
I light three candles. Three candles ritual from proserpine. How to attract love into your life

In the old days, there were many signs associated with candles.
For example, according to wedding omens, it was believed that whoever holds the candle higher at the wedding should be the main one in the house, and whose candle is shorter, he will die earlier.
The candles extinguished at the wedding meant the imminent death of one of the newlyweds.

"The sorcerer with a candle", Fig. Orest Kiprensky
This is how Mikhail Zagoskin wrote about the wedding omen in the book "Evening on Khopr" (1834).
“Eh, it’s not right! - not for good! " - whispered among themselves all the gentlemen and hay girls. And truly, there was nothing to be afraid of: the candle that the young woman was holding blazed with a clear and pure fire; but the one with which the Falcon was standing burned dimly, smoked like a funeral lamp, and for no reason went out three times in a row.

The extinguished candle became a sad omen at Pushkin's wedding (see my post).

The family kept wedding candles all their lives. These candles were lit when the wife was in labor and when the child was seriously ill.

Rice. B. Jokes
Three lighted candles were considered a bad omen.
"There are generally accepted superstitions, such as: 13 people at the table, or 3 lighted candles in the room foreshadow the deceased."- wrote Efim Dymman in Science of Life (1856).

Enlightened people tried to find a philosophical explanation for this sign.
“Four candles light up your room: a careless servant takes out one of them. You stay five, six minutes with three candles: I don't know what can happen to you, but experienced people will fear for your fate ...

I have not experienced the dangers of sitting in a room with three lighted candles, because in my office most of the time only two candles are lit. But I have no doubt that it is very scary to sit by the light of three candles; remember that in Tartarus there are three Parks, three judges, three furies and a three-headed Cerberus: it is obvious that three candles are a symbol of this fatal trinity.

By three candles you are threatened with death by three Parks, a terrible sentence by three judges, a terrible barking three-zipped Cerberus, a terrible punishment by three furies: after that judge for yourself how not to look after the servants, who so often have the imprudence to leave you in a room lit by three candles. " - I.B. Sal "On delusions and prejudices", 1836.

Rice. Rowena Morrill
Sometimes the omen "three candles" came true, according to the memoirs of Mikhail Glinka:
“My sister decided to play cards; my brother then put me a chair beside EK. After playing a little, my sister took it into her head to type letters. There were two lighted candles on the table, and my sister, for greater convenience, lit another candle in a small candlestick. E. K. noticed to her sister that it was not good when three candles were burning on the table; ignoring this warning, the sister continued to type and did not extinguish the third candle.

About two weeks before that, an acquaintance had been visiting Sofya Petrovna; when she read cards for me, all spades always fell, so she finally began to hide them from me.

The next day, after meeting with his brother, his sister felt worse, and on the third day he died of intestinal inflammation, which turned into Antonov fire. The death of my brother amazed and grieved me indescribably ... "

Rice. V. Tislenko
There were also those who liked to laugh at the omens.
Osip Przhecławski, a 19th century Polish journalist, recalled dinners with a minister who liked to joke with his friends:
“Turkul was an ardent opponent of superstition. When Counts Branitsky, Vladislav and Alexander, came to Petersburg on business in the forties, the minister often dined with them. A feature of these dinners was that the serving combined everything that is considered a bad omen in the popular beliefs of different nations: thirteen people at the table, three candles, an overturned salt shaker, knives and forks folded in a cross. This amused everyone, and Turkul was the first to joke about the terrible symbolism, which, however, did not take away anyone's appetite. "

During the day, lighting candles was also considered a bad omen - to the deceased.
Emperor Alexander I faced this sign (see my post).

Candles also became a talisman against evil spirits. On January 16, in the villages, a tallow candle was tied to the gate so that evil spirits would not sneak into the courtyard. They said that on the morning of January 17, the gate was found bitten and scratched.

Loud candle
The Thursday passionate (loud) candle, which "burned on three passions" - at Matins on Friday, Saturday and Sunday when reading the Gospel, was considered a strong talisman.
With this candle, crosses were burned on ceilings and doors, and kept in the house as protection from evil spirits. The Thursday candle was lit at death and childbirth.

"Boy with a candle", fig. M. Gubin (17th century)

I wrote about fortune-telling by candlelight in a post
Updating the blog

In this article:

Candles are used for many purposes: in religious rituals, in magic and clairvoyance. Wax has unique mystical properties, and ritual candles are mostly made of wax. Wax candles are used for prayer because it has healing properties. Wax is charged, talked about, with its help they remove the negative, and even make dolls for Voodoo magic. Here is a full-scale application of wax.

Rules for working with candles

Candle rituals require compliance with certain rules, the so-called laws of magic, which have not been canceled. Here are the main ones:

  • For ceremonies, new candles are bought or made on their own;
  • Ritual candles must be completely painted over;
  • It is desirable that the candles be large and can burn for several hours;
  • In no case should you extinguish the candles, they must burn out to the end. Candles can be extinguished only if the magician refuses to conduct the session;
  • Before the sacrament - the candles must be consecrated;
  • Odorless candles are the safest choice;
  • Rituals for health, money, well-being are carried out on the growing moon. On the waning moon - rituals that are directed at us destruction, expulsion or waning.

Ritual 15 candles - helping hand "hopeless people"

There are times when a person already “puts on a cross,” that is, he does not believe that something can help him. In such cases, God becomes the last resort who can help. There is also a candle ritual - a 15 candle ritual that can:

  • Resolve any problems;
  • Heal from a serious illness;
  • Find peace of mind and heal the soul from melancholy;
  • Break the chains of unrequited love.

Here are the details of the ritual itself. To carry out the ritual, you need to buy 15 consecrated candles. At home, one should say the prayer "Our Father" over each candle. Just remember: you should not utter the whole prayer, but only to the words "and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

We continue the ritual in the temple. In the temple we put candles in a certain order. We do everything with understanding of the situation, with feeling and prayer. The ritual cannot be done purely mechanically. To do this, find specific prayers before going to the temple.

  • 1st candle - we set for the peace of all dead enemies, both in this life and in the past earthly life.
  • 2nd candle - we set for the peace of all deceased relatives in this and past life.

Be sure to find out where the candles are put for the repose, so as not to be confused.
We put the following candles for health:

  • 3rd candle - for the health of your enemies. From a pure heart, forgive them and wish them all the best: health, success and prosperity.
  • 4th candle - for the health of their loved ones and relatives.
  • 5th candle - for your own health.
  • The 6th candle is for the Lord Jesus Christ. Asking for forgiveness for all sins, and gratitude for the benefits available.
  • 7th candle - for the Mother of God. It is necessary to read the prayer "Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice ..." 5 times.
  • 8th candle - to Archangel Michael. You need to ask for help for yourself and your family. It is recommended to read the prayer to Archangel Michael.
  • 9th candle - to Archangel Raphael, the greatest healer and the kindest of all angels.
  • 10th candle - directly for the guardian angel. You should ask him to help you in solving the hardships and troubles that "fell on your head."
  • The 11th candle is for Panteleimon the healer.
  • 12th candle - to the great Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • The 13th candle - to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.
  • 14th candle - to Sergei Radonezhsky.
  • 15th candle - lit by an icon. You should hold it in your hands and pray. Forgive God for the awareness of your sins and the chance to correct your mistakes. Do it sincerely.
Candles in this ritual burn the remnants of negativity.

Light a candle in the room where you sleep. While the candle is burning, you need to read prayers and realize your sins. In the flame of a candle, try to burn off resentments, sorrows, problems and illnesses. All negativity should burn out in a living candle flame.
This is a pretty powerful ritual that shouldn't be overused. Relief from the ceremony comes pretty quickly. The ritual is somewhat similar to karmic cleansing.

Candles and clairvoyance

Did you know that with the help of candles you can also look into your future? A candle is taken, which is lit with a match, and questions are answered. Just do not predict your destiny completely, but ask questions that worry you. The technique is pretty simple and you should be able to do it. A candle is lit and a question is asked. By the nature of the combustion, you can get the answer to the question. Bright and good combustion gives a positive answer, but crackling, smoky flames are troubles. Also, over time, various figures may appear on the fire, which will predict your future. Melted wax provides answers to many questions, so keep an eye on it.

Only for different questions should you take different colors of the candle:

  • White color - for all questions
  • Purple - career, position, authority;
  • Blue or light blue - health, illness and recovery;
  • Green - questions about children and their birth, family, money and work;
  • Yellow - communication, travel related to work, business trips, as well as any movement;
  • Pink - questions about friendship;
  • Orange - physical actions and any activity;
  • Red - taken for rituals related to love and relationships.

Rite of passage to speed up the meeting with the betrothed

People want to love and be loved. After all, love is the most beautiful feeling on earth of all feelings. Some people cannot meet true love for years, from which they suffer greatly. Let love enter your heart, let love fill you and your soul mate with the whole gamut of feelings. A person lives with love and a life without love, like bread without salt. For those who no longer have the patience to wait for their love, you can hold a ceremony with a red candle. This ancient rite was performed by Slavic sorcerers and sorcerers.

During work, do not forget to work with a phantom: mentally see the object

The sacrament with a red candle can bring a meeting with your husband or wife closer. We take one red candle and scratch on it with a needle, starting from the base, a note:

"I (here is your name and date of birth), met my loved one!"

Draw a spiral clockwise with a needle. You need to draw from the wick to the base, all over the red candle. The line at the base of the candle should represent a cross. We light a candle with a match from a new box. The candle should burn to the end, and a guy or a girl at this moment represents his soul mate. Imagine your love in all its glory. How you will love each other, how to take care of your second rug, happiness that will overwhelm both of you. An image of your future should be clearly formed in your head, notice that a happy future. When the candle burns out, extinguish it with your fingers, and then bury it at the intersection. The intersection should be made up of two footpaths.

How to attract love into your life?

Sometimes love leaves us like a train we missed. What to do? How to attract love into your life? Love not only of the second half, but also of relatives and even people who are not indifferent to us.

Let's try a simple experiment with a red candle. The experience with the red candle alone will last 30 days and the result will be fantastic. It's good if it starts from midnight and lasts about 30 minutes. If it is not possible to do the ceremony at midnight, then choose a time convenient for you.

The ritual is performed only in solitude and without prying eyes. We turn off mobile phones and other means of communication, which will be a strong hindrance. Because the energy of love is so strong that people will definitely feel it and will either call you or try to reach you in another way. Therefore, renounce for a while from everything and everyone, even from domestic animals.

Meditation clears the mind and attracts the right energy

You should be wearing a light robe. Sit on a chair and light a red candle. Read any prayer you know. Wish everyone well: both living people and astral beings. Ask forgiveness from everyone you have offended in the past. You must find peace as well as a state of bliss in your soul.

Think about love. If you have ever loved, then remember those wonderful feelings. You attract love into your life. Only you yourself must be able to love, otherwise love without bestowal is bread without butter or "dry love." If you have not had love in your life, then a red candle will not help!

Remember the different things that you love: the sea, the forest, children, and also your parents. Remember your love for the Creator. Be filled with love and radiate love. Let her energy circulate throughout your body and soul.

Perform the ceremony for a month and you will notice an amazing change in your life. All people will begin to treat you with affection, as well as with understanding. You will begin to radiate love that will "shine from the soul." Love always attracts like that, because your love will attract the love of other people, as well as your other half.

When you finish a month-long experiment with a red candle, then move it away, hide it from other people and keep silent about your experiments. If necessary, repeat the session a couple more times.

Candle rituals are powerful and can change your life for the better.

Good afternoon. Today I want to highlight the issue of welfare. Very often your calls are heard to me with questions that are related specifically to this aspect of the issues.
Money is not happiness - says popular wisdom. However, the material aspect plays a big role in our life. A stable financial position gives self-confidence, contributes to the achievement of peace of mind. Therefore, sooner or later, any person asks himself the question: how to achieve financial well-being? Sometimes the whole life goes on trying to find the answer.
Very often the reason is in the negative on the person. There are many options for the manifestation of such negativity, but I will list some of them.
All agreements are violated, former partners and clients turn away from you.
Obvious money problems, unforeseen expenses constantly arise.
Without exception, all new projects that you start, despite the ideality of all calculations and optimistic forecasts, hardly having time to come into force.
You are out of work for no reason
Money flows through your fingers like water. It seems that you work and earn money, but you cannot keep the money.
Negativity can be like deliberate damage, a strong evil eye, a curse, etc.
It is for such cases that I want to publish a ritual to restore a person, protect him and attract money. I want to make a reservation right away, money will not fall from the sky, but this ritual will help you to cleanse yourself of negativity and earn money.
So what we need for this ritual:
1. Three candles - BLACK, WHITE, GREEN, can be replaced with three church wax candles
2. Needle (toothpick) for applying runic signs
3. Herbs for candles. For the first candle - THISTLE, BEAST, NETTLE. For the second candle - DILL, FENNEL, PETRUSHKA. For the third candle - CINNAM (powder), CLOVES, BASIL
4. Oil for lubricating candles. For the first candle - JUMPER (can be replaced with BERGAMOT oil), For the second candle - SANDAL (can be replaced with Wormwood oil). For the third candle - PACHULI
5. Threads. For the first candlestick - black, for the second - white, for the third - green.
6. Three fireproof candlesticks.

We pick up the first candle (black or yellow church candle). We put on it the first runic sign on the one hand, on the other we write DAMAGE, EYE, HARM, CURSES, WORDS, DEEDS, STEPS.
After that, turn again and write ENEMIES, NON-FRIENDS, YOUNG, OLD
After that we put our hand and say
I ask for the first time.
The candle is black, the night is dark, reflect from me the evil word, the human curse, damage, evil eyes and evil deeds, the harm that they caused me.
I ask for the second time.
The candle is black, the night is dark, reflect from me the evil word, the human curse, damage, evil eyes and evil deeds, the harm that they caused me.
After that, we take a black thread and wind it around the candle from bottom to top counterclockwise thread (away from ourselves) with the words
"Not a thread is wound, but all the cases against me are wound on a thread, they fall on a black thread, and from me Servants of God (Name) all deeds are evil, my eyes are crooked, the words of human thoughts are removed, and they return to enemies and enemies."
After that, take the oil of juniper (bergamot) and grease the candle from bottom to top.
We take a mixture of herbs thistle, St. John's wort, nettle and roll the candle tightly in this mixture with the words
“The herbs unite, they unite against the evil forces. They unite with a candle against all deeds, thoughts, words and views. "
Your first candle is ready.

We take the second candle in our hands (white or the second church), apply the second runic ligature on one side, on the other side we write PROTECTION AGAINST EVERYTHING dashing. We turn the candle and write our NAME.
I ask for the first time.
The candle is white, the day is bright, protect me from everything dashing, evil words, human curses, all black deeds, evil eyes, dashing thoughts.
I ask for the second time.
The candle is white, the day is bright, protect me from everything dashing, evil words, human curses, all black deeds, evil eyes, dashing thoughts.
I ask for the third time. And it will be so. Amen"

We take a white thread, and begin to wind from bottom to top on the candle clockwise (towards ourselves) with the words
“It’s not a thread that is wound, but protection is spinning, it’s lying on a white thread, it closes me to the Servant of God (Name) from all evil deeds, crooked eyes, the words of dashing human thoughts from enemies and enemies, it hides me, and to all who are evil to me, the Servant of God ( Name) wishes to return by return "
After that, grease the candle from top to bottom with sandalwood (wormwood) oil.
We take a mixture of herbs dill, fennel and parsley and roll the candle tightly in this mixture with the words
“Herbs unite, they unite to protect me against the unclean forces. They unite with a candle against all deeds, thoughts, words and views merge into a single defense and turn around. "
The second candle is ready for you.

We take the third candle in our hands (green or third church), apply the third runic ligature on one side, on the other side we write MONEY, WORK, INCOME, SUFFICIENCY, PROSPERITY. We turn the candle and write our NAME.
After that, we put our hand and say the following words.
I ask for the first time.
The candle is green, the grass is green, denyuzhka by denyuzhka, paper by paper, rolled, scattered, to the green candlelight, to warm greetings. Come to my house, bring with you, all sorts of friends, kopecks and rubles. how many stars are shining in the sky, so much money will come to me. Wrap me up with good luck.
I ask for the second time.
The candle is green, the grass is green, denyuzhka by denyuzhka, paper by paper, rolled, scattered, to the green candlelight, to warm greetings. Come to my house, bring with you, all sorts of friends, kopecks and rubles. how many stars are shining in the sky, so much money will come to me. Wrap me up with good luck.
I ask for the third time. And it will be so. Amen"

We take a green thread, and begin to wind from bottom to top on the candle clockwise (towards ourselves) with the words
"It is not a thread that winds, but money swirls, it falls on a green thread, it’s good for the Servant of God (Name), work, money, but good luck, it turns me with income, money comes to the house kindly for me."
After that, grease the candle from top to bottom with patchouli oil.
We take a mixture of herbs of cinnamon, cloves, basil and roll the candle tightly in this mixture with the words
“Herbs unite, they unite for me with money, luck and good. They unite with a candle in income, turn into good "
The third candle is ready for you.
Place all three candles in the candlesticks and place and light all three candles.
“As these candles burn, so my lips speak the truth; and I, the servant of God (name), lit these candles from all the deeds of witchcraft, wrapped them with protection and returned them with income, good, money. My clause is stronger than slander, and cannot be debugged, and not transformed. What I said, what I ordered to do, so be it. When the sulfur in my ears becomes honey, then another master will mess up my affairs. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."
We are waiting for all the candles to burn out, if there are leftovers, we collect them in paper and burn them on the street with the words
“All the dashing ones went away, they laid down for me as a protection, turned out to be good, and the dashing people returned all their words, deeds, thoughts to evil. Amen."

If you are interested in Northern Slavic magic, then you know that after the ritual the candles must be extinguished, given to the elements - earth, water, fire - the aspiration inherent in the ritual will be transferred to the elemental Gods and divine Worlds. There is a special ritual of three candles. The Giant Candle is the only candle lit for multiple ritual activities. This candle is an accumulator of good wishes. About the Gromnitsa holiday itself, I will only say that its date is February 2. See links: "Holidays articles" below. How to make a thunder candle? Here I will show our two thunder candles, I will tell you how to use them for rituals. I must say right away that it is correct to call a candle "Loud", with an emphasis on the letter "and".

How is a thunder candle made?

An important difference between a thunder candle and others is that it is a suite of three thin candles. Thicker twisted candles can be used in magic. For example, I know a ritual of purification, in which nine candles are twisted together. But the thunder candle always has three. It is known that the number three is special for our people. Three is movement, this is creation, this is hope. Therefore, in this magic candle there are exactly three "trunks" that burn, invoke the cleansing power of fire, Semargl the father. A special ritual is performed with a thunder candle, three candles entwined together.

A huge candle can be large, heavy. Maybe more practical, made of candles up to 1 centimeter thick. Of course, it is necessary to make a thunderous candle from natural wax - there was no need to mention this. Each component candle can be rolled from foundation, or dipped. So and so to make a thunderous candle would be right. I met a mention that you can make a thundering candle out of pouring candles (they are denser and therefore tougher), we ourselves do not use them.

How are our thunder candles made? These are candles of the second type, not too large, 15-17 centimeters. There is a candle, twisted in a spiral, there is a "pigtail" (it is lower due to the weaving). We use dipped candles. It takes quite a long time to make them, because you have to dip the wicks into hot wax many times. But on the other hand, they turn out to be dense, smooth and flexible. Of course, they smell like honey, which is not surprising for wax candles. Our candles burn for about twenty minutes or a little more, the time difference in the burning of two candles of different weaves is not noticed. If you do the ritual with three candles, it takes about five minutes, so with this candle you can do the ritual four times.

In both cases, the image of the World Tree is visible in them - the tree of Peace, the tree of Action and the tree of Life. Three tips of separate candles for us are the image of the three Worlds (Rule, Yavi, Navi). Now, following the advice of those in the know, a fourth candle has been added to the base. This is the symbol of the Alatyr stone, on which the World Tree stands. It turned out very correctly - our candle gained stability both on the bodily plane (it now stands steadily without a special candlestick), and in the figurative sense. The candle in the base now allows the ideas embedded in the candle to accumulate and strengthen. This is how the thunder candles are made now, and we ourselves are very pleased with them.

In what rituals is a thunder candle used? Three candles ritual.

A gigantic candle was previously only for rituals of well-wishes - for yourself, for loved ones, for your home. A huge candle cannot be "used" and then returned - it is your family candle and nobody else's. But a previously unused thunder candle is perfect to present to those to whom you wish well. Remember that the thunderous candle is not because it is made of three candles, but because it was made on February 2 and a plot was read over it.

      • Light a thunder candle and walk the salting three times around the room or the whole house. This is the three-candle ritual. Three candles, surrounded three times, give nine times the power of your rite. Note that this is an attraction for good. If you think your house needs cleaning, then do it before going around (for example, walk against the saline with a black candle or a bunch of thistles, wormwood, nettles).
      • You can put straight crosses on windows and doors during a walk or separately from it - these transitions are filled with light and good, so the dark will not pass. Do the cross three times for a ninefold inflow of strength. This is a three candle ritual.
      • At the very first signs of the disease, you can cleanse it with a black candle (walk around the patient three times against the saline) and then go around the saline three times with a thunderous candle. Put the patient to bed and let him hold the thunderous candle in his hands for several minutes.
      • Even if you are sad and want to remember that there is light and good in the world, light your thunderous candle.
      • A huge candle is also given into the hands of a dying person, so that his Soul can more easily find its way to the Light Nav, to the Ancestors, and with their help - to the Native Gods.
      • They light the Gromnitsa on special days of veneration of the Ancestors - Radunitsa, Autumn Grandfathers.

These are the amazing rituals three candles carry out with this Thunder candle. Giant candles were also used in northern divination. Keep a thunder candle on the altar and light it on big holidays. Warning - never blow out such a candle - extinguish with your fingers or a cap. You can hold several thunderous candles - the main thing is that they are all conspired on February 2, on the holiday of Thunder. Several candles can be kept lying on the altar, tied with tow or natural string.

How to make a consecration ritual for three candles?

The ritual of consecration of a thunderbolt candle is held next to the altar with the Native Gods. If you have Rod's Slavic cuts, this three-candle ritual will go especially well. To penetrate into the essence of this rite, one must remember what "Thunderstorm" is. This is the day when Morena-winter meets for the first time with her sister Lelya-spring. Therefore, the Reza with their images or signs will come in handy here. We also remember that Perun appears in Gromnitsa, God is the Gromovnik, and he helps Lele with his heavenly fire. The most correct in this rite will be the presence of Chur Perun on your altar. And the last thing - let's remember Diva-Dodola. This is Perun's wife, his beloved companion, the Goddess of the Storm. Another name for Diva-Dodola is Perunitsa.

The rite consists in sitting down or standing in front of the altar, making a protective circle, salting three times, holding the candle unlit and uttering a conspiracy:

An eagle flew from beyond the Okyan-Blue Sea,
the eagle carried flints and flints, arrows and thunderbolts,
the eagle scattered flints and flints along the steep banks,
through the dark Forests, and threw Gromov's Arrow into the Damp Earth.

Kako Gromova's arrow went to Mother Cheese Earth,
tacos will sink away all the ailments and sickness,
longing and sorrow, evil eyes with lessons and ghosts.

And how a small spark was born from flint and flint,
and from the Thunderbolt a hot fire, tacos will ignite
Giant candle for the amulet to this house about the dark midnight
yes about a clear day. And as I am the biggest owner of this house,
like a bear in the woods, so I speak the Giant candle
in a prophetic word, in a faithful word, in an Alatyr word:

Wake you, Giant Candle, in the cold - warm,
in darkness wake up with light, in pain-sorrow - comfort,
in adversity - protection. Drive away ailments with your shining light
and hurt, spoilage and ruin for the swampy swamps,
behind dense cortexes, for flammable sands.

May my people be healthy, well and joy,
but to every growth and good creation - fruit.
On this my word is strong. I will lock my word with a lock,
and the keys to Okiyan-More I will comin Viki puviki, from now on duviki!

With these words, the attention of the light Gods is attracted to themselves, grace is going into a candle. Put this candle in storage. You can powerfully consolidate your conspiracy: light a candle and draw the sign of Perunitsa in the air with it. After that - either extinguish the candle, or make a detour with it. Remember your protective circle - as soon as the main ritual is completed, erase the protective circle of anti-saline, three times.

In conclusion about the ritual there are three candles:

The most beautiful thing about a thunder candle is that made, charged-consecrated on the second of February, the candle can be used all year round. The divine candle is a symbol of the heavenly fire that connects the three Worlds created by the Rod. Walk around the house; trace doors and windows; help the patient to recover; use, attracting light good into the house. Now you know how a thunder candle is made, you can perform it yourself or purchase it.

Remember that the rite of illumination is as follows:

1. Prepare an altar (preferably with the image of Perun and Slavic Rezes of Morena, Lelia, Perun and Perunitsa Diva-Dodola), a conspiracy with a rewritten conspiracy, a thunderous candle, a flint, a knife for the guard circle.

2. We draw a protective circle (3g saline).

3. We speak the Words on a thunderous candle (see the conspiracy above).

7. You can simultaneously start talking all the thunder candles that you have, then use them one at a time.

In our shop we do a rite, the Knowledgeable recite a conspiracy (“say the Words”), but do not light candles. You can buy charmed thunder candles from us. In this case, pronounce the above conspiracy before lighting your candle and draw the sign of Perunitsa in the air (you will not need a protective circle with our candle).

When the thunder candle is used again, it is lit in front of the altar with a conspiracy spoken under the light - this is how the power of the candle is revived. The guard circle is not needed here. After using the thunder candle, put it back behind the altar. When the thunderous candle has completely burned out, give the candle to the elements. You can melt it down with fire, use the remaining wax for household needs, or wrap it in a rag, bury it in the ground, in an unkempt place.

Look at the rituals and listen to how this conspiracy reads in a short video:

Use the protective properties of a thunder candle every time you want to feel the cleansing divine power of Perun and Perunitsa, the young spring love of the Goddess Lely.

And be happy all future spring

With best wishes, Ivanova Irina.

And also read:

Slavic thunderbolt, the holiday of candles.

- Slavic holiday, the first meeting with spring

If you are interested in Northern Slavic magic, then you know that after the ritual the candles must be extinguished, given to the elements - earth, water, fire - the aspiration inherent in the ritual will be transferred to the elemental Gods and divine Worlds. There is a special ritual of three candles. The Giant Candle is the only candle lit for multiple ritual activities. This candle is an accumulator of good wishes. About the Gromnitsa holiday itself, I will only say that its date is February 2. How to make a thunder candle? Here I will show our two thunder candles, I will tell you how to use them for rituals. I must say right away that it is correct to call a candle "Loud", with an emphasis on the letter "and".

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Many of us go to the temple and light candles. We all do this, but do we know why this is? It was customary to put candles in front of the holy face in ancient times. It is believed that one of the first decrees of the Lord to Moses was the construction of a lamp with 7 lamps. After this, the services were held in this light. But the significance of this ritual goes far beyond the illumination of the duty station. Although during periods of persecution of Christianity, the light of candles helped to find the way for believers.

Why are candles lit in the church? The process of lighting a candle has deep connotations. The light from the flame commemorates the divine light that Jesus brought to our world. In turn, people who live in ignorance and sin are in darkness, which can disappear thanks to the Savior. So the light of a candle is considered salutary, because it can also dispel darkness. Pure candle wax is considered a symbol of a person's repentance before God and his readiness to obey the Lord.

Sincere faith is essential in order to place candles correctly. This process should not take place automatically, but with love in the heart and the awareness of who it is for. By buying it in the temple, you make an offering and symbolize your love and faith. The number of candles supplied does not mean that your requests will be heard and fulfilled faster. The main thing is your pure heart, with which you turn to the Lord.

The church candle is considered an obligatory attribute of worship. Setting fire to it is worth praying. These can be addresses in your own words, but from a pure heart. They must be turned to God and with sincere faith.

How to light candles in a church? Before the start of the service. If you are late for the service, then wait for it to end and then go to the candlestick. It is considered impolite to hand over candles or to promote candles during a service. By such actions you distract everyone from prayers and deanery.

How to put a candle in the temple correctly?

There are certain rules for setting candles in the temple:

  • Approaching the candlestick, you need to make 2 bows while applying a cross on yourself.
  • Then he crosses himself and put a candle.
  • Make another bow and sign of the cross.
  • Making obeisances and baptizing must be done slowly.
  • Candles must be lit from other burning candles.
  • You need to put it directly into the socket of the candlestick.
  • It is not recommended to use lighters and matches in the temple if candles are burning there.
  • There is no need to set it on fire from the lamp, because drops of wax can extinguish it.
  • If there are no empty cells in the candlestick, then just place the candle next to it.
  • Standing with a lit candle is not recommended.

Why are candles put in the church?

Often, candles are placed in temples for two reasons:

  1. For health. They put on various occasions. It can be a good purchase, gratitude for something, help in solving a case, and so on.
  2. For peace. These candles are placed on a special table - the eve, to honor the memory of the deceased.

Where to put candles in the church?

There are no rules regarding the number and obligatory place of setting candles. But many recommend first putting it to the central analogue or to the temple icon, then to the relics of the saint, and only after that to put it for health or repose.

The candle in the church went out - what does it mean

Many people listen to certain stories and rituals about how to light candles and what does that mean? They say that you only need to put a candle with your right hand. This moment can be attributed to superstition. As well as if a candle bursts into a church.

Many believe that they do not see good. But the clergy are accustomed to be more inclined to such a point of view as the wrong production technology or low-quality wax. In some temples, candles are melted down, which thereby produces candles to crackle while burning.

If the candle goes out in the church, then the all-knowing "grannies" will immediately begin to whisper about damage and a bad sign. The priests, in turn, say that whoever wants to look for mysticism - let him go to the grandmothers, and they can only say according to the laws of God. So their explanations are much simpler - it all depends on low-quality wax or production.

Candles in the church for health

Where in the church to put candles for health? Basically, in every temple, candles for health can be placed in any candlesticks in front of any images. But it also happens when there is no special table for candles for repose, and then candles for health and repose are placed in any candlestick.

On this occasion, the clergy say that the main thing is not where to put the candle, but the main thing is prayer. It must be remembered that it will be right if you turn to your patron saint. There are many prayers for health.

You can buy a Prayer Book for such addresses. You just need to be very careful when purchasing church literature. It is advisable to do this in church shops, because clandestinely published literature can carry a large amount of distorted information. It happens that the whole part is missing in the prayers.

How to light candles for health in the church?

Basically, for health, candles are placed in front of the Savior, in front of the images of the Saints who heal ailments, the Mother of God, as well as before the saints who help in difficult life situations.

If a married couple cannot have children, then they can make a request and light a candle in front of the faces of Anna and Joachim. They are known for being the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos. And for those women who carry a child in themselves, you should put a candle in front of the image of the Mother of God. To heal ailments, it is worth turning to Matrona of Moscow and other saints.

Where in the church to put candles for the repose?

Most temples have especially revered shrines. It is in front of them that candlesticks are mainly installed. In many churches there are special tables for the commemoration of the dead - eves. They are mainly located on the left side of the temple. It will not be difficult to recognize him. It has a rectangular shape and a Crucifix is ​​installed on it.

But it also happens when there are no such tables. What to do and where, in this case, to put the candle? The priests advise to put it in any candlestick, because a candle is only our scanty offering to God, and the main thing in this matter is prayer. If you want to bring something, so that the ministers turn to the Lord with a prayer for your departed relatives, then put everything in the baskets that are next to the table. And after that, go back to the eve.

How to light candles for repose in the church?

In advance, you must decide on the number of candles. You can bet separately for each deceased or one for all.

  • After you come to the candlestick, cross yourself twice and bow.
  • Take your candle and light it from the burning candles. It is considered improper to use matches or lighters in the temple.
  • After the candle has lit, burn the bottom and place it in the socket.
  • The candle must stand up straight and not fall. If at first you did not succeed in doing this, then repeat again.
  • In order to get distracted from worldly problems, you need to watch the light for some time. This will help you to forget about worldly problems and calm down.
  • You can whisper or read it mentally. It doesn't matter if you don't remember it by heart. You can read it from a piece of paper.
  • After this ritual, stand a little next to those for whom you are praying. It will not be bad if you remember their voice, appearance. It happens that a lump comes up to the throat and tears begin to flow. Don't hold them back.
  • Then cross yourself and bow, and only then slowly step back.

Sometimes it happens that the ministers of the church can put out your candle. No need to be offended. Your prayer will be answered, and the sacrifice has already been made. Remember, the main thing is sincere prayer and memory of the departed.

Three candles in three churches

You can often hear this expression 3 candles in 3 churches . What does it mean? Many associate the number 3 with the Creator Lord. Basically, it is advised to put candles and order the Magpie in 3 churches to improve health, heal from serious ailments, with long-term illnesses or frequent energy attacks.

If any person makes you spiteful of intrigues or carries a negative, then you can also put candles in three churches and order the Sorokoust. They say that if such a ceremony is carried out, then the offenders will return doubly, or even tripled.

The same is said if you put 7 candles in 7 churches. They say that such a ritual carries even more energy power and will help to overcome even the most difficult situations. There is an opinion that if you put seven candles in a church in a day, it can help get rid of corruption.

There are all sorts of situations in life when we turn to the Lord. Many people think that the number of candles and churches does not matter. The main thing is our sincere prayer and faith. And to listen to various rituals or not is only your choice. But before committing any, it will not be superfluous to consult with the priest.

The Lord is always with you!