
Almag 01 user manual. Almag - characteristics, indications and contraindications. Apparatus Almag: contraindications

The healing properties of magnetotherapy have been known to mankind for a long time. Scientists in the course of research found that the body is very sensitive to radiation of this kind. Moreover, a person does not feel the action of the magnetic field, but receives a favorable result in the form of pain relief, improved well-being.

Based on a number of studies, Russian scientists have invented a unique device "Almag-01". Feedback from patients who have used this amazing device is only positive. What is this device and how does it work?


By middle age, most people begin to experience back pain. This problem is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, which today, unfortunately, leads the vast majority of our compatriots. A sitting posture is unusual for a healthy active person and significantly affects the condition of his back, as well as internal organs. Staying in this position for a long time leads to the fact that the back muscles are subjected to excessive stress.

Other causes may be muscle strain during sports activities, hard work in the country or lifting weights. The consequences are deplorable: an unbearable appears which signals that violations have occurred in the musculoskeletal system.

This leads to various diseases: arthritis, osteoarthritis of various joints. These ailments are the worst amenable to drug treatment, and ointments and pills just muffle the pain for a while.

There is a solution!

More recently, a new unique device has appeared on sale that can save a person from many diseases. This is "Almag-01" - a device whose operation is based on magnetic radiation. The device is very easy to use. The device produces traveling magnetic fluxes that have a beneficial effect on damaged organs.

The use of the device allows you to get rid of back pain, relieve symptoms of inflammation, increase efficiency. Due to its unique design, the device covers a large area of ​​impact: almost the entire spine, upper or lower limbs, torso.

It is quite easy to use Almag-01: the instruction says that the device can be used independently at home. Let's get acquainted with this amazing device.

Apparatus "Almag-01": instructions, reviews

The device is a small chain of interconnected coils (nodes). Its weight is only 620 grams. One pulse is produced with a duration of 1.5 - 2.5 ms and a frequency of 6 Hz. The device works from a network, at its inclusion the light signal is lit.

During use, it is necessary to adhere to the operating mode, which is designed for the Almag-01 device. The scheme is simple, but it must be followed. The device can work for 6 hours, but every 20 minutes you need to pause. This is necessary in order to avoid overvoltage. The break is maintained for 10 minutes.


Before the first use it is necessary to check the serviceability of the device. Instructions for use "Almaga-01" must be present in each package. It describes in detail the scope of its application and the sequence of actions when using it.

The device is intended for the treatment of:

  • problems in the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of various localization, arthrosis, bursitis;
  • damage to the joints or bone tissue of a different nature: sprains or muscles, edema, burns;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, heart murmurs, hypertension;
  • problems of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, colitis, and chronic flatulence;
  • in women: inflammation, complications after caesarean section, painful menstruation;
  • venous diseases: thrombosis of vessels of the lower extremities (chronic and acute), thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • complications of diabetes mellitus and concomitant diseases;
  • dermatological problems: healing of scars in the postoperative period,;
  • respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other lung ailments;
  • neurological diseases: vascular dysfunctions of the brain, various disorders of the nervous system.

Magnetic pulses penetrate the tissues of the body to a depth of 8 cm, which allows the device to subtly affect the internal organs, quickly relieve pain and successfully treat various ailments.

Using the instrument

The device is rather unusual in shape, so a lot of questions may arise during the first use. What is the best position to take, how to use?

"Almag-01" is a small device consisting of a chain of elastic coils. Feedback from patients who have used the device indicates that it is easy to use and does not require special skills.

Rules for using the device:

  • When the device is turned on, the indicators light up. This indicates that it is ready for use and in good working order.
  • Before the first session of treatment, the patient must be sure to read the instructions for the use of "Almag-01".
  • For the procedure, you need to take a comfortable position (lie on a bed or sit comfortably on a chair). Then the device should be applied to the problem area.
  • The affected area can be covered with a light cloth, but the best effect is achieved during direct exposure of the device to the body, without unnecessary objects.
  • The duration of one procedure is 10-20 minutes. Such a short session is quite enough for the penetration of magnetic impulses into the tissues. The duration of the first dose should not exceed 10 minutes. Then the procedure time can be gradually increased.
  • Sessions should be carried out every day, preferably twice a day. Instructions for use "Almaga-01" indicates that the treatment procedure is best done before a meal or 3 hours after a meal. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
  • The full course of treatment is 10-20 sessions, depending on the complexity and characteristics of the disease.
  • The repeated course is carried out not earlier than in 1 month.
  • During the first procedure, the patient may feel some pain, which goes away on its own. Throughout the process, the patient will feel the heat emanating from the device.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment sessions.

The attached instructions describe in detail how to use Almag-01. If you have any questions, please consult your doctor.

Magnetic device "Almag-01": contraindications, reviews

The device has a strong effect on the entire human body. Therefore, before using it, you should obtain the permission of a specialist and study all available information about the device in order to avoid troubles or complications.

There are the following contraindications to the use of the device:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • newborns and children of the younger age group (up to 2 years);
  • purulent ulcers;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • hyperthyroidism syndrome;
  • diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • recovery period after a heart attack;
  • systemic blood diseases.

The presence of metal implants in the body of a small size is not a contraindication to the use of the device. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor.

Of course, you can purchase a device and conduct sessions yourself at home. The only thing that should stop you before using the Almag-01 device is contraindications.

Reviews of patients who managed to get rid of pain with the help of this device are positive. The device has a lot of advantages that confirm its uniqueness and high therapeutic effect.

Before starting a course of treatment, the patient should familiarize himself with all the nuances of using the device. Instructions for use "Almaga-01", which is in the package with the device, describes in detail the indications, its equipment and technical characteristics.


Of course, many patients are perplexed: how can a small device solve problems that have arisen for a long time and disturb with their regular manifestations in the form of pain, tension? However, this device really works and has a number of the following advantages:

  • Treatment with Almagom-01 is affordable and simple. The session does not require special knowledge or skills.
  • The penetration depth of magnetic fluxes is 6-8 cm. They affect not only the external integument of a person, but also his internal organs.
  • The effectiveness of the device is obvious. This is evidenced not only by the testimony of people who used the Almag-01 device. Reviews of doctors whose patients have been treated with the device also speak of its beneficial effect on the body. In 30% of patients there was a clear improvement in health, and in 50% of cases there was a small but obvious recovery dynamics.
  • The device is completely safe. It can be used in a weakened state and in old age.
  • There is no dependence or addiction effect at all.
  • The device is always at hand. For a session, you do not need to go to the hospital, take a queue at
  • The device "Almag-01" enhances the effect of medications, which allows you to significantly reduce their dose.
  • Long-term use and tangible savings. The service life of the device is 6-8 years.

Mechanism of action

It has long been known that under the influence of diseases, the electromagnetic parameters of body cells undergo changes. This leads to poor health, weakened immunity and the emergence of various diseases. Under the influence of magnetic traveling currents, which are much more effective than alternating and constant fields, damaged cells and tissues are restored, their structure takes on its original integral form.

It is these healing properties that the Almag-01 device has. Reviews of specialists who have conducted numerous studies in the field of the influence of magnetic fluxes on the human body are direct evidence that they can be used to reduce pain or prevent dangerous diseases.

People who have problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system should definitely use the Almag-01 device. Reviews of patients who have experienced the healing effect of this amazing device confirm its effectiveness.

In the body, cellular metabolism is fully adjusted, there is a normal interaction of chemical elements that are involved in the regenerative processes of cells. This leads to recovery and overall well-being.


An important function of the device is the normalization of blood circulation in the body. Under the influence of magnetic fluxes, blood counts improve, the risk of blood clots decreases.

The elasticity and permeability of blood vessels increase, there is a normal supply of cells with oxygen, proteins and immunoglobulins. The restoration of metabolism in the body eliminates the occurrence and development of diseases, cell regeneration is accelerated, and cells are renewed.

Malfunctions of the nervous system, disorders of the endocrine system, insomnia - is it really possible to get rid of these disorders with the help of magnetic radiation? This is possible if you use the Almag-01 device. Reviews of doctors confirm its healing effect.

Under the influence of magnetic fluxes, special hormones are produced, which favorably affects the restoration of the body and cures some hormonal disorders.

The device affects absolutely all parts of the body and its organs. The most sensitive are the nervous and endocrine systems. Each organ reacts to the flow of impulses coming from the device in different ways. When the apparatus acts on the brain, complex processes begin to occur in it, which send signals to all parts of the body. This stimulates their work, reduces stress and increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

Every year, new discoveries occur in medicine, thanks to which it is possible to at least partially abandon the usual methods of treatment in favor of innovative hardware methods that are more gentle and, as a result, less painful and traumatic. As an illustrative example, we can cite the Almag multifunctional device, the therapeutic effect of which is provided by electromagnetic radiation.

Action and purpose of the device

The Almag 01 apparatus affects the body and its individual systems with the help of pulsed magnetic frequencies, the conversion of which occurs in four electromagnetic coils. The strength of these high-pulse frequencies is so great that even the first use of this device helps to partially or completely get rid of various types of pain syndrome.

Long-term treatment with them contributes to the relief of the inflammatory process and, as a result, a general improvement in the patient's well-being, especially if there was a complex therapy aimed at combating not only negative symptoms, but also the root cause of its manifestation. At the same time, the device itself has a small mass (about 620 grams) and is a chain consisting of four series-connected links, each of which is capable of producing a maximum pulse of 2.5 milliseconds with a clock frequency of 6 hertz.

Modest dimensions, low weight and work from a conventional power supply make this hardware technique accessible to everyone, because not every patient has the opportunity to visit special medical centers equipped with such devices. Another advantage of Almag 01 is its versatility, because long-term use of this mobile device has a stable therapeutic effect in the treatment of ailments of the musculoskeletal, genitourinary, circulatory, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

In addition, the use of the device has proven itself well in the fight against such ailments as spinal hernia, heel spurs, arthrosis and osteoporosis of the joints. But despite the positive statistics and high safety, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use attached to Almag 01 before proceeding with its use. A shows electromagnetic radiation for the treatment of such pathologies:

  • Any disorders of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, bursitis, arthrosis, etc. Magnetic frequencies will help not only to solve problems acquired during age-related changes, but also to treat occupational diseases most often found in athletes.
  • Damage to the articular, muscle and bone tissue, the formation of hematomas, edema, pinching, rupture and sprain of ligaments and burns of varying degrees of complexity.
  • Hypertension, atherosclerosis of vessels located in the lower extremities, detection of heart murmurs and pathological changes in the heart rhythm, varicose veins, the formation of thrombosis in acute and subacute form and thrombophlebitis.
  • Gastroenterological diseases, including gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), ulcerative formations in the stomach and duodenum, a tendency to flatulence and bloating.
  • Gynecological problems. This list includes inflammatory processes that develop in the pelvic organs, complications after pathological childbirth, algomenorrhea (severe menstrual pain).
  • Diabetes mellitus of the first and second type and associated pathologies.
  • Treatment of scars in the postoperative and post-traumatic period, elimination of allergic dermatosis and other skin reactions.
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other severe diseases of the respiratory system.
  • All kinds of disorders of the central nervous system.

Naturally, for the full therapy of all the diseases listed above, hardware treatment alone will not be enough, so the device can only be used in combination with medications prescribed by a qualified specialist after examining the patient and obtaining the results of his tests.

How to use the device

How to use the device

Most potential buyers are interested in what Almag 01 price, reviews, instructions for use. In the meantime, the rules for operating the device often remain unclaimed, and in vain, because familiarization with this most important information is an obligatory preparatory stage.

There is nothing complicated in using the electromagnetic coils of the device, but a detailed acquaintance with the basic rules will help to achieve the most effective result from using Almag 01. So, starting processing, you must perform the following manipulations:

  1. It is recommended that you take the most comfortable position possible so that the treatment area does not tense up and is in a relaxed state.
  2. For the first time, you can cover the area that will be exposed to electromagnetic frequencies with a thin cloth, although experts recommend practicing direct contact between the device and the exposed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. At the same time, there is no need to use special auxiliary gel-conductors.
  3. The device is applied to the diseased area and connected to the network (at this moment its power indicator should light up).
  4. The impulses generated by the coils are able to penetrate to a depth of 8 cm, so in the first few minutes the patient may feel some pain, which goes away on its own and does not oblige to stop the session. Normally, a pleasant warmth should come from the device.
  5. The duration of the first session should not exceed ten minutes. Over time, it is recommended to increase its duration to twenty or more minutes, resorting to twice the operation of the device during the day.
  6. One therapeutic course usually includes up to 20 sessions, and re-treatment is allowed only after 30 days.
  7. It is believed that exposure to electromagnetic radiation has nothing to do with food intake, however, experts strongly recommend sessions either before meals or three hours after it. As for alcohol, the use of Almag implies a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages.

For your own convenience and to improve the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to conduct sessions of electromagnetic irradiation at the same time. In addition, you should undergo a complete examination of the body in order to exclude the presence of contraindications for the use of this hardware technique.

Contraindications for use

Despite the high level of safety, the use of the Almag apparatus is categorically contraindicated in some cases.

These include such diagnosed ailments, pathologies and conditions:

  • Oncological diseases and any neoplasms.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Children's age up to two years.
  • Furunculosis, purulent and trophic ulcers.
  • Low level of coagulability and predisposition to bleeding.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and other pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Any disorders in the cerebral circulation and blood diseases of a systemic nature.
  • The recovery period after a heart attack and stroke.
  • Inflammatory processes in the period of exacerbation.

It is noteworthy that the device is approved for use in the presence of metal and any other implants in the body. In addition, even regular use of the device does not cause allergic reactions and addiction, which is also important.

Cost and analogues

On various medical resources, there are quite often questions about where you can buy the device and how much it costs. Currently, you can purchase original products only in the official online store "Elamed-Market" at a price of 8640 Russian rubles. At the same time, the average shelf life of Almag 01 is from 6 to 8 years, taking into account the fact that the manufacturer gives a guarantee for 12 months.

More recently, a more advanced device from Elamed called Almag-Plus appeared on sale, the average cost of which is 10,900 rubles. In addition, it is possible to purchase a more complex Almag 02 complex in two versions, the therapeutic effect of which is much higher than that of its previous counterpart.

So, the first version of the device includes a block of the main emitter and a flexible encircling ruler equipped with radiation coils. Despite the more complex design, this device also has modest dimensions and weight, so it can be safely used at home.

As for the second version, in addition to the two elements mentioned above, it is equipped with another local emitter, thanks to which it is possible to have an even stronger effect on the problematic and adjacent areas.

At the same time, the depth of penetration of magnetic pulses into tissues is 15 centimeters, which is 7 centimeters more than that of Almag 01. However, these devices also have one significant drawback - the high cost, which today ranges from 41,860 to 47,860 Russian rubles.

Real reviews of doctors and patients

I have been working as a physiotherapist for 13 years, and literally 2 years ago the hospital received two Almag devices manufactured by the Yelamedov Instrument Plant. At first, they treated the new products with caution and some prejudice, but over time they realized that he really does a good job with the tasks set, covering a fairly wide list of them. The only drawback of its use is that patients need to undergo at least twenty therapeutic sessions, and not everyone has such an opportunity.

Xenia, Novosibirsk

Having a whole bunch of diseases of the articular-ligamentous apparatus (knees), which "crawled out" after the end of my coaching career, I looked closely at the Almag apparatus for a long time, as I dreamed of equipping a kind of mini-physiotherapy room at home. The price bit, so I opted for the most affordable option - Almag 01. Contraindications, doctors' reviews, analogues - all this was thoroughly studied, and in the end I received the treasured package with a miracle device.

At first, there was no effect, but after the tenth session, I noticed that the pain began to slowly recede. A month later, I took a second course and noticed even greater positive changes. The doctor advised me to enhance the effect of electromagnetic radiation with the help of drug therapy, although I have so far refrained from following this recommendation, as I hope to get by with hardware procedures, and then we will see.

Victor, Cherepovets

I first tried the action of Almag in the physical room, and it seemed to me that it was ideal for the treatment of my chronic bronchitis. I thought about it for a long time and decided to buy, which was very disappointing. In pursuit of an attractive price, I ordered the device not from the official manufacturer, and, as it turned out later, it turned out to be fake. As a result, I continue to go to the local clinic for radiation and strongly advise everyone not to make my mistakes by buying expensive goods only in a trusted store.

Victoria, Yekaterinburg

Or arthritis, in addition to taking medication, often includes hardware therapy. The Almag apparatus operates with the help of an electromagnetic field and has a positive effect on the human body, it is widely used in joint diseases.

The Almag apparatus was developed almost 15 years ago. It is used both in stationary and at home. At home, it is recommended to use it for problems with:

  • breathing;
  • spine.

Its effectiveness is based on the use of a magnetic field that the device itself creates. What is the mechanism of action of the device:

  • the device generates impulses that coincide with the biological frequencies of the human body;
  • impulses penetrate deeply into the human body, which allows you to effectively treat diseases;
  • the magnetic field affects the processes in cells;
  • the device blocks nerve impulses and relieves pain;
  • there is a normalization of the electrical balance and biofield of the body.

Devices for home use penetrate no more than 8 cm deep into the body. Almag, which is used in hospitals, penetrates twice as deep. Component devices:

  • an electronic unit in which impulses are generated;
  • four coils that convert current pulses into magnetic induction pulses;
  • emitter cable;
  • network cord.

Over the course of 15 years, the device has been improved and today it differs from the old models in that it generates not a constant, but a traveling pulsed field.

Almag instruction

The principle of operation of Almag and the very course of its use depends on the disease and the diseased area that is involved. But there are common ways to use Almag 01. Basic steps:

  • make sure that the device is working - when connected, the green light should light up, and then yellow;
  • if you do not use the device for 20-22 minutes, Almag turns off on its own;
  • to re-enable the device, you must turn it off and on again;
  • during the procedure, the patient should lie comfortably;
  • Almag should be placed nearby for convenience;
  • the desired area for treatment should be free from clothing;
  • coils can be applied to the body on either side;
  • green indicators indicate the serviceability of the device;
  • course of treatment - from 10 to 20 procedures, 10-20 minutes each;
  • the procedure should be carried out before or after meals;
  • during the first sessions, pain is possible;
  • sessions should be carried out twice a day at the same time;
  • alcohol consumption during treatment is prohibited.

Almag's instruction also includes the technical specifications of the machine. Warranty period - 2 years.

Almag 01 readings

Since the device relieves severe pain and has a positive effect on tissue regeneration, it is used to treat many diseases. What kind readings Almag 01 ? Basically, it is used to treat the musculoskeletal system. In particular:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis
  • hand and foot injuries;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases;
  • ruptures or sprains;
  • fractures;
  • chondrosis;
  • myositis.

The device is also used for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • endarteritis;
  • varicose veins;
  • other vascular pathologies.

Other diseases that involve the use of the device:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • bronchitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before using the machine Almag for osteochondrosis or other disease, you should first consult with your doctor.

Application areas Almag for joints

Is the device useful for joint diseases? Apparatus Almag for joints combined with gymnastics and medication, that is, it is used in combination. What symptoms helps eliminate Almag 01:

  • relieves pain and swelling;
  • restores the full functioning of the joints;
  • improves the mobility of the spine;
  • activates blood circulation, which contributes to a better saturation of diseased areas with oxygen.

It is due to the removal of edema and analgesic action that the Almag apparatus is so effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And although such pathologies are often chronic, the device can be used for a long period of time and as a prophylactic. Other useful properties of the device:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • the development of the disease slows down;
  • reduces the risk of severe complications.

Joint diseases for which Almag 01 is used:

  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • pain in the knees;
  • salt deposits;
  • bursitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteophyte;
  • synovitis.

The effect of using the device will be noticeable after several procedures. General improvement will come in a few weeks.

Almag for the back

Thanks to the magnetic field, the Almag device effectively fights back pain. This is a modern and safe method that has the following effects:

  • acceleration of microcirculation and lymph outflow, which relieves back pain;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • elimination of edema that leads to pinching of the nerves;
  • The impulses of the magnetic field act directly on the nerves and reduce pain.

Rules for using the back treatment device:

  • pains are caused by ordinary overwork - Almag is used before going to bed for no more than 10 minutes;
  • as a prevention of osteochondrosis - the course of treatment should last no more than 2 weeks, once a day;
  • in diseases of the spine - two procedures a day for 10 minutes;
  • an increase in the duration of procedures up to 20 minutes should be carried out gradually.

Using Almag for the back very simple - the coils of the device are placed along the spine and turned on for 10-20 minutes. Other methods of therapy for back pathologies:

  • massagers;
  • gymnastics;
  • belts.

It is important that these methods do not involve an electric or magnetic field.

Almag on the knee

The knees are a very delicate part of the musculoskeletal system. Pain in the knee joint can be caused by various reasons:

  • overwork;
  • overload;
  • damage and injury;
  • inflammatory lesions;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • reaction to the weather
  • consequences of old injuries.

Almag apparatus on the knee apply when any pain occurs. In acute pain syndrome, the device should be held in the hands at a distance of 2 cm from the knee. The number of procedures - twice a day for 15 minutes. If the pain is caused by an injury, it is likely that the use of the device will not be enough. In chronic diseases of the knee joint, the duration of treatment usually lasts about 3 weeks. In the morning, the device is applied around one knee, in the evening around the other.

Almag for osteochondrosis

What is the purpose of treatment with the device Almag for osteochondrosis ? Its therapeutic action:

  • removal of edema;
  • improvement of metabolism in cells;
  • analgesic effect;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • acceleration of blood circulation in the joints;
  • restoration of intervertebral discs;
  • restoration of spinal mobility;
  • relaxes spasmodic muscles;
  • cartilage tissue regeneration;
  • control over the development of the disease.

Procedures for osteochondrosis are best done before going to bed for 10-20 minutes. In severe cases - twice a day with an interval of 6 hours. With cervical osteochondrosis, the apparatus is applied to the neck along the line of the spine. Only then can the device be turned on. A red light will indicate the end of the session. If the patient is concerned about hypertension, pressure should be monitored before the session. The device significantly improves the patient's condition, but in order for the sessions to bring results, they should be carried out regularly. If certain disorders are observed in the patient's body, treatment should be stopped and consulted with a doctor.

Almag's analogue

Since the Almag device does not belong to cheap devices, often, in order to save money, people buy cheaper devices. Similar devices are offered by Chinese and Russian manufacturers. For example, one of analogues of Almag is the device Ortomag, which is produced in Vladivostok. It has a similar therapeutic effect, but instead of four coils, it is equipped with six. The number and duration of procedures also practically does not differ. As for Chinese manufacturers, the received reviews are very contradictory. It is quite difficult to guarantee their quality and safety. Device analogues and their properties:

  1. AMT - 01. Light weight, wide spectrum of action, safety, 57 magnetic therapy techniques;
  2. AMnp - 01 GZAS. Safety, minimum side effects, 4 modes of operation, the ability to conduct a session without assistance, affordable price.
  3. AMnp - 02 The sun. Convenience and ease of use, affordable price, fastening to the body, high efficiency.
  4. POLE - 2D. Durable body, timer and sound signal, comfortable shape, treatment of many diseases.
  5. AMT - 02 Magniter. Treatment and prevention of the disease, compactness of the device, safety and efficiency.

Other analogues of Almag:

  • Knight;
  • MAG-30;
  • Multilore;
  • Magofon-01.

You need to know that each device has its own characteristics of use. Therefore, before using any device, it is better to consult a doctor.

Almag during pregnancy

Pain in the spine is one of the problems of women during pregnancy. The Almag device relieves pain in a few minutes, but is it safe for a future mother to use it? Unfortunately, the instructions clearly indicate that one of the contraindications of the device is the bearing of the fetus. Use the machine Almag during pregnancy Absolutely forbidden! This is due to the fact that the influence of magnetic impulses on the development and health of the unborn baby has not yet been fully studied. Geneticists believe that there is a possibility of having a handicapped child. Therefore, it is better to relieve back pain in other ways.

Almag contraindications

Despite all the useful properties of the device, there are certain categories of people who are not recommended to use the device. Apparatus Almag contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • purulent inflammatory processes;
  • recovery after heart attack and stroke;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • malignant tumors;
  • blood pathology;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • any inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • arrhythmia;
  • excess thyroid hormones;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation.

Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to have magnetic therapy sessions. There is also an erroneous opinion that people in whose bodies metal elements are implanted cannot use Almag. In fact, small metal parts are not an obstacle to the use of the device.

Almag reviews

What do people think about the device Almag? Reviews contradictory. Many patients note a significant improvement after using the device. But the effect comes at least a few weeks after regular procedures. Of course, Almag is not a fabulous device that will create a miracle of healing. But the pain will disappear and the symptoms will subside.

Many patients are not satisfied with the price of the device and consider it too high. What do doctors think? Experts note that although the device really has a positive effect on the human body and relieves pain, it should not be considered a panacea. It is better to use Almag as an aid - then it will bring the maximum result.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Age dosages:

The imposition of inductors depending on the disease:


1. Before conducting a course of treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and exclude the presence of contraindications for the use of the device.

2. Carrying out procedures by the patient himself at home does not require special training and special skills.

3. For maximum effect, be sure to read the instructions before carrying out the procedures. Carry out the procedures in accordance with the specified methodology. If you have any questions during treatment and rehabilitation with the device at home, get advice from a physiotherapist.

4. If procedures are prescribed by a doctor, the method may be changed by him, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

5. The total duration of the procedures should not exceed 40 minutes a day.

6. The use of the device in pediatric practice should be carried out in accordance with age dosages (Tables 3-6).

Treatment of all diseases is carried out by exposing diseased organs and reflex zones to the north side (N) in accordance with the age dosage. When the procedure is released, the patient is in the supine position.

Age dosages

Treatment of patients older than 15 years with the device

When use of the device in a medical institution in the first three to five days of treatment, exposure is carried out with mode No. 3, then with mode No. 1.

The procedure time is from 10 to 20 minutes, the duration of the course is 7-12 days in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

For home use procedures during the course of treatment are recommended to be released at regular intervals, once or twice a day. During the first course of treatment, the first three days of the procedure are released with a duration of 10 minutes, on the 3rd and 4th days of treatment, the procedure time is reduced to 7 minutes for 2 days, and then the procedure time is increased and brought to 15-20 minutes.

After the first 6 days of treatment, a break of 1 day is taken, then another 6 days are treated, and a break of 1 day is taken again, after which the treatment is carried out for another 6 days.

Procedures are carried out once or twice a day in compliance with dosages.

The interval between procedures is at least 8 hours.

In persons suffering from hypertension, in the first 6 days of treatment before the procedure and 20-30 minutes after it, blood pressure should be monitored. This is necessary to assess the magnetosensitivity and the quality of treatment.

In the case of an increase or decrease in blood pressure after the procedure in the first 6 days with mode No. 3 by no more than 10-25 mm Hg. when carrying out the following procedure, it is necessary to reduce the exposure time by 1/3.

In the case of an increase or decrease in blood pressure after the procedure in the first 6 days, mode No. 1 by no more than 10-25 mm Hg. during the treatment during the next 3 days, mode No. 2 is applied. After that, treatment with mode No. 1 is resumed.

In case of increase or decrease in blood pressure after the procedure by more than 25 mm Hg. before carrying out the next procedure, it is necessary to consult a physiotherapist or the attending physician to adjust the treatment method. To assess the dynamics of blood pressure, you should keep a diary, indicating in it the figures obtained during the measurement.

If it is necessary to treat several diseases with the device: after the course of treatment of one disease, a break in the treatment of 10-15 days is taken and another disease is treated. if it is necessary to treat only one disease, then the interval between courses of treatment is 1.5-2 months. Reducing the interval between courses of treatment is possible only on the recommendation of a physiotherapist.

Treatment of patients under the age of 15 with the device

In the case of using the device in pediatric practice, the following age dosages should be observed:

The imposition of inductors for the release of procedures depending on the disease

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Arthritis, arthrosis

In the case of arthritis of one joint, a line of four inductors is spirally applied around the joint with the capture of surrounding tissues. In case of damage to two joints, one pair of inductors is placed on one affected joint, the second pair - on the second.

Example knee arthritis treatment- rice. one

Example hip arthritis treatment- rice. 2.

Osteochondropathy, heel spur

With osteochondropathy and heel spurs, the procedure is released according to the transverse technique, placing pairs of inductors on both sides of the pathological focus.

Example heel spur treatment- rice. 3.

Osteochondrosis of the spine, including herniated disc, scoliosis

Pairs of inducers are placed parallel along the spine on the long back muscles so that the problem vertebrae are between the inductors.

If there are changes in the vertebrae over a large extent, the impact is carried out with a line of four inductors directly on the affected areas of the spine.

Example treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar- rice. 4.

In the case of osteochondrosis (intervertebral hernia) complicated by radicular syndrome, first the impact is carried out on the problem area of ​​the spine, after that the line of emitters must be installed along the affected nerve and the impact on the second area should be carried out.

Example treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome- rice. 5.


A line of four inductors is superimposed along the bone, from which the pain syndrome is expressed.

The time of one procedure should correspond to age dosages.

Example treatment of osteoporosis- rice. 6.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Dystonia and hypertension stage 1 and 2 (essential hypertension)

With dystonia and hypertension stage 1 and 2, a line of four inductors is placed on the collar zone.

The exposure time should correspond to age dosages.

Example treatment of hypertension and dystonia- rice. 7.

Complications of diabetes

In the treatment of diabetic polyneuro- and angiopathy, first a line of four inductor coils is placed along the anterior surface of the leg and below, to the rear of the foot. After the end of the exposure, a line of four inductor coils is transferred to the anterior-inner surface of the thigh and the exposure is carried out. If both legs are affected, within one day the procedure is released on one leg, and the next day on the other.

Example treatment of diabetes- rice. eight.

Vascular diseases

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs (obliterating endarteritis)

In atherosclerotic occlusion of the arteries of the lower extremities, a line of four inductor coils is placed along the anterior surface of the leg along the course of the vessels (from top to bottom) and nerves - from the occlusion zone and below. The first inductor is located proximally (closer to the body).

In case of damage to both limbs, procedures are released on both limbs once a day. If one leg is affected, then at home the procedure is released twice a day.

Example treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs- rice. 9.

Diseases of the veins (chronic venous insufficiency, including with ulcers and inflammation) and lymphatic vessels

In diseases of the veins (varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcers and inflammation, chronic venous insufficiency) and lymphatic vessels (lymphostasis), a line of four inductor coils is placed on the back of the lower leg and above. The first inductor is located distally (closer to the ankle joint), the fourth - in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa.

In case of damage to both limbs, procedures are released on both limbs once a day. If one leg is affected, then at home the procedure is released twice a day with an interval of at least 6 hours.

Example treatment of varicose veins- rice. 10.

lung diseases

Bronchial asthma

First, both pairs of inductors are placed in two fields - parallel to the spine in the interscapular region. After exposure in accordance with the age dosage on the interscapular region, both pairs of inductors are fastened into a line and it is installed along the lower edge of the costal arch to effect the lower parts of the lungs and adrenal glands. The time of exposure in adults to this area is 10 minutes; in children - in accordance with age dosages. Procedures are released once a day.

Example treatment of bronchial asthma- rice. eleven.


Both pairs of inductors are placed in two fields - parallel to the spine in the interscapular region.

Example bronchitis treatment- rice. 12.

Neurological diseases

Lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities, including after injuries, stroke

With lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities (neuritis, cerebral palsy and associated paresis, hypertonicity), inducers are applied to the affected nerve plexus and along the affected nerve in accordance with the age dosage. The choice of the number of exposure inductors depends on the length of the affected nerve root.

Example treatment of sciatic nerve neuritis- rice. thirteen.

In cases of damage to the nerve roots after a stroke - once a day: first, the effect of a line of four inductors is carried out on the collar zone, after which the inductors are installed on the projection of the affected nerve roots and plexuses and the next effect is carried out in accordance with the age dosage.

Example treatment of the consequences of a stroke- rice. 14.

Injuries (fractures)

Coils-inductors are placed along the projection of the lesion. It is allowed to carry out the impact through a gauze or plaster bandage. The number of inductors is determined by the area of ​​the injury area.

Example treatment of fractures of the bones of the leg- rice. 15.

Example forearm fracture treatment- rice. sixteen.

Medicine is developing, therefore, many different devices, devices and devices for the treatment of certain diseases have already been created and developed. One of these devices is Almag 01. Prices and reviews will be discussed below.

Device device

How does the Almag 01 device work? It consists of an electronic unit, which is a current pulse generator, as well as four inductors (they are used to influence certain parts of the body). Also, the device has a power cord with a socket and a cable of the impact unit.

On the body of the device there are indicators by which you can determine the phase of the device. So, when the device is connected to the network, a green light comes on, and if the device is working, then it is yellow at the same time. After 22 minutes from the moment the device is connected to the network, it stops working, and the yellow indicator goes out. To continue working, you need to turn off the machine, then reconnect it to the network.

Coils can be applied to the affected area by either side, and periodically flashing green indicators (they are located on each block) will report on the correctness of their operation.

Operating principle

How does the device work? The magnetic field, according to the creators of the device, should directly affect the charged particles of the human body. And as a result of such an impact, metabolic and other processes in the intracellular region are normalized and accelerated. And what does it give? The processes of tissue regeneration are launched, their damaged areas are restored much faster, which leads to recovery.

The magnetic field is traveling and impulsive, so it has a special effect. For example, due to the heterogeneity of such a field, the effect is fully on almost all cellular structures, and not on individual elements. Traveling waves are able to penetrate as much as 8 centimeters into the human body, so that the activity will spread to all vital organs. Among other things, it is believed that the magnetic effect of the impulse type can restore the biological field of tissues and organs and normalize the electrical balance.

It is worth noting other aspects of the device activity. So, a traveling magnetic field is able to block the nerve impulse of the area. And this means that pain can be eliminated. This relieves tension, inflammation and swelling of the area. And, finally, "Almag 01" leads to significant improvements in blood circulation and blood supply to all organs, which accelerates the healing process of tissues.

Indications and contraindications

It is worth talking about in which cases the device will be useful and effective. There are many indications for use. We list the main ones:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and injuries or damage to the limbs: and, any part of the spine, fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, dislocations and other problems with joints, bones and cartilage.
  • Some diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, coronary heart disease, and so on.
  • Diseases and pathologies of a neurological nature: various nerves (ulnar, facial, radial, sciatic and others).
  • Respiratory diseases:, asthma,.
  • Dermatological diseases such as dermatitis.
  • Diseases of the female reproductive system: inflammation of the ovaries and uterus, scars on the uterus, hypofunction of the appendages.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, duodenal or stomach ulcer,.
  • Diseases of the veins:, and.

It should be noted that the use of the device will not always be safe, as there are some contraindications:

How to use the machine?

How to use the Almag 01 device? Instructions for use will tell you in detail about this. Features of the procedure depend on the area of ​​​​impact and the disease. But there are common points. Let's list them:

  1. First you need to make sure that the device is working (the indicators will tell you about this).
  2. The patient should take a comfortable position (it is better to lie down).
  3. The device must be placed in the affected area. It is possible to carry out the procedure through a light tissue (but it is better to expose the area).
  4. The course is approximately 10-20 sessions.
  5. The duration of one session is 10-20 minutes (start with 10, then gradually increase the duration).
  6. It is better to conduct sessions twice a day at the same time, 2-3 hours after a meal or an hour before a meal.
  7. The course of treatment of a particular zone can be repeated after a month, and then after 2 or 3.
  8. In the first 2-3 sessions, pain may occur, then they will pass. There may be a feeling of warmth.
  9. Do not drink alcohol during treatment.

When to expect the effect?

The activity of the device is observed directly during the procedure, but changes will be noticeable after several sessions. As for tangible improvements, they can be noted only after 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment. This is because the action of the device is based on the trace effect. In other words, after treatment, the body will begin to gradually rebuild, and only after some time will it adjust to normal functioning. So you should immediately tune in to the fact that there will be no miracle, and the treatment should be quite long.

Prices and reviews

You can buy Almag 01 in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk, Omsk, Perm, Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Rostov and other Russian cities in pharmacies. It is also possible to order in the online store.

As for the cost of the device, it averages from 6,000 to 8,000 rubles. This, of course, is not so small, but it is worth considering that the device is not a drug. The device will last a long time.

Now about the reviews about the Almag 01 device. Many people who used such a device noted improvements a month after the start of the procedures. But it is worth noting that visible changes are observed only in the case of long-term and regular treatment. Some notice that no miracle, in fact, occurs, but the symptoms of diseases become less painful and less pronounced. A fairly large number of people are dissatisfied with the price of the device, believing that it is too high. As for the ease of use, almost everyone notes it.

What do doctors think? They confirm that there is a certain effect, but it is insignificant and will not lead to a complete cure for the disease, but can be used as an auxiliary method of therapy.

In conclusion, we can only add that the Almag 01 device should be used only after consulting a doctor and after an examination. Health to you and your loved ones!