
Referral to orthopedic shoes. Salons of orthopedic shoes orthomoda take care of people with disabilities and are engaged in providing for the disabled. Who should not wear orthopedic shoes

1. How long after amputation of a limb can you apply for disability. 79 years old amputation of 1/3 leg, blind, recumbent. The polyclinic said the registration was not early 4 months after the amputation. What to do.

1.1. Good afternoon! Natasha In general, it is not clear on the basis of what document the polyclinic said about a period of four months. Such a period is not established by law that it is only after four months that disability can be issued.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 N 95 (as amended on March 29, 2018) "On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled"
II. Conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled

5. The conditions for recognizing a citizen as a disabled person are:
a) a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
b) restriction of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, study or engage in labor activity);
c) the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation and habilitation.
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08/06/2015 N 805)
(see text in previous edition)
6. The presence of one of the conditions specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules is not a sufficient basis for recognizing a citizen as a disabled person.
7. Depending on the degree of severity of persistent disorders of body functions resulting from diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, a citizen recognized as disabled is assigned I, II or III disability groups, and a citizen under the age of 18 years - the category "disabled child" .

2. My question is about health and medicine. My friend's son, 25 years old, got frostbite on his hands and feet (this happened on December 24, 2016). On January 12, his arms were amputated, and his legs are planned to be amputated in the near future. The guy is disabled. Doctors say that a disability pension can be claimed only after discharge from the hospital, not earlier than April. Question - a person is already disabled, when can I collect documents for a pension? THANKS!

2.1. Good day!
When you have a medical certificate of disability on hand, then you can apply for a disability pension.
Good luck and all the best!

3. Thank you very much for your advice!
You asked for what illness the brother received disability - As a result of the accident, the amputation of both legs. Our aunt took custody of him when he received his pension. Does this guardianship extend when processing other documents? During and after treatment, he took strong (painkillers) narcotic drugs.
And it was not always adequate. Is he capable?

3.1. Dear Nonna!
Guardianship and guardianship are different things. Guardianship is established over minors and citizens recognized by the court as incapable due to mental disorder (Article 32 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation),
Guardianship - over minors (from 14 to 18 years old), as well as citizens with limited legal capacity.
This difference leaves a certain imprint on the powers of the guardian and trustee:
The guardian acts on behalf of the ward without a power of attorney as a representative by law, and the custodian only controls transactions (gives consent) to those of which the person under guardianship cannot make independently.

4. A very sad event happened to my relative: being a disabled person of the 1st group without both legs, upon retirement due to age, he discovered the loss of his work book.
A person has not worked out to the retirement age of 4-5 years. For health reasons, he first lost one leg, and after six months - the second.
Beaty passed 2 commissions, after the first amputation, the 2nd group was assigned, with the amputation of the second leg, the 1st group.
When passing the VTEK, a package of documents was delivered to the pension fund for processing a disability pension, including a work book.
And recently, a person turned 60 years old and needed to re-register a pension. At that moment, a loss of labor was discovered, which it was not possible to present in the Pension Fund. As a result, for the 2nd month, the relative receives a disability pension of only 12 thousand rubles, although before that it was ~ 18 thousand rubles.
A visit to the PF revealed an interesting fact: it turns out that a person without both legs and a stroke survivor is listed as working.
The question is how to act in this situation?
Does the PF really not have that complete information about a person's labor activity, which was provided twice?

4.1. It's like - without changing the documents and the degree of disability, in connection with reaching the age of 60, the size of the disability pension changes? Then to court.

5. In 1992, the spouses Ignatov PA and Ignatova MM (1/2 each) privatized part of the one-story house in which they and their children (Ignatova NP and Ignatov VP) had lived since 1970, having received it under the housing improvement program, operating at that time in the USSR. The status of the premises was listed as an apartment. The remaining 2 parts of this house have never been inhabited and in 1992 were privatized as non-residential premises.
In 1995, he began the procedure for registering a piece of land that the family had been using since the moment they moved in. For this purpose, a certificate was obtained for the right of perpetual (permanent) use of this site.
In 1996, Ignatov PA dies and the registration procedure actually stops. All inheritance rights are transferred to his wife, Ignatova MM. In 1998 and 1999, she paid the land tax. In 2000, a subsidy was issued in connection with the status of a participant in the Great Patriotic War - a home front worker, after which the tax was not paid.
In 2010, Ignatova MM received a disability due to amputation of her leg. Given her advanced age and the frequent threats from her son Ignatov VP, who suffers from alcoholism, demanding the division of property, Ignatova NP re-registered the property for herself through a donation agreement.
In 2015, the owners of the neighboring premises of this house proposed to carry out the procedure for registering the land as property with the allocation to each owner of a part of the common house land in proportion to the area. If we agree, the size of our site will decrease by almost 2 times and half of the buildings we built (cellar, bathhouse, greenhouse) will go to the neighbors.
How can we take over the piece of land that we use from the moment we move in? In the local administration they explain to us that the land at the apartment is not allowed and that we can only be helped by an organization associated with the head of the administration, i.e. for a bribe. Is it possible to resolve our issue in the legal field and what are our actions for this?

5.1. Denis! Such disputes are settled in court. But again, you need to delve into the situation, familiarize yourself with the case materials, and decide on a position.

6. In February 2008, due to unemployment, I was forced to work at construction sites in Moscow, like many others without registration under the Labor Code, as a guest worker on a rotational basis as a plasterer-painter. The work consisted of pouring and caulking the seams during the assembly of a seventeen-story panel residential building at the address: 3rd Pokrovsky proezd 2. Since the whole February 2008 was above zero temperature, and had to work at a height of the ninth - fifteenth floors with cement mortar in the wind for twenty-six days , began to disturb the fingers of both feet (the effect of a long bath) according to the type of "trench foot". When the fingers acquired a marble hue, an urgent need arose for medical care, however, it is possible for a non-resident in Moscow to receive it only at the first-aid post of any transport hub, so on February 26 I applied to the medical post of the medical unit of Sheremetyevo International Airport, presenting a Russian passport and an insurance compulsory health insurance policy.

Paramedics during the examination determined the initial degree of frostbite, high temperature and the need for urgent hospitalization in order to avoid complications. So, by ambulance and emergency team No. 851400, I was taken to the city clinical hospital No. 15 named after O.M. Filatov, which is confirmed by a certified copy of the medical record of the inpatient (Appendix 1).

In the admissions department of the hospital, I was kept in the corridor until 01:30 am on February 27, 2008, and I was unreasonably denied admission to the hospital, citing my non-Moscow registration. I asked to leave me at least until the morning, since public transport is no longer working, I don’t know Moscow and there is no money for a taxi. To this, the doctor said that I should immediately leave the room and call the guard; - I had to obey, saying goodbye - "God be your judge." The fact of non-provision of medical care, which creates the risk of complications, is established by the Act of targeted examination of the quality of medical care (Appendix 2).

On "wooden" legs, overcoming pain, until the morning he found the Veshnyaki department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and turned to the police for help with a complaint about the medical staff of the hospital located in their territory, where he spent the whole day waiting. Late in the evening, the duty officer informed me that the employees who interrogated me would no longer be there today, handed me a coupon notification of the accepted application and insistently wished me a “happy journey” (Appendix 3).

Returning to the construction site, he could no longer work, which caused dissatisfaction with the foreman of Maksstroyservis LLC, where he worked. He gave me a thousand rubles and the address where you can get medical help: the dispensary No. 4 of the State Unitary Enterprise MGTSD, from where on March 01 he was hospitalized in the city clinical hospital No. 23 named after. Medical worker with a diagnosis of wet gangrene of both feet. Subsequently, Maksstroyservis LLC, of ​​course, refused me, refusing to pay for the sick leave opened for their organization and the money they earned, cutting off all contacts with me (Appendix 4).

Unbelievable, but true: the ambulance was carrying with a dropper and a siren, but upon arrival at the hospital I was hospitalized and forgotten, because March 01 and 02, 2008 were days off and there were no doctors, leaving me to actually die from wet gangrene as a result of blood poisoning and intoxication of the body with tissue decay products. It is curious that it was delivered on March 01, and the record of the doctor of the emergency room is dated March 03, when, for health reasons, an emergency surgical intervention was performed - amputation to save the patient's life, the question arises - where was I for two days or where were the doctors of City Clinical Hospital No. 23?

My case was included in the dissertation of Marakuts E.V. for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: "Pathogenetic substantiation of differentiated therapeutic tactics for frostbite" Moscow 2010. Supervisor K.V. Lipatov, he is the head. KGB department no. 23, mentioned above. Fig.13 is mine with the possibility of identification.
Here is an excerpt from that dissertation:
“Performing early necrectomy in 73 (23.0%) patients with IV degree frostbite of the lower extremities set itself the task of reducing toxemia and preventing the development of infectious complications. During hospitalization of patients with IV degree frostbite of the feet at a later date, necrectomy was performed urgently DURING THE DAY after hospitalization of the victims - 76 (24.0%) patients.

The volume of surgical necrectomy was determined by visual assessment of the pathological focus, taking into account the instrumental and laboratory examination. During surgery, in order to avoid the development of secondary bleeding, careful hemostasis was performed by stitching bleeding vessels or using pinpoint diathermocoagulation.
In the postoperative period, along with general treatment, local treatment of post-necrectomy wounds was performed. Against this background, in most of the patients - 141 (94.6%), there was a decrease in swelling of the stump, subsidence of perifocal inflammation, improvement in general condition and well-being. Within 8-12 days, the wounds were cleaned, covered with bright granulations, which made it possible to proceed to the performance of recovery operations (Fig. 13).»

What proves the failure to provide medical assistance from March 01 to March 03, 2008, to a patient in a life-threatening condition and explains the record of the emergency room doctor, made only on March 03.

Thus, the refusal to hospitalize upon admission to the emergency room, the failure to provide the necessary medical care by doctors obliged by law, police officers obliged by a special rule (Police Law) from 26.02.2008 to 03.03.2008, the lack of proper examination and appropriate treatment caused a serious deterioration of my condition, including irreversible changes, as serious as infection and wet gangrene, a life-threatening condition that develops at lightning speed (which would not have happened in a hospital setting if proper care had been provided on February 26), which in itself - serious harm to health.

He was discharged on 03/19/2008 in serious condition and with open amputation wounds, and in order to hide the crime, three times I was provided with case histories that were completely different in content and in the end they called it defects in the maintenance of medical records!
Personally discrediting records appeared, and the necessary documents disappeared, thanks to the efforts of law enforcement agencies, for example, a page about sending black amputated distal parts of the feet for histological examination (Appendix 5), with obvious disability, no restorative, reconstructive surgical operations were undertaken and obstacles were created to establish disability.

So, for example, the medical history of the disease is described as: “I got frostbite as a result of alcohol abuse on February 23”; - according to the weather archive on that day, the air temperature in Moscow was +3 degrees Celsius and at this temperature it is impossible to get frostbite in principle and in particular at the same time - it is necessary to observe repeated and multi-day exposure to a damp and humid environment and the absence of medical assistance.

It confirms the circumstances stated by me, at the same time refuting the verbiage of doctors.

Medical workers, observing the principle of corporate solidarity, habitually cover up a professional iatrogenic crime with a battered sign - ALCOHOLISM - in the absence of any evidence, and in fact, at the slightest sign of alcohol, doctors are required to examine the patient, which confirms the absence of such documents in the medical records.

Premature discharge of the patient, resulting in re-hospitalization or prolongation of the period of convalescence or chronicity of the disease or other adverse consequences is regarded as a failure to provide medical care.

Later, on July 18, 2008, after prolonged treatment at the place of residence, repeated operations (autodermoplasty of open wounds), the second disability group was established, i.e. serious harm to health (Appendix 6).

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Veshnyaki did not react to my statement of February 27, 2008, but had the opportunity and obligation in accordance with Art. 144-145 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation INSTALL:
1) The fact of contacting the medical center of the medical unit of Sheremetyevo International Airport and hospitalization by ambulance team No. 851400 (extract from the call log of the ambulance service of the airport and SSiNP named after A.S. Puchkov).
2) Seize medical documentation and in accordance with Art. 196 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which establishes the obligation to conduct a forensic medical examination in cases of causing grievous harm to the health of citizens, and to conduct an SME to establish causal relationships between the failure to provide medical care and the consequences ...
3) Initiate a criminal case on all facts of non-provision of medical care from February 26 to March 03, 2008.

Later, after contacting the Prosecutor General's Office, I filed a second application for the initiation of a criminal case, the verification of which was reduced to red tape, endless redirections, concealment of a socially dangerous grave crime with a direct causal connection of a necessary nature, complaints about inaction to the Perovskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office for the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, the Prosecutor General's Office also remained unanswered (Appendix 7).

Only at the end of 2014, I received a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case due to the absence of an event of a crime, which was subsequently repeatedly canceled and a new one was issued, judging by the notifications, however, the decisions themselves were not sent to me in order to conceal the crime and prevent access to court (Appendix 8) .

It is no longer possible to correct this, since the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution has expired, I have not been recognized as a victim in the framework of criminal proceedings, the harm caused by the crime has not been compensated, complete loss of ability to work and a change in lifestyle, physical pain and moral suffering, humiliation associated with the absence of legs and means to existence, having small children in my arms, which put me in appalling conditions.

President V.V. Putin, in his address to the federal assembly for 2016, said:
Starting next year, Russian healthcare is completely switching to insurance principles. The direct obligation of insurance companies operating in the CHI system is to uphold the rights of patients, including in case of unreasonable refusals to provide free medical care. If the insurance organization does not do this, it should be held liable, up to a ban on working in the CHI system. I ask the Government to ensure the strictest control here.

GUARANTEE. RU: http://www.garant.ru/hotlaw/federal/674378/#ixzz3vEmxlf4h

The insurance company Soga-med JSC, the territorial CHI fund for eight years have not taken any action to protect the rights of the patient, have not yet provided the Certificates of examination of the quality of medical care provided and not provided, evading in every possible way from the duties assigned to them by law (Appendix).

In August 2009, during the next examination of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, by its illegal decision, I changed the disability group from the second to the third, which, due to legal illiteracy, I did not appeal in time, but this completely freed the hands of the ITU Bureau for the Saratov region. and on August 12, 2010, a decision was made that had nothing to do with medicine - the absence of toes - I was not recognized as a disabled person!

He appealed to the Main Bureau - to no avail (washes his hand), appealed to the Main Directorate of the FB ITU of Russia and spent almost two months on examination in Moscow, the result was the cancellation of the decision of the GB ITU Saratov, so an inadequate third group remained, the removal of which he appealed (Appendix 9).

When canceling the decision of the ITU of Saratov, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia was sent to the Employment Center at the place of residence, for which I was given both copies of the Individual Rehabilitation Program for a disabled person (drawn up in two copies; one for a disabled person, the second for executive authorities), which I submitted it to the Kalininsk Employment Center where he mysteriously disappeared, and a practically legless disabled person was “employed” for medically contraindicated working conditions as a loader (handyman), which is confirmed by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Saratov Region that has entered into force. (Appendix 10).

Meanwhile, the IPR of a disabled person defines contraindicated working conditions: work associated with ascents and descents, prolonged standing, lifting weights, adverse weather conditions, i.e. special production and climatic conditions, i.e. work in specially created conditions, which determines the second degree of restriction to labor activity (the second group of disability) and the creation of a special workplace. In the appendix to the IPR, signed by the specialist of the FMBA of Russia Belkina, the WORK DIRECTION and labor recommendations are clearly indicated (appendix).

I declare that the second copy of the IPR, which I handed over to the specialist of the Central Health Center of Kalininsk, Bukharova S.A., at the direction of or personally by the director of the Central Health Center, Lomantsova N.I. was transferred to the Ministry of Employment of the Saratov Region, and then to the Department of State Policy and Legal Regulation of the Ministry of Health of the Saratov Region, which was headed by the ex-Minister of Employment Nechaeva S.M. where, allegedly, a falsified special workplace was designed, created and put into operation for me in one of the Saratov public organizations of the disabled, in order to embezzle funds under the ACCESSIBLE ENVIRONMENT Federal Target Program, a pilot project of which was launched in the Saratov region in 2011.

On this occasion, I filed an application with the prosecutor's office, but law enforcement officers said that they did not have prosecutorial response measures, openly evading the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, based on a survey by Komarova N.Yu., a person who at the time of my “employment” did not even work in CZN! (Appendix).

Tellingly, it is with such flagrant violations that the Russian government in May 2012 signs the protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and enacts Federal Law No. 46 “On Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, while discrediting me on the basis of disability and violating my right to work!

Article 17 of Federal Law No. 181 “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” guarantees disabled people the extraordinary provision of a land plot for personal subsidiary farming and, since the right to conduct it arises only with the emergence of the right to a land plot, in accordance with Federal Law No. 112 “On Personal Ancillary Farming” I decided to legalize the water meadow used by me as a hayfield and watering place since 2011, located next to the house on the eve of the entry into force of the new Land Code (February 26, 2015) filed an application for legalization of the rights of use to the head of the local government of the Sergievsky Ministry of Defense of the Kalinin district of Saratovskaya region Sisin A.A. (Appendix)

However, having publicly allowed in 2011 to use it free of charge, the head this time entered into an agreement with the local hay trader Zuzulya S.I., who lives on the other side of the village, and made a decision to provide him with haymaking under the guise of gardening, refusing me on extravagant grounds (Appendix )

I did not receive my re-application within the period established by Federal Law No. 59 “On Citizens' Appeals”, and after repeated reminders, again some kind of confusion (appendix).

Seeing the boundary work on the water meadow I used, I filed an appeal on June 4 in accordance with Art. 24 of the Constitution on the provision of information on the relevant decision on preliminary approval, on the basis of which on April 28 survey work was carried out to form the boundaries of the land plot, but instead of information regarding my legitimate rights and interests, I received a response that violates clause 14 of article 36.6 of the Land Code, in the form media links (app)

He handed the answer in the presence of the district police officer Kulikov S.V. Zuzulya S.I., Sagitova G.K., at the same time publicly explained,
The law on the disabled is, in general, not a law at all, forbidding the use of land.

He filed a claim with the court to declare the refusal illegal, but the court referred to the lack of information about the subject of the dispute, which Sisin A.A. DOES NOT GIVE, and returned the claim, refusing to demand information - a dead end! (Appendix)

Conclusion: Violation by the local government of a number of Federal Laws (No. 181 of the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation, Art. 17”; No. 59 of the Federal Law “On Appeals of Citizens”; Clause 14, Art. 36.6 of the Land Code; Federal Law No. 112 “On personal subsidiary plots ..”; No. 131 of the Federal Law “On Local Self-Government Bodies”; entailed a violation of the right to conduct personal subsidiary plots, discrimination on the basis of disability, and most importantly, the fact of causing harm in the form of the impossibility of harvesting hay for the winter, which in February-March will invariably cause the death of sheep and lambs, which will cause irreparable harm to my family in the form of starvation!

RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE SAC RF No. 316/97 of 09.09.1997 Local self-government bodies are prohibited from adopting acts that create discriminatory or, on the contrary, favorable conditions for the activities of individual economic entities, if such acts have or may result in restriction of competition or infringement of the interests of economic entities.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov LLC provides a utility service for gas supply to the village of Novye Vyselki that does not meet safety requirements, grossly violates the rights of consumers, also in terms of the amount of payment guaranteed by the LAW OF BENEFITS, with the support and blessing of the local government, law enforcement agencies and under the PROTECTION OF THE COURT!

Since 2011, I have been living in the house indicated in the court rulings with my children, I have consumed and paid for natural gas used for heating. In 2013, gas workers, having taken a fee for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment (which is confirmed by a receipt), the list of which includes a gas meter, and without fulfilling their duties, began to collect non-existent amounts in court.

When canceling the court order, I did not agree only with the amount of the debt, thereby recognizing the energy supply contract.

When canceling the decision in absentia, he demanded evidence of the proper fulfillment of obligations, which led to the waiver of claims in full, with the simultaneous shutdown of gas without providing an Act on the suspension of gas supply, which is illegal.

Disagreeing with the refusal, he filed a private complaint with the Kalininsky District Court, attached to the case at the court session a receipt for payment for gas supply services as evidence of the concluded energy supply agreement, but the court "point-blank did not see a violation of rights" leaving the complaint unsatisfied.
RESOLUTION OF THE FAS OF THE VOLGA-VYATSKY DISTRICT dated February 8, 2007 in case N A 39-1291 / 2006-131 / 16 The actual consumption by the defendant of thermal energy supplied by the energy supply organization is regarded on the basis of paragraph 3 of Art. 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as an acceptance by the subscriber of the offer sent by the energy seller.

On August 28, 2014, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov LLC, ignoring the acceptance of the public offer of the energy supply agreement, expressed in the form of payment for services and actual consumption since 2011, collected the debt in the Factory Magistrate Court from Abdurakhmanova M.F., who does not have the right to participate in the court meeting on religious grounds (Islam).

My appeal was left without consideration, further refused to transfer the cassation complaint for consideration in cassation, further appeal is not provided for by the Civil Procedure Code.

I, as a decent person, had to compensate for the funds recovered from the social account by M.F. Abdurakhmanova.

An application to the prosecutor's office about the falsification of evidence, illegal disruption of gas supply and the provision of services dangerous to the life and health of citizens with a request to conduct an examination of the industrial safety of the gas pipeline with the light hand of "law enforcement officers" turned into a refusal to initiate a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud), in addition, the decision states that with Abdurakhmanova M.F. the written contract was not concluded that the contract is public - and this is in the absence of any evidence indicating the acceptance of the public offer of the energy supply contract, such as payment for services or actual consumption.

And this is evidence of concealment of a crime under Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

So, we will wait for human casualties as proof, but for now, my family, like all the inhabitants of the village, live, cook food on an open fire and sleep in the gas pipeline security zone, and in case of ignition, we will catch fire together with the whole village and the firefighters will not be able to help us, because in violation standards for the arrival of a fire brigade from the countryside (20 minutes), the nearest fire station is located forty kilometers in the city of Kalininsk.

Russian courts often decide on the demolition of buildings and houses erected by citizens in the zone of maximum permissible distances, more precisely in the gas pipeline security zone, for their own safety, but in our case the gas pipeline was laid in such a way that it covered all residential buildings with a security zone, has numerous leaks, has never been serviced and objectively threatens the life and health of residents.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 No. 878 approved the Rules for the Protection of Gas Distribution Networks, the following security zones are established: a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters from each side of the gas pipeline; f) along the routes of inter-settlement gas pipelines passing through forests and woody and shrubby vegetation - in the form of clearings 6 meters wide, 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. For above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from trees to the pipeline must be at least the height of the trees during the entire life of the gas pipeline.

Hazardous production factors of pipelines are: explosion; scattering of fragments of soil and collapsed pipeline; collapse and damage to buildings, structures, installations; sparks, open fire and fire; increased temperature of air, objects, etc.; reduced oxygen concentration; smoke and products of combustion; toxicity of products and reagents used in production (methanol, odorant, etc.); increase in sound pressure level; increased vibration, ionizing radiation, mercury vapor, etc.; environmental pollution.

How to get orthopedic shoes for free if such a need arises? First you need to visit an orthopedist, and after the Social Security Administration. This organization will provide a document stating that benefits are due to interested persons. It is with him that they are already sent to the official orthopedic center to order the right shoes.

State law states: a child who needs corrective shoes is entitled to free orthopedic shoes. Only few people are aware of this fact. In addition, in order to receive free of charge what is due for free in the Russian Federation, the person concerned should show an extraordinary mind, great patience and perseverance. Yes, and without certain tips can not do. But first, it would be nice to understand what corrective shoes are and what are their features.

Correction shoes: who needs them and why?

The task of orthopedic shoes is to treat, correct and prevent postural disorders, gait, flat feet. She has a huge number of advantages over the usual pair of shoes or boots:

  • such shoes have a structure that contributes to the correction of progressive deformities of the foot;
  • its tailoring takes place taking into account all sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements;
  • it is possible to manufacture such products to order for the personal parameters of the child, taking into account the testimony of an orthopedist.

But the main advantage that orthopedic shoes for children have is the preservation of the health of babies, because no medicines, exercises will help so much in the correct formation of the foot, gait, posture.

How to get free corrective shoes?

A government decree says that a child under 16 can once a year receive free corrective shoes in the amount of two pairs (summer and winter), and free orthopedic insoles should be provided (one pair every six months). For the disabled, this rate is increased: they are required to provide 4 pairs of corrective shoes per year. But how is it issued?

To get orthopedic shoes, which, according to the law, every needy child is entitled to, you first need to get an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination, check the condition of the feet and posture, and also send for x-rays. If during the examination deviations are revealed, the doctor will write out a certain direction for the manufacture of corrective shoes and insoles.

Then you need to find out if this particular child is entitled to provide him with corrective shoes for free. For this purpose, they visit the Department of Social Protection of the Population. It is there that a decision is made regarding the provision of preferential correctional shoes. Such a decision is made on the basis of certain documents that speak of the privileged status of a person.

This can be documentation from the clinic indicating the diagnosis and doctor's prescriptions confirming the preferential status of the paper (a document indicating the status of a mother with many children, confirming disability, a pension certificate), as well as a civil passport. As a rule, free corrective products are provided:

  • disabled people;
  • babies who need foot correction;
  • large families (three or more children in a family);
  • socially vulnerable groups of citizens (with income below the established subsistence level).

After receiving a document from the Social Security Administration stating that a certain person is entitled to free corrective shoes, you can immediately go to the point of manufacture of orthopedic shoes (salon, workshop). If there is a need to make complex orthopedic shoes, then it is much easier to place an order at a corrective shoe factory. Wherever a person turns, it is natural that you need to cooperate with an organization that has an official status, which can easily issue the necessary papers (invoice, cashier's check).

As a rule, they should contain the name of the organization, its legal address, the type of services provided to the person, as well as their cost. It goes without saying that such a document must have the seal of the enterprise.

Important nuances

In any center for the production of orthopedic shoes, chosen by a person, it is tailored according to the instructions of an orthopedic doctor. They don’t give away such shoes for free, that is, you still need to pay for it yourself. But in the future, such persons are entitled to compensation from the Social Security Administration if the above documentation is provided.

There is also another very important nuance: although there is a reimbursement for the cost of corrective shoes, such compensation has a certain limit - this is the amount more than which parents will not be reimbursed. So this detail should be taken into account when choosing the right product in the orthopedic center. But this, of course, is not a problem if parents are not embarrassed by the difference that they will need to pay extra from their own pocket. In addition, an important point is also the fact that free shoes are provided only to babies with foot deformity problems. So you should not rely on this option if the child only needs the prevention of flat feet.

It is possible that the procedure for obtaining free corrective shoes is somewhat different from the algorithm described above in a particular region, so it is recommended that you first clarify this issue with the Social Security Administration at your place of residence.

The procedure for providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes

Orthopedic shoes are classified in heading 9021 of the TN VED CU (Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union) if the following conditions are simultaneously met:
- orthopedic shoes must be custom-made to fit the shape of the deformed foot, orthopedic shoes are never mass-produced;
- these shoes must be made mainly of hard leather, which can be reinforced with a metal or cork frame, giving rigidity to the shoe to correct leg (foot) deformity;
- the upper of the shoe may not consist entirely of straps or bands;
Orthopedic shoes are designed to correct permanent or temporary deformities of the foot or to relieve pain when walking.
Mass-produced footwear with an insole that is curved to relieve pain from flat feet is classified according to the material of the upper and sole and the method of manufacture in HS Chapter 64.

Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated 01.03.2012 N 34-r
"On the classification according to the TN VED CU of certain goods"
(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 28, 2012 N 24001)

TMR (including orthopedic shoes) are included in the IPR at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund ONLY for pathology leading to OD.
In other cases, it is possible to include TSR in the IPR (including orthopedic shoes), but in this case, the column "Contractor" indicates: "The disabled person himself" or "At the expense of the disabled person."

I inform you about the possibility of including technical means of rehabilitation (TCP) in the individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (IPR) at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for comorbidities, that in accordance with Article 11.1, the decision to provide disabled people with TCP is made based on the results of an examination at the medical bureau social expertise:

"According to medical indications, it is necessary to provide a disabled person with technical means of rehabilitation that provide compensation or the elimination of persistent restrictions on the life of a disabled person."

According to clause 1 of the “Procedure for the development and implementation of an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (disabled child)”, approved, the development of an IPR is carried out during a medical and social examination based on an assessment of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions, and rehabilitation potential.

An assessment of the nature and degree of impaired body functions and possible limitations of life activity is carried out using the “Classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination”, approved (Classifications).

Determination of the degree of impaired functions, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Classification, is carried out in a complex manner, i.e. with an assessment of all the parameters characterizing them.

Thus, TCPs are recommended for the purpose of compensating or eliminating persistent disability caused by persistent disorders of bodily functions. In those cases when, according to the results of a medical and social examination, violations of the functions of the body, including comorbidities, do not lead to restrictions on life, there are no grounds for establishing disability.

Therefore, there are no legal grounds for inclusion in the IPR of TCP for pathology that does not lead to disability.

To include a disabled person with orthopedic shoes in the IPR, it is required to attach the conclusion of the medical and technical commission (act of the MTC), which is drawn up by orthopedic prosthetists of the medical departments of prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, to the Referral to the ITU in the form 0-88 / y.

A referral for a consultation to a prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise in order to obtain this conclusion is usually issued to a patient with an OOLPP, which issues him a Referral to the ITU in the form 0-88 / y.
Less often, patients turn to prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises on their own and receive an act of the Ministry of Transport and Trade about their need for orthopedic shoes.
Both in the first and in the second cases - in the Referral to the ITU in the form 0-88 / at, the OOLPP must indicate the need for the patient to provide him with orthopedic shoes.

Medical indications for providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes:
Persistent, moderately pronounced and severe disturbances of the statodynamic function leading to OZD in the category of independent movement (this is a mandatory condition) due to diseases, consequences of injuries, deformities of the feet: static insufficiency of the feet with severe anatomical manifestations; shortening of the limb length over 30 mm; congenital and amputation defects of the feet; paralytic foot deformities; congenital deformities (equino-varus deformity (clubfoot), equinus (horse) foot, flat-valgus foot, etc.); residual deformities after foot injuries; ankylosis of the ankle joint; lymphostasis (elephantiasis) and acromegaly; use of fixation devices and splints, diabetic foot syndrome.

Orthopedic shoes do not fit into the IPR (and are not manufactured) for patients with foot deformities, but suffering from severe concomitant diseases that exclude the possibility of walking in orthopedic shoes.

Absolute medical contraindications to providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes:
Extensive trophic ulcers of the foot, gangrene, widespread purulent processes in soft tissues, lack of support ability of the lower limb due to extensive cicatricial changes in the tissue prone to ulceration, senile people with severe general decrepitude and inability to move.
Allergic reactions to orthopedic products materials.

Disabled people in Russia are considered a vulnerable category of citizens, therefore the attention of the state to them is manifested through the provision of various benefits to them. The number of the latter, their set and the estimates expressed in material terms may be different depending on the disability group that is assigned to a citizen with disabilities. What benefits can people with disabilities receive? Is it possible to replace intangible benefits with money?

Benefits for the disabled this year by group

Disabled people have the right to receive a preferential pension. What group of disability - what benefits?

Social pension in 2019:

  • for disabled children - 2,123.92 rubles;
  • forIgroups - 2,974.03 rubles;
  • forII- 2,123.92 rubles;
  • forIIIgroups - 1,700.23 rubles.

(for currently working or previously working citizens) is:

1) for the first group of disability since childhood - 11,903.51 rubles;

2) for the second group of disability - 4,959.85 rubles;

3) for the second group (since childhood) - 9,919.73 rubles;

4) for the third group - 4,215.90 rubles.

In case of refusal of benefits, a disabled person can receive monthly compensation. This year it is:

  • for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident - 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for WWII veterans - 4,481.47 rubles;
  • for disabled children - 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for the first group of disabled people - 3,137.60 rubles;
  • for the second - 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for the third group - 1,793.74 r.

In addition to material benefits (for example, pensions), these citizens can receive various other benefits that relate to a wide variety of areas: education, healthcare, labor, and so on. Such assistance is provided for disability and benefits for disability groups from the state.

What are the benefits of a disabled person at a notary? What benefits are provided to disabled people of group 1 in 2019, as well as people with a second group of disabilities:

  • exemption from state duty is guaranteed for those cases that are considered in accordance with civil and arbitration procedural legislation;
  • payment of only 50% for notarial acts (the discount applies only to fees, it does not affect the payment of the notary's work in any way).

As you already understood, such benefits are provided to disabled people for notary services. As for what federal benefits are due to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, it is worth telling everything in detail for each group separately.

Benefits for the first group

What benefits are provided for disabled people of the first group in Russia? Benefits for this category of citizens this year have not changed, so people can use:

1) free travel on any public transport, except for taxis and minibuses;

2) free travel on public transport if you need to get to the place of treatment (this also applies to persons accompanying disabled people);

3) , written out by the attending doctors;

4) free medical equipment (as indicated by doctors) and dressings;

5) free for treatment and recreation (once a year, but only for the first three years from the date of receipt of the disability group);

6) free prosthetic limbs;

7) free orthopedic shoes;

8) free dentures;

9) extraordinary admission to higher and secondary educational institutions (subject to passing entrance exams);

10) an increased scholarship (if the disabled person is a student). The amount of the scholarship is determined by the management of the educational institution;

11) shortened working week (35 hours) for disabled people of the first group who work.

List of benefits for disabled people of the second group

1) free travel on any public transport, except for taxis and minibuses;

2) free travel by public transport to the place of treatment (here we are no longer talking about accompanying persons with disabilities);

3) provision of medicines prescribed by the attending physician;

4) provision of medical equipment (according to the indications of doctors), as well as dressings;

5) special prostheses for limbs;

6) orthopedic shoes;

7) dental prosthetics.

Among other things, a person with a second disability group can use:

  • extraordinary admission to higher and secondary educational institutions (when passing entrance exams);
  • students can receive an increased scholarship, the amount of which is determined by the management of the educational institution;
  • a shortened working week (35 hours) is also provided for this category. This applies to working disabled people of the second group.

List of benefits for people with a third disability group

These citizens are entitled to fewer benefits. Basically, the latter are associated with discounts on goods and services.

1. Discount on the purchase of orthopedic shoes.

2. Discount, which is 50%, for travel in any public transport from October 1 to May 15. In addition, a 50% discount is provided for 1 trip during the remainder of the calendar year.

3. 50% discount on medical equipment and medicines (this applies only to working or recognized unemployed disabled people of the third group).

What benefits do people with disabilities have regarding tax payments?

1. Disabled people of the first and second groups are exempt from property tax if they inherited real estate.

2. Disabled people of the second and first groups, disabled children, disabled veterans of the Second World War, who have land plots registered before 2004, have the following deduction: the tax base for tax calculation (the price of land) is reduced by 10,000 rubles.

3. Transport benefits for the disabled consist of a 50% tax rebate when purchasing a car through the social security authorities (power up to 100 hp) and a full tax exemption in case of owning a car that has been specially converted for a person with disabilities.

Benefits in the form of a tax deduction

  • Every month, 500 rubles are deducted from the personal income tax base for disabled people of the second and first groups and disabled children.
  • Monthly for parents (custodians, guardians, spouses, adoptive parents) of underage children who are disabled, is 3,000 rubles. The same amount for disabled children under 24 who are students (students, interns, graduate students);
  • 3,000 rubles is a monthly tax deduction for disabled people who are liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, victims of the Mayak production association (the accident happened in 1957) or former military personnel who received a disability due to injury.

About surcharges and regional benefits

In the Russian Federation, every year the amount of additional payment is established for a certain category of citizens, among which there are also disabled people. So additional cash payments began to be received by disabled people who were participants in the Great Patriotic War, former military personnel, former liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, former cosmonauts, residents of besieged Leningrad. The amount of such additional payments can vary within the following limits: from 100% to 300% of social pensions.

In addition, every citizen of Russia who is disabled is entitled to benefits provided to him at the regional level. For many years, cities and regions have been using the practice of giving priority service to people with disabilities in one or another institution, issuing free clothes and food. Another common benefit for people with disabilities is the free installation of fixed telephones. Companies that used to be employers of a disabled person often also help. You can find out about the full list of preferences at the local department of social protection.

Can a wife receive benefits if her husband is a disabled person of the first group?

Often, people faced with this problem ask themselves: what are the benefits for a wife if the husband is a disabled person of group 1? The tax code does not provide for deductions for dependent spouses, whether they are disabled or not. The standard deduction applies to those taxpayers who provide for children under 18 or full-time students, residents, graduate students, cadets under the age of 24.

Small benefits are provided (which are not taxed 500 rubles per month) for disabled people of the first and second groups, if they have a job or other income. However, there are pitfalls here: if the taxpayer has the right to more than one tax deduction, then in this case the largest one is provided. That is, the maximum of tax benefits is issued, and the rest are not counted.

Providing medical benefits to disabled people of the second group

What medical benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group should be expected this year? Non-working disabled persons of this category are entitled to free medicines based on a doctor's prescription. The order of the Ministry of Health establishes the procedure for prescribing medicines by a doctor. In addition, people with disabilities have the right to prosthetic limbs at the expense of the state. Now you know what benefits are due to disabled people of group 2 in 2019.

What benefits do people with disabilities receive due to a general illness?

Benefits for disabled people of the second group of a general disease:

  • throughout the year, disabled people of the second group can use a one-time free ride to the place of treatment, there is no such benefit for those accompanying them;
  • disabled people are provided with medicines free of charge by doctor's prescription. Also, people with disabilities can receive dressings and certain medical products free of charge, if there is a conclusion from the ITU Bureau about the need to use these funds;
  • this category of citizens are provided free of charge with prosthetic limbs and orthopedic shoes;
  • free dentures are provided;
  • ensuring out-of-competition enrollment upon admission to a secondary or higher professional state or municipal educational institution if entrance exams are successfully passed (if this training is not contraindicated by a medical certificate);
  • full-time students receive an increased scholarship;
  • working disabled people work during a shortened working week (up to 35 hours a week, subject to the preservation of earnings, vacation at their own expense up to 60 days a year);
  • disabled people can use free travel on any type of urban and rural land transport (except for private minibuses and taxis).

By the way, telephone payment benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group are 50%.

Benefits for the first group of disability:

1) during a year disabled people of this category and their accompanying persons are entitled to one free ride to the place of treatment;

2) people with disabilities are provided with free prescription medications. They can also receive dressings and certain medical products if they have an opinion from the ITU Bureau about the need to use these funds;

3) disabled peopleІ groups receive free vouchers for spa treatment at least once a year for the first three years after the disability was established;

4) if necessary, such citizens are provided with prosthetic limbs and free orthopedic shoes;

5) disabled people have the right to use free dental prosthetics;

6) these people have the right to non-competitive enrollment at the time of admission to a higher or secondary professional municipal or state institution, if the person can successfully pass the entrance exams, and if such training is permitted by a medical certificate;

7) disabled people receive an increased scholarship when it comes to full-time students;

8) the reduced working week of people with the first group of disabilities consists of 35 hours with the preservation of earnings and vacation at their own expense (maximum 60 days a year);

9) in addition, you can ride for free on all urban and rural land transport (except for taxis and fixed-route taxis).

Benefits for the third category of disability:

  • disabled peopleІІІ groups can buy orthopedic shoes at a discount (depending on the complexity of the manufacture of this product) or at full price;
  • a working disabled person with the status of an unemployed assigned to him has the right to purchase certain medicines and medical products according to doctor's prescriptions at a 50% discount;
  • free travel on intercity lines of railway, air, road and river transport from October 1 to May 15 and once at other times of the year.

What benefits are due to disabled people of group 3 in 2019?

As you yourself know, social assistance for these vulnerable segments of the population is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation. Disabled persons of any group can receive social benefits.

As already mentioned, the social pension for people of the third disability group this year is 4,215.90 rubles. (the same amount of payments for disabled children).

The labor pension is calculated taking into account the length of service. The state has set a fixed amount - 2,402.56 rubles. per month.

If a dependent (a person who is on financial or material support) lives with a disabled person, compensation may increase:

1) in the presence of one dependent - up to 4,000.26 rubles;

2) if a disabled person lives with two dependents - up to 5,605.96 rubles;

3) if with three - up to 7,207.66 rubles.

All persons with disabilities can count on a monthly cash payment (UDV). It is paid if the disabled person refused a number of additional services. This year the amount is 2,022.94 rubles.

Main perks

People can expect not only to receive cash benefits, but also benefits that make life easier for a person who has a disability. Let's summarize the list of benefits.

1. Medical(you can purchase drugs prescribed by a doctor at a 50% discount). Discount on orthopedic shoes is 60%.

2. Social(a 50% discount is provided for preferential sanatorium-and-spa treatment for a disabled person). Students are enrolled in higher educational institutions on benefits (entrance tests are not conducted if there are budget places for the disabled).

3. tax(tax rates are reduced, but this decision can be made by going to court). He has the right to significantly reduce the amount of tax payment or give the disabled person an installment plan for their payment.

4. Transport(disabled people can use city public transport free of charge, except for taxis). You can also use preferential travel on Russian Railways transport: a 50% discount in one and the other direction or a free ticket every two years.

5. (Payment for housing and communal services is halved). In addition, a person with a disability can be helped to improve their living conditions, which is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Providing additional benefits

As mentioned earlier, people with disabilities who are engaged in labor activities can receive leave for up to 2 months (60 days). Leave is issued when an employee goes to a sanatorium, or he has a scheduled examination in a hospital.

In addition, disabled people of the third group, like people who do not have health problems, have the right to work on weekends and holidays. In addition, people with disabilities can demand a recalculation of the pension in accordance with the legislation of the country.

If a disabled person has an income below the subsistence level determined by the state, then he has the right to services that are carried out at home. For example, help with buying medicines and food, keeping your home clean, providing medical care, and consulting with a lawyer. Among other things, you can arrange for the help of a paid social worker, if necessary.

Persons with disabilities since childhood (childhood disabilities) may qualify for additional benefits. They don't have to pay registration fees when they open a business, and they don't have to pay fees when a housing order is issued.

Invalids of the war, in addition to all known benefits and benefits, have a permanent discount of 50% on railway tickets. Here are the benefits that a pensioner with a disability of the third group has.

Benefits provided for combat invalids

If we are talking about benefits of groups 1, 2 and 3, then first of all we mean benefits related to taxation and payment of the corresponding pension. All provisions are confirmed at the legislative level.

With regard to pension legislation, they provide for such benefits for combat invalids (disabled due to military injuries):

1) the retirement age comes earlier by five years, if compared with the generally established one;

2) a certain disability pension is assigned regardless of the length and size of the length of service (taking into account military service);

3) when it comes to disabled people of the first and second groups, then the amount of the pension consists of three minimum old-age pensions. Speaking of disabled peopleІІІ groups, then pay only half of the above amount. However, there must be an income and work experience that would give the right to receive a disability pension due to a general illness, so that the size of the pension is higher than usual.

Rights and benefits that are also important to list:

  • privilege for the priority of obtaining, buying, building and maintaining residential premises;
  • the opportunity to carry out major repairs of housing with financial support from the local budget (the conditions in this case are determined by the local government);
  • priority in obtaining the necessary building material in the case of housing construction;
  • the possibility of providing housing in those houses that belong to municipal and state funds, if there is a need to improve housing conditions;
  • the opportunity to carry out extraordinary repairs to housing occupied by people with disabilities;
  • various benefits in the labor field and in the field of education, vocational training;
  • the opportunity to receive the payment of financial benefits, which is associated with temporary unemployment, in the amount of salary (regardless of the length of service);
  • the possibility of free training in a new profession, qualified retraining, the payment of specially organized scholarships in the learning process.

Benefits for the disabled in St. Petersburg

So, what benefits are provided for disabled people in St. Petersburg? This category of citizens can apply for:

  • preferential travel in a social taxi;
  • a benefit for purchasing a ticket to a sanatorium or receiving it free of charge once a year;
  • preferential travel in suburban and urban public transport;
  • preferential passage of certain medical procedures in public clinics and hospitals;
  • a benefit for receiving free medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • a discount on utility bills in the amount of half of their total price.

All disabled people have the right to apply to the local administration in order to receive funds for rehabilitation at a time after a major operation or other medical procedure.

A working disabled person is entitled to a 30-day vacation. In addition, an employer cannot force a disabled person to work more than 35 hours a week. A person with a disability must work exactly as much as is indicated on the sick card. He also receives a regular salary.

People of the first and second groups of disability enter a higher educational institution without competition.

What benefits can different categories of disabled people enjoy in Moscow?

What are the benefits for disabled people of group 1 in Moscow in 2019? What is provided for people with other disability groups? To support the disabled at the state level, the concept of "additional material support" was introduced.

When material provision is calculated for disabled people of categories I, II and III, the following parameters are taken into account:

1) the amount of the pension paid;

2) a cash payment (if any), which must be issued monthly, which includes the cost of paying for social services.

In 2019, the state covers the costs of:

  • use of public transport (suburban or urban);
  • payments for living space and partial compensation of money for housing and communal services (payment for electricity, gas, water resources, heating);
  • use of telephone communications (this applies only to landline phones).

What other benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as to other categories of disabled people?

Social supplements are added to the pensions of mature disabled people and children with a disabled group. The same applies to children who are not yet 18 years old, but they have already lost their breadwinner.

Participants of the Second World War are supposed to receive 1,000 rubles every month. A person who cares for a disabled person can apply for compensatory assistance in the amount of no more than 5,500 rubles. Extraneous individuals who voluntarily agreed to care for the infirm are entitled to receive 1,200 rubles from the state.

People with disabilities of groups 1 and 2 can present a doctor's prescription at the pharmacy and receive preferential medicines in return. People with the first group receive a 50% discount on the indicated price.

If the beneficiary has no limbs, then he has every right to use free technical means of early rehabilitation in the form of prostheses and other orthopedic products until they are replaced.

Prostheses are indeed provided free of charge, and orthopedic shoes - according to the degree of complexity of its implementation. If a disabled person does not stand in line, he can purchase shoes in cash at a 70% discount from the initial cost, but only at a designated point.

In addition to this, each region indicates its own groups of beneficiaries. There is also a list of organizations that provide the necessary services, taking into account the rules and regulations of local legislation. Here, disabled people can take advantage of free assistance or assistance with a 50% discount. In Moscow and other megacities this year there are much more such points than in the outback.

Such benefits can be used for disabled people of group 3 in Moscow and the Moscow region, the same applies to disabled people of other groups.

Allowances and benefits for single mothers

What are the benefits for single mothers with disabilities? A woman raising a child on her own is a mother, deprived of the support of the father of the child in material support and upbringing.

This year, the amount of benefits for single mothers applies not only to the woman's own children, but also to adopted ones.

The single mother's allowance is awarded only in the following cases:

1) the court and the registry office did not register paternity;

2) if a single woman has adopted children;

3) when the court proceedings terminated the fact of paternity.

The legal father of the child is the man listed on the marriage certificate. The father is not necessarily the biological father. Enough registration by the registry office of documentation that allows a man to raise children.

Benefits and allowances are NOT accrued to the mother if:

1) the child has a legal father, and the court has assured paternity;

2) the mother of the child is divorced from her husband and does not receive alimony from him, established by the court;

3) the father of the child was officially deprived of the opportunity to raise him.

The status of a "single mother" is also invalid when the child was born before the end of the three hundred-day term after the parents' divorce or marriage annulment.

In order for a mother to legally receive benefits, there must be no mention of the father in the papers confirming the birth of the child. The status of "single mother" is considered official after the single mother receives a certificate in form No. 25.

Labor benefits for single mothers

1.When a single mother is laid off at an enterprise where a single mother works, she is not entitled to be made redundant if her child is under 14 years of age. Such a reduction is also considered unlawful when the management company is changed. The conditions for the dismissal of a single mother due to violations of discipline during the work process can be discussed.

2.If the company in which the single mother worked was canceled, she must be offered an alternative job.

3.Single mothers, like mothers without this status, are entitled to financial assistance when it comes to caring for sick children. The amount of the allowance is established in accordance with the length of service of the mother and is paid during the inpatient treatment of the child. The mother receives the allowance during the first ten days after the child's illness.

4.A single mother can receive full sick leave if she needs to care for a sick baby who is under seven years old. If the child is older than this age, sick leave is paid within 14 days.

5.A single mother can arrange a vacation at her own expense for up to two weeks.

6.A single mother should not be asked to work overtime if her child is under five years of age. The same rule applies to night and weekend work.

7.Moms in Moscow receive additional benefits when hiring. Employers cannot refuse single mothers employment because they have children.

Using a tax credit

For single mothers, there is a double tax deduction for the cost of providing for children who have not reached the age of majority. If an adult child succeeds in enrolling in a university, he will be able to enjoy tax benefits until he reaches the age of 24.

Graceful terms of the tax deduction for single mothers mean that part of the income will not be subject to tax collection.

Other benefits and allowances

1.You can get underwear for a newborn baby.

2. Children of a single mother are provided with vouchers for health improvement in a sanatorium.

3.A single mother may temporarily not pay for the maintenance of a multi-storey building and garbage disposal. The benefit can be used until the child is 1.5 years old.

4.The children of a single mother have the right to attend preschool institutions, circles, sections with a 25% or more discount.

5.Children of a single mother who are under two years of age are eligible for reduced milk meals.

6.You can buy some medicines at a big discount or even half the price.

7. In school canteens, children of single mothers receive free two meals a day.

8. If there is a massage room in the children's clinic, then the children of a single mother can go to free massage sessions.

Help with housing

Moms in Moscow can seek help from a government program designed to improve housing. Thanks to the city's regulations, single mothers can qualify for affordable housing.

But first, the state must recognize a single woman with children in need of an improved quality of life.

A single mother who is not yet 35 years old can use the special Housing program lobbied by the state. Thanks to this government initiative, young people can get more affordable housing than in spontaneous real estate markets.

In Moscow, this program is called “Affordable Housing for a Young Family”. This is especially important for single mothers living in rented housing.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows individual subjects of the country to regulate benefits and various payments for this category of the population.

Factors affecting the amount of the mother's allowance:

1) the amount of income;

2) employment;

3) the presence of a regional residence permit;

4) amount of children.

Benefits introduced for mothers with disabilities

Like all other parents, such mothers are eligible to receive federal benefits and payments at the birth of a child. The amount of additional charges depends on the region in which the disabled mother lives. To find out detailed information about what kind of payments mothers with disabilities can count on, you should contact your local department of social protection. In Moscow, such mothers receive payments in connection with the increase in the cost of living and food. In addition, mothers of disabled children and those mothers whose income is below the subsistence level receive additional payments. The remaining benefits are the same as those provided by the state for single mothers.


Orthopedic shoes according to an individual rehabilitation program - specially designed products for wearing for medical purposes. They are used to correct and prevent flat feet, gait and posture disorders. Wearing specialized shoes occurs according to the indication of the doctor, taking into account the personal parameters of the patient.

When do you need shoes for IPR

The list of indications for the use of individual orthopedic shoes include:

  • longitudinal, transverse and longitudinal-transverse flat feet;
  • flat-valgus axial deviations;
  • deformities of the first finger, bone deformities and bumps;
  • relative or absolute shortening of the foot;
  • deformities of the lower extremities, including lesions of the ankle, knee and hip joints;
  • consequences of traumatic lesions;
  • heel spur (painful bony protrusion);
  • diseases of the bones of the lower extremities;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • diabetic foot syndromes. In the case of a complicated course of the disease, hypersensitivity, trophic ulcers occur;
  • clubfoot, turning the heel in or out;
  • Tendency to sprains in the ankle.
  • Minors. Children's orthopedic shoes are designed to correct the foot during the development of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedists recommend starting wearing it from the age of 2.
  • Pregnant women. With a sharp weight gain and an increase in the abdomen, the center of gravity in the body shifts. As a result, it becomes more difficult for the body to evenly distribute the load on the feet. This leads to swelling, pain in the feet and cramps in the calf muscles.
  • Athletes. Athletes and travelers are subject to serious regular stress. There is an increased risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and feet (fractures, sprains, dislocations).
  • Persons whose work requires a long stay in a standing position.

Who is entitled to free orthopedic shoes

Some categories of persons can receive products selected according to the patient's IPR. Disabled children are given 4 pairs of free orthopedic shoes per year. Children under 16 receive 2 pairs per year (winter and summer). It is allocated 1 pair of insoles every 6 months.

Free orthopedic shoes can be received by:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • large families;
  • socially unprotected segments of the population with a profit below the minimum wage;
  • children who need foot correction.

How to get orthopedic shoes for free

Compensation for orthopedic shoes under the IPR is provided by the social security authorities. To obtain it, you must proceed in the following order:

  1. Visit to the orthopedist. The patient goes to the clinic, visits an orthopedist, initiates a medical commission and receives an opinion on medical indications for providing complex orthopedic shoes.
  2. Contacting the MFC. A person visits a multifunctional center or department of social protection of the population. You will need to submit a medical report and attach an application, a copy of a birth certificate or passport, registration information.
  3. Obtaining a certificate from social security about the possibility of free issue of orthopedic products.
  4. Contacting a shoe store or manufacturer with recommendations from an orthopedist. The patient pays for the goods on his own, and then receives monetary compensation from the social security authorities. There is a maximum refund amount to consider when purchasing a product.

Customers can order and purchase specialized shoes in the ORTEKA chain of orthopedic salons.