
6 swords inverted tarot 78 doors meaning

Six of Swords

  • Master of Merited Success
  • Science, Spirit of Knowledge
  • Disclosure, Insight
  • Mercury in Aquarius, Saturn in the IV house, Mars in the IV house as a breakthrough to freedom from the familiar environment, and Mercury in the IX house as a search for new horizons.
  • The second decade of Aquarius is from February 1 to 9.
  • Virgo, Mercury and Saturn in Virgo, Mercury in Aquarius,
  • Saturn is in the 4th house, also houses VI and X.

The general meaning of the Six of Swords in the layout

  • The interpretation of the Six of Swords (where, in theory, the number and the suit should describe the clarity and harmony of the mind) often causes difficulties for tarot lovers. It is precisely this clarity and ambiguity that is somehow lacking, and when you get acquainted with the special literature on the meanings of the cards, confusion about the Six of Swords often only increases. And you travel, and melancholy-uncertainty, and intellectualism, and almost a departure to another world ... everything is confused. On the map, a person controls a punt, the path is devoid of dangers, external threats, the load is small, and the carrier is not a burden to work, but people sit in silence, in silence and sadness, and the river looks like Styx. The combination of a number, a suit and an exciting, borderline image of a carrier in a boat and figures in raincoats leads to an amazing vagueness of interpretations, and the alignment does not always help to determine the accents (at least in the sense of positive or negative).
  • Perhaps the key words of the Six of Swords are a way out. It brings a way out of a difficult, confusing or even dangerous situation, avoiding problems. This is appropriate coping behavior (what is called coping). This Arcana describes distancing from what is happening (from serious difficulties, which the Five of Swords symbolically describes in a series of cards), restoring calmness and composure, the ability to "get away" from where everything is too confused. These are new life perspectives, new goals and new means.
  • This card speaks of a readiness to leave sadness behind and head to new shores of life, even if the changes do not inspire much enthusiasm and there are some doubts about the chosen direction. All the same, we begin to move towards new life guidelines - of our own free will and forced by circumstances, but without any particular difficulties. Everything that seemed lost at the stage of Fives returns in Sixes. As for the suit of Swords, it is security and peace. Equilibrium can be achieved by finding a secluded cove, a quiet backwater, a safe haven. Sometimes, in order to find them, a person simply runs out of a difficult situation. And other maps show whether he burns bridges in the process.
  • According to the Six of Swords, there is an escape from serious troubles - hard work, difficult relationships, non-profit business and all sorts of mission impossible (if there is also the Ten of Wands nearby, then it is so, and if the Seven of Swords, the departure occurs with a grain of deception). This is a departure from hectic activities, hassle. In the most positive sense, the Six of Swords in the layout informs that the period of stress is in the past and now everything will gradually start to improve. Her presence says that now everything is starting to change, there is some kind of dynamics, alignment is taking place. The transition from one mode of existence to another is a fact.
  • The end result is unknown. We are usually talking about the forced need to independently go the chosen path, about separation (and to some extent - liberation), about a change in landmarks, and one must focus on the positive prospects of such a decision, mobilize all mental strength, externally and internally calm down like water on picture, and open up to new life lessons. It will be scary at first, but it will fill life with newness, and the sadness will pass.
  • In accordance with most interpretations, the Six of Swords is a sign of a successful resolution of a conceived situation, achievement of the desired changes. It reflects a relatively harmonious stage of life, an atmosphere of relative peace and quiet after storms and vanities, relaxation after a stressful period. The traditional meaning is “success after unrest”, “finding a safe haven”.

    Secondly, trips and travels (especially of the vacation-recovery type, although there are business and metaphorical ones), a change of scenery, a place of residence, a place of work, a move, are really quite confident along it.

  • “New Shore” does not necessarily mean physically moving from somewhere to somewhere; it can be the discovery of something new in oneself, a change in mental orientation, the assimilation of new rules of the game, new norms of life, new values, or acquaintance with other cultures and religions. The Six of Swords is closely related to teaching (to about the same extent as the Eight of Pentacles is to work). All sorts of events related to intellectual development go along it - courses, exhibitions, reading, searching for information on the Internet, generally transferring ideas, information, useful information. Search for the truth. This is the work of the mind, penetration into secrets, the accumulation of information, awareness of future prospects, fair understanding. Creative thinking activity, objective analysis, an attempt to plan a disturbing future.
  • This can be moving to another city, entering an educational institution (and especially if it is accompanied by a change of residence), joining a new "club", a new circle of people, mastering a new way of life, and most likely all this is for the better, even if the questioner is gnawing at uncertainty. Absolutely exactly the meaning of the Six of Swords is conveyed by the Song of the Student from the vagant. This is a struggle between head and heart, where the head wins, and the heart is uncomfortable, but ultimately all this serves development. Often these are "forced" trips - it is quite possible that a person travels voluntarily, but he made such a decision because otherwise he would find himself in a situation unfavorable or unpromising. In a more negative sense, these are trips in connection with sad events (for example, the card reacts to a funeral).
  • The arrival of guests. Receiving a message. Old interpreters mention such a meaning as an assignment, task, destination - a person has received a goal, he must go. The carrier on the map is sometimes interpreted as a specialist, expert, instructor, providing assistance in case of changes. Communication, negotiation and information exchange are an important aspect of this.

    As the resulting map of the layout, the Six of Swords means change with an indefinite result, or an escape from the situation.

Personal condition

  • Suspended such a state ... although not the same as in the Hanged Man. According to the Hanged Man, a person feels that nothing is happening, but here it is happening, but it is not entirely clear what, hence the "suspension" and hesitation, uncertainty about the future.
  • The Six of Swords indicates the changes, thanks to which we can reach new shores, psychologically it is, as it were, in the middle between the hero's performance full of joy (the Chariot) and the sad farewell (Eight of Cups). Its specific meaning largely depends on whether a person is happy about the upcoming changes or fears them. To reach the new coast, you will have to leave the old one, and what awaits is unknown. Hence the anxiety, uncertainty, discomfort, but also a certain curiosity and interest in what will happen.
  • In ancient times, the Six of Swords was considered a card of brides - apparently, it perfectly described the psychological state of a girl on the eve of marriage: on suitcases with a dowry. I saw my future spouse three times, what will happen next, in this married life, is absolutely unclear, although rather curious. Hence the mood of the Six of Swords. This may be a new professional assignment that is not very encouraging, because you do not know how well you will be able to complete it. It can be a willingness to break free from an old relationship and hesitation over whether to enter into a new relationship.
  • This card has to do with accommodating and accepting new ideas. She is in charge of mental flexibility, scientific and innovative thinking, objective and reasonable perception of reality. Learning, discoveries, insights, and broadening of horizons take place along this map. Reasoning, logical assessment, freedom of thought, philosophical scientific perception, finding a new, positive outlook on the world. Striving for a better life.
  • There is always an element of dissociation, detachment, and at the same time - greater integrity. By distancing himself, a person begins to see his life and the events taking place in it, as it were, from the outside, like a panorama. From this point of view, something new is revealed to him. He begins to see, among other things, guiding forces, sources of obstacles, ways out of dead ends, prospects for the future. According to the Six of Swords, a comprehensive vision of things develops, the comprehension of the "system-forming factor", the central point, that on which the entire system rests, is underway.
  • This card clearly indicates progress in development, especially if the questioner is worried about the feeling of stagnation and immutability. It makes it clear that the previous behavior was neither meaningless nor aimless, the person broke the path through the wall of inertia, and from now on his life flows exactly in the direction he chose.
  • You can find such descriptions as "the mentality is in complete agreement with the emotional centers" - in fact, this means a renewed ability to learn, resistance and reluctance are overcome, motivation to do something appears, and sometimes this is very important.
  • This card represents a person (or perhaps a whole family) taking an important step. He refuses from a past life, from many habits, connections, occupations and goes to meet the unknown. Swords in this case symbolize memories of sad events and hopes for a better future. For a brave person who is accustomed to relying on his own strength, it literally means a chance of success: although the business he intends to do is not familiar to him, he has enough strength and determination to achieve success. For a timid, indecisive person, it is rather unfavorable.

The Six of Swords at a Deeper Level

  • "Traveling on water" carries many layers of meaning. The very words "road", "path", "transition" already include change, transformation and the appearance on the horizon of another world. The journey described by the Six of Swords can also take place in inner reality, as the return and healing of the soul, the vision of past and future lives, figuratively associated with a journey along the river of time.
  • This is indeed a very “Hellinger’s” map, it is followed by precisely calculated correct actions, finding a new, more successful and deserved place in life (in the “system”), changing the inner image. The way out of a difficult, confused situation, a bleak situation is due to a new vision, perception of it from a new point of view, nevertheless, changes for the better, possibly a calmer future, take place.
  • In general, the symbolism of the card suggests that the soul of the Hero (the woman sitting under the veil) moves towards a new perspective under the guidance of the mind (the man driving the boat) without any protest (the calm waters of the unconscious). The transition of consciousness to a new level, where the child is a symbol of new potentialities. This is a map of evolution and self-improvement.

    Virgo is ruled by Proserpine, therefore, through the Six of Swords, a person is reborn, re-STRING, rebirth. At the same time, there is also a strong Mercurian influence, so the card can symbolize a metaphorical journey, the Path with a capital letter, wanderings to other worlds, spiritual search, Initiation, initiation.

  • Regarding astrological associations with this card, the following material was found: “The second decade of Aquarius symbolizes consistent and detailed aspirations, science and unexpected intuitive insights in the field of the unknown. And if the first decade develops freedom of thought, then the second makes the transition from subjective to objective thinking. This decade is ruled by Mercury and the asteroid Ceres.
  • But Aquarius does not symbolize the abstract thinking of Libra (the intellect covers here life processes in general and its work can already be called spiritual), therefore the Second Decade of Aquarius belongs to the sphere of the highest rational and at the same time spiritual principle. The name of this decade - "Disclosure" - is the disclosure to the mind of the secrets of nature, man, Earth and Space. This is the development of the human spirit, mastering new horizons, and the manifestation of truth into the world. This decade is characterized by a longing for the distance and complete indifference to what is not in the sphere of her interests, stubborn adherence to her course, regardless of her needs and the needs of others. An idea capable of embracing the world becomes higher than the reality of the world. A negative example of how science, called upon to govern nature, neglects the latter, and the introduction of scientific ideas into life does not leave room for caring for people, Russia, the country of Aquarius, can serve. Therefore, the main and most important task of the second decade of Aquarius is a careful attitude to the present, without which the future cannot be embodied. "
  • In the Yi Ching and in mythology, crossing water always means a step from plurality to singularity. The six-pointed star, which is often formed by the Six of Swords, is a symbol of the interpenetration of the spiritual and earthly worlds, it has a strong inner desire for integrity and the conclusion of an alliance. It is associated with holistic thinking, a worldview that recognizes the existence of consistency and interconnections that cannot always be proven in a purely scientific way, but which nevertheless exist (again, I recall Hellinger's approach to the family as a system).
  • The kabbalistic principle “both above and below” (also symbolized by a six-pointed star, a hexagram) means that, in addition to causal relationships, there are analogous processes, the effect of synchronicity, which on the spiritual level means the holographic nature of the world, the interconnection of all things. With a global vision of processes, even the most obvious contradictions can turn out to be parts of a whole.
  • In the religious tradition, there is an association with the ferry across the Jordan, with the sailing of Mary and the child to France, with the wanderings of Jesus through Gennesareth, the Sea of ​​Galilee. Hence the main semantic blocks: a trip, a journey (especially on water), facing one's own fears and taming them (there is no external threat, only discomfort and uncertainty), the transition to a new life, the assimilation of new ideas under someone's wise guidance. The card always says that someone will guide and help, assist with changes.
  • The Six of Swords corresponds to those episodes of history that suggest some kind of secret activity, in one way or another connected with the exodus, departure or flight after events close to defeat and disaster. Of course, these episodes are shrouded in haze. Imagine the risky flight of several guarantors from besieged Montsegur on the night of March 16, 1244, or imagine the mood in the Parisian commander of the Knights Templar on the night of October 13, 1307, their exodus towards a naval (!) Base on the eve of the arrests - and you will feel the energy Six of Swords. Despondency and hope, secrecy and faith, risk and awareness of necessity. It remains to add that in both cases the departing carried away under the hollow that which was not supposed to go to others. Treasure. A legacy, a memory of the past, a promise of the future.
  • On the Arkan, the people in the boat are depressed (in the end, they leave a situation where they got hard - see the Five of Swords, disarmed, hunched figures retreating towards the river bank), they are enveloped in a cloak of sorrow, but they are their treasure, their secret, their hope for the future is symbolized by the child. In Florence, in the Palazzo Vecchio, a painting by Jacoppo de Sione (a very speaking pseudonym) "The Destruction of the Templar Order" has been preserved. In any case, this is the opinion of the most authoritative historian Franco Cardini. He points to the "Christian cryptography" characteristic of the Middle Ages, when an outwardly banal plot hides a narrative about something completely different, which could not be openly declared (apparently, Leonardo's "Last Supper" is not such an exception to the rule). Kneeling knights in white robes with crosses are depicted in front of the Mother of God. In the picture there are broken weapons, banners lying on the ground, someone leaves half-turned, in his arms is a child (!), Above the person is an angel. The angel accompanies the exile with his descendant (or relic, remains).
  • Here you can recall the carefully collected remains of the executed Templars, and a scene from the anonymous esoteric knightly novel "Perlesvo", where a knight and a lady (male and female Beginnings) collect the remains of a torn beast (symbolically, the remains of the exterminated ) and disappear. Defeat, outcome, treasure, legacy, mystery ... "trace, imprint, remnant" (M. Greer). By the way, the very word "remnant" has such a set of meanings in esoteric Christianity that it is better not to start. The imaginative symbolism of the Six of Swords refers us to a whole cloud of hoaxes based on a story shrouded in secrets, a la "The Da Vinci Code" ... but it should be very alarming if the alignment concerns a banal question of creditors and debtors, this is exactly the case when the debtor is hiding in an unknown direction - and money too.
  • In conclusion, it is worth noting that in the seemingly "scattered" symbolism of the Six of Swords, a completely transparent historical reality is guessed: the owners of an overly developed scientific mind and some progressive developments put their lives in serious danger. The emergence of their own theories in hitherto unexplored areas, the transition from one idea to another, new discoveries, insights, the exchange of ideas, obtaining interesting information and other "Illuminati" was fraught with the sudden need to get away with it.

Advice: learning is light! It's time to be educated. Any step in the direction of intellectual and spiritual development will be beneficial - a lecture, a cultural event, searching for information in books and on the net. The acquired knowledge will open up excellent prospects. The Six of Swords also reminds one of the 19th century doctor, who, out of all the troubles, prescribed a "change of scenery" (and not to say that it was unsuccessful!). It can be a spiritual journey, broadening one's horizons, immersion in a new area of ​​knowledge. You should open up to new life experiences and stop clinging to the past.

One short anecdote comes to mind: “Dad, is America far away? "Shut up and swim!" This "Shut up and Swim" is another tip from the Six of Swords that is very well suited to students and degree seekers. Work, search, think, think - success will come.

A warning: mistrust, cleverness and highbrow skepticism from the series “to believe harmony with algebra” is now out of place. Escaping would have been a shameful undertaking.

Professional situation

  • Change of work, new professional assignments, admission to study (or at least the choice of direction), the beginning of the development of the project. Most likely, uncertainty, because it is not known how successfully they will be able to cope with all this.

    Teamwork, equality, fair distribution of roles and responsibilities. Also, the Six of Swords describes "free shooters" (freelancers), those who are their own employers, free artists. Here, the use of connections for further promotion and business travel is strongly manifested.

  • Transport services, both local passenger and freight, and international. There may also be an element of smuggling - the Six of Swords favors the movement of secret cargo.
  • Achieving goals through the application of knowledge. Work in the field of science, innovative technologies, e-commerce, information retrieval, database creation. It is in the field of science that this card fully becomes the "Master of Deserved Success", bearing reward after serious efforts (patent, diploma defense, obtaining a scientific title, etc.). Research activities. Professions that involve sharing your knowledge with others. Organizational learning. The work of the facilitator to support organizational changes.
  • This is a card of professionalism, and the help of specialists and experts often follows it. Moreover, information about the necessary changes should be transmitted in such a way that others can understand and accept them. The card is related to agreements, negotiations, mediation, joint planning. Resolution of conflict situations, overcoming disagreements. Assimilation of a new organizational culture.
  • Often the Six of Swords portends a departure from an impossible job to a more successful one, involving more freedom and opportunities. Smart work at home.

Financial and housing situation

  • Sufficiency (or at least availability) of information to make the right decisions in these matters. But the very nature of this information and these decisions on the Six of Swords is rarely rosy. Business people, even completely unfamiliar with the Tarot, when looking at this card as one, say sorrowfully "Floats away!" It happens that it itself "floats into the hands", but here it really "floats away" (or the situation "sailed").
  • Renunciation of their rights, assignment, transfer of them to another. Deferred payments. Evasion of financial obligations (at least temporarily). It may be necessary to think about working in some more lucrative areas.
  • In the most, perhaps, unpleasant sense, the card speaks of escape from debt and creditors. This is a situation when things have gone seriously wrong due to erroneous decisions, there is no need to wait for improvement and the person is blown away.

    Moving, change of life circumstances, place of residence, environment.

Personal relationships

  • Eh, the river is wide ... Sometimes the card literally symbolizes the distance separating people. On it there is a sudden departure, farewell, departure, flight, disappearance without explanation (in an inverted position - with explanations and confessions). The need to retreat, retire (or withdrawal at heart). In combination with the Ten of Swords, naturally - the termination of relations, with the Eight of Cups - separation.
  • On a subtle level, the Six of Swords relates to the experience of the family past. The wrapped faceless figures in the boat are interpreted as "shadows of forgotten ancestors", keeping some family secret or secrets (they are symbolized by six swords in the boat ... again - a trace, imprint, remnant, ancestral heritage). In general, this card reflects generic ties, relationships with family members. In practice, there are cases when it fell out to people actively immersed in family-birth therapy (Sixes generally imply communication, 3 + 3 hints at the connection between generations, additionally indicates the ancestral past).
  • It is interesting that the man's soul is alive, but the souls of the woman and the child seem to be dead. However, the child symbolizes the potential for the transition of consciousness to a new level. In any case, the card can be an indicator of the family therapist (or the need to contact him). In an unfavorable environment or as an indicator of the past, it can reflect the destructive influences of the family.
  • According to this card, a person can both untie old relationships and tie himself with new ties (although the person is not particularly enthusiastic about the latter). Often, the card is one of the significators of the marriage union, but usually with some strange background ... like, they didn't really want to, but it happened, there is nothing to do. Sometimes a feeling of powerlessness arises here and a person feels like a pawn in someone else's game. It happens that the card indicates release from an unpleasant bond, to which, that someone will "save" and transport to the other side (in a practical sense - one man helps a woman to divorce another and transports to himself). Here again it is worth recalling that according to the Six of Swords there is a renunciation of one's rights, a concession, a transfer of them to another.
  • Traditionally, it is believed that any Six speaks of happiness and harmony, this is the number of balance and beauty. In this case, it is a somewhat chilly beauty and not a particularly cozy balance, but still there are rarely serious disagreements on this map. The more positively the partners perceive their relationship, the better they really will be - this card emphasizes the importance of thoughts and words that are said about the relationship (“as you name the ship, so it will float”).
  • On it there is frank conversations, correspondence, communication of kindred spirits (and with a lack of communication, people begin to move more and more away from each other). Resolving old conflicts, clarifying ambiguities, overcoming differences, finding compromise solutions. In the worst case, according to this card, the family is burdened with professional problems brought home, which are “sucked” in excessive detail at dinner, spoiling everyone's mood and digestion.

    In general, this card foreshadows harmonious relationships with people, the emergence of new friends and like-minded people.

  • The ancient interpretation of this card includes a "declaration of love" (in all likelihood in writing), an offer of sincere devotion, sometimes a hand and heart. In fact, the card quite often falls out in connection with the renewed balance in marriage after difficulties. The Six of Swords can be esoterically interpreted as the Star of David, the mutual penetration of the masculine and feminine, the earthly and spiritual worlds, the inner striving for the integrity of perception and the conclusion of an alliance.

Health status

  • Traditionally, the card is associated with healing (especially as a result of a change of place, travel, relocation). Nevertheless, the image remains alarming in terms of death, a person's departure to another world, therefore, the interpretation requires intuition and knowledge of the context of the situation.
  • In an upside down position, it can talk about agoraphobia - fear of open spaces, unwillingness to leave the house, as well as symptoms of asphyxia, for example, a cough with a feeling of suffocation.

Reversed Six of Swords card

  • Traditionally - the inability to find a way out of the situation. Being at a dead end - literally or figuratively. Insolubility of problems. This may be the impossibility of agreeing in the family, and the unfavorable outcome of the trial (up to the conclusion, as the old interpretations warn), and simply the fact that the problems that arise are not solved, but are put on the back burner.
  • Traditionally, it is believed that the card indicates a risky venture that can turn in the most deplorable way and for a long time chained to something, put in a hopeless position.

    Unwillingness to move from the spot - again, literally or figuratively, resistance to new perspectives (for example, lack of determination to start learning, refusal to travel, resistance to moving). The card says that a person sticks to the shore and "swims shallowly".

  • It is believed that this card indicates that the wrong step was taken and it is high time to return to their original positions, if possible. The trip is not thought out, not prepared and most likely will not come true (and if it does, then it will hardly be possible to rest). The chance of luck is negligible. The map is also interpreted like an inverted Chariot - as a warning against leaving the house or leaving because of the threat of a serious accident (this applies doubly to travel on water). Delays, changes in plans, problems with transportation, troubles at customs, with the inspection of baggage (in any case, it will not be possible to smuggle anything secretly).

    Water troubles, floods, drowning.

  • It is believed that in an inverted position the Six of Swords gives Virgo in her low manifestation: selfishness, a tendency to use others (sit on the neck), “self-sacrifice on the contrary,” rejection of their principles.
  • In the inverted Six of Swords there is an element of exposing something secret, hidden (maybe a person decides on this himself). In a communicative sense, traditional interpretations share an emphasis on confession, recognition, a love proposal, and in contrast to a direct position - unexpected, sudden. In general, an unexpected revelation, perhaps a public self-revelation like coming out, when a person admits to a non-traditional sexual orientation, or reveals the fact of betrayal or inappropriate behavior. Traditional meanings are a declaration, a recognition, a public statement with consequences, a sudden discovery that changes plans. Getting a diagnosis of the disease, finding out.
  • The Six of Swords can describe a return from a trip, and, as Mary Greer notes, in a state of culture shock, or just a tedious trip (just the case when after a vacation people start their usual work with almost relief).

Manifestation in combinations

  • With Strength - making a firm decision to change your life
  • With a Star - lost on the road
  • With the Three of Wands - broadening one's horizons, changing perception, intensive study, obtaining new information
  • With the Four of Wands - a great opportunity to relax
  • With the Eight of Wands - the journey
  • With the Ten of Wands - "the struggle in loneliness" (a person passes the opportunity to throw off the burden, to alleviate his situation).
  • Inverted with the Ten of Wands - a delay in explaining the matter (from the old commentary).
  • With the Three of Cups - rest, the opportunity to relax
  • With the Four of Cups - depression, apathy, sadness, indifference
  • With the Eight of Cups - travel

Archetypal matches

  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Tabula smaragdina, the Emerald Tablet on which Hermes Trismegistus wrote down his teachings.
  • "Leads obedient rock, and drags the naughty"
  • Knight errant archetype
  • From vagantes, XII century (abridged)
  • On the french side

    On an alien planet

    I have to learn

    in the University.

    What I yearn for and, -

    not to say in words ...

    Cry dear friends

    Bitter tears.

    Let's say goodbye

    We are hands to each other

    And he will leave his father's house

    Martyr of Science.

    Well, be always

    Alive and healthy!

    I believe the day will come when

    We will see each other again.

    I will gather you all together,

    If in a foreign land

    I won't die by accident

    From his Latin.

    Here I stand, holding the oar -

    I'll sail away in a moment.

    Poor heart sank

    Sorrow and sorrow.

    The water is quietly splashing

    Blue Ribbon ...

    Think back sometimes

    Six of Swords - Lesser Arcanum

    From the perspective of astrology, the Six of Swords corresponds to Mars in the Fourth House, which symbolizes the release of freedom, liberation from the addictive familiar environment, as well as Mercury in the Ninth House, symbolizing new opportunities and open horizons.

    This is Aquarius in the Second Decan, which promotes the knowledge of the unknown through various sources of information, including intuition. Here, it becomes very important to harmonize the spiritual and rational principle in a person, which allows revealing the secrets of the Universe hidden from others. This is a decade of striving for the new and unknown, the determination to change and change.

    Other names for the Six of Swords: Six of Sabers, Six of Daggers, Six of Blades, Lord of Deserved Success.

    Brief description of the Arcana: Sail to the other shore, New horizons, Finding a quiet haven, Success after experiences.

    Description of the Six of Swords

    In the deck, considered a classic, the Arcana depicts a family sailing in a boat, which is heading towards the picturesque coast. The boat, driven by a man, floats on a quiet river. The woman hugged the child, trying to warm him. The faces of the heroes are somewhat concerned.

    The Tarot of the Age of Aquarius on the Arcana depicts a luxuriously dressed woman who leaves her castle and goes along the road to the field. They walk forward without looking back.

    The sacred meaning of the Six of Swords

    A very interesting Arcana for deep perception: many symbols, many meanings, giving a hint, on the one hand, and leading into the wild, on the other. It is all the more interesting to understand the essence of this Arcana. So, a boat sailing on the waves with a boatman and passengers. And this is where the mysteriousness of Arkan begins. Who is the hero here? If this is a boatman, then he skillfully guides the boat along the calm surface of the water, he is the leader, he is responsible for his passengers, he knows the final goal for sure.

    If you find yourself in the place of this hero, then we can say that Arkan indicates that a person decisively controls the boat of his life, directing it to new shores.

    But we have one more hero, or rather a heroine. This is a woman who sits in a boat, wrapped in a blanket and humbly waiting for the boatman to take her to the firm soil of the shore. It would seem like a new hero and a new interpretation. But no. Here, the woman is also aiming to get to the other side, she also made a decision, but her mind acted as her advisor, which is symbolized by the man-boatman. It turns out, no matter what position we take, no matter what hero we identify with, one thing remains unchanged - moving forward, not looking back at the past.

    We see that the faces of our heroes are gloomy enough, they do not express joy, but they are quite understandable: they leave their homes and go to an unknown country. What awaits them there? They have no answer to this question, and uncertainty always makes you tense. After all, the Arkan symbolizes not so much physical movement as the transition to a new spiritual level, which brings new lessons. Hence the concentration.

    At the same time, the boat moves forward on calm water, and although the world around does not play with bright colors, it is not hostile either. The journey takes place in a comfortable environment, and nothing but inner experiences bothers our heroes. Water is also a symbol of information, which means for us that a lot of information helps a person's transition, he seems to be floating in it, floating on it.

    We must not forget about the child present in the boat. It is of great importance for realizing the essence of the Arcana. It carries in itself a symbol of potential opportunities that a person receives at a new level.

    Mythological correspondence of the Six of Swords

    In mythology, the analogy of the Six of Swords is made up of legends about the Sumerian ruler Gilgamesh, who, in search of the grass of life, traveled across the sea of ​​death.

    The meaning of the straight Six of Swords in the layout

    The Six of Swords in the layouts indicates that a person has serious changes ahead. He will have to leave behind everything that worried and disturbed him, caused grief and sadness, forced him to torment and go to a new life, to its new shores. The upcoming changes do not always inspire enthusiasm, a person is not always sure of the correctness of the path he has chosen, but if this Arcanum falls out, then it should be understood that it will be necessary to move forward. Whether it is under the influence of circumstances, whether it be of good will.

    I must say that this path does not carry any particular difficulties, since on the Arkan we see a calm and even pacified river. The surrounding circumstances help to survive the negative emotions that necessarily precede the decision to sail to other shores, because before that there was the Five of Swords with its negative for both the winner and the loser.

    Sometimes the card indicates an escape from difficulties in life, but how radical it is, whether the bridges have been burned - this clue will be given by the neighboring Arcana in the layout. The positivism of the card lies in the fact that a person has left the stress, from the nervous stage of his life, and at the moment everything is starting to improve for him. Life takes on colors.

    Of course, a new life, new sensations are exciting and even scary, but you can get used to everything by focusing on new circumstances. Moreover, the map does not only mean physical movement somewhere. This can mean internal changes, a change in the rules of the game, life foundations.

    It should be noted that a river is depicted on the Arcana, and water, as you know, is a symbol of information. In this context, the Six of Swords denotes learning, acquiring new knowledge, skills, and useful information. This is the work of the mind, an objective analysis, creative thinking activity, which is inevitably necessary when it comes to something completely new, previously unknown.

    The Six of Swords in the layout also speaks of a physical move or a trip somewhere for a long time, when another city or country will become a quiet haven for a while, for example, while studying or working on a contract. The card is associated with a change of environment or place of residence.

    Another meaning of the Arcana is the arrival of guests.

    The meaning of the inverted Six of Swords in the layout

    The Inverted Six of Swords indicates that a person is at a dead end, from which he does not see a way out at the moment. He cannot find a way to solve his problems, and often the card indicates problems in the family, since it is a full-fledged family that is depicted on the Arcana. In this case, everything suggests that the person has decided to simply postpone the solution of his problems, he is marking time without any result.

    In addition, the card warns that a person has conceived something, but his idea is not destined to come to a logical end, since he is at a dead end. The bad thing is that a person is chained to this and cannot move on until he solves the task that he set for himself. He does not see prospects, by the way, they may not exist at all, he does not have the determination to change something in order to move this whole colossus from its place. He doesn't want to move.

    Arcanum may indicate that a person previously made a wrong step and at the moment it is better for him to return to the starting position. He acted rashly, planned everything badly, which, of course, does not give a chance for luck.

    Arkan warns of troubles, the need to change your plans, unplanned actions, surprises. It is very important to pay close attention to the message of the Arcana if you have a trip, especially on water. There can be injuries or water problems, including the crash of a floating vehicle.

    There is also a positive note in the inverted Arcana: it can mean the return home of a "fugitive" or a person who has been absent from the family for a very long time, for example, the arrival of a child from school in another city or country, as well as the return of a departed husband, who is pushed back by failure in a new location.

    Arcanum can also mean a stopover, a delay for some reason beyond the control of a person.


    In the context of professional activity, the Six of Swords speaks of a change in work or obtaining a fundamentally new task, which will be radically different from the previous one. It can also mean a transfer to another position, in which you will have to learn a lot, build your working day in a new way, and generally think differently than before.

    If we are talking about a new project, then the Six of Swords speaks of the beginning of its development, and the prospects are not yet clear. A person may be accompanied by some discouragement, since he has enough determination to lead the project, but the lack of visible prospects is a little scary. However, everything suggests that he will either "rush into battle" himself, or he will be prompted by circumstances, for example, a "magic kick" from his superiors or a partner.

    For the work collective, this card is very positive. She says that everything in the team is subject to accepted by all principles, responsibilities are distributed in the best way, fair wages and friendly, even almost family relations.

    For a person in a team, Arkan can mean work related to travel, business trips, maybe even for quite a long time.

    If we talk about professions, then here, first of all, everything related to the transportation of people and goods. You need to be very careful when choosing this profession: the temptation is great to become a smuggler.

    An inverted Six of Swords means that a person has stopped in the professional field: he cannot move up the career ladder, he is not able to lead some kind of project. Very often this happens due to indecision, marking time. A person cannot take responsibility and take any steps to achieve something.

    This card clearly does not speak of a career or a prestigious position. Rather, it means a loser who just "sits" his pants on an uninteresting job.

    With the Six of Swords upside down, no new project or business development should be expected. This card is unsuccessful.

    If we are talking about a business trip, then here you need to expect some problems that will cause its delay.

    Self-development direction

    The lesson to be passed under the influence of the Six of Swords is to learn to part with the past calmly and without regret, to be able to forgive and look ahead. You will also have to overcome your indecision in order to ascend to a new level of development.

    Uncertainty should not scare, it should motivate, because so much has already been passed, so much understood! You need to correctly evaluate the information, listen to your mind and trust your intuition.

    The Inverted Arcanum suggests that development and movement forward is now impossible, most likely due to the fact that a person is drowned in a heap of information and cannot single out the main thing for himself. He stopped to put his thoughts in order. This stop is important, but it shouldn't last long. There are lots of interesting things ahead.

    Personal relationships

    An interesting card when interpreting personal relationships. The lasso, on the one hand, means “to leave everything and swim to the other side,” but on the other hand, it depicts a full-fledged family, which indicates a relationship in the literal sense. This is where the neighboring Arcana will come in handy. They will help to more accurately read the information that the Six of Swords brings to us.

    She can talk about the separation of partners because of the departure, sometimes even such a departure looks like a banal flight. If so, then negative Arcana will certainly lie nearby - the Ten of Swords will confirm the break in relations, the Eight of Cups will show a long separation.

    The map may indicate a break in relations (a partner has sailed away from one coast and is trying to find a safe haven on the other), and the emergence of new relationships - here the person already acts as a "new safe harbor". Again, the clue is in the adjacent cards. I must say that new relationships are not always tied up on a wave of desire, with the Six of Swords it is, rather, under the influence of circumstances. In the sense of "sailed", there is nowhere to go. Sometimes a person can even feel like a doll being pulled by the strings.

    By the way, if we are talking about breaking off relations, then it should be assumed that someone is helping well in this. After all, someone has to row a boat. Here you have to reckon with the boatman, and, therefore, abandon your rules of the game and play by his rules. But this is one of the meanings of the Six of Swords - the rejection of the old way of life, worldview, well-established rules.

    The card can talk about marriage, but such a marriage will not be out of love, but out of necessity.

    Swords are still far from sensuality, so a relationship with such a Six can be called diplomatic composure, like the blade of the sword itself. The Six of Swords does not indicate disagreement, but it does not indicate an ideal relationship. However, the partners are together at the same time, they are comfortable in such a relationship and they are sailing in the same boat. There is always room for compromise.

    Inverted Arcanum speaks of serious disagreements, sometimes leading to leaving the family, and with stormy clarifications. But most often this is a dead-end situation in a relationship, when partners can no longer be together, but something also prevents them from separating. There is no family as such (the boat in an inverted map turns out to be upside down), but the situation is frozen, stands still.

    If the card falls on one of the partners, then this indicates that he is quite frivolous in a relationship, can easily offend, allow himself rash actions. Such a person is burdened by relationships, he has long lost interest in them, but continues to change them because of indecision.

    If favorable Arcana fell next to the inverted Six of Swords, then we can talk about the return of the departed partner, however, this return should not be taken as a return of feelings. Here, rather, I had to return due to the fact that on the other side did not work out.

    Personality characteristic

    The Six of Swords, as well as most of the Minor Arcana (except for picture cards), does not show the character of the personality, but its current state, under the influence of which some character traits can also protrude. The Six of Swords shows us that at the moment a person is in some confusion: he understands that he can no longer live as he lived before, but the unknown newness oppresses him. It is clear that this does not add gaiety, and, therefore, the person looks more anxious and even sullen.

    He is bursting with curiosity, he is looking for answers to the question "what is there, on the other side?", So he can pester others with different questions. As a rule, revealing their helplessness and looking quite intrusive. Sometimes, however, a person tries to figure it out on his own, and then he distances himself from society, withdraws into himself, looking for help only in his family.

    Since such a state - expectation of the new and unknown - forces a person to strain his mind, look for a way out, listen to himself, he develops intuition, flexibility of thinking, an objective perception of reality.

    Another characteristic inherent in a person under the influence of the Six of Swords is the return to memories. This is not surprising, because he has to part with the past, leave everything and be carried away to a new life. He finally makes an assessment of his actions and past events, as if examining things from the wardrobe at last before throwing them away.

    Inverted Arcanum speaks of a person in crisis - emotional, creative, mental. He understands that life has driven him to a dead end, but he does not think at all about how to get out of it. He is depressed, he does not want to do anything.

    In his apathy, a person resigns himself to the situation and takes the path of regression, sometimes even sinks.

    Alignment for the situation

    In the hands of a situation, especially a protracted and seemingly unsolvable Six of Swords - a very positive card. She says that a way out has been found. At the moment, the final result is not yet visible, so the person is somewhat wary of this decision, but he still has to make it.

    I must say that this solution is very radical: you will need to completely, radically change your attitude to the situation, choose radically different methods of solution. At the same time, the card calms: in the future, the process will go easily and without complications, as if it will float along the flow of a calm river. It's boring to just pull yourself together and take the plunge.

    At the household level, the Six of Swords means a successful trip, a vacation with the whole family.

    As for finance, here they are rather slipping out of hand. This means some kind of household waste at best. At worst - giving up some of your rights because of debts.

    The Inverted Arcanum indicates that the situation is not being resolved at the moment, there is no way out of it yet. The person finds himself in a suspended state. He plunged headlong into the mass of information, but he cannot find in it at least some hint of the correct decision.

    Arkan indicates that the situation has come to this form due to the fact that an earlier wrong step was taken. Now it is extremely important for a person to return to the starting point and start all over again.


    The Six of Swords must necessarily be considered together with other cards, or it must be deciphered by pulling out several additional cards from the deck. This is then necessary in order to correctly define the message of the Arcana about health. On the one hand, the Six of Swords can mean recovery, and if a person is in the hospital, then discharge. On the other hand, a departure to another world: the gloomy atmosphere on the Arkan, the gloomy face of the boatman, the sad look of the passengers suggest that the River Styx (or Lethe) is depicted on the Arcana, and the boatman is none other than Charon himself.

    The Inverted Six of Swords indicates one of the types of phobia - the fear of open space, when a person is literally afraid to leave the house. Arkan also warns of possible water-related injuries. Since an overturned boat is inevitably immersion in the water, then the likelihood of asphyxiation and suffocation should be assumed.

    Card of the day

    A day of discoveries, new opportunities, however, requiring a quick and completely unexpected decision. The main thing is not to be afraid of the future.

    Inverted Arcanum warns that on this day you need to be extremely careful with water, as it can cause trouble. In business on this day, nothing will go well. There will be a feeling that someone is constantly blocking the road.

    Map of the Year

    An interesting year, especially for those who yearn for change and do not like to sit still. There can be good trips, job changes, and even moving to a new apartment. And everything will go without a hitch. The family will be very supportive.

    Inverted, the Six of Swords does not promise a good year. It will stretch like rubber. All plans will constantly change, and this will hinder the movement forward.

    Arcana Council

    The Six of Swords advises to quickly get into the sailing boat and stop looking around and calculate how far the boat has already sailed from the shore. Ahead is a new shore, new life and new impressions. It’s boring to just wait for a skilled boatman to get there by a calm and safe river.

    The Six of Swords indicates a change through which we can reach new shores. As a "breakthrough" card, it is, as it were, in the middle between a hero's performance full of joy (Chariot) and a sad farewell (Eight of Cups). Its specific meaning depends to a large extent on ourselves - on whether we are happy about the upcoming changes, whether we expect them, or, conversely, are afraid. In any case, it symbolizes the path to the new shore, for which, however, you will have to leave the old one. What lies ahead of us is unknown. Therefore, it also means the bitterness of goodbye, uncertainty, fear and concern, but also a certain curiosity and interest in what will happen. It should be borne in mind that this "new shore" awaiting us ahead does not necessarily mean physical movement from somewhere to somewhere; it can be the discovery of something new in oneself, the assimilation of new rules of the game, new norms of life, or acquaintance with other cultures and religions. In the Yi Ching and in mythology, crossing water always means a step from plurality to singularity.


    "Virgin land". This can be both dismissal and transfer to another job, or the emergence of new tasks in the same place. In any case, the card shows that we will have to say goodbye to familiar activities and get acquainted with new ones, which usually instills uncertainty, if not fear. If it were our will, we would prefer to stay at least with one foot on the old coast until we get used to the new one. However, the map shows us that parting with the old is a prerequisite, without which the new shore will not open to us. This transition is always felt as a kind of "suspended" state, trembling, fear of failing in the exam. However, we, as a rule, can always count on the help of others, at least at first.


    A gradual, careful approach to new, previously rather alien to us ideas and concepts, usually under someone's wise leadership. Rejection of old ideas and views, "transition period", uncertainty of the first steps of acquaintance with a new one - this is the main meaning of this card.

    Personal relationships and love

    Changes, both external and possibly purely internal. Moreover, there can be any changes. For example, parting with an old partner and the way to a new shore. Or, conversely, parting with previous ideas (for example, about the inevitability of one's own loneliness) and establishing a truly strong relationship with a partner. In any case, we will have to part with the old, habitual norms of life in order to move on to new ones that are not yet familiar to us.

    Inner meaning

    Now everything is starting to change, but it is not yet clear, for better or for worse. Perhaps you go on a trip, receive a guest or receive a message. Whatever happens, you are slowly getting out of the bad situation you recently found yourself in. Note that the meaning of the six swords tarot card also includes a "declaration of love" - ​​either in a romantic sense or in the sense that someone will offer you their sincere devotion. If you really have to travel from one place to another (as opposed to a change in mental or emotional orientation), then most commentators agree that it will probably be on water (or, given modern possibilities, above water).

    Combinations with other cards


    4 of wands: inspiration, celebration

    Sun: vitality, enthusiasm

    Strength: to judge with the heart, to be distinguished by the steadfastness of decisions

    3 bowls: spirituality, overflowing joy


    9 bowls: depression, sadness

    8 bowls: movement, walk

    4 bowls: feeling of apathy, depression, indifference

    10 wands: walk by, fight alone

    Sources of

    Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TEACHER

    The science

    Mercury in Aquarius

    10 ° -20 ° Aquarius

    Original Title: Lord of Well-Deserved Success The original composition in the Golden Dawn system: two arms outstretched to the right and left from the clouds, each holding three swords, similar to the daggers of Air - the tools of the Lesser Adept-Zealous. The swords converge in the center of the map. In the place of their intersection, a red rose with five petals blooms, emitting white rays

    Tiphereth Prince color: juicy salmon color
    The colors of Mercury on four scales: yellow; purple; Gray; indigo with purple streaks
    Aquarius colors on four scales: purple; sky blue; bluish purple; white with a slight shade of purple
    Formula: Six (Tiphareth) + Swords (Yetzirah) + Mercury in Aquarius = SCIENCE.
    In one of the chapters, we got acquainted with the small Rose and Cross, located in the center of the Hermetic symbol of the Rose and Cross. I self-confidently named them "The Rose and the Cross of Being." It is they who are placed in the center of the Six of Swords, where six identical and symmetrical blades converge, focusing their analytical and discriminating power on the mysteries of life. This is Science. The austere beauty of this card hints that the radiant balance of Tiphareth endows the suit of Swords with a dose of nobility and sobriety that they need.

    The formula that determines the character of the card is most favorable for the suit of Swords. The analogue of the world of Yetzirah in the human soul is the Ruach, that is, the mind. On the Tree of Life, Tipheret is the focus of the Ruach.

    And finally, Mercury, the airy planet, finds itself here in the fixed sign of Air, Aquarius. From an astrological point of view, the owners of Mercury in Aquarius are distinguished by a sharp analytical mind and an extraordinary ability to concentrate. In addition, they are extremely inquisitive and tend to consider each issue from different angles. In short, these are real scientists.

    A source

    Lone Milo Dukett "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

    Description of the lasso

    When we carry the burden of what we should and should not do, imposed on us by others, we become like this ragged struggling man trying to climb the mountain. "Go faster, be harder, get to the top!" shouts the stupid tyrant, whom he carries on his shoulders.

    Direct position

    If now it seems to you that life is a struggle from the cradle to the grave, maybe it is time to straighten your shoulders and see if it would not be better without this type on your shoulders. You have your peaks to conquer, your dreams to make them come true, but you will never have enough energy for this until you free yourself from all the expectations that you have collected from others and now consider yours. They may exist in your mind, but that does not mean that they cannot weigh you down. It's time to get rid of the burden and invite them to go their own way.

    The meaning of the map

    The true life of a person is the way in which he is freed from the lies imposed on him by others. Disarmed, naked, natural, he is what he is. It is a question of being, not becoming. Lies cannot become true, personality cannot become your soul. It is impossible to make the insignificant essential. The insignificant remains insignificant, but the essential remains essential, they are irreversible. The pursuit of truth is nothing more than creating more disorder. There is no need to reach for the truth. It cannot be achieved, it is already there. You just have to drop the lie. All goals, ideals, ideologies, religions, corrections, improvements are lies. Beware of them. Realize the fact that in your present state you are a lie, manipulated and cultivated by others. Chasing the truth means distraction and postponement. This is how you hide the lie. See the lies, see the lies of your personality. Because to see a lie is to stop lying. To stop lying is to no longer seek the truth. The moment the lie disappears, the truth will arise in all its beauty and radiance. When you see a lie, it disappears, and what remains is the truth. (Osho)