
Summer kitchen with a veranda: interesting projects. Interesting summer kitchen projects in the country: choose an original and practical design

It is very simple to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere on the plot of land - it is enough to equip a summer kitchen where you can cook food and organize friendly gatherings.

Building a summer kitchen is a rather painstaking and costly undertaking. However, if you wish, you can save a lot by choosing an inexpensive project and implementing it yourself.

Summer kitchen - a functional area for a comfortable stay

The summer kitchen very often becomes the central object of the backyard. The process of cooking is transferred from a stuffy room to the street, it becomes possible to combine business with pleasure - to communicate with guests and at the same time set the table.

An impromptu building can decorate a garden or complement the exterior of a residential building, and by building a summer kitchen on your own, using inexpensive material, you can save a lot.

The advantages of arranging a "home cafe" in nature are obvious:

Of course, a summer kitchen is not a house, but its arrangement must be taken responsibly, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. Developing an individual project and translating it into reality is quite an expensive pleasure. However, you can significantly reduce costs:

Types of summer kitchens: choose the best and inexpensive construction option

There are a lot of summer kitchen projects. The main parameter by which they are classified is the openness of the kitchen space. There are three types of arrangement of backyard kitchens:

  • open kitchens;
  • semi-open kitchens;
  • closed kitchens.

Open summer kitchen, or the so-called "kitchen island" - resembles a gazebo or veranda. The main elements of the kitchen are a stove for cooking, a sink for dishes and kitchen furniture. Such a kitchen does not have side walls, at most - there can be decorative nets with climbing plants or sun shades. Often an open kitchen is equipped with a canopy.

"Kitchen Island" is an economical project for a summer kitchen, since the building does not need a "powerful" foundation and walls, the consumption of materials is minimal.

The benefits of an open kitchen include:

  • ease of construction;
  • significant savings in money;
  • excellent ventilation.

The disadvantage of an open-type kitchen is that the building can only be used in summer when the weather is calm.

Semi-open kitchen- a kind of open type, but one or three walls are already provided here. Such a structure is more versatile than a "kitchen island", but its construction will cost a little more.

One wall of the kitchen can belong to a house or a bath - this will reduce the cost and time for building a building. An additional plus of such a structure is the proximity of the water supply.

The presence of walls will give the kitchen more comfort, and the feeling of closeness with nature is preserved.

Closed summer kitchen- a full-fledged small house, which can be insulated or not. This building is multifunctional. The kitchen can be used as a guest house, dining room or storage room.

Closed kitchen equipment is the most expensive option. But even here you can save money. For example, to build a kitchen not from stone and brick, but from lining, drywall, plywood or slate. Of course, you won’t be able to use such a kitchen all year round, but for the spring-summer-autumn period it will become an indispensable assistant in your summer cottage.

Requirements for the location of the summer kitchen

The following requirements are put forward for the location of the summer kitchen:

  1. Possibility of free supply of communications (electricity and water supply).
  2. The kitchen should be located away from compost pits, toilets, household facilities with pets.
  3. Preference should be given to a place with a slight slope for the outflow of rainwater and melted snow.
  4. Flammable buildings should be located at a distance of at least 10 meters from the kitchen, coniferous trees and shrubs - at least 2 meters.
  5. The open part of the kitchen should “look” to the north - this will save you from the bright rays of the sun.

Whatever the configuration of the building, the backyard should be used rationally, and in front of the kitchen there should be a panoramic view of the garden or courtyard

Highlights when designing a summer kitchen

The initial stage in the construction of summer kitchens, regardless of their type, is design. It is important to take into account all the important questions as much as possible:

On the general drawing of the building, all the necessary dimensions, the name of the building materials used, and the connection diagram for engineering equipment should be indicated.

In advance, you need to think over the internal and external design of the kitchen, choose decor elements and finishing materials.

Stages of building a "kitchen island" with your own hands

It is inexpensive to equip a summer kitchen in a country house by creating and installing a home-made work surface on a separate site. Consider the option of building a "kitchen island" on a wooden frame.

preparation of materials and arrangement of the site

For work it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

For an open kitchen, it is not necessary to build a foundation, it is enough to equip the site as follows:

construction of the base for the working area

The sequence of manufacturing the frame of the "kitchen island" is as follows:

Before finishing the frame, it is necessary to cut out the internal shelves, doors and check the correctness of their installation. If necessary, "adjust" the design.

kitchen island decor

All internal parts of the frame must be removed, after which you can proceed to finish the working part of the kitchen:

The second layer of plaster can be made even if painting is used as the finish of the "kitchen island" or the base is covered with stainless steel

How to build an inexpensive semi-open summer kitchen

The most popular among summer residents are semi-open summer kitchens with a gazebo. Projects can be peeped on the Internet or specialized magazines. To create a kitchen with a gazebo, aerated concrete or foam concrete is suitable - this is a great alternative to brick and wood. The main advantage of foam concrete - reasonable price and durability.

Work order:

Economical options for the construction of closed kitchen buildings

If the budget is limited, and the weather conditions of the region do not allow the installation of an open summer kitchen, you can experiment and build a closed building not from brick, but from more affordable materials.

An interesting and inexpensive option is a closed polycarbonate kitchen. For a small kitchen, 3 * 3 m in size, pouring the foundation is not required. The entire construction process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Remove the top layer of soil from the site.
  2. At the corners of the site, in the dug holes, install a metal profile.
  3. Pour the base of the platform and the rack with concrete. The floor level of the kitchen should be 5 cm above the ground.
  4. Weld the transverse beams intended for the installation of the roof to the side posts. The transverse profile should protrude 5 cm beyond the kitchen area - for normal water flow.
  5. Using self-tapping screws, “sheath” the frame with polycarbonate, using waterproofing gaskets and polyethylene washers. Sheathing of the frame must begin from the roof.

Some craftsmen build inexpensive summer kitchens from improvised materials. For example, from old wooden window frames, you can build an original "transparent" structure that protects from wind and rain.

From flat slate, a more durable and warm closed kitchen will turn out, and if it is additionally insulated, then it will be quite possible to use the kitchen in the cold season. An old cargo container can be given a second life by making it an original summer kitchen for a summer residence.

You can make a summer kitchen from an old small house, the state of which is already close to emergency.

Photo projects and design solutions for summer kitchens

Consider different options for external and internal design of summer kitchens.

Summer kitchen in hi-tech style. The main accent is a combination of comfort and restraint in design.

Summer kitchen in classic style.

The summer kitchen, made of wood, fills the backyard with the warmth of natural material. Many elements can be replaced with wooden clapboard.

The building of the original form can become the hallmark of a personal plot.

A summer kitchen in a landscape style will become a central element of the landscape design of the garden.

Summer kitchen in rustic style.

The arrangement of a summer kitchen on the terrace of a country house will cost much less than the construction of a separate building.

The role of living plants in the design of a summer kitchen.

Economy version of the kitchen under a canopy of corrugated board.

A kitchen attached to a Russian-style bathhouse.

The use of photo wallpaper in the decoration of the summer kitchen.

As you can see, there are many options for arranging a summer kitchen, and even with a limited budget, you can create an original, durable and cozy summer kitchen. The main thing is to stock up on time, approach the process creatively and not be afraid to experiment.

One of the main advantages of living in a country house is the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the yard. In the warm season, even the cooking process is transferred from home to the summer kitchen. The best option is a summer kitchen with a barbecue, which, in addition to the usual dishes, allows you to cook meat and vegetables over an open fire. In this article we will talk about what summer kitchens are like, how barbecue equipment can be installed in them, what they can be in design and layout.

What are summer kitchens

The buildings in which the kitchens are equipped are divided into many types according to the design, the building material used, the style, and the layout. According to the type of construction, they are open and closed.

closed kitchen

The structure of the closed type has walls with windows, a floor and a roof. In most cases, they are built from ordinary wall materials on a lightweight foundation. These buildings can be used in any weather. In addition, they can be equipped with a heating system and used all year round. Kitchen equipment and furniture for the dining area can be chosen without any restrictions, since being located in a closed room, all this will not suffer from precipitation or temperature changes.

A closed kitchen is also more convenient because you can hide in it from annoying insects, as well as from the heat, if you install air conditioning. In addition, it can, if necessary, be used as a guest house.

Closed kitchens also have their drawbacks. First, they take more materials to build, and the materials themselves must be more expensive. Secondly, it is necessary to build such structures on the basis of a professional, carefully designed project. At the same time, the construction process is quite laborious and costly for the owners.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies providing services for. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

open kitchen

Such kitchens are built according to the principle of terraces or gazebos with a canopy. They are a platform concreted or lined with paving material, along the perimeter of which support beams are installed that hold the canopy structure.

Semi-open buildings are those that have one, two or three walls. The summer barbecue kitchen can be built from any material for supports and roofing. Often such buildings are supplemented with light fences made of wood or metal.

An open building is constructed according to simple drawings, can be built very quickly, and with minimal material costs. This is a platform for placing a recreation area, part of which is reserved for the installation of kitchen equipment. But it is not protected from bad weather and insects, it cannot be used in winter, it requires the installation of special equipment designed for outdoor work.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services for. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


A closed summer kitchen can be built from materials used for the construction of residential buildings. It can be brick, cellular concrete, stone, frame construction, profiled timber, etc. Wide glazing is usually used. A foundation is installed under the building, corresponding to the technology of using the selected material. In some cases, kitchens are built simply on a concrete screed. A building without a foundation will last less, but its construction will cost much less.

An open kitchen can be built using the same materials as a closed one. Wall materials are needed for arranging the support system, erecting partial walls and decorative design. There are many ways to equip an open area. The main load that such a structure bears is the weight of the roof. Therefore, there is no special need for the construction of the foundation.

When using a wooden covering, the level of the site is often raised above ground level. This is to ensure that the flooring always remains dry and lasts as long as possible. A summer kitchen project with a barbecue may involve a low podium or several steps.


The usual layout of the summer kitchen is no different from the kitchen-dining room designed in the cottage. Part of it is allocated for the working area and is equipped with a sink, stove, brazier. Sometimes, instead of a regular kitchen, a barbecue area is planned and only equipment for cooking on an open fire is installed. The remaining space is occupied by a dining table, chairs, benches, armchairs and other leisure furniture.

Recently, more and more summer kitchens are being built combined with other buildings. This is done to save space on the site. So, a bathhouse, storage for garden tools, a guest house, or something else acts as an extension.


The summer kitchen can be freestanding or attached to the house. The extension is convenient in that it is easier to connect it to communication systems. It is a continuation of the house, increasing its area. In addition, it well complements the exterior of the cottage, decorates it and makes it more attractive.

Freestanding kitchens also have their advantages. They do not block the premises of the house from sunlight, decorate the recreation area on the site, and can have any shape, regardless of the configuration of the house. In addition, if the kitchen is built away from the house, you don’t have to worry that the smells of cooking food will penetrate into the living rooms.


The style of the summer kitchen should be subordinated to the general style of the house and the site. This applies not only to the building itself, but also to its internal content. Even in a closed building, the design of its interior is of great importance. And for an outdoor barbecue kitchen, in which all the details are visible, you need to select furniture and equipment with even greater care.

If the house is built in a restrained classical style, the kitchen can be more original in design, made of any material and in any style. But the contrasting appearance of the building must be supported by the landscape of the site.

Near a house made of logs or timber, a wooden gazebo or terrace will look perfect. Since wood is a very expressive material, it is better to build a kitchen in the same style as the house. Otherwise, the harmony of landscape design will be violated.

If the house is built in a modern minimalist style, the kitchen in the form of a log house will look out of place next to it. But the building of the correct rectangular shape with a flat roof with wooden flooring and pergolas as fences will fit perfectly.

BBQ oven

Barbecue ovens installed directly in the open air, under a canopy or in a summer kitchen are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the great advantages of such equipment:

    everyone loves food cooked on fire;

    it is more useful than foods cooked on a conventional stove;

    the process of cooking with a barbecue is quite exciting;

    for a fire in a barbecue oven, you can use old sawn trees, which eliminates the need to take them out of the site;

    with regular use of natural fire stoves, you can save on gas or electricity for a conventional stove.

Barbecue is primarily a cooking method that uses a grate placed over a fire. Barbecue equipment can be different - from a portable metal structure to an industrial stationary unit.

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Options for gazebos with barbecue

Often, stoves in summer kitchens are designed to install a barbecue. A brazier differs from a barbecue in that it cooks meat and vegetables planted on a skewer. In this sense, a barbecue is more versatile, since food of almost any consistency and any size can be placed on the grate.

There are multifunctional devices that combine elements such as an oven, oven, barbecue, tandoor, cauldron. On top of this whole structure, there can be ordinary burners powered by gas, electricity, or according to the principle of a rustic coal stove.

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Construction of a stove with a barbecue and a cauldron

The simplest stove is a hearth made of bricks, over which there are special sides. They are needed so that you can put a grill or skewers. This kind of design can be increased over time by adding other modules with additional elements - a cutting table, an oven, a sink, a smokehouse, a woodshed. If there is enough space in the kitchen, but there is no money to install all the compartments at once, you can build a brick barbecue oven and barbecue, and add the remaining modules as far as possible.

A metal brazier can be made specifically for a specific oven. But often, when arranging a stove structure, ready-made barbecues or barbecues are used, which are simply installed in prepared niches.

In a closed or semi-closed kitchen, a chimney or hood must be built above the stove. The design of the furnace itself must stand on a concrete or stone base. If the gazebo is built of wood, the stove must be isolated from the wooden elements with stone or brick.

Most often, barbecue ovens are built of brick. This material is unpretentious and easy to use. From it, you can lay out structures of various shapes, different in design, with all kinds of additional modules, as well as shelves and stands for dishes and kitchen utensils. But brick is not the only material for building stoves. Some craftsmen use rubble stone or cobblestone for this purpose. Sometimes furnaces are built from monolithic concrete with subsequent lining.

The minimum oven size is 70 cm high and 90 cm wide. This means that a summer kitchen with a brick barbecue does not have to be large. But it is better to immediately build it more spacious, since during the operation of the furnace ideas often arise to expand its functionality.

In some cases, homeowners build outdoor barbecue ovens first to occasionally use them for picnics. But then, having felt all the advantages of such a stove, they grow it to the level of a full-fledged kitchen, and only after that they build a gazebo or an enclosed space around it.

The oven can be angled or straight. In style and design, it should match the design of the kitchen and the entire area as a whole. Despite the fact that the brazier stove is most associated with rustic style, designers today create very beautiful modern stoves.

Options for projects of summer kitchens with a barbecue

Summer kitchens are very diverse in layout and design. Some homeowners prefer small, lightweight gazebos, while others prefer sheds or terraces. Some build entire complexes, including several functional structures.

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Gazebo Kitchen with Barbecue

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer from the partner of the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country" - the company "Garden Barbecues", for the construction of gazebos with a stove complex, a barbecue and a barbecue.

Kitchen with sauna and terrace

On a small plot, it is possible to fit, in addition to the house and the garage, several additional buildings if they are combined. This option is shown in the image below. Here, a closed kitchen is combined with a bath complex and a terrace. Such projects of summer kitchens with a barbecue and an oven allow you to create very comfortable multifunctional recreation areas.

When combining a kitchen and a bath, work on summing up communications is facilitated and cheaper. It is easier to connect one object on the site to the water supply system and sewerage than 2 or 3. This layout option eliminates the need to provide the kitchen with a separate bathroom - you can use the one located in the bath complex.

Multifunctional buildings are absolutely autonomous. They can be built quite far from the main residential building. And one more advantage - the bath complex can be designed without a rest room, as this role will be played by the kitchen and the terrace.

Simple square kitchen

In summer cottages for seasonal recreation, summer kitchens are usually built that are the simplest in design and construction. So, in the following example, we can consider a variant with elementary zoning. The layout provides for wide glazing on three sides.

Such a kitchen can be either freestanding or attached. In the second case, it will adjoin the house with a facade in which there are no windows. A bathhouse, a garage, a barn or any other building can be attached to the same facade.

Kitchen gazebo

The easiest option to equip a summer place for barbecue is to build a wooden gazebo and equip it with a stove with a chimney. Arbors with a summer kitchen and a barbecue, whose projects are quite diverse, look great in any landscape design. This example shows a hexagonal structure made of stone and wood.

A compact gazebo will take up a minimum of space on the site. However, it can easily accommodate a dining table and chairs or benches. A barbecue oven with a chimney will allow you to cook dishes on a fire right in the gazebo. Next to the stove, even the installation of a compact sink is provided.


A kitchen with a barbecue oven can turn an ordinary cottage or country house into an ideal place for family holidays and receiving guests. It expands the possibilities of private households and simplifies the process of daily cooking. In addition, a well-designed building can adequately decorate the site, make it more solid and attractive in design.

A beautiful, practical and cozy summer kitchen is needed in every country house. We will show step by step and in detail the construction of a summer kitchen with our own hands.

Do-it-yourself modern summer kitchen in the country house.

If you want to place a summer kitchen on a veranda or terrace that has already been built, then preparatory work will be kept to a minimum.

But if you are going to place the kitchen separately, then you need to make a foundation for it.

The shape and size of the foundation depends on the kitchen layout you choose. It is not necessary to deeply deepen the foundation, because. the load on it will be relatively small. Already at this stage, you can supply water and electricity.

A drain for waste water should also be provided. If you have sandy or sandy soil, then a simple filtration well is enough to drain from the sink. And since this will not be the main sink, and the volume of wastewater will be small, an old barrel or other container is quite suitable for arranging such a well.

Holes are drilled in the bottom and walls of the barrel to make a sieve, and crushed stone is poured under and around it.

At the top, the formwork is being built again. We will pour concrete into it, and thus get the basis for the future work surface.

But first you need to separate communications.

We pour concrete and wait until it hardens.

You can proceed to the installation of equipment and decoration.

For surface finishing, we chose tiles - they are practical and durable. And we plastered and painted the walls of the blocks.

In our project, we decided to install a small canopy over the working area.

The canopy will protect us from the sun, in addition, lighting is mounted on it.

If you prefer to shelter from the weather, then you can modify this version of the summer kitchen by installing a more substantial canopy.

A modern summer kitchen made by yourself will become a favorite place for the whole family in your country house.

A simple DIY summer kitchen project

If the prospect of such capital construction scares you, then you can build a summer kitchen on a frame made of wood or a metal profile that is used to install drywall.

This method is much faster and easier, but it is desirable to place such kitchens under a canopy and on a prepared surface (on a terrace, on a tiled courtyard, etc.)

A wide range of built-in appliances allows you to equip such a kitchen with any fixtures you need.

The profile can be sheathed with drywall for further tiling.

Cooking in the heat, and even in a cramped room, is not a pleasant occupation. Especially if you have to do it quite often. Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country house in this case is just the perfect way out. Let us describe in detail the types of such buildings, their design features and construction methods.


In order for the erected building to fully meet the requirements of comfort and safety, the summer kitchen project should be thought out to the smallest detail. The use of non-standard solutions is permissible only if you already have serious experience in construction. In order for the building to harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape, it is better to use the same materials for its construction as for the construction of the house itself.

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A room intended for cooking in a summer cottage can look like an extension to the house or be performed as a full-fledged stand-alone building.

By type of construction, all summer kitchens can be divided into:

  • open: the simplest option is a weatherproof canopy attached to poles
  • semi-open with 2-3 walls
  • closed in the form of a full-fledged building with 4 main walls, a door, windows and a roof
  • combined open-closed, when part of the premises is completely closed by walls, and one or two remain half-open or completely open

Location selection

To begin with, such a structure should not be located too far from home. Firstly, with a strong removal, laying communications can turn into a serious problem. Plus, if the kitchen is not equipped with a dining area, the hostess will have to carry breakfast, lunch and dinner daily to the house across the entire plot.

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Ideal - a place in the shade away from the road. It is good if the building is built on a slight elevation to ensure the flow of sewage and melt water. You should not place the building next to a toilet, septic tank, compost pit, a barn that contains animals, an aviary and other places that exude unpleasant odors.

If you do not want to periodically "enjoy" exhaust gases, you should not build it near the garage either.

The summer kitchen in the country house can be adjacent to the house (for example, located on the site of the veranda) or built separately. It is better to attach the kitchen to the house on the north side. The walls of the main building in this case will become a reliable natural protection from sunlight.

The construction of a summer kitchen with a barbecue, that is, a brazier with an open flame, is allowed only at a distance from any buildings - you should retreat from them 5-7 m.

Foundation types

An expensive strip base will be needed only when building a full-fledged building made of stone or brick. For light open or semi-open structures made of wood or foam concrete, a solid foundation is not required - it is enough to install the building on a columnar or pile-screw foundation. Such a summer kitchen is easy and cheap to make with your own hands.

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You can also use a concrete slab as a foundation, which will simultaneously serve as the floor of the summer kitchen. If desired, in the future it can be trimmed with non-slippery paving slabs. Do not forget to make for such a site a slope for rainwater runoff of 1.5-2 degrees.

For the construction of a closed structure from a bar or foam blocks, you can use a pile, slab or strip foundation. For a brick building, the base should be more solid, therefore, during its construction, a deep-seated tape base is most often used.

Water pipes. Drain system

When drafting a summer kitchen, think separately about the communications connection. After all, most of them are laid at the stage of earthworks.

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A full-fledged plumbing in the summer kitchen will be expensive. For its laying and thermal insulation (and in a cold climate it will be necessary to do this, otherwise the pipes will simply freeze in winter.) It will take about $ 1800-2000. It is much easier to equip an electric pump for draining water for the winter or to make a water pipe at an angle - then it will be enough to open the valve to drain. You can do it even easier by connecting a regular garden hose to the sink for the summer.

You will also need to think about the drainage system. Pipes for these purposes are laid at the stage of foundation construction. To prevent fluid stagnation, they are installed at a slight slope. In this case, no insulation is required - the water will freely leave the pipes, and will not freeze in them. If there is no possibility of tapping into the central sewer, a septic tank will also be required to drain wastewater. It is erected at a distance of 5 m from the building.

Supply of electricity and gas

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The principle of construction of such a building is similar to the previous one. The only difference is in the preparation of the base. At its location, the soil is leveled, on which layers of sand and gravel are alternately poured. Next, the tile is laid dry or wet. In the first case, a mixture of sand and cement is used. After laying and leveling with the help of a building level, all seams are carefully sprinkled with sand.

The second (wet) laying method is the use of cement mortar, which is poured with a thickness of 2 cm. It is not necessary to immediately lay too large a surface - the work is carried out in stages on an area of ​​0.5 square meters. m. When installing the brazier, a small area is prepared separately, lined with refractory bricks. All subsequent work is carried out after the solution has dried for a couple of days.

Arrangement of a stationary barbecue or stove

Since the brazier is a device for frying on an open fire, it is allowed to install it only under an open or semi-open canopy. Such a building will require the removal of a chimney, so its design must be thought out in advance.

Foundation types

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Remember the main rule - for a brick barbecue, barbecue or Russian oven, the construction of a separate foundation is required, which does not have points of contact with the main foundation of the building. Indeed, even during the construction of a small hearth, at least 800 bricks will be needed, the total weight of which will be almost 3 tons.

Without a strong foundation, it simply makes no sense to install a brick hearth - over time, it will quickly sag and become covered with cracks. Such a base is made in the form of a monolithic reinforced slab.

Foundation laying

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Let's describe the main stages of pouring the base for the barbecue or stove:

  1. The size of the pit is always made 10-20 cm larger than the structure itself.
  2. The height of the foundation is no more than 30 cm. However, when preparing a pit for it, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the crushed stone pillow - it should be 15 cm.
  3. After installing the waterproofing layer, the formwork is prepared so that it rises 10 cm above the ground.
  4. A 12-14 mm bar is used as reinforcement, from which cells 150x150 mm in size are knitted.
  5. When liquid flows out of the solution into the soil, its quality may deteriorate, therefore it is better to lay a layer of plastic film in the formwork before pouring.
  6. The proportions of the solution are selected depending on the brand of cement. For example, when using cement M200, the proportions will be 1:2:4 (cement, sand, crushed stone). Less durable concrete will be obtained by mixing them 1:3:5. When using solution proportion tables, do not get confused in the notation. After all, there is a brand (class) of ready-made hardened concrete, indicating its compressive strength.
  7. After pouring, pierce the solution with a shovel to remove any voids that have formed. To dry it evenly, cover it with a film. In the heat, it is better to periodically water the surface with water.

The concrete foundation should be well strengthened, and this will take at least a month. Therefore, all further work begins only at the end of this period.

Construction of a stove or barbecue

For the construction of a brazier or stove, you will need a full-bodied red and fireclay brick. The walls are laid out of red brick, and fire-resistant fireclay will be needed for the construction of the hearth. Since cement can crack under the influence of high temperatures, it is necessary to knead a sand-clay mortar for masonry.

For the hearth, it is better to use special dry mixtures of fireclay clay. Any hardware store has a wide range of them.

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Building a stove or barbecue with a complete lack of experience can lead to a sad result. After all, this process is not as simple as it seems.

There are enough masonry schemes on the network (they are called ordering), but even if you undertake to do it yourself, be sure to invite a specialist who can help you with advice.

After all, the slightest mistake is enough, and the stove will begin to smoke mercilessly or not ignite at all. Even when building the simplest structure, you use only standard orders - any innovations with a complete lack of experience can end in failure.

Chimney construction

Regardless of the type of kitchen, when installing a stationary barbecue, a chimney will be required. Its height and diameter are directly dependent on the volume of the furnace. For example, for a metal barbecue 72x25 cm, you will need a 2-meter pipe with a diameter of 16-17 cm.

A summer kitchen, whether it is a simple gazebo with a barbecue or a solid structure with a stove and communications, is a building of prime necessity on any site. After all, country life is unimaginable without barbecues, outdoor gatherings, and also without seasonal preservation of products. In this article, we presented 11 tips, 70 photo ideas and several videos that will help you create your ideal summer kitchen.

What summer kitchens are there?

They can be roughly divided into three types:

  1. Open (for example, barbecue gazebo, terrace or patio)- a simple frame building without insulation, often without walls (fully / partially) and even a roof. In fact, an open summer kitchen is a shed or gazebo with a barbecue / oven and a dining area that can only be used in summer. It is good because it is comfortable to cook and eat in it, and communicate with guests on fine summer days. An open kitchen is easier, faster and more economical to build than a closed one. In winter, a summer building with a canopy can be used as a warehouse for storing the household. The disadvantages of an open kitchen include the limited period of use of the structure, as well as the lack of protection of furniture, appliances and kitchen inhabitants from insects, rain, wind and sun. For the winter, all furniture and appliances will have to be cleaned in a dry room.

Classic summer kitchen with barbecue and stove in the yard of a country house in the Moscow region

  1. Closed (for example, a grill house or a veranda)- a capital covered structure / annex with insulation and glazing, sometimes even heated all year round. In fact, this is a real house, consisting of a kitchen and a dining room. The closed summer kitchen is good because you can cook and eat in it even in bad weather with rain and winds. Thanks to the walls and roof in such a house, you can equip a full-fledged kitchen with a refrigerator, microwave, gas /electric stove , dishwasher, TV and other equipment. True, on warm days, cooking in a closed kitchen will be as hot as in the main house. Also keep in mind that its construction will cost you more than an open building.

  1. Combined- this type of building combines an open and covered space under one roof. Also, this category includes a summer kitchen combined with a bath. Such a kitchen is good for everyone and has only a couple of disadvantages - doubly complex design and increased budget.

Now let's look at the characteristics of freestanding and attached kitchens:

  • Freestanding- are good because they allow you to place the hearth away from the house so that smells, smoke and noise do not penetrate the house. It makes sense to build a free-standing summer kitchen if you have enough space on the site, if it has, say, a beautiful garden or pond, if you want to decorate the area with a nice new building.
  • Adjoining the house- a terrace or veranda can become an excellent summer kitchen, because it is much easier and cheaper to build (one wall has already been erected) or re-equip, and it is very convenient to move between the house and the annex. True, the minus of the summer kitchen on the veranda / terrace is that the smoke, heat, smell and fumes from the stove will enter the living quarters, and part of the kitchen will remain through.

11 tips for building, furnishing and designing a summer kitchen

No matter how thoughtful and beautiful your summer kitchen is, its unfortunate location on the site can complicate both construction and further operation. Therefore, the place is the first thing to think carefully about.

  • From a practical point of view, it is more convenient when the summer kitchen is located close to home. So it is easier for the inhabitants of the dacha to move between objects, and the implementation of engineering communications is cheaper, faster and easier. However, from an aesthetic point of view, a place near the "sights" of the site that you can admire (for example, near a reservoir or garden) is better suited. The following factors are also bonuses: protection from the wind, privacy from the eyes of neighbors and proximity to trees that can shade the building and create coolness in it on hot days.

Summer kitchen at the cottage by the pond

  • Unsuitable places for a summer kitchen: near the road, garage, toilet, cesspools / compost pits, chicken coop and other places where unpleasant smells, noises, exhaust gases, etc. can interfere with your rest.

Tip 2. Grill, barbecue, oven or oven complex? Solve this issue before developing / selecting a summer kitchen project

  • If the stove is the heart of the city kitchen, then the grill, barbecue or oven can be called the heart of the country kitchen. Before you start designing, think about what kind of hearth you need: a grill, a brazier, a stove, or even a stove complex? Should the grill be stationary or portable? Coal or gas? With or without chimney? What size and where will the fire source be located? A lot depends on your choice - from the type of foundation to the shape of the roof. So, for example, for the construction of a stove, you will have to take care not only of the foundation, chimney and cladding, but also provide a place for storing firewood in the project.

Understanding the features of different types of outdoor hearth will help you.

Stationary gas grill built into a brick structure

Tip 3. Do you want to build a summer kitchen with your own hands quickly and on a budget? Build an open gazebo made of wood, with a light roof, without solid walls and a stove

In this case, instead of a monolithic or pile-strip foundation, you can get by with a columnar foundation. The building itself will consist of 4 (or more) pillars and a one-/double-pitched roof with a light roof, for example, made of polycarbonate. This is a very simple design that you can actually build with your own hands in just a couple of days and with a minimal budget.

The following selection of photos presents design options for simple summer kitchens.

A simple summer kitchen in a country house in the suburbs

For the construction of a summer kitchen with your own hands, it is easiest to use wood. True, larch or teak should be preferred to pine, as they are stronger and, moreover, age beautifully

Simple summer kitchen from a bar with a shed roof

However, there is a way to make a summer kitchen with your own hands even faster and cheaper. Lay down a paving slab, set up one or two large garden umbrellas, arrange furniture, install a sink and a portable grill and start cooking!

On the one hand, the cellar in the summer kitchen is very useful, because it is so convenient to store food in it like in a refrigerator. On the other hand, its creation significantly increases the cost and complicates construction. Especially if we are talking about an open building, because then the cellar will have to be insulated and protected from leaks. Even in the main house, you can do without a cellar and a basement, let alone a summer kitchen.

Tip 5. The summer kitchen, the facade of the house and the landscape should be designed in the same way.

When choosing or developing a summer kitchen project, considering options for its decoration, keep in mind that it should be combined with the facade of the house and other buildings on the site. So you create a real summer cottage complex and achieve a sense of order. It is not necessary that this be a 100% match in terms of colors, finishes, architecture and style, but the objects must have something in common. The photo below shows an example of a modern summer kitchen on the terrace of a wooden house made of timber.

  • The closer the summer kitchen is located to the house, the more similar both buildings should be.
  • If there is an object on the site that is out of the “big picture”, say, a hastily built bathhouse, then the design of the summer kitchen can be planned in such a way that it combines the features of both the bathhouse and the house. So some randomness of the building will be corrected.

In an open kitchen, the floor can be sheathed:

  • A wooden board covered with oil or wax for outdoor use (lacquer is less suitable, as it will begin to crack over time and require re-coating).

Outdoor kitchen in the country house with a floor finish made of larch deck boards coated with a matt azure based on alkyd resins

  • Terrace board (made of wood-polymer composite).

  • Stone or special street tiles. True, such a floor requires a strong foundation and a large budget.

  • By the way, we recommend to refrain from too dark a floor, as crumbs, dirt and puddles of water will be especially noticeable on it.
  • If the floor of the open kitchen has a slight slope (1-2 cm), the rainwater that has got inside will drain on its own.

Tip 7. Stick to the "working triangle" rule when planning your kitchen

In the arrangement of kitchens, there is a rule of the so-called. "working triangle", which consists in the fact that the three working areas (sink, stove and refrigerator) should be in reasonable proximity to each other, forming a triangle. Ideally, it should be equilateral. Thanks to this layout of zones, the kitchen is as convenient as possible.

  • In the summer kitchen, this rule is not always applicable in its pure form, because it can be too small , narrow, elongated, irregular in shape, instead of a stove, it most often uses a stove, grill or barbecue, and there may not be a refrigerator at all. However, try to get as close to the ideal as possible and do not line up work areas in one line.

So, for example, if in your summer kitchen the source of fire is a barbecue and it is taken out of it, then the sink and food preparation area should be installed as close to the exit as possible.

  • If the kitchen is small, then you can build the kitchen L-shaped. For a narrow kitchen (for example, on a veranda), a two-row layout may be suitable. V square shaped kitchen U-shaped layout will fit best.

If only a single-row layout is possible in your summer kitchen, then a compact mobile island / peninsula will help make it more convenient.

Tip 8. The dining area should be at least 2 m away from the barbecue / stove

Ideally, the distance between the dining table and the barbecue / oven / grill should be approximately 3 m. In this case, smoke, heat and odors will not bother vacationers, and chips, ashes and sparks will not spoil the look of the dining area.

Tip 9. Use furniture that will withstand outdoor conditions

The kitchen and dining furniture in the summer kitchen must withstand high humidity and temperature changes, so luxurious wooden furniture, furniture made of laminated chipboard / MDF, as well as furniture upholstered in fabric or leather should be discarded.

But for the summer kitchen, the following options are suitable:

  • Veneered MDF furniture;
  • Wooden garden furniture (folding structures are especially suitable, which at the end of the summer season can be easily transferred to the pantry);
  • Wrought iron outdoor furniture;
  • Stainless steel furniture (if you do not want to clean the kitchen set for the winter, choose stainless steel furniture);
  • Wicker furniture made of natural wicker, rattan or plastic;
  • Plastic furniture (eg, polycarbonate).

The photo below shows an example of the design of a summer kitchen-terrace with an all-season stainless steel set.

In this selection of photos you can see ideas for furnishing a summer dining room.

Often summer residents forget to pay enough attention to the lighting of the summer kitchen. But it is with its help that you can create real coziness and comfort.

  • Ideally, artificial light in the evening should be soft, even and multi-level. To do this, the room should be illuminated not by one chandelier, but by several lamps: floor / pendant lights, wall sconces, spotlights, pendants, table lamps, floor lamps and / and garlands of light bulbs.
  • With the help of light, you can divide the space into zones, for example, in the kitchen and dining room. So you will have the opportunity during evening meals to hide the work area in the dark and illuminate only a beautiful table.

  • To make it comfortable for you to cook in the evenings, install the backlight directly above the work area. If you limit yourself to a lamp installed behind it, while cooking, your back will block the light.
  • Metal, plastic, wooden and wicker lamps with additional water protection are suitable for lighting an open summer kitchen. Ideally, these should be garden lamps.

  • Solar-powered lanterns can be installed around the summer kitchen and along the path. They store energy during the day and turn on automatically in the evening. True, they give little light, and on cloudy days they do not charge at all.
  • With the help of hedges, pergolas or climbing screens, you can make the summer kitchen more private, close the view to the unsightly places of the site.
  • Decorative plantings, flower beds and bushes can mark the boundaries of zones, hide the foundation and simply decorate the summer kitchen and the general view of the territory.