
Altai shamans find the real one. Shamans of Altai and other regions of Siberia. What is shamanism and who is a shaman



“Since this is not an organized, but a spiritual practice, anyway, shamanism crosses all religions and denominations, reaching the deepest historical memory.

What is shamanism?

These practices have existed for thousands of years with different cultures, systems of government and religious denominations.

Many formalized religions, from Buddhism to Christianity, have come from ancient shamanic roots and still carry shamanic threads of deep connection to the divine in all things. But shamanism itself is not a formalized belief system or ideology. Rather, it is a group of activities and experiences shared by shamans in all cultures of the world.

Individual practice

Nowadays, in non-indigenous cultures, shamanism is studied and practiced as a way of life. Following the perspective, individuals strive to be in relationship with the spirit in all things.

They seek to use information from an unseen reality to shape their life experience.

Consultations with shamans

As in ancient times, people consult with modern-day shamans for practical and pragmatic solutions to problems in everyday life - from personal illness, professional problems or family disagreements, to the problems of ancestors.

Shamans live and work in a state of heightened awareness, the so-called "ecstatic trance states." Their ability to receive information and make changes in the invisible realms depends on the experience and strength of the shaman.

In this sense, shamanism is a practice that takes place in the invisible realms, to heal people or communities, in the realm of ordinary reality.

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For some peoples, such shamanic practice is part of their dominant culture, for others it is outright contradictory.
Some people are intuitively guided to seek help from a modern shaman, often when other options have been exhausted, without even understanding what a shaman is or how it works.

What is a shaman?

Thousands of years of practice show that shamanistic practices are of value to all who use them. The greatest understanding in this area has come from the observations of anthropologists. In addition, in many early cultures and even in modern Latin America, knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants passed through the practice of shamanism, the knowledge of which is still used today.

You can attend a free consultation of the Master of Basic Shamanism and Healing, for this, fill out the contact form, write what interests you: shamanism and healing practices, a Spiritual teacher, or assistance in healing and healing. Alex will reply immediately after reading your letter.

Altai shamans. continued... To find out what secret knowledge the spiritual leaders of Siberia have, the KP correspondent met with one of the famous "white" shamans of Altai, Anton Yudanov. And the head of the Center for the Study of Shamanism of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valentina Kharitonova commented on his story.

67-year-old Anton Yudanov does not live in the forest thicket, but in a well-appointed three-room apartment on the outskirts of Gorno-Altaisk with his wife and son. The shamanic maniac is replaced by sneakers, jeans and a T-shirt. He studied at the school of machine operators, the Krasnoyarsk Forestry Engineering Institute and at the Shchukin Theater School (he defended his diploma according to Plyushkin from Dead Souls). He worked as a tractor driver, loader, actor in the pantomime ensemble at the Rosconcert and the Theater. Pushkin. He lived in Moscow for twenty years and was married several times. For four years he was a director in Minsk with Mulyavin, when he still sang not in Pesnyary, but in Orbit-67. This is, so to speak, the official biography.

Anton Yudanov, grandson of the Altai kaichi Ulagashev. According to an unofficial biography, Anton Yudanov is a zaisan, the leader of a tribe of northern Altaians - the Tubalars. Initiated into "white" shamans. In the thirties of the last century, all the influential Altai shamans were taken to Kazakhstan, thrown out of the train in the steppe in winter. Yudanov's grandfather, an Altai storyteller and shaman, whose monument now stands in the middle of the city of Gorno-Altaisk, was also persecuted.

How do shamans communicate with spirits? Experts believe that shamans have developed intuition. And this sixth sense allows them to enter altered states of consciousness (ASC). And then they can quite tangibly communicate with the spirits. Somnologists call the shamanic trance the term "lucid dream", when dreams are perceived as reality. Some scientists who study the ASC phenomenon believe that this is a new level of vision of the world that is still inaccessible to most people. Many shamans achieve this state through the use of stimulants and hallucinogenic substances. - Do you dabble in drugs? - I ask Yudanov. - Me not. Others actually use a special herbal infusion that allows you to release the soul from the body. But most importantly, throughout his life, the shaman seeks to free himself from emotions associated with aggression, resentment, and depression. The less angry you are, the greater your power, the deeper you see. Are all shamans clairvoyants? - Only we, the "whites", with the help of the power of Altai overcome space with thought, see what others do not see, hear what others do not hear. We are connected with light and with heaven.

And a person connected with the lower world and the upper world, with the world of shadows and light at the same time, is a shaman in the meaning of the word, as you Europeans understand. That is, one who puts on special clothes, beats a tambourine (and this is an instrument of the lower kingdom) and spins in front of the audience. He is "black".

Each shaman has his own sacred mountain. My interlocutor has a two-peak mountain Belukha. According to local beliefs, there is a country of spirits - Shambhala. A shaman cannot approach it closer than 10 km. Yudanov arrives at the nearest village, prays on its peaks and leaves. - But Belukha is conquered every year by several thousand people. How so? “I fight this sacrilege as best I can. How people do not understand - an ordinary person is forbidden to enter Shambhala! By the way, many of the conquerors of Belukha die. - Do you arrange collapses? - No, Altai does it. Something mysterious often happens in this area. For example, after the group passes some stage of the path with the guide, the trail disappears, as if it did not exist. Your "Komsomolskaya Pravda" once called my shrine a "killer mountain", where most tourists have died in recent years. But this is not a mountain - a killer, but you are suicides. Anyone who wants to get close to her innermost secret, she throws off herself ...

Psychiatrists for a long time considered shamans crazy, because the manifestation of the condition, conventionally called "shamanic disease", resembles schizophrenia in external symptoms. In fact, they really do own some mental techniques that allow them to be both in a trance and in reality at the same time. Shamans are trained in this from birth or with the help of a mentor. If the “chosen one of the spirits” cannot balance the work of his own brain in any way, then he may begin to have problems with the psyche. - How do you communicate with the Cosmos if you don't even come close to Belukha? - With the help of thought - the highest energy in the world. For example, this is how we meet in souls with my brother in cosmogony, an American shaman. He "takes off" there, in his America, and I "take off" here. This is called shamanism - a special shamanic practice that allows you to enter a state of altered consciousness and travel to other worlds.

Why beat the tambourine? - Something I don't see you have a tambourine ... - Like my grandfather, I play the topshur (a two-stringed musical instrument in the form of a dombra. - Ed.). I make them myself. In general, an experienced shaman of high initiation can make a mental journey to another world without a tambourine and a shaman's costume. According to scientists, when a shaman dances around a fire and beats a tambourine, summoning spirits, the nearby spectators seem to see ghosts too. In fact, shamans put people into hypnosis. Laboratory studies have shown that drumming causes changes in the central nervous system. The shaman beats at a frequency of 4 - 7 beats per second, this rhythm coincides with the frequency of brain waves that are associated with dreams, hypnotic images and trance. An experiment using an electroencephalograph found that a shaman in ten minutes of playing this "music" achieved the kind of trance that Japanese Zen masters achieve after a six-hour practice of deep meditation. How do they treat? The data of the electroencephalogram taken during the sessions of healing the patient showed that the brain of the shaman and the patient begin to work in the same rhythm. After the session, the emotional state and the functioning of the patient's immune system improve.

As follows from a sign in one of the halls of the Khanty-Mansi Museum of Nature and Man, October is called the month of autumn animals according to the Mansi calendar. In a week, the "squirrel month" will come to replace it, then the "month of darkness", "the month of breaking axes" and the "false eagle month" will come, and there already spring. True, Vladimir Putin had no time to study the calendar, he was not even shown the skeletons of mammoths and a cave bear, but was immediately taken to the main thing - to the shamans.

On the way, the president was told the legend of the creation of the world and was shown the children's national game "Five Horses", in which five wooden horses had to be tied with ropes in a cunning way. After that, the local storyteller Maria Voldina sang a song to him and presented him with a leather hunting belt, decorated with hunting amulets from evil spirits, troubles and misfortunes and bring good luck. Putin pulled out, as expected, a coin from his pocket and gave it to the giver. In the near future - at least this Saturday in Istanbul at a meeting with Merkel, Macron and Erdogan, at least two weeks later in Paris at a meeting with Trump - this belt will be useful.

May your life path be long, and the road - wide, even, - the shaman wished.

On the day of the meeting of the Council, the president signed a decree on the creation of the Foundation for the Preservation and Study of the Native Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia. The government was instructed to ensure its organization within three months. For which, at the Council itself, almost every second person thanked the head of state.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is a very vivid example of interethnic harmony, which, of course, all of us can, should be proud of and are proud of, - Putin cited the Okrug as an example, opening the meeting. - About 140 ethnic groups live here, I was just told in the museum.

124, - they immediately corrected him from the audience. Apparently, it was unbearable for the Khanty to endure these extra 16 ethnic groups.

124 ethnic groups live, - Putin did not argue. - Our council deals with extremely complex and multifaceted problems. And in their solution, in preserving the ethno-cultural, linguistic wealth, historical heritage of all the peoples of Russia, a huge role belongs to the institutions of civil society.

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Putin was presented with a hunting belt against evil spirits. The President of Russia, during his trip to Khanty-Mansiysk, before the start of the meeting of the Council on National Relations, visited the Museum of Nature and Man

Such meetings are an opportunity for representatives of small nations to express claims and grievances against the state personally to the president, and all of them - from Crimean Tatars to gypsies. The head of the council of the national-cultural autonomy of the gypsies, Nadezhda Demeter, was the first to go into battle and demanded an end to the groundless demolition of gypsy villages.

These people are very often involved in criminal activities, - Putin did not allow himself to be moved to pity. - We know this well, and we need to talk about it directly. They are professionally engaged in the distribution of drugs, and people simply do not want to live nearby. I'm not saying that Roma should be blamed for everything, this is a problem for the whole society. As for Tula, it definitely happened there, it’s not the governor who reports to me, but the law enforcement agencies.

The President was complained about the residents of the Moscow Region, erecting pretentious pseudo-castles in historical landscapes.

Regarding the unauthorized or some other building or pseudo-castle next to the church, one must not only ask how he dared, but one must ask how they dared to give permission, - Putin reacted. - After all, someone allowed it. You have to look from this side. We are now in Sochi sorting out who gave what permissions there. Unfortunately, this happens not only in Sochi, but very often in other regions of Russia.

Finally, the president himself came up with an initiative at the intersection of history and geography.

I recently asked Russian Railways to deploy expositions at the stations that would tell about the place where the passenger is located, he turned to the director of the Institute of Russian History Yuri Petrov. - This is a simple but promising proposal, help them.


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Place of power of Altai shamans

Place of power of Altai shamans

During my expeditions to the Altai, I studied the tradition of connecting a person with a place of power. I learned a lot from the famous Altai shamans. They revealed to me the secrets that are passed down from generation to generation from distant ancestors to current descendants.

Altai shamans have a highly developed intuition and the ability to heal people without the help of drugs. In their opinion, the most important thing for gaining inner strength is liberation from aggressive emotions, resentment and feelings of depression. The less a person is angry, the greater the healing power.

Among their patients, shamans first of all single out people who believe in their power. From the point of view of psychology, this is understandable: the placebo effect works when the patient believes in a cure. It is also important that, unlike an ordinary doctor, a visit to which lasts 20–30 minutes, a shaman sometimes spends several days with a patient in the fight against illness and death.

The main place of power of the Altai shamans is Mount Belukha, the highest point of the Altai Mountains. Since ancient times, it has been revered in Asia as sacred. According to legend, it is the northern Shambhala. Ancient legends say that on this mountain there is the "navel of the Earth", energetically connected with the cosmos, giving people strength, vigor, health and revealing new knowledge to them.

Belukha mountain is called because of the snow that covers it from top to bottom, from top to bottom. More than 200 types of medicinal herbs grow in the vicinity of the mountain, including golden and maral roots.

Altai shamans are convinced that each person can create for himself a place where his dreams will come true, where he will rest, relax, get rid of illnesses.

In this book, I will describe thirty-three ways to create a personal place of power. I systematized the knowledge of shamans, combined them with the practical knowledge of European healers and will share with you some of my best practices.

To understand how to work with creating a place of power, you first need to determine what your main goal is. This is what we will do now.

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