed with the purity of the finish, and the view through it made the heart stop and forget what it is like to breathe. All together created a bizarre design of a brilliant architect, which frightened and attracted at the same time.

Suddenly, the silence that reigned was broken by a strangled scolding outside the door. A high, more like a woman's voice, interspersing the speech with threats and abuse, demanded:

I need to see the Overlord urgently!

But the gentleman is working, he ordered not to let anyone in.

I am nobody! - soared indignant, almost turning into falsetto voice. - I am the second demon, and you are insignificant, dust under my boots. Yes, what dust - I even disdain stepping on you. Go away!

Outside the door came the sound of a struggle and the rumble of a fallen body. In a few moments the heavy cast bronze door swung open as easily as if it were a cardboard dummy in a troupe of itinerant comedians.

A thin guy entered the hall, furiously sweeping the floor with a snow-white cloak. Long blond hair swept over her shoulders, covering her sharp, thin shoulders with a fluffy tow. The effeminate figure was dressed in fabrics of the brightest colors and hung with all kinds of bracelets, chains and rings.

Well, you know, not everyone likes brutal unshaven dorks. The blond snapped his fingers, regaining his normal look. - And here you sit, sit, admire the water, until they removed it.

Are you not? - mockingly raised an eyebrow interlocutor.

Yes, not me. - The handsome man responded in tone. “They have a Bringer of Light.

The complex pattern, lovingly weaved for almost four hours, was showered with dry pine needles.

When? - Excited by the news, the man ran his fingers through his hair, tousling his long black hair neatly gathered in a ponytail.

The interlocutor flopped into the chair opposite.

But everything was kept in such a secret that ours could only just find out about it. Only the Lord and one of the elders - Ingrid, of course, who else knew about her appearance. In a few days there will be an Initiation and… you know.

There was not a drop of fear in the jet-black eyes, and a mischievous, boyish smile lit up his face.

How timely! Almost three hundred years of waiting!

Darkness thickened between the palms of the house, brought together like a cook, deftly sculpting a pretzel and a shanezhka from pliable pieces of dough. The black mist turned into a narrow snake bracelet with ruby ​​eyes. The man admired the decoration and abruptly ordered:

Find Shanti. I need a localized return portal. Immediately.

... Half an hour later, a figure wrapped in a black cloak slipped into the empty hall

Sir? .. - a fearful whisper was shattered by a mosaic of echoes.

After a fussy look around, the mysterious visitor casually walked around the hall and, stopping at the table, held out his hand to an unfinished glass of wine; suddenly, enthusiastically gasped: "What luck!". Using a dagger, the stranger scooped up the black needles of the spell on the parchment that was substituted and just as quickly and carefully, like a ghost, slipped out the door.

The ceremony of the second coming of age and the Dedication to the Light was always held in the Cloud Palace, where the Lord resided. It also hosted meetings of the elders. A magnificent palace, with beautiful and majestic halls bathed in sunlight, decorated with porticoes and columns of white alabaster and golden amber, magnificent fountains and marble statues. It seemed that the palace itself was just an air mirage, inaccessible, like a pipe dream, but the best suited for perfect winged creatures - angels.

However, this year, just half an hour before the start of the festival, the nervous young angels were informed that the Ceremony would not take place in the Hall of Light at all, but in the Sun Cave, in which the Initiation was held during especially fierce wars with demons.

In a spacious but gloomy dungeon, with purple stalagmites hanging overhead, twilight reigned, although the emerald lichen on the walls gave a soft muffled light, and in addition, tripods were placed in the cave in which fire was maintained - but the light was still not enough.

Eliza shivered shiveringly, clasping her shoulders with her hands: a thin silk tunic did not protect against underground drafts, cold jets-hands penetrated under the ceremonial attire, penetrating to the bones; or it's just a nervous trembling, from which the teeth tapped out. It would all be over soon!

But her friend Cassandra, who was standing nearby, chattered incessantly, telling either herself or some faceless listeners about her impressions. Elise occasionally agreed and nodded, reluctantly gliding her eyes over the dreary dungeon, immersed in her own thoughts.

Today is the day of the second coming of age, when each of the young angels will receive their Drop of Light - a crystal pendant with a spark of true fire enclosed inside and ... Wings! Will they be grey, blue, grassy green, white… everyone will have their own individual shade, except for black. There are no black wings. Darkness cannot fly - even children know this.

And after the Ceremony, his or her future fate will be decided: will the young angel get the opportunity to travel the Worlds, bringing the true light to other beings as a Warrior of Light, cupid, muse - angelic magic is diverse, and each bright soul increases the power of the True Light. Or... will remain in the Heavenly City as an ordinary baker or an archivist, in one of the heavenly offices, dusting off countless volumes and scrolls.

Ellie sighed: apparently, the last option just applied to her. It is unlikely that the elders will trust a restless, disobedient girl to travel the worlds .... And how great it would be - she dreamed - in a light airy dress to come to the poet and, putting cool hands on her head, exhausted by creative insomnia, reward him with inspiration. Or join loving hearts with a solar bow in your hands... But remembering the shooting range and master Sellus erotically connected with an arrow instead of a hit target, the girl became despondent.

Meanwhile, the Elders had already gathered in the hall - eleven archangels, lined up in a semicircle near the Source. Next came the head of the Council - Ingrid the Flaming, whose crimson-red wings, coupled with a vile, more suitable evil demonic character, have long become a byword. The Lord of Light, Airel, was the last to enter the hall.

A cracked old man's voice resounded through the dungeon - the Lord greeted the Elders and young angels. The dry figure of the once tall, incredibly handsome man now evoked only pity: yellowish skin covered with pigmented senile spots with blue streaks of veins, violet eyes a couple of millennia ago, and now painfully faded watery eyes, ragged gray hair.

The sovereign, sitting in a high chair-throne, signaled the beginning of the ceremony. The magnificent Ingrid stepped forward, unrolling a scroll bearing the names of the young angels. The ceremony has begun.

The first to be called to the Source was a thin, stunningly beautiful girl - Laida, who has been the subject of constant strife between the guys for three years after her first adulthood. The nervous angeless approached the elders and, at a sign from Ingrid, descended the steps to the Fountainhead. Boiling white mist swirling in the bowl enveloped the girl's legs, tickling her bare calves and feet.