
A device for the press at home. Types of abdominal trainers at home. Wonder Core Smart Abs Trainer

A flat and toned tummy is a dream of many people. However, not all of us are ready to exhaust ourselves every day with training and sit on special diets. In such situations, sports simulators come to the rescue. They allow you to quickly adjust the figure and pump problem areas, strengthen the press. Let's figure out which sports equipment provide amazing results and allow you to see cubes on your stomach in the shortest possible time.

Professional and Home Abdominal Trainers

An abdominal trainer (for abdominal muscles) is an indispensable thing for a person who does not have time for regular visits to the gym, but who really wants to have an attractive abs. Such sports equipment has a narrowly targeted action aimed at working out the abdominal muscles.

Today, a large assortment of simulators is on sale that can quickly pump the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. They are divided into 2 main types: professional and home.

Professional simulators... As a rule, they are used in gyms, rehabilitation centers and require the development of certain skills, knowledge, as well as good physical fitness. For a person who first came to such a unit, it will be quite problematic to understand the mechanism without outside help.

Such sports equipment has many advantages:

  • it is distinguished by good strength (simulators are made of particularly durable and wear-resistant materials and parts, as a rule, with reinforcement, and they perfectly cope with increased loads);
  • professional units can be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • simulators are designed for amateurs and athletes who are professionally involved in sports.

Home exercise equipment. They are easy to use, give good results with regular training and do not require special physical training. Anyone who dreams of correcting their belly can work on such simulators.

Other benefits of home abs machines

  • saving money (no need to buy a gym membership);
  • the trainee himself regulates the frequency of training and the level of load;
  • saving time (there is no need to waste time traveling by public or other transport in the direction there and back);
  • hygiene (sports equipment will not be used by anyone except you);
  • the ability to create your own special training atmosphere (include a rhythmic melody, your favorite movie, etc.).

Most often, the following simulators are used at home:

  • press bench;
  • Beres loops;
  • bars;
  • video clip;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • Swedish wall;
  • all kinds of electric trainers, etc.

Let's consider in more detail the most popular types.

The most affordable and easy to use option is. Do you have such sports equipment in the house? Fine! Regular board training will help you strengthen your abdominal muscles and achieve good results fairly quickly.

The advantage of such a simulator is not only ease of use and relatively low price, but also functionality: it can be used not only to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and pump the buttocks. Such simulators take up very little space and can be installed even in a small room.

Additional Information. Exercises on the press board are repeated many times. Several approaches provide a good flow of oxygen and improve metabolism, which, in turn, helps to burn extra pounds and lose weight.

Types of boards for the press

Typical press bench... Can be positioned at different angles. A larger angle of inclination of the board requires more effort and allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. Such boards are the most affordable - within 2 thousand rubles.

Boards with adjustable backrest tilt. Ideal for training several muscle groups: abdominal muscles, back, waist, buttocks. The average price of such a simulator is 3 thousand rubles.

Curved back benches... Trainings on a simulator of this type are carried out with an increased level of load. Most often, such units are chosen by people with good physical fitness and professional athletes.

« Roman "press benches... The most "advanced" type of simulators. Allows you to swing the press with raised legs. They cost an order of magnitude more. With regular workouts, they help to quickly form beautiful abdominal muscles.

Additional Information. Most modern board simulators have additional equipment: massage rollers, special springs, etc., which increase the functionality and efficiency of sports equipment.

The press bench has practically no drawbacks. However, tall people can find it problematic to choose a board according to their height. To train other muscle groups, you will need to buy other sports equipment.

How to effectively and correctly swing the press on the bench (video)

Press bench. An affordable and easy way to build abs. A set of simple to perform, but very effective exercises on the bench.

Belongs to the category of the most effective devices for the formation of a beautiful press and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Although considered a cardio equipment, this type of exercise equipment allows you to work on many muscle groups. The elliptical trainer is a successful combination of a treadmill, a "bike" and a stepper. Such equipment is used not only at home when creating a home gym, but also in professional fitness centers and "exercise machines".

During training on an elliptical trainer, all major muscle groups are involved. The trainee feels the slowness and synchronization of movements, which is felt in every part of the body. The simulator's pedals follow an oval trajectory that resembles an ellipse (hence the name). Due to the fact that all movements are performed very smoothly, the load on the joints and tendons is minimal.

The special handles of the simulator allow you to effectively pump the muscles of the arms, back and abdominals. At the same time, the spine is not subjected to increased axial load, which is especially important for people who want but cannot play sports due to problems with the spinal column.

The anaerobic load provided by the elliptical trainer allows you to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen. What do we have as a result? Increased endurance and minimal fatigue.

Important! To achieve the desired results, you must remember that a beautiful abs is the result of regular physical activity using the simulator. Short and irregular training will not allow you to achieve your goal.

Before you start exercising on simulators of this type, you need to decide on your physical form, physical capabilities and only after that choose the level of load and draw up an individual training program.

The second name is myostimulants. These are special devices that make it possible to provide the tone of the abdominal muscles without effort on the part of the trainee. The creators of electric simulators assure that it is quite possible to achieve the desired result without exhausting workouts, regular diet and other unpleasant loads.

During operation, the device directs electrical discharges to the muscles located in the abdomen (abdominal muscles) and causes them to contract. Today, a large assortment of all kinds of electric simulators is on sale. To pump up the muscles of the press, exercise machines of the so-called local type (shorts, belts) are used.

Fitball is a multifunctional sports device that will become a real boon for a person who follows a figure and dreams of strengthening the abdominal muscles. They can be used by all family members, including children. Fitball is a simulator that is suitable for people of different ages, different physiques and levels of physical fitness.

Pumping up your abs on a fitball is a pretty interesting type of workout. To achieve good results, you should choose a specific exercise program and conduct classes on a regular basis.

Among the advantages of such a simulator are the following: ease of use, long service life, low price, good efficiency, versatility.

Find out what exercises for the press you can do on the fitball.


A fairly common and beloved by many simulator, which allows you to pump not only the abdominal muscles, but also other muscle groups - the muscles of the back, arms, legs, buttocks. You don't have to go to the gym or go to the sports field near your home to regularly exercise on the uneven bars. There are a large number of compact mini-simulators on sale at very affordable prices that can be used at home. They are easily and conveniently mounted on the wall and combine the functions of a horizontal bar and beams.

The bars have only one drawback - the difficulty of performing the exercises. Therefore, such simulators are chosen mainly by men or professional athletes. For women and people "far from sports", exercising on the uneven bars can be overwhelming.

Experienced athletes are advised to regularly exercise on the uneven bars for maximum effect. All exercises should be done very smoothly and slowly so as not to damage the ligaments and not get the muscles stretched.

The simulator can be used to twist, raise and lower legs, "corners", "scissors", etc.

The main feature of using the parallel bars is a small number of repetitions of each exercise due to the increased load.

You don't have to go to the gym regularly to have a pumped-up abs and an attractive flat tummy. A more convenient and simpler option is to train at home. In this case, modern abdominal machines will come to the rescue, which allow you to quickly form beautiful cubes on the stomach and strengthen some other muscle groups. Whichever simulator you choose, remember: the effect of training will be only if the exercises are regular and the nutrition is balanced.


For those who have practically no time to visit the gym, the Bradex muscle stimulator - roughly speaking, an electric exercise machine for the press - will become an indispensable assistant. It allows you to target the abdominal muscles, contracting them in the same way as during physical exertion. Only the electrical impulse goes much deeper. A feature is that during such procedures you are not limited in your actions: in parallel, you can do other physical exercises or go about your household chores. Often, women in the postpartum period acquire such a simulator for rocking the press in order to tighten the abdomen and get rid of stretch marks.

The way of using such a simulator is very simple. The muscle stimulator consists of a silicone butterfly patch that you attach to the problem area, the lower or upper abdomen, oblique muscles and even your arms. A special gel layer easily adheres to the skin, you can first degrease it for the best effect. A detachable control unit with a battery is located on the cover. It has on / off and mode selection buttons. There are 10 levels of impulse strength to suit the user as much as possible. Just 15-20 minutes of myostimulation a day - and you have a toned, firm stomach and abs.

The use of short-term electrical impulses has long been used not only for sports purposes, but also in medicine and cosmetology, since during such sessions the skin is well stimulated and becomes more taut. Suitable for both men and women.


The gymnastic roller press machine has been known to many since childhood, you could see it in schools, kindergartens, sports clubs, exercise therapy halls. This simple device consists of only two components - the handle and the wheel worn on it. But despite the primitiveness, it can be used to work out most of the muscles.

There are a lot of different exercise schemes with this projectile. They can be roughly divided into exercises for beginners and advanced users. It's better to start with simpler and less tedious activities so as not to get stretched. Kneeling, grab the handles and slowly roll the roller forward until your body is parallel to the floor, try not to lie down. Then return slowly as well. Over time, the exercises can become more complicated, change the direction of movement - roll the roller diagonally to the sides, stand not on your knees, but on your feet and do more hikes. If you think this abs trainer is too simple and will not give the desired result, you are very mistaken. Exercising every other day, you will see the result after 2-3 months, and with proper nutrition - even earlier. The roller trainer has been proven over the years and has proven itself well.

For ease of use, the projectile has large handles with a soft non-slip neoprene coating and a double wheel, which will allow it not to wobble during exercise.


For those who play sports at home due to the lack of time to visit the gym, the Sport Elit press bench will definitely come in handy. This is a versatile tool that will strengthen and develop most muscle groups. Of course, first of all, the simulator is aimed at swinging the press, but with the right approach, it is a whole complex for the legs and upper body.

The construction of the simulator is made of steel and is equipped with a soft cushion measuring 30 x 60 cm. It is very comfortable for a person of average build on it. The bench is equipped with 4 padded bolsters to securely support the legs and arms. One of the main features of the bench is the presence of resistance bands. Sitting on the simulator in various ways and using resistance bands, in addition to the press and back, you can do exercises for pumping biceps, triceps, as well as leg extension and flexion.

At home, this will be the best option for a press trainer and more. Takes up little space when folded, lightweight, does not require special skills and can withstand a decent load.

The main advantage of this section is the ability to perform tasks without special equipment such as simulators. Exercise should be done on a firm surface. Since you will most likely feel uncomfortable at first, use a foam or mat. You can't put anything under your head. Abbreviations: n - approach, p - times. 3p10p = 3 sets of 10 times.

Upper press

  1. Twisting. Lie on your back: hands behind your head, elbows to the sides, legs bent at the knees. Raise your upper body so that your elbow reaches the knee of the opposite leg. Ascend as you inhale, descend as you exhale. 3p10r, gradually increase to 3p50r.
  2. Raises the legs. You lie perfectly straight with your arms along your torso or to the sides if balance is difficult. Raise your legs up without bending. If stretching does not allow, it is better to raise it to a lower height, but you cannot bend your knees. Try to do the exercise slowly: with a fast execution, the press tenses unevenly.
  3. Birch. The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but with your legs you need to raise the pelvis and support it with your hands so that the body is in an upright position. Legs stretch up. You are in a similar stance for 5-10 seconds, after which you gradually lower your hips, then your legs. Both exercises are performed 3p10r.
  4. "Penknife". Raise your torso and legs at the same time, then gently lower it. Since this exercise is difficult for beginners, try to do 3 sets of the maximum number of times, but no more than 10.
  5. Raise your legs 15-20 cm above the floor and hold as much as your muscles allow.

  1. Raise your legs to a right angle, the body is lying. Lift your hips 15-20 cm off the floor, resting on your hands. At the same time, hands should lie along the body. Lower your legs gently. 2p20r.
  2. Bike. Probably a familiar exercise. You lie down and at the same time make movements with your legs, as if you were driving. To make the task more difficult, try raising the body.
  3. Raise your legs 15-20 cm from the floor. Bring them slowly to an angle of 90 0, then lower them back to their previous height (15-20). 2p20r.
  4. Scissors. Raise your legs and wind them one behind the other. 3p20r.

Lateral abdominal muscles

  1. Lie on your side, one arm along your torso (lower), the other palm to your ear, elbow to the side. Slowly stretch your elbow towards your legs. 3p15r on each side.
  2. The starting position is lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Touch the tips of your toes to the heel of the same foot alternately. 3p40r.

Home abdominal machines

Especially for those who want to do themselves without leaving home, manufacturers are developing exercise machines for the press, which can be used at home. Let's consider several options.

It is a kind of seat with a backrest. The back has 3 levels of resistance, the task of the seated person is to press with his back on the rollers located on the back. At the same time, the press is strained, as well as the muscles of the hips and back. The price of the device is about 3290 rubles.

The reviews are mostly positive. Anna from Moscow writes that she is studying with her son. The apparatus, of course, is suitable for warm-up, but it does not give a serious load. Alexey from Omsk was disappointed in the quality, claiming that there was no load at all.

For almost all abdominal and abdominal trainers, the Ab Rocket home abdominal trainer is the prototype. The same Bradex, as it turned out, the quality is not the best, took this "old man" as a basis. Ab Rocket works on the same principle, however, the back lies more horizontally, which strains the neck muscles less, affecting only the necessary areas.

  1. Vander cor smart abs trainer

The wander core press machine is the same seat, but it should be on the floor. The back is absent, instead there are two movable rollers fixed on the sides. In the process of training, the rollers change their position, acting as an excellent trainer for the press and back. This technique helps to straighten the posture due to the load on the spinal muscles.

A flat stomach, firm buttocks, how much sense in a nutshell ... But to achieve an excellent result and press with dense cubes, you need to work, and here you can not do without a modern simulator.

There are a huge number of simulators, but some of them are professional and simply not suitable for working on the press at home.

Which abdominal trainer to choose is a tricky question, which is why we have compiled a rating of the 12 best trainers, according to nutritionists and athletes.

Create the perfect figure with us!

If you are looking for an effective abdominal trainer at an affordable price, then the Artist Roller is your trusted training companion. The roller trainer not only works out all the abdominal muscle groups, but also helps to create a muscle corset in problem areas:

  • Hands and back.
  • Tightens the chest muscles.
  • Rolling daily exercises can help improve circulation, prevent salt deposits and relax, so you can forget about back pain forever.

You can practice with a roller only 15-20 minutes a day, devoting to the workout in the morning or evening. It is quite lightweight, convenient to use, so there will be no problems during classes!

Trainer Bradex "Super press"

Exercise machines from this brand could be a worthy decoration for the gym, but you can get them for home workouts as well. Bradex "Super Press" is compact in size, so it can be easily placed in the far corner of the apartment to be used for its intended purpose.

The Bradex trainer helps to train the following muscle groups:

  • Middle, bottom and top press.
  • The oblique muscles of the abdomen, gluteal and dorsal muscles.

Special rollers during the lesson gently massage the back, lumbar region, improving blood circulation. This process is essential for gaining muscle mass, losing weight and relaxing your tired back.

The gain in muscle mass and weight loss when working with the Bradex abdominal trainer is due to the force of resistance: tilting back and forth makes the muscles tense, which has a positive effect on the figure.

With Bradex, you can choose from 3 levels of workload that suit the training of a beginner, professional or amateur. "Super press" provides noticeable results after 2 weeks of training.

- Another great device for strength exercises for the press and complex exercises for working out the muscles of the back, buttocks. The main advantages of AB Rocket are:

  1. Shock-absorbing properties, which allows the use of AB Rocket for beginners without special training or for the elderly.
  2. The model is equipped with a swivel seat, which facilitates twisting (the main exercise for pumping up the press) and allows you not to waste energy on constant lifting.
  3. You can practice at home, but AB Rocket is often used to equip gyms.

AB Rocket helps to quickly build abs, strengthens the back muscles, increases the effectiveness of inclines and provides a significant reduction in body weight in a short time.

Press bench ATEMI ASB 500

ATEMI's state-of-the-art abs bench (model ASB 500) is a proven machine that has become a classic for professional athletes. Compared to sports mats, the press bench allows you to achieve excellent results in the shortest possible time, having a number of advantages:

  • When working on a bench, all muscle groups of the abs, buttocks, back and even legs are involved in the workout.
  • If during training you use dumbbells, then you will successfully shape the shoulder girdle and pectoral muscles.
  • Low fatigue, after all, 10-15 minutes of classes 3-4 times a week is enough.
  • The model is equipped with comfortable bolsters and soft necks, a stable structure and the ability to adjust the height.

GymBit Wonder Core Smart Trainer

The innovative simulator has become a real discovery in the world of sports, allowing you to carry out complex training without leaving your home. The main features of Vander Cor professional trainers include:

  1. The ability to carry out strength and cardio training.
  2. The GymBit model replaces 6 simulators, making it possible to work out the abs, hips, buttocks, legs, back muscles.
  3. The ergonomic and compact design takes up minimal space.
  4. The resistance level is adjustable, so you can choose the loads that are acceptable for yourself, and then increase them.
  5. With this model, you can quickly lose weight by simply reducing resistance and increasing the number of approaches. If your goal is muscle, then increase resistance and do fewer sets. That's it, you can cope with fitness, cardio training, strength training and Pilates without the help of a professional trainer!

The GymBit Wonder Core Smart can be used by women and men for abdominal exercises, biceps and triceps workouts, classic bridge and bicycle exercises, leg presses, and push-ups.

A professional abs trainer is another modern device that even an untrained person can train on. Rockin Abs is suitable for people who are too lazy to practice for a long time, and tiring workouts just make them despondent. If everything goes like this for you, then get acquainted - the benefits of Rockin Abs:

  • A few minutes of exercise per day is enough to effectively train the abdominal muscles. Do the workout right in front of the TV screen, give it only 5 minutes in the morning, so that in 1.5-2 weeks you can see how the stomach begins to tighten.
  • You do not need to put in effort, because the technology of point isolation allows you to do the most difficult exercises by swinging.
  • You will be able to do Pilates, but it’s worth changing the position of your sports device. To achieve a cool result, it is recommended to practice difficult exercises, such as twisting, raising the legs.

When working on the abs on Rockin Abs, you engage only the right muscle groups, while the back and neck are pleasantly supported. Therefore, the simulator can be used by people of any age and complexion.

Wheel press trainer Artist ES-0808

Back to the press rollers again, looking at the Artist ES-0808. Ease of exercise and lack of preparation are the 2 main criteria people look for when choosing an Artist. But it is worth adding here that the rollers allow you to work out a large number of muscles:

  1. A group of abdominal muscles, as a result of which the abdomen is gradually tightened.
  2. The shoulders, pectoral muscles and back muscles are being worked out.
  3. You have the opportunity to lose weight on your back and arms - these are areas that more home workouts do not "penetrate".
  4. A person of any physique can work with a roller without physical training.

At first, until the muscles are tightened and the weight returns to normal, it is recommended to carry out exercises with a roller, if not daily, then every other day for 15 minutes. After losing weight, use the roller 2 times a week to keep your body toned.

Press Trainer Start Up AB Roller IR97731

The Start Up AB Roller IR97731 simulator is somewhat similar to a roller, but it is made of polypropylene, withstanding a weight of up to 100 kilograms. The Start Up AB Roller simulator is also designed to work out the abdominal muscles, but besides that, it tightens the muscles of the back and arms well. With a different nature of training, it copes with strengthening the hips and calves, and also contributes to weight loss.

When working with a roller trainer, do not forget about the water norm (2 liters per day) and the protein menu. If the abs and other muscle groups need to be tightened or built up in the shortest possible time, then enrich your diet with protein foods. It is rightfully considered the building blocks of our muscle mass.

Strength training machine OTO Cruncher CH-1080

The OTO Cruncher strength trainer is designed to swing the abs, but it will also help you lose weight quickly and without 3 hours of training in the gym! The main advantages of this model are:

  1. Multifunctionality and the ability to use many muscle groups during training (abs, arms, buttocks, back, legs).
  2. Elimination of excess weight, the possibility of a full-fledged workout for an unprepared person.
  3. Easy to fold, can be stored in a small apartment.

Exercise for 10-15 minutes a day to burn weight. And to maintain the result, just 5 minutes of strength training is enough.

Press boards from PLASTEP PRO are a sports classic that allows you to perform different types of exercises to work out all abdominal groups. The press bench has a number of benefits that professional athletes appreciate:

  1. The back has different angles of inclination, which allows you to effectively work out all muscle groups and choose the intensity of the load.
  2. The board is very compact, and you do not have to swing the abs on the floor, which negatively affects the lumbar and cervical spine.
  3. The load is evenly distributed between the oblique, straight and intercostal muscles.

Sport Elite Curved Press Bench R0910

The curved press bench is a tool not only for abdominal muscles, but also for dealing with back pain, working with the lumbar region and legs. The bench has an ergonomic curved shape, the angle of inclination of which is adjustable and adapts to your physical abilities. The bench is also distinguished by its soft upholstery, which during classes will carefully protect your back from damage and chafing, as happens when the press is swinging on the floor. It should be noted that the bench can be used in a home with small children, because its curved shape is not dangerous.

The Sport Elite bench will help you lose weight, it takes up little space, so you can exercise right at home without wasting time and money on the gym.

Abdominal Trainer Sport Elite SE9105

With Sport Elite, you can work on building your perfect abs at home with at least 20-25 minutes a day training. This model will allow you to work out all groups of abdominal muscles (oblique, straight and intercostal), therefore, the outlines of the cherished cubes will appear after the first month of training.

The movable leg base and simplicity of the trainer design provide excellent results in the formation of a muscle corset and weight loss. And the number of movements will be tracked by the computer built into the Sport Elite, so your thoughts will be occupied only with sports.

The Sport Elite model can be used for training by people of any age. Even if you have not had any previous sports experience, the Sport Elite will tone your muscles, and you will not experience discomfort and excessive fatigue!

We welcome you, dear friends, to the most progressive and useful site about beauty, sports and a healthy lifestyle. Today our team has prepared an article on how to choose an abdominal and abdominal trainer for use at home. You will also find an overview of the most popular options on the market.

To have a beautiful flat tummy or to pump up cherished cubes, you need to systematically devote time to physical activity and adhere to the principles. To make home training more effective, efficient and safe, you should use sports equipment and exercise equipment. Such equipment will speed up the process of working out the muscles and in a short time achieve the desired parameters of the figure.

Overview of options

We offer you a list of the most demanded and popular models of waist and abs trainers with photos and detailed descriptions. Based on this review, you can choose the best option for yourself.

Video clip

The gymnastic roller is a simple design - it is a wheel with handles on the sides. This is the simplest, most inexpensive, but very effective exercise machine, which is useful at home for every woman. The price of the device varies between 200-400 rubles.

The advantages of the inventory are:

  • small dimensions;
  • profitability;
  • ease of use;
  • impact not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the work of the heart muscle, blood vessels, and the respiratory system.

Working with rollers is easy. It is necessary to kneel down, grasp the handles of the wheel with your hands so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Roll the roller forward, then return to its original position. To complicate the task, when the body adapts to the load, you can roll the roller in the "plank" position.

If the first few times are unsuccessful, do not worry, you need to get used to and get used to the device. You will definitely succeed. The simulator puts a significant load on the abdominal muscles, and also indirectly uses the arms, hips, shoulders and back.


This simulator is more often preferred by men, although it is no less useful for women in working out the press. There are designs that combine bars and a horizontal bar. Such multifunctional devices will help to attract all family members to sports activities. They are attached to the wall, have a low cost of 2,000 rubles and more.

The bars are great for working on the lower press. You can see them in any gym, but at home they are no less useful. You should choose a model with a soft back and armrests.

In order to use the abdominal muscles, you need to rest your back on a soft pillow, grab the handles with your palms. Next, we pull the legs bent at the knees up so that the hips touch the abdomen. A complicated version of the exercise is lifting straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees.

In addition to raising your legs on the uneven bars, you can do other exercises, such as scissors or a corner. In order not to be injured during the exercise, it is necessary to make smooth and measured movements.


The most popular ab machine in the gym is the bench. You can buy one and go home. It can be stationary or foldable. Depending on the design features, benches are distinguished:

  • typical;
  • adjustable;
  • with a curved back;
  • additional equipment.

On the bench, you can pump the rectus abdominis muscle. It is also great for working out the internal and external oblique muscles. The cost of the inventory starts at 3000 rubles.


Over the past few years, muscle stimulants have gained particular popularity. These are devices that act on muscles by means of electrical impulses, absolutely safe and painless for humans. There are electric belts on sale, both standard and mini-models, for example, "butterfly".

Products differ not only in size, but also in the level of load, as well as the number of available modes. The main bonus of myostimulants is the lack of physical activity, i.e. muscles and skin are strengthened, but the body does not get tired or overheat. The cost of the device directly depends on the functionality and varies between 350 - 15,000 rubles.

AB Rocket

AB rollers are a popular model of abdominal machines. One of the best known options is the Bradex Super Press. The structure consists of a seat, backrest and handrails.

It is necessary to sit on the seat and try to lean back as much as possible, trying to overcome the resistance of the seat. The user can independently set the level of load depending on their level of physical fitness.

The simulator will help work out the rectus abdominis muscles. The price of the device is at least 3500 rubles.

Hula-hoop and fitball

These are not simulators, but rather sports equipment that will help to maintain a slimness and emphasize the curves of the waist. A hula hoop is a hoop. There are plastic and metal models, with rollers and weights. Which simulator can I remove the sides with? - girls often ask. There is no more effective option than a hoop.

For 20-30 minutes daily, you can burn fat and strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Fitball is a gymnastic ball. With its help, it is convenient to perform various exercises for the press and other muscle groups. On the fitball, you can do straight and oblique twists.

The device is favored by its price, ease of use and long service life. Disadvantages - dimensions.

Having decided to purchase a home press simulator, you need to focus on your own desires, as well as how much the device costs, what parameters it has, whether it is safe to use at home and other individual factors.

We hope that our review article will help you decide on the right option and make a profitable purchase for home workouts.

If the information was useful, please share it on social media. networks. We thank you in advance and wish you good luck in all your endeavors.