
From the lack of money for shoes, the waning moon. Ritual for the waning moon from poverty and lack of money. Removal of lack of money using coins

All efforts are spent on increasing income, but how not to drag water in a sieve, and they can not fill their purse of prosperity. The place of residence, place of work, profession or even specialty changes, but as soon as they stand in the middle of the ocean, it immediately dries up! What is the reason for such total bad luck?

As a rule, the matter is in the induced damage to one of the family members, possibly in the distant past. But until you get rid of this evil, you should not expect prosperity. Of course, a specialist will help in such a matter faster and more professionally, but in the absence of such an opportunity, it is appropriate to carry out the ritual yourself to identify damage and get rid of it.

To do this, on the full moon, after waiting for midnight, we take a church candle and a five-ruble coin. We light a candle and hold it over a coin. Let's make a conspiracy:

Fire is eternal

my spirit is marked.

gold silver

And every good thing.

We sentence until the jet drips on the money. We put the candle on the coin to burn out and sentence until the candle burns out. We wrap the cinder on the coin in a clean sheet, leave it on the windowsill until the morning. We look, whether there are darkenings on wax. If there is, then there is damage. Without talking to anyone, we tie it crosswise with a red thread, take it to the crossroads, and throw it there. We return without looking back.

What is the reason for lack of money?

So that conspiracies for money work, we are looking for the cause of poverty. Very often a person receives a program for poverty in his family, where the situation is unfavorable, constant drinking and idleness. People from such families simply do not know other behaviors to strive for the best. But for some reason this happens in good families. And in this case, the reason is already a negative attitude towards money. As a rule, in such families, parents develop in their children a desire for spirituality. For the sake of the beautiful, the good, the eternal, in such families they neglect the value of money and do not put it in anything. As a result, even having matured, children from such families cannot establish a business, because deep in their minds there is a rejection of money and its positive energy, because it is evil.

There is also a category of "karmic beggars". It would seem that their whole life was originally built in such a way that they vegetated in poverty. Not surprising. They work off the sins of their past lives. These are the people who used material goods to one hundred percent. They took advantage of the benefits of the universe over several subsequent lives. After all, studies have been repeatedly conducted and experiments have been conducted when such people were put on the path of well-being, but they again turned to begging and begging. Their karma does not allow them to live with dignity.

But people who are lost in rapidly changing realities, but striving for well-being, can always be helped. Especially if the family had wealthy ancestors, rational and focused on increasing wealth. Such people just need to recreate with their own hands the money tree of the family, where the trunk is the husband and wife, the crown is the children and grandchildren, but the roots are just the ancestors. It is necessary to remember as many of your ancestors as possible, enter them into the "root system", and by all means turn to them in complete silence by the light of a candle, a glass of water and a handful of salt. Each member of the clan should be called by name, thanked for what they got from them, passed on and, of course, ask for help. Palms should be placed on the roots of an impromptu tree and wait a while. If during the appeal to the ancestors the palms get warm, then there is a response from bygone generations.

Of course, the trouble of some is the result of external magical influence, in the situation of others, upbringing, instilled attitudes, complexes are to blame. Although in the modern world of possibilities there is a whole ocean. It is enough to look and see it. In this regard, it is easier for young people, they are not so close to their parents, who work more and have less influence on their children, who, in turn, are left to their own devices and independently form as individuals. But at any age and in any situation, a true desire to change will help even the most polluted consciousness. The main thing is to arm yourself with patience and be ready in the end to sharpen any stone installation for yourself

Very often, total lack of money is caused by generic legends or fear, perhaps unconsciously, of big money. Some believe that once wealthy relatives in the distant or even recent past have already worked out their monetary karma for them and they will never be rich again. It happens that faith in spiritual values ​​and an inner readiness for complete asceticism makes it difficult to see the possibilities of acquiring worldly goods. Even worse is the open disregard for money. The censure of the once with great pathos of material wealth is bearing fruit today, and it is no longer possible to join in a stable cash flow, being content with small part-time jobs from time to time. But it’s enough on a full moon to put water in a transparent container on the windowsill for the night and wash yourself with this water in the morning, saying

"There was a bad month, it will soon be full, so I will soon have all the good."

You can also put a nickel on the threshold on the full moon.

There are a lot of reasons for a person’s lack of money, including a kind of greeting from the past from relatives. For many, burying money for a rainy day remains the surest way to save money. As a result, the “rainy day” falls on the life of one of the descendants. Money must work, spin and make a profit. This is living energy, and forcing them to lie uselessly in the ground is a big mistake. And if in the distant past there was a theft of funds, then this is a sure sign of dooming their descendants to begging.

The energy of money feels respectful. Therefore, you should never stuff money into compartments and pockets. Putting all the bills in one place with a small change is also unacceptable. You shouldn't keep old money, but you shouldn't throw it away either. Respect for money is in the first place, and if you want to tame and tie wealth to yourself forever, then you need to start a house for money - a new, beautiful, comfortable and cozy one.

Programming from poverty

Very often you can see that people involved in business or trade are very careful about money. They follow a set of rules, according to which you must take money with your left hand, and give it with your right. They never repay debts after sunset and banknotes always lie face to face. Also, merchants systematically recalculate their funds and never brag. Everything is designed to feed their own financial egregore, which in turn reciprocates. Thanks to all these manipulations, they not only provide for themselves, but doom future generations to a comfortable existence.

You can try to save yourself and your offspring from the oppression of lack of money on your own. It is necessary to attach the left hand to the chest, and stretch the right hand forward. Within seven minutes, you can feel how love fills the left hand and out through the right palm. Bless your children at this moment for a rich and happy life!

Money energy absorbs thoughts. Always remain filled with light so that negativity does not enter your life. Always wish all the best for money, and it will come back to you through it.

Conspiracies from poverty and lack of money

When there is a waning moon, go to a place where there are no strangers. Find a poplar and bury things under it:

  • thursday salt
  • a candle from the church
  • old socks that have already become frayed
  • broken dishes
  • comb, which also broke already
  • plate with cracks

First, dig a hole and place things in it. Then, be sure to put a candle on these things and, according to all the rules, read the conspiracy:

Then cover all the attributes of the plot with earth, leave offerings to the forest and go home. It is important not to interact with people along the way and not to look back.

Ritual with candles from poverty

Take 3 thin candles and combine them into one, for this, hold them in your hands a little, and then twist them. Next, carry out spiral movements of candles around you while concentrating on the fact that you are being cleansed of lack of money, your money flows are being cleansed.

Then put this candle in front of you on the paper on which your date and name are written. Look at the candle and visualize success and material abundance. See how cash flows expand. How do you begin to attract the blessings of the world to you.

(Take a green candle. Repeat the ritual for several days)

Conspiracy with a mirror to the moon

From poverty there is such a ritual. On the 15th lunar day (the sky should be clear to see the moon), stand in front of the moon, then turn your back to it, hold the mirror in your hands, it is important that the moon is reflected in it.

Speak the plot:

“Mother Moon, I beg you, take away poverty and lack of money from me.”

Note: As a rule, before attracting money, general purges are carried out, as well as to clear cash flows.

Cleansing from lack of money

If you have failures in the monetary sphere, you need to do an elementary cleaning of the money channel or a transfer before any ritual for money.

Here is the wax casting. It is working, helping to get rid of poverty. Take your picture and put it on the altar. Then place a bowl of water on the photo. Melt the wax and pour it into a bowl, while casting the spell 3 to 21 times. Make a conspiracy for your problem.

For instance:

"I cast the wax,

I cleanse myself of poverty.

All negativity is removed from the money channel.

The road to wealth is open.

Corruption and other negativity dissolves.

Lack of money goes away

Now I'm a rich man


Do the ceremony 3-7 days, until the result. Diagnose with runes.

Get rid of the lack of money in the cemetery

Perform the ceremony on the full moon. Go to the graveyard at night, take a wallet with banknotes with you. Find a stick and an old tree that is important to approach.

Take the wallet in your hand, hit the wood with a stick 3 times and pronounce a plot from poverty:

“The dead will not rise from the coffin, but money will not leave me forever, but as the graveyard is filled with the dead, so my purse is replenished with money. Yes, so everything will come true, since the day of judgment everything will not be forgotten. Amen".

After reading the spell, throw out the stick and go home according to all the magical rules. Be sure to follow the recommendations for working at the cemetery.

Before the ceremony from lack of money, make a cash purchase to the owner of the churchyard.

Technique for pumping money channels

Now there is an abundance of courses and consultations on magic, on attracting money, building a career. At the same time, the leaders of these trainings declare that dozens and even thousands of people have received real help from them. If esoteric enlightenment had advanced at such a pace, then there would have been no poor on earth for a long time.

However, this is far from being the case. You can pray for years to get rid of poverty, conduct shamanic rituals or read conspiracies, but get nothing but disappointment. And you can read a simple conspiracy, then safely forget about it, and remember only when, in a few days, the financial situation begins to change for the better.

Now many psychics and magicians offer the technique of "pumping money channels" in different versions. With a knock on a tambourine, shamanic dances and without them. Some even conduct initiation rites by laying hands on a computer.

If a person needs such help from a magician, if the rituals performed online have a beneficial effect on him, of course, they need to be used. But at the same time, it must be remembered that all free seminars, in the end, offer to move to a higher level in relations with money, but, as a rule, also for a lot of money. Therefore, you can first try to work on your own, because, in the end, only the person himself can reach out to higher powers and ask them to improve their well-being.

To conduct this ceremony, you must definitely retire, create a magical atmosphere, it will set you up for communication with higher powers. To do this, you need to clean up your home, light candles of green and gold color, you can use incense, it is better to carry out all rituals for money in the evening, always during the growing moon.

When conducting the ceremony, you need to clearly understand how much money you need to receive, and for what purposes they will be spent. You can write a note with the amount, and put it under the green candle, or write this number on the candle itself. Next, start performing the ritual.

You need to get up, relax your whole body and begin to inhale and exhale deeply. For a while, all attention should be focused on breathing, this will help you enter a meditative state. At the moment when sufficient relaxation occurs, one must imagine that a stream of banknotes enters the solar plexus region (in the chest).

Now you need to inhale with noise the air saturated with monetary energy and imagine that it comes out of the back, breaking all the barriers to the flow of money. Gradually increasing the pace, but without losing your breath, you need to repeat the exercise for 5-10 minutes. The main point of practice is the visualization of cash flow. You need to have a very clear idea of ​​what banknotes it consists of, to feel its strength, its smell. By doing this exercise for 4 days, you can get rid of poverty and get the required amount.


To get rid of poverty and lack of money, it is important to do the following work:

  1. Do a purge. We have considered examples of such rituals. Take this process seriously. It is most important. Any magic begins with cleaning. It is advisable to first carry out a background cleansing, and then work with the monetary sphere.
  2. After cleaning, you can attract money in different ways. Conspiracies, visualization, etc. Perform similar practices on the growth of the moon. Remember that before the rituals it is important to tune in to them productively. And believe in their performance. This is the key!
  3. Act. To overcome the lack of money, it is important to work. It just won't change. If you want money, take risks, open up to new opportunities, go ahead.

4 Work with beliefs. You can do rituals for money for years, but if you have limitations within yourself, then your work will be minimally effective. Therefore, go inside yourself, find the internal blocks associated with the monetary sphere and transform them.

Are you trying to save money and have been putting money under your pillow for months, but you are still haunted by financial failures and money goes to unforeseen expenses?

Probably, everyone at least once heard about a person they say that money sticks to him.

Not everyone can explain such luck and good luck in financial matters and understand how to catch a bird of happiness. And the point here is not at all in the absence of diligence. After all, some people try all their lives, but all their affairs end with the fact that they remain in debt.

It turns out that well-being can be attracted with the help of special rituals or conspiracies. A properly performed ritual can not only improve the financial situation of the asker, but also give him the opportunity to feel the monetary energy.
The latter circumstance will be the key to successful financial affairs in the future.

Some people are haunted by the blocking of the money channel from birth. They say that they are chronic losers. They have to live paycheck to paycheck, and besides, they have to borrow all the time. Fatal bad luck is often accompanied by health problems, which further exacerbates the situation.

Of course, you can sit and wait all your life for a chance, how to get rid of failures and lack of money, or you can start acting. And the first magic kick for you can be magic rituals from poverty.

The easiest way to get rid of failures and lack of money is with the help of a “payoff” - a small bundle that is left where people walk.

Ritaul for 13 coins

Change 13 five-ruble coins and wrap them in a bundle of natural fabric. Add a twig from a broom with which you sweep the floor at home and a small personal item to this “pouch”. It can be a ring, a brooch, a personal fountain pen.

Take the ransom to a crowded place, where you accidentally drop it and leave quickly, without looking back, and without talking to anyone. You need to do this in such a way that the people around you do not pay attention to the fact that you have "something fallen out of your pocket or purse."
If your parcel is suddenly returned to you, then you need to thank and leave. In this case, the ritual will have to be repeated.

Ritaul for 7 coins

Find the house's oldest glass or cup, and prepare seven coins of any denomination. It is best to do the ceremony on a full moon, so that the waning moon will then help you get rid of financial troubles.
After sunset, throw coins into the glass in turn and say an odd number of texts at the same time:

“Here is poverty from me, have fun, poverty from morning to sunset, walk poverty, drink, eat, but do not touch me, the servant of God (name). Here's a ransom for you, here's a tribute to you, and poverty, stay away from me forever.

When finished, put the glass with coins in the kitchen (hide). When the moon begins to wane, take out a glass of coins, and pour earth or sand (snow) into it, then say:

“You, poverty, lie underground (snow), and I (your name), do not know grief, live in joy, be friends with money. May it be so!"

Take the glass to a deserted crossroads and leave it there. Before leaving, cross him three times and say once:

“I paid off poverty, said goodbye to troubles. Truly!"

Remove lack of money

At the crossroads, you can easily get rid of poverty. First, speak money at night for a waning month.

“My poor, Maeta, get off my back.
Get off me, get off on a trifle.
Who picks up a penny, he will take the poor from my backbone.
Dasun, Dasun, come, take a penny"

On the waning moon at exactly midnight, go to the crossroads. Throw a handful of change over your left shoulder, read the plot and, without looking back, go home. The latter is very important. Don't look back even if someone calls out to you. Otherwise, lack of money will remain with you.

In Old Slavic mythology Dasun- a dark kingdom inhabited by dasu - demons or non-Slavic, non-Aryan peoples

Ritual on a skein of red thread

Take a small skein of red thread and rewind it, saying:

“I didn’t call you poverty,
You came to me uninvited.
Sit down, poverty, on the red thread,
From now on, you will not be with me.
May it be so!"

On the first Thursday of the month, throw a skein at a pedestrian intersection and say the plot 3 more times.

Ritual for bread and salt

Roll three rounds from the crumb of bread. Put one penny and a pinch of salt inside each of them. Tie in a white napkin / rag and go with them to the crossroads.
Put on the ground and read the plot 3 times:

“Here you are, poverty and need, monetary losses, a gift: Money, bread and salt.
Take them and stay away...
Full of me, the servant of God (name), torment, need to execute, torment with poverty, torment with lack of money.
I'll leave, and you live here"

Leave without looking back.

Ritual for business success

Here's another little ritual for you to ensure that all your affairs and your plans go smoothly and turn out in your favor.
Take any coin in your hand, bring the palm with the coin to your lips, fingers away from you, lean it against your chin, blow three times and say three times:

“What’s stopping me, I’m blowing off, what I need, I’m attracting”

Do this three times for different coins. Then drop them at the nearest crossroads and start your activities.

Ritual to quickly receive a certain amount of money

Finally, one more simple ritual for sugar (refined sugar). Pour yourself tea, take sugar and slander it three times:

"Sugar-sugar, white side, how sweet you are, so I would have money in packing"

Then throw it into a mug of tea, stir and drink in small sips. This rite helps to get the intended amount of money. It is better to do it on the growing moon.

There is not enough money all the time. It is especially difficult for families who raise children. Sometimes things go so badly that there is no money even for the most necessary things. How to get rid of poverty and overcome the streak of bad luck? There is no single answer to this question. Everything depends on the situation. Sometimes the person himself is to blame for failures, he needs to reconsider his views on life, change.

The plot will help attract finance

The reason for the lack of money may be damage to the family. It needs to be removed, and then the problems will be solved by themselves. For those who have not suffered from black magic and are doing everything right, a conspiracy from lack of money will help.

Right outlook on life

Magic can solve many problems, but it is important to use it correctly. If the family does not have money due to the fact that people do not work or are lazy, they are addicted to alcohol, no rituals will help.

It is also important to work on yourself. It is useful to read the relevant literature. Here are the basic rules of behavior that will help you change and start making money:

  1. Do not envy, do not blame others for your failures. You can’t constantly complain about life, get angry at more successful and wealthy people. Forget about the role of a “victim”, you build your own life and are responsible for it, and not other people or the state.
  2. Be active, work, achieve your goals. Money will not fall from the sky. One technique helps: not just save money, but set a specific goal (apartment, car, vacation, etc.).
  3. Fight low self-esteem. It prevents you from finding a good job, showing all your positive aspects at the interview. Choose the job you like. Then it will be easier to succeed.
  4. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. You are an ordinary person, if you make the wrong choice, you can fix everything. It's better than doing nothing. If you have had failures in your life, do not think about it, move on, achieve your goal.
  5. Distribute your money properly. Do not squander and spend them on things that you do not need. Weigh everything, calculate, distribute the salary, and you will be able to understand whether you are ready or not to give this or that amount for a new phone or tablet. Don't take loans unless you absolutely need to.

Learn how to manage money properly

If you have followed all these rules, you can do magic that will help you get rid of poverty. But before you read the conspiracies, make sure that you are not spoiled for money.

Damage to money

If you didn’t have problems with money, debts before, and then suddenly you fell into poverty, someone could envy your happiness and spoiled you. You should not read conspiracies for money until this damage has been removed.

How to determine damage

Before you remove the damage, you need to make sure that there was a witchcraft effect. Sometimes a person begins a streak of bad luck, but it occurs without the intervention of another person. Damage can be suspected by the following signs:

  1. Suddenly, you either lost your main source of income, or profits became minimal (you were fired, the company has no income, bankruptcy).
  2. For a long time you can not get a job and even find a part-time job. All projects end in failure, you lose the desire to work.
  3. You have many debts that you cannot pay off.
  4. You regularly lose money: you forget your wallet, they give you change incorrectly, they rob you, etc. You have unforeseen expenses: household appliances break down, relatives need money for medicines, etc. You squander money, spend it on things you don't need.

Ritual to determine corruption

If you have all these signs of damage, it must be removed.

But to finally make sure that there is damage, this ritual, which is carried out after church holidays or before them, will help.

For him, you need a wax candle, which you need to buy in the temple. During the ceremony, you must be alone. It is held at midnight.

Wax candle must be placed on the table

Put a candle on the table, light it. Between yourself and the candle, put an object related to your work, money: work uniform, documents, a bag that you constantly took to work, etc. After you need a prayer. Read "Our Father" 3 times, then move a candle over an object related to work. By the flame of a candle, you can easily determine if there is damage.

  1. An even and calm flame indicates that there is no damage.
  2. If the candle goes out, then there is damage, it must be removed.
  3. If the flame fluctuates, the candle crackles, smokes, you have been damaged, but it has not yet manifested itself. A lot of smoke and soot - the negative program has already gained momentum.
  4. A flame that flares up sharply is a strong corruption that is slow to act, but can deal heavy damage.

Conspiracy with banknotes

If you are convinced that someone has damaged you for money, it must be removed. Other ways to get rid of poverty and debt will not work. To remove damage, you can go to famous sorcerers, or you can perform a ceremony at home.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon

On the growing moon, take any banknote, you will no longer be able to use it for its intended purpose. You will need a black marker or pen. Cross out on it all the numbers that indicate its face value. Fold it 4 times. Take out the white thread and sew it to the lining of your coat or other outerwear that you wear most often. Repeat at the same time:

“Happiness to happiness, money to money, will bypass me, the servant of God (name), any misfortune. Amen".

Or another version of this conspiracy, it is carried out on a waning moon. You will need a bill on which you cross out the numbers showing its dignity with a black pen and fold it 4 times. Take a needle with a black thread and sew the edges of the bill with it, saying:

“I sew up failure, I sew up lack of money, I sew up debts and problems. Luck will come back to me. May it be so".

Then take the stitched bill far from home, throw it into the river, or bury it under a tree.

To remove damage from poverty, sew or buy a bag of dense coarse fabric. The ritual itself is carried out between the 16th and 19th lunar days. With your right hand, take a coin and put it in a bag, repeat until several coins accumulate there.

In the evening, take out this bag, sit by the open window, sprinkle it 3 times with holy water, repeating the plot from poverty:

“Holy water, cleanse the Servant of God (name) from every black eye, from evil words, from adversity and from poverty.”

Get up, take the bag and go outside with it. Find a place where several paths intersect, and dig a hole there, put a bag in it and say:

“As the water leaves, the damage will come down, as the damage goes away, so the money will come. Amen!".

Leave for yourself a barely noticeable sign on the ground, so that the next day, in the evening, again come to this place, pour a glass of holy water on it and say a conspiracy. So you have to walk for 6 days. When a week has passed since the day you started the ceremony, i.e. on day 8, return to this place early in the morning, at dawn. Get a bag out of the ground, pour the coins from it into your wallet, and burn the bag itself, choosing any wasteland for this.

strong ritual

This is a powerful ritual that will help remove even severe damage. It is carried out in complete solitude.

To conduct a conspiracy, you must take a green ribbon

To do this, prepare a crust of black bread, rub it with garlic and salt. Take a green ribbon and fold it on the floor so that you have an infinity symbol. Exactly in the middle of this sign, where the stripes intersect, put a candle, also green. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on a ribbon that lies on the floor, sparing no spice. Take a crust of bread in your hands and say the words of the conspiracy until the candle burns out. Hide the cinder and ribbon after the ceremony, give the bread to the beggar.

In the morning, go to the temple and light candles for the health of relatives, friends, enemies.

“The Lord is my protector, my God. I trust in you. Let the evil eye and evil spoilage be rubbed with salt and garlic, let it be beaten, let it be killed. From me, the servant of God (name), everything will come down from the bush, it will go into the manure, and it will remain there. May it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayers and conspiracies from lack of money

If you have started a losing streak, and damage is to blame for this, it must be removed so that things go uphill. But, if it is not other people and your lifestyle that are to blame for your lack of money, prayer or a conspiracy will help restore good luck. Prayer is better because then you turn to God, to His help.

Prayer is white magic

But prayer may not be heard if He decides that for the well-being of your soul it is useful for you to endure lack of money. A conspiracy is an appeal to dark forces that are always ready to help a person if it is beneficial for them. Prayer is a safer way, but not suitable for those who do not believe in God, i.e. non-Orthodox people.


  1. Prayer that protects from poverty.

    “You, O Lord, are our acquisition, and therefore we lack nothing. With You, we desire nothing either in heaven or on earth. In You we enjoy an inexpressibly great bliss, which the whole world cannot deliver to us. Make it so that we continually dwell in You, and then for Your sake we will willingly renounce everything that is objectionable to You, and we will be satisfied, no matter how You, our Heavenly Father, arrange our earthly fate. Amen".

  2. Prayer to the guardian angel.

    “To you, the angel of Christ, I appeal. Ashe protected me and protected and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So answer now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked. So let it be, as the Scripture teaches, that it will be rewarded according to labors. Repay me according to my labors, saint, so that my hand, weary of labor, is filled, and I could live comfortably, serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen".

  3. Prayer for failure

    “Signing myself with the holy sign of the cross, I turn in fervent prayer to you, the angel of Christ, the guardian of my soul and body. Even though you know my affairs, guide me, send me a happy chance, don’t leave me even at the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, because I have sinned against the faith. Protect, saint, from bad luck. May failures bypass the servant of God (name), may the will of the Lord be done in all my affairs, Lover of mankind, and I will never suffer from bad luck and poverty. About this I pray you, benefactor. Amen".

Rules for reading money conspiracies

To get rid of lack of money, you can read the plot, choosing the one that you like more than the rest.

Pregnant women should not perform rituals and read conspiracies

  1. Do not rush to read the plot if you are not sure that you need it. Weigh all the pros and cons, remember the consequences that any magical action can have. Do not perform the ceremony out of curiosity. The one who asks for money must be in a hopeless situation and in dire need of money. It is important to believe that the ritual will work.
  2. Do not change the words of the conspiracy, do not confuse, repeat them as written. Read it on the day that is recommended.
  3. You can’t read conspiracies for money to pregnant women, because. they will attract misfortune to their unborn child.
  4. If you ask for help from another person (not a sorcerer), then give him something as a token of gratitude. You can not give money or alcohol.
  5. Do not tell anyone that you are going to conduct the ceremony.
  6. Before performing the ritual, fast for at least 3 days. These days you can not steal or kill animals, quarrel with loved ones.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

This ritual is performed on a full moon. On a full moon, at night, go to the cemetery. Do not forget to make a cash purchase to the owner of the cemetery. Take the wallet with money. In the cemetery, pick up a stick and go to the old tree. Hit the tree three times with a stick (the wallet should be in your hand) and say:

“The dead will not rise from the coffin, but money will not leave me forever, but as the graveyard is filled with the dead, so my purse is replenished with money. Yes, so everything will come true, since the day of judgment everything will not be forgotten. Amen".

Throw away the stick and leave the cemetery without looking back.

Conspiracy for bread

It is read on black bread.

The plot is read only on black bread

You will also need water taken before dawn. Read the plot over bread and water, then eat the bread, and drink the water.

"How true is

That the Lord gave five loaves

And that Jesus Christ is God's Son,

It is true that the Lord is merciful.

Turn, Lord, luck

From west to east

From North to South,

Give her not three roads,

And one way

To my doorstep.

And you, misfortune,

find your way

Into the snake's womb.

There's a place for you

There you live

There is your being.

And I will put on a charm,

Woe-misfortune not to know.

I close the lock with the key.

I throw the key into the sea.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

With old shoes

Read on the waning moon. Do not throw away your old shoes, but use them for the ritual. You also need a church candle. Take white paper, put shoes on it, light a candle. While it burns, you need to pray:

  1. Prayer "Our Father".
  2. Prayer "Let God arise."
  3. Prayer "90 psalm".

With the tip of a knife, cross the shoes, starting from the left, from the toe and moving towards the heel, and say the plot three times:

"Our Father! Poverty, a damned friend, was looking for shoes, and the whole demonic squalor followed her. So the fluid one stomped to the threshold of the slave (s) (your name), came. Don't make noise, don't yell, all the demonic squalor. Let Poverty try on his shoe, take it and go away forever. To his Master in service. Then add: “God! Our Father! Do not judge me, Your servant (y) (your name), strictly. Point out to Poverty, to the whole demonic squalor, the way-way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May it be so".

Put wax into the shoes (3 drops each) and cut them into pieces with a kitchen knife. Collect these pieces and, together with crumpled white paper and a cinder, put out a candle with a knife, place in a black bag.

Late in the evening, at midnight, go to the crossroads and drop the package there. Don't talk while you're walking back and forth. If someone calls you, show a fig in your pocket, and move on. If you talk to a person, poverty will increase.

Take a shower or wash with soap.

Three days, and preferably a week after the ritual, you can’t give or borrow anything, you can’t even give a glass of water, or take an old debt, otherwise you will forever remain a beggar.

The person who will ask you for something at this time is your secret enemy.

Conspiracies for the waning moon have a special power. At this time, conspiracies are read for wealth, luck and purification, as well as getting rid of bad habits. The last two days of the lunar cycle are considered the strongest, regarding the manifestation of dark forces.

However, you can also turn to the forces of light at this time. This moment is favorable for redirecting energy in a positive direction. But you need to be careful not to bring trouble on yourself in these strong magical days.

We will talk about whether conspiracies for the waning moon are really so strong, as well as how dangerous they are, we will talk in this article. We also gave many examples of conspiracies intended for pronunciation at this particular time of the lunar cycle.

Conspiracy on a towel

For this ritual, you need to buy a white towel. Open a window at midnight to see the moonlight. Stand in front of him and read the magic plot three times:

“As the servant of God (name) will wipe himself with this towel, so will his craving for alcohol stop. The disease from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt in the towel passes. As seven days pass, so will the servant of God (name) be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, the word is true, as I said, the servant of God (name). And so it will happen. Amen".

You need to give the conspired towel to the person on whom the conspiracy was made. For seven days in a row, he must use this towel. After the required time, bury this towel in any deserted place. If you do not have such an opportunity, burn the charmed towel.

Holy water conspiracy

To save a person from addiction to alcohol, you need to take holy water in the church. She is spoken with special magic words. They are pronounced thirty-three times in a row:

“Holy water, you, healing water, help God's servant (name) to cope with his illness, with a heavy addiction, with a pernicious habit. Let his body not accept vodka, let any alcohol reject from this day and for the rest of his life. As seven days pass, so the craving for alcohol in the servant of God (name) will go away forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Pour the charmed holy water into the alcohol that the alcoholic consumes. Gradually, he will have a persistent feeling of disgust from alcoholic beverages.

Rites for the waning moon

Here is another ritual to get rid of alcohol addiction, which uses water. It can be collected in any clean reservoir, stream or spring. Speak it with a special conspiracy:

“As this water gets inside the servant of God (name), so his drunkenness will go away, all addiction will disappear, disappear and will not return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Put the charmed water on the windowsill. It is not necessary to cover the vessel, it should be open. Every day, add charmed water to drinks consumed by a person suffering from alcohol addiction. It is not recommended to add this water to alcohol.

Ritual on the wedding ring

If there is a person in the family who suffers from alcohol addiction, it is very difficult. Most often, such a person refuses to voluntarily get rid of addiction. There are often scandals and quarrels in the family. The next rite can only be performed by the spouse of a person suffering from addiction.

Take a sick person's wedding ring and dip it into a glass of holy water. Speak the ring with this magic spell:

“You are holy water, heal my husband, the servant of God (name), heal drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband will wear this ring, until then it will protect him from alcohol and binges. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After you have spoken the ring for alcoholism, return it discreetly to your spouse.

Weight loss ritual

Excess weight for most modern girls is a huge problem. That is why rituals aimed at losing weight are very popular.

Ritual for weight loss on the waning moon

Weight loss with tea You will need to brew and cool any tea. You can collect it yourself from medicinal herbs, you can use tea for weight loss or take regular green tea. Cool the tea so that it is warm and speak it with a special magic spell:

“Water, you cleanse the roots, wash the earth, wash me of fat, remove excess weight from my bones, and give harmony and health.”

Read the spell seven times in a row (you can do more, but in no case less). Be sure to perform the ritual on the waning moon and you are guaranteed weight loss.

Rite of Good Luck

The waning moon is not able to attract money and material wealth to you. She is able to save you from various failures that accompany you through life. The effectiveness of these rituals is no different from the rituals that are performed on the growing moon.

To perform the ritual, you need to go outside at midnight under the moonlight. If you do not have such an opportunity, look out the open window. Raise your hands up towards the moonlight. Tell the moon about your problems and failures, and then say the following prayer:

“The moon is bright, the moon is pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my hardships and difficulties with it. As the moon dissolves in the dark night, so a new hope and new luck will be born in me. Amen".

Then return home and sleep. In a dream, imagine your future life - without problems, without complications, without illnesses and failures. Along with getting rid of everything unnecessary, you will attract material wealth, success, luck, money, health and prosperity.

Healing and energizing rite

This ritual is necessary for those people who want the following:

  • Heal from a serious illness.
  • Cleanse your body of toxins, toxins and negativity.
  • Improve mood and cheer up.
  • Charge the body with cosmic energy.

To perform the ritual, you definitely need to retire. Find a quiet, secluded place where no one will disturb you. The rite is performed in a good mood. In no case do not start the ritual in a depressed or depressed mood. Lay any blanket on the floor or ground. It depends on the location you choose. Silently say the incantation:

“As the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. As the earth gives strength to all living things, as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength, I will be cleansed of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, as is mother earth, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

When casting a spell, imagine how you are filled with energy, cleansed of everything unnecessary, younger and healed of diseases.

This rite works best on your body in spring or early summer. It is during this period that the main growth of all living things takes place, the earth is filled with solar energy and warmed up by its heat.

Rituals to attract money

Take a comfortable position, take a raw chicken egg in your hand and roll it all over your body. This is the process of self-purification of the body. If you have a specific place where the pain is located, roll the egg in that place.

Take a felt-tip pen and write the following words on the egg:

“Healing comes, sickness goes away. I am healthy".

Next, you need to put the egg in a bag and throw it in the trash. Try to throw it so that it breaks.

Rite from the "losing streak" that attracts money

This is quite a strong magical rite. Such a ritual is necessary for a person to give him confidence to achieve his goals. It is carried out once a year and in no case more often.

For the ritual, you will need clean water drawn from a spring or spring. Place a vessel of water in front of an open window all night. Wash your face in the morning with a little water. Dry your face naturally without using a towel, and then cast the spell:

Such a ritual will bring you good luck, success, prosperity, money, health and everything that you yourself wish.

Rituals are very important in modern life. Someone wants to be cured of a disease, someone wants to become more successful, earn big money, someone needs to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and someone has a dream - losing weight. Our desires are varied. But they all have one thing in common - the waning phase of the moon.



When the shiny disk gradually decreases, the life-giving energy seems to leave the planet. This is the time of "exhalation" of the earth. You know, you can compare it with the process of breathing, but energy. That is, earlier the life-giving force came to the planet, bringing with it what is needed for development. Everything useful from this “wave” has already been used and reworked. It's time to "exit" the excess (like carbon dioxide from the lungs).

  1. It turns out such a planetary movement of energies. Can you imagine how powerful this stream is? Every month, the earth repels from itself the superfluous, harmful, no longer needed, worked out.
  2. A small person has only to “pick up” his problems to this huge current, they will be blown away by the wind.
  3. Therefore, conspiracies for the waning moon are intended to free a person from negativity, to throw into the planetary cleansing stream that which interferes with happiness.

If you do it right, life will be much easier. And if you make a mistake in something, you will still win, only the result will have to wait. The whole planet is cooperating with you in solving your problems, remember this.


Having started practicing magic, a person is obliged to study the phases of the lunar cycle. It is very important. Confuse - you will become the source of your troubles and problems. For those who are not yet particularly versed in the subject, it is recommended that you consult a reliable source. If conspiracies must be pronounced on the waning moon, then strictly follow this rule. After all, the words of the conspiracy awaken certain forces that can help only at this moment.

  • You see, if they are involved in your life at another time, they can not only not help, but also harm. Like a person who asks for directions to the library at three in the morning.
  • What will he do? If he gets it, then he can beat it. What are you up in the middle of the night? So are magical springs. If you call them at the wrong time, you can get it in the face.
  • Conspiracies for the waning moon, unless otherwise indicated, are read precisely on the celestial disk. That is, be sure to look at it, or fall into its dim light.

Sounds must be saturated with energy coming from the satellite. Then the effectiveness of the ritual increases significantly. Please note that the Moon can appear in the sky not only at night. Sometimes it is visible before sunset. So, the plot is read in the light of day. Be sure to check the lunar calendar, since without special training it is difficult to visually determine the phase of the moon.


For everyone: a cleansing ritual

Try to plan a general cleaning during the waning moon. While you are raking out the garbage from the house, say these words:

“I drive out all the rubbish, dust and dirt from the house, I call for cleanliness! The moon is leaving, take away what harms me! Take it to the stars, take it away from the earth!

Say the words randomly, several times. And when the luminary appears in the sky, read this conspiracy to him seven times in a row. It is important to do this in the open air (without glass obstructions). You will see for yourself how much easier it will be to breathe. Those who practice this ritual say that life becomes much "cleaner", not only in the physical sense. Negative emotions, false friends, especially enemies, leave a person.

The waning moon spell for alcoholism

For the ceremony, you need a brand new towel. It is hung out under the moon all night. Be sure to ensure that the moonlight hits the flap of fabric. Hang up and read three times:

“The servant of God (name) wipes himself with a towel, the craving for vodka is collected from him, absorbed in a rag, but does not go away. Everything sits here, accumulates. For seven days it is wiped off, but every time it is freed from hardship. A week will pass, he will become healthy, like holy water. Amen!"

Give the alcoholic this towel early in the morning. Just let him wipe it off. And after seven days you need to burn it. The effectiveness of the conspiracy is very high. Try to perform the ceremony on the first day of waning so that the whole week falls on this phase.

Waning moon plot from a grumpy wife

This ritual is carried out so that the person living next to you stops swearing and grumbling all the time. It is clear that the ritual does not only affect women. It's just what it's called. Prepare a jar of spring water (you can also draw from a tap, but it will not work so much). Place it so that the moon is dipped into the liquid. Say:

“A drop by drop of water enters the body of the Slave (name), kills all his anger, fills him with joy. Whoever drinks this water will take the whole world with his kindness and kindness! A drop of water - a lot of kindness, quarrels and insults are no more visible! Amen!"

Leave the jar under the moon until morning. And then add a couple of drops to the tea (any drink) of a grumpy family member. It is necessary that all the water be drunk by him. Do not stop "taking the medicine" for a day until it is over.


There are rituals that, so to speak, "do not have retroactive effect." That is, if you pass it, it will be impossible to redo it.

  1. Most often, these are rituals of black magic aimed at destruction. For example, with a waning moon, you can break other people's relationships.
  2. Consider, if you undertake such, that this is a great sin. Ruin people's lives, and you will introduce serious dissonance into your own.
  3. Most often, such conspiracies are read by old women, those whom people call among themselves witches.

Falling moon squabble

You need to take a handful of salt, pour it into your (not new) handkerchief, put it in the moonlight and read these words once:

“I’ll quarrel with witch salt (names)! I will dissolve friendship (we choose what we need according to the meaning), I will sow enmity. I’ll throw salt between (name), so friendship will perish!

Tie the scarf immediately, but leave it under the moon. On the second day, you really need to sprinkle salt between these people. Not necessarily all, a few grains are enough for a “black cat” to form between them.


Money is the basis of the conspiracy

Did you know that life situations, physiological and psychological health, financial well-being, emotional state and even desires are controlled by the Moon. And it's not mysticism, many properties of the earth's satellite are explained by physics: the lunar gravitational and magnetoelectric influence on the planet and people.

The lunar circle consists of several phases:

  • new moon;
  • growing;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

Each position of the celestial body affects our life, the state of the body and soul, actions and their consequences. However, it is also important which sign of the zodiac the moon passes through.

The strength and effectiveness of the use of magic depends on the above factors. Knowledgeable people coordinate their plans with the lunar calendar. And experienced magicians know how internal energy flows depend on the position of the Moon in the sky, and they know how to correctly distribute them.

Moon phases: their positive and negative impact

In my practice, there have already been cases when a trainee magician, without having studied the subject reliably, began to read conspiracies for money, love and good luck at the wrong lunar phase. As a result, clients, personal happiness, finances and success not only did not come into life, but even what was there disappeared.

It is important that the magical effect, let's say, on the ether is provided not only correctly, but also on time. It is well known that:

The new moon is characterized by minimal energy influence. During this period, it is not customary to perform magical rituals or read conspiracies. This time is best used for making plans;

  1. The growing moon contributes to the multiplication, attraction, increase, growth. This time is the best suited for the manufacture of ritual and magical tools, amulets, amulets. On the young moon, you need to read conspiracies to attract customers, for successful trading, an influx of money, improved health, and love. If during this period it is not planned to carry out a magical effect, then it is recommended to accumulate energy for the future.
  2. The full moon is a good period for creating rituals. Energy flows from the satellite are the most powerful, and magical actions are the most effective. A positive or negative impact (depending on the purpose of the magic being done) will be the most powerful and complete.
  3. On the waning moon, conspiracies are read for cutting off, destruction, getting rid of the unnecessary, negative, evil. At this time, it is the best way to get rid of diseases, enemies, unhappy love, poverty and failure. It is important to remember that on the waning moon you cannot lend or borrow money, get loans, invest in business projects or start new businesses.

The growing moon contributes to the multiplication, attraction, increase, growth

As you understand, the program embedded in the conspiracy to attract customers, if the ritual is performed on the waning moon, will not work. Or it will work, but vice versa - it will discourage a source of income and business development.

Conspiracy for money

To attract money into life, you need to not only work hard, but also competently exercise a magical effect on the world around you. The universe does not know how to say no, for everyone and everyone she has an answer to desire. If you perform the magic ritual correctly and adjust your own thinking, additional financial assistance will come to you from where you didn’t expect: a raise, a bonus, winning the lottery, a solid inheritance, an idea for writing a bestseller, and so on.

  • As you already understood, rituals are being prepared for the waning moon not to attract everything positive, but to cut off the unnecessary. Thus, conspiracies will be to dare unreliable clients and partners, to get rid of poverty, debts and financial failures.
  • As a rule, a waning moon plot does not require the use of special ritual devices. In extreme cases, use water, a candle or coppers.
  • A conspiracy for money is done on a trifle from a wallet. Take out all the coins that are in your wallet, purse, or just in your pockets. Hold in your right hand. Look at the waning moon and say (memorize the conspiracy ahead of time):

“A trifle and a copper to the beggar, go, take my poverty with you. The beggar will drink and walk, fade in poverty. I give a trifle from the master's purse, I carry wealth back to my house. From now on, I do not know poverty, I live in wealth. My word is strong, but sticky to me. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

In the morning, be sure to go to the church and distribute coppers to those who ask for alms. You need to give coins only with your right hand. You will see the result already on the growing moon.

A conspiracy from a losing streak - attracts money

The magic ritual is best done in the warm season, and you will understand why. For a conspiracy, spring water is needed. In an open vessel, it must be left all night at an open window. During this time, it is saturated with lunar energy and acquires magical properties. You can’t drink water, but in the morning you need to wash yourself with it. Do not wipe moisture from the face and chest - let it dry naturally. Then read the plot:

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, like gold you are valuable, like silver you are expensive. As water washes mountains, spills over wide expanses, so it will wash away all bad luck, all failures and evil slander from me, a servant of God (name). It will wash away impurities from a clean body, from a white body, from all one hundred joints, from the malice of the opposite-cross, from the black sorcerer, from the dark witch, from the white old man, and from the old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches. Big beluga, you are a pure friend to water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, you took care of your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas-oceans, help me too, drive away all evil, bring to life a servant of God (name) good. May it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the morning you need to wash yourself with spring water

Important! The ritual will help you achieve your goals, take away failures from business and work, add confidence and strength for new achievements. But, but you can read the plot no more than once a year.

Ritual from lack of money

Poverty is not a vice, a vice is an unwillingness to change the situation. If you feel that the lack of money in your family is like bad luck, you can’t get rid of it, no matter how much you work, then try reading the conspiracy from lack of money.

  • Here you will need a church candle and any old thing that you personally associate with poverty. It could be a tattered t-shirt with holes in it, patched pants, a tattered bag, or boots that have been repaired many times over.
  • Armed with the tool necessary for the ritual, wait for any Sunday on the waning moon (symbolizes the end, completion) and start conjuring.
  • Perform the ritual all alone - no one and nothing should interfere, even a domestic cat or dog. Light a candle, put or place an old object that you have chosen next to it.
  • To begin with, read the discretion of the prayer that you like, and only then proceed to the ritual of getting rid of lack of money. Say the words:

“All my poverty and poverty, all my actions and thoughts leading to lack of money, go entirely into this subject. I cleanse myself of everything bad, get rid of what prevents me from becoming rich, and put an end to the old life without abundance. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

Reading the plot, baptize the rags. After a while, hold your gaze on the flame of a candle and imagine how new, expensive items, clothes, how banknotes, tickets to resort places and other items from a prosperous life come to the place of the old thing from “poverty”. Extinguish the candle with water or fingers, but do not blow it out.

Throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual. Take it to the trash can and put it next to it. Leave without looking back.

Throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual.

Getting rid of debt

Debts and loans leave the wallet always empty, exhausting morally, sucking out all the energy. To get rid of this misfortune, the main thing is to open the energy flows in yourself and allow money to swim towards you in a full-flowing river. After all, it is because of the fear of money that many remain poor. It's a paradox, but it's true.

To get rid of debt, there are several effective rituals. For the first, you need to arm yourself with leaves and a pen. On each piece of paper, write the name of the person or bank you owe money to. Indicate also the exact amount to the penny. You need to read the plot separately over each piece of paper:

“Dear ... (name to whom they should). I thank you for your help in difficult times and fully pay my debt. Now I am calm, for now I am in abundance, and my income is enough to live in wealth and fully repay your kindness. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

After all notes with debts need to be burned. Thus, you will morally and psychologically set yourself up in a positive way and throw off the burden of obligation from your shoulders. Money will flow from sources you never imagined.

Another way is with coins. For the ritual, prepare 32 coins of small denomination. On the killing moon, go out at night to the crossroads of two roads. Nobody should see you. Standing in the center, throw a pair of coins in each of the four directions and say:

“I don’t throw away a trifle, but drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go away, lack of money, into the far distance, to where you will never return. Amen".

You need to do four circles of prayer for each. When the change is over, turn around and go home. Don't look back and don't talk to anyone. The result of the conspiracy will manifest itself already with the growing moon.

And remember, you can not treat money as the highest value. It's just a tool to get things done. Let them go easily (but deliberately), and the bills will flow to you even easier.


The fight against alcoholism on the waning moon

There are many conspiracies that allow you to fight the green serpent. For many centuries, healers have performed a special ritual with a white towel.

To do this, you will need a new towel. At night, open the window and say three times:

A person suffering from alcoholism should use a charmed towel all week. The rest of the family should not touch the towel. A week later, the towel is buried in a remote place (where people do not go) or burned. You can also try other conspiracies for alcoholism, which will help enhance the effect of magical effects.

From bad luck

To attract good luck, it is supposed to read conspiracies on the growing moon. As you know, the new month is a symbol of everything new in human life. But the rites in the phase of the waning moon are held not to attract success, but to eliminate the existing problem.

  1. Need to get rid of chronic bad luck? In this case, with the advent
  2. Moon get out of your house or sit at an open window.
  3. Stretch out your hands to the night luminary, and tell him about the hardships that worry you.
  4. Then read the waning moon plot:

When you have finished reading, return home and get ready for bed, thinking that your problems are already over, and from now on you will have great success!

If there is a black line

There are magic spells that have a very powerful effect. Such conspiracies can be read only once during the year.

Take a bowl, fill it with water (preferably spring or melted water), and put a silver thing on the bottom. The container should stand on the window during the night. Then read the following plot into the water:

"Great mother moon! Send me good luck for this day and for this night, for this month and for the coming year! In order not to know my troubles, sorrows and worries! I conjure you with the power of the wind and the wisdom of the earth!

But better try to read the spell in the original. You need to wash yourself with charmed water, and pour the rest of the liquid onto the ground. Never drink this water! It takes all the energy negativity into itself. Thus, you can remove the induced damage.

Ritual for weight loss

This ritual is also performed during the waning moon phase. Prepare one potato and a few anise seeds. Take a new knife and peel the vegetable. Then a number should be cut on its surface, which will indicate the number of kilograms that you want to get rid of. In the future, a human figure is cut out of the vegetable, to the head of which a lock of one's own hair is glued. The last action is aimed at establishing a magical connection between the figure and you.

  • With the help of a knife, places of desired weight loss are marked on the figure. Then a mouth is cut out on the workpiece, in which several anise seeds are placed.
  • The choice of plant is not accidental, because anise, as you know, perfectly suppresses appetite. The figurine hides in a hidden place. Just remember that you can not bury it in the ground!
  • There is another good conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon.

It is not necessary to do it at night, the main thing is during the period when the moon is waning. You will need a piece of paper and a pen, three banknotes (not necessarily large denominations, you can even 10 rubles each), a new envelope. Write the following sentence on a piece of paper:

Then put the note in an envelope, seal it, and take it to church on Sunday. Drop your message in the donation box. About a month later, on the next waning moon, your weight will begin to gradually melt. This has been repeatedly verified by many famous people, show business stars and politicians. Magic sometimes works inexplicable miracles!

Water is a magical remedy for weight loss

Being overweight is a problem for many people. We offer an effective conspiracy for the waning moon for weight loss (it should be read all alone). You will need water. The ritual is performed using not ordinary tap or store water, but taken from a natural reservoir. If you do not have a river or lake in your city, then wait for the rain and collect a glass of rainwater. It is best if you have spring water at your disposal.

So, we present a conspiracy to the waning moon for weight loss, you need to read it three times, in the bathroom or in your bedroom:

The spell is read in a good mood. During the ceremony, imagine your body the way you want it to be. Wipe the body with water in problem areas (in those that need to lose weight). The main thing is to believe in the power of natural water, the stronger the desire to get rid of excess weight, the more likely the conspiracy will work.

Rite of rejuvenation

This ceremony is performed in a quiet deserted place, for example, outside the city. Having reached the desired place, lay the cloth taken with you directly on the ground, and lie down. Lie still, looking at the sky, and then turn slightly.

When you roll over on your stomach, you will need to freeze motionless for a few minutes. Then you need to return to the starting position and read the plot:

When performing the ceremony, you should imagine that the planet gives you its strength, and you yourself get rid of everything superfluous, and at the same time you are getting younger. As a rule, the ceremony is held in the period from late spring to mid-summer. At this time, the earth is warm enough and easily gives a person its accumulated strength during the winter.

Conspiracy for successful trading

Few people know that the waning moon helps to get rid of financial problems and financial difficulties, and also contributes to the successful sale of goods. The ritual is performed on Wednesday or Saturday. On this day, you should come early to the place of trade (shop, office, trading tent) and read the conspiracy for money on the waning moon:

Ritual for healing

Prepare a blue marker, a paper or plastic bag and a fresh chicken egg.

Within an hour, the egg should lie in a darkened room. Then you should enter the room, undress and lie down on the bed. In the next step, an egg is taken and rolled all over the body. Particular attention should be paid to sore spots. In this way, you can get rid of papillomas, warts and age spots. When performing the ritual, you need to think that the disease is leaving you.

Then you need to take a marker, and put the following inscription on the egg:

"Purgo Sordes, Non Renuntiat Omnibus Malis"

This line can be translated into Russian as "I cleanse the filth, I renounce all evil." According to legend, such an inscription adorned the staff of the first pope.

At the end of the ritual, the egg must be placed in a bag and taken away from your home. The package should be thrown on the ground in such a way that the egg is sure to break.

Love otsushka from the induced love spell

Many people are interested in which moon to plot for drying - waxing or waning? It has been verified that the lapel rituals for the waning moon are carried out especially successfully. This period is ideal for breaking ties, so lapels and other rituals for quarrels are incredibly strong.

  • If necessary, to get rid of the spell of love, the following rite is performed. Prepare matches, a church candle and new needles.
  • Dig a hole in a deserted place and stick 9 needles into it. As you stick each needle, imagine that the person you are interested in is getting rid of love spells.
  • Then the hole must be dug up, straighten up to its full height and say:

Leave without looking back, do not talk to anyone along the way. A person who has been cast a love spell will be freed from magical influence within a month. Usually this conspiracy helps to get rid of a rival in love.

Rituals for the waning moon for love

You can also do a love spell on the waning moon. If you need to bewitch a man who does not pay attention to you, then do so. When the moon begins to turn into a month, prepare a decoction of herbs.

  1. Take some dry flowers of field chamomile, thyme, rose petals, some orange peel. In total, you should get one handful of the mixture.
  2. Before sunset, brew it in an earthenware cup with boiling water, let it brew until it cools completely.
  3. You can add one teaspoon of honey to tea. It is important that the cup of broth is on the windowsill until the moon appears.

Then, when evening comes, drink three sips of the resulting tea. With each sip, repeat the name of your beloved to yourself. The energy of the waning night star will give you self-confidence and help attract the attention of a loved one.

When performing this simple but effective ritual (tested repeatedly!), It is not at all necessary to read prayers and conspiracies for love. The main thing is to trust the magical power of natural phenomena. Remember that the Moon is not only a celestial body, but also a faithful assistant in love affairs!

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you what home conspiracies to read in order to get out of poverty and get rid of chronic lack of money. The problem of money is relevant for everyone, without exception. People approach this problem in different ways. But, only conjuring people wonder how to get rid of poverty and lack of money with simple conspiracies. And it can be done. All you need to do is to work smartly, efficiently and safely. It’s easy if you know in what order and what home conspiracies from poverty to read. In addition, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow exactly the one you made works, and what result you should expect.

A wax conspiracy from poverty and lack of money is the strongest home ritual

If you want to get a good stable result, you always need to work comprehensively, well, and, of course, count on your strengths. So, having set the goal of getting rid of poverty, create those independent conspiracies that practicing magicians recommend for work, and precisely those that you can carry out cleanly, without errors.
In this material I want to offer you a strong rite to get rid of poverty and lack of money- a wax casting of a financial negative. Castings can remove the negative of a different plan. Cast on wax:

  • health damage,
  • remove loneliness
  • and relationship failures
  • save a person from bad luck,
  • break various blockages,
  • and do a lot more.

Wax is a unique material. In the magical rituals of casting a person with wax, the main thing is to clearly state what you want to get rid of.

So, if your life paths were blocked by witchcraft, you can make a wax casting yourself, read a conspiracy from poverty and open roads:

“I cast that which blocked the road to happiness in my house, I open the road to happiness and good luck in my house. I will never return everything that is superficial, brought in, underlayed, and whispered by the otoly, to my doorstep, I will open the road to happiness and good luck in my house. Truly said."

There are also slightly more complex work with wax. However, they can be used independently at home. Here is material for acquaintance and practice of beginning magicians - an effective ritual for the expulsion of poverty and getting rid of monetary failures.

A strong conspiracy from poverty to the waning moon - a wax casting of poverty

This is a proven and effective ritual for cleaning the money channel. An independent rite of white magic, successfully showed itself in independent work. The method is easy to perform, and suitable for those who do not yet have experience with wax. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend this method in combination with the annealing of the money channel with the Krad rune - the sixth rune of the Slavic (Venedian) runic series.

For an independent ritual to get rid of poverty and lack of money by conspiracies, prepare:

  • your photo or photo of the object of influence
  • deep bowl
  • cold water
  • natural beeswax
  • wax container

The photograph is placed under a bowl of cold water. If there is a transparent bowl - very good, use it. Melt the wax in a water bath, counterclockwise with a container of wax, make circular movements over a bowl of water. At this time, read the words of the conspiracy 1 time. Then slowly pour the wax into the water, reading a conspiracy to get rid of poverty and poverty, 2 more times. The total money spell must be cast three times.

“I pour wax, cast it, I remove lack of money and poverty from myself (name) to wax, everything that interferes with my money income, my wealth and well-being takes away, any attachments, bindings, marks, bends, and other hardships I remove from myself with wax. Everything that closes the way for money inflow, keeps luck and profit away from me, I pour off myself, lock it in wax.

Then, on wax hardening in water, they read the text of a home conspiracy 3 times to get out of poverty:

“Just as hot wax cools in water, so does the fact that money deprives me of well-being and good luck, freezes in wax, wax locks poverty in itself, removes lack of money from me. I have spoken, spoken to come true. May it be so. Amen".

Do this effective ritual of getting rid of poverty 3 days in a row. They make 3 castings a day. In total, for 3 days of work you should get 9 castings. For each casting, wax is taken new. After casting, the used wax should not be kept at home, but should be taken away to the cemetery crossroads and buried at midnight, you can leave a ransom. In difficult cases, it is better to make a transfer to a thing or money, and leave it at the crossroads.

How to make a strong conspiracy from poverty - wax casting rules

Many novice magicians ask the same question, is it possible to use paraffin in magical castings from poverty and lack of money? No, this cannot be done. In witchcraft castings from monetary damage and bad luck, only natural beeswax is used, since it has the ability to absorb both someone else's and your own. This happens due to the natural ability of this material to receive and store information. This amazing susceptibility of wax is taken as the basis in all witchcraft rituals with it - in the rites of love magic, in magical rituals from poverty in money magic, and in other sections of black magic. For the same reason, wax is widely used in traditional medicine recipes.

Wax not only reads information from a person's biofield, it draws out all the negativity towards itself, like a sponge. That is why it is impossible to replace natural wax, artificial paraffin, stearin and other substances in magical castings to drive out poverty. An independent ritual of casting a person out of poverty, with the data of the material, will not give the desired effect.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Another, quite common question for beginners in magic, is it possible to use the remains of wax candles previously used in other rites in castings from poverty and poverty, when reading a strong conspiracy. Absolutely not. This cannot be done, because such a wax carries side programs. For castings, you need to buy pure natural wax, not used. Such wax can be bought from familiar beekeepers, or in specialized stores, or ordered on the Internet from those who sell beekeeping products, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, do not recommend ordering in magical online stores, you need natural wax, not a fake. You can also melt new wax church candles. It is permissible to use such wax to pay off poverty if castings are made with the involvement of a Christian egregore, and you are prone to white magic.

Do you need to read conspiracies on a growing or waning moon to get rid of poverty and lack of money?

In the practices of black magic, rituals for the expulsion of poverty and poverty, i.e. cleanings, if they are planned, are done in the waning phase of the moon. For the money channel, the work goes steadily like this: on the waning moon, cleanings are made, on the growing moon, the money channel is filled. Without taking into account the lunar phases, only emergency cleanings are done. But it is not worth getting carried away with such an order of work.

How long does the effect last, and how often do you need to repeat the casting of negative money?

An effective rite of wax casting with a strong conspiracy from poverty to the waning moon is the essence of cleansing, the elimination of negative programs, cutting off the thieves of good luck. The effect is quite persistent, and will persist until your money channel has:

  • evil eye,
  • new damage,
  • luck thieves,
  • self-damage,
  • results of unsuccessful magical rites,
  • and other magical negatives.

The algorithm for the practical work of the magician should be as follows:

  • produced castings,
  • then a diagnosis was made.
  • if there is a need to clean it, you can apply the same cleaning again, or use other methods.
  • after which they fill the money channel, imposing rituals for wealth and monetary luck on an open field.
  • then put up a defense.

This, I repeat, is truly a magical, complex work that helps. It is very effective to alternate castings from poverty with other methods of home cleansing, such as salt. At the same time, you need to check with diagnostics what suits you, and which home rituals from poverty do not give a result.

And, finally, a question that does not leave indifferent not only those who begin their magical practice, but also those who have long and consciously. Will the wax casting remove the protection? Wax also has side effects. He not only draws out the negative and removes what the magician stipulates, but can also affect positive witchcraft. For example, it can really weaken a person's magical defenses. Weak protection with effective ritual to drive out poverty and may even be demolished. After several castings, it will not be superfluous to check the condition of your protection with diagnostics. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise in the process of casting to get rid of poverty, use the magical protection of the protective plan, scientific protective magic and daily readings.

Read a plot from poverty on a waning moon

Independent conspiracies and rituals to get rid of poverty and lack of money can be done in different ways, using a variety of objects that symbolize either the wealth that you attract or the poverty that you get rid of. Such is, for example, a strong ritual of ransoming from poverty with shoes, when they get rid of the charmed shoes. By analogy, rituals from lack of money work with an old wallet, glass or coin.

For example, with the help of this self-conspiracy on a wallet, you can get rid of poverty.

This is a powerful ritual of transferring your bad luck and bad luck in money. The money channel, of course, cannot be filled with this, and the thieves cannot be cut off, but part of the negative on well-being can be discarded. On the waning moon, 9 coins of the same denomination are put into the old wallet. They throw it in the center of the intersection and read the words of the spell to get rid of poverty three times:

“Whoever picks it up will take away my poverty. May it be so".

Here is another example of how to make an effective ritual of getting rid of poverty. Made for a waning moon. They slander the coin 9 times:

“I don’t value poverty, I spend everything on a coin. Whoever takes the coin, he will take my poverty for himself.

Find a way to give this coin to anyone. At the same time, you need to say to yourself: “It was mine - it became yours” A magical conspiracy to send poverty and ruin to the enemy

You can also make a ritual so that your enemy has poverty. This can be achieved by the rites of transferring your lack of money. And you can also do deliberate damage to poverty, to the complete ruin of the enemy.

How can you use magic to destroy the enemy yourself?

There are witchcraft rituals for the poverty of a bad person, and there are many of them. Here is one of them. In the dead of midnight, you need to go to the crossroads of three roads. Light 3 wax candles and read magic conspiracy to make the enemy have poverty. You need to read until the candles are completely burned out, and then leave without turning around.

“I will go along the black path, I will stand in the middle of three roads, I will bow on four sides, I will call on the furious winds. You fly, the winds to the house of the slave (the name of the enemy), fly into the doors and into the cracks, all his goodness, scatter what you have acquired around the world. The hole is full of holes, the dust is rotten, the emptiness is empty, the darkness is thick, let everything be as it is sentenced. Amen".

This is an effective rite for the poverty of an ill-wisher, which, in general, does not fail. It's unlikely to bounce back. In my practice, the magician Sergei Artgrom, for example, there has never been a rollback. Despite the fact that the rite is performed at the crossroads, this is not a demonic rite, but an appeal to the wind. You can do it at U-shaped and T-shaped intersections. At the mercy, you can leave the flour, dispelling it in the wind.