
To whom the church is not a mother to that I am not a father. Rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies for Christmas! Rice kutya with almonds and raisins

Conspiracy (option 1)

On the first day of the new moon, buy a gray poppy. You can only buy from a woman and with
pay for the purchase do not take change
a black handkerchief, and remove all items on the table with a Small
with a bar of soap that one person used, draw a circle on the handkerchief and pour
into it a poppy, with the ring finger of your right hand, draw a cross on the grains and read
the following conspiracy:

“There is one island on the sea, on the ocean. On that island there is a land There is a Lord there
God, Mother of God and I, I will come closer to them, I will bow down to them. Mother
God, you lived on earth, took bread into your own hands, paid for bread with money, in
I carried money in my wallet. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven, candles in the church
will not sell. Give, Lord, to me, how much poppy is on this scarf, so much money in
my wallet I lock my words, I close my business Key, lock, tongue Amen. "

After the completion of the ceremony, use the poppy for cooking, and use the scarf for
to its intended purpose. However, this conspiracy will "work" only if
if you have a habit of fasting on Friday and not working that day.

Conspiracy (option 2)

In a profitable month on one of the even days of the calendar, say the following
a plot on a coin, then put it in a corner for 7 days. After that money
need to spend This rite should be repeated 3 times

“As there is a lot of mud in the swamp, fish in the water, so much wealth is for me. Month, grow, grow,
and to me, the servant of God (name), give riches Amen, amen, amen. "

Conspiracy (option 3)

Read the conspiracy below on a coin that has the number "5" and in
carry it in your wallet for a month At the end of the month give it away when you buy this
the rite must be repeated three times

“I am going to the bargaining as a merchant, I am returning in a sable well done. I bring the treasure home. Let God
so much money that there was nowhere to put Amen. "

Conspiracy (option 4)

On the night of the new moon, go outside or on the balcony, show the new month all the money,
available in the house, and then repeat the conspiracy 3 times:

“As a young month goes through the sky, so even to me, the servant of God (name), every
money goes into your pocket and into your wallet; let him come to me and not be translated. "

Conspiracy (option 5)

Send money for the needs of the church at Christmas The amount is not important: the main thing is that after
this will give you money almost from nowhere Only by sending
money, you need to say the following words:

"To whom the church is not a mother, to that I am not a father."

Conspiracy to raise money

Throw a trifle into running water on Maundy Thursday, say the
below the word and wash with it in order the table, windows, doors and floors. You need to wash the floor by
direction from the door to the red corner.When reading the conspiracy, you need to link
little fingers and do not let go of them until the text has been read 33 times. At that time
you can not be distracted: talk on the phone, answer questions, etc.
so that at this time a dog walks around the house A cat or birds the order of the ceremony is not
violate If you violated at least one of the conditions, the ritual will be useless

“Water, you are water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. Everyone sanctifies you at Epiphany. I beg
I have you, water, forgiveness. Mother is clear water, forgive me, Mother water, help
How many of you are in the lake, in the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in every human glass, so
I would also have a lot of money: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday "

Wallet conspiracy

Whisper the following words:

“As there are many stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet needs money
there was a lot and there was always enough.

Ceiling conspiracy

If your neighbor has money, go to his house, look at the ceiling
and whisper:

"As you have a harmony and treasure, what you, will be for us. Amen."

Conspiracy to make money go to money

Repeat the words of the conspiracy below whenever they give you money (give
debt, give change, etc.):

"Your money is in our wallet, your treasury is my treasury Amen"

Prayer to attract money

Remove the wick from the wax candle, light it on both sides and very quickly
say the following words:

“Fire is eternal, but my spirit is marked with gold, silver and every good thing. Amen"

After that, you need to extinguish the wick and constantly carry it with you.

Prayer for poverty (option 1)

Come to church for the liturgy with a sack of flour. On the way there, back and during
services should be kept silent When you come home, you shouldn't talk to anyone either,
until the ceremony is over. To continue it, you need to enter the bath, sprinkle
flour and read the following prayer:

“Bread gives birth to money, money gives bread. The Lord was born, the Lord was baptized Like
the church is rich, so will I be rich. Amen. "

Prayer for poverty (option 2)

On the 4th day of the lunar calendar, bake bread, after reading over the dough
the words of the following prayer:

“As you, dough, grow, rise and increase, so I will grow, in
position to rise, to increase over people in glory and in money. Amen"

Prayer for poverty (option 3)

Put a handful of coins on a tea saucer, cover them with wheat and cover everything with white
handkerchief. The saucer should also be pure white.After two days, water for the third
all with pure water and say every time the words of the following prayer:

“Mother, golden wheat, you feed all people, young and old, and brave, and
red girls, and men, and women, and poor and rich; from the grains of their good
you give, mother wheat, and five, and ten, and a hundred, and a thousand. Give me, mother wheat
gold, and to me, the servant of God (name), to profit from wealth; give in my house
money and wealth will be born, how that wheat spikelet is born How
that golden spike grows by the day, but by the hour, people die of hunger
does not give, so my money, let my wealth grow, grow, multiply, multiply,
Doesn't let me die of hunger. Lord our God, save, save and bless! In
the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen "

Prayer for poverty (option 4)

Find an ant pile and put a handful of little things in it, and when the ants become
run on coins, read this prayer:

“As there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that I also have money, not
translated Amen. "

In addition, you need to observe ancient customs and monetary rituals:

1. Debts must be repaid by all means in the morning, but by no means in the evening, in
otherwise, you will never have money

2. Do not leave an empty bottle on the table This is a bad omen: you will not have money

3. Sitting on the table - to poverty

4. You also cannot put keys or a hat on the table: money will no longer be found in the house.

5. To get rich, you only need to trim your nails on Tuesdays and Fridays.

6. You can't whistle in the house - whistle all the money

7. To always have money in the house, keep the broom with the broom facing up.

8. On Monday you need to buy a needle, on Thursday thread into it and pin it to the blouse on the chest

9. You need to take money with your left hand, and you should give only with your right

10. You can not lend money on Tuesday, then you yourself will always be in debt.

11. You need to give money in small bills, for a decreasing month, and borrow - for a young

13. At night you need to put money under the tablecloth - there they will be completely safe.

14. Never lift a trifle lying on the road, especially if it lies at an intersection: people reduce illness to trifles. You can always do without a small coin, and if ailments come to you with it, then you can lose health or strength

15. All copper coins should be scattered in the corners of the house with the words: “Let
will arrive at my house. "

17. You cannot use two brooms in the same house.

18. In the wallet, all bills must lie strictly at their dignity: large with
large, and small - with small

19. Currency and rubles cannot be put together: only in different wallet branches.

20. If you find money on an empty stomach, do not raise it.

21. Make no payments on Mondays.

22. When you hear the cuckoo cuckoo, jingle a change in your pocket, then you have
there will always be money.

23. If you left the house and saw a young moon on your right side,
show him the money.

Debt conspiracies and prayers

Debt return conspiracy (option 1)

“As Khan Bulat collected tribute, he did not see burning tears, hot promises and words
I did not listen to abuses As a sharp-toothed wolf takes small lambs, mournful bleating
does not listen to their mothers, does not see tears, so I, the servant of God (name), will take a debt from
servant of God (name), I will not see his tears, I will not hear hot promises and abusive words.
If he does not want to turn what he has taken, it will burn in a fiery flame, from morning until
to be sick of the evening dawn, from now to this time, until the debt is repaid. Amen, amen

Debt return conspiracy (option 2)

Lower the closed lock into boiling water and, looking at the bubbles, read
the following conspiracy:

“As a Tatar army, the Khan's army collected an extensive tribute, people for a coin
it killed the sonorous, did not spare either the little, the young, or the old, neither the wife, nor the husband,
no children, so I, the servant of God (name), closed the reliable lock, the key into the damp earth
buried, the debt was taken by the Guardian Angel was, the name of the debtor was forgotten, the guard was strict
I went, I found the spell. The debtor will return the debt to me, and if he doesn’t return it, he will get it.
Amen, amen, amen. "

Debt return conspiracy (option 3)

Spread butter thickly on an aspen board with your right hand, while reading
the following conspiracy:

“The oil will be bitter, and you, the servant of God (the name of the debtor), will grieve with your heart,
roar with your eyes, hurt your soul, suffer with your mind that you need to give me (your
name) your duty Amen "

The oiled board should be thrown into the debtor's house. After the ceremony, you will
he dreams, and his thoughts all the time will return to the fact that the debt is needed
give away.

Prayer for a debt grace period

This ceremony can only be performed if you owe one person.
First you need to collect leaves from brooms from 3 baths, which should
be at a great distance from each other. Put the collected leaves on you
into your wallet, read a prayer and throw it to the lender from whom you want to receive
deferral. This should be done at night, on a full moon.

“There is a holy elder, he has a golden finger, a snake is hanging on his finger.
finger does not hiss, does not threaten his finger with a sting, does not drink blood from a finger, life has
does not take the elder. So the servant of God (name) would not hiss at me, would not threaten, money
he did not demand from me, did not ask, did not shout at me with a loud shout, fist
did not knock on the table. As the dumb are silent, do not shout, so would the servant of God (name) about
duty was silent In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for debt repayment (option 1)

Break off a branch from the aspen, the third from the bottom in a row and make 40 notches on it. On
each of them read the prayer below. After that, you need to find in the forest
an aspen stump, beat it with a charmed branch, and then tie it with it and leave,
without looking back. After carrying out this ceremony, the debtor will constantly think about
your debt and how to return it to you

“Jesus the Lord got up in the morning, prayed to his Father, crossed himself three times with his finger
He began to wash himself with spring water, but He had nothing to wipe off with. Mother Mary soon-soon
came, brought a towel to Christ. So my debtors (names) would bring me,
servant of God (name), debt, every penny In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for debt repayment (option 2)

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Tear-tear, chip-split,
pain-sore, itch-once-itch, gnaw-gnaw, burn-burn day day, night-midnight,
every minute, every half a minute, every hour, every half hour, all the time to the liver
black, zealous heart, brain, joints, joints, veins,
belly, to the head, to the crown Will not pass, will not heal, will not drag on from a word
medicinal, neither from the word of witchcraft, nor from the word of the healer, nor from the word
pagan, not from the word of the whisperer, not from the word of the sage. There will be a servant of God (name)
dry-dry, wither, hour by hour, minute by minute, can neither drink nor
eat, neither sleep, nor daytime, nor sleep at night, moan, suffer, think
think about the duty to remember He will not let him go, the servant of God (name), my word is this, while
the debt will not return to me, the servant of God (his name). And it will return, it will become the same; but will return,
everything will be the same Amen, amen, amen "

Prayer for debt repayment (option 3)

With a lit candle, go to the window and read the following prayer 3 times:

“I am sending the servant of God (the name of the debtor) to tell. Let this one to the servant of God (name
debtor) burns and bakes, drives in corners, breaks bones Does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink,
until the servant of God (his name) returns the debt In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracies and prayers for failure

Bad luck conspiracy

On Thursday, dig a hole near the house, throw a coin, a bar of soap and a cockroach into it,
bury and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“As quickly the soap is washed, my bad luck would disappear as quickly as
a thin mistress of cockroaches has a lot, so much luck and money.
A conspiracy for good luck, I bury my luck, I fall asleep with damp earth Amen "

Conspiracy from bossy anger

“Corners, corners, doors, doors, kings and kings.
affection, I go to you with pepper, and you to me with a kind heart May it be so! Amen"

Conspiracy from troubles and misfortunes "Bottle"

Fill a liter bottle with scraps of thread, usually remaining after sewing or
knitting. Threads can be taken in any color, except for black. The length of each
threads should not exceed 6-8 cm Immediately it will not be possible to fill the bottle: it will take
several months Each time, when lowering another piece of thread into it, you need
pronounces the following words:

“Confuse death. Confuse death. Confuse death. "

When the bottle is full, it should be tightly sealed and placed in the buffet,
on the windowsill or take it to the attic.

Good luck conspiracy

Tie a knot on a rope, put it on the floor (preferably on the threshold of the house) and,
slowly stepping over it, repeat the following conspiracy 3 times:

“As this knot was tied, so let me, the servant of God (name), have a case (name)
argues and happens, safely and successfully "

Conspiracy from troubles and misfortunes "Witch's bottle"

Fill a half-liter bottle with needles, pins and rosemary leaves,
while saying:

"Pins, needles, rosemary, wine in this witch's bottle of mine, guard against troubles and
enemies This is my will, so be it "

In doing so, you should feel confident in what is at stake. Only in this
case, the conspiracy will be effective. When the bottle is full, add to it
red wine, cork and drip melted wax from a black candle onto the cork.
The finished bottle must be stored in a place where it cannot be accidentally found.
children or someone from the family (for example, in the house or in the back of the Witch's garden
the bottle neutralizes any negative energy: needles and pins "pierce" evil
thoughts, wine drowns them, and rosemary drives them away from home.

Conspiracy to fulfill three wishes

In order for 3 cherished desires to come true, you need to carry out the following ceremony. Take 3
candles - red, white and green, put them on a flat plate, and around
pour sugar so that it completely covers the bottom.After that, you need to light the candles and
put the plate on the highest place in the house. While the candles are burning, contact
free form to Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael,
asking them to fulfill all your desires In this case, you need to know that the 1st desire
should be associated with money, 2nd - with intimate relationships, and 3rd desire
can be anything. After reading the conspiracy, you do not need to extinguish the candles: the way they
completely burn out Within 3 days after the ceremony, you need to transfer its description 3
other people, and then from the 4th day your desires will begin to come true.

Conspiracy to the most cherished desire

This conspiracy must be read on your birthday 12 times in a row. At the same time, they should
burn 3 candles, which cannot be extinguished until they burn out

"Lord, my God, bless and have mercy on Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself, go
through the gate, through the window, through the black pipe, to my oak table. Bring
I have gilded dust, a crushed hare's lip and three bones from a heifer. Like the moon in
his hour is passing through the sky, so me, the servant of God (name), from this hour will be lucky Sand in
sea, word, deed - on the lock Key, lock, language Amen. Amen Amen "

Conspiracy on the door to the chief's office

Before entering the chief's office, whisper the following in front of the door
the words:

“I am on this side, you are on that side, you would not shout in front of me, be silent. Everyone is equal
before the Lord Amen. "

A short prayer for harmony with the boss

“Holy thresholds, be for protection, to help the servant of God (name) And you, walls,
stand the dumb, and you, leaders, be merciful to the servant of God (name). Amen"

A Brief Prayer for the Chief's Meekness

When entering your boss's office, where you may be scolded, say quietly

"I will remember King David and his meekness for my ruler Amen"

Prayer for good luck

This prayer is read before any important matter - a business trip, a
work, etc. You need to pronounce it in the morning dawn, in a good mood,
pre-warming the palms in the morning sun. Warm your hands on
outside or on a balcony, but not through glass

“I will get up, praying, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around
on all four sides. As a horse grazes in a green meadow on the east side
black, furious, wild, but violent.Nobody saddled him, no one rode him,
That horse did not know the stirrups-reins. I will tame that horse, and it will be under me
to walk obediently, to carry where I want My will is strong, my word is faithful Amen "

Prayer for a successful job search

blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from the upper room to the door, from the door to the gate, from
gate beyond the outskirts and go to the bar, which is not young, not old.I will go, servant of God (name),
contract for a job, the merciful owner will like my face, let him be
dear, and let my soul not become hateful. Let everyone in the bar marvel at me
they admire, wonder, smile, and touch my words. Let them not drive away
away from me, the servant of God (name), the humble supplicant, the fast worker. God
Our God Jesus Christ, save, save and have mercy on us sinners, every hour and
every day In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. "

Prayer for a successful outcome of business negotiations

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will stand, servant of God (name),

gates outside the outskirts, into the street, and from there into a clean, spacious, wide field;
I will turn in the field with a clean face to the east side, my back to the west side;
Akirs and Ora, how princes and princesses, kings and queens, kings and queens move,
all glorious families and tribes, they do not think about evil evil and dashing dashing, so let
and on me, the servant of God (name), no one would have thought of either evil evil or dashing dashing
How the princes and princesses, kings and queens, kings and queens rejoice and rejoice,
high-ranking nobles, all glorious families and tribes, Orthodox,
Christian, so let me, the servant of God (name), see the princes and princesses, kings and
queens, kings and queens, all glorious families and tribes, Orthodox,
Christian and rejoice, rejoice As the mother does not see her dear child,
excommunicated, for many years, and when he sees, he rejoices and rejoices, so let me, a slave
God (name), let the princes and princesses, kings and queens, kings and queens see,
all glorious families and tribes, Orthodox, Christian, will see and be amused.
Just as it is impossible for a man to turn the chariots of heaven into stone, so no one me, a slave
God's (name), no one could convert, neither me, nor my words, these strong yes
reliable. From now on and forever and ever Amen, Amen, Amen "

Prayer for the favor of the authorities

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen.
the chiefs are sitting. How their tongues were constrained, silent, like wooden colas,
let them sit like that, but they do not scold me, the servant of God (name), do not scare me, do not frighten me
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen "

Prayer to the Holy Spirit for help in an important and difficult matter

“Help me, Lord, the Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies, my enemies do not dare
to ruin my business Do not let, Lord, the Holy Spirit, interrupt (briefly summarize the essence of
deeds) In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen "

Prayer before visiting a dignitary

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will stand, servant of God (name),
blessing, I will go out, crossing myself, from the room into the door, from the door to the gate, from
gate to the street, I bow low, I offer a hot prayer to the Lord our God
Jesus Christ, King of Heaven. The Lord our God Jesus Christ, will wrap me up,
servant of God (name), in white clouds, will cover me, servant of God (name), with the sun
red, belts the morning dawn, clothe the evening dawn, tuck in the stars
clear, frequent stars. How are you kings and princes, kings and princes, princes and
princes, boyars, the entire Orthodox family, noblemen of power, heresy sacred and
righteous Christians, rejoiced and rejoiced, looking at the red sun, admiring
white light, morning dawn, evening dawn, clear stars, frequent stars, child
beloved, Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Lady of Heaven, salt and bread, so
and to me, the servant of God (name), kings and princes, kings and princes, princes and
princes, boyars and the Orthodox family, nobles of power, sacred heresy, Christians
righteous, rejoice, rejoice and worship every minute, every hour,
every day, every time, henceforth and forever, amen, amen, amen. Glory
To You, Lord our God Jesus Christ, our hope, glory to You "

Magic time


Rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies for Christmas!

So that money is found all year round

This conspiracy is read on the evening of the first day of Christmas, when the first Christmas star appears in the sky. The lights in the house must be turned off, and a candle must be lit at each window.

Write the conspiracy on paper, go to the window that faces east, look at the evening sky and the stars, and read this conspiracy:

"Glory to God, glory to Christ! Angels, praise, you know yourself: Christ was born, Herod rebelled, Judas hanged himself, the world rejoiced. The glory of the Lord stands forever, does not break, but silver money is added to me. Lord, I praise Thy Christmas! Blessed be the day and O Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at the hour of my death, accept Thy servant, in a journey of being, with the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, as blessed Thou art forever and ever. Amen. "

After that, burn the paper with the written plot and put 3 five-ruble coins in the ashes. In the morning you need to take them out of the ashes and rub the rest of the ashes into the coins. Put them in your wallet and carry them throughout the year.

Christmas conspiracy for wealth

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

As the son of God, he is merciful and patient to all.

How He forgives everyone on earth,

He loves everyone, regrets, blesses,

So fate would have been merciful and supportive to me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

A Christmas conspiracy for money wealth

Read on Christmas Eve:

"I will go with the cross, crossing myself and praying.

Bowing to Jesus Christ Our Heavenly Father,

Clean water, mother earth.

And to all four cardinal points.

I will look at the high sky

No one counts the stars in the sky

Doesn't sell them, doesn't buy.

Lord, let it be so with me

Do not waste them and do not distribute them.


A ritual to achieve a goal (for Christmas)

The ritual, simple to perform, but very effective in its occult power, will help you in the new year. achieve the desired, cherished goal, to fulfill everything that you have dreamed of for so long and what you selflessly expect.

At the bottom of the deep plate (it should be without any pictures), use a green marker to reproduce the symbol below.

At 24 hours (on the night of January 6-7), pour a little holy water into a plate and immediately take it out into the street (in the courtyard or on an open balcony), let it stand until morning.

Immediately after sunrise, bring it into the house (apartment). Light a small (thin) church candle and move it over the plate (clockwise), while reading the plot twelve times:

“The Savior was born, the world was transformed,

Salvation has found, the solution has come.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help me

help the slave (s) (your name) solve the matter,

goals to achieve, obstacles to break through.

Let (briefly state the essence of the problem you want to solve)

will be decided according to your word. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Put the candle in the candlestick, let it burn out to the end. And wash yourself thoroughly with water before leaving the house for the first time on January 7 (for any business).

(The desire should not be for a particular person to love you)

Rituals for Christmas: ritual - amulet

Today I want to give you a great Christmas ritual.

This is a fairly simple and effective ritual. No special attributes are required to execute it. You just need to have faith in your words and the belief that you, my good ones, can change all your unwanted emotions yourself and find your strength. And although the ritual itself calls on Jesus to help you, at the same time it awakens the realization that Jesus lives in each of us. This ritual will help you remember that everything is one.

To carry out this ritual, it is necessary on Christmas day, in the evening to stand facing the Star of Jesus and read the following conspiracy-prayer aloud:

If you have the opportunity, then print this picture and, as a talisman, carry it with you, periodically referring to it. Thus, you tune in to the streams passing through you and connecting yourself with higher forces. This amulet will keep you from your own negative thoughts and actions.

I am not saying that he is omnipotent and will solve all your problems at once and eliminate all your troubles. There are no such conspiracies. Yours must also be taken into account in the creation of your destiny. But this conspiracy will help you find the strength in yourself that is asleep and that is ready to come to your aid.

Plots of the Siberian Healer

Natalia Stepanova

Ancestral towel

There are days in which they create (do) amulets for their kind. The generic towel also belongs to such a talisman. On January 6, on the eve of the birthday of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, illnesses. If later in the family someone falls ill, then this towel should be wiped off the patient, and he will certainly recover.

A conspiracy on a generic towel from diseases

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I speak from 77 ailments,

From any pain, from night pendants,

Feigned dryness, from eating cancer,

The seizure of the epileptic

From spoilage, from night cramps.

Mother Theotokos washed Her Son,

I wiped it off with a linen towel.

God bless my flax too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,

Since then, I will erase all 77 ailments.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

Fortune telling for Christmas on a birch branch

Guessing should be done on an empty stomach and alone. Go to the birch, make a wish and break a twig. Before breaking her, say:

Bless, Trinity, Holy Mother of God.

Branch, break off

And to the servant of God (name) fate declare.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Count all the buds on the branch. If their number is even, then your wish will come true.

Divination for Christmas by candlelight

Anyone who has ever used this fortune-telling is convinced that it is always true. Buy seven different-colored candles at the church during the service in advance. You need to go home from church without going anywhere. Put on a shirt without buttons and let your hair down before lighting the candles. Hang up the mirror and curtain the windows.

When you light the candles, read the conspiracy of truthful fortune-telling three times, and then extinguish them with your breath. Place the candles under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, take out three candles. In the evening, sign which of the candles (by color) will mean what you named her.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Recipes for the Christmas table

Wheat Kutia with honey and poppy seeds

Layout: wheat - 400 g, milk - 1 cup, walnuts - 100 g, seedless raisins - 200 g, sugar - 1/2 cup, honey - 1/2 cup.

Rinse the wheat well and add to boiling water. Bring to a boil and fold over a sieve. Then pour over the grain with cold boiled water and fill it with boiling water again and, covering with a lid, put it in the oven, so that the wheat can resist (until soft). When the finished grain has cooled, add the crushed poppy seeds, sugar, honey and chopped walnuts. Mix everything well and sprinkle with raisins on top. Kutia is ready.

Rice kutya with almonds and raisins

Layout: rice - 500 g, raisins - 200 g, almonds - 100 g, cinnamon and sugar - to taste.

Rinse the rice and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and then fold over a sieve. Rinse the rice with water and add water again and cook until tender. You do not need to stir the rice. Drain and refrigerate the rice. Mash almonds scalded with boiling water and mix with sugar. Pour some water into the almonds and stir in the rice. Then add the cinnamon, rinse the raisins and mix everything thoroughly.

Signs for January

♦ The dog stretches out on the floor and sleeps with its legs outstretched - in warm weather.

♦ In January there are many long and frequent icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.

♦ In January, the day grows - so does the cold.

♦ In January, the snow will blow up - bread will arrive.

♦ If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.

Today is a very special day, and it is called Christmas Eve. In the house where believers live, there is perfect cleanliness around, in everything you can feel the expectation of the miracle of the birth of the Infant God, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ! Pious people carry the last day of their fast and, according to the old tradition, do not eat until the first star appears in heaven. In the evening, the oldest in the family will certainly light a candle and put it on the windowsill, and this is a sign of love for God, a sign that everyone in this house is ready to receive the Infant Christ with His Most Holy Mother, recalling the gospel story about how They did not find that day for a shelter in ancient Bethlehem. Old people used to say: "Whoever has a candle on the window burning on Christmas Eve, God will never leave that!"

Today I want to tell you how the table was set on Christmas Eve.

In general, believers pay special, one might even say, reverent attention to Christmas Eve, because this is the eve of the Nativity of Christ (January 6). All Christians on this day keep an especially strict fast and keep it until the first evening star. It is important that the whole family gathers in the house, and no one should under any circumstances raise their voices, be rude or reproach for anything. All disagreements are not for this Sacred Day, but whoever on this day sins with abuse and scandal, that whole year will be "like swearing (swearing)" - so the old people in Russia used to say. All the week before this day, the hostesses washed, scrubbed, washed and cleaned so that on Christmas Eve there was grace and cleanliness in the house. In the evening, straw is placed on the table, and a snow-white tablecloth is placed on top. In the center of the table, a Christmas kutia is certainly placed, and most importantly, there should be twelve dishes on the table - in memory of those who were with Christ at the table of the Last Supper. Wealthy people have always strived for the Christmas table to be more rich and sophisticated than ever, since this, in turn, also affects whether the new year will be rich or not. Here is a sample menu for a Christmas feast: kutia, pork head with horseradish, pork and beef leg jelly, fish, pancakes, homemade sausage, aspic, suckling pig stuffed with porridge, roast, honey cakes, corned beef and broth. Having waited for the first star, the family crossed themselves and prayed and sat down at the table. The meal began with kutya and pancakes. Everything was done slowly, decorously and without fuss. On the same day, carols began, and from this table food was given to those who were caroling.

olivacea in How to Celebrate Christmas

Well, the Christmas holidays and Christmastide are approaching. What needs to be done and how to protect your home and family. Christmas is a holiday in which you can protect your home and family, and now I will tell you what you need to do.

Firstly: in order not to feel the need for the whole year, on January 5, before Christmas, it is imperative to donate money for the church. The bill should not be small, but at the same time, according to your capabilities. Putting money in the box, you need to say: "To whom the church is not a mother, to that I am not a father!"

Secondly: from January 6 to 7, from 1.00 am to 5.00 am, the Heavenly Doors open. Open the window and ask for healing for the family, forgiveness of sins. They don't ask for money. Requests must come from the heart. Once asked, thank the Universe for all the good things that happened last year. Gratitude is the most important thing. For everything that happens to us, you need to Thank!

So that thieves do not come to you all year round, on Christmas Eve (from 6 to 7, and from 18 to 19) in the evening it is easy to knock on the window and say: “Thieves, thieves, no matter how quick you are. In the name of Christ, locks and locks. Whoever closed these locks, that Jesus Christ blessed. Whoever begins to open my closures, in the name of Christ, misfortune will not escape. Amen" You can take a candle and draw crosses for it on the doorposts of doors and windows, reading the conspiracy and the prayer "Our Father".

Thirdly: So that you do not transfer money all year, make a ritual.

Buy a clay pot on January 6, pour earth into it, put 3 green candles around and light them. Move your finger clockwise around the pot, reading "Our Father", then read the conspiracy: “As the 12 months ring, so the purses of the Servant of God (name) rang and rattled. As the roosters crow 12 times, so 12 dawns keep money and 12 times say to themselves: “Money to money, wallets to wallets. All mine is with me and all the money is with me! "

After the candles burn out, put the pot in a prominent place and leave it for 12 days. Then hide in a secluded place. Don't forget about thought forms. And remember, money loves silence, so talk less about it to someone.

These simple rules will protect you and your home from harm! Checked by me personally, I live in Odessa and the door in our apartment does not close only when we are away for a long time. Everything is calm and joyful in the family.

These conspiracies were given to me by my grandmother many years ago. She always had prosperity in the house, all the children held high positions at work, everyone in the house was healthy and there were no divorces. So, good holidays to you, Peace and Good! Amen!!!

Who among us doesn't want to have more money? They are always needed and in any situation, and if a person says that money is not happiness, then he either simply does not understand what he is talking about, or means that happiness is in the amount of money that you have.

But, as they say, you can't easily get a fish out of the pond, money itself rarely comes to anyone. You need to earn them, that's for sure. However, as you make money, you can enlist the help of magic that will help you be more successful in this endeavor.

Start with what is usually neglected by many modern people, saying that all this is nonsense, superstition.

In fact, everything is quite serious: there are several rules, if not observed, you will not have money:

  1. Get rid of the habit of snapping seeds and help your household / employees get rid of it, if you have such an addiction.
  2. Don't whistle at home and don't let anyone else do it.
  3. Do not count a penny, try to sell them immediately in the store or distribute them to the poor without an account.
  4. Be sure to have a piggy bank at home, preferably with gold and green colors, from time to time do not forget to “sacrifice” a coin or two to your pig (preferably with a larger denomination, 10 rubles is a great option).
  5. Change your wallet as soon as the old one starts to wipe. Buy from natural material (since money does not go to an old wallet), preferably take a leather one, do not skimp, be sure to be red and, if you find it, with a mirror. The mirror, by the way, can be bought separately and put into your wallet.
  6. Do not crease or fold the bills when you put them in your wallet, do it carefully, and the money will go into your hands.
  7. Keep cash only in your wallet - you shouldn't put it in your pockets and bags.
  8. If you carry a piece of dried horseradish in a secret pocket of your wallet, it will attract money like a magnet. Cinnamon oil works the same way, so if you don't like the horseradish option, you can try scented cinnamon.
  9. Get a red folder and put all your bills and receipts in there, and you will always have the money to pay them.

Let's go directly to practical magic: on the new moon we pour a full glass of water, put it on the windowsill behind the curtain in a ray of moonlight and wait for the full moon. When it comes, you need to wash yourself with water from this glass in the light of the moon and say:

"As you, a month, were thin and became full, so I have all the good to be full."

You will see for yourself that money will flow to you and new opportunities will open up at every step, the main thing is to do everything right.

Rules to follow!

Do you want money rituals for Christmas to be effective? Then make it a rule to give alms to the poor. You may not sympathize with these people, perhaps they really sank through the fault of their own laziness, but remember that you give alms for your own good, so do it with a light heart and without negative emotions, thinking to yourself that everything you give will return to you in much more. You can even say aloud when giving alms:

"May the hand of the giver not fail."

For a long time, there is a strong belief among knowledgeable people that any magical action performed on the eve of or during a holiday revered by the people has a special magical power. Such holidays, beloved and observed by everyone, like New Year or Christmas, are not just days of a riot of magical powers, but also a time when people think about the future, make plans for the coming year.

It is this time that is considered the best for conducting monetary rituals. Below we present to your attention the most effective and at the same time simple solutions that can be carried out without the help of a professional magician and without appropriate training. For the new year, we carry out the following ceremony, so that money flows all year and new opportunities to earn them open up:

  1. On December 31, you need to buy an envelope by mail, write yourself a letter with the best wishes regarding finances, seal it in an envelope along with a bill, write your address on the envelope and send this letter to yourself by mail.
  2. Next year, having received the letter, keep it, do not waste the bill, always carry it with you in the secret pocket of your wallet.

Rite of passage with coins

You can also put three coins in a beautiful red bag with tails up on the fridge on New Year's Eve, just warn your household not to touch the bag. Before you sit down at the New Year's table, you need to put a coin under each plate of family members, heads up. Let these coins lie under the plates during the holiday dinner, and then have each family member take their own coin and carry it with them as a talisman throughout the year.

For Christmas, you can carry out the following ceremony: on the eve of Christmas Eve, we buy a new pot of flower pots, fill it up to the top with earth, put three green candles around the pot directly on Christmas Eve, then we begin to move our index finger along the edge of the pots, always clockwise, and say:

Extinguish the candles as soon as you read the conspiracy 3 times, but remember that for 12 days this pot should stand in the same place and for 12 days you should light these candles, and on the 12th day they must burn out.

Envelope with money

Another effective step for during Christmas: buy two envelopes and put money in them (as much as you can), write your address on one envelope, and the address of the church on the other. Take the envelopes to the post office and, putting them in the mailbox, say:

"To whom the church is not a mother, to that I am not a father."

It is worth paying attention to the rituals for the growing moon, which also have tremendous power.

On the 13th, the month is unimportant, but you need to profit so that the moon is growing, you need to go to church and buy 13 candles there, again you need to guess so that you will be given change in small change. If it doesn't work, ask to change. Go home, without talking to anyone, even if they say hello, try to slip unnoticed for everyone.

There should be no one at home either. After opening the front door, cross the threshold of the apartment and forcefully throw money on the floor. It is desirable that none of the household members see them on the floor ( you can put a rug on top). In the morning, first of all, collect all the coins, tie them in a knot and keep them, preferably under the mattress.

There are excellent rituals for the full moon, for example, this one: on the full moon, take a candle, always green, a piggy bank and three coins. On the full moon, light a candle and, pouring coins from hand to hand, say:

Then put the coins in the piggy bank, and put the piggy bank in a prominent place. As guests come to you, always jokingly offer them to throw a coin into the piggy bank - then you will have a lot of money.

On a full moon night, you can take the next step: in advance you need to take a pen, a tin can with a lid (for tea, for example), seven coins, and a bay leaf. Put all this in front of you at night, take coins in turn with your right hand and put them in the jar, saying:

Hearing the jingle of coins falling into the bank, imagine that they are multiplying all your income. When the coins run out, write your name on the bay leaf and put it next to the coins in the jar, now you can tightly close it with a lid and store it where no one but you will see it.

Conspiracies for money, sale of goods.

1.To make things come together.

Tie a thread in a knot and talk and go to work:

“As this knot is tied, so do we, the servants of God,

business (such and such, indicate) soon came together. "

Speak three times.

2.For the merchant to concede in price.

Break it off, merchant, from your piece, half is enough for you.

3.To sell a product.

“I am a merchant, always well done, our product, I will sell it to you.

Money to money. Your money for us, our for you

product. Amen."

4.So that money goes to money.

Talking when they give change in the store.

“Your money is in our purse, your treasury is my treasury.


5.To make money.

Go to the forest, throw money in the ant pile,

when the ants start running for money, immediately

“As there are many ants in this heap, so that

I had money, it was not transferred. Amen. "

Send money before Christmas (at least 30 rubles)

to the church by estates:

"To whom the church is not a mother, to that I am not a father."

6.Strong bargaining conspiracy. (to lose in price)

Spit on your palms, run your hands along yours

head (as if licking). Speak quietly:

“Oh, yes, I'm a merchant. Oh, I'm a fine fellow, to every merchant,

to every fellow, to all merchants, a merchant, to all young

tsam well done. Bargaining with all sorts of

merchants. Their word is first and mine is second. Their word

copper, and mine is gold. Amen."

7.So that your product is quickly sold out.

They measure with a red thread a large bill of seven

times, its size is cut off from the coil, tied on

hand with which you take change and carry for seven days:

"Words on a thread for luck: I have money,

I'm lucky. Everything is for me, but you have goods and change. Amen. "

9. On a long journey for the goods.

Get on your doorstep before you leave the house,

and tell me how it is written, and everything will be and the goods,

and good luck on a dangerous path:

"Prayer to the Mother of God of Sorrow,

deliver us from troubles, deliver us from sorrows, deliver

from evil people, from an evil spirit.

Saint Father Nicholas, help us with our

intercessions before the Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen. Amine. Amen. "

10.From dashing during the trade.


"I will become a slave (name), blessing, I will trade

do by crossing yourself. I will wrap myself in a cloud, I will dawn

I'll gird myself with heavenly stars.

No one can clothe a cloud, no one can

to gird the dawn, no one will be able to the heavenly stars

rob and kill. The legs of the enemy will be taken away, the hands

paralysis breaks, eyes pop out. Amen."

11. To get rich quick.

They put copper money on a white saucer without a pattern

sprinkle wheat grains on the bottom, close the nose

handkerchief, every third day watered with warm

water (a little) to give growth to wheat and


"Mother is wheat, you feed both young and old,

and beggars and a bar. Give ten of the grain, and

fifteen, and twenty. Give also to me, God's servant,

money will be born like this wheat. How is she

it grows day and night, does not allow to die of hunger,

so let my money grow and feed me.

Lord bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and

Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

13.To increase income.

Go to church on the 13th of any month, buy on the 13th

candles, change from the purchase of candles to

metal money. Coming home swinging

throw money on the floor and do not collect it until the morning.

Guests and neighbors are undesirable on this day.

In the morning, without washing, without combing, collect

money, tied in a handkerchief and placed under


14. To increase income.

"As there are many stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea,

so for my wallet, so that there is a lot of money and

always had enough. Amen. "

15.Good trade.

They say salt, sprinkle with the right hand

over the left shoulder at the "workplace":

"Hiking, traveling, come here, this is the place for you,

food and water. Money for me, goods for you. Amen. "

For the same:

Washing before trading, reading, rubbing

a handkerchief, a handkerchief is taken with them for sale.

my word cannot be removed from me. I am a merchant, with me mine

crown. As bees fly to honey, so everything to mine

goods are looking. They want to take it away. Amen. "

Good trade.

They say salt, sprinkle with the right hand

over the left shoulder at the workplace.

“Hikers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.

Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

17.Prayer for wealth.

They talk about the money, in a profitable month,

an even number. They put it in the corner of the room for 7 days,

then spend and repeat this 3 times.

“As there is a lot of mud in the swamp, fish in the water, so

a lot of wealth to me. Month, grow - grow,

and give me the servant of God (name), riches.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

18.So that there is money.

In the fall, when the leaves fall from the trees, find

aspen, on which many leaves have been preserved.

Walk up to a tree, wrap your arms around it and shake it,

speaking the spell:

“How true that Judas hanged himself on an aspen and how

many leaves fall at my feet, so let

and I will have just as much and as much money

is true. Amen. "

19. To live in wealth.

Give more charity by saying to yourself:

“Let the hand of the giver not become scarce. "

For the same:

Pull the wick out of the wax candle, set it on fire with

two sides of this string and they say quickly:

“The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver

and every good thing. Amen."

H In order for you to have money, read this wealth conspiracy:There are seven pillars in seven temples,
And in one only there is a Feed God.
To that Supply God is the true word.
God put the supply by Solomon himself.
Who will touch the God,
With these words, he will wash off the holy icon,
A rich destiny will open to him,
Treasures will be laid bare.
Gold, silver will grieve
According to the servant of God (name).
Truly is, truly will be, Give God
He will not forget the servant of God (name) forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
TO How to prepare a pot of money:

Pour a third of the pearl barley, so that the pearl;
a third of the decoy to lure money;
a third of the yeast that they grew;
and, of course, put some money, better more))))
Say: boil, pot, boil, so that the broth was 10 thousand (for example)!

D In order not to transfer money in the house, use

with with the advice of the great soothsayer Vanga .

Grab a thick cookbook that has pictures of delicious food,

and put 7 green leaves from different trees in it.

They will symbolize banknotes.

Place the book on the top shelf of the cabinet so that it is removed from there as little as possible.

She will attract money into your home and help solve financial problems.

Dto attract money when trading
Something the most powerful magical properties are possessed by the money that is received for the goods first. This "first" money attracts new money and helps to attract other buyers to make a purchase. To attract "the rest of the buyers" you need to take the first money received from the sale of the goods in your right hand and say "Our Father" three times, while baptizing the goods, and then pronounce the following conspiracies:

I am a seller and you are a buyer
I'm a fine fellow, and you are a prospector.
Do your best, come here
Buy my product!
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Buyer, not a joker!
A guide to my prosperity!
I bought the goods and left,
And another came for him!
It's sweet to my soul and heart
So that I always have it!
Buyer to Buyer,
And money for money!
May it always be so
Forever and Endless.
Buyer to Buyer,
and money for money!

H It’s as soon as you wake up to black bread with a glass of water.
Eat and drink.
"How, it is true, what the Lord gave, five loaves and what
Jesus Christ is God's son, so it is true that the Lord is merciful.
Turn, Lord, luck from west to east, from north to south,
give her not three roads, but one road to my doorstep.
And, you, misfortune, find your way into the serpent's womb.
There you belong, there you live, there is your life.
And I, in a talisman, I will dress myself, I will dress myself with gold and silver.
Count me money, do not count, do not know grief-misfortune.
I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

From the Onega healer.

Saving prayer from poverty .

“Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, accept the request, give me and my family good times, good times, save me from the torment of poverty, poverty, so that Thy servant (name) does not beg, don’t ask, don’t call

and not to yearn. From the age and will finish. Amen."

Water conspiracy from monetary evil eye or damage.

They use a knife to draw crosses in the water with a knife, and you need to drink it all.

“Lord Jesus, have mercy on us! I pray as a servant of God (name)

True Christ the King of Heaven, and the True Christ heard the prayer, descends from heaven and with him descends the distant nine golden-winged angels, golden-winged angels, and with them they lower the three-nine bows and three-nine golden-winged arrows and golden-winged arrows, and they shot off the seven clouds and the ghost. as water rolls down from the gogol, so from him the servant of God (name) lessons and guides, always and now, and forever and ever, amen. "

Rite of passage for money . (N. Vladimirova)

It is done on the growing moon. The 5th lunar day is very good for the ceremony. Take a five-ruble coin and read the "Our Father" on it three times. Then three times the conspiracy:

“I go to the auction as a merchant, I return in a sable well done,

I bring home a treasure, God forbid, so much money that there is nowhere to put it. Amen"

Carry the coin with you for a month, then spend it and do the ceremony again. See how much profit you make.