
Guards units in the army: foundation, history. Badge "Guard". Forgotten War Heroes - Guards. lieutenant colonel Darkovich Alexander Vasilievich Commanders year of entry into office of the regiment

The history of the first guard units in the Russian army dates back to the existence of the imperial system. It is reliably known that the first such units were two and Preobrazhensky, which were founded during the reign of Peter I. Even then, these regiments showed considerable endurance and heroism in battle. Such divisions existed until Bolshevism came to power in Russia. Then there was an active struggle against the remnants of the tsarist regime, and the guards were disbanded, and the very concept was forgotten. However, during the Great Patriotic War, the issue of rewarding distinguished soldiers became acute, since many soldiers or entire units fought bravely even against superior enemy forces. It was during this difficult time that the badge "Guards of the USSR" was established.

Establishment in the Guards rank

In 1941, the Red Army suffered a series of defeats from the Wehrmacht and retreated. The decision to revive the old tradition of the Soviet government arose during one of the most difficult defensive battles - the Battle of Smolensk. In this battle, four divisions especially distinguished themselves: the 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161st. And already in September 1941, by order of the Supreme High Command, they were renamed the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards Divisions with the assignment of the corresponding rank. At the same time, all personnel were awarded the “Guard” badge, and special salaries were also due: for privates - double, for officers - one and a half. Later, this badge also began to decorate the banners of distinguished units (since 1943).

During the war years, the Guards rank was awarded to many units that showed courage and heroism in battles with the invaders. But the history of elite formations in the Red Army does not end there. Guards ranks were also awarded during other armed conflicts. They continued until the collapse of the USSR. The “Guards” sign was awarded to any recruit who got into the unit, but only after he had passed the baptism of fire, and in such as aviation or navy, these requirements were even more stringent. Moreover, in this regard, there was no difference between officers and ordinary soldiers.

Badge "Guard": description

In total, there are several varieties of this award: during the Second World War, post-war, as well as modern signs. Each of them has its own differences, since over time the design and Yes changed and they were produced at different factories. The 1942 model will be described below.

So, this honorary award is a sign made in the form of a laurel wreath covered with gold enamel. The upper part is covered with a flowing color, on which "Guard" is written in gold letters. The entire space inside the wreath is covered with white enamel. In the center stands the Soviet army in red with gold edging. The left rays of the star are crossed by the staff of the banner, which is intertwined with a ribbon. Two cords depart from it, which hang down on the left branch of the wreath. At the bottom is a cartouche with the inscription "USSR" engraved on it.

When assigning any part of the guards rank, the emblem depicting the award was also applied to military equipment - tanks or aircraft.

The dimensions of the sign are 46 x 34 mm. It was made of tombac - an alloy of brass, copper and zinc. Its properties did not allow the award to rust. For fastening to clothes, a special pin and nut were attached. The award was worn on the right side of the garment at chest level.

The project was developed by S. I. Dmitriev. One of the versions was almost the same sign, but Lenin's profile was placed on the banner. However, Stalin did not like the idea, and he ordered the profile to be replaced with the inscription "Guards". So the award received its final form.

Privileges and Features

For those who had the badge "Guards of the USSR", special privileges were due. The award was retained by the person who received it, even if he left the guards service. The same applied to the transfer of a soldier to another unit. The award was also worn in the post-war period. In 1951, the government of the USSR issued a law that decided to temporarily stop handing out the “Guard” badge, doing this only in exceptional cases. This order was observed until 1961, when the Minister of Defense R. Ya. Malinovsky approved an order according to which the right to wear the badge came into force when serving in the guards unit. It did not apply to WWII veterans.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the delivery. It was held solemnly, with the general construction of the entire unit, with banners unfurled. In addition to the award itself, the fighter was also given a document containing relevant information about the award and confirming it. But over time, the presentation itself turned into a routine and lost its "ritual" meaning.


Now, when the glory of past events is fading, it can be purchased from various private merchants. Since one of the most massive awards is just the “Guard” badge, its price is usually low. It depends on several features: the time and method of manufacture, the history of the award, and who is selling it. The cost starts at an average of 2000 rubles.


The sign "Guard" testified to the heroism, military training and valor of the person wearing it. During the existence of the USSR, units awarded the title of guards were considered elite, and the soldiers who served in such units were treated with great respect.

In order to know exactly how, according to the charter, it is necessary to address a soldier, it is necessary to understand the ranks. Ranks in the Russian army and shoulder straps provide clarity in relationships and allow you to understand the chain of command. The Russian Federation has both a horizontal structure - military and ship ranks, and a vertical hierarchy - from privates to senior officers.

Enlisted personnel

Private- This is the lowest military rank of the Russian army. Moreover, the soldiers received this title in 1946, before that they were treated exclusively as fighters, or as Red Army soldiers.

If the service is carried out in the guards military unit or on the guards ship, then when referring to the private, it is worth adding the same word "guards". If you want to contact a serviceman who is in the reserve and has a diploma of higher legal or medical education, then you should contact - "ordinary justice", or "ordinary medical service". Accordingly, to those who are in the reserve or retired, it is worth adding the appropriate words.

In the ship's composition, the rank of private corresponds to sailor.

Only senior soldiers who perform best in military service are promoted to the rank corporal. Such soldiers can act as commanders during their absence.

All additional words that were applicable for the private remain relevant for the corporal. Only in the Navy, this rank corresponds to Senior sailor.

The one who commands a squad, or a combat vehicle, receives the title Lance Sergeant. In some cases, this title is awarded to the most disciplined corporals upon transfer to the reserve, if such a staff unit was not provided during the service. In the ship's composition is "foreman of the second article"

Since November 1940, a rank for junior officers appeared in the Soviet army - sergeant. It is awarded to cadets who have successfully completed the sergeant training program and graduated with honors.
Also, an ordinary can receive a title - Lance Sergeant, who proved himself worthy to be awarded the next rank, or when he was transferred to the reserve.

In the Navy, a sergeant of the ground forces corresponds to the rank foreman.

The next is Senior Sergeant, and in the Navy - chief foreman.

After this rank, there are some crossings of land and sea forces. Because after the senior sergeant, in the ranks of the Russian army appears foreman. This title came into use in 1935. It is deserved only by the best military personnel who served excellently in sergeant positions for six months, or when they are transferred to the reserve, the rank of foreman is awarded to senior sergeants certified with excellent marks. On the ship it is chief ship sergeant major.

Next come ensigns and midshipmen. This is a special category of military personnel, close to junior officers. Complete the ranks senior warrant officer and midshipman.

junior officers

A number of ranks of junior officers of the Russian army begin with the rank Ensign. This title is awarded to students of the last courses and graduates of higher military educational institutions. However, in case of a shortage of officers, the rank of junior lieutenant can also be obtained by a graduate of a civilian university.

lieutenant only a junior lieutenant who has served a certain amount of time and received a positive education document can become. Further - senior lieutenant.

And closes the group of junior officers - Captain. This title sounds the same for both land and naval forces.

By the way, the new field uniform from Yudashkin obliged our servicemen to duplicate the insignia on their chests. There is an opinion that the "undersized" from the leadership do not see the ranks of our officers on their shoulders and this is done for their convenience.

Senior officers

Senior officers begin with rank Major. In the Navy, this rank corresponds to Captain 3rd rank. The following ranks of the Navy will only increase the rank of captain, that is, the rank of land lieutenant colonel will match Captain 2nd rank, but the title ColonelCaptain 1st rank.

Senior officer corps

And the highest officer corps completes the hierarchy of military ranks in the Russian army.

Major General or rear admiral(in the navy) - such a proud title is worn by military personnel who command a division - up to 10 thousand people.

Above the Major General is Lieutenant General. (The lieutenant general is higher than the major general because the lieutenant general has two stars on shoulder straps and the major general has one).

Initially, in the Soviet army, it was rather not a rank, but a position, because the Lieutenant General was an assistant to the general and took on some of his functions, unlike Colonel General, who can personally fill senior positions, both in the General Staff and in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, in the armed forces of Russia, a colonel-general may be the deputy commander of a military district.

And, finally, the most important soldier who has the highest military rank in the Russian army is Army General. All previous links are obliged to obey him.

About military ranks in video format:

Well, salaga, now you understand?)

In pursuance of the Decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR of October 4, 1944 at the airport Manzovka Primorsky Krai, the formation of the 52nd Guards Long-Range Bomber Aviation Regiment began.

The regiment was originally formed as a guards regiment, since it was supposed to be part of the guards air corps of a separate guards airborne army.

The basis of the regiment was 15 flight crews from 251st DBAP and five crews from 53rd DBAP 10th Air Army of the Far Eastern Front. The formation continued already in the European part of the Union after relocation to the airfield located on the outskirts of Kalinin (now Tver). Migalovo. The regiment was based in Migalovo from October 1944 to June 1946.

Here the regiment joined 21st Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division. The Guards Battle Banner was awarded on February 23, 1945, the annual holiday was set on December 12. In June 1945 the regiment was transferred to 45th Gomel Heavy Bomber Aviation Division. The crews of the regiment were preparing to take part in the August air parade over Moscow - the last time in history TB-3 aircraft were supposed to fly over the capital.

In the summer of 1948, the process of re-equipping the unit with Tu-4 bombers began. The personnel, as they say, immediately began to master the Tu-4. The largest raid for 1949 fell on the Tu-4 - 1253 hours.

In 1955, retraining on the Tu-16 began. The first flight crews underwent retraining in Engels under the guidance of instructors from the 203rd Guards TBAP.

The higher command has repeatedly raised the issue of transfer 52nd Guards. TBAP, to the air base Shaikovka in the Kaluga region This contributed to the prosperity among the personnel and families of military personnel, all kinds of speculation and rumors. The command of the regiment had a kind of ideal means of influencing the personnel.

In 1958 the final decision was made to relocate the 52nd Guards to the Shaikovka airbase. TBAP.

Confirmation of this is the following, noteworthy version.

In 1957, a graduate of the Air Force Academy, a young ambitious major, was appointed commander of the 52nd TBAP. Krotov Anatoly Sergeevich. The people nicknamed him "Globe" for a completely bald skull. The higher command made it clear that for further growth in positions and ranks, it is necessary to bring the regiment into the ranks of excellent ones. In response, not devoid of a sense of careerism, the young commander asked for a separate garrison for his regiment, which turned out to be an empty Shaikovka. The order followed and May-July 1959 52 Guards. TBAP completely relocated to a free and overhauled Shaikovka airfield in the Kaluga region, while receiving the unofficial name "Long-Range Aviation Guardhouse". Please do not confuse with the name "Burial Ground of Long-Range Aviation", which rightfully belonged to the former air garrison Soltsy in the Novgorod region.

In March 1961, the regiment from the 22nd division was transferred to 326th TBAD. In February 1964 - another reassignment, now the regiment was included in the 56th TBAD.

August 1962 was marked by tragedy. On August 15, a pair of Tu-16s left to perform aerial firing at the training ground. The aircraft of the commander of the guard detachment, Major, was determined to be the leader. V.T. Maksimova, wingman - Tu-16 guard captain M.G. Karimov. Both commanders of the ship are military pilots of the 1st class, but Karimov had no experience in flying in close formation. Contrary to instructions, before the flight, Major Maksimov instructed his subordinate to lead when returning from the training ground. On the way back, the wingman (Maksimov) "ran over" the leader's plane (Karimov). According to eyewitnesses, the planes formed in the air. Both crews were killed.

Unusual exercises were held in 1966. The possibility of supporting airborne troops landed deep behind enemy lines with nuclear and conventional weapons was tested. The regiment took part in the maneuvers in full strength: 29 crews, 26 aircraft.

For a long time the regiment was armed with Tu-16 aircraft in the classic bomber variant. The theoretical development of the K-16-11 system began in 1967. The first practical launch of the KSR-2 missile in the history of the regiment was carried out in 1969 by the crew of the commander of the 52nd Guards. TBAP Guard Colonel Saburova(navigator of the guard lieutenant colonel V.F. Rozhkov). The 1st squadron was armed with Tu-16s with KSR-1 1 missiles, the 2nd squadron - Tu-1 6 with KSR-2 missiles, and the 3rd squadron was armed with jammers.

In addition to hunting for surface targets, in 1970 the regiment began to master the search and destruction of submarines, using target designation and guidance from naval aviation PLO aircraft. Flights continued in the Arctic. In 1971, 12 crews flew from tundra airfields to Vorkuta and Chekurovka. In 1972-1973, a single K-26 missile system with KSR-5 missiles entered service with the first two squadrons. The armament consisted of 30 Tu-16 aircraft - 21 missile carriers and nine jammers.

In February 1975, the regiment was transferred to 13th Guards TBAD of the 2nd Separate Bomber Corps.

At the end of 1981, the theoretical development of aircraft began Tu-22M2. In 1982, the task was set to retrain the 1st squadron on the Tu-22M2, but by the end of the year "Backfire" the entire regiment flew, and the 1st squadron - day and night. The first flight on the Tu-22M2 by the crew of the regiment was carried out on March 12, 1982, and in June 1983 the crew of the guard major B.C. Rumyantsev made the first practical launch of the X-22 rocket.

It is generally accepted that fuel shortages in the domestic Air Force began in the 90s, and before that the Air Force was so “buzzing”! Basically, it is. Only in the 1990s, there were no shortages of fuel at all, it simply did not exist. Interruptions began as early as 1984. The "catastrophe" did not start out of the blue. Throughout September and half of October 1984, the regiment did not fly due to lack of kerosene.

The first war for the 52nd regiment was Afghan. As part of the 185th TBAP, combat sorties against targets located in Afghanistan, performed by four guards crews from Shaikovka, the crews of the captain Primak, major Chervinsky, senior lieutenants Kulesha and imaldinova.

In 1989-1994 the regiment was organizationally part of the 43rd Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Long-Range Aviation Flight Personnel. On the basis of the regiment, students of the pulp and paper industry and PLS underwent flight training as commanders of ships and squadrons. In 1991, the theoretical retraining of personnel for Tu-22MZ. In 1992, the regiment mastered a new type. At the same time, in Shaikovka, crews from 303rd TBAP and 219th ODRAP. The last Tu-22M2s were withdrawn from service with the regiment in 1993.

There were not so many disasters in the history of the regiment, compared to other regiments. Nevertheless, every catastrophe is a tragedy. On February 14, 1989, the squadron exercises were conducted, in which the crew of the captain's guard took part G.V. Karpenko. Tu-22M2 took off at 18:14 as part of a group of six aircraft. The flight along the route to the landfill was normal. On the way back at 20:50, the pilot-instructor Colonel, who was on board, IN AND. Logunov reported on the radio about the failure of the on-board power supply and requested a landing at the nearest airfield, and at 20:55, the aircraft, according to the air defense radar, went into a sharp descent along a steep trajectory. At 20:57 Tu-22M2 disappeared from radar screens. Tu-22M2 crashed 36 km from the city of Mariupol.

The lack of fuel has already been discussed above. The interruptions in kerosene that took place in 1984 seemed ten years later a misunderstanding, nothing more: in 1994, the regiment received fuel and lubricants 11% of the required amount! Still, despite all the organizational and domestic difficulties and the minimum raid on the crews, the regiment still carried out 1-2 practical missile launches per year.

The reorganization of Long-Range Aviation led to the reassignment of the regiment in September 1994. Headquarters of the 326th Tarnopol Order of Kutuzov Heavy Bomber Aviation Division, and since May 1998 - headquarters of the 22nd Guards Red Banner Donbass TBAD.

By the end of a decade tragic for the Air Force of our country, the situation with combat training, if not improved, then at least stabilized. Quite complex tasks began to be carried out, which undoubtedly included a reconnaissance flight of NATO ships in the Black Sea (April 8, 1997, the crew of the guard lieutenant colonel Dushevina).

In 1999, for the first time after a seven-year break, live firing was carried out from the side guns of missile carriers with shells with IR traps and corner reflectors, and as part of the Zapad-99 exercises, three practical missile launches were carried out. At the same time, the crew of the deputy commander of the regiment for flight training, guard lieutenant colonel ON THE. Bibikov made a flight along the borders of the Baltic countries, Poland and Ukraine, opening several dozen previously unobserved radio-emitting objects. Two missile launches were made in 2000, including one against a sea target. From February 3 to February 18, 2003, the Military Inspectorate of the RF Ministry of Defense carried out an inspection of the 22nd heavy bomber air division. During the inspection, the crews of the 52nd TBAP performed two practical missile launches and range bombing with excellent marks.

According to the results of 2003, the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment was named the best in the 37th Airborne Command of the All-Russian Command (SN), becoming the owner of a challenge prize in the form of a crystal helmet of an ancient Russian hero.

Commanders year of entry into office of the regiment:

  • guards lieutenant colonel A.A. Frankov 1944 Guards
  • lieutenant colonel V.A. Klimov 1947
  • guards lieutenant colonel V.A. Trekhin 1948
  • guards lieutenant colonel A.V. Ivanov
  • guards lieutenant colonel K.I. Marusichenko 1951 (Heroes of the Soviet Union)
  • guards lieutenant colonel I.P. Ivenin 1956
  • guards lieutenant colonel A. S. Krotov 1957
  • guards lieutenant colonel V.P. Kazantsev 1960
  • guards lieutenant colonel A.F. Zhikharev 1962
  • guards lieutenant colonel L. V. Gumnikov 1966
  • guards lieutenant colonel B.V. Saburov 1967
  • guards lieutenant colonel A.V. Tumanov 1972
  • guards lieutenant colonel E.F. Kuznetsov 1975
  • guards lieutenant colonel V.E. Kaptsevich 1977
  • guards lieutenant colonel S.I. Ananiev 1980
  • guards lieutenant colonel A.A. Volkovinsky 1986
  • guards lieutenant colonel S.V. Koltsov
  • guards colonel I.F. Konovalov 1994
  • guards colonel A.P. Korenkov 1998
  • guards colonel A.V. Blazhenko 2000
  • guards colonel B.V. Seredkin 2003

Squadron commanders: S. Amosova, D. Nikulina (center) and squadron navigators: L. Rozanova, E. Rudneva. 1942

Squadron navigator Ekaterina Ryabova. 1945

Irina Rakobolskaya, chief of staff of the regiment, and Anna Yelenina, head of the operations department of the regiment. 1943

Squadron commander of the 47th ShAP Air Force Black Sea Fleet M.E. Efimov and deputy. regiment commander S. Amosov discuss the task of supporting the landing. Near Novorossiysk

Regiment commander Evdokia Davydovna Bershanskaya and regiment navigator Hero of the Soviet Union Larisa Rozanova. 1945

The crew of N. Ulyanenko and E. Nosal receives a combat mission from the commander of the Bershanskaya regiment

Heavenly slug

Planes are taxiing out of parking

Evening flight Po-2 to the airfield "jump"

"Revenge for Dusya Nosal"

Heroes of the Soviet Union Nadezhda Popova and Larisa Rozanova. 1945

Flight commander Tanya Makarova and navigator Vera Belik. 1942

Dina Nikulina and Zhenya Rudneva. 1943

The crew of the combat aircraft

Pilot Ray Aronova at his plane

Smirnova Masha is the first on the left. Squadron commander of the 46th Guards Aviation Regiment

Navigators: S. Vodyanik, S. Akimova, L. Loshmanova (from right to left). 1944, spring

Polina Gulman and Irina Dryagina 1942

Khivaz Dospanova and Dusya Nosal. 1942

Three navigators with their instruments. Sitting Sonya Burzaeva - navigator of the regiment, standing Laura Rozanova and Zhenya Rudneva - navigators of squadrons, and later also navigators of the regiment. Assinovskaya, 1942

By water. Ivanovskaya, 1943

Olga Fetisova and Irina Dryagina

Regiment navigator Yevgeny Rudneva (left) and squadron commander Yevdokiya Nikulina. 1943

Anna Dudina and Sonya Vodyanik. East Prussia. 1945

Nina Khudyakova (left) and Lisa Timchenko

Glorious girls! Marina Chechneva and Ekaterina Ryabova

The commander of the 3rd squadron M. Smirnova and the navigator of the 4th squadron T. Sumarokova. 1945

On the left is Marina Chechneva, on the right is Glafira Kashirina. 06/12/1943

Deputy Major Serafima Amosova, commander for the flight part of the guard, and Rufina Gasheva, navigator of the squadron, Hero of the Soviet Union. 1945

Squadron commanders N. Popova and M. Chechneva. 1945

Regiment commander Evdokia Bershanskaya (left), Heroes of the Soviet Union Maria Smirnova (standing) and Polina Gelman. 1945

Navigators E. Nikitina and L. Shevchenko

Pavlova Zhenya is on the far right. Navigator of the 46th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment

From left to right Heroes of the Soviet Union: Yevgenia Zhigulenko, Irina Sebrova, Larisa Rozanova. 1945

Grave of Evgenia Rudneva, 1944

Zhenya Rudneva with her parents. Last meeting, 1943

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was given to the following girls from the 46th Guards Nbap:

* Guard Art. Lieutenant Aronova Raisa Ermolaevna - 960 sorties. Awarded 15 May 1946

* Guards. Art. lieutenant Belik Vera Lukyanovna - 813 sorties. Posthumously awarded 23 February 1945

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Gasheva Rufina Sergeevna - 848 sorties. Awarded 23 February 1945

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Gelman Polina Vladimirovna - 860 sorties. Awarded 15 May 1946

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Zhigulenko Evgenia Andreevna - 968 sorties.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Makarova Tatyana Petrovna - 628 sorties. Awarded posthumously.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Meklin Natalya Fedorovna - 980 sorties. Awarded 23 February 1945

* Guards. Captain Evdokia Andreevna Nikulina - 760 sorties.

* Guards. Lieutenant Nosal Evdokia Ivanovna - 354 sorties. Awarded posthumously. The first female pilot awarded the title of Hero during the Great Patriotic War.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Parfenova Zoya Ivanovna - 680 sorties. Awarded 18 August 1945. Participant of the Victory Parade.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Pasko Evdokia Borisovna - 790 sorties.

* Guards. Captain Popova Nadezhda Vasilievna - 852 sorties.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Raspopova Nina Maksimovna - 805 sorties.

* Guards. Captain Rozanova Larisa Nikolaevna - 793 sorties.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Rudneva Evgenia Maksimovna - 645 sorties. Awarded posthumously.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Ryabova Ekaterina Vasilievna - 890 sorties.

* Guards. Captain Sanfirova Olga Alexandrovna - 630 sorties. Awarded posthumously.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Sebrova Irina Fedorovna - 1004 sorties.

* Guards. Captain Smirnova Maria Vasilievna - 950 sorties.

* Guards. Art. lieutenant Syrtlanova Maguba Huseynovna - 780 sorties. Awarded 15 May 1946

* Guards. Art. lieutenant Ulyanenko Nina Zakharovna - 915 sorties. Awarded 18 August 1945.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Khudyakova Antonina Fedorovna - 926 sorties

In 1995, two more navigators of the regiment received the title of Hero of Russia:

* Guards Senior Lieutenant Akimova Alexandra Fedorovna - 680 sorties.

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Sumarokova Tatyana Nikolaevna - 725 sorties.

The title of Hero of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded to one pilot:

* Guards. Art. Lieutenant Dospanova Khiuaz

The source of information.

Marines in the first Chechen war fought selflessly, performing tasks in the most dangerous areas of battles. And a considerable merit in the fact that there were not so many losses in the consolidated units lies with their commander - Guards Lieutenant Colonel Darkovich Alexander Vasilyevich. We'll talk about him today.

Darkovich Alexander Vasilyevich - Commander of the 879th Separate Airborne Assault Battalion of the Marine Corps of the 336th Separate Guards Bialystok Order of Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky Marine Corps Brigade of the Baltic Fleet, Guard Lieutenant Colonel.

Born on November 7, 1961 in the city of David-Gorodok, Stalinsky district, Brest region, Byelorussian SSR. Belarusian. In the Armed Forces since 1978. He graduated from the Leningrad Military Combined Arms Command School in 1982.

He served in the Marine Corps of the Baltic Fleet, commanded a platoon and a company. Since 1989 - battalion commander in the 336th Separate Guards Marine Brigade of the Baltic Fleet.

In the position of commander of the combined marine battalion of the Baltic Fleet in the first days of January 1995, he was transferred to the Chechen Republic, where the first Chechen war was blazing.

The battalion took part in the fiercest battles in Grozny in January - February 1995. The Marines of the Baltic defended their positions in the city center after an unsuccessful New Year's assault, captured the most important buildings - the main nodes of the enemy's defense ("Green Quarter", the Presidential Palace, Minutka Square), crossed the Sunzha and expanded the occupied bridgeheads, advanced in the mountainous part of Chechnya. Of the personnel of the battalion, 412 people were awarded orders and medals. The battalion of Lieutenant Colonel Darkovich suffered minimal losses among the marines, at the same time causing significant damage to Dudayev's formations. The heroes of the Russian Federation were the officers of the battalion S. Sheiko, D. Polkovnikov, E. Kolesnikov.

For courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 1995, Guards Lieutenant Colonel Darkovich Alexander Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

He continued to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since 1999 - Commander of the 336th Separate Guards Bialystok Order of Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky of the Marine Corps Brigade of the Baltic Fleet (deployed in the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad Region). In 2002, he was transferred to the reserve with the rank of colonel. Lives in Kaliningrad, is engaged in business. Executive director of the building concentrates plant under construction.

Awarded with medals.

Here is what his colleague, Guard Major Alexander Nikolaevich Plushakov, deputy battalion commander for educational work, recalls about him: “I can’t help but say about the person with whose name everyone went into battle - this is the battalion commander, Guards Lieutenant Colonel Darkovich Alexander Vasilyevich. From his prudence ", a great human heart and soul depended on a lot. And not a single mother subsequently bowed her head in person or in absentia before his commanding talent for the saved lives of their sons. The battalion commander - he really was a father in the war, did not make hasty, rash decisions, even if for this He was threatened with removal from office.

He ran for the Kaliningrad Regional Duma in constituency No. 4 (Baltiysk) (self-nominated).

List of sources:
Other essays about forgotten Heroes: