
Is it possible to send a person a disease. Read spoilage for illness. Damage to the disease. After removing damage

This type of corruption is often used by black sorcerers to punish victims. Such a rite will not bring to the grave soon, but the enemy will suffer for a long time from an unprecedented ailment. Such conspiracies are very powerful, but their effect depends on the strength of the magician.

In the article:

What effect does the ritual have on the victim

Damage to health is a negative program launched by a powerful black magician... It begins to operate from the moment the rite is completed. The curse is aimed at destroying the victim's energy protection, the formation of funnels in her biofield.

Such a program gradually destroys the protective barrier and becomes a provocateur of incurable diseases. The vital energy leaves through the formed holes. This accelerates the development of diseases.

Sometimes spoilage can cause a common and seemingly harmless disease. But as soon as a person is cured, the disease appears again. These rituals are beneficial to use when punishing enemies.

Victims rarely begin to suspect that the constant occurrence of the same disease may be the result of a curse and cite its chronic nature or personal exposure.

You do not need to be an experienced sorcerer to bring such damage. There are various rituals that even beginners can do. Removing this impact can be problematic. This requires strong faith or the help of a specialist.

Symptoms of damage to health

It is very easy to detect witchcraft influence on yourself. The bells appear immediately. Only the majority of victims choose not to pay attention to them.

Main signs:

  • diseases appear abruptly and unexpectedly, a person was healthy yesterday, and today he is susceptible to a fatal illness;
  • a chronic illness that you could not even think about before;
  • the rapid development of the situation, the disease progresses by leaps and bounds;
  • treatment with classical methods does not bring results;
  • a medical examination does not reveal any problems, but you feel extremely bad;
  • the manifestation of several diseases at the same time (in a neglected form);
  • pessimism of the victim;
  • lethargy, apathy, unwillingness to live;
  • sudden weight loss (or gain);
  • different pupil sizes;
  • problems in the work of the genitals;
  • inability to conceive a child, although both parents are healthy;
  • outbursts of unexplained aggression;
  • in church, the victim may faint, feel bad;
  • insomnia or nightmares.

Do not worry if several items from the list of curse symptoms match, this does not mean that you are under the influence of witchcraft. Check for other types.

All kinds of negative programs

The programs that run can be different. There are different ways to influence the victim.

Sorcerers use spells, rituals, attributes. You can classify witchcraft programs in any way. The most common are 3:

  • by direction;
  • in fact;
  • by the frequency of exposure.

By focus rituals are divided into 2 categories:

  • affecting the entire body, covering the entire energy field and evenly destroying the immune system (often they affect not one, but several organs of the body);
  • affecting a separate organ (the area can be determined by the sorcerer or the choice occurs unconsciously).

By essence there are 2 groups.

  • Organic. The immune system is under attack again. The activator is bacteria and viruses that weaken the defense, cause inflammation, and form foci of infection.
  • Inorganic. The victim's mental health suffers. Often one of the best ways to bring a person to the grave is to deprive him of his sanity. Such rituals destroy the personality and weaken the mental balance.

By frequency the effects of spoilage are divided into:

  • single (the magician performs the ritual once, and the same result is observed for a long time);
  • multiple (rituals are performed after a certain period, and each time a new ailment awakens in the victim).

Damage to health: checking with candles and animals

To eliminate the magical effect, make sure it is there. A person can simply worry about his condition and refer to the fact that he has damage, without confirming it with anything.
You can find out using proven methods.

At night, stand in front of the icon of the Mother of God, cross yourself, light 3 wax church candles and read the prayer three times:

Theotokos Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit born by you, because you have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

If the candles have not reacted in any way to the text, there is no negative. They began to smoke, crackle, the flame twitches - black sorcery is upon you.

Pets may indicate dark effects... Cats are famous for this. They subtly feel the presence of negative energy in the owner. If you have a cat (not a cat), monitor her behavior. Hides or aggressively manifests itself - damage is induced.

If you don't have a pet, borrow a black cat from your friends. Let him live with you, get used to all family members. When the animal is completely comfortable, take it in your arms before going to bed. Tears out, scratches and meows - you have become a victim of a witchcraft rite.

How to cause severe damage to the disease

Cemetery ritual for the enemy's illness

Such a ceremony is performed by a magician if he wants to spoil the health of the enemy. Take a snapshot, no more than 6 months old, of the victim all alone.

Wait 17-19 lunar days and go to the cemetery at midnight. Find the dead man's grave with the same name as the victim. Spit on a snapshot of the enemy and bury it at the head of the deceased. Now say:

I will bury, I will bury, I will bring trouble, I will help to jinx it, So that health is not enough for a happy life, So that illness surrounds, grief accompanies!

After the ritual, go home without turning around. The next day, do not leave the house and do not speak to anyone.

Deadly lining

Since ancient times, witches have left parcels in the house of the enemy in order to squeeze him out of the light. Various things are used for lining:

  • bones;
  • wax;
  • needles;
  • hair;
  • nails;
  • pupae;
  • coins.

To bring serious damage to the disease, take:

  • trimmed chicken legs;
  • enemy hair;
  • cemetery land;
  • black wax candle;
  • a piece of dense matter of the same color.

At midnight Friday, at a deserted intersection, they lay out a cloth and put chicken paws on it, tying them with the victim's hair, sprinkle it with earth and say:

As these bones rot, so you (name) will no longer live. Let the uninvited guest come to your (name) house. Give you your health and rot then.

After that, light a candle and fill the entire lining with wax, accompanying the action with the words:

I will seal my words with wax. May it be so!

Finally, wrap the lining tightly with black cloth, tying it in a knot. To pay off the dark forces for a committed deed, they throw a few coins over the left shoulder at the intersection with the words:

The lining is pushed under the threshold of the enemy. As soon as he steps over it, the curse will begin. For health concerns, check the doorframe for lining.

Neutralizing spoilage by prayer

It is possible to remove damage to health in case of exposure to a weak sorcerer or self-confidence in overcoming black magic.

Before resorting to rituals, follow these simple tips to cleanse and restore your energy field:

  • Wash your face daily in the morning with holy water.
  • Drink a glass of the consecrated liquid at least three times a day. Before that, read above it " Our Father».
  • If you remove damage in winter, swim in the ice hole for Epiphany and go to the temple.

Often this method helps with cleansing. Take the text " ”And copy it by hand onto a sheet of paper without errors and blots. Roll up and wear in chest pocket for 6 weeks. After the specified period, burn the paper, add the ashes to a glass of holy water and drink.

Prayer helps a lot To the Lord... If you are a Christian, read it every morning for a month. This will help restore strength and bestow health. The text is as follows:

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not die, affirm those who fall, erect the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow, correcting them and, we pray to You, our God, Your servant (name), who are feeble, visit with Your mercy, forgive him in all unconsciousness. To her, Lord, Thy medical power from heaven has been sent down, touch the body, quench the fire, tame the passion and all lingering infirmities, wake the doctor of Thy servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of malice he is whole and all perfect, grant Thy church is pleasing and doing Thy will, Thy is more, he is merciful and rescuing, our God, and we give glory to Thee. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

Removal of spoilage for disease with salt

If you need a quick result or prayers alone do not help, conduct one of the effective ones that will forever get rid of ailments. Arm yourself with these attributes:

  • salt;
  • red wine (church);
  • ash;
  • consecrated water;
  • wax candle.

salt church wine ash sacred water wax candle

You can believe, you can not believe, but magic exists! Each person has faced the consequences of someone else's energy intervention - damage, evil eyes, linings, haircuts, love spells. How to damage a person, what the results will be, is it possible to eliminate the consequences and much more - this is what is important to know if, for some reason, it becomes necessary to negatively affect someone's life.

Damage is deliberate or unconscious energy harm inflicted by one person to another. This can be done using various magic systems, respectively, different attributes will be used in this case.

The evil eye is a lighter impact that goes through the eyes, but multiple evil eyes will have a moderate damage effect.

In principle, you can spoil anything, so there are many varieties of spoilage:

  • to health;
  • suffering;
  • for loneliness;
  • to death;
  • for well-being;
  • on property, etc.

Hover result

If a person is spoiled, then first of all, his physical condition will worsen. Malaise, general weakness will appear, chronic diseases will worsen. The person will feel instability, which will affect his psychological state.

At the same time, various troubles will begin at home, at work, in financial matters, in personal life. The problems will be stronger in the area at which the damage is directed. If you are healthy, then, naturally, diseases will have a stronger manifestation, and various troubles at home and at work will remain less critical. If you are focused on financial well-being, then the malaise will be mild, and the loss of money will be huge, up to ruin.

There are also ancestral curses that can be traced back to the lineage.... For example, boys in the family are haunted by the same disease, which has been transmitted for more than one generation. Or girls of the same kind are doomed to loneliness, and no matter how they try to arrange their personal life, everything is in vain.

It is difficult to recognize skillfully induced damage, and it is almost impossible for an ignorant person. This is a lump of black energy that is introduced into the human biofield and destroys it slowly, but surely.

Preparation for work

If you decide to lime someone, then before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with the general set of rules in magic, so as not to harm yourself and your family. The first rule is “not knowing the ford, do not go into the swamp,” yes, it is the swamp, because magic does not forgive mistakes.

Whatever system of work you choose, be it a cemetery, cathedral witchcraft, conspiracies or volts, you must definitely familiarize yourself with what exactly you will be dealing with, and only then you can begin to target damage. In order for the work to be as successful as possible, it will not hurt to read the information, which is abundant on the Internet.

Before starting work, you need to protect yourself and weaken the enemy. Beginners in magic will not be able to establish a complex defense, so they are advised to make at least a reflective one. Reflective protection can be energetic (cocoon, cap) and installed with the help of any objects (mirror).

Weakening the enemy, removing the defense from him will help to get a better result. The most common way is a candle for the repose of the soul of a living person in the church. More effective will be "Sorokoust" for the repose, but then problems may arise, since the church specifies the date of death of a person, and you cannot answer this question.

Anyone who was already interested in how to damage a person must have heard about kickbacks. Rollback is the return of what you sent. According to the laws of nature, nothing appears out of nowhere and disappears into nowhere. Targeting is a negative action, so if a person you spoiled recognizes someone else's influence and turns to a specialist to get rid of him, then everything you have done will fly back to you. Very few magicians send messages to infinity, as a rule, they are sent back to the customer.

In order to soften the return blow, protection is needed.

Options for influencing the enemy

Almost all people have enemies. Sometimes it happens that damage is the only way to take revenge on the offender. Unlike a curse, it is better to spoil with a cool head, having already thought over the causes and consequences many times. First, study your enemy well and strike at the most expensive one. If a person loves money - make him poor, wants a big family - lonely, most of all values ​​his health - sick.

Do not take on complex rituals, because you will not be able to perform them correctly, and this is fraught with consequences for you. There are many simple and effective ways.

Salt spoilage

One of the most reliable custodians of information is salt. Take a new linen bag, put a handful of salt in it, tie it and take it to where the victim walks. The bag should lie there for a day.

Take the bag and already at home draw a face on it, pretending that this is your abuser and write the name. Then read the conspiracy over it, putting all the energy of your resentment there: "as the salt dries, so do you dry (name)." The conspiracy text should be short, compose it yourself, this one is given as an example. Then put the bag in an inaccessible warm place so that the salt dries, for example, on a cabinet or behind a battery.

On health from a photo

Get a fresh (no later than a year) photo of your enemy, preferably full-length, but it will fit up to the waist. Take a wax candle, heat a needle on its flame and pierce the places in the photo with it, while pronouncing the wishes of illnesses. A person will get sick that you pierced with a needle, for example, legs, throat, stomach, and doctors will not be able to make a correct diagnosis.

After the ceremony, you need to get rid of the photo, and hide the rest of the candle and the needle in a secret place.

On the withering beauty

If you have a rival, then you can spoil her beauty. Take a photo of a woman, preferably a face photo, and throw it in the mud. Any stagnant bodies of water that are nearby are suitable for this. The more the photo will rot in the mud, the more the rival will hurt and lose beauty.

Rite of passage for illness

The question of how to send a disease to a person is asked by many. If you do not have any knowledge of magic, then the easiest way is to simply bury a photograph of a person in a cemetery. At the same time, he will not die, but he will be sick for a long time and strongly. A photo is an energy imprint of a person, and the necrotic field near the graves is so strong that, even if you don't know how, destruction will still occur.

If you feel strong enough, you can perform a more serious ceremony. To do this, you need to make a small coffin, install it on a pedestal, for example, cover a table with a shroud and put a coffin on it. Put a photo of the victim in it and read spells for certain diseases. There are universal conspiracies that force the energy of the victim to flow to the customer.

In order to deliver information to the victim, a guide is needed. One of the strongest conductors is salt. Before starting the ritual, put salt in the coffin, and then throw it on the person's doorstep. As soon as he steps over it, an energy leak will immediately begin, and the victim will become very sick.

Death ritual

If you have a photo of the enemy, then it is not very difficult to carry out a ritual for the death of a person at home. Just before you do this, think a hundred times. After all, it may happen that you change your mind or circumstances turn out differently, and this person will become your family and friends. Without a certain experience and strength, you will not be able to fully eliminate the consequences of your deed.

Considering that everything is natural in the Universe, it is impossible to take life with impunity. Therefore, after such a ceremony, be prepared to lose something very dear to you.

If you do decide, then a very effective ritual would be to put a photo of a person in a coffin next to the deceased. For this you need:

  • have a photo of the victim;
  • know the time and address where the funeral will take place;
  • to be able to approach the coffin and discreetly put a photo, preferably at the feet of the deceased.

As soon as the deceased receives a gift, he will immediately want to drag the victim to him and will do this until she is next to him.

Other rituals that are associated with the cemetery are best not performed on your own. Not knowing the rules of work at the churchyard, you risk dragging "guests" into your house and incurring the wrath of the Cemetery Master.


A curse differs from damage in that the emotional background of the curse is important for its guidance. The stronger the hatred for the overlaying object, the stronger the curse will be. It is imperative to remember that, as a rule, curses are passed on by genus, so you should not perform such a ritual if you do not wish evil to descendants.

Curses are:

  1. programmed
  2. non-programmable.

An experienced magician can inflict a programmed curse, but an amateur can do an unprogrammed one.

How to put a curse on a person and not suffer yourself? Based on the fact that a verbal spell carries tremendous power, it is virtually impossible to defend against a return blow. If, suddenly, in a fit of anger, you still uttered terrible words and realized how dangerous what was done, then you need to sincerely apologize to the person, specifying what exactly. In this case, there will be no kickback.

When resorting to the help of dark forces, remember: the consequences can be the most terrible, so be aware of what you are doing and weigh the pros and cons.

If you are undergoing such a misfortune. This dangerous magical effect can very quickly cause irreparable harm to human health and even pose a threat to life. In order not to be among his victims, we will learn how to recognize it and how to deal with this phenomenon.

Damage to health is a negative program introduced with the help of magical rituals or simply a strong energetic effect. Most often, to create it, they seek help from professionals in the field of black magic.

This clot of negative energy is directed to the victim and inflicts a crushing blow on his biofield, forming holes. Through them, a drain of human vitality begins, and malfunctions of the body appear. If you do not notice the damage in time, human health will be irreparably undermined. Strong corruption can even lead to death.

The effect of corruption will continue until it is removed. It is easy to get rid of a slight impact induced by an ordinary person who is not familiar with magic on your own. If the energy blow was inflicted by a professional, it is very risky to remove the damage yourself. You can cause even more damage to your health.

In the arsenal of black magicians and sorcerers, there are many ways to damage a person. They differ in exactly where the energy impact is directed. Most often, damage is caused to health in general, but you can also affect a specific organ or a person's appearance. In this case, the victim will suddenly begin to lose weight or, conversely, will greatly recover, there will be problems with the skin or hair.

Types of damage to health

Typically, the types of damage are divided according to three criteria: the direction of the impact, their essence and frequency. According to the direction of damage, there are:

  • Acting on all systems of the body, destroying the human biofield and his immunity as a whole.
  • Affecting a specific organ or a specific function, for example, reproductive.

In fact, spoilage is divided into two types: organic and inorganic.

Organic spoilage

In this case, the immune system gets under attack, which is destroyed by the action of harmful microorganisms. With the help of organic spoilage, serious diseases are triggered that are difficult to treat: cancer, problems with the heart and blood vessels, pneumonia, tuberculosis. In the case of such an energetic effect, the body's defenses are reduced, it becomes susceptible to any infection.

Organic spoilage can be of two types: single and multiple.

With a single damage to health, a magical blow is inflicted only once, but its effect is felt over a long period.

In the case of repeated damage, magic rituals are carried out regularly after a certain period of time. Its task is to constantly maintain the disease in the human body, not to provide opportunities for recuperation. With prolonged deterioration, treatment with conventional medicine is ineffective. If the destructive program is not stopped, the disease will turn into a chronic form, the patient's condition will gradually worsen.

Inorganic spoilage

In this case, the human psyche is under attack. Physical health is not impaired. Under the influence of inorganic damage, the psychoenergetic field is destroyed. A person becomes susceptible to neuroses, phobias and often becomes a patient of a neuropsychiatric clinic.

Signs of damage to health

It is possible to assume that a magical effect was exerted on human health by the following signs:

How to determine if there is spoilage using church candles

In order to carry out a simple ceremony. To complete this you will need three wax candles from the church. Proceed in this way:

  • It is necessary to light the candles and pronounce the conspiracy three times:

Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit born by you, because you have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

  • Watch the behavior of the candles: if they continue to burn evenly and calmly, there is no magical effect on you. But if suddenly the fire began to blaze, smoke and soot went, crackling appeared, there was damage.

If you have diagnosed damage to your health, it is better to seek help from a knowledgeable person. With a slight magical effect, you can try to get rid of it yourself with the help of a ceremony.

The modern world is rich in innovative technologies and inventions. But the more a person comprehends science, the more he is drawn to something unknown and inexplicable. Therefore, today no one is surprised by damage, conspiracies, and other magical manifestations. By resorting to magic, people seek to gain health, advancement in the career ladder, or attract good luck. But sometimes, people are ruled by greed, anger and envy, in such situations people indiscriminately rush into the pool with their heads, and seek to harm their offender. Sometimes this is a momentary impulse, which they later regret, but sometimes they send the evil eye and damage to their enemies. In my practice, there are often people with a request to remove this kind of evil eye, so today I will tell you how to determine that you have a negative program aimed at depriving your health and how to get rid of it.

When damage occurs, then even the strongest and most powerful, health problems begin

Signs of damage to health

When damage occurs, then even the most powerful and full of strength, health problems begin. Any ill-wisher to whom destructive conspiracies are known can inflict such damage. But a truly strong evil eye, causing maximum harm, can only be set into action by a strong medium. As a practicing magician, I know such spells, but I do not use them, although I often encounter the result of their action, helping people to remove the evil eye.

The main sign that a client is suffering from spoilage is a sharp deterioration in health for no known reason. An absolutely healthy person suddenly starts to get sick. And no matter how much he is treated, nothing helps, and his health deteriorates.

The patient cannot be helped by doctors. They begin to look for the cause of the disease, but they cannot make a diagnosis. More and more new symptoms appear that do not respond to treatment. A patient with an evil eye begins to wither, and if not taken action dies or becomes bedridden for life.

If the evil eye, or a negative program is the work of a weak magician, or the one who causes damage, does not want to do much harm to the opponent, indirect signs may be observed. A person falls ill with some insignificant ailment, and everything seems to be fine, the sick person is on the mend, but only after being cured, the disease returns. And this happens all the time.

Damage to health does not lead to anything good, since a person does not notice magical signs, and looks for the cause of the disease from doctors. Unfortunately, this tactic will not bring positive results, because you can finally recover only if you remove the damage.

Damage to health does not lead to anything good

Now we will consider the main reasons that can only indicate the evil eye, but their presence does not mean that there is damage to health. These are the signs:

  1. If a person has a sharp change in weight. That is, fat people lose weight without making any effort, while thin people begin to gain weight. It may seem to someone that there is nothing wrong, but if there is no intelligible reason for this, there is a reason for worry.
  2. A sleep disorder can also be a sign of spoilage. A person may not have sleep as such, or sleep happens, but it is always accompanied by nightmares, and, accordingly, there is no way to rest.
  3. If, instead of cheerfulness, the arrival is despondency and apathy. A person loses his taste for life, he becomes indifferent to everything, and he performs the tasks assigned to him with apathy. These are clear signs of the evil eye, although there may be other reasons for such a blues. A person afflicted with the evil eye has church intolerance. A person cannot enter the temple of God, and during services, he becomes ill. If a person is jinxed, then looking in the mirror, he will see dark spots in his eyes.
  4. A sudden onset of illness. A person could take different tests the day before, and be absolutely healthy, and then everything changes dramatically, and the state of health worsens. Chronic diseases appear that were not previously observed.
  5. The emerging disease develops faster than usual. The attending physicians cannot help. Even if the proposed treatment previously helped everyone, it will not help in this situation.
  6. Upon examination and full examination, the doctor does not find any ailments, but the person's health is poor and continues to deteriorate. Also, signs of spoilage can appear in several running diseases at the same time.
  7. A person may have differences in pupil size for no reason. That is, looking in the mirror, a person will see that one pupil is larger and the other is smaller. Only if you remove the order, the situation will change. Reproductive problems may occur. A person cannot conceive a child.
  8. A person has uncontrolled and groundless aggression. A person affected by the negative effects of magic may have skin problems.

How to remove the evil eye

You can't even imagine how many people come to me every week with a request to remove the evil eye. Although, the signs in which people see the evil eye are highly questionable. Most often, a person is haunted by a series of failures., and in such cases, I help a person in need of help to believe in himself, and to catch luck by the tail.

Unfortunately, not all people who come to me with the assumption that they have damage to their health are mistaken. In such situations, I have two ways to help a person:

  • conduct rituals to remove the evil eye;
  • I offer people the opportunity to help themselves.

Therefore, today I would like to tell how a person can solve such a problem without outside help.

If the evil eye is not strong, then you can remove it with holy water. To do this, a person must drink a glass of water in the morning and in the evening while reading Our Father.

Church to help

Water inherently has cleansing properties, so there are other rituals associated with it. For example, washing from a spring will help a person with the evil eye. Bathing in Epiphany water will also help to remove spoilage. Moreover, such a ceremony will help the bather to get a strong amulet for a year. During this time, you will not be afraid of any evil eye, until the next baptism.

And in this matter, church paraphernalia will help you, namely candles. For this, during the waning of the moon, they set fire to a candle, and, being baptized with it, they begin to read the prayer Our Father. The procedure is repeated three times in a row. Having finished praying, you need to ask Saint Ustinya for help, for a speedy recovery and deliverance from the evil eye. Then the candle is extinguished, and the next day they go to church, and put it to themselves for health. At the exit from the church, buy a cross, but it is very important that you overpay for it. Upon arrival home, fill a bottle of water from the spring, and throw the purchased cross at the bottom. This water should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach, one glass. When the water runs out, the cross must be hidden.

Salt from negativity

There is a ritual for removing spoilage from a person using salt. This method will quickly save you from health problems caused by the evil eye. To activate the ritual, you will need:

  • a glass of red wine;
  • some table salt;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • ash.

This magical action is carried out on the growing moon, namely in the middle of the lunar month. It is important to choose the correct day of the week for the ritual; it is best done on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The ritual is set in motion after sunset. It is necessary to stand so that your face is directed to the west. Take an incomplete glass of wine and pour salt, water and ash into it. A glass filled with the necessary ingredients is placed on the floor, and a candle is lit next to it. Next, you need to pronounce the following words:

“Salt salt, bitter ash and wine that deprives the mind. I salt evil, salt, salt, salt. I incinerate evil spirits with ashes. I deprive demons of reason with wine. Whoever bathes with water will get rid of all diseases, ailments, fears and nightmares, and therefore all the ailments inflicted, induced, spoken, seen will go away. No one can speak my words, not alter, reconsider, not overcome. Amen> ".

After you finish the plot, the contents of the glass should be poured out the window, and then go to take a shower with cold water.

In situations where damage was inflicted by a professional magician, I recommend seeking help from a healer, since it is impossible to get rid of such an evil eye on your own. In my practice, there were cases when a patient who beat the thresholds of dozens of doctors who could not make a diagnosis, in despair, came to me for help. Having identified what the problem was, I began to work on eliminating the evil eye. After that, the person quickly recovered, and his illnesses went away.

And also they resort to the actions of a professional if, for some reason, a person cannot independently perform the ritual of purification, or having tried all the methods, he did not get the desired result.

I also want to warn people against rash actions. If you become aware of the rites of cleansing from the evil eye that cause you doubts, then you should not put them into action. The best solution in your situation is to contact a practicing magician, otherwise you may aggravate the situation.

Damage to health is often used by black sorcerers to punish their victims. Such a rite will not bring to the grave soon, but the enemy will suffer for a long time from an unprecedented ailment. Such conspiracies are very powerful, but their effect depends on how strong the magician is performing the ritual.

In the article:

What effect does the ritual have on the victim?

Damage to health is a negative program launched by a powerful black magician... It begins to act from the moment the ritual was completed to the end. The action of the curse is aimed at destroying the victim's energy protection, the formation of funnels in her biofield.

Such a program gradually, not immediately, destroys the protective barrier, and then becomes a provocateur of various (often incurable) diseases. The destroyed barrier provokes the outflow of vital energy through the holes formed. This accelerates the development of diseases.

Sometimes damage can cause a fairly common and seemingly harmless disease in the victim. But as soon as a person is cured, the same ailment appears in him again. These rituals are quite beneficial to use when punishing enemies.

Victims very rarely begin to suspect that the constant occurrence of the same disease may be the result of an induced curse and refer to the fact that the disease has become chronic or they are simply most susceptible to it.

In order to bring such damage, you do not need to be a very experienced sorcerer. There are various rituals that even beginners can perform. Removing this impact can be problematic. This requires strong faith or the help of a specialist.

Finding out that you have a witchcraft effect is very simple. Signs of damage to health begin to appear immediately. However, most of the victims prefer not to pay attention to them.

But do not worry too much if you match several items from the list of curse symptoms, this does not mean that you are under the influence of a magical program.

The main signs of damage to health:

  • diseases appear abruptly and unexpectedly, a person could have been absolutely healthy yesterday, but today he is already susceptible to a fatal illness;
  • the appearance of chronic diseases that you could not even think about before;
  • the rapid development of the situation, the disease progresses by leaps and bounds;
  • treatment with classical methods does not bring any result;
  • a medical examination shows that you are absolutely healthy, but you feel extremely unwell;
  • the manifestation of several diseases at the same time (and in a very neglected form);
  • the victim is extremely pessimistic;
  • lethargy, apathy, unwillingness to live;
  • sudden weight loss (or gain);
  • different sizes of pupils in the victim;
  • problems in the work of the genitals;
  • the inability to conceive a child, given that both parents are absolutely healthy;
  • outbursts of aggression that cannot be explained in any way;
  • in church, the victim may faint, feel extremely bad;
  • insomnia or frequent nightmares.

All kinds of negative programs

The negative programs that run can be very different. There are different ways of influencing the victim.

Sorcerers use different spells, rituals, attributes, and so on. You can classify negative programs in any way. But the most common are 3 classifications:

  • by direction of action;
  • in fact;
  • by the frequency of exposure.

By focus rituals are divided into 2 categories:

  • those that affect the entire body, covering the entire energy pore and evenly destroying the immune system (they often affect not one, but several organs of the body);
  • those that affect a separate organ (the area of ​​influence can be determined by the sorcerer or the choice occurs unconsciously).

If we divide negative programs by essence then, they form 2 groups.

  • Organic. The body's immune system is again under attack. Bacteria and viruses serve as an activator, weakening human defenses, causing inflammation, and forming foci of infection.
  • Inorganic. In this case, the mental health of the victim suffers. Often one of the best ways to bring a person to the grave is to deprive him of his sanity. Such negative programs are aimed precisely at destroying the human personality and weakening his mental balance.

By frequency the impact of negative programs is not very often shared, but this classification is still popular. In this case, damage is divided into:

  • single (the ritual is performed by the magician once, and the same result lasts for a long time);
  • multiple (rituals are carried out after a certain amount of time, and each new ritual awakens a new ailment in the victim).

Damage to health: checking with candles and animals

In order to eliminate the magical effect, first of all, you need to make sure that it really is. A person can simply worry about his condition and refer to the fact that he has damage, without confirming it with anything.
You can find out using proven methods.

At night, stand in front of the icon of the Mother of God, cross yourself, light 3 wax church candles and read the prayer three times:

Theotokos Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit born by you, because you have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

If the candles have not reacted in any way to the text of the prayer, then there is no negative program for you. If they began to smoke, crackle, or the flame twitches strongly, then this is a sign that you have damage.

Pets can indicate the presence of witchcraft... First of all, these are cats. They very subtly feel the presence of negative energy in their master. If you have a cat (not a cat), then follow her behavior. If she has recently begun to hide from you, or vice versa, she is very aggressive in your presence, then this means that you have damage.

If you don't have your own pet, borrow a kitty from your friends. Best of all, black. Let her live for some time in your house, get used to all family members. When the animal is completely comfortable, take her in your arms before going to bed. If the cat begins to pull away, scratch and meow, then most likely you have become a victim of a witchcraft rite.

Such a rite is performed by a magician if he needs to greatly spoil the health of the enemy. To carry out the ritual, arm yourself with an image of an enemy. Remember that the picture must be no more than 6 months old and the victim must be completely alone on it.

Wait 17-19 lunar days and go to the cemetery at midnight. There, find the grave of a dead man that bears the same name as the victim. Spit on the enemy's picture and bury it at the head of the deceased. Now say:

I will bury, I will bury, I will bring trouble, I will help to jinx it, So that health is not enough for a happy life, So that illness surrounds, grief accompanies!

After performing the ritual, go home without turning around. For the next day, try not to leave the house, talk to anyone or contact.

How to spoil a disease badly?

If you do not intend to bring a person to the grave, then you can use simple conspiracies. But if your goal is to send such an ailment to the enemy that it would lead to death, then use lining.

Since ancient times, witches have left small parcels in the house of the enemy in order to squeeze him out of the light. Various things can be used for lining:

  • bones;
  • wax;
  • needles;
  • hair;
  • nails;
  • pupae;
  • coins, etc.

To put a strong damage on the disease, you will need:

  • trimmed chicken legs;
  • enemy hair;
  • some cemetery land;
  • black wax candle;
  • a piece of dense material of black color.

On Friday at midnight, go to a deserted intersection, lay out a cloth on it and put chicken paws on it, having previously tied them with the victim's hair, sprinkle them with earth and say the words:

As these bones rot, so you (name) will no longer live. Let the uninvited guest come to your (name) house. Give you your health and rot then.

Then light a candle and let the wax pour over the entire lining. Accompany your action with the words:

I will seal my words with wax. May it be so!

Now wrap the entire lining tightly with black cloth, tie it in a knot. At the same crossroads, pay off the Dark Forces for your deed. To do this, throw some coins over your left shoulder with the words:

Then, without turning around, go away. Push the lining under the threshold of your enemy. As soon as the enemy steps over him, the ritual will begin.

How to neutralize the effect of a negative program?

You can remove damage to health in different ways. It is worth taking up rituals only if the effect was exerted by a weak sorcerer, or you are confident enough in your abilities to cope with black magic.

Before resorting to rituals, follow these simple tips to cleanse and restore your energy field.

  • First, wash your face daily in the morning with holy water.
  • Drink a glass of the consecrated liquid at least three times a day. Before drinking water, read the prayer over it “ Our Father».
  • If you remove damage in winter, then be sure to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany and go to the temple.

Often this method helps with cleansing. Take the text " ”And copy it by hand onto a piece of paper. Make sure that the rewritten text is free of errors and blots. Roll up the paper and carry it in your breast pocket for 6 weeks. After the specified period, burn the paper, add the ashes to a glass of holy water and drink it.

Prayer helps a lot To the Lord... If you are a Christian, read it every morning for a whole month. He will help to restore strength and bestow health. Prayer text:

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not die, affirm those who fall, erect the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow, correcting them and, we pray to You, our God, Your servant (name), who are feeble, visit with Your mercy, forgive him in all unconsciousness. To her, Lord, Thy medical power from heaven has been sent down, touch the body, quench the fire, tame the passion and all lingering infirmities, wake the doctor of Thy servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of malice he is whole and all perfect, grant Thy church is pleasing and doing Thy will, Thy is more, he is merciful and rescuing, our God, and we give glory to Thee. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

How to remove the spoilage of illness with salt?

If you need a quick result or prayers alone do not help you, then do one of the most effective ones, which will forever save you from ailments. Before conducting it, arm yourself with the following attributes:

  • salt;
  • red wine (church);
  • ash;
  • wax candle.

salt church wine ash sacred water wax candle

You can talk a lot about how to spoil the disease. Induced curses can rob a person of years of normal life, or even life itself. From some of the damage done to the victim's illness, he shivers.

How to find out the damage to the disease

In addition, there are other indications that there was an impact related specifically to human health. These signs give the healer reason to judge the nature of the magical effect, to recognize the damage to the disease.

How can a disease be severely damaged

A sorcerer can plant a person with veins - abscesses without a head. Each month a squeezed abscess breaks out, pus oozes out of it, and 12 new abscesses appear nearby. Such abscesses are not treated with medical means.

The sorcerer can impose keels - sick, enlarged lymph nodes that can provoke a dangerous illness. This is one of the many possibilities to bring tough damage to the disease. This is a rite of skilled black magic, a sorcerer or witch reads a conspiracy and imposes knots on a red woolen thread. Healers remove simple damage, but they refuse to remove stone or deadly ones.

Goga is a powerful spell. For this ritual, you need to get the victim's urine, take an egg, and on the night of Tuesday or Saturday go to a remote remote place. Make a hole at the blunt end of the egg and release the protein, then fill the egg with urine, saying the name of the victim, close the hole with the skin of a toad, bury the egg deep in the grave and leave without looking back. When the egg starts to rot, the health of the spoiled one will be shaken. Typically, a person spoiled by a gog dies within a year.

It is impossible to cure a person. But, how to remove a very strong damage to the disease through an egg? It needs to be dug up. Care must be taken so as not to break the egg, because when the gogi is neutralized, a powerful back blow can go to the one who touches the egg. Goga is to be burned on consecrated ground.

How to remove damage to the disease yourself

Evil magical damage, induced by a black sorcerer, can be removed by reading special conspiracies and performing ritual actions, the purpose of which is to neutralize the spoiled corruption. This should be done by a practicing magician.

Here is an example of how you can remove the damage to the disease with the help of an egg, reciting a special conspiracy of protective magic on the egg.

A conspiracy that will help remove damage to the disease

With the help of this simple rite, you can remove the damage to a disease made by an ordinary person. Of course, this conspiracy is unlikely to cure against black damage, but as a psychological support for the patient's consciousness, it will be quite useful.

The rite of removing damage to illness is done as follows: the table is covered with a clean tablecloth, a fresh raw egg is placed in the middle of the table, and the key to the new lock is placed next to it. The conspiracy of getting rid of the induced disease is read three times on the egg:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God bless the true Christ. I, the servant of God (name), will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, to the rising of the red sun, to the sunset of the light of the month, to the quiet morning and evening dawn. A sorcerer would not take the red sun in his hands, not pull the bright month from the sky, not collect pure stars from the sky, and not spoil me, the servant of God (name), forever and ever. Do not let damage to him either in a violent head, or in clear eyes, or in a white face, or in a zealous heart, or in a lung, or in a liver, or in a lower back, or in hands, or in legs, or in a secret member, or in the popliteal veins, not in all my blood! I will close myself, the servant of God (name), with an iron key, a strong lock, I will take that key out of the lock, give it to the red sun, give it to the bright month, and the frequent stars. I, servant of God (name), will give that key to the True Christ in the hands: carry the key, the True Christ, keep it from the sorcerer, but from the wicked witch. Well, if a sorcerer or a witch takes the red sun in his hands, shoves the bright month from the sky, collects frequent stars every one of them, then even then no damage can be done to me, the servant of God (name), to them forever and ever. Amen".

Have you ever come across such a definition as damage to health: you yourself were a victim of a negative impact or tried to ruin the life of the offender with a black ritual, or maybe someone close to you needs help to remove damage, and you are looking for a way how quickly and painlessly to heal a loved one? Then figure out how the harm enters the body, find out its signs and learn how to get rid of, as well as protect yourself from extraneous energy influences.

Symptoms of damage to health

You can read about what types of magical harm are encountered and general signs of their diagnosis in the article in this section.

Now it is important to understand what can alert you when determining damage to a disease, because, in addition to innate intuition and the feeling that something is wrong with the body, certain symptoms that recur for a long time will help to recognize the negative, namely:

  • obvious deterioration in health;
  • conflicting test readings;
  • vain attempts by doctors to determine the diagnosis;
  • unchanged state of health after taking prescribed medications;
  • the formation of ulcers and growths on the body;
  • long healing of accidental scratches and minor injuries;
  • drop in vision, tearing;
  • tooth decay, putrid breath;
  • weight loss or sharp fluctuations in it without the presence of diets;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • impotence in men;
  • rapid loss of body hair or excessive hair growth;
  • insomnia or nightmares;
  • complaints from relatives about the grinding of your teeth at night;
  • the appearance of ailments inappropriate for age - sclerosis, rheumatism;
  • a feeling of suffocation, pressure on the chest at night;
  • the appearance of suspicious tumors;
  • hallucinations and periodic attacks of fear;
  • avoidance of mirrors, aversion to one's own reflection;
  • feverish gleam of eyes, yellowness of pupils;
  • the constant feeling that someone is looking at you;
  • pursuit of consciousness by otherworldly sounds, voices;
  • an overwhelming desire to smoke or drink alcohol.

If you have more than half of the listed conditions, try as soon as possible to find a clairvoyant or sorcerer who will accurately indicate whether there is an evil eye or damage to your health - believe me, they definitely understand better than you.

A blight that is aimed at destroying an adversary, rival, or enemy is never accidental. This impact is conscious and purposeful, and the performer is precisely aware of what consequences it may entail. However, not all customers or independent, which happens more often, the performers of black rituals, are aware that magical actions aimed at others can turn evil against themselves.

Signs of targeting damage to health can appear both immediately after the performed ceremony, and after a certain time by the aggressor, depending on the chosen method of influence.

The most popular way of harmful effects is damage to the lining, when in a special way, spells are thrown into the house, under the threshold, in the garden or at the workplace of a potential victim.

Another type of witchcraft harm to health is, which involves holding a ceremony at the churchyard and using special attributes of black magic, as well as sacrifice.

This type of influence is undertaken only by very strong magicians who know how to lead the world of the dead, but they also understand the full risk of such mysteries and carry them out only in the most extreme cases, for example, to reverse the ancestral curse or stop the influence of dark forces, carried out by order of another powerful warlock ...

There are other methods of transferring a negative energy message: for example, damage with the help of knots on a woolen thread (ensures the appearance of warts and growths on the victim's body), damage to the wind (gives rise to weakness in the body and the occurrence of infectious diseases). Such harm is short-term and is used when a competitor should be eliminated, knocked out of the game for a while. But this does not mean that its consequences may be less dangerous, especially if the ceremony is performed by an amateur, a beginner in magic.

Love spells, cuffs, suckers and chills are also a type of spoilage that impairs well-being. Although the purpose of their implementation is different, the side effect will always be reflected in the health of the victim of love magic.

In order to avoid receiving such a gift as damage to the deterioration of health, try not to take it with your bare hands when you find a foreign object at the doorstep, or on the territory of your monastery. Take the find with gloves or a rag and carry it away from home. Burn the lining, making sure that the wind blowing up the ash is not directed towards you and your home.

If there is no room for doubt that you have been harmful - all the symptoms are the same and a specialist in occult sciences confirms the presence of corruption, try to gather, pacify emotions and try to clear the aura on your own. Any of the methods below will do.

For this simple ceremony, you will need a single photograph of a person suffering from an unknown ailment, a crystal (or glass) vase, and consecrated water. A sacrament is carried out, depending on the strength of the damage, either in the schedule three by three (you do three days, three breaks, and so on three times), or seven to seven (you do a week, a week - a break, and so seven times). Pick up a picture from which the paint will not peel off under the influence of moisture. Wash the vase and pour water, saying:

Cleanse, wash me, mother water, wash away all evil, black, superficial, induced, applied. Amen!

Dip the picture into the charmed water (it should be completely covered). Leave the jar with the card overnight. In the morning, take out the photo and place it on a clean sheet of paper on the windowsill so that the sun will dry it. Drain the liquid into a latrine, saying:

Mother Earth, human intercessor. Take from me all the evil-spoilage, and take away all the ailments! Amen!

Rinse the vase under the tap. Repeat the procedure in the evening.


  1. water (200 ml);
  2. candle (1 piece);
  3. red wine (50ml);
  4. salt (a handful);
  5. and ash (pinch).

Choose a day in the week called a woman's (Friday, Saturday, Wednesday), wait until sunset and face the west.

Raise a glass of wine, pour a pinch of salt into it three times, rub it with ash, add a little water. Place both containers of liquid in front of you, place the candle side by side, light the wick and read the healing text:

White salt, bitter ash, strong wine, killing reason. With that salt, the evil libel is salt, salt and salt. I will incinerate with ashes of demons, larvas and demons. I will sing evil spirits with wine, I will make my dance to the tune. I wash myself with clean water, get rid of all the passions, ailments, ailments and nightmares known to the world. Let the ailments and illnesses, done, sent, seen, charmed, induced from the water will go away. No one will speak my words, will not alter, twist, spoil. Amen!

It so happens that the negative directed at an adult gets to the less protected household members, in particular children. The following folk method will help remove damage to the child's health.

Prepare in advance a bucket of water, a ladle (scoop), a set of spoons (how many you will find in the house). Scoop water with a ladle, put it in front of you. Now grab as many spoons as possible with one hand and lower them into the scoop.

Take the bucket in your left hand, and one spoon from the remaining in the right, go to the door handle. Scoop water from the container with a spoon and pour it back through the handle. Made three scoops, go to another doorway. Thus, you must shed water through the holes of the three mounts.

Put the baby on your lap, press his wrists to the body so that he does not jerk, and spray him with water from a bucket, then give him a couple of sips to drink. Use the water that remains when bathing the crumbs. For three days, keep the church candle lit in front of the picture of the sick toddler.

It reads nine days in a row for the decrease of the night star:

Water flowed from the deep krinitsa like the city of Jerusalem, bypassing sorcerers and sorcerers, heretics, born and magicians of scientists. From evil libel, from a dashing message, from infants, from children, from plague and typhus, from empty childbirth and miscarriages, from fever and bleeding, from spoilage, the evil eye and external pressure, from the daughters of Herod: Oppression, Yellow, Ulcers, Chubby, Flames, Wheezing, Gnobias, Coughs, Boas, Hunger, Gorbeas, Chills. (Cross over the water and continue). And in Jerusalem, the city, where the throne-throne stands in the palace, Jesus Christ himself sits, next to him is Elijah the prophet, who strikes demons with a rod, destroys with a spark-flame, water obtained from the Jordan River. With a sign of the godfather, I call you out, I drive you out of my body with passionate fire: reject, Satan, leave the body of the servant of God (name of the sick person): from a violent head, from a hair, from a mouth and a voice, from a white, marble bone, from a red, warm, life-bearing blood, from the spine, from the arms and legs, from the liver, from the heart, from the kidneys, from the stomach, from the bladder, from the ovaries and uterus (for a woman), from the bile duct, from the intestines, from the veins and veins, from the joints and fingers ... You will not be here, not to draw strength from the servant of God (repeat the name) and not to drink blood from his prayerful baptized body. Amen!

Today we will talk about the damage that ill-wishers can send to various diseases. Such situations in our life can be found very often. I myself have come across this more than once. For example, when everything seemed to be fine with a person just now, and then he suddenly starts to waste away, which is just horror. Health and appearance are changing literally before our eyes.

In the article, we will analyze in detail what it is, how it can be determined, and what to do next, if such a case still happened to you or your loved ones.

"Melting before our eyes" - this is how they say about a person who suddenly begins to wither away from a disease that came from nowhere. Until recently, he was full of strength and energy, enjoyed life, and today he is in a hurry to see doctors in the hope of a cure for the eating ailment. And all this is due to the fact that his aura is pierced by a negative program that takes vitality. If a person was not in good health before the damage was induced, the magic message will destroy his energy faster.

Damage to the disease destroys the body from the inside. If it is aimed at a particular organ or system, then they will suffer. If the program is aimed at causing harm to the body as a whole, black magic will affect several important components of the body.

According to the meaning, damage to the disease is classified as:

  • organic, sending viruses and infections to the object and entailing suppression of immunity. In turn, it creates a fertile ground for the development of pathologies.
  • Not organic, manifested by the distortion of the psycho-emotional state of the object. Nervous disorders are on the face, but doctors cannot accurately diagnose them.

According to the working time, damage to health can be single and multiple. In the first case, it is applied only once. By penetrating into the energy sphere, it creates the preconditions for the development of the disease. The essence of multiple damage consists in the plurality of rituals performed that start and maintain the mechanism of the pathological process.

How to determine

A characteristic manifestation of damage to a disease is a sudden deterioration in well-being and the development of any ailment. When contacting a doctor, a person does not receive proper help, since a specialist cannot establish the true cause of the ailment. And although the problem is growing every day and becomes obvious, the doctor says that the patient is absolutely healthy.

However, the spoiled object becomes indifferent, lethargic, depressed and loses interest in life. If the diagnosis is established, the doctor detects cancer, a condition close to a heart attack, organ ulcers or severe forms of pathology.

It is not difficult to recognize signs of damage to health. If you notice a quick weight gain or loss, feel unwell, notice the difference between the pupils or their constant movement, then you are spoiled. In a married couple of reproductive age, the negative program is manifested by childlessness, although according to the results of analyzes, the husband and wife are considered capable of procreation.

The loss of strength and weakness that constantly occurs when attending church also indicates that a person has been "spoiled". For some people, symptoms include nightmares, nervousness, self-dissatisfaction, and strange life events.

How to find out who did

How do you know who sent this flow of negative energy? It is clear that professional witches and sorcerers are engaged in such activities. But who was the customer of the damage that led to the deterioration of health? Remember if you were given a treat by a person of ill repute. Or maybe you recently had a serious conflict? Or have your personal belongings recently disappeared? If one of the events took place, it is possible that it is associated with a deterioration in your well-being. You should also take into account the ancestral roots of damage - in this case, the negative message extends to the whole family.

How to expose the creator of corruption? For this you need to make a dream. On the eve of any Orthodox holiday or on Sunday night, read the following text before going to bed:

“I walk in rows, I look with my eyes. Saint Samson stands in the middle of the rows. In the name of God, always living, I say to him the holy word: "Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream." I punish - let Samson point out the enemy to me and in a prophetic dream show me his face. Holy Trinity, help me in this matter, and the great Jesus Christ bless my sleep. I call on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for help. From now on and forever. Amen".

Then go to bed. The creator of corruption must appear among the visions.

If you want a personal meeting with the enemy, perform the nail ritual. The tool doesn't have to be simple - you need to find it in the cemetery or ask for it at a funeral agency. The nail should be of the type used to hammer in the coffin lid. You cannot take it with your bare hands - this can be done with gloves or with the help of a cloth.

Use a nail like this. Having driven it into the threshold of your own house, say: “Whoever harmed me and spoiled me, I call a nail. If you don't come to me in 3 days, you will die in six months. Coffin, cemetery, nail. Come to me, invited guest. " Reinforce the conspiracy with three "Amen". Now expect the enemy - he will appear in the next 3 days. Even if this person is familiar to you, do not be surprised at his strange behavior.

How to remove

With a low intensity of impact, damage to health can be removed by bathing in an ice hole (on Epiphany night). By bathing in holy water, the body gets rid of sins and negativity that struck it from the outside. But if the holiday is far away, and measures need to be taken urgently, magicians recommend conducting a ritual with fire and water. To complete it, a person must wait for the waxing moon phase and go to the coast of a river or lake, taking a new white towel and a white church candle. The manipulation is performed at dawn. Holding a burning candle in your left hand, you need to mark yourself with a cross three times and enter knee-deep in water. The words should be pronounced like this:

“Forces of water and fire, take away my sorrows and pains. Remove the induced ailment, the ailment seen enough, the induced sore. How rich this world is with water, and how much fire illuminates it, just as much and my words mean. And no one can overcome them. Amen".

Now let's look at how to get rid of disease damage with the help of salt. For a magical action you will need:

  • salt;
  • Red wine;
  • church candle;
  • a handful of ash;
  • some clean water in a bowl.

The day of the ritual should be for women - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The moon should be in the waning phase. It is advisable to pick the time after sunset. Being alone, a person should face the west and place a container of wine in front of him. A little water, 3 pinches of salt and ash are added to the drink. A candle is lit next to the dishes and read:

“Salt salt, bitter ash and wine that deprives you of reason! I salt the evil with grains of salt, salt, salt. I incinerate impure forces with ashes. I deprive the demons of their reason with wine. The one who is washed with water gets rid of ailments, nightmares and fears. Ailments induced, seen and done will leave him. No one will speak my words, will not prevail and will not reconsider. Amen".

Over the next 3 days, the person guilty of creating corruption must come to you and ask for forgiveness, without naming what for. Tell him "God is your judge" and do not give anything. Otherwise, the damage can be re-targeted, and it will be more difficult to get rid of it.

More related articles

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about how they independently damage the enemy's illness, and whether it can be removed. In magic, there are many strong rites of corruption, but magicians do not do anything horrible, they do not grab onto everything. It makes no sense, and would only hurt the practice.

Each sorcerer has a number of powerful rituals of different orientations, developed and effective, and he works with them, which only increases the effectiveness of his practice. Practicing magicians damage black candles, but not only. Numerous other materials used in witchcraft are also used. Here's an example of how you can spoil your health through a knife and moldy bread.

Self-ritual to spoil human health

Must be done on Friday. Here's what to take for a magic ritual:

  1. lump of coal
  2. victim photo
  3. a piece of moldy bread
  4. ritual sharp knife

Draw a circle on the floor with charcoal, and in that circle put a photo of the enemy on whom they decided spoil a severe illness... And in the photo, put a piece of old, moldy bread, and pierce the bread with a knife, and the photo under it.

And then 13 times read a strong conspiracy to damage health:

“It feeds on large and small bread, but now (name) is spoiled by bread, but it’s satiated with some gut, and (name) will be defiled on horseback, then it is eaten up by a gnaw, then the body is eaten by leprosy. Either the bread dries up, but the body (name) is inhabited, but it is tormented by rottenness, then the gut (name) will remain alive, and on horseback, the whole world will appear dead. Now it says by me, then it is asserted by me, then every word will be confirmed by a hellish demon. Amen".

Say these words of the witchcraft spell 13 times. All this - a photo and bread, pierced with a knife, should be defended for 3 days. Yes, all these 3 days, 13 times to speak, so that at homedospoilage on the disease from the photo... On the fourth day, pull out the knife, collect bread and a photograph of the ill-wisher, and take it all to the forest. Find a rotten stump, and bury it all near it. Then the witchcraft rite will be completed, and then, in order to independently damage the person with the disease, they will have an effective result. But what kind of result will turn out, it entirely depends on you, your skill, and strength.

If your victim has a strong defense, it must be weakened, broken. The magical rite of aiming abscesses on the body will work on your personal witchcraft. That is, if you do not have enough strength, then the result will either not be at all, or it will lie badly. Yes, in addition to such obstacles, there may be a bunch of other unexpected nuances that prevent the desired result from occurring.

So before self-damage a person's illness, an unwanted person, first determine whether the ritual you have chosen is suitable for you. Well, trust your intuition, of course, it may fail, but rarely. If you like the ceremony, do it. Remember my recommendations, the magician Sergei Artgrom: to work best of all, comprehensively, so that for sure, do not waste your energy on semi-rituals.

Make damage at home from a photo for an enemy's illness

To induce black sorcery, in the photo of your enemy, read a conspiracy for damage to poor health. In addition to the photo, you need a ritual knife. After sunset, they do this rite on their own. Holding the picture in your left hand, cross it diagonally crosswise with a ritual knife.

And at this very time, 9 times read the words of the conspiracy of self-targeting the disease on a person:

“In the middle of the dark forest stands a mossy stump. I'll go up to that mossy stump, find a snake hole, take out a viper ball into the white light. Oh, you creeping bastards, stinging snakes! You do not sit in the darkness of the forest, but go to the slave (name) into his flesh and vein, brain and stomach. Drink it, so that he could neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink, but only dry by leaps and bounds, from century to century, and now and ever. Word. Key. Lock".

Read the plot put 9 times, exclaim loudly:

Ir, Erech, Azod, Avracalan, Satan, Immanuel. Nima! Nima! Nima! "

And to plunge a knife into a photograph of your enemy, for whom you have bothered to spoil the disease from the photo. So leave the photo with the knife until morning. In the morning, pull out the knife, and burn the photograph. Ashes can be scattered in the wind, you can pour out on foot at the crossroads, or you can throw the victim on the grave of the victim. And you can pour it into a person's pockets, if there is a possibility. So you can spoil health, but don't forget about diagnostics.

A way to spoil the illnesses of a bad person on your own

The rite is good, and very, very effective when done skillfully. A strong conspiracy for a serious illness, which is induced through black damage, must be read, looking directly at the one whom they decided to curse. While reading, point the finger of your left hand at the victim, and read aloud. You can lean out of the window. But! You can't read through glass. There should be no barrier between the magician and his victim of black damage to a serious illness:

“To whom I point, but I ask the black brother, to break that reptile, but to confuse, to hide in the repose, and to woo him with a fever. Yes, like the devil with his tail, so I’m with a finger. As a witch with a broomstick, so I am a dashing word. Ugh on you, a hundred aspen stakes in your throat, and nails on your ridge, and filthy saliva in your eyes, and salt on your tongue, but your legs will be washed, your arms will be broken, but you won't get up, but you will rest, but with a word of the devil you will hide from me. Fie on you, damned damn finger. Amen".

Read strong conspiracydamage to severe illness and death, as many times as necessary, until you understand that enough is enough. Visualization must be powerful, and the intention is clear. After each casting of a spell, lick a finger and spit in the direction of the one you curse. Do not spare your strength, make the punishment black from the heart. Then there will be sense. Here is another example of a powerful black spoilage for a long illness to your enemy.

How to make damage through nails from a cemetery to an incurable disease to an enemy

Here is another proven and very strong spoilage. By its power, this effect destroys the health of the cursed person as a whole. This can mean only one thing: the damned one suffers from something not diagnosed, hidden, but very difficult. To death, this is because it is aimed at the suffering of a person.

Read on how to spoil a severe enemy's illness on your own.

  • the hair of the one to whom your work is intended
  • chicken blood
  • lamp oil
  • 13 church wax candles
  • black ritual matter

At the cemetery, you need to find a personal grave with a wooden cross. For the ritual, you need 2 nails from this cross. It is necessary to wind the hair of the enemy on these nails. You can roll your hair with wax and glue it to the nailheads. Making these actions of black damage to the disease, the conspiracy does not need to be read. When you come home, mix 1/3 of chicken blood with lamp oil. As you stir the mixture, say:

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“He who walks not on the ground, but sleeps in the ground! I sacrifice you, I smoke blood, I take a cross nail for (the name of the one you spoil). Amen".

Cover the cup with a cloth and leave it there until the next night.

The next day, return to the cemetery and pull the nails with hair from the tombstone. The second part of the ceremony is done at home after sunset. To spoil bad health on your own enemy, cover the table with black cloth, make a circle of 13 candles, and place a cup with a mixture of oil and blood in the center of it. Put nails on the right outside of the circle. At midnight, light candles, throw nails into a cup, look at its contents and read the text of the conspiracy of damage to the enemy's health yourself, visualizing the person himself and his suffering:

“If you go to the field, you will stumble, if you go into the forest, you will hurt yourself. Will you (name) sit at home, get sick and lose weight. To tear your hair out, do not know any rest. " Throw nails into a cup, say: “My word is strong. It is rightly spoken. You are ruined (name). Amen".

Put out the candles, get the nails out. They need to be driven in where the enemy often happens - somewhere in the house, near him, at the workplace. It is recommended to drive nails into thresholds or doorframes. Throwing them with a lining is not worth it. Most magical rituals with nails are based precisely on nailing them, and therefore the lining is not that. Therefore, you should not neglect this rule, otherwise the impact will weaken. When do you want spoil health on your own to your ill-wisher, try not to overlook details and do not alter anything. At the end of the ceremony, take the blood and oil to the grave from which the nails were taken, and pour it there. This is a payment to the deceased. Take the black candles there. Light it up, let it burn on the grave.

5 Black damage to disease through nails - why you need protection for your work

With the right attitude, you can spoil the enemy's serious illness with a very strong impact. In the magical rite, the power of the world of the dead and your personal power are involved. Depending on what your object is, how well you prepared it for the impact, the witchcraft rite is unwound. How soon the magic takes effect depends on many factors. Everything is very individual.

If there is a concern that the induced damage will be removed, put the lock to work. Finding a strong magician is a big problem. Reading my materials, the magician Sergei Artgrom, you may have thought that spoil a person's illness on their own capable, almost every second, and that there are many sorcerers. But, in reality, everything is somewhat different. There are many spellcasters, but magicians ...

To remove damage, they mostly run to the "grandmothers". And from them such magicians, forgive…. If you put powerful protection on your work, then both the grandmother - the "generic white witch", as they love, and her client will receive a lot. But, nevertheless, you need to take into account the fact that your victim can come to a real strong magician. If you remove the damage immediately, before it really grows into the victim, this is easier to do than later, after a while. This is the risk. Therefore, it is worth closing the ritual done.

Strong damage in the church to a candle - send diseases to the enemy

There is a lot of magic in the churches. They conjure for various reasons, and damage. Victims can be rewarded to different people. For example, damage in the church, made for a candle for the repose, gives body illnesses, troubles, setbacks, imbalance and severe mental states. Here is a ceremony through which you will make your enemy seriously ill. But, he will not die; to death they do it differently.

Church damage done to a person is a sticky thing. Starting with a small one, the stream of failures increases, the field weakens, as a result of which the patient accepts all evil eyes, whispers, slander, damage practically without resistance. So, we conclude: a strong rite spoilage on the memorial candle(there are many similar rituals), not only weakens and destroys a person's defenses, but acts independently, and for a very long time.

As a weakening before a clearly strong impact, this rite is very good. For example, if you intend to annihilate your enemy with black magic, and are preparing to put a heavy cemetery damage, before that it will not be superfluous to go to the church and do there a witchcraft ceremony of damage to the memorial candle, plus submit a magpie for the repose of your victim.

So, in fact, the very ritual of church damage to a memorial candle.

They do it on their own on the waning moon. In the church, put a candle on the memorial eve with your left hand. There is no need to turn the candle over. Place in the usual way. Read the conspiracy until the candle burns out. However, there is not always such an opportunity, and therefore read the conspiracy to spoil with a candle as much as you can, but at least 3 times:

“I sweep with my left hand, put a candle for the slave (name) for peace. From now on, you, slave (name), do not know health, do not eat, do not sleep, do not walk on the earth, do not raise your hands, do not bear children. Dry, wither, disappear, like this funeral candle, decay. Your soul is to the sky, your body is to the earth, and my business is in a strong lock. The key is closed, deeply buried. Key. Lock. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Black damage to the candle from the funeral - to call death on the enemy

Do this rite any day on the waning moon. We need a candle from the funeral, which stood at the head of the deceased. In addition, to spoil the candle from the funeral, you need to have:

  • flat plate
  • photo of the target

Draw an equilateral cross on a plate with soot. Put a candle in the center of the cross to induce this damage. Rather, the candles are upright to place a photograph of the enemy. Look through the flame at the object of influence and read the text of the magic conspiracy 9 times:

“The field is gray, but a distance of nine miles away, and in that gray field, an old old man's hut is doing well in that hut, but he is guarding the chest. Yes, in that chest the candle is hidden hidden, and death itself created that candle, and bound it with wax, and dipped it in blood. So that candle is slain, but the soul is tied, and if the candle begins to burn with a flame, then that soul will want to find peace. Yes, he can find peace if he puts someone in his place. So fly this chained soul, but through the flame of that cursed candle. Yes, from that old trunk, and from that black hut, but across a gray field, and through a noisy forest. Yes, across the mountains with cobbled stones, and on the side of the people, and there among the huts, and the horror of crowded dogs to scour, and to search for the body. Yes, in that body the soul is chained, but for a substitution for a candle. The same name I’m going to say today, and I’ll pull that one into a candle for ever and ever. And if I pull it in and substitute it, I pronounce this name with a cry, yes (name) I call at this hour. Now I call out a dead soul to the candle, but I push it to the place of the doomed soul, but that soul thrown back, yes (name) will drag it into the black chest, and into the old hut it will cope. Yes, the soul (name) can live there, and the body rot in the grave. Thus, by the candle of a dead man, everything is moved, whispered by death itself. A candle to blaze, yes (name) hurry to the grave to wither. Amen".

Then, having uttered the words of the conspiracy the prescribed number of times, causing damage to the illness of your enemy, tilt his photo over the flame of a candle so that the flame touches the image and distorts it. It is better if the photo burns out in the place where the face is depicted. When done, then you need to read the following spell:

“(Name) has been scorched, but by a candle it has now been brought to the grave, then it is doomed to the dead, whispered to death, but everything is done, a grievous death. Amen".

Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out. A plate with wax splashes and take a photograph of the cursed man to the cemetery and bury it on an abandoned grave, where the name of the deceased can no longer be found.