
Runes denoting the work of protection. Runes of protection and reverse strike. Becoming protection from accidents and travel problems

With the help of runic symbols, negativity and any external influence are destroyed. For these purposes, only the most powerful runes of protection are used, capable of destroying damage or misfortunes induced by enemies. Runic protective rituals are carried out with the opposite effect for the ill-wisher or to prevent future attacks.

Impact of protective runes

Runes for magical protection, as practitioners call them, save you from troubles and minor problems. Small troubles destroy not only a person's life, but also his future - they block the true path, create obstacles in front of the goal. Protective runes save from any manifestations of accumulated negativity. They cleanse and help to return to the fulfillment of the inner conduction.

How powerful runes work:

  • affect on the mental and physical levels;
  • save from the sent evil - if the enemy succeeds or
  • they prevent a new energy blow, a repeated attack by enemies;
  • protect from people - whether those who constantly create problems.

Not only people act as evil, but also psychological programs - the operator constantly follows them and is not able to become happy. For this reason, runes save from any negative: accumulated or sent.

Each powerful rune is used alone or as part of

Most effective and powerful symbols: Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz. They prevent a second attack and return to the enemy what he has sent - hatred, anger, misfortune.

The talisman from the negative is burned with fire or washed with clean water. The most popular and easiest way is to influence by becoming your own breath. Smoke is sometimes used when working with magical paraphernalia. He launches a rune from damage or the evil eye.

From damage and accumulated negativity, a reservation is created. At the very beginning, the runes are treated with respect, after which a request is formulated. At the end, the runes thank you for your help. This order of pronunciation of the clause guarantees a good result.

Mirror protection

Once again, there was a need to talk about defenses again.

If a person does not practice, he, in principle, may not bother.

But there is always a "chance" to get the same lining, and the photos scattered on social networks can be of great use to "well-wishers".

I will tell you about the protection that I myself used. This rune protection is called Mirror.

Runes can be written in a line:


Starting to write with Hagal, then left and right Kenaz, then left and right Isu.

Or such a bundle draw:

It acts on the principle of a mirror: any impact is sent back completely and unchanged. If you place it correctly, it will become a very powerful tool against various ill-wishers, even secret ones.

But it must be stipulated that it "mirrors" not only magical effects, but also evil of a different nature. What exactly "evil" in your understanding needs to be indicated very clearly. Otherwise, you run the risk of being under a hood - nothing bad, but good things do not come to visit.

It is also important to stipulate that it passes any of your influences (well, if you decide to do practical magic). If you put protection on another person - also stipulate that it allows your influences to pass. But from the reviews, I know that even if you make a reservation, you may still not miss it. In any case, before putting protection, diagnose whether it suits you and how it will fit.

I do this. I take a photo printed on a b / w printer (of course the one who needs to be protected), absolutely any photo, I don't know how about the age - I have new ones. I draw runes in the photo on the little man. It doesn't matter whether they go beyond the figure itself or not. I stipulate what I want from the runes.

I close myself from multiple troubles,

Enemies cannot break the defense against dashing.

I miss only goodness and happiness here

I call on the gods to keep the protection.

The ritual and all kinds of activation - I think everyone will come up with their own (I activate with breathing - in principle, in the description of this protection I read just such an activation). If anything - the Internet will help you. And that's all. I put the photo in a special box where I keep such things. A day later, I check how the defense is laid down (with a pendulum, runes, I ask a diagnostician friend - in short, whatever you like).

When the defense "falls" I have temporary blurry vision - well, as if you were looking at the world through foggy glasses. When the protection flies, you can also feel it - here everyone has their own feelings. When I hit it, the mirror cracked, but the negative did not pass. If you suddenly suspect that something like this has happened, diagnose it. Naturally, there are no eternal protections - periodically it is necessary to renew.

For me, the advantage of rune protection over energy ones is that it can be applied and forgotten, and not frantically sculpted "balls" and "cocoons" with every sneeze addressed to you. To say that protection is energy-consuming - I cannot, I did not feel it.

There are many ways to protect yourself from negative influences. Runic symbols are one of the most powerful talismans that protect against misfortunes and envious people.

It is believed that the best defense is your own energy. Working on ourselves and strengthening the biofield, we are able to create an invisible shield that protects us from any negativity, be it damage, evil eye or just envy. But what to do to a person whose energy is not yet strong enough and he cannot independently repulse the energy attacks of ill-wishers?

In such cases, various conspiracies and rituals are used. However, they have a short-term effect, as long-term protection requires a high level of energy. It is here that ancient runic knowledge is used. After all, the runes have their own power, and it is enough to simply activate them for these signs to start helping you.

Unlike other methods, runes need to be treated with respect and not used for simple entertainment. Because such a frivolous attitude can harm both you and those around you.

Rune for protection from negativity

Algiz is one of the most powerful runes that can not only protect you from trouble, but also destroy all obstacles that stand in your way. Using it as a talisman or amulet, you will strengthen the work of intuition. Therefore, if during its application a feeling of anxiety arose, listen to it: maybe you have gained a sixth sense.

The action of this rune comes from the inside. After activating it, you will be able to see the situation from a different angle, as well as anticipate some events. Also, this symbol helps to understand your true desires and contributes to further spiritual development.

All negativity directed in your direction will be suppressed and sent back to the sender. In addition, you will begin to be attracted to the right people and events that will change your life for the better. The main thing is to trust yourself and everything that will begin to happen in your life.

It is very easy to activate such an amulet. You can put this mark on your favorite item that you wear most often. So Algiz will have a long lasting effect. Plain paper will also serve as excellent protection, but in this case, the drawn symbol must be constantly carried with you and updated if necessary.

Of course, you cannot predict all situations, and it is impossible to completely protect yourself from negativity. But if you trust the Universe, it will send clues in the form of signs and the right people. Strengthen your biofield, use the runes and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2016 00:40

Salt is considered a symbol of hospitality and prosperity, but it is also used to effectively protect against evil. ...

Even in the modern world, many people resort to using curses and evil eyes when they want to annoy ...


Her color is Gold

Deity - Heimdall.

Heimdall is the guardian god. Patronizes qualities such as clairvoyance and vigilance.

Faithful guardian of the rainbow bridge. He sees day and night at a distance of a hundred miles and hears the grass growing in the field and the wool on the sheep. His sleep is a bit like that of birds. At his belt hangs a golden horn, the sounds of which are heard in all countries of the world.

So the rune Algiz is the rune of care and caution. It is symbolized by sedge grass, which reacts to the slightest breath of breeze. This is a rune of protection, it will not let anyone catch you by surprise. It will protect not only from harmful actions, but also from harmful thoughts. It protects the body, mind and soul. The strength of Algiz serves as a shield against any attack, at all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Algiz symbolizes the survival instinct, protects our vulnerable spots. Awakens our hidden powers when faced with any challenge. Helps to maintain balance during stress, to find strength, to cope with any situation.

Algiz is a connecting bridge between gods and people, it helps to enter the collective unconscious. An energy channel through which the exchange of energies between gods and man takes place.

If you are afraid of something, draw Algiz, and she will not let anyone catch you by surprise.

Algiz - one of the most powerful defensive runes. Pictured Algiz on amulet and properly activated, it will become a serious invisible obstacle from the adverse effects of the outside world.
Resorting to the original source, Algiz can be interpreted as follows:
Elk sedge usually lives in a swamp,
It grows in water. It hurts badly
He bleeds every person,
Who will grab her.
The rune symbolizes the powerful animal kingdom of the horned and brave.
In this rune, its location matters.
"Horns" pointing upward is life. Down is a symbol of death.
Algiz is an amazing rune. Together with seeming simplicity, it is very deep and serious.
To some, it resembles not the horns of an elk, but an open palm and is associated with the hand of Tyr, which he was forced to sacrifice so that the evil and dark essence of Fenrir was isolated.
Undoubtedly, Algizrune of magicians and healers, since it is associated with Heimdall (Guardian of the Gods), which protects all living things from the invasion of EVIL. It significantly increases the magician's strength and does not allow him to cross dangerous boundaries. A person wearing the Agiz rune can always count on help from above. The owner of the talisman with the image of this rune sharpens intuition, the instinct of self-preservation and the gift of foresight. Let's remember the reeds, which will inevitably make noise when the enemy approaches ...

Elm of four runes Algiz, the most powerful protective symbol! Galdrastaf of 4 runes - greatly enhances the properties of this rune!

ALGIS or Care.

The night passed quietly. The young people were fast asleep, feeling safe in a valley cut off from the rest of the world and protected by nature on all sides. In the morning, quickly packing up their things and removing the traces of their stay, they set off on their way back. We had breakfast on the go.

The only thing they devoted a little time to was asking the runes a question.

This time, Wulf took out the rune himself, and in his hand was a circle with the Algis rune.
As they passed the thorn bushes guarding the exit from the ravine, Orsana asked:

What does this rune mean? Tell me a little about her.

Precisely because this rune fell out, we need to hurry. She will provide us with care and protection, so it is better for us to overcome as much of the path as possible while we are under her patronage. This is the rune of the element of Water. She is very suitable for our situation, as she talks about the art of wise retreat, and we are doing this now. But I am a little afraid that no one will notice us near the valley….

Because someone himself can take it before the arrivalwill our tribe come here? - guessed Orsana.

- Exactly. But I hope that the spirits of Nature, who patronize this rune, will protect not only us, but also the access to this valley. We must gather all our strength to spend less time on the way back than on the way here.

Then they walked in silence, moving quickly and with concentration. The road was familiar. They didn't even stop for lunch. Suthey ate meat on the go. The sun was quite high when they passed the hut over the lake, where they spent the night.

The girl was very tired, but tried not to show it. She was well aware that they needed to hurry. There was also no time to stop and ask the runes for advice. Dusk fell when they reached a clearing over the river where they had once stopped for a bite to eat.

We'll spend the night here, Wolfe decided.

Where? Orsana looked around in confusion. - Maybe we can build at leastsome kind of hut?

I think we can do without it. The absolute is coming soondarkness, and here in the forest there can be predatory animals. In addition, we it is not worth wasting energy, because tomorrow we will set off at dawn, and we should have a good rest, In addition, it is important to remember that we are guarded by the rune Algis.

But I'm afraid to sleep on bare ground, ”Orsana worried.

And who told you that we will sleep on bare ground?

Where is it?

On the tree.

I do not understand!

Look, here is a powerful oak growing. We will find a safe haven in its crown. Not a single predator will get there, and birds do not threaten us. We climb on it, we will comfortably accommodate ourselves, and in order not to fall at night, we will tie ourselves with belts to thick branches. So we will be completely safe and have a good rest.

At first Orsana listened with disbelief to Wolfe, but when he described everything in detail, she became interested. She only asked again:

Are there any birds of prey here?

There are none that could threaten us.

Okay, so let's do it, - she agreed.

Wulf hooked a rope to a thick oak branch, climbed over it and helped the girl to climb. The thick branches made the further task easier. For the night, the travelers chose a fork in two thick branches. We settled there quite comfortably and tied to them with a rope. The travelers were so exhausted that, as soon as they closed their eyelids, they immediately fell asleep.


algis, algiz, algiz, elh


elk, elk antlers


Harmonizes, balances the psyche. Improves mood, calms emotions, gives inner balance. Acts as an antidepressant.

Rune Potential:

Uniting and strengthening strength, anchor, guardianship.

Basic properties:

Natural protection, ability to make decisions, purification of the aura.

Rune's message:

Do not forget about your vulnerability and about harmful influences that can push you off the path you have chosen.

Predictive value:

Protection, art of wise retreat and defense, nobility, healing abilities. Well-being, new perspectives, intellectual work, the ability to fix something (“anchor”) in reality, openness to new things. Recovery, successful restoration of strength, strengthening of mental strength.

Magical application:

The rune attracts energy from the Cosmic Source and facilitates its practical use. Protects from injuries, stimulates intellectual abilities. Protects property, protects against hostile forces of all kinds. Promotes success, strengthens well-being, adds vitality, calms emotions, balances the psyche.

Runa Algis can help you:

- develop resourcefulness;

- to cope with the challenges of Destiny;

- get rid of negative influences;

- to fix ("anchor") your plans and aspirations in real life.

Runa Algis should meditate, when it is desirable to get answers to the following questions:

- what is well-being for me?

- when do I feel defenseless?

- can I use the energy of the Universe?

- how do I restore my mental strength?

- what hurts me?

- can I be open to everything new?

- Do I know how to get in touch with my Spiritual patrons?

Since ancient times, people have been using runic formulas and staves to protect themselves from various negative programs. They help fight evil and protect against negative influences.

Thanks to the runes, you can get rid of many problems, bring love and prosperity into life, open the way to happiness and receive strong protection. The runic formula is a set of certain runes that are applied to talismans and amulets. You need to wear them without removing them. To protect the house, formulas and staves are drawn on walls, tablets or an ordinary sheet of paper. The site's experts suggest that you familiarize yourself with the strong stavs that protect against negativity. With their help, everyone will be able to protect themselves, their home and loved ones.

Runic becoming "Mirror"

For this stav, the runic formula is used: Kenaz, Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Isa. Runes help ward off any negative impact. They protect a person and his house from the evil eye and damage, as well as from love spells. Such a becoming is also used in order to return evil to the one who has planned evil. After applying the runes, a conspiracy is read that increases protection:

"Whoever comes to me with evil will take it back to himself."

Runic becoming "Protective"

Runes Nautiz, Turiaz, Uruz, Soulu help protect against evil spirits. The runic formula cleans from negative programs, and also becomes a powerful talisman for those who are seriously afraid of the habitation of entities. The runes speak as follows:

"I erect a strong wall, I become inaccessible to the evil of everyone."

Runic formula "Guardian"

To protect against any negative actions, it helps by becoming with the use of the runes Soulu, Otala, Yera. Its strength lies in total protection from any evil. This becoming can be carried with you as an amulet to prevent the outflow of forces. The runes speak with the following words:

"No one will intrude into my life, will not take away my strength, happiness will not darken."

Becoming "Protection from the suggestion of thoughts"

This becoming protects against manipulators and reflects their attempts to do evil. Becoming allows you to quickly identify and suppress extraneous programs that can cause psychological impact on a person. The runic formula, activated by a conspiracy, allows you to improve your mood, get rid of obsessive thoughts and get out of a state of depression. Conspiracy:

“I defend myself from any influence by standing, I mobilize internal forces, I do not succumb to influence”.

Decoding of the stav:

  • Mannaz is a person from whom a negative influence comes;
  • Anzus - control over emotions and thoughts;
  • Hagalaz - identification and neutralization of delivered negative programs, disclosure of blocked protective channels;
  • Teyvaz - a block on the penetration of someone else's influence;
  • Nautiz - clear thinking and blocking suggestions from an outsider;
  • Otala - awareness of suggestion and resistance to someone else's will;
  • Laguz - opposition to the influence of the manipulator;
  • Isa - stopping influence from outside;
  • Raido - control over ongoing events, getting out of a state of depression;
  • Vuno - achieving inner harmony, cleansing thoughts from negativity;
  • Turisaz - the resumption of mental activity without outside influence;
  • Inguz - restoration of vitality, removal of internal tension;
  • Hyera - nourishes the rune becoming and charges it for protection.

Becoming to protect the family from scandals and quarrels

Runes help families avoid negative external influences that provoke conflicts. Thanks to this protection, family well-being, happiness and mutual understanding return. Runes Gebo, Algiz, Otal speak as follows:

"The family's fortress is indestructible, no one can break through the defense, inflict evil."

Runic protection against energy vampires

Becoming helps to get rid of the influence of strangers who feed on emotions and are capable of causing harm. The following runes are used:

  • Mannaz is a man;
  • Perth - the search for ways along which the outflow of vital forces and their closure occurs;
  • Kano - protection of the person who is affected;
  • Turisaz - destruction of negative programs, restoration of vitality;
  • Teyvaz in an inverted position - weakening energy vampires.

"I lock the vital energy in myself, create a talisman, protect myself from evil."

Becoming protection from accidents and travel problems

To protect against any problems during a long journey, the runes of Raido, Evaz, Laguz are used. Thanks to these runes, a person is protected from external factors that can provoke trouble, and also gets rid of internal stress. Conspiracy:

"The road is smooth, on the way, troubles bypass the side."

The second version of the runic formula: Vuno, Raido, Vuno. This becoming ensures the achievement of goals and the removal of obstacles on the way.

Runic formulas will serve as an excellent protection for those who seek to protect themselves, family and home from any evil. In addition to runes, you can use time-tested rituals aimed at cleansing the negative. We wish you the best of luck, do not forget to press the buttons and