
Runes study for beginners. Runes training: from beginner to pro, useful properties. Runes for beginners

A spearhead found in the vicinity of Brest, which scientists attributed to the 3rd century AD, is inlaid with solar signs and the inscription "Tilariths" - which means "Attacker". The inscription clearly denotes the name of the weapon.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Runes for beginners

Fortune-telling methods on the runes

Each rune is assigned a specific meaning, which makes it possible to ask them questions and get answers to them. The runic alphabet consists of 24 characters, respectively, as many runes are used for fortune telling. A rune without a symbol is added to them, that is, an empty pebble or tablet. It also has its own meaning.

The simplest way of fortune-telling is that a person takes a handful of runes from a bag and throws them onto the canvas. By those runes that fell out on the face side, it is determined what awaits the fortuneteller in the future.

Another way is to utter a question and take out one rune from the bag, which will be the answer to it. At the same time, you need to close your eyes, and put the rune itself on your palm or on a cloth in front of you. The question must have an unambiguous answer. Therefore, form it as clearly as possible.

There are also more complex versions of fortune telling, in which a certain number of runes are used. At the same time, not only the meaning of each individual rune is interpreted, but also their totality, as well as the location that they occupied on the canvas relative to the fortuneteller.

How else can runes be used

Who said that runes for beginners are only suitable for fortune telling? With their help you can


A beginner's guide

"The topic is important, runes are not a toy and not incomprehensible squiggles that have brought happiness to everyone. Runes are a serious tool that requires understanding, respect and reverence. Runes are history and traditions. Here in this section we will analyze, what, how and where, so that everything works out and we don't have anything for it

Now let's move on to practical issues.

The first question, vital
Where, what, how and where to write / apply the runes. Where to write.

If the action of the formula is directed at yourself, your beloved, then it is best to write on yourself.
Even proven formulas do not always work as they should. It's easier to remove the formula from yourself than to look for a piece of paper, etc. on what it was written. If we are treated with runes, then on a sore spot, if the diagnosis is a bruise of the whole grandmother, then apply it on the hand - it will be enough.
If the formula is directed not at oneself, but at another person, then in his photo. No photo - draw schematically (stick-stick of cucumbers - that little man came out), write his name, visualize as much as possible the one for whom you are working and apply the runes.
Than to write: yes, whatever! Marker, oil, saliva, gel pen ..
Regarding the color - I do not make divisions by color and I write all the runes in one color - black, I can also use the right blue (depending on which pen is closer)

Runes are a powerful magical tool. They themselves contain strength, tremendous strength. And this power does not have any color, it is not black or white, it is not gray or crimson. Strength is strength. Strength is the current in the outlet, the current is completely indifferent to where it flows and what to set in motion - an electric chair or a kettle. Therefore, the runes themselves do not belong to either white or black magic. Runes are runes, but the operator (a person weaving a formula or ligature) can give them the color he wants. Runes can attract wealth, or you can take away luck, you can heal, or you can send death. Runes are also letters of the alphabet, there are not many of them, only 24 in Futhark. And from the letters you can put together a variety of words: love and hate, life and death, dawn and midnight, laughter and blood, joy and sacrifice. There is nothing bad in the runes, everything bad, like the good, is concentrated in us, in the people who were given the tool - the Runes.

The urgent question is ripe - to burn - not to burn the written runes.

If you applied the runes on yourself and not only on yourself, the intention needs to stipulate the duration of the runes, i.e. to say "the runes begin to work from the moment they are applied / tomorrow morning / when Petya appears within sight / his own" - this is called to activate. And designate the condition under which the runes finish their work "the runes stop working when .. they are washed off the body / the intention is fulfilled in full / in 3 days at such and such a time / its own .."

Runes can act in different ways, we are all different and the runes fall on us in different ways. Therefore, I always emphasize once again - you should always have the opportunity to "turn off" the formula!

Upon reaching the result indicated in the intention - the formula must be washed off, if it was applied to a photo / paper / wood - burn, on metal / leather / non-combustible substance - break / cut and throw into running water or bury. All this is done with words of gratitude and respect for the runes, we thank them for their work, for the result obtained and let them go.

With thanks, no pink snot (sorry for the expression)! The runes do not like this, no wushi-pusi, cemki, etc. Polite, correct, respectful and most importantly - sincere. Then they will be happy to help.

Now about the burning. Burning is used when it is not planned to "turn off" the formula, i.e. for formulas that do not have the opposite effect. This does not mean that you can make one formula for wealth, burn it and bathe in luxury all your life. You can try. Every time you work with runes, this is a comprehensive assessment of the situation and its elaboration to the details! Then the runes will respect you and willingly help you.

Runes purge
When applying any global formulas, for example, “meeting your destiny”, “finding a new job”, etc. and when you feel that you have a lot of negativity, that there is someone who actively wishes you badly, that health problems do not go away, no matter how much they are treated, that you seem to be walking in circles or only knocking on closed doors - it is necessary to throw off the accumulated negative from yourself and your life. And this is done by cleaning. Cleansing can be runic, and can be in other ways, which are described in the Home Magic section.

If after cleaning your feelings did not improve, it didn’t feel better for you, you didn’t see new opportunities, or simply everything remained as it was before cleaning - here you need not just cleaning, but diagnostics.

How to measure formulas?
Intend very carefully! The runes are straightforward, they do not understand or do not want to understand our sentiments and delicacies, read here, not read here, but here they wrap the fish. The runes are given what they do. The elm / formula is the energy matrix, and the intention is the matrix's program of action. Therefore, when cleaning, you should not use general or generalizing words and expressions, such as "clean out all the bad", "rid me of all the negativity", etc. With such an intention, you can easily get, for example, to a hospital, or be fired from work and there is nothing to take offense at the runes, they just fulfilled the ordered! They said - to remove all the bad - and at this time you had a slight inflammation of appendicitis, which, perhaps, would have passed by itself, but the runes fulfill the order: an inflamed appendicitis is bad, so you need to remove it - you are in the hospital on the operating table. We wanted it well, but it worked out - as always.

Or another intention - “to remove everything that prevents me from finding my purpose / path in life” - and that's it .. Go to Africa to save the world from AIDS .. maybe you have just such a purpose ??? Therefore, be careful with cleansing and especially with runes.
How to correctly measure the runes?

“With this runic formula, I cleanse and remove from myself all the negative received both from one person and from a group of people, both familiar and unfamiliar, both from entities, beings and programs of an energy-informational structure known to me and unknown. Everything that has a negative connotation or carries a negative program leaves me without harming my health, my fate, my loved ones and my family, everything that brings positive changes in my life. May it be so!"

The simplest scheme of work:
1. have decided on the desired result and the specific object of influence of the runes.
2. picked up a runic formula or wrote it yourself.
3. wrote an intention to the formula or found the desired intention.
4. applied the runes to themselves / a piece of paper / photo / ...
5. after application, they spoke the intention and named the formula according to the runes (the runes love and value respect).
6. activated the formula, specifying when and how the formula will end.
7. If the formula is applied for a long time, then do not forget to remember the formula about once every 2 weeks, tracing it with your finger and repeating your intentions.
8. after receiving what you want - destroy the runes (burn the photo / piece of paper) or wash off - the body, with gratitude and respect.

So, a little information about working with formulas taken from other sites (I'm not about our forum)!

If you take a formula from a site that does not describe its purpose and principle of operation, do not take the formula!

Personally, I know two very serious forums where practitioners sit and amazing things are done, but they do not like newcomers who do not want to learn and understand, but want happiness-love-money-family -... and everything quickly and Nasharu. and here comes such a clear-eyed child (I'm not talking about age, but about naivety) and begins to ask for help and receives it, or rather a formula.
as an example: once a girl asked for help, while deciding to write a post that she does not like to read, but wants a formula for good luck, so that an apartment is out of the sky and everything is on the ball, and she is happy, something like that. she received a formula, but the formula was actually for insanity, for mental disorders. In principle, she received exactly what she wanted: a permanent apartment, in her case a ward, she did not have to work and take care of food, and 8 out of 10 in the madhouse are happy. I now sometimes meet this formula on the internet, as if for luck.

But in general, the post is not about the girl, but about your caution! remember about free cheese and don't expect to be the second mouse to run up to the mousetrap.
Attention and Caution! Formulas can be taken only when:
1. You can make out what kind of formula and its action.
2. If you cannot, then the action of the formula is written and in what cases it is applied.
3. If an intention is not written to the formula (which most often happens) - this does not mean that it does not need to be done! It is necessary and necessary.

I REPEAT AGAIN: THINK-THINK-THINK! and only after that take and do. And remember about yourself - you definitely do not have a second self, so love yourself the one and only. "

Teaching runes is a painstaking and slow process. But with the right patience, you can do it. The main thing is to have more desire to master the basics of runic science and be attentive to all its nuances.

What you need to do to move to the next level of self-study:

  • Start to practice. Start by activating the runes, choosing the method you like the most. There are a lot of them - read about the rituals of "charging" the runes with the help of the energy of the elements. Which method is the most understandable and accessible for you, that one and apply
  • Keep a diary of observations. Be sure to write down all your feelings and impressions of interacting with runic magic. Analyze, draw conclusions about which application benefits you and which is meaningless
  • Learn from experienced people who have been studying runes for quite some time. Find your “guru”, a mentor who is an example, can give valuable advice and guide you on the right path. It will help you understand what hinders your development in runic magic, and what, on the contrary, helps to master science perfectly
  • We warn you right away: a deep comprehension of runic magic is not available to everyone. Only those who are endowed with innate ability and strong intuition can achieve significant success.

But even if you do not possess such abilities, you can develop the necessary skills to work with the symbols of the runic alphabet at the everyday level, use the runes to solve minor problems and in simple rituals.

How are runes useful?

Each sign has not only its own meaning, but also has magical properties that you can use to improve the quality of your own life.

For example:

  • - a symbol of a rich harvest, gives financial luck and helps to cope with life's difficulties. Needed to improve financial situation and recharge with the energy of success
  • will provide you with health and longevity, it is one of the most powerful symbols with strong healing properties
  • will bring to life the new opportunities that you most need at the moment. In rituals, it is most often used in order to ensure a favorable outcome of a problem situation
  • - the rune of love and acceptance. Patroness of those who suffer from low self-esteem. Teaches you to love yourself, put up with your own shortcomings and focus on the merits, develop the strengths of the personality
  • - the keeper of the family hearth. Protects peace and tranquility, helps to resolve conflicts between spouses, attracts financial well-being and happiness to the house
  • used at the beginning of some important project in order to enlist the help of the Higher Powers and luck. Protects from enemies and adverse circumstances, gives good luck
  • - in order to increase income many times over. It fundamentally changes thinking, teaches you to work productively and get a decent pay for your friend. Heals from negative programs and beliefs
  • the most "money" rune. Attracts financial well-being, is used in most rituals to receive money. Especially if a large amount is needed urgently

To understand the principle of rune meditation, watch this video:

Features of the Elder Futhark characters

If you work with the Elder Futhark runes, you need to understand their features. They are as follows:

  • Signs can be written in any horizontal direction: left to right and right to left
  • The meaning of the symbol in the upright and inverted position is different: it will be favorable and negative, respectively
  • Runic staves are always written continuously, in one line - the principle of bustrophedon
  • Spaces are not used in the runic alphabet, so it is easy to get confused about what is shown. Beginners are better off not making long bets for this reason.
  • You cannot change a single symbol in the records - even a simple rearrangement of the runes in places will radically change the whole meaning of the stav
  • Very rarely, in magic rituals and fortune-telling, the so-called "empty" rune with a neutral value is used to balance the outcome of the situation

This is all the information a beginner needs. Having mastered the simple initial skills, you will already significantly advance in teaching the rune art. It is very important not to rush: do the runes little by little, but daily. Do not try to learn everything in one day - you will get nothing except "porridge" in your head.

Patience, regular practice and a sincere desire to comprehend the secrets of runic science - all this will help you achieve success.

In fact, you can do a lot with the runes, but it is better to start with fortune-telling, because it helps to "build relationships" with the runes, improves the perception of their whispers and helps to rake the Augean stables of the subconscious of the magician himself.

Why acquaintance with runic magic must begin with fortune-telling

When an inexperienced beginner pokes into any kind of magic, he wakes up in his subconscious mind a mysterious and dangerous Something that goes out for a walk, turning the life of a beginner into a nightmare. Some get off with fright, others go crazy, become seriously ill or get into trouble. This is due to the fact that during the present (and past lives) any frightening, exciting, terrifying, strange experience is repressed into the subconscious. Suppressed desires and inexpressible fears formed there a huge "dump of the soul", which psychoanalysts had just begun to rake. In addition to unpleasant finds, it also contains answers to all the questions that a human being can only ask.

Runes for a beginner. Initiation

Getting to know the runes begins with the purchase of cookies and a notebook. On the first page, you should write out the entire rune row from Fehu to Dagaz and, in short, interpretations to them. It's also a good idea to write down the appeal to Odin as the Lord of the Runes. Something like: "Odin, Lord of the Runes, bless my spiritual work."

Take the first cookie, put the first rune on it - Fehu. Eat a cookie, and listen to your feelings: there will definitely be something unusual. Further, during the day, note and write down events and "signs" thematically related to the adopted rune, and interesting dreams.

Each rune will require from 1 to 9 days to tell about itself, which means from 24 to 216 days of daily fascinating introspection)). Cookies can be replaced with something at your discretion, if only you can inscribe on it and then accept the rune.
This option is taken from "Northern Magic" Aswynn Freya, in the same place you can read about the connection of the runes with the deities of the Northern Pantheon - this will be needed when consecrating a rune set.

How to choose runes. Buy or make

Selecting a ready-made set... The advice of experts on the choice of material for a rune set is extremely controversial. But if you have already passed " cookie initiation "- you have enough of the right instinct to choose a set that is organically compatible with your energy. Do not forget to buy a bag for storing the runes, the size of your hand should fit into it.
It's not bad if a runic phrase is embroidered on it. "Rat runor rata rett"("Runes whisper the right advice") - it is pronounced with every question of the runes, but unusual enough to fly out of my head at the most inopportune moment.

Create your own set... An exciting quest for finding material for runes begins for you. If the desired material is stones or shells- you have to walk for the next time, looking at your feet, and pick up stones that "look" at you.

At home, they need to be rinsed under the tap and put to dry on the windowsill. When you have more than 24, it's time to get to work. Apply the runes with waterproof paint straight away or engrave and then paint. For the stability of the paint, you can additionally varnish the pebble. It is important that your runes are flat.- otherwise they will fly apart when pouring out of the bag.

If the material is selected wood, you should decide on the breed, and go in search. Anything except aspen is good. If you come across an already cut or broken branch, as if "to order" - this is a good sign: the Gods like your idea. If not, find a suitable tree, say hello and ask me to give you a branch for a good deed.

Cut a branch into a finger thick and in payment you leave money at the roots, a lock of your hair or a crust of bread. At home, you remove the bark from the branch, saw it into dice up to half a centimeter thick and soak it in drying oil for a day so that the wood does not rot and crack. Now you can start carving the runes. They love to have their names hummed and carved.

25 runes - why is it needed

Attention! Several decades ago, Ralph Bloom introduced the 25th blank rune into use. This is an analogue of the fifth wheel, completely meaningless from the point of view of runic magic. However, when making runes, it is useful to stock up on a few blank runes in case you lose stones from the working set.

Runes - consecration

Any rune set needs consecration. The essence of any magical consecration is to cleanse the object from alien energetic influences, to bring in and fix the desired energy.

Consecration is carried out at the altar; home, or arranged in any secluded place of power. On the north side of the altar is ice and / or salt, on the east - a feather or incense, on the south - a candle, on the west - water. A bowl with runes is installed in the center.

The place of the magical operation is protected from outside influences with the help of "Hammer of Thor": with a ritual knife or just a straightened palm, an inverted "T" is drawn in the direction of the four cardinal points, Heaven and Earth, with the words:

Hammer of Thor, defend this sacred place from the North (East, South, ..)!

Finally, the altar itself is blessed. After that, you can light a candle (strictly with matches, not a lighter!) And proceed to the consecration.

The runes are sequentially showered with salt (or put on ice), fumigated with incense or swept with a feather, swept over the fire and sprinkled with water with the words:

I cleanse you with the power of the elements of ice, rune set: with the power of the wind, the power of fire, the power of water ...

Then the bowl is placed in the middle with the words:

Runes are clean and ready to be born

Beer is poured into a glass and an appeal to Odin is pronounced, something like: « Master of runes, wisest Odin, breathe life into these runes through me! «

Then you need to pour a little on the ground (floor), sip a little yourself, pour the rest into a bowl with runes. Catch from there one at a time and turn to the deity associated with this rune. For example, Vunyo - “Mistress Freya, allow some of your divine power to dwell in this rune. May it be so!" ... With these words, the rune lying on the altar is circled three times with a finger and three times blown on it ( One, I remember, breathed life into the logs so that they became people. The magician breathes life into a piece of wood or stone to become a Rune).

After drying the rune with a napkin, it is placed in a rune bag, where it will live from now on. When all 24 runes are consecrated, you need to thank Odin for being invisibly present and helping you. Then, with gratitude, "Thor's Hammers" are removed in reverse order: from the altar to the north side, and even the inverted "T" sign itself - first a horizontal bar from right to left, then a vertical one - from bottom to top. A burnt out candle and the ashes of paper napkins are buried in the ground, salt, water and beer can be buried in the ground or running water.

Taras Odintsov (C) 2016 especially for site



Quote post by velesovdom
Let's talk about how to learn runic art, where to start for beginners. Such a small instruction for dummies.

It's just that this topic constantly pops up. Therefore, I decided that such an article on this topic was necessary.

In addition, many beginners have such a wrong impression that runes are very simple and completely safe. Well, how to brush your teeth.

That you can draw several completely incomprehensible signs to you and expect that everything will change dramatically in your life right now.

And so these people write with requests to suggest a magic formula that will solve all their problems without any participation and labor on their part.

This does not mean that a person who does not even know the names of the runes will be able to achieve at least something in runic magic. And you must understand this. That the runes are a serious and ancient magical tradition. That first you need to get acquainted with this tradition and delve into it, immerse yourself in your head, and only after that, perhaps, something will start to work out with magic. Or maybe, having penetrated, you generally decide that this is not yours, and go to seek your happiness in other places.

I studied runes for 2 years before I decided to make my 1st runescript. I am not saying that you have to wait as long. No, here everything is different for everyone. But I really don't understand how people come to mind that after sitting for 2 days on the forums, they can already do runic magic. For some reason, it never occurs to anyone to drive a car without studying. And here all the time. Although the consequences can be no less sad.

Do you know, my friends, that earlier human sacrifices were made to the northern gods? Or that midwife runes carved women in labor right on the hands? Of course, the modern runologist should treat human sacrifices symbolically, this is an image of human sacrifice to the divine. Well, as an echo of ancient terrible rituals - the use of your own blood in runic magic.

And besides, the northern gods are very harsh; they are by no means good old men and women who sit on the clouds and play the harps. Even though they are strong and wise and courageous. They fight with each other, intrigue, take revenge, kill. It is enough to remember that one of the names of Odin is the God of Storms and Madness. And it's easy to make them angry. Especially such blatant disrespect as the desire to receive results from runic magic without studying the runes and without delving into tradition.

Those. you must become strong enough and be well versed in the runic tradition to feel almost on an equal footing with the Northern Gods. You, of course, should treat them with respect, but without awe and fear. Only in this case can you count on their help.

So runes are not toys at all, believe me. And it is very, very simple to harm yourself to an inept person with runes.

I do not believe that runes are available only to a select few, no. But I believe that before you start practicing runic magic, you should undergo at least minimal theoretical training. First, you must know the names of all the runes and their meanings. You, of course, should easily recognize them in runescripts, be able to pronounce and write runes without hesitation.

For this, I advise beginners to read something on the runes. Better to start with my beloved Freya Aswynn, with her book "Runes and Mysteries of the Northern Peoples", sometimes on the Internet for some reason she is called "Runes and Female Power", although the text is the same, and about female power is written not to say so too many. Probably some kind of translation intrigue. I consider this manual to be the best in runes, and I am very grateful to fate that this particular book about runes came to me first.

Also, for beginners, you can read the book by Aditi "Runes", the basics are very clearly stated there, and most importantly, briefly, that is. there will be no mess in my head. You can download it here. Well, read Batyushkov too, his book "Runic Amulet Practice" is also very much practically useful.

I also mentioned once the book by V. Katyshkov and E. Krasnova "Runa Lagus or the path of shamanic dreams in the interpretation of the futarka". A very good and interesting book, but not for beginners. It's just that there are very broad interpretations of the runes, you will get confused, and your head will smoke. So read this book later when you have mastered the basics.

Also, be sure to study something about Norse mythology. This will give you a better understanding of the archetypes of the Nordic gods and tradition. I would recommend you 2 books: 1st - Helen Gerber "Myths of Northern Europe", download, it is on the Internet, and 2nd: Vladimir Petrukhin "Myths of Ancient Scandinavia", an excellent book, I did not find it on the Internet, I bought it on Ozone.

The Elder and Younger Edda, of course, can also be read, but there is little for beginners to understand at all. The rest of the books on runes somehow did not impress me, so I will not recommend anything else to you.

But theory is theory. Runes are symbolic signs, images, and each person sees something different in each rune. It is like interpreting dream images. The same symbols can mean different things to different people.

And you, too, should have your own images and concepts regarding each rune. They will differ from books and from mine. This is the main reason that the same runic formulas can act on different people in different ways, but they will not act on someone at all. Runes are always an individual path.

To understand your personal meanings of the runes, I recommend starting with fortune telling. Purchase or make your own fortune-telling set of runes, consecrate it and start fortune-telling. Make layouts for yourself and your friends, guess for a day, for a month, for a year, guess on a situation.

Be sure to keep a notebook where you will write down your interpretations, so that after a while you can see which runes fell out and what happened as a result. Do not rely on memory, you will definitely forget what happened then, I know from myself.

In fact, the meanings of the runes in fortune telling and magic are very similar, I am absolutely convinced of this, although some authors do not think so. In addition, if you learn to guess well, the need for many magical actions will disappear by itself. Simply you will know the causes of problems and how to solve them.

Also, to understand the energy and meaning of each rune, there is a practice of living the runes. Freya Aswynn recommends this (quote from her book):

“The method that I resorted to turned out to be very effective, and I am ready to recommend it to anyone who wants to get in touch with the runes. I baked twenty-four square cakes and decorated each with a rune in futark order. Every evening I called out to Odin and Freya with a request to bless the next rune, and then I ate the cake. Then I just focused on this rune and wrote down all the associations that came to my mind in connection with it. I still keep these records. From them my book was born ”.

I did so. I haven't lived every rune. I did this for those runes with which it was difficult for me to get in touch. I just drew this rune with a red marker on myself, sometimes I added Sovulo or Vuno, and asked the rune to prove itself. And then I watched what was happening. How my state of health changed, what events began to happen (and they certainly began to happen), what thoughts came to me regarding this rune. As a rule, I did not wash off the rune until I began to understand its energy.

In general, you can choose one of the above methods and use it. Unless, I would not recommend that you use the way of residence for the potentially dangerous runes: Turisaz and Hagalaz. But here it is up to you to decide.

Regarding the compilation of runescripts, I probably will not write anything. It's just that when you understand the meanings of the individual runes, you can easily write your own formulas. Or take advantage of strangers, but in this case you must be inwardly agree with this particular formula, and understand why this or that rune is here.

Well, the forums on runic magic and fortune telling are also very useful to read. People there share their personal experiences, and this is, so to speak, a living immersion in the runes.

And I want to separately touch on the issue of people from other traditions who want to deal with runes.
Very often people write to me that they are Christians or Muslims and want, for example, to use some kind of runic formula.

I'm probably going to disappoint everyone very much now. My friends, you cannot use runic magic if you live in Christianity or Islam. You must solve your problems within the framework of your tradition. And runic magic is strictly contraindicated for you, if only because your traditions forbid doing it. And you will have a strong subconscious conflict, which can result in very unfavorable things. You will be cut, injured, you can get dangerously ill, get run over by a car and something else bad can happen to you.

The runic tradition is paganism in essence, and we bring gifts to our pagan Gods - Thor, Odin, Freya, Frigg. And you believe in one of your gods.

It is easier for those people who believe that there is a single divine energy, and it can take different forms, and different Gods are archetypes that reflect parts of our psyche. Or that God is love and people are the physical expression of the divine. And who know that the goal of all official religions is not your approach to the Divine and the realization of the best in you, but mainly the struggle for power and influence. And in this regard, many important things in official religions are distorted. For people with such a worldview, everything will definitely work out with runes.

And a few more words in the end about runic magic. Runes are a very powerful tool for changing reality. Those who have tried it have already been able to be convinced of this. I want to warn you against just one thing. Fear, my friends, to be carried away by fantasies about how everything should be, and not to find your way and not live your own life. This is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

In general, go for it. Good luck and wisdom along the way.