
How many pairs of shoes per year for a disabled person. IPR FSS Social protection. Honey. indications. Why you need orthopedic shoes

A fairly large number of people need specialized orthopedic shoes. Such shoes are necessary for a variety of reasons. If you are worried about leg fatigue, the occurrence of foot defects, pain when walking, orthopedic shoes will help you solve these problems. Also, such shoes contribute to the formation of the correct gait.

The production of such shoes requires compliance with certain norms and standards, must meet the specifics of the development of models of shoes in this category. Each pair should be designed specifically for the individual characteristics of the foot, if necessary, consultation with specialists is required. It is for these reasons that such shoes should be purchased in specialized salons, such as Ortomoda salons. For more than 10 years Orthomoda orthopedic footwear salon has been developing fashionable and functional footwear that combines comfort and style. Our company regularly receives orders from the state for the production of specialized footwear for people who need it for medical reasons.

An important activity of the Ortomoda company is to provide the disabled and people with disabilities with the necessary complex orthopedic shoes and special adaptive clothing. Beneficiaries are entitled to receive these goods free of charge. This happens at the expense of the federal or city budget. By appointment, we provide disabled people with the necessary models of shoes and clothes, the production time of which is 45 days. To place an order, you need to collect a certain package of documents.

You can get more information and answers to questions on the company's website, by phone or by sending an email.

Type of contract

Place of residence


Required documents (originals + copies)

Possibility of reception


Persons with Disabilities



1. Certificate of disability

2. Passport

3. YPR



Department of social protection of the population of Moscow

Persons with Disabilities



1. Certificate of disability

2. Birth certificate (passport)

3. Passport of one of the parents

4. IPR


Department of social protection of the population of Moscow

Persons without disabilities



1. Passport



Department of social protection of the population of Moscow

Persons without disabilities



2. Passport of one of the parents



Persons with Disabilities

Moscow region


1. Passport

2. Certificate of disability

3. YPR



Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region

Persons with Disabilities

Moscow region


1. Birth certificate (passport)

2. Certificate of disability

3. YPR

5. Passport of one of the parents



State Institution Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

Insured Persons injured as a result of accidents at work Moscow adults

1. Passport

3. Rehabilitation program for the victim

Regardless of the duration of the contract, persons with disabilities can also order production of orthopedic shoes for cash with subsequent compensation .

How to get a?

Option number 1

  • For people with disabilities, an entry in the IPR is required to receive “complex orthopedic shoes”.
  • According to individual measurements, “complex orthopedic shoes” are made, taking into account the diagnosis.
  • If funding is available, “complex orthopedic shoes” can be paid for by the city or federal budget.

Option number 2

Sophisticated orthopedic shoes can be purchased at ORTHOMODA Center for cash (or transfer). With the purchase, you will be provided with a mandatory package of documents (quality certificate, according to TU 9363-032-53-279025-2003 for complex orthopedic shoes, cash and sales receipts, invoice and calculation of the cost of the product), which is necessary to receive compensation from the FSS.

Registration of documents is carried out only on weekdays.

Document Explanations

Certificate of disability- a certificate issued to a person during the initial determination of disability of the ITU series (pink) or VTE (old sample).

YPRESand individual P program R rehabilitation.( approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 4, 2008 N 379n, as amended. dated March 16, 2009 N 116n). The document contains a list of rehabilitation measures paid for by the state. Issued by the ITU (Medical and Social Expertise). The need to manufacture orthopedic shoes and clothing is indicated in the column "technical means of rehabilitation", regardless of the cause of disability. As a rule, children are provided with 4 pairs of orthopedic shoes per year, adults - 2 pairs.

You must have the original IPR with you (all sheets). We draw your attention to the period of validity of the IPR and the period of application for the manufacture of orthopedic shoes. If you have been issued a new IRP for which you have not yet received orthopedic shoes, you can contact us to manufacture them during the period of the IRP. If you have an open-ended IPR (or for 2 years), according to which you already received orthopedic products last year, then you can place the next order for the manufacture of all pairs of shoes only 11 months after receiving the previous one, regardless of the place of manufacture.

Orthopedic shoes according to an individual rehabilitation program - specially designed products for wearing for medical purposes. They are used to correct and prevent flat feet, gait and posture disorders. Wearing specialized shoes occurs according to the indication of the doctor, taking into account the personal parameters of the patient.

When do you need shoes for IPR

The list of indications for the use of individual orthopedic shoes include:

  • longitudinal, transverse and longitudinal-transverse flat feet;
  • flat-valgus axial deviations;
  • deformities of the first finger, bone deformities and bumps;
  • relative or absolute shortening of the foot;
  • deformities of the lower extremities, including lesions of the ankle, knee and hip joints;
  • consequences of traumatic lesions;
  • heel spur (painful bony protrusion);
  • diseases of the bones of the lower extremities;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • diabetic foot syndromes. In the case of a complicated course of the disease, hypersensitivity, trophic ulcers occur;
  • clubfoot, turning the heel in or out;
  • Tendency to sprains in the ankle.
  • Minors. Children's orthopedic shoes are designed to correct the foot during the development of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedists recommend starting wearing it from the age of 2.
  • Pregnant women. With a sharp weight gain and an increase in the abdomen, the center of gravity in the body shifts. As a result, it becomes more difficult for the body to evenly distribute the load on the feet. This leads to swelling, pain in the feet and cramps in the calf muscles.
  • Athletes. Athletes and travelers are subject to serious regular stress. There is an increased risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and feet (fractures, sprains, dislocations).
  • Persons whose work requires a long stay in a standing position.

Who is entitled to free orthopedic shoes

Some categories of persons can receive products selected according to the patient's IPR. Disabled children are given 4 pairs of free orthopedic shoes per year. Children under 16 receive 2 pairs per year (winter and summer). It is allocated 1 pair of insoles every 6 months.

Free orthopedic shoes can be received by:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • large families;
  • socially unprotected segments of the population with a profit below the minimum wage;
  • children who need foot correction.

How to get orthopedic shoes for free

Compensation for orthopedic shoes under the IPR is provided by the social security authorities. To obtain it, you must proceed in the following order:

  1. Visit to the orthopedist. The patient goes to the clinic, visits an orthopedist, initiates a medical commission and receives an opinion on medical indications for providing complex orthopedic shoes.
  2. Contacting the MFC. A person visits a multifunctional center or department of social protection of the population. You will need to submit a medical report and attach an application, a copy of a birth certificate or passport, registration information.
  3. Obtaining a certificate from social security about the possibility of free issue of orthopedic products.
  4. Contacting a shoe store or manufacturer with recommendations from an orthopedist. The patient pays for the goods on his own, and then receives monetary compensation from the social security authorities. There is a maximum refund amount to consider when purchasing a product.

Customers can order and purchase specialized shoes in the ORTEKA chain of orthopedic salons.

Compensation for technical means of rehabilitation:

A disabled person can buy a technical means of rehabilitation for his own account (provided that it is recommended to him in the IPR) and receivecompensation of expenses from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

NOTE! said compensation shall be payable only if

purchased technical means of rehabilitation (paid service) provided for by an individual rehabilitation program;

the amount must be equal to the cost of the acquired technical means of rehabilitation (provided service), but should not exceed

the cost of the corresponding technical means of rehabilitation (service) that would be provided at the place of residence in

in accordance with the Rules for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation;

the amount of compensation is determined by the regional office according to the results of the most recent purchase order placement

TSR and (or) the provision of services, that is, in the amount of the cost of technical funds provided for in the state contract at the time of filing

statements. This information can be found on the Foundation's website. http://fss.ru

Documents required to receive compensation:

Application for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of technical

means of rehabilitation;

Documents confirming expenses for self-employmentpurchase of technical means of rehabilitationat own expense

Identification document (passport);

-an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person;

Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance containinginsurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).

The term for payment of compensation is one month from the date of acceptance payment decisions. The decision on the payment must be made by the Fund

social insurance of the Russian Federation within thirty days from the date of adoption by the authorized body of the application for payment of compensation. In case of non-payment of compensation, a complaint is filed.

This information can also be found on the Foundation's website. social insurance. Russian Federation http://fss.ru

Also on this site are posted all the regulatory documents governing the payment of compensation:


(posted on the official website of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow in the section: Activities / Social integration of disabled people, Social rehabilitation of drug addicts / Technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products)

Compensation for a disabled person is paid on the basis of:

Applications of a disabled person, a veteran or a person representing his interests, submitted to the territorial center of social services, the center of social services or to the institution of the social protection system, on the basis of which the point for issuing technical means of rehabilitation (hereinafter - TsSO / TsSO) operates for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of technical means of rehabilitation, products and (or) provision of services, as well as the originals of the following


Identity document

Individual program of rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled person (hereinafter - IPR / IPR)

An insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance containing the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).

Full details of the current account of the disabled person

Documents confirming expenses (1) .

Note 1: Documents confirming the costs of independent

the acquisition of a technical means of rehabilitation, a product and (or) the provision of a service by a disabled person, a veteran at his own expense, as well as the documents required for provision, are:

cashier's check and sales receipt or cashier's check and sales invoice or receipt order and sales invoice or other document confirming expenses (strict reporting form for individual entrepreneurs on simplified taxation)

The specified documents must contain the following details: the name of the Document, the serial number, the date, the name of the organization or the surname, name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur, the taxpayer identification number assigned to the organization (individual entrepreneur) that issued the document, the name and quantity of paid purchased goods (rendered services) , price per unit of goods (service rendered), the amount of payment made in cash and (or) using a payment card, in rubles, position, surname and initials of the person who issued the document, and his personal signature.

Documents must be with a mandatory mark of payment and the seal of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

Official website of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow:


Official website of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:


The procedure for providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes

Orthopedic shoes are classified in heading 9021 of the TN VED CU (Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union) if the following conditions are met simultaneously:
- orthopedic shoes must be custom-made to fit the shape of the deformed foot, orthopedic shoes are never mass-produced;
- these shoes must be made mainly of hard leather, which can be reinforced with a metal or cork frame, giving rigidity to the shoe to correct leg (foot) deformity;
- the upper of the shoe may not consist entirely of straps or bands;
Orthopedic shoes are designed to correct permanent or temporary deformities of the foot or to relieve pain when walking.
Mass-produced footwear with an insole that has a curved shape to relieve pain from flat feet is classified according to the material of the upper and sole and the method of manufacture in HS Chapter 64.

A source:
Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated 01.03.2012 N 34-r
"On the classification according to the TN VED CU of certain goods"
(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 28, 2012 N 24001)

TSR (including orthopedic shoes) are included in the IPR at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund ONLY for pathology leading to OD.
In other cases, it is possible to include TMR in the IPR (including orthopedic shoes), but in this case, the column "Contractor" indicates: "The disabled person himself" or "At the expense of the disabled person."

I inform you about the possibility of including technical means of rehabilitation (TCP) in the individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (IPR) at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for comorbidity, that in accordance with Article 11.1, the decision to provide disabled people with TCP is made based on the results of an examination at the medical bureau social expertise:

"According to medical indications, it is necessary to provide a disabled person with technical means of rehabilitation that provide compensation or elimination of persistent restrictions on the life of a disabled person."

According to paragraph 1 of the "Procedure for the development and implementation of an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (disabled child)", approved, the development of an IPR is carried out during a medical and social examination based on an assessment of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions, and rehabilitation potential.

An assessment of the nature and degree of impaired body functions and possible limitations of life activity is carried out using the “Classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination”, approved (Classifications).

Determination of the degree of impaired functions, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Classification, is carried out in a complex manner, i.e. with an assessment of all the parameters characterizing them.

Thus, TCPs are recommended for the purpose of compensating or eliminating persistent disability caused by persistent disorders of bodily functions. In those cases when, according to the results of a medical and social examination, violations of the functions of the body, including comorbidities, do not lead to restrictions on life, there are no grounds for establishing disability.

Therefore, there are no legal grounds for inclusion in the IPR of TCP for pathology that does not lead to disability.

For inclusion in the IPR of a disabled person with orthopedic shoes, it is required to attach to the Referral to the ITU in the form 0-88 / y the conclusion of the medical and technical commission (MTC act), which is drawn up by orthopedic prosthetists of the medical departments of prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises.

A referral for a consultation to a prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise in order to obtain this conclusion is usually issued to a patient with an OOLPP, which issues him a Referral to the ITU in the form 0-88 / y.
Less often, patients turn to prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises on their own and receive an act of the Ministry of Transport and Trade about their need for orthopedic shoes.
Both in the first and in the second cases - in the Referral to the ITU in the form 0-88 / at, the OOLPP must indicate the need for the patient to provide him with orthopedic shoes.

Medical indications for providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes:
Persistent moderately pronounced and pronounced disorders of the statodynamic function, leading to OZD in the category of independent movement (this is a prerequisite) due to diseases, consequences of injuries, deformities of the feet: static insufficiency of the feet with severe anatomical manifestations; shortening of the limb length over 30 mm; congenital and amputation defects of the feet; paralytic foot deformities; congenital deformities (equino-varus deformity (clubfoot), equinus (horse) foot, flat-valgus foot, etc.); residual deformities after foot injuries; ankylosis of the ankle joint; lymphostasis (elephantiasis) and acromegaly; use of fixation devices and splints, diabetic foot syndrome.

Orthopedic shoes do not fit into the IPR (and are not manufactured) for patients with foot deformities, but suffering from severe concomitant diseases that exclude the possibility of walking in orthopedic shoes.

Absolute medical contraindications to providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes:
Extensive trophic ulcers of the foot, gangrene, widespread purulent processes in the soft tissues, lack of weight-bearing of the lower limb due to extensive cicatricial changes in the tissue prone to ulceration, elderly people with severe general decrepitude and inability to move.
Allergic reactions to orthopedic products materials.

How to get orthopedic shoes for free if such a need arises? First you need to visit an orthopedist, and after the Social Security Administration. This organization will provide a document stating that benefits are due to interested persons. It is with him that they are already sent to the official orthopedic center to order the right shoes.

State law states: a child who needs corrective shoes is entitled to free orthopedic shoes. Only few people are aware of this fact. In addition, in order to receive free of charge what is due for free in the Russian Federation, the person concerned should show an extraordinary mind, great patience and perseverance. Yes, and without certain tips can not do. But first, it would be nice to understand what corrective shoes are and what are their features.

Correction shoes: who needs them and why?

The task of orthopedic shoes is to treat, correct and prevent postural disorders, gait, flat feet. She has a huge number of advantages over the usual pair of shoes or boots:

  • such shoes have a structure that contributes to the correction of progressive deformities of the foot;
  • its tailoring takes place taking into account all sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements;
  • it is possible to manufacture such products to order for the personal parameters of the child, taking into account the testimony of an orthopedist.

But the main advantage that orthopedic shoes for children have is the preservation of the health of babies, because no medicines, exercises will help so much in the correct formation of the foot, gait, posture.

How to get free corrective shoes?

A government decree says that a child under 16 years of age can count on receiving free corrective shoes in the amount of two pairs (summer and winter) once a year, and free orthopedic insoles should also be provided (one pair every six months). For the disabled, this rate is increased: they are required to provide 4 pairs of corrective shoes per year. But how is it issued?

To get orthopedic shoes, which, according to the law, every needy child is entitled to, you first need to get an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination, check the condition of the feet and posture, and also send for x-rays. If during the examination deviations are revealed, the doctor will write out a certain direction for the manufacture of corrective shoes and insoles.

Then you need to find out if this particular child is entitled to provide him with corrective shoes for free. For this purpose, they visit the Department of Social Protection of the Population. It is there that a decision is made regarding the provision of preferential correctional shoes. Such a decision is made on the basis of certain documents that speak of the privileged status of a person.

This may be documentation from the clinic indicating the diagnosis and doctor's prescriptions confirming the preferential status of the paper (a document indicating the status of a mother with many children, confirming disability, a pension certificate), as well as a civil passport. As a rule, free corrective products are provided:

  • disabled people;
  • babies who need foot correction;
  • large families (three or more children in a family);
  • socially vulnerable groups of citizens (with income below the established subsistence level).

After receiving a document from the Social Security Administration stating that a certain person is entitled to free corrective shoes, you can immediately go to the point of manufacture of orthopedic shoes (salon, workshop). If there is a need to make complex orthopedic shoes, then it is much easier to place an order at a corrective shoe factory. Wherever a person turns, it is natural that you need to cooperate with an organization that has an official status, which can easily issue the necessary papers (invoice, cashier's check).

As a rule, they should contain the name of the organization, its legal address, the type of services provided to the person, as well as their cost. It goes without saying that such a document must have the seal of the enterprise.

Important nuances

In any center for the production of orthopedic shoes, chosen by a person, it is tailored according to the instructions of an orthopedic doctor. They don’t give away such shoes for free, that is, you still need to pay for it yourself. But in the future, such persons are entitled to compensation from the Social Security Administration if the above documentation is provided.

There is also another very important nuance: although there is a reimbursement for the cost of corrective shoes, such compensation has a certain limit - this is the amount more than which parents will not be reimbursed. So this detail should be taken into account when choosing the right product in the orthopedic center. But this, of course, is not a problem if parents are not embarrassed by the difference that they will need to pay extra from their own pocket. In addition, an important point is also the fact that free shoes are provided only to babies with a foot deformity problem. So you should not rely on this option if the child only needs the prevention of flat feet.

It is possible that the procedure for obtaining free corrective shoes is somewhat different from the algorithm described above in a particular region, so it is recommended that you first clarify this issue with the Social Security Administration at your place of residence.