
Hot water temperature standard. The temperature of hot water in an apartment building

The presence of a hot water supply system is a prerequisite for any modern comfortable housing. For this reason, it is important for every owner of residential real estate to know what temperature of hot water in the tap, according to the 2016 SNP standard, should be in the tap.

It should be noted that hot water supply plays the most important function for consumers. With its help, the likelihood of the formation of viruses and infections, the development of pandemics and epidemiological diseases is reduced. Also, hot water is a convenience that allows you to maintain cleanliness in the apartment and not experience discomfort while living in it.

Each person can measure the temperature of incoming water using a conventional thermometer. Therefore, it is important to know the hot water standards approved by government regulations:

  • closed systems - from 50 degrees;
  • open systems - from 60 degrees;
  • joint systems - from 75 degrees.

Having figured out what temperature of hot water should be in the apartment according to the law, you can safely defend your rights before utilities. At the same time, it is important that there are no deviations in both directions: insufficient temperature will not kill harmful bacteria, and excessively heated water can cause a burn.

It should be noted that the norm for the temperature of hot water in an apartment building in some cases may differ from the real situation. Utilities have the right to reduce the temperature of the water supplied to the water supply for the following reasons:

  • emergencies that occur on the highway or pumping station;
  • failure of housing communications;
  • carrying out planned and preventive work.

These reasons can lead to a suspension in the supply of hot water. However, the current regulations also describe the length of the period for stopping the supply of water to apartment buildings:

  • up to 4 hours in a row;
  • up to 8 hours per month;
  • up to 24 hours in case of accidents.

In practice, utilities quite often allow violations of the established time. Homeowners themselves are not able to influence this situation, but they may require a recalculation of the tariff used for water heating. Economists have calculated that when hot water is turned off, the price should be reduced by 0.15%.

It will not be possible to immediately attract specialists to measure the temperature of water in a hot tap, since there is a clear verification algorithm. Only its observance will make it possible to draw up an act that will be recognized by public utilities and other authorities.

If the temperature of hot water in the apartment is not complied with the standard of 2016, then this fact can be proved by performing the following sequence of actions:

  • open the hot water tap for 2-3 minutes to drain the liquid that has stagnated in the pipes;
  • place a special glass under the jet to fill to a certain level;
  • immerse a thermometer in a glass, which provides for measuring the temperature regime up to 100 degrees;
  • record the results.

It must be borne in mind that a certain deviation is allowed in both directions from the standard temperature indicators:

  • 00.01-05.00 - up to 5 degrees;
  • 05.00-00.00 - up to 3 degrees.
  • explain the reason for the deviation by carrying out any work with the water supply;
  • take measures to eliminate the identified deviations.

If practical measures to remedy the situation are not taken within a week, you should contact the local authorities or the judicial authorities.

The norm of the temperature of hot water in the apartment: optimal indicators and features of the recalculation

The norm of the temperature of hot water in the apartment: optimal indicators and features of the recalculation

no one already and for a minute can't imagine life without hot water. Her shutdown during the summer season during traditional repair work - practically catastrophe for residents who are so accustomed to it.

It's important to know that hot water is a concept clearly defined and established laws. It should not be a little hotter or a little colder, as its temperature officially defined.

hot water regulations

Temperature hot water regulated norms SanPiN(Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms)−09 which were accepted in 2009 and have legal force in this 2015. Legislators paid great attention to the regulation of this issue and singled it out in separate document.

According to the rules prescribed in that document, the temperature hot water that flows from the tap must be within from + 60 to +75 °С. These restrictions connected not only with the direct observance of the temperature regime in order to provide residents with hot water.

Such a temperature unfavorable for breeding pathogens of infectious diseases. Maintaining this temperature necessarily in all places of water intake.

It's important to know: deviation from the standards at night by no more than 5°C, and during the day - by no more than 3°C, is considered acceptable. Night time is considered from 00.00 to 05.00. Daytime - from 05.00 to 00.00 hours.

How to measure water temperature?

To accurately approve that the temperature of the water at the tap does not match the norms fixed in the law, it is necessary to measure. step by step instruction self-measuring hot water temperature is as follows:

  1. open faucet hot water;
  2. Let the water drain(approximately 5 minutes);
  3. Take capacity, the volume containing the measuring device;
  4. Send a stream of water from a tap into a container so that water constantly flows out;
  5. Lower the thermometer in the center of the tank to the required depth;
  6. Compare received readings thermometer with normative.

If the recorded temperature is significantly below normal, necessary:

  • Contact the organization responsible for the supply of water in the house with statement about unacceptably low indicators of its temperature;
  • Perform a water test in the presence of a representative of the organization;
  • Fix identified violations in the form of an act.

It is important: the act of measuring water must contain temperature readings obtained precisely during the procedure, no later.

Based act is adopted solution about recalculation of fees by hot water. Instances Both the tenant and the company serving him must have the document.

If violations identified and recorded, the responsible organization obliged eliminate the cause of the discrepancy and make recalculation for hot water.

fixed temperature value at 40°С gives grounds for recalculation of payment for hot water according to tariffs cold

Danger of non-compliance with hot water standards

Regulation hot water supply - vital need. non-compliance the temperature regime of hot water used in residential premises threatens serious consequences:

    • Reproduction of bacteria. At low temperature values ​​of hot water, increased risk active reproduction of dangerous bacteria and their entry through water into the human body. Norms hot water temperatures selected not by chance is an indicator at which pathogenic bacteria that cause, for example, pneumonia, die within 2 minutes. Moreover, this temperature does not allow bacteria multiply, as it is an unfavorable environment for them;
  • Burn. Bacteria instantly die and do not multiply at all in very hot water - from 80°C and above. However, water at this temperature unsuitable for use. Moreover, she can cause serious burn. For human safety, the standard level of hot water (from 60 to 70°C) must not be exceeded.

Is a water heater necessary?

In apartment buildings straight the need to install a water heater No. Hot water is no longer a luxury, but a familiar condition for a normal life. However, for especially heat-loving residents there are indirect reasons to install it. Namely:

    • reluctance stay no hot water in summer. During the planned annual shutdown of hot water or during the repair of the plumbing, it will solve the problem. If other residents are forced to heat water, say, on a gas stove, the owners of the water heater release yourself from such a duty;
  • reluctance stay without hot water for a short time. Due to accidents in the apartments of other residents and for the duration of their elimination, hot water is usually turn off. If an hour or a day without hot water is a big problem, buying a water heater is the perfect solution.

Qualitative water heater is required private houses, where hot water supply was originally missing. This device is very will simplify life of the inhabitants of the house, save them from the need to constantly heat the water.

So if interruptions with hot water or its constant absence in the house - your casual a life, . imposing the volume of the storage tank of modern models of heaters ( up to 150 liters) will allow you not to save on hot water.

In addition, water from standpipes and wells, which often used residents of private houses may represent danger for human health - it may contain harmful viruses and bacteria. Before use well water, it is recommended to conduct it cleaning or just boil.

It is possible that without a water heater, the water temperature suitable for disinfection will not be reached. When heating "manually", it is difficult to control the temperature, and the water heater guarantees sufficient warm water.


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Hot water is the same integral part of our comfort as electricity, gas, heating. According to the level of needs, it can be put on a par with satisfying hunger and thirst.

If we turn to the Rules for the provision of public services, then in accordance with the sanitary rules and norms under the legislation of Russia (SanPiN 6-09), the allowable temperature limits for hot water should be from 60 to 75 degrees.

So, 65 to 75 degrees. These are the values ​​you need to focus on.

The same document reports the permissible deviation rates at the water intake point:

  • if we are talking about night time (from 0:00 to 5:00), then the permissible deviation is not more than 5 degrees;
  • if it is a day (from 5:00 am to 0:00 am), then the deviation should not exceed 3 degrees.

Recalculation in case of temperature non-compliance with standards

If the hot water temperature at the time of sampling was only 40 degrees, then payment for its consumption must be made according to the tariff for cold water. In order for the recalculation to be carried out, it is necessary to make temperature measurements water.

For starters, you should contact the dispatch service of the management company or housing and communal services. Mandatory application fixation about the water temperature below the prescribed one in writing, indicating the number of the application, the time of its acceptance and the name of the dispatcher. It is possible that the drop in water temperature was due to technical failure pipeline or for any other known reason. In this case, the dispatcher is obliged to notify about the emergency mode and the timing of troubleshooting.

If the temperature of the supplied hot water is reduced for unknown reasons, it is necessary to agree on the day and hour taking measurements. Further, after the measurements, an act is drawn up. Number of copies of this document should be equal to the number of participants in the procedure. Based on the measurements taken, whether or not payment recalculation hot water at the rate of cold.

Features of measurements

  1. Drainage of water should be carried out for at least two to three minutes.
  2. It is worth paying attention to where the hot water comes from (for example, from a heated towel rail pipe or from an “independent” pipe).

It is also necessary to eliminate the inconsistency with SanPiN, for this there is an article 7.23 in the Code of Administrative Offenses, it sounds “Violation of standards for the provision of public services” and involves a fine.

Why is this temperature

I would like to understand why the norms of hot water for a residential building 60 - 75 degrees? When developing norms for the temperature supply of hot water, the main points are the reproduction of bacteria and the likelihood of burns. I.e temperature run must be such that harmful bacteria are killed, but at the same time, that the water consumed does not lead to burn injuries. The latter is very important for children's or medical institutions.

Fresh and warm water is a great place for breeding and habitat such a dangerous bacterium as "legionella". This bacterium is very dangerous and can multiply in heating, air conditioning and humidification systems.

For example, in 2007 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, more than 160 citizens, 5 deaths were recorded.

If we consider the temperature regime of water, then the effect on deadly bacteria following:

  • 70−80°С: at this temperature, the disinfection process takes place;
  • 66°C: legionella dies within 2 minutes;
  • 60°C: bacteria die in 22 minutes;
  • 55°C: the bacterium is destroyed in 5-6 hours;
  • 20−45°С: temperature of active reproduction of bacteria;
  • below 20C, the bacterium does not multiply.

It would seem that the conclusion is obvious: it is worth supplying hot water with a high heating temperature. But there is a downside here. If the temperature of the tap water over 50 degrees there is a chance of getting burned. Water temperature over 65 °C - skin burn in 2 seconds, temperature 65 °C - epidermis burn in 5 seconds, water temperature 55 °C - skin burn in 90 seconds.

Thus, the temperature in the reserve storages for heating and supplying hot water must be very high. But its use is possible only together with the simultaneous supply of cold water.

During the day, the indicators differ by 3 degrees, and at night up to 5. For every 3 degrees, a tariff reduction of 0.1% is required. Where should you apply? If deviations from the norms were noticed, then it is necessary to contact the housing and communal services. When the cause lies in an accident, the dispatcher will notify you of the duration of the repair work. If there are no reasons for lowering the temperature, then an application should be drawn up and submitted. Consideration of complaints from the population is carried out quickly. To be sure that the application is considered, you need to write down its number, as well as fix the time of the call, the name of the person who accepted the claim. With the persistence of a person, measures must be taken to restore the temperature of the water. If it is not more than 40 degrees, then the tariff should be like for cold water supply. What to do if the water is of poor quality? The temperature is set according to SanPiN.

The temperature of hot water in an apartment building

Firstly, a higher temperature is dangerous for human health, even a short-term contact threatens with serious burns. Secondly, the supply of hot water above the permissible values ​​\u200b\u200bis capable of damaging the water supply system, especially since plastic pipes are most often installed in modern apartments. The lower temperature bar depends on the type of system:

  • open - at least 60 degrees;
  • closed - at least 50 degrees.

In an open system, heat loss is greater, so a higher limit is set for them.
If the temperature of the hot water in the tap is below the permissible norm, this can lead to contamination with infectious pathogens and bacteria.

What is the hot water temperature in the apartment?

If the temperature does not reach 40 degrees, payment must be made at the cost of cold water. The algorithm for calculating the coefficient, if the norm is violated, is as follows: Every three degrees below the norm give an hourly rate reduction by 0.1%. Hot water is not up to standard where to complain The main question that worries tenants of apartment buildings, if hot water is not up to standard - Where to complain? According to the established rule, you must first call the housing and communal services or the management service.

You should state your situation to the dispatcher or service worker. Also, a similar action should be performed if there is no hot and cold water - you need to call the dispatch service. In this case, it is necessary to write down the time of the call, the number of the application and the name of the dispatcher who accepted it.

Hot water temperature standard - what to do if it does not meet the standards


In chronological order of their publication. Headings of invalid (cancelled) norms are crossed out. An abbreviated list, see at the end of the file INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE OF BUILDINGS SNiP 2.04.01-85 * see the current Code of Rules SP 30.13330.2012 ... 2.2. The temperature of hot water at the points of water intake should be provided for: a) not lower than 60 ° C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open heat supply systems; b) not lower than 50 ° С - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to “closed heat supply systems; c) not higher than 75 °C - for all systems specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b".

Code of Rules SP 30.13330.2012 “INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE OF BUILDINGS” Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85* “…5.1.2.

Temperature of hot water supply in mkd. — zhkhportal.rf

For each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of a break in the supply of hot water, calculated in total for the billing period in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of the utility service fee for such a billing period is reduced by 0.15 percent of the fee determined for such a billing period. Permissible deviation of the hot water temperature at the tapping point from the hot water temperature at the tapping point that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation: at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 5 ° С; in the daytime (from 5.00 to 00.00 hours) - no more than 3 ° C.

The norm of the temperature of hot water in the tap in the apartment, sanpin

of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the consumer pays for hot and cold water, energy spent on heating water, water disposal (sewage). The total payment is calculated based on the readings of individual meters or common house meters. If neither one nor the other is available, then payments are charged according to the standards.


In the receipt, you can find the "recalculation" column, which adjusts the amount of the payment, if there are grounds for this. The difference between the amount paid and the actual amount is transferred to future payments for the "communal". Downward adjustment of payment is made on the basis of the consumer's application and the act-protocol on detected violations.

Hot water temperature: what should it be?

In this case, we will not discuss and touch on this topic, but we will explain the situation as a whole and analyze the situations that mainly lead to violations in the parameters of the utility service - hot water supply, and what the service organization needs to do in this case. The first case - the temperature of hot water supply at the draw-off point does not correspond to the standard parameters even with prolonged draining of water. The situation in this case is simple - we look at the DHW temperature at the inlet to the house and at the temperature difference between the direct and return lines, which should be in the range from 3 to 10ºС, while taking into account that the greater the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet, the less circulation DHW according to MKD.
Also, do not forget about the DHW pressure on the direct pipeline and on the return.

About standards for air and hot water temperatures in apartments

In the application for recalculation, you must specify:

  • in the "header" - the name of the service organization and information about the tenant: full name, address;
  • indicate in the text the reasons on the basis of which the recalculation should be made: lack of water, low quality of the service provided;
  • list attachments to the claim: acts, protocols, if any;
  • date and sign.

You can also reduce the payment for hot and cold water if the tenant was absent for more than five days. However, this is possible if the payment is charged according to the standards, without meters, and requires documentary evidence (transport tickets, a certificate from the hospital, etc.). The recalculation is made within five working days, and if the Management Company does not agree with the claim, then the tenant must receive a written reasoned refusal no less than a month from the date of the application.

In the absence of a pressure drop: 1. Malfunction of the shut-off valves at the entrance to the house - we change the shut-off valves (most often, the shut-off valves on the return pipeline fail). 2. In the event that the internal shut-off valves are in good condition, we call representatives of the heating network (the malfunction is located on the internal supply network of hot water supply - there is no circulation of the coolant). The second case - the temperature of hot water supply at the draw-off point is restored during a long drain of tap water. The situation is also unpleasant, since everyone has already installed individual water meters and draining the hot water in the tap to the desired temperature causes clearly negative feelings for the consumer.
This situation is also not very problematic. Most often, residents of one of the entrances of a residential building complain about this situation.
Download the form: act of measuring the temperature of hot water sample Inadequate quality of tap water In addition to temperature, hot water must comply with such parameters as purity and pressure. What is the use of hot water if it runs in a thin stream or is dirty? Increased pressure is also not a reason for joy: it entails the breakdown of couplings, valves and other elements of the water supply system. For hot water, pressure limits are set from 0.3 to 4.5 atmospheres.

Going beyond these boundaries is a direct reason for applying to the Criminal Code for recalculation. Impurities in the aquatic environment can be of both organic and inorganic origin: rust, ingress into the earth system, rotting wood, etc. If such cases are frequent and prolonged, it is necessary to file a complaint with the water utility with a request to check the treatment systems, which should be carried out jointly with the housing office.

What should be the temperature of hot water at the entrance to an apartment building

During the operation of the STsGV, the water temperature at the points of water intake should not be lower than + 60 ° C, the static pressure should not be less than 0.05 MPa, with pipelines and water heaters filled with tap water .... “RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE TECHNICAL OPERATION OF THE HOUSING FUND” (approved by the Regulations of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170) “… 5.3. Hot water supply 5.3.1. ... The temperature of the water supplied to the water points (faucets, mixers) must be at least 60 degrees. C in open hot water systems and not less than 50 degrees.

C - closed. The temperature of the water in the hot water supply system must be maintained using an automatic regulator, the installation of which in the hot water supply system is mandatory. The water temperature at the outlet of the water heater of the hot water supply system must be selected from the condition of ensuring the normalized temperature at the water points, but not more than 75 degrees.