
Believe it if the cross squeezes the throat. Pectoral cross. where did the tradition of wearing cross-stitches come from and why wear it? Can't be worn on a chain

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Good day! Must an Orthodox cross be with Jesus? Or is it not important? Faith is not going anywhere from this. They just gave me a cross, and there is a pebble in the center. Is this considered Orthodox?


Hello Svetlana. What you are talking about is a decoration stylized as a cross. They said "thank you" for the gift, and keep it as a keepsake. And wear a normal pectoral cross, without jewelry, in accordance with the Russian Orthodox tradition.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Can a consecrated cross with a consecrated icon be worn on the same chain?


Ekaterina, yes, a wearable icon can be worn together on the same chain with a cross. But instead of a cross, you can't.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

I have a question for you: an icon of the Transfiguration was somehow brought to us in Karachay-Cherkessia, and plastic crosses with the image of Jesus Christ were sold. Tell me, can this cross be hung on the wall, otherwise they tell me that such crosses are placed on the dead?


Oksana, the most important thing is the image of the Sign of the Cross, and it doesn't matter what material the Cross is made of. There are also plastic crosses, sometimes they are buried with plastic crosses. By the way, the cross can be hung at home, even if the same cross is used at the burial of the dead.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

I was presented with a cross, someone else's, not consecrated, golden, can I keep it for myself, consecrate and wear it?


Oksana, crosses can be given and accepted as a gift, only first it must be consecrated in the church, and then you can wear it.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Now, I want to change the wooden pectoral cross for a silver one. Tell me where to put the wooden one, or should it be taken to the temple? Thank you for your answer and for your attention.


Elena, the wooden cross does not need to be taken anywhere, keep it at home in a clean place, maybe it will come in handy someday.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon, explain, does the loss of the cross with the chain mean anything? Thank you in advance.


Tatyana, this means negligence in relation to the shrine. You need to repent of this in the church at confession, and get a new cross.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Recently I noticed that my daughter had a silver pectoral cross bent at the base (as if the Savior's legs gave way). What to do in this situation? Take it to the church and replace it with a new one, or leave it as it is? And why did this happen (it is impossible to straighten it with your hands)?

Rai, probably, was bent somewhere, and they themselves did not notice it. There is no need to change the cross yet, try to take it to the workshop, most likely, they will be able to fix it there.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. I have a question - is it possible to carry the Hand of the Lord together on a string with a cross (acquired in the temple in Jerusalem, consecrated in the temple of the Holy Sepulcher). When the priest, in the process of churching, put a cross on the child, he drew attention to her, asked what and where, and hung the cross on the child without removing his hand. Could this be considered a permission to wear them together?


Catherine, first of all, it is necessary to wear an Orthodox cross, and this is quite enough. Show once again the "hand" to the priest in the temple and ask more specifically, and ask the question - is it possible or not to wear it.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. Tell me, please, what can a cross hung by someone on the front door mean?


Evgenia, doesn't mean anything. For an Orthodox person, the cross is salvation, hope and eternal life.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. My mother and I embroider icons (we bought sets in a needlework store). I - with beads, without embroidering the faces (the faces of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ have already been drawn), and my mother - with a cross, but with full embroidery, that is, the faces will also be embroidered. On one site I read that only especially pious people, or in monasteries, can embroider the faces of saints. We are going to consecrate the icons in the church. Can I continue to cross stitch with full embroidery? Thanks.


Catherine, so as not to be embarrassed, show your embroidery to the priest, from whom you are going to consecrate icons later, take a blessing for a good deed and discuss all the nuances with him.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good evening. I am baptized, but I am interested in the topic of Slavism. I wanted to know if it is possible to wear a cross on a chain and the "Oberezhnik" charm - it brings health, happiness and joy. On the one hand, I understand that the cross and the amulet are not comparable, but if I believe that the cross is faith in God, and the amulet is a thing that will bring me happiness and health? On the other hand, faith in God should bring health and happiness. Sorry, I don't know how to express a thought correctly. As a result, the question is: is it possible to wear a cross on a chain and a charm on a string around your neck, or a cross around your neck, and a charm on your hand?


Vladimir! Decide who you believe in. "Amulet" is not protection, but pagan attributes. "Amulets" have nothing to do with Orthodoxy and faith in the Living God. These are pagan attributes, and they should not have a place in the life of a Christian. But the cross is just the symbolism of faith and a powerful weapon against the evil one. The difference between Christian shrines and such things lies in the fact that the bearer of a talisman or "amulet" is supposedly "passively protected", while a Christian is required to internally conform to that spiritual symbolism and those shrines that he wears or applies to. It is impossible to get God's help just by hanging a cross on oneself or by buying an icon in a church, and at the same time being indifferent to God, without having any striving for Him in one's heart.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. I would like to know if it is possible to wear a cross and an amulet "Star of Russia" together?


Alexander, every Orthodox Christian must wear an Orthodox cross. The cross is our hope and protection. The cross is glory to the angel, and the ulcer to the demons. The cross is the victory over death. What is an amulet? A piece of soulless stone or other material. This is idolatry and a manifestation of pagan superstition. Not only can it not be worn - neither with the cross, nor separately - it must be immediately thrown into the trash.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! I wear a pectoral gold cross around my neck, without inserts, put on at the baptism. Recently they presented another one, very beautiful, also gold, with cubic zirconias. Can they be worn together? A gift from a loved one, I do not want to be in the box. And I don't want to take off my old cross.


Valentine! An Orthodox pectoral cross is not a decoration. This is a testimony of faith. Choose one cross, the one that is more canonical, and not the one that you like best.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! I bought in the Temple with. Godenovo (where the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is located) is a wooden cross with the image of the Crucifixion of the Savior, as I thought, metal, and fixed on top of a wooden cross. Painfully he liked me. Somehow I lay down on my soul, I can not part with him. In the process of a short wear, it turned out that it was not metal, but plastic on top of the tree, painted with golden paint, the paint would peel off, and the very image of the Savior had recently completely peeled off the cross. I wanted to glue it back with high-quality glue, but first decided to clarify how to do it right in this case. Now I just wear it as it was, made of wood. What to do with a picture of the Savior that has come unstuck? Please help me what to do? What is your opinion - why are they producing such short-lived things intended for daily wear, how does the Church feel about it? Thanks a lot. Forgive me, Lord, for my misunderstandings!


Elena, it does not matter at all what material the cross is made of, the main thing is the very image of the Cross of the Lord. The crucifix must be glued to the cross and worn again. Why poor-quality crosses are made, I do not know. When choosing any thing, including a pectoral cross, you should always look not only at the beauty of the product, but also at its quality.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! I am baptized, but I don’t wear a cross, and I live in a family where they don’t believe in God. Mom treats the church scornfully, she does not see the point in going to church. I want to buy a cross, but I don’t know how to ask my mother. I'm afraid she will laugh and say that you have to be right in your soul. Where and for how much can you buy an ordinary gold cross? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Svetlana, every Orthodox Christian should wear a pectoral cross. The cross is a symbol of victory over death. It is not necessary to buy a gold cross, you can purchase a cross from a cheaper material, it does not matter. But if you want gold, then I think you don't need to be afraid, ask your mother to buy herself a cross (even if she laughs). The Gospel says, "ask and you will receive." You will ask your mom several times, do not hesitate. If she refuses, you ask for more - in the end she will get tired of it, and she will buy you a cross.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, a gold cross was bought for the child at the baptism. A child (2 years old) constantly chewed it until the parents saw that, as a result, Christ partially falls off. What to do with such a cross, can it be poured and consecrated again? And is it possible to give the child the mother's cross, which she wore as a child (now she is wearing another cross). Should this cross be consecrated anew?


Hello Anna. You acted shortsightedly by buying a gold cross for a baby. My own son chewed several crosses in the first three or four years, and ate one. Crosses on babies are "consumables". You have to come to terms with this. And the best thing is to buy a small silver cross on a string. And remake the damaged gold. Consecrate after alteration.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello father! Help me please! My friend cannot wear a cross, he strangles her, she feels bad, she immediately takes it off. Lately she has not been able to go to church, she feels bad there until she faints. Now, in general, he is afraid to go to church, and does not wear a cross in any. And something bad happens to her. How can I help her? She is good. I don’t understand what happened. And it all makes her feel bad, then she cries, then she starts to get angry. Help, advise what to do. Thanks.


Olga, what you are describing is clearly demonic. If your friend does not dare to fight this demon, whom she once admitted to herself, I am afraid that her life, and even her death, may be completely unhappy. Advise her, no matter how difficult it is, to go to confession, and from this start her path to purification.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Why does the pectoral cross burn?


Karina, to be honest, the question is not very clear to me. Perhaps your cross has gotten hot (for example, in a sauna). I see no other explanation. The cross is the instrument of our salvation, it protects us from all evil, therefore a Christian is obliged to treat the Cross with reverence. The cross is material evidence of a person's belonging to the Church of Christ. At the same time, he is a sharp weapon in the spiritual struggle.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

I was baptized a long time ago, I go to church, but something incomprehensible happens. As soon as I put on a pectoral cross, it becomes bad on a physical level. Feeling of rejection, rejection. I immediately remove the cross from myself. Why is this happening to me?

Dear Vera, I cannot explain this to you. I am not a clairvoyant old man to say what kind of problems you have in connection with wearing the cross. Generally speaking, we can say that the problems in this case can be of two plans.

Firstly, these are spiritual problems, and then it may be associated with some unconfessed passions, forgotten sins. Then, guided by the advice of the Optina elders, one can recommend to go through the general Confession again before an experienced priest, that is, the Confession for the whole life from adolescence, carefully preparing for it, especially in relation to any old, forgotten or shameful sins that have not been confessed or were confessed not quite sincerely or not completely.

Secondly, the problem may be related to your psychosomatic state. This needs to be checked, and if you find it difficult to wear a metal cross, you can buy a wooden or knitted one, as they do in Greece, or from threads, or some other light cross, consecrate and use it. If the problem occurs with the chain, try using a thin lace. But I repeat that if all these replacements do not lead to anything, if a simple piece of jewelry is easily worn, and a cross hung on the same chain suddenly causes some discomfort, then, of course, it is worth thinking about the spiritual nature of this phenomenon.

I am a baptized man. I don’t understand what’s the matter. I can't wear a cross. As soon as I put it on myself, physical discomfort arises, and I immediately take it off myself. Explain, please, what is the matter. And so for many years.

Dear Olga, I cannot explain this to you. I am not a clairvoyant old man to say what kind of problems you have in connection with wearing the cross. Generally speaking, we can say that the problems in this case can be of two plans.

First, these are spiritual problems, and then it may be associated with some unconfessed passions, forgotten sins. Then, guided by the advice of the Optina elders, it is possible to recommend to go through the general Confession again before an experienced priest, that is, the Confession for the whole life from adolescence, carefully preparing for it, especially in relation to any old, forgotten or shameful sins that have not been confessed or were not fully confessed or not fully confessed.

Secondly, the problem may be related to your psychosomatic state. This needs to be checked, and if it is difficult for you to wear a metal cross, you can buy a wooden or knitted one, as they do in Greece, or from threads, or some other light cross, consecrate and use it. If the problem occurs with the chain, try using a thin lace. But I repeat that if all these replacements do not lead to anything, if a simple piece of jewelry is easily worn, and a cross hung on the same chain suddenly causes some discomfort, then, of course, it is worth thinking about the spiritual nature of this phenomenon.