
Collect income from driving sims freeplay. How to save for a car: we are considering different options. Send Sims to the Competition Center

The Sims Freeplay game is constantly updated and updated with new tasks. One of these tasks - collecting income from driving, is not only a source of experience, but also not a bad way to make money in the game. Today I will tell you how to complete the task “collect income from driving Sims FreePlay”.

The first step is to build a car dealership (see photo) and buy a car. The salon is located behind the bridge, to the right of the city. An alternative option is to buy a house with a car attached to it.

Go to a car dealership and buy a car, after which you need to assign it to your character. After purchasing, the car will appear on the lot in front of your Sim's house. Click on the car and select “take a ride in the car.”

Follow the car as it drives through the city. As she moves, icons in the form of musical notes will appear. By collecting these badges you will earn income from driving in Sims FreePlay.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in completing the task and I hope you will no longer have the question of how to collect income from driving in the Sims FreePlay game. Good game!

Do you want to go on vacation to the sea, change your car, finish building your dacha, buy a computer for your child, etc.? Every family has similar goals from time to time. Where can I get money? How to accumulate them quickly?

There are 2 ways to solve these problems

stupid and smart. It’s stupid to take out loans or spend all the family money on solving these problems. Such methods will lead your family to poverty.

The smart way

solve the problem gradually, “working” with what you have. You just have to change something in your life and your habits. But losers are not capable of this, because... they don’t want to change anything about themselves and can only complain about life. Therefore, this article is for those who are really ready to change something in themselves for the benefit of their family.

For example,I took the family, living in a city with a population of one million, with a monthly income of approximately 80-100 thousand rubles, having a car and an apartment for rent or a mortgage. As always, I tested all the ways to save money on myself))

I specifically took 6 months (26 weeks) to show that it is possible to save such a large amount in such a short period of time.

Purchase planning

Make a list of the products you need and buy strictly according to it. My wife and I started discussing the menu for the week and creating a grocery list for it. As a result, the weekly bill decreased by 25-30%. If a family of 3-4 people spends 4-5 thousand rubles a week on groceries, the weekly savings will be 0.5-1.5 thousand rubles.

Over 6 months, the savings will be about 20 thousand rubles.

Buy with cash

Savings, according to statistics, are 20-30%. Take only cash with you to the store. Leave your credit cards at home.

I don’t know how to evaluate this method, but I assure you that it will save you tens of thousands of rubles a year.

Read research about cash and electronic money.

Refusal of one lunch in a cafe per week.

Let's take the average option, where the difference between the cost of lunch in a cafe and lunch brought from home is 150-200 rubles.

In this case, the savings over half a year will be more than 20 thousand rubles.


I gave up the car and walk a lot (5-10 km a day). I go not only because of saving money, but also because of my health (sedentary lifestyle and minor problems with the spine). At first I was lazy, now I'm enjoying it. In your case, this may be a refusal to take a bus from/to the metro.

With an average fare of 25 rubles, 2 times a day, the savings will be 5-6 thousand rubles in 6 months.

Auto insurance

Buying insurance with a deductible will save you a couple of tens of thousands of rubles on a car worth from 600 to 900 thousand rubles.

Fewer restaurants

Avoiding one visit (with your family) to a restaurant or cafe per month will save you more than 10-15 thousand rubles. in 6 months


Choosing a pharmacy and an analogue of the medicine prescribed by a doctor will save tens of thousands of rubles a year. Naturally, such experiments should be done only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In our example, the savings will be 5-10 thousand rubles in 6 months.

Reduced rent or mortgage interest

Reduction in monthly rent by 1-2 thousand rubles. or refinancing your mortgage (taking out a cheaper loan and paying back a more expensive one) will save you,

according to conservative estimates, 20-30 thousand rubles. For half a year.


Everyone's income is different and prices are different in every city. You may not have a car or not eat in cafes and restaurants at all. Write down your expenses linearly and try to reduce each expense by 1-2-3-5-10%, and you will get the tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles a year that you really need. Checked!

👋 And I wish you well-being in finances, family and in life!
Timur Mazaev was with you, aka MoneyPapa - an expert on family finances.

Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date of: November 29, 2016. Reading time 7 min.

When asked about wanting to own your own car, you can hardly hear a negative answer. Teachers and earth workers, businessmen and steelworkers, students and pensioners do not give up hope of saving up for their car, despite the crisis and the instability of the national currency. It turns out that this is not so difficult to do if you act according to the plan.

Large purchases remain an unattainable dream for many ordinary people. And in the context of declining purchasing power and depreciation of savings, any ideas on how to save for a car seem simply crazy. Let's try to figure out what steps will really help bring the dream of owning a car closer to reality.

We set realistic goals

Dreaming of a car is wonderful. They say that with strong visualization of what you want and concentration on its implementation, the goal will definitely be achieved. But such a philosophical approach is unlikely to help you save up for a new car. And a fantasy dream about a car from the Top 10 most expensive models with an income of 30,000 rubles. per month and will remain so.

According to economists, the cost of a large purchase should not exceed 8 to 12 months of family income.

Based on an income of 30,000 rubles, feel free to start choosing a suitable model in the range of 300,000 – 360,000 rubles.

Of course, the only new cars you can buy for that amount are the miniature Daewoo Matiz, the ubiquitous ZAZ Chance, or the stylish new Lifan Smily. There are quite decent offers in this price segment of used cars. A two-year-old Russian-assembled Chevrolet Lacetti, a Lada Granta or Lada Kalina of the same age, or a three-year-old Renault Logan are an excellent choice even for a novice car enthusiast. If you wish, look for Germans or French, although the age of these cars will be a little older. Typically, an eight-year-old Ford Focus or a six-year-old Hyundai Getz are offered for this amount.

Conclusion. The goal is to collect 300,000 rubles. to purchase a car is quite achievable even with a salary of 30,000 rubles.

We draw up a business plan

Knowing the goal, we try to understand how quickly we can achieve it. Without a clear plan, all actions will be chaotic and futile. We need to understand not only how to save money for a car, but also what the realistic time frame for this will be. Saving money is easy even with a small salary.

Experts say that in order to accumulate 10% of the reserve fund, you don’t even need to greatly reduce your needs.

This is the method that most resources advise novice economists to follow. But will such savings be enough to purchase a car? 10% of the estimated income will be 3,000 rubles. Accordingly, to accumulate 300,000 rubles. it will take at least 100 months or 8 years and 4 months.

If the prospect of collecting a car for about 10 years suits us, we go this way. But do not forget that inflation will eat up part of the savings during this time, and the price of the chosen car in 10 years will clearly not be 300,000 rubles, unless the idea of ​​purchasing a Lada 2014 will remain relevant by the end of 2025.

Therefore, the share of income allocated to savings will have to be increased. In this case, the time frame within which it will be possible to save the required amount will change significantly.

So, by increasing the share to 30%, that is, by putting aside 9,000 rubles a month, we will collect the required amount in 2 years and 9 months. True, the deadline is already more realistic. And if you tighten your belt and try to save 50% of your income - 15,000 rubles, you will collect 300,000 rubles. It will be done in just 1 year and 8 months.

In fact, in 10 months, with the accumulation of 50% of income, we will collect 40% of the cost of the car. This amount is enough to painlessly apply for a loan with a minimum interest rate.

Conclusion: The ideal way to quickly save up for a car without a loan would be to save 40–50% of your income.

Save or earn?

If you analyze your expenses well, it’s easy to find ways to painlessly save up to 30% of your budget.

By Resolution No. 882 of September 6, 2016 in the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2016, the cost of living for able-bodied citizens is 10,722 rubles.

Live with a family of even 2 people on the remaining 15,000 rubles. saving 50% of income will most likely be problematic. In this case, it would be better to find a part-time job.

So, the minimum amount for life will be 21,444 rubles. The difference is 8,566 rubles. We save from our main income and look for a part-time job for 6,444 rubles. per month. In reality, finding an additional way of income if you want is not so difficult. These are options for making money remotely on the Internet, helping with walking animals or doing housework in the garden.

A man can unload heavy loads or work as a “husband for an hour.” The main desire. And if these 6,444 rubles. divided between spouses, then you will have to look for a part-time job for only 3,000 - 4,000 rubles.

Conclusion. Part-time jobs will help speed up the accumulation of money for a car. In reality, you can add from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles to your piggy bank every month through part-time jobs.

Ways to save and protect money for a car

When you have figured out the amount, terms and sources of savings, you need to take care of the methods of accumulation. Someone simply puts a certain amount into a box. But in this case, the temptation in financially critical situations to take out loans is very great.

The most affordable option is to put it in envelopes; we will simply seal them. It is morally more difficult to get money from a sealed envelope than from an accessible and always open box.

But it’s better to find ways to save money that will help protect money from itself, and even better, from depreciation:

But even with such deposits for the estimated 1 year and 8 months, interest on the deposit will increase savings by 25,000 - 30,000 rubles. In fact, this will reduce the accumulation period by as much as two months.

Conclusion. If you follow this plan, you will be able to collect the necessary amount to purchase a car in 1.5 years. Considering that for the calculations we took a situation with a family income of 30,000, those with a higher income, following this algorithm, can easily save money in a shorter period of time or buy a more impressive car.

Many people think that saving a significant amount to buy a car is impossible. However, it is not. And we will tell you what exactly needs to be done.

1. Set a goal

Dream car... Each of us would like a Ferrari or Porsche, but psychologists advise having not only an “absolute dream”, but also a “close dream”. And first of all, strive for it - in this case you will not be disappointed by failures. Therefore, the first step on the path to a car is to set the right goal. And you don’t have to tell yourself “I want a car.” No! The goal should be as specific as possible. Go to car dealerships, look at all the different options, decide what exactly you would like to drive: it is advisable to know the body type, equipment and even color!

At this stage, it is important to understand the approximate price of your future car. If you now earn 30,000 rubles a month, then setting a Mercedes-Benz for 10 million rubles as your “nearest” goal would be a big mistake. This is a “distant dream” (you cannot give it up under any circumstances, but it is better to move towards this ultimate goal gradually). Many experts believe that it is best to buy a car whose price does not exceed 8-12 months' income. That is, if you earn 30 thousand a month, then it makes sense to focus on a car worth 300 thousand. Do you get 100 thousand? Congratulations - you can buy a car for a million or even a little more (in this case, the total family income is taken as income).

And try not to make “childish” mistakes here. If you find a 15-year-old BMW with leather interior for $3,000, don't get emotional. Remember that the older the car, the more expensive it is to maintain. This is especially true for premium brands. If you focus on “second-hand”, it is better to buy cars no older than 3-5 years with a mileage of up to 100 thousand kilometers. Moreover, these should be common and popular models, spare parts for which can be easily found.

2. Start saving

  1. Count the so-called mandatory expenses: utility bills, kindergarten receipts, internet, transportation costs, and so on.
  2. For two weeks, carefully record all your food expenses. Thanks to this, you will finally understand how much you spend on food. The very fact of control will lead to you starting to save.
  3. Take a close look at your wardrobe and determine what items you or your children need to purchase over the coming year. Try to understand how much they might cost. Next, divide the resulting amount by 12.
  4. Allocate a certain amount for entertainment or relaxation. It is wrong to completely give up the “joys of life” - this can cause tension in family relationships or lead to depression.
  5. Buy several envelopes.
  6. When you receive your salary, take out these same envelopes. In one of them, put the amount that is required to pay utility bills and other things. Secondly, sign “clothing” and put the amount from point “3” there. There should also be envelopes for “entertainment” and “unforeseen expenses” (3-5% of income). Expenses for food are a little more complicated - they need to be divided into four envelopes: 1 week, 2 week and so on. Such a move will allow you not to “eat up” everything in the first half of the month and then go hungry.
  • Put everything else aside. Economists say that a person can save 10-20% of their income virtually painlessly only by optimizing expenses. This amount must be taken to the bank and deposited into an account - for example, a deposit with the possibility of replenishment. This way, you will also receive interest, which will bring you a little closer to the car. It is necessary to “hide” money from yourself on the very first day of receiving income! Otherwise, they may “go through our fingers.” You need to save into the account not only from your salary, but also from any income you receive: “basic” salary, advance payment, bonus, and so on. The main thing here is not the amount, but the principle - as they say, “the hen pecks every grain.” If you don't trust banks, then you can hide money in envelopes. You just need to seal them! And thus, you will no longer save bills, but envelopes (getting cash from a sealed envelope is more difficult than just taking it from a pack).
  • Write down on a piece of paper the amount you need to purchase a car. Hang it on the wall in a visible place. And as soon as a certain amount appears in your savings account, mark it immediately.
  • After a month or two, analyze your expenses again. Maybe you can cut down on entertainment costs? And buy theater tickets not for the first rows, but for the balcony? Or spend, say, 500 rubles a week less on food? After all, 500 rubles a week is 26,000 rubles a year (not counting interest if the money is deposited in a bank).
  • If you follow these instructions, you can save quite easily and simply, and your quality of life will hardly deteriorate. Just stop wasting money on nonsense. And as your income increases, savings will proceed at a much more active pace (yes, if you decide to save for a car, then it is very advisable to start earning a little more than you are now).

    3. Take a step back

    Have you set yourself the goal of buying, say, a new Skoda Octavia for a million rubles? But maybe it makes sense to take a “step back”? And turn your attention to a more affordable Rapid, or to a slightly used car? After all, they are much more affordable, and therefore you need to save less. Of course, the Skoda is given here as an example - if you save up for a Renault Logan, you can buy a Lada or a two-year-old Logan with a mileage of 40 thousand.

4. Credit

We usually advise you to be very careful when buying a car on credit. However, in some cases, a loan can be a good help! After all, you won’t have to save money for a long time for a car (what if it goes up in price?), besides, it’s no secret that a loan mobilizes a person and forces him to be more attentive to expenses.

There are several interesting offers on the market now. Citroen, Nissan, Peugeot, Renault (though only for Duster) offer a loan for three years at... 0% per annum! And in Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, Datsun, Skoda you can get a two- or three-year loan at 5.5-10% per annum. True, often such profitable lending programs imply that the down payment should be about 40-50% of the cost of the car. You will have to save this amount yourself by following the instructions above.

P.S. And remember - when calculating the amount you need, take into account “unplanned” expenses. Which, in fact, are predictable. For example, for the purchase of an OSAGO or CASCO policy, for a technical inspection or repair (in the case of purchasing a used car), for the purchase of winter tires or an alarm system. All this can easily cost 10-20% of the cost of the car. Also, leave at least some money in the envelope just in case. What if the roof of the house leaks and needs to be repaired?

If you're ready to learn new ways to increase your Simoleon and Lifestyle points in The Sims FreePlay, then we've prepared some new tips and tricks for you. But before we begin, let us remind you that this is a game for Android and iOS devices, which is a copy of a series of popular computer games about the Sims from Electronic Arts, although, on the other hand, the mobile version of the game is a lightweight version of the computer analogue. Here you also have to lead the Sims through life: from birth to old age, create families, earn money for a decent life, and also make their life happy. The last two tasks are the most important, which is why in this article we will try to help you and give you some tips that will allow you to earn more money and Lifestyle points.

Your Sims can get dirty if they don't use the restroom or do their "business" in the wrong place. Shaking your phone or tablet will allow your Sims to feel sick and vomit. Get organized and get some Lifestyle points for it.

2. Shopping at the Community Center

Shopping at the Community Center will allow your Sims to have their own hobbies and hone their skills. Hobbies will trigger a wide range of different abilities, from figure skating to ghost hunting, and all of these hobbies will allow you to collect a variety of rewards. Collecting the Sims collection will allow you to get even more rewards.

3. Send Sims to the competition center

The Competition Center is one of the buildings being introduced through the Supernatural updates. You will need to send Sims to compete in various hobbies such as ballet, ghost hunting and karate. If the skills of your Sims are high enough, then you can win various competitions in the Center and win prizes.

4. Have Fun While Earning Lifestyle Points and Cash

If you send your Sims outside to have fun, you can collect both Simoleons and Lifestyle Points. Try to hit the musical notes to collect more money, and maybe more Lifestyle Points if you're lucky and hit the right notes.

5. Buy more than one item

What you can create yourself can help you in the future. For example, if you are baking something, then use two ovens, not one. But you shouldn't spend money on expensive ovens, as this will not speed up the baking process.

6. Spend your money wisely

If you have a certain amount of money, then you should not spend it on everything, especially if you will not use it in the future - this is the principle of maintaining a budget, just like in real life. In addition, you should also save on Lifestyle glasses because you will encounter tasks later on that will require these glasses. Sell ​​unnecessary items, such as a crib, that will no longer be needed as the child grows up. And don't spend real money on Simoleons, because you will be able to get enough Simoleons very soon if you follow the tips above.