
The correct location of the gazebo on the site. What are gazebos? We choose a gazebo and a place for it. What material are arbors most often made of?

In practice, in small gardens, they choose the quietest, farthest corner of the site among flowers or trees, closed from the wind and prying eyes, away from the road so that exhaust gases and car noise do not penetrate into the recreation area. And wherever your summer house is located, it should always offer a pleasant view - not at the entrance gate, garage or, but at the green area, flower bed, alpine hill, pond or stream. You can install a gazebo near the playground so that the kids are in sight, and you, being “in another place”, give them a certain freedom of action. But the sports ground wouldn't be the best neighborhood.

Plants in shallow water are best placed in baskets and choose those suitable for shallow water. In order not to block the site, low plants are planted in groups along the banks of the pond, and perennials (hosta, fern and geranium) are located next to the path. In the place where the stream flows into the reservoir, you can plant a tall juniper.

Considering the style of the garden
When the gazebo in the garden is not in its place, it is usually empty, and it is difficult for the owners to find a use for it. Therefore, the choice of location for this building must be approached responsibly. Moreover, the arbors have their "legitimate" places in the garden.

From time immemorial, garden arbors were placed in places, if possible, secluded from the hustle and bustle. Hidden somewhere in the distance behind large trees and shrubs, on the banks of a pond or river, their location already helped not only to break away from everyday worries and everyday life, but also to admire the garden in complete solitude. It is no coincidence that they tried to place the gazebo in the place where the best view of the surroundings or the most picturesque corners of the garden opens.

But the gazebo itself should be a decoration. The place must be chosen in such a way that she can show herself in all her glory. Most often, these are the corners of the site, the boundaries of garden areas, as well as the entrance area or a place near the pond.

In a regular garden, an arbor can be a good way to close the perspective, to create a focal point where the axes of the garden abut. In turn, sitting in the gazebo, this axis can be viewed in the opposite direction. The gazebo can also be placed at the central point of the beam composition. If a regular garden covers a large area, you can decorate it with several symmetrically spaced gazebos: paired or repetitive architectural structures enhance the sense of regularity.

In an "English" style landscape garden, the pergola should be organically integrated into the landscape and help create a certain - usually romantic or melancholy - atmosphere. That is why in landscape gardens and parks bright accents were traditionally created by arbors in elegant classical, strict Gothic or refined oriental styles, skillfully inscribed in the landscape fabric of the garden landscape. In some cases, in order to achieve the necessary artistic effect, such structures were specially erected in a ruined form. The romantic attitude towards the ruin, its aestheticization led to the fact that by the end of the 18th century, artificial ruins became one of the most fashionable elements in the organization of gardens and parks.

However, nowadays the approaches to finding a place for a gazebo, which were used in the past when planning vast regular or landscape landscape gardening complexes, are not so relevant, because modern gardens most often have much smaller areas. In small and medium-sized areas, completely different strategies are now in place.

Accounting plot size
On 6 acres it is generally very difficult to figure out where you can put a gazebo. In gardening partnerships, houses on plots are usually placed along the red line near the road, so it makes no sense to place a gazebo in the center of the garden: the building will visually greatly reduce the size of the plot. But the lawn and a circular path in the middle, on the contrary, will create a harmonious garden space in such a small garden. With a gazebo, it is easiest to attach yourself to one of the far corners of the site. To protect this open garden room from prying eyes, it is advisable to plant dense backstage trees and tall shrubs along the fence.

Another option for 6 acres is to put a gazebo a few meters from the entrance to the house located on the side facade. From the rear, the building can be closed with a high hedge or decorated with vines. Then the gazebo will successfully replace the open veranda.

If a large neighbor's house or something not very attractive to you adjoins the border of your site, then the best option for locating a recreation area is a gazebo with blank back and side walls. Such a structure stands with its back to the fence, almost adjoining it, there is only a small passage between it and the fence, instead of glass, it is better to insert mirrors into the windows. It is placed facing the house, the front wall is made open, then you will, sitting at the table, admire your house.

On plots with an area of ​​​​10-16 acres, there are much more options for the successful location of the gazebo. If the house is on the red line, you can place the gazebo in a sunny place in the middle of the site and decorate it with flowering plants, such as clematis and climbing roses, or reliable creepers - girlish grapes, actinidia, lemongrass, honeysuckle capricole. But in most cases, a house in such areas is no longer built by the road, but in the depths of the garden. Then the gazebo can be placed both in the entrance area and in the back of the garden.

It all depends on the psychology and tastes of the owners of the garden, as well as on the purpose of the gazebo. After all, rest in the garden can have different content. If the gazebo should serve as a summer dining room, then it is desirable to place it closer to the place of cooking. Care must be taken to ensure that the hostess is comfortable carrying dishes and food, and at the same time she would not go around the whole house. If the owners of the site like to sit by the fire and sing with a guitar, the gazebo for such gatherings is usually shifted to the outskirts of the territory. If a large gazebo should serve to receive numerous guests, then there should be a platform with a hearth, barbecue or barbecue nearby. And it would be nice to place a well nearby (to cool wine, beer or other drinks).

If the owners of the site have small children, next to the gazebo you can equip

The gazebo is a place where you can hide from the sun and rain, retire to contemplate nature, organize outdoor dining and receive guests. In this article we will answer several questions related to the construction and location of the gazebo on the plot.

Where is the best place to place a gazebo on a personal plot?

There are no rules for the location of a gazebo on a personal plot. Before choosing a place for such a building, you need to answer yourself the following question: “For what purposes do I want to have a gazebo?”. If it will be a place for children to play, then it should be located near the house, so that the gazebo is clearly visible from its windows.

In all other cases, it is better to place the gazebo in the depths of the site. There it will be surrounded by trees or large shrubs. Since any gazebo is, first of all, a place for eating outdoors, a wide hard-surfaced garden path should lead to it. So it will be better for you and your guests to get to it, as well as carry everything you need for a meal. Next to the gazebo, you can place a swing where children will play under the supervision of adults. Such children's swings can be bought cheaply at UnicomStroy.

Next to the gazebo, you can build a barbecue or garden stove. They can be placed under one roof, without forgetting about the chimney. If the owner of the site likes to “invite” you to a barbecue, then you can install a barbecue near the gazebo, but so that the sparks from it do not fall on the structure of the gazebo, especially if it is made of wood.

What distinguishes a gazebo from a pergola and a canopy?

An arbor is a structure that includes supports, a roof and, in most cases, walls. The presence of solid walls allows you to spend time in the gazebo even with heavy rain or other manifestations of bad weather.

The pergola consists of supports connected in the upper part by a horizontal element, mainly of an arcuate shape. They are supports for climbing plants. Such a natural roof can save you from the heat, but when it rains it is better not to stay under the pergola.

A canopy is a structure that includes a solid roof and supports. The canopy may have light walls, which do not always help protect against precipitation in bad weather. Often a canopy is a temporary structure to protect from hot sun or light rain.

From what material are arbors most often made?

Most often on personal plots you can find gazebos made of wooden structures. It consists of a bottom rail made of timber, a grooved floor, corner and center posts made of profiled timber, a top rail and a roof. The decorative lattices of wooden arbors made of slats look original.

You can build a wooden gazebo yourself or buy a ready-made one. It is assembled on site from structural elements produced in woodworking factories.

A wooden gazebo, like any other structure made of such material, needs to be treated with special preparations that protect the wood from external influences.

What form of a wooden arbor is the most optimal?

The most functional form of a wooden gazebo is a quadrangular structure with two solid walls. But for the ergonomics of space, it is advisable to choose a gazebo shape that will have a six or octagonal shape. The choice of the number of corners of such a gazebo depends on its size. The larger it is, the more appropriate it is to choose a shape with a large number of corners.

Do you need a foundation for a wooden gazebo?

For a wooden gazebo, a foundation is needed only at a high level of groundwater. If you have groundwater at a sufficient distance on your site, then you can get by with pouring a concrete slab, on which you can then place a gazebo.

To begin with, the soil is tamped in the place where the gazebo structure will be located. With the help of formwork, concrete is poured, the layer of which must be at least 10 cm. After marking the concrete slab, you can begin to assemble the gazebo structure. To prevent rotting of wooden beams, there must be a gap between them and the concrete slab. It is achieved by using support blocks between the concrete slab and the supporting beams.

Are there portable gazebos?

Portable gazebos with a collapsible body, roof and fabric walls exist. Their design resembles a tent. The advantage of such arbors is the speed of installation and low costs. Fabric for walls and roofs in such structures is impregnated with special compositions of polymeric materials. Such compositions make the fabric more durable.

What plants can decorate the gazebo?

Climbing plants that climb the walls or supports of the gazebo look beautiful. As such a decor, you can use lemongrass, capricole honeysuckle, Amur or girlish grapes, actinidia and other plants for vertical gardening. Clematis, climbing roses or the Far Eastern liana tree pliers braiding pergolas or arbors look original, but caring for them is more complicated than for those types of plants that we talked about above.

Since the vines grow quickly enough, they need to be cut off periodically. In addition, plants such as clematis and climbing roses need shelter for the winter.

Petunias, nasturtiums and pelargoniums look beautiful on the supporting beams and walls of arbors in hanging planters and wicker baskets.

How and where to build a gazebo with your own hands

The gazebo is one of the main resting places in the garden. In it you can receive guests, cook, just relax, watching the landscape. Pergolas are built of wood and wrought iron, metal pipes and bricks, natural stone.

They come in different shapes - round and square, rectangular, 6- and 8-sided. Some arbors have a space fenced off by blank walls from prying eyes, others have window openings. You can make a gazebo without walls, you can replace them with openwork gratings.

Evaluate the possibilities of the gazebo. In the gazebo you can relax from the midday heat, hide from the rain, invite friends for tea, retire from prying eyes, admire your garden or pond in complete privacy. Try to place the gazebo in the part of the garden that offers the most beautiful view, just do not put the gazebo in the middle of the area in the sun. If you are going to arrange receptions or tea parties in this gazebo, then it should be close to the entrance to your house.

A classic do-it-yourself gazebo is a simple wooden structure. It can have any shape and size - for example, with a support and mutually intersecting boards. Simple country gazebos are quite easy to manufacture, especially if you purchase ready-made parts that are installed on site.

Marking the area for the gazebo

Let's start marking the site: the position of the building is indicated with a cord, putting marks in the places where each support will be. After the final inspection, construction begins. The uprights should have a size of 70 by 7 mm and from 3 meters in height.

Installation of supports

To securely fix the supports in the ground, side supports are installed in concrete or metal stepchildren made of profile steel are used. For the purpose of accurate vertical installation of supports, a level or building plumb line is used. Supports facing each other are connected by boards. Such boards form the ceiling of the gazebo for the garden. In order to fix these boards, cuts must be made on the racks.

After that, rafter legs are installed from a bar measuring 50 by 70 mm. Rafter legs need the same size, they are marked and assembled on the ground. After the roof contour is ready, it is necessary to proceed to the roof device. Boards are stuffed onto the rafters, tightly fitted one to the other. The roof can be made from OSB sheets, then everything is covered with a soft roof.

In order to install the supports of the gazebo, it is necessary to dig a hole 50-70 cm deep and install a pole in it. The lower part of the support should be treated with an antiseptic or bitumen in order to protect the wooden rack from moisture. At the bottom of the pit, the soil is compacted with a rammer, a large stone is laid on it, or the bottom is poured with concrete so that the rack does not fall into the soil during operation. The space between the rack and the ground is filled with concrete with layer-by-layer compaction every 15-20 cm. The verticality of the rack installation is checked periodically using a plumb line. The concreted surface must slope away from the support to allow rainwater to run off.

When installing supports on an existing paved area, metal shoes are used that are attached to the base of the racks. On a concrete base, a shoe of 100 x 100 mm will suffice; on an asphalt pavement, a shoe of 150 x 150 mm should be sufficient.

Fixing supports

To fix the support from horizontal movement, the shoe is attached to the base with crutches or anchor bolts.

The simplest, but less reliable way is to install supports on metal stepchildren. A stepson is any metal-roll (an I-beam, a corner, a channel). They mark the place of installation of the supports and hammer the stepson into the ground to a depth of 50 to 70 cm.

Above the ground should remain 20-30 cm stepson. The support, which is in a vertical position, is attached to the stepson with metal clamps or coupling bolts that pass through the stepson and the support.

If you want to save space in the garden, a gazebo for a summer residence can be placed close to the fence. In this case, you only need 2 supports, and the fence posts will come off as 2 other supports.

Since the fence posts usually have a small height (maximum 2 m), they are used as stepchildren and are attached to them with clamps or bolts of the gazebo post, while the opposite posts are installed by any other method.

Do-it-yourself wooden gazebo

We also note the fact that a wooden gazebo with your own hands is as convenient as possible in that it can be of two types - capital and light, collapsible. The second option can move freely around the dacha and change location every season. Also, a collapsible wooden gazebo does not have to spend the winter in the open air and lose the properties of the material. It may well be located in a barn, a veranda of a country house, and so on.

Do not forget that you can also make arbors from a bar and arbors from a log into this type. Building them with your own hands is much more interesting than ordering them from masters.

Do-it-yourself brick gazebo

The next option is more durable, and it can rightly be considered capital. Brick arbors take longer to build than wood arbors, but they are also more reliable. These are really strong buildings, which are located on a monolithic or strip foundation, and can be used not only as a place for morning tea and evening dinner, but even as a summer kitchen, a temporary house, and so on. Here everything directly depends on the internal content of the structure.

It can be a gazebo with a barbecue, and a gazebo with a barbecue, or just a gazebo with several benches and a large table. The option of installing a lounger, armchairs, a sofa in such a gazebo is quite real, and this is very convenient, because by glazing the gazebo with double-glazed windows or placing even wooden windows in the openings, you can instantly convert a brick gazebo into a place to sleep. This is very convenient if a large company has gathered at the dacha, which needs to be accommodated for the night. As you can see, with the strength of the material, the functionality grows.

Do-it-yourself gazebos made of polycarbonate

We also considered this option in detail in one of our previous publications, and it is there that you can read about the advantages and methods of erecting such structures. Now, we just want to remind you that polycarbonate itself is a truly revolutionary material with which you can make a lot of things. And, the best option that we found is, of course, a cozy, bright, comfortable and modern polycarbonate gazebo.

This is a fairly lightweight structure, which can include almost any type of foundation and type of frame. This is precisely the main advantage of polycarbonate gazebos - they can be built even from improvised means, without investing fabulous money in the conveniences. Therefore, think carefully before building a gazebo in the country with your own hands, perhaps this option is the most suitable.

Arbor do-it-yourself metal

A great option for that summer resident who has a heavy tool at hand - a grinder, a hammer drill, a welding machine. In this case, the construction of the gazebo will take place quickly enough, unless, of course, the necessary material is purchased on time.

A gazebo made of metal can be installed on several types of foundation, which is very convenient. These are stone, brick, strip foundation, monolithic pouring, as well as piles and pipes. But even this is not the most important thing, but the speed of assembly of the structure. If the design of the gazebo with your own hands is drawn up correctly, then it will not be difficult to assemble it. All parts can be installed on the foundation in series, or as a single frame. You can use bolts and other fasteners, or a welding machine to assemble a metal gazebo with your own hands, which gives you the opportunity to choose a more convenient option.

A gazebo made of metal can be summer, or maybe all-weather, if it is properly equipped: sheathed, insulated, installed double-glazed windows and doors. In short, a fairly good solution for any suburban area.

Forged gazebos for summer cottages

This type is not much different from metal gazebos, meaning installation, its speed and complexity. But forged arbors do not hold decorativeness. Corresponds to the cost, which not everyone can afford.

But there is also a small drawback, because a wrought-iron gazebo is exactly a summer building, where it is quiet and calm, cool and fun in the company of friends, but in order to convert it into an autumn room, you will need an absolute restructuring and supplementing it with the materials described a little above - wood, metal , brick and so on.

But there is also an "iron" advantage, which is very difficult to argue with - a wrought-iron gazebo is a kind of symbol of some styles of landscape design, and inimitably merges into any, even ready-made design of the territory. Therefore, if decorativeness is a priority, and not practicality, then a forged gazebo is the best option.

As for building a forged gazebo with your own hands, it’s a little more difficult here, since we would advise you to transfer work with expensive elements to qualified craftsmen. But, if you are completely confident in your own abilities, you have one or two assistants, a good tool and a desire to work, then you can safely proceed.

DIY hexagonal gazebo

The drawings that you previously made for arbors are not very suitable here, since you will have to create a completely new markup and carry out other calculations. It's all about geometry, and if you get along with it, then the result will be magnificent.

You can completely omit the question of the foundation, since the hexagonal arbor is a wooden arbor, which means that you should use the appropriate foundation, which we have already considered. Next, the installation of the frame, preferably sequential, and the construction of the roof. This is where the most difficult process begins, which will require a special scheme.

If you can compile it yourself, you will save a significant amount of money, and in the near future you will understand how interesting and exciting building a gazebo with your own hands can be. The reason for this is the very form and decorativeness of the hexagonal arbor, which carries beauty, mood, a sense of celebration.

Do-it-yourself rectangular gazebo

It is difficult to call a rectangular arbor an independent type, since almost any other type of arbors can be of this form. I would just like to note that this is the simplest version of the gazebo, summer or winter, large or small and cozy, and the reason for this is the correct form, which is always easy to work with.

The work algorithm is the same - foundation, frame, roof. But to make a gazebo summer or all-season, this is a question for you personally.

A simple do-it-yourself gazebo can be built from a material convenient for you - brick, stone, wood, metal, polycarbonate, a combination of these materials.

Do-it-yourself gazebo

The simplest, inexpensive, light in weight and practical for small country cottages option of gazebos. The gazebo-canopy resembles a beach umbrella or a standard tent - it can be assembled and disassembled, transported and reinstalled anywhere. Therefore, the country gazebo very easily turns into a portable one, with which you can relax in nature.

The design of the gazebo-canopy is created from pipes with special connections - this is both the frame and the base. The foundation for such a gazebo is not needed, so immediately minus one problem. As a roof, any stretch awning, special film, tarpaulin, fabric can be used. If you want this type of summer gazebo to really turn out with your own hands, start by drawing up a drawing and exact dimensions.

Arbor with your own hands in one day (video)

Building a gazebo with your own hands: the correct algorithm

How to make a gazebo with your own hands? This question is of interest to many, and we hope that we will help each person in some way. So, in this section, we will very briefly consider the main sequence, following which you can build a reliable and beautiful gazebo with your own hands, decorate it and provide everything you need:

  • Arbor layout. Making gazebos with your own hands always begins with the choice of material, size, shape of the gazebo and the creation of a drawing according to which it will be built. We should not forget about the estimate for materials and consumables, as well as tools for making a gazebo. Budget in advance for decor and ensuring comfort and coziness in the gazebo, determine seasonality, calculate furniture and accessories, etc.;
  • Choice of location. Before building a gazebo, you definitely need to choose a place. The first is the requirements of the structure itself: soils, uniformity and size of the site, plantings, communications, and so on. The second is your personal requirements: a gazebo in the shade or in the sun, in a garden or in a clearing, in a quiet or more ventilated place;
  • Foundation. Depending on the type of gazebo that you want to install or build on the site, you need to determine the type of foundation. The main criterion for choosing a foundation will be the size of the gazebo, the total weight of the structure, its shape, materials of manufacture, as well as the requirement for the floor of the gazebo;
  • Base and frame. If the material is predetermined, no problems await you at this stage. Following the project, simply install the base and the general frame on the foundation, fix well, carry out a preliminary inspection before installing the roof;
  • The frame under the roof and the roof itself. Depending on the type of gazebo, roofing material is also selected, from it - the complexity and strength of the frame under the roof. Frame - metal or wood, roofing material - slate, corrugated board, polycarbonate, tarpaulin, ondulin, metal tile and so on. Remember, the roof of a gazebo with your own hands is not the easiest process, especially if you have chosen a hexagonal gazebo.

Having finished with the main building, it must be put in order, since do-it-yourself garden gazebos are not only a foundation, a frame and a roof, but also an arrangement of both the internal and external parts.

Ensuring the comfort of the gazebo

To make the gazebo really multifunctional, cozy and comfortable for relaxation, certain household items will help. This is a solid wooden table with your own hands, chairs and benches, perhaps even cabinets and shelves, if the gazebo is conceived as a summer kitchen and a place for gathering large companies. It is also very convenient if the gazebo has a stove, barbecue, barbecue. With their presence, you can have a picnic even in bad weather.

Arbor decoration

After building the gazebo and providing it with everything necessary from the inside, the last question arises: how to decorate the gazebo with your own hands? The answer is very simple - try to make it the most comfortable and pretty just for yourself. To do this, you can use absolutely various options - painting or varnishing, decorating with inlays, decorating with tablecloths and napkins from the inside, and beautiful plants outside.

Now that you know exactly how to build a gazebo with your own hands and make it practically a living space, you can get to work. And it remains for us to wish you success and good results!












The weather dictates When starting construction in the garden, do not lose sight of reality. The average temperature in Moscow in May is 12.8, in June - 17.1, in July - 18.4, in August - 16.4, in September - 10.8 degrees. At the same time, the maximum precipitation for the year falls in three summer months. The average number of rainy days in each month of the summer is 14, and the average number of clear days in a summer is 25.

The conclusion suggests itself: we need a closed structure, protected from wind and rain. A gazebo that you will use not only on a hot summer day. The fact is that the purpose of the Russian dacha has changed somewhat: from a place for suburban farming, it is being transformed into a variant of a country house. Where they either live permanently or come to rest throughout the year: not only when it is warm and sunny. Therefore, new types of gazebos for summer cottages have appeared. If earlier they were built with the expectation of a warm and relatively dry season, now the owners want the gazebo to be cozy and damp in the autumn evening and on a frosty winter day. Hence - a more solid roof and walls, mobile structures that allow you to close or completely open the interior, reliable foundations and special equipment for cooking.

Where to put a gazebo: important distances Formal restrictions: any building is being built at a distance of at least 1 m from the border with neighbors. If a foundation is planned at the gazebo, then the minimum distance from the water supply and pressure sewerage is 5 m, from the low pressure gas pipeline - 2 m, medium - 4 m, high - 7 m, from any power cables - 0.6 m. If there are fire hazards in the gazebo facilities with communications (gas grill, for example), the distance to the fence must be at least 5 meters. How to measure the distance correctly? If the roof protrudes no more than 50 cm from the plane of the wall, you need to measure from the base to the base. If more, then from the maximum protruding parts or their projection on the ground. That is, if the roof overhang is 1 meter, at least 2 meters will have to retreat from the fence.

Noise from neighbors If your site is not too large (6-12 acres) and the neighboring areas are the same, then most likely you will be disturbed by the noise of your neighbors. Putting your gazebo in front of their porch is a bad idea. Choose a place as far as possible from sources of constant noise: the entrance to a neighbor's house, their gazebos, barbecues and a chicken coop. Set your gazebo away from the neighbor's toilet. And be sure to analyze where the wind blows most often: drafts and smells should be minimized.

Communications If you are going to pull communications into the gazebo, check if they will intersect with those already existing on the site. Consider how best to organize intersections. If you are doing electricity underground, the cable must be buried at least 60 cm, and the width of the trenches should be at least 40 cm. When the site has already been developed and, for example, paths have been laid, this can be difficult. In this case, they make "air", that is, they supply electricity using a hanging cable. Important: The permissible length of a hanging cable without a support is no more than 15 m.

In the photo: a gazebo with a shed roofView and perspectiveA gazebo is always a special decoration of the site, it will definitely affect the overall view. But both its appearance and perspective can be partially corrected with the help of plants. When choosing how high to make the gazebo, think about the plants that will grow nearby. Usually, gazebos are not built above three meters - many trees and large shrubs have this height. The gazebo can be either a bright accent that attracts attention and completes the perspective, or a completely secluded place that you won’t immediately guess about. A person perceives as a whole a composition that fits into an angle of 30 degrees. Everything outside is another composition. If you plan to put a gazebo close to the house or it will be visible from many vantage points, it should be a single style solution with the house. If your gazebo is located at a considerable distance from the house and is perceived as an independent object, there are no stylistic restrictions.

Illumination In any case, illumination is important. If the gazebo is located in the deaf shade of buildings or trees, it will be cool and damp even on a hot summer day, and it will be unrealistic to grow anything other than girlish grapes nearby. The more blooming you want to see the space around the gazebo, the more sunny the place should be.

Types of gazebos for summer cottages1. Summer tent If the task is to "make a place for tea", you can not build anything at all. Buy a ready-made prefabricated structure, assemble it in an hour - and the gazebo is ready. In the summer it will serve you well, then you will remove it until the next season. There is no floor in such gazebos (if necessary, you will have to do the flooring yourself). But this is the fastest and cheapest option, although not all-weather. The issue price is within 30,000 rubles.

2. Tea Arbor This is a place where you can sit in the garden, read, chat, eat and drink tea - outdoors, not in the house. Such an arbor will give shelter from the rain, it has minimal furniture, but there are no communications: light, water, heating. It can be quite small, 2.5x2.5 meters, and even folding, but nevertheless it will solve its problem.

In the photo: a playground on a wooden deck under the roof. 3. Arbor for games Such an arbor, as in the photo, can become a place for children to play, because it is always dry in it, there is a roof and a floor. It is more convenient to play on a flat surface. And children playing on a wooden floor will definitely be cleaner than children playing directly on the ground. Gazebos for games need a minimum of furniture, but they should be more spacious than places for tea drinking. It is convenient when the gazebo for games is fully visible from the house and other places on the site. Important: Protect children from bloodsuckers - pull mosquito nets around the gazebo, carefully mow the grass around and treat it from insects.

4. Wooden universal arbor A frame wooden structure will require a minimum foundation. Construction period - a few days. The cost of ready-made options is from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, although there are, of course, more expensive ones. Such gazebos are placed on concrete blocks, on screw piles, on a concrete foundation, sometimes even on a sand-leveled surface lined with paving slabs. It is important that the tree is ventilated and does not come into contact with the ground. Otherwise, the gazebo will begin to rot ahead of time. If you are pouring a concrete foundation (columnar is enough for an easy construction), then you need to do this at an air temperature of at least five degrees, and the foundation should harden for a week.

There are a variety of types of wooden gazebos, but such as in the photo are the most common in our lane. They have a light foundation, a wooden beam frame, walls without windows (possibly lattice), a plank floor and a roof covered with ondulin or soft tiles (metal tiles in the photo). It is easy to make such a gazebo with your own hands, if you have the skills. A self-made design will most likely cost less than a purchased one, but of course, it will require efforts, including the delivery of materials. While there are no windows and solid walls, functionally such a building does not fundamentally differ from a folding tent. The only advantage is the wooden floor. Inside the open gazebo, leaves will be applied, snow will be swept up. As soon as the walls appear, the situation will change. The gazebo can be used not only in summer.

In the photo: a gazebo under a gable roof. It is unlikely that you will go with a kettle to the far corner of the garden. But you will definitely fry the barbecue here5. A gazebo with a barbecue or a grill house If you want something more capital than a wooden frame building, your imagination will be limited only by money. Grill houses are also sold ready-made, but their price starts from a million rubles. The barbecue complex itself may or may not be included in this amount and will also amount to hundreds of thousands. It will take several days to prepare the foundation, about two weeks will take the rest of the work, if we are talking about a stone structure. At least light is permanently supplied to such a house. Inside, they put equipment for grilling and frying kebabs, making a hood in the roof, and arranging furniture for gatherings and eating.

Typically, such structures are already made of fairly heavy materials: logs, aerated concrete blocks, bricks. And they require a capital concrete foundation, tape or monolithic slab. In expensive grill houses, they equip a full-fledged working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, where they supply water, sewage, install electric or gas burners. You can limit yourself to stationary electricity for lighting, and do all the cooking on charcoal or wood. In any case, you need to think about the fire safety of the building, especially in non-obvious issues, for example, in the thermal insulation of pipes.

What to make windowsGlass. Traditional option for wooden and stone arbors. Both swing and sliding structures are put here. But if you choose standard windows, you won’t be able to get a completely open opening - the frames will interfere. By the way, they can be anything: wooden, plastic, aluminum.

Frameless glazing. If you are building a stone, rather than a wooden gazebo with a barbecue, then a frameless glazing option is possible. The role of the frame will be played by an aluminum profile at the top and bottom of the window. The windows themselves are not framed. They are made of thick (up to 12 mm) tempered glass. Glass can be moved by the handles and rotated around a vertical axis, so in warm weather you can assemble the entire window with an "accordion" in the corner, and the entire opening will be open. It will not work to mount such a structure on your own. And for a wooden building, this version of the window is not suitable, since the normal functioning of frameless windows requires a rigid base with an unchanged geometry. And wooden structures, even timber, can change size depending on temperature and humidity.

Polycarbonate. Another budget option, suitable for windows and roofs. It is cheaper than glass, and you can mount it yourself. The external appearance will be similar to glazing with an aluminum profile. Polycarbonate is not afraid of impacts, unlike glass, and cuts, unlike polyvinyl chloride. It transmits light as well as glass, but weighs much less. Polycarbonate is a flexible material that bends in different directions. Non-trivial design solutions with curved roofs or walls are possible. In principle, even the entire gazebo can be made of polycarbonate. Whether it will look like a greenhouse or a castle in the air - it already depends on the taste and skill of the owners.

In the photo: a gazebo with a hipped roof, on the windows - mosquito nets Nets instead of windows. Instead of windows in the gazebo, you can only pull a mosquito net. It can be in rolls, like regular fabric, or it can be on frames. Such a mesh can be rolled up into a roll like horizontal blinds (rolling devices). Net tents are also sold without a frame, which you can throw over your building. Here it is important not to miss the size. There are also "camouflage" nets. They protect not only from insects, but also from prying eyes. Soft nets are easy to install by yourself. It is enough to strengthen them on the windows with a stapler or with the help of strings. For custom-made frame meshes, brackets are required (they are sold complete with the gazebo itself). Grids are also sold for doorways - on frames and on magnets.

In the photo: a terrace near the house with a bamboo curtain - the same can be used in the gazebo to protect from the sun. Polyvinyl chloride. These are soft windows. A rather thick and durable transparent film is familiar to many from summer cafes. To open the opening, the film just needs to be rolled up. Such "windows" can also be installed independently. They can be left for the winter, but when frost is below 15 degrees, they will lose their elasticity, become rigid, and at this moment it is better not to move or twist them. The minus of the film is the possibility of cutting, sealing or soldering which is impossible. You can only replace the entire canvas. But manufacturers promise 7-10 years of maintenance-free operation.

Legal registration of arbors Is it necessary to register a gazebo at a summer cottage? Structures without a foundation or those that can be disassembled without damaging the foundation do not require registration. These include light wooden structures. But if there is a foundation, there must be legal registration. There will also be taxes, but only if the building area exceeds 50 sq.m. If the area is smaller, you will have to apply for a tax benefit. Important: It will not be possible to conduct gas to a building that does not legally exist.

In the photo: a gazebo in the form of a geodesic dome Should the gazebo be like a house? There is no single answer. It is good if it is possible to maintain stylistic unity on the site and all buildings have common features. The smaller the plot, the more important this unity is. However, the gazebo can be a very special corner in style. But even then it is better to beat it stylistically. The easiest way to do this is with plants. BY TOPIC... Photo hunting: 82 beautiful arbors Living arbor: What to grow it from in the Central Russian strip YOUR TURN... Which arbor did you choose for your site? Post a photo in the comments to the article