
5 suggestions to increase sales. How to Increase Your Sales: Valuable Tips

Add your price to the base

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Any organization associated with trade, be it a small shop or a large enterprise that not only sells but also manufactures a product, has always been concerned about one question: how to increase sales.

It was the activity of the sales department that was the main measure of the company's success: sales grow - everything is fine, they fall - which means that you need to look for sources to increase their volume.

And only when things were going really badly, the focus shifted: the goal was not to increase sales, but to retain existing customers.

Of course, the main reason why it is so important to keep sales high is profit. With a decrease in the number of customers or with a decrease in their purchasing power, the profits of everyone, from the sellers to the owner of the business, will fall.

Both large and small companies often make a common mistake: when sales drop, management starts blaming the departments responsible for them or the salespeople themselves. This is wrong, because no matter how qualified and pleasant the seller or manager is, the buyer will not purchase the product if:

  • there is a meager assortment in the store - he simply will not find what he needs;
  • there are interruptions with supplies - now there are enough stores, so you can purchase the required product in another place, and not wait until it appears with you;
  • the trading floor is dirty or has an unpleasant odor;
  • the product is not advertised, etc.

What are the modern ways of increasing the volume of sales based on? Sales volumes can be increased if:

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average check of each client.

"If you don't take care of your client, someone else will take care of him."

Konstantin Kushner

Depending on the problems you have, start acting in one or more directions. If you use even at least some of the methods described below, this will already significantly affect the growth of your sales.

Where to start to increase sales in your business?

Start with what sags the most. Not enough clients? Work on the first metric. Are they buying a little? Apply sales promotion techniques. Small purchase amount? Increase the average bill, the number of purchases. Accordingly, in order to work on any indicator, it is necessary to know their initial values, i.e. measure.

Once you understand what sales are made up of, it becomes much easier to influence your revenue using different techniques to manage each of the components of the formula. Here are 15 ways to do this.

1. Potential clients

The easiest way you can increase your leads is by increasing the number of advertisements you send and the number of addresses.

  • How many promotional emails do you send per week?
  • How many contacts do you have in your mailing list?
  • How many flyers do you distribute?
  • How many people are in your social group?
  • To how many customers do your salespeople say after completing a deal, “Thank you so much for your purchase! To whom of your friends can you recommend us?
  • By the way, if you bring 2 clients to our company, you will receive a discount on your next purchase. " And yet, if you have sales via the Internet, for example, an online store - by sending your product to a client, you can put advertising material there with an offer to buy the next product / service and a time-limited discount.

2. Potential clients who left an application

To increase this metric, you need to know the conversion rate of your ad.

  • How many people came to the site and how many of them left an application / bought?
  • How many flyers have you given out and how many hits / calls have you received?

Conversion and site traffic (how many people went to the site, and how many left a request) can be analyzed using the free Yandex. Metrics.

But in any case, you should have a rule that every client who called or came to your company should be asked: "How did he know about you?" This will give a more accurate reading.

If you don't have sales pages yet, you need to create them. The Selling Page is your 24/7 sales manager. A selling page is a site made up of just one page, aimed at selling just one product / service. If the page is done well, then you can count on a conversion of 5% or more. In addition to conversion, you need to understand that advertising should be compiled only on the basis of surveys.

It is far from a fact that what clients in Rostov are pecking at will be relevant in Chelyabinsk.

An example from practice, in Cherepovets, in the headline of an advertising article, focus on the city-forming enterprise - Severstal. "Why?" - you ask. The answer is: Severstal is a company that employs most of the city's population.

An example of such a headline: "The Shocking Truth About Severstal Management!" Yesterday we learned that the entire management of Severstal buys food only in the Alye Parusa store. There has long been a discount on consumer goods for all Severstal employees!

And we can guarantee that the response to such articles by the residents of Cherepovets will be very high, definitely higher than just the title “Come to Scarlet Sails - we have discounts”. However, the same title will no longer work in Chisinau.

3. Customers who agreed to buy

To increase this indicator, you need to work well with the sales department. You can go in two ways - increase the quantity or increase the quality.

Quantity is how many calls your sales force makes to customers. Quality is how many of those calls lead to sales.

If you want to increase both, then implement the scripts right now. Write scripts at least for standard customer objections: expensive, not interesting, I'll think about it.

This will allow your managers to move from the question “what to say to the client?” To the question “where else to get clients?” To whom you can say this. You can also increase the number by hiring additional vendors.

Yes, and if sales managers are on salary, transfer them to salary + percent%.

And, in any case, do not make the ceiling from above! Sometimes good salespeople realize that they cannot become leaders in the company because all the vacancies at the top are already filled. Then the only reason for them to sell a lot will be money.

4. Gross income

This indicator can also be separately increased in two ways: Increase the value and / or increase cross-selling (sales in the appendix). If the first is obvious, then the second needs to be worked on.

You need to find answers to two questions:

  • What else can you sell right now to a customer who has made a decision to buy from you?
  • Why is it profitable for a client to buy, but is it profitable for a manager to sell it right now?

Example: One owner of a chain of luxury footwear stores pays a percentage to the manager only if the client bought two or more pairs of shoes at once. At the same time, a client, buying a second pair at once, gets a good discount on it or a branded shoe care cream.

Another car dealership owner works in the same way. The manager who sold the car receives a good percentage only of the amount of additional equipment purchased by the client: carpets, sound systems, anti-theft alarm systems, etc.

Remarkably, the same owner also opened a car service and tire fitting.

Returning to points 1 and 2, this owner has made an agreement with the insurance companies, and now their field representatives are located right in the dealership at separate tables and offer customers auto insurance policies. In exchange for this, along with each policy, which is issued at the head offices of these insurance companies, customers are given an advertisement for his car service and tire fitting.

5. Net profit

The last link in this chain is the increase in net profit.

Net income is gross income minus costs. See how you can reduce costs - “squeeze out” suppliers for discounts, refuse

some unnecessary positions in the company, or vice versa, get hold of a full-time accountant with a salary of 20,000 rubles. instead of outsourcing for 50,000 rubles. Made? Fine!

Now look at how and where you can increase the speed of particle movement in your company and reduce time costs. To the smallest detail:

  • How long does it take for a customer who calls your company to buy and receives their goods?
  • Can this time be reduced by at least an hour?
  • How long do your employees smoke?
  • How long after ordering a product does it appear in your warehouse?

If you are planning income by month, then you must understand that every wasted minute of your employees is working against YOU. It is you, and not your salaried accountant, who receive less net income. The accountant will receive his salary anyway.

6. Increase the value of the product

If your company is engaged in the production of a product, then one of the solutions that have a positive effect on sales is to increase the value of the product. In many cases, to increase sales, you can change appearance product, for example, its packaging. And, as a result, the value of the product in the eyes of buyers will change.

For example, the company was engaged in the production of cheap clothes that were sold in markets and in cheap shops. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that the main competitor of this company was China. The goods produced by the company were perceived by consumers as Chinese, and the price of the products was slightly higher.

It is clear that clothes made in Russia cannot compete with Chinese in terms of price. Even the fact that the quality of the products was higher did not help in the current situation, since the nondescript appearance of the product, together with the relatively high price, reduced the interest of buyers.

An analysis of the product and its perception by buyers was carried out. This led to a risky decision: the packaging was changed to a better and more modern one.

What was done:

  • Changed the logo, fonts, design. We made it bright, stylish and attractive.
  • We chose a different material. Instead of cheap plastic bags, high-quality cardboard packaging was used.
  • The package contains a maximum of information about the product.

As a result, the product "dropped out" in the perception of buyers from its usual price category. Thanks to the packaging, it began to be perceived by buyers as more expensive and of higher quality. At the same time, at first, the price was not raised at all, and the real cost price increased quite a bit.

Thus, the goods "left" in the perception of buyers from the niche filled with Chinese goods, and the real price did not increase much, since the cost of cardboard packaging per unit of goods turned out to be quite small. Of course, I had to tinker with the introduction of the new packaging, any changes in production are associated with certain difficulties. But that is another story. But thanks to the new packaging, there was a transition of goods from one value category to another in the perception of buyers, which became a real "springboard" to increase sales.

7. High-quality work with the order

For some reason, many companies still neglect to work with a buyer's order. Of course, certain actions are being taken. The manager accepts the order, processes it, issues an invoice, then shipment is made, etc. At the same time, most of the small and medium-sized businesses, and I will remind you that I work with these segments, do not work on order.

Sales departments of companies are somewhat reminiscent of stalls: what is available is what they sell. And if the requested product is not on the balance, the manager does not even offer to issue the required item "under the order". Most often this happens because the system does not have the necessary tools, and the manager simply does not know how to place such an order.

It would seem that the solution lies on the surface. Do not refuse buyers! Offer not only analogs, but also the design of the desired product "to order". Those. your client orders whatever he needs. And the manager accepts the order and notifies the buyer about the delivery time, taking into account the time of receipt of the missing items on the balances. All companies that have implemented this system have seen a noticeable increase in sales.

In this case, we are not talking about online stores that operate without a warehouse at all, i.e. only on order, regardless of whether they inform their customers about this fact or not. And we are talking about companies that have their own warehouse, but at the same time they can order goods from a supplier. What is the problem of introducing such a scheme of work? It lies in the fact that companies do not know how to technically implement it. An example of how such a scheme was implemented by a person who is engaged in the wholesale of ceramic tiles.

All products are divided into two groups:

  • The first is the goods in our own warehouse, i.e. those goods that you yourself have ordered from your main supplier.
  • The second one is “foreign” goods, that is. those that can be quickly ordered from another supplier or competitor. This “Alien” attribute was filled in the product card to indicate the products ordered from competitors. Also, the supplier (competitor) from whom this product is purchased was indicated on the product card.

In this company, which trades in imported goods with a long delivery time (from the moment of order to receipt at the warehouse, it takes about two months or more), a special system has been developed when, when accepting a buyer's order, if there is no product in the warehouse, and until the next delivery for another month, the manager can find out if a given product is available from a competitor and order it. The manager includes this product (Foreign product) in the sales order with the designation On order (To supply), and when the sales order is posted in the system, an order / orders to the supplier / suppliers is automatically created (data on suppliers is taken from the item card). As a result, the client receives all the assortment he needs and continues to actively work with your company. He will not go to a competitor in search of the position he needs, because you have everything he needs.

This approach significantly increases sales, while in many cases the profit grows insignificantly, because you buy goods in small quantities, perhaps even from competitors, and therefore sell some items with almost no extra charge. What's the point? You get customer loyalty. Your customer does not leave, makes an application from you, buys other goods along with an unprofitable "foreign" position. And you will notice an increase in profits from such a scheme of work at the end of the month, quarter or any other reporting period. By increasing customer loyalty, sales and profits will increase significantly.

8. Sale of related (additional) services

Many companies only sell products without any additional services. But quite often it is the service that contributes to the fact that buyers make a choice in your favor.

For example, one of my clients was a company that specializes in the sale of cable products. At some point in time, they decided to introduce an additional service - cable laying. Those. in addition to the delivery available to all, they began to offer on-site cutting of the cable, as well as its installation at the customer's place. As a result, not only the profit from paying for the additional service has increased, but also the volume of sales of goods.

What is the reason for this growth in sales? Some customers of such products consider it a big plus to be able to order everything in one place: both the product and the service. They do not want to waste time looking for performers and cannot perform the installation (laying) of the cable they need on their own. Those. in this case, clients reason like private buyers: “if I bought a sofa, then I have to assemble it right away, albeit for an additional fee”.

For some reason, many companies neglect this opportunity to increase customer loyalty, the attractiveness of products to new customers, and also the volume of profits. In fact, selling services is a great way to increase sales. Don't forget about it.

9. Make the terms of cooperation softer

Many companies work with their clients on very tough terms. This is especially true of those who have been working on the market for a long time, often since the 90s, working with imported goods, with products that have no analogues on the market, and so on. For example, I had a client who was selling imported professional cosmetics for beauty salons. Given that one bank of funds can cost from 17 euros and more, in order for the dealer to receive a 5% discount, it was necessary to complete the purchase volume of 2500 euros, and to receive a 20% discount - 7500 euros. In addition, dealers committed themselves to buying and distributing magazines that no one wanted. There were other requirements, often inconvenient and unfriendly to customers.

10. Sell more expensive items

Typically, the buyer chooses from several different cost units of the product. At the same time, the price will not always be the decisive argument for making a decision. Let's say a person doesn't always buy the cheapest jeans of the three options.

At the moment when the buyer has almost chosen, offer him a similar product, but from a more expensive segment. The customer may not have noticed it on the shelf. Explain why your option is better (higher quality, better fit, fashion brand, etc.). If you have shown a profit from a purchase, 30-50% of customers will agree with you.

11. Sell kits

Create kits using the principle “this item is often bought with”. This works in both offline trading and online stores. The customer tries on trousers - offer him a suitable shirt, jacket, sweater. Don't say “take something else,” but suggest a specific model, a specific product. Together with the discount on the second purchase, this works even better.

12. Carry out promotions

Promotions like "4 things for the price of 3" are a powerful motivator for increasing the purchase amount, even if you personally are skeptical of them. Of course, it makes sense to carry out such promotions only when you are primarily interested in selling the product and emptying the shelves. If your product can lie down, will not deteriorate and will not go out of fashion, you do not have to arrange a total liquidation at all.

13. Increase the time the customer spends in the store

Time is one of the most important factors in making a purchase. You can increase it, say, by influencing the companions of your buyers. In a women's clothing store, create a recreation area for your husband and a play area for children - and you will immediately notice how the average bill has increased.

If you rent premises, for example, in an elite shopping center, then the allocation and equipment of a recreation area for you may not be at all low-budget, always consider the costs.

14. Use “cardboard sellers” and “talking” price tags

Cardboard vendors are signs on which you place important product features. This can be a mini-sales copy, a technical specification, an indication of the audience, or the purpose of the product. In a clothing store, you can write, for example, what type of figure a particular outfit is suitable for. In a home appliance store - for which house, what intensity of work, and so on. "Talking" price tags are a variant of a "cardboard seller" on the scale of one price tag.

It is especially important to use this technique when working with a male audience. Women are more willing to communicate with sales assistants, while men are more comfortable reading information.

When placing large "cardboard sellers" remember that people will read them on the go, so choose the location, text and image scale carefully. In an online store, product descriptions perform the function of a "cardboard seller", remember their importance!

15. Let's test and try your product

Often people do not buy what is unfamiliar to them, because of doubts: whether the quality is good, whether I will like it, whether it will fit, and whether I can use it. For some products, there is a statutory right of the buyer to return. But you can go further: give an extended return guarantee.

Some products cannot be returned, but you can give your visitors a test. For example, recently I had a consultation with the owner of a handicraft shop. Her tools for making jewelry were poorly sold. She put a table in the store where anyone could try them in business - and her sales of not only the tools themselves, but also consumables increased.

It has become the norm for online stores to have in their arsenal a variety of payment methods, including electronic money. But offline there are still outlets where only cash is accepted. Add payment on credit to different payment methods, payment in installments - there will be more purchases.

Of course, these are not all ways to increase the average check in a retail store. Each business and each occasion may have their own recipes.

Increasing sales is, of course, a hot topic. However, I'm not sure that all 22 methods suggested in this article actually work. But it's worth a try.

Sales volume is the main indicator of the success of every company. And the task of the commercial department is to make this indicator as high as possible.

In this article, we have collected 22 effective ways to increase sales for the most common business areas. Let's start examining them.

Volume of sales, or rather its increase, sooner or later begins to bother every leader. It is important to understand that increasing sales is a complex and multifaceted task that requires an integrated approach to solve.

In addition, you cannot find universal solutions in the world of commerce; for each case, you need to try different approaches. As practice shows, some solutions will be effective, while others will not bring the desired result. This is fine.

But you need to work hard to increase sales. Let's focus on proven ways to increase sales.

Method number 1. Offer your customers at least three different offers

Often, when new customers contact a company, it is quite difficult to predict their price range. Consequently, offering products from only one price range is likely not to guess the preferences and expectations of the buyer. It would be more rational to offer several options - in particular, standard, business and premium kits.

The so-called psychology of sales will operate here - the buyer understands that he is offered goods for any price range. Therefore, the likelihood of an order increases significantly. But it is important to think carefully about the offered kits from different price niches, explaining to the client the differences between them.

Method number 2. USP or detachment from competitors

You should analyze your possible differences in comparison with other market participants. If you differ from other companies only in the offered price, cardinal changes are required.

Among the possible competitive advantages can be highlighted: free and / or fast delivery, service, provision of related services, bonuses and gifts for customers, constant availability of products in stock, etc.

Method number 2. Visual commercial offers

The commercial proposal must be composed in such a way as to really interest the client. Namely - with a detailed description of the characteristic advantages of the service provided. In case of short-term promotions, this commercial offer should be supplemented with information about promotions and discounts of the company.

Method number 3. Progress report every quarter

Clients often do not understand what exactly and in what quantity they receive when concluding a subscription service agreement. Therefore, we decided to regularly send detailed reports, indicating information about the work carried out - to improve loyalty from our target audience.

Method number 4. Promotion of services using the Internet

Thanks to the site, we managed to significantly improve the results - there we indicated all the data about special offers, posted videos with information about the features of subscription services, explained the benefits of working with us.

In addition, we thoroughly approached the issues of search engine promotion, updating the structure, design, navigation of the site to increase the traffic of the resource.

Method number 5. Improving application processing

The improvement of the CRM system includes the function of submitting an electronic customer application, with the help of which the customer can easily find out about the current status of the application. Processing of applications marked "urgent" is carried out first of all, without waiting for the general queue.

Automating the processing of incoming applications has allowed us to significantly increase the overall loyalty of the user audience, simplifying the tasks of the company's engineers.

Method number 6. Increase sales by mailing to databases of potential customers

Formation of databases of people who expressed interest in our project, even if the contract was never concluded. We always make sure that the version of our potential customers is kept up-to-date by regularly adding and updating data.

Method number 7. Development of a selling site

For modern business, the relevance of the site is difficult to overestimate; it becomes the main means and channel for attracting customers, increasing significant sales. In order to increase the return on the site, three main elements are of great importance - the main page with high-quality selling text, the application form, and the form for collecting contacts of potential customers.

Tips to help make your website more effective

  1. Simplify the structure: stop piling up different types of information on one page. It is very important for clients to understand where and what to look for.
  2. We are preparing 2 separate menus - a general menu (for navigating the site) and a catalog of available solutions, which are divided by business segments (in particular, "Expert. Network of restaurants", "Expert.Club", etc.).
  3. You should publish in a prominent place on the main page of information (preferably infographics) about the benefits of your proposals. In particular, it is possible to reflect a visual comparison of losses in the absence of proper automation and a possible improvement in indicators, which its presence will contribute to.
  4. You can place a link to customer reviews on the home page. A visitor who clicks on them goes to the section with reviews.
  5. It is also necessary to provide a place on the main page for a banner that advertises the current special offers of the company, etc.
  6. In the upper left corner, a callback button should be placed on each page.

Method number 8. Increase in sales due to the right choice of promotion channels

We always recommend using advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct, an advertising banner, articles about sites for sale on the main portals of your region. So, for example, a company selling land plots first briefly announced a special offer, after which eight plots were sold.

In addition, television advertising is still quite effective to this day. In particular, thanks to the launch of the reality show “Construction. Your home in 3 months ”, the company was able to achieve recognition of its brand in a short time.

Method number 9. Organization of work of sales managers

In order to increase the sales volume, we decided to excuse the general sales scheme. Now the manager had to demonstrate the site to the potential buyer, before bringing him to the office. And the head of the sales department was to complete the deal successfully.

This principle is beneficial for each party - the manager had additional time to attract clients, while the boss achieved a greater volume of concluded transactions, since he did not have to spend time inspecting the sites.

We have also approved a standard sales scheme:

  • Call or request to inspect the object;
  • The manager calls to clarify the plans for the inspection of the site;
  • The buyer visits the plot for sale;
  • Meeting of the buyer and the head of the sales department in our office;
  • Registration of the contract.

In the period March-December, we managed to sell a total of more than 100 plots of the first stage. It managed to increase sales five times over the same period last year. The company was able to improve its reputation, with the best promotion of the following projects, related areas.

Method number 10. Improving the quality of their services

The company initially conducted a survey of its customers. This principle allowed us to determine the preferred course of action. First of all, we started to improve the quality of services, train employees, and buy new equipment. Clients are provided with a number of bonus services and additional gifts for the holidays.

Method number 11. Free coupons for the first lesson

In addition to fitness services, we have launched two new business areas - health tourism and SPA programs.

Results: we achieved a 30% increase in income, with the receipt of awards in the framework of prestigious competitions, attracting many corporate clients, sports teams. The media published the news of our competition - for additional advertising of their center.

Most entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch, and experienced businessmen are worried about the issue, how to increase sales in the store?

This article will discuss 9 effective ways that can increase your profits.

A big plus: they will not require additional substantial investment in implementation.

How to increase sales in the store: identifying the main factors

Before moving on to the main topic of how to increase sales, it is necessary to determine why their level depends:

    A huge role in the sale is played by the arrangement of products on shelves, shelves or hangers.

    There is even a special "science" - merchandising.

    It is also important how the product looks.

    For example, it will be difficult to persuade a client that this meat is worth buying if it looks like it has been on display for a week.

    Products must be intact, clean and presentable.

  1. Also, of course, the level of sales depends on the ratio of price and quality.

Now let's move on to exploring the basic tricks that will help increase sales.

9 actionable ways to increase store sales

Rule # 1. The more expensive the better

For every visitor in the store, the sales assistant must closely monitor.

And not because the buyer can take something for himself and not pay for it at the checkout, but in order to offer the product more expensive on time and thereby increase the number of sales.

Sounds absurd?

For example, a sales assistant noticed that a visitor is already ready to purchase a hat.

At this moment he comes up, and without any obsession and tremors in his voice offers a similar product, only 15-20% more expensive.

Of course, not just like that.

In doing so, he refers to the fact that his proposed hat:

  • several orders of magnitude better than the previous hat;
  • produced by a well-known company;
  • this brand will be popular in the next season;
  • be in the status of exclusive accessories, etc.

No fashionista can resist such a list of merits.

In addition, psychology is at work here: most people cannot pronounce the phrases "this is expensive for me", "I want something cheaper."

This move allows you to increase the number of products sold, despite the fact that "misfires" in this scheme, of course, do occur quite often.

But even if 30-45% of all visitors fall for such a trick, then this method will increase conversion by 22%!

Rule # 2. More is Better

For a consumer to buy not one, but several products, he needs a good reason.

Let's go back, again, for example with a hat.

Only in this case, the seller should increase sales by offering to additionally buy another position at the outlet, and not a similar product.

For example, buy matching gloves or an elegant scarf for a new hat.

In no case should an employee be forced to try on the offered product and be intrusive!

This will have the opposite effect.

The customer can even continue to bypass the store by the tenth road to avoid this "pesky character".

The seller must demonstrate the second item by describing its merits.

It is important to explain to the person why he should leave with two purchases at all.

For example, noticing that the proposed scarf is in harmony with the chosen hat, while creating a full-fledged fashionable look.

This is a good trick to boost in-store sales.

Rule # 3: How to Drive In-Store Sales with a Companion Offer?

This rule is in a sense "consonant" with the previous one.

Every clothing store contains items that can additionally increase sales, but are usually not offered to customers when choosing a basic item.

This is the so-called small things, which are usually displayed in the checkout area or on small counters in the sales area.

Such related products can be:

  • scarves;
  • hairpins;
  • umbrellas;
  • bijouterie;
  • various cases, wallets.

How it works?

For example, a man buys jeans.

At the checkout, he is offered to purchase an additional pair of men's socks.

They argue that then the purchase amount will reach the required minimum in order to open a discount card.

Few of the buyers will refuse: socks will always come in handy, and participation in the accumulation system is an opportunity to save on purchases in the future.

The consumer thinks that this is a profitable investment, and he agrees.

Even if the entrepreneur's benefit from one such sale is small, if you sum up the results of the month, then the increase in sales using this method becomes obvious.

Therefore, store owners should not refuse to use such zones, and also need to motivate sellers and cashiers to mention the existence of such goods to buyers.

Rule # 4: Don't Forget Your Customers

Use methods that will allow you to find out the contact number of the buyer at the time of sale of any product.

The easiest way is to ask to fill out a short questionnaire, for which the client can receive a discount card.

In this way, you can create a database of store visitors.

How will this help to increase sales at the point of sale?

The collected contact numbers of consumers are used for calling.

Here's how consultants might argue for calling a buyer:

  1. Informing about new deliveries to the store.
  2. Messages about profitable offers.
    For example, “buy one razor as a gift for a man on February 14, get the second as a gift” or “we will wrap it in beautiful gift paper for free”.
  3. To find out why the client has not visited the store for a long time, and whether he has any wishes regarding the service or product.

The ability to work properly with such a tool is a real art.

It is worth doing this only for those employees who have good diction and know how to work with objections.

They also provide a good response rate, and will also increase in-store sales.

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by statistics:

Rule # 5. Enter a discount card

To increase in-store sales in this way, it is necessary to become familiar with two sides of the coin of this process.

The positive side of the coin

How to increase store sales?

Basically, an increase in the number of consumers. A discount card allows you to "get" them.

Buyers will always be attracted by the opportunity to save money.

For example, a girl wants to buy herself a purse. This model is located in two adjacent stores. Only in one does she have a discount card, and in the other she does not. Of course, she will go to buy goods where there is at least a small savings awaiting her. Reasonable, isn't it?

With the help of discounts, we can increase sales by attracting more customers, rather than increasing prices.

Negative side

When such cards are issued to regular customers, the store loses the lion's share of profits.

Whatever one may say, but the amount "underpaid" by the buyer is the lost profit of the outlet.

Therefore, the advisability of using cards must be calculated in each specific case separately.

Each owner will decide for himself whether to use this method of attracting visitors.

But its effectiveness cannot be denied. Moreover, the efficiency is gradually increasing.

Pay attention to the comparative statistics of whether the presence of a discount card affects traffic:

Rule number 6. Bonus program to increase sales

This is another move aimed at boosting store sales.

Calculate the average enterprise and add about 25-35% to it.

This amount will be the control minimum for the bonus program.

For example, the average check in a store was about 2,000 rubles. Then, to receive bonuses, the buyer will need to cross the threshold of 2,500 rubles (2,000 + 25% = 2,500).

Come up with some gifts as a reward.

This can be either the products of the store or any products of partner companies.

This method can be used to increase sales in the store.

In addition, teach your employees to say the following words: “You made a purchase for 2,320 rubles.

If you purchase goods for another 180 rubles, we will give you one of the gifts to choose from:

  • a plush toy;
  • flashlight;
  • keychain;
  • pen;
  • fridge magnet".

It can be anything! The main thing is to interest the buyer and make him pay even more.

Also, instead of gifts, according to the terms of the bonus program, you can accrue points that customers can spend on purchases in the future.

It kills two birds with one stone: it attracts people and makes them become regular customers.

The scheme is as follows:

Rule # 7. How to increase store sales with promotions?

This list of the 10 best ways to increase store sales would be incomplete when you consider stocks.

Promotions will always exist, because this is the easiest way to increase the volume of goods sold.

They allow you to motivate a person and incline them to spend more than they originally planned.

The most effective scheme that will help increase sales is 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 (buy three items and get the fourth as a gift).

This method not only allows you to increase sales in the store, but also helps when changing products to a new collection or moving to a different season.

The store sells several things at once that could lie without being sold, instead of writing them off and sending them to stock centers.

In addition, this method will help to increase the number of customers in the store.

It was noted that information about such actions is being disseminated with the help of word of mouth.

Rule number 8. "Book of complaints and suggestions"

According to the law, every business must have such a book and issue it at the first request of the client.

But often the owners completely ignore their presence: the document is sent "to the table", and issued only with urgent requests ("otherwise you never know what nasty things they write to us").

Meanwhile, this may be one of the reasons why it is not possible to increase sales in the store.

Are you surprised?

The fact is that, based on complaints and suggestions, self-respecting boutiques or retail outlets determine what exactly is lacking for customers!

Of course, you shouldn't offer every visitor to leave a record there.

Instead, you can enter short polls.

They can be carried out by cashiers when selling goods, and you can also place a box for requests and wishes in the sales area.

Buyers can be asked how they feel about:

  • the level of prices in the store,
  • variety of assortment,
  • service personnel,
  • atmosphere in the store (playing music, decor, product layout).

In addition, you can unobtrusively ask to leave a comment about the work of the outlet on the site.

This will not only provide feedback, but will also attract new people to visit you.

Answer sheets should be USED to improve the operation of the point of sale, and not sent to a distant box.

Then you can increase sales by fixing potential problems.

The video provides practical tips for increasing sales from a seasoned entrepreneur:

Rule number 9. Communication with the client

To increase in-store sales, you need to think about more than just selling “here and now”.

Work for the future.

For example, a person bought an expensive tablet, phone, laptop in your store.

And suddenly, after a day or two, the store representatives call the buyer and ask:

  1. Is the consumer happy with the purchase?
  2. How quickly did you manage to set up an expensive purchase?
  3. Do you need help in mastering the technique?
  4. Do you have any suggestions to improve the store?

Agree, this gesture is very pleasant.

Everyone will appreciate this kind of care.

In addition, you will definitely want to tell your friends and acquaintances about this step of the store.

Word of mouth is an effective method of free advertising.

The methods listed above will help you decide how to increase store sales.

But we must not forget about the main thing behind the "tinsel": the key to the success of a retail outlet is customer care, high-quality goods and highly qualified sales consultants.

If everything is in order with this "base", the methods described in the article will help to increase sales in the store in a short time.

In the 21st century, the profession of a sales consultant remains one of the most demanded in the labor market. Salespeople or salespeople are always required, and good salespeople are worth their weight in gold. For such personnel, very high competition and having mastered the technique of sales, you will not be left without work for sure. But getting a job as a seller is not difficult, but learning a lot, selling and, accordingly, earning a lot is much more difficult. Let's take a look: how to increase personal sales to the seller.

Knowledge, skills, skill

To increase personal sales to the seller you need to understand that in any case, you must be able to sell. In order to be able, you need to know, and skills will develop into skill over time and sales will go by themselves. On the one hand, there is nothing complicated here, but if you look at it, then this is a whole science. Here you have the stages of sales, and, and and. You can sell, etc. What should a competent salesperson know?

  1. ... You should start your sales study with the 5 Sales Stages. This is the basis of any sales and you cannot do without this knowledge.
  2. Knowledge of the product you are going to sell. The better you have knowledge about the product, the more competent advice you can give the buyer.
  3. Knowledge of competitors and customers. It is not for nothing that all companies are now investing a lot of money in marketing market research. Knowing your competitor and, moreover, the buyer is your responsibility.
  4. Non-verbal communication is a very powerful tool, at the very least you need to understand the basics of non-verbal communication in order to avoid the classic salesperson mistakes.

Most large companies do it, but what if no one teaches you or doesn’t give you enough knowledge? To begin with, I would advise you to read books for sellers, in which you can glean a lot of useful information. First read - "" and the book. In addition, you can find out a lot of useful information on our website - you can also ask your questions at.

Motivation and sales funnel

Any manager knows. But ordinary sellers, as a rule, do not delve into such terms. But the sales funnel is the best way to make it clear what to do to increase the result in sales. Speaking without going deep, the sales funnel shows at what stages of interaction with the client we lose sales. To compose a sales funnel, an ordinary seller needs to calculate how many contacts he had with customers, how many of them refused to communicate immediately, how many after the presentation of the product, how much they decided to think, how many agreed to buy. This is a simple example as these items will differ depending on the type of sale. First of all, it is important for you to understand:

  1. At what stages does the largest number of clients refuse? For example, if, when establishing contact with a customer, it means that you need to somehow change this stage, etc.
  2. Understand how the result will change if you increase the number of contacts.

Increasing the number of customers is the easiest way to increase sales; its disadvantage is not available to all sellers. But as a rule, sellers do not even think that if they spend less time on each client and try to serve as many buyers as possible, this will quickly lead to an increase in sales. Or you can just spend more time working. One way or another, it all comes down to the motivation of the seller, they sell a lot, as a rule, the most active managers.

Self-motivation of sellers

The seller, if he wants to increase his results, must work on his personal motivation. You must set a goal for yourself, such as buying a car or an apartment. Calculate how much money you need for this and how much you need to sell daily. Draw yourself a poster, print yourself a photo of your goal - visualize and preview before going to sell. This will help you be more focused on results rather than process.

Seller - sells from the beginning!

The seller first sells himself, then the company, and then the product. This phrase is taken from, but nevertheless it is suitable for sales to individuals the same. You need to understand that people do not like being sold to them, but they like to buy, and the role of the seller here is not to impose or sell goods, but to establish a trusting contact and charge the client with positive emotions. The seller must be an advisor to the buyer, a friend and a partner in a common cause. For many buyers, visiting a store or communicating with a seller is a certain stress, the client is afraid of being deceived and wasting money and time in vain. The seller must create an atmosphere of ease and trust, only then the client will truly open up to you and you will be able to sell anything.

It is very important for the seller to be in a good mood and to be customer-focused. There are a number of simple rules that must be followed for a good mood:

  • Get enough sleep. Always spend as much time as you need to sleep in order to feel good.
  • Deal with personal issues. Very often I meet salespeople who are focused on personal problems. This distracts from work and the customers feel it.
  • Don't work out with a hangover.
  • Take care of your hygiene and be neat.

Pareto principle

The Pareto principle (often referred to as the 80/20 rule) states:

  • 80% of the profit comes from 20% of customers.
  • 20% of labor costs 80% of profit

This means that the main profit is brought to you by not significant labor costs. And most of the time and energy is spent on small actions that do not bring you the expected income. The main thing is to understand what is included in these 20% of efforts, clients, time and work on improving the processes associated with these costs. Since the remaining 80% do not give a meaningful result. Here are some examples from life:

Example # 1

In a home appliance store, each seller, in addition to sales, is responsible for putting things in order in the department. The sellers with the best results, spend less time putting things in order, do it faster and in the morning when there are few buyers, while they are customer-oriented and immediately go to him when a buyer appears. In addition, more successful sellers try to take weekends on weekdays, since there are fewer clients on these days, they have lunch in the morning, and do not have smoke breaks in the evening. Sellers with lower results are immersed in the process, tidying up for longer and, as a result, lost sales. That is, more successful salespeople understand that they need to focus on customers who bring money, and everything else will wait.

Example No. 2

Active sales agents sell the services of an Internet provider by door-to-door round-trip method. The detour is carried out in the evening. The most successful managers put in the greatest effort from 19.00 to 22.00 because at this time there are more people at home and they are more inclined to communicate. Whereas less successful agents at this time can spend a lot of time on smoke breaks or communication with a client, and who are not going to buy today.

These examples show that it is important to focus your efforts on those things that bring you the most profit. This is exactly what successful salespeople do.

Analyze your sales

Sellers have a very bad habit: to justify their poor results by shifting the responsibility to the buyer, seasonality, competitors, etc. The overwhelming majority of people feel sorry for themselves and do not want to change something in themselves, looking for problems in others. It is important to decide what you want: relieve yourself of responsibility or earn money. If the latter, when faced with difficulties, you need to look for a solution, and not blame the injustice of the world. There is a good story among the sellers about this:

One shoe company sent its seller to Africa, a week later the seller sent a telegram: take me away from here, there is nothing to do here, all people go barefoot.

After a while, another merchant was sent there, after a while he reported: “This is a great success! - wrote the second with delight, - Send everything that is, the market is practically unlimited! Everybody walks barefoot here! "

There is another good proverb - the weak is looking for a reason, the strong is looking for opportunities. Justifying your failures is much easier than analyzing the situation and looking for ways to sell more.

A good salesperson always analyzes his work and looks for growth areas. Any seller always has something to improve, but not everyone can see what exactly. In order to understand, you need to start on a daily basis and if something goes wrong, look for ways how you can do it differently.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of ways that, without requiring special investment, help to bring more buyers. Described below TOP 5 best methods to increase sales... This is the foundation from which any entrepreneur can build.

Building a customer base is one of the best things an entrepreneur can do for their company. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct not only already established buyers, but also those who have just “come to see”.

One of the good options to get contacts of a potential client in retail is to invite him to fill out a questionnaire and give him a discount card, a discount on his first purchase, or a gift in return.

How, using your customer base? You can attract buyers with promotions and special offers. One of the options is to select a specific segment of customers and prepare gifts for them.

When a person comes for a souvenir, the manager should try to make sure that he leaves not only with a gift, but also buys something in the store. Naturally, promotions and gifts should arouse interest and be useful - this is the only way they can attract new customers and increase sales.

Calls to the buyer after purchase

Gifts for clients still require some investment. And how to increase profits without investing money at all? Take care of your customer... This method helps to increase customer loyalty.

The essence is simple- after purchasing a product or service, the manager calls the buyer and asks if everything is in order: whether the washing machine is working well, whether it was possible to set up the laptop, whether the goods were delivered on time, whether any additional consultation is needed, etc.

Make it clear to the client that you are always ready to help him and eliminate all the shortcomings, if any.... Will the person be pleased that they are worried about him? Certainly! And for sure next time he will again use the services of such a caring company.

Give the customer more than they expect

Trade in Russia, like the service sector, is still below average. Try to remember where the last time you were surprised by the impeccable service.

In our country, customers are already happy that they were not naughty in the store or the office of the company. Such seemingly elementary things as high speed of service, polite communication with the client and respectful attitude towards him, already exceed the expectations of a person and become a reason for repeated purchases.

Therefore, if you are thinking about that, the first thing to do is to establish a service. It will be much easier to sell a product with a high level of service. Unexpected surprises are also great. that have not been reported.

for instance, shops selling cosmetics and perfumery often donate mini versions of products to customers. The client will be pleasantly surprised by a handwritten thank you card, a discount card for the next order, a small box of chocolates or some kind of souvenir.

The method works great both in the service industry and in the retail trade. People often speak warmly about such surprises and tell their friends about them, create posts in social media. networks. As a result, word of mouth is triggered and, in addition to one loyal client, the company receives hundreds or even thousands of new customers.

The effectiveness of the method can be shown on the example of a company providing services in the field of music business. After the buyer purchased a certain package of services, he was offered to repost on Facebook, and in return he was given a product worth $ 100.

In five days, information with the company's services received 250 reposts. This helped close 34 deals totaling over $ 2,000.

How to increase sales with promotions

Promotions are an effective method to help push people to buy.... The main rule is to conduct them regularly.

Look at corporations like M.Video, L'Etoile, Lenta - people know that there you can almost always buy something for a stock, and therefore they go there.

Another important condition is your spec. the offer must bring real benefits to the consumer... For example, retailers often offer to buy two items and get a third for free. This is especially true for clothing stores.

And in chains that sell household appliances, they attract customers with promotions like "exchange an old TV for a new one."

Slaughter USP

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets the company apart from thousands of competitors... “Always sober movers!”, “We will deliver pizza within 30 minutes or pay for the order ourselves”, “If you find a product cheaper, we will refund the difference” - these are examples of effective USP that “shot” in due time.

Nowadays, such proposals are quite common, so entrepreneurs constantly need to come up with something new.

How to increase sales with USP by 345%?

How effective USP can be can be seen in the example of Australian pillow company Tontine. The company was the first in the world to indicate the expiration date on pillows..

They began to put a stamp on each product with a date, after which it would be better to replace the pillow with a new one. At the same time, the company launched a television advertisement.

Thus, the firm hoped to increase profits by a third, but the effect exceeded all expectations. Unusual idea helped to increase sales by 345%.

Using the methods listed above, a company can increase sales without major investments. All these rules work and are successfully applied by both small enterprises and global giants.

However, it is worth remembering that anyone choosing what works best for your firm.