
Battle of Pat. Anniversary of the final battle of the Hundred Years War. Is pate a pâté or a pie? Interesting facts about the dish and cooking recipes What country is pate associated with

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Novice chess players often have questions about the stalemate. What does pat mean? Is it a loss or a draw? Is it necessary to strive for a stalemate? Etc. In this article, you will learn what a stalemate is in chess and get answers to all your questions.

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What is a pat?

Definition: Pat is a position on the board in which the player who has the right to move cannot make a move without violating the rules of chess.

In other words, he has nowhere to go.

At the same time, what is important - the king is not attacked, i.e. not in check .

Example :

All the squares where the black king can go are fought with white pieces. And according to the rules, the king cannot be under attack. Black's pawns also cannot move. In this case, the black king is not attacked. On the board pat.

What doesstalemate in the party?

A stalemate position on the board means that the game ended in a draw. Usually in such a situation, disputes do not arise among the players.

However, there are also outbursts of emotion. The peculiarity of the stalemate is that one of the parties at the time of the stalemate usually has a large advantage and is already looking forward to victory. A stalemate for such a player is a surprise, which sometimes leads to emotional reactions.

Typical Positions

The most typical case is a stalemate due to inattention. For instance:

White gave check with the queen on c7, the black king went into the corner.

White played Kc5-v6 ??, rubbing his hands and intending to checkmate with his queen next move. However… the black king has no moves! What this means, you already know. How unfortunate for White, there is a draw on the board.

"Forced" stalemate

A very common ending is king and pawn against king. Final position:

White has little choice - to retreat, losing a pawn, or to play Ke6-d6 with a stalemate.

Crazy Boat Reception

What does such a threatening characteristic, it is easier to show with an example:

White has a whole rook more. Black's move. What to do? Check on h4 and win the h5-pawn? It won't save the party. With an extra rook, White will easily win.

Fortunately, the situation is such that Black, apart from the rook, has nothing to move with.

We turn on the logic and .... Right! Rook must be sacrificed!

1… Rg4-g2+!!

Now if 2.Kh2:g2 - on the board stalemate.

So what to do? If 2.Kh2-h1, then 2…Rg2-g1+!. Or 2.Kh2-h3 Rg2-g3+!

And the rook can't be beaten - a stalemate, and the white king can't break out to the center of the board. Draw.

The “mad boat” technique is typical, although it is not so common in practice.

However, it must be known and remembered. In order to prevent the rook from turning into a "mad" one, having an advantage, or to take advantage of this opportunity in a worse position, like Black in our example.

Study Patas

Occasionally in chess there are stalemates that can be reached by etude. Etudes are a separate topic and we will discuss them in other articles. The solution of etudes is quite useful, including for kids.

By the way, the example with the mad rook also contains combinational etude motifs.

How to get into the stalemate?

I wouldn't recommend specifically playing for a stalemate in a worse position. The possibility of a stalemate does not occur very often in chess. In my experience, it can turn out like this: you deliberately worsen your position in the hope of a stalemate, but you can not achieve a stalemate. This happens most often.

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Pate Island. Photo: quanjing.com

Residents of the African island of Pate, located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Kenya, are convinced that they are the descendants of Chinese sailors, according to China Radio International.

Pate is located 8 kilometers from the nearest port of Kenya. The islanders often travel in small boats to the mainland in search of work or for food. These simple black guys claim that among their ancestors are Chinese sailors who were shipwrecked here centuries ago. Legend has it that about 600 years ago, one of the ships of the flotilla of the Chinese admiral Zheng He sank near the island, and his team landed on the banks of Pate, where they stayed to live, having married local maidens.

Pathé was inhabited around the 14th and 16th centuries. So far, there is no solid evidence that the inhabitants of the island are descendants of Chinese sailors, since most of the historical monuments have been destroyed by time. However, the history of the seven voyages of the huge Chinese fleet under the command of Zheng He says that the task of the fifth and sixth campaigns was to sail to the African coast and establish trade with local states.

There are other indications of a possible link between the people of Pate and China. The locals have a specific method of making pottery, which is different from the methods of other tribes in Kenya, but very similar to the traditional Chinese way. At the end of the 20th century, archaeologists discovered here fragments of Chinese-style pottery, but decorated with African symbols.

Moreover, some ancient burials on the island are different from others. Most of the old graves in the north of the island face Mecca, as the majority of the local population was dominated by Muslim tribes. However, some of the tombs are directed to the east, towards China.

Belief in a common ancestry does not arise from scratch, but it cannot be confirmed either. Legends are passed from mouth to mouth, changing over time. However, the inhabitants of Pate Island are deeply convinced that they are the descendants of the great Zheng He, whose journey passed through the waters off the east coast of Africa, and are looking for ways to prove their ancestry.

A wave of attention to the African descendants of Chinese seafarers rose on July 11, when China celebrates Sailor's Day. The holiday has been registered in the official calendar since 2005, when the 600th anniversary of the first of the famous “travels to the Western Seas” of the ancient Chinese navigator Zheng He was celebrated. In total, Zheng He's fleet, which consisted of 250 ships, made seven trips to the West, entered dozens of countries in Southeast Asia and reached the east coast of Africa. Some historians claim that it was Zheng He, and not Columbus, who first discovered America. However, this has not yet been reliably proven.

Battle of Pat (1429): fighting


The road to Janville deviates from the road to Path at this village two miles to the south. Approaching the indicated place, Fastolf learned from the sentinels that he was being pursued by the French avant-garde. A military council was urgently held, which revealed some divergence of opinion. As a result, Fastolf agreed, apparently reluctantly, to remain in place, deploying his forces in battle formation on a hilly ridge. There is now a railroad along this line of deployment two miles southeast of the village. At this time, Talbot, with a detachment of 300 warriors, reinforced by 200 "elite archers" from Fastolf's army, was supposed to provide a line of cover south of pate .

Just at this time, the fabled frightened stag rushed through the lines of Talbot's archers. Unsuspectingly, they continued to equip their position, placing pointed poles in front of them and driving them into the ground as instructed. With Talbot were the best part of the army and his best commanders - Scales, Rempston and Sir Walter Hungerford, and in the rear on a hilly ridge, the main body of the British, consisting of poorly trained soldiers and inexperienced commanders, was deployed extremely slowly into battle order. Fastolf was not enthusiastic about what was happening. His army was the only English support in France, and he knew (like Admiral Jellicoe on the eve of the Battle of Jutland) that he could lose the battle by noon.

The battle position was chosen by Talbot on the road that runs from Linyaroy to Couance at the point where it crosses the old Roman road from St. Sigismund to Janville. This place was at the bottom of a shallow depression, which, however, was recognized as an advantageous line, several hundred yards in front of the ridge that was occupied by Fastolf's army. The place was surrounded by small groves and fences, along the road, probably, a fence also stretched, behind which the archers were hiding.


French in battle of pata move in the following order. The vanguard was formed by a select force of cavalry under the command of La Hire and Poton de Xentreille, comrades in many battles. The main forces were led by Alençon and Dunois, and the rearguard by the constable de Richemont and Joan of Arc, who was extremely annoyed by being in the rearguard.

The French came into contact with the English rearguard at two o'clock in the afternoon. The fate of the ensuing battle was decided swiftly and can be expressed in a few sentences. The French vanguard, coming out on a small hill that stretches from Saint-Feravi to Lignaray, saw the English lined up in a depression in front of them. Encouraged by the Virgin and led by the finest cavalry commanders in the French army, the vanguard cavalry charged down the slope in a wide and furious lava at 400 English archers who were not ready to repel the attack and were taken by surprise. Moreover, the French cavalry outflanked the line of archers on both flanks, and they were surrounded before they realized it. They fell into a hopeless situation, many died.


Few of the archers managed to retreat to the main body, and the flight over the hilly ridge added to the confusion that engulfed Fastolf's heterogeneous host. Since the attacking forces of the French vanguard were quite numerous, and immediately followed by the main body, Fastolf's own army was crushed before the English commander could take effective measures to repel a surprise attack. This was beyond the strength of any Englishman who was on the battlefield. Previously, the enemy attacked the British with caution and even apprehension. But this attack was carried out in the decisive manner of Thomas Daguerth, Robert Knowles or John Talbot. The maid of Orleans, who was in the rearguard and did not see the attacking actions, except for the violence against the prisoners, nevertheless won the battle of Pat.


Lord Talbot was taken prisoner near a bush that grew in front of the English front line. The commander was sitting on horseback, but without spurs: apparently, the horse had just been brought to him, and he was about to leave the battlefield. This Englishman was well known in the French army, and his capture raised morale in its ranks. He spent that night in a house in the village of Pate, located by the road, which is still preserved and is called Talbot Street. The next morning, the Duke of Alençon, himself captured at the battle of Verneuil (and recently released), could not resist the temptation to appear before the prisoner in triumph. He heard a worthy rebuke. Talbot said that his capture was due to "the vicissitudes of war". The behavior of the Englishman made such a strong impression that his words were constantly quoted by French chroniclers.

Captured by the French as a result battles of pata Lord Scales and other English commanders were also hit, but Fastolf managed to get away and save part of the army, although the baggage train and guns were lost. He retreated 18 miles to Janville. Approaching the city, Fastolf found the gates of the fortress wall closed. There was nothing to do but to continue the exhausting march to Etampes for a distance of 24 miles. During the day, at least 60 miles were covered. The only consolation for the old warrior, who had made the most difficult campaign, was that he foresaw defeat. But Fastolf retained a significant part of the archers. They steadfastly repulsed every attack of the pursuers and, when they had exhausted their supply of arrows, fought with the enemy, drawing their swords.

Each national cuisine of the world has its own special dishes, which many housewives dream of reproducing in their kitchen. Pate is one of those dishes. This cuisine has a rich history and has several cooking options at once. Let's get to know him better.

Pate - what kind of dish is this?

In translation from French, the word "pate" means pate. But there are several options for preparing this very pate. It could be pate en terrine. That is, a pate cooked in a special form called "terrine". Or another version of pate en croute, that is, pate baked in dough. Both variants are widely used in French cuisine.

Puff pastry is most commonly used to make the bread crust for pate en croute. A hole must be made in the center for steam to escape. Sometimes social tubes are even inserted so that the steam escapes without damaging the top layer of the dough. In the center of the filling, there is often a layer of pickled cucumbers, pistachios or boiled eggs. This makes the taste richer and the appearance of the dish more attractive.

Pate is an appetizer served before the main course. In addition to the pate, you can prepare a sauce or gravy.

The fact that the pate recipe appeared in antiquity is evidenced by the following interesting facts:

  1. Meat in dough was prepared by the ancient Romans. As a filling they used pork and marinated
  2. In the Middle Ages, sturgeon, burbot, carp, cod meat was used to make pate, and minced meat was also made from venison, pork and other species.
  3. Many pate recipes are named after famous French figures. One of them is in honor of the famous general. This delicious cake is called pate a la Mazarin.

Pate (pate) from chicken liver

Pathé - French puff pastry pie

This is another variation on how to make French pâté. Pate in this case is baked between layers of dough. You can use any type of meat for this recipe.

The cooking process begins with heating the oven to 200 degrees. Immediately you need to boil 3 hard-boiled eggs. At this time, mix 250 g of chopped veal and 0.5 kg of minced meat. Blend until smooth with an immersion blender. Add thyme, green onion and any other greens to taste, ½ teaspoon nutmeg, black pepper and salt. In a separate bowl, beat 2 eggs with sour cream (100 g 25% fat). Add egg and sour cream to the rest of the ingredients and mix the filling for the pie well.

Now you can start shaping the pate. Reviews about this dish are most often positive, so you don’t have to worry that guests will not like the cake. Put a layer of puff pastry (250 g) into a deep rectangular shape (suitable for baking bread), spread half of the filling on top. Then lay out the whole boiled eggs and distribute half the minced meat again. Top with another layer of puff pastry. Connect the two halves of the dough together and glue the edges with a whipped yolk. Make a slit in the center to release steam.

Bake the pate first for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, and then another 40 minutes at 175 degrees. Serve cold, cutting the pie into portions.

Today, fashion houses rise from the ashes one after another: people need not only the spirit of progress, but also a story with which to connect the present in order to feel its value in a world accelerating like a rocket. This fall, we got some news: Marco Zanini will try to revive Schiaparelli, and the French fashion house Jean Patou, founded by the Frenchman Jean Patou in 1914 in Paris, may again show a haute couture collection next year. Confirming this information, Bruno Cottar, vice president of Jean Patou, clarified that there is already a certain idea and plans, it remains only to find a design soul related to Pat.

The style of Jean Patou - one of the most influential couturiers of the 20s and 30s - was based on the basics of Art Deco and Cubism: from there he took clean lines, geometric shapes and patterns on fabrics (Patou preferred to work with the Bianchini Férier textile company) . Patou was a direct competitor to Coco Chanel - both competed and hated each other. Patou, like Chanel, developed a sports direction in clothing: he invented a tennis skirt for the phenomenal tennis player of that time, Suzanne Lenglen, which was far from his only innovation: after the First World War, when Patou reopened his atelier in 1919, he lengthened skirts , moving away from the "flapper" style, he began to sew sleeveless dresses, release sweaters with monograms, knitted bathing suits, designer ties, made cardigans popular. Jean created comfortable clothes - while his dresses were impeccably elegant. They were worn by actresses Louise Brooks, Mary Pickford and Constance Bennett.

Actress Louise Brooks in a Jean Patou dress

Tennis player Suzanne Lenglen

Life gave Pat not so much time to implement his plans: he moved to Paris from Normandy, where he was born and ran a family business related to leather and fur tanning, at the age of 30, opening a small atelier Maison Perry in the French capital. The war disrupted his plans: Jean served as an infantry captain and only five years later revived his business. He died in 1936, at the age of 55, but in twenty-five years he managed not only to earn a reputation for his haute couture house, selling his creations in Paris, New York, Deauville, Biaritz, but also to go down in fashion history.

In the thirties, when the Great Depression hit all walks of life and the house's clients could no longer afford expensive outfits, House of Patou survived thanks to the perfume business that Patou launched in the mid-twenties with three fragrances created by perfumer Henri Almeras. Patu also had a suntan lotion that supported the beach fashion of the time. Jean Patou perfumes are still being produced - 35 fragrances have been created in the history of the house. Patou timed them to events, matched women's hair colors. By the way, three novelties were released this year: unisex citrus fougere Eau de Patou Jean Patou, oriental floral Chaldée Jean Patou and men's Patou Pour Homme Jean Patou, all by Thomas Fontaine. But, perhaps most interestingly, Patou's most famous perfume - floral Joy with notes of rose and jasmine - competes with Chanel No. 5, the most sought-after fragrance in the world. Does the story of rivalry between two extraordinary creative personalities continue?

After Jean's death in the thirties, Sister Madeleine and her husband Raymond Barbas took over the house. The house changed four designers until the 80s: they were Marc Boen in the 50s, Karl Lagerfeld in the early 60s, Jean-Paul Gaultier in the early 70s, Christian Lacroix in 1981. The last House of Patou couture collection came out in 1987, when Lacroix opened his own business (which, as we know, failed).

Article about Jean Patou with a photo of a young Lagerfeld

Another piece of news, smaller but no less inspiring, was connected with the story of Jean Patou: on October 1, the illustrated monograph Jean Patou: A Fashionable Life was published, collected over two years by fashion historian Emmanuelle Paul from family archives that had not previously been published and were opened especially for her. Emmanuelle studied old photos, diaries, client lists, sketches, fabric samples, perfume bottles, to select all the essentials that made up Patou's style and that we now have a chance to look at as well - waiting for the first haute couture collection of the revived fashion house.

Book cover of Jean Patou: A Fashionable Life