
Description of the sensory room. Purpose and equipment of the sensory room. Visual effects of the sensory room

The concept of "sensory room" was introduced M. Montessori. The main tasks of the sensory room - relaxation , relieve stress and get rid of stress . In our educational institution, the sensory room has been operating relatively recently - since January 2013. But today we can already note the great potential of thismethod of correctional and developmental work s.

sensory room - this is a specially organized environment filled with various stimulants of the organs of vision, hearing, smell and touch.

Sensory development plays an important role in the psychological and social development of a child's personality.
In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES IEO), one of the central ideas is the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health as a value component that contributes to the cognitive and emotional development of the child. Therefore, the boarding school has developed and successfully applied the developing program "In the Magical World", aimed at revealing the intellectual and personal potential of students and creating conditions for their emotional and moral development.

A sensory room for a schoolchild is an ideal environment in which a child not only relaxes, but also develops, receives new ideas about the world, sensations, and is energized for vigorous activity.

The equipment of the sensory room contains a variety of stimuli - color plates, three-dimensional and rough letters, various soft modules.

The attention of students is attracted by various rotating, color-changing panels and devices for the active development of new sensations, which stimulates their cognitive activity and motivation, as well as emotional and verbal communication, fine and gross motor skills and motor skills.

Primary school children need sensory room activities mainly due to behavioral and communication difficulties.

For this age, typical difficulties are: fears, anxiety, aggressiveness, which often do not lend themselves to the pedagogical and educational influences of teachers and parents.

When working with such children, the sensory room is an indispensable place.
In the course of classes, using various light and sound effects (bubble column, aromatherapy, aqua lamp), the child relaxes, calms down, his muscle tone normalizes, emotional and physical stress is relieved, problems of the emotional-volitional sphere are reduced. Being in the sensory room restores and maintains the psycho-emotional balance of the child, stimulates mental development, which is especially important in a boarding school, when the child is in the group of his peers almost all day.

A special place in the program is occupied by games and exercises aimed at teaching the methods of self-regulation and self-control, the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, the volitional nature of attention, its stability and switchability, the development of coordination, including visual-motor, as well as memory, thinking, imagination and various types of perception (visual, tactile, auditory). These classes are primarily designed for children of primary school age.
They are especially necessary for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A sense of security and acceptance contributes to the creation of a positive emotional background and increases the motivation of children.

In an atmosphere of slowly floating light, lying in a “dry pool” or on soft ottomans, the child seems to fall into a fairy tale. In such a sensory room, a feeling of complete security, comfort, mystery is created, which in the best way contributes to the establishment of a calm, trusting relationship between the child and the specialist.

The most important and unique thing about the program "In the Magical World" is that, regardless of the areas of work and planned results, the complexity of developmental or behavioral disorders, classes allow you to increase the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body and activate the individual resource of each child, thereby creating the possibility of successful integration in society.

Who is shown the sessions in the sensory room

Classes in the sensory room are useful for children of any age. The content of developing classes depends on the actual mental and psychological needs due to age or individual characteristics. Classes with children from one to three years old are aimed primarily at developing:

hand-eye coordination (including its correction);

orienting reaction;


passive vocabulary.

In preschool childhood (at three to six years old), with the help of sensory room equipment, one can stimulate mental processes, develop the emotional sphere, the ability to voluntary regulation (reduce impulsivity, learn to concentrate), increase resistance to stressful stimuli. All this contributes to psycho-emotional unloading.

Sessions for children with disabilities are indicated in the following cases:

the presence of neuroses and neurosis-like states;

delayed psychomotor and speech development;

residual organic lesions of the nervous system (tics, stuttering, enuresis, etc.);


adaptation disorders;

difficulties in assimilation of program material;

cerebral palsy and movement disorders of other etiologies;

hearing, vision and speech impairments.

A visit to the sensory room by the staff of the teaching staff helps to relieve psycho-emotional stress, provide relaxation, and increase motivation for activity.

Classes in the sensory room are not recommended for children with severe mental retardation and infectious diseases. Partial contraindications include the presence of epilepsy or convulsive readiness in a child (in this case, only relaxation techniques are used without flashing equipment and rhythmic music). When working with hyperexcitable children, it is necessary to reduce the load on the sensory system, to exclude elements of active stimulation. Anxious children are not recommended to abrupt transitions from one stimulus to another.
Children with partial contraindications should first receive advice and recommendations from a neurologist.

The sensory room is a space specially equipped in such a way as to most successfully stimulate the various senses of a child or an adult. All elements of the room are installed and configured individually, thereby allowing you to adjust the degree and depth of exposure. Depending on the tasks set, it is possible to influence vision, smell, touch, hearing, vestibular apparatus, and this can be done both simultaneously and alternately. With the help of special elements in the sensory room, a feeling of comfort and coziness is achieved, a person feels completely safe, can come into a state of deep mental and muscle relaxation, which creates a favorable environment for communication, therapy (psychotherapy) and the treatment of various disorders and diseases. A trusting environment allows the most successful contact between the patient and the specialist, smooths out sharp corners when discussing any controversial issues, and liberates communication partners as much as possible. Soothing colors, subdued room lighting, quiet calm music - what can act more favorably on the psyche!? That is why sensory rooms are often called treatment rooms and are widely used in medical institutions, as well as in the prevention of various diseases, general wellness procedures or the elimination of pathologies.

By periodically staying in the sensory room, the following effects can be achieved:

    mood improvement;

    the emergence of an optimistic attitude, a positive outlook on the world;

    receiving positive emotions;

    normalization of sleep;

    reduction of anxiety and anxiety;

    reduction of irritability and manifestations of aggression;

    rest of the nervous system, reduction of excessive excitability;

    increased immunity;

    acceleration of recovery of damaged cells and rehabilitation after diseases;

    acceleration of brain activity processes;

    stimulation of cognitive processes and motor activity.

Thanks to regular sessions in the sensory room, healthy people and people with mental disorders normalize their psycho-emotional state, accelerate the development of consciousness, perception and knowledge of the world and all the processes occurring in it. Conducted in such an environment, psychological consultations and psychotherapy techniques give a more tangible result than similar actions that take place in an ordinary doctor's or psychologist's office. Therefore, in many medical institutions and organizations specializing in working with children, sensory rooms are being equipped. And experts note a positive trend after classes. Many scientists also recognize the need for sensory rooms and their positive impact on the development of the child's psyche.

The sensory room is used in the professional activities of many specialists. Psychologists, psychotherapists, speech therapists, correctional teachers, doctors of various fields can conduct their classes there. Depending on the patient's diseases or pathologies, sessions may help achieve the following goals:

    relieve tension, relax the muscular system;

    relax the body as a whole or any specific part of it, help achieve a state of relaxation and peace;

    relieve psycho-emotional stress, help in achieving peace of mind;

    activate the work of the central nervous system, stimulate the flow of various processes in the body;

    stimulate weakened reactions to external stimuli (images, pictures, smells, sounds, etc.) due to a large number of sensory manifestations;

    develop motor and cognitive functions;

    improve mood, create a favorable background for communication and learning;

    increase motivation to carry out various procedures aimed at improving the body.

Many educational organizations have specially equipped sensory rooms that are used for pedagogical correction, classes with children with motor and sensory disorders, mental retardation, and CNS diseases. Sensory rooms also help in solving problems at school or kindergarten, relieve stress, reduce irritability and nervous tension during difficult periods of life (for example, while preparing for exams). For children with high levels of anxiety, sessions in the sensory room soothe and teach them to control their emotions in various situations.

When working with children in the sensory room, you need to know the characteristics of the child's psyche, the effect of stimulation of the senses on the course of diseases, and the features of the treatment of certain pathologies. For example, for hyperexcitable and hyperactive children, excessive exposure to the sensory system may be contraindicated, so active stimulation should be reduced and the effect should be more gentle and calm. And for an anxious child, transitions from one stimulus to another should be smooth, not abrupt.

The use of Su-Jok therapy in the correction of speech disorders

Objective Game Name Description

Development of phonemic hearing and perception:

“Telegraphists” “We knock the ball with our palm if we hear the right sound” “What sound?” "Count, don't make a mistake"

Tap the given rhythmic pattern with the ball. Hit the ball with your palm when you hear the given sound. Show the ball corresponding to the given sound (syllable), (blue - hard sound, green - soft) when you hear a syllable or a word with it. Hide the ball in your palm if there is no sound there.

Take as many balls as you hear this sound among others, syllables, words with this sound.

Automation of sound in syllables, words, phrases

“The ball is with the palm of our hand “knock”, we repeat the sound in the word (syllable)” “You put on the ring, repeat the phrase correctly”

Repeat the given sound (syllable, word) a given number of times.

Put a massage ring on each finger and repeat as I did:

“An owl sits on a pine tree, she says the words ...” (automation “C”),

automation "Sh": This baby is Ilyusha, (on the thumb)

This baby is Vanyusha, (index)

This baby is Alyosha, (medium)

This little Antosha, (nameless)

And the smaller baby is called Mishutka by friends (little finger)

alternately on the right and left hand

Sound and syllabic analysis of words

One, one, one, let’s lay out the word now ... ”“ Call the word by syllables and press the ball

Lay out the sound scheme of the word with the help of multi-colored Su-Jok balls. Say the word syllable by syllable and press the ball with your palm, pronouncing each syllable.

Word formation, inflection

“Many - one”, “One - many”, “Call it affectionately” “Whose? Whose? Whose?" "Say the opposite"

Roll the ball and say the word in the singular (kittens - kitten), in the plural - (car - cars). Roll the ball and call it affectionately (table - table). Roll the ball and say: Whose? Whose? Whose? ("The tail of the fox, whose tail?")

Say the opposite (words are antonyms)

Improving the skills of using prepositions

“We play deftly with the ball and call prepositions”

Put the balls accordingly: red ball - in the box; blue - under the box; green - near the box; Then, on the contrary, the child must describe the action of the adult.

The relationship of sound to letters

“I know the letters and write them, I will roll the ball correctly” “Roll the ball on the palm of your hand - write the letter correctly”

Roll the ball over the written letter

Write the letter and its elements by rolling the ball over the palm of your hand, the surface of the table.

All diseases are caused by nerves… Every year more and more people come to this simple and brilliant idea. Someone calms his soul in the gym, someone - in the arms of a bottle. Probably, both of them do not even know about the existence of such a miracle as a sensory room. What it is, it will not be superfluous to know the inhabitants of the stressful urban jungle.

What is a sensory room for?

This is a place where all the conditions for psycho-emotional unloading are created. In addition to achieving the effect of relaxation, it is possible to help in the healing of such diseases:

  • Functional pathologies of higher nervous activity, characterized by asthenic or hysterical manifestations;
  • Problems in the socialization of children;
  • Mental trauma of various nature (all kinds of phobias, closeness from society);
  • Chronic depression and prolonged mental stress;
  • Deviant behavior of teenage children (aggression, isolation, social phobia, etc.);
  • Pathology of sensitivity;
  • mental retardation of children;
  • Problems with coordination of movements;
  • Psychological trauma of survivors of violence;
  • involuntary muscle contractions;
  • Various speech complications (including stuttering).

In some medical institutions, this therapy is also used as part of activities to prepare patients for surgery or childbirth.

Directions of influence on sensitivity

According to the most common classification, a person has five main senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. In order for the sedative effect to be maximum, it is necessary to cover the sensual sphere of a person almost completely:

  1. First of all, this is light therapy, since almost 9/10 of the information we perceive is through the eyes. It especially helps with seasonal depression caused by lack of sunlight and vitamin D deficiency in the body;
  2. Melodies can also deliver a lot of pleasure. Most often, classical musical compositions are used, conditionally divided into three categories: relaxing, exciting and mixed. Quite often, laid-back sounds of nature are fed into the speakers;
  3. Another direction of influence goes through the nose. The smells of aromatic oils, citrus fruits, some plants have a beneficial effect on mood;
  4. Walking on loose materials barefoot allows you to achieve relaxation of the muscles of the legs;
  5. Taste buds are not affected at all, but the technology is at the stage of active development.

In this video, psychologist Anna Voronina will show how a children's sensory room is arranged in a boarding school:

Features of using the technique

The greatest efficiency is possible only with strict observance following simple rules:

  • At first, the presence of one of the child's parents is allowed at the session. This reduces anxiety from being in a new unfamiliar place;
  • The initial exercises are carried out with the sensors completely disabled. Otherwise, too many triggers will only cause negative experiences. Only gradually, step by step, new channels of perception are activated;
  • The total length of stay is limited to 40-45 minutes. With rapid excitability, the timing should be adjusted downward;
  • It is forbidden to treat people with severe mental retardation, as well as patients with infectious diseases (for the safety of other visitors and medical staff);
  • High caution requires the treatment of epileptics. Intense light therapy and aggressive sound accompaniment are strictly prohibited.

How to create an ecosystem with your own hands?

Specialized medical equipment of this kind is not cheap. But you can reproduce something similar at home if you have a great desire:

  • First of all, you need to decide on the location of the "rest room". There can be two options: a separate room in the apartment or a fenced part of it;
  • It’s better not to save on wallpaper: you should buy more expensive models with an exquisite and multi-colored pattern. You can opt for photo wallpapers or silk-screen printing;
  • Curtains or curtains on each window should have a unique color scheme. For example, one is blue, the other is red, etc.;
  • When choosing shades, special care must be taken. The warm part of the spectrum (orange, red) excites the entire sensual palette. Cold shades (green), on the contrary, pacify;
  • As additional accessories, you can put a rocking chair, a mini-fountain, an aquarium with small colorful fish;
  • The finishing touch will be a small fan that creates the illusion of a light breeze.

Sensory room for children with disabilities

The technology is widely used in the treatment and relief of the condition of disabled children:

  • Before starting a course of procedures, it is recommended to consult with a specialist. In some cases, the duration of one session will have to be more than doubled: up to 10-15 minutes;
  • With auditory pathologies, primitive musical toys, bells and rattles help. It is imperative that the pitch and intensity of their sound be different;
  • In case of problems with coordination, a bubble column, a light ball and a light ladder come to the rescue (reminiscent of a traffic light with a large number of lamps);
  • Correction of tactile problems is done with the help of massage toys. If the child refuses to take it in his hand, it is necessary to calm him down and stroke him;
  • Psycho-emotional deviations in preschoolers are cured through direct communication. During the conversation, it is recommended to constantly smile, pronounce affectionate words for the baby, call him by name as often as possible.

Correction is carried out both individually and in small groups. There are no age restrictions (even one-year-old babies are allowed).

It is warm and pleasant here, like on a cozy summer evening. A light breeze is blowing, pleasant smells are heard from afar, enchanting relaxing music is playing in the background. And all this magnificence - no, not on the Mediterranean Sea, but - is available in many cities of our country. His name is room. What is it, if not a paradise, where absolutely everyone can get.

Video: how is the sensory room for psychological relief arranged?

In this video, psychologist Aleksey Shcherbakov will talk about his own development - a sensory room for psychological unloading for adults:

Also, work with the ward in the sensory room is aimed at the prevention and treatment of various diseases of all sensory organs and the nervous system. Despite the fact that there are different types of sensory rooms, the purpose of working in such a room is the same: to restore mental and moral balance, to find harmony with oneself and others, and to strengthen the nervous system. Based on the category of people and purposes for which the sensory room is equipped, the methods of conducting sessions can be completely different.

Sensory rooms are of various types:

For relaxation

Game-developing sensory room for children

Multisensory room, which has two zones: play-developing and relaxation

Of course, the equipment for the Sensory Room should be selected by highly qualified specialists who will take into account the category of wards (age, possible disabilities, area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and, of course, the wishes of the client). You can order a project from us ( IS FREE! ), and our specialists will select the equipment and visualize the project within a few hours. You can order a project using the link on our website by filling out a simple form: Order form or by email: [email protected]

What does a sensory room look like?

The equipment primarily includes lighting design, accompanied by music and videos for relaxation, as well as aromatherapy. In any sensory room, you can not do without the design of comfortable frameless furniture and soft modules. Let's add massage and tactile products, massagers and a massage chair, light and sound and interactive equipment - this is how a perfectly structured Sensory Room looks like

The sensory relaxation room is designed exclusively for relieving tension and fatigue, getting rid of stress, psychological clamps, normalizing sleep and emotional state. There is no room for loud music or fun games in Relaxation rooms. Relaxation rooms (zones) are decorated in calm, pastel colors; light effects are used, with a smooth flow of color: bubble columns and aquapanels, fiberoptic products. A mandatory component is the comfortable design of the room with frameless furniture; hanging chairs made of natural materials (rattan) and water mattresses are widely demanded. Massage chairs, mattresses, warming pillows and massage foot modules.

Game-developing Sensory room for children

In the game-developing sensory rooms for children, the emphasis is on educational decorative panels, game designers, soft building modules, story puffs, dry pools with balls. Also, sensory learning-game systems, virtual complexes of projection and virtual reality are used. For children with disabilities, equipment is selected based on the characteristics of deviations.

In the Multisensory Room, as a rule, two zones are combined. The first, exclusively play-developing zone, the second - for relaxation and stress relief, rest and sleep. Zones should be divided. After learning, playing and having fun, the child should go to the relaxation zone to relax, relieve stress and fatigue.

The main indications for visiting the Sensory Room:

Neuroses and neurosis-like states,

Delays in psychomotor and speech development,

Residual organic lesions of the central nervous system with symptoms of stuttering, enuresis, tics, etc.,

Autism, adjustment disorders, school problems, the need for family psychocorrection,

Cerebral palsy, movement disorders of other etiologies,

Hearing, vision, speech impairments.

For healthy people of different ages, sessions in the sensory room are aimed at solving a variety of problems:

Removal of muscular and psycho-emotional tension, achievement of a state of relaxation and peace of mind;

· Activation of various functions of the central nervous system by creating an enriched multisensory environment;

Stimulation of weakened sensory functions (vision, touch, hearing, etc.);

Development of motor functions;

Creating a positive emotional background, increasing motivation for other medical procedures

In order to prepare the premises for the Sensory Room as correctly as possible, we suggest that you read our article: ROOM PREPARATION

In schools, kindergartens and family entertainment centers, sensory rooms, which are a unique developmental environment, have become widespread. It provides a real opportunity to expand the knowledge and life experience of kids, as well as enrich their inner world. sensory room is a zone in which girls and boys can experiment and act as they see fit.

Features and Benefits

sensory room- this is a room that serves not only to entertain the child, but also for the work of a psychologist with his pupils. A specially equipped area can be custom-made or made independently. Regardless of how it was performed, its main goal is psychological relief. At the same time, not only children, but also adults will definitely like it. Staying and exercising in a specially equipped area helps to overcome a difficult life situation, relieve stress and restore mental strength.

Thanks to the sensory room in children, there is a strengthening of the nervous system, an improvement in the general psycho-emotional state. In order for it to have proper efficiency, special equipment and elements are installed in it that are capable of influencing the senses.

In addition, certain objects additionally interact with the vestibular apparatus. Thanks to a wide variety of special items, each person will be able to get exactly the help that he needs at a given time. The main advantages of the sensory room include:

division into several zones - relaxation, activation;

a wide range of influences;

Possibility of independent installation of devices and equipment of the audience;

low cost.

sensory room equipped with various stimulants that are aimed at activating the human senses. "Chamber of relaxation" is used not only for relaxation, but also in order to achieve the effect of toning, stimulation. Its principle of action is to combine any combination of exposure - light, music, tactile sensations, color, smell. Two or three stimuli can be combined to achieve maximum results.

What stimuli are there in the sensory room?

In the sensory room, you can install various equipment and objects. Its high efficiency lies in the use of different methods of exposure:

· color therapy;

Sound therapy

Light therapy

· tactile sensations;


During light and color therapy, there is a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. Soft, warm colors provide peace and relaxation, while bright colors excite. Photons of light are aimed at maintaining the rhythm of daily fluctuations and improve immune processes, the general condition of a person. Often, specialists conduct color therapy. Each of the shades has a specific effect. For example, red is the color of stimulation, while yellow is the color of toning and relaxation.

During sound therapy, the effect on hearing is carried out. During the procedure, a person can simply listen and enjoy the music or take a direct part in its creation. As a rule, the sounds of nature or melodic, calm music are broadcast in the room, which gives the listeners peace. To excite the patient's nervous system, mechanical sounds are used, music that combines different tonality, including electronic. A striking example of exciting music are the works of Mozart or waltzes.

Aromatherapy is used to influence the sense of smell. For excitation, sharp aromas are used, and for peace - pleasant, gentle. During the procedure, essential oils of different plants are used, which not only smell delicious, but also have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

To influence the skin receptors, special classes and objects are carried out that allow you to enhance tactile sensations. For rest, soft, warm and gentle objects are intended, and for excitement - elements that vibrate, tingle the skin. To eliminate muscle tension or improve blood circulation, specialists conduct massage sessions using special devices.

Benefits of a sensory room

Sensory room for children includes two opposite zones in which you can activate, stimulate the senses, the nervous system, or, conversely, relax and give the child a sense of peace. In the relaxation zone, the specialist creates the necessary mood for his wards. For this, special procedures are carried out using different objects and materials. The most commonly used equipment and elements are:

· dry pool;

color modules, disks;

soundtracks with relaxing music;

· special lighting;

frameless, safe, ergonomic furniture;

modular covers.

The relaxing session starts from the moment the child is immersed in a dry pool filled with small colorful balls. They are hollow inside, and outside - hard and hard to the touch. When a child lies down in the pool, every muscle relaxes. If the relaxation session is complemented by a soothing melody and video projections on the wall or ceiling, the result will not be long in coming. In the relaxation zone, each patient has a feeling of peace and tranquility.

In the activation zone, all the necessary conditions are created for the child to begin to move and interact with objects. It is equipped with specialized panels, movable elements, devices for interactive classes. An important element of the activation zone is a dry pool containing multi-colored balls. This enables the full development of motor skills.

At present, it can be equipped in schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, family recreation and entertainment centers. In addition, many companies equip such zones for their employees. In educational institutions, they are used to correct psychological and neurological disorders and children. The specialist conducts classes in the form of a game.

In sanatoriums, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, the unloading and activation room is used to prepare patients for surgery, physiotherapy procedures. Classes help to reduce neurotic and vegetative-vascular reactions in patients, pain sensation, eliminate fear.

To equip the psychological relief room, air bubble panels and columns are often used. They perform two tasks - decorative and stimulating. Similar designs are often found in offices, restaurants, shops, beauty salons. Psychologists have long used this element to help people.

Used for arranging room partitions into several zones and decoration. Psychologists have long noted that in the sensory room such a panel can be used instead of an aquarium. Watching the bubbles, the movement of water, a person relaxes, tunes in to positive emotions. The advantages of the bubble column include:

relaxing effect;

Aesthetics, safety of operation;

lack of special care and maintenance costs;

democratic price;

several variations of lighting for zoning the room with light and color;

a source of additional lighting.

Bubble panel may have additional options - sound, color change. It helps to overcome stress, depression, fatigue, as well as create an amazing atmosphere of warmth, comfort, peace. The hollow chamber is filled with water and glycerin. An air generator is connected to the structure, which fills the container with a thousand beautiful bubbles. To improve the visual effect, multi-colored illumination is used. Colors can be switched independently or set the desired parameters.

The column changes in color palette, light intensity. The bubble column is made of safe materials - acrylic glass, cellular polycarbonate, and the color scheme can be selected individually depending on the purpose and design.

Types and purposes

Sensory rooms are aimed at solving many psychological and emotional problems:

reduction of anxiety

stimulation of the sense organs, which for some reason have weakened;

gaining self-confidence, beauty;

preparation for the rehabilitation period;

a charge of positive emotions;

creating a well-tuned emotional background;

fight against chronic pain;

reduction of excessive activity;

Overcoming children's fears, stressful situations.

Regular sessions in the sensory room help the child overcome stress, attacks of aggression and conflict, reduce fatigue, and improve attention and memory. Children quickly develop fine motor skills, sensitivity, there is an interest in the knowledge of the world around them. Relaxing sessions help the child resolve sleep problems and improve it. An important purpose of the room is the activation of creativity, the identification of talents, the development of logic, imagination.

In a specially equipped room, you can relax, play, jump, gain new knowledge. It will be useful for each child to attend such classes and games. At the same time, sessions can be carried out both in a group and individually for an individual ward, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Sensory room at school, kindergarten and other specialized institution can be made in two variations - dark and light. Each of them has its own characteristics and purpose. The bright room is aimed at getting natural movements from the child, interaction with elements that can teach him to show the right reaction in non-standard situations and conditions.

Light rooms, as a rule, are performed in bright, unusual colors. Trampolines, big balls, dry pools, tunnel modules and other play complexes are used for classes, which contribute not only to psycho-emotional recovery, but also to sports training. Classes are held in a playful way at an active pace. This allows the child to gain new knowledge, get a charge of new positive emotions.

Dark sensory rooms are used to relax a person. They are aimed at restoring the psychological state. Classes in a special zone help relieve nervous tension. They are often equipped in correctional schools, institutions in which children with developmental disabilities live. The main equipment of dark sensory rooms are interactive modules, light panels, fountains, soft massage complexes, projections on the ceiling.

In this room, the child can restore inner balance, get rid of fears, negative emotions, as well as overcome aggression and learn self-control. Classes help to find new facets of feelings for children who have impaired vision. Special items, modules help them develop other senses and stimulate vision. Bright glare of light has a positive effect on the work of visual receptors, muscles, and nerve endings.

To ensure that all games, activities and procedures are safe, elements of upholstered frameless furniture are used. Sofas, ottomans, bean bags are comfortable for children. You can lie on them, jump. Each piece of furniture is made from environmentally friendly, safe materials and takes the form of a person. Moreover, their use allows you to bring coziness and comfort to the classroom for classes, filling the room with warmth and sincerity.

The sensory room for children is a special space designed and equipped specifically to give adults and children the opportunity not only to relax and relieve stress, but also to improve their emotional state and improve their health. For children, the sensory room is an inexhaustible source of opportunities for games, creativity and full development. Such rooms, filled with special equipment, are created in preschool institutions, schools, hospitals, and sanatoriums. For educational psychologists working in these organizations, sensory rooms can become an indispensable tool to help in working with young pupils. One of the main purposes of such rooms is the emotional and psychological relaxation of patients. However, using them for the overall development of the child is also a very important goal. Special items and equipment that each sensory room is equipped with help to train and develop the child's senses. All senses are involved here: hearing, sight, touch, taste buds and smell. Much attention is also paid to training the vestibular apparatus.

Development of children in the sensory room

The child and his development, health is what worries all responsible parents. It is impossible to fully develop your child without taking into account the development of his sensory abilities:

  • the ability to understand and estimate the size of objects
  • form definition
  • color recognition skills
  • hearing and listening to music
  • development of tactile sensations

Classes in the sensory room are the best possible way to take into account all the features of the development of the child's personality in this direction:

  • contribute to the infusion of the child into the team
  • allow to accelerate adaptation in society
  • help to create a calm and comfortable environment for the child
  • development of successful sensory development.

Most of the objects and equipment that are used for sensory room activities are quite unusual objects for children. This only increases the child's interest in classes. And it contributes to a more effective immersion of children in such a comfortable environment.

Sensory Room Techniques

The main methods of work that are used in this case are as follows: light and color therapy, music and sound therapy (in the absence of allergies). Special tables and devices for sand painting and interactive panels for "drawing" with light are used. The attention and perseverance of the child, his perception of different colors and their shades are trained with the help of bubble columns of various types. Fiber optic fibers, light panels, fountains and modules are also used for relaxation and play with light. The equipment must comply with all electrical and fire safety requirements. More information in the section.