
What awaits sorcerers after death. How witches and sorcerers die. How long do the spirits of sorcerers and witches live in a person

Since ancient times, many rituals and rituals have been associated with the death of a witch. It is believed that when the one who collaborated with the dark forces dies, you cannot be near, because you can drag a terrible gift onto yourself.

During their lives, witches sin a lot, because it is with their help that rites and rituals are performed associated with evil spirits, damage, curses, and love spells.

How a witch dies, not everyone knows. Unlike a simple person, one that is associated with evil spirits dies painfully and hard. In the old days, the house of a dying witch was boarded up tightly and no one was present at the time of her death nearby. Sometimes people heard wild cries and screams for several days and nights in a row. But, if a witch passes her gift before death, then she dies easily and quickly, without suffering.

It is believed that just before death, the souls of those whom the witch ruined come to her. It is the souls of the innocently killed that make the sorceress suffer torment. Even the dying witch was never approached and nothing was served to her. The sorceress felt the approach of the end and tried to ease her last moments by trying to transfer her dark power to another person, even if he was against it. And along with the power, she transferred all the sins for the created damage, curses and love spells. Not infrequently, when she was guilty of the death of a person and not one. People unknowingly took responsibility for everything created by a stranger and after death they held the answer for other people's sins at the judgment of God.

There is also a version that the life of a dying witch is supported by entities that served her and performed menial work. These spirits and demonic beings do not want to be left without their mistress, therefore they support her body, increasing torment and suffering.

So how to ease the death of a witch and protect yourself from a terrible gift or curse on its last legs? This question interests many people. In the old days, in order for the spirit of the sorceress to leave the body faster, men dismantled the roof of the house or lifted the ridge on which the roof slope was installed. It was believed that in a confined space the sinful soul could not find a way out and therefore was in no hurry to leave the body.

But all these measures are good if the witch lives in a private house and it is possible to dismantle the roof slope. But for those who live in an apartment, dying is much harder, because you can’t make out the concrete ceiling. But even in this situation, you can help a dying person. To do this, open windows and doors throughout the apartment. Those entities that were assistants to the sorceress leave through these peculiar portals. And with the departure of the evil spirits that served the dying, her torment decreases.

It is also necessary to close all the mirrors in the dwelling of the dying woman so that the witch does not go into the looking glass and does not harm the people who will live in the house or apartment after her death.

Even in the old days, it is possible to alleviate the death throes of a witch with the help of a spindle, which is made of aspen. The spindle must be new. It was given into the hands of a dying woman and the woman had to speak out all her sins and terrible deeds on this thing. After that, the spindle had to be broken in half and burned in the fire. Only spruce paws had to be used to build a fire. After the spindle burned out, the witch calmly and without torment breathed out.

In order for the death of a person to come as quickly as possible, the room in which the dying person is located must be fumigated with incense. This smell is unpleasant and terrible for dark entities that do not want to leave their mistress and prolong her life.

Not all people know how witches die. It's a long and scary process. If possible, it is desirable to facilitate the departure of a sinful soul, but at the same time one must be wary of the transfer of terrible witchcraft power.

And sorcerers have long existed on earth. Their life was shrouded in mystery, people were afraid of them, but often came to them for help. After all, a witch is really able to give a person what he wants. The soul of a witch is in the power of the devil, communicating with demons through special rites, she receives the necessary knowledge for her predictions.

In the physical plane, people with supernatural abilities are just as ordinary as everyone else. That is, they go through the main life stages in exactly the same way: birth, maturation, aging. However, death is not easy for them. There are many stories about the death of famous witches, but they all have a certain pattern.

Giving her soul to the dark forces, the witch, roughly speaking, rents her body to them. Everyone has heard that sometimes psychics and mediums can speak in a voice other than their own. For example, a woman may suddenly growl during the ceremony, say something in a frightening hoarse bass, although such an opportunity is physically absent in her voice. This phenomenon can be traced in people possessed by evil spirits. But witches are also possessed, but their consciousness is able to control their obsession, and the demons living in them are very cunning and resourceful.

How a witch passes on her gift before she dies

When the time comes for a witch to die, her evil spirits need a new "home". This house should be a person who does not mind selling his soul to the devil in order to adopt witchcraft abilities. If such a person is found in advance, then the witch dies calmly, transferring her demonic energy to him. According to eyewitnesses, the successor (usually a young unmarried relative) for some time holds the hand of the old sorceress, who lies in bed, waiting for death. If the witch has no relatives, any daredevil can receive the “gift”, at his own peril and risk. If people from her environment flatly refuse to accept her energy, then the sorceress begins to rage. She pours threats and curses, throws objects, showing superhuman strength.

When no one is around, the witch is doomed to hellish mortal torment. If the witch is very strong, then something very terrible happens to her. She physically feels how her body is covered with ulcers, begins to decompose and rot. But she cannot die, because the demons have nowhere to "relocate", and they keep her. Her own soul is already leaving for the afterlife, and the body continues to live under the control of spirits. She becomes something like Baba Yaga from fairy tales.

There are not so many powerful witches, but ordinary bodies still die. But their spirit remains in the house, which inspires a lot of fear. People who know how to ease the death throes of a sorceress are advised to dismantle the ceiling above her head.

Vasily and Glafira got married in their student years. Calm, always balanced Vasily was the complete opposite of his wife - Glafira was distinguished by a hot temper. There was not a day when she did not quarrel with a saleswoman or a neighbor, or just a passer-by walking a dog under the windows. Easily turned on and not falling silent, the wife did not touch only her calm, silent husband.

To top it all off, Glafira inherited a “legacy” from her grandmother, who was reputed to be a witch, when she died, Glafira became even more unbearable. site The whole house some time later was studded with various herbs, books, manuscripts, dried insects and other witch paraphernalia. Vasily silently endured the madness of his wife, and only the absence of children worried him more than her insanity. So they lived for about 25 years, and then the inexplicable happened.

By the age of 45, Glafira became seriously ill. Neither the herbs nor her shamanic witch attributes could give her a cure. Perhaps, the quarrelsome woman was punished from above for her behavior and attitude towards people, she withered before our eyes, becoming more aggressive every day, and very clinging to life.

And now the time has come. At night, Vasily woke up from the heavy breathing of his wife. In a weak whisper and breathing heavily, she cursed the whole wide world, everyone who remained to live. The wife was dying. Vasily silently sat down by her bed (in recent years, the couple lived in different rooms), on the carpet, on the shelves, on the cabinets there were a lot of different amulets, bundles of some kind of hair, bubbles with liquid ... The smell in the room was heavy, mixed with medicines it smelled of something unpleasant, decaying. An ambulance was called, the doctors shrugged - the woman should have died a long time ago according to the indications of the vital functions of the organs. Her intestines had not worked for a long time, she drank water almost 4 days ago, her pulse was barely palpable, only her heart was beating at a frantic pace, not wanting to stop.

By dawn, when the ambulance had already left, and Vasily was dozing in his chair, he suddenly jumped from a loud bang and the sound of broken glass. The window in the bedroom of the dying woman was broken, but all the pieces were inside, as if something from outside had crashed into the apartment. Glafira lay with a terrible grimace on her face, her eyes almost rolled out of their sockets, and her mouth was twisted in a terrible grin. Vasily backed out into the corridor, again calling the brigade to ascertain death.

There were few relatives at the site, there were no children, all the worries fell on the shoulders of Vasily. And since the deceased quarreled with her neighbors, Vasily was helped by his only friend from the institute's bench. Not a single neighbor wanted to enter this apartment. Well, for 3 nights, while the deceased was lying at home, Vasily remained alone with her, in his silent calm and meditation, when a number of inexplicable cases happened during these 3 days.

On the first evening, when Vasily's friend took out the coffin, they put the body there, having done all the rituals they knew about (wash, dress), after drinking a bottle of vodka for two, they went to bed. And then both heard a roar in the room where the coffin was. After exchanging glances, they slowly went there and were stunned: a long shelf with books that was above the coffin completely fell off and lay on the floor. But not the site it was terrible. The head of the deceased was turned in this direction, and her cloudy eyes were open.

That night, two strong men sat in the kitchen, afraid to go to bed. In the morning, Vasily's friend had to go about his business, promising to come in the evening. While Vasily was engaged in formalities, he went to the cemetery, etc. The unexplainable happened again. The friend's flowers, which were in a vase near the coffin, were thrown with force along with the vase against the wall, soaking the wallpaper with water. According to Vasily himself, there was a feeling that his wife came to life and lived her cadaverous life, not wanting to put up with death. Her hands, folded before, as they are folded at the dead, moved down to the sides and stiffened in this position, her eyes were again parted. Vasily silently went to the store for vodka, realizing that he could not survive this sober.

The second night he spent the night at the site of a downstairs neighbor. Both distinctly heard footsteps and tapping in the apartment with the deceased. The next morning, Vasily discovered a cracked mirror in the hallway, a collapsed cornice in his wife's bedroom and a torn film covering the broken window instead of glass. Glafira began to look intimidating during the night: her eyes fell, dark circles formed around them, a sharp nose and clenched blue lips, all this made her face terrible. There remained the third night, which Vasily decided to spend alone, next to his wife. Having bought vodka, he sat down in the kitchen alone, drank half a bottle in one gulp, and lit a cigarette. When the rustling began, he drank the rest and started a new one. The last thing that Vasily (a strong man who never believes in superstition and mysticism) remembers before the blackout is how, raising his head, bowed on his hands from the amount of vodka he had drunk, he saw how the deceased wife was standing in the kitchen opening in her burgundy velvet dress . And then Vasily the site just turned off ...

In the morning he was found in the kitchen on the floor by his friend, who came to the funeral. Vasily was all gray-haired. The deceased was lying in a coffin without shoes, they lay peacefully under the coffin. All the mirrors in the house that Uncle Vasya did not close became somehow cloudy, some were covered from the inside with a fine mesh, as if from old age. Vasily simply did not know that they were supposed to be closed.

Now Uncle Vasya is our neighbor in the country. At first, we thought that this was an ancient old man, but when we found out that he was not even 50, we were very surprised. We often help each other with housework and we can say we are friends. Recently, they harvested apples, prepared a big apple pie, and for snacks and vodka, Uncle Vasya told why, at 47, he looks 70. He sold the apartment, having moved to the dacha, but still recalls with horror the site of his witch-wife who doesn't want to die.

Comments (21 ) to the scary story "Grievous Death of a Witch":

Directly clearly according to the "Viyu" story :)))
And why did Vasily need children from this evil woman? So that she tormented them and twisted their psyche? Here, rather, it is necessary to rejoice that they are not.
And the evil spirits, of course, notably frolic at the funeral of their favorite, this is their holiday - they sent another soul from half a kick to hell. At the same time, the unbelieving peasant was frightened, amused, but he does not know how to defend himself.

It's probably because the mirrors aren't closed. Very scary. It is not clear why she was terrified of her husband. He didn't do anything wrong. Or maybe he liked it more. It happens because of stress, and I was drunk. If this happens, it is extremely rare. Sounds, different signs can be, but with objects - an exaggeration. This could only be done by outsiders. He was with a neighbor or passed out. Come in whoever you want. As they say, fear has big eyes,

But it’s not clear: why exactly three nights to keep all this nightmarish horror in the house? Yes, already after the first night Sabbath, it was necessary to bury the body so that it would not be outrageous from the next world on this one !!! One night in the house would be enough to keep the traditions. After all, Glafira was not a righteous woman at all, so what is the point of carrying out all the ancient rites, as if with an immaculate virgin, anyway, such a sinful soul cannot be calmed ...

I also don’t understand why the body should be kept at home for three nights? In our country, the dead should not spend the night at home - they will definitely bury him before that, well, except in exceptional cases. Explain to me why?

This is the law, according to the rules, it is believed that the soul must be at the grave for 3 days. Moves away gradually and leaves. It can be said that it is mastered and performs its tasks at each stage. This is equivalent to the development of an embryo in 3 days - 9 days, 40 days, half a year, a year. As it grows, it goes into adulthood, and starts from 3 days.

This is now buried the next day after death, because. There are funeral agencies. Previously, the family was involved in the funeral from and to. It didn’t work out quickly, and they believed that the dead man should have been in his house for the last time. say goodbye. And to say goodbye to him. They usually buried on the third day. If they were buried earlier, it was in condemnation - they were delighted, quickly drag it away!

used to keep a corpse for only 1 day, but after epidemics such as plague, malaria, etc. people simply lost consciousness and were buried alive (medicine was not the same as today) These cases were so frequent that the authorities decided to bury the dead no earlier than 3 days later, in order to be sure that the person had died and all the signs were on the face: cadaveric spots, the smell of a smoothing body. The church was also connected to this with explanations in 3,9,40 days. And so the tradition grew.

if you take it in religious terms, they commemorate the deceased just on the third, ninth, 40th day and in the year. On the 3rd and 9th days, the soul is still between people, visits places that were dear to her during her lifetime, but after 9 days, on the way to God, she goes through heavenly ordeals (a very difficult and painful path), where angels and demons show her her life, mistakes and good deeds. Then she visits hell and paradise, and only by the fortieth day is she allowed to return to earth and say goodbye to loved ones, and then she determine a permanent place depending on her actions on earth. Here is how the meaning of these memorial days is approximately described in esoteric books.

Well, this is easy to explain - in southern countries, due to the heat, the bodies of the dead begin to decompose much faster, and in cold Russia they can afford to hold the body for a couple of days, so that everyone has time to say goodbye to the deceased. Therefore, you are buried faster, and we do not need to be in such a hurry. Over the centuries, this has become a tradition. And you should not look for who is the fool here - the one who buries faster or the one who takes longer, both are smart.

And because different peoples, different customs. When I was a child, my family lived in Tajikistan. I have seen funerals there many times. A person died, they do everything very quickly - a stretcher appears (I don’t know, maybe they make it, maybe there are ready-made in the mosque for this purpose) They wrap the person in a white cloth, put it on a stretcher (without a coffin), lift four men on a stretcher on their shoulders, and almost run , one might say, very quickly, they carry it to the cemetery. Women do not participate in processions. A mullah walks ahead and sings out prayers in a singsong voice. A grave and a wooden shield have already been prepared at the cemetery. At the bottom of the grave, to the side, it was dug like a cave for the length and height of the body. The deceased is laid not in the pit, but away from it, in the prepared side niche at the bottom level, covered on the side with a shield from the pit and covered with earth. And it is very clear why they are buried on the day of death - with heat up to + 50 *, despite the fact that epidemics of typhus, plague, etc. often broke out in these regions before. So we don’t have Tajikistan, why can’t we have our own customs?

And we have to stay overnight. Summer or winter, it doesn't matter. And according to tradition, the dead cannot be left alone, someone must sit - day or night, it doesn't matter. You sit like this, remembering something about the deceased, the candle is burning. The closest ones, as a rule, stay to spend the night near the coffin - wives / husbands, parents or children. Or friends, too. Mirrors and glass surfaces (in cupboards, Sideboards, even TV) are always covered with cloth. After the deceased is taken out with a coffin to the cemetery, they must wash the floor so that death does not return to the house and does not stay here. Traditionally, water is poured under the corner of the house, in apartments - just into the toilet. The hands of the deceased are tied with a rope and copper wire is attached to the hands. The wire goes from the hands to a jar of water standing under the coffin (somewhere I saw that earth was poured into the jar). This is called "grounding". I don’t know what they do with wire, but the ropes are burned, water is poured under the corner of the house, the earth is taken out to the cemetery along with the deceased. Often these items are stolen from a witch's funeral (not so my father's grandmothers told), and then they do damage - to people, to a house, to livestock. It is necessary to carefully monitor that someone does not put something in the coffin - both at home and in the cemetery at parting. The same things people said. I'll tell you more. When you sit at the coffin at night (this is more in rural houses), roosters crow at night, smelling the dead. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard the neighbor’s rooster at one in the morning (we were sitting at the coffin of my grandmother with dad), I was 14-15 years old. And just before spending the night with my grandmother, my dad told me that the roosters would sing. What else. We change the water near the photo for fresh water for up to 40 days, put it in a glass. The candle must be stuck in millet, oats or other cereals. I don't know why, tradition. After a year, we distribute the things of the dead to people we know - in memory, and someone really needs it. It is not considered something bad to wear the things of the deceased.

simple mom, do not roll everything into one coil. if you are a Muslim woman, then others have their own laws.

Simple mom just asked why keep the body three nights in the house, not going to "roll everything in one barrel." Be more tolerant of other people's worldviews, even if they are the opposite of your own. I, in general, do not believe in any gods, but this does not prevent me from respecting the worldview of others, even if I absolutely do not agree with it.

Since ancient times, many rituals and rituals have been associated with the death of a witch. It is believed that when the one who collaborated with the dark forces dies, you cannot be near, because you can drag a terrible gift onto yourself.

During their lives, witches sin a lot, because it is with their help that rites and rituals are performed associated with evil spirits, damage, curses, and love spells.

How a witch dies, not everyone knows. Unlike a simple person, one that is associated with evil spirits dies painfully and hard. In the old days, the house of a dying witch was boarded up tightly and no one was present at the time of her death nearby. Sometimes people heard wild cries and screams for several days and nights in a row. But, if a witch passes her gift before death, then she dies easily and quickly, without suffering.

It is believed that just before death, the souls of those whom the witch ruined come to her. It is the souls of the innocently killed that make the sorceress suffer torment. Even the dying witch was never approached and nothing was served to her. The sorceress felt the approach of the end and tried to ease her last moments by trying to transfer her dark power to another person, even if he was against it. And along with the power, she transferred all the sins for the created damage, curses and love spells. Not infrequently, when she was guilty of the death of a person and not one. People unknowingly took responsibility for everything created by a stranger and after death they held the answer for other people's sins at the judgment of God.

There is also a version that the life of a dying witch is supported by entities that served her and performed menial work. These spirits and demonic beings do not want to be left without their mistress, therefore they support her body, increasing torment and suffering.

So how to ease the death of a witch and protect yourself from a terrible gift or curse on its last legs? This question interests many people. In the old days, in order for the spirit of the sorceress to leave the body faster, men dismantled the roof of the house or lifted the ridge on which the roof slope was installed. It was believed that in a confined space the sinful soul could not find a way out and therefore was in no hurry to leave the body.

But all these measures are good if the witch lives in a private house and it is possible to dismantle the roof slope. But for those who live in an apartment, dying is much harder, because you can’t make out the concrete ceiling. But even in this situation, you can help a dying person. To do this, open windows and doors throughout the apartment. Those entities that were assistants to the sorceress leave through these peculiar portals. And with the departure of the evil spirits that served the dying, her torment decreases.

It is also necessary to close all the mirrors in the dwelling of the dying woman so that the witch does not go into the looking glass and does not harm the people who will live in the house or apartment after her death.

Even in the old days, it is possible to alleviate the death throes of a witch with the help of a spindle, which is made of aspen. The spindle must be new. It was given into the hands of a dying woman and the woman had to speak out all her sins and terrible deeds on this thing. After that, the spindle had to be broken in half and burned in the fire. Only spruce paws had to be used to build a fire. After the spindle burned out, the witch calmly and without torment breathed out.

In order for the death of a person to come as quickly as possible, the room in which the dying person is located must be fumigated with incense. This smell is unpleasant and terrible for dark entities that do not want to leave their mistress and prolong her life.

Not all people know how witches die. It's a long and scary process. If possible, it is desirable to facilitate the departure of a sinful soul, but at the same time one must be wary of the transfer of terrible witchcraft power.

Return to the beginning of the section Magic

Return to the beginning of the section Secrets of karmic influences

Many, probably, have heard about what a heavy death sorcerers usually die. Such a person, even if he wanted to, could not die so easily. He goes away, then comes back again. The author had to see witches who were in a dying state for a year, or even more. Their situation was simply terrible. They looked like a living corpse with signs of a complete absence of any consciousness of their own, which, as it were, was led by extraneous forces that had nothing to do with the personality of this person. Usually this happens when the witch cannot transfer her gift to someone. What is the meaning of this gift? And why does everything happen this way?

In the books of Carlos Castaneda there is a mention of "allies", that is, the forces that help the magician in his work. The more allies the magician has, the greater his power. But this is purely an Indian interpretation. In European witchcraft, such forces were called witches' companions, and sometimes simply imps. They were inherited or bought from other witches. Most of the companions appeared in the form of animals and very rarely - in the form of people. Of course, these are not living beings, but some astral projections that have astral power. They could be sent somewhere with a specific task that they performed. As a rule, these tasks concerned witchcraft acts. It was the allies who gave strength to the rituals performed by the witch. And they ensured the effectiveness of damage. A witch could have several allies. Most often they appeared in the form of cats, mostly black. However, this is not required; an ally can appear in any form - an animal or an insect. Sometimes its form, accessible to human perception, has nothing to do with any of the earthly beings.

In the old days, there was no concept of the difference between material beings and astral projections. Therefore, in those days, the appearance of spirits was perceived as something material. A clear formula for separating these two completely different manifestations of reality was created only in Newton's time. Perhaps that is why in the old days very often completely real creatures, most often innocent animals, were taken for evil spirits.

So, for example, the fear that all cats are companions of witches, was the reason for the almost total extermination of cats in Europe in the Middle Ages. However, ordinary animals have never had anything to do with the incorporeal demonic entities that appear in similar forms. The Church has always maintained that the companions were given to the witch by the devil himself. But how does all this actually happen?

In fact, an ally can be acquired through very sophisticated shamanic meditation. The shaman (or sorcerer) lies face down and enters a trance state. His assistant at the same time rhythmically beats the tambourine. Further, the shaman, as it were, leaves his body and finds an opening leading down. He descends into it and enters a kind of corridor leading to the realm of the dead. In the depths of the corridor you can find places literally teeming with all sorts of "unclean" animals - snakes, toads, cats.

These creatures are allies. They give strength to the sorcerer, while at the same time protecting him from trouble and disease. However, like all demons, allies are fueled by spiritual substance, that is, the blood of their master. They support the power of life in him, not allowing him to die in almost any situation. Maybe this sometimes saves him in some life situations. However, when the time comes, it is the allies who do not let their carrier into the afterlife, because they do not want to lose their food at all. Therefore, the sorcerer cannot die without transferring his gift to someone around him. However, this is only part of the problem.

Most real sorcerers actually belong to the circle. This means that in addition to the imps, other sorcerers, living and dead, keep him in this life. The prince also participates in this, that is, the demon of the circle, which is not a simple imp, but a super-powerful evil spirit.

The sorcerer of the circle is forced not just to transfer his power to someone in his hour of death. He must pass it on to his next of kin. Thus, if the sorcerer belongs to the circle, then his entire family becomes the property of the devil, and the family often dies while trying to gain freedom from evil spirits.

Perhaps it will seem to someone that under the auspices of the devil, people live well. Maybe it is. True, those of the sorcerers of the circle, with whom the author had to meet in his practice, were not very happy with such patronage, as well as its side effects: alcoholism, drug addiction, joining the ranks of "sexual minorities", periodic rape and incestuous relationships that women are necessarily exposed to. of this kind. And, besides, in material terms, the devil does not spoil them very much, and when they try to free them, complete poverty sets in. And this is natural, because for the devil people are only food.

However, circle sorcerers are a special caste. Ordinary witches draw their power only from allies. It should be noted that ordinary people can also have allies. It is not so easy to establish where and when they picked up a small evil spirit, but it is very clearly visible in them. Many have a magical gift without even knowing it, and there is a phenomenon of spontaneous witchcraft - the fulfillment of bad wishes. It is just as difficult for such people to die as it is for sorcerers, to whom they do not consider themselves to be.

What can be the way out of this situation? Probably, try not to pass on your gift to anyone, but simply accept the sacrament of church communion before death. He destroys the action of any witchcraft forces for two weeks, creating a kind of corridor leading the dying person out of hell. Thus, the former sorcerer may still escape otherworldly punishment. True, after this, evil spirits often take revenge on relatives, plunging the family into poverty. However, sometimes they get it right. But, unfortunately, it rarely happens that people dare to make such an attempt. In fact, the birth of a witchcraft gift is determined by external forces. What has been described above is the result of deeper causes. Revealing them, one can come to the conclusion that the sorcerer, in principle, is also a victim. Although sometimes very dangerous.

Return to the beginning of the section Secrets of Karmic Influences Return to the beginning of the section Magic

It is known that when doing magic, a woman has to develop her astral essence - it is this energy that helps with various rituals and spells. When the time comes to die, the astral does not let go of the soul until the witch transfers the power to someone.

When relatives or acquaintances see how a witch dies, it is unlikely that anyone will want to follow in her footsteps, taking power from her. There are, however, such people who learned witchcraft from her and, wanting to become stronger, touch the hand of a dying woman.

It is often said that witches do only evil, and therefore cannot die peacefully. But what can be considered evil, and what is good? These concepts are very relative. The wolf, killing some animal, just wants to eat, but he is called evil. A man destroys his own kind in wars, and he is declared a hero. Witches have their own concepts of good and evil, which do not always coincide with the generally accepted ones. They communicate with the world of spirits, with evil spirits, they have different moral principles and a completely different life. Perhaps some of the women involved in magic, at the beginning of their journey, renounced Christianity and began to live according to other laws, which include the use of the forces of the elements and nature in general.

By accusing the witch of sins, people are simply trying to remove the blame from themselves. After all, it is they who come to the sorceress and ask to bring damage to the enemy or speak from various misfortunes. After all, this also does not fit with the sermons of the priests, who say that everything in the world - both happiness and troubles - depends only on the will of God and it is impossible to resist Him. The sorceress, fulfilling the requests of people, inevitably uses a lower power, which over time takes more and more power over her. At the end of life there is a struggle between the astral and that substance which is called the soul. Seeing how witches die, people think that this is a punishment for dark deeds committed during their lifetime, and this is just a struggle of energies.

The lower energy, which has greatly developed and strengthened during the life of a witch, does not let go of a more subtle soul, believing that it cannot exist without it. In most cases, this happens - the soul breaks away from the body and flies to the higher world, and the astral dies, but not immediately, it is able to live separately from the body for a long time, turning into a ghost. Therefore, it is impossible to live in the house of a deceased sorceress - there are sudden deaths of those living here, murders and suicides. You can get rid of this by inviting a priest to perform a certain ceremony that will exorcise the devil or sorcerer.

When a witch feels that she is about to die, she tries to find a person who would take magical power from her hands and, thereby, save her from the torment on her deathbed. It is desirable that this be a young unmarried girl, a blood relative. The sorceress teaches her all the secrets of her craft, and at death she holds her hand and the energy flows to the young witch. If this does not happen, then dying takes several days and is very painful. The lower force does not want to let go of the soul and tries to keep it in the body. Sometimes the astral is so developed that even after the departure of the soul it is able to maintain the appearance of life in the body.

As a result, the body without a soul remains alive, but changes greatly - it turns out that very evil Baba Yaga, which is spoken of in Russian fairy tales. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to ease the death of a witch. Knowledgeable people advise to dismantle the ceiling above the bed of an old woman. Then death comes quickly enough and relieves her of torment.

Usually you can’t bury a sorceress in a common cemetery, a priest doesn’t bury her, and so that the body doesn’t get out of the coffin and doesn’t become a zombie, they put it face down, in some cases they pierce it with an aspen stake. But this is the worst option, because the energy cannot be pierced with a stake, it will be released and will exist as a ghost in the witch's dwelling.

If there is a witch's apprentice, or just a daredevil who decides to take power from a witch, he can be sick for a long time until the witch's gift is balanced with the soul and astral of the one who took it. If a person's energy and his own are sufficiently developed, there is nothing to be afraid of, he will only become stronger, but it is better for the weak not to do this. It may well turn out that the energy of the sorceress will take over the soul of a person and subdue him. In this case, the student will lose his individuality, and will only become an extension of the sorceress. Therefore, in pursuit of magical power, it is best to think ten times whether it is needed, and whether life will then turn into something obscene.

People who were present at the death of a witch say that this is a very difficult sight. The impression is that two forces are fighting in it, pulling it in different directions. Therefore, it would be ideal to transfer a magical gift to a prepared person who is able to accept and cope with it.

The death of a witch is very difficult if there is no one to transfer magical power to. Relatives, seeing the torment of the old woman, disassemble the ceiling above her bed, so that it would be easier for the soul to leave the body. They say that in this case, the sorceress stops suffering and quickly dies.

It doesn't really matter if you believe in supernatural powers. Even better, if you belong to the unbelievers, healthy skepticism has never bothered anyone ...

The village of Zaburovo - a sorcerer died for a long, painfully long time. He was old and wished for death himself, but she still did not come. Why? The whole village was whispering about this: the sorcerer cannot die until he gives his gift to someone. To do this, it is enough for him to touch the person ... But none of the relatives wanted such a “gift”. So the old sorcerer toiled.
In the end, he gave up, stopped begging his sons to come to him. And soon he pointed with his eyes at the ceiling above him and ordered to dismantle it ...
There is a popular belief among the people that when a witch or sorcerer dies and cannot die in any way, one should dismantle the roof or at least the corner of the house above the place where the dying person's bed stands. And you still need to unlock all the locks and locks in the house, open the doors. This seems to help the sorcerer die.
The sons agreed, and calling the neighbors began to dismantle the roof. We were almost done when we heard the old man's laughter coming from the house. Sensing something was wrong, they descended from the roof. And Masha, the granddaughter of the sorcerer, comes out of the hallway. She admitted that she felt sorry for her grandfather, who moaned and kept asking for water. So I brought him a cup. And the old man in the hut kept laughing...
According to the researcher A. Gorbovsky, who wrote down this story, the relatives then took the girl to church, reprimanded with prayers. But it didn't help. She accepted the gift. And now the sorceress Masha is well known not only in the surrounding villages, people come to her from the city, and even from the region.
Not everyone will choose a sorcerer as his successor. But even if the choice is made, this does not mean that this person will be able to cope with the unusual "gift". For some, this can be a real disaster.

Here is another case kept in the archives of researchers of phenomena of this kind.
... Marfa Petrovna was called a sorceress behind her eyes, and her "evil eye" was feared like fire. As soon as the witch looked at some kid on the street, he began to act up and get sick. She herself died at the age of 86. But how! All relatives were forced to leave home, because things went crazy there. And the neighbors even called the police - there was an incredible roar in the apartment, you never know what.
But, apparently, the old sorceress could not pass on her witchcraft inheritance to someone during her lifetime. When Marfa Petrovna was buried, she lay in the coffin all covered in bruises - marks from the doomsday at home. But on the street, as soon as the body was taken out to the bus, something incomprehensible began. Suddenly it got colder, a gale-force wind came up, a blizzard began.
A resident of the Amur Region Alexandra Ch. (Marfa Petrovna's granddaughter) told:
– At the cemetery, when I went up to the grave to hang a wreath, I suddenly felt that someone grabbed my ankles with both hands. Despite the wind and cold, I was thrown into a sweat. She tried to tear her legs off the ground, to leave, but an unknown force would not let her. The ridiculous situation lasted for a minute, but then it seemed to me that it lasted an eternity. Now I don't remember how I got home. Since that time, something inexplicable began to happen.
One day, I was writing my thesis at night. Suddenly I hear someone scratching at the front door. I thought it was our cat. Opened it up and no one was there. Just then, a cot began to creak behind him. I go to her, and a strange breeze blows in my face, even my hair sways. I corrected them and then got such a crack that even sparks fell from my eyes. And at home, as you know, no one. Since that time, I am afraid to sleep without light ...
One more case. One summer night I was sitting and sewing a new dress for myself - in the morning I was going to fly to my friend in Zaporozhye. It's hot outside, so the windows are open, but the curtains are drawn. Suddenly I see with peripheral vision, some lights and shadows flashed between the curtains. For some reason, at first I was not afraid, I say:
“Come in, Master, it will be more fun!” It’s me, so I invited the brownie ... Then a gray smoky cloud appeared on the chair in front of me. It squirmed as if getting comfortable, and suddenly a saucer-sized luminous eye peered out at me. Can you imagine what happened to me?
This kind of “misunderstanding” haunts Alexandra Ch. constantly. She believes that she picked up this "infection" in the cemetery - many years ago, when she buried her grandmother the witch.
If we believe the reports that sometimes come to us from researchers of this kind of phenomena, it is sometimes possible to become infected with "devilry" without any participation of witches and sorcerers. All you have to do is visit the cemetery.

... Incredible events began to take place in the apartment of Stefa Grigaitene (Veshvele, Lithuania) after she returned from the local cemetery after the day of commemoration of the dead.
That same evening, in the previously calm apartment, something began to creak, tap ... At night, the noise intensified. And soon the unthinkable began to happen. For no apparent reason, furniture began to tip over, dishes flew off the shelves.
Some of the "miracles" were by no means harmless. In front of the hostess's eyes, a pan with cooked meat flew off the stove and ... disappeared without a trace. Ripped off by an invisible force, a sharply honed knife flew across the room and stuck at the very feet of the dumbfounded woman...
Further more. Grigaitene had strange wounds on his legs and side. The doctor who examined the affected areas said that it looked like a trophic ulcer. And the local psychic explained: this can happen when a supernatural force absorbs a person’s energy ...
The rumor about the "invisibility" quickly spread around the town. Journalists, among other curious people, also visited Stefa. They examined the scene, interviewed eyewitnesses.
Witnesses said that before their eyes, lids flew off pots, chairs turned in place, and one peasant was pressed against the wall by an enraged table. During the impromptu experiment, the "spirit" was asked questions, and he very willingly explained himself to the curious by knocking.
For example, the question was asked: “How many people sit in a room?” Or, "How many of them have gold watches?" And the invisible man was never wrong ...
Local residents think that the spirit of a girl settled in the house of Stefa Grigaitene, who once also lived in this house, but committed suicide a few years ago due to unhappy love and was buried in the very cemetery that Grigaitene visited on the day of remembrance.
Curious journalists went to the rector of the local church with a request from Grigaytene to consecrate her apartment, at the same time they asked if, from the point of view of the clergyman, the spirit of the suicidal girl could burn ulcers on the skin of the unfortunate Stefa, and at the same time steal a pot of meat? But the priest refused any comments.
Experts call such anomalous manifestations -. But this is just a word that does not explain anything, because the essence of the phenomenon remains a mystery.
Such a phenomenon not only has not yet been studied, but even, as it were, officially does not exist.
It would be appropriate to say that poltergeists occur not only among "ordinary citizens". An invisible entity was rampant in the apartment of pilot-cosmonaut V. Aksenov, and in the apartment of physicist O. Dobrovolsky, full member of the Academy of Energy Information Sciences. But it did not have any influence on the "official circles" and did not force them to change their defiantly skeptical attitude towards the poltergeist.
We will not consider here all the features of the known poltergeists and all the hypotheses that explain them.
And we mentioned this so far inexplicable phenomenon only in connection with the fact that it is often accompanied by the so-called "gift of the sorcerer." But in no case should you hang the stigma of a "sorcerer" on people in whose houses a "noisy spirit" is raging. First of all, these people are victims of a phenomenon that has not yet been studied.
How can you protect yourself from it? Alas, there is no universal advice.
So what to do if miracles begin at home? Practice has shown that it is as useless to deal with them as with a cold. You just have to be patient, and after a while everything will pass by itself.
However, a few years ago, when something similar happened in a Moscow apartment, its owner, having tried all the methods and completely despairing, hung signs on all the walls with the inscription: “Entrance is forbidden from the Otherworld!” The prank worked and the poltergeist stopped.
We conclude: even in hopeless situations, humor can be an effective weapon.
We will believe that such “gifts” will not be given to you and me ...