
Is it possible to know the future with a pendulum. The pendulum is an effective means of predicting the future. How to check if the pendulum is working

To use most methods of predicting the future, additional items and attributes are needed, this is fortune telling on cards, on runes, on a pendulum, on a witch's board and others. In addition to these items, in order to obtain truthful information, the performer requires a deep faith in magic in general, and the means of divination used in particular.

Divination with pendulums

In these methods of predicting the future, the main element is the pendulum. Pendulums are very diverse, some esotericists use special products made of semi-precious stones attached to a long chain.

Such pendulums can be called professional; simpler items are also suitable for home divination. For example, you can make a working pendulum from almost any thing of value to you, it can be a precious metal ring, your personal amulet or talisman, any pendant with a precious or semi-precious stone. In extreme cases, you can use a simple needle suspended on a thread.

The second important element of divination is the "field for prediction". A field is any surface on which special signs are applied. In the simplest versions of divination, the performer uses his palm and interprets the result depending on the place where the pendulum points. For more complex methods, the field is simply necessary, since it greatly simplifies the interpretation of the answers received.

The easiest way is to make a divination field on a piece of paper or some piece of clothing, for example, on a T-shirt, jacket or even a scarf. Special circles are applied to the surface of the field in one color or in different colors. The circles can contain words, letters, symbols, and any other elements needed to get the answers you are interested in.

Rules for the manufacture and operation of the pendulum

The string or string of the pendulum can be any length you like, but you must remember that the weight should not make too much unnecessary movement. That is why the ideal length for a pendulum thread is considered to be a length in the range of 20-30 centimeters. If the cord is shorter, it will simply be inconvenient to work with it. Too long a lace will be unreliable, and too mobile, which will greatly complicate the process of obtaining answers to the questions asked.

The pendulum must be held by the thread between the thumb and forefinger, however, this rule is not mandatory, if this way of holding seems uncomfortable to you, you can take the object the way you like.

Before working directly with the pendulum, you need to get used to it, connect yourself with its energy. To do this, hold the object for some time in the palm of your hand, try to feel the vibrations emanating from it. You can use this attribute only after you "feel" it, usually the unity with the energy of the object is expressed in the fact that the magician begins to feel the warmth emanating from it.

Such a phenomenon is called a positive response, that is, the attribute answered you, gave his consent to help and work. When this happened, you can safely apply it in any method of predicting the future.

In simple divination options, when you want to get a “Yes” or “No” answer to a given question, a prediction field is not required. The meaning of the received answer is interpreted depending on the movement of the pendulum. If the attribute moves around in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, this is usually considered a positive response.

Movement from side to side - the answer is no. At the same time, this rule can hardly be called strict and the only true one, experienced magicians believe that only a fortuneteller can understand the movement of the pendulum, that is, in order to correctly interpret the answer, you need to trust your own intuition and feelings. If you feel that there is some positive element in the movements of the load, then there is.

The pendulum is an incredibly interesting and effective technique.

Skeptics will say that any movement of the pendulum comes from your hand and no higher powers take any part in this at all. Experienced esotericists will not deny this statement, on the contrary, they will agree with it, because there is nothing in this that contradicts the principle of divination.

Working with a pendulum has the same principle of operation as, for example, working with Tarot cards, because the deck is also shuffled by the performer and pulls out some cards with his own hands. In addition, any fortune-telling is primarily work with your own subconscious. The fact is that deep inside, you already know the answers to all the questions that interest you, the main task of predictions is to pull these answers out.

You must know that the pendulum will give you correct and truthful answers only as long as you believe in its effectiveness, as long as you act confidently and until you start breaking the rules of divination. In addition, you can knock down the pendulum if you ask the same question several times in a row. By doing this, you will simultaneously violate several important rules at once, because if you lack one answer to be sure, then you do not trust fortune-telling and your own feelings.

Prepare in advance and formulate all the questions that interest you in such a way that they correspond to the chosen prediction method. For example, if you guess according to the “Yes or No” principle, then the questions should be unambiguous and imply just such answers.

The question should be correct and as accurate as possible. No need to ask, for example: “When will Vasya pay attention to me?” Not only does the question “When” itself do not imply a “Yes or No” answer, it also does not indicate which Vasya, what kind of attention you mean, etc. The question should be: “Will the person (full name) invite me to a meeting this month?”


Divination "Yes or No" with a sheet of paper

For this simple divination, you will need to prepare not only the pendulum, but also the simplest prediction zone. A simple sheet of A4 paper can serve as such a zone. In the center of this sheet, draw a small circle with a diameter of 5-6 centimeters. Write “No” on the left side of the circle and “Yes” on the right side.

Now take the pendulum in your right hand, and bring it to a sheet of paper so that the weight is at a height of 2-2.5 centimeters above the very center of the circle. Focus on the question that interests you, say it mentally several times, and then say it out loud.

Your hand must be completely still so as not to create false predictions. Follow the movements of the pendulum. If at this time the load shifts towards the written word “Yes”, then the answer to the question asked is yes. If there is a shift to the left, the answer is no.

In the case when the pendulum begins to move in a circle, it means that you have chosen the wrong time for this ritual. You can try to rephrase your question and ask it again. If at the second attempt you did not receive a clear answer, it means that the higher forces do not want to give you an answer to this question and you simply need to try a different method of predicting the future. It is better not to try to ask the same question more than three times (even if each next time you rephrase the question), do not test the patience of higher powers and the pendulum that helps you.

Basic rules of divination

Divination is a ritual aimed at establishing contact with otherworldly forces in order to gain knowledge about the future. A kind of magic. They include occult techniques, techniques and rituals that exist in the cultures of many peoples and supposedly allow you to find out future or simply unknown facts.

In ancient written sources about the Slavs, information about some types of fortune-telling has been preserved. So Procopius of Caesarea (VI century) testified that the Slavs and Antes performed divination during the sacrifice to the deities. The casting of lots before the start of responsible deeds is mentioned in the chronicle of Titmar (XI century) and in the writings of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (X century). A wide variety of divination methods is mentioned in the West Slavic acts of the processes of the 16th-17th centuries. about witchcraft: throwing bones, beans, casting wax or tin, divination by the entrails of animals, by the shadow, by the Psalter, etc. These and other methods of medieval divination were reflected in the monuments of Slavic literature, specially designed for predicting the future.

Divination allows a person to know the future and correct something in his destiny, solve certain problems. In addition, divinatory rituals, if performed regularly, develop intuition. But in order for them to be effective and at the same time safe, special rules must be observed.

Slavic fortune-telling is held on certain days when a channel is opened that connects the real world with the other world (at Christmas time, Epiphany, etc.). If it is necessary to perform the divination ritual at another time, it should be borne in mind that it is best to do this on a full moon. Due to the influence of the moon, the energy on which magical actions depend is enhanced. On the full moon, intuition is aggravated, the connection of a person with invisible spheres is strengthened. During this period, rituals aimed at increasing (attracting money, increasing attractiveness, etc.) are most effective. It should be borne in mind that with a full moon, the well-being of people suffering from hypertension, as well as those who overreact to stress, worsens.

Not all full moon days are good for divination. Divination rituals are best done on the second, fifth, sixth, tenth, twelfth and thirteenth days of the lunar month. But even at this time, the effectiveness of the ceremony will depend on the weather. It is better to guess on quiet, clear nights, and if it is rainy or simply cloudy outside, the ritual should be postponed. Certain days of the week are also unfortunate for divination. It is not recommended to perform the ceremony on Friday or Saturday.

Not all months of the year are suitable for certain types of fortune-telling. So, rituals for well-being and wealth are best performed in October, November or February. January is the best month to determine the life span. Esotericists advise guessing on love and marriage in April, and on making decisions in July. It is undesirable to conduct a fortune-telling ritual in the presence of people who relate to magical actions with mockery or distrust.

It is necessary to prepare for the rite of divination. To remove obstacles to the path of magical energy, you need to loosen your hair, untie the knots on your clothes, remove your belt, extraneous jewelry (especially chains, bracelets, rings - amulets that close the energy and protect their owner from the invasion of someone else's energy), as well as a pectoral cross and others christian symbols. But pagan amulets that can protect against harmful effects, on the contrary, will come in handy. Candles provide additional energy protection, so they are recommended to be used for any type of divination.

Items that are used for divination should not lie in plain sight. You can not borrow them and keep them together with ordinary things. The fortune-telling ceremony should be carried out in a room protected from extraneous sounds - the voices of people behind the wall, the sound of the TV turned on and the noise of traffic outside the window. Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap, since fortune-telling attributes (mirrors, candles, rings, etc.) can only be touched with clean hands so that energy dirt does not get on these objects. During fortune-telling, you can not cross your arms or legs, which is a barrier to free movement, as a result of which the channel between reality and otherworldly spheres narrows.

Usually fortune-telling begins with special rituals that help you tune in the right way. It can be prayer, meditation or some other actions that have a symbolic meaning for the one who conducts divination. In any kind of fortune-telling, the rule applies: during one session, each question can be asked only once. You also need to make a wish only once per session. At the end of the ritual, you must definitely cleanse yourself of negative emotions and negative energy - take a shower or at least wash your face and wash your hands. The room where fortune-telling took place must be ventilated.

If you are performing the ceremony not for yourself, but for one of your friends or relatives, take a nominal fee from this person (a small coin, candy, or any other not particularly valuable item). When reading the signs and determining the results of divination, be objective, try not to succumb to emotions. It happens that a person tries to "adjust" the results of divination to the existing realities. Should not be doing that.

If the results of fortune-telling did not please, do not take this as a sentence. Keep in mind that a huge number of different factors influence the fate of people. In addition, there is a possibility of misinterpretation of the signs, so the fortune-telling ritual can be repeated, but not immediately, but after some time.

Scientists have found that a person can, without anyone's help, program himself for success or failure, for a short or long life. That is why it is not recommended to go to professional fortune-tellers: someone's selfish interests can serve a person, especially an overly impressionable one, a bad service and have a fateful effect on his life. You don't have to trust strangers. But you won’t wish bad for yourself, so guess your health.

Just try to tune in to the positive before fortune-telling, and then the results will surely please you.

The pendulum is the tool that serves specialists to guess and predict the future, as well as the subject that helps to get interesting answers to important questions. The simplest of the pendulums is a kind of weight on a thin thread. Many experts make it themselves, tying a thread on a ring, or even use a regular needle with a thin thread.

There is a more complex option in fortune-telling magic and extrasensory perception - these are pendulums that are made of semi-precious stones or crystals and are suspended on a special chain. Pendulums can be very simple, as well as richly and beautifully decorated. Therefore, some of them are easily worn in the form of a necklace, which is worn when the pendulum is not used for its intended purpose. Also buy a nice box, drawer or pouch to store your pendulum when not in use.

Pendulums are very often used in divination in order to get an unambiguous answer such as "yes" or "no". And also to help you understand yourself. Any person knows that for any question, the answer is already within us. Here is the pendulum and helps us to receive these answers - to any questions about our life or events in the future. The most common way to use such a pendulum is to receive any answers when two "I"s - yours and higher powers - connect with inner spirituality and essence.

Very often, pendulums are used to get answers to daily simple and everyday questions, but they can also be useful when searching - in order to find, say, water, minerals and much more.

How to use the pendulum to get information?

In order to work with the pendulum, whether it is homemade or purchased, you need to clear your entire inner consciousness and fill yourself with positive energy, imagine a cocoon of White bright Light surrounding you. Hold the pendulum by the tip of the chain or string, do not keep it too close to the weight itself. The length of the thread or chain should be such that the pendulum oscillates freely.

Then ask questions. If your pendulum remains stationary, then most likely you need to change the question asked, make it more precise, or ask it later. It can also indicate a neutral response.

Don't be in a hurry. It is necessary to give the pendulum time. Notice when the pendulum swings very strongly, and when it is barely noticeable. It follows from this that the more energetic the movement of the pendulum, the more categorical its answer.

You should program the pendulum for answers, for example, if it rotates clockwise, then it tells you “yes”, if against “no”. It is also recommended to ask your predictor if he wants to talk to you now. If the answer is no, refer to it later.

Fortune telling on a pendulum is a divination system based on the principle of mechanical oscillation of a small heavy object on a thread or chain. The method of witchcraft manipulation is mentioned in the works of the philosopher and soothsayer Nostradamus. With the help of attribute movements, they learn about the future, diagnose diseases, and find the missing.

Any tool can serve as a subject for obtaining information using divination: a needle, a small weight, a bead, a ring, a nut. Professionals use a charged attribute that they make on their own.

You can make a divination pendulum with your own hands, having previously decided for what purposes it will be used.

Magic items are made from different materials:

  1. From semi-precious stones, crystal and other minerals of the classical form. The product must be suitable for the energy of the owner. The choice of a crystal depends on the element, the sign of the zodiac, the patron planet.
  2. Brass pendulums are used for divination in an atmosphere where mixed energy is concentrated.
  3. Hollow devices help to identify hidden diseases, find lost things.

Magical attributes are distinguished by form:

  • drop-shaped;
  • oblong;
  • spherical.

The teardrop shape is considered classic. The material of the divination pendulum must be natural, a flow of energy passes through it. Artificial foundations are not able to read information. All components of the attribute are made from natural raw materials. The union of stone and artificial yarn will not transmit reliable messages from the Higher Forces.

How to make your own pendulum

After choosing the material, you can begin to create an object for divination. The process of making a magic attribute will take a few minutes:

  1. If there is no ring or hole on the basis of the weight, it is made independently.
  2. The optimal length of the thread for the pendulum is 25-30 cm. It is measured from the base of the hand to the elbow.
  3. A natural thread or chain is threaded through the opening of the weighting agent. For ease of use, a knot is tied at the end.

Woolen thread absorbs information during divination; it is not recommended to use it for a pendulum. Copper and aluminum will not work.

The props must be liked by the master. You need to store the item in a special bag, box or box.

Divination rules

In order for the pendulum to give accurate answers, it must be used correctly. Initially, practice holding the attribute: the edge of the thread / chain is taken with the thumb and forefinger. The remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

After mastering the skill, it is necessary to study the recommendations for using the item. Fortune telling on the pendulum describes the instruction:

  1. Watch the shapes that the pendant draws over surfaces: water, wood, bed, animal. The active attribute rotates in a circle or oscillates horizontally.
  2. Clockwise circular movements, swaying from left to right are considered a positive value. The answer speaks of the coming happiness.
  3. Fluctuations against the direction of the arrow and up and down - negative actions or a negative response.
  4. The pendulum describes ellipses, stops, alternates circular movements with horizontal ones - an ambiguous meaning, there is no way to formulate the result. Ask a specific question or try to repeat the divination later.
  5. Devices with a pointed end (teardrop shape) better read information from maps, tables, symbols printed on paper.
  6. Telling fortunes from 22.00 to 23.00 is not recommended. It is dangerous to carry out layouts at night. You should not resort to magic on holidays and Sundays.
  7. An artifact created during the solstice is considered strong. Items give reliable answers, bring relief from diseases.
  8. The phases of the moon affect the energy of the pendulum. They are taken into account when conducting fortune-telling.
  9. When working for a long time, the attribute needs a reboot. Hold the pendant in your hand for 3-5 minutes per hour or leave it to rest.
  10. Between repetitions of the rituals, the object is rinsed with running water to wash away the energy from the previous question.
  11. During the performance of actions, the legs of the fortuneteller must be grounded (stand on the floor). Crossing limbs in the process of divination is unacceptable.
  12. If the master is afraid, the result will be distorted.

How to check if the pendulum is working

The material from which the attribute was made was subjected to bio-impacts during the extraction of minerals and metals, their processing, and sale. The magic pendant must be cleaned before starting divination. To get rid of energy, water and fire are used. For 3 days, the pendulum is dipped in a clean liquid, wiped, held over a candle flame.

  1. During cleansing, the product is carried with them to saturate with their own energy.
  2. Before divination, the subject is checked:
  3. Pour water into a glass, put on the table.
  4. Raise the pendulum above the container, ask about the presence of liquid in the glass.
  5. Follow the movement of the props.
  6. Pour out the water from the glass. Conduct a similar divination by asking the same question.
  7. The vibrations of the weight should be different.

For the purity of the experiment, the procedure with filling the glass and the question is carried out several times. If the pendulum gives the correct answer, it is ready to go.

To check an item, try using it to find a lost item.

It is necessary to use the pendulum for divination with full concentration, so that unnecessary thoughts do not knock down the flow of information.

Step-by-step instructions for answering yes or no

In the first version of divination, the pendulum is asked a specific question and its reaction is analyzed. Wiggles left and right indicate "No" and circular motions mean "Yes." The second method of divination requires additional details, the reliability of answers is higher.

Before starting the ceremony, you need to prepare a field with answers:

  • don't know.

Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Divide it into three equal parts, assign them according to a possible fortune-telling answer. Holding the pendulum in your hand above the center at a height of 2-3 cm, ask a question. Follow the tip of the weight. If it's still, do a slight wobble in a circle. After the stop, the answer will be known.

Before divination, the object must be held in hand. Holding it in the palm of your hand for 5 minutes, the pendulum will be filled with the energy of the owner. During activation, a close bond is established. The teller can feel the warmth from the product. The phenomenon indicates the readiness of the weight for work.

Interpretation of the results and why they come true

Divination with the help of a pendulum is interpreted on the basis of a person's ability to radiesthesia. Performing the ceremony with his attribute, the master can clearly determine the information on the behavior of the sinker. Thanks to a magical product, you can learn about a partner, fate, love, the consequences of decisions made.

General interpretation of fortune-telling results:

  1. A large amplitude of pendulum movements indicates a powerful positive or negative energy.
  2. Barely noticeable swaying is the insignificance of the question asked.
  3. When divining using a map, the fading of a weight over a certain point shows the location of the desired person or object.

The magic theory of the work of the pendulum lies in the inseparable connection of the subconscious with the biofield of the Earth.

During fortune-telling, a person's energy is concentrated at the end of the attribute, the information field of the planet makes him sway along a special trajectory. The movements of the product will prompt a possible solution to the situation, give a forecast of events in the future.

We all sometimes stand at a crossroads, not knowing how to do the right thing and where to move on.

Doubts and fears drown out the inner voice, and the need for choice does not disappear anywhere. “Should I marry him?”, “Fire or stay?”, “Is this move necessary?” and other vital questions can torment us to no avail for weeks. And often, in order to resolve them, one has to turn to otherworldly forces for help. I offer you, one of the many ways how to look into the future.

The pendulum is the best clue
Fortune telling with a pendulum is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to decide by looking into the future. It does not require special skills or special training. All you need to have with you is a small object suspended on a thread (often a ring is used as such a load). The length of the thread and the weight of the pendulum are selected at your discretion.
As a rule, manipulations with the pendulum are carried out in a sitting position at a table or in an armchair. Resting your elbow on a hard surface, you need to hold the thread so that the load is in the air, without touching the body or other objects. After you ask a question, the pendulum may behave differently. Oscillation back and forth in relation to your body means a positive response. Left and right movements are negative. A circular rotation - the impossibility of giving accurate information. In this case, fortune telling should be repeated later or a change of scenery.

How it works
Much of our world is interconnected. And everything that needs to happen is first displayed on the subtle plane. Almost everyone can learn to recognize and decipher information from the subtle world, with the exception of only convinced skeptics and individuals who are overwhelmed with negativity. The rest will begin to receive answers and tips without any problems, having correctly tuned in to the contact. During the session, you need to turn either to your subconscious (it just consists of thin energy shells), or to a guardian angel, or to high beings and even to the Higher (Universal) mind with a request for help. If the communication channels are open and your question is really important, the pendulum will give a positive answer.

Basic Rules
Actions with the pendulum should be carried out in a secluded place (preferably in the evening or at night). Before starting, the energy in the room should be cleared by reading a prayer. Candles and various incense help a lot in this case: they free from negativity and create the right atmosphere. Then you should prepare for divination, completely disconnecting from problems and recent events, and call a contactee (for example, a higher entity). The first question to ask is: “Are you really a higher being (my subconscious mind, guardian angel, higher mind)?” If a positive answer follows, thank you and continue fortune-telling by asking for help. When the pendulum shows that the invisible interlocutor agrees, ask your question, and do not forget to say "thank you". In case of refusal, postpone fortune-telling or reconsider the problem. At a time, it is advisable to ask no more than one or two questions, not forgetting to ask if they are ready to answer you again.

Fortune telling on a pendulum is one of the simple and quite interesting ways to find out all the answers to such interesting questions as: personal life, love, career, health. This fortune-telling will help you decide if there are any doubts somewhere. With the help of a pendulum, it is possible to look into the near future and make the right choice. It doesn't take much effort to do this. Any person can cope with this method of prediction. The main thing is desire and a positive attitude.

The pendulum can be made from improvised things yourself. You will need a chain or thread on which to hang the load. It can be a ring, key chain or any similar item. Ideally, it is better to take a natural stone. You can choose it according to your zodiac sign. For example, for such a zodiac sign as Cancer, a moonstone is suitable. This will replenish your energy. Such a pendulum will become your real assistant in divination.

How to guess on the pendulum

Before asking your questions, you first need to set yourself up. Positive emotions are important here. Taking the pendulum in your hand, you need to relax, tune in to the question that interests you and think only about it. Try to remove all unnecessary thoughts. With the help of a pendulum, you will focus on the most important thing - your subconscious. The pendulum works directly with your energy.

The most important rule is that you should be with the pendulum as a whole, this is your friend, it is important for you to learn to trust him, you need to tune in the right way. A woman on an intuitive level should feel it. If you manage to do everything correctly, divination on the pendulum will be as accurate as possible. And you will certainly get answers to all your most exciting questions.

Instructions for using a pendulum for divination

So, you are tuned in, the emotions are positive, the question is asked, we proceed directly to fortune-telling. You need to take a chain or thread in your hand and hold it between your thumb and forefinger. The pendulum will begin to describe circular motions. This usually happens clockwise or counterclockwise. You do not need to try to help him, you need to be patient and the pendulum will do everything by itself. You must decide for yourself which direction of the pendulum will be responsible for the answer "yes", and which one for the answer "no". This will all happen intuitively. You yourself will understand everything according to your feelings and feelings.

It happens that the pendulum behaves very strangely. It can start spinning back and forth, draw figure eights, or just suddenly stop. Basically it says to try again, something went wrong. Perhaps the question needs to be worded differently, or you may not have focused enough. In any case, you don't need to worry. Take a break and after a while try asking the question again. Start with simpler, clearer questions.