
What does it mean to worship a person? A very big request to all forum participants


| improve, bring closer to divinity; -sya, to be idolized, adored;

| to become partakers of the Divine; worship cf. adoration, transformation into the divine; divine, created by God. Goddess of women in a fairy tale: a person or object endowed with magical powers. And he came to the mountain of the idol. Divine-corporeal, divine-human, peculiar to the incarnate God. Godslayer husband. who killed and crucified the God-man. Godly, inclining God to hear prayer. God-pleaser, God-pleaser church. do what is pleasing to God, do His will in everything. God-pleasing, God-pleasing cf. obedience, obedience to God; doing good. God-pleasing, pleasing, pleasing to God, agreeing with His will;

| beneficent, charitable, directed to the benefit and welfare of one's neighbor. Charitable institutions established for the charity of those in need: the decrepit and crippled, the sick and the poor. God-pleasing husband -nice wives. pleasing to God, doing His will. God-managed, God-managed, God-managed, God-managed. Epiphany cf. offering praise to God. blasphemous, blasphemous, containing the praise of God. God-protected, God-saved, patronized, protected by God.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863-1866.


See what "WORSHIP" is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    idolize, idolize, idolize, incompetent, whom that (book). 1. To adore someone for something, to bow before someone for something. A mother worships her child. “I am learning to find bliss in truth, to idolize the law with a free soul.” Pushkin. 2.… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    WORSHIP, ryu, rish; inconsistency, whom (what). To love wholeheartedly, to bow before anyone than n. B. your idol. | sovereign deify, ryu, rish. | noun deification, i, cf. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    worship- ryu/, ri/sh, nsv. whom / what To love infinitely, to experience in relation to whom l. or what l. feeling of respectful admiration, the deepest respect. Worship the lady of the heart. I am here, freed from the vain shackles, I am learning in the truth of bliss ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Nesov. transition 1. Recognize as a deity; deify. 2. trans. Enthusiasm to love someone, bow before someone or before something. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    despise... Antonym Dictionary

    worship- Borrowing from Old Slavonic, in which it appeared in the form of a tracing paper from the Greek theopoiein, where theos is god and poiein is to create, create ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

    worship- idolize, ryu, rit ... Russian spelling dictionary

    worship- (II), idolize /, ri / sh, rya / t ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    worship- Syn: to worship, bow down, revere, revere (strengthened) Ant: to hate, not to put a penny ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


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You know, dying is not scary at all,
When no one is waiting for you anywhere.
I did not fight for you in hand-to-hand combat,
And for me your voice will not sing.

You know it doesn't hurt to bleed
When the poison oozes out of hate.
I didn't make you happy
Not for me warmed your gentle look.

You know it's strange to be a target
When the scope is pointing at you.
I am a mystery to you, and it is logical,
That you still don't love me.

You know, there is no true night,
Bed of words...

The women of my life...
My nights and days are brown...

In thousands
bright chapels -
I put candles for you. In health!


This is delight. And war.
This is holy alchemy.
created me...
cute... cute... cute...

The heart is at your door.
Reason has long been at the threshold there.

The women of my life...
Whispers… Shouts!…

Walking in hell and heaven
on heels: two universes...

Sometimes we just die.
Sometimes we leave the world.
Sometimes we think hell is heaven.
Sometimes bread and water is a feast.

We will never understand each other.
Happiness will never come to us.
We will never hide our fear.
The mask will never fall from us.

But we will always believe in miracles.
But we will always live with hope.
May you always find Judas among us
We will Live, Love, Worship.

I adore everything in you
And everything about you I hate
I always run from you
But you're getting closer

Drowned in wine and burned with a syllable
Your image, voice and smile
And every time I went down
Trying became torture

Why do I need friendly advice
What do I need injections of teachings
When it comes to love
I can't stand moralizing

I know the futility of my dreams
We should not be together, God willing
And the hour of parting is near
Everyone has their own path

Well, now I breathe you
When you are near, I come alive
I every day you...

I run through life from cruelty
I'm not afraid, but I'm so tired of living.
In the monastic Akhmatova austerity,
The pain from her lies in my soul.

I'm tired of pain, from literature,
We have forgotten how to love.
Looking for stupidity and jealousy
I'm sorry, but they stopped living happily.

Well, why, everything in our life is difficult,
We do not know to whom to give our warmth,
We keep in the soul, we carefully love.
How can you not appreciate the beauty of love?

How can souls be killed with indifference,
I will shake off the cold from my shoulders and become the richer ...

Kill your jealousy
Well, what else do you need?
She's yours,
She is with you.

Enjoy your day
Crying with you!
Don't be silent, say...........
yes you are an adult

I will not argue,
Tell me are you sure...
What do you love her....
So much??

And you could forget about everything?!
What they say about her
Rumors are such a thing.
That anyone will be made to believe!

If not, drop it..
And let her hurt
Forget about her, about her existence
Disappear without explanation!

And if you love
So hold on...

We worship the nonsense of the debate,
the absurdity of the controversy. The thread of the world breaks.
Two truths with legato
like two notes, you can't connect.
Two points of view, attack after attack.
They crave victory, but not truth. Two
ego synthesis. Waltz or Sirtaki?
Which is heavier, iron or fluff?
It is a pity to throw words and money to the wind,
will return with a black Moomintroll hat.
Miraculously, poor young Werther will be resurrected,
and Dolly will breed everywhere.

Seven cereals in the field. Seven hills in the capital.
- Pine, hello! ... - Hello! - coniferous ...

Pain is eternal life
Tears of rage, despair of pain
Eternal torment - the wanderings of the soul
Irony of fate, pain love suffering
I can't go through the pain of hell
I want release, I want resurrection
Forgiveness, freedom even for a moment

I turn to you
Was it really that often?
I will do everything for you -
worship, pray, love, fear,
But give me, but give me now
What I ask

I want answers I poll
And relief from pain
Well tell me, why do you need it?
And for what, and why,
For you I...

In the old days, our forefathers learned Love, Harmony and Happiness through God-creation. What is it? This is the process when the wife god-creates her husband, and the husband god-creates his wife. This is the path of mutual improvement, spiritual development through relationships. This path is shared, and without each other the process of idolization does not go.

Moreover, our ancestors managed to achieve such a state of happiness that they experienced grace even if the husband and wife were in forced separation. Even greater grace was present in the souls of loving people simply from the fact that they were in the same room or from being touched.

When a husband and wife deified each other, it means that they were engaged in the process of creating God. After all, as you know, man is created in the image and likeness of God. That is, a man “sculpted” a Goddess from his woman, and a woman “created” God from her man. In the old days, they did not quarrel, did not fight, did not take offense (and if they did take offense, they sorted things out every week in the process of PARTY! Read about pardon.)

Worship a man, a husband. Worship a woman.

The female part of the family glorified the male, and the male part glorified the female. And the main way of creation was to praise each other. The woman constantly spoke only good things about her husband: how strong, brave he is, what a hero, patron and protector he is, what he is the best. And the man, hearing this, was really transformed, as in a fairy tale, and improved. That is, the wife gave her husband installations for development: “You are the very best”, “the strongest”, “the most courageous”, “the best”, “I feel good with you”, “you are kind”, “you will succeed ", "I LOVE YOU".

In the same vein, the man thought and spoke about his woman, created his GODDESS. He created with his thoughts and words!

After all, thoughts and words can transform the world around us and change it beyond recognition. So, from grumpy and eternally dissatisfied wives, cheerful and contented hostesses turned out.
Here is the basic law that our ancestors knew - to praise and glorify each other! WORSHIP! THINK OF EACH OTHER AS GOD AND GODDESS!

Men and women who mastered this art, this power, acquired amazing qualities, lived harmoniously and happily in love, harmony and mutual understanding.

Moreover, the praise and glorification of the spouse had to be spoken out at a certain time, with a positive emotional message, from the heart, with feeling. As a rule, the best time to receive magical praise is the time of a person's birth.

It is in these fabulous moments that sound waves of perception help a person acquire divine qualities and become more perfect.

In addition, it has been noticed that each person has his own biological rhythms, and the process of perception is better for someone in the morning, and for someone in the evening. Everything is very individual! Be attentive to your soul mates!

In the modern world, the following is happening. When the period of falling in love passes, many couples are disappointed in each other, looking for flaws. The first year of life after the birth of a baby seems especially difficult for spouses. The spouses begin to think that they can meet another person, better. But like attracts like. The circle will close again. And there will be a similar person.

When it seems that feelings are fading, modern men and women are increasingly concentrating on each other's shortcomings, making claims that grow into a huge snowball. THIS IS THE WAY OF FAILURE. GAP. PAIN.

It seems to spouses that their life partner has not changed for the better. In fact, people are attracted to each other initially, looking for some kind of “benefit”, not necessarily a material one. Men, often, choose a beautiful appearance and at first do not notice the peculiarities of the character of their soulmate. Women, on the other hand, “throw” at social status, looking for material security. In both cases, this is neither good nor bad.

They just changed the concepts by which we choose our life partner. Here are questions of parenting, and the media, and generic programs ... I can’t list everything. But still, a man and a woman should be attracted to each other without any benefit. But if this happened, it is in your power to develop and change together. Another break in relations will not lead to good. The next partner will repeat the previous one. The scenario will repeat itself!

What does it mean to worship. What does it mean to worship.

Our ancestors solved all marital problems by glorifying and praising each other. A man and a woman sacredly believed in each other, believed that HE IS GOD, SHE IS THE GODDESS, THEY ARE TOGETHER FOREVER, THEY WILL GET THE DIVINE FEATURES THAT ARE INHERENT TO THE GODS TOGETHER! Therefore, at that time there were no partings, divorces, severe emotional pain. Man is the creator, God, he can do whatever he wants. You just have to start with yourself. And one more thing: our ancestors firmly believed that if a man criticizes his woman, then he lowers her self-esteem.

A man and a woman praised and glorified each other, and thus awakened their divine qualities, hidden in the depths of tribal memory, in the depths of the subconscious.

Love lives in each of us. And the main task of a person is to discover this Love in himself. In a family where there is no understatement, accumulations of reproaches, resentment, stress, unshed emotions, there are all the necessary conditions for the birth of that DIVINE FORM of LOVE that our ancestors knew!

Edited by Marina Belaya.

In this topic, I propose to insert ready-made texts of prayers that would relate to all spheres of our life. May these prayers be your blessing!

A very big request to all forum participants:

1. Prayers must be Scriptural
2.Flood is prohibited, do not express your opinions here
3. Questions and recommendations regarding prayers, please leave the administration.
4. The sentences highlighted in crimson in the prayers are the Biblical promises found in the Bible.

Prayer of Repentance

"Lord Heavenly Father! I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. I believe that He died for my sins and rose from the dead. I confess that I am a great sinner before You. I ask You help me purify my soul, forgive all my sins that I have committed in my life. Forgive also the sins of all my ancestors, because of which I am suffering now. I renounce all my past sinful life. I ask You to teach me to live in such a way, how You want it Teach me to keep Your commandments, teach me to live a sinless life Help me to overcome all my sinful habits, deliver me from foul language, from alcoholism, from drug addiction ... (list all your sinful habits) Help me solve all my problems. I ask You to come into my heart and live in me, I really need You. Don't leave me. Amen."

Prayer to Jesus Christ for every day (of the Optina elders)

"Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will for every hour of today, instruct and support me in everything, reveal to me Your will for me and those around me. Whatever I received news during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. Teach me, Lord, to act directly and reasonably with every name in society, my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone, but comforting everyone, helping and rejoicing. Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during this day Guide my will and teach me to pray to You, Lord, to believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen."

Prayer Our Father

"Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us our daily bread this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive debtors ours, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen" (John 6:9-13).

Prayer for Strengthening Marriage

"Lord, I pray to You: protect our marriage from everything that can weaken or destroy it. Protect it from manifestations of our selfishness and indifference, from the evil plans and intentions of other people. May we never be visited by thoughts of divorce or betrayal - not today free us from the unpleasant memories of our past relationships, free us from our past, teach us to soberly and objectively evaluate each other. Cleanse our hearts from jealousy and its cause - low self-esteem. alcohol, drugs, gambling.

Unite us with bonds of friendship, fidelity, generosity and mutual understanding: exterminate in us infantilism, hostility, an inferiority complex. Help us find time for each other, nurture and renew our union, and always remember what we have come together for. I pray that _________________________ (husband's name) will seek You first of all, Lord, so that his affection for me will be strong, despite any shocks. I ask that our mutual love grow every day and that our marriage will become an example for our children, and they would never decide to divorce in their lives. "

Prayer of St. Francis:

God. Make me worthy to be an instrument of Your peace.
So that I bring Faith, where there is doubt.
Hope where there is despair. Joy where they suffer. Love where they hate.
So that I bring the Truth where they err. Light to darkness.
Lord, please! Consolation, not expectation of consolation. Understand rather than wait for understanding. To love, not to wait for love.
For whoever gives, he receives. Who forgets himself - he gains. Whoever forgives will be forgiven. Whoever dies will wake up to eternal life. Amen


Lord, I ask You. Bless our forum. Bless all its participants and their families. Help us to make it so that it will be pleasing in Your Eyes and live up to its name - "Real Friends Forum". Bless his progress. Give us wisdom and patience with each other, and so that not a single rotten word leaves our lips.
Bless our guests. Let them come to us and find warmth here and this forum will become a cozy home for them.
Lord, I pray that our communication will have only one basis - love and friendship.

Prayer to the Lord.

“God, You are the greatest Value in the Universe! You alone are God!
And so let me appreciate only You alone! There is no one more important than you! Your Name "I am" - You are self-sufficient! You are the Source of everything, everything moves, lives and exists by You! If it wasn't for You, there would be nothing. If there was nothing, then You would be all the same! To value something more than You means not to know the truth, because You said: “I am the Lord and there is no other!”.
And yet, Father, You commanded that I should not have other gods, not just before You, but before Your Face! You are not just a force, some kind of cloud or absolute - You are a Personality, You have a Face, You are not an impersonal God! This is the most valuable thing in Your Nature, Your Most Important Quality - You are a person! Please, Lord, help me to see more and more clearly the difference between You Yourself as a person and Your everything! I do not want to be an idolater and worship instead of You - Yours; Your Presence, Your Love, Your Anointing, Your Awakening, Your Service - whatever! You are Love, but Love is not You! You are the Almighty, but I do not worship Your Omnipotence, I worship You!
“My heart says from Thee: “Seek my face”; and I will seek your face, O Lord" (Ps 26: .

S. Shidlovsky. Penuel book.


O Father, keep (names) as the apple of Your eye; hide them in the shade of Your wings from the wicked who attack them, from the enemies who surround them ( Ps. 16:8,9.8 Guard me (their) like the apple of an eye; hide (them) me in the shadow of Your wings, from the face of the wicked who attack (them) me - from the enemies of my soul surrounding me ) Father, compete with those who compete with (names), and overcome those who fight against them, for their eyes are turned to You, O Lord; in You they find shelter - do not leave them defenseless. Keep them from the traps prepared for them and from the snare of those who wish them harm. Let the evil ones fall into their nets, and (names) pass safely
(Ps.34:1 Intervene, Lord, in litigation with those who litigate with me (with them), overcome those who fight with me)
Ps.140:8-10 But to Thee, O Lord, O Lord, my eyes; I trust in You, do not reject my soul! Save me (their) from the snares set for me (for them) from the snare of the wicked. The wicked will fall in their nets, and (they) I will pass.

Italics added by me. In prayer, using the pronouns of the Word of God, it is possible (and desirable) to change the personal pronoun to those for whom we are praying. If we pray for ourselves, we do not change anything.


Lord, I ask not for miracles and not for mirages, but for the power of each day. Teach me the art of small steps.

Make me observant and resourceful so that in the variegation of everyday life I stop in time on the discoveries and experiences that excited me.

Teach me how to properly manage the time of my life. Give me a subtle flair to distinguish the primary from the secondary.

I ask for the strength of abstinence and measures so that I don’t flutter and slip through life, but reasonably plan the course of the day, I could see peaks and distances, and at least sometimes find time to enjoy art.

Help me understand that dreams cannot be help. No dreams of the past, no dreams of the future. Help me to be here and now and take this minute as the most important.

Save me from the naive belief that everything in life should be smooth.

Give me a clear understanding that difficulties, defeats, falls and failures are only a natural part of life, thanks to which we grow and mature.

Remind me that the heart often argues with reason.

Send me at the right time someone who has the courage to tell me the truth, but to tell it in love!

I know that many problems are solved if nothing is done, so teach me patience.

You know how much we need friendship. Let me be worthy of this most beautiful and gentle Gift of Fate.

Give me a rich imagination, so that at the right moment, at the right time, in the right place, silently or speaking, give someone the necessary warmth.

Make me a person who knows how to get through to those who are completely "below".

Save me from the fear of missing something in life. Give me not what I want for myself, but what I really need.

Teach me the art of small steps.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God, called "Tenderness" (Serafim-Diveevskaya)

Accept, all-merciful, Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Mother of God, this honest gift, the only applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants: chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth, for the sake of You, the Lord of Forces be with us, and with You We will know the Son of God and be made worthy of His holy Body and His most pure Blood; even more blessed are you in the birth of childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest of the Cherubim and the most honest of the Seraphim. And now, all-singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, to deliver us from every evil advice and every circumstance and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil; but even to the end with your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if by your intercession and help we save, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for the whole in the Trinity to the one God and all the Creator we send now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer by agreement
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Your most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, as if two of you confer on the earth of any thing, if you ask it, you will have from My Father, Who is in Heaven: where are the two or three gathered in My name, then I am Az in the midst of them. Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unapplied, and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this sake, we pray to You: grant us, Your servants (names), who agreed to ask You (request), the fulfillment of our petition. But both not as we want, but as You. May Your will be done forever. Amen.

Two little-known morning prayers
To you, my God and Creator, in the Holy Trinity, the glorious Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, I worship and entrust my soul and body, and I pray: You bless me, You have mercy on me, and deliver me from all worldly, diabolical and bodily evil. And let this day pass in the world without sin, to Your glory, and to the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Glory to Thee, O King, God the Almighty, Who by Thy Divine and humane Providence, thou hast vouchsafed me, a sinner and unworthy, to rise from sleep and receive the entrance of Thy holy house: accept, Lord, and the voice of my prayer, as if Thy holy and intelligent forces, and Delight with a pure heart, and with a humble spirit bring You praise from my filthy lips, as if I would be a fellow wise virgins, with the bright light of my soul, and I glorify Thee in the Father and the Spirit of the glorious God the Word. Amen.

Prayer on New Year's Day
Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified by the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, save me, protect and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen.

Birthday Prayer
Lord God, Lord of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and summers of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live one more year; I know that because of my sins I am not worthy of this mercy, but You show it to me according to Your indescribable love for mankind. Extend Thy mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, in health, in peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I would be honored to be the heir to Your Kingdom of Heaven. Himself, Lord, bless the year I begin and all the days of my life. Amen.

Driver's Prayer
God, the All-Good and All-Merciful, protect everyone with Your mercy and philanthropy, I humbly pray to Thee, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save me, a sinner, and the people entrusted to me from sudden death and all misfortune, and help the unharmed to deliver each according to his need.
God Merciful! Deliver me from the evil spirit of recklessness, the unclean power of drunkenness, causing misfortunes and sudden death without repentance.
Vouchsafe me, Lord, with a clear conscience to live to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed by my negligence, and may Your Holy name be glorified, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

A woman's prayer for her souls lost in the womb
Remember, Lover of mankind, Lord, the souls of the departed servants of Your infants, who in the womb of Orthodox mothers died accidentally from unknown actions, or from a difficult birth, or from some negligence, or deliberately ruined and therefore did not receive Holy Baptism. Baptize them, Lord, in the sea of ​​Thy bounties and save Thy indescribable grace, and forgive me, a sinner (name), who committed the murder of a baby in my womb, and do not deprive me of Your mercy. Amen

Prayer for the blessing of food and drink for the laity
Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, as blessed forever and ever. Amen. (And cross food and drink.)

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Or: The eyes of all in Thee, O Lord, hope, and You give them food in good time, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal goodwill.

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast satisfied us with Thy earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Kingdom of Heaven, but as if in the midst of Your disciples, Thou hast come, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us